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Here is my new story. It's about a guy that goes to egypt. Something happens in a pyramid. Jack starts to have some health difficulties once and a while. Seeing a doctor he is diagnosed with a stomac flu, but is it ? Authors are free to exploit this idea for new story under the condition that they mention that the basic idea is mine. This and all my other stories may be filed and put on other sites and archives on the internet if anyone thinks s/he should do that, but only when they keep the story, title and author name together. Stomac Flu By JC Arby Shortly after the explosion we knew we were trapped in the pyramid. The great hall was sealed again and we were probably never be seeing the sky anymore. All four of us were trying to find secret switches to enable us to exit. Nothing worked so far. We were about to give up when Jason called that he'd probably found it. a bit relieved we walked to him. He hit the switch he found and fell into snake pit. Damn, this should have been it, now we're really lost as Jason was our only guide who could decypher the scripts on the walls. Three of us were left. I blamed myself for letting me talked into this. We were just tourists in Egypt visiting the famous pyramids. The official guide stressed upon us that none should leave the group as the pyramid has some dangerous mazes and boobytraps. One guy got smart and talked us into an excursion of our own. All went well untill the explosion occurred. Why was I so stupid to leave the group. Did I need the kick or what ? Now I probably die of starvation and none knows where I am right now. We were glad that there were not any women with us as we were now able to prevent anyone from panicking. The last thing we just needed was a hysterical woman with us. The three of us kept trying to find another switch. The big hall we were in contained serveral statues of probably pharao's and their mistresses. Then I noticed one difference between the statues. One of the female statues had naked breasts. Maybe one of her nipples might be a switch, I thought. So I went for it. I pressed on the left nipple... Nothing happened. Then on the right nipple... It gave way. Is this the one ? The a flash of electricity threw me from the statue with quite a force. The force was so big that I was smashed to another statue that gave way too ! Underneath was a hidden staircase ! The flash was so bright that it blinded the three of us for a while. We were saved ! We walked down the stairs and ended in a corridor a tourist guide was just telling his story to a bunch of other tourists. We went straight for the exit to get some water. After refreshing our selves in the restrooms, we headed straight back for our hotels. We have been lucky and should be thankful that we escaped alive, which is quite extraordinary. The rest of the day I slept, just to come to my senses again. Tomorrow will be a long day as we have to fly home again. The next morning I woke up and enjoyed breakfast as never before. I said good bye to my companions in distress, checked out of the hotel and went for the airport. Again I was lucky, the plane was on time and it wasn't overbooked. Back in good old England I had to adjust to the extreme difference in weather and temperature. Egypt had been 30 degrees Celsius, London at this time was minus 10 degrees. I must confess that a cold didn't raise any suspicions at this moment. The cold got to my stomac so I went to see a doctor. I explained that sneezing and some presure on my ears were okay with me, I knew it was the drill. But that my stomac hurts in a strange way that I haven't experienced before was something I wanted to talk to a doctor about. My doctor reassured me that it was perfectly normal for a stomac flu so I needn't worry a bit. Just sleep it off and you'll be fine in a day or two he told me. I was happy he was right, two days later all was back to normal again. I started working again on Monday and my collegues complimented me of losing weight during my holidays. I really hadn't noticed but the told me my face looked thinner and my beerbelly had shrunk considerably. I even started to show a slim waist again instead of roles of fat in that area. That evening I weighed myself just to check whether my collegues were just kidding around with me or that I really lost some weight. WOW, I can't believe this ! I am 6ft tall, and only weighing 68 kg. I lost some 7 kg. I couldn't believe it. My collegues had been right about my weight and I didn't really notice, how's that for a change ! Okay, some of my clothes started to fit a bit baggy, but I always wear my clothes baggy anyway. About four weeks later I had that same unpleasant feeling in my tummy again. I also had lost some more weight again and thought I even had become smaller, but of course this couldn't be, or could it ? This can't be a stomac flu, I now concluded, so I went to see the doctor again. "My,my, have you changed !", the doctor exclaimed. Looking in his eyes I saw that he really couldn't believe what he saw. He asked me to strip leaving my boxers on. I was told to stand tall again the wall so he could measure me. After that I was weighed again. Astonishing results we being told to me. I was now 5ft 9 and only weiging 63 kg. Neither one of us could believe this. I can't have shrunk 3 inches in a month or so. It's just impossible ! When I was told to put my clothes on again, I walked to the changing booth with my back turned to the good old doctor. When I was dressed again I walked to his desk and sat down to hear what he