This version 13th October, 1999. Chapters 17-20 added, some minor
revisions to earlier chapters (a couple of descriptions, typos, spelling etc).
This is only the second story I've ever written. It's still incomplete.
I hope you like it.
Feel free to archive or otherwise distribute, provided it (and this preamble) is
unedited and no fee is charged for access. This story may not be distributed
from any site that charges money, is members-only, or uses that ridiculous
"adult check" thing (or any similar system).
All rights reserved by the author, who can be contacted at
[email protected]
Marcia and Me
by Rebecca A.
Chapter 1. Saturday.
"You have great skin," Marcia said to me when the song ended. I looked
over at her quizzically. We'd been lying on her living room floor listening to
a CD, both a little exhausted from her attempts to teach me to dance earlier in
the afternoon, and although I'd been staring at the ceiling while the song was
playing she'd obviously been looking me over. I blushed.
"You're so lucky," she continued. I spend all my time cleaning mine and I
still can't get it to look like that. And you're a boy."
It wasn't like Marcia Wilson was the ugliest girl in the neighborhood. She'd
had about three pimples the whole time I'd known her. That was about three
years, since Marcia had moved in next door. I was twelve then, she was
fourteen, and at first it seemed like we had nothing in common. I was a kid
compared to her worldly adolescence. Her brother Rob was a year older than
me, but he was a jock and he regarded me with some disdain. He and I
definitely had less in common.
I thought Marcia was smart and beautiful - more so as she got older. Her
mother and my mother became friends, and so from time to time one or the
other of us would go next door to find our moms and pass on phone
messages or tell them we were going out or something while our mothers
yakked half the day. That was when Marcia and I discovered we had similar
tastes in music, and started swapping CDs and tapes and spending time
together sharing whatever either of us had bought recently.
Not that I bought anything; it was all Marcia's contribution. Mom and I
weren't doing too well since Dad had left, and even though he still sent some
money I got the impression from Mom that it was irregular and really only
barely covered the mortgage, and when she got retrenched from her job her
savings were pretty much all we had to go on. Marcia's parents were rich, or
so it seemed to me. Their house was easily the biggest in the neighborhood.
It seemed Mrs. Wilson was always off shopping, sometimes taking Marcia
with her and returning with more new clothes than I'd ever seen. Marcia's
clothes wouldn't fit into the closet in her room. She had so many they also
filled the huge closet in the spare bedroom they had. Even her brother Rob
had more clothes than I'd ever seen, which was pretty funny for a guy his
age. From what I could tell Mrs. Wilson was worse, Marcia told me the
walk-in closet in her parents' room had barely any room for her father's
things at all.
"Well," I said, "I'm younger than you, I guess my skin will get worse in a
year or so." I decided to change the subject and got up to put on the new
Bjork CD, one of Marcia's favorites. I was a bit sensitive about the fact that I
hadn't really reached puberty yet. Fine hair had only just begun to show on
my legs and around my genitals, but that was about all that had happened.
Mom bought me a razor for my fifteenth birthday but I think that was more a
symbolic thing or something, I hadn't needed to use it yet. My skin was, as
Marcia had said a few moments ago, smooth as a five year old's.
Strangely enough I wasn't really in a hurry to go through all the changes that
were in store for me. I had noticed in the locker rooms at school the things
that had happened to the other guys in my year, and some of them seemed
pretty scary, or at least uncomfortable. I couldn't imagine myself ever
looking like that, though I knew I eventually would. I guessed that when it
happened the guys would start being a little kinder to me and not tease me
about my size and stuff so much. I didn't really get on too well with many of
them, or really any of them - in fact Marcia was easily my best friend even if
she did come up with some harebrained schemes that sometimes got us both
into trouble.
Mom had commented a couple of times over the last year or so that I didn't
seem terribly happy. She was pretty perceptive. I hadn't really been able to
figure it out myself, but every now and again I wondered why it was that life
just didn't feel right. It wasn't just school, it was... well, a lot of stuff. Lack
of confidence or something I guessed. I didn't say anything to Mom about
these feelings though, and I never told her how much I hated school. I never
liked to tell her stuff that would worry her.
Chapter 2. Saturday Morning.
The next Saturday Marcia was over at my place where I was taping her latest
CD purchases and she did it again. "You know, Chris, you're going to have
to get your hair cut soon, it's starting to frizz at the ends and pretty soon it'll
be as long as mine"
"Yeah, right," I said dismissively. My mom cut my hair the last time for my
cousin Beth's wedding cause she couldn't afford to send me to someone, and
she did such a terrible job I had vowed never to let her do it again. Because of
the bad cut in the first place it was pretty much a shaggy mess eight months
later, and did need a trim, but there wasn't much we could do about it short
of me putting myself at her mercy again. I was taking a bit of ribbing at
school about looking like Cousin It.
"Why don't you get it cut?" she asked.
"Well, if you must know, it's because I can't afford it." I said.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize things were that bad."
"It's okay, forget it."
"Sorry. It's just that you've actually got really beautiful hair, it would look
great if you tidied it up a little," Marcia said. Then, with that same look she'd
given me the week before, she said "Why don't you let me cut it?"
"Thanks, but no thanks. You'll do a worse job than my mom did" I snorted.
"Well, I wouldn't have to take much off it, you know, not a proper cut or
style or anything, just even it up and take off the split ends and stuff." I
obviously still looked doubtful, because she continued. "I did my friend
Joanie's a few weeks ago, you know it was just a matter of about a half inch
off in a straight line at the back, it was easy."
For some insane reason I suddenly thought "what the hell." I mean, I was
eventually going to get it cut a lot shorter anyway, so if she just cut it a little I
figured I could have any mistakes she made cut out later. And if she really
screwed it up my mom would have to send me to a professional rather than
risk making it worse herself. Which would be okay, I was kind of ready for
short hair again. Life had been kind of boring lately, so taking a small risk
like that seemed okay.
"Just even the ends up, right?" I said.
"Yes, I promise."
Pretty soon I was sitting on a stool in her bathroom. Her brother Rob was out
with his new girlfriend, Tanya, and Marcia's folks were off shopping for a
new car, so we had the place to ourselves. I sat there waiting for her to begin.
"Take off your shirt," Marcia said.
"Why? You're cutting the hair on my head, right, not my chest!" I spluttered.
"You don't have any hair on your chest," she said. I blushed, and she said
apologetically "It's to stop the hair getting caught on your shirt and making
you itch. I'll get a t-shirt for you if you're worried about getting cold, you
can wear that instead and I'll just wash it when we're done."
She left and came back in with a t-shirt. I took off my shirt and pulled the one
Marcia gave me over my head. It was one of those scoop-neck things with
short capped sleeves, obviously a girl's top instead of a proper t-shirt.
"Very funny," I said. I guess one of Rob's was out of the question?"
