MAU The Adventures Of Lisa And Jeri - Chapter 15 free porn video

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MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 15 "Lisa? Lisa where are you?" the Jedi paduwan called. Momentarily Lisa was simultaneously processing multiple conversations. "Shh. I'm over here," Lisa replied. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine," she replied. "I can't see you anywhere," the Jedi said. "Of course not, it's pitch black in here," Lisa replied. "I'm going to crawl over to you," the boy said. "No, they might see you and start shooting," she said. "I don't care. I'm coming anyway," the Jedi said. "Foolish Jedi, ruled by passion, he is. Others hurt, they are. Need him more, they do," Lisa said, back in her Yoda mode. "What do you mean?" the Jedi said. "The boy and girl, weak they are. Their Force is leaking away until no more," Lisa said, "Need you, they do." "Okay, Okay, I'll go," the Jedi said. "Go quietly; go slowly, when time is right move fast. Do not fear," Lisa said, "beings that see in darkness, these are. May the Force be with you." "Yes, Master," the Jedi replied. Lisa was pleased that the Jedi responded appropriately but it didn't stop her from worrying greatly about him. She realized she was very worried about everyone. Her primary tactical centers were operating harder than when she had snuffed out the power surge from her runaway fusion reaction. She was more tense than when she had been pursued by that strange box in cyberspace. She could only attribute it to her concern for the well-being of all present. "R2? R2, where are you?" Luke called. He groaned inwardly. He thought, "This has got to be a joke." "Beep," Lisa returned softly. "Are you okay," Luke asked. "Beep," Lisa returned softly. She was watching the reactions of the beings to the students, conversations, crying, and whimpering. Apparently, they were not aware of anything much beyond human normal and were tolerant of the panicked students' behavior. "Okay, I'm coming over there," Luke replied as he started to slide across the floor. "Beep, Beep," Lisa issued frantically and softly. "No? Why not?" Luke replied. Lisa decided she needed to talk to Luke directly. She projected her voice in a whisper to Luke's ears, "Because it might attract attention to me. Two students need help by the southeast door. Can you help them?" "Oh, okay. So you can talk?" Luke replied. "Always could, just part of the costume," she answered. Jeri fumbled in the dark with her purse and slipped out her glasses. She thought, "I'm going to hate this. Lisa will never let me live it down. A simple high school dance turns into Attack of the Ninja or whatever. I'll have to wear mobile infantry battle armor everywhere I go." Jeri got her glasses on and looked then gasped, "Lisa what in the world is going on?" she asked barely whispering. "Some type of saurian creature. I've been trying to run comparative images with known or conjectured saurian species. It looks closest to this." Lisa projected an image on Jeri's eyeglass lens. She continued, "It resembles a Velociraptor except it has too many digits on its hands, no tail. What appears to be its knee is actually the ankle joint, much like an ostrich. They appear to be able to see in the dark, and are very quick and agile. They can use guns and other man-sized tools. They weigh about as much as a man of the same height - about two hundred and fifty pounds. They are using a complicated series of whistles, honks, and clicks to communicate. Some of the sounds are both subsonic and supersonic. I am getting close to deciphering their meaning." "Okay, we need to somehow stop this," Jeri said as she fumbled for her bodysuit. "Jeri are you okay?" Wayne asked. "Fine," Jeri replied. "Who are you talking to?" he asked. "My sister, now hush before they hear you," Jeri replied. "Jaimie, if I create a distraction how fast can you take out the guy on stage?" Lisa asked. "He won't see me coming," Jaimie replied. Jaimie spread her wings to full flight length and angled them for speed. "Okay, after you hit him go up above the lights. Their thermal signature will hide your body heat for about ten more minutes," Lisa said, "I'm going to cause the lights on the stage and above the heads of these creatures to flare and burst. It should blind them like a flare." "Luke on 3. Close your eyes, then move," Lisa said. Simultaneously to each of her charges Lisa gave similar instructions. "Jedi on 3. Close your eyes. Move after the light flares," Lisa told him. "Jaimie, Close your eyes on 3," Lisa stated. "Jeri, go somewhere safe like the lockers, close your eyes. On 3," Lisa stated. Trisha scurried down the wall of the building as fast as she could move. Few creatures could outrun her. She rounded the corner like a locomotive on steroids and collided with something. It raised a gun and she grabbed its wrist. It raised the other arm to slash her with its claws. She grabbed that wrist too. Her muscles strained as the creature slowly brought its hands together. It gave her a toothy grin. Soon it could either shoot her or gouge her with its claws. Trisha grabbed it's wrists with another pair of hands. Her muscles strained at holding the thing but she was holding it. It kicked at her stomach. Huge claws raked at her chain shirt threatening to disembowel her. Trisha blocked it with both of her lower hands. She used the maneuver to spin the creature around into a full nelson. Its long sinuous neck threatened to break the hold. It turned its toothy maw around to bite at her. Trisha sunk her fangs into its neck and pumped her venom into the creature. Seconds later, it collapsed unbreathing to the ground. She stared down at the dinosaur like thing and shivered. She had never met another creature nearly as strong or deadly as her. "I wish I knew what was going on," Trisha said. "It appears that someone is trying to take over the school and hold the students as hostages," Lisa said. "What? Who said that?" Trisha flattened her back to the wall looking for who had spoken to her. "I did - Lisa. I put a radio receiver and transmitter in your helmet," Lisa said. "Oh, well why didn't you tell me Lisa?" Trisha asked. "I didn't get a chance to. Jeri interrupted me," Lisa replied. "Okay Tincan. Where's everybody?" Trisha asked. There was a flash of light from the Gymnasium and Trisha started moving towards it again. This time she moved more cautiously. Lisa gave Trisha a briefing. "Three," Lisa counted and eight of the sodium vapor lights in the gymnasium flashed and sparked. Lisa used her internal microwave transmitter to induce the element of the light to burn. Jaimie flashed to the stage with her claws extended and angled for a passing strike at the creature's neck and torso. Perhaps it actually saw her just as her right hand severed its neck. Her left hand passed through its sternum and through its heart and left lung. She swept around on her wing point and impaled the falling torso in the back. She raked outwards severing its spine and lower ribs while sending the creature onto the gym floor. She swept up to the rafters near a group of lights. Luke spoke softly,"R2, Justin has a lump on the back of his head and I feel a little blood." "Okay stay still and let me know if anything changes," Lisa said to him. The Jedi's voice trembled as he spoke, "Lisa, I think it's Mary and she's hurt bad. I can hear her breathing gurgling. There's blood all over the floor. I can hear her side bubbling too. I took some of her skirt to put over it but I don't think its working." "Okay Jedi. I want you to breathe in and out evenly for her. In...Out...In...Out," Lisa said, "Help is coming." "Breathing? What's that gonna? do? How's that gonna? help?" the Jedi asked. "If she doesn't breathe she dies. Trust me your breathing will help," Lisa said. Lisa could tell the Jedi was near panic and shock. Giving the Jedi something to concentrate on and in this manner would probably keep him in the clear. Jeri was ready and bolted into the locker room as the lights flashed. She bolted down between a set of lockers and stopped midway. She peeled her dress off over her head and bent over to shove a foot into her bodysuit. She quickly shoved the other foot in, shrugged the shoulders on, and sealed the suit. Jeri turned as she heard a noise from where she'd come. She could hear creatures hooting and whistling all over. She tensed, ready to jump or punch. Dave lay down straining to hear what was happening in the darkness. He heard Jeri tell Wayne to be quiet. Then the lights flared overhead. He had his face turned towards the wall so he wasn't blinded. In the flash of light he saw Jeri race towards the girl's locker room. He didn't think he just got up and followed. Dave rounded a corner and walked past the ends of the locker rows. He walked past a set of lockers and there was Jeri bent over midway down. Dave backed up and flattened himself against the lockers. He had never seen a girl naked before. Pictures he had seen