Bar Trap free porn video

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Bar trap
By slut michelle

Steven was a dead-normal guy. At the age of 28, he felt very happy.
Everything had developed in the last few years like he always wanted it
to be. His job in a big insurance company was secure with an outlook of
a promotion in the next year. His partner, Nancy, was a very ambitious
lawyer. That meant some days with long working hours for her. But as
Steven was quite proud of her, being so successful in her job, and
because they still had enough time for each other left, he didn't
complain. Steven met Nancy shortly after both of them had left Uni. It
wasn't love at first sight, but it turned out pretty quick that they
both were made for each other. In the last year though their sex life
had somewhat ebbed away. They both still loved and were attracted by
each other, but it came less and less to the actual act of sexual

They got into the bar. It was smaller than Michelle had thought. There
were about six tables in the room. The walls were decorated in a
slightly old-fashioned style with pictures, mostly black and white, of
celebrities and famous Hollywood movies scenes. Lights were dimmed, but
it didn't look at all like Michelle expected it, a place where trans-
people meet and that is very well known for this fact also by tranny
admirers according to the numerous reports on many internet userboards.
It was kind of cosy and Michelle lost a great deal of her nervousness,
just standing in the entrance and taking in the comforting atmosphere.
Only one table was occupied. The three middle-aged men turned out to be
English, most likely on a business trip and out for a bit of tranny-

Michelle and Susan decided to take seats on a table in the corner from
where they could nicely overlook the room. "So, do you like it here? I
thought it would be just the right place for us tonight. Especially for
you, for your first time out on the streets with a sister!" Susan

Michelle looked shyly around and smiled back at her friend. This wasn't
as hard as she had feared. "Yes, it was a good decision to come here.
It's not at all like I imagined..." Michelle said, looking Susan
directly in the eyes, "...not full of men longing for a sexy TV." she
added, in a low voice.

A man around 50 appeared behind the bar and, after a short look around,
approached their table. "Good evening, ladies. I hope you like my
little place. It's good to see new faces, at least one..." he grinned
at Michelle and then at Susan, "...not meaning to offend you. You both
look stunning if this comment is allowed." He beamed even more, but in
a friendly retentive way.

"Ohhh, you are such a charmer! Thank you!" Susan answered for both of

"Just a minute, ladies, I will be right back with a surprise you
hopefully will like!"

He turned and left again behind the bar. Michelle noticed his stout
figure. He wore suite pants and an elegant shirt. From his left hand
ankle dangled a heavy golden chain.

"Hmmm... I wonder what this surprise will be!" Michelle turned back to

"Yes, he left us curious, didn't he. You know him?"

"Just from seeing him the few times I came here. I think he is the
owner. He must be interested in transvestites and transsexuals, but I
never saw him come really close to one of the girls. Perhaps he's too
professional for that kind of stuff. At least he seems always very
friendly, in a natural way. Perhaps interested, but very decent!"

At this moment he appeared again with two big exotic looking cocktails
in his hands.

"Here we are! As you are the first ladies tonight and it doesn't look
like many more are to come, I thought, we should just celebrate this
fact! Two sweet "Birds of Paradise" for you, a creation of my own."

He placed the cocktails on the table in front of Michelle and Susan.

"These are on me! If you got any other wishes... I am around!"

He left both Michelle and Susan with an astonished, but pleased look on
their faces.

"Well, that's surely not the treatment you get on every visit here!"
Susan grinned at Michelle, took the glass and raised it "Sante!"

Both drank.

"Mhhh...that's delicious! Very alcoholic, but sweet and delicious! I
don't complain at all about that special treatment!"

Michelle sat back, taking a few more sips. Her nervousness seemed to
have vanished totally by now. The next hour they spent talking about
their personal backgrounds of feeling the need to slip into the other
sex from time to time. Susan, being around 20 years older than
Michelle, had lots of experience and lived most times "dressed up",
even if very retreated from the public. Her work as a writer mostly for
online-journals left her quite independent. She had no permanent
partner and somehow given up to find one. Michelle on the other hand
was more the type that thought herself 'lured' into wearing hot, mostly
slutty outfit by her sexual desires. She didn't want to be a woman all
the time, but she couldn't shut it down completely. After having that
tried for three or four times in the past 10 years or so, which
included throwing away her clothes and deleting any hint of Michelle,
she had resigned herself to changing sometimes from Steven into her hot
and seducing alter ego, Michelle.

