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Achoo by g.p. Being a resident doctor for a mid town Toronto hospital for nearly seven years had taken its toll on Larry. Maybe it was in the family genes, or maybe it was from stress, but since coming to University Hospital from his home town of Red Deer, Alberta, he had aged badly. Though only 36, he was often mistaken for someone in their late forties in part from a weathered face, a spare tire, and a band of mostly grey hair surrounding an otherwise shiny bald scalp. With no family left and very few friends, work as an emergency room doctor had become his life, not to mention the fact that shift work also got in the way of any meaningfull love life - which only added to his state of mind - an unhappy workaholic. Lately his low morale had begun to affect work performance too, not that he'd ever had much of a bedside manner. So it was, on the graveyard shift that first Monday in June that Larry went in to work, feeling a cold coming on, making him just a little grumpier than usual (being the workaholic he was also negated any notion of calling in sick) it was just a cold after all, the sort of thing a doctor would expect once in a while, regardless of 'precautions'. By the time the shift ended he was running a fever and feeling downright lousy, heading straight home and crawling into bed. Sleep came almost instantly, but was by no means restfull, filled with weird, even kinky dreams of wild naked voluptuous women cavorting in rooms filled with well built tanned and hung studs. Being on the late shift, Larry usually woke by about three in the afternoon, leaving plenty of time to shop and take care of the other household chores a bachelor needed to take care of, but today even the alarm clock couldn't get him up. His eyes had managed to open, but the cold had sapped every ounce of strength. He knew instantly too, that with a still roaring fever there was no way he could go to work, so mustering his strength to sit up, called into work explaining the severity of the cold and was answered with explicit instructions to 'get back to bed' until he was COMPLETELY recovered. Now somewhat erect, he thought it best to check out the medicine cabinet to follow the typical instructions any doctor would give to deal with a cold - pop some patent drugs, drink some fluids, drain his bladder, then return to bed and sleep. Through bleary feverish eyes he still took that usual morning gaze in the mirror and as usual it showed a grayish facial stubble, over a weathered sickly face, then it was back to bed. It was now Wednesday morning, but if anything he felt worse. Every bone in his body ached, even his skin felt painful to the touch. As expected nature was calling again, so he forced himself out of the bed and routine being what it was, he did the pills, drink and mirror check while taking care of business. He still had the fever for sure, but was more concerned with what he was sure was now a racing heartbeat. The sight in the mirror wasn't quite what he'd expected either, for the stubble which should now have looked like a two day growth, had if anything thinned out a bit. More intriguing too, was what appeared to be a few blond hairs growing out of his normally very shiny bald scalp. His face looked drawn, probably from a lack of food, so just before falling back into bed he weighed himself. Two days of fasting showed as a ten pound loss. He'd had it with sleep, deciding instead to watch some daytime television to pass the time. With pillows propped, he settled into a series of mind numbing game shows, trashy soap operas, and sensationalist talk shows. This cold was like none he'd ever had before. Now his teeth were hurting, his fingernails felt like they'd been stepped on - even his miniscule male tits were sore and tender to the touch. Day eventually turned into night, followed by yet another round of pills to try and lessen the symptoms, only to see his reflection in the medicine cabinet mirror showing that more of those blond hairs had sprouted. It also felt as if the cold was beginning to move from his head down to his chest, feeling his eyes and sinuses clearing up, but being replaced with the beginnings of a deep chesty cough. He was grateful that he wasn't feeling so stuffed up anymore, but the coughing was making every bone and muscle around the ribcage hurt from the inside and out, especially where his nipples rubbed against the pyjamas. As soft as flannel pyjamas were, this felt like sandpaper, to the point where he actually went to the closet to find a silk dress shirt, in hopes of finding some comfort. As he removed the pyjama top he saw the effect of friction on his sensitive skin - his nipples were pinkish and at least triple their usual size. At least the shirt was soothing, enough so that he figured he'd be able to get some sleep, but this was not altogether a success, as he was used to sleeping on his front, and his tender nipples were forcing him to sleep on his back. The sun was shining in his face through a crack in the blinds when he awoke the next day. "This must a good omen," he figured, and as he got out of the bed noticed how much better he felt too, though after taking a few steps was reminded that he was still far from totally better, as bones still ached and there was that damned cough again. He figured a hot shower would revive him for sure, and once the water was running, did make him feel somewhat better. Luckily being in a condo meant no shortage of hot water, allowing him the privilege of soaking until he felt his fingers pruning. As he toweled off two things hit him: one was that much of his masculine body hair was clogging up the tub drain, the other that maybe as a result of so much coughing, his chest seemed swolen, along with his nipples which were now considerably larger than the day before. By now the fog on the bathroom mirror had lifted, revealing more blond hair now sparsely covering most of his head. This was by far the worst cold he'd ever had, not to mention 'these strange side effects', then there was the weight loss - down another six pounds. "No, work will have to wait a few more days," he thought and called in, leaving word with personnel that he'd be off work for at least the week, if not more; that this 'cold' was devastating and impossible to shake. Not being one to exaggerate or take off work needlessly, they wished him well and to take as much time as needed. His mind was preoccupied with the cold's side effects. His forte in medicine had always been the ability to quickly size up a situation, being able to draw on a huge mental library of every conceivable malady known to man - or so he thought, but was coming up empty on this one. His appetite was gone thanks to the cold, but now his stomach was in knots from worry. It was so tense, he could have sworn his waist was inches smaller. The rest of this day was spent reading every medical textbook and journal in the apartment, without finding so much as a clue as to what was happening to his body. By Friday the cold seemed to be going away, but not so the side effects. His thinning gray hair was gone; not only replaced by, but completely filled in with blond hair, now about 1/2" long. Figuring he'd no doubt be in to work on Monday, this could pose serious problems, and so decided to wear a baseball cap when the time came. After almost a week of not shaving, what should have been a full gray carpet, was in fact non existent. Even his weathered facial skin was feeling soft, smooth, and was MUCH younger looking. His heart was still racing and judging by the rate of hair growth, meant his metabolism had sped up considerably. This was of minor concern next to the other changes he was seeing, as he stared at himself in front of a full length bedroom mirror. There for the first time since pre puberty, was a quite hairless chest, showing just a little more contour than normal for a man. His swolen chest was now developing into two small, but unmistakeable and undeniably female breasts, with the swolen nipples of yesterday again larger and more defined, surrounded by the dark skin of female aereoles. The cold seemed to be leaving his chest a bit, as the coughing was becoming less frequent, but whatever strain of bug this was, was showing no signs of letting go - now taking hold of his genitals, causing them to swell and inflict major discomfort. As much as he wanted to go into the hospital's library to read up more on his plight, the combination of weakness and pain from inflamed nuts dictated he stay put. There was a thought of calling someone, but after careful consideration there was really no one to confide in, besides he reasoned it would only cause embarrassing problems he didn't want to deal with right now. Analayzing the situation he figured all his problems would reverse themselves anyway, once the virus had cleared his system. "No, the best thing would be to stay in bed another day." Try as he might to relax, the changes in his body kept his mind working overtime and began to stare at himself in the mirror constantly. Sometimes he would inspect the carpet of hair now covering a once balding scalp, which almost seemed thicker and longer with each passing hour, alternated with the careful scrutiny of the rest of the body, noting there too, that with each passing hour there seemed to be some other subtle yet detectable change. Food supplies had not been replenished in over a week, and with the lack of appetite, the meagre stock had held out - but it was now time to at least pick up some essentials like fresh milk, juice, bread, and some reading material. Throwing on a sweat suit he headed for the corner convenience store. With staples in hand, along with the top two best selling novels which would pass the time more enjoyably than watching that infernal dribble on the television, he went to pay at the checkout. The clerk rang up the items, all the while making idle chit chat, and as he handed Larry his change the parting comment was "Have a nice day, miss. See you again soon." Larry was speechless! He grabbed the bag and rushed out the door. Once outside he collapsed on a nearby bench, his entire body shaking like a leaf. Someone had just mistaken him for a woman! After a good five minutes sitting in total shock, he began the short walk back home, head bowed so as to not be seen by other passersby he was sure would be staring. Once safely home, the first order of business was to take a long hard look at himself, to see if the store clerk had read him female by accident, or had this cold changed his face more than he was willing to admit. There was no mistaking the reflection was that of himself, yet a combination of blond hair and the subtle changes in skin texture, could just possibly have been seen as a rugged looking woman. By nightfall he was totally exhausted, so he turned in early with hopes that a good night of sleep would speed his recovery and put an end to the punishment his body was going through. Saturdays were usually filled with errands to take care of laundry and food for the coming week, but not this time. As he awoke, his first reaction was to run for a mirror. Sure enough more changes had occurred as he had slept. The strawberry blond hair covering his scalp, had grown out to about an inch long, looking very punkish - in a girlish way, and his face seemed different too, but not really notably until he compared it with a recent picture. Now he could see clearly that his nose had become smaller, his lips had changed shape and become puffier, cheekbones seemed higher, and his overall appearance was both younger, much more delicate, and definitely feminine. As he raised a hand to feel this 'new' face, he began to inspect the hand too. It was certainly his since it was connected to his body, but beyond that he didn't recognize it in the least. Small teddy bear hands, a legacy of his father's side of the family, with their short squat fingers and nails were now more those of a ladies hands, with their longer more slender fingers, tipped with nails extending well beyond. The skin extending up the arm was soft, smooth and ever so lovely on a woman, but on Larry seemed very out of place. Once that shock had worn off, he continued his body inspection, now moving on to his chest. The nipples were now unmistakeably female as were the large brown aereoles surrounding them. As for the breasts themselves, they too had continued to grow, though not quite large enough to require the support of a bra, yet they were definetely those of an adolescent woman. Trembling with the fear of finding a change to his manhood, he dropped his shorts. The swelling and pain of the day before had thankfully gone away leaving him still quite intact. 