Baited Trap free porn video

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The Baited Trap - by: Trish Shaw Prologue. Stepping into the last stretch of woods before the top of the hill Jane Asked, "Sure you want to do this love?" "If it goes wrong, then better me than some other poor fucker!" Nick said hiding his concern with a stilted laugh. "What about you?" "So long as I've got you, I'll be fine," Jane giggled giving him a confident hug as they walked towards the sunlit meadow at the hilltop. The Baited Trap Marie St. Claire, stood in front of her open window watching the sea crash against the bottom of the cliff's across the bay. In the distance she could just make out the shapes of laughing holiday makers playing in the beakers, their brightly coloured costumes standing out against the deep blue ocean. Being French she knew that the locals called her 'The Frog' behind her back but she did not care, when you were as wealthy as Marie you could afford not to care. Appearances aside Marie had never thought of her self as an Anglophile and even after twenty-five years it still surprised her that she had come to accept living in England. The women here had no sense of style and chic was something they ate on a Sunday and the men! Ugh! They were all by enlarge football obsessed boors whose idea of a romantic night was to drink far to much of the disgusting local beer and fall asleep in an equally disgusting curry. Ah! There, by the woodland. She saw them, the couple whom she had been watching the other day. At first she had assumed that they were both young girls on holiday, looking for fun and frolic but for once Marie had been mistaken. It was not a difficult mistake to make from a distance, they both had long sun-bleached hair, and were very slim and willowy. Lifting her binoculars she quickly focused upon them, and began to watch. Jane was giggling as she posed against the sky and sea backdrop loving every second as Nick's cleaver hands caught her image in charcoal on the paper. It never ceased to amaze her how with two or three lines on a scrap of paper he could catch the feel of the moment. Jane who was about as artistically inclined as a paperweight had always envied the careless skill, with which her fianc? showed his obvious talent. She would have loved to have his innate eye for line and shape but had accepted that her skills lay in other directions. From Nick's point of view, he often wondered what a girl as good looking and intelligent as Jane saw in a scrawny runt like him? She could have had her pick from any of the hunks that chased her and to this day he still could not understand why she had said yes to him. Laughing Jane dashed round to see his sketchbook and was again astonished how her lover had caught her on the paper. "Bastard!" Jane chuckled affectionately, "you forgot about my bikini top," and threw her arms about his neck. "I'm allowed...," was all Nick got out before her lips descended and silenced his comment, dropping his sketchbook and charcoal he forgot all about what he was going to say. Jane had this ability to derail his train of thought and when she kissed him sparks exploded inside his brain and other places... Jane felt the familiar wave of loving lust fill her and wished that they were not such a public place! Unaware that their playfulness was being watched from the house upon the hill Jane and Nick kissed and cuddled with gay abandon. Who were they? Marie asked her self as she watched the laughing couple rolling about on the grass in the bright summer sunshine. "Lemme go...," Nick eventually said breaking the kiss, "unless you want a picture of you topless to go flying on the breeze?" He smiled at her lovingly, it was so nice to see her in such a playful mood and for once, looking like a woman! "Awwa!" Jane giggled rolling off him and relaxing against the soft grass loving the feel of the sun on her body. Closing her eyes she lay there, hearing the familiar sounds of Nick setting up his paints and collapsible easel. They had first walked up on to the headland a couple of days before and Nick had gone in to such rapture about the view it was inevitable that they would be back up here hampered by all his painting junk. Jane did not mind either of his obsessions, it was a delight just to be able to enjoy the sun and read a book. Content in his presence and able to unwind the stresses of the job, Jane made herself comfortable and hoped the next few weeks went just the same. Although Jane would not have swapped her job for all the tea in China, she envied Nick's ability to be able to earn money doing something he really loved. Even though there was no way that she would, or could have been a teacher herself. From past experience Jane knew that once Nick started to paint that was it, the rest of the world might as well have ceased to exist. She did not mind though, as she loved watching him paint, it was so cute the way the tip of his pink tongue would just stick out of his mouth as he worked. The way he used his brushes almost caressing the paint onto the paper using quick delicate strokes or more occasionally bold forceful swipes. From half a mile away Marie, watched with increasing interest. The girl was very pretty with one of those English rose complexions, which Marie had always had a fascination with. Thoroughly approving that the girl obviously cherished her good looks, with the care she shaded her face from the sun under a large straw summer hat. From behind the boy looked equally attractive with his long blond sun streaked hair lose down his back, and slim pretty legs tucked under the folding stool. Adding to the impression was the baggy pink tie-dye T- shirt that came almost to his mid thighs and disguised his masculine waist and hips. "He's rather talented," she murmured under her breath to her self as she watched the watercolour take shape on the easel. "Such a pity...." Hardly moving Marie remained almost rooted to the spot in front of the window observing them until with much laughter they packed up and began to make their way down the hill. "What do you want to do tonight lover?" Jane giggled as Nick got into his usual pickle trying to work out how to fold his easel up. "Dunno? That pub we passed on the way up here looked rather nice?" Nick grinned, "and I can't be arsed cooking. How about we drop this lot off at the camper and walk back for some scoff and a couple of drinks?" "Sounds good to me babe," Jane said picking up his paints box. "Wasn't there a sign out side advertising live music?" "So they go to the bar?" Marie whispered successfully lip-reading their conversation, feeling strangely pleased that neither of them must have a strongly accented voice. It was another of the things that she disliked about the English, so many of the pretty ones had abominable accents and the girls! They did not seem to care that they sounded so totally unfeminine. After watching the couple until they had passed out of sight, she decided that she would eat out! Wanting to be sure that she would be there before them, she called for her maid, and went to get ready. By 8pm, Marie was perched on a stool at the bar and beginning to get annoyed. She was starting to run out of excuses for why she had not yet dined. Then at last she saw them through the window walking through the beer garden. By pure chance they walked directly up to her and to her delight the girl hopped on to the bar stool next to her. "What do you want Jane?" Nick asked looking at the menu written on the black board. "I'll have a glass of white wine love." "Right you are," he nodded and attracted the attention of the Australian behind the bar. "A pint of bitter and a glass of white wine please." Marie liked what she saw and as the boy was busy ordering the drinks she smiled at the girl and deliberately knocked her arm as she reached for her bag. "Excuse et Moi," she apologised affecting a slightly more French accent and was surprised when the girl replied with a smile in flawless French. "Non Madame, it's my fault for being in your way." "You have a very good accent," Marie said still in French. "For what we call les roast beauf." "I spent five years in Paris as a school girl, I'm Jane and this," she elbowed the boy in the ribs, "is my fianc? Nick." "Ah I'm Marie." Marie said reverting to English, "are you on holiday?" "Yeah." Jane said. "Are you?" "Oh no, I live here on the hill." "Oww that must be lovely, Nick was painting up there this afternoon," she swapped a loving exasperated look with Marie, "and will probably insist that we head back." It was so easy to chat the girl up Marie realised, especially when the Australian behind the bar said that there were no tables in the dining room free. "Non Michelle," she told the barman, "I have a table all to myself and would enjoy the company." She smiled at the couple. "That is if don't mind my joining you?" "No not at all," Jane said before Nick had caught up. She smiled at him before looking at Marie and saying in French. "He could use the practice, his French actually pretty good, but his accent is terrible." The girl was very good company and Marie knew she was just going to have to have her. Which meant she would have to have the boy, who at least showed more promise to begin with than many of her male 'guests', but could she risk it. Did she have the ability to disappear another two people in such a short period of time? Marie knew she was being greedy and having already messed up once this year she understood the risks if it went wrong again. The English police were nothing like as stupid as the media portrayed them and if she was not very careful they could notice. All night she laid tossing and turning the problem over and over in her mind. The actual task of getting them was easy enough in a holiday town what was difficult was explaining why they did not return. Eventually lust over powered her caution, the girl was just so perfect! Setting things into motion was easy enough; all it took was a phone call to an associate. "Couple English both educated male, female. Male 1 meter 55-60, roughly 80 kilos, sun bleached blond long, touch of sunburn no facial hair, female same height, 70 kilo, chestnut long and athletically fit looking." By ten the following morning Marie had her decoys. She had worked with both before and did not have to spend to long explaining their task. - To been seen at least two camera points and a burger bar before they packed up the van. Mentioning to as many who asked that they were off to painting up on the moor. Both knew to drive the van with out attracting attention along the motorway and fill with petrol. "Oui bon!" Marie said as they nodded and began to study the couple that were just walking in to view. Looking at the third person she said. "Any questions mon petit?" "No." The pixy faced innocent looking girl said checking the bulbous pistols in their case and setting it on a table beside her silent companions. Her brown eyes flicked upwards as she swayed back towards Marie. "Shall we madam?" "Mai oui mon cheri," Marie said and walked away with her arm around the girl's waist. "Looks like we're going to be having just as much fun tonight!" The female of the couple said with out removing her intent expressionless eyes from the high-powered binoculars. "Un hun!" her colleague grunted, watching his target just as intently. As pleased as his emotionless mind could be, that this time he was not replacing a poof. The snatch went perfectly, with his colleague they followed the couple The hill and their third member took each of them in less than two seconds With tranquilliser guns. Nice easy clean job they congratulated each other As they loaded the couple into the back of a Land Rover and replaced them. On the hilltop walk appearing with almost perfect timing as older couple Walked towards them. Making a fuss the couple made sure that they called out, Nick and Jane as they set up Nick's easel and the deck chair. * * * * * "What the hell does they haven't checked in mean!" The CO shouted. He was not a happy man. "Smith and Lee did not check in this evening sir?" The Officer in charge said unhappily, having just royally torn the arse out of her communications staff. "And why was I not notified as I ordered?" The CO said in that low dangerous voice that cost many a junior officer his beret. "The same reason I wasn't sir." She pushed her civilian styled hair from her eyes, "another bloody cock up in the computer department! How the hell did we let them foist that pile of shite on us?" "Shit!" The CO continued to swear vociferously for