Where Angels Fear To Tread - Part 7 free porn video

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Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part VII Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter One hundred fifty-four - Fred I almost called Darla four times this week. I'm not calling her again, ever. This is nuts; I've gotta stop this. I mean, it's sick, I'm gonna turn into a fag or something; the little sissy drives me crazy. There's this married piece in my building that's been flirty and I'm gonna concentrate on scoring that; that'll get my mind right. Chapter One hundred fifty-five - Lexi Saturday was a real red-letter night at the bar. We got there pretty early and the place was pretty empty so we had time to talk before it got loud; that new DJ must be hard of hearing. Krissy filled us in on her bitching week, hormones and all, and boy was Darla jealous, TWO guys no less. Krissy was kinda twitchy so I asked her what the problem was. "I am horny as hell; you know how I get when I go out anyway but after this week I'm fit to be tied," she said. "You didn't cum from being with those guys?" Darla asked. "No, they never touched me there. Well I take that back. The big guy, the one that didn't speak English, Jorge, just used it like a handle to pull me back to the bedroom, when he wanted to fuck me." "Oh God," Darla sighed, "I just love it when guys get dom with me like that, makes me want to give it up right away." "I'm trying to think of something that doesn't make you want to give it up", I said with a chuckle. Darla pretended like she was gonna pull my wig off but she was smiling. I noticed the door to the bar open and our mysterious young man walked in and grabbed a seat at the bar, after checking us out first of course. "God he is a cutie," Darla said, "I haven't heard from Fred all week and I'm in the same shape Krissy is." "Well, about time we put him to the test then," I said, "I'm going to invite him to join us." I got up and walked over to him at the bar giving him my nicest smile. "Hi," I chirped, "why sit over here all by yourself, we have plenty of room at the table. Come on and join us, we don't bite." "C-Could I?" he managed, "that would be nice, thanks. Let me get my beer and I'll be right over." I walked back to the table and told the gurls we would be having a guest. He got his beer, paid and tipped the bartender and walked over to the table. "Right here," Darla said pulling a chair between the two of us, "I'm Darla and this is Krissy and this is Lexi", she said gesturing toward us in turn. "Hi, my name is Brandon, a pleasure to meet all of you," he said while taking a seat. We started chatting and we learned all about Brandon, well not ALL about him right away. He was twenty-three and in college. Seems his parents and grandparents were estranged and grandpa left him a nice trust fund. The catch was he didn't get the money until he turned twenty-five. As long as he was in school he got a car and a reasonable allowance in addition to expenses so he was in no hurry to graduate. Darla did her best to get his attention; she was rubbing her tits against him every chance she got but I started to realize that it was Krissy he had been focused on all along. All this time I thought he sat at the bar checking all the gurls out but it was Krissy he was interested in; the rest of us just happened to be there. Every time Krissy got up to go to the bar, or the juke box his eyes were on her. Darla even got the drift and that got her a little pouty. Still, I wasn't sure about Brandon. There was something there that I just couldn't put my finger on. It wasn't so much what he said when we talked about Tgurls, but how he said it, unless it was you-know-what. People were beginning to trail into the bar and before long Brandon excused himself to go to the restroom. "You've got an admirer there I think honey," I said to Krissy. She gave me the "oh, just what I need after this week" kinda look but I continued, "just trust me on this, I have a pretty strong hunch here." Turning to Darla I said, "and you Miss Slutty, just back off a bit 'til we see how this plays out," I continued, "just give me a chance to talk to him in a little bit, the two of you go to the bar and buy a round or something and give me a few moments." I had to get this in before the other gurls arrived and it got too crowded to do what I wanted. Brandon returned and after a brief period Krissy and Darla offered to buy a round and went up to the bar. I turned to Brandon on my right and said, "seems like you're a little smitten with our little Krissy, or am I wrong?" "G-God she's beautiful," he stammered, "and so nice too." "Yup, she's a cutie alright, really femme and pretty, all smooth too. She just started hormones this week so it's even gonna get better." I leaned closer and whispered in Brandon's ear, "and she's got a really nice big, juicy cock too." And give Brandon's earlobe a gentle bite. Brandon's expression told me all I needed to know. I'd hit the nail on the head. "You wanna see it?" I murmured, "Krissy's a very good friend and I'm sure she wouldn't mind, besides I think she likes you." "You-you'd do that for me?" Brandon said hopefully. "You bet honey. You're very nice too. When Darla and Krissy come back ask Darla to dance so I can get some time with Krissy." The gurls returned and good ol' Brandon was Johnny-on-the-spot. Darla gave me a look but off she went with Brandon to dance to the music playing on the jukebox. It was a slower tune so Darla would be plastered all over him, good. "You're gonna have some fun I think honey," I said to Krissy after they left, "first chance you get after they come back go to the powder room and stay up front by the vanity. I'll follow you in a minute or two. Fix your hair or something and just follow my lead when I get there. Trust me, OK?" She nodded yes. Brandon and Darla returned with Brandon sporting an embarrassed look and a bulge in his pocket. Darla could give a corpse a hard on. After a little talk, Krissy rose and excused herself and headed back to the ladies room. I gave her a little head start then took Brandon by the hand and led him back to the ladies room with a "C'mon honey". Darla was all eyes but stayed put. When we entered Krissy was brushing her hair and turned to face us. "Brandon would like a little favor Krissy. I told him about your clitty and he'd like to see it. Isn't that right Brandon?" Brandon nodded dumbly and I gave Krissy a little wink keeping a firm grip on Brandon's moist hand. "Sure, I don't see why not," Krissy smiled, "Brandon is very nice." She put her brush back in her purse and unbuttoned her skirt. I could see the hormone patch on her hip through her pantyhose. Krissy folded her skirt and placed on the counter then hooked her thumbs inside her pantyhose and ran them down her legs; I could feel Brandon trembling as Krissy straightened up. She flexed her knees and opened her thighs and when she pulled her panties aside her Tclitty popped right out. She wasn't fooling about being turned on; even though tucked it was half-hard already. "Wow", was all Brandon could manage. "See, I told you it was a whopper," I tittered, "go ahead and heft it." I pulled Brandon forward and wrapped his hand around the thing. When I let go of his hand and moved around behind him he just stood there looking down at the prize in his hand. Looking over his shoulder I nudged him a little closer to Krissy. He moved his hand back and forth on it and Krissy started to really firm up. After a couple of gentle pulls by Brandon a clear drop of pre-cum appeared at the tip. "See Brandon, you got her all juicy," I hissed in his ear. "Go on, take a closer look", I continued and with just a little pressure on his shoulders Brandon was soon squatting in front of Krissy; he never really let go of her, he just shifted to an overhand grip. Krissy rested her butt against the counter top and watched Brandon pump her a little and I saw a faint smile cross her lips. Brandon licked his lips and with a faint moan popped the thing in his mouth and started to suck. Krissy sighed, "oh Brandon! That feels soooo good," and took her hands off the counter and held Brandon by the ears. Brandon didn't seem to notice and kept right on sucking. "Oh honey, you are so sweet, mmmmmh", Krissy added when Brandon picked up the tempo a bit. Brandon was a willing worker and before long Krissy hips started to move. "Brandon honey I'm almost there baby," Krissy moaned, "and I'm gonna cum buckets. Are you gonna be able to handle it?" Brandon nodded without stopping and pumped Krissy a little faster. In less than a minute Krissy hissed, "here it is baby, all yours." Her legs buckled a bit and she held Brandon's head steady when she started to squirt. Brandon was a real trooper; I could see his throat working as he swallowed all Krissy had. He stayed on it and milked it all out of her only quitting and rising after a soft Krissy had slipped from his mouth. Krissy got her stuff back on while Brandon watched with a sort of sheepish grin. Krissy gave him a kiss on the cheek, took his hand and led him back into the bar while I followed behind. Brandon was an "admirer" all right and the very best kind to boot. Chapter One hundred fifty-six - Krissy I had a good time with Brandon Saturday night, even after he did me. He's a very nice young man. He asked if he could call me so I gave him my phone number and told him to call during the week adding that if he wanted to, we could go out together the following weekend. He said he'd really like that and also said he'd probably call Tuesday or Wednesday. I think Brandon is perfect boyfriend material for me. If I'm going out with Brandon, Barbara won't have any reason to invite guys over for me again. Chapter One hundred fifty-seven - Darla Boy was Saturday night a disappointment. Here I thought I might have something going and Brandon turns out to be a sissy for TGurls. Lexi filled me in on what happened and told me all about "special admirers". It's fine for Krissy I guess, but it sure didn't solve my problem. Fred hasn't called so I went to the Paradise Sunday and he never showed there either. One of the couples I know from the Paradise before was there so I sat with them and got a stiff from neck turning around all the time looking for Fred. Paula told me they're looking for a new sales associate at work and interviewed a real cute one on a day I took off. Paula says Don's birthday is coming up and she's trying to think of a treat for him. She's thinking maybe of bringing him to Joanne's again 'cause he seemed to like it last time. I noticed Pam's supply of birth control pills was gone so I offered to get her prescription refilled when I went to the drugstore but she told me not to bother. Eric has called a few times and he and Pam talked for a really long time the other night. Sounds like they're maybe patching things up or something. I sure hope so; Pam has been awful crabby lately. Maybe the whole work and school thing is getting to her. That plus no Eric might be the reason. Well, she's not the only one suffering from lack of cock. I even invited Alison over thinking maybe we could fool around a little but Ali says she kinda made a deal with Jon to just do it with him. Jon's wife got fed up with him dating TGurls so I guess he got the boot and has his own place now. Lucky Ali, I am so horny I could scream. I really only get off good now either when I'm sucking or when I get fucked which is really the best. I can cum most of the time just from getting fucked. I even tried asking Pam to do me with the strap-on, actually sot of more like a hint, but she wasn't interested. My tits are growing real good and it's so great even just to get felt up, but I can't even get that lately. Life isn't so good lately. I guess I'll just have to go shopping for some hot new outfits. Chapter One hundred fifty-eight - Krissy Brandon called me as promised, Tuesday I think. We agreed to go out Friday night instead of Saturday, as it would be less crowded and quieter so we could talk. We had a long talk and I filled him in more on the situation with Barbara. He was a little anxious Saturday night when I told him I was married. Barbara answered the phone and when the call was over asked what it was about. When I told her I had a date with Brandon on Friday she was very pleased. I didn't feel the need to fill her in on all the particulars about what happened when I met Brandon. Anyway, Brandon arrived a little early Friday night, anxious I guess and I wasn't quite ready. Barbara answered the door and called back to me that my date had arrived. I told her