'Thank god for that' he thought, and now that the shorts were off, continued investigating on down his legs, where he was greeted with the sight of completely hairless legs! A very odd sight indeed, with the hope and prayer running through his mind over and over "once the cold is over, the hair will grow back". Yet there was more to it than hairless legs. If anything they seemed to have slenderized and lengthened, becoming what to a man's eye were very shapely ladies legs, even his feet seemed a little smaller and daintier. This was getting to be just too much to handle. Two more details to check and then he could have a well deserved nervous breakdown. First the scale, which showed another five pound loss, bringing the total for the week to almost thirty pounds, and the second was a check on his height. It should have read five foot eleven, but now showed only five foot eight. 'Bodies don't just lose height. It's impossible,' he thought. Checking it again, there was no mistaking it - shorter by three inches. He felt faint, but managed to make it to the sofa before collapsing in tears. Not one for crying or showing emotion, especially after all those years of working in a hospital emergency room, the tears now flowed uncontrollably. This couldn't be happening, yet it obviously was. What was to be done to stop or reverse it? Nothing that he'd ever read even remotely explained the phenomenon, so how could it be treated - there wasn't even anyone he could bring in to consult with. Besides, they too would be stumped and then the secret would be out. "No, better to ride it out alone," he thought, then spent the entire day pacing the apartment while deep in thought, stopping only to dry his tear filled eyes and perform self examinations in front of the full length mirror. Sunday started late, thanks to the traumatic events of Saturday which made for a well deserved deep sleep. Today's inspection revealed still more blond hair. In one day almost as much hair had grown as in the whole week. 'This has to be a hormonal thing' he thought 'I mean, what else could it be? I'll get a consult on it tomorrow.' The rest of the day was spent puttering around the house, mostly doing nothing except for gazing at a mirror or trying to read a novel, again mixed in with a heaping dose of crying fits. As much as he felt guilty about missing a week of work, there was no way he was about to show his face to anyone at work until he looked like his good old self. Thankfully no one had called yet, so he didn't have to explain the predicament, not that there was any reasonable explanation. The person in the mirror was no longer 'Larry'. In the right clothes 'he' could easily have passed as a 'she'. The hair was a soft blond mop, while his face had taken on a new look that barely resembled the old Larry. Even his hazel eyes had changed into deep green emeralds, and along with another five pound weight loss, another couple of inches off the waist, an inch of height, and yet a little more breast - they all combined to leave a very female impression. Even though the cold was pretty much gone, the expected reversal of the side effects had not begun. Now Larry who was normally a very patient person, was now very close to losing his cool. "This had been a brutal cold, whose side effects would take time to reverse - that I could accept," he reasoned, "but why hasn't it begun yet?" he kept wondering. Another day and even more of a problem, with the hair now a good 4" long, and no sign of other 'developments' slowing. 'His' breasts now filled his hands, and were actually jiggling as he walked. Reading the morning paper, he caught himself looking at an ad for bras at the same time he caught a glimse of his cleavage. Slowly but surely his figure was becoming that of a curvaceous pretty young lady, and as he sat there staring at the ad, somewhat in a daze, his left hand began to massage his right breast. The sensations were so bizarre, yet so addicting, that he soon found himself getting quite aroused. The nipple was so sensitive that as he played with it, he felt tingly all over. For some reason he snapped back to reality, flinging his hand away. "Holy shit! I've just fondled my own tits.....and liked it!" he thought to himself. As the day progressed, he found himself tweaking his budding breasts every so often, revelling in the feeling they sent coursing throughout his body. Just the lightest touch was enough for the nipples to stiffen, as if rising to the occassion and looking for more. Just walking around was keeping him aroused from the friction of nipples against fabric, and the uncontrollable jiggling of unrestrained breasts was a constant reminder of how seriously things had changed. His mind wandered with daydreams of having to buy a bra, or eventually showing himself in public again, only to be addressed as a 'miss'. The following morning was more of the same. Now the hair was draping down to his shoulders. It was a beautiful strawberry blond, soft and full, with just enough body to be wavy. Of course there was no need to shave, but he still ran his hands over the area out of habit, checking for stubble. The skin seemed softer and smoother, like he'd dropped ten or fifteen years, again noting it was more like the skin of a young lady. "What the hell..." He caught himself as he heard the words coming out of his mouth. The voice coming from his own mouth was now a very sultry femine purr! "The hair was one thing, but this is going too far," he thought to himself, not daring to actually speak aloud again. "Today without fail I'm getting this checked out." The reason for the outburst was the continuing development of those protruding mounds of tender jiggly flesh. There was an endocrinologist, Janet Gates, with whom he'd worked on a few occassions, that came to mind - they 'd even dated a couple of times. It was a desparate move, but he had to confide in someone, and felt safe enough with her, that he would actually risk divulging his secret to her, "but will she listen - will she undestand - will she believe me, and can she help?" Mustering up all his courage, he called to book an appointment, but as the receptionist answered, panic set in. He couldn't tell her who 'he' was, not with this woman's voice, then thinking quickly said he was calling on behalf of Dr. Nichols who needed an appointment as soon as possible. Again the voice emanating from his mouth sounded so ... so girlish, so foreign, that he stumbled and stuttered his way through the entire conversation. An opening was found for after lunch, for which he thanked her on behalf of the doctor, then quickly hung up. This gave him a few hours to shower, dress, and build up the nerve to go out in public again. Shampooing a full head of hair was something not experienced in many many years, which brought on a smile for the first time since this ordeal had begun. After drying and brushing out 'HIS' hair, the next task was to find some camouflaging clothing. Even though it was a hot summer's day he decided on a loose fitting sweatshirt to hide as much as possible. This would go well with jeans, so he pulled out his favorite Levis, but being the first time in a week at wearing real clothes, showed just how much his body had changed. The sweatshirt was big to begin with, though it was still pretty obvious that two blossoming breasts were pushing it out, and where once it had been comfortably loose, it was now way too big with the sleeves too long by several inches. As for the jeans, they slid up the legs easily enough, but just wouldn't fit over the hips. He'd suspected they'd grown a bit, but not nearly to this extent. Plan 'B' was sweat pants, but the elastic waistband only pronounced the now wider hips as it hugged the now narrower waist. Realising the only other option was shorts, he thought long and hard about showing off his feminine looking legs in public. Anyone recognizing him would do a double take at the sight of those legs, for sure. A long hard look in the mirror convinced him it would be relatively safe, since he doubted anyone would have ever mistaken him for some doctor named Larry Nichols. The shorts were a baggy khaki denim - a legacy from some long ago California holiday, looked reasonable as he let them ride low on his hips Luckily the bulge in his underwear wasn't really that noticeable, as it would have looked quite odd to any onlooker. Some socks and shoes then he'd be off to the good doctor, only all his shoes were now at least two sizes too big, leaving the only other option - sandals, which he reluctantly wore. With a deep breath, keys and a wallet in hand, it was off to meet the good doctor. Panic nearly set in more than once on the way to the meeting, as several people seemed to be staring as he walked. Larry wasn't sure if they were staring at his eccentric choice in clothing, his effeminate looks and manly gait, or braless bouncing boobs, but it was definitely unnerving. Luckily Larry had never met the receptionist, thereby avoiding an embarrasing scene. Dr Gates had agreed to see him on short notice as a courtesy to another doctor, even though her afternoon was, as usual, booked solid. As he entered the office there was a very puzzled look on the doctor's face. "Excuse me, but I was expecting a Dr. Larry Nicholls. Who are you?" "Janet, it's me, Larry." "Miss who ever you are, this is a sick joke. Now please leave before I call security." She reached for the phone, but Larry covered her hand with his own. "Please Janet, don't, and hear me out." The sincerity in the voice struck a tender nerve "Larry...???" "Yes Janet, it's really me. Please, I desperately need your help. Let me tell you what's been happening over the past week, though from the looks of things, it's pretty obvious." As he proceeded to give her a run down of the week's events, interspersed with anecdotes of shared memories to reinforce the belief that this was truly Larry Nichols talking, he went so far as to strip and show her the extent of the changes. By now she was now all ears, muttering every minute or so, "It's not possible, I don't believe it, this can't be true." followed by her jaw gaping in the wind. Once the good doctor had completed her inspection, noting in awe the conflicting sight of breasts and a penis on the same body, she instructed Larry to dress. They talked for over an hour, going over possible causes, and courses of action, but aside from drawing a blood sample there was little to actually do, at least until lab results came back later in the day. "You head back home, and I promise that as soon as I have some news I'll call you." It was just before five when he got the call. "Larry, I've got the lab results on your blood, but they don't help much. Everything came back pretty much normal, though there are still more results from some other tests, you know like DNA, but they won't be in for about ten days. If you have the time, I'd like to run some more tests." "I was afraid of this. Somehow I didn't think you'd find anything, and I just knew you'd want to get me into some guinea pig experiments. Thanks for trying Janet, but unless I'm forced to be hospitalized by this, I'd rather go it alone." With that bit of useless news, he hung up. The next morning when he woke, there were long blond curls of hair draped over his face. To brush them away, his arms lightly brushed over his breasts, sending a tingle throughout his body. This required closer inspection as they hadn't been this sensitive yesterday, nor had they been large enough to get in the way. As he sat up, he immediately knew why. Overnight his bust had increased to the point where his immature budding breasts were now large enough to affect his center of gravity. As he felt their fullness, his eyes focused on hands which had become still smaller and more delicate, with nails that were still longer than yesterday, and definetely more elegant looking. Even his arms now seemed those of someone else, right down to a smaller bone structure. This was almost too much to cope with. There had to be an answer to this, which he was now determined to find out. Following the best of medical advise, 'doctor heal thyself' he decided to hit the university library stacks in hopes of finding out what was happening. As he contemplated getting dressed, he noticed that with the smaller shoulders and shorter arms he now had, his dresser drawer of fine cotton shirts wouldn't fit at all right, and a T-shirt would have shown off 'HIS' jiggling boobs through the thin material. After roasting at the doctor's office, there