College Party Night (Part II) free porn video

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College Party Night (Part 2) By Delilah Magne It had been two weeks since that fateful evening with Kristi and Sherry, when my fears were confronted and my fantasies became reality. I had never even been seen in women's clothing before that night, and in one fell swoop, Kristi and Sherry had forced me into a corset, short skirt and frilly sweater, high heels, a wig, and makeup. They had taken me to the most popular college bar in town, and by the end of the night they had me getting face-fucked by two college guys and swallowing their cum, savoring every drop. Once the initial excitement wore off, I was disgusted, appalled, and humiliated. I thought I could never face my roommate, even though he hadn't recognized me while I blew his friends. I told myself that it was Kristi and Sherry that were the sick ones, not me. But deep down inside, I knew that I had enjoyed the night much more than I could admit, even to myself. Here I was, the Friday two weeks later, and I hadn't even looked at the panties in the bottom of my underwear drawer. I was afraid of what might happen if I did. Would I become the little cumslut Justine again? I honestly didn't know. And then I got the call. Somehow I knew it was Kristi or Sherry even before I answered. I picked up the receiver "Hello," I said. "Hello, Justine. This is Kristi. Sherry and I want to play dress-up again tonight, so why don't you come over about 7:30. Make sure you're shaved really clean. And I mean legs, armpits, face, and those pathetic couple of strands on your chest," she commanded sternly. "But I-" I tried to respond, but she had already hung up. I looked at the clock and it was already 5:15. Shit! What was I going to do? I didn't want to go through that again! Deep inside me, however, I wasn't so sure that I didn't. So I proceeded to the showers on my floor of the dorms, with my razor and shaving cream. There were two other guys in the bathroom, and I tried to wait until they were gone to shave my legs, but they were taking too long talking. So I began to lather up my legs, one at a time, when one of them saw me and asked, "What are you doing, dude?". I must have turned three colors of red, and blurted out, "I'm trying out for the swim team." "Right," he said and looked at his friend. They both grinned and snickered as they left. I was so embarassed! I didn't know either of them personally, but now it would get around the floor that I shaved my legs! Shit. Oh well, what do I care about them anyway. It's not like any of them gave two shits about me, so I continued shaving my legs, armpits, chest, and with a new razor, my face. The feeling of my legs and armpits so soft and smooth caused me to get an erection as I wrapped my towel around my waist to walk back to my room. It wasn't hard to hide, however, and I grabbed my stuff and hurried back to my room. My roommate was messing around at his desk when I got back, and looked up at me when I entered the room. "Hey, what's up?" he said to me, in the usual I-don't-actually-care manner. "Nothing," I responded, as normal as I could, standing in a towel in front of my roommate, my hairless body now sensitive to the air. I turned around and grabbed some boxers out of my drawer and started to put them on when he said, "Did you shave your legs, Justin?" I hadn't realized he would continue to look at me when I turned to get dressed! "Uh, no. I just don't have much hair," I tried to respond, grabbing quickly for a pair of pants. "No, you shaved your legs!" he exclaimed as he got up and walked over to me. He put a hand on my lower leg and rubbed, "Smooth as a baby's bottom. You know, you have very nice, long legs. I didn't know you were a swimmer, though." He actually thought I shaved because I was a swimmer! Typical jock, he assumed that everything had to do with sports. He was, of course, a starting wide receiver on the football team, even though he was built more like a linebacker. He had wide shoulders, a chiseled chest, and his arms were thick and strong. Oh my god! I was checking my roommate out! I turned away from him again, and pulled on some pants. "Yeah, I swam in high school, and I thought I'd give it a shot here." "Cool, I would never have taken you for an athlete, the way you're built," he said, unwittingly condescending. He went back to his desk and started to work on whatever he was doing before I had returned. I threw on a t-shirt, brushed my medium length, sandy blonde hair back, and popped a hat on top. I wanted to run to the cafeteria before I went to Kristi and Sherry's, since I had a feeling it would be a long night. I knocked on Kristi's door at about 20 minutes after 7 o'clock, and Sherry quickly opened the door. "You're early! Oh goody, Justine must be looking forward to this as much as we are!" And with that she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room. "Go ahead and strip naked for us, Justine," Kristi said from her seated position at her desk. She was applying mascara, and I felt a sudden anticipatory tingle in my cock as she stroked the thick black stuff onto her eyelashes. I took my clothes off, all but my boxers, and looked apprehensively toward the girls. Sherry saw me hesitate and blurted, "Oh, we've seen that little cock of yours before, dear. No sense in being bashful, now." She then walked over to me as I slowly removed my boxers, "Here, we're going to put this on you, tonight. It will take care of any little things that might pop up," she giggled, as Kristi joined in laughing. She held a weird little device, with straps that went this way and that, and I understood it to be some sort of confining contraption for my penis. She crouched down and maneuvered the device around my legs and waist, with her face only inches away from my hardening tool. "Well," she huffed her hot breath on my cock, "We can't have that hard if we want to put it in this thing. You'll just have to jack off so that it will go back down." I was shocked by her words, and didn't reply. She pointed to the bottom bunk bed and said, "Go lay down and jerk yourself off, Justine. We have a lot of work to do." I walked helplessly over to the bed, mortified of stroking myself off in front of these two women, but my cock was begging attention. I laid down, and as I did, Kristi got up from her desk, her makeup looking perfect, and walked over to stand with Sherry, a couple feet away from me. They were both looking at me, with my little cock in my hand, laying on the bed. "So stroke it, Justine. We don't have all night," Kristi said. "Or do you need some help?" she asked as she looked at Sherry and nodded. Sherry got down to her knees in front of Kristi, who lifted a foot and placed it on her desk chair. "I hope this helps, ooooh," Kristi said as Sherry's tongue and lips touched her clit. I started to stroke myself feverishly, as the women watched, and quickly came to a climax. I shot rope after rope of hot cum, most of which spilled over my side, onto the bedspread beneath. "Ok, get up and wipe yourself off, Justine. We need to start getting you ready for your big night," Kristi said with a devilish smile. "What are you going to do with me tonight," I asked meekly, as I stood up and grabbed some tissues to clean up with. "Well, don't you worry about that, we have it under-" Kristi began to reply. "You little fucking slob! You came on my bedspread!" Sherry exclaimed, her face turning red. "You are going to clean that up, right now!" I