It did look pretty silly, and Marcia grinned. "I don't go into Rob's room
unless I have too, he's funny about it. It's okay, it's only for a while." She
straightened my head so I faced her and said "Anyway, you look kind of
"Don't push your luck," I said.
Marcia combed my hair out and began trimming the ends. At first I couldn't
see what she was doing because of the hair hanging over my eyes, but it
didn't seem like she was cutting very much. Then she started spending a lot
of time on the bits hanging around my face. Finally she finished and stood
back. I turned, and saw past her to the mirror. Oh god, she'd given me
"That looks better," she said, obviously unaware that I could see what it
looked like.
"Yeah, if I was aiming to look like Angela McKinnon," I snorted. Angela
was a girl at school who was so Laura Ashley it was nauseating. "You'll
have to cut the rest of it now." I looked at the mirror again. It was kind of
weird, actually. I looked a lot like a younger version of my mom. I'd never
noticed that before.
"What do you mean?," said Marcia, in what I assumed was an attempt at
"It's a girl's cut, Marcia. Cut the sides a bit and it won't look so bad." I
started to reach for the scissors but she pulled them away.
"Well, I like it" Marcia smiled, as though assessing my hair for the first time.
"Do me a favour, will you?"
"What? I'm not going anywhere or anything, okay. Not until you fix this."
"No, nothing like that. But you should wash it. I'll finish cutting it, but I'd
just like to have some fun with it first, okay?" She had her best winning smile
coming up, I could see the beginnings of it.
"Fun?" I said suspiciously.
"Oh, come on, it'll be great. Let me see how this can look."
What the hell. I went and took a quick shower and washed my hair as per
Marcia's instructions. She handed me a bottle of conditioner with strict
instructions that I was to leave it on for at least ten minutes before rinsing and
applying a second conditioner. The stuff stank but I left it on as she asked.
As I was drying myself off Marcia knocked on the door and handed me a
robe to wear, something fluffy and white. The sleeves came down over my
hands, but it felt great to wear. I came out and sat at her dressing table while
she went to work.
After a bunch of gunk went into my hair she started to dry it, working it with
her fingers, then began to use a curling iron to wrap it into really big curls.
Halfway through she saw me looking at what she was doing in the mirror, so
she grabbed the towel I had used and draped it across the mirror so I couldn't
see. Before she got to drying off the hair over my eyes she stopped and
pinned it back, and then I saw her coming at me with a pair of tweezers.
"No way," I squeaked.
"It'll look completely natural, I promise. I'm just going to tidy them up a tiny
bit. You don't want to look like a monobrow, do you?"
That was carrying things a bit far. My eyebrows hadn't thickened at all yet, in
fact I think they were finer than hers. But as she bent over me I got a good
view down the front of her shirt, and a whiff of her smell, a clean, sweet
smell from whatever soap she used, and I succumbed. I didn't usually think
of Marcia in a really sexual way, but all this attention from her was starting to
have an effect on me. And it was all a little bit kinky, too, I thought, as I felt
her tug at a few eyebrow hairs. I'd worn women's clothes before, when I
was younger as a kind of joke when we got into the dress-up bin at school,
but I'd never tried to look like a woman. As Marcia surveyed the results of
her handiwork and went back to drying off my hair I began to wonder why it
was that I wasn't objecting quite so much to what she was doing. Did this
mean I was weird, or what?
She finished with my hair and stepped back to admire her work. I started to
get up to reach for the towel and pull it from the mirror, but she put her hand
on my shoulder and pushed me back down. "Unh Unh" she said. "Not until
I've finished."
"Aw, come on Marcia."
"Don't spoil it. It won't kill you to do this once. Besides, I think you like it."
I didn't say anything. She was right, and I couldn't lie to her, but I didn't
want to admit it. I was starting to feel really weird. If this didn't mean I was
queer, did it mean I was developing a crush on Marcia? I liked her and all
that, but... She brushed some pinkish-brown powder over my face, applied a
little eyeliner and mascara, then finally got me to purse my lips so she could
put some lipstick on me.
"Ta da!" Marcia said, pulling the towel from the mirror.
I was shocked. I had expected to see me in makeup, but that wasn't how
things looked at all. I looked like someone else. I looked older, but I looked
like a girl. Like a young woman. A lot like my mom in the photo of her and
Dad when they started dating that was still on the bookshelf in the living
room at home.
"Pretty good, huh?," said Marcia.
I was still reeling. My head was framed in a mass of hair, big curls cascading
down to my shoulders. It was a lot lighter than it had been, too. Blond.
Blonde. Except for the lipstick I didn't really look like I was wearing makeup
at all. In fact, I looked great. In the big fluffy bathrobe I realized with
something of a shock that I looked pretty. I looked like the kind of girl I'd
like to date.
"Uh, it's..." I really couldn't think of anything to say, and my voice trailed
"Yeah, you look good. Better than I look in that robe."
I raised my hand to my hair and patted it, then stopped, self-conscious that
what I had just done was what a woman does with her hair.
"I thought it needed a little lightening," said Marcia.
"Will it change back?" I asked, suddenly anxious. What was I going to do at
school on Monday? "Will it get darker when I wash it?"
"Not really, but if we cut it again people will just notice the change in length
more than the colour, so don't worry about it." I must have looked
unconvinced, because she shrugged and said "Time for the rest of it."
She strode over to the closet and began going through racks of clothes. "The
subtle casual look," she said, as she pulled out a short black skirt and a pretty
blue blouse. "Stand up," she commanded as she walked back to where I was
I did as she asked. She held the clothes up to me, as if assessing my size.
"You're looking kind of spacey, Chris," she said. "Lighten up"
"I'm okay," I said. " I was just kind of expecting to look a little different."
"Well, might as well go all the way, hey," she said, handing me the clothes. I
stood there holding them stupidly as she sorted through a couple of drawers
to find something else. Finally she handed me some lingerie and something
else made of black nylon. "Put these on underneath."
I hesitated. Finally Marcia realized that I was waiting for her to leave the
room before I changed.
"Oh, okay. Guess I wasn't thinking then. You really kinda look like a girl"
she said. "Do you need any help with any of that?"
I looked at the clothes in my hands. How complicated could they be? Marcia
stepped out of the room, then poked her head round the door to ask if I'd like
a soda. I said sure and she went downstairs to get some while I undressed.
I took off the robe and picked up the underwear. It was just a bra and panties.
I wondered briefly whether it was necessary to go to that length in this
experiment, then looked at the chair on the other side of the room where I'd
left my own clothes and realized that my own underwear had disappeared
anyway. So I tried the panties on. They felt pretty good, actually. I was kind
of surprised. I had thought maybe they'd be really uncomfortable, on account
of having to hold a little extra in. They bulged a little at the front, though only
a little. To make them more comfortable I adjusted myself, and tucked myself
back into them.