had to say. "Well, Mr. Robins, something very strange is going on with you. When you turned your back on me I couldn't help noticing that you've got quite a curvy ass. If I hadn't see the front of you I would have thought I'd seen a woman walk to that booth. I think it's best to run some blood tests before we continue. So it was done. He took some blood samples of me and had it tested. The results would come in two weeks. The unpleasant feeling in my tummy ceased in just two days and everything just went on as usual. Then one day I was called at work by my doctor who requested me to visit him soon to discuss the results of my blood testing. "Can't you just tell me on the phone", I asked him. But he refused to tell me what the results are, so I had to visit him again. In his office we went though the same drill as the last time I'd seen him. My height and weight were measured and to my relief it hadn't changed a bit since the last time. Although my hips might have widened a bit, but I am not sure as my baggy clothes don't let me feel it really. "Well, Mr. Robins, the results of you blood testing were a huge surprise to me. I even tested it three times over, just to be sure I didn't make any mistake. But looking at you I am absolutely possitive no mistake has been made.", he started. "Come on, doctor, what's going on. Don't beat around the bush, just tell me, please !", I pleaded. "Well, Mr. Robins, you're blood sample undenyably explains the pain you felt in your tummy, and I must add that it will return in a week or two. Your body is developing female characteristics and having a period is just one of them. When we took your blood sample, you were having a period.", the doctor explaned. "No !!! This can't be, I am a man and men don't have periods. And I certainly am not developing female characteristics. You must be mistaken doctor !", I exclaimed. "I wish I were, Mr. Robins, I wish I were", my good old doctor replied. "But you see, it is realy happening to you. Look at you ! Just look and tell me what you see ! You will see a very narrow waist and wide hips. On top of that I noticed today that your areola expanded considerably, which means that you might be developing breasts.", the doctor told me. "What should I do doctor", I started to panick a little. "Well I recommend that we commit you in a hospital to observe you more, let things develop as they will and then decide what to to. But first we have to find out why this is happening, before we take some action", he replied. "But that may mean that I my appearance would become female, this can't be !", I screamed. All in all the doctor persuaded me commit into a hospital to be observed. So I was commited immediately. None of the doctors could believe what was happening to me, so I started to feel like a guinypig. Tests proved that my insides were also female. I even had a womb ! In a few weeks the doctor's expectations had become fact. I indeed had grown breasts, firm C-cups I should add, and all other appearances had become female, exept for Mr. Willy of course. It was quite an embarrassing experience as people started to call me miss, when I walked through the hospital corridors in my hospital gown. Then the pain started again, worse than before. The menstrual blood must have clotted too much the doctors concluded and an operation was necessary to make sure I would die of blood poisoning. Too late... I passed out and went into a coma. An emergency operation was performed and some tough decissions were made by the doctors... Two weeks later I awoke from my coma, finding my girlfriend sitting at the edge of my bed, crying. "You're awake", she exclaimed crying. "Yeah, I guess I am", I said in my high pitched voice. We had some talk about how I felt and how she was holding up, when she finally told me she would never see me agian. "Why", asked. "Now everything's over things can be corrected", I said. "I can be me again, it will just take some time", I pleaded. "No, you can't, you're a girl now and I am not a lesbian", Natasja cried. "What are you talking about ? You know as well as I do that I just look like a girl but can still perform", I said grasping for my groin. "No, when you went into a coma they had to save your live and doing so they had to take your Willy away, you now only have a pussy, just like me". My face turned red when I heard that and I couldn't find my dick between my legs. Just some space between my legs, some nothingness, some void, a pussy. "Jack, I have to leave now, I can't see you again as this is to weird for me. By the way your weird friends from Egypt are here to see you", she said when she left the room. Somehow I didn't like the sound of her last remark. As soon as she left the two guys I had been trapped with in Egypt entered my room. Both had suffered some weird changes but not as bad as me. Ronald's face had become more feminine as his cheekbones had changed a lot and his skin had become much smoother and softer than the way I'd known him. It wasn't hard to spot that he didn't need a shave anymore. I was surprise by his high pitched voice. The rest of his body was just the same as the last time I'd seen him. A tall, muscular guy like a bodybuilder, some hair on his chest and and the right genitals in place. It was a weird sight to see such a guy that is used to do his work as a bouncer with a nightclub with a female head on his torso. Keefer, still sounded as the Keefer I'd known. His face and voice was still the same, just like his high and other features. Except he had grown female breasts. It was Keefer who started talking. "Jack, we're