They had ordered one more of those cocktails, each, so that after an
hour, they felt both a bit tipsy but very loosened. Michelle had given
up to pull up her very short skirt that rode up every few minutes to
reveal her suspenders. Nobody seemed to care... and least Michelle.
Suddenly, Marc came over to their table again.

"Madame, it would be a pleasure to show you another surprise... it's
something I just received and I think you might be interested!"

With that, he again managed to break in on both of them, especially of
course on Michelle this time. But, in contrast to the first time, she
thought she knew it would be something similar, something along the
line of giving them a free drink. And she was definitely in the mood of
being cheered up even more. She felt happy, free, sexy and a bit
adventurous in the new situation, out in the public, as Michelle.
Everything went so easy, ahh, she enjoyed herself.

"Of course, I can't miss another surprise, especially when I think of
the first one you presented us before." she said and smiled back at

Susan on the other hand looked a bit tired, but smiled at Michelle,
"Sure... go on, but don't take too long, these drinks made me really
sleepy... I don't want to stay too long any more... and I think you
prefer to go back together, out on the streets... for your second

"No worries, I'll be back in a minute! At least if the surprise is not
a free trip to Rio that has to be taken immediately!" She winked
femininely at Susan, nodded at Marc and followed him behind the bar.

"Jesus, I feel so natural. Let's see what he got for me!" Michelle

She was led through a long narrow hallway. At the end, Marc stopped and
turned. "Sooo... it's really amazing. As I saw you walking through the
door, I immediately knew that you would love a new piece of art I got
last week. It's in this room. Now, I think I would love to see the
delighted look on your face. And to make it even more exciting for you,
you could feel it first for 10 seconds or so, to try and figure out
what it could be. Well, it's kind of a sculpture! Okay, ready? I'll
take your handbag for a moment so that your hands are free. All right,
close your eyes, I'll lead you a few steps forward."

She gave him the handbag and closed her eyes, thrilled and still
feeling the alcohol in her body, with the eyes shut even more. After
she heard that the door had been opened, she felt Marc's hands taking
hers gently and leading her forward. She tripped a bit insecurely a few

Then Marc said, "Okay, just stay here a second, don't open your eyes
yet, Sweetie!"

She heard his steps diverging from her and there was the sound of
shutting a door. Before she could ask why he would shut the door, he
came up with the explanation.

"No worries, it's just that the effect of your surprise will be better
when you can see it in a proper dimmed light. You can start now, it's
directly in front of you."

Well, so it's an illuminated sculpture, perhaps of a woman that looks
like me, Michelle said to herself. She stretched out her arms until her
hands reached an object with an edge at about hip-height. The surface
felt like plastic, soft plastic, patent leather maybe, with padding
underneath. She stepped a bit forward, sliding her hands further along
the surface, wondering what this thing could be.

"Yes, warm, very warm, a bit further and you'll feel the special part
that will tell you what it is."

Being curious, Michelle bent over at her waist and searched for
something to get between her fingers.

But there wasn't much more time for wondering! Suddenly, something
metallic snapped around her outstretched wrists. Michelle opened her
eyes immediately, taken totally by surprise by the new situation she
found herself in: her wrists were encased by two metal cuffs, connected
with a chain. Marc was standing in front of her, at the end of the
"surprise" object that seemed to be sort of a cube with some poles
attached to it. But Michelle didn't think much about the object she was
bending over, she saw the cuffs and the evil grin on Marc's face and
tried automatically to pull away, to get back to the door. But she
could only retract her hands a short distance - the cuffs were attached
to a chain that hold her back. In the 2 seconds this took, Marc had
moved quickly to her side, took hold of her head with one hand, pressed
it tight to his chest, and tried to press something into her mouth.

As Michelle was about to scream and had brought out something like a
"Hey, wha..." it was easy for him to put the red ball between her lips
and gag her like that - only muffled sounds of her protest could escape
now and were only heard by the man who just ambushed her. Michelle was
furious and frightened, she just tried to get away, out of her
vulnerable position. But after Marc secured the gag with some straps,
probably Velcro, behind her head, he grabbed her legs and tried to hold
them still. Michelle struggled against his grip, kicked her legs and
screamed in her gag. But as Marc stood between her legs and she lay
stretched out with her belly on this thing that looked a bit like a
vaulting horse, she was stuck on it and couldn't get out of her
position. Despite her resistance she couldn't help but feel her right
leg suddenly being strapped on the object's leg. The left one followed.
She knew she was completely at his mercy now!