was no doubt that a sweatshirt would have been just too hot on a day like this, leaving few options. Rummaging through the drawers, he came accross a flannel shirt he hadn't worn in ages because it had been accidently shrunk in the wash. Trying it on, he found it a little snug around the chest, which helped hold him together, but otherwise fit the shoulders and arms reasonably well. It was the best of the worst of his options, while shorts and sandals finished the attire. With the hair tucked up under a baseball cap, he checked himself in the mirror as he was about to head out. The reflection was his, but yet it wasn't, for there staring back was in fact a lovely young lady. "Maybe instead of hiding this mop under a hat, a ponytail might actually look okay, besides guys wear ponytails all the time." The hair was now well below the shoulders in length, and as he fussed with it, realised just how pretty the young lady he was admiring really was. "Holy shit, get it together man! It's one thing to go from almost bald to having a full head of hair, but I am a man, and if I don't figure out how to stop these changes, I just may soon have to change my name to a girl's. Damn it, I am a man!" He kept repeating these final words over and over to himself as he made his way to the library. He'd come equipped with pen and paper to record his findings, but at the first attempt at writing found that holding a pen with long fingernails was going to take some getting used to. As he started to jot his first notes, something else hit home - he'd picked up the pen in his right hand as usual, but not only did it feel strange but the scribble on the page was totally unreadable - even to a doctor. Switching to his left hand seemed both more comfortable and the words scrolled out in neat legible rows. "So now I'm a southpaw too. This could pose some serious problems if I have to sign my name to anything. I couldn't even forge my own name if I tried..... Can't let this distract me, I've got to keep going." It was mid afternoon, still not much progress - back to the stacks for more books. As he reached up for a book on an upper shelf, the shirt being snug, old and all, a button popped off. "I knew I should have worn that sweatshirt" he thought and as he looked down to see what was to be done about the missing button, and saw the real reason the shirt had popped. There pressing very firmly against the material were those two blossoming breasts. "That's it for the library. I'd better get the hell out of here quick, before I'm arrested for indecent exposure." Since it had been a nice day, he'd walked the twenty minutes it took to get to the library, only now feeling very vulnerable, would have liked to have made it home in under half that time, but as he tried to run, the uncontained extra weight on his chest threw his stride off balance. His chest felt like Jello, bouncing up and down and side to side all at the same time, and it HURT too. As much as he wanted to get home quickly, he had to slow down in order to stop the pain from HIS bouncing boobs. If he didn't know better he could have sworn they'd grown since the morning. "Now I know why bras were invented," he muttered to himself while climbing the stairs in front of the apartment. Once inside, he took off the shirt to reveal the full extent of this latest development, cupping two beautiful breasts in his hands. They were already quite large by the looks of what he saw in the mirror, but they felt absolutely HUGE as he held them, and their weight tugged at his chest. FEELING them was something else all together. Just a slight touch of the nipple area made his knees go weak. He never imagined they could be so sensitive and stimulating. The rock hard erection bulging in his pants was begging for the attention of a woman, but he'd have to settle on his own hand job today, and so as he'd done so often as a teen, headed off to the bathroom to do his business. He was so aroused by the feel of the boobs and the sight of them on HIS body that he climaxed in moments, though only a dribble came out. As he came down from the rush of the orgasm, a wave of disgust took over, causing him to sit on the edge of the tub and burst into a fit of uncontrollable crying. At the rate things were progresseing, he figured that may very well have been his last male orgasm. As he regained his senses and calmed down somewhat, as he was about to stand up, he felt a sudden incredible urgent need to take a dump. He rushed to the can, just barely making it before dropping what had to be the biggest load of his life. He'd barely eaten a thing in days, yet by the way his guts were churning it was as if he'd recently eaten a horse. As one wave ended, the next began, repeating several times over the next few hours until finally it passed. He stepped on the bathroom scale out of curiosity to see if he'd lost as much weight as it felt like. Sure enough, it was down over 10 pounds from the last weigh-in, and from the looks of it, mostly from his waist. As much as he wanted to watch for any more changes, he was too weak and totally exhausted from the day's events and a five minute rest on the sofa turned into a night of deep sleep. When the bedroom alarm clock rang, he jumped. As he came to his senses the first reaction was to grab for his penis. "Thank god, it's still there." Then another thought flashed in his cloudy half awake mind "What if the changes have stopped? My God! I'm half man, half woman." He sat frozen for several minutes until the need to pee brought him out of the daydream. Not knowing what else had happened, if anything at all, he was anxious to see himself again in a mirror, with the unaccustomed weight of swaying breasts making him almost lose his balance as he got up. The sight was truly amazing. Here was this beautufil young woman with long blond hair, deep green eyes, the face of an angel, and now large perky youthful breasts. Overnight they had filled in still more, while at the same time his waist had shrunk still more. "If I had ever met a girl this beautiful, I would have likely raped her on the spot," he thought to himself as he continued to admire this new body of his. "I think if I were to become a complete woman, looking like this one, I might actually enjoy it - I could surely think of worse fates." The thought seemed odd but not exactly repulsive. This in itself seemed odd, because he was sure he was still a guy, complete with male heterosexual feelings. Standing there mezmerized by the reflection, his mind drifted "I wonder what she'd look like in a bikini?" He shook himself back to reality "Damn it man, that 'SHE' is ME!!! Wow, I suppose seeing myself as this woman, I'd better get used to the fact that I'm going to be dressing as a woman until I get back to being myself - if that's even possible. I may even have to carry on a life as a woman, but the thought of ever being attracted to a man - ugh!" He was feeling much better today, with the last of the lingering cold symptoms now gone. Not only that, but this smaller trimmer body felt energetic, which was something else he hadn't experienced in many years. Looking down at his boobs he commented aloud "I'll be glad when I get some clothes that fit this body. What am I saying? New clothes means girl's clothes! I'm not ready for that, and besides, I don't have a clue where to begin. My god, I can't imagine myself putting on a bra, or nylons, .... or a skirt! Well, for practicality sake, I don't suppose I've got much choice on the bra issue. Damn I wish there was someone I could get to coach me. If only Janet weren't so eager to get me into the lab..... But I suppose since she knows the score anyway.... she's probably still the best person to call on, besides, she's the only one I'd dare call.... She did say she'd help, I guess it's worth a try." Janet was just getting into her office when the phone rang. "Janet, it's Larry Nicholls your favorite changeling." "Larry, are you O.K.? I've been worried sick about you. Has anything else happened since I saw you last?" "No need to worry, I'm fine. As for anything else changing, the answer is a definite yes! That's why I'm calling. Is your offer to help me still open?" "Of course I'll help, what a silly question." "Any chance you could get some time off today? I could use your help in buying some clothes. The stuff I've got here doesn't seem to fit anymore." "Larry, what are you telling me? What else has changed ?" "Suffice it to say that you wouldn't recognize me." "Tell you what, let me take care of some important business, then I'll be able to get away, say by noon. How's that?" "Great. See you at noon then." Being a Friday, Janet's work load was fairly light, which usually allowed her to get off by early afternoon, now with this bit of exciting news, she crammed her work day into two hours and by 11:30 was at Larry's apartment. "Oh my god! Larry is that really you?" Since the changes had been happening over a period of days, Larry had noticed the changes each time he saw himself, but the cumulative effect said he hardly resembled his former self. "Your face - it's completely changed. The other day in the office you still had some semblance of Larry in your looks, but no more. If I didn't know who you were before, there's no way I would have ever recognised you. Turn around and let me get a look at the rest of you. Find a picture of yourself so we can compare." He handed her the shot of himself he had used the other day to do this same comparison. "You're a beautiful looking woman Larry." "Well as you can see, I've grown some major boobs, shrunk in size somewhat, my waist is down along with my weight, and my hips are a whole lot bigger. But besides that I'm still a guy, the changes seemed to have stopped, leaving my male equipment in tact." "This is absolutely fantastic! Would you mind terribly if I asked you to undress?" Larry was ashamed, embarrassed and shy all at the same time, but knew Janet's interests were purely professional, so he complied. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you had the body of a twenty year old. Your breasts are quite full firm and perky, while your skin is smooth unblemished and wrinkle free." As he turned around, Janet kept remarking at what she saw, as if she was entering everything into a log. "Smooth well rounded bottom, flat stomach - envy, envy, slender arms, and shapely feminine legs, - but I think you're mistaken about the male equipment, Larry. No offense, but from what I remember it seems to have shrunk more than a bit. "What do you mean 'shrunk'? I hadn't noticed anything different when I got up this morning. Had a hell of a hard-on too." His hands were now checking out what was staring him in the mirror. "Oh shit!!!" "Larry, stay calm. It'll be okay - trust me." They sat on the bed, Janet trying her best to console a sobbing Larry, until finally he took a deep breath and dried his eyes. "That's it - crying time is over - time to make the best of it. No more freaking out, no nervous breakdown I promise." With a determined look he stood and began dressing. "In fact the more I see of myself as this woman, the more fascinated I am at the prospect of what lies ahead. The idea of wearing women's clothes would have been unthinkable last week, yet now I'm anxious to go shopping for a bra, god knows I need one." It was a bold faced lie, but said to appease Janet. "I've even had dreams of kissing a guy - and liking it! The only thing I'm concerned about, is what I'm going to do with my life once the changes are over, if in fact they aren't reversible, and the reality of it all sinks in." "I've cleared my slate for the rest of the day, so let's get going. We have all afternoon to shop and talk." As they headed down to Janet's car, Larry could feel the bounce of both his breasts and the sway of his hips, combined with a nervous tremble from head to toe. The feelings were foreign, but there was just no way to control the motion. Janet had the whole afternoon planned out. First would be a lingerie boutique, followed up with a small shopping spree to build a basic wardrobe, some accessory pieces, cosmetics, and if time permitted - a stop at her favorite hair dresser. Of course Larry had never spent any time looking at lingerie, so he let Janet be his guide. Explaining to the sales clerk that her friend 'Lori' had just returned from an intensive weight loss spa, they needed to take measurements in order to buy properly fitted garments. The numbers were startling - 36D, 22, 35. While Larry gingerly touched the odd piece here and there, Janet was busily searching out a whole range of bras, panties, teddies, and slips. Within