to send him back to my room so we could talk. When he walked in I was in bra, panties and thigh highs and as usual somewhat excited; I was poking at my panties pretty good. Brandon was all eyes as I walked over to him by the door and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I closed the door and locked it and took him by the hand. "I'm so glad to see you honey", I said softly, "I really missed you. Your Krissy needs you, see how excited I am?" I put his hand on me through the panties and could see he was practically salivating. "I'm never gonna be able to tuck this thing if you don't give me a little help baby. You do want to help me don't you?" That got a smiling nod. "First you can put a new hormone patch on for me", I said picking one up from the bureau. I showed him how and where to put it on. When he was done I took him by the hand again and went over to the armchair, sat down and put each leg over an arm of the chair. I pulled my panties aside and popped free. "Please baby, can you make it tuckable for me, just like you did last Saturday." Brandon knelt down and went to work with a will. He's not as good as Darla or Lexi of course; he just needs some practice. Eagerness he has in abundance. Chapter One hundred fifty-nine - Barbara That Brandon is such a nice young man. He is very polite, well-spoken and good looking. I'm so happy Krissy has found someone. It looks like Pete and his friend did the job. It was so much easier and faster than I ever thought possible. When I think about all the work Pam went through I can't help but feel pleased with myself. One week of concentrated effort and my little gurl is solidly hooked on men. I know I shouldn't have but I got a little snoopy. When I started down the hall I noticed Krissy's door was closed so I moved down the hall quietly and listened at the door. If what I heard wasn't the sound of a very enthusiastic BJ I can't imagine what it was. My Krissy was now solidly on men. I don't think that Claudia or any other women for that matter present a threat any longer. Chapter One hundred sixty - Darla Pam was gonna go out with me to Joanne's Saturday but she canceled to have dinner with Eric. They're meeting at the restaurant, must be serious 'cause he usually picks her up. Hopes she gets this worked out because she's been a bitch to live with lately. They hired a new sales guy, Derek, and is he dreamy. Paula wasn't kidding. He's a fast worker; he already asked Paula out for a drink after work. She said she held up her wedding ring and smiled. She said if I agreed it was OK she'd drop a hint that I might be interested; she says she's pretty sure they told him I was a TGurl but I told her to make sure he knew just in case. Don't want any nasty scenes. Paula says she's taking Don out for his birthday Saturday and she plans to hit Joanne's; I guess Don really liked it the last time. She says he's a really good husband and a great father so she likes to indulge him on special occasions. I wish someone would indulge me! Chapter One hundred sixty-one - Paula Well plans are all set for Don's big four-oh birthday celebration. Out for dinner and a little bar hopping after that with the kids safely tucked away overnight at Don's parents. He wanted to know where he was going but I wasn't about to spoil the surprise. Should be a birthday he won't soon forget. I told Derek that Darla might be interested in going out. He moved here to take the job and he told me his social life looks a little slow. He apologized for trying to put the moves on me saying he was just a little "lonely" in a way that translated to "horny." I told him Darla was a TGurl. He said he knew that and had never dated one before and that it might be an opportune time to check it out. Chapter One hundred sixty-two - Derek Looks like I might be off on a new adventure in addition to the new job. Christ I am horny. Never did the TGurl thing but I have to admit Darla is not bad looking at all. Still, I have to think about it for a bit. I don't want to limit my future social life. If I get the reputation of being into TGurls it might come back to haunt me. This may take a little careful planning. Chapter One hundred sixty-three - Pam I was planning on going out with Darla but it appears as if things have come to a head with Eric. Paula even called to tell me she and Don would stop at the gurls' club but I had to beg off. I'm meeting Eric for a nice quiet dinner and some serious talk. Chapter One hundred sixty-four - Darla What a weekend! Who needs that jerk Fred? I started off by going shopping with Ali on Friday night. I decided I needed something new since Paula was going to probably be bringing Don around for his birthday night out. Ali and I both had "shopping attacks" and bought way more than we should have. I was gonna just get the one new outfit but I saw so much I liked I couldn't stop! Pam is gonna be pissed when she sees the credit card bills. Derek stopped by my desk Friday afternoon just to chat a bit. He's really nice and very good-looking. I think he may b a little apprehensive about me; I guess that's understandable enough. Paula put the word in for me and said that Derek told her he'd never dated a TGurl. He doesn't know what he's missing! Paula told him I was married but that everything there was cool. Anyway, what I bought to wear for Saturday night was a long side slit skirt with buttons on the side you so can open it as high as you like. I also got a top to go with it, sort of thin knit material with a scoop neckline and short sleeves. I also got a really cool new push up bra, my first B cup! I really can't fill a B completely yet but it had these cool enhancer gizmos that made me look like I was popping out of the top. I got a new pendant and earrings too. The pendant is nice sized and hangs in my cleavage real nice, a good attention getter. I got the jewelry last. After that Ali and I stopped for something to eat and then went to her place to try all the stuff on. We got back to her place and piled the stuff up and tried it on. Ali had some cute things and she looked very good in them, good enough that my little clitty got all stiff. We both got some new lingerie and saved that for last. By that time Ali was getting turned on too. She's not as big as Krissy, but way bigger than me. When I was changing bras I caught her looking at my tits. "They're getting bigger," I giggled. Ali looked a little sheepish and said, "I'm sorry was I staring?" "It's OK, I like to look at 'em too! They feel real good too; even Pam plays with 'em sometimes. Here," I said putting her hand on my tit, "see how good they feel?" She squeezed it a little and I sighed. "Does that feel good?" she asked. "Mmmm, yes. I love getting felt up now that they're not so tender like they were. They're real sensitive; see how my nipples are getting longer. It even feels better when they get sucked on a little." That made her blush. "Go on, give 'em a taste," I said and put my hand on the back of her head and gently moved it down to my left nipple. She started sucking softly on it and got her left hand on my right tit and started playing with that one. It wasn't long before she had me moaning. "Ummmmm, God that's good. Here, let's sit on the bed." I pushed some boxes on the floor to make room and stretched out on the bed and Ali went right back to work, this time on my right one. She was lying next to me and I could feel her hard clitty against my thigh. I reached down and gave her a little squeeze through her panties and she tongued my nipple faster. She squirmed a little as I played with her clitty. "Gee Ali, I got you all excited too. I'm sorry; I know you promised Jon you wouldn't fool around with anyone else." "It's OK Darla, but don't tell OK?" "Of course not! Oh, look how good your lipstick looks on my titties," I tittered. Ali grinned and resumed her work with a smile. I got my hand inside her panties and discovered she was leaking like crazy. We played like that for a few minutes. Then I stopped Ali and rolled her on her back. "Ali honey I feel so guilty. I got you all worked up. Let me take care of you. Lift up your hips," I said as I worked her panties down her legs. Her clitty jumped up when the panties came down and as soon as they were off I had my fingers wrapped around her and was pumping her. I had her squirming pretty good in a few seconds. I lay back down and started by licking her clitty from top too bottom. The last lick turned into good old-fashioned sucking and Ali was loving it. I must be pretty good because I didn't wait long for my reward. Ali was yummy. Chapter One hundred sixty-five - Eric Well, I given it a lot of thought and I guess we'll see what happens with Pam tonight. I still have concerns of course, but the idea doesn't seem as strange to me as it did before. Chapter One hundred sixty-six - Cheryl I hadn't been out with Lexi on a Saturday in quite some time and decided that last weekend was a good a time as any. We picked up Darla as her car was in for service; she was looking sexy as usual but dressed a little classier it seemed. She was wearing a longer skirt, side slit high enough to show she was wearing garterbelt and stockings when the occasional flash of leg permitted one to notice. The top was low cut and showed off what were getting to be some very nice breasts. Lexi remarked that she thought Pam was coming but all Darla said was "Dinner with Eric". Pam had sworn me to secrecy and I was not about to comment on the dinner with Eric so we moved on to other topics. I commented that she was looking fuller up top and also in the hips. "I got my first B cup bra yesterday," she exclaimed. "It's a push up but I almost fill it anyway," this with evident pride. We got to the club and a few of the gurls were already there. We joined them, "hi's" and hugs were exchanged and we took our seats at the table. The gurls resumed their conversation. Krissy said that Barb was in LA finalizing their apartment lease and they would be going there soon. The gurls were all sad to hear that she'd be leaving but I pointed out Barb had told me it would only be for six to nine months so Krissy would be back soon enough. Krissy introduced Brandon as her boyfriend and I was impressed at Barb's fast work. Pam had filled me in on everything Barb had told her over our recent luncheon. "Everything" turned out to be plenty indeed. I always admire fast work but one must be careful with this particular effort. Brandon was engaging, cheerful and rather bright so conversation with him was above the norm I'd come to expect at Joanne's. Krissy did ask if anyone had seen Claudia recently but none of the gurls said they had. We did the usual girl talk and drinking and dancing. At about 11:00 a lady Darla knows from work showed up with her husband, Paul and Don as I recall. They were out celebrating Don's fortieth birthday and had been to the club before and evidently Don enjoyed it as I could tell from Paula's teasing. When Don excused himself to use the restroom Paula took the opportunity to comment on Darla's appearance. "You look great Darla," Paula said. "You're getting quite a nice figure. Is that bust line all you?" "Just about. I got my first B cup bra yesterday. It's a push up but I almost fill it anyway." "Yeah," Paula chuckled, "I think Don noticed that." Alison showed up with Jon and I thought I noticed a little conspiratorial look flash between Alison and Darla. Lexi took Darla to dance so while I had the chance I asked Paula how things were going for Darla at work. "Just fine. She does great work and everyone at work is pretty much over the TGurl thing. We've got jobs to do after all. It's funny; I don't even remember Phil much anymore. Who remembers guys at work anyway?" she added with a laugh. Don returned to the table. They'd been out to dinner and a couple of other spots and he'd clearly had a few. Under control but feeling no pain. "Man, that Darla's gotten some rack," he offered. "I KNEW you noticed," Paula returned poking him playfully in the ribs. Then to me, "He'll never admit it but the TGurls got him a little turned on the first time we were here. So I figured this would be a nice little birthday surprise." My guess was Don would be a little bummed if his friends found out about his interest but my intuition told me Paula was not only open minded but savvy as well. I think smart women indulge good husbands; I know I do. I tested my premise. "Well, keep an eye on Don around Darla. She likes men and from what I can tell she can be very persuasive," I offered. "Don's a big boy, he can fend for himself. Besides, he understands he can do pretty much as he pleases as long as