His hands were moving up her nylon clad legs, stroking them slowly. Her
skirt was pushed above her waist and his hands were on her bare
buttocks. Nooo... this couldn't be happening to her, that's not what
she wanted, it was more like in a bad dream. Pleeease, let him
disappear - I won't dress up any more, never!!

Too late, she was in the game now and the hands that had caressed her
buttocks slid in her asscrack now, pushing the G-string to the side and
exploring the surroundings of her asshole, stroking over it again and
again. Suddenly she felt something wet on her ass. He licked her
cheeks, then moved along her crack until he came to her tight hole. His
tongue circled it, Michelle thought he would try to penetrate her with
his tongue, but then he stopped.

"Mmmhhh, what a nice little piece of ass you are, Michelle. You'll fit
perfectly into the position I have in mind for you! You don't
understand what I mean and what this is all about? I apologize for
that, it will become clearer in a moment. Let's just see now what we
have here in that handbag of yours."

Michelle tried to look at him, turning her head as far as the bonds
allowed it. But apparently he was straight behind her, out of her
sight. That caused another fit of struggle against her bonds, screaming
like wild into her gag. But not for long. It wasn't going to help her
and she just lay still, panting, breathing quickly to get the needed
air in through her nose.

"Ssshhhh, slut!! Be still! I won't harm you. That would be stupid as
you are my asset now, and this is your valuation session. I'm quite
happy with what I see so far and we'll see how much I will invest in
you, to shape you, to make you a proper cockwhore that will perform and
look like I want it. Soo, I see that you are 28, Steven, not very young
any more but just young enough for my needs."

When Michelle heard her real male name and her age, she realized that
he had her wallet and was going through it. Fuck, everything was in
there - identity card, driver's licence, business cards, FUCK! It was
getting worse and worse!!

"Ohh, and that must be your wife then, Nancy! Nice, though a bit
conservative for my taste, but well, I guess as a lawyer you kind of
have to look like that, right, Michelle? I said, RIGHT, slut?"

He slapped her hard on her bare ass making the startled Michelle to nod

"Very good, very good! I guess Nancy doesn't know about your tranny
adventures and that it wouldn't be helpful and in your interest if she
would find out about it, hmm?!?"

Michelle shook her head immediately. Noo, that would be the worst thing
that could happen: his wife would go crazy and probably leave him! He
had brought up the topic of crossdressing a few times in her early
relationship, when they experimented a bit and tried out to find their
sexual limits in a way. His wife was tolerant against crossdressers or
transsexuals, but she said she couldn't find the thought of a male that
looked like a woman sexy. She even thought that women in heterosexual
relationships with crossdressers would always have to fear that their
men are gay deep down, leaving them later on to live with other men.
That was when Michelle stopped to talk about it again and decided never
to bring it up another time, because to be with Nancy was the most
important thing for him.

"Now, slut, you can guess now where this is heading! You can call it
blackmail or whatever, I would just say it's convincing you to work for
me from now on. If you haven't noticed yet: there's a video camera in
the left corner in front of you that is taping everything that happens
to you in this room. I bet your wife and also your and your wife's co-
workers and employers would have fun watching the tape, seeing you, the
T-girl slut Michelle, being abused by her master, gagged, her full
round bare ass in the air, ready to be taken!"

Oh my god, what a nightmare. It can't be true, it just can't, Michelle
thought in shear horror. It's like in one of those stories on the net,
but there's almost always one step, one part that is implausible, where
the captive or blackmailed character should be able to escape the whole
situation without any harm, but where was it here and now, for her?

"The rules: when you speak to me or to anybody while you're my
cockslut, Michelle, you will speak in a high pitched girly voice. You
will refer to yourself as Michelle, that means you will say 'Michelle'
instead of 'I' or 'me'! Further, you'll not use complicated sentences
or foreign words - you are a cheap cockwhore, a dumb blonde bimbo with
a round ass and fat lips that have to be wrapped around a big cock. You
are not here for thinking or for using your small brain, just for
satisfying men, turning them on, making them want to use and fuck you,
for sucking their cocks, making them hard so that they can be put up
all the way your asspussy - as often and as hard as they want to. Is
that clear?"

Michelle was paralysed; she couldn't believe what she just heard.


The hand came down on her left ass cheek.

Smack! Again!

"Did you understand the rules, slut?"

She couldn't react, she just lay there.