sorry what happened to you. When my boobs started to grow on me I had them removed with surgery, but inexplicably they keep returning even a cup larger than the ones I had removed. It started with B-cups, now I am a D-cup and I know that removeing these will turn me into an E-cup, so I guess I keep these as they are. When this happened I started to search for causes and after a long thought I thought thst the pyramid might have got something to do with this. I decided to look for both of you. When I found Ronald I knew I was right. Ronald too, has tried to undo his changes too, but it gets worse and worse all the time when he tries. We heard from the doctor that you have started to menstruate since you were back and that the clotting of blood inside you was causing your health problems and could even have cost your life. You are thinking of suing the hospital, but believe me, they did you a favour by removing your dick !" I have been listening to all he said very patiently, but this was too much ! "You think they did me a favour by giving me a pussy ?! I just lost my girlfriend, I will never ba able to fuck a woman again, I have to sit when I pee and have my monthly period and you say they did me a favour ?!", I raged. "Unbelievable as it sounds, yes they did. You have seen it with me... when I removed my boobs, I got larger ones, so if you removed your womb and had kept your dick, I wouldn't been surprised when you'd have woken up next to your girlfriend with boobs and a pussy anyway. They just spared you from such event that was inevitably going to happen anyway. You're lucky that you are all-girl and not being a man just having the appearances of a girl and not being able to do anything about it", Ronald continued. I started sobbing, as I don't want to be a woman. I want to enjoy my male privileges, I don't want to have all those female inconveniences. After they'd comforted me Ronald and Keefer said good bye as there was nothing else to be said. Two days passed and I was about to be released from the hospital. My lawyer had arranged new identity papers for me and with these I left the hospital in a dress I borrowed from a nurse. At home I was surprised to see Natasja who evidently hadn't left afterall. She had decided to stay and teach me how to be a girl. The first week was they worst as I was looking like a pretty girl that moved and acted like a man. But after a few weeks I was used to most female things, except for peeing that I now had to do sitting. On thing she could't convince me to quit doing. Every morning when I woke up -naked- and I had to pee, I walked to the bathroom, I stood there with my legs parted with each foot on the other side of the bowl I had to pee in a standing position. It worked differently from the time when I was a man, but still, the thought was all that counted. After several weeks I was getting used to being a girl, when Natasja seemed to become more muscular. As she wasn't really someone who likes to work out, both of us wondered why her body was becoming more and more that of a bodybuilder. As with all female bodybuilders, her breasts started to shrink and then disappear in just a few weeks time. We started to worry when her period - I was a bit jealous as I would give a lot not to have a period for a change - didn't come and then decided to go to the hospital to get her a checkup. I stood by her side when she entered the doctor's office. At the gynacologist she reluctantly removed her clothes and lay down on the table placing her legs in the restraining holsters. The whole checkup including the internal one took one hour. "I am sorry miss, but did you ever have a period in your life", the gynacologist asked Natasja. "Well, yes of course I did. Ever since I was 12 years old I have had periods with heavy bleeding and heavy cramps", Natasja aswered a bit offended. "Well, I do not intend to offend you but that is hard to believe as you do not have a womb or anything inside. In fact the only feminine thing about you is the fact that your are lacking a penis", the doctor answered. Shocked, both of us went home. After this encounter we didn't have much time to adjust to the thought of why might be next, as one morning I woke up with Natasja on top of me probing her new cock into my pussy. Both of us cried, first of shock, then because of joy. We were made for each other and now we could have a sexual relationship again. All day long we experimented with all kinds of sexual fantasies. Never in my life I had imagined to sit on a cock with my pussy encircling it. The sensation of a cock getting deeper and deeper in me was fantastic, but as Natasja often had complained when she was a girl, I couldn't cum without extra stimulation on my clitoris. Natasja turned into a very masculin man and we married 6 months after completion of her transformation. That day I have been a girl for a year and was completely accustomed of all the positive and negative aspects of it. I continued to pee in a standing position when I woke up until my pregnancy made that impossible for me. But when the baby is born I intend to continue where I left off. It's the only thing I will never really accept. Missing this equipment has really confronted me with the inconvenience when you have to go and no toilets are around. Now I soon will have to push a baby though the gap between my legs. At this moment I am really regretting that I am a girl as delivering a baby through my cunt hurts like hell and nothing they say at this moment can comfort me. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. (fin)