I'm around," she added with emphasis on the part about her being around. "He starts fooling around behind my back, he's in real trouble and he knows it." She got up and said, "I'll show you what I mean about 'as long as I'm around'," and headed for the DJ booth. Paula talked to the DJ briefly and then headed back to our table. Resuming her seat she told me she'd made a request. "Don needs to do a little dancing to work off some of the drinks, don't you dear?" She said to him. That got a smile and a chuckle from Don. "But nothing to fast to start with." The gurls returned from the dance floor and the usual conversation ensued for about half an hour. Don was an engaging guy and seemed to take real delight in chatting with the gurls. Some time later Don left to buy a round of drinks with an admonition from Paula to "take it easy" to which Don responded, "light one, honest!" Shortly after Don returned with the drinks the DJ played a slow song; Paula turned to Don and said, "There's something you can handle, do a little dancing." Don rose and turned to Paula as if to accompany her to the dance floor. Paula remained seated and said, "No thanks dear, I'm chatting with Cheryl; Darla be a dear and dance with Don, OK?" Well, you don't have to ask Darla twice. There were fewer guys in attendance than usual and Darla was probably missing the attention she was used to. The two of them went off to the dance floor and Paula and I resumed our chat. Typically there aren't many couples dancing to slow tunes at Joanne's and tonight was no exception. Paula and I would take the occasional glance at Darla and Don and Paula got a charge out of what she saw. Darla had moved in close and Don was clearly enjoying himself. I mentioned quietly to Paula that putting the two of them together could have consequences, as Darla was hard to deny if she decided to make Don a mission. "No big deal if it's the right thing," Paula whispered back, "I'm not much on giving head and it's Don's birthday so what the hell, as long as I get to watch," and she sat back grinning. After the slow tune was over Darla headed back to the table and Don made a beeline for the restroom. The other gurls got up and headed for the dance floor for the up-tempo tune that was starting. Lexi wanted me to dance, but I begged off. Darla sat down next to Paula and I looking a bit flushed. "What's the matter?" I asked Darla. "Uh, nothing..." "Why did Don head to the restroom so fast?" "Gee, I don't know." She was mumbling and not making eye contact so there was something afoot. "Out with it silly," I demanded. With lowered head but eyes raised to look at Paula she said, "Oh Paula, I'm really sorry. I gave Don a woody; it was poking me in the tummy. I think he went to the restroom to sort of rearrange himself." Paula tossed her head back and laughed, "I figured as much." "You're not mad? I mean were friends and all and work together." "Well dear it IS his birthday and I'm not about to say anything at work, that's for sure, are you?" Paula asked. Darla shook her head "no" and looked very relieved. I excused myself to go to the powder room, as soon as I did, Darla got up too and grabbing her purse said, "I'll go with ya." Chapter One hundred sixty-seven - Lexi I was fixing my hair when Cheryl and Darla walked into the ladies' room. Darla plunked her purse down on the counter top and said, "Oh gawwwd Cheryl, Don got me sooo hot." "I think you had the same effect on him." "My panties are soaked and my nipples are hard," Darla giggled, "I wanna suck him so bad." "I think he'd prefer if you did it well" Cheryl snickered. "But Paula..." Darla started to question. "I get the idea that Paula won't stop you" Cheryl said, "but I don't think she's going be cool with anything other than a blowjob though." She slapped Darla on the bottom adding, "that Tpussy is going to have to wait for someone else. Here, advertising pays" and she opened another button on the left side or Darla's skirt. "Give it a shot, aren't many guys here tonight and I think you've got Don's attention." Darla grabbed her purse and headed back for one of the stalls saying, "I gotta put on dry panties." Chapter One hundred sixty-eight - Alison Boy I sure hoped Darla wasn't getting herself into trouble; a woman she's knows from work brought her husband to the club and Darla was putting the moves on the guy. The wife didn't seem to notice, but I sure did. One time when I went back to the table the Darla had her thighs open a bit and the guys right hand was curled around the inside of Darla's left thigh and Darla was doing the finger dance in the guys lap with her hand. Later when I went to the restroom they were in the hallway. They guy, Don I think, was leaning back against the wall and had a beer in his hand and his arm around Darla. His free hand was in Darla's top and he almost had her tits out! Darla's left arm was around the guy and her right palm was against the front of the guy's slacks, fingers down and working him good. Chapter One hundred sixty-eight - Jon Watching Darla work that guy was getting me so horny I was half tempted to try to talk Ali in to a little quick parking lot trip. But I figured that wasn't going to fly, not yet anyway. Ali caught me watching them and took my hand and put it on her butt. I think there was a message there. Chapter One hundred sixty-nine - Cheryl The evening seemed to just fly by. I got a real kick out of spending time with Paula, she's a lot of fun to talk to and having her around was a real treat. The gurl's conversation can get to be a little much at times. I had lots to do on Sunday so I didn't want to stay 'til closing. I mentioned to Lexi and Darla that we would be leaving soon; Lexi didn't mind but Darla looked frustrated at that. "Darla honey, do you want to stay longer?" Paula asked her. Darla said she did and Paula said to me, "It's OK, we'll give her a ride home" and gave me a little wink. She'd had a few drinks too and had a sort of unusual look in her eye. Chapter One hundred seventy - Darla A few months have passed since that night with Paula and Don; a fair amount has happened since but I still remember like it was yesterday. Big doings at home what with Pam finishing law school and other things like Eric. Derek is a whole other subject. Krissy's been gone a while. At first we were e-mailing like crazy but that has slowed down a lot. A couple of weeks after the thing with Paula and Don, Krissy, Lexi and I set up a private chat room and I told 'em what happened. We stuck around until after last call was made and the club started thinning out. Don and I had both been pretty touchy-feely with each other but Paula never blinked. We headed for the restroom for a last stop before we left. We fixed our faces and got ready to leave when Pam turned to me. "When we get to the car, you sit between Don and me in the front, OK?" she said. "Now turn around." I did and she got her hands under the back of my top and unhooked my bra! I started to object but she said, "Hush, I want to see what Don's been playing with all night." She pulled the bra straps through the sleeves and over my arms and pulled the bra out from under the top. I was braless for the first time and I never even took my top off to do it. She turned me to face her. "My, these ARE little beauties" she said. My nipples were hard but after she played with 'em a bit they were really poking at the snug, thin top. "C'mon, let's go." We grabbed our purses with me stuffing my bra into mine, and headed back to the door where Don was waiting. Between the drinks I had, the four-inch heels, the top and no bra I was jiggling on top like crazy and could see Don was eating it up. We walked to the lot and got in the car. Paula drove saying Don had a little too much to drink for that but I really think she had other things in mind. We weren't even out of the lot when Don had his left arm around my shoulder and was really feeling up my left tit good. I got my right hand in his lap and he was hard as a rock. I was leaking pretty good and squirming around on the car seat on my stiff clitty and it felt good. When we stopped at a light Paula said, "Don, don't make the poor gurl work so hard, take it out for her." Don just moaned a little and got his zipper started with his right hand. I finished it and fished out his cock, a real nice one with the head already slippery with pre-cum. I really wanted him to fuck me but Cheryl had implied that probably wasn't gonna happen. We got on the freeway and Don and I continued fooling around. I was pretty sure Paula was gonna let me suck him and the thought made me shiver. I just love it when GG's watch me suck a guy off. Before long Paula was passing a truck going a bit slower than we were. The driver must have gotten an eyeful because he honked the truck horn. My hand was loaded with Don's syrup so I stopped fooling with him long enough to lick my hand clean. "Taste good?" Paula snickered, "and it's less filling too." I didn't think it was so funny; I wanted to slip my lips over the head of Don's cock but it was a little too cramped in the front seat. "Oh gawwwd, Paula, can I suck him? Pleeeeease?" was all I could manage. "Wait'll we get to your place," was all Paula said. It wasn't that far but it seemed like ages to get there. In the meantime Don worked my top down and off 'til it was around my waste and I was sitting there topless. Between the cool air and Don's hands on my tits I was going nuts. When we got close to the house I fished the garage door opener and my keys out of my purse. When the garage door opened I could see Pam's car was still gone; I was in luck. Paula pulled into the garage so I wouldn't have to put my top back on I guess. We were in the house in a flash. I dragged Don by the hand to the living room losing my skirt on the way. I wanted to show off my garter belt and stockings and besides he MIGHT get the urge to fuck me. I plopped Don down on the sofa, got his slacks and underwear off, got between his legs on my knees and went right to work. Paula sat down on the sofa next to us and watched. My clitty was poking at my panties pretty good, but I wasn't sure if it would be cool with the two of 'em if I played with it while I sucked. Paula settled the issue. "Go on, play with your thing if you want to, it's only fair." Don had decent sized, kinda hairy thighs and it felt good when I rubbed my tits on their rough surface. Don thought so too I think! He was leaking real good but taking a while to cum, the drinks I guess, so I had to come up for air. "You going to swallow?" Paula asked me when I did. "Sure Paula, that's the best part," I giggled. "Better you than me." I pumped him a bit and he played with my tits. When I was ready again I went back down on him and he moaned and his hips started moving so I knew he was about ready to deliver the goods. I heard "Oh Christ" from Don and he started to squirt about the same time I did. It was an average sized load but real thick and slippery and creamy; I loved it. I milked him dry and his head flopped back on the couch. Pretty soon Don got up and got dressed. Paula gave me a kiss on the cheek, a little pat on the butt and they left. Don tasted so good I didn't even brush my teeth before I went to sleep. Chapter One hundred seventy-one - Paula My that Darla, talk about an eager little cocksucker! I subtly reminded Derek that Darla wouldn't at all mind a drink after work. It was the least I could do. Chapter One hundred seventy-two - Derek Between busting my ass on the new job and the move my sex life sucks. I hate to say this but that sissy Darla is starting to look pretty good. Chapter One hundred seventy-three - Pam After getting things settled with Eric I had to come terms with cluing Darla in. I picked a Wednesday night after we'd finished dinner and she'd finished cleaning up in the kitchen. I'd brought wine home for dinner and we went to the family room to finish it and I decided it was time (you'll excuse the expression in Darla's case) to take the bull by the horns. Chapter One hundred seventy-four - Darla I took my wine glass into the family room and was gonna turn on the TV. I never made it that far. "Darla sweetie, please sit down. We need to have a little talk. I've come to a decision that's going to impact you and we need to have an understanding. One of the things we talked about before we got married was the fact we both wanted a family, you know, children. Well, my biological clock is ticking and I decided that, since I can see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as school is concerned, the time to start is now." "But I..." I started but Pam cut me short. She continued, "Remember