"Well then, okay. If you want to do it that way, I don't mind! I am
going to fuck you up your pussyass then, that's for sure! What I
haven't decided yet is whether I should use a condom or impregnate you
with my seed. If you asked me nicely I would use a condom! But only if
you think of the rules I just told you. So what will it be? Shall I
remove your ball gag so that you can ask me to fuck you?"

Michelle's head was spinning - she had no choice. Not unprotected sex!
She had to give in!

"Good girl, good choice! But remember - when you start screaming after
the gag is gone, it will be unprotected sex and some other punishment.
Just think of the possibilities, the video, your wallet, physical
punishment - I wouldn't risk it if I were you, slut!"

Having said this, he came close and removed the ball gag. Michelle was
relieved for a moment to be able to take a deep breath through her
mouth again. She had to do as he told her.

"Please Mister, can you fuck me in my ass?" she whispered.

"What, I can't hear you, slut!"


"What do you ask me to do exactly? Speak up, slut! And don't use 'I',
call yourself Michelle, whore, or slut! Now!"


Michelle spoke louder this time, and in a stupidly high pitched voice:
"Please, Mister, can you put your cock in Michelle's asspussy and fuck
her, please?!"

During the last part of the sentence, Michelle couldn't help but start
to cry. It was so awful! But Marc, satisfied with her begging, didn't
waste any time. He stepped behind her and rubbed his crotch against her
ass. Michelle felt his cock under the trouser, a hard cock that was
getting ready to be fucked into her tight bumhole. Sometimes, she
played with his wife's dildo, but she always had to be careful and
patient before she could insert it into her ass because it was so tight
and not very well trained. Michelle sobbed away while Marc had
meanwhile lowered his pants and freed his cock. He rubbed it into her
asscrack, after he had put some lubricant between her asscheeks and on
her puckerhole.

"Please, you said you would fuck Michelle with a condom... please!"

"It's okay, slut, don't worry! But I'm glad that you apparently can't
wait to get fucked and be made my cockslut!"

While saying this, he withdrew his cock and got a condom out of his
pant's pocket. He put it on, spread her asscheeks apart with both hands
and set the tip of his stiff cock at her back entrance.

"Now you'll get what you're good for, the only thing you deserve!"

With a steady, very slow movement, he pressed his cock into her.

"Take it all, whore!"

His cock tore her to shreds!

"Pleeease, hurts! Pleease...not so fast!!"

But he didn't care, didn't' even mind her whimpering and pleading.
After he had his cock up to the hilt in Michelle's ass, he paused for a
few seconds to admire the look of this hot ass gripping his cock
tightly. Then he started fucking in and out slowly, fucking her faster
and faster until about after 10 minutes when he pounded her hard. He
didn't intend to have fun with her for a very long time today, so he
let himself come quickly with a last big hard thrust in her ass.

"Ahhhh, that was good! What a good fuck you are, Michelle!"

Michelle lay there, exhausted from all the assfucking she just had to
endure, just glad that he had stopped fucking her.

"I got you a little present. It suits a whore like you are one now and
I'm sure you'll appreciate it!"

He showed her the black butt-plug in his hands, before forcing it in
her asspussy until her ass muscle gripped tight around the narrower
part of the plug, locking it into her.

"Oh, lovely, slut! You in fact look so hot that I have to take some
additional pictures of you!"

He walked over to a chest of drawers, opened the upper drawer and got
out a digital camera. Michelle could tell from the flashes that he took
about 20 pictures. Getting in front of her, he told her to smile, look
like in pain, look seductive, open her mouth wide with her tongue
stretched out.

"Wonderful, that should do, slut! Nice naughty photos on top of the
video and your identity card. Yes, it means that I will keep the
identity card, at least until next week, just to make sure you are
getting the situation your are in from now on and how serious I am! I'm
not sure what it will be next week, you'll see! Just come here on the
same day, the same time as you did today. To make it easier for you,
the backdoor will be open that leads directly into this corridor. In
the room next to this one on the left, you will be able to prepare
yourself, get dressed, put on make-up, get dolled up. You'll have 45
minutes for that, then I'll get you. You see, slut, I already have some
plans in mind for you, apart from performing regularly as a whore, of
course. Perhaps I will get you pierced or tattooed, it all depends
partly on how you behave and cooperate. Ah yes, I saw that not all
parts of your body are shaved properly. I don't want to see any body
hair below your eyebrows from next week onwards. You have to stay
smooth like that all the time. My customers are used to high

Well, that was the birth of the cockwhore Michelle who would work a
couple of years for her pimp, Marc, getting better and better over
time, fucked hundreds of times by hundreds of different men.

