Were 2 free porn video

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When I first wrote my story Were, I had originally had a series of 6 stories in mind, though had later dropped my plans to write them. However, during the last few months, I have continued to think about several of those stories and decided to finally write one more adventure of my young Were. Were 2 By Morpheus Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be in a room, surrounded by creatures out of legend. To be surrounded by shapeshifters... Weres who could transform at any moment into anything from a lion to a dragon. Or... to be one of them. My name is Darek Ross, and I was a 16 year old boy with dirty blonde hair and slightly large ears. And of course, I was a Were. A creature out of legend, though the legends are almost never quite right. Were's are people like any other, with friends, families and jobs like everyone else. The only difference is, Weres have the unique trait of transforming into some animal or other every month on the full moon, though they can transform or not on other nights of their own will. And every Were transforms into a different animal... not just wolves as legends might suggest. And then among Weres, there are the rarest of all... mythics. Weres who transform not into ordinary animals like what you might see in the zoo, but into creatures out of legend. Things that are not supposed to ever have existed, such as dragons and the like. That's what I was... a mythic. But even among the rare mythics, I was a real oddity. I had the unique... not to mention somewhat embarrassing ability to turn into a dryad. A wood nymph. A sexy and extremely short, green skinned woman. It had been some months since I had first had my awakening as a Were... and become a mythic. And in that time, I had gotten somewhat used to my other side, and had grown to love it. However, it was still a bit embarrassing, and I hadn't even been able to tell my best friend Brandon. The only people who had ever seen me in my Were form... who even knew what it was, were my folks. And of course, they were Weres too. Those were some of the reasons that I was uncomfortable at the moment. My folks had brought me to a Were convention, a large gathering of other Weres from all over the place. All of whom were normal human form as it wasn't a full moon night. It was the first convention that I'd been to since awakening as a Were myself. But even though I was a Were too, I felt out of place, proud at being a rare mythic, but embarrassed by just what kind I happened to turn into. I looked around, seeing that there were probably several hundred people around. Several hundred Weres. And they were all wearing stickers with our names on them, with a lot of people having little pictures showing what it was that they turned into. I wasn't one of those ones though. "Did I have to come?" I asked my dad, feeling mixed emotions about the convention. Sure, it was a great way to meet other Weres and a place where I didn't have to lie about not being one myself. In a way, that was quite refreshing. However, I was also surrounded by a lot of strangers, most of whom were adults, and I was feeling a bit bored. Dad just smiled at me, "Look around. I'm sure that there are other kids around here your own age." I just grunted faintly at that. Then my mom suddenly gasped as she saw someone and hurried over to where a large man and another woman were talking. She quickly shook the man's hand and then hugged the woman before giggling, "Lions and tigers and bears..." "Oh my," the woman laughed. "Lions and tigers and bears," the woman, my mom and the man all exclaimed together, "Oh my!" They did that several more times, getting louder each time and making me wince slightly in embarrassment. As I watched them for a few more seconds, I noticed that the man had a picture of a lion on his sticker. Then suddenly the whole exchange made a bit more sense to me. Since my mom was a Were tiger and the man was a lion, the other woman had to be a bear. But still, it was kind of corny. "Parents," I muttered in disgust as I turned to go follow my dad's advice, while trying to appear that I wasn't. Hopefully I could find some people my own age who had a bit more sense. Several minutes later, I was standing at the snack table, munching on a few treats and getting something to drink. And as I was stretching over for a brownie, I bumped into someone. Turning around, I was startled to see it was a girl who looked about my age. She was cute, with dark brown hair and a name tag that said she was Carrie. "Sorry," I apologized, blushing badly as I did so. Carrie smiled weakly, "No problem." We stood there for a moment, about to go our separate ways before I managed to comment, "Pretty boring in here, huh?" "Yeah," Carrie nodded, "It's kind of a drag. But my folks told me that it would be good to meet other Weres." "Mine too," I nodded in understanding. "I guess all parents are alike," Carrie commended, then gave a faint shudder, "I hope I don't get like them when I'm old." "Me either," I echoed. "I mean, they can be such stinkers..." Suddenly, Carrie burst out laughing. At my curious expression, she explained, "My dad's a skunk." We both laughed at that for a moment before I proudly told her, "My dad's a mythic." At her disbelieving expression, I continued, "He's a unicorn." "Cool," she gushed