minutes she had handfuls of pieces, motioning Larry to follow her to a dressing room. "Strip! We'll get you fitted in no time, then we'll have some fun picking out a few more 'interesting' pieces for you. Let's start with this set." She handed Larry a pink, lace trimmed satin bra. With trembling hands he reached out to accept this 'thing' intended for HIM to actually wear, causing him to blush a beet red. He was all thumbs in trying to get the bra done up, even though he'd seen it done often enough in the hospital and helped the occassional girlfriend get them off, but having to fit these melons, his own breasts inside the cups, then having to do up the clasps was a lot harder than it looked. Even getting his arms through the straps was proving a challenge. When Janet saw him fussing and fumbling, she chuckled at first, then came over to give a helping hand. After nestling himself into the cups, Janet did up the clasps and adjusted the straps. Staring at the reflection, he smoothed the bra over the breasts feeling his nipples - large, hard and pushing through the exquisite satin. "Taming these bouncers is a relief. I thought for sure I was going to hit myself in the face walking down the apartment stairs. If men only knew how good this feels .... What am I saying??! Get me out of here, I want to go home." "Not yet you don't. Whether you like it or not, we're shopping." When next he dropped his shorts to exchange them for the matching panties, he noticed that his penis seemed to have shrunk down to about half it's normal size. "This little bulge is going to look funny in ladies panties," he whispered as he pulled them on. "Under a skirt it won't show at all, besides it doesn't look like it's going to be much of a problem for much longer," Janet giggled and so did Larry - until he caught himself. "There is no way you're getting me into a skirt, do you hear me?" Suddenly mezmerized by the sight in the mirror, his objections seemed neither as emphatic nor convincing. "Now, doesn't that feel good?" Janet handed him another set in black lace to try on. His objections sounded hollow as he accepted them more willingly this time. After making their final selections of lingerie, it was on to build a wardrobe. Leaving the shop, Larry was so self concious at being seen in public wearing a bra, sporting two very prominent breasts pushing out through the stretched t-shirt material, that Janet had to literally drag him out. Certain that everyone was staring, he tried his best to walk in Janet's shadow, but as they walked along there were only admiring grins from passing men, and Larry slowly began to relax in the knowledge that he wasn't being looked on as a freak. Near panic melted away as Janet led them through almost every clothing shop in the mall. Within a period of just four hours, they'd managed to spend in excess of $3,000 of Larry's hard earned money. There were silk blouses, cotton blouses, long and short sleeve blouses, pant suits, shorts and jeans, socks and nylons - even a few skirts, dresses, sun dresses - and an evening gown. As much as Janet wanted to complete the wardrobe with a selection of shoes, Larry protested so much as he tried to stand in his first pair of high heels, that they only bought a pair of pink trimmed running shoes. If not shoes, Janet reminded Larry of the need for a purse. This time his protests went unheeded as Janet went about picking out an assortment of bags for all sorts of occassions, insisting he even carry one as they left the store. With arms straining to carry everything, it was time to call it a day - or so Larry thought. On the way out though, Janet realized that they hadn't had time for the hair dresser, nor a visit to a cosmetics counter. "Lori, dear, how about we drop this stuff in the car and come back in for just a last few things?" It was his first time being addressed as 'Lori". It felt odd yet right, to the point that a smile crept over his face. "I'm getting sore lugging this stuff around and I sure as hell don't have the strength I used to. Not only that, but I never knew shopping was such an endurance test. I'm wiped, couldn't we continue this another time?" "It won't take long I promise, and I think it's something you should take care of today." "What could be all so important that it can't wait?" "You'll see," is all she said. After unloading, they started on round two. Janet figured a few accessories were in order, including a ladies watch, bracelet, and her gift to Larry - a string of cultured pearls. When Janet then suggested he get his ears pierced, Larry hesitated, but after a moment of reflection agreed to go for broke, nodding a 'yes'. Once the studs were in place, and they were paying, the jewellery store clerk threw in a pair of 14k gold hoop earings as a thank you for all the business. "One last stop, and we're out of here, I promise." "What could there possibly be left? I thought we did every last shop in this complex." "As beautiful as you are, a little color on those lips wouldn't be a bad idea." "You're probably right, but I just can't see myself putting on lipstick or make-up at this point - that would be pushing it." "It's not that hard, trust me, and I think you'll like what it does for you. But the real reason I want you to buy at least some basics today, is that it would give you what to experiment and practice with back at home." "Look, I've let you talk me into all sorts of things today that I never in my wildest dreams could have conceived of just hours ago. I suppose most, if not all of the purchases have a practical purpose, which is why I went along with them, but the guy in me draws the line at makeup." "Sure, sure, now shut up and take it like a man then. If it bothers you that much once we're done you can wash it all off, now follow me." Being the end of the day, the cosmetics department at the Bay was quiet, giving a stunning and pefectly made up young cosmetician the opportunity to show Larry her ideas of appropriate products and shades to suit his coloring and skin texture. Janet barely said a word as the clerk did a full makeover on poor bewildered Larry. The color carefully applied to his lips was a stunning shimmering deep pink, but not ever having worn lipstick before, made speaking feel awkward. Similarly the application of mascara had him blinking a lot more than usual as he tried to get used to long thick eye lashes. The final result was worth it though and Janet was right, in that the make-up only made him look prettier. A final touch of Paloma Picasso perfume clinched the sale of each and every product the clerk had used, plus a few extras Janet picked out, which she thought would help in creating 'looks' for day or evening, and a few alternate colors of lipsticks and eye shadows. Here too, the clerk threw in several extra freebies, compliments of the cosmetics companies, which included a host of creams, cleansers, lipsticks, brushes, and more. The end result was far more than 'some basic' cosmetics. "I swear I've got enough here to open my own store. There are so many different things in here I wouldn't know where to begin if I ever tried this on my own." "Once we're back at your place, we'll lay it all out. I'll go over it with you for as long as you want, I promise I'll help you, and in the end you'll see it's not that complicated or difficult. Next to med school, this is child's play." "Easy for you to say, you've been doing it for how many years? But you were right about me liking what the make-up does for me. If I can ever get the hang of putting it on, I doubt you'll be seeing me again without at least 'some' color on my face - that is until I'm back to my old male self." As they passed a mirror Larry couldn't help but stop and admire. "It just brings out so much! She really is very pretty, isn't she? By the way, in case I haven't mentioned it, thanks for everything. I don't know what I would have done without you." He leaned over to kiss Janet only to be deflected to a cheek. Seeing the lipstick mark it left, brought on an involuntary embarrasing blush. They stopped at a local pizza parlor for a quick supper and a cold brew, then headed back to Larry's. "If I don't collapse from exhaustion by the time we've unloaded everything... I'd like to take a shower and sleep for a week. On the other hand, I'm also so excited, that I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep for a week either." "I would suppose your body is still expending a huge amount of energy as it goes through these changes, add to that the day's activity, and I'll bet your wiped." It took two trips each to haul in all the bags. Before unpacking they each took a turn in the bathroom to take well deserved and long overdue pees. As he came out of the bathroom Larry had a sheepish grin plastered across his face "It seems odd to be pulling out my penis from inside ladies panties. I still can't believe this is really happening." "Oh it's happening all right, but more importantly is how are you with it?" "Honestly, I don't 'FEEL' any different besides these 'things' bouncing around on my chest, so it's hard to judge. Inside I'm still me Larry, on the outside I appear to be this lovely young woman. I'm still a doctor, I still find you sexually appealing, I don't have any urges or thoughts about men as lovers or mates; no except for the obvious changes, I'm still me and I'm okay. What I have noticed though, is that it all seems so right. It's a little scary and weird, but I like the idea of being a woman, the clothes, the make- up, even the sound of my voice. By all rights I should have flipped out by it all, but other than at the very start of it all, and today seeing myself in a bra, I've been able to handle it. I've also noticed that as time goes by, which though it's only been a relatively few days, seems more like this is who I've been or should have been, all my life. Does that make any sense to you?" "It could all be a hormonal change that's affecting your ability to cope or accept your fate. There is another more bizarre possibility I've been thinking about. Inside, you are still you of course. Physically though you are completely changed, right down to your eye color. Your face doesn't resemble Larry's in the least, so who are you? What if you were actually someone else, or at least in someone else's body?" "It's an idea, albeit an impossible one, but I suppose that would explain some of it. I mean it's not like I was sucked up into a spacecraft along with a woman and had our bodies switched - in slow motion yet. Taking it one step further, if you're right, who's body have I got, why, how did it happen, and what happened to my old body? By your reasoning some pretty young girl could very have gone through a similar metamorphosis to end up as Larry, a middle aged balding man. If that's the case, I feel sorry for her, but hope she likes being a guy as much as I'm liking being a woman. She'd have a hard time getting me to switch back, that's for sure!" "If you're as curious, as I'm sure you are, about what's happened to you and why, we could look into it? Why not sleep on it and we'll talk tomorrow." Of course there was more to Janet than a simple friendship. Larry was a once in a lifetime case study he knew she just couldn't pass up. "Yeah, I'll sleep on it for sure, but if it means any time in the lab, then you know the answer is going to be NO. Tomorrow being Saturday, I plan on sleeping in, so I'll call you at some point or other. If you have things to do don't wait around on my behalf." "My life isn't so different from yours I'm sure. Saturdays are sleep-in and errand days for me too, so more than likely I'll be around. We can do your makeup tomorrow, and maybe pick up some shoes too. 