of course but not a real girl. He had seen the curve of her butt and her long leg as it slid into the garment she was putting on. He had partially seen both cheeks. He had seen her breasts hanging down as she lifted her foot. Dave had seen more than one pair of breasts. Her tits were real not fake like she'd led him to believe. He was certain he hadn't seen a line, glue, a strap, or discoloration that would look like fake breasts. He turned and leaned against the locker to peak around the corner. He wanted to see if it was safe to talk to Jeri. He wanted to know what was going on. As Dave leaned against the metal, it popped just a little. Startled he pulled back. "Come out whoever you are," Jeri called softly after she hesitated a moment. Dave peaked carefully around the corner. "Dave, what are you doing here?" Jeri wondered briefly if he saw her changing and if he did what he saw. "I followed you. What's going on? Those guys have guns. Shouldn't we get out of here?" Dave replied. "Those guys are dangerous but I need to get the other students to safety. You need to stay put until things are stable," Jeri answered. "Alright, but I can help," Dave replied, "besides if it's dangerous for me, it's more so for you. You're a girl," Jeri rolled her eyes. This guy had no idea what he was in for. Jeri heard a scrape, just a little sound like a door swinging on its hinge. She held up a finger to her lips for silence to Dave. She turned and did a chin up and a smooth mount to the top of the lockers just as if she was mounting a balance beam. She moved silently toward the outside wall opposite from where they'd come in. Jeri saw a shadow on the wall. She prepared to jump. The creature stopped and then a jaw full of teeth lunged at her. Jeri leaped back. The teeth closed futilely on empty air. Jeri backed toward the end of the lockers away from Dave. The thing didn't seem to know Dave was there. The dinosaur's claws dug into the metal lockers, leaving gouges where they pierced the thin metal. It climbed up onto the lockers with Jeri stalking her. It howled an eerie cry that raised her hackles and sent chills down her spine. She was reaching the end of the lockers and needed to do something. "Jeri get away from there. They are faster and stronger than you," Lisa urged into her ear. "But are they smarter?" Jeri asked. "Get away!" Lisa urged. "More are coming!" "Sorry can't", Jeri replied. She tossed a stun charm onto the wall behind the creature. She jumped down to the bench as it exploded. She vaulted back up to check on the creature. Jeri nearly fell as teeth and claws confronted her. The dino looked angry. She leaped to the side. She jumped for the other set of lockers. The creature lunged and slammed a clawed hand into her ribs. Jeri crashed into the wall and floor stunned as the creature leaped down to attack again. Dave stared at the back of the creature stalking Jeri. It was huge. It was a monster. That's what Blade fought - monsters. He wanted to be like Blade. Dave reached into his inside coat pocket - not the one the teachers checked and pulled out two pair of nunchakus. Just as the creature raised a claw to smash Jeri with, he struck two blows with the whirling wood ends. The creature raised its head and turned it around to see what had interrupted its attack. It saw Dave standing there surprised that the nunchakus had no effect. Dave prepared to strike again. The dinosaur roared and backhanded Dave with the hand carrying its gun. Dave flew back ten feet and landed on the bench. He slid further along it and into the far wall. He lay still. Jeri saw the creature strike Dave. "No!" she shouted. Then grabbed two charms from her bracelet and leaped onto the creature. She used its shoulders to do a forward somersault vault. She planted the charms on the bench as she landed. Her momentum pushed the creature away from her and just out of its reach. She reached Dave when the stun charms exploded just in front of the monster. The concrete block wall cracked where the creature hit. "Trisha these things are as hard to detect as you are. They have no heat signature and are very quiet. Their communication is with whistles and hoots. It is very hard to pinpoint location without other detectors to triangulate from," Lisa told her. "They also can shrug off almost any blows." "Well now that I'm aware of them it's not that hard to pick them up," Trisha said. She reached up and grabbed the top of the walkway covering. She pulled her top torso onto the canopy and soon had the rest of her fifty-three feet on top of the covering. The quivering of the canopy only accentuated the footsteps she felt stomping down the sidewalk paths. She moved slowly and silently to the intersection, the footsteps were approaching. Trisha knew the biped dinosaurs would have a hard time seeing her with no moon and no exterior lighting from the school. It was perfect hunting conditions for her. It had become apparent the things had only normal night vision with no other enhanced senses. Lisa was now beginning to translate their conversations. The bipedal dinosaur stopped beneath Trisha. There were others nearby but they were too far away to help their pack member. Trisha flashed her tail in front of the creature to draw its attention even as she unlimbered and struck from behind with the enhanced bullwhip Lisa had given her. The creature gave a hoarse croak as she snapped the whip taught and triggered the tazer bolt through the whip. The creature stiffened as the electrical energy coursed through its body. Then Lisa gave a sharp tug on the whip and heard a satisfying snap. She felt through the whip the body go limp. She released the tension on the whip and slithered down towards a group of the dinosaurs. A satisfying smirk stole across Trisha's lips as she thought that maybe Lisa had a healthy attitude about weapons. Maybe she and Lisa would have to work on Jeri's attitude. Lisa told Trisha that she wanted to bring the students out through the doorway on this side of the building, as there were now fewer dinosaurs in this area. Trisha was happy to make sure the path was safe. Trisha was almost her full body length away from the dinosaurs when the canopy she was on groaned from her weight and threatened to buckle. She heard the actions on the creatures' guns as they checked them and approached her position. She heard them stalking towards her position. She looked frantically around. To the side and above her were the branches of a tall thick pine tree. She stretched to her highest length, grabbed a branch, and began to pull herself into the tree. Just as she entered the tree, the dinos unloaded their magazines into the roof of the walkway she had just vacated. She slithered down the trunk of the tree easily and to the ground. As Trisha dropped to the ground, there was the sound of ammunition magazines dropping to the ground. Trisha couldn?t resist. She adopted a very sexy pose and said, "Hey boys want to play?" The three Dinos facing her made a sound of disgust, tossed their weapons aside, and charged her. "I didn't think so," Trisha said and unsheathed her swords and spears in one fluid motion. She spat once before they were upon her. The creatures' skin was tough as armor Trisha thought as she watched her assailants carefully. The two that she had not been able to hit by spitting were circling her warily. They bled from numerous nicks and small cuts. Lisa likewise had several cuts and bled from dozens of scratches along her tail. Her chain mail shirt was nearly rent from her collar to her rib cage exposing two of her breasts. She had lost a spear and a sword in the ensuing struggles. Two of her arms felt like they were either broken or badly sprained. She could hold nothing with them and did not dare to reach for the paint guns Lisa had sent her with. Neither side was a clear victor in this contest. Trisha twisted turned and writhed so fast and quickly that her assailants never had a clean shot at striking her. Because the two stayed exactly opposite, she could not strike one or the other. She had tried to spit at them but they always managed to dodge and now her mouth was dry. She had never run out of venom before and it unnerved her. "Trisha!" Wesley said. For just an instant Trisha and the creatures looked at Wesley. One turned to run at him and the other turned to attack her. Trisha cursed and blocked one claw with a spear and her stolen sword she blocked with her sword but the creature had forgotten her tail in its haste. Her tail whipped around and slammed into the creatures legs at the ankle joints with the force of a runaway car. Lisa heard the bones snap as the dinosaur went down. She leaned back and hurled her spear at the running creatures back. The wounded dino lunged at her head with its jaws. She dodged and it struck her side pinning her arm to her side as its teeth ground into the chain of her shirt and the muscle beneath. Trisha groaned in agony. Her free hand brought down her sword and severed the head from the neck midway to its shoulders. The jaws tightened once more in death reflex threatening to snap her pinned arm and then they relaxed. Trisha heard a cry and looked up to see Wesley, blood streaming from his side. His foil impaled the creature through the chest and extended out its back. It lay unmoving on the ground. She rushed over to Wesley to see if he was okay. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "There is a shortage of perfect breasts in the world. It would be a shame to damage yours," Wesley said woozily. "There is a shortage of farm boys also. It would be a greater loss if something happened to you," Trisha said. She reached out gently to touch Wesley's shoulder. "Let's get you some place safe and get you fixed up." "As you wish," he said and started to swoon. Trisha caught him. She cradled him in her arms. She took her weapons from the dead dinos with her uninjured arm and grabbed theirs. She took Wesley to the door by which Lisa planned for the students to leave. Then she armed herself for the next assault. She grinned wickedly as she began to feel a little saliva build up around her fangs. Lisa spoke to Jaimie, "Jaimie, Jeri is going to come out the locker room door. That will give us some distraction for the remaining guards. I will immobilize the guard at the right of the stage. Trisha can handle the one at the back right, opposite the lockers. She will need help though. She fought three of them and is somewhat injured. Jeri may need help with the one at the locker rooms but I doubt it. If you take out the guard at the doors on the left by the stage then we can proceed to evacuate the students from the gym." Larry lay on his back in the bed of his parents' truck. Lying across his legs was Kathy. The blankets around them made the chill night comfortable not that Larry would notice even if it wasn't. What Larry did notice was the stimulation and lack of arousal he felt. The sensitive underside of his cock was lodged against Kathy?s tonsils. It made him gasp as her throat tickled his cock. It should have been enough to make him spurt his load right then. Larry was having a hard time focusing on what the head cheerleader was doing. His thoughts kept returning back to Jaimie and what she?d looked like at the dance. He kept thinking about the other guys that were dancing with her. He kept telling himself to relax so he didn?t put a hole through the truck bed. "Enough of this!" Kathy said, "I?m going to put this beautiful baby where it really belongs." Kathy slid up his legs and spread her legs to either side of his. She held onto his thick member. When she was kneeling above him, she slid the underside along her slit, mashing it against her clit and pushing it against her opening at the base of her slit. "I can?t believe how big you are. I can?t believe that I never noticed you before this year," Kathy said. Larry inwardly winced. Kathy and everybody else had ignored him before this year unless he was in trouble for distracting the class or not paying attention. The only one who didn?t ignore him was Jimmy who was now Jaimie. Larry grunted as Kathy suddenly thrust herself down his pole burying him inside her in one stroke. Wet warmth enveloped him, taking his mind off his thoughts. "Oh God, you feel so great! Oh My God! Oh Fuck!" Kathy screamed in higher and higher pitches. She bounced up and down on him and it was mildly entertaining to watch her large tits bounce up and down. Larry wondered how she could possibly be enjoying the experience. He had some experience with what a woman felt when she was penetrated. He knew that long slow strokes with a gentle firm press at the bottom of the stroke with a slow steady withdrawal created the greatest sensation. Not to mention too much bouncing with breasts that size would actually hurt. In fact, too much of what Kathy was doing would turn very painful in a short time for any normal woman. He thought back to the few days he had spent as Supergirl or Lara El and how painful it had been when he?d been forcibly taken by a small group of male aliens. He also remembered what had felt pleasurable to him. He remembered the make out session he had with Jaimie when she?d looked like Kathy while he?d looked like his sister. Then he remembered what it was like to do Jaimie in space and on that stupid little asteroid in the middle of deep space. "What went wrong?" he asked himself for the hundred thousandth time. Jaimie had let him be as firm as he desired, not that he still hadn?t needed to be careful, after all he could crush coal into diamonds in his hands. But, he had been able to be passionate and unrestrained. With Kathy, he just plain had to be careful. He watched her bounce on him some more. He remembered the feeling of longing he?d had for her since the seventh grade. She?d always seemed the prettiest, most intelligent girl he?d known. True she tended to ignore anyone not part of her entourage but, she had a right to be. She was rich, intelligent, beautiful beyond words, and anyone would do what she wanted. Now he felt that longing turn to ashes and leave a bitter taste. Kathy's cries of rapture sounded nowhere near as real as the passion he?d felt with Jaimie. Even if Jaimie had once been a boy, Larry had been able to sense the real pleasure he?d given her and she?d given him. "But am I queer if I like a girl that was once a boy?" Larry asked himself again for the hundred thousandth time. He had no answer for that question but he did know what he didn?t like. "Oh My God! I?m cumming Larry. It?s Oh! Oh! Oh!" Kathy said and collapsed on him. "Why?" Larry asked. "Huh?" Kathy asked. She sat back up. The dim starry night barely illuminated her breasts and the darker circle of her nipples. Larry could see the puzzled expression on her face. "Why fake it? If it doesn?t feel good why bother to fake it?" Larry clarified. "What do you mean fake it? I just came and it was fucking awesome," Kathy said. "No you didn?t. I know what it?s like when a woman comes. I know what it feels and looks like. I mean I can make you cum. I'll do it for you for real if you want but why fake it?" Larry asked. "You fucking bastard! Are you calling me a liar?" Kathy yelled at him. After the way he'd treated her tonight and how he kept staring at the angel or goddess or whatever she called herself, Kathy finally let go her anger. Inwardly she railed at herself for not being as beautiful. She derided herself for choosing a costume as quaint as prince and princess for them to wear. They could have come as god and goddess but, then a goddess had shown up and everyone had been focused on her. "No. Well I guess I am but, I don't mean you are one. I was curious why you'd bother to fake something like that because most guys I know wouldn't care or notice. I probably wouldn't have noticed either," Larry said. It struck him as ludicrous that he had his cock buried in a girl's cunt and he was arguing with her that she hadn't cum when she claimed she had. "You Bastard. Here I am fucking my brains out for you and you have the gall to say I'm not a good fuck. I'm the best fuck you've ever had. Hell I'm probably the only fuck you ever had," Kathy said angrily. Larry replied calmly, "You're certainly the most aggressive and I never said you weren't good. I just couldn't understand why you would fake your own pleasure." "What, you think I'm doing this for me? Listen Mr. Know-it-all I don't do this for me. I mean I enjoy this about as much as shoveling horse shit except I don't have to shovel shit to get what I want." Kathy shrieked. "Then why do it?" Larry asked. By now, he felt very wooden and numb inside. Larry felt himself growing soft inside Kathy. "What?" she asked. "Why have sex if you don't enjoy it? No one says you have to have sex," Larry said. "What a dweeb! I can't believe you said that. Tell me do you honestly think I'd be the most popular girl in school or head cheerleader if I didn't put out? Would you even go out with me if I didn't give a little head or let you have a piece of ass once in a while?" Kathy said her voice laced with sarcasm. "Men still control eighty percent of the world. So you pay the coinage men want and you get ahead." "Kathy from seventh grade until this year I thought you were the most beautiful and intelligent girl I'd ever met. I'd have given anything to have you say 'Hi' much less go on a date with me. The same thing this year when you said 'yes' to a date. I didn't expect you to put out on a date. I wanted you to have a good time. I wanted you to enjoy yourself. The same thing applies tonight," Larry said. "Yeah right and can you honestly tell me you haven't thought about bird girl tonight? Even if you say the words, I don't believe 'em. A prick wants only one thing - a hole to go in. All you have to do is bend over a table or roll over and let him stick it in and slosh a round a few moments. Once he's done you can lead him anywhere," Kathy replied. Larry was thinking back to his last time with Jaimie. "The way you talk it wouldn't matter if you were asleep," he said. "Don't you ever even think that! It's still my body and I'm not some rag to use for your spend and then be tossed aside. You ever try anything like that with me and I'll cut your tree off at the roots along with its nuts and toss 'em in the disposal so they can't be re-attached," Kathy replied. "But you sounded like you didn't care what your lover did as long as he got off quick," Larry said. "You have got to be kidding! Geez, it'd be so much easier if that was true. Then there wouldn't be any of this 'Oh it was wonderful.' 