out, sounding impressed. "Yeah," I grinned, "And my mom's a tiger." "Double cool," Carrie grinned back. "My mom just turns into a duck." After this, Carrie and I found a seat and continued talking, with me being surprised at just how easy it was to talk to her. Most of the girls at school aren't that easy to be around... or that nice. Then again, since she was from a Were family too, we had a lot in common. But that wasn't just it. There was something about Carrie... I was really starting to like her. "What about you?" I finally asked, "What do you turn into?" Carrie gave me a proud look and then exclaimed, "I'm a real live werewolf." I nodded appreciatively, knowing that in spite of the legends, most Weres weren't wolves. In fact, there were very few who were. They weren't really any more common than any other Were animal. "But forget about silver bullets," Carrie grinned at me, holding up a silver wolf necklace that she'd been wearing, "I prefer my silver like this..." We both chuckled at that, then she asked, "What about you?" "What about me what?" I asked back with a grin. Carrie rolled her eyes and I sighed in embarrassment, "I'm a mythic." Her eyes widened at that, not surprisingly since mythics are pretty rare even among Weres. There are probably only a dozen or so in the entire world. "Oh," Carrie said, obviously not believing me, "What kind." I shrugged in embarrassment, "Um... the weird kind." Though I was rather proud of being a mythic and I even liked what I turned into, I it was hard telling the girl that I liked that I had a sex change whenever I transformed. Hell, I hadn't even told my best friend about it. Carrie glared at me in disbelief, "You don't need to lie to me. Just tell me what you turn into." "I'm not lying," I snapped back defensively, feeling a little insulted that she'd think I was a liar, "I am a mythic..." "Yeah, right," Carrie snorted, looking offended and obviously thinking that I'd been lying to impress her. Then, Carrie got up and walked away, only giving me a glare before disappearing into the crowd. I stared after her, feeling angry at being called a liar and a little disappointed that things had suddenly gone so bad. "Damn," I muttered, getting up myself and deciding that I needed some fresh air. With that, I started for the back door. Once I was outside, I looked up at the dark sky, wishing silently that the sun didn't set so early this time of year. But then again, at the moment, darkness actually felt a little more comforting. It brought me a little closer to my other side. To my Were side. With that, I looked out at the spread of trees behind the building, smiling faintly. I hadn't been able to think of trees the same way since my awakening as a dryad. At that moment, the whole world had changed for me. I'd been able to see just how alive they truly are, seeing them and everything else in a slightly different light. I moved closer to the trees, then gave a glance back at the busy convention. It would be such a nice night to change... and I didn't think that anyone would really miss me. A moment later, I got out of view of the building and started to undress behind a tree, standing there naked. It was really cold, but necessary. "Okay," I sighed, then pushed the change to begin. My whole body came alive at once, being filled with the sensations of transformation. My skin all tingled, just as my bones and flesh began to shift inside of me. They pulled in, moving into other configurations. Every sensation was both familiar and alien at the same time, making me let out a gasp as the change always did. As I transformed, the whole world seemed to grow larger around me. I watched a branch on the tree next to me slowly move higher and higher over my head. And I felt the changes in my own body as well. I felt my crotch pull in and my chest push out. But the most obvious changes weren't actually the most drastic. When the changes stopped, everything snapped into a higher clarity. My senses had all increased drastically, with the dark no longer providing much obstacle at all. I could hear everything... see everything... even FEEL everything in much more detail. I could even the life and emotions of the trees around me, telling me that they were all my friends. I took a deep breath and smiled, feeling much better. Then I looked down at myself, seeing the pert and firm breasts on my chest. Every inch of my body now looked female, from my curves to the vagina. Of course, I was also now only 4 and a half feet tall, more than a foot shorter than what I had been... and entirely green. My pubic hair looked a bit like moss, while the hair on my head was dark green but with bits that looked like leaves... but weren't. Just like every time after my transformation, I soaked up the changes in my body, thinking about how I now looked... from my cute even features to my long pointed ears. A single glance would be enough to reveal that I was no longer human... though I was still very close to human shape. I was now a dryad... a creature of the woods. After stretching for a moment, pleased that I no longer felt any chill from the air at all, I started walking deeper into the trees. I already felt much more relaxed than I had, enjoying as always the unique sensations and perspective that my particular Were abilities gave me. A few minutes later, I climbed up a tree just as quickly and easily