I caught another glimpse of myself in the mirror. That was too weird. I still
looked like a girl, only one with absolutely no chest, like someone had taken
a photo of a normal girl and then airbrushed out her breasts or something. I
realized my body was still underdeveloped enough that I just looked
immature rather than masculine. It was vaguely disconcerting, but somehow
kind of interesting, too.
Then I looked at the bra. There hardly seemed much point, really,
considering it wasn't going to be supporting anything, but I put my arms
through the straps and did it up. That was surprisingly easy, too, and it didn't
really feel that strange. I looked at the mirror again, and noticed that the bra
cups protruded just enough to give the illusion - at a casual glance - that I had
breasts. I pulled on the skirt, buttoned it at the side, then did up the blouse,
with some difficulty until I realized all the buttons were on the wrong side.
Well, the right side for a girl's blouse, but ...
Marcia came back into the room just as I was doing up the last of the buttons.
"Wow," she said, handing me the soda. "That was a good choice. Blue is
definitely your color."
I turned back to the mirror to look. Something was not quite right. Marcia
came over holding the bits of black nylon, which I recognized as stockings
now, and told me to put them on. They were solid black, and only came up to
mid-thigh. I'd seen the style around a lot, so I knew that was how they were
supposed to look. Marcia then came back over with a couple of flesh-colored
bits of nylon, and I looked at her with some puzzlement. She bent over me
and began to unbutton the top of my blouse. I sat rigid, wondering what was
going on, but she scrunched the nylon up into two balls and placed them in
the cups of the bra. "That's better," she said. "Not great, but it'll do for
now." I looked at the mirror again and saw that whatever it was that hadn't
been quite right was fixed now.
I should have been more wary of her words "for now," but as I looked at
myself in the mirror again I wasn't thinking about too much except that I
looked like someone completely different. I was a babe, there was no other
way to put it. It was the strangest feeling, to be me, but to be someone I'd
never met before.
"Well, what do you think?," Marcia asked. "Not bad for a quick makeover!"
"It's ... well, it's certainly different," I said, breaking into laughter. Marcia
began to laugh, too.
"If you were really a girl, I'd be jealous" she said. "As it is I think you're
pretty hot!"
I blushed, and looked at my feet.
"Oh yeah, shoes," said Marcia. She picked out a pair of low-heeled chunky
shoes and got me to try them on. "How do they fit?"
Actually they fit very well, though they were slightly on the big side for me.
"Try walking" said Marcia, and I did. The feeling of the skirt brushing
against my legs was interesting, it made me feel very conscious of what I was
wearing but it wasn't at all unpleasant. After I'd done two short trips across
the room she gathered up the now empty soda cans and led me down the
stairs. As we passed through the living space I was conscious that the huge
windows to the street gave anyone outside a good look in at me, and I was
suddenly acutely self-conscious. What if my mom looked across from our
Chapter 3. Saturday. Lunch Time.
Marcia fixed us both some lunch, a light salad. Ordinarily she would have
offered me more, I realized as I was eating. We began to chat about the
dinner Marcia was planning to cook for some friends next Friday evening
while her parents were away. Most of the kids at school would have just had
a big, raucous party, but Marcia had decided she wanted to do something
elegant, so she was holding a dinner party for her three best girlfriends from
school and they were each inviting a boy. I had kind of hoped when she
mentioned she was doing it that she might have asked me, but of course she
was going to ask Mike, the captain of the football team who Marcia was
quietly keen on.
As we talked, Marcia kept joking with me about how wonderful I looked,
about how I looked much better than I did as a boy. At first it was kind of
subtle, but then it started to get under my skin. Dammit, I was a boy, and I
mightn't have been some muscle-clad jock like her brother but I wasn't a total
failure at it. Things would change in a year or two, I knew they would. My
hormones just hadn't got into action properly yet.
"So, come here often?," she asked jokingly.
"No, I'm the shy and retiring type," I said.
"Yeah, right," said Marcia. "The way you look, you'd be a big hit
I wondered about that last comment. She wasn't thinking I was going outside
like this, was she? That wasn't part of the deal.
"When are your parents due home?," I asked, suddenly conscious of the
"Oh, not until at least five," Marcia said. "Unless Dad gets impulsive and
buys something sooner." I must have looked perturbed because she
immediately added "but you know him, he researches everything to within an
inch of its life"
"Well, I should get changed anyway," I said, standing up and taking our
plates across to the dishwasher.
"Not so fast," said Marcia. As I turned around she was holding a camera.
She opened the cover, aimed it at me, and squeezed the button. The flash
dazzled me, then dazzled me again. As she took photo after photo I began
striking poses. I did a particularly vampy look by the doorway to the living
room, then Marcia had me lie on the rug near the fireplace and try to look
sexy. "You do know how to look sexy, don't you?," she said, laughing.
I grabbed the camera from her and took a snap of her as she laughed, and
then she grabbed it back from me and we began to wrestle to see who could
get control of it. We were laughing and rolling on the floor when I suddenly
became aware that someone had just walked through the room. Marcia sensed
it, too, because she stopped attacking me and called out "Hello?."
Rob stuck his head back around through the door he'd just left through. "Hey
Sis, you looked like you were busy so I didn't interrupt" He was being
sarcastic. I always thought Rob acted like a jerk toward Marcia, but I guess
she gave as good as she got.
"I thought you were out with Tanya"
"She had a headache. Can you believe it?," said Rob. Marcia exchanged
glances with me, like "of course she had a headache, wouldn't you?." I
didn't respond, I was rigid with fear as I realized that Rob was going to have
this little adventure of Marcia's and mine all over school by lunchtime
Monday. Actually, make that tomorrow, he'd make a point of ringing
everyone he knew just to tell them.
But Rob was still hanging in the doorway, looking at the two of us. Finally
he said to Marcia "Well?"
"Well what," she said.
"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend?"
"I thought you were too busy to stop and say hi," Marcia shot back quickly.
"But you're right. This is Jenny. Jenny, my adorable brother Rob."
I couldn't believe it. He didn't recognize me? This was too much. Sure, we
didn't see a lot of one another, but I lived next door! I looked different, but
how different?
"Nice to meet you, Jenny" said Rob. All of a sudden I became aware of the
way he was looking at me. I'd never been looked at that way before, and I
wasn't sure I liked it.
"Uh, yeah. Hi" I said, in what must have sounded a very flat voice. Rob
looked momentarily disappointed, and then disappeared from the doorway
again. Marcia and I heard him going up the stairs, and then finally could hold
it no longer and burst out laughing. If he heard us he must have assumed we
were laughing at something to do with him, because he didn't come back.
"That was great!' said Marcia
"That was weird!" I said. "Really. How dumb is your brother?"
Marcia kept laughing. "Chris, this has made my year."
"Speaking of which," I said, "What's with this name 'Jenny"?"
"It was just the first name that popped into my head. I don't know. I suppose
it was a better choice than your real name."
We both laughed again. "He has to figure it out," I said. "Nobody can be that
"No, it makes sense," said Marcia. "His brain wasn't working. His first
response when he saw you properly was to think sex."