a while before he said sarcastically. "Because it saves money, and if it costs me an officer and her intended then I think, I'll go public and fuck the powers that be!" "I'll back you sir, I am as pissed off about this as you!" "Cheers Suse... " For a second the Old Man looked almost human. "Well it's what we hoped for, get hold of Jim in Hereford and tell him I want some of the boys down there yesterday." Major Susan Reed nodded and smiled faintly to her self, the Old Man Always got grumpy when an op kicked off. "Already done sir," she smiled. "Sorry..." "Well done," He nodded curtly and said waving her away. "Keep me informed as soon as we have a track!" Susan did not miss his whispered. "And let;s hope to Christ that that radio isotope tags work as well as the quacks say it will." * * * * * The same thought filled Nicks mind as he regained consciousness in a Dark very confined place. When he had agreed to this crazy idea, he had been fully informed of the risks but had always believed that he and Jane would not be the successful bait, as they were first in this area. It was all up to Jane and the CT team now, Nick knew. His roll was finished; he had just been cover for his pretty and, when necessary quite deadly fianc?. All he had to do now was stay mentally together until the cavalry arrived, which he admitted to himself. Might be harder than he had thought as he explored the inside of his cage. "Just relax and go with it. You cannot control what is happening so don't try!" The words said in a gruff Birmingham accent rang in Nicks mind and understood the concept that one of the blokes who had been captured in the Gulf had been trying to explain. "Be aware but act broken, act feeble but keep your head. Crying is good, if you can pull it off, it makes your captors feel better than you!" The four months Nick had spent training for this had at times felt like playing but now it felt deadly real. With a sinking feeling he realised how little he knew and how much he would need every bit of it because all of a sudden everything was very, very real! "Where the hell was Jane?" "Jane?" he called needing to realise some emotion, "Jane?" Nothing... His voice sounded numb, deadened? Now he guessed he was in a sensory depravation tank of some nature. As some point he felt a needle enter his bottom and then the words began... Seductive words, words that were designed to break him mentally and make him amenable to his captors wish's. Fixing his place in his mind Nick tried to think about somewhere nice And conserve energy. But as he rationalised, he could not help the little voice that was already worming its way into his head. Unlike many Nick had been trained in how to combat such and defend Certain deep mental places. He knew how to tune out the voice and seductive music, how to fight the sensory confusion but however much he had been forewarned about the effects of certain drugs. Their reality was worse, the voice just seemed to sap at his will power. Nick did not know quite who was what and what was who after twenty-four hours. After 36 he was repeating what ever the voice asked him. "Yes I'll be you." He murmured and shrieked. "Be me...?" "Yes, I'll be you, I am you." In moments of semi lucidity he believed the voice was his consciousness talking to him. At 48 he was mentally a mess and still only half way through the procedure. "Who are we?" Nick asked. "What are we...? I?" "I'm Sharon from Blackpool," Marie whispered into the microphone smiling evilly when Nick said. "I'm Sharon from Blackpool." Setting Nicks next battery of questions and programming on to automatic, she turned her attention to Jane who was undergoing a similar procedure conducted in French. "I'm Yvette from Paris and I love Marie. I feel sooo great when I'm in my slutty maids dress serving her..." "Yvette, mon cheri you will be my slut maid." Snapping at Annette her maid and former subject, "Prepare the room. Yvette will be ready in twelve hours." "Oui Madame," the maid acknowledged with a curtsey and walked away as quickly as her six inch heels would allow. "Oh and Annette? Go and fetch Ermintrude from her cage and tell her she has work to do in the in the morning." "Oui Madame," the maid said curtsying twice, once before and once after speaking. * * * * * "Where's the fucking van turned up? Bodmin! Shit!" Susan snarled down her telephone. It was 3.30 in the morning and no one had much sleep. "What about the chase car? They came off the hill top after painting?" She could see the CO charging towards her and waved the hovering masses Back and hit the speakerphone. "Yes Ma'am. A PC Grayson and his partner Phelps saw them at 4.30 yesterday. The tagged credit card says they had a Bar meal at the Lamb hotel and a few drinks. Then went to the Foghorn, that's where they ate last night, erm with the owner of the house on the hill where Nick was painting yesterday. "Then we have a fixed sighting by the OP at the Van. Next morning all of a sudden they packed and paid up. From what Lisa said, Jane told the shop manager that they were off painting on the moor and would be back Friday. CCTV shows they hit the cash point, filled up with petrol..." "Odd that!" The CO said, "Nick filled it yesterday... Okay." "Who is that speaking sir? This is a . ." "Colonel Martin!" The CO snapped, "get on with it man!" You could almost see the look of horror on the signals man face as he said. "Sorry sir. Then the van went up the spine road and that's where the chase car lost them on the motorway. There's a VW camper rally on this weekend..." "Thank you, Weston," Susan said. "Have that hard copy up here ASAP." Ending the call she looked at the boss. "Well?" "Switch, got to be a switch job." He nodded agreeing with her facial expression - they were still on the coast and vanished between coming off the hill where Nick had been painting and the van leaving. "Night time snatch... Bugger!" One of the soldiers from the CT team muttered. "They could be anywhere by now?" "No chance!" The chap from the DREA said firmly. "They are still in Cornwall even if they had been both in lead boxes the isotope tracker would have triggered it's set so low. They are still in the vicinity of the campsite; the levels decayed too rapidly when the van left shedding what Captain Smith and Mr. Lee left on its frame. That decay is detectable and we detected it." He waved a scrap of computer printout that had been sticking out of hispocket at her. All the squadies and officers in the room swapped worried looks, they Had about as much trust in what the madmen at DREA (Defence Research Establishment- Aldermaston) dreamed up as they did with unexploded bombs. The DERA chap removed his specks and cleaned them absently on his Rumpled tie missing all the looks, continuing as if teaching a class. "The radioactive decay is so distinctive see, and as it's a very slow particle so it marks the air about it. Trust me, if they spend more than five minutes in the open or in a well-ventilated room and we'll know down to square K. It's a wonderful idea, it's just a pity we'll probably land up selling it to the yanks for real world deployment. "If this isn't real world deployment then what is?" The CO said coldly and stalked away. "Sue? You and the boys get your arses down to that Coastguard training centre ASAP." "Yes sir." Susan swapped a look with the DERA guy, unlike the old man she believed that the isotope tag would work and crossed her fingers under the table. "I reckon it's about time the local bill showed a certain cursory interest anyway? The old, hello Mrs. O'Leary I don't suppose you saw, business?" She looked at the Special Branch liaison. "Yeah I can stick it through the PNC as routine enquires, due to abandoned van and not returning to work?" He nodded, "want to slip a couple of your lads in to the questioning team?" "No, lets just keep it local, for now..." * * * * * Jane was in a mess when she was removed from the isolation chamber, Although she acted worse than she was, -totally broken and gabbling all sorts. Reciting what she had been saying in the chamber, babbling how she loved her mistress. Wishing only to sleep with out a searing discordant sound waking her every time she drifted off. Most of it was not an act but at her most basic level Jane knew who she Was and what she had to do, and from that came resolve and with resolve came big mental broom, a broom big enough to sweep all the shit that had been forced in to her head away. As she felt her self being bathed and dressed she felt her mind if not her severely weakened body coming back together. The desires that she had been exposed to were like a welcoming pit, Which she firmly barred and gated in her mind and hoped that Nick was fairing better than she was? It was easy not to resist when she felt a heavy metal collar with a short length of chain attached to it was locked about her neck. The soft rugs on which she laid felt so nice through the diaphanous robe on her clean skin. Feeling warm and feminine Jane slipped into a strange disturbed sleep, plagued by drives that she knew were not her own... One minute she was writing in her dreams as she felt the dildo penetrating her oh so deeply. She could feel the sway of her mistress's breasts on her back as she pressed harder on to the lovely thing between her legs and moaned in delight. The next Jane was fully conscious and gyrating against the invader inside her. It was like watching herself in one of the porn films, she and Nick had occasionally watched together. A little ashamed of the noises she was making and how nice it felt to have another woman taking her Jane remembered Nick... It had taken nine days to break her but now Yvette was reacting to the strap-on like she was born to it. Sliding out of her new slaves vulva she slid her dildo up her waiting arse! Marie crowed relishing the sensation of power she held over this creature she was creating. "Tell me your name cheri?" she whispered in French in Yvette's ear. "Ugh oui...Oui Madam. Je suis Yvette dans le Parie..," Jane whispered in her perfectly accented French, "Owwa... Madammmm!" Jane let her body go and simply enjoyed what she was feeling. Praying in the corner of her mind that was hers, that Nick was going to handle this better than she was. "Oh Madame... Ohhha.... Madame," Jane hated the gasps of pleasure that escaped her mouth and hoped she could get Nick to do this to her one day.... It was not hard for Jane to allow herself to perform oral sex on Marie, The drives that she knew were not hers needed to, and at this point all she wanted to do was get comfortable in character. Anyway it was not a sin to eat out the woman you loved was it? Marie gorged herself on her new slut, and never once suspected that Yvette was not all she seemed to be... Nick was in an even worse state that Jane when he was finally removed From his chamber some 48 hours after her. Mentally a shambles all he could think was that he was a silly girl called Sharon from Blackpool who loved her Master... "Your so nice to a silly cow like me?" Nick babbled at the maid and Ermintrude, the former doctor who bathed him. "Thank you...." and burst into tears. Carefully the maid and doctor put Nick though exactly the Same programming as Jane had experienced a few day's before. Drugs, hypnosis, more drugs, conditioning to items and self-images. Nicks mind was reshaped until he felt like he honestly felt he was always ugly and was glad he had such friends who could help him with a surgeon to perfect herself. Jane almost lost it when she saw Nick strapped to the table on a CCTV monitor... The flush of intense rage she felt lasted a nanosecond and was not noticed by the two guards who she was serving coffee. Like the silent maid who was leading her through her new chores Jane Was wearing a very short black maid's uniform, which was so tight at the waist she could hardly breath due to the tight corset she needed to fit the dress. Her feet were killing her from the heels she was wearing and she felt like her face was a plaster cast of makeup. Hiding her emotions was not a difficult thing for Jane but she still Thanked the stars that she got a glimpse on that monitor a little earlier before she walked in the room, otherwise she could have blown the whole op. "Ahha Sharon," Marie moaned as she raped Nicky. Seeing Jane dressed in the maids dress she chuckled evilly. "Come Yvette, meet one of the new sluts," as her hard plastic phallus took her new maid's ecstatic former fianc?. Jane could hear the familiar slap, slap of the dildo's false balls Swinging on Nick's welcoming body. The look on his face was full of sexual fulfillment and heady ecstasy as he groaned in delight, moaning. "Oh fuck me mistress," over and over again. "Yvette? What do you think would suit you two sluts?" Marie crooned a few minutes later as 'Yvette' sucked her nipples and pendulous breasts. While the 'new' slut worshiped between her thighs. "Bigger tits and cock sucker lips," Jane said seeing the reply rising from the pit and hating the mental image of her self and Nick with the page three lips and tits, that appealed so much to her ... Uncertain of how much of what she was seeing was from Marie and how much was her own Jane felt a tendril of uncertainty fill her... She could do this couldn't she? Telling her self that she had always felt a little defensive about her Small boobs, Jane remembered how much she had thanked god for having them during selection. Marie chuckled and said, "Oui bon," and clapped her hands. "Kneel mais enfant." Jane slipped to her knees and let her thigh touch Nick as she knelt beside her. No him! Jane told herself, hating the mental slip. "Yvette and Sharon require larger tits, Ermintrude?" She told the exceptionally endowed former doctor. "See to it, take Sharon first she needs it most. Do her lips as well, and ears, lots of rings, tarty looking. Have her ready by tomorrow." "Yes mistress." The doctor said with a curtsey and said in a short tone. "Slut Sharon, come!" Jane hated the total lack of recognition in Nicks face as he Reluctantly left Marie, and prayed he was just acting. "Hello mon petit...," Marie said giving Jane a lusting look. Turning off her emotions Jane just let her body do what it wanted and promised herself that she would take this bitch down... * * * * * "We've got a lock! They are both alive and moving about." The DREA bloke cried running into the operations room. "Down to one of about 60 properties! They are with in 1100meter circle of grid reference 66249380," and collapsed in to a waiting chair with a look of relief on his face. It had taken over a month to get a lock and he had been getting more and more worried about it. "Thank god!" "Rattat-chat boss?" Susan asked. "Too bloody right Suse. What utilities have we got?" Bob Martin felt a rush of relief, if Jane or Nicky had managed to avoid being reprogrammed then touchwood the plan was still on. "All but cable," One of the CT team said. "I've never sold cable before," a pretty redheaded former WPC said looking at her partner. Who nodded and moved towards the high end PC at the end of the stuffy room. "Who for?" a voice chipped in. "Lancs University, doing research into the customer viability of a company setting up a network in a rural area? - I've got access to their database and can slip them on the roll no probs?" another voice suggested. It was at times like this that Bob Martin realised why he had remained In Special Forces, rather than chasing rank. Listening to his 'lads' (they were all lads to him both male and female), putting a complex plan together gave his fried nerves the boost of confidence he needed. "Sample?" another piped up. "We're going to have knock on a lot of doors to make it viable cover?" "We can sort this out later!" Susan said returning a little order to the room. "Lets move you lot." She looked at the CT boys, "in to place and make sure there's always a squad stood at ten minuets?" The CT team looked at each other, they could land up spending weeks sat in a safe house doing nothing on this one... Shit! Susan read the look- when she was in Belfast; she had used the same one herself on more than one occasion. "Some one square up a safe house. Who do we know down there?" "Lieutenant Bob from G squadron has a place about a mile from there. I'll see if we can borrow it?" Susan looked at the clock it was late again. "Have something on my desk For 8, I'm going to get some gonk..." * * * * * Marie's true perversity showed its self to Jane when she sat in a Viewing gallery, spectating the violation of Nick's body like it was a sporting occasion. Sipping wine and nibbling cheese and crackers with 'Yvette' kneeling before her. Marie savoured the moment she had been waiting for, allowing her new maid to pleasure her as she watched and occasionally made Jane watch, as Nicks body was sliced and altered by the enormous breasted Ermintrude. Concentrating on a mark on the window whenever Marie told her to observe, Jane managed to hide her eyes from the horror unfolding beneath her. Holding her face impassive to how she felt as she saw the overly large breasts' being created was one of the hardest things she had ever done. It was almost a relief when Marie dragged her back from the window for another disgusting sex session. Jane had used her sexuality in the line of duty before. She did not like doing it but she was pragmatic about it. When she was on the Counter Revolutionary Warfare Wing, she had taken part in honey trap operations, and in Jane's eyes, she saw what Marie was making her do was no different to that. Marie made a serious error in letting Jane hear the doctor and her assistants. Up until then she had been thinking only in French and with the mind distorting drugs Jane was still being exposed too, she had all but forgotten the English language existed. The surgical team were speaking English and although it took Jane a few seconds to accept she understood English. -When she did Jane's mind broke its remaining conditioning. Awakening in the back of her mind the worrying thought that she to was scheduled for a visit to the 'changing room' and it would not be long in coming? It wasn't -as Jane discovered when she came round in her seldom used sleeping cell. Her chest felt like it had been run over with a tractor and her lips felt like they were made of rubber. A part of her cheered in delight, as she realised she must look like a total bimbo! The Jane side her mind felt revolted by the intrusion that had been imposed on her body although there was some exultation from the other part. Knowing what she had to do Jane lay motionless on her narrow cot Feigning sleep. Unable to track the time she let her mind wander. All sorts came to her, Nick and Nicole in happier times, doing the fan dance together while he was training. The culture shock of her introduction in to the regiment, as one of only 11 woman ever to successfully complete selection on exactly the same terms as the men. The pride Jane felt in that achievement was what gave her the strength To play Marie's game - and complete their mission. Marie, was delighted with both her acquisitions, they were both Behaving quite beautifully. Once Yvette's hair had been cut and dyed to match Annette's they made her a perfect pair French maids, but slutty Sharon was a problem... She had set out to create a slut, and Marie abhorred public sluttyness. It would not be long she decided, before I can dispense with Sharon... She knew a few Middle Eastern gentlemen who liked bottle blond western sluts in their stable and if the slut didn't offend Allah once a month? So much the better! Smirking as it occurred to her that she might even make a profit out of Sharon, if she could be made convincing enough. Jane's face remained impassive -just, when she first saw what had been Done to her Nicky. She shared with him the overly large breasts and large lips, but he differed in earrings, she had been given two in each lobe, he must have had six or seven in each ear. Jane could still see the swelling where his nose and eyes had been altered. The mass of wavy brown blond hair she loved so much had been cut in cheap looking badly layered style then permed and bleached bottle blond. It hurt Jane to the core to see, how much Nick had been altered and Hated her self when she strapped him at Marie's order. Marie got her kicks from making Jane do most of the punishing, when Sharon's sluttyness offended Madame. This had an added benefit of making 'Sharon' so afraid of Jane that she avoided her, which of course suited Madams plans perfectly... Marie got her kicks from mental torture. She was as Jane had found out perfectly willing to use physical methods, enough perhaps to break most women but in comparison to some of the beatings Jane had received during selection and operations they were hardly more than love taps. Recalling a comment about better to fall in to the hands of a nasty person, than a good person. A good person will just slot you and get on with it, but nasty one will want to taunt you first and perhaps in error give you a break. Jane remained impassive and obedient, only occasionally would the attempt at rewiring her brain throw her, and she steadily gained in confidence. Marie was a sick bastard and after a week of careful observation of her New maid, she believed that Jane had been erased as successfully as Nick. Out of perversity she liked to make Yvette observe and participate in as much of Sharon's torments as possible. Like a director in a movie, Marie would direct Sharon in all sorts of disgusting sexual activities, usually with Jane kneeling between her legs. Twosomes, Threesomes and full blow orgies, Sharon was exposed to them all and Jane felt her composure beginning to slide. Day after day Sharon was exposed to all sorts of awful things and Jane was forced to watch it all.... Sharon as intended soon became a looks obsessed bimbo. All she could talk or cared about was TV soaps, clothes, makeup and sex. Jane cried inside most night's as she saw what was happening to her Nicky and prayed Marie would relax her guard for long enough for her to get into that office of hers. -Get the hard drive from the computer that she now knew was hidden behind the drinks cabinet in Marie's secret study and call for the boys... Not knowing how long they had been in Marie's hands worried Jane as the Tags only worked for about six or seven weeks, but she had to believe that everything was going to plan. Telling her self that the CT boys and one new girl should be somewhere near Jane relaxed as much as she could and waited. Preying every night that Dr Janet's hypnotic treatments would allow her To get Nicky back, Jane ticked off the days until at last Marie began to give her the run of the house. The house had a fairly large staff of maids and eventually Jane like Annette was given a heavy formal uniform and housemaid duties... Jane saw and examined the size and composition of the security team, -amateurs! She discovered where the small selection of weapons was stored. She examined the location of every security camera and took careful note of the revolving image timing, and at last she found her target. Finally she was able to plan how she was going to do it. Things were Falling into place-all she had to do was put places and times together. She got her first break when she was provided with a black body stocking something that was welcome as she didn't fancy having to defend herself in either the slutty brief non public uniform or the encumbering housemaids dress. After all the corsetry of the last weeks, Jane had been worrying about her abdominal muscles. Whenever the opportunity arose Jane passed the time planning and doing isometric exercises to keep them as strong as she could. Time she knew was running out, she had overheard Marie on the phone, describing Sharon and Jane found out that the bitch intended to get rid of her and soon... Shit! With a dark feeling dwelling in her heart Jane vowed that if Nick vanished then Marie would die. Marie had not been surprised when the local police turned up a few Weeks after she had snatched Nick and Jane. She was friendly with both of them anyway, what with being on the local parish council and on the tourist board committee. She answered their questions and then showed them out, thinking she had pulled it off. She had all but forgot the police had ever visited by the time there Was next an unexpected knock at the door. Unworried, Marie felt certain her sources in the local constabulary would give her prior warning of any untoward interest in her. After a few moments Annette came to her and said that there was a lady at the door who wished to see if she would take part in a survey? Marie knew what it was about, a cable company had phoned up the Vicar And spent a while asking about the possibility of installing a wireless Cable receiver on the roof. "Ziss way please Madam," Annette said in her delightful broken English and showed the nice looking woman into Marie's sitting room. "Hi, I'm Sally Winters, and I'm a postgraduate student at Lancaster University," she held out her hand to Marie, "I'm doing some research Into the viability of cable operations," the woman said as she accepted the waved offer of a seat. "Well what can I do for you?" Marie asked, "Caf??" "I say yes please," Susan Reed said with a smile, "I am rather parched?" "I'm sorry Yvette, doesn't speak English," Marie apologised when the coffee was perfectly served by 'Yvette' and Sally tried to engage her in the survey, which made Marie laugh inside. The look of total bafflement in 'Yvette's' face and the way she looked towards her mistress. "Madam? Je ne comprede pas?" Made Marie feel a warm glow burning in her belly. Marie who was always very careful to stick strictly to her public slightly dotty, rich old French lady roll. Spent a pleasant 45 minutes with Sally answering all her questions about what she like and disliked about the televised media. "Well thank you for all your help Mrs. St. Claire," Susan said in a pleasant tone that belied the angry impatience she felt bubbling in her guts. She had understood the in place signal so why the hell had Jane not also given her a go signal? "Marie, mon Petit." Marie charmed and called Annette to see her guest out... * * * * * Susan was really surprised when she felt the silent buzz of the Detector vibrating wildly in the small of her back. She was almost sure it was the weird farmer, who was next on her list to visit. The visit did take place, but not by Susan. As her detector vibrated Her phone trilled. "I thought I'd turned it off," she apologised to her hostess and looked at the display. "My husband! Do you mind?" "Non my dear," Marie said, thinking what a pity it was that she could not have this one as well? "Hello love?" Susan said the code words. "I'm busy right now I'll call you when I'm free. - Uh hun -Love you!" And snapped her phone shut, "I am sorry about that Mrs. St. Claire, but you know what they are like?" "Not for a long time my dear, I'm afraid," Marie said with crocodile tears in her tone. One hour later Susan was at the safe house and found from her other interview team that a farm on the other side of the hill also came up positive, which complicated things, but answered the question of whether there was a hidden route of escape. "I've got ten of the lad's who were kicking about in Hereford on their way down now, Susie," her operations partner said as she walked in. "They will be at St. Mawgon in 90 minutes, and Marty going to guide them in them up. "We're going to have to be round the clock on this one Billy?" "Sorted boss." Susan looked at the police representative. "Everything that goes in the place and out is to be followed and searched..." "Consider it done," the SB copper picked up a phone. "Boss? I've already given Mik B, filthy Phil and their squads the go, and told the tekkys to go wire the place...," Billy glanced at his watch. "We should have some sound in about 3 hours and the rest - visuals, IR, normal and the quacks tricorder in five." Susan nodded curtly and looked at the rest of the team, "You lot sorted?" "Yep!" "Sure boss," the acknowledgements came in from round the room. The farmer had five farmhands, all big and burly men and the team recognized them for what they were -the opposing force -and planned to treat them as such. Nodding at the stood down assault team who were all looking studiously Away from her. Jane could tell from their stance what they were thinking, after over two months what the hell did Jane and Nicky look like? The way the detector spiked in the van indicated that Susan must have been in or very near their presence. Like the four bait teams who had been on this one, the shooters had Been informed of what might happen to them before the operation had started. They were shown the tapes of the dead editors former son and read the transcripts of the counseling sessions that were needed to extract the story from him. All knew the risks and the bait teams also had a visit by Doctor Frazer, who had planted some post hypnotic defences against the mental Reprogramming techniques the 'Spider' was known to use. Susan was quite aware that for many of the highly macho troopers death would have been a much more preferred option to what Marie would do to them... Telling herself that Jane could be physically returned to normal with out to much trouble, Susan picked up the secure line to base and phoned the CO. Like all operators Susan disliked the phone, even one with 128bit Encryption but she was not surprised when the phone was instantly answered. She could see the old man now, sleeves rolled up, coffee mug beside him staring anxiously at the phone... "Well?" he asked bluntly. "She's in place but not ready to go yet, I think she indicated 2 weeks but we were accompanied at all times... It's the French granny... Hell who would have thought it. How many times did we look at her? Once and that was a cursory glance... Shit the cleaver French bastard, under our noses the whole time..." "Don't kick your self Suse, you're up against a pro," the CO said. "We got her boss," Susan said. "Do we just go in or give Jane a chance?" Susan could see the CO pulling on the tip of his nose as he hummed in to the phone. "She doesn't know she's got a cuckoo in her nest and Jane gave you the I'm okay signal?" "Yep." Bob Martin was never one to hesitate over a decision. "Z day in seven regardless." "Thank you sir!" Susan said relieved at knowing when to end it. "How did she look?" Bob Martin asked, tossing his rank aside. It was the question he feared the most. "About what we expected Boss," Susan said, "Huge tits, hairdo, collagen lips and a quite revealing maids dress," Susan laughed a little bitterly. "Deep down she gonna be really pissed off about looking like that..." "Shit!" Bob said angrily and asked, "What about Nicky?" "The DREA quack say's he's there but I didn't see hide nor hair?" "Jan Frazer has a full trauma team standing by and a theatre ready." The Bob added reassuringly. "Might not help Nicky, if she's been able to do what she's done to Jane?" Susan said shivering, "She could be Nicole by now?" "Thank you for that Susan...," Bob groaned, "Keep in touch." Bob Martin dropped the phone on its cradle and rested his head in his hands. How had he been talked into such a cockamamie plan? "Come on Smith...," he whispered, "What the sweet fuck, are you playing at?" The 'Spider' was what they called her. Bob shook his head looking at The photo of the prim looking French woman from the rapidly expanding the file about her. They had always assumed that the Spider was a man. From profiling and conjecture, it had been assumed that the semi mythical crime/terrorist lord had been a renegade KGB officer, who had kept his phone book... Acting as a liaison between traditional organised crime and the various terrorist organisations. The Spider could provide, access to weapons in a country, information about who would be agreeable politically in whatever the organisation decided to do, where to supply drugs, women and most importantly of all how to get rid of anyone inconvenient with any questions being asked. Unsurprisingly the Spider had become a target for all the international police and security services. Yet no one could turn up a brass farthing about who the Spider was? "And now we know!" Bob said studying the face of the woman in the picture. The break had come from a routine vice raid in Southampton. When they turned over a brothel they finger printed the whores. When one of the scrubbers they caught, a thick, drug addict called Babbs was fingerprinted, the custody officer pressed the wrong button on the computer and searched male records. Not realising his mistake until the fingerprint came up as a match for A missing, dead newspaper editor's son, whose print was tagged by the Serious crime squad investigating the murder. The editor had been found Mutilated on the side of the motorway but of his missing 21-year-old Cambridge graduate son? He just vanished as if in to thin air... Babbs was with out doubt Ian Donald but appeared not to know it! She Was that far along the heroin highway that her mind had been almost totally destroyed by the drug. It took two months of intensive detoxification and hours of counseling before investigators were able to get to what had happened and learnt almost noting of value. Later after some really heavy duty head shrinking and hypnotherapy, the doctors finally got to what remained of Ian Donald and to their horror discovered how the bright chemistry graduate had been turned in to a street girl who could not even spell her own name. Eventually Babbs was sectioned under the mental health act and spent her days blissed out in a secure hospital. Bob tossed the pile of crap that had been the file on the Spider aside And recalled how all this had started some eight months earlier. * * * * * "Captain Smith? A word please," the CO said giving her the sort of look that made Jane think. Oh shit! "You're a good officer Smith!" the CO said, "and I don't know how to put this, but that art teacher you met at university?" Jane could hear the 'one you want to marry' in his tones and remained impassive. "Yes Sir?" Trying not to let the amusement she suddenly felt show. Jane smiled to her self. - Who dare's win's- she knew what this would be about. "What's the back ground check turned up Sir? That he's a tranny?" The CO blushed violently, and Jane had to really fight her amusement. Although she had been in the Special Forces for six years she had only Been a part of the regiment for a little over twelve months and knew her clearance was up for reappraisal. No one liked having his or her life examined by internal security, but in her job it was a fact of life! Hoping she had not blown it Jane managed to keep her amusement contained, the CO was known for his lack of humour. Anyway she thought he knew she did not go through the hell of selection and training because she wanted, or would be allowed to go on the classic behind the lines regimental missions. -No, he knew she did it because she wanted to prove to herself that she was worthy. Even though she had all ready the lad's respect, there was still a divide. She was a Royal Engineer on long term-detached duty, the lads were all members of the regiment and Jane resented that just because she could not piss standing up, that such divide existed! Missing out on her first opportunity at selection after the equality Laws changed, due to a breaking her wrist two days before it started. Jane became the fourth woman to pass selection rather than the first as she had intended. "Good photo of Nicole," she judged looking at the image the CO produced from a file, "pity I cannot show him it." The CO was still blushing as Jane said. "He's quite public about it, apart from around school and there, all the senior staff knows?" "And, and? You don't mind?" The CO spluttered. "Not really..," Jane said thoughtfully, "it's safer than drinking and womanising and tranny's are a good laugh to be out with. Actually if you think about it, looking at how I dress for work? It would be fair to say that I'm as much as a Transvestite as he is?" "But what if he, gets involved with...?" Bob Martin shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "He's not gay, or bisexual?" Jane said smarting, "He just likes dressing in women's clothing that's all? Like millions of other men since time began. Thing is with Nick he's not got the guilt complex about it so he doesn't really try to hide his feminine side." "Nick's not a security risk," Jane pronounced, "Mainly because he doesn't have a clue about what I do, and he's bright enough not to ask," she laughed, relaxing as she got on to her favourite topic, "If anyone asks about me he tells them I'm a projects manager for Bovis. For a civvy he's really switched on, and worked out that I work with the regiment when he saw my return letter post marks." Her eyes sparkled, Bob noticed as she spoke about this Nick. Jane was The sort of woman who was good for the regiment, and he did not really want to see her have to leave, which was why he was having this conversation. "When I asked if he curious about my job he told me, 'You work in Hereford and I don't need to know anymore. I'm not stupid!' and has left it at that." "I'm tempted to trust your judgement but I want to meet him!" The CO said. "I'll level with you Jane, your clearance is at stake here? Are you sure you want to accept his offer?" "Oh he didn't ask me sir," Jane said, "I asked him... and he's refused twice because he thinks it could cost me my job...Sir." As she turned to leave Jane shrugged, "He could be right." The CO sat back and whistled. He liked Jane Smith and had worked with her in Belfast a few years ago, when he commanded a military surveillance unit. He knew she was a good operator and trusted her judgement but engaged to bloody transvestite? If Jane had said she was a lesbian, it would have caused less of a Kafuffle in the internal security crowd. Not looking forward to it he decided to see what a face to face with Mr. Nicholas Lee turned up. Jane was in a quandary. The Old Man and her Nick, Jesus, talk about opposites? Nick with his head in the clouds idealism and inability to understand pretty much any form of authority, and Colonel Robert Martin DSO, MM, commander SAS Regiment... Nick was delighted to find Jane in his flat when he got in from school, laden down with a ton of marking and work. Squealing, "Jane!" He dumped the marking and jumped into her arms. "What you doing here I didn't expect you for another two weeks?" Then he shrugged, reading her eyes and said, "So I was right? Nicole freaked them out huh?" His grey eyes twinkled in amusement as he looked up at her, she had warned him that he may get an interview. "I've just got a lovely new dress." "Don't you dare!" Jane gasped, knowing that Nick was very likely to do such a thing if she did not put her foot down straight away. "Look I know you don't want to know what I do, but if you stick my ring on your finger, I'm pretty much obliged to tell you this." "What?" Nick said then pressed his hand against her lips, "half a minute I think I'll need a drink." "Bring me one too pet." Jane said kissing him before she let him from her arms, "A soft one, please." "Okay? Shoot," Nick said settled on the settee clutching a bottle of cider. "Okay... Where to start?" She mused. "I'm currently the second in command of a unit working in Northern Ireland. We, my troop and I, well spy on people and take part in enforcement operations. I've been in raids, close target recognisance, following people that sort of thing. I was a royal engineer but now I'm one of the few in Hen troop, 22 SAS Regiment." "Hen troop?" Nick asked. "There are eleven of us girls actually in the regiment at the moment and decided we needed a corporate entity. We've all met exactly the same criterion that's expected of the lads, did every part of selection they did and although we're not allowed under military regs to perform certain task's, that's expected of the lads. We've still trained for it," Jane grinned wolfishly, "and you never know perhaps the legal situation will be change and we can. So we formed our own troop, we have a support staff, not that we need much other than the cute guy from signals who's our troop secretary. He's the only person who really knows where we all are. We get assigned to work with what ever squadron needs us as well as being on the CT team here?" "What's CT?" "My next posting, love," Jane grinned said patting his knee, "Counter terrorism." "Is it dangerous?" Nick said looking at her in a different light. "Sometimes...," Jane admitted, not liking the look in his eyes one bit. "And you've done all that running up mountains with a big rucksack and jumping out of aeroplanes with a gun, like on the telly?" Jane nodded, "Bloody hell, and I thought you built hidey holes?" Nick breathed... "Still want to take it?" Jane said, producing a small jewelery case from her pocket, "Marry me... Please?" "Yes," Nick grinned, he had wanted to spend his life with Jane ever since he met her. "Don't tell me any more okay?" he held out his left hand with his fingers spread, "I'm idealist, and? What the fuck is that?" He pointed to the inside waistband holster and weapon, that Jane was still wearing. "Oh that? I'm on call so I'm obliged to be armed the whole time and a gun's not the sort of thing to leave lying about is it?" Jane grinned at the look on Nicks face. "We've got to pick a bloke up at the police station in the morning, but instead of spending the night in a hotel with the lads I came here. They've got the number and address as have the police." She leant forward and kissed him as she slid the ring into place,"I doubt if it will be needed but it's the regs." She gave him a ghoulish grin and added, "For notification of next of kin or significant other." Nick was still looking at her gun in horror,"Is it loaded?" "Yes, but there isn't a round chambered, want to see it?" Jane offered puling the weapon free from her waistband. "Not really, Nick said and breathed a sigh of relief as she placed it beside her. "When have I got to meet this Colonel Boss man then?" "Tomorrow at 9am, Jane said. "No chance I'm not missing school?" Nick protested. "A copper from special branch, along with a police education officer will be at the school at about 8.40, and say you witnessed a hit and run accident. They will tell the head, Dr Jones that you will be late as you are providing them with a statement, Jane grinned, "the SB will probably sniff for dirt on you and the Ed officer? Who won't know anymore than the accident story by the way, will offer to cover your classes?" Looking worried Nick said uncertainly,"Bloody hell Jane, what is this, The Spanish inquisition?" "No, the comfy chair!" She grinned,"Look Bob just wants to suss you out that's all, he's the bloke who has to sign off on my clearance so it's his neck on the block if you're a plant!" Jane said cheerfully and offered him dinner on the MOD? Telling the restaurant she was a doctor on call she booked a table for two, and then contacted someone else on a mobile and said, "It's Jane, and I'm going to be mobile for the next thirty, then at same code, 392746, I'll call in before mobile back to overnight location." "Lets go?" She picked up her gun and slid it back into place and slipped her smart jacket on. Nick was astounded by Jane's revelation. The concept that she was also likely to be a trained killer came to him abruptly when they were half way through dinner and it shook his senses. Jane noticed Nick become suddenly introspective and wondered what it was like for the lads when they admitted what they did at work to a prospective partner? She could see the question burning in his eyes all through the remainder of the meal and said the moment they walked out to her car. "The answer is yes, Nick. I have killed another human being," Jane shrugged, "I'm not proud of it, but it was him or me." Jane shivered; she really did not know what Nick was going to do. For all Nick's oddball way of dressing and fantasies, he was a pretty much normal bloke and the Regiment shrinks were all fascinated to see how a normal civilian male was going to react to finding out his missus was harder and tougher than he could ever be. After a long pregnant silence Nick slid his arms about her waist and said, "Let's go home Ms. Bond," and everything, Jane realised was going to work out fine. He never asked again and totally charmed Bob Martin the following day. Feeling very intimidated when Jane drove him through the gates of the Police station at 8am, Nick played it straight and Bob Martin liked straight. Assuming he was not going to like or understand Nick, Bob was pleasantly surprised when Nick turned out totally normal. There was that job interview air about the whole thing for both but as Nick relaxed and began to quantify his explanations. Bob found he was dealing with a very bright and 'together' individual. Commenting that Nick probably would have done well in what ever he had chosen to do. Colonel Martin declared in writing that he did not consider Mr. Nicholas Lee a potential security leak in any way and approved Jane's security clearance renewal. Having an 'out' tranny as a female team member's partner actually worked out better than then anyone could have expected. Nick didn't really try to be matey, or one of the lads with Jane's workmates. He was as willing as any bloke to talk football and general chit chat with them accepting them for what they were, big mean teddy bears. Slotting in with their wives and girlfriends, in a reverse of the way Jane was had been accepted as one of the lads, Nicky was much more quickly accepted into their circle as one of the girls. Most weekends if Jane was on call Nicky would load all his schoolwork And drive down to Hereford. Some weekends everything was lovely other Weekends he would see her for five minutes if he were lucky! If Jane was busy, so were a whole lot of the other blokes, and Nicky got to enjoy a few nights out with a gaggle of women whose partners were away! When the squadron Jane was attached all went off on a month's trip. Nicky found a message on his answer machine when he got in from work. It was Cheryl one of the team's wife's and Kath, a girlfriend of one of the CT team. Cheryl had a business meeting in Leeds on Friday and as Kath was off, She was tagging along to hit the famous Leeds shops. "Any chance of a night out?" they chorused down the phone "Only one problem?" Nicky giggled nervously down the phone, returning their call. "You know that group I'm the secretary for? Well we're having a party on Friday." "Sounds good!" Cheryl giggled, "do we finally get to see Nicole then?" "Yes.. and I'm shitting myself," Nicky admitted. "Naw don't be love, Dave showed me the piccys. You look fine to me." "WHAT BLOODY PICTURE!" Nick exploded. As Jane had expected, a picture of Nicky was circling the lads, it was a good picture, long lenses and in bad light, she had seen it. When she asked how it was done Jane was not surprised to hear, "Did it as a training exercise, first bloke, or in this case girl wins a crate of beer." Kathy, a former WPC grinned and said, "Sorry sister, but beers, beer..." At the end of the academic year, Nick reluctantly left his school in Leeds and moved to Hereford. Nick had no doubt that a string must have been pulled when he got offered the job as head of art, in a large comprehensive school. Noticing the familiarity of a few of the surnames Nicky for once asked her a work type question. "Do you check the teachers in the schools as well?" Jane did not answer and simply gave him a faint smile. It took a few months for the sense of dislocation to fade, but as Nick And Jane settled into the house they bought life returned to normal. As Before he kept his tranny life away from school although all the teachers who asked Nick were told. It was when the boy turned up in Southampton, a search was done of the female fingerprints database and another two vanished boys appeared. One of the two who turned up had been able to escape the Spiders intended fate after getting good one night in a police cell. Straightening out from the drugs, she walked in to a convent and became a nun. Sister May as she was now known, worked as a counselor in a church sponsored rehab unit and was a goldmine of information. After expressing her exasperation that she had told this to the police once, she was able to provide the security services with a very concise and accurate explanation of what was done to her. Most important of all was how she had been taken. She had no connections to any sort of organisation; and had been on holiday in Cornwall with his girlfriend and been just picked. As the police across Europe, followed up the lead more 11 missing Persons turned up and another leaf was added in the spiders file. However when two more of the missing persons who turned up we're like Sister May it became apparent that it was not all-just business. The one thing they had in common was they and had simply been on holiday in Cornwall or Devon alone or with their girlfriend, and taken. Digging into missing persons in South West turned up a few more clues, Young women vanished as well as men and a criteria profile was drawn up. As the police, dug away and more clues came up and it was suggested that perhaps a baited hook could be used. DREA were banging on about their supper techno tagging, wanting it field-tested, and as the target was unknown, what better way to trace your officers. Eventually the chance of smoking out the target, either the Spider or a very close associate was too good to miss and as with anything this unusual, it eventually landed on Bob Martins desk. Deciding to give Susan Reed the job was not difficult. The mission was a dead cert for the Hen troop and as expected all who fell with in the age specification tossed their names in the hat. It was finding the men to fill the roll in the couples and one singleton that was proving difficult. The bait teams were to be two couples, and four singles and a call was Put out requesting volunteers. Jane was an obvious candidate, and applied. She did not fancy the mission one bit when she heard the

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Caught in a Trap

The sitting room was probably big enough to fit Joanne’s entire apartment into it without touching the sides, but it still felt like a cage to her. She paced its length, one step for each tick of the obnoxiously loud grandfather clock on the east wall, reminding herself again and again that the only thing she could do right now was wait. Because all the other plans were crazy. She couldn’t go to the police, she didn’t have anything even approaching the kind of proof that could get them through...

3 years ago
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A hot blonde in an open-top sports car, her hair whipping behind her as she speeds along a quiet country road on a golden summer evening – what more could a traffic cop ask for? I was on my way home, around 8.00 p.m., having stayed late at the office working on my company’s annual accounts. The bright red Ferrari was a bit of an indulgence, but the business had been making good profits for nearly three years now, and I had plenty of cash in the bank. I had always wanted a car like...

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Mary Jane sets a trap

Mary Jane sets a trap (humiliation version)By lilguy [email protected] Jane finds out Black cat sleeping with Peter and sets a trap for a catfight Author note- This was a commission I did for someone else (aka Black Cat) sleeked through the roof tops in a skin tight catsuit. It was tight and leather hugging natrualy and tightly to her body. It had little mini pockets to hide all her gear. The pants hugged to her butt showing the...

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Sissy Trap

Sissy Trap Everything had went so terribly wrong from my long anticipated shopping experience. I had been a lifelong cross dresser not remembering my first actual endeavor into slipping into my mothers or sisters lingerie drawers. Over the years I had kept this well hidden from my family and friends and had even ceased dressing for 6 years during my ill fated marriage. When my marriage ended I found myself with the passion, time and means to fulfill these long hidden desires. In no...

3 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 44 The Trap

We found Captain Foster at Spencer's Ordinary, not far from the Chickahominy, and also found that we had missed a pretty nasty fight between Simcoe's rangers, who had been out raiding a supply depot, and some of Lafayette's men under Colonel Butler. Butler, Captain Foster told us, had lost a couple of dozen men but thought he had cost Simcoe twice that, forcing him to withdraw to Williamsburg where Cornwallis had his main force camped. "They're laying a trap," Mercy said, "that's...

2 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 10 Second Trap

Jason was aware that the rate of fertility in the Empire had plummeted in the last 3000 years. The population had declined at a slow rate largely because the average age at the same time had extended so dramatically. It however meant that a considerable number of women didn’t fall pregnant and the men had become frailer and less fertile. Jason cursed the priests for what they had done to the people. Jason thought the priests had been very clever. Many doctors were priests and their research...

1 year ago
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Reddit Traps

Reddit Traps, aka r/Traps! Have you ever taken your pecker out for a nice wank, when suddenly the chick lifted her shirt up and instead of a drenched twat, there was another fellow staring at you? Was that a weird analogy? Well, that is what r/traps is all about. This subreddit will have a lot of feminine dudes who simply look amazing, but they are, dudes or trannies, so unless you are into that, you might want to browse elsewhere.Traps are everywhere since I am sure we have all at least once...