started to move toward the bed with the tissues, but Sherry grabbed them from me. "No, I mean with your tongue, you little bitch," she stated so firmly, I couldn't muster a response. I put my face down close to the three stripes of cum, and could smell the salty semen. Suddenly, my face was shoved hard down onto the bed, my lips and cheek right into the pool of cum. "Lick it up, slut!" Sherry commanded, and my tongue began darting out of my mouth, to lap up my sticky load. "That's a good slut, Justine. Clean it all up." Once I had cleaned to Sherry's satisfaction, she released my head, and told me to stand up again. I felt so gross and humiliated. I had just been made to eat my own cum! Sherry, satisfied with the defeated look on my face, and my shrinking cock, strapped me up in the contraption, which pulled my cock back up under my crotch and toward my ass. I looked down to see a perfectly smooth, female appearing crotch! Amazing! She handed me some black, lacy thong panties, and pulled a black corset out of a sack. "We did some shopping for our newest girlfriend, Justine. Do you like your new stuff?" Sherry asked me as she pulled a pair of fake breasts out of a bag, along with adhesive. She applied the adhesive to my smooth chest, and stuck the breasts to me. They felt so real, and the weight was so strange on my chest. As soon as she was satisfied the adhesive was dry, she began to put the corset on me. I felt another tingling in my groin and my face must have lit up more than I would have liked, because Sherry started smiling as she looked at me. "Turn around, honey, I'm going to cinch this thing up. It's going to be a little tighter than the last one, because we thought your hips and waist could use a little more training," she stated as she roughly pulled the corset tight. "Kristi, come help me dear, this is going to take both of us." Kristi walked over, grabbed my wrists and pulled them high in the air. Sherry cinched the corset up as tight as she possibly could, and I felt as though I was going to pass out. I tried to breathe deeply, but the confining garment cut my breaths short. Seeing my dismay, Kristi said, "Take short, quick breaths, dear. It'll take a little time to get used to it, but you already look sexy." She leaned into me and gave me a deep, passionate kiss on the mouth. Her crystal blue eyes shined, and I felt myself short of breath again as I looked into them. She turned me toward a full length mirror, and I was amazed at what I saw. I no longer was just a scrawny boy with long legs and little arms. I had beautiful curves where the corset pulled my waist in, and now I even had realistic breasts! If my body was a little more tan, even I wouldn't be able to tell the breasts weren't mine. As if she read my mind, Kristi said, "You need to start tanning with me, dear. You're a little pasty underneath." Sherry pulled me and sat me down so Kristi could apply my make-up and nails. She worked on my face and hands for some thirty minutes, getting everything perfect, and then asked Sherry what she thought. "Oh my, you have such a beautifully feminine face, Justine. I wish I had your eyes! They are just absolutely gorgeous, and will look so hot looking up at a guy while you suck his cock." I felt my face growing a big smile, in spite of the fact that I felt like I shouldn't enjoy this so much. Her last remark struck me, but I was now becoming resigned to the fact that I was enjoying myself. "Now all we have to do is put on your wig, the new dress and shoes we bought you, and your nails. Then we're all set to go out," Sherry stated, obviously pleased. "You're taking me out again?" I asked, suddenly scared of my predicament. "Well of course, sweety. You are simply just too hot to keep all cooped up in here. Besides, we have a special surprise in store for you." Sherry replied. Kristi smiled as she said this last remark, and began pulling out my new dress and shoes. She walked over to me, and held a slinky, form-fitting maroon dress up against the front of my body. "Ooh, you are going to be so hot!" She held it down so I could step into it, and slid it up into position on my body. It was so tight that it matched every new curve on my body, and the front came up over my head and rested on the back of my neck. It covered up my cleavage entirely, but the material accented the breasts beautifully, and my shoulders and arms were completely bare. Kristi put the strawberry blonde wig on my head, as Sherry fitted my new 3" heels on my feet. The two of them stepped back to admire their handiwork. "Oh my goodness. If I didn't know that you were just a little femmie boy underneath that, I would think you were a beauty contestant," Sherry stated, with a large grin on her face. Kristi added, "You are so hot like this, Justine, you should always dress like a girl!" I felt myself blush, but the girls had no time for my shyness. "Alright, grab your purse out of the sack, Justine, and let's get going. We are running a little late," Sherry said, pointing to the store sack. I pulled out the little black handbag and it jiggled. I opened it up to find the essential makeup pieces, lipstick, powder, blush, and mascara. "That's so you can freshen up, when we're out. A lady has to keep up her best face," Sherry giggled. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door, with Kristi following right behind. We walked through the co-ed section of the dorms, and finally arrived at the main entrance to the dorms. But instead of going outside, we headed for the male dormitory. "Where are we going?" I asked, but the two said nothing, and I kept walking, trying to get used to my new higher heels. We walked to the men's dorm elevator, and stood next to a group of three guys. One of the guys I recognized as a basketball player, his shoulders standing a good six inches above his friends'. Sherry leaned over and with a wicked grin whispered in my ear, "I wonder if his dick is proportioned to his body?" I felt so dirty, standing there dressed like I was, pretending to be a girl, while we were getting on the elevator in the male dorms. I was hoping the girls were just planning on parading me through the dorms, but somehow I knew they weren't. When the elevator bell dinged, the three men standing in front of us got onto the elevator, and we followed. We stood with our backs to them as two more guys ran up to the elevator and piled in. I was pushed farther back in the elevator by Sherry, farther than it seemed she needed to push me, until my ass was pressed up against the big ballplayer's crotch. The doors closed, and Sherry continued to press me back into the big man, while someone pressed all the floor numbers that were called out. Suddenly, I felt a hand begin to slide up and down on my ass, and I looked back at the basketball player. He smiled and nodded coolly, his dark ebony skin accentuated by a thin goatee and his gleaming white teeth. I then felt a bulge beginning to grow in the windpants he was wearing as he pressed it against my hip. It felt huge, especially when he gently grabbed my waist and pulled me tighter against his thigh. Then the elevator stopped, and he and his friends started making their way off the elevator. He grabbed my ass one last time, and my knees felt weak as he smiled at me and left. The elevator went up two more floors, and the last two guys stepped off, leaving just us "girls". "What was that about, you little slut?" Sherry asked me, with a big smile on her face. "What was what?" I replied. "You were grinding your ass on that big black guy's crotch! You're such a fucking slut!" I calmly replied, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Sherry. But the answer to your earlier question is 'Yes'." Both of them laughed an astonished laugh and shook their heads in disbelief. "I believe we've created a slut monster," Sherry said to Kristi. "I guess so," Kristi replied. After a few seconds the elevator stopped again, and the doors began to open. I glanced at the floor number, and noticed that this was my floor! The two of them began to step off the elevator, but Sherry noticed my hesitation, "Oh come on, Justine. There is absolutely no way anyone will recognize you," she said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the elevator. I was stepping onto my floor, in the male dorms, dressed as a woman! 