I swallowed, not wanting to think about that.
"So he didn't figure that he knew you, he invented a whole new space for
you in his head." She paused, then laughed again and added "The one
marked 'babes'."
"I'm thinking this is getting a bit too strange," I said, suddenly anxious
again. "I need to get changed, Marcia. Now."
"Well, I don't think you can do it here, with Rob in the house" said Marcia.
She had a point. But I didn't want to hang around and give Rob a choice to
see more of me. I said so to Marcia, and she agreed that he'd probably figure
it out eventually if he had a chance to talk to me.
"We could go out," said Marcia.
"No way," I retorted. "Besides, he'll still be here when we come back."
"Well, if we stay here he's going to figure it out for sure, eventually. I mean,
you look really different, but you still talk like Chris, and you move like a
"So what do we do?"
"I think we should call Becky and see if you can change at her place."
I wasn't sure about that. Becky was a friend of Marcia's from school. She
always seemed nice the few times I'd met her, but I really didn't know her
too well and wasn't sure this was a way I wanted to present myself to her.
But Marcia was up and at the phone. "It's busy," she said. "Well, at least that
means she's home. Come on, let's get out of here"
Marcia went upstairs and returned with my clothes stuffed into a shopping
bag, then ushered me out the door. "I told Rob we were headed to Becky's."
"So how are we getting there?"
"It's not so far, I figured we could walk. That's how I usually get there."
Walking. I started to feel strange the minute we stepped out the door. Rob
might be dumb, but I was sure everyone else was going to see straight
through me and see a guy in a skirt. What if a cop car cruised past as we were
walking? I didn't want to spend a night in jail.
As we walked down the path to the street I was feeling like I was going to
throw up, I was so nervous. Fortunately we turned left to go to Becky's so
we didn't have to walk past the front of my house -- I don't think I could
have done that under any circumstances.
I was starting to get kind of mad with Marcia. Whenever I let her talk me into
a bit of "fun" things always went slightly wrong. This was just one more
example, I guess. Here I was, in broad daylight, wearing a skirt down the
street I lived in.
After about ten minutes of walking we turned into the main street. Santa
Rosita is mostly an old town, and there's been a community effort to maintain
the old buildings. So although there's a mall on the outskirts of town there's
still a lot of stores and traffic in the centre of town too. Cars were cruising
past us slowly as we walked, but the occasional shopper paid us no attention
as we passed. Still, after a few moments Marcia looked across at me and
made me stop walking. "You've got to learn to walk differently," she said.
She explained that I was still moving like a guy; that women moved
differently. I more or less knew what she was saying, I just hadn't thought
about it. I was gonna argue with her that I was only gonna be dressed as a
girl for a few more minutes, but I felt very self-conscious of myself out there
on the street, so I did what she told me and we walked on, me swinging my
arms a little more and standing a bit straighter. "That's much better," she
said. It did feel better, actually.
Then Marcia stopped at the door to a little antique store. "What's up?," I said.
"Let's go." But Marcia was looking at an old pair of earrings in a cabinet just
inside the store.
"Quiet" she said, "or people will notice." I was agitated, but I did as she
asked. As we walked on, she said "Chris, if you're gonna talk you have to
make your voice a little musical, like girls do."
"Yeah, less of a monotone." She demonstrated a sentence the way she would
say it, then tried to imitate me, which cracked me up. "That's better, you're
smiling again," Marcia said. "You haven't done that since we left the house."
She made me try saying some things more 'musically' as we walked,
corrected me when I got too sing-song, and eventually pronounced "that's
better - still not exactly right, but much better."
I started to feel a little more confident. We'd walked past lots of Saturday
afternoon shoppers, and none of them had stared at us. I'd had a couple of
glances from a few guys, like the kind that Rob had given me, but it seemed
they actually thought I was a girl. So I stopped panicking about everything,
and as Marcia and I walked on and we began talking about the new Aaron
Spelling show that had started the week before I began to forget that what I
was doing was kind of freaky.
"I think you've got the voice thing down," Marcia said. That's when the car
stopped next to us. Driving it was Mike, the guy Marcia was keen on. There
was another guy in the passenger seat. I thought I'd seen him at school, but I
wasn't sure.
"Hey, Marcia," Mike called.
We stopped walking. Marcia went over to the car, and I followed a few steps
"What's happening?" Mike asked.
Marcia explained that we were just on our way over to Becky's place, and
Mike suggested that they could drive us. I was trying to smile and shake my
head 'no' at the same time, but Marcia wasn't paying too much attention to
me anyway. She agreed, and opened the back door to the car. I hesitated
before getting in -- I didn't know these guys, but I guess Marcia knew Mike
well enough. I got in, trying to smooth my skirt under me as I sat down, to
see Mike twisting around in the driver's seat to say hello. I could see him
sizing me up in that same way I'd already experienced with the other men
who'd looked at me.
"Uh, Mike, Paul, this is Jenny," said Marcia. She was still going along with
it. That made sense, I guess. I knew she trusted Mike, but who knows how
this Paul would have reacted to finding a boy in a skirt in the back of the car.
I couldn't really see him properly, just the back of his head. He half twisted
around and he and Mike said "Hi Jenny" almost in unison.
"Nice to meet you," I said, trying to keep my voice "musical" as Marcia had
suggested. I had to admit it sounded better than the time I spoke to Rob.
Marcia gave me a smile and a little nod of approval. We drove off, and Mike
and Marcia did all the talking, about the two parties that were on tonight and
which one was the better to go to. Very soon we were at Becky's, and as we
thanked the boys and were climbing out of the car Mike said to Marcia, "so,
tonight at 7.30?." Then Paul turned to me and said "How about you, Jenny?
There's a few of us going to this party. Want to come along?"
I was about to say no when Marcia said "Cool. Why don't you pick us both
up from my place?"
I was stunned. The boys pulled out of the drive and roared away as Marcia
and I walked to the front door.
"What was that about?," I demanded.
"It was easier than making excuses. You don't have to come, I can say you
had a headache or something. Anyway, it's not like it's a date or anything,
it's just a bunch of us going to a party."
Marcia rang the doorbell. "Hey, do me a favor and wing it with Becky, okay?
Then you can get changed."
I was still trying to work out why Marcia had included me in the evening's
plans. There was no way that I'd be invited, or welcome, as Chris. Everyone
at the party would be older than me, and they'd be part of the inner circle that
surrounded the football team and the girls that dated them. Anyone who was
geeky, like me, would definitely not be invited. I'd never been to one of
those kind of parties. Still, there was no way I was going to go as Jenny.
That would be just way too strange.
Becky opened the door, and Marcia introduced me and said we were passing
and thought we'd see how she was doing, but we couldn't get her on the
'phone. Becky invited us in, apologizing 'cause she'd been on the 'phone to
another friend. And she just hated call waiting. She thought it was so rude to
interrupt someone just because there was another call.