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Limitless Wishes Dajinni and the Wish Flurry

[Edited version. Thanks a lot to Catfish who did a great job at painstakingly pointing out thousands of minor and major errors!] ==== Chapter One: Dajinni ===== I walked home from school. The P.E. class had run late, so it was already 5 PM. I was alone, too - my best friend Maputo had skipped the afternoon classes. It was my birthday - I was eighteen as of today. So I was pretty sure I knew what was going on: Maputo was preparing a surprise for me at home. Just as I crossed...

4 years ago
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Bikinis and Bad Influences

I intended to be a good girl, I swear! But it was all her and our mutual faults! It wasn’t me, honest! All I did was dress in cutoffs, no panties, and a t-shirt and go about my business. They led me astray. First, she had to chat with me about my weekend and give me tips and pointers and descriptions that got me so worked up that I had to touch myself right at the front counter at work. The poor guy browsing books thought that I was all turned on by him! If he had stuck around after I declined...

4 years ago
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It was a Fluke

"Okay, is everyone here?" the director of the Marine Mammal Unit began. "Yes? Good. I'll keep this short as I can, people. As you all know, Cocoa will be giving birth very soon. This is her first birthing and we want to make damn sure the calf doesn't drown. I know you all remember the Florida fiasco. Cocoa's being born and raised here at Seaworld means she has none of the parenting skills she would have learned living in a pod. I want watch volunteers to stay with her during the off...

2 years ago
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A Corrupting Influence

You are fundamentally a good person, not many people would deny that. You are generally kind, perhaps even more so than the average joe. But inside there is a seed, a seed of something darker. Perhaps fantasies you are ashamed of, thoughts you wish you didn’t have, and certainly would never act on…or would you? Corrupting influence is about giving such people access to a little power, the ability to subtly control people, and nudge them in directions more to their liking. The catch to this...

Mind Control
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A Bad Influence

Tara Reid was a bad influence on Lindsey Lohan. At least that’s what the tabloids and the celebrity web sites had been saying. Lindsey had been the wholesome Disney girl until she had filled out and started hanging out with Tara. Now every night was filled with clubbing, drinking, smoking and other things the paparazzi’s cameras didn’t catch. * * * * * The door to Tara’s huge hotel room opened and the blonde and red head entered the room, laughing loudly as they stumbled in. They had been...