'Till tomorrow then." Once she was gone, Larry headed straight to the bedroom to get undressed. Putting away the day's purchases would have to wait until morning. As he took off the bra, he began talking to himself "Will you look at me, I'm a woman! I've got huge swinging tits, I'm wearing a bra and girlie panties, and I'm wearing make-up too! This is un-god-damn real!" As he removed the panties he decided to check out the latest changes. Other than his penis and balls having shrunk a little more, he couldn't detect any other outstanding change. Maybe it was the cool air on his exposed breasts that caused it, but he noticed that his nipples were very erect, so with a free hand began to gently massage them. His legs instantly felt like jelly, forcing him to drop on the bed before they actually gave out. He'd never felt so overwhelmed by sexual arousal as a man, to the point where within moments his hips were gyrating to meet the thrusts of his miniscule penis being massaged by his other hand. He felt an orgasm coming on, but like none he'd ever experienced before, consuming his entire body, with wave after wave of pure ecstasy, though hardly anything came out of a once proud productive pecker. When he finally regained his senses, laying there all sweaty, he thought to himself "That was something else! I wonder what it's like doing it for real? No! Stop! Forget that thought. No man is shoving his penis in me. No way, never.... Cold shower time!" On the way to shower, he reminded himself of the need to remove the makeup. "It's a shame to have to do this, knowing I'm going to have to try and recreate this look for myself, but off it goes." Rummaging through one of the bags, he came up with the creams and lotions the cosmetician had recommended be used for the proper removal of the makeup. The shower wasn't as soothing as usual. Perhaps it was because his boobs and crotch were still sensitive from their recent workout, or maybe this is the way it felt on a female body, but in either case he kept it short, vowing to try a bath next time. After drying himself off, he slipped into another of the day's purchases - a lacy black satin nightie. It felt so slinky, and as he looked down, the sight of his jutting breasts brought on another wide grin. Exhaustion was now catching up, so it was lights out. The next morning he awoke to the sound of birds chirping at what seemed like the crack of dawn. Long blond hair draped over his face bringing the grin of the night before back to his face, but just to be sure that this was not all some elaborate dream, let his fingers confirm the existance of breasts and search for a female crotch, but this was not to be, as he was still male where it counted. It was still too early to call Janet, so the next few hours were spent emptying out the bedroom closet and dresser of everything relating to Larry, then carefully refilled them with the new wardrobe. Then came the bathroom where the men's shaving supplies went in the trash, replaced by the myriad of cosmetics more appropriate to a ladies bathroom. Friday's shopping spree had stopped before any shoes had been bought, and as he was about to dress, gazed down and decided it was time these petite ladies feet got some appropriate new shoes. Currently the only shoes in the house that would fit these tiny feet, were a pair of running shoes. Anxious to get on with the adventure, but still too early to call Janet he decided to hit the mall alone. Shorts and a t-shirt would be the attire for the day - comfortable, practical, familiar, and about the only thing to wear with running shoes. Putting on all new clothing was a rush. To start with there was the seamless lace trimmed bra and matching panty set. Even though yesterday was his first time at trying on a bra, today it went on much more easily. The t-shirt was something Janet had chosen. It had a low cut neck exposing more cleavage than he liked, a small red rose embroidered over the left breast, but was otherwise quite plain. Being just a t-shirt, he hadn't tried it on in the store, and now as he struggled to get it on, regretted it. Oh it got on allright, the shoulders fit as they should, but the material was stretched out as it molded itself to fit around the breasts. It was also so short, that Janet must have known when she picked it out that it would leave the stomach area completely exposed. Before dismissing the idea of wearing the top in public, Larry checked out the 'look' in the mirror. It was very flattering, especially on this well endowed figure. "Why not have some fun," he thought. "No more nerdy workaholic, time to enjoy life. If I've got to go through life as this woman, I might as well make the best of it. T-shirt and shorts it is." Brushing out the long blond hair was a chore he was getting used to after almost a week with it, and then came the makeup. Not wanting to be too adventurous, he limited himself to the glossy pink lipstick of the day before, and some eye shadow. It took a few tries, what with his trembling hands, but in the end figured it looked presentable enough. As he loaded a few essentials into HIS purse, including his wallet with the driver's license, he was again reminded just how different he now looked, by the face on the permit. "For the sakes of a few bucks, I'd better stick to taxis until I get some new I.D. Come to think of it, I'll have to pass as Mrs. Lori Nicholls if anyone checks the credit cards. Better look into getting them changed A.S.A.P. too." The mall was only a short ride away, which was just as well since the taxi driver stank of cheap cigars. Shoes were the main priority, but a head full of unruly hair had to be dealt with post haste. Being early in the day, he headed straight to the beauty salon in hopes they'd be able to fit him in to what was surely a busy schedule. Luckily there was an opening at noon which was reserved using the name 'Lori'. Curiosity was replacing yesterday's decision to avoid anything but flat heeled shoes. Without Janet there to watch him make a fool of himself as he tried to stand on what felt like stilts, gave him the courage to through with it. Through sheer determination it didn't take too many tries before he figured out how to stand up and keep his balance. Knowing full well that walking in high heels was going to need practice in private, he refrained from prancing around in the stores. Between the choices of styles, colors, and heel heights, the choices seemed endless. Yet, keeping in mind the wardrobe waiting at home, the selection process wasn't so hard. Granted it took hours of careful inspection through most every shoe store in the mall - but in the end he came away with a range of pumps and sandals, both low and high heeled; and a pair of comfortable cushioned flat work shoes. Feeling a great sense of accomplishment in his fashion savvy left him with a taste for more, but shopping for shoes had used up the entire morning, and now it was time for the hair appointment. At noon sharp 'miss Lori' was being escorted to a chair by the salon hostess. Having such long hair after being practically bald for years, was proving to be a major hassle, always in his face, and more than a little distracting - a situation that could be quickly remedied. In her most determined voice Lori instructed Debbie the appointed stylist, to cut it short, which brought out an endless stream of loud protests. "Why on earth would you want to cut off all this wonderful hair?" To which he gave his reasons. "If I give you a cut that keeps it long, yet gets it out of your face, would you do it? If you don't like it I'll keep cutting until you do like it. What do you say?" "Look, you do what you will, I'm in your hands, but I'm not leaving until I'm 100% satisfied, understood?" By early afternoon out walked a ravishing young woman, with long blond hair, feathered in the front to frame the face, yet cut back just enough that it stayed off her face. Nails were now expertly trimmed and coated too, with several rich coats of lacquer further enhancing the image of a statuesque beauty. The day before had covered the basics in creating a new image, but now it was time to enhance it with just a few more pieces of clothing. Janet had been pushing for skirts and dresses to emphasise Lori's femininity, but on his own now, he was able to buy some pants and coordinating blouses. Walking along the halls of the mall with a gentle sway in the hips, constantly reminded by the weight of breasts tugging at bra straps, and the unavoidable sight of the outstretched t-shirt, Larry was keenly aware of the stares and turning heads from most of the men crossing his path. This only heightened Larry's inner joy of just how great he now felt. Entering the apartment the phone was ringing. "Hello?" "Lori, I mean Larry, you're finally home. Where on earth have you been, I've been calling for hours?" "Oh hi Janet. Sorry about that. I knew we were supposed to get together today, but I was up early, didn't want to chance waking you, so I headed off on my own to pick up a few pairs of shoes, and ended up spending the day shopping. It was really a lot of fun and of course I bought a few more pieces to add to the wardrobe. If you want, we could still get together." "You read my mind. I'd love to get together, but that's only partly why I've been calling.... Now I know you've never been big on dating." Larry cut her off. "Did you say DATE???" "Please, let me finish before you say no so fast. We've been invited out to dinner and an evening at the theatre. Trust me on this one. It's a wonderful opportunity to get a start on your new life. Please don't ask questions and just say yes." "Don't ask questions? Did I hear you right? A date? With a MAN??? Are you nuts? This had better be good. Start talking!" "O.K., I've been seeing Ken Cummings. You know him don't you?" "He's a plastic surgeon isn't he? I've seen him in the E.R. once or twice." "That's him. He and I have been planning to see Les Mis. ever since the tickets went on sale, and tonight's the night. You get to join us, if you're interested, because we were supposed to double with his office partner Evan Young. Evan's just getting over a nasty divorce. He also bought tickets when they went on sale, but was still married then. Rather than mope at home, and let the tickets go to waste, Ken talked him into going out tonight if we could line him up with someone." "And I'm the first person you thought of, right? Are you forgetting I wore my first bra just yesterday? And if I were to say yes I'd have to wear a DRESS and heels, which even though I now own, I'm not about to go out in! Oh, and while we're at it, I'm supposed to introduce myself as Lori -you know, that guy doctor named Larry 'till a few weeks ago? Not on your life." "It's an easy night out, one that should be very memorable in more ways than one. You get to try on some of those great pieces you bought, you get out on a Saturday night, you get to meet a "man", and you get to see Les Mis., from third row center no less. It's a win win situation as far as I can see, so how about it? Don't worry about Ken. He'll never recognize you, and I could introduce you as some long lost cousin of Larry's in town for a visit. If you don't want to wear a dress, there's the black harem pants with some low heels, which would look great. What do you say" There was a very long pause followed by "I must be out of my mind, but what time?" "Great! We'll be by around 6 since the show starts at 8. That way we'll have time to grab a fast bite and you'll get to know Evan a bit. I'm sorry it leaves you so little time to get ready, but I have been trying to get you for hours. See you soon." As they hung up Larry sat down in shock. The reality that he was about to go out on a "date" as a woman began to sink in. Though this was his first time at choosing what to wear and putting it on, the process seemed second nature, which surprised him even as he was going through the motions. He chose a sleeveless deep cut black lycra body suit over a demi bra, giving an unobstructed view of his bountiful cleavage, along with the sheer flowing harem pants Janet had suggested. Next he chose a pair of black patent leather two inch heeled shoes which were manageable and appropriate. "Is it possible that this female I've become has taken over my mind to the point that I'm starting to think and behave as one? What's next, fall madly in love with some GUY?" Luckily since hair and nails had been done earlier in the day, all that was left to do was dress, apply some makeup, find some jewellery, and prepare a handbag, which were done with time to spare. The doorbell rang at a quarter to six. As he opened the door, Janet was the first to speak. "Lori, you look fabulous. You even had your hair done. It's stunning. Oh, I'd like you to meet Evan - Evan this is Lori." He extended a hand to shake that of Evan's, only for it to be swept for a gentle kiss, guaranteeing a crimson blush. Pleasanteries and formalities out of the way, they headed off to supper - Lori's stomach in knots from nerves. Supper was by no means going to be a lengthy nor elegant event with only enough time to eat a quick bite at a restaurant near the theatre, specializing in people rushing to catch a show. It was a fine Italian restaurant, but it's charms were somewhat lost due to the tight schedule. Evan was nice enough, and looked just as nervous as Lori felt. This was his first date since the divorce, and it was a blind one at that. For Lori, nervous was the understatement, but so was excitement. It had been ages since the last date, and