a while ago when you offered to get my birth control pill prescription refilled and I told you not to bother that I'd do it? Well, I didn't. I wasn't sure then but I had a hunch. Now the rest of it isn't easy to explain but I'm sure you'll understand. I know you're apprehensive about being able to do your part. I have concerns too of course. For example, what if this TGurl thing is genetic? I love you dearly but I'm not so sure how I'd feel if we had a son who turned out that way. I believe I have the solution to our dilemma, Eric has agreed to provide the, shall we say, 'genetic material'. The whole anonymous sperm donor thing leaves me cold." I was stunned and I must have looked it. Pam was undaunted. "I know this might be somewhat difficult to accept but after a little thought I'm sure you can see the advantages. It's certainly problematic whether you're up to the task physically for one thing. Legally of course you'll be the father and that seems to be fair enough compensation. I really want to have children, one at least, and a better solution, short of us splitting up, I can't come up with. You wouldn't want us to separate would you?" Hell no! "Oh no Pam, please I don't even want to think about that." "Good, you do understand then." All I could manage was a nod. "Well then we start this weekend. I've watched my cycle pretty carefully after talking to the doctor and I think this weekend will be just about perfect. Since Eric will do doing the hard work, so to speak, and since you're legally going to be the father it's only right that you should make some sacrifice. Eric is going to be spending the weekend so we can get in as much activity as possible and I want you to stick around to help out with meals and things. I want to be available for Eric whenever he's ready and I plan on looking as sexy as possible to make sure that is often. So, I'm not going to have a lot of free time, if you know what I mean. Missing a weekend at the clubs every now and then is not going to kill you." Strange as it sounds all I was thinking about was running into Eric in the future and getting the old, "How's your wife and my kids?" line. Well I knew enough to know that when Pam made her mind up, that was it. Resisting or arguing would be futile at best and suicidal at worst, so I accepted the inevitable. Good thing the situation with Derek developed so well; maybe I could get together with him early the following week if I wasn't gonna be able to go out on the weekend. Chapter One hundred seventy-five - Lexi Dar called and said she wasn't going be able to make it out this weekend, something she had to do for Pam I guess. We chatted a bit. She hasn't heard from Krissy in a while either. I wonder if Brandon has? Poor old Brandon is bummed now that his gurlfriend is gone. I try to cheer him up a bit, but it's going to be quite a several months at least before Krissy is back. He seems really stuck on her. The last time I chatted with Krissy I mentioned it. Krissy passed that off but wanted to know if anyone had seen Claudia. I told her Claudia and her GG friends hadn't been seen around the club since before she and Barbara left for LA. Chapter One hundred seventy-six - Darla I was up early on Sunday for a change. Staying in on a Saturday night was weird. I figured Pam and Eric would want breakfast and as long as I was helping the process along I might as well do it right so I went all out. I put the coffee on and was squeezing oranges for fresh juice when Pam padded in wearing just a nightshirt and slippers. "Morning hon.", she mumbled, "is it coffee yet?" "Just about. Fresh orange juice first." "Let me help", she said, "I'll get the cups and other things out." Then I heard, "Oh damn." I turned toward her and she was looking down at the inside of her thigh. I followed her gaze and saw a thin rivulet running down her leg. "I'm leaking Eric", she laughed, "be a sweetie and get me a towel to sit on OK?" I hustled to the linen closet and retrieved a towel for her that she folded and placed on the kitchen chair. She hiked up her nightshirt and sat on the towel. "I'm going to drain here a bit honey, bring me the juice and coffee when they're ready please. God I'm dripping. Eric did me before we went to sleep, woke up with him doing me at about 3:00 AM and he just finished another a few minutes ago. I'm so full of his stuff I swear I can taste it." Well I was glad she got a taste because I was feeling pretty deprived. The toys I used last night weren't much of a substitute for the real thing. Eventually Eric wandered into the kitchen and sat down and I brought him juice and coffee. They didn't want a big breakfast so I just put together some fruit and croissants. When I excused myself to go shower Eric said he was gonna to out and get the Sunday paper. I showered and got dressed wishing I could go out for a while but Pam had other plans for me. I was making Sunday dinner, got a recipe from Lexi so I started getting ready for that. I was puttering around in the kitchen when Eric came in to get some coffee. "Excuse me Darla," he said. "Pam asked me to tell you she'd like you to change her bed linen when you get a chance. I guess we got it a little messy" he smiled. I could see that when Eric was around THAT little chore was going to be a daily occurrence. They pretty much laid around the house all day Sunday well into the early evening. Between dinner and other chores I was pretty busy so they had time to themselves that they put to use. Whenever Eric had rested up and was ready he'd take her; they went at it like rabbits. Neither one seemed to mind much when I'd accidentally catch 'em at it. Maybe it wasn't so "accidentally" after all; I don't know why but I got real turned on seeing Eric do her. I came into the family room once to take a break and see what was on TV. I sat in the easy chair. The two of 'em were sitting on the couch reading the paper. Eric was wearing hospital scrubs and Pam had a new white longer style negligee on, really pretty. I watched TV and after a while out of the corner I saw Eric put his arm over Pam's shoulder and start playing with her tit. Pretty soon his scrubs were tented up pretty good. Pam put down the paper and got Eric's scrub bottoms off, swung her leg over him, hiked up her negligee straddling him on the couch. She reached back, lined up his cock on her pussy and eased down on him. She looked back over her shoulder and winked at me. Eric got the top of her negligee down and was kissing her tits when I heard the timer go off in the kitchen and had to go. She was bouncing on him and moaning encouragement to him as I left. There was another episode in Pam's room. She called me in and when I entered I could hear the shower running so I knew that's where Eric was. She was on her back on the bed with her knees pulled way back. "Cigarettes and an ashtray please" she said. I must have looked at her funny 'cause she said, "Oh, I watched some nature program and it said lionesses do this after mating to keep it inside 'em so they get pregnant." All I could do was stare at her foamy pussy lips. A little of Eric's sap was trickling out anyway. I guess I licked my lips and Pam laughed. "It's been in there long enough and you've been pretty good, come here." I hesitated a bit and she got a little more insistent. "C'mon, Eric will be in there awhile and you know you want it. Besides, I didn't get off this time so I want you to do a real good job if you know what I mean." I got on the bed and she opened her thighs and beckoned me forward. "Get that pretty face in there and get busy you little whore, you're drooling for it already and I think there's plenty." She was keeping her bush trimmed way more than she ever used to do for me and she looked wet and ripe and juicy. I lay down on the bed, got my face between her thighs and she put her legs over my shoulders. She put her hand on the back of my head, pulled my face into her and sighed as I started on her. She took my hands in hers and held them on her belly while I worked. "Ooooo, that's it, get that tongue way in there," she cooed. "Does he taste good? Yeah that's it, dig it all out so there's room for fresh stuff. Eric isn't through yet I believe. Turns you on to see him fuck me, doesn't it?" I was way beyond answering. I was working my little stiffy against the mattress in the hope that would get me off. She was right about one thing, there was a lot. Eric was quite the stud. Eventually I had her pretty well cleaned up and started working her clitty. It wasn't long before she squeezed my hands and I felt her shudder in climax. She was still a moment then swung her legs off me and sat up on the bed and reached for her smokes. "That was great baby, thanks," she said lighting up. "You've been a princess." She paused to take a long drag on the cigarette and exhale. "After Eric leaves I'll use the strap-on on you so we can do a little mommy-daddy bonding." Chapter One hundred seventy-seven - Derek Well I did it. I asked Darla out for a drink after work and she was thrilled. She said she'd have to check with her wife to see if it was OK. I hope I don't regret this. We went to an out-of-the-way place and spent a long time chatting. We both got a little buzzed and the conversation covered a lot of territory. She wanted to know if I'd like to take her out to one of the TGurl bars but that seemed to be a little more than I thought was prudent. I suggested maybe next time we could either get dinner out and go back to my place or I could make dinner for her at my apartment if she wished. She said either would be fine all I had to do was give her a little lead time so she could clear it with Pam. She's pretty sexy, though I'm still having a hard time believing I'm attracted to a TGurl. Chapter One hundred seventy-eight - Cheryl Pam called me and she was down. Seems her period arrived right on schedule. I told her not to be concerned as she'd been on the pill for a long time and it took the body a bit of time to recover in many cases. She sighed and said she supposed I was right and she had to be patient. We agreed to meet for lunch the following week. Neither one of us had heard much from Barb so we agreed to make an effort to email her to see how things were going for her and Krissy. Chapter One hundred seventy-nine - Darla That first dinner with Derek was so romantic; there were candles and everything! He's a pretty good cook too. He still seems kinda shy about me though. I didn't stay real long. We sat on the couch and snuggled some and I got felt up a little but that was all. Derek is a gentleman, at the time I thought maybe too much of a gentleman for me. His place is pretty cool. He said there are a pool and a tennis court but that nobody uses either one much. It's an "adults only" apartment complex so there aren't kids around to use the pool and most residents don't have the time. Chapter One hundred eighty - Derek I must be crazy. I stopped by the office late after a dinner meeting and drinks to get some paper work and make some copies for an early breakfast meeting the next day. I was horny as hell, which was the norm of late. I figured nobody would be there but I was wrong, man was I ever wrong. I was in the copier room waiting for the copier to warm up when I heard a voice behind me. "Hey there!" I turned around startled to see Darla, man she looked good. She was really filling out a nice low cut sweater. She glanced at the front of my slacks where a hard-on was evident. "Gee are you glad to see me or..." she giggled. All I could do was stammer that I was getting stuff ready for an early meeting the next day. "And I've got budgets to finish so I guess we can't go back to your place then," she said smiling and stepped closer and got her hand on my cock through my trousers. "But we can't have you walking around like this." Before I knew it she was squatting in front of me working my zipper down. I started to protest but I was really too far-gone and I knew it. "Oh hush silly, it's late, even the cleaning people are gone." Pulling my stiff dick out she added, "besides you're ready and I'm good; I don't think this is going to take long." It didn't. Chapter One hundred eighty-one - Darla Talk about luck! I thought it was gonna be a real project finally getting to Derek, but he got a "Darla Special" so I was sure the first time wouldn't be the last. Chapter One hundred eighty-two - Eric I like sex as much as the next guy but this is getting ridiculous. I may be getting screwed to death. Pam is after me all the time. She's really focused on this. Since we've had no luck so far, in addition to the usual schedule we have "specials." She's taking her temperature all the time and when it's "prime time" I'm supposed to come running. Chapter One hundred eighty-three - Darla Derek invited me over for dinner Friday night and to stay the weekend! He says that way we can take a little time to get to know each other. Well, he can "know" me anytime he wants. He's got some errands to run Saturday but he says I can use the pool while he's gone and I'll probably have it to myself. I planned to stop after work and get a new swimsuit, a tankini. I think they look so cool. I called Pam from work to check to see the weekend with Derek was OK and she said "fine, whatever" and sounded real preoccupied. She said I should get my butt home right after work though so that meant I'd have to go shopping later. I beat Pam home by like a minute. As soon as she walked in she took me by the hand and dragged me to the family room. She dropped her skirt and I could see she was wearing a garter belt. See, I am a good influence! She plopped down on the couch and pulled me down by the hand to the floor saying, "Eric's going to be here any minute and I want to be ready for him when he gets here. Get that sweet little tongue in there and get busy," she added pulling her panties aside and positioning my head to service her. She was soon shuddering and drippy and shooed me away. I went to my room, dumped my purse and discovered I was thirsty. I heard Eric's truck pull in so I figured I better go to the fridge and get something to drink while I had the chance. Too late, when I got to the kitchen Pam was bent over the kitchen table, still dressed. Eric was standing behind her with his pants around his ankles screwing the hell out of her. I went back to my room got my purse and sneaked out the front door to get to the still open garage. Shopping time! Chapter One hundred eighty-four - Alison I talked to Darla and she says she's going to miss another Saturday. I guess a guy invited her to spend the weekend. Guess I can't blame her much 'cause the club thing does get a bit old after a while. I sent Krissy an email but haven't heard back yet. Lexi is out of town with Cheryl too so maybe I'll just pass on going out this week. It's the most fun when the four of us, me, Darla, Lexi and Krissy, are there. Chapter One hundred eighty-five - Darla After work that Friday I packed my stuff fast and headed for Derek's before Pam got home. She said it was OK but I didn't want to take a chance on her changing her mind. I wasn't supposed to be at Derek's until around nine so I killed a little time picking up some things I needed including a new nightgown. I got a long yellow nylon one. A baby doll would have panties and if Derek decided to wake me up in the middle of the night I didn't want him to have to fumble getting those off. I had already purchased the tankini, a hot pink one and I filled it up nicely. We had a great time Friday night. We decided to do the dinner thing Saturday instead so we just ordered out for pizza, had some wine and watched some movies Derek had rented. I think I got Derek relaxed Friday night, real relaxed. Derek left mid-morning on Saturday to run his errands so I had a snack, put on my new swimsuit, grabbed a towel and headed for the pool. It was tucked back in the corner of the development and as Derek had predicted, it was deserted. I figured I'd get some uninterrupted work in on a new set of tan lines. I put my towel on a lounge and stretched out to get a little sun. I guess I snoozed a little because when I woke up there were two reasonably attractive younger women in lounges at the opposite end of the pool. They were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying so I rolled over on my tummy to tan the other side and drifted off again. When I woke up again I couldn't feel the warmth of the sun. It finally dawned on me I was in someone's shadow. When I rolled over on to my back I saw the two gurls who had been at the other end of the pool were standing next to me. "Sorry," the taller one said, "We didn't mean to wake you." "Uh, that's OK." "Mind if we sit and talk?" the shorter one said. "No, uh sure, help yourself, " I said motioning to the adjacent lounges. "What time is it?" They scooted the lounges on either side closer and sat down. "Almost one o'clock" the taller one said and extended her hand saying, "I'm Heather and this is Jennifer." "I'm Darla." "You new here Darla?" Jennifer asked. "Just staying with a friend for the weekend." "Nice suit," Heather offered. "Yeah, thanks, it's new." Jennifer continued, "We don't mean to be nosey or forward or anything honey, but we kinda noticed a little bump in the bottom of your suit and one here too," she said pointing to the front of her neck. I didn't have much of an "Adam's apple", but I had one. "You wouldn't by any chance be a TGurl would you?" "Well, uh, yeah." "See I told you," Jennifer said with evident pride to Heather. Then to me, "You look pretty good, those boobies in the suit all you?" "Uh huh." "Wow, they look pretty nice," Heather smiled, "guess you've been taking hormones pretty regular." "Yeah, for a while, I'm just about a B cup now but I don't think I'll get much more than a B." Jennifer asked, "Could we, uh, see 'em?" "Jenn!" Heather exclaimed, "what a question!" "Nobody else is here but us girls and nobody can see in with the fence and all," and then to me, "You wouldn't mind, would you Darla?" "Wellllll, I guess it'd be OK." I sat up to pull the back of the lounge to a reclining position and while I did Jennifer said, "Here lemme help you" and slipped the suit's shoulder straps off. I reclined and pulled the top of my suit down. Heather gave a low whistle, "Some nice boobies there gurl and look at those nipples!" I was kinda excited by this time and they were standing up pretty good. "You don't have implants do you," Jennifer stated confidently. "No, I'm not really interested in those, don't want the scars." "Smart gurl, you've got enough," Heather nodded, "can we see the other?" she said pointing lower. "NOW who's asking questions!" Jennifer laughed. Heather didn't wait for permission, not that I wouldn't have said "yes" anyway and slipped her fingertips under the edge of the lower part of the tankini and pulled it aside. My little package popped out and while I wasn't really hard I wasn't exactly limp either. "My, my, my," Heather hissed, "isn't that just the cutest little thing you've ever seen. And look, she's got herself shaved in a little 'V' to match the line of the suit." "Yeah," Jennifer agreed, "I've seen pictures of TGurls with humongous wankers and it just doesn't look right. Darla's is nice and petite and looks just perfect." "Wonder if it works," Heather speculated and curled her index finger around the top of my clitty and started rubbing the bottom of my stick pussy with her thumb. I started getting firmer and Heather continued, "Yeah, that's it, let's see how big it gets. I bet when it's really big it's almost the size of my thumb," the last with a little snicker. "See how that right nipple tastes Jenn." Jennifer ducked her head and started working my right nipple with her lips and tongue. God, they were making me crazy. Heather was in charge now. "Damn you look good for a boy, boobs, makeup, hair, pierced ears and everything. Anybody help you?" "My friend Lexi showed me a lot of the makeup stuff." Jennifer was really nursing on me good and Heather was turning me to jelly with her manipulation. "Anybody else?" "My, oh, uuhhhhnnng" as Jennifer gave my nipple a gentle bite, "My wife started me on the hormones." Christ they were working me into a real lather. "Your WIFE? You're MARRIED? Jesus, you do her with this little thing?" "No, she, uh, has a boyfriend. Sometimes she has me lick her though." "Oh that's rich," Heather, laughed, "Some guy fucks your wife but get to lick her pussy occasionally. I'd love to meet THIS woman! How do you get off?" "Sometimes she uses a strap-on on me." "Better and better. How about boys? Do you let the boys fuck that little bottom of yours?" Heather was really getting into it and I was getting pretty close to orgasm. I was squirming away on the lounge and it was a minute or so before I answered, only after she asked me a second time. "Yeah I can cum from that too." "You can cum just from getting butt fucked? Damn!" I was in never-never-land and could only manage a nod. They continued to work and tease me for a minute and then Heather stopped abruptly and stood, as did Jennifer. "Well this has been fun sweetie and MOST enlightening but we've gotta run. See ya!" They both grabbed their stuff and swept through the gate. All I could do was sit there with my titties and clitty out panting while I heard their chatter and laughter fade as they drew farther away. I was tempted to finish what Heather had started but I heard the sound of footsteps. I just managed to get myself tucked in and rearranged (with my towel in my lap to cover my stiff clitty poking obscenely at the front of the suit) before an older couple walked in. They nodded hello and took seats. I just had to get out of there before I went crazy. I walked back to Derek's building holding my towel across my arm in front of me the whole way. I took the elevator up to third floor and headed for Derek's apartment getting the key ready as I walked. I opened the door and Derek was already back, busily putting things away in the fridge. I dropped the towel while walking toward him and he noticed the front of my suit. "Hmmm," he mused, "you only got your suit wet in one little spot on the front. And look at that stubby! Hell, if I'd thought swimming was so much fun I'd do more of it," he chuckled. "What the hell happened down at the pool?" I guess it was funny but not to me. I had more, uh, penetrating things in mind and I was all over him in a flash. "Oh Derek, it's not funny." I was rubbing myself all over him and working my hand inside the front of his shorts. "I neeeed it, honey," was all I could get out. "Need what?" "I need fucked, baaaaad." I pulled him to the couch and got lube and condoms out of my purse. He watched while I skinned out of suit and got on my back on the couch with my thighs open and my knees way back. "C'mon Derek, fuck me now, pleeeeeaaase." Chapter One hundred eighty-five - Derek If I live to be a hundred I'll never see anything like that again. There she was spread out on the sofa ready for plowing and panting like a bitch in heat. I dropped my shorts and got a condom on and lubed while she lay there writhing and moaning and squeezing her tits. I knelt on the floor and pushed her knees back further, lined up and fucked into her. She yelped but really fucked back at me. God she was nice and tight. I'd only given her about a dozen strokes when she squealed, her little pecker twitched and a little blob of cum just about filled her navel. It took me a while longer but she was into it all the way. When my time came I skinned the rubber off and spewed all over her tummy and tits. She scooped some up with her finger and licked it off a few times and then looked at me and laughed. All she said was, "Good fuck! REAL good fuck!" Eventually we got cleaned up and still later ready to go out for dinner, a little Mexican joint I found. As we headed for the door to leave for the restaurant she turned to me and said with a smile, "I know you're not just taking me out to dinner to screw me 'cause you've already done that!" Chapter One hundred eighty-six - Darla Well, life isn't so good now. Pam is hell to live with. She got her period AGAIN and is she pissed. She and Eric have been doing it constantly for months. Some days I'm surprised Eric can still walk. The only good thing is Pam took the bar exam and she's pretty sure she passed easily, so maybe when she gets the scores and that concern is over she'll lighten up a little. If I didn't have Derek for company over the last months I'D be a basket case. That first weekend with Derek was amazing. I wasn't horny again 'til the following Wednesday. Dinner was super; he did me Saturday night when we got home. We lounged around Sunday doing a Pam-and-Eric off and on screw fest. I finally talked him into doing me without a condom once. It was a tough sell but he finally caved in. I really wanted to feel him shoot in me. Mmmmm, it was fine. I even had a little of his cum run down my leg after. I wish Pam coulda seen that. Chapter One hundred eighty-seven - Cheryl Pam called me for dinner after work and I could tell from her voice she was NOT in a good mood. We met at Cooper's and got our favorite waitress who put us in a nice quiet corner booth. Pam ordered a drink and lit a cigarette (uh-oh). I passed on

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part II

Where Angels Fear to Tread Part II By A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. Chapter Forty-one Pam The light streaming through the crack in the curtains woke me. I looked at the clock, 10:30, not bad. I rolled left and looked at Darla. She was still...

1 year ago
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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part 4

Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part IV Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter Eighty-nine Cheryl I met Pam...

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part 5

Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread -- Part V Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter One hundred-four -- Lexi Darla...

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part 6

Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part VI Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter One hundred twenty-three -...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 7 Where Angels Fear to Tread

December 2, 1988, Chicago, Illinois Because it was the last class before presentations, I used the time to go over things that I learned during the three years that NIKA had been running. The most important one was that each speaker had, at a maximum, 12 minutes before they started to lose the audience, and in situations like the class, probably less. By the end of the lecture period, I felt that I’d given the students the best chance of doing well, and I figured that there would be some...

1 year ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 3 The Fear of Angels

"Did you really agree to what I just heard?" Cate asked her brother after they'd gotten into the car and underway. "Yeah, he did. I'm waiting to see how this all falls apart," Gail laughed at the mess Alex had just gotten himself into. "I'm telling you, Alex, if that creep tries anything... ," Cate said, leaving the rest of the threat unstated. "I'm sure he's not going to ... never mind, I'm not so sure of that, myself," Alex replied. "If he tries anything with me, you may...

3 years ago
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Where Demons Tread

My wife and I were never ones to be considered traditional. We have had an open marriage for years, and good friends of ours have shared in our relations. Last year we made the daring decision to include our oldest daughter, Stacy, into our sexual relations. Stacy took to in naturally. We were gentle and slow with her and she learned to enjoy it very much. I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't enjoy it myself. Stacy was twelve when I first made love to her, and it was incredible. When...

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The Angels Take America part 1

"Ahh, I am SO excited about this!" Krystie squeaked as the plane started to taxi down the runway at London's vast Heathrow airport. "Never been to America before?" Viks asked. "Nope!" Krystie giggled. "Never even been outside Europe before, and even then it was only for the other launches, heh." "Didn't get much of a chance to honeymoon thanks to 'other considerations'," Mikey, Krystie's husband, chuckled as he tried to calm the squirming fifteen-month-old child in his lap. "And...

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The Angels Take America part 3

"Well," Jamie said as the end credits rolled on the cartoon. "That was - that was different." "Yeah," Charlotte concurred. "I mean, I'm used to seeing myself on TV, but - yeah. Not too sure about that." "But I'm sure the kids will love it," Hannah said. "And there's no arguing with the message, right?" "Definitely," Jamie said. "If we help only one person with this cartoon, it'll be worth it." Much like the main Angels show, Jamie thought to herself as she and her friends filed...

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Beauty Angels

When you think about the name ‘beauty angels,’ what is the first thing that you think about? Could it be a bunch of fucking angels flying into heaven, then getting their fuck on as soon as they land at those pearly gates? But that leads me to another question: do you want to see human/bird hybrids really fucking one another? Since angels are supposed to have giant pterodactyl wings according to ancient text.But fortunately, that is not the kind of content that you will find on the site that I...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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When Angels Cum Chapter 4

"Don't try anything stupid" Jie Er warned Blaze, as she stepped out of the house on the morn of Tirdas."I'll try..." Blaze replied, trying to sound sarcastic. He had plans for being reckless.It was a warm sunny morning and the breeze from the southeast was starting to pick up momentum. He waited until the breeze reached a good steady speed before jumping up on the wall. He manifested his wings and launched himself in the direction of Varan.He glided for about a hundred fifty feet before he had...

3 years ago
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The War of the Angels part 5

"How- what- why-" Stephanie stammered as the flame-haired Scottish girl looked at her expectantly. "I think you might need to sit down," Lauren giggled. "As I said, I've got a car waiting..." "Umm, okay," Stephanie said, following Lauren to her car in a state of near-shock. "Why- why did you-" "Why did I take the option that was best for my career?" Lauren asked. "Kinda answered your own question there, didn't you? Steph... We've gone as far as we can with out of Heaven. And sure,...

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Part 6 Country Western FUN in Vegas Angels sur

Monday morning we got up around 8:00am & let Angel get dressed for awhile at least so we could go to breakfast. Billy had got out her new sheer white western style skirt with the cutout sides & her sheer fringed white blouse for her to wear today. I had 1 other thing for her today as well. I had brought along, her 10x4 red butt plug with a 24 inch Auburn colored tail attached to it for her asshole. We lubed the plug & Billy stuck it in her ass 1st. Then we let her get dressed. She...

4 years ago
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The Angels Take America part 2

"Well- well you look amazing," Nikki giggled, composing herself as she and her friend exchanged a warm, friendly hug. "When did you get here? I didn't think I was going to see you until Thanksgiving?" "Did you really think we were going to miss this?" Alexa asked. "The closest Angel launch event to Minnesota, AND it's Jamie? Of course we're going to be here!" "Well I am seriously glad you are!" Nikki giggled, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Ugh, my mascara's probably wreck- wait,...