'What the hell am I doing?' I thought to myself. The girls walked me down the floor and suddenly stopped at room 1122. My room. I was stunned, and as Sherry knocked on the door I thought to myself 'There is no way I can get away with this. My roommate Kevin will recognize me! He's not drunk and its not dark! There is no way he won't recognize me!' Then Kevin opened the door, wearing nothing but a towel, his chest and shoulders glistening with moisture. There was a big bulge in the front of the towel, but I already knew his cock was bigger than it showed. I had seen it fully erect two weeks ago while Sherry blew him. I was getting face-fucked at the time, however, so I briefly wondered what it looked like up close. "Hi ladies, come on in. I just got out of the shower, as I'm sure you've guessed," he said with a smile. We filed into the room, and as I walked past he felt my ass up. "You're Justine, right? Sherry's friend from high school?" I didn't know what to say, I was six inches from my roommate, dressed as a woman, and he had no idea. I just looked at him, and he whispered, "You have gorgeous eyes," and closed the door. As he pushed the door shut, his towel dropped from around his waist, exposing his large, soft cock. "Oops," he muttered and began to bend down to pick it up. "Why don't you let Justine pick that up for you, Kevin," Sherry suggested with an evil grin. Kevin just smiled at me and stood back up. I looked at Kevin, then turned to Sherry, then Kristi. Kristi said softly to me, "Go ahead, dear. Get down on your knees and pick up his towel for him." I looked back at Kevin, his mouth turning up in a grin. I got down to my knees and grabbed for the towel, but Kevin took a step forward onto the towel, and pushed his cock gently into my face. I stared at the big rod as it hung limply there, knowing exactly what they wanted me to do. I knew exactly what I wanted to do as well, so I pulled it toward my dark lips. He sighed as my tongue flicked across the tip, playing with the slit as my hand began to pump the shaft. His cock began to swell immediately, and I took the reddening tip into my mouth. It was so soft and smooth, and I got a quick taste of salty pre-cum as I began to suck. His cock continued to grow in my mouth, as it pumped in and out, my hand still stroking the shaft. It became fully erect, and I started to gag on it as the tip started to go deeper into my throat. I had never deep-throated, and I obviously had never been deep-throated, so I wasn't sure how to avoid gagging. He grabbed the sides of my head and tilted it back some, and I began to panic. 'He's going to pull of my wig!' I thought to myself. Just then he leaned down to whisper, "If you tilt your head back like this, you won't gag on it, Justin." 'What did he just call me?' I asked myself, and began to pull off of his cock. I looked up at his face, and he started to chuckle. "Yes, I know about you, Justine. But you are so fucking hot dressed this way, I don't care. In fact, I like you more like this." My mind was racing and I couldn't think. Here I was, on my knees having just begun a blowjob on my roommate, in front of his girlfriend and her friend, while dressed like a woman. Suddenly he tells me that he knows my secret and that he was okay with it. I was speechless! I couldn't think. I just stayed on my knees, with his lipstick smeared cock just inches from my face. "You knew?" I finally managed to mumble. "Well, I didn't know two weeks ago when you sucked Tim and Evan off. I thought you really were Sherry's friend from high school. But the next day Sherry told me about you while we were fucking, and we've been planning this night since. I wasn't kidding when I said you were hot, Justine. You are totally hot." "Thanks," I replied meekly. Then Sherry spoke up, "Well, you're not going to leave him with blue balls, are you Justine?" I looked back at her sitting on a chair, and softly shook my head. "Good, then why don't you be a good slut and make sure he's good and hard, and then come over here," she gestured to the bed next to the chair she sat in. I turned back to Kevin's cock, and began sucking it again. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down onto his rod, the head going into my throat again. I couldn't believe I was sucking my roommate's cock! This same thought kept racing through my mind as I bobbed up and down on his dick. "Okay, that's enough, slut. Now come over her and get on your hands and knees, facing the wall," she said as she patted the bed. I suddenly realized what was going to happen next, and I began to get scared. 'His fat cock is going to rip me apart!' I thought to myself as I slowly made my way to the bed. As I assumed my position on the bed, I felt a pair of hands slipping my dress up over my waist. Suddenly, a slippery finger was shoved none too gently into my ass, making me jump with surprise. I tried to look back to see who it was pumping my ass with their finger, but my head was promptly shoved back to face front. Another finger slid into my ass, along side the first. The two fingers were pumping in and out of me, sending a weird jolt of electricity up my spine. I remained on my hands and knees, trying to stay still to allow the fingers to warm my tight hole up. I knew I needed all the preparation I could get, to fit Kevin's huge cock in me. Suddenly, my arms were ripped out from under me roughly, sending my face unceremoniously crashing down into the pillows. My hands were brought together behind my back, and my high heeled feet were pushed farther apart. My ass was now propped way up in the air, my face buried in the pillows, and my arms were being held behind me roughly. The hands holding me were very strong, and I had no doubt that it was Kevin behind me now. Sherry was suddenly at my ear, whispering, "Kevin always wants me to let him fuck my ass, but I hate it. So now's he's going to fuck yours instead. Oh yeah, if you couldn't tell already, he likes to play rough. I know you're going to enjoy this, you little slut, once you get past the pain. Oh, Kristi and I are going to leave you two alone for a little bit while we go get her boyfriend. Play nice, and we'll see you later." I heard their heels clicking as the two girls walked out, and the door shut behind them. "Now, just relax and this won't hurt as much," Kevin said as he pressed the tip of his cock against my lubed asshole. My face was buried in the pillows, and I was still having a hard time breathing in my new corset, but I was oblivious to all of that when he began pushing the huge tip of his cock in me. My sphincter resisted, as much as I tried to relax it, so he pushed harder. Suddenly I was hit with a jolt of lightning when the tip of his cock forced its way into my ass, and before he could stop it, his cock slid almost all the way in. I moaned loudly into the pillows, and tears immediately began forming in my eyes. The pain was so intense that I felt as though I would pass out. I tried to slide away from his monster cock, but he had my arms in a vice grip and was now beginning to slide it in and out slowly. "Just relax and take it, Justine. I know it probably hurts, but it'll get better. You might even begin to enjoy it," he stated softly, as he pulled his cock almost completely out. He then pushed it back in, this time a little deeper than at first. Again I cried out loud into the pillows, which came out sounding like a muffled groan. I tried to pick my head up so that I could ask him to stop, but his weight was pushing against me, and since my hands were behind my back, my face was forced back down into the pillows. All I could do was sob into the pillows as he fucked my ass. "Unngh, your ass is so tight, honey. You feel so good on my cock, I'm not going to last much longer," Kevin said as he pushed deep into my ass with his huge dick. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna cum real soon!" as his thrusts began to speed up, his cock burying itself in my ass and then coming almost completely out. He pulled harder on my wrists as he pumped my ass, which was now becoming used to his girth as it stretched out. I even felt myself begin to buck my ass back up toward his cock, making sure he buried it as deep as possible with each thrust. 'Am I beginning to enjoy this?' I asked myself. He was right. After the pain subsided it was beginning to feel good. He fucked me harder and deeper, his balls slapping my thighs as he pumped me. I felt his cock begin to jump inside my tight ass, and he started to moan, "I coming!". His cock squirted five strong spurts of hot cum into my ass, and he pushed his cock as far into me as it would go. I felt so full, like someone was shoving a bat up my ass. Suddenly I noticed my own convulsions and my little cock began to erupt in its confinement. A wave of pleasure pulsed through me, making my ass quiver. Kevin let go of my arms, which were slightly cramped by this point, and pushed me down onto my stomach. He didn't remove his cock, he just laid right on top of me, with it still buried in my ass. I turned my head, and tried to catch my breath, now that my mouth was buried in the pillows. When I moved, his cock slid out of me, and I automatically moved my ass back so that his dick slid back into me. Lubricated by his cum, his cock easily slid back into me and I could feel that it hadn't gone soft at all. His cock felt great in my ass! His load made my ass so slippery that even his big cock could go in and out of me with ease. I gyrated my hips gently and slowly, enjoying the feel of his cum-covered cock sliding around in my asshole. Evidently I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the feeling, because after a minute or two of my movement, Kevin started to gently thrust his cock back at me. He took the head of his dick completely out of my ass, which instantly shrunk back down, and then pressed the tip back up against my sphincter. This time, lubricated by cum and loosened by his hard fucking a few minutes ago, he slid into me with relative ease. It also didn't hurt this time, and he began to fuck me again. He was laying on top of me, with my stomach on the bed and my ass stuck up in the air toward his cock. He wrapped his left arm around my waist, pulling my ass to him, and his right arm came up and turned my head toward him. Suddenly he pulled my face to his, mashing our lips together, our tongues darting between each other's lips. He continued to pump his cock in and out of my ass, as we kissed passionately. I felt so dirty and so helpless, in the arms of such a strong man as he fucked my ass and forced me to kiss him. He pulled his lips off my mouth, and I thought that he had remembered that I was really a guy, when I felt him begin to suck on my neck. I had done that to a girl once in high school, and she had melted in my arms. Now I knew why. I flushed with passion as he sucked and nibbled on my neck, his rough face lightly scratching me. His cock thrust in and out of me feverishly, and I found myself moaning, "Oh, fuck me Kevin. Fuck me! Unghhh, unghh, unghhh!" I grunted with each of his thrusts, my ass rising to meet his cock in rhythm. He started to kiss me hard again and moaned, "I'm going to cum again!". "I want to taste your load," I heard myself begging as I pulled my ass away from his cock. Kevin leaned back and I hurriedly turned around and bent down to accept his salty load. He grabbed the back of my head and guided me down onto his cock just as he began to spew another load of cum. I caught the first couple of shots on my tongue and the last hit the back of my throat. Instead of gagging, however, I simply swallowed all of his shots of hot cum. It was a little thicker than his first load, and it tasted great. 'Was I beginning to enjoy the taste of semen?' I started to ask myself. But Kevin broke my thoughts, "Yeah, that's my girl. Clean up that cock. Suck it completely clean." I felt myself tingle as he called me his girl, and went happily to work sucking his cock completely clean. "You know, Justine, I've never came once and then started fucking again so quickly before. Sherry's never even done that to me before, you really had me turned on." I blushed and kept working on cleaning his cock with my tongue. Just as I was licking the softening shaft clean, Sherry and Kristi walked in the door, with Kristi's boyfriend, Ted. It must have been some sight, my ass was facing them, with cum dripping from it as it still gaped a little from its fucking. My face was buried in Kevin's crotch, and he was leaning his head up against the wall. "Well, well, well. Looks like these two have been having fun." Sherry said with a shocked smile on her face. I got up from the bed, pulled my dress down over my hips, and tried to wipe my chin. "You need to refresh your makeup, honey," Kristi said as she walked over and grabbed my hand. "Let's get that fixed for you, okay?" she said as we walked over to the mirror and she re-applied some of my makeup. As we passed her boyfriend, he just stared and smiled at me, and I wasn't sure if he knew about me or not. When we were on the other side of the room by the mirror, I whispered to Kristi, "Does Ted know about me?". "Yes, and he is very interested in spending some time alone with you," she smiled to me. "But it looks like you've already had a good time tonight," she said as she wiped a little dried cum off the corner of my mouth. "I did, believe it or not. It hurt like hell when he first started fucking me, but then it got better as we went. I ended up begging for him to cum in my mouth like a fucking whore!" I whispered excitedly. "Oh I do believe it, hon. I could tell two weeks ago that you were going to like this. But we haven't even begun having fun yet. Wait until later, and then tell me if you're enjoying yourself." I wasn't sure what she meant by that, but I was still flying high from my session with Kevin. He had made me feel so dirty and used when he first fucked me, but the second time he made me feel sexy and wanted. I was confused about how to feel when he kissed me, it felt so wrong, yet so good. I knew that my night was only beginning, but I decided that I would roll with it. Besides, what more could they possibly have in store for me? To be continued.