Reddit NSFW List
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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 6 The Mary Ann Trap

The island that the castaways have spent the last 3 years on is not large, but it is big enough for two people to wander on aimlessly for a very long time without bumping into to each other. However, Gilligan's luck was of a sort that often defied the laws of probability, especially when it involved running into people, and even more when the target was the Skipper. "Gilligan," bellowed the Skipper as he picked himself up off the ground, "Why don't you look where you going?" "Sorry,...

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The Trap

THE TRAP BY THE PROFESSOR It ripped out of hyperspace, leaving a mile wide hole in reality. Had the most sensitive instruments on Earth been aimed directly at it, they would not have seen it, but they would have detected that something wasn't right. They would have, perhaps, seen a mild, blurry distortion, which was slowly repairing itself, re- knitting reality from the edges to the distinct center, where a star far older than the sun burned faintly from tens of thousand of light...

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Laura Croft and the Venus Thigh Trap

Laura Croft and the The Venus Thigh TrapPlant/F, L Croft, NC, BDSM, Lact, Hum, Archaeology, SillyAll that legal guff about how you might be an innocent child, or living under a censorious government, puritanical legal system, your mother wouldn't approve, you should not be here, you really must stop now, etc. Sigh... What a fucked up world. Anyway, what follows is an explicit, graphic, extreme sexual fantasy. You have been warned. Leave now if not already corrupted.This story was written by...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 14 Baiting the Trap

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Fourteen: Baiting the Trap By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty: Baiting the Trap Aingeal – Faerie I shivered as I stepped out of the mushroom ring into home. Faerie. It had been twenty-three years since I set foot here. Twenty-three years since everything went wrong. I took a deep breath, smelling the spicy freshness of the air, a scent found no where but here. Around me rose tall pine...

1 year ago
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The Trap

Blow jobs and glory holes go hand in hand, so it's no surprise that I would become interested in them. I had read and fantasized about glory holes for years. I spilled many gallons of cum while reading about people being sucked off by anonymous mouths on the other side of a hole in the wall. I was twenty two before getting enough courage to seek one out. My first experience wasn't exactly what I was hoping for. I was just seeking a quick anonymous blow job from a person that I would never...

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married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and musculine just 2" taller than me. He was fairer but not as me. May be...

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Introduction: hubby traping me for a 3 some Hi I am MEENA. I have got a lovely hubby RAJ. We are just married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and...

4 years ago
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The Velvet Trap

THE VELVET TRAP by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1999 All rights reserved It was the dawn of Aquarius, actually, the turn of the century, the 21st one that is. Mind you, I didn't do this sort of thing very often, but while surfing, I found a rather interesting site called 'Fictionmania' after typing a keyword into my search engine and running through a very large list of hits. What an unusual place! I'd never seen anything like it before. It was positively HUGE archive and had the...

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The Trap

The Trap By Innocent Guilt Life seems to take us many strange places where we would not usually go. What one might think as a prison is a treasured and comforting place to those who need to hide. You might have sympathy for those who need to escape into this endless serenity of darkness. But what reality are we trying to truly escape from other then that which we have planned in the end. My mind kept pondering these very words as I stared into the wall. The bars of my cage...

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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 1 8211 The Trap

Part I – The trap It all started 3 months back with my sister Anu when she got pregnant with her boyfriend. Anu was elder to me by 6 years and worked in a call center. At 25 years of age, she wanted to enjoy the world like anything and was a free bird in true senses. In contrast, I was a hot headed, shy traditional Indian girl with firm belief in Indian cultural values. Dev was Anu’s co worker and boyfriend for last 2 years. They both were Same in nature ‒ extrovert, flamboyant and party...

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The Trap

PROLOGUE Like most gurls it had all started early in life, unlike most boys who saw beautiful women on the television and ogled them, I found myself wanting to be them. This feeling was even stronger when the women were tied up. I would find excuses to play games where I would be a captive woman, hopefully tied and gagged. Sometimes just reenacting a tv show, or making up a game where I would be disguised as a girl then hopefully kidnapped. This let me live out my fantasies for a...

3 years ago
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The Honey Trap

The Honey Trap (original draft written July 2017, revisions made Sept 2017 then finalized draft Oct 31-Nov 1 2018) Kelly Valentine, heiress of the Concord-Valentine group, is laid down on a bed in a hotel bedroom. She had gotten an invite to attend a party/charity function hosted by Mr. Ed Burke, a rich statesman in the area. She had good reason to attend, high society lady and the expected social obligations. But she had an ulterior motive-she hoped to gain some top secret information...

2 years ago
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The Silken Trap

The Silken Trap Weave the web, but beware that you don't get caught in it. Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As much as I didn't want to do it, I was driven to it, the decision was out of my hands. I opened the door, looked both ways, and stepped out into the night air. With the door closing behind me, the soft whisper of the lock as the door closed behind me, I was, at last, outside. I stood there, terror in my heart, yet with my compulsion pushing me, I...

1 year ago
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The Vampires KissChapter 14 Passionrsquos Trap

The scent of feminine lust filled the SUV as Damien D’Angelo drove it through the streets of Chicago, the impending violence exciting Abigail and their women. Abigail sat beside him clad only in her red hair, thighs glistening, eyes dilated, cheeks pale, nipples hard. In her hand she cradled her 9mm automatic handgun with an extended clip. They were all armed. Damien’s silver-plated machete hung from his belt, the blade thrust past his seat. He wore his blood-stained combat fatigues. The...

4 years ago
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The Teenage TrapChapter 5 The Teenage Trap

Tony had always taken great care of his appearance. He had kept himself fit; he dressed well and did his job fairly and sympathetically. His ability had been recognised in his promotion which had obviously shown in his work. He loved teaching, and the promotion was an encouragement to get even better. He always had words of encouragement and would where required put it in extra time to help students. He too great care to ensure that his teaching was interesting and innovative. His whole...

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At first, it felt odd but in a strange way enjoyable. Obviously the sexual tension associated with the device made it pleasurable, even if it was entirely designed to delay pleasure. I had thought about it for some time, the idea tumbling around in my head. That was one of the things odd but the idea, because I was still getting great sex in my marriage. My wife was open to trying new things and had even suggested a few. When she suggested she masturbate me, I felt offended at first....

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Betrayal A Bondage Trap

It’s a beautiful warm mid summers day in a quiet secluded parkland.Trees are providing shade and protection from the harsh sun rays.I look around only to see trees all around me, a drive path just ahead of me that passes me from left to right, a large shelter on the left side with park benches in it with a car park on it’s left side.The drive path is made of gravel like a country homes driveway.From my position, the right side of the drive path leads out of my view. It leads to the exit of this...

3 years ago
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I was dating this 27 year old fox. And I was luvn it. You See Im 44 years old a lil overweight and I have a 5 inch cock! So you can imagine my surprise when I picked this little honey up at the bar drunk and the next morning she didnt want to leave! The first night I got her home and we dove into bed Im 6ft 230 lbs with strong arms and long flowing hair We sucked each others tongues at first. I felt that tight body up and my lil boner was diamond hard. I got up to get her a liquor drink and I...

4 years ago
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The honey trap

09/06/2012THE HONEY TRAPIn a side street in a discreet bar in the UK, a group of people drank illicitly as the clock reached towards 2 am at an exclusive drinking waterhole/night clubAmongst that collection of drinkers was a cluster who sat on an exclusive table, an ill-assorted faction of people, drawn to each other by a common cause   Angie.  A property landlady, who rented out rooms in the area and above her pub to prostitutes for extra income.  Tony, a local entrepreneur who liked a good...

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Hotel Trap

Hotel TrapBy  Sonya EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected]’s Note:(Note: this story clarification is about 6 to 8 pages long and the actual story starts after 5 pages but please please do put up and bear with me.  Thank you ;)  Trust me reading this bit too, is worth it.)This is the second story to my Lovecraftian Horror-Sex Story Anthology-Trilogy (with Witness to Horror  being the first story).  Like my previous story,  this story too is adapted and borrows a lot,  but not much...

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Bondage Masters Trap

Bondage Master’s Trap It was set than. Jackson had finally done it.  It must be for real now? now that he   had actually set an actual date and time. As he sat in front of his computer in nothing more than a robe that lay wide open, he hit send on his e-mail.  He could not think of a time in recent memory that he was more sexually aroused.  Casually, as he did thousands of times before, he took a pump of the skin lotion that sat next to him into the palm of his hand and rubbed his rock hard...

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Tina trap

A few days after he fucked me so masterfully that day, my friend's older associate invited me to visit him at his apartment. I wasn't sure what to do. Originally I had only had been with the one guy and now he seemed to be passing me on to his business partner. When I asked him about it he told me that he was OK with it. He had done this before: found a young guy and then introduced him to his older business contact. So I had been used all along. I was just currency. But I had liked how Mack -...