as a squirrel, then sat comfortably on the base of one of the branches, soaking in the awareness of the entire area around me. As a dryad, I could always sense things around me. It gave me an odd feeling of being in control, even though I was so much smaller than before. Before very long though, I felt another presence among the trees, though not in them like I was. Feeling curious, I hopped to another tree, moving among them with ease. Then I looked down, seeing that it was Carrie. And like I had done such a short time earlier, she was undressing. "Wow," I whispered to myself, impressed at the sight of her naked body. At the moment, I might have had a very female body, but it was definitely reacting to the sight of Carrie. But almost as soon as Carrie had finished undressing, she started changing. Fur suddenly sprouted from her body and she leaned forward as everything started to stretch and shift. Her face pushed forward... growing much longer and sharper. And when the changes had finished, there was no sign of the Carrie that I had seen inside of the convention. Instead, there was a wolf. Carrie remained where she was for a minute, sniffing around and obviously adjusting to her body and environment, just as I had done. Then she went off into the woods. And being curious, I followed behind her... keeping a careful distance. But, as a dryad, I had abilities, which made it extremely difficult for even a wolf to sense my presence unless I allowed her to. I followed Carrie for awhile, seeing that she was basically doing the same thing that I was. She was just trying to get away from the crowd out there... to relax in her alternate form. And though I felt a little guilty for spying on her, I couldn't really help myself. Then I felt it... another presence. The trees warned me that the man was close by, though I wasn't very worried. He was close... but no threat to me and far enough not to even see Carrie. After all, with a wolf's sense of smell, she could easily avoid his attention before he even got close. Less than a minute later, Carrie suddenly let out a yelp of pain. I moved closer and was horrified to see that she was howling in pain and fear... as well as pulling at her leg. There was something on it. It took only a moment more to realize that she had stepped into some sort of trap. "Oh shit," I gasped, already starting to move closer. However, the man nearby had heard her too and had come running. He burst into view, holding a flashlight in one hand and a shotgun in the other. The very sight was enough to send shivers down my spine. "Gotcha now," the man slurred slightly, sounding a little bit drunk. "I finally caught that damn coyote..." Then he moved closer, muttering, "I'll teach you to go killing my dogs..." Carrie was frozen at the sight of the man, looking terrified, though it was hard to really see on a wolf's face. Still, I could feel her fear from where I was at. "What the hell?" the stranger gasped, giving Carrie a closer look, "Don't look like no coyote I've seen..." He was staring at Carrie thoughtfully, or at least as thoughtful as a drunk could. But then he raised his gun, "Guess that don't matter..." "NO!" I yelled out, "Don't..." The man looked around in confusion at hearing my feminine voice, as did Carrie. What probably confused her most was that she hadn't caught my scent. As mom had once told me, to her animal senses I only smelled like a tree. And in a place that was full of them... "Where are you?" the stranger demanded, moving his flashlight around but seeing no hint of me. Even when the light hit me directly, he didn't see me... thanks to my ability to blend into my environment like a chameleon. "Show yourself girl..." I took a look at Carrie... at her fear and pain, then I demanded, "Go away. NOW." And to prove my point, I made a tree above him drop a dead branch. It hit the ground right next to the man... though wasn't quite close enough for my happiness. I would have preferred it right on top of his head. But in spite of my warning, he made no sign of leaving. Instead, he was swinging the shotgun around wildly, looking for something to shoot. I felt a burning anger at that. Didn't that guy have any common sense? The trees sensed my agitation, and to even my surprise, they started moving around. Or at least the branches were. They were all moving around as though there was a strong wind through them, though the air had been fairly still. It was obvious that this was really freaking the stranger out. "I said go away," I called out angrily, watching as several more branches dropped near him. And then, even though I knew that it was the one thing that should never do, I stepped into view and showed myself to him. "And I mean it." For a moment, the man stared at me with his mouth open and his eyes wide. The light was shining straight on me so he got a pretty good look. Even Carrie was staring at me with a wolf's expression of shock. That wasn't surprising though since I was a short green girl... and a creature that just wasn't like anything that was supposed to exist. "Holy shit," the man exclaimed, staggering backwards and tripping over a tree root. Another branch dropped almost on top of him, and it was enough to make the man get up and run away as fast as he possibly could through the dark, even forgetting about his gun in the hurry to get away. And as he moved away, the trees