My Sex Journal Pt3: Debbie free porn video

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Lauren and I continued to see each other for a few months after our first time. We had some really amazing times and she proved to be a great fuck. But come April it was time for her to sit her exams and, having spent more time on the end of my cock than in the books, she started to panic and spent less and less time with me to study. Looking back now I can't blame her, just because I wasn't going to do anything with my life doesn't mean she had to do the same, but at the time I was pissed off.

So for the rest of the school year I was single again. Since I had missed the best part of a year of school in 2nd year for reasons I won't go into I was a year older than I should have been for my class year. As I was adamant that I was leaving the moment I turned 16 I wouldn't be coming back for a 4th year. So for those few months left it was like the last days of Vietnam for me. It was time to do as much damage as possible.

I had set about fucking everything that moved. I scored a good few times and the going was good but I don't remember much of what went on. There is one however that is still pretty clear.

Debbie was a bitch. I mean a proper bitch. There must be a girl like her in every school world wide. She thought she owned the place and everybody kissed her arse accordingly but I hated her and did my best to avoid her even though our social circles sometimes overlapped.

I have to admit despite her being a grade A cunt she was very very sexy. She was in 6th year, her last, so would have been 18 or just about although she always looked older. She had bleach blonde hair that was supposed to be brown, worn in a sort of long bob and perect skin and teeth to go with her plump slutty lips. I'd guess her tits were a big C which were always on show under her flimsy white school shirt and lace bra and sometimes you could see her dark brown nipples through it. She definitely won the prize for shortest skirt in school and on more than one occasion I got a good eye full of her ample arse, covered by the barest of thongs, when the wind would blow the right way or she would bend over too far. She always wore knee highs that led your eye up her smooth tanned thighs. There's only one word that did Debbie justice...cum-bucket.
And that's the reason I hated her. I had been pushed around my whole life and this made me hate people who thought they could make you do whatever they wanted you to.

I must admit I had knocked more than a few out thinking about banging her. I mean really fucking her stupid and leaving her a broken mess such was my contempt for her.

Around the time I was banging my way through a fair amount of girls mine and Debbies path was crossing more and more often at parties and the usual hang outs. By this time I had figured out that the best way to combat her constant need for attention was to completely ignore her. She hated not being the centre of attention but to be ignored by a boy of barley 16 infuriated her. She started turning up the heat trying to get me to play for no other reason than to prove she could have me, she didn't even like me. She'd appear at the weekend wearing next to nothing and spend the whole night making innuendo and giving me the eye. Again and again I ignored her and the dance continued wherever we were together. Even in school one day she was sitting across from me in detention she, opened her legs to give me a good look at her shaven knickerless fanny under the desk. It made my cock rigid for the rest of the day thinking about her wet pussy just inches eabove that tiny skirt. But I wasn't giving in.

The weekend before the last week at school a big group of us hit the town for a few drinks. Although most of the group were 18 or just about we had to swerve the reputable places but the smaller pubs that were glad of the business legal or not welcomed us. I had no problem getting served since I looked atleast as old as the rest. The guys got there first and had a few pints while we waited for the girls to come.

It wasn't long before they turned up and surprise, surprire Debbie was with them. She looked like a whore. Short strapless dress that barley covered her big tits, big heels and too much make up. The old guys were enjoying the sight of easy young pussy and it wouldn't have surprised me if her cunt was dripping from all the attention. As soon as the girls had been served at the bar Debbie sat down next to me and said "You buying me a drink honey?". I didn't even look at her when I replied "nope". I lit a cigarette, sunk the rest of my pint, stood up and went to the bar.

I stayed out of her way for the next hour or so, standing at the bar or playing darts with the old guys in the pub. Whenever I went back to the table to get my smokes Debbie would act up. At one point I saw her rubbing the cocks of the two guys either side of her through their jeans, and following me around with her eyes as she did it.

As the night wore on a few had had too many and called it a night leaving about 7 of us including Debbie and one other girl who's name I don't remember. I was sitting opposite this other girl making small talk when I felt a foot rubbing up my leg. I stood up sending my chair flying behind me and shouted "How many fuckin' times do you have to be told you think cunt?! I don't want anything to do with you!"