I was amazed once again. Clearly she didn't get it, either. She chattered on to
Marcia for a minute, then turned to me and said "I haven't seen you around
town before, Jenny. What brings you to Santa Rosita?"
Marcia, always quicker than me, jumped in. "She's just visiting. Her
family's thinking of moving here, and they came to check the place out."
Where did she get this stuff from?
"Well, hope you like it," Becky smiled. "We think it's a bit of a snooze, but
mostly it's okay."
I looked across at Marcia. We had come here for a purpose, and she'd had
her fun with Becky, now was the time to put an end to this. I tried to catch
her eye, but she and Becky were babbling on about someone I didn't catch,
so I sat back and waited for Marcia to get the hint. In a few minutes I was
drawn into the conversation, too. They were, of course, talking about boys,
and Becky asked me what I thought of Paul, the guy who'd been in the car
with Mike. I replied that I didn't really know him yet, and Becky looked at
me kind of strangely and said, "No, I meant the way he looks"
"Oh," I said, trying to recover. I hadn't given that any thought at all. Good, I
supposed, if you liked a lot of muscle. "Great. Maybe a little on the heavy
"Jenny likes the scrawny ones," said Marcia, laughing. I scowled. We talked
on. Apparently Marcia now had no intention of telling Becky. I tried to give
her a few signals, but mostly I just enjoyed sitting and talking. I liked Becky,
she was funny, kind of in a sarcastic way which made me think of how she
could cut someone down with a few words if she wanted to, but I could
sense she was a good person inside, she liked to laugh at so many things.
She wasn't exactly pretty, at least not in a conventional sense, because she
affected something of a goth look, kind of 'goth-lite' as Marcia called it. But
she sure was striking with her dark hair and pale skin and full red lips. And
she had a great figure.
Finally I could sense that Marcia was going to tell Becky, and all this would
be over. It was pretty late now, after 5.30, and I had had enough. Well,
actually I really enjoyed the conversation, and the chance to hang out with
Becky, and apart from the sheer terror of being out in public I'd had more fun
with Marcia than I'd had in ages. I wasn't really having to think about the
way I talked and walked and moved and stuff, but a little part of me was
exhausted from all the tension and I needed to stop. Eventually Marcia said to
Becky "So, have you noticed anything weird today"
"Apart from Denise Convey inviting me to her party tonight, you mean? No."
Marcia was just beginning to speak when we heard the front door open, and
Becky's parents entered. Great. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I
was introduced to both of them. Becky then said "wow, look at the time." It
was almost 6.00
Marcia stood up. "Time for us to move ourselves on, Jenny. Mind if I use the
bathroom, Becky?"
"Knock yourself out, but hurry. I gotta get ready, Brad's taking me for a bite
to eat before the party," Becky said, as Marcia went off to the bathroom.
"Do you girls need a lift home?," Becky's Dad asked me.
"Oh, don't worry Mr. Connor," I started to say, but he maintained it was no
trouble and in a few minutes Marcia and I were in his Lexus and headed
down Main Street back the way we'd come earlier in the day. When we
pulled up outside Marcia's place we thanked him and began to walk up the
drive toward her house as he pulled away.
"Jeez, well that was a really productive trip to Becky's," I said sarcastically.
Marcia looked slightly wounded. "Well, after we got there and got to talking,
I don't know, I just seemed to forget about it for a while. You make a terrific
girl, you know that? I had a great time, and so did Becky. I almost wish you
were always a girl, it's fun."
I honestly didn't know what to say to that. Did she mean she didn't like me
as a guy? She must have noticed my expression, because she continued. "Not
that I don't have a great time with you as Chris. But today's been fun, hasn't
it? And you are very good at being a girl, you have to admit that."
I sighed. I had enjoyed it. But now I was still trapped. "Maybe I can jump the
fence and climb through a window," I said, looking across at my house, but I
knew there was little chance of that. Mom had gone through a security phase
after dad left and installed extra locks on the windows.
"Let's just tough it out," I finally said to Marcia. "I know Rob is gonna
spread it right through the school when he finds out, but I don't see what else
we can do. I mean, I can't just go home like this, my mother would freak
We walked in to Marcia's house through the kitchen door. Her father was
getting ice from the refrigerator for some drinks. "Hi Dad," said Marcia.
"Hi Hon," her father said. "How was your day. This must be Jenny"
Both of us looked at him blankly. "Rob mentioned you were together," he
said. "It is Jenny, isn't it?"
"Um, yes," I squeaked.
"We have to get ready for the party tonight," said Marcia, leading me by the
hand through the kitchen.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson," I said in what I hoped sounded like a sweet
voice as Jenny pulled me into the living room. Mrs. Wilson was sitting with
her back to us, reading a magazine.
"Hi Mom," Marcia said as she half-dragged me through the room. "we're just
going upstairs to change for the party."
Marcia's Mom twisted in the chair to look at us, but only caught a glimpse as
we left through the door to the hallway and the stairs. "That's nice," she
called vaguely.
We got to the top of the stairs, to see Rob coming out of the bathroom
wrapped in a towel. I had to admit I was impressed by his body, he
obviously worked out a lot to keep it in that shape. He looked me up and
down again and said "Hi Sis, hi Jenny. How you doin'."
"Fine," said Marcia, trying to lead me past him on the landing.
"You going to the Convey party tonight?" He asked Marcia.
"Yes. Mike's taking me." Marcia said. "You're not, are you?"
"Well, I haven't got an invite, but since Tanya's sick tonight I thought maybe
me and the boys might head up there later on"
Yeah, I'm sure all the seniors are just gonna love that," said Marcia
sarcastically as we reached her room and went inside. Once again we
collapsed with laughter.
"This is great," said Marcia. "Jenny, I can't believe how wild this is."
She'd called me Jenny when we were alone. I let it pass. I was laughing, too.
I couldn't figure it out. Were these people really stupid, or what? But then I
saw myself in Marcia's mirror again I stopped laughing. It was true. I did
look like someone different. I wasn't sure how I'd ever get to look like the
old me. Was I going to have to shave my head, or what?
We sat on Marcia's bed, trying to work out what I was going to do that night.
Clearly I couldn't change and leave as Chris, because the Wilson's were
expecting to see Jenny leave. Then I realized. The clothes! "Where are the
"What clothes?"
"My clothes." We'd had them in a shopping bag when we left Marcia's
"Uh, did you take them out of the car when we got to Becky's?"
They were still in Mike's car. God only knew what he'd think when he found
them there.
I lay down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, trying to work out how
this had gone so totally out of control. I couldn't change back if I wanted to.
Now I had to go home like this. For a few minutes neither of us spoke. Then
Marcia lay back on the bed beside me, and began stroking my arm. "I'm
sorry," she said. "I kind of got you into this."