calmed down and went silent again. Finally, I turned towards Carrie, who tried backing away from me, then winced in pain as the trap still held her leg tight. Still, she growled at me... warning me to keep away. That made me smile faintly, impressing me with just how tough she was. "It's all right," I told her, holding up my hands to show that I wasn't holding anything. "I'm just going to get you out of there." Carrie remained where she was, eyeing me suspiciously but letting me get close enough to work on the trap. I struggled with it, then managed to get it open enough for Carrie to get her leg out. "Are you all right Carrie?" I asked her, kicking the trap away in disgust. For a moment, Carrie just stared at me in surprise, probably at my calling her by name. Then she stood on her leg, wincing as she did so but nodding at me. Then she took several steps, limping slightly but seeming to be all right. Then Carrie looked in the direction that the man had gone off in, then up at me. "Don't worry," I told her, guessing what she was thinking, "I don't think that he'll be a problem." Then I added, "He was drunk and probably won't even believe he really saw me himself in the morning." Carrie nodded at that, though she still looked at me curiously. "Let's get out of here..." I stayed with Carrie until she got back where her clothes were, relieved that she hadn't broken her leg in the trap or gotten hurt any worse. Then I stepped back, watching her as she started to change back to human, apparently not caring that I was standing right there. Though I really wanted to see her naked again, I felt a bit embarrassed so turned away to give her some privacy. Then I started to slowly move away as well. "Wait," Carrie called out to me as her throat became more human. "What are you?" Unable to help myself, I glanced back and saw Carrie, all the way human again and crouched down, covering herself with clothes. She was staring at me with an odd expression, though it was filled with both gratitude and curiosity. For a moment, I remained frozen by indecision, then I let out a sigh. Taking a deep breath, I said, "A dryad. I told you I was a mythic..." I gave a weak, not to mention embarrassed smile at that. Carrie just stared back, then started to stand up, apparently forgetting for a moment that she was completely naked. "Darek?" I just nodded as I looked up at her, wondering if my green skin showed a blush because I knew that I had to be doing so like crazy. "Yeah," I responded in embarrassment. Then deciding that this wasn't quite fair, I willed my own transformation back to normal. The familiar changes ran through my body again, this time in reverse order to how they had done so a short time earlier. My flesh all shifted and stretched, and I stared to grow taller. My crotch started to change back to normal while my chest once again went flat. And sadly, I was aware of my senses shifting as well... to losing my connection to all of the trees around me. In a way, it was like going blind after being able to see. Standing close to me, Carrie watched my changes in amazement, with me first looking up at her... then being eye level... and finally looking down a little to meet her eyes. And before my transformation had even finished, Carrie threw her arms around me in a hug, crying out, "Thank you..." I instinctively hugged her back, then we both suddenly remembered that we were completely naked and stepped back in embarrassment. I was even more embarrassed by the fact that I had a hard on and quickly tried to cover it up. That just reminded Carrie that she too was naked, though I certainly didn't mind looking at her nice body. But she tried covering up as well. "I've got to get dressed," Carrie stammered in embarrassment. I nodded agreement, "Me too..." But instead of rushing off immediately, we both took another long look at each other. Then I hurried to where I'd left my own clothes, eager to get dressed again... and warm up. Without my dryad body, I was once again feeling the temperature... and the rough ground on my feet. Once I was dressed, and had a few minutes to cool off... not temperaturewise, I left the safety of the trees and saw that Carrie was standing there waiting for me. She blushed at the sight of me, just as I did of her. Then I moved next to her, not sure exactly what to say. However, that problem was removed by Carrie who suddenly hugged me again, gasping, "Thank you so much." Then almost in tears, she exclaimed, "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you." And to my further surprise, she kissed me... catching me quickly on the cheeks before standing back and looking embarrassed. I stared at her in surprise, then smiled, hoping that she didn't notice the bulge in my pants... or that I didn't cream myself. "Um... no problem," I finally responded, giving her a smile and then moving closer again. For nearly a minute, Carrie and I just stood there, staring at each other, with me unable to stop thinking about how pretty she was. And then without a word, she reached over and took my hand in hers and we slowly started walking back towards the convention hall, hand in hand. And finally, Carrie pressed herself closer to me and whispered, "So... can you tell me what it's like being a dryad..." I kissed her on the cheek, which seemed to please her and said, "I'd love to..." God I loved being a Were. THE END