'Oh I love it.' 'Oh do me again.' Oh please! Give me a break! Who wants to stroke some prick's ego just so he'll come and fuck you again. Why get fucked over emotionally as well as physically? Getting screwed is bad enough," Kathy said "God the only girls who do that stuff are the ones who think a guy is good for more than a step up the food chain." Kathy abruptly stopped. She thought she'd said too much. "So I'm a step up the food chain. How?" Larry asked. Kathy decided she'd better tell Larry how he was important to her plans. "By the end of this football season we'll be state champs. People will notice you as well as the head cheerleader. You will take me to college with you. At that point we can move on and I'm out of here and on my way," Kathy stated. Larry now kind of understood about what Kathy was saying and what Jaimie had meant about being used a while back. When Jaimie and Larry had returned from looking for the Fwirthi and finding the Scyllards instead; they had been like honeymooners. Larry and Jaimie had made love several times - floating in space, on a planet, even in a tent on an asteroid. On their last day out Larry woke up first spooned to Jaimie's back. He still didn't understand how she kept her wings out of the way. His erection had been nestled right up between her cheeks. A simple push and he was inside her. He began rocking inside her slowly with small strokes. The sensation was exquisite. Larry felt like he was in heaven. He thought that his gentle stroking and caresses would awaken Jaimie. He thought she would be as aroused as he and they would continue expressing their affection and passion in love making. The sensation was too much for Larry. He tried to hold back but spilled anyway. Jaimie had woken up just as he finished. She had accused him of victimizing her, of treating her like a slut and a sex toy. She hadn't given him a chance to defend himself. By the time they were ready to talk to each other they were back again. Then he'd gone to school while Jaimie had stayed home. They hadn't talked to each other except when those agents showed up. That had not been the time to hold a conversation about their relationship. Tonight was the first time he'd seen her since that episode. "What must it be like to have been a normal boy and then become a girl? Is it hard to be not just a girl but one with wings so you couldn't go anywhere or see anyone?" Larry wondered. Larry knew he had been trying to adjust to his new self and it was hard. Before the box or as Jaimie said MAU Jimmy had been his best friend almost his only friend. Jimmy had had other friends. He didn't have those now but he must have some because he came with the other two girls. "Maybe tonight he could drop off Kathy at home and go back to the dance to see Jaimie," he thought. "Kathy, maybe it's time I took you home," Larry said. "You haven't cum yet," she protested. "I've kind of lost interest," Larry said. "Pricks don't lose interest," Kathy shot back. "You're going to go see her aren't you?" "I don't know, maybe. I need to go think," Larry covered. "Well you can forget about seeing her or anything else Buck-o. You're mine," Kathy said. "Fine just get off me," Larry said. Kathy climbed off Larry and quickly had her dress in place. Larry pulled his pants on and searched for his socks and boots. By the time he was in the driver's seat Kathy looked like she was going to the dance not coming back. When they got to Kathy's house she said, "Let's stay out here for awhile." "I can't. I gotta? go home," Larry replied. "Like hell you do it's only eleven forty-five pm. The dance doesn't end 'til midnight," Kathy replied. "Look I need to go. You can either get out and I'll take the truck home tonight or you can stay and I'll walk home," Larry said. "It will take you all night to walk home. It's eight miles away," Kathy said. "Actually takes me about two and half hours. I did it once as a freshman," Larry replied. "Fine then you can walk home. I think I'll sleep here tonight," Kathy said. She was sure he was bluffing. "Suit yourself. It'll get cold," Larry grabbed the keys and got out of the truck. Standing outside the open door he said, "For what it's worth, I'm really sorry tonight turned out the way it did. I was really looking forward to this dance. I know it was me that screwed it up for you. For that I'm sorry." Larry closed the door grabbed a duffel bag out of the bed, and walked away. Kathy hissed, "Larry Williams, you say anything about this to anyone and I'll make you wish you'd never been born." Larry shrugged and kept walking. He kind of felt that way already. He wondered briefly if Jimmy felt that way everyday. "Now," Lisa said to Jeri, Jaimie, and Trisha. Jeri dove forward, slapped two charms onto the ground, and did a somersault between the animal?s legs. She could sense that he was already turning to either claw or club her with his paws. She rolled over and kicked upward into the beast?s chest just in time to intercept his claw. Her kick was just strong enough to knock the beast back between the two stun charms planted on the floor from her roll. Jaimie fired two bio plasma blasts from her fists against the creature that was her primary target. The creature seemed to be bathed in a green glow and then wilted. Jaimie dove for the floor and the creature that Trisha was attacking. Lisa flashed a laser from her turret straight into the eyes of the creature on the right of the stage from her position in the center of gym floor. The creature gave out a loud piercing whistle that hurt the ears. It missed the opening of the gym doors and was unprepared when implacable metal claws grabbed its neck and pinned it to the wall by the door. It just started to wriggle when it felt metal bands laced across it body from jaw to ankle. The creature tried to wiggle or find purchase to escape its bonds. It could only flex its muscles. Even its breathing was restricted because the straps were so tight. The Jedi looked up as green balls of light streaked toward the creature to the left of the stage. While at the same time, the doors behind him banged open. He turned and quailed in fear. A monstrous creature that looked partly like a woman and partly snake entered with swords and guns in her many hands. The Jedi concentrated on his breathing as he held the bandages against the gaping and wheezing wound of the girl beside him. Lisa said her life depended on his breathing. He was determined not to fail either one as the sword of the snake collided with the claw of the dinosaur above him. He nearly jumped out of his skin when an army of small robots rolled up beside him and begin carefully picking at the clothing of the girl beside him. He watched in astonishment as a small laser cut the tattered edges away where he held clothing against the wound trying to stop the flow of blood. Then the laser started to stab into the wound. He expected the girl to flinch but he saw another robot near her head holding two metal plates against the sides of her skull. "Relax Jedi. The medical bots will stop the loss of blood," Lisa?s voice said. He watched amazed as the long wound was sealed from the inside out. Larry hung over the school fence just a little above tree top height. He had switched into his usual black pants and jacket to talk with Jaimie so he wasn?t afraid of being seen. Ever since he?d had the talk with the agents he had become much more circumspect about how fast and high he flew. Most of the time only the birds knew he passed by. Anyone else just thought it was the wind. Nothing at the school appeared right to him. The school was totally dark as if no one was there. However, there were cars still parked in the parking lot. He also knew that the dance was just about to end. There should be lights on all over the school. People should be standing outside talking or something. There was a flash of light, a couple of bangs and an ear splitting high- pitched whistling noise from the gym that startled Larry. He dove for the gym, entered through an opened door, and paused in confusion as he landed just inside the doorway. All of the students lay on the floor. Except for the corner furthest from the stage doors and on the side, he entered where a fight was going on between a snake monster, some creature and Jaimie. "Jaimie," he called out. Jaimie with claws extended stabbed at the creature in front of her while Trisha struck with both swords. The beast lost its