"There's not too much 'kind of' about it" I said, and then regretted it. It
wasn't really Marcia's fault. I'd gone along with everything. I'd even had
fun. "I guess if I stay out late I can go home when Mom's already asleep and
she won't notice."
"So, what are you going to do until then?"
"I could stay here."
"No, my parents would think that was strange. I think you better come to the
party with me."
"Unh unh. No way. I'm not cut out for going to those kind of parties as a
guy, I definitely couldn't handle it as a girl "
"Actually, I think you could handle it much better." Marcia's voice had gotten
low, and she moved from stroking my arm to touching my neck. It felt very
soothing as I lay there. She raised herself on the bed a little and leant over
me. "Jenny, don't take this the wrong way, but I think this was really good,
what we did today. Don't you?"
"I enjoyed it," I admitted without thinking. Oh God! What was I saying! I
tried to roll over away from her, but her hand on my shoulder stopped me.
She kissed me lightly on the forehead and laid me back down.
"It's okay, I knew you would," Marcia said.
She was right. She'd known this would feel good for me. Had she planned
it? No, that wasn't so important. The bigger question was, why did it feel
right? "Oh, God. Marcia, am I weird?"
"No hon, I think everybody needs to do some exploring some time." She
was back to stroking my throat. "Think of it that way, it's just a bit of
exploring." And then she kissed me on the lips.
I'd never been kissed on the lips before. Ever. I mean, I've never been able
to attract girls, so there's never been any opportunity. Marcia's kiss was
gentle and sweet, not too long but warm and soft, and it kind of did
something to me. I just lay there and let her do it. She lifted her head a little
and smiled at me. "I've never kissed a girl before," she said.
"Neither have I," I said without thinking. I was going to have to watch what I
said more. "I mean, I'm not a girl"
"You look like one," Marcia said. "But maybe that's why I did it, 'cause you
look like one but you're not."
I reached up to her, but she pulled her head back further. She continued
stroking my neck. "You're a good friend," she said softly. "Maybe my best
friend. Let's not complicate this too much."
I was disappointed. She had started this. But she was right. I didn't want to
complicate things with Marcia, of all people. She wasn't just my best friend,
she was one of my only friends.
"Okay" I said. Then I got up off the bed. "May as well make the best of the
rest of the evening."
"Say what?"
"Well, if I'm stuck in these clothes, and can't go home until late, let's do
something. I can't very well walk the streets waiting until my Mom goes to
sleep, can I? I'll have to stay with you."
"So you'll come to the party?," Marcia said, getting up from the bed and
holding my hands.
"I guess so. Nobody will know me there anyway. I may as well take this as
far as it can go," I said. A little voice inside me told me I was making an
enormous mistake.
Marcia hugged me tight, and tried to jump us both up and down. "Yippee!"
she squealed. "This is gonna be *lots* of fun. You won't regret it." She went
over to her wardrobe and began to sort through her clothes, looking for
something. "I'm gonna make you look great," she said.
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?," I asked. "It seems to have worked
pretty well so far."
"No, this is a party. You want something ... exciting," said Marcia.
Chapter 4. Saturday Evening.
I got undressed and wore the fluffy robe to the bathroom. Rob saw me again
as I was going in, and I could feel his eyes on me as I entered. Inside, I did
as Marcia had instructed. I tied my hair up so as not to get it wet again, then
ran the shower. In the shower I did as Marcia had instructed and shaved my
legs for the first time. I really didn't need to, because the hairs I had were
blonde, but than again no-one would notice when I went back to guy mode
anyway. I also shaved the little bit of fuzz under my arms. As I got out of the
shower I studied my reflection in the mirror. I certainly didn't need to shave
my face. There wasn't even any fuzz there.
Looking at my reflection, I wondered what was wrong with me. Here I was,
fifteen, and it was like puberty was only a distant dream of the future for me.
My voice hadn't broken yet, I had no adam's apple, I was still mostly
hairless, and Marcia was taller than I was - I even had slightly smaller feet!
When my mom took me to the doctor six months ago he'd said there was
nothing to worry about, that it would all happen in time, but the question
was, how much time?
I used some of the powder Marcia had suggested, then wrapped myself in the
robe again and headed back to Marcia's bedroom.
"Okay," she said when she saw me. "Say, you look cute with your hair in a
ponytail like that. That gives me an idea. But first, come sit over here." I did,
and she gave me some moisturizer to apply to my arms and legs. Then she
began filing my nails, which were not especially long but were kind of
Then she bent down and did my feet. "Kneel, slave," I joked, and she made a
face. She reached up to the dresser, and retrieved a small bottle of a silvery
nail polish, which she began to apply to my toes. "Don't you think that
color's a bit over the top?" I asked, but she laughed and told me it was easily
the coolest color around at the moment. So much for my powers of
As the polish was drying Marcia went and had a shower herself, giving me
strict instructions not to move. She laid out a magazine on the dressing table
in front of me, it was a pretty crappy read but I learned a bit about applying
makeup from it. When she came back into the room, wrapped only in a
towel, I stopped reading. I was pretending not to look at her body. Of course
I was pretty terrible at pretending, and as she applied some moisturizer to her
own legs she looked up at me and smiled.
"Um," I said, "do you want me to leave the room?"
"I think my family would think that was kind of strange, don't you?" Marcia
grinned. "You're just going to have to get used to being one of the girls.
Okay? Think of it as training." And with that, she dropped the towel entirely
and went over to the bed, where she'd laid out some clothes and lingerie for
both of us.
I really couldn't do anything except stare. Marcia had a fantastic body. And I
had never seen a real live naked woman before. Perhaps she was aware of
how difficult it was for me to pretend not to be looking, because she faced
away from me as she put on her bra and panties, but not before I'd had a
good look at her wonderful breasts and the downy hair between her legs.
"Uh, Marcia, you probably know this, but you're really very beautiful."
She walked over toward me and smiled. "That's very sweet of you, but most
girls my age look like this. Becky looks a lot better, you should see her. But
enough of me, more of you. Drop the robe, and give me a look."
I was embarrassed, but I did as she asked. I thought I looked very strange,
with my fingers and toes adorned in silver and my hair up and my scrawny
little body. My penis stood to attention, and I blushed. I knew it wasn't very
big, and I knew she knew that, too, but was too nice to say anything.
"You look sweet," said Marcia, and kissed me on the forehead again. "But
we better hurry." She led me to the bed, and pointed to the lingerie she'd laid
out for me. "Try that on." she said. I pulled on the panties. They looked very
strange with my penis trying to make a tent out of them at the front. Marcia
looked puzzled for a moment, then disappeared for a moment and came back
from the bathroom with a very cold damp washcloth, which she had me hold
against my penis until it subsided.
"How'd you know how to do that?" I asked, but she waved me on to the task
at hand. I tucked myself back in my panties so that there was no bulge at the
front, then tried on the bra. This one was flimsier than the one I'd worn
earlier in the day.