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1988 The knock on my door was becoming routine. I’d not seen my brother so often since we were kids. I mean four times in two weeks. I think his jealousy at my impending fatherhood was almost too much for him, heck for me too; and he kept coming over so damn early; well, he did have a business to run, a big business. And, my erstwhile wife encouraged him! Well, I was glad he was so into our good fortune; I did want him to be there for us after the baby came. And, it was more than clear that...

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Memories of Joseph

Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 15-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching them kissing and whispering sweet things...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 36 Peaches

December 12, 1986, Indianapolis, Indiana “How are you doing, Tiger?” Jessica asked after greeting Kara and me with hugs and kisses. “Shitty,” I said. “But I had a good talk with Bethany after Red called me.” Jessica smiled, “And THAT is exactly why I had to let you take her away to Wisconsin for a weekend. Granted, I didn’t know what the circumstance would be, but I knew you’d need Bethany eventually. And you would need her in a way that could only happen if you two repaired your...

2 years ago
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Vctima de las triadas spanish

Jill aparc? el coche como siempre, a unas manzanas del almac?n. Llevaba haciendo esto durante casi dos meses ya. Cada jueves sin falta. Le hab?a costado mucho conseguir un confidente dentro de la triada. La mafia china no aceptaba a ning?n desconocido. Siempre que un agente intentaba infiltrarse, o bien le ignoraban impidi?ndole penetrar en la organizaci?n, o bien desaparec?a del mapa. Desde que la hab?an asignado a la brigada de crimen organizado, Jill decidi? buscar otro camino. Si no iban a conseguir un infiltr...

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A Warm Balmy Night Ch 05

Riddick had been hanging on the wall for the better part of four days. The women had done nothing more than look after him in the most basic of ways. They’d given him a tiny amount of water, but no food. They escorted him to the latrine and stood guard with tamers as he relieved himself then led him straight back to the wall. Once, he’d made a sudden movement and been rewarded by a bolt of electricity strong enough to fell him instantly. He’d woken up when Clara had doused him with a bucket of...

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The Storm Our Storm

What is it about the pounding rain, the thunder and lightning of the storm that brings out the animal in us. Our roof garden patio is open to the sky, the wind and the rain, but not visible from our neighbors. Today, I was working up on it, enjoying the breeze, the fresh air, sitting at our patio table writing documentation on my laptop. The shade from the patio umbrella makes it one of my most favorite places to work, even in a gentle rain.  It was such a day, today. Then the wind started to...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 14 Poutine perhaps

Sergeant Leven had second thoughts as he was leading his platoon of recruits away from the damaged dropship. None of them had ever worn a Destroyer suit before. The first introduction to these marvels of Union military technology was planned for tomorrow and then the first planet drop would commence. That was the plan at least before the Basilone dropped into a system filled with angry Larkami battleships. Glancing back his heart sank as he saw the proud dropship trailing a cloud of debris....

4 years ago
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Avi And Her Incest Desires 8211 Part 1

My name is Avi and I am 21 years old. I have a very hot body. I lost my virginity to one of my friends at 19. This story will be a series of my sex encounters within the family. It was a Saturday night on a summertime. I felt thirsty. So I climbed out of my bed to have some water. I was on my way to the kitchen and suddenly as I was passing by, I heard some sounds across the hall. I was sure that it was from my parents’ room. I was very keen to see my parents having sex. So, I unlocked our...

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Doctor Doctor0

This fantasy of mine started building stronger and strong in my mind, and I was unable to bear it any more so I decided to speak upon it to my wife. I knew that she will never agree if I approach I tried several things as role playing while sex showing her all sort of porn’s, which she liked. Once while making love I told her what I was thinking off. She slapped on my face and started crying she said she will die but will not give her body to another male other than me. So everything stopped...

2 years ago
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Friday night at the Cock Ass Tavern

The Cock & Ass tavern was undeniably the most popular pub in the valley. Everyone for miles around, old and young, would gather there every night to unwind from a tiring day in good company. Well, not exactly everyone. This pub was really only frequented by the men in the valley, and the reason the public house was so popular with them was also the reason women tended to steer clear - the landlady, Erica.It was 8pm on a typical Friday night at the Cock & Ass, the bar was reasonably...

1 year ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 4 Holly in After Care

Holly in After Care Holly's eyes fluttered open. She saw a pair of blue eyes in a face framed by a blonde pixie cut. "Kelly," Holly exhaled the name more than she spoke it. With her eyelids at half-mast Holly looked around the room. "How do you feel?" Kelly asked. "Foolish," Holly giggled. "Wrung out. Foolish. When will I learn? If Hank tells me something, I need to listen. This time being proven wrong was fun, though. All of Hank's lessons are fun." "Can you sit up? You've...

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Stealth Control

“Test Number One, beginning!” The voice came out of a small loudspeaker on the wall across from me. I didn’t know exactly what was being tested, but I figured it had something to do with the injection they’d given me when I first arrived. My name is Gemma, and I’m just broke enough that getting paid $500 to be a subject in a ‘Temporary Human Neuroengineering Trial’ was pretty damn appealing. I’d followed a listing on the student board all the way to this dingy room in the back of the nanotech...

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Feelin His Way ThroughChapter 3

Mom came into the kitchen while Tad held a cup of coffee under his nose with a dreamy look on his face. "I take it the date went okay?" she grinned as she poured her own cup of coffee. "Not bad," Tad said, failing to hide the smile that forced its way out. "Mark came by last night." Tad's smile faded away as he took a sip of coffee. "Did you have to tell him I was on a date?" "Sorry. Did he call you?" she asked gently. Mom still had on her robe and slippers as she joined Tad...

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Pussy play on the Chicago L train

It was late and I was exhausted and could wait to get home to sleep. So I waited for the train to come, which seemed forever. There was no one in sight, which is strange for Chicago. I was almost sleep when the train finally came. It was a full eight cars and I sat anywhere. The train was pleasant and comfortable. I had far to go, so I relaxed. On the next stop, there entering the train was a woman. A sweet and beautiful very, very dark skin Black girl. She was wearing blue shorts that went up...

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Sians CousinsChapter 15

Once we'd drunk our tea, and Vee and Sian had put away all the clean laundry in the correct places, we headed off to the National Museum of Wales for our promised fix of culture. Julie and I had been round some of the gallery on one of our days out, but we were again impressed by just how much top quality art was on show. Sheila turned out to be a huge fan of the French Impressionists; she couldn't believe the incredible collection that the two Davies sisters, Gwendoline and Margaret, had...

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A man finds treasure in the trash behind his favorite bar

I’m an average guy nothing much to look at 5’10” about 250 not huge but not small either. I don’t get laid much but when I do its usually some sloppy drunk fat whore who nobody else will touch. Which explains why I don’t even go to the club until closing time on Saturday night. I was cruising downtown last Saturday night looking for a skank to bang when I found myself outside a real dive called Rick’s. Rick’s is so sleazy hookers don’t even go in...

1 year ago
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Chloes Fascination

It was Sunday afternoon, I was just having some very sexy foreplay with my wife Suzy up in the bedroom prior to my departure for a week working away when the doorbell rang out. We ignored it and carried on. Ding dong again and again. "Fuck it, I will see whats going on" I said to the Suzy. I pulled on my dressing gown and did my best to hide my hard on as I approached the door, fully expecting the face to be that of Sandy our neighbour. On opening the door, my friends daughter Chloe was stood...

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Fun with married woman in Bangalore

Hi, I am penning down real life story which i never thought, i will be sharing with anyone. Anyway, i am married and watching IPL non-competing match and browing thru indian sex stories for some entertainment. After reading couple of stories, i felt like penning down my own story.. A little about myself, i am 31 year young, working in Mnc in bangalore, spent couple of years in Western Europe and Scandevadian countries and kind of happy go lucky. Before marriage, i had relationship with my 3...

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The Cave

The bikini was wet, I mean. I was sixteen years old then. I was still a virgin but was becoming highly sexually aware. I was slim and lithe…I had a-cup breasts with sensitive nipples which I know sometimes showed through my clothing when they were aroused and erect. I’d noticed boys – and men – surreptitiously glancing at them and it made me feel good. I was regular gymnast, which involved tight lycra costumes, so my mother made sure I kept myself smooth ‘Down there’, as she put it. I’d not had...

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Stress Test

In this world, the most popular sex toy was without a doubt the Plugin-Plays, elegant androids that users could mentally possess through their virtual reality headsets. Beautiful, tireless, and very customizable, Plugin-Plays let adults engage in whatever erotic pleasures they wished through their own artificial doubles. They were quite widespread, to the point where there were more couples with a pair of Plugin-Plays than without. It was also well-known that Plugin-Plays were easy to...

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Slave SisterChapter 6 The Prize

Fran paced back and forth across her room waiting for the Saturday afternoon 'weekly Fran Fuck' to get started. The 'clit and tit' bells her brother had recovered from Carla ding-a-linged with each step. She stopped in front of her full-length mirror and looked at her naked body. Cupping her breasts Fran jiggled them making the bells attached to her nipples dance and ring. She ran her hands down over her firm stomach and gently pulled at tufts of her pubic hair. The crowd of boys outside,...

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Mom Geetha Has An Orgasm With Her Son

Hello all, I am Veer. In this story, I am going to tell about my experience with incest. This story would be in multiple parts which will include all my encounters so far. Coming to the story, it’s about my mom Geetha. She is 42 years old now, and her stats are 34c-30-38. It all started 3 years ago, on a summer night. Usually, my parents sleep in their room with AC and I sleep in the hall where I keep the cooler. That day the AC in the bedroom gave me some trouble because of which mom also came...

4 years ago
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Setting Up The Wrong Person

I had just finished getting an erotic massage from an escort when there was a knock on the front door of the condo. I figured it was my sexy new neighbor coming by for that drink, since I had just moved to the area and didn’t know anyone else. I gave the escort an extra 20 to put in a good word and tell the woman at the door that I was resting in the bedroom. In all actuality I was pretending to sleep naked and uncovered. My cock was hardening with the thought of my new neighbor. She was in...

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Twins In Bondage

Twenty five year old Carson Henning couldn't believe his luck. When he was seventeen he stopped to help an old man on the side of the road. Five years later, the old man passed, having no children of his own he left his entire fortune nearly fifty billion dollars to Carson for his act of kindness. Taking the advice of his uncle he invested conservatively a lived off of his investments in a large private estate. Not long after he had inherited the old man's fortune he began using a dating site...

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Cockfest at the sauna

Occasionally I have to go to London for a meeting, I always arrange for it to finish around lunchtime, so I can head off to my favourite gay bar for a few drinks and then onto a sauna for some fun.yesterday the meeting dragged on and on, and I found I was getting hornier as the minutes passed. Eventually we finished late afternoon, and I decided that I'd go straight to the sauna as I was so horny.... I was already oozing precum!the sauna is a couple of stops away on the underground, and I...

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Sons Lust Chapter 2

Son's Lust Chapter 2It was not long before I was desperate to be inside my mother once more. I could see it in her eyes too as she threw hungry glances in my direction every now and then. It had only been two days since the first time we had made love, but I knew I couldn’t hold out for much longer.Dad had told us we were going out that night to celebrate my sister’s birthday. Our whole family and my aunt, who was staying with us, were going and it was almost guaranteed to be another boring...

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Good Grades Happily Cost Me My Virginity

Good Grades Happily Cost Me My Virginity. A true story only the names have been changed to prevent embarrassment to either family.I’m Annabel; I took my GCSE’s exams and turned 16 waiting for my results. I’m a brunette with a tight teen body. My boobs are 36B, a bum is to die for but by far my best features are my good looks and washboard abs. I’ve only had the same boyfriend since puberty. Unlike a lot of lads his age he’s funny, intelligent with a great sense of humour - yes I know what...

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Nagpur Padoson Ki Virgin Chudai

Jai maharastra. Sare laundo ko mera aur sari ladkiyon ko mere lund ka namashkar.Mera naam abhi hai(size-6 inch),nagpur mai engg. Final year mai padh raha hu. Nagpur mai kisi bhi ladki,bhabi,aunty ko sex ka maza lena ho to mail kare,aapki zindagi ka sabse dumdaar sex hoga. E-mail – Story – Hello friends, I am abhi,mera lauda waise to 6 inch ka hai par ek aurat ko puri shiddat se satisfy kar sakta hai.Body bhi puri kasi hui hai aur abhi jawani k pure ras ji bhr k pi raha hu.Baat pichle weekend...

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My sister Kelly

Masturbation. I guess that is what changed our relationship. My sister, Kelly and I, are twins and we lived with our mother in an old farmhouse. Our father divorced Mom years before and Mom struggled to make ends meet ever since. Our house was set in between two large farms so we had allot of pasture around our property and few neighbors. We k**s each had a bedroom upstairs while Mom's was downstairs. As we got older, I got used to living with two females. After I entered my teens, I began...

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Trust Fall Ch 08

Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Eight I WAKE. I WAS IN a deep, relaxed sleep. It was a full sleep. It isn’t the restless, worried sleep of a single mom with a little boy and a man-child ex-husband and a mortgage and a career and a portfolio of loans to monitor. It was the sleep you get laying on the beach with a head full of daiquiris. It was the sleep of a stoned college kid. It was the sleep of a child in the back of a car on the way home from grandma’s house...

4 years ago
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Talking to Johns Parents

My name is Mary and my boyfriend recently asked me to marry him. I did accept, however he doesn’t really please me sexually. He has a very small cock and when we have sex, I can’t feel it. I really don’t know if I should marry him, or just walk away. I've been so upset with this. I know I should be happy and enjoy planning my wedding. I just feel this is going to be setting myself up for a lifetime of cheating affairs. Both my parents are deceased and I have no siblings. I’m very confused and...

Group Sex
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Sam 17

They both looked at each other again. Sam didn't have random dreams. His mental powers were far too high to take anything he said lightly. Both females tried to lift Sam to a cot so he might be more comfortable. To their shock not only could they not pick him up, he didn't even budge an inch. Drivas shook her head, "Monitor him with every piece of equipment we have. We've come too far for something to happen to him now." Thellus nodded as she started to monitor Sam. "It is hard to get...

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Just You and Me Baby

This story originally began as a story written for a lover a long, long time ago. The first part of it is missing for some reason or another, but in it, he takes my pussy and then my ass until we’re both extremely satisfied and my holes are filled with cum. This is a continuation of that afternoon… Back in the hotel room, later that evening, I press closer to you, desperate to taste your mouth over and over again. I half-close my eyes, delighting in the feeling of my nipples pebbling with...

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Forced to be Female

Forced to be Female By Susan Fraser CHAPTER ONE The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account. I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change. I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me....

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PnP GangBangPt I Prepping

There were about six of them playing in his apartment when I arrived. I was the only bottom--several were vers and several others tops, and the host (my FB), Terry, had told the others he wanted them to take turns using me, but he had first-call.The guy whose apartment we were in was a regular FB of mine, and I trusted him to ensure the players in anything beyond one-to-one were guys he knew and could trust. I loved having sex with Terry--we had a dad/son, S&M kind of relationship.I was...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 5 Meet The Boss

“Here’s what I have in mind,” Governor Michael told them. “First, I want our colony to have good, open communications. No coercion, no preaching. Not from me, not from politicians, not from religious leaders. Nothing, nada. If you want to know about someone’s beliefs, you can ask and they can choose to tell. But even then I’ll have Dora and her AIs monitor AND fact check. Now I’m going to speak out of the other side of my mouth. I am the top dog in this colony, and I will not tolerate lies...

3 years ago
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Star Ch 02

Part 2: Falling Star Part 2 of 5. This is the only part not written in the interview\flashback style. * The past two or so years had gone quite well and fairly whizzed by. ‘Dirty Work’ had been a minor hit to start with, but had got huge after it went to DVD. I, Dave Gerrard, bin man, had become an actor. In the main I got secondary roles. Not starring roles or lowly ‘second thug’ type parts, but characters that helped the plot along. I was usually only on set for three or four weeks, which...

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A Dreamless Sleep

Author’s notes: This is my first attempt at writing a short story, please give both positive and constructive feedback and rate the submission at the conclusion of reading. I may also note that grammar is British English as opposed to American. Disclaimer: all people in this story are over the age of 18, characters are based on figments of my imagination, any resemblance to people true and living is purely coincidental. ***** I’m not even sure why I got on that plane. No, I lied....

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