What's Taking So Long? Part 6 free porn video

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What's Taking So Long? Part 6 By Teddie Never ask your wife, "What's taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner. I did, and so far it's been very interesting... We continue... Briana Forever Jamie had fooled me into going to the Queen's Court by myself, by feigning being ill. She showed up at the club after I did, to enjoy the 'Amateur Contest' in which she had entered me. After the contest we were sitting with Shelly and Cathy, and just talking. The conversation turned to my job hunting when Shelly asked, "Any luck with a job yet?" "No. No one is hiring." I said sadly. "I know someone that might have a job for you." "Who?" "Me." "You!" "Yes. The day spa has really picked up, and I need Cathy to help with the clients. So, I need a new receptionist. And, I've tossed this around, behind your back, with Jamie and Cathy, they were excited, and we think that you would be great." "I couldn't do that. I'm passable in the looks department, at least that's what you guys tell me, but the voice is still male." "You can do it, and we can work on the voice. I won't need you as a receptionist for a while yet. But, I have another chore for you. I want you to design and build a web page for the spa." "That I can do. But, how do we do the voice?" "There are a number of ways. I've talked to Jamie about them, and I'll let her fill you in later. It's something that you guys need to discuss, and Jamie has all the details." "The web site is no problem. In fact easy. The rest I don't know about." "Talk with Jamie, when you guys are alone. I think she has the answers." "Ok. We'll talk it over. But, I'll get started on the web page right away. That's the least that I can do for you." We continued chatting about the web page, the four of us tossing ideas around. We also enjoyed the regular show at the club, six really great girls. Again, we closed the club a two in the morning. And, since both Jamie and I drove separately, we couldn't talk on the way home. We decided it was too late to really start discussing the ins and outs of the voice thing, and that we would do it over breakfast or lunch depending on what time we got up. The Plan The next morning, actually late morning, I was up first. I tossed on panties, a bra, a pair of shorts, a peasant blouse, and headed for the kitchen. I got the coffee going, along with some eggs, bacon, and toast. The smell from the cooking apparently stirred Jamie, as she wandered into the kitchen just as I was buttering the toast. "Good morning, lover. Breakfast sure smells good." "Morning, babe. Have a good sleep?" "Sure did. You? "Like a baby." I put all the food on the table, and we had a nice leisurely brunch. Jamie suggested that we take our second cup of coffee out on the patio, and enjoy the weather. We sat at the table, it was a gorgeous late morning, not a cloud in the sky. "What did you really think of Shelly's offer?" "I'm really flattered. The web page is not a problem; in fact it'll be fun. But, the receptionist thing is something altogether different. I think it would be fun to help at the spa as a receptionist. But, I don't know about the voice thing. " "Shelly, Cathy, and I had a long talk about this. There are a couple of ways we can do this. First, there's a speech pathologist, here in town, that works with transgendered girls on obtaining a feminine voice." "And, the other?" "Well, the second way is much more permanent. It involves surgery. They go in and modify your vocal cords. And, your voice is permanently feminine. Cathy had it done." "And, which way would you prefer that I go? If I decide to do it." "It's your decision. I know how you like Briana. But, if you go the surgery route, it's permanent. If you go with the speech pathologist, you can switch." "Your skirting the question." She looked down at her coffee cup, and said, "I love Brian and I love Briana. But, I would like to have Briana around full time. She's a lot of fun. To be honest, more fun than Brian." She then looked me straight in the eyes, and said, "And, I think that you would love to have Briana around full time, too." She smiled. "More fun than Brian? And, you'd want me as a full time girlfriend?" "Yes, and a lover." "You want me to have a sex change?" "No. Never." "So, you would want me as, so to say, a girl with extra equipment?" Still looking me straight in the eyes, she said, "Yes." "I never knew you felt this way." "I didn't either, until I saw you the first time on the stage at the club. And, then when you were up there last night, I was sure. But, only if you really wanted it." "Being Briana feels so right. But, I don't know if I want to go full time that way." "You've been Briana almost full time since you were laid off. And, you say it feels 'so right.' Don't you think it's the right course for you.?" "I know. I want it to be the right course for us. But, what about my Mom and my sister?" "We can go and talk to them. Your Mom knows that you like feminine things. It might not be a big surprise to her. And, your sister is cool." "Maybe. I need to go for a long walk. Want to go to the lake?" We got our things together and headed out. Jamie tried to make small talk all the way