Bad luck?

Hope you liked it. Let me know what you think:
[email protected]

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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 6 The Mary Ann Trap

The island that the castaways have spent the last 3 years on is not large, but it is big enough for two people to wander on aimlessly for a very long time without bumping into to each other. However, Gilligan's luck was of a sort that often defied the laws of probability, especially when it involved running into people, and even more when the target was the Skipper. "Gilligan," bellowed the Skipper as he picked himself up off the ground, "Why don't you look where you going?" "Sorry,...

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Many thanks to my friend and editor Dawnj! Any mistakes in the story are mine. This is a long story (for me) and I would like to warn my readers that it contains no sex until the second part of chapter 19. If you don’t mind waiting that long, please read on… Prologue Barbra wished she could have skipped 2010. Perhaps things would have been better if that had been possible? She knew they wouldn’t. Still, it had been the absolute worst year of her life. It had started alright. Christmas had...

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The Trap

THE TRAP BY THE PROFESSOR It ripped out of hyperspace, leaving a mile wide hole in reality. Had the most sensitive instruments on Earth been aimed directly at it, they would not have seen it, but they would have detected that something wasn't right. They would have, perhaps, seen a mild, blurry distortion, which was slowly repairing itself, re- knitting reality from the edges to the distinct center, where a star far older than the sun burned faintly from tens of thousand of light...

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Laura Croft and the Venus Thigh Trap

Laura Croft and the The Venus Thigh TrapPlant/F, L Croft, NC, BDSM, Lact, Hum, Archaeology, SillyAll that legal guff about how you might be an innocent child, or living under a censorious government, puritanical legal system, your mother wouldn't approve, you should not be here, you really must stop now, etc. Sigh... What a fucked up world. Anyway, what follows is an explicit, graphic, extreme sexual fantasy. You have been warned. Leave now if not already corrupted.This story was written by...

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Barite maja

Ei ghatona ta takhon kar jakhon ami 18 bachorer chilam. Takhon schoolo chutee hobar por ami amar koekta bondhur songe roz gymnasium te jetam aar gym jabar kichu din pore theke amar shoreer ta besh bhalo bhabe phute uthte laglo. Amar book aar ghar besh sakto hoye phule uthte laglo. Takhon amake je je dekhto sei ghure ghure koek bar kore dekhto. Emni te amar height tao besh bhalo chilo aar gym jabar theke shoreer tao bhalo hoye jaote mota mutee amake bhalo dekhte lagchilo. Emni te ami ektu...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 14 Baiting the Trap

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Fourteen: Baiting the Trap By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty: Baiting the Trap Aingeal – Faerie I shivered as I stepped out of the mushroom ring into home. Faerie. It had been twenty-three years since I set foot here. Twenty-three years since everything went wrong. I took a deep breath, smelling the spicy freshness of the air, a scent found no where but here. Around me rose tall pine...

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The Trap

Blow jobs and glory holes go hand in hand, so it's no surprise that I would become interested in them. I had read and fantasized about glory holes for years. I spilled many gallons of cum while reading about people being sucked off by anonymous mouths on the other side of a hole in the wall. I was twenty two before getting enough courage to seek one out. My first experience wasn't exactly what I was hoping for. I was just seeking a quick anonymous blow job from a person that I would never...

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married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and musculine just 2" taller than me. He was fairer but not as me. May be...

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Introduction: hubby traping me for a 3 some Hi I am MEENA. I have got a lovely hubby RAJ. We are just married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and...

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The Velvet Trap

THE VELVET TRAP by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1999 All rights reserved It was the dawn of Aquarius, actually, the turn of the century, the 21st one that is. Mind you, I didn't do this sort of thing very often, but while surfing, I found a rather interesting site called 'Fictionmania' after typing a keyword into my search engine and running through a very large list of hits. What an unusual place! I'd never seen anything like it before. It was positively HUGE archive and had the...

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The Trap

The Trap By Innocent Guilt Life seems to take us many strange places where we would not usually go. What one might think as a prison is a treasured and comforting place to those who need to hide. You might have sympathy for those who need to escape into this endless serenity of darkness. But what reality are we trying to truly escape from other then that which we have planned in the end. My mind kept pondering these very words as I stared into the wall. The bars of my cage...