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College Sex Chronicles II 19th Birthday Party Ga

Part 2 - My 19th birthday "party"! For my 19th birthday, near the beginning of my sophomore year at college, my fuck buddy Randy decided to throw a party for me. He told me in advance that it wasn't going to be a traditional birthday party, and requested I dress as sexily as possible. So I put on a black satin corset that exposed my breasts, laced up the front, my breasts heaving out of it. It contrasted greatly with my pale skin. My pussy was shaved bald, my belly flat, my nipples hard. I...

1 year ago
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Slumber Party Nightmare A Third Telling

I suppose the title requires an explanation, since I've never written stories called "Slumber Party Nightmare" or "Slumber Party Nightmare Two" or whatever else they might have been called. In October 1995, I downloaded a story called "Slumber Party Nightmare" from one of the Usenet newsgroups. The story was around 30K in length and the author was not listed. It was one of those stories that ended before I thought it should have ended, which consequently left open a lot of loose...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 4 The Knights Resolve

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Four: The Knight's Resolve By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Aurora Xandra – Unmik, Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch The alarm resounded through the cell, my delicate ears flinching from the piercing reverberations while the smile grew and grew on Princess Adelaide's face. The strawberry-blonde woman shuddered on Chaun, eyes casting to the ceiling of his cell. My stomach twisted with fear and anger. She triggered an alarm. She had just...

2 years ago
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College Party Girl

"Hey, would you like to dance?"My first college party. Over a month into my freshman year of college, and this was my first party. It was at a senior student's penthouse apartment, just a few blocks away from the apartment I shared with my sister Kayli, adorned with expensive furniture and filled with dozens of students.I found myself standing next to a circle of cute girls that were drinking and giggling next to a table in the kitchen. I had asked a girl named Natasha, whose name was given to...

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Knight and Dey 3 Meet the Knights

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex's has a condition that changes his gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Alex's simple goal is complicated by a power struggle within the first school he's ever attended. That struggle is about to take on wider implications. - WARNING: This story has been heavily manga influenced.} Knight and Dey 3: Meet the Knights By Ron Dow75 Out in the outer office of school administration, police...

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College Party

*** The day finally came. The day of my party. I was putting the finishing touches on my party when people started arriving. I put the last of the beer in the jug and cups on the table. First Nick, Ben and Jimmy came. "Hey there bro whats up!" Nick exclaimed when he saw me. "Ah nothing just putting last touches on the party. Like it?" I asked. Nick looked around and said "Wow Kevin, its awsome. Beer stands? Ciggrates? Wow what DIDEN'T you get!". "Well looks like i got everything....

3 years ago
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College cumming out party

Aaaaaahhhhhh...where to begin? I guess it all really started in my teens, when I discovered the joy of dressing with one of my close friends. Like many others we started off slow, wearing panties and giving one another hand jobs and feeling at least a little bit like we were doing something we shouldn't be. After a few months of fooling around like this I arrived at his house one summer morning to find him dressed completely from head to toe in his sisters clothes. Tight, short, sexy little...

3 years ago
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Wife gangbanged at company party PART2

The following is a continuation of a true story that occurred a few years ago. I won't waste any time and pick up where we left off in part 1. After seeing my sexy wife,Janie gangbanged in a motel after her employers company party, I drove home with tons of emotions running through my head. I was pissed but at the same time very turned on. I pulled into my driveway went upstairs and cracked open a beer, trying to process what the fuck I just witnessed. About an hour later Janie arrived home....

2 years ago
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College Party Scene

It all started when my fraternity decided to throw a party before the home football game the next day. The party was to have an army theme, so me and a couple of buddies went out and picked up some camo vests and black shirts along with some face paint. I wasn’t planning on doing the face paint, but I have to say that I looked pretty damn good in my camo vest and long black pants. I decided not to wear a shirt underneath the vest to show off my arms, chest, and abs. The party was a big...