I stormed out the pub which was now in shocked silence, the odd giggle here and there, and walked quickly down the street and into the park, the train station being on the other side. When I had calmed down and lit a cigarette I had to laugh. I was imagining Debbie sitting there calling me every name under the sun. No sooner had I congratulated myself for humiliating the bitch than I heard the quick clicking of high heels behind me. "Hey, hey, who the fuck do you think you are?" she shouted after me. I kept walking and noticed the few people around where staring in my direction. "I'm fucking talking to you dickhead!" she kept going, catching up with me now nearer the far end of the park, the people who were staring before had lost interest now (drunks shouting at each other in the streets a common sight in Scotland).

When she caught up with me she was screaming in my face but I was calm now and more than a little amused which just pissed her off more. When she was done shouting and I was done laughing I calmly said "Debbie, what do you want from me eh? An apology? You've been a bitch since the day I met you and all of a sudden you're following me about like a fucking puppy". Her face was blank for a moment before she said "I just want you to fuck me idiot". Her directness threw me a bit "You want fuck you?" I said. She just nodded skeptically like I was a retard missing the obvious. "Ok, let's go then" I pulled her by the wrist down the path a little and into a little thicket of trees and bushes just off the path. I heard her moaning as branches snagged at her dress or she wobbled on her heels. I reached a tiny clearing where the ground was grassy but firm since it was nearly summer and yanked Debbie the rest of the way through so that she slammed up against me.

She looked up at me for a moment then closed her eyes, opened her mouth wide and went to kiss me. I moved my head back out of the way so she couldn't make contact. "What's wrong?" she asked. Without saying a word I spun her round and pulled her close so that my dick was pressing into her arse. I yanked the front of her dress down and out popped those big tits, her big dark nipples solid in the fresh air. I ran my other hand up her thighs to cup her pussy over her panties but immediately I felt warm wet flesh. The dirty bitch was wearing niether bra nor knickers so I was now standing squeezing her big tits and rubbing her shaven pussy, the skin as smooth as her thigh.

I started to kiss and lick her neck making my lips nice and wet. This started her moaning and rocking her hips back and forth on my stiff fingers. Her motion parted her lips and soon my fingers were pressing at her opening. I don't know how she managed it but with one little movement of her hips my ring and fore fingers slipped right inside her hole down to the knuckle. Her wetness felt very hot trickling down my hand, thick as cyrup and my cock answered by swelling to it's max.

I removed my hand from her breast and undid my belt and fly awkwardly with one hand, still finger fucking her with the other. When I yanked down the waistband of my boxers my cock sprung out with force. I could feel the warm trail where my head brushed against my forearm leaving a coat of pre-cum

She reached round behind her and took my cock in her hands and started to pull. I hadn't wanted to show her any sign that I was enjoying her but the sensation of my sticky head rubbing against the material of her dress as she wanked me hard into the crook of her back made my shudder a bit and I grunted "Oooh fuck!"

I heard her laugh a little and could tell she was smiling at my pleasure. I was angry at my self for letting her hear me enjoying myself. I pulled out my fingers from her cunt hearing a wet slosh and stuck them in her mouth, she gladly lapped up her juice. I spun her round and pushed her to her knees, I didn't even have to put my dick in her mouth. Debbie wrapped her big moist lips around my meat and sucked away.

My god she gave a good blow job. I had plenty of blow jobs before but never like this, this bitch knew what she was doing. Her hands were on my arse pulling me in, she used her lips alone, pursed like a tight pussy, to hold me in her mouth while her tongue swirled around my head like a whirlwind. It was obvious Debbies mouth was no stranger to cock.

I was trying not to make a sound with my cock in her mouth and her tits pressed against my thighs. I took a good hand full of her hair and started to fuck her mouth whit renewed aggression. She gagged a few times as she swallowed most of my 7inches. I was happy with that "Come on you're a big girl you can take it" I said mockingly. Her eyes looked up at me with a look that said she'd bitten off more than she could chew but wasn't giving up the challenge.

I didn't give her the chance to prove it. I pulled my dick out of her mouth and left her in the position she was in and moved round behind her. She was still catching her breath when I knelt down, pushed her head down and lined up my cock between that amazing slutty arse and pressed forward until my meat filled her up.