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Never mind our ages. Nicole was quite a few years older than me, which less than pleased my parents who wished I had a friend around my own age. She was already labeled a bad influence on me. My parents were pretty narrow in their thinking. I rebeled against this in my own way by refusing to be pushed into an identity that was not me. Nicole really awakened this from me, brought out of the shadows of fantasy, and physicalized it. In short I accepted who I wanted to be. I am a lesbian. ...

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The Bad Influence

Please Note : If you are below 18, you are not allowed to read this story. It is not a true story.Before you read the story, please remember it is not my fantasy. The story lines seem more realistic and reasonable.This is written in short drama to complete the whole story. But it's full version might be released later. In the new version, there will be change in the story but the whole story will remain same. Before I start the full version, I would like to expect few feedback from reader. So...

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I'm lying back, back..on my backside, twiddling, fumbling, playing with my clitoris. I'm alone, lonely, stroking my past and my future, alone on a Friday night, remembering better times. The hood seems lonely, unprotected, unwanted and bare. I stroke him gently, the prince under the shadow of my glare. I feel guilty, he rises cautiously, pokes around, then stands proudly out, defiant, until I stroke him gently, causing a reddening doubt and spurt. I gasp as I feel his powerful surge, he takes...

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The Royal Flush

** BEGIN RECORDING ** Personal log, John Doe Date 82.11.4059 Hador System "So much has happened these last couple of days, so much has changed. I always thought Eldren would live forever; he'd retire, and I'd take over the business. I guess the business and the ship are both mine, now. We tracked that bastard Borthal to a watering hole on Hador II, a shithole world in a shithole system. I'd seen the pictures and the vids, but that was the first time I'd seen a Crol in person. The lizard-head...

2 years ago
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Hot KofeChapter 7 Royal Flush

Kofe didn’t quite understand what was happening. Miller had been ready to crack, he had been leaning into her arms, his erection tenting the fabric of his towel in an unspoken invitation. Just when she thought that she had gotten the better of him, and that he was about to beg her to relieve his mounting pressure, he had stopped the encounter dead in its tracks. Upon leaving the booth, he had seemed perfectly calm and collected, in full control of himself despite the torture that she had...

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Bad Influence

Adding chapters to this story is encouraged. When writing a chapter keep in mind that Kim shouldn't be able to turn May back to her old ways overnight. It'll take time to get May back to her old slutty self. Pretty much anything goes in terms of story paths. A path where Kim winds up failing? go for it. Kim can do anything to get May back and May can be dragged through a lot (in due time of course). As for Kim's reminiscing, i'll add those chapters throughout as her plan to re-corrupt May...

4 years ago
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Power of Influence

Mark groaned as he woke up, looking over at the clock realizing he was late, cursing as he got up and sped around the empty house to get ready for school. Having stayed up all night playing video games, and jacking off, it was no surprise that he overslept. He was an average teenager, with an average build, an average penis size, but an over active sex drive. Being a virgin, it was no surprise that all he did was jerk is cock over all of the women he could. He was an only child who lived with...

Mind Control
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Bad Influence

Alistair sat on the edge of his bed and listened to the voices going up and down the corridor. Part of him desperately wanted to join in, but he was shy and didn't have a clue how to start.He'd arrived on Sunday and everyone else had got there on the Saturday, so by the time he was settled in with all his stuff unpacked, all the others on the corridor had got to know each other and were already partying hard.Whenever he'd thought about university it had always been with some misty-eyed view of...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 36 A Bad Influence

December 1981, Chicago, Illinois I really should have guessed that what Jennifer was saying was prompted by a girlfriend who saw me as a competitor, but I had to know if it was just Jocelyn, or if it was from Jennifer’s therapist as well. “And not your therapist?” I asked. “No. The reason Doctor Clauson didn’t want me to come is because she knows how I feel about you and that you’re in a serious relationship with Kara. She’s afraid that I’ll have a serious setback, or do something stupid...