head and legs at the same time that Jaimie impaled its spine. She heard a voice call and turned to look. She saw Larry standing there in the black everyday clothes she?d given him. He looked stunning and concerned. She didn?t know why he was back and it left her feeling flustered. "Everyone get up off the floor and go through the door by Trisha ? the naga or snake woman. Follow her to a place of safety," Lisa said. "Jeri, Jaimie the other creatures will be here momentarily. Get the students out and get something to carry the injured students out with," Lisa directed. The two girls started getting students up off the floor and shooing them towards the open doorway. Larry started towards Jaimie when the door on the opposite side of the gym burst open and several of the creatures that had been fighting Jaimie and the snake woman burst in. Laser sights flashed and Larry saw the gun muzzles burst forth in flame as they began spewing bullets towards the students bunched at the doors. Larry moved as fast he could toward the creatures and between the students. As he moved, he felt the bullets spend themselves into his body. It felt like he was taking a light punch from someone all over his chest and thighs. One struck his head and he winced. Then Larry was amongst the creatures and it was like a tornado in the trees. Things went flying. Lisa was greatly relieved when Larry showed up. As far as she was concerned, nothing was like having a neutron star show up on your side in the last match of the inning. Lisa had been afraid that if the creatures thought they were losing they would start tossing bullets and then casualties among the students would get very high. She sent a full emergency alert to every enforcement agency in the county about a confirmed terrorist attack on the high school with shots being fired. Seconds later sirens could be heard from the town?s local police as well as the county deputies. As the deputies pulled into the parking lot they watched a large snake like woman come towards them leading a band of fairies, vampires, wolfmen, princesses, witches, terminators, jasons and other scaries for Halloween. As the kids saw the police cars, they began to run towards them. In moments, students seeking safety and security overwhelmed the four responding officers. They hardly were able to notice those that went over to their own vehicles much less the snake woman that seemed to disappear into the crowd. "I don?t know what?s going on. Just get us some damn help. We?ve got a girl and two boys both down. The girl looks like she?s been bleeding badly from a long scratch another boy is the same way. Another boy may have a concussion. In the meantime, I?ve got kids crying and some sort of dead dinosaur thing. The kids are all scared and we can?t even get them organized to figure out what?s going on," a voice on the radio said. "We?ll send an ambulance. Dispatch wants to know about the parents," another radio voice replied. "I?ve got one ambulance. I need probably a half dozen more. I don?t know about the parents. Quit asking stupid questions and send the Red Cross or somebody to deal with the kids while we try and secure the site," the voice said. The voice spoke to someone off site because of the way his voice changed pitch over the radio when it said, "I don?t know where the snake woman or the angel went. See if you can find Larry. Someone said he fought the dinosaur things." "Better call in the containment squad," Agent D directed C. "I?m on it," Agent C responded. Moments later, they were on their way to the high school. It was just as chaotic as they suspected. They watched a small rental truck pull out as they were pulling in. When C and D got out of the car, they found the command post surrounded by huddled high school students. Parents as well as additional school administrators were starting to show up now. Larry stood off to one side with a group of police officers surrounding him. Agents C and D showed their badges to the surrounding officers and then asked them to back off. Agent D was surprised to see a little relief actually creep into Larry?s face while a look of wariness also took shape on his features. "Hi Larry," he said, "busy night tonight." "I guess," Larry said, noncommittally. "So can you tell us what happened?" Agent D asked. Agent C wandered off and towards the gym. It seemed that?s where all the attention was focused by the investigating professionals. "I don?t know," Larry replied, "I left the dance early and then came back to talk to? someone. When I did I got jumped by these weird things." "Things like we might be interested in?" Agent D asked. Larry looked at Agent D a moment looked away and then nodded affirmatively. There was a lot going on here and Agent D had been an investigator for a long time. The strange morphing boxes had been around for a while. The reaction to events surrounding them caused many mixed reactions. Usually the person or persons involved were trying to hide something about themselves or those involved. He was used to sorting through the unsaid as well as the spoken words about events. This story seemed like it might take a while to sort. He had a feeling that it wasn?t going to be told in one setting either. Larry nodded affirmatively and then looked over towards the school. "I take it that these things were pretty strange," Agent D said. "Yes and no I suppose," Larry replied he focused on the gurney where he saw Wesley being taken away in an ambulance. So far no one had placed a sheet over someone?s face. He remembered last seeing Wesley with the Snake Woman in the dance. But he remembered seeing the Snake Woman fight the dinosaurs. Was that why she was doing that? They?d hurt Wesley? "What if he hadn?t come back? What if something had happened to Jaimie?" Larry thought. Being super fast and super strong hadn?t help to save the kids who?d been hurt when he wasn?t there. Larry knew he couldn?t be everywhere but he?d been off screwing with a girl he didn?t really care about. The one he realized he cared about had been here saving his friends. What mattered was who was there when your friends needed you. Larry realized he hadn?t been around for any of his friends lately. All he?d been doing was soaking up the glory. Maybe tomorrow he should have a talk with the coach about being on the team. "Care to explain?" Agent D prodded when Larry seemed lost in thought. "They looked kind of like something from Jurassic park. They moved faster than a human and reacted quicker but they were still fairly recognizable. I mean it?d be like an amusement park or a movie if it wasn?t real life. Not like that one girl?" Larry trailed off. "A girl?" Agent D asked. "Someone dressed up in a costume, a witch or something," Larry dissembled. Agent D was beginning to get to know Larry pretty well. After two separate interviews, he was beginning to tell almost immediately when Larry wasn?t telling the truth or the whole truth. "Care to elaborate," D asked. "I don?t know how to explain. I?m not even sure I know what I saw," Larry replied, "These dinosaur things had teeth and claws with a strong grip. They also had high-powered machine guns. A lot of bullets are embedded in the brick walls." "So?" Agent D asked. "They?re not from outer space and they?re more human like than dinosaur. They were a little more savage," Larry said. "These things were sent or came here to terrorize. I?d say they came from a box. So it?s strange and scary. It means someone else found a box and did a little more than experiment." Agent D and Larry talked some more about the creatures and what Larry knew of them. They didn?t touch on why Larry left, why he came back, or who else was at the dance. Those were questions that he knew Larry wouldn?t answer right now either, at least not with an answer that would help anyone. A pink glow tinged the sky of the eastern horizon when Agent C wandered back. Agent D told Larry he could probably go on home and excused himself then went to talk with his partner privately. "Anything from the kid?" Agent C asked. "Enough to give any normal person nightmares and you and me along with a few others ulcers but not the whole story," Agent D replied. "You?" D asked. "Pretty much the same except that the kids here pretty much credit an Angel, R2-D2 and someone named Kim Possible for saving them tonight. There?s a few that say Larry fought all of the creatures and saved the school," C replied. "That might have its advantages," D conjectured. "Actually a cover story is going in place right now. A rival football team called the Dragons wanted to play a practical joke that got out of hand. They were going to scare everyone for the next football game," C replied. "What about the guns?" D said. "Paintball guns. Covers up the repair marks also," C said. "And the bodies?" D asked. "Latex suits that got left behind when somebody got clobbered too hard. The script team is having a hard time answering the story about the angel that flew up into the rafters and the snake