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Sizzling sister

My cousin (uncle daughter) sisters name is Prinya. She is 21, works with a leading fashion designing firm in Mumbai, and very attractive. She is shorter than i, fair, slim, shoulder length wavy black hair, full lips, sexy figure, b-cups, and a tight ass. She eats healthy and goes to the gym when she can so her body is nice and tone, but at the same time juicy in all the right places. My parents were about to leave for a wedding function in delhi with my uncle and aunty so they all decided that...

3 years ago
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Paranormal Encounter

You are sitting next to your BF watching TV, chatting on Xhamster, You're bored and horny, but nothing is catching your attention and BF doesn't seem to register you want to play. You wish for something to happen.You try to stand, but you suddenly find yourself unable to. You can talk, but cannot bring yourself to mention your lack of mobility. What is going on??You feel pressure either side of your feet, as though something is pushing up the side of your ankle, and it continues to slowly grow,...

3 years ago
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After 10 years of marriage

After 10 years of marriage any couple goes through some stale patches in the bedroom, Sara and I usually got through these times with various activities toys, role play, some bondage, Sara loved me to dominate her and make her do dirty things. We also discussed our fantasies, which always got us hot while we were making love, of course threesomes came up from time to time and although Sara got really turned on at this she said she could never go through with it with either another girl or...

3 years ago
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Chad The Babysitter Part 8

Trish’s visit was very brief, she seemed stressed and didn’t even bring the laundry down which was a shame however I learned that she had to go off early tomorrow to a very important meeting which would involve staying overnight, I was only too happy to offer to look after Tams even before she asked which put a smile on her face as she didn’t have to worry about her daughter.She told me that Tammy needed shorts and would I take her into town and get her some and I was only too pleased to oblige...

4 years ago
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Sex With Maid Known For Four Years

To describe the maid, she is slim tall not so fair but very attractive. This happened when I came home for my holidays last month.. It’s been more than 6 months since I last went home.. And when I reached I was quite surprised to find out that we had a new maid.. Her name is Bindhu.. She is around 5ft 5 inches tall.. A bit dark complexioned but has a very well toned body.. She is in her early thirties.. She used to work for an hour or two in the morning and evening. I used to watch her but...

3 years ago
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Slave To My Mistress From Office 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, my name is Arvind and this is my first story in ISS. I have been a great fan of ISS and the authors for a long time. This is a real story that happened a few years back when I was staying in Bangalore. The story is long and very kinky. So, hold your cocks or start rubbing those beautiful pussies! ;) This was the summer of 2018 and I was working in a major IT company in Bangalore. I was staying in a 1BHK flat near to the office and doing my every day 9-5 job. Also, that time I was...

2 years ago
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Horny wife of subordinateassistant

I am encouraged to narrate my best ex. Experience withy subordinate’s beautiful and sexy wife. I leave it to the readers to judge and react with their esteemed views and feelings. I am strong and sexy person with very good build up and good and attractive personality. I am working in oilfield and I have developed very close and intimate relationship with my assistant. We use to discuss sex openly during our off time to pass time. We don’t mind sharing and discussing our private life and...

2 years ago
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the new law part 1

2016 A New LawA new law has passed. It entitles any black male 21 or over during the month of March the right to any white woman they choose. They also have the right to have the husband support them and carry out their wishes and desires during this time. It is now April, this is about last month.February 28th, tomorrow the new law starts. My wife is worried, never being with a black man, what’s going to happen. This guy at her work Jim has been telling her she is going to belong to him and...