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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 1 8211 The Trap

Part I – The trap It all started 3 months back with my sister Anu when she got pregnant with her boyfriend. Anu was elder to me by 6 years and worked in a call center. At 25 years of age, she wanted to enjoy the world like anything and was a free bird in true senses. In contrast, I was a hot headed, shy traditional Indian girl with firm belief in Indian cultural values. Dev was Anu’s co worker and boyfriend for last 2 years. They both were Same in nature ‒ extrovert, flamboyant and party...

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The Trap

PROLOGUE Like most gurls it had all started early in life, unlike most boys who saw beautiful women on the television and ogled them, I found myself wanting to be them. This feeling was even stronger when the women were tied up. I would find excuses to play games where I would be a captive woman, hopefully tied and gagged. Sometimes just reenacting a tv show, or making up a game where I would be disguised as a girl then hopefully kidnapped. This let me live out my fantasies for a...

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The Honey Trap

The Honey Trap (original draft written July 2017, revisions made Sept 2017 then finalized draft Oct 31-Nov 1 2018) Kelly Valentine, heiress of the Concord-Valentine group, is laid down on a bed in a hotel bedroom. She had gotten an invite to attend a party/charity function hosted by Mr. Ed Burke, a rich statesman in the area. She had good reason to attend, high society lady and the expected social obligations. But she had an ulterior motive-she hoped to gain some top secret information...

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The Silken Trap

The Silken Trap Weave the web, but beware that you don't get caught in it. Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As much as I didn't want to do it, I was driven to it, the decision was out of my hands. I opened the door, looked both ways, and stepped out into the night air. With the door closing behind me, the soft whisper of the lock as the door closed behind me, I was, at last, outside. I stood there, terror in my heart, yet with my compulsion pushing me, I...

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The Vampires KissChapter 14 Passionrsquos Trap

The scent of feminine lust filled the SUV as Damien D’Angelo drove it through the streets of Chicago, the impending violence exciting Abigail and their women. Abigail sat beside him clad only in her red hair, thighs glistening, eyes dilated, cheeks pale, nipples hard. In her hand she cradled her 9mm automatic handgun with an extended clip. They were all armed. Damien’s silver-plated machete hung from his belt, the blade thrust past his seat. He wore his blood-stained combat fatigues. The...

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The Teenage TrapChapter 5 The Teenage Trap

Tony had always taken great care of his appearance. He had kept himself fit; he dressed well and did his job fairly and sympathetically. His ability had been recognised in his promotion which had obviously shown in his work. He loved teaching, and the promotion was an encouragement to get even better. He always had words of encouragement and would where required put it in extra time to help students. He too great care to ensure that his teaching was interesting and innovative. His whole...

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Barite maja 3

Kichu din por Piya didi anno shohore MBA porte chole gelo aar barite khali ami aar maa roye gelam karon aba nijer kaje praye sab somey baire baire ghurte thakten. Goto du mashe baba barite khali 4-5 diner jonno chilen. Ami khali maa ke chokhe chokhe rakhtam aar chesta kortam je maa jakhon kapor change kore takhon unkee marte pari. Emni maa kakhono kakhono amar samne peeth kore kapor bodle nito kintu ami kichu dekhte petam na. Kakhono kakhono maa jakhon barir kaj korto tahkhon ami kono kono maar...

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Barrys Awakenings

Barry was a young gay guy; eighteen years-old before he found what he really liked, twenty-one before he finally found what he needed. Irish by parentage, he was born and brought up in London, England. Physically he was a dark Celt, tall and slim, with black wavy hair, piercing light blue eyes and smooth pale skin. Barry had high cheekbones and a killer full lipped smile, which sadly he showed all too rarely. Brought up as he was, strictly, in a devout Catholic family, with religious...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Sixteen

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Sixteen - Barrack Room Bettys The voyage back to Portsmouth was via Fremantle Western Australia, Colombo Sri Lanka, with a final fuelling stop at Gibraltar. It was uneventful until the last night at sea. Barrack Room Bettys had been filled to capacity every night as the ports on the return voyage were not particularly conductive to the sort of carousing that the sailors liked to get up to. The girls of BRB literally worked their...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Twelve

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Twelve - Pleasuring an Old Friend Ark Royal sailed for her deployment in a small Task Group of three ships and on the first night Barrack Room Betty's opened for business and was an instant success. At first the main earner was gambling and booze but as the ship got further away from her home port the temptation for the punters to 'tap' the attractive transvestite hostesses became more frequent. Michele divided her four 'Betty's' into...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Fourteen

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Fourteen - Supergirls Bangkok "I've fucking had it with Jason!" Michele spat at Rod Latham "That fuckwit tracked me down and found me in a bar in Naples and created an absolute shitfight. And every night I'm here in the club he carries on like a petulant child whenever I work a punter and in particular Lieutenant Steve Winters who is one of our best customers." "When is that fuckstick going to realise what happens on board this...