Then Marcia handed me two very strange objects, little flesh-coloured pieces
of quivering jelly. "Put these inside the cups." I looked at her quizzically as I
did so, and as she adjusted them in the cups of the bra she said "I borrowed
these from Becky this afternoon, though she doesn't know it yet -- I snuck
into her room when I went to the bathroom. She used to wear these a few
years ago, before she blossomed out like she has. Not that she ever admitted
it to anyone, but you can tell when you see a lot of someone. They're only
meant to enhance breasts, not substitute for them, but you're skinny enough
to look good with small breasts, and they'll feel real if anyone gets gross
enough to try feeling you up. This old bra is a cup size too small for me, but
it's pretty and it'll hold them properly."
Whoaa. There was too much in those last few sentences of hers for me to
absorb. She'd planned that I would go out with her tonight all along, or else
she wouldn't have thought to 'borrow' those things from Becky. She stole
something from her friend. And she was talking about me getting felt up. As
"Time to reverse this 'slave' thing you were so into. Sit," Marcia
commanded. She was going to start in on my makeup. but I stopped her and
started applying it myself. She watched me bemusedly.
"I read that article," I said, pointing to the magazine, "and I saw what you did
"Okay, whatever," she said. "Just remember, less is more, especially with
skin like yours. You want to accent your eyes more than your lips, I think.
Your lips are pretty full. So it's paler lipstick for you." She watched me
doing the makeup, correcting me a couple of times, then quickly did her own
before turning to work on my hair. Using a curling iron again and a lot of
spray, she put my hair up at the crown, then pulled a few curly tendrils down
to soften the look. I was amazed at the effect, I thought it was just my long
hair making me look like a girl before, but I guess it was the makeup, too,
even though I didn't look like I was wearing much. Marcia brushed her own
hair out, and let it run loose across her back. Leading me across to the bed,
she held out a pair of pantyhose and a bit of black material I could only
assume was a dress, then began to pull on a pair of pantyhose herself. I tried
to watch what she was doing, and succeeded in getting them on even if they
felt a bit twisted. Marcia bent down and straightened them a little for me, then
held the dress over my head. It was a light jersey, which clung to me as she
lowered it over my newfound curves and flared over my hips. Then she
pulled a red dress over her own shoulders, and I helped her do the buttons up
at the back. Finally she passed me a pair of black shoes, kind of mary jane
style but with an open back and a 2" heel. I put them on, and took a couple of
steps. They felt like a pretty good fit.
I looked at us both in the mirror. Once again, it didn't look like me. Maybe
I'd been in my 'Cousin It' phase far too long. I looked ... well ... amazing. I
looked really pretty. The dress hugged me without being too revealing,
though it was very short. I looked across at Marcia and smiled, then blushed.
"Yeah, I know, it's disgusting that a boy can look so much better than a girl,
isn't it?," Marcia said, smiling back.
"You don't think it's a bit much for a party like this?" I asked a little timidly.
"Okay, you get the denim," she passed me a cropped and faded denim jacket.
"That'll dress it down just a little. I'll take Mike's jacket.," she said as she
picked up a leather jacket that was way too big for her. "we probably won't
need them, anyway, it's pretty mild."
When did she get that, I wondered. Obviously Marcia and Mike were more
serious about one another than I'd known if he was doing things like giving
her his jacket to wear.
"They'll be here in a few minutes, we better hurry," Marcia said, handing me
a pair of earrings.
"Uh, I ..." I stopped, holding the earrings. Marcia looked at me and realized.
"Oh, right, they're not pierced. Um, I don't have any clip-ons, I've had my
ears pierced since I was eleven. Uh, wait here."
She left the room, and I could hear her running down the stairs. I took the
time to take stock of my appearance again. I really hoped this was going to be
as convincing as the way I looked earlier in the day, or I was going to have a
lot of trouble with the jocks at the party. I thought I looked great. Really. But
then I had the feeling my judgement was very faulty today. Still, I had fooled
everyone earlier in the day. I lifted my hands to my breasts, and squeezed.
Marcia was right, they felt very real. And although they looked small, it kind
of fitted in with the rest of my skinny body and the clothes she had dressed
me in.
Marcia came bounding back into the room with a needle and a potato, and
said "this is gonna hurt a bit."
"You're gonna pierce my ears?"
"If you take the earrings out tonight and disinfect the earlobes they'll heal
right over. No-one will notice."
She was right, it hurt a lot. I felt like my ears were on fire as she attached
some small silver hoops to them. Then she gave me a couple of silver
bracelets, a chain for my neck and a thin watch with a tiny black band.
Finally, we were ready. Marcia led me downstairs to wait for the guys. As
we came into the living room I stopped dead in my tracks. My mom was
sitting talking to the Wilsons. Marcia stopped, too, clearly at a loss for what
to do.
Mr. Wilson stood up. "Uh, Kath, this is Jenny, a friend of Marcia's. Jenny,
this is Katherine Miller, our neighbor. Wow, you both look terrific. You girls
want a seat while you're waiting?"
I wanted to die. I wanted the floor to eat me, I couldn't move, I couldn't
speak, I'm sure I looked really strange.
I could see from the expression on my mother's face that she knew instantly
who I was, and so could Marcia.
"Nice to meet you ... Jenny," said my Mom kind of stiffly.
There was a kind of embarrassed silence. Finally Marcia came to the rescue
again. Sort of. "Mom, Dad, I hate to drag you away, but could I talk to you
in the kitchen for a moment? It's important."
"Okay honey," said Mrs. Wilson, a little puzzled, and they all moved into the
kitchen. "We'll be right back," she said to my Mom and I as they left.
There was a very strained silence. "Jenny?" my mother said.
"That was Marcia," I said.
"And everything else?" She indicated all that I was wearing. "And what
happened to your hair?"
"Um, we sort of bleached it"
My mom looked shocked. She slumped in her seat.
"Uh, I'm sorry, mom," I said.
She looked up at me, as though seeing me for the first time. "Are you
enjoying this? How long have you two been doing this? How come the
Wilson's don't know? How..."
Her voice trailed off.
"It's only been today, Mom, honest, it's just a bit of fun and it's kind of
gotten a bit out of control. It was easier to let it go with the Wilsons than
explain, really."
"Is this a sex thing?," she asked me.
"Mom, it's not anything, it's just fun, okay." Outside I could hear a car
coming up the drive.
"You're not doing drugs are you?"
"Mom! Gimme a break!"
She sighed.
"Well, I must say, for whatever it's worth, you do it well. I almost didn't
recognize you"
"Can you just go along with it for a little while? It'll all be over soon."
"I know you haven't been happy, but I didn't know it had come to this." She
shook her head.
There was an awkward silence as she looked me over more carefully.
"I think I need some time to think about this," Mom said.
"Well, I have to go out" I said. "Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow"
"Out," Mom repeated, as though in a trance. She put her head back in her
hands. I sat down. Then the Wilsons re-entered the room with Marcia. Mrs.