She let out quite a loud cry and arched her back. I grabbed a handfull of her hair again and pulled to add force to my thrust. I was going hard, my balls slapping rhythmically against her clit. With one hand she reached up and squeezed a fat breast and with my free hand I did the same, pulling hard on her big erect nipple as I pumped her. Her legs started to give a little and she was breathing hard. I knew what was coming and fucked her harder and harder, slapping and grabbing her arse cheeks until my hand print was visable on her fake tanned skin. Moments later her head went down and she squeeled "Fuuuuck!" the cry interupted by the breath being fucked out of her body.

Her arms just collapsed and she was face down in the grass, her tits swinging as I continued to thrust into her twitching fanny. I withdrew my cock to loud a slurping sound, pushed her by the side so that she rolled over on her back and spread her legs wide. Her eyes were still shut when I lined up again and slid my meat up her to the balls. Debbie didn't have the tightest fanny I had fucked, that honour still belonged to Lauren, but it was definatley the wettest, stickiest cunt I had felt with the thickest cum that turned into a creamy foam on my cock. I had been on top of her all of a minute and my dick and balls and all round my groin were covered in her juice. The feel of fresh brisk air on our hot moist parts was something I had never expirienced before and I was soon getting close and began pumping my dick in and out like a piston, my hands on her shoulders for purchase.

I was grunting now getting close to blowing my load when it dawned on me I didn't want to cum in her pussy. The last thing I wanted was to knock up a filthy tart like Debbie. I pulled out quickly, drawing a quizzical look from her, and started to pump my fist furiously over her cunt. Debbie watched and began to rub ger clit as my cock exploded covering her bare patch of skin and her hand in ropes of hot spunk. I drained my balls onto her and watched her collapse back with a satisfied grin and sigh, licking my cum from her hand.

I was sat back on my haunches, semi still in hand and flesh sticky with both our cum when she said "Well I wonder what your mates will think when I tell them what just happened, couldn't resist me after all eh?" I stood up and pulled my jeans up and lit a cigarette and said "So what are you going to tell them? That you chased after me and begged me to shag you? That I used your fanny and left you lying in the grass covered in my cum? Go ahead." At that I walked back to the path still struggling with my belt, Debbie behind me muttering her reply "I'll be telling them you've got a tiny dick and you're a shite shag." Just as we made it back to the path a chorus of "Get in there big man!" Erupted from behind us. There had been a group of guys there drinking on a bench not 20 yards away, they must have heard the whole shebang. I laughed and gave them a wee wave as Debbie stormed back to the pub mortified, covered with jizz, grass stains and fuck knows what else, having to walk past the group and listen to them laugh and call her a slut.

I went home that night a very happy young man having got to fuck that whore in a way I had dreamed about and never thought would happen. I even rubbed one out when I got back to the home, her pussy juice and slutty scent still on me. For the last week of school (the last I would ever see of her) Debbie the slut was uncharacteristicly quite. I had finaly shut her up.

She never told anybody what happened that night...but I sure as fuck did!

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The house of empress Toya pt3

The House of Empress Toya pt3   Two months have passed since I was taken from my village and brought to this prison for sex slaves; although there were no physical bars at the doors or windows and it was a grand palace no-one would dare try to escape.   We all still had to perform sexually with whoever wanted it when ever it was demanded or forced upon us, there was not even any gender preference from many whose right it was to take us.   ...

3 years ago
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My Niece Debbie

I shook, from both anticipation and fear, as the head of my cock slipped gently across her pussy lips. Should I try and penetrate her or just be satisfied with the skin to skin contact? God, I had wanted this for so long, and was starting to lose control and common sense. I knew that she was semi conscious, from drinking too much, but she had teased me mercilessly in front of everyone. How could I know that she would crawl into my bed as I lay naked beside my sleeping wife? She must have gone...

2 years ago
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Nurse Debbie

I had been feeling very constipated so when I woke up last Monday I decided to call home health to have a nurse come over and check me out.About an hour later I opened the door to a very attractive lady that did not look anything like a nurse. She was about 5'5" what I call average build, some might say a few extra pounds are thick but in any case very attractive and sexy. short dark hair, a black satin blouse unbuttoned to show off her very nice medium sized breast, a short black leather skirt...

4 years ago
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Me Edna Joan and Debbie

I was sitting home when the phone rang and Edna came on the line. She asked if I was busy and when I said I wasn't, she then asked if I could come over to her place for an afternoon tea. I agreed and was soon on my way over there. When I got there and entered in, I saw Edna standing there and I noticed behind her were two other girls. Going in Edna took me up to them, "Carmen, this is Joan and this is Debbie" she introduced them "Girls, this is Carmen" she added We all settled down as Edna...