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Tender Trap

Tender Trap By Amanda More Would the gamble work? I was sure it would but I was still so nervous. Here I was a 22 year old transvestite with a growing interest in the male sex, about to reveal myself to a male friend. Why, was I going insane? I had only gone out to meet others, strangers, on a handful of occasions at specialist bars. But on a couple of those outings I had been pampered and chased sufficiently by guys to let them have what they wanted and I had loved it. I...

4 years ago
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The Stiletto Trap

The Stiletto Trap It had been a long day at work, and it was great to finally be getting home. My feet were killing me. I was wearing pumps with 4" heels all day, and I don't think I sat down more than 2 times in 12 hours. I arrived at home and found a package in the mail, with no return address. I entered the house, sat down, and slowly slid my pumps off. They throbbed with pain for a few minutes, and the pain slowly faded. I sat back and relaxed for a few minutes. The box. What was in...

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       David didn’t know what had happened.  One minute he was walking home from the gym and the next he was chained by the wrists to a concrete floor.  Naked and shivering with fear and cold David tried to work his wrists out of the chains being held closed by a Master lock.  Tears streamed down his face as he realized that he wasn’t going to be able to get free.         David jerked when he heard a noise outside the door to his new prison.  Two muscular men stepped in with terrifying grins...

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Baiting The Trap

Being divorced and nearing 40... well, let's just say that my sex life is on life-support. No, I'm attractive, trim, nice boobs, narrow waist, pretty face, good legs, wavy ash blond hair, blue-gray eyes, pretty nice... But, the men, well, many are taken and, no, I don't want to be the cause of a marriage break-up, some woman did that to me; I just can't do it to someone else. There just seems to be more women around than men and there are also a lot of younger women for the men of every age to...

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My Wife and her Best Friend Lay a Trap

My wife’s bestfriend, Jenn, is a sweet, open and sexy woman with beautiful eyes and mouth. I have appreciated her compact body from ‘afar’ on many occasions, but last night, I got a whole new perspective, up close and personal… ** Jenn lives out of state with her husband, Greg. Greg is a good enough guy, but he, apparently, has a very low sex drive, a bit of information I recently picked up when I overhead a telephone conversation between J and Jenn. Of course, I couldn’t hear Jenn’s...

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The Honey Trap

Gwendolyn Forbes Smyth was a virtual nymphomaniac, she had a very high sex drive and very few morals. Several of her professors at the university, recommended her to MI5, as an intelligence officer. She was five feet seven inches tall, with waist long, blonde hair, and a figure to die for. But behind the appearance of a typical blonde bimbo, was a mind like a computer, plus she was a patriot.The only problem was, MI5 prefer to recruit people who can blend into the background, ie, “Grey People”...

Straight Sex
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My Wife and her Best Friend Lay a Trap

Jenn lives out of state with her husband, Greg. Greg is a good enough guy, but he, apparently, has a very low sex drive; a bit of information I recently picked up when I overhead a telephone conversation between J and Jenn. Of course, I couldn't hear Jenn's comments, but I deduced Greg's unfortunate condition based upon what June was saying to her gal-pal over the phone.As I recall, the conversation went something like this..."Oh, honey," I heard June say, "I'm so sorry! When was the last...

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Bar trap

Bar trapBy slut michelleSteven was a dead-normal guy. At the age of 28, he felt very happy.Everything had developed in the last few years like he always wanted itto be. His job in a big insurance company was secure with an outlook ofa promotion in the next year. His partner, Nancy, was a very ambitiouslawyer. That meant some days with long working hours for her. But asSteven was quite proud of her, being so successful in her job, andbecause they still had enough time for each other left, he...

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The Trap

THE TRAP by Eric The characters are owned by DC comics no infringement intended in this fan fiction. Lois Lane checked out her appearance in the mirror. She smiled at what she saw. Love had added a bloom to her beauty. Her long dark hair shown, no, sparkled. and her smile was the smile of a woman confident in her beauty and her man. She was looking her best in the new outfit, Lois decided objectively, a jumper suit of shimmering blue gray terminating in her new boots. She...

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The Princess Trap

The Princess Trap By Tyrone Slothrop & Wanda Cunningham Teaser Scene- Sunny California Pacific Coast Highway, somewhere near Santa Barbara, July 7, late evening Alan Carter finally descended past terror and settled into oscillating despair. As much as he liked the pastel green dress, he regretted not wearing jeans tonight. The dress fit nicely, emphasizing his slender waist and lending him an air of feminine sophistication beyond his years but you couldn't really...

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Bar Trap

Bar trap By slut michelle Steven was a dead-normal guy. At the age of 28, he felt very happy. Everything had developed in the last few years like he always wanted it to be. His job in a big insurance company was secure with an outlook of a promotion in the next year. His partner, Nancy, was a very ambitious lawyer. That meant some days with long working hours for her. But as Steven was quite proud of her, being so successful in her job, and because they still had enough time for each...

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Sissy Stepson Part 1 Stepmothers Trap

Sissy Stepson Part 1 ? Stepmother's Trap Carl Monet was a shy boy of about 15 when his widowed father married Rita Parker. Mrs. Parker was 20 years younger than Carl's father Larry. Carl was very shy and sheepish toward his new stepmother and the new Mrs. Monet was rather cold and distant towards him. Carl's father was gone quit often on trips abroad for weeks at a time and Mrs. Monet was often gone shopping with her sister Maryann and her mother Regina. Carl was...

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Sissy Stepson Part 3 Caught in the Trap

Sissy Stepson Part 3 ? Caught in the Trap He was worried about the stain until he started watching a game show with the sexy female host. She had a stiletto's like he was wearing and was dangling them. Once again Carl's sissy stick became hard and began oozing translucent sissy cream all over the nylon and panties. He sat there for ten minutes watching the dangling, mesmerized and in a sissy dream like state with glazed eyes and an oozing cream stick confined...

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Slumber Party Trap

Slumber Party Trap By Shawna Stimple Tiffany Summers slumber party had to be perfect. She had invited the most popular and beautiful girls from school. She had planned every event down to the letter. Makeovers, truth or dare, and late night television were all on the menu. Her parents would be out of town, and there would be no one to tell them when to go to bed. Billy Summers knew his sisters slumber party had to be perfect. That's why he had to ruin it. It was 1966. That's what...

1 year ago
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Mom In Trap

Hey my ISS friends . I am Garry from Delhi . Mein ISS pe kaafi lambe samme se hu and i m fond of stories of aunties , moms and mature ladies . So i also decided to write a story for the same . Yeh meri ik fantasy hai about my mom . Ok let me introduce you with my mom . She is about 40 year old , her name is mansi, she is a fair lady , hyt 5,5 , exellent figure , and the most attractive part id her long hair . unke lambe baal jo ki unki hips tak jaate hain . i love them a lot since my childhood...

4 years ago
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Boat Trap

Boat Trap "Well this sucks." It was an odd turn of events. Stacy had won an all-expenses trip somehow, and we had been looking so forward to this cruise. But now - disaster. Stacy was stomping around our cabin, acting as if the whole thing were my fault. But it wasn't. "You shouldn't have said anything, Stace. You should have kept your mouth shut for once!" Long story short: Stacy and I were on our first romantic trip together. But we would not be having sex on this trip,...

2 years ago
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My Wife and her Best Friend Lay a Trap

My wife's bestfriend, Jenn, is a sweet, open and sexy woman with beautiful eyes and mouth. I have appreciated her compact body from "afar" on many occasions, but last night, I got a whole new perspective, up close and personal... * Jenn lives out of state with her husband, Greg. Greg is a good enough guy, but he, apparently, has a very low sex drive; a bit of information I recently picked up when I overhead a telephone conversation between J and Jenn. Of course, I couldn't hear Jenn's...

Group Sex
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Green Eyed Monster The Boyfriend Trap

Green Eyed Monster - "The Boyfriend Trap" By Maximillian_Excaliber Prelude "If you wanted to fuck her in the first place, why the hell did you hook up with me?" Robin Bell yelled at Sam Rogers, her boyfriend, as she began packing her belongings into her suitcase. She had just returned to their apartment to find him in bed with Brandy, the apartment complex's resident slut and her next-door neighbor."It just happened, Robin!" Sam tried to explain."What do you mean 'IT JUST HAPPENED?’" she asked...

Straight Sex
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Tourist trap

Jill wondered if she took the right decision  The tourist trap by Tomatin  Jill wondered if she took the right decision. That same morning she was flying back home after a fantastic vacation with her friends.? But apparently the flight was overbooked so the airplane company offered a large fee to those passengers who would overnight in the small republic of Finistera and continue their trip one flight later. Jill counted out that the fee would pay a large part of her holiday back.? She...

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The Trap

Sexual And Bdsm Content. Not To Be Read By Minors, By People Who Are OffendedBy Such Material, Or By People Who Live In Jurisdictions Which Prohibit SuchMaterial. No Republication Or Links Without Prior Approval. The Trap William Soames nursed his beer while simultaneously keeping his eye bothon the Japanese clients (Mr. Sato and Mr. Watanabe) he was entertaining, andon the lithe strippers performing on the stage of the Gentleman's Club theyhad requested being taken to during their latest...

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