Wilson looked at my mother and said "What's wrong, Kath"
Mom straightened up. "Oh, it's nothing, I was just explaining to ... uh,
Jenny ... that I've got a terrible headache all of a sudden"
"You do look a little pale," said Mrs. Wilson.
There was a knock at the door. Marcia ran to answer it. Then she came back
into the room. "Jen? Our ride is here."
Mike came into the room behind her, followed by Paul. I could see both of
them pause a moment when they saw me, but they were both trying to
impress Mr. and Mrs. Wilson.
"Mom, Dad, you know Mike, this is Paul, and this is our neighbor, Mrs.
Miller," said Marcia. I could see my Mom's radar had gone up as soon as the
boys had entered the room. Now she was clearly gonna blow a gasket. After
everything else, Marcia and I were gonna get into a car with a couple of boys.
With me dressed like this. She looked across at me, and I could see
something in her eyes I'd never noticed before, a kind of fear. But she didn't
say anything, and after Mr. Wilson and Mike had exchanged a few
pleasantries we left the house. As we were leaving I could hear my mother
saying that she thought she'd go home and lie down.
Chapter 5. Saturday Night
Paul held open the back door of Mike's car for me, then got into the back
seat with me. I smoothed out the back of my dress as I sat down, then tried to
get the hem a little further down my legs than it wanted to go. Paul noticed
me tugging at it, looked at my legs and grinned. I smiled at him, and he said
quietly "You look pretty spectacular tonight."
"Um, thanks," I said, blushing. It felt weird when he said that. I liked it. And
although I felt nervous when he looked at me, I kind of liked that, too. It
wasn't crude or anything, like when Rob had looked at me. Despite all my
nervousness, Paul put me at ease.
We drove off. "We thought we'd go to that Italian place, if you girls are up
for it," said Mike. I realized that - contrary to what Marcia had said earlier -
this was definitely gonna be a date, not just a bunch of us going to a party.
We drove back down Main Street until we came to a little cafe at the end of
the shopping strip. Inside it was nice, but casual. I hadn't eaten out for ages,
Mom and I couldn't afford to, so I really didn't have a lot to compare it to,
but it felt comfortable. As we sat down Marcia whispered to me "How was
your Mom?"
"Don't ask," I said, and we looked at one another guiltily.
We ordered some food and a couple of sodas. Mike and Marcia did most of
the talking, but I did learn that Paul was a senior like Mike, and that he
wasn't only the jock he looked like, he was also editor of the school paper
and he was really smart. Mike kidded him from time to time about being a
rocket scientist, but Paul just took it all in stride. He seemed pretty quiet most
of the time, but I was very conscious of how near he was to me, and that he
kept stealing glances at me. I tried to eat in a restrained manner, copying
Marcia in the way she moved and the way she took small bites. If I hadn't
still been a bit nervous I could have eaten a lot more, but I ordered an
appetizer size and, like Marcia, ended up leaving some of that, too.
Paul asked me a couple of questions about myself, so I stuck to the line
Marcia had used with Becky earlier in the day, that I was visiting the town
with my Mom while we thought about whether we wanted to live there. I
tried to keep the rest of my life pretty much as it was, until he asked me
where I was going to go to school. "I guess I'll go to the same school as all
of you," I said, wanting to change the subject. I was still in junior high, but I
already knew a whole lot more about the high school than I wanted to,
courtesy of a couple of guys who beat me up one afternoon "for being a fag."
Eventually Marcia said to me "Wanna check out the ladies room?" I knew
from the tone of her voice that it wasn't a request so much as a command, so
we made our excuses and went together. There were only two stalls, and we
were the only ones in there. I hiked up my dress and sat down, then Marcia
said from the stall next to me "I'm really sorry about your mom, Jenny"
"I didn't know what to say," I said. "She seemed pretty upset. I think. But
maybe surprised more than upset. I think she blames herself for me having
gone astray or something." We both giggled.
As we came out of the stalls at about the same time I said "So, did you tell
your parents?"
"Huh?" said Marcia.
"Wasn't that what the 'important' discussion in the kitchen was about?" I
"Of course not! I was telling them that I needed them to be flexible about
tonight. Usually they make me get home by midnight, but I explained that
this was a big party and since there were a few of us going together it would
be better if they could allow me to be a bit later. It always takes a while to
have that discussion, because my Dad always feels the need to tell me it's for
my own good and all that. I wasn't going to ask them that, tonight, but I
figured it was a way for you and your Mom to have a talk."
We fixed our lipstick and hair, and headed back out to see the boys. "I think
Paul is more than a bit smitten," said Marcia quietly as we approached the
table. "I'd watch myself if I was you."
The guys paid the bill and we left the cafe. Mike drove up through the hills to
the Convey's house, which was absolutely enormous. There were a lot of
cars around, and it took Mike a while to find somewhere to park his
enormous old 70's car.
As we went in the noise was deafening. Becky was over by the CD player, I
think she was the one responsible for putting on the Nine Inch Nails and the
guy next to her wasn't happy about it. Denise, the girl whose house it was,
came up to Marcia and gave her a hug, then nodded to me like she'd like to
kill me. She turned and gave Mike an enormous smile, though, and actually
gave Paul a kiss on the cheek. Uh huh. Well, that explained the look. Marcia
introduced her to me, but I don't think Denise caught my name in all the
Mike disappeared into the kitchen as we walked through the living room. I
knew who most of the people were, but I'd never spoken to any of them at
school. For a start they were almost all seniors, and anyway even the kids in
my own year mostly didn't speak to me. But everyone smiled and spoke to
Marcia. Eventually Mike came back with some beers for himself and Paul and
some wine for Marcia and me. I took a sip. I'd only tasted wine once before,
at my cousin Beth's wedding. It seemed okay, kind of sweet.
Mike and Marcia went off in search of some drugs, and Paul introduced me
to some of his friends. They mostly seemed very nice, except one guy who
undressed me with his eyes instead of really talking to me. One of Paul's
friends was a tall, thin guy named Steve, who had a goatee and looked
impossibly cool for someone who was still at high school. He and I had a
great time trying to have a conversation about music above the noise, and he
tried to explain to me how the playlists on radio got compiled. He was sweet,
but kind of earnest. I made him laugh a lot, which was fun. Paul told me later
I'd made a really big impression on the coolest guy in the school.
I danced a couple of times with Paul, who said he usually felt awkward
dancing, and then a couple of times with Marcia and Mike, and then Steve.
Paul wandered off to talk to other people from time to time, which was good
because I didn't want to feel under pressure like I was his girlfriend or
anything, although it seemed that's what everyone else at the party had
decided. .
I spent time talking to Becky after she surrendered control of the CD player to
someone a little less interesting. She had taken some ecstasy a little while
earlier, so our conversation didn't go a long way, but she was extremely
friendly and kind of falling all over me. Steve took her off to find