woman that led everyone to safety," C said. "In the dark a big owl might look like a person with wings. The snake woman could still be one of the girls in costume," D supplied. "I?ll let 'em know," C said. "Anything else you want to look at here," D asked. "Nope," C replied. "Me either," D finished. Agent C could see it in the way D stood and looked around. There was somewhere else he wanted to go. C felt the same way too. "Shall we take a short trip over to the William?s barn?" C asked. "I thought you?d never ask," D replied. The sun crested the horizon as the agents pulled underneath the shade tree by the barn where Jaimie stayed. They did their best not to raise a lot of dust or arouse the family?s interest. From their last visit, they knew that Mrs. Williams had a hard time accepting what had happened to her son. As Agent C got out of the car, he looked across the roof to Agent D and then around them and said, "How come I have the feeling I?m on candid camera and the only one who doesn?t know my boxers are flapping in the breeze is me?" "Because they probably are and we just don?t know it yet," D replied. "You say one of the creatures was stapled to the wall with metal banding and one of the kids said it was R2-D2?" The two men approached the barn carefully. The called out to Jaimie as they opened the door slowly. They stepped inside the gloomy light and looked around. Inside the main doors, a rental truck was parked. Both men gave a slight look of recognition to each other as they recognized the truck from the night before. "Jaimie is it okay if we come up?" Agent D asked. There was some murmuring and heated whispering for a moment. Both agents looked at each other. "Uh yeah, go ahead," Jaimie replied. Agent D noticed that instead of the rickety ladder they had climbed before to get to the hayloft there was actually a set of stairs. They started against a wall halfway down the barn and then turned halfway up to rise the rest of the way to the loft floor. He paused a moment when his head cleared the floor and then he continued up the stairs carefully with his hands visible. Sitting in a sleeping bag with tousled hair and wearing an oversized sweatshirt was a redhead with vibrant green eyes. She was busily blinking sleep from her eyes while holding a small paint ball sized gun in one hand. Next to the open wall where Jaimie flew in and out of the barn loft was a creature that was best described as a multi-armed, multi breasted snake woman. She seemed to be injured, as there were a number of bandages about her torso and snake body, as well as a couple of splints on her arms. She held a machine gun in each of her two good hands. In the far corner, in the shadows sat something that looked like a small tank. Jaimie stood in the middle of the room facing them. She had her wings wrapped around her. The hammock Jaimie normally slept in was swaying. "Hello Jaimie. It?s good to see you again," D said. "Uh yeah, you too D," She walked over to greet Agent D and then unfolded her wings to shake hands with him. Agent D kept his face impassive as he saw her for the first time completely nude. She leaned against him and gave him a peck on the cheek before doing the same to Agent C. It was years of training that facilitated D maintaining a stoic and impassive expression. Agent C wasn?t nearly as successful. He knew Jaimie was beautiful. He?d seen her in her 'war? dress as he called it which was pretty much next to nothing he thought. However seeing was believing and he was close to believing that this girl truly was an angel. Her breasts were round globes that were full and heavy with just a hint of sagging that made them look real. Her areola were large and just a few shades darker than her Native American skin. Her nipples were large and erect. He didn?t know if that was from the chill air or her being nude in front of a bunch of people. Her waist tapered down to a smooth curve and flared into muscular hips. Her hips trailed into thighs and calves that were very muscular and fit. Between her legs was her bared sex with no hair hiding the tightly closed lips. He looked just above her slit to see if he discerned a little bulge in her lower abdomen. D?s discomfort only increased when she turned around and walked away from him back over to the middle of the room. The long legs ended in a rounded heart shaped butt that his palms almost quivered to touch. The muscles flexing and relaxing as she walked was mesmerizing. Years of training allowed D to keep himself under control and focus his thoughts where they needed to be. When D could speak again, he said, "I hope we?re not disturbing you. We need some information and thought you might be able to help." "Not at all. Well some of us are a bit tired and grumpy from last night at the dance," Jaimie replied brightly. She really hoped this worked out. She really trusted D and believed that he could help Jeri and Trisha especially find a way to be more comfortable in their selves. "Actually it was the dance that we wanted to talk about," D replied. "Oh well we were all there," Jaimie said. There was a shrill beep, beep from the mini tank in the corner. Agent D guessed that it was protesting what Jaimie said. "Forgive me and let me introduce you to everyone," Jaimie said. "The sleepy head in the sack is Jeri. The lady next to the window is Trisha. The shrill teapot in the corner is Lisa. They?re friends of mine that I wanted you to meet last night. This is Agent D. The other one is Agent C but they're not like the movie." As Jeri was introduced, she waved and then reached down to grab her pack. It looked like she was going to have to get up. Her pack had a pair of pants and shirt in it. She also grabbed her panties and corset that were lying on top. She tried not to parade to the bathroom although she was conscious that the sweatshirt she was wearing just barely covered her bottom. Trisha rose up into her sitting position and moved up beside Jaimie. Lisa beeped what sounded like a forlorn sigh. "Do you want some coffee?" Jaimie asked. "Some coffee would be nice," Agent D replied, "We?ve been up all night." "Let me get it started," Jaimie said. She moved over first to her clothing hooks and took down what appeared to be a pair of buckskin pants with fringe on them and a full halter- top. Jaimie used her wings to shield her from the agents? eyes without appearing to do so. Agent D used the moment to peer into the shadows to see what was really hiding there. Agent C watched as Trisha moved out onto the floor. She moved in a liquid grace that was very serpent like. As she settled into a resting position, he saw her wince. "Are you okay?" he asked. Trisha looked up at him in surprise. "I?m fine. It will just take a little time for the soreness to recede." "Are you sure?" Agent C replied. "I don?t want to frighten you but if you?re in a lot of pain or seriously injured we can have a doctor here in a short time. She?s very experienced in working with a wide range of hybrid creatures. She won?t ask any questions and will leave as soon as she?s satisfied that you?ll be fine." "There is nothing seriously wrong and the breaks are set properly so they will heal correctly. I heal quickly anyway," Trisha said, "Your concern is appreciated." Jeri stepped out of the water closet feeling better to have some clothing on. She was still barefoot and the cold floor made her shiver. She nodded to the two agents as she went back to the bed she'd slept on. Jaimie had told Jeri that the conditions were somewhat primitive but really spacious. To Jeri it was cavernous and one step above stone age. Jeri had also realized last night that of the four women she was the one that was least fitted for the conditions. She was glad she brought a sleeping bag and warm clothes. Jeri put on her boots and gratefully took a cup of coffee from the line on the table. She took a sip from the coffee feeling it warm her bones. Agent D waited until she had swallowed before he said, "Jeri must be short for Jeremy so you and Lisa must be the two Thatcher children that are missing." Jeri got that deer in the headlights feeling. She thought it was a good thing she had swallowed her coffee because she was certain that otherwise she would have choked or spewed it out. She scrambled frantically in her mind for something to say. Then she heard her kimmunicator beep. "Excuse me," she said. She went over to her bag and picked it up." When she turned it on it was Lisa. "There's a car coming," Lisa said. It was loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone tensed and all of the girls looked directly at the two agents. Both stayed real still and calmly replied, "We don't know anyone coming here. Our people know we're here but they won't come anywhere near without checking with us first." Jeri went over to the window and looked out to the road. She saw a fire engine red mustang convertible slow and turn down the drive. "It's our mother," Jeri said to the group. She recognized the car from the day before.