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My entire routine had changed as well as my sex life. I had recently moved back from my hiatus out of state so that meant adapting to a different life style as well as a new routine. Not that I cared that things weren’t as comfortable as they used to be, I actually embraced it. I’m the kind of guy that likes change, who welcomes change, so that’s why it was easier for me to adapt to a different culture. Of course the culture was something I was used to – I used to live here, after all. It’s...

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My 2nd meeting with mature Debbie

Following on from my previous meeting with Tony and Debbie.Two weeks had passed since my first meeting with Tony and Debbie I was sitting at home watching TV when the phone rang.."hi Steve, its Debbie, Tony and I loved our meeting so much and would love to see you again, but first, I want to see you alone, can you make this Saturday, Tony is out and I have a surprise for you?"Without hesitation, I readily agreed and arranged to go to her house at 7pm.I can't begin to tell you how perfect this...

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My dear friend Debbie

Up until when I was 20 years of age I was a member of a Youth Theatre group. We used to put on musicals and plays and there were about twenty of us involved. The last show I did with the group was a musical and I had the lead. Playing opposite me was a girl called Debbie. We'd been quite close before this production but during the rehearsal period we got even closer. I used to pick her up in my car and take her to rehearsals and obviously take her home again afterwards. We'd usually kiss and...

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There was this girl. The first time I saw her at the store, she smiled at me. I notice these things. Being a lonely guy and super leery of anything wearing a skirt, I notice. The second time, she helped me check out in the self-service lane, and I really noticed her. She was gorgeous. She was friendly. She was not wearing a ring. I made a point to thank her, letting her know I was new to this part of town, and really appreciated her help. She went so far as to say she hoped she saw me there...

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Lost Lambs Little Red Journal 3 Bisexual Urges

The first woman I ever found attractive was Catherine Zeta Jones and that crush has stood the test of time. Although I never copied it down in my journal, I remember watching The Haunting released 1999 in our exercise room. I sat on an exercise machine that felt like a piano bench cushion in the unfinished room. I watched the actress’s entrance up until this line:“So what about you? Husband, Boyfriend, Girlfriend?”Her last word was accompanied by a mischievous smile at the camera with her brown...

3 years ago
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My Journal

Journal Entry: November 14, 2014Today I again asked my wife for sex and as usual she made up some lame excuse. It's going on two months now and my masturbating is becoming more regular. Journal Entry: November 19, 2014I may have had a bit of a break through. I complained about the lack of sex and she promised to be more attentive. I think this week end will be really good. Journal Entry: November 25, 2014Another week has passed and still nothing in the sex department. My wife's promises fell...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 5 The Journal Entries

Chapter 5: The Journal Entries The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the...

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My Journal Part Two

Journal Entry: January 21, 2015Things seem to be getting a bit better in the sex department. I got home today and she was in the kitchen making dinner wearing a nice short sundress. I snuck up behind her and started kissing her neck. I then lifted the sundress up from behind and lowered her panties to the floor. Unzipping my pants, my hard-on sprung out. She didn't resist at all as I pressed my cock between her legs. As I manoeuvred my cock around trying to gain entrance, I could feel some...

Wife Lovers
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The Journal

My name is Kelly and I’m eighteen. I’m wild and love to have fun. When my friends and I go out, we’d always drink and act crazy. I've had a lot of boyfriends and even girlfriends. I’m an attractive girl. I’m about five feet six inches tall. I’m about a hundred and ten pounds. I have green eyes. I have a 34 C cup. Guys have always been interested in my breasts. I've been sexually active since I was sixteen. I’m responsible and take birth control. I always would have my boyfriend’s wear...

Straight Sex
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Lady Charlotte s Journal Page Five

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Tuesday July 7th 0800hrsDear Journal: I awoke still feeling relaxed with no sign of any aches or pains, as I stretched there was a knock on the door,“Come in!” I called the waiter pushed in a trolley with breakfasts on it, the reason I say breakfasts as there were three of everything on it....