2 years ago
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When Angels Cum Chapter 2

 Chapter 2When Blaze woke up the next morning, Jie Er was waiting for him in the kitchen with a breakfast of eggs and bread. She was wearing a feathered push up and strapless bra, and a pair of low hanging skimpy panties. A silken translucent skirt covered her butt but was open at the front.Blaze wondered if all angels dressed like her or if his angel was just a pervert.“Morning’ dear. Breakfast?” she said with a warm smile.“I have to go to work, little one, but I will try to be back early. I...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 2

 Chapter 2When Blaze woke up the next morning, Jie Er was waiting for him in the kitchen with a breakfast of eggs and bread. She was wearing a feathered push up and strapless bra, and a pair of low hanging skimpy panties. A silken translucent skirt covered her butt but was open at the front.Blaze wondered if all angels dressed like her or if his angel was just a pervert.“Morning’ dear. Breakfast?” she said with a warm smile.“I have to go to work, little one, but I will try to be back early. I...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 32

When Jie Er came back, Rebecca was teaching Blaze some of her own experiences with wing manipulation. One could always theorize with things like wing dynamics, but practical experience was also quite important. The brain couldn’t perform the required calculations while flying, so short cuts and rules of thumb gained through experience were quite useful.“Here you go little Blaze!” Jie Er exclaimed, bringing out two sets of clothing.The two cotton tank tops were red and white, while the two...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Charlies AngelsChapter 22

Jenny Beth was staying with Lisa, Sher and Jimmy. Julie and Mandy took Pat, Jean and Jill home, but not before Andie and I promised to come over one night for supper. They promised Andie and me that they would be at all our home games. Jada, Jen and Jan walked across the street to their house, after they too, promised they would attend Andie’s and my home games. At the pool, Andie and I stripped, then swam twenty fast laps before showering and heading up to bed. Both of us were excited and...

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And There Came Two Angels to Sodom

And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; and he said, “Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways.” And they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.~“Momma?”“Yes,...

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The War of the Angels part 1

Jamie-Lee Burke yawned as the alarm on her phone woke her from a dreamless slumber. It had been a long week, but it was now Friday- a chance to relax and let her hair down, which she had every intention of doing that night, surrounded by all her friends. "Morning, sexy," Jamie whispered in the ear of her still-sleeping fianc?, who mumbled incoherently as he slowly opened his eyes. "Does it have to be morning?" Stuart moaned, eliciting a small giggle from Jamie. "'Fraid so," Jamie s...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 17

{Angels, whatever we do, please don’t let me penetrate Andie’s pussy.} [IT IS DONE, CHARLIE. HER PUSSY IS SEALED AGAINST ANY PENETRATION BY A COCK UNTIL YOU ASK US FOR PERMISSION. SHE CAN USE TAMPONS AND SHE WILL FEEL AS IF SHE IS THE ONE WITH YOUR COCK INSIDE HER WHEN YOU FUCK BLAINE. HER PLEASURES WILL DOUBLE WHAT HER MOTHER EXPERIENCES] {Then I want Blaine to have the most mind blowing orgasms ever in her life.} “Charlie, lie in the floor so Mom can sit on your cock. I want to be the...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 20

I looked back at the couple on the ground and Alana was already sitting astraddle Coach Peters. They were both making loud noises and I heard him scream about the time I made it to Aunt Carol’s vehicle. I knew they would be fine though. My Angels would never let harm come to them. I had to laugh, because it was him screaming and not Alana. Our young cheerleader coach has finally become a Bad-Girl and our football coach is going to be the beneficiary of her new found, bold sexuality. The next...

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The War of the Angels part 3

"Stephanie..." Beverly whispered. "Even if I wrote you a prescription, it'd still only be dated from today. I can't backdate them for the time you were supposed to have been taking hormones." "It's still better than nothing," Stephanie insisted. "Please, if I have to get down on my knees and beg, I will." "Stephanie," Beverly sighed. "We've been over this time and time again, you know that oestrogen isn't a magical cure to all your problems-" "Not all of them, but this one, it is-"...

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Sin Angels and Vampires

The angels descended on Rome in the dead of winter. Three of them – forsaken, pale and naked creatures arriving in the black night like falling silver stars.Sophrosyne watched the heavenly bodies approach with a shiver. She had seen angels before, but these were different – they made an uneasiness crawl in her bones. There was something ragged about them. Something broken and awful. When the angels landed at the temple steps before the clergy, they were unsteady, weak and disoriented.The first...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 31

Surdas (Sunday) flew by quietly but pleasantly in each other’s companionship. Jie Er did some chores and read some novel, while Blaze spent most of his day reading his books or practicing his energy manipulation. The book was a great help. They also pleasured each other three times that day. Blaze made sure that Jie Er came multiple times before he made her suck him off.The next week also went by in a similar fashion to the first. He finished the history book by mid-week, so he asked Jie Er to...

3 years ago
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When Angels Cum Chapter 1

Chapter 1I first posted this story on literotica. I’ve received a decent response, so I decided to share it on other sites. It is an ongoing webnovel and there are currently 10 chapters.Author's Shitty Initial SynopsisIt's basically about a guy who finds himself in a land of angels and demons. Since the world is only inhabited by females, it's up to him to teach them the ways of sexual pleasure.Join Blaze, as he experiences the seemingly utopian society of the angels only to find out that both...

4 years ago
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When Angels Cum Chapter 1

Chapter 1I first posted this story on literotica. I’ve received a decent response, so I decided to share it on other sites. It is an ongoing webnovel and there are currently 10 chapters.Author's Shitty Initial SynopsisIt's basically about a guy who finds himself in a land of angels and demons. Since the world is only inhabited by females, it's up to him to teach them the ways of sexual pleasure.Join Blaze, as he experiences the seemingly utopian society of the angels only to find out that both...

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The War of the Angels part 2

"Oh shit," Krystie gasped as she gently lowered Mary onto the floor. "Someone get me some hot water! Joshua, do you have any towels?" "There are some in the dressing rooms, I'll get them now," Joshua said, hurrying out of the studio. "I am NOT giving birth on this damned floor," Mary said between gasped breaths. "And I am most definitely NOT giving birth without painkillers!" "Jamie, call 999," Krystie ordered. "Charlotte, call Dan, get him here now." "Will do," Charlotte said,...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 7

Mom was still laughing when she told Andie, “I caught that, do the two of you have anything else you need to share with me?” “Ms. Walker, I’m sorry. That just slipped out. Charlie has been telling me that he’d tutor me and help me get a scholarship. We were sort of having fun, making up ‘make believe’ plans for our future.” Andie looked down at the floor as she spoke. “Mom, they weren’t make believe plans. Andie will be the mother of your grandkids in about six years, after she has had a...

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Killing Angels For Sport

Oh death, why has thou forsaken me? My name is Anthony Dhaliwal Adewale, and I want to die. The problem is that I can’t. And that, my friends, is a problem. Anyone looking at me would see a six-foot-one, lean and athletic young biracial man with light brown skin, light brown eyes and curly black hair. I was born in the City of Imphal, in the Manipur State of the Republic of India, to an African immigrant father and Punjab Indian mother. I lived in the Republic of India for most of my early...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 11

Linda, Connie and Bobby were jumping and clapping their hands as Candy leaped to the boat and I followed. We were on our way again in no time and back to open water where I slowed and let Aunt Carol pilot the boat. “Linda, I want some of your pussy, Bobby get ready for a fucking you’ll never forget, first by Candy then the other women here. Connie I want your pussy next then I’m going to show all of you what fucking is all about when Aunt Carol sits on my cock,” I said as everyone clapped...

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The Vampires Kiss Chapter Seven Angels Stained Passion

Introduction: The angel Aurora faces down the vampire Damien. But is she still righteous after falling from Heaven? The Vampires Kiss Chapter 7: Angels Stained Passion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Aurora the fallen angel had thrown off the shackles of Heavens pathetic rules. All they did was constrain the forces of good and allow evil to flourish unchecked. To allow Jezebel to flourish unchecked and protect her client, Faust. Aurora would see the vampire Faust slain and Jezebels plans...

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Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons By Morpheus This is a story idea that had been bouncing around in my head for over a year before I finally decided to start writing it. Originally, I'd envisioned it as an anime series and as such, I ended up writing it as a serial and posting it on Big Closet and the TG Fiction Yahoo group over a period of about two months. Part 1 I leaned back in the passenger seat of my vehicle, silently listening to the radio. There wasn't any music playing or...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 5

My Angels were lying inches apart, on each side of Deanne’s pussy. As I raised my head to lick her little button, I felt the pull of them on the monofilament line around my neck. Looking down, I saw each and every one of her pussy hairs standing on end, like they had been combed up and spritzed in place with styling gel. I kept looking down as I slipped forward a few inches, her pussy hair leaned forward as my little black Angels slid forward with me. I backed up and the Angels slid back...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 16

(You did this didn’t you?) {Yes ... Well, they did. I just asked them to, I hope you approve.} (You could have left me just a little more hair on top of my pussy, but I’ll get used to it the way it is. I love this and I promise you and your Angels, I’ll never – ever lose what you just gave me. Thank you, Charlie.) {You’re welcome and I thank my Angels for what they’ve given you too. I think they used Andie as your mold, your body looks just like hers, what I can see that is} I smiled...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 6

I finished packing and sat on my bed as I thought of the events of the past day and a half. I reached up and touched the two Angels hanging from my neck and instantly, they warmed to my touch. The warmth spread to my belly, then to my groin. My dick jumped and sprang to a steel hard erection inside my tight jeans as I sat and smiled at my two little friends. I pulled them up to my lips and kissed them. Looking them over again, I couldn’t resist licking right up through where their pussies...

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Futa Angels And Demons And Monsters

Introduction: Angels and Demons are two warring factions, each in their own separate dimensions, that have a standing bet on the souls of humanity. Why they have such a bet is unknown. Angels represent the best part of humanity. Although they too can have sinister agendas of their own. They are immortal but not invincible. Demons represent the worst of humanity. Although they are also responsible for mankind's continued growth. They too are immortal but not invincible. Half-breeds can be...