1 year ago
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Slumber Party Nightmare A second Telling

Over a decade untitled story was posted on usenet called Slumber Party Nightmare. I liked it but I thought it needed a little more filler. It just didn't go far enough in my opinion. So I reedited it and added about 25% more, fixed some of the grammar/spelling (probably added my own grammar and spelling errors ;-) and reposted it to usenet I think about a year after reading it. Sometime later in 2000, Bill Hart took my edited version and took the story into his own...

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The couple Afterparty

On the other side next to him sat Mary. Seth whispered something in her ear and he noticed that Mary was blushing. Her lips formed a word, she then sighted and walked off into the kitchen. John looked surprised but Seth ignored his slave. When Mary came back, she bend forwards, with her back to Seth, to put a fresh beer on the table. He hiked up her skirt and saw her thong inside her pussy, just as Seth had ordered her minutes before. Mary put the skirt back and walked away, He noticed that...

4 years ago
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Innocence Enslaved part 4 Afterparty

Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...

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Taking One For The Team 5 Afterparty

______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew his hand over his brow, and the screech of the ref's whistle signalled the...

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Cheryl8217s First Sexparty

The evening was not going well and Cheryl knew it. Only 18, she had almost passed out when a college junior had asked her here. Telling her mother and father that she was going to a girlfriends house for the night, she met her date, Billy, at a convenience store near her home. Just getting in the car made her feel much older than her years. Now, several hours later, sitting on a couch in a crowded fraternity house, she was feeling like fifteen again. A bunch of guys had made a...

4 years ago
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Taking One For The Team 5 Afterparty

Introduction: A little celebration….. Comment if you like/hate/have a comment ,) ______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew...

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The Afterparty

Steve awoke dizzy and confused. His head was spinning from all the alcohol he consumed from the party last night. As he tried to focus his eyes in the pitch black bedroom he realized he was bound to each corner of the bed. He struggled to free himself but the straps were to tight. It wasn’t his bedroom, the sheets didn’t feel the same and the bed was much bigger than his. Perhaps someone at the party was playing a joke on him. As Steve struggled he noticed the clothes he was wearing were not...

2 years ago
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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

2 years ago
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Die Pokerparty

Martin Schreiber ist mit 30 Jahren endlich ein glücklicher Mann. In seinem bisherigen Leben - sowohl im Privatleben als auch im Beruf - oft als Verlierer gehänselt, haben sich die Dinge für ihn im letzten Jahr grundlegend zum Guten hin gewendet. Zunächst war da vor neun Monaten die Hochzeit mit seiner knapp zwölf Jahre jüngeren und bildhübschen Ehefrau Marianne, die er durch seine Schwester kennengelernt hat. In der Hochzeitsnacht war die damals Achtzehnjährige noch eine schüchterne Jungfrau...

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The Afterparty

The party was over. Almost everybody had left, leaving you and five of your friends alone. Aside from you, there was Miranda, Nicole, Sarah, Matt, and Tom. You've had a crush on Miranda since as long as you remember. She was perfect in your eyes. She had beautiful brown and you would love to run your fingers through it, or... lace your fingers in it as her head bobbed up and down on your cock. You imagine either option would be pleasant. She had also had a wonderful pair of 36C boobs that you...

Group Sex
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Die Gartenparty

Es ist ein warmer Sommertag Ende Juli. Die Bewohner der Buchenallee sind bereits in ihren Häusern, obwohl es erst 19 Uhr ist. Denn heute steht um 20 Uhr die alljährliche Nachbarschaftsparty auf dem großen Gelände der Familie Meier an. Die Familie Meier hat das größte Haus in der Buchenallee und damit auch noch den größten Garten, welcher sich über viele hundert Quadratmeter hinter dem pompösen Anwesen erstreckt. Eine Terasse hinter dem Haus erstreckt sich weiträumig, der gepflasterte Bereich...

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Claudias Partyabend

Die 18-jährige Claudia und ihr Freund Thomas sind seit einem Jahr zusammen. Erst lief alles prima aber jetzt haben sie öfters Streit. Für Claudia war Thomas der erste Mann , Thomas hingegen hatte schon etliche. Er hatte die schüchterne Claudia auf einer Party kennengelernt. Eigentlich war sie nicht sein Beuteschema aber er hatte was getrunken und sie angequatscht. Als er sie in einer Ecke nur knutschte und ihr einen intensiven Zungenkuss verpasste bekam sie einen Orgasmus und krallte sich an...

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Ein kleines Partyspiel

Anmerkung des Autors: Ich habe ein ungefähres Ziel zu dass ich mit dieser Geschichte erreichen will. Aber es gibt noch viele andere Möglichkeiten wie sich die Geschichte entwickeln kann. Also ist jeder herzlich eingeladen Kapitel hinzu zu fügen und ich bin dankbar für Kritik und Ratschläge für meine Art die Geschichte zu schreiben. Diese Geschichte ereignete sich eine Woche nach dem Ich mich von meinem Exfreund John getrennt hatte. Er hatte mich mehrmals betrogen. Als ich das erste mal Gerüchte...

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Die Geschwisterparty

//Hey, das ist meine erste Geschichte hier. Ich freue mich über euer ehrliches Feedback, Tipps und Hinweise von eurer Seite aus. Ihr könnt gerne eigene Kapitel hinzufügen wenn ihr Ideen habt. Ihr könnt mir auch gerne eure Wünsche schreiben, dass ich sie in die Geschichte mit einbauen kann. Natürlich ist das alles nur eine Geschichte und erscheint manchmal etwas unrealistisch. Der Kern der Geschichte soll, wie der Titel schon sagt, eine kleine Party von 3 Geschwisterpaaren sein, die etwas...

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The Houseparty

You’re hosting a party with six of your closest friends when, suddenly, three girls show up uninvited. Ethan(You): Rich Kid- You are the host of the party, as you live in a large house, and your parents are on vacation. Most of the rest of your personality is up to you. Kyle: Best Friend- Your best friend is a smart, yet athletic, geek. He plays soccer, but prefers to sit around and play video games with the guys. Matt: Lovesick Joker- Matt basically spends his days either pining after girls or...

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Die Schulparty

Sie hatten sich alle schon so lange auf diese Party gefreut. Die zwölfte Klasse war wie immer mit der Aufgabe eine Schulparty für ihre eigene Stufe zu veranstalten, beauftragt worden. Doch dieses Jahr sollte sie größer werden als die sonst im kleinen staubigen Keller, mit den alten dreckigen Sofas und den ausrangierten Stühlen. Denn dieses Jahr hatten sie ihren Rektor Herr Müller tatsächlich dazu überreden können die Party in der Schuleigenen Aula abhalten zu können, sofern danach alles...

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"Nächster Halt: Friedrichstraße", ertönte es aus dem kleinen Lautsprecher neben der Tür. Das war meine Haltestelle, eine Strasse weiter war die Party - Nadines Party. Ich hatte die Blondine vor drei Wochen bei einer Geburtstagsfeier einer guten Freundin kennengelernt. Wir waren uns gleich sympathisch und so lud sich mich zu ihrer Party in dem großen Stadthaus am Rande des Parks ein. Der Bus kam mit kreischenden Bremsen an einem kleinen Unterstand aus Glas zum Stehen. Außer mir stieg nur ein...

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Mein Name ist Paul, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und bin etwas aufgregt... Mein Freund Flo (Florian) hat heute Geburtstag und hat nicht nur mich, sondern auch M

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Es war ein schöner, lauer Sommerabend. Die Klasse 10B feierte ihre Abschlussparty am Strand auf einem idyllischen kleinen Campingplatz, der direkt am See gelegen war. Die Party hatte sich rumgesprochen, so waren neben den Schülern auch noch einige Geschwister der Absolventen, Freunde und ein paar Eltern anwesend. Es wurde gegrillt und getrunken, ein paar Jungs waren grade dabei, noch etwas mehr Holz für das Lagerfeuer zu sammeln und dieses in Gang zu bringen. Ein paar Mädchen spielten...

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Die Junggesellenabschiedsparty

Die achtzehnjährige Julia fühlt sich beinahe wie im siebten Himmel. Sie kann es kaum noch erwarten, bis sie in einer Woche endlich ihren zwei Jahre älteren Freund Steffen heiraten wird. Ihre beste Freundin Melanie wird bei der Hochzeit eine ihrer Brautjungfern sein. Melanie erzählt ihr, dass Steffens Freunde am nächsten Abend eine wilde Junggesellenparty planen und dazu als Höhepunkt eine professionelle Stripperin einladen wollen. Julia starrt ihre Freundin total entgeistert an, als sie...

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Kleine Netzwerkparty

Es war wiedermal Freitag Nachmittag und ein Kumpel rief bei mir an ob wir uns nicht bei ihm zu einer kleinen Lan-Party treffen könnten. Meistens sind wir dann zu dritt oder zu viert und obwohl ich dieses Wochenende eigentlich keine Lust hatte, meinen Rechner ab und aufzubauen und Treppe rauf und runter zu schleppen, sagte ich zu, was tut man nicht alles für seine Freunde. Bei ihm angekommen, war alles schnell aufgebaut und wir spielten erstmal zu dritt ein bisschen Battlefield irgendwann musste...

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The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...

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Das Partywochenende

Also ich bin Mathias bin 25 Jahre alt, sportlich, gut bestückt und immer geil. Meine jüngere Freundin Steffi zeichnet sich besonders durch ihre geilen Titten (80DD) und ihre teilrasierte Fotze aus die sie am liebsten mehrmals täglich gestopft haben will.Sie bläst auch supergerne läßt sich aber lieber in ihr Gesicht spritzen als in ihren Mund. Es war mal wider Freitag abend und ich wollte weggehen, da aber Steffi am nächsten Tag sehr früh raus mußte sagte sie mir das ich ruhig ohne sie gehen...

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Its Partytime

‚Phu, endlich Feierabend’, denke ich bei mir, als ich mein Büro verlasse. Heute war mal wieder einer von diesen Tagen, an denen einfach nichts passieren wollte. Ich konnte mir nicht mal an meiner Mitarbeiterin aufgeilen, da sie gerade in den Ferien ist (… denn sonst würde mir, wie so oft, zufällig der Kugelschreiber auf den Boden fallen, damit ich einen Blick zwischen ihre gespreizten Beine werfen kann. Da sie meist kurze Röcke trägt sieht man dann schön auf ihre von feiner Seide eingehüllte...

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Kürzlich überraschte mich mein Frau mit dem Thema Dildo-Party. In ihrer Firma hatte man sich im Damenkreis offenbar darüber unterhalten und sie (Claudia, Mitte Vierzig) fand es einfach spannend. Sie erzählte mir davon bei einem Spaziergang und auch, dass z. B. in der Frauenwelt gerne eine Gleitgel dazu genutzt wird, bei zu ausladenden Innenseiten der Oberschenkel die Reibung zwischen ihnen und dem Slip zu verringern, in dem man Gleitgel aufträgt. Auf jeden Fall interessierte sie das Thema sehr,...

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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

2 years ago
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3s company 20s cumparty

When I woke up today, this isn't what I had expected. My girlfriend and I had been discussing group sex. Hosting an orgy. Gangbangs turned her on as much as they did me. Still, this isn't what I had expected. The scene is her and me in the middle of the hotel room on our knees, side by side with young men all around us. You couldn't look in any direction without seeing a penis. What I had in mind was maybe a threesome. What she arranged for us was so much more. The first guy to approach us was...

4 years ago
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Sicher hat jeder schon einmal zu viel ?ber den Durst getrunken. Das erste Mal, das ich noch gut in Erinnerung hatte, war bei mir in den sp?ten Teens gewesen. Ich wusste Alkohol schlicht nicht einzusch?tzen, und versch?tzte mich gewaltig. An alles kann ich mich auch nicht mehr erinnern, gegen den sp?teren Abend wird es undeutlich, bis dann gar nichts mehr da ist. Die Folgen am n?chsten Tag waren nat?rlich katastrophal, das Leiden riesig gro?. Und trotz dieser h?chst unangenehmen Folgen passierte es...

1 year ago
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The Afterparty

Steve awoke dizzy and confused. His head was spinning from all the alcohol he consumed from the party last night. As he tried to focus his eyes in the pitch black bedroom he realized he was bound to each corner of the bed. He struggled to free himself but the straps were to tight. It wasn't his bedroom; the sheets didn't feel the same and the bed was much bigger than his. Perhaps someone at the party was playing a joke on him. As Steve struggled he noticed the clothes he was wearing were not...

1 year ago
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Beach Club Afterparty

My wife is a sexy and roaming wife. She just can't seem to help herself. I am her fourth husband because she just couldn't be faithful to anyone. We have now been married eight years and she knows it turns me on when she has her infidelities and I always let her cuck me with at least one of these conditions: that she either does it with me watching, listening or her telling me about it just before or right after. One of my favorites parts though is to watch her seduce or be seduced. When she is...

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Super Bowl Sexparty

The goddamn Super Bowl. My husband makes such a big deal out it. Three or four of his buddies show up hours before the game to drink beer and juice up their testosterone so they can yell at the TV. I’ve always been bored. This year I decided to spice things up as only a woman can. “I’ll make you a deal,” I told my husband Bill. “Instead of betting on the game, bet on me.” “What do you mean?” he asked. “Well,” I said, “Give me the four hundred dollars you guys always put in your football pool...

3 years ago
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Gaping Afterparty

As I turn the corner she belly flops onto my bed. "Owww! What was that?!?!" She reached under the covers and luckily it was just a textbook I had under there. "So you disappeared for a bit tonight. Where were you?" she asked. I responded with the best I could think of, "I went back to smoke some weed with some guys." "Well good for you. I love your room. I wish I had a single. I have to listen to my roommate make out with boys every other night. Mind if I use your restroom?" she...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 7 Partyville

A week before THE PARTY, the caterers and party planner started to have equipment dropped off at the house. Twenty-five round tables that could each seat eight were delivered along with two hundred folding chairs. The delivery crew set up about a dozen of the tables in the area away from the kitchen and heavily used part of the patio. Dave’s garage and carport became unusable for cars as box after box of other things needed for the large crowd arrived: paper goods, linens, racks of glassware...

2 years ago
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Extending the FamilyChapter 43 Afterparty

“Oh, good,” Felicia cooed, wrapping me in a very intimate hug. “Amanda, thank Carter for coming and say goodnight.” “Thank you for helping me celebrate my birthday, Carter,” Amanda said obediently, seeming almost genuine. She stepped forwards to replace her mother’s hug, pressing every inch of her body against mine. Her mouth pressed against mine, and her tongue pressed insistently against my lips. I opened my mouth, and our tongues battled, hot and wet in my mouth. My hands found her ass,...

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Donk Party! Well, let's see what this "party" is all about! Porn stars take it too far with their fake moans and not to mention, the surgically remodelled sin slits. Sometimes you will need that authenticity to have a real hard on lest you get a fake one too. Times like these, a good dose of amateur content will do you good. What of watching a fresh-faced girl being fucked on camera for the first time or hot young wives cheating on their husbands with their out of shape neighbors? Who knows,...

Porn Link Sites
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Sin Party! Do you love looking at tube sites? No shit! You are always looking around on ThePornDude, so why in the hell would you hate looking at tube sites? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!Or do you love sites like OnlyFans? You know, those types of sites. Again, of course, you fucking do! What kind of goddamn stupid question is that?How convenient would it be if someone took the best parts of those types of sites and combined them together, but added a livestreaming component to it...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Crashing the houseparty

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had little idea where I was, the last train into the deepest darkest suburb had dropped me off and I was basically fucked. I tried calling my friend, who I was supposed to meet, repeatedly for 10 minutes before I ran out of credit. I eventually resigned myself to my situation and started walking to the road to try and find some kind of bus, and if it came to it, catch a cab. At that moment, as I stepped out of the station onto the road, I heard the...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight of two humans in their woods. I was still naked. It was wonderful to not have to wear the robe. As an acolyte of the Temple of Pure, I had...

2 years ago
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College Party Gone Right For a Change

“Fuck-“ I was cut off by the wall hitting my back behind me. His hands had me by the tits, shoving me against the wall. My fingers locked on his shoulders to keep from slipping off the dresser; funny clinging to source, I thought. His breath was hot against my skin hovering above my cunt. My head leaned back as he kissed my panties, how the hell did this happen? And I remembered, Friday 5:00 PM “I still can’t believe you convinced me to go to what’s-his-face’s party, I should have...

3 years ago
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College Party Gone Right For a Change

Introduction: Just something I came up with one afternoon, testing the online waters, not to serious but willing to share with others ???? Saturday 12:00 AM Fuck- I was cut off by the wall hitting my back behind me. His hands had me by the tits, shoving me against the wall. My fingers locked on his shoulders to keep from slipping off the dresser, funny clinging to source, I thought. His breath was hot against my skin hovering above my cunt. My head leaned back as he kissed my panties, how the...

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Nightclub Nightmare

Nightclub Nightmare (NC, Rape, MF/f, SM, D/S, Gangbang, Torture,Humiliation) Sharon Tu could feel her heart racing with excitement,as she and her other friends waited patiently in line to enter Da-Boom .The little Asian girl was literally shaking from the cold frosty air, the blaringsongs emanating from the club, and her own eagerness to quickly get inside.Although there were many rowdy teens hollering and laughing nearby, Sharoncould still feel the pounds and thuds of hip-hop music...

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