4 years ago
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She finds what 11 Means PT3

Jessica could not believe the number of climaxes she had as he pounded her. She seemed to be in a constant state of orgasm. In her ecstasy, she was screaming, "Need your cock! Need your black cock so baaaad!"Even though he was down the hall in the guest room, Jim could hear his wife's rantings, their flesh slapping against each other, the bed banging the wall, Jessica beseeching for more and her shrieking orgasms. Marcus must have been a fuck monster the way he kept going into his wife. He...

4 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 14 Nicknames Can Be Fun

Someday, I thought to myself, somebody will be able to explain to me how come I suck at relationships with girls my own age. And why I can't seem to keep any sense about me when it comes to older women. Wendy was just too much of a hedonist for me. I had to look the word up in the Thesaurus, but I was pretty sure that was the right term for her. And now I was deathly afraid that I had ruined my friendship with Kip and Davey's mom, too. And, to top it all off, I always seemed to blow any...

2 years ago
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Bobby the Babysitter RevisitedChapter 3

Since the job at the beach was over at 2PM in the afternoon each day, I kept up my babysitting jobs because they were a good way of meeting horny mothers and sometimes older sisters too busy with homework to take care of the small ones. Most of the girls on the trash collection duties at the beach were not in the category of the lifeguards with their suntanned, perfect figures. Still I met a couple who were willing bend over in the restroom for a hot dog and a drink at lunch. I was funny the...

2 years ago
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Seeberger ChroniclesChapter 4

After going through Mickey D’s and getting our breakfast, she was helping me to eat, while I drove. My driving partner said, “How long before our first stop?” “After visiting my uncle, who lives on the northwest side of town, plus a few other people, we’ll be heading to El Dorado, about 90 minutes to the south. Rest if you want. We’ll be looking for where my grandpa’s buried.” “OK, you’re the boss, Jeff.” We ate and drove, pulling up to a very old house on the edge of Abilene. “Who’s...

4 years ago
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I haven't written anything for a couple of years. No particular reason, just haven't had the desire or ambition. Actually, much about my life is the same. Still single, a couple of escapades on both sides of the fence, but nothing that stuck. The following story is not mine. It is a story as told to me by a close friend. I'm naming her Donna which is obviously a fictitious name. In fact any name in the story is fictional. One night Donna and I were about half wasted on...

5 years ago
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The Crush on the Sweet Little Church Girl

You are going about your daily errands as if it is any other day when trip to grocery store takes a turn. You spot me across the aisle and debate if you should say hi. Would I even recognize you? Would it be weird? You haven’t seen me since we were k**s at church. You were to shy to say it then, but you were grown now, perhaps you could muster the courage now. I spot you and walk over. You stumble awkwardly over all your words but I can see what you want to say. “Would you like to join me for...

2 years ago
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Veras bad day

© This is fiction; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ************************************************************************ Mrs. Peal was frustrated; nothing seemed to be going right. Her husband had apparently lost interest in sex. She wondered just who he was fucking now. Was it that new blonde bitch assistant he had just hired? He seemed too eager to attend that two-week seminar in Vegas. The morning after Hal was gone; she had to call the plumber to fix a...

3 years ago
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Watching MTV

This was just a regular day in my life, I arrived at my house after school and changed out of my school uniform into regular clothes. It was always the same routine, I would change, then help my mom to set the table, and we would eat together with my father, then as I finished eating with my parents the doorbell rang, I went to answer the door. It was Laura and Stephanie, my two best friends (probably my only friends), we all lived on the same street, but attended different schools, so...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 102 Ava Has a Tough Morning

Saturday, April 23, 2005 I woke up at 4am as expected, and felt fine. It didn't look like Ava had moved all night, so she was conveniently still on her back. I reached over to turn on one of the bedside lamps, put a rubber on, then pushed the covers down, spread Ava's legs, and moved so I was between them. I went down on her, to get her as aroused as I could, and even to get her off if it went that long. Her being asleep didn't change most of her body's reactions, which I knew well by...

5 years ago
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My favorite beach

very hot day in the Mediterranean, he made me think about cooling in the sea that is not too far away.I'm usually sleeping at noon, or when the sun is up late to cool off and rest from a hard day.At that time on a beach that is beautiful staying at one of the buyers, and the rest is all free. I take it without a lot of things to a beautiful beach with fine, beautiful sandy, clear blue water, a silence that relaxes.I can see that I still have buyers and I choose a place with more free space...

3 years ago
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The first time I saw my wife being fucked

This story is 100% true. In fact I'll use real first names. My name is Barry and I'm married to Linda. Linda is a beautiful five foot four blue eyed blonde, she weighs one hundred pounds even. She has perky thirty four B cup breast and perfect legs. She has always tanned a perfect brown and always tans topless by our back yard pool. I planted the idea in her head years ago about her having sex outside our marriage. At first she gave the " good wife" I could never do that speech. But I never...

3 years ago
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Hot HusbandChapter 3 A Date With Louisa

We had a quiet breakfast, making the usual married couple chit-chat, neither of us seemed to want to bring up our “game” right then, though we knew we couldn’t put it off forever. We worked on our chores, talking much less than usual, only what was needed to accomplish our tasks. The near silence continued through supper, but as we finished the clean-up I saw a change come over Wallace’s face. After he dried his hands he turned to me. “On your knees,” he said sternly. I was frozen in...

3 years ago
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My Second Time FUCKED Gay

I had just been fucked for the first time. I couldn't believe what I had just done. Some stranger had just used my ass for their own pleasure. Someone had stuck their dick INSIDE me. What was I doing? What kind of slut would do something like this? I didn't even know this guy, and I agreed to meet him, and let him pound my virgin hole. Before I had made up my mind that I was going to go through with this...I had convinced myself this would be a one time thing. I would live out my fantasy of...

4 years ago
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Chapter One of My Life

I am 17, new to public schools because I was home schooled until my Dad ran off with his secretary and Mom had to go to work to support us. I’m average build, average looks, very smart but very lacking in knowledge about life that most 17 year olds have already learned. That includes sex, which is what my story will be about. I’ve been at High School now for about three weeks have made a couple of friends but not really accepted yet. I marvel at being in big classes, big lunch room, the mass...

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Beth the Cum Slut Ch 29 31 Final

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written in my journal. It’s been almost two years since my last post. I’m now a junior in high school. Larry and I are no longer together. A little over a year ago he started seeing another girl he really likes so we broke up. There were no hard feelings. We’re still friends. I just don’t get to have sex with him anymore. Bill moved away. I think his dad got transferred to another city or he took a new job or something so they moved. I still get...

3 years ago
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Denial Party

Part 1Denial Party=====================?Ladies, welcome!? Daren announced with a devilish smile.?I’m thrilled to introduce our first and original Denial Party. Each of you seven beautiful ladies have bravely agreed to surrender control over your bodies for the next 12 hours. Ladies, believe me when I say we’re all going to have a lot of fun over the next few hours.The rules are simple. You’ve all been instructed to tease yourselves over the last three days, at least three times a day, without...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Interlude

Afternoon InterludeCeleste looked at her watch. It can't be only 9:30am. Celeste has been counting the minutes until she could sneak away for an early lunch. She had an order from Dom Adam to meet at the Hotel Mirtle around the corner at 11am sharp! Celeste began to heat up just thinking about that order. Her boss was gone for the day and would not miss her for a couple of hours. Tick Tock. That clock had never moved so slowly before today. Celeste tried to concentrate on her menial accounting...

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Episode 2 8211 The Oozing Pleasure

At the Chaterjee residence, Gautam was still sucking his wife’s boobs which had begun as a way to ease the pain being caused by the amount of milk in them. The pain had gradually subsided and because of the sucking had now been replaced by arousal. Her boobs became soft and Gautam was now kneading her breasts. She started moaning loudly in pleasure making her husband go wilder on her. He got on top of her and started pressing her boobs mercilessly. He was getting a hard-on and his dick made a...

2 years ago
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Kathystory about a lactating single momIt was a warm, sunny September Saturday afternoon and I really couldn’t stand it anymore to sit at my desk and think about my thesis. They call it “writer’s block” and mine was finest quality marble, weighing a ton at the least. Any which way I formulated and reformulated the text, it only seemed a summit of stupid phraseology. You can’t force creativity, so I resigned to put on my shoes and take a nose full of fresh air. I took a bus to the nearby park to...

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Becoming Madisons Daddy Chapter 5

I was relaxing watching tv as Maddi came into the room she had just got out of bed . All she was wearing was a pair of little pink cotton panties with daddy written on the front of them and a white frilly little top that came down to her belly button.She had a little pink lipstick on her puffy lips and her blond curly hair just covering one eye and a pink diamante cat collar on her neck. She was of course wearing her cage under her little pink panties and a jewelled butt plug in her behind.I...

3 years ago
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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 8

Part 8 Since I did have school the next day, and would need to revert to my boy clothes, I decided to wear my leotard and tights for the rest of the day, and not remove my makeup until I went to sleep. I wanted to prolong my "girl time" for as long as I could! "Hi mommy, thanks for picking me up, I love you," I said as I got in the car and gave my mommy a kiss on the cheek. "Aaw, thanks honey, that's so sweet of you! You know, it's funny that when you're dressed in your...