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MAU Rules and Authors Notes

Rules for the Morphic Adaptation Unit, Mark 5 Foreward: Some may consider these rules and notes to be extreme. Some may find them offensive. I have been told that I should write "minimal" rules and let people play, like has happened in other universes. I tried that; even with reasonable guidelines, my universes have been radically altered by adventurous authors. If the story universe is to stay open, it is with some stronger guidelines to help keep things in line with my original...

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MAU The SlayerIdentity Theft

MAU: The Slayer-Identity Theft By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer James Stevens used a Morphic Adaptation Unit to turn himself into a copy of Faith, the rouge Vampire Slayer, from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and becomes trapped in that form when the machine quits working. He/She now works with Agent K form the 'Men in Black' to track down another device to restore his sister, now trapped in the paralyzed body of a boy named John, and himself back to their...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 5 Stuck

I woke slowly the next morning, my memory of the previous day's events coming back in bits and pieces. Someone was stroking my back, and I could hear morning birdsong. I opened my eyes to see dappled sunlight falling across Julia's face and breasts. I was lying on my side. My arms were around her, and she was smiling at me. "Good morning, beautiful," she said. My god, I thought, as the various parts of my brain began to integrate into a single conscious whole. I finally got Julia...

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MAU New Love

MAU - A Different Kind of Love. By YONI I am not really sure how to go about this, I am a 44 year old man, single, somewhat overweight about 6'2" tall. By single I mean that I have never been married though I have been in love several times. They say love at first sight is a wonderful thing, but they never tell you about the people who fall in love with someone who never loves them back. I have often wondered if the people we call stalkers are people who have a case of unrequited...

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MAU 5K Chapter 4

Author's note: I have received some negative comments regarding dialog. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this. I re-edited it and made a change in the direction this story was going. Chapter 4 Steve had morning wood again. Well, I was more than ready to take care of his needs. We made love, quickly. He must have been having some good dreams as he was pretty horny. I came quickly, and he was just behind me. "Steve, can you do me a favor?" I asked. "Sure, what is...

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Michelle and Jeri Part 4

Michelle and Jeri, Part 4 I stumbled out of bed and decided to make Jeri breakfast. I brought a tray with fresh coffee, juice, scrambled eggs and bacon into his bedroom where he was passed out on top of the covers, spread eagled and naked. I licked my lips at the sight of his hairless, muscular body and perfect ass. I had come a long way incredibly quickly but here I was, wearing a little apron carrying breakfast into the bedroom for my lover, a large, powerfully built man. "Knock...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 4 La Femme at last

I went into the MAU with a blank groin, and I stepped out with seven inches of pulsing manhood and a pair of balls between my legs. The phantom penis sensation had faded while I was still back at my house, leaving nothing, and to actually have my cock back, to be able to wrap my hand around it, was wonderful. I hadn't previously appreciated how great it was having a penis. I almost regretted saying I'd become a woman for a while to please Julia. But since it was Julia, only...

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Michael and Jeri Part 1

Michael and Jeri, Part 1 I suppose I shouldn't complain. Here I was, mid-50s, back in a rented room after having my own home for decades. Messy divorce, luckily no kids, but being a jobbing programmer meant that I didn't have proof of a steady income for anything better. I still love my wife even after all this but she decided to go for a swarthy younger man, construction worker with his own small firm, instead of our friendly but passionless union. So I found myself in an admittedly...

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MAU Slayers Are You Sure This Is Canon

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

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Michelle and Jeri Part 2

Michelle and Jeri, Part 2 Jeri took his finger out of my mouth, reached down to his large, dripping erection and covered it in his secretions. He brought it back up and smeared it over my glistening lips, then wiped it under my nose. "I want you to taste me, Michelle, and remember my smell. My pungent aroma, my creamy, salty taste. You'll crave it, Michelle, you'll want to let it consume you. Lick your lips, taste me now. That's it, and soon you'll have it direct from the source....

5 years ago
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MAU 5K Chapter 1

Twenty years ago, I had started a successful software company. Made millions. I sold it to a major software company for a tidy profit. Millions more in the bank. My wife Joney and I decided to chuck it all, exit the rat-race and retire to the mountains of Northern California. We bought an old ranch on 9500 acres. The old ranch house was charming, but needed much repair. Same for the barn and some outbuildings. It was so far out in the boonies, that it had no electricity, running water,...

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MAU 5K Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I pondered on a new transformation. What new form could I make myself into? I put my hand on the pad, and conjured up an image of one, hot, slender, Asian girl, with small tits. I made her 4 foot 10 inches tall, with long straight black hair that flowed down to her waist. I just love puffy nipples, so her areolas were dark and puffy, with long nipples. The breasts were about an A cup. I made her waist slender, but her hips were a little wider than normal to give her an hour...

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Michelle and Jeri Part 3

Michelle and Jeri, Part 3 I finally knuckled down and got some work done. I was exhausted after my abject sexual surrender to Jeri earlier. Incredibly I still felt ready for another round but I wasn't sure if my body was. As it turned out, Jeri came home and it was almost as if I had imagined our earlier tryst. He was friendly as ever and chatted to me about all sorts of trivial things but told me that he had plans for the evening. When he saw my brief crestfallen look, he stepped...

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Jeri Miguel and Sylvia at the StarVue motel

I went from bored to horny really quickly.I had to get back to my gig, though I didn't really want to, now. Jeri and Miguel had their heads close together. then they were kissing just like people who are going to find a motel soon. I had never seen her like this. She was gettting to me. I wanted to crawl under the table, push her skirt way up her thighs, pull the crotch of her panties over, and bury my face in her pubes. Jeri had a nice bush, and a fragrance and taste, even when she wasn't...

4 years ago
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MAU New Love 2

MAU: NEW LOVE 2 By YONI I sat there and explained what dating meant and what we were expected to do. She had some objections to my explanation. "But this is my home," she protested and then added, "Yet it is your home also. How can you pick me up to go places if we both live here?" "Well that is simple," I replied, "We will be girlfriends who are sharing an apartment. I figure over the next few days we will know whether or not we are good with each other." "But you said that...