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Angels A Christmas Story in Three Acts

Dear Readers, Attached to this Christmas story is one of those "what I did this year" notes that folks like to enclose in their Christmas card. Here it is. In 2018, I decided to publish some of my stories online to Amazon and make them Kindle novels. If you read "The Wildcats" that I posted here on Fictionmania in 2017, you'll now find a more substantial, newer version, three, in fact, now titled Wildcats - a Rock 'n' Roll Odyssey. It's a simple coming-of-age story about a high...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 2

I walked the four blocks to our house with a totally terrific, new feeling. I could feel myself swagger just a little as I walked slowly. The heat in my groin is a steady, soothing warmth. I thought of my huge cock ... HELL YEAH - I’VE GOT A HUGE FUCKING COCK NOW! Then, there was the two hundred dollars in my pocket ... and the two black, magnetic Angels pulling on my balls and my cock as I walk. I had a right to swagger. There has to be more to those Angels than I’ve learned so far. I need...

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Hills Angels

It was 10:00 PM on an early summer evening in the London studios of Thames Television, and taping had just finished on the last of the season's episodes of the nationwide comedy hit THE BENNY HILL SHOW. Everyone was glad to see the end of what had been an extremely long day. People were scattering out of the studio, the cast to their dressing rooms, the crew to try and make it home before too late. But one group of girls, walking off in unison, was turning heads even as they left. This bevy of...

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The Haunting of St Angels

The Haunting of St. Angels By sammig82 "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble." - Shakespeare's Macbeth St. Angel's Girls School was a popular private boarding High School for the rich and the famous. Its alumni consisted of highly successful members of the community including CEOs and successful celebrities. Many of its girls had grown up to earn the respect among the elite of the high society. Parents would be...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 3

When I rolled over, Jan rolled to face me. I pulled her left leg over and spread her feet so I could get to her pussy. I smelled pussy up close for the first time and fell instantly in love with the aroma. I opened her tight slit and licked right up through the short length of it. I fell in love all over again with her pussy smell and her pussy taste. “OH GOD YES ... Kiss my pussy Charlie. Fuck ... That feels so fucking good. YES, just like that. OH GOD YES,” Jan yelled. “Jen, keep her...

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My blueeyed neighbor has a fetish for Angels Fetish Sex Stories

I am Sofia- a 28-year-old curvy blonde residing in Cathedral Village. My affair with the next-door neighbor had been the talk of the town since I came here. John had half the neighborhood crushing on him but only I caught his fancy. Baby-faced John, blue-eyed John, the handsome Greek god John- that’s how everyone knows him here. But no one knows him better than I do and about his fetish for angels. I know why he chose me though. None could satisfy him the way I do. Our steamy sex was on a new...

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Angels Shoe Shopping Adventure

Angel got a BIT WILD shopping for shoes 1 time in Las Vegas--------------------------------------------- 1 time when we were in Vegas Angel wanted to go shoe shopping, but she wantedto do it in a KINKY way & see how many pairs of shoes she could get for FREE. Before we left our room she had me take a marker pen & write 'I'LL TRADE YOU'in about 4 inch letters from her upper right thigh, across her cunt mound, toher left thigh so that when she sat down to try on a pair of shoes the...

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Angels shoe shopping adventure TRUE Story

1 time when we were in Vegas Angel wanted to go shoe shopping, but she wantedto do it in a KINKY way & see how many pairs of shoes she could get for FREE. Before we left our room she had me take a marker pen & write 'I'LL TRADE YOU'in about 4 inch letters from her upper right thigh, across her cunt mound, toher left thigh so that when she sat down to try on a pair of shoes the shoesalesman could easily see it written there just above her shaved cunt. Then shehad me take 2 little red...

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Random Victories Angels of Mercy

Another episode in the Random Victories Universe. See Legend Of Hair House, You're Gonna Carry that Weight and Mid Mountain File for background and character introduction, or just try to figure it out. Random Victories: Angels of Mercy Chapter 1: Standard Dungeon Scene Miss M was starting to get furious. She had been held in this essence blocked cell for a week now. The Realities pirates obviously did not know what to do with her and were afraid to let her go. She had...

2 years ago
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The War of the Angels part 4

"Uncle Joshua!?" Jonathan asked, his voice filled with panic. "Uncle Joshua! Get up! Please, please get up..." "Oh my god," Viks gasped as she crouched down beside Joshua. "Steph, call 999! Now!" "Uh, okay," Stephanie said, fumbling in her bag for her phone as Viks rolled Joshua onto his back and checked his neck. "He's got a pulse but it's very weak," Viks said. "What- what do we do?" Jonathan asked, unable to contain his sense of panic. "Get a first aid kit," Viks said. "If...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 8

When we’d unloaded and stashed away all the groceries, paper towels, plates and everything else Aunt Carol could think of to buy, she suggested we take a look around the grounds, then walk down to the lake. “Put some swim trunks on Charlie, unless you want to skinny dip with your old aunt,” She laughed. “I hope we get to do that while we’re here.” “We will, I promise,” she said as she pulled her shirt over her head and threw it on the porch rail as we walked down the steps and left the...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 10

Connie was excited as she sat astraddle my belly. I helped her slide back to let my cock plop down on my belly. She looked at my cock, then at me and smiled. “Raise up like Aunt Carol did and I’ll hold my cock up for you. You just let it go inside your pussy slow and easy so it won’t hurt too much. When it begins feeling good, you can fuck me like they’re fucking,” I told her. I rubbed the Angels together and they warmed to a feverish heat as Connie touched her pussy lips to my swollen...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 13

My Angels’ predictions came true, and who am I to ever doubt them again? Mom and Richard were married in a double ceremony with Dr. Kellogg and Linda. We were at their lake house and everyone was naked. There were thirty other guests in attendance from around the lake, and all them were naked. The five members of the Kellogg family left three days later for Cancun on a three week honeymoon. Bobby, Connie and Kristi were ecstatic that they were getting to go on their parents’ honeymoon. Dr....

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Charlies AngelsChapter 14

{Angels?} [SHE SAW A MENTAL PICTURE OF YOUR COCK WHILE SHE WAS MASTURBATING IN HER ROOM. SHE’S DYING TO HAVE YOUR COCK INSIDE HER PUSSY. ASK HER TO SWIM WITH YOU AND JIMMY, WE WILL DO THE REST] “Sher, I was just telling Jimmy that we have a new pool, and I’ve asked him to go swimming today. You wanna go with us?” “Sure, I love to swim. When?” “When we leave school today.” “I don’t have my swimsuit. We’ll have to run back by and get it.” “No problem. I hope you’ve got a really daring...

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Angels Of London

Some of you old-timers remember when banging a hooker meant trolling the seedy side of town, trying not to get shanked by a bum while getting a toothless beej from a crackwhore. The Internet has sure changed things, huh? These days, it’s safer and easier to find a girl to give you a handy for money. The girls at Angels of London are more than a few steps up from the local lot lizards, too.AngelsOfLondon.com operates under the motto, “Maximum Pleasure Very Discreet”. It doesn’t take a fucking...

Escort Sites
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Charlies AngelsChapter 15

{Yes Alana, there’s nothing they cannot make happen. Now, they want you to let yourself go and be as naughty as you’ve ever dreamed. They really are magic, they love sex and they love for my friends to be happy and sexy too} (I want to be happy and sexy. I love the way I feel right now. I want another orgasm! I want to feel like I’m fucking your magnificent cock right here) {Be careful what you ask for Alana, they’ll double up on you and you’ll feel like you have my cock inside your pussy...

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Fallen AngelsChapter 2

As I moved from my rack and got showered all I could think of was the beauty and how one kiss had changed me. Brovo knocked and entered my room and informed me that we were on deck at 13:00 hours. I normally, before the Innocent Beauty entered my life would have snapped to, ready to slay the next evil, rise to the challenge of the operation handed to me. But all I could think of was her, I had to call her, to let her know. I knew it was against protocol to even mention being called to action,...

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Victorias Angels

Victoria's real secret? It isn't lingerie... Its crime-fighting supermodels! Like its Angels' modeling careers, the Victoria's Secret business is just a cover. Its real purpose? To bring bad guys to justice. The Victoria's Secret Angels are the organization's operatives. All of the Angels, old and new, are trained martial artists, sharpshooters and detectives. Working in small teams with little backup, they also use many crime-fighting gadgets, from bulletproof negligees to lipstick-mounted...

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Charlie s Angels

Hi, Everyone, this is a unique sex story of my experience with wives of my 3 friends. We 4 guys have been best friends since college and used to hang out together all the time. All 3 of them got married over last two years and I am the only single left in the group. I have always been a bit shy by nature. But I am damn honry when it comes to girls and sex. Just don’t show my emotions easily and the reason of still being single! We all 7 used to spend time together. Eat, play games, drink,...

4 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 18

“Did you hear that? That has to be a ghost!” “I heard it, but I don’t believe in ghosts! There has to be another explanation.” “Well, if a ghost grabs your ass, you’ll believe it!” “I suppose you, been grabbed by a ghost?” “Hell yes, I have.” “Where did it grab you? On your dick?” “How did you know that?” {Run over and grope both their cocks, Alana. I dare you} She never hesitated, never even looked at me. She was just like a feisty little girl as she skipped and ran over to where the...

3 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 21

We didn’t have to wait long before we heard a knock, and before anyone could say a word, there was a tall, slender young woman bursting into the room. She looked at Jenny Beth, and without even a look at her daughters, Lisa or me, she ran to her. “Sher, where is Jenny Beth? Jean called and told me she had somehow been miraculously cured and she’s been transformed into a totally new woman.” “Pat ... slow down and listen carefully, I-am-Jenny-Beth! AND YES, I have been blessed with a most...

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