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Lady Charlottes Journal Page Three

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page three:Sunday July 5th    0500hrs

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The Journal of Mark Trewidden Final Part

20th July 2013 Human again, Jen has been telling me about Julien. I did not realise that they have been in almost daily contact. He was busy completing his research until just recently, now he has finished and he is looking for his next target. Jen is fairly sure that he will go for a doctorate. Jen will soon finish her Masters and she is talking about further specialising in European Law. Strangely enough, it is best studied at the Sorbonne. Julien is coming over in two days time....

4 years ago
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Little Debbie

Little Debbie actually was quite little. At four foot, nine inches tall and weighing slightly less than seventy pounds, she didn't have many pounds to spare for arms and legs, much less tits and ass. The tits weren't grapefruit sized, nor were they orange sized. Maybe lemon sized would describe them. Two lemons with large nipples would describe them even better. The nipples were damned important because those were one of only two places on her body that were normal sized. The other was called...

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My Best Friend Debbie

Debbie and I have been best friends for over ten years. We met at work, both of us work for a state government agency as programmers and when I was hired I moved into the office right next to hers. She was very helpful in getting me established and up and running. We found out over the course of time that we shared the same views on just about everything. As we grew closer so did our families. Debbie is a 34 year old woman, 5'8 and a nice but not great body, very pretty but not beautiful. She...

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Lost Lambs Little Red Journal 1

I know when I had my first wet dream. That was when my journal transformed from occasional scribbles to compact cursive handwriting. The spine of the simple book broke from overuse. It is hard looking through the contents to find contents that are not erotic after that point. It began with the dreams. Strange dreams.11/14/---aI had a dream about sex this morning. A prisoner, I was supposed to be afraid of the “general” who would kill me if I didn’t do something. Instead I found myself enjoying...

2 years ago
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The Nude Journal

This is my entry into the Nude Day contest, so I would appreciate your comments and votes. It is a romance and coming of age story, and does not have any graphic sex scenes, so be forewarned. Enjoy!! * Prologue. New York, early this morning. In the early morning light, Danielle’s sleeping body was beautiful. Since the first time I saw her naked, 8 months ago, I never tired of just looking at her body. I’m sure that an objective viewer might argue that her breasts were a bit small, or her...

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The Devils Journal

Amber's eyes widened as she saw the small book. It was perfect! She raced to her father at the counter and placed it on the conveyor at the cash register, right next to the beer and chips he was buying. "This one Daddy, I want this one!" She squealed, excitement in her eyes. "Alright honey, how much is it... three dollars? Fine". Her father eyed the book. Hot pink and covered in little flowers, everything about it screamed that despite her age, she still had the taste of a prepubescent girl. He...

Mind Control
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The Journal of Sanjuro Tanaka

This is a side story to Gregg Sharp's "Happi Days" fic, which was authorized by him. Mr. Sharp can be reached for comment at [email protected] , but the main story you'll have to search for separately, since his web page went down. A knowledge of the Ranma 1/2 series is helpful, but I've included a little glossary/character guide at the bottom. [Editor's Note: As part of understanding the nature of the Bishoujo Brides of Fuurinkan incident, we believe it is helpful to...

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Julies Journal Day One and Two

I had no idea that my holiday would be anything other than that. It was my first time abroad and my friends and I had decided we would try Trinidad during the carnival season. Oh best introduce myself and my friends. I’m Julie, at 18 I am the youngest of my friends, well work mates. The other 3 women are Georgina we call her Gina for short is the eldest and sort of mother to us though she is only 28. I think she is the best looking, standing almost 6ft tall she has really long slim legs a...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 3 Marcis Journal

Marci's Journal By Sarah Goodwoman Day 1 My name is Doug, and I lost a bet to my wife, Helen, which means I am to be her house slave for the next 30 days. At the stroke of midnight, she woke me up to inform me it had started. I am now a sissy house slave named Marci, and she is Mistress. She said the next time I am allowed to call her Helen, and she calls me Doug, I will not be her sissy slave anymore. To make this journal easier to write, I will not be including the...

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Summer of 1992Chapter 4 Kelleys journal part three

Sammy It was no accident that we met that night in August of 1991. My mother arranged for us to be seated next to the Oldham table. And while I complained about my parents pushing us together, I was secretly thrilled. The challenge of laying the groundwork, setting the trap and watching Sammy take the bait dominated my thoughts. I liked what I saw. Yes, he needed work, but he was malleable and I decided I could mold him into the man I wanted him to be. Sammy pursued me and I liked the way...

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