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Barite chodon sukh 4

Eibar ami bichanar oopor boshe porlam aar maake bollam, “maa ekta katha bolo, ami ekta boyee te porechee je kono meye cheler chodon tatokhon puro hoye na jatokhon na tar ponde laura dhukiye tar pond mara hoye. Eta ki sattee?” Maa kichu bolar aage amar katha sune didi jore henshe phelloo aar mmar dike takiye bollo, “bah Bablu, tui kemon ekta proshno korechis. Mone hochhe je tui maar pond chudte chas.” Maa takhon amader bollo, “Bablu tui ja kichu porechish ta ekdom sattee. Tor bap amar pond anek...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Ten

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Ten - Sea Daddies and Sea Mommies Seaman Michael Nyland graduated from Recruit School in March 1974 and was immediately posted to HMS Raleigh to commence training as a Writer; a sailor specialising in pay, personnel matters and administration. He was glad to see the back of HMS Chelmsford; Spike and the three other Leading Recruits had passed out at the end of January and had posted off to other establishments to undertake their...

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Barrack Room BettyChapter 12 Pleasuring an Old Friend

Ark Royal sailed for her deployment in a small Task Group of three ships and on the first night Barrack Room Betty’s opened for business and was an instant success. At first the main earner was gambling and booze but as the ship got further away from her home port the temptation for the punters to ‘tap’ the attractive transvestite hostesses became more frequent. Michele divided her four ‘Betty’s’ into two watches. As they had no other duties on board other than to run 6QDA Barrack Room...

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At first, it felt odd but in a strange way enjoyable. Obviously the sexual tension associated with the device made it pleasurable, even if it was entirely designed to delay pleasure. I had thought about it for some time, the idea tumbling around in my head. That was one of the things odd but the idea, because I was still getting great sex in my marriage. My wife was open to trying new things and had even suggested a few. When she suggested she masturbate me, I felt offended at first....

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Barite chodon sukh 1

Hi! Amar naam Partho hochhe aar amake barite sabai Bablu bole dake. Amar boyesh praye 21 bachar hochhe. Amar didir naam Renu hochhe aar didir boyish praye 26 bachor. Didi amar theke praye 5 bachor baro hochhe. Amra ekta middle class family aar ekta choto flate Kolkata te thaki. Amader bari ta choto, tate ekta hall/dining room duto bedromm aar ekta kitchen ache. Amader barite bathroom bolte khali ekta aar tate sabai jaye. Amader baba aar maa dujoneyee chakri kore. Didi amake Bablu bole dake. Aar...

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Betrayal A Bondage Trap

It’s a beautiful warm mid summers day in a quiet secluded parkland.Trees are providing shade and protection from the harsh sun rays.I look around only to see trees all around me, a drive path just ahead of me that passes me from left to right, a large shelter on the left side with park benches in it with a car park on it’s left side.The drive path is made of gravel like a country homes driveway.From my position, the right side of the drive path leads out of my view. It leads to the exit of this...

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I was dating this 27 year old fox. And I was luvn it. You See Im 44 years old a lil overweight and I have a 5 inch cock! So you can imagine my surprise when I picked this little honey up at the bar drunk and the next morning she didnt want to leave! The first night I got her home and we dove into bed Im 6ft 230 lbs with strong arms and long flowing hair We sucked each others tongues at first. I felt that tight body up and my lil boner was diamond hard. I got up to get her a liquor drink and I...

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The honey trap

09/06/2012THE HONEY TRAPIn a side street in a discreet bar in the UK, a group of people drank illicitly as the clock reached towards 2 am at an exclusive drinking waterhole/night clubAmongst that collection of drinkers was a cluster who sat on an exclusive table, an ill-assorted faction of people, drawn to each other by a common cause   Angie.  A property landlady, who rented out rooms in the area and above her pub to prostitutes for extra income.  Tony, a local entrepreneur who liked a good...

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Hotel Trap

Hotel TrapBy  Sonya EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected]’s Note:(Note: this story clarification is about 6 to 8 pages long and the actual story starts after 5 pages but please please do put up and bear with me.  Thank you ;)  Trust me reading this bit too, is worth it.)This is the second story to my Lovecraftian Horror-Sex Story Anthology-Trilogy (with Witness to Horror  being the first story).  Like my previous story,  this story too is adapted and borrows a lot,  but not much...