there, and I was deep in thought, and almost didn't hear anything that she was saying. She finally gave up. It was strange, but there wasn't anyone else around our favorite spot. We got our stuff set up, Jamie said that she would work on her tan while I took my walk. I headed down the beach, if I walked all the way around the lake it would take about an hour. My mind was just swimming with thoughts. Live as a woman full time. Have my voice changed. Jamie likes Briana. I like Briana. What would my mother and sister say? How would my life change? Could I handle the change? Would Jamie really like me full time as Briana? Would she still love me as Briana? These thoughts and other raced through my mind as I walked. I hardly noticed the few other people that were at the lake. I got back to our spot a little over an hour after I had left. Jamie saw me walking up the beach, sat up, and watched me as I walked the last hundred or so yards. I walked up to our blanket and sat down. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and said, "I love you." "I love you, too." We sat there for awhile just looking at the lake. The walk had done me some good; I was down to two questions. "Honey. There are just two things that I have to answer. If either one is negative, then there would be no way that I could live as Briana full time. If they're positive, I can do it. But, I need full support." "Baby. You know you have my full support." "I know, but I need a promise from you." "Ok." "Promise that you'll never leave me. If you did, I don't think I could go on." "Baby. I made that promise when I married you. And, I'll keep it forever. I love you as either Brian or Briana, and will never stop loving you." And, she kissed me very passionately. "I figured that's what I would hear, but I needed to hear it from your sweet lips. Now the other, I'll call Mom when we get home and plan a visit." "Do you want me to call her?" "No, I'll do it. I need to. What's to eat?" We ate what Jamie had packed. Picked up our things and headed home. As we were unloading the car, Jamie asked, "What are you going to say to her?" "I don't know. I'll just play it by ear." I waited until the evening to call. "Hi Mom. How are you?" "Great. We're both just great. How's Kate?" "Good. No, I've got a line on a job. I just have to work on some of the details." "It's not a top paying job, but it's better than sitting around and doing nothing, and it could be fun." "In fact Jamie and I want to come and visit. We have something that we need to talk to you and Kate about." "No. No one is sick. It's just something that we need to talk about." "Sure thing, we'll see you tomorrow." "Love you, too. Bye." I looked at Jamie, took a deep breath, and said, "Well, I need to get back to Brian for the trip. But, I'm taking all of Briana along. And, we need to get an early start tomorrow." It was a three hour drive to Mom's house and I wanted to be there around ten in the morning. Jamie sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me in a big hug that lasted a long time. I was quietly crying. "Why are you crying?" "I don't know. It just came over me." "Baby. It's going to be fine." "I know." We proceeded to put Briana away and pack her clothes for the trip. We went to bed early, and had a great round of sex. Jamie took the dominant role and really kept things hot. We finally fell asleep around ten. I didn't sleep much, just tossed and turned all night. The Trip It was Sunday morning, and were up around five thirty. Grabbed a light breakfast, and headed for my Mom's house a little after seven. The trip flew by, the three hours seemed like one. As we pulled into the driveway the dog, Bud, started barking. Mom didn't need a door bell. She meet us at the door, with the usual hugs and kisses. Kate was standing right behind her. More hugs and kisses. "Come in. Come in. I'm just fixing some tea. Would you like some?" "Of course we would, Mom." We walked into the house that I had grown up in, and into the kitchen where I had eaten many, many, meals. Mom got the tea and cookies. And, we sat at the table, sipping tea and eating cookies, and sharing small talk. "All right what's up with you two that we had to have a face to face talk?" I looked at Jamie and she looked at me. I took a deep breath, and started, "I don't know if Kate is aware of this or not. But, Mom, I know you are. I lost a bet to Jamie a few months ago, and it really brought this out. Kate, when I was growing up I had a thing for feminine things. I use to wear yours and Mom's things. I didn't know that Mom knew until I lost the bet, and Jamie told me. She didn't know if you knew or not." Kate smiled, and said, "I knew. Mom said to keep it quiet. That Dad didn't need to know. So, I never said anything." "If Dad had ever found out, I would have never been able to sit down." I went on to tell them about my time at the day spa and the special services there, going out, the support group, the club, all the new friends, and how I felt when I was Briana. And, then I dropped the bomb. "I've been offered a job at the day spa as receptionist and web mistress. It requires me to present myself as female. I've thought long and hard about it, and it's something I want to do. But, I need your support and understanