Where Angels Fear To Tread - Part 6 free porn video

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Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part VI Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter One hundred twenty-three - Barbara Having decided that it was well nigh time for Krissy to host a party for her friends and having been given the opportunity of a Saturday night affair (given the temporary closure of the gurls' favorite haunt) I proceeded with a will. To accomplish my complete plan I'd need a little assistance and Pam seemed perfectly suited to provide that. I took Pam out to lunch and presented my proposal and request. Chapter One hundred twenty-four - Pam Oh, that Barbara! I thought I'd developed into the ideally motivated Twife but I guess I still have a few things to learn. Barbara did need some help and having received the benefit of another wife's knowledge, Cheryl of course, I felt duty bound to give a little back. Eric had other plans for Saturday night so no sacrifice was required in that regard. I told Barbara to stop by after work during the week as one of my law classes had been canceled. We could have drinks, a little dinner and do some planning. Barb arrived a little after 6:00 PM and I offered her to fix her a drink while inviting her to take a seat in the family room. "Is Darla around?" I heard her query while I retrieved ice from the kitchen "She's around here somewhere" I called back, "probably still in her bikini. She took a day off from work to do a little tanning. Since I got her the bikini she's been dying to try it out." I returned to the family room carrying a tray with her drink and mine and noticed what appeared to be a look of concern on Barb's face. "Don't worry", I continued, "little miss loose lips won't be a hindrance; she's got plenty to keep her occupied. We won't even know she's here. We'll let her know you're here and let her say hello and tell her we're dining privately. She splurged on a pizza late this afternoon so she doesn't need more to eat in any case." Barbara seemed to relax noticeably at this and I went in search of Darla. Just as I predicted she was still in her bikini admiring her appearance in the full-length mirror in her room. "Honey" I said to her, "I've got company; come to the family room and say hello." As we moved down the hallway I explained that Barbara was my dinner guest and that Barbara and I would be dining alone. She responded that was understandable and that she wasn't hungry anyway. Barbara hadn't seen Darla in a while, much less in a bikini and was obviously stunned by her appearance. "My heavens" Barbara exclaimed, "Darla's getting quite the little figure." "Yes" I agreed, "she's filling out quite nicely." And then to Darla, "Darla honey, would it be too much to ask you to give Barbara a little peek at what you've got going on up top there? You certainly don't mind the boys seeing them." Darla agreed, like she really had a choice, and Barbara was clearly impressed by her progress. "A rather cute little pair of cupcakes wouldn't you say Barbara?" I asked after Darla's bikini top came off. Barbara nodded silently apparently deep in thought while I added, "We've had wonderful results from the hormones haven't we dear?" this to Darla who nodded enthusiastically in the affirmative. "Give Barbara a profile view sweetie", again to Darla who did as requested. Barbara continued to appraise my gurl's development with interest. "They look even bigger when she's down on all fours" I added with a snicker, "gravity helps a lot." Darla didn't even blush at that comment. "Does she date a lot of men?" Barbara asked me. To which I replied with a broad smile, "only the ones that ask her out". More chit-chat ensued and after a short time Darla was excused with an admonishment from me that she not spend the whole evening as well as the day in her bikini and further that Barbara and I be provided privacy. After Darla left, Barb and I began to discuss the party. Barb stated that Krissy had contacted most of those on the guest list and had received assurances of attendance. In addition, Barb indicated the refreshment menu was completed and that Krissy would do the shopping and basic preparation. I remarked that Darla hadn't mentioned anything to me about the party but it was typical of her not to provide me with the details of her social plans; that was her business. I also told Barbara that given the fact that much of the work was either done or assigned to Krissy, I was puzzled as to how I could be of real help. When she filled me in on the details it brought back events that seemed to have occurred ages ago. This was going to be fun. Chapter One hundred twenty-five - Darla and Lexi We simply gotta have something new to wear for Darla's party; let's go shopping! Chapter One hundred twenty-six - Krissy Well, tonight is party night and I'm feeling a lot more at ease about the idea. The other gurls all think it's a nice change of pace from the usual bar scene and say they are really excited about coming. Darla and Lexi are so pumped they went out and bought new outfits for the party which I find really sweet. All the preliminary preparation is done because I'd really like to enjoy my own party. Barbara was really special to offer to let me do this. Chapter One hundred twenty-seven - Pam I arrived at Barbara's home just before the guests were due to arrive. Krissy was somewhat surprised to see me but I explained to her that Barbara had requested my assistance so that she could enjoy her own party. I did not of course mention the real purpose of my presence for obvious reasons, obvious to me at least. Krissy asked about Darla and I replied that she had taken a bit longer than expected to get ready (gurls!) and she would drive over shortly. Darla arrived shortly thereafter followed almost immediately by Alison and Jon who arrived together. Darla had mentioned that Alison had indicated to Darla that she had a date for the party. The other guests arrived in ones and twos over forty minutes and I recognized most of the regulars from the club scene with a few new faces thrown in. The guest list I'd been shown by Barb was so constructed as to have an approximately equal number of gurls and guys with a few extra gurls. Barbara had cautioned me that one of the guys would be a late arrival and I was to make no mention of this. As the evening progressed the conversation picked up, along with the volume of the music and Barbara and I retreated to the kitchen for a quiet drink and a little talk while I heated one of the hot canap?s for Krissy. Barb and I took turns subtly checking on the progress of the party feeling much like mom's checking on a bunch of teenagers. The phone rang and Barb answered saying only to the caller that about a "half hour from now, should be about right" and hanging up. "Our final guest" Barb said to me with a smile. We'd noted on our last scan of the party that the alcohol had loosened the inhibitions of the guests somewhat; that of course had been expected and desired. I was ready to make my moves with Darla as soon Barb cued me. Chapter One hundred twenty-eight - Barbara The doorbell sounded and I went to admit the final arrival as Krissy was busy with her other guests. I escorted Pedro, or Pete as he said was also acceptable and introduced him to the other guests. Krissy made little of this and that was just as well. I didn't introduce Pete to all the guests as some were, shall we say, occupied with other issues of a more personal nature. Nothing really graphic, but the group was definitely starting to loosen up. Vince however took immediate notice of Pete's presence and I could almost hear the wheels turning in his head. I knew that he was thinking, "Hmm, interesting, what's he doing here?" as Pam had filled me in on Vince. Pam also told me that Vince could be depended upon to not upset the apple cart even without being clued in. Chapter One hundred twenty-nine - Vince My, my, my. It's a surprise to see Pete here. I know he works as a male dancer at Joanne's, Tuesday nights I recall being told, but he doesn't fit my impression of the guest list. He is a good-looking kid though. The night may hold promise of something interesting. I learn something every day; today will likely be no exception. Chapter One hundred thirty - Pam An hour or so had passed since Pete's arrival and Barbara had taken advantage of an opportunity to introduce Pete to Krissy. Things were definitely heating up relationship-wise between the other guests and I expected to get the nod from Barbara at any time. Chapter One hundred thirty-one - Darla The party was really cool and getting better. Rita and I were getting a little frisky when I noticed Pam trying to get my attention. I gave her my "later maybe?" sign and she gave me her "NOW" look and that was that. A gurl's gotta do what a gurl's gotta do so I separated myself from Rita, straightened my clothes and went to see what Pam wanted. "Don't you think you owe your hostess a little consideration?" she said, inclining her head toward Krissy. I answered I supposed so and Pam continued. "You know how stimulated Krissy gets by dressing in front of others; she has no boyfriend so I think you should help her out. There's plenty of room on that couch over there. Why not see if you can get her stretched out comfortably and do what you do so well with these," she said brushing her fingertips lightly across my lips. Her tone of voice implied more of an order than a request so who was I to say "no"? Besides, I love to suck and Krissy has such a nice one and so much cum. Rita had kinda gotten me in my gurl-gurl mood so it wasn't as if Pam was asking for the moon. I'd done Krissy before so I didn't expect a lot of resistance and hell maybe I'd get to do two! I went over to Krissy, took her by the hand and led her to the couch. On the way we passed one of the newer gurls, Debbie I think, who was getting ready to do Eddie. She was down on her knees working on Eddie's zipper so it was hardly heavy brainwork to figure that out. Chapter One hundred thirty-two - Vince I remind myself to pay attention more but the years do tell. What with the dimmer lights and gurls getting down to business there was a lot going on that captured my attention. By the time I got around to checking on Pete he was nowhere to be seen and Darla had Krissy stretched out on the couch and was happy gurgling away on Krissy's rather imposing clitty. Darla was kneeling on the floor and had her upper body across Krissy's torso and was pumping Krissy with her right hand as she sucked. Pam and Barbara were barely visible in one of the corners and appeared to comment to one another on the turn the party had taken. Lexi plopped down in my lap and started wiggling around so I got diverted again. I have a special place in my heart for the gurls I've bitched so ignoring her was impossible, at least in the short run. When I looked again Pete was standing behind the couch naked and stroking a nice hard on. Lexi was too hot to give it up so I got diverted yet again. A few moments later Lexi seemed to lose interest and I followed her gaze to the couch. Pete had put a rubber on and was lubing it while removing the back cushions from the couch with his other hand. Krissy was oblivious to all this what with Darla doing her usual excellent job. Pete slipped over the back of the couch and spooned in behind Krissy rolling her slightly to her right side. This got Krissy's attention and she murmured, "Pete...what...are...you" looking back at Pete over her left shoulder. The kid was good; he hooked her left leg from behind the knee raised the leg and opened her up. His cock popped up in front of a sucking Darla's face and she grabbed it adding with a giggle, "I know where this goes!" A few quick swipes by Darla, (Krissy muttering, "Darrrrrla, Pete, what, ohhhhh") with the head of Pete's cock between Krissy's cheeks brought the cock head to nestle against the target. As soon as the kid sensed this, his hips bucked slightly and his cock head was in Krissy's Tpussy. Krissy's eyes popped open and her mouth formed a silent little "o". Krissy wasn't going anywhere; as Darla's weight had her pinned, her head was against the couch arm and sliding lower on the couch would only serve to impale her on Pete all the more. Pete was decent sized but not overlarge so working his way all the way in with short pumping strokes was no big trick. Pete's expert fucking and Darla's oral attention soon caused Krissy to give up what small resistance there may have been. Chapter One hundred thirty-three - Barbara I'd tested the film and shutter speed in low light and felt confident everything would work. The slow shutter speed required a steady hand so I had decided I had to take the pictures. Trusting that crucial task to someone else made no sense. I had need of Pam's help for three things, Darla was not aware of any of the three. First to get Darla to set Krissy up for Pete and secondly to then get Darla out of the line of the photos, especially Krissy's face. Chapter One hundred thirty-four - Pam You've got to hand it to Barbara, what a woman! Having her gurl bitched at her own party! It made me feel somewhat like a small timer with all the delicate maneuvering I had to go through with Darla. Krissy had never even sucked a guy or been broken with a strap-on and yet there she was on the couch getting a thorough, and it must be admitted, expert screwing. The second of my tasks was to get Darla out of the way of the photos. This I accomplished when Barb gave me the sign she was satisfied that Darla was no longer needed to assist the action. Darla was not a happy camper. Barb and Cheryl both chuckled when I told them later that I had "snatched victory from the lips of defeat". Darla knew better than to not do as I indicated and I sent her packing over to Lexi and Vince. By this time Krissy's verbal contributions were limited to the likes of, "Ohhhh, hhnggghhh, Peeeeete, ih, ih" and the like. Barb had a number of pictures already but I hadn't forgotten my third task. I took Krissy's left arm by the wrist and placed her hand on her clitty. It promptly slid off. Two more tries met with failure; on the fourth try I got her fingers wrapped around her clitty and demonstrated a pumping motion. I don't know if this got her conscious attention, but it surely had her unconscious attention. Before long she was pumping a way on a nicely stiffening member while Pete was putting it to her. Barbara was taking pictures steadily all the while. It wasn't long before Krissy was spewing her gurl juice all over the place, also dutifully captured on film. Chapter One hundred thirty-five - Barbara It seemed to be over so fast. The few guests that had watched it happen soon returned their focus to more personal pursuits. Krissy lay panting heavily on the couch while Pete got up and left to get dressed. The guy's time wasn't cheap but I got my money's worth and then some. I knew Vince could have done the work of course, but I had insufficient time in my view to deal with a protracted project like Pam had. Time was of the essence. I put the camera down and went over to Krissy, whispered praise in her ear and kissed the still moist tears from her face. Chapter One hundred thirty-six - Darla Was Krissy's party something or what? Wow. For a gurl who'd never been fucked before, she really go into it quickly. And Pete is such a cute guy; Krissy is really lucky. I'll have to give her a call early in the week to see how she's doing. 'Course if I don't talk to her I'll probably see her at Joanne's Saturday night which is supposed to be re-opening. Wonder how the place will look after the face-lift. Chapter One hundred thirty-eight - Krissy I woke up late Sunday morning with a small hangover. It's not that I drank that much last night; it's just that I usually don't drink much at all and it can really get to me. I guess Barbara let me sleep in, because of what happened last night. Somehow I still am not sure it really happened, but I guess it did. It's all so confusing. I mean I just never thought about guys that way. I love Barbara of course and I want to please her and being feminine for her is a way to do that. But, I never really imagined that it also meant that pleasing her meant doing guys too. I think about Claudia a lot; I really like her a lot but I don't know what that means either. I wish I could talk to her; maybe I should give her a call this week. Barbara made me a nice Sunday brunch. She was very cheerful and called me "sleepy head" when I walked into the kitchen. She said it was OK though, I'd had a big night and she was really proud of me. She left to do some shopping and told me just to lie around the house and relax. That was just as well because I didn't seem to have the energy to do much else. Chapter One hundred thirty-nine - Barbara I hope the pictures I took turn out well; I went to enough trouble, not to mention expense to get them. I'll drop them off at Cheryl's friends place on my way out for a little Sunday shopping for Krissy. Cheryl told me the guy would develop them quickly and always did a good job. I hope to have them back early in the week. I must remember to call Pam and thank her again for the help last night. I couldn't have done it without her. Chapter One hundred forty - Claudia I haven't seen Krissy in a few weeks and I wonder how he's doing. I know he's, well different, but I still like him a lot. He is so sweet, not like a lot of the jerks I know. The other thing is of course he's married but I can't honestly say that bothers me a whole lot because his wife dates other men. I'm not really sure I like her very much. I hope Krissy calls. Chapter One hundred forty-one - Krissy Well, Barbara came back from shopping and she bought me tons of new stuff and she had me try it all on right away. There was everything, some new outfits, lingerie even some new shoes. She seemed really pleased with the way everything fit and looked on me. She told me she'd be home from work a little earlier than usual tomorrow and that we had plans for the evening. Chapter One hundred forty-two - Pam Barb gave me a call to thank me for helping her out on Saturday. She said she owed me a lunch, or two or three. I talked to Cheryl too. She said Lexi had told her about the party. Funny, Darla never said a word to me about what happened. I guess she just figured it was business as usual. I'm pleased with how things are going for her at work, a raise and all. Law school is really starting to be a trial, so to speak. Between work and school I just never seem to have time for anything. I'm making excellent progress though thanks to the people at work mostly. I get a lot of consideration there in terms of schedule flexibility and a fair amount of clerical help. They want me to finish school as quickly as I can and get it behind me. I've been giving a lot of thought to Eric, and other things but they will have to wait until I least can see the light at the end of the tunnel at school. I just don't have time for anything else on my plate now. Chapter One hundred forty-three - Barbara I arrived home Monday at about 4:30 having left work a little early. This was to be the "big week" and I wanted to insure that it got off to the proper start. Krissy and I had a quick, light supper and she was finished cleaning up by 5:30. I told her to shower and get ready for company that was expected later in the evening. "Company?" she asked. "Yes dear, you made a good beginning Saturday night and we need to leverage that progress immediately. It's long since past the time when you should have gentleman callers and I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't help things along a little more," I responded. She wanted to know who was coming and I told her we'd go into that later. I added that I'd take care of the refreshments so all she had to worry about was being a good hostess and shooed her off to the bath. From the outfits I'd purchased the day before I selected something I thought would be appropriate and practical. I told Krissy I'd put out the things I wanted her to wear to save time and she should concentrate on looking her best. She of course did as she was told but I could tell she was a bit nervous about the whole idea. I decided to get a little wine into here to relax her a bit after she finished her shower, something to sip on while she did her hair and makeup. Cheryl's friend called me at work and said he was sorry but the photos wouldn't be ready until Wednesday. That was no problem as it still gave me enough time, just. I could hear Krissy showering while I busied myself preparing the refreshments. I had nachos, very nice salsa, some imported beer and even lime wedges ready in nothing flat. When I was sure Krissy was done showering I took a glass of white wine into her and looked for an open spot on the vanity where she was seated brushing her hair. "Here you are dear, something to sip on while you get ready" I said as I placed the wineglass near her. "Uh, thanks Barbara, uh who, who's coming over?" she asked. I handed her the wine glass and said, "Oh just Pete, and a friend." "Pete? And a friend?" "Yes dear, I haven't met the friend but Pete assures me he is very nice and we both know what a nice young man Pete is." Pete was an American born Hispanic whose English and Spanish were both flawless, or so I was told. Pete's friend Jorge had virtually no English but that made no difference, as he wasn't coming over for heavy conversation. I left but returned twice more to make sure Krissy had enough wine while she got ready. She was very good with makeup by this time and looked very pretty. She has fair skin that takes makeup very well. The outfit I selected consisted of garterbelt and hose, both black, a long side slit skirt (with the slit nice and high so the stocking tops would show), panties, bra and a sleeveless top, white. I also selected one of the new pair of heels I'd purchased; this would be a good chance to break them in a bit. I told her to meet me in the kitchen when she was ready. There was no hurry as we had sufficient time before her guests arrived. When she did enter the kitchen she looked smashing. I summoned her to the kitchen table where I had everything ready. "What are those?" he asked gesturing to the items on the table. "Oh, those are hormone patches darling, for you." "For ... for me?" this with her lip quivering a bit. "Yes dear, I was over at Pam's place and got to see Darla and she looks just wonderful. She's developing so nicely and she has lots of boyfriends. I'm not going to have you be a second-class citizen in your group; you're every bit as pretty as Darla is." "But ... but ..." "No buts dear. The patches are so easy to use, you'll never even know they're there. Just change them twice a week, every 84 hours on the dot and that's all there is to it, no muss no fuss. Just think of the benefits dear, less shaving, softer skin, clothes that fit better. Won't that be nice?" "But what about ... you know?" she asked. "No problem dear, we'll just see how things go and adjust the dosage as necessary. And no cheating on the patches either, I'm going to check to make sure. Now come over here, hike that skirt up and bend over so I can put the first one on for you. After this you'll be doing this yourself; this is so exciting." The patch went on her hip secured with a piece of surgical tape for good measure. She looked back over her shoulder; her forearms resting on the kitchen table watching me place and tape the patch. "There," I said giving her an affectionate pat on the rump, "all done. See how easy that is?" "Well, well I guess so," she stammered a bit. "Are you sure this is going to be ok?" "Don't I always do what's best for you, hmm?" We sat at the table and drank glass of wine together. I told her when her guests arrived she should go to her room; I'd answer the door and bring her out after her guests were situated comfortably. That way she could make an entrance of sorts. She still looked somewhat nervous over all of this, but the wine did appear to have relaxed her sufficiently. In due time the doorbell rang and I sent Krissy off to her room and went to answer the door. Both young men were casually but neatly dressed and I must say I approved. Pete, translating, made the introductions and I ushered them in and had them sit on each end of the couch. I brought out the refreshments (which evidently made a favorable impression on Jorge) and told them Krissy would be out directly. I wanted them to relax and be comfortable and having them wait for their lady briefly was just good form. After the right amount of time had elapsed I went into Krissy's room and led her out by the hand to meet her guests. On the way I explained I expected her to be very nice to her guests. After all the trouble I'd gone to, I told her I didn't want to her from them that she'd been uncooperative or unfriendly, in any respect. I seated Krissy on the couch and brought her another glass of wine, just in case. On my way out I turned down the lights slightly and slapped a nice X-rated disc into the DVD player. I handed the controller to Pete and told him he could play the disc anytime he wished. I retired to allow things to proceed on their own. I had every confidence they would. Chapter One hundred forty-four - Krissy The guys were pretty nice I guess; we just sat there and chatted for a while with Pete doing the translating for Jorge and me. The wine had relaxed me some and after a while I felt less nervous about the whole thing. Eventually Pete said he'd like to watch the movie so he picked up the controller and I showed him how to work it. Chapter One hundred forty-five - Barbara I heard them gabbing away and made a conscious effort not to sneak a peek at what was going on too soon. I figured I'd wait until I heard the movie going for a while before I checked on them. I did bring in two more beers early on for the guys however, told them if they wanted more to help themselves from the refrigerator. After the movie had been playing for 15 minutes or so it got a little quiet in terms of talk. I waited another 15 minutes and peeked in. The guys were now seated close to Krissy on either side and Pete had his arm around Krissy's shoulders and Jorge had a hand on her thigh, so far so good. I'd taken the precaution of placing a small glass bowl with condoms and lube packets in view and within easy reach on a side table near the couch. That would let the guys know they had the green light just in case they got nervous. A return visit in another 10 minutes revealed Pete's cock out with Krissy's fingers curled around it. Jorge was grinning and jabbering away to Pete. Good, very good. No, need to worry know. These guys didn't let the grass grow under their feet. I went back to my bedroom to read and relax a bit confident in the knowledge that things were going according to plan, again. Halfway through the second chapter of the book the phone rang; it was Darla calling for Krissy. I called out to Krissy that she had a phone call but heard no response. I got up and moved toward the living room calling Krissy's name and indicating she had a phone call. I got something in return this time. "Baaarbar uhn, uhn, Bar, uhnngnnn." When I got to the living room I understood. Krissy was seated in Pete's lap on the couch with her back to him. He had his hands under her thighs with her legs open and pulled back and was bouncing her up and down on his cock. My it looked hot. Jorge was getting up and moving around to the back of the couch. Krissy saw me through half-closed eyes. Jorge put his right hand on the back of her head and turned her head to the side. His left hand was holding a nice thick cock at full erection. Krissy made one more attempt. "Barb...mmphhh" that was silenced by Jorge feeding her his cock. I went back to the phone. "Darla honey, Krissy can't come to the phone right now: she's, uh, eating." "This late?" "Well, she's having shall we say a full day here. May she call you back tomorrow?" "OK, sure, bye!" The guys put in a full four hours, emphasis on the "put in". Before they left I handed Pete an envelope and he promised they'd both be back on Wednesday giving Krissy Tuesday off to rest with the last visit scheduled for Friday. As I let Pete out he turned to me and said, "Don't worry, by the end of the week she'll be 100% bitch." "Is that a money back guarantee?" I asked with a smile. He just laughed and headed for his car. Chapter One hundred forty-six - Claudia Finally got a call from Krissy! It was a message actually, waiting for me at work when I got back from lunch. He wants to meet me at Joanne's tonight right after work to talk. It's a Thursday so it should be fairly quiet, especially that early. Joanne's wasn't originally supposed to re-open 'til tomorrow but I guess they got they work done early. Probably not much got done. With the bars, slapping on another coat of paint on everything and getting some new barstools is called "remodeling." Can't wait to talk to him. I miss him, a lot. Chapter One hundred forty-seven - Barbara I arrived at Joanne's at 5:00 grabbed a table and a drink and did my best to ignore the other customers. Claudia would come in bright-eyed and smiling expecting to see her hero, but that's life. The pictures had turned out well and I'd carefully sequenced the important ones behind a few other more innocent shots I'd taken of the party. This was going to be ugly but mercifully brief and it had to be done. Otherwise I'd have Claudia chasing Krissy forever; while I trusted Krissy, this was the safest course. Sure enough, she bounced in about a quarter after, scanned the room and her face fell when she spotted me. I beckoned her over and she moved my way with a reluctant expression. I gestured toward the chair opposite and asked her to sit. "My apologies, Claudia, for getting you here under false pretenses, but it's important that we talk. Don't worry dear; I'm not here to make a scene. I just think it's only fair to give you certain information it's important for you to have." She nodded dumbly and still eyed me with distrust. I continued, "I know how you feel about my Krissy so don't bother to deny it. I'm sure your intentions are well meant but I don't think you realize the full situation. I know Krissy is very nice, else why would I have married her? She doesn't have a mean bone in her body and she'd never do anything to hurt anyone. I'm sure she didn't intentionally lead you on; let's just say her interests are in other areas that she didn't feel compelled to tell you about." "Like what?" "Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words so here are twenty thousand or so words worth." I handed her the stack of pictures and she started to go through them one by one. It was pretty obvious when she got to the telling ones. By the time she finished the tears were rolling down her cheeks. She handed me back the photos, said, "I see", got up, turned and walked out of the bar. Chapter One hundred forty-eight - Krissy Saturday night at last, that means no Pete and Jorge. I'm still a little sore. Maybe I'll get a chance to see Claudia. I miss her. After last night I could use a little less amorous company. When Pete saw my hormone patch Wednesday night he pointed at the patch and said something to Jorge in Spanish while cupping his hands in front of his chest. Like he was saying "she's gonna have tits." That got the old "I'll be back" grin from Jorge. I hope it's not too soon. When the guys left Friday I heard Barbara ask them if I was cooperative and how I did. Pete translated and Jorge rattled something off. Pete said to Barbara, "Jorge says she gives it up real easy and that she's a good fuck. I still see her making faces when sucking, especially when we cum, but she gets it all down." Chapter One hundred forty-nine - Lexi Well the place looked pretty much the same Saturday night, just a little brighter and with some new furniture. Looks like they did some work on the bar and bar equipment though. Krissy was pretty quiet all night and pretty much tracked all the traffic through the door. She was probably hoping to see Claudia. If she did I would never say anything because I hear it would really set Barbara off. Claudia never showed. That young guy was back again though. Just sat at the bar and looked our way every few minutes but never came over. Too bad, he's a cutie. Chapter One hundred fifty - Darla It's been months since Krissy's party. She seems different somehow, a little more a rebel than the old Krissy. We haven't seen Claudia around in ages. Krissy used to talk about her but I can't even remember the last time I even heard her name mentioned. Probably makes Barbara happy though, Lexi is still puzzled by that young guy that stops in a couple of times a month. He doesn't stare at us really just glances our way a lot. I bet Lexi is interested because he's good looking. All he ever does though, is sit at the bar and not much of a drinker at that. Well, if he's interested he's gonna have to get off his butt and walk over some day and say "hi" or something. Things are really cool at work; looks like I have it going for me now. People were asking me for quite a while if I was gonna get the sex change surgery thing. That's stopped thank God. If it ain't broke, don't fix it and right now there's nothing to fix as far as I'm concerned. My tits are doing real good. Pam asked me if I thought I might want to get implants but I don't want anyone cutting on me for anything. I think I might eventually get to a B cup and with a nice push up bra that's plenty for a TGurl. The 'mones have started to hit Krissy some. Maybe that's why she seems different. She's still cool and all and a good friend, just different. She's going through the same things I did so we talk about it a lot. Barb took her to my doctor and now she's taking some Spiro pills along with the patches. Barbara doesn't seem to be as nervous about Krissy going out as she did when Claudia was around. Krissy said Barb is really pleased with the way her body is starting to change. Pam and Eric must have had a little fight 'cause I haven't seen Eric around much. Pam was after him about something but I'm not sure what it was. Speaking of boyfriends I think I'm making some progress with Fred. I think I may get him to take me out to the club on one of these weekends. He's doesn't say "no" anymore, just "maybe". Chapter One hundred fifty-one - Cheryl Barb, Pam and I finally had lunch as a threesome last week. All Barb could talk about was how good Krissy was starting to look from the hormones. When I asked her when Krissy told her she wanted them, she just said she knew what was best for Krissy and Krissy was happy with that. Barb said it looked as if her company was going to send her to the west coast for about six months to help open a new operation there. It wouldn't be permanent but she would get an apartment and take Krissy with her. "A little change of scenery will be good for both of us," Barb said, "I'm looking forward to taking Krissy shopping in LA, there are so many good stores. Besides, she's going to need new things the way her shape is changing. We measure her every week to mark her progress." "How's she doing in the dating department?" Pam asked. "Well, she hasn't brought anybody home yet," Barb mused, "but she is going out more." "How did the whole thing go with the two guys you had visit her the week after the party?" Pam asked. "Oh, very well," Barb responded, "I stopped for a drink after work on Friday, the last day they were over, and they were already there. Jorge was sitting on the couch drinking a beer watching television; he just nodded toward the hallway to Krissy's room so I sneaked back to take a peek. Pete had her on her back on the bed with a pillow under her hips. Krissy had her heels on his butt and he was pumping her good." "She was yipping and squealing to beat the band," Barb giggled, "she had her left hand on the back of Pete's neck and her right arm around his back. She opened her eyes a little and saw me looking through the door. I smiled at her and winked and went to the kitchen." "Pete came out a while later and grabbed a beer and smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up. He told me they had her sucking five minutes after they arrived. Krissy came out ten minutes later wearing different negligee and walked up to the couch, glanced at me, took Jorge by the hand and led him back to her room." "Sounds to me like she's finished," Pam said, "and so fast!" "Yes, I think GG's in general and that Claudia in particular should be of no concern now. After Krissy fills out all the way from the hormones I should get her a job as a gurl. What with the hormones and all the new clothes she's going to need, a little extra money wouldn't hurt." I shifted the conversation to other topics. Pam thinks she should be able to finish law school next year with a little luck. That would be very fast time from what I know. She and Eric have been disagreeing on something big but I don't pry. If she wants me to know, she'll tell me. Chapter One hundred fifty-two - Lexi Alison has sort of made the fourth in our group. She's a real regular now and she and Jon seem to be sort of a couple. Darla sort misses a part of Jon though; she says it isn't fair that Alison gets him to herself. It looks like we'll be down to three for a while with Krissy going with Barbara for six months or so. Oh well, at least she'll be coming back. Chapter One hundred fifty-three - Paula Our Darla seems to have hit her stride; I don't think anyone here even remembers Phil anymore. I can't get over how feminine she looks. I get a chuckle out of Don; he asks about Darla and that club every once and a while. I think our little foray into the nether world piqued his curiosity. His fortieth birthday is coming up and he is a great husband. Maybe he deserves a special surprise. End of Part VI

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part II

Where Angels Fear to Tread Part II By A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. Chapter Forty-one Pam The light streaming through the crack in the curtains woke me. I looked at the clock, 10:30, not bad. I rolled left and looked at Darla. She was still...

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part 4

Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part IV Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter Eighty-nine Cheryl I met Pam...

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"Ahh, I am SO excited about this!" Krystie squeaked as the plane started to taxi down the runway at London's vast Heathrow airport. "Never been to America before?" Viks asked. "Nope!" Krystie giggled. "Never even been outside Europe before, and even then it was only for the other launches, heh." "Didn't get much of a chance to honeymoon thanks to 'other considerations'," Mikey, Krystie's husband, chuckled as he tried to calm the squirming fifteen-month-old child in his lap. "And...

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The Angels Take America part 3

"Well," Jamie said as the end credits rolled on the cartoon. "That was - that was different." "Yeah," Charlotte concurred. "I mean, I'm used to seeing myself on TV, but - yeah. Not too sure about that." "But I'm sure the kids will love it," Hannah said. "And there's no arguing with the message, right?" "Definitely," Jamie said. "If we help only one person with this cartoon, it'll be worth it." Much like the main Angels show, Jamie thought to herself as she and her friends filed...

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The War of the Angels part 5

"How- what- why-" Stephanie stammered as the flame-haired Scottish girl looked at her expectantly. "I think you might need to sit down," Lauren giggled. "As I said, I've got a car waiting..." "Umm, okay," Stephanie said, following Lauren to her car in a state of near-shock. "Why- why did you-" "Why did I take the option that was best for my career?" Lauren asked. "Kinda answered your own question there, didn't you? Steph... We've gone as far as we can with out of Heaven. And sure,...

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Part 6 Country Western FUN in Vegas Angels sur

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When Angels Cum Chapter 2

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When Angels Cum Chapter 2

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Surdas (Sunday) flew by quietly but pleasantly in each other’s companionship. Jie Er did some chores and read some novel, while Blaze spent most of his day reading his books or practicing his energy manipulation. The book was a great help. They also pleasured each other three times that day. Blaze made sure that Jie Er came multiple times before he made her suck him off.The next week also went by in a similar fashion to the first. He finished the history book by mid-week, so he asked Jie Er to...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 1

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When Angels Cum Chapter 1

Chapter 1I first posted this story on literotica. I’ve received a decent response, so I decided to share it on other sites. It is an ongoing webnovel and there are currently 10 chapters.Author's Shitty Initial SynopsisIt's basically about a guy who finds himself in a land of angels and demons. Since the world is only inhabited by females, it's up to him to teach them the ways of sexual pleasure.Join Blaze, as he experiences the seemingly utopian society of the angels only to find out that both...

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I walked the four blocks to our house with a totally terrific, new feeling. I could feel myself swagger just a little as I walked slowly. The heat in my groin is a steady, soothing warmth. I thought of my huge cock ... HELL YEAH - I’VE GOT A HUGE FUCKING COCK NOW! Then, there was the two hundred dollars in my pocket ... and the two black, magnetic Angels pulling on my balls and my cock as I walk. I had a right to swagger. There has to be more to those Angels than I’ve learned so far. I need...

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Angels Shoe Shopping Adventure

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Angels shoe shopping adventure TRUE Story

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Random Victories Angels of Mercy

Another episode in the Random Victories Universe. See Legend Of Hair House, You're Gonna Carry that Weight and Mid Mountain File for background and character introduction, or just try to figure it out. Random Victories: Angels of Mercy Chapter 1: Standard Dungeon Scene Miss M was starting to get furious. She had been held in this essence blocked cell for a week now. The Realities pirates obviously did not know what to do with her and were afraid to let her go. She had...

2 years ago
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The War of the Angels part 4

"Uncle Joshua!?" Jonathan asked, his voice filled with panic. "Uncle Joshua! Get up! Please, please get up..." "Oh my god," Viks gasped as she crouched down beside Joshua. "Steph, call 999! Now!" "Uh, okay," Stephanie said, fumbling in her bag for her phone as Viks rolled Joshua onto his back and checked his neck. "He's got a pulse but it's very weak," Viks said. "What- what do we do?" Jonathan asked, unable to contain his sense of panic. "Get a first aid kit," Viks said. "If...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 8

When we’d unloaded and stashed away all the groceries, paper towels, plates and everything else Aunt Carol could think of to buy, she suggested we take a look around the grounds, then walk down to the lake. “Put some swim trunks on Charlie, unless you want to skinny dip with your old aunt,” She laughed. “I hope we get to do that while we’re here.” “We will, I promise,” she said as she pulled her shirt over her head and threw it on the porch rail as we walked down the steps and left the...

4 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 10

Connie was excited as she sat astraddle my belly. I helped her slide back to let my cock plop down on my belly. She looked at my cock, then at me and smiled. “Raise up like Aunt Carol did and I’ll hold my cock up for you. You just let it go inside your pussy slow and easy so it won’t hurt too much. When it begins feeling good, you can fuck me like they’re fucking,” I told her. I rubbed the Angels together and they warmed to a feverish heat as Connie touched her pussy lips to my swollen...

2 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 13

My Angels’ predictions came true, and who am I to ever doubt them again? Mom and Richard were married in a double ceremony with Dr. Kellogg and Linda. We were at their lake house and everyone was naked. There were thirty other guests in attendance from around the lake, and all them were naked. The five members of the Kellogg family left three days later for Cancun on a three week honeymoon. Bobby, Connie and Kristi were ecstatic that they were getting to go on their parents’ honeymoon. Dr....

3 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 14

{Angels?} [SHE SAW A MENTAL PICTURE OF YOUR COCK WHILE SHE WAS MASTURBATING IN HER ROOM. SHE’S DYING TO HAVE YOUR COCK INSIDE HER PUSSY. ASK HER TO SWIM WITH YOU AND JIMMY, WE WILL DO THE REST] “Sher, I was just telling Jimmy that we have a new pool, and I’ve asked him to go swimming today. You wanna go with us?” “Sure, I love to swim. When?” “When we leave school today.” “I don’t have my swimsuit. We’ll have to run back by and get it.” “No problem. I hope you’ve got a really daring...

1 year ago
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Angels Of London

Some of you old-timers remember when banging a hooker meant trolling the seedy side of town, trying not to get shanked by a bum while getting a toothless beej from a crackwhore. The Internet has sure changed things, huh? These days, it’s safer and easier to find a girl to give you a handy for money. The girls at Angels of London are more than a few steps up from the local lot lizards, too.AngelsOfLondon.com operates under the motto, “Maximum Pleasure Very Discreet”. It doesn’t take a fucking...

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3 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 15

{Yes Alana, there’s nothing they cannot make happen. Now, they want you to let yourself go and be as naughty as you’ve ever dreamed. They really are magic, they love sex and they love for my friends to be happy and sexy too} (I want to be happy and sexy. I love the way I feel right now. I want another orgasm! I want to feel like I’m fucking your magnificent cock right here) {Be careful what you ask for Alana, they’ll double up on you and you’ll feel like you have my cock inside your pussy...

2 years ago
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Fallen AngelsChapter 2

As I moved from my rack and got showered all I could think of was the beauty and how one kiss had changed me. Brovo knocked and entered my room and informed me that we were on deck at 13:00 hours. I normally, before the Innocent Beauty entered my life would have snapped to, ready to slay the next evil, rise to the challenge of the operation handed to me. But all I could think of was her, I had to call her, to let her know. I knew it was against protocol to even mention being called to action,...

1 year ago
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Victorias Angels

Victoria's real secret? It isn't lingerie... Its crime-fighting supermodels! Like its Angels' modeling careers, the Victoria's Secret business is just a cover. Its real purpose? To bring bad guys to justice. The Victoria's Secret Angels are the organization's operatives. All of the Angels, old and new, are trained martial artists, sharpshooters and detectives. Working in small teams with little backup, they also use many crime-fighting gadgets, from bulletproof negligees to lipstick-mounted...

2 years ago
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Charlie s Angels

Hi, Everyone, this is a unique sex story of my experience with wives of my 3 friends. We 4 guys have been best friends since college and used to hang out together all the time. All 3 of them got married over last two years and I am the only single left in the group. I have always been a bit shy by nature. But I am damn honry when it comes to girls and sex. Just don’t show my emotions easily and the reason of still being single! We all 7 used to spend time together. Eat, play games, drink,...

4 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 18

“Did you hear that? That has to be a ghost!” “I heard it, but I don’t believe in ghosts! There has to be another explanation.” “Well, if a ghost grabs your ass, you’ll believe it!” “I suppose you, been grabbed by a ghost?” “Hell yes, I have.” “Where did it grab you? On your dick?” “How did you know that?” {Run over and grope both their cocks, Alana. I dare you} She never hesitated, never even looked at me. She was just like a feisty little girl as she skipped and ran over to where the...

3 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 21

We didn’t have to wait long before we heard a knock, and before anyone could say a word, there was a tall, slender young woman bursting into the room. She looked at Jenny Beth, and without even a look at her daughters, Lisa or me, she ran to her. “Sher, where is Jenny Beth? Jean called and told me she had somehow been miraculously cured and she’s been transformed into a totally new woman.” “Pat ... slow down and listen carefully, I-am-Jenny-Beth! AND YES, I have been blessed with a most...

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