4 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 22 Sphere of Influence

Confederacy Navy Major Matt Schlemmer burst from his ready room onto the bridge of his charge, CSS Barnegat, hull number LFR-003. The meeting he'd just had with Commodore Swanson and that Payne fellow had been eye-opening, and a little scary. He'd been told what his ship's weapons could accomplish if handled in a certain way. He wasn't sure he wanted to handle his vessel's weapons in that certain way at all. He had one other concern in addition to those planted there from this meeting...

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Children of the LightChapter 12 Orbits and Influence

The dinner with the 'Fleet Officers' as I was thinking of them went well. Arden and Constantine were besides themselves with the excitement of finally getting to share their research with military thinkers, and the newcomers, though they had heard him speak during the history part of our presentation, were amazed to get a chance to meet an artificial being. Andy and Serenity were also a big hit, and not just because of their precociousness and their uniqueness. In addition to Stephen...

6 months ago
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I am a bad influence

Ok, so it has been a while since I last posted. For those of you who don’t know, in the past I have written about me real life experience in how I have gone from a normal housewife, living in Sydney Australia with a professional job in the corporate world, to meeting other couples for sex and getting paid to play. This is my little secrete and hubby does not know anything about these other activities. While to still do play on the side, this story is more about how I have corrupted my best...

Cheating Wife
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Royal Flush

Prince William looked around his room nervously; the sexy Lucinda had draped her sexy body over the chair at the corner of the room. Even though he was just a couple of days away from being crowned king of Britain, at the mere age of 19, he was still nervous around women. He coughed nervously and asked Lucinda meekly if she would like a drink. “A glass of whiskey please” she answered politely. He rang the bell and his butler was at the door immediately, Prince William ordered for him to bring...

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FirebrandChapter 7 Royal Flush

“Why do you suspect Elysiedde?” Moralez asked as he walked between Boyd and Lorza, the trio heading towards the recreation center. “Elysians don’t really do the whole assassination thing, they’re all about honor and tackling their problems head-on. They’d probably call the practice cowardly if anything.” “What people say in public and what they do in private are rarely congruent,” Boyd replied. “Even a warrior culture will abandon their honor and duty if it means accomplishing an important...

1 year ago
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Darcy And Dad

100% fiction! Mom had lost her battle with breast cancer five years earlier. Dad was still experiencing grief and seemed to be having difficulty adjusting to life as a widower. After all, they had been happily married for 25 years, having met as teenagers. Essentially their adult life together was the only one that either of them had ever known. Watching dad struggle emotionally through the months and years following mom’s passing was heartbreaking. Dad remained in my parents’ home out in the...

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A chance

A chance by kittynor Note: Coming back to writing after a long time. The writing might seem rusty. Please leave your feedback as it would help me better myself. Thank you. "Mark, I am going out shopping. You want anything for yourself?" Cynthia asked. "No dear, I am fine. You enjoy your day, okay?" Mark said, as he kissed his wife goodbye. "Sure will. See ya later," Cynthia said and helped herself out. Mark...

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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 2

Leroy Allen Marks was a large and imposing man. He rose when Trent was ushered into his office and stepped forward too offer his hand. "Mr. Lyons. I can't tell you what a privilege it is to finally meet you. Your exploits are legendary." Mr. Marks was a wealthy and powerful man, a legend himself. Trent thought his greeting was over-effusive. Marks waved Trent to the large, richly upholstered leather sofa that sat along one wall. "Please, have a seat. Would you like coffee?...