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JeriJeri and I had known each other for over six months and had become good friends. She is six foot tall and has a full bust I can only guess a CC cup and a narrow waist and hips well rounded and she really fills out the back of her jeans. I am six one and weighs in at 185 pounds and from working at a gym I am always working out and not huge muscles I am well toned and pretty ripped. I meet Jeri out while dancing at a new club and I had gone out alone that night and I walked past her as she...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 2 Enter the MAU

I must have dozed off for a few minutes then, because the next thing I remember is Jerry shaking me and saying, "Mike! Mike!" over and over again. I opened my eyes. I had slid part way down on the seat of Julia's pickup truck. Jerry was standing outside the open passenger door. When he saw I was awake he grinned hugely embraced me. I pushed him away roughly. My head and face still hurt like the devil, and opening my jaw was agony, but at least I was thinking clearly again. "What the...

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MAU Slayers Into The Great Unknown

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Before encountering the MAU, Faith and Buffy were two ordinary friends. The alien device transformed them into the vampire slayers from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were forced to hunt down their former friends who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. Faith was eventually kidnapped by another MAU user named Dennis. He had used the device to give him the ability to control people simply by touching them. Faith was held...

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MAU Slayers Acceptance

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Laura and Jordan were two ordinary people, until the MAU entered their lives. Now they are Buffy and Faith the Vampire Slayers. They soon found themselves hunting their friends Mike and Chris, who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. After the deaths of their families, the two Slayers joined the Agency, a group tasked with tracking down the MAUs and stopping any dangerous user of the devices. Faith has recently become aware of how much she...

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MAU Slayers Getting To Know Yourself

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be. MAU - Slayers - Getting To Know Yourself [This is meant to catch anyone up before the last few stories, think of it as a clip show with character development.] Jordan backed up against the MAU, "What the fuck is happening?" Buffy ran over to him, "What's the last...

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MAU Like Father Like Son Almost

MAU: Like Father, Like Son (Almost) Synopsis: A son sees his father using an MAU and decides it can help him get closer to a girl he wants to date. Things just don't quite turn out like he planned. (This story is a sequel to MAU: Role Reversal, but hopefully, it will stand on its own.) [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Like Father, Like Son (Almost) Travis Hollings sat on the back steps stewing. ...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

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MAU The SlayerKaraoke Nightmare AKA Once Again With Feeling

Previously on MAU: The Slayer - James went over to his friend Max's apartment, who had found a Morphic Adaptation Unit. James ended up as the character Faith, the rouge vampire slayer from the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. - Max and his girlfriend Karen turned themselves into vampires from the show and framed James for murder. - James was forced to join with the Agency (a governmental group which is seeking a working unit and tracks those who are changed by...

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MAU Slayers The Man Comes Around

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, they decided that they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. But before they could do anything, they were captured. Faith found herself in a fantasy world where she was a normal girl. She managed to escape and found herself and Buffy...

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MAU Slayers Walking Blindly

Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers celebrated their first Christmas after their encounter with the MAU and without their families. The also encountered Bill, a man given the ability to see the future by the MAU. He told them of their future and of the darkness that is to come. MAU - Slayers - Walking Blindly... The two vampires sat in the cell. They had been there for weeks now. Ever since those two girls had somehow beaten and captured them. The male one had spent the...

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MAU Slayers Keeping Everything Shiny

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

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MAU Slayers I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away

[Special thanks to Allen W for his assistance with a piece of dialogue and finding one character's voice] Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers took on Angel and Spike who were in possession of an active MAU. Both vampires were killed during the battle. During the confusion, Faith was kidnapped by Dennis, an user of the MAU who had given himself the power to control people by touch. MAU - Slayers - I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away Three Weeks Later... Dennis...

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MAU Trekkin Along

MAU: Trekkin' Along Synopsis: This tale continues the adventures of Danni - a 'victim' of the Morphic Adaptation Unit who now resembles Seven of Nine, down to functional Borg implants! [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Trekkin' Along Danni eased back into the chair, stretching out her long curvy legs, feeling the muscles protesting slightly at the movement. Damn, but even the tiniest motion...

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MAU Slayers Everything Is Slipping Away

Previously on MAU - Slayers... For three weeks Faith was under the control of Dennis, an user of the MAU. Faith was eventually able to escape when her true personality awoke and was rescued by her friend Buffy and Agent R. MAU - Slayers - Everything Is Slipping Away Faith found herself in darkness. She attempted to call for help but it was as if her voice had vanished, even moment felt impossible. Suddenly she saw a blinding light, when her eyes adjusted she found herself in...

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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

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MAU Typhoid Mary Syndrome

Author's notes: I've watched the evolution of MAU with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's been quite popular for authors, which is rewarding to watch. On the other, well, one thing I really didn't want to create was a universe based on fantasy, and I hoped the rules would help contain that. Unfortunately, my fears have been realized as stories have strayed into the fantastic and beyond. I could be like Bill with SRU and consider anything not by me to be non-canon. I could close...

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MAU 5K Chapter 6

Chapter 6 I woke up feeling refreshed. I slipped on a sheer robe, and went out to the kitchen to make some coffee. I felt so good. It looked to be a cool, clear day today. I figured I should get dressed. I hated to take off my sheer babydoll. I felt so sexy in it. I loved the way the soft material felt on my skin. Well, there will be plenty of time to wear these sexy things. I went into the bedroom and now I had to decide what to wear today. I selected a pair of bikini underwear, a...

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More Black Adventures With Wife Lisa Part 3

More Black Adventures With Wife, Lisa Part # 3 This is the third installment of Lisa, my beautiful wife who loves to fuck young black men. Lisa is a blond hair, blue eyed beauty who I talked into fucking two young black studs as her first adventure. This is another story of her journey into the world of black erotica.After her last adventure, where she was gang banged at a secluded cabin, I thought Lisa would be happy for awhile and she was, for awhile. But it didn’t take long for my young...

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Cousin Jeri Chapter 1

I’ve know cousin Jeri ever since I can remember. First of all, she isn’t really a bl**d relative. Her parents and mine are lifelong best friends. We grew up together on a remote cattle ranch in Oregon. Our parents worked the ranch for an absentee owner. Jeri’s mom home schooled us until our senior year in high school. Our houses were about a mile apart and we were as close as b*****r and s****r…..closer than most probably. Our schooling took 4 or 5 hours every day, then we had chores to do. We...

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Cousin Jeri Chapter 1

I've know cousin Jeri ever since I can remember. First of all, she isn't really a blood relative. Her parents and mine are lifelong best friends. We grew up together on a remote cattle ranch in Oregon. Our parents worked the ranch for an absentee owner. Jeri's mom home schooled us until our senior year in high school. Our houses were about a mile apart and we were as close as brother and sister.....closer than most probably. Our schooling took 4 or 5 hours every day, then we had chores to do....

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MAU Slayers What Is And What Can Never Be

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, now they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. MAU - Slayers - What Is And What Can Never Be Agent S had arrived at the hotel and had just listened to Buffy and Faith explain how a person had just appeared from nowhere. "So, the...

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MAU The Thule Incident Part 2

MAU: The Thule Incident Part 2 By Danielle J Author's note- This is the second installment of my latest MAU saga. I suggest you read MAU - The Thule Incident before starting on Part 2. You will find Part 1 at Fictionmania listed both under stories by Danielle J and by a category search for MAU stories. I must thank Steve Zink for his editing and hard work in preparing this story for publication. ***** As ordered, Major Koval returned to the interview room for the...

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