3 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 09

Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-8 of this series, Tom & Sue John & Debbie, I suggest you do so. Readers will follow the fictitious characters while they take the reader on a roller coaster ride filled with sex, sports, and romance. Each chapter builds on the previous chapter and without reading the previous chapters the reader will miss out on a lot of detail regarding the characters and the story plot. I hope you enjoy my series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ DISCLAIMER:...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 26 Erin Comes Home

August – Year 1 When Lynn and I got home we had dinner and watched TV for a bit. We were naked and cuddling and while it felt right, it didn’t. “Honey, I need to tell you something.” “Oh shit! I’m gonna die.” “Paul! You are not going to die.” “Well in those silly cheater stories I used to read online, the woman always starts off the confession with that sentence.” “That is because of poor and uninspired writing techniques. Plus, you know that I would never cheat on you....

1 year ago
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Tokyo Motion doesn’t sound terribly dirty on the surface, so there are a lot of plausible excuses if your wife or your boss finds the site in your browser history. You could say you were just researching the logistics of people getting from place to place in the most populated prefecture of Japan, for example, or that you thought it was a tech company specializing in conveyor belts for sushi. They’ll never guess the real reason you were visiting the site: you’re a dirty pervert with a thing for...

Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Aunty Ki Mast Chudai

Hi i am Sahil & mein ISS ka reguler rider hu age 24 meai ek chote se gaon me rehta hu mein gujarat ka rehne wala hu mujhe aunty & bhabhiya bahut pasand ha98i. Dosto mei jabh meri baju wali shital aunty ko dekhta hu mera lund lohe ki tarha khda ho jata hai or jee karta hai abhi chod du dekho uska naam lete hi mera khada ho gya hai wow dosto kya lagti hai wo ekdam mast maal lagti hai uske bade bade boobs ubhari hui gaand uski gaan dekhle to kisi ka bhi khada ho jayega dosto ab aapko bor na karte...

2 years ago
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The Fate of Ankneela 3

...Ankneela rested, mind still whirling as she tried to make sense of these unexpected developments. But there were no answers, and eventually her eyes closed, and she slept unguarded in her hut...In the morning the young girl arrived with her food and drink, but things were subtly different. Instead of just coming in, she called from outside and waited for Ankneela’s response before entering. She still smiled to see Ankneela, but she also bowed before setting the food on the floor. Then she...

4 years ago
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The ForcePart 16

When Susan's parents came out to the farm to collect her, Aunt Paula and Uncle Jack were there to greet them, as were the rest of us. Susan made a point of taking her parents to the 'brag area' Uncle Jack and Aunt Paula had put up about me. Both of them came away from it looking more than a little surprised and impressed. Uncle Jack and Aunt Paula shooed the girls and me outside so they could talk with Susan's parents - it being pretty obvious that that was something her folks wanted to...

3 years ago
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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 14

Master Carl awoke in the guest room of Rose House to the very pleasant sensation of someone kissing his face. “Sir?” Heather’s red hair was a halo around her face. “You asked me to wake you if you slept till seven.” It took a few attempts to get his voice to work. The word “Coffee” came out as a croak the first time but he still got the message across. Heather had a large mug of the lifesaving liquid ready for him when he managed to sit up and swing his feet over the side of the bed. He did...

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Busty French Study Partner continued

...So, This geeky christian-conservative girl with huge swinging tits has been on my mind for like two years of high school at this point. For as long as I've known her it's been hard to get close, some awkward tension between us. Probably because I came on too strong for a girl like that, or not strong enough in equal measure... In any case, it was a new school year, and now I had her in my last period French class. I elbowed my way to a chair one row over and immediately behind her, to...

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A boyfriend gambles away everything he has, including his girlfriend.I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd - watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too. I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn't concern me when he stopped winning at poker and...

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Only Women Do That Chapter 1

(c) Copyright 2012, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Only Women Do That, Chapter 1 By Leslie Lowe Lynn Simpson was a young man in his twenties who had always been blessed- -or cursed, he sometimes thought--with unnatural beauty for a man, thin and petite, with a beautiful complexion and sexy blue eyes with long lashes any woman would envy. He took a new job as the accountant for a medium-sized construction company surrounded by manlier men. He...

4 years ago
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Suma And Sunil Gave Me A Wonderful Experience In Bed

Hi guys, this is a short sex story. I am Kiran here real name 24 yrs from Karnataka fact of my cock size is 7 inch long and 2 inch width , I ‘m a regular reader of Indian sex stories .. I really like stories of couples, incest, group now I am coming to the story where I came for three some. His name is Sunil age 31 his wife Suma age 24 her stats are 32 28 32 superb boobs & ass they have 1 kid who stay in grand ma home. Once I was searching in locanto for couples who seeking for three some and I...

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My Husbands Cock in Chasity PT2

Steve got his wish yesterday. I locked up his cock and teased him mercilessly. His evening ended with me rubbing his cock to the edge and then ruining his orgasm. After I locked him back up, he spent the rest of the night attending to my every need. He wanted to desperately make me happy in hopes that I would unlock him again and give him a proper orgasm. This was not going to happen soon. I had decided that I wanted him to suffer for a while. I did not understand why Steve wanted his cock...

2 years ago
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A bisexual girl goes back to college and seduces a young freshman

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); After four wild years in high school I’d already had enough of partying, immature boys and sexual experimentation. I decided not to go to college, where so many confused teenagers go to “find themselves”, because I’d already sewn my wild oats, so to speak. I knew that there was more to life than getting drunk, and my sexual preference tended towards older partners (men and women) rather than teenage...

5 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 412

The Mission ... Both were tempted to use their suits’ drive units, but they knew that would alert the Throme if anything would. Scrambling down, they were soon in the water. A hundred meters out, they saw a glint of movement coming toward them just under the surface. “Let’s go home,” Arlene said to her partner. As soon as the hatch closed and even before they were out of the airlock, the AI had them moving away from land. “Oh, I so want to get out of this suit,” Arlene grumped a few...

2 years ago
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My wife fingers me and feeds me my cum

My wife and I had hit a rut in our marriage. We were fine but out sex had become dull and boring. It was neither of our faults, its just that neither of us were willing to put the effort into pushing the boundaries. It happens at some point in all marriages and outs was no different. We just got caught up in our work and in our lives, and failed to pay attention to the little things that matter so much. So I decided to take a chance at rejection and have some fun.One night I decided to be the...

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Jessica 3

I was awakened early —farmer’s daughter, got-to-milk-the-cows early— and she wouldn’t tell me why. She just sent me off to my own place, told to shower, shave and pull the car around.She had me headed west toward the college. I rarely went that way except when I had a craving for deep fried country chicken as there was a great place near the college. There was also fairly well stocked used book store to spend a few hours sorting through all the garbage they make k**s read today to find the...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity At Tuition

Hi to all Indian sex stories readers, this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last sex story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 24 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. All readers can contact me through This is one of reader’s experiences fucking her girl friend for first time in tuition. I will be narrating the story on behalf of my reader. Hi all my name is Naresh (Name changed). This is my experience...

2 years ago
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First time with Teen Crush

The story is true but the names have been changed. This is my first attempt at writing about my memories. Angie and I dated for almost 4 years before she went back to my ex-best friend to marry him. That didn’t last. We were both 17 at the time. Angie was my best friend’s girlfriend and off limits, or so I thought. Angie and Pat had dated for the past year and I had heard stories from Pat about their bedroom activities. It turned out that Angie loved sex as much as he did and seemed to like it...

2 years ago
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The Rivers Lodge on the HillChapter 3

I could guess what the conversation would be in the house when I got into my truck and drove off. They would be saying things did not go as I wanted them to, so I ran away. I did run away. I hadn't given the real reason. I know a person is not supposed to eavesdrop, but I inadvertently had. The night I saw Brenda in bed with Charlie I could have gotten beyond what she had done. However, later that night when she woke Charlie up after sleeping several hours she had said, "Charlie, this is...

4 years ago
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Bridgets Days Ch 05

(Buda, 1620) I leaned back into the padded wooden chair I was slumped in and drank another swallow of mulled wine. The thick fog from the night air seemed to linger in my lungs, non-functional though they were. It had masked my silent passage through the night, slipping out after dusk and returning a few hours later having carefully fed. By ‘carefully’ I mean that no one had seen me and that I had left everyone alive, just a bit woozy from the loss of a pint or so of blood. I took another sip...

4 years ago
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One night when his charge was pretty high, Micro-Farad decided to find a cute little coil to saturate. He picked up Milli-Amp and took her for a ride on his megacycle. They rode over Wheatstone bridge, around the sine waves, and stopped by a flowing current. They walked over to Magnetic field and sat down. Micro-Farad, attracted by Milli-amp’s characteristic curves, soon had her resistance at a minimum, and her field fully excited. He laid her on the ground potential, raised her frequency,...

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