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An Impossible Request

You are a 19 year old boy, recent graduate from High School, searching for a college to go to. Your parents got divorced years ago and your sister, Abby, is 20 years old and already at college. So you live along with your 39 year old mother in a small two bedroom apartment in the city. It's not an ideal situation for a horny young man but you've gotten by so far and your mom is very loving and caring so there's plenty of perks there. Your mom always wakes you up with a fresh breakfast, gives...

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420 Reasons to Fuck

My new friend, Jeff, finished packing his large rainbow colored bong with a fresh load of sticky, resiny weed. My head buzzing from the bong hits we'd already taken, I watched him light up and inhaled deeply, then hold the smoke in his lungs. In my stoned haze, I looked at his buff physique. Jeff was an inordinately good looking man, lithe muscles bulging in a tight tank top, dark hair and darker eyes and intense features, someone who, if he had been born as a woman, most any man would have...

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my fantasy18

when u walk in2 the bedroom i slide submissively 2 my knees on the floor & wait 4 u 2 approach... i smile very wickedly as i stare in2 your eyes & lick my lips luridly... as u move up closer & stand directly in front of me i slide my wet tongue across your lower abdomen then i lick slowly downward & boldly claim my meaty prize... i grasp the thick base of your luscious cock & slide my tongue all over the fat & rubbery glans while i slowly stroke your girthy shaft with my...

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Daddy Gives Me A Present

Introduction: Girl gets a late-birthday present from her father My panting increased as my fingers quickened their pace on my clit. The soft throbbing of my young pussy urging me to go on, to climax and take me to euphoria. As sounds of my tight wet pussy grew louder with my moans, I listened to him huskily breathe into my ear everything he wanted to do to me: suck my hard little nipples, sink his thick cock to the hilt in me while mommy was watching, to dig his nails down my back until I bled...

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A Very Good Toilet Fucking

1.) How it all started, well, I think.If the truth be told, I am even hornier to meet in real life, than my page on here, in xHamster displays. I love fucking and masturbation. Right now at this very moment, I am writing this story, so you men will hopefully, get your dicks out and wank off, thinking about me. That's the prime reason for me being on here.My daddy, when I was a girl, brought men back to our flat and told me to tease them, usually serving them beers, in a loose fitting top so...

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first time on a train

It was a cool November night, two of my cousins and me were just leaving a house party and could not decide what to do next. I was new to this hanging out thing, my parents pretty much kept me under lock and key. But when I spent the summers at my grandmother's house I had all the freedom in the world. We stopped by a store and got some beer when my cousin Blue says " Yo let's call up Snowy and get her to fuck!". My other cousin Black looks at me and asks "you down?". I respond " Hell yeah". In...

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Red Frilly panties

(Part of my adventure, one of many sneaky enconters with dirty men in the chattrooms of the early 2000´s)Red Frilly Panties//Beeing young and dumb i found comfort in the older type "dominant women". In hindsight i realize they where probably men using diffrent nicknames ... This has some darker aspects to it that i leave for now but i was smart enugh not to give out any personal information so i was "safe".//Any submissive guys curious about panties?Does anyone want to role play as the girl?And...

4 years ago
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Experiencing The Unexpected

I was desperate for a piss, one, or several beers too many does that to you, well it does to me anyway. I wandered through the crowds, squeezing though narrow gaps between people talking and dancing. Trying to edge closer to the toilets, which was easier said than done in this bar.I was in a good place mentally, smiling to myself and having fun, it had been a hard but successful day at work. Of course, I was quite aroused, had been all evening really. Dark lighting, beer, music and hot women in...

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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 13 Sunday

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead," whispered Sandy, in his ear. "That's debatable," moaned Derek, still half asleep. "It is a beautiful spring morning. Let's go for a run." "I'm happy here," he said, rolling over so his face was in the pillow. "Come on, lazy bones." "Tell you what. You do that running thing and I'll do the sleeping thing, 'kay?" "Alright, you'll never know all the fun you are missing." "Whatever," he groaned as he fell back asleep. "Morning, Baby,"...

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