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Bondage Masters Trap

Bondage Master’s Trap It was set than. Jackson had finally done it.  It must be for real now? now that he   had actually set an actual date and time. As he sat in front of his computer in nothing more than a robe that lay wide open, he hit send on his e-mail.  He could not think of a time in recent memory that he was more sexually aroused.  Casually, as he did thousands of times before, he took a pump of the skin lotion that sat next to him into the palm of his hand and rubbed his rock hard...

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Ebar Sabinar Khela Bengali

Ebar sabinar khela shuru,mone korte parchhen rongilar mut kheye pet voranor katha.Yes i like it vry much.Apnader keu jodi mut dekhiye pechchhap khaiye bale vora gud chusiye guder sukh pete chan ami ready contact mail id Sabina hater bodna theke khanikta jol niye amar mukhe dilo.Bujhlam sobtai dekhechhe.Jigyes korlam tumi kaeno esechho? Apnake khushi korte,ei amake khushi kora j aeto janajani hoye gaechhe ki kore bujhi na.Ki korte chao boltei jama khulte chailam asole bnara to tonton korchhe...

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Barbershop Harmony

copyright © 2002 by the author They say that all who love are blind And I'm not one to disagree... For more and more, each day I find Love has made a fool of me (Foolish, foolish me... ) --Each Time I Fall in Love, S. Grundy As usual, the applause was intoxicating, and this year it was especially strong because Cal Morton's quartet had sung their hearts out. As he and the three other men who made up "Lazy River" left the stage, the crowd of barbershoppers, family, and fans were...

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Barrack Room BettyChapter 14 Supergirls Bangkok

“I’ve fucking had it with Jason!” Michele spat at Rod Latham “That fuckwit tracked me down and found me in a bar in Naples and created an absolute shitfight. And every night I’m here in the club he carries on like a petulant child whenever I work a punter and in particular Lieutenant Steve Winters who is one of our best customers.” “When is that fuckstick going to realise what happens on board this ship is just business and what I do ashore is my own affair!” Michele seethed. “Either he...

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Barbies ? by: Jamisia On some nights, when you're on the town and walking around, it's better not to meet certain people. On some nights there could be a full moon and then there's no telling what goes on behind these people's faces. The usual friendly neighbour could very well all of a sudden be the guardian of a door to another, magical world. Most people do believe in different, magical worlds, but immediately let it accompany by the thought that these worlds must be better...

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Ebar natun khela

Hi, i am back again. Aj ami abar akta galpo pesh korte elam. Apnara amar galpe amar sundari didibhai rai er kotha porechen. Ar porechen amader yogar teacher rajuda kibhabe didibhai ke barbar blackmail kore chudeche. Aj apnader amon akta ghatana bolbo jeta hobe ami swapneo bhabte pari ni. Ar amar soubhagya je eta dekhte peyechi. Niyomito joga korar jonnoi hok na rajuda ar nijer boyfriend er kache barbar chodon ar tepon khawar jonnoi hok didibhai jeno dindin dasa hoye uthchilo. Sundari sobai...

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Barbra become Wendy

Barbra becomes Wendyby BrilligA work of fiction. Get a grip folks, none of this happened. But boy, do I wish it did. Warning, contains sexually explicit material, etc. Starts out very slow. Not for everyone. If you want real hardcore, look elsewhere. This is more psychological.====================================I'm into my late 50's now. All of this happened several decades ago when I was in my late 40's. Call it my last fling.I met Barbra in a neo-biker bar. I mean, it was a kind of edgy...

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Tina trap

A few days after he fucked me so masterfully that day, my friend's older associate invited me to visit him at his apartment. I wasn't sure what to do. Originally I had only had been with the one guy and now he seemed to be passing me on to his business partner. When I asked him about it he told me that he was OK with it. He had done this before: found a young guy and then introduced him to his older business contact. So I had been used all along. I was just currency. But I had liked how Mack -...

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Tender Trap

Tender Trap By Amanda More Would the gamble work? I was sure it would but I was still so nervous. Here I was a 22 year old transvestite with a growing interest in the male sex, about to reveal myself to a male friend. Why, was I going insane? I had only gone out to meet others, strangers, on a handful of occasions at specialist bars. But on a couple of those outings I had been pampered and chased sufficiently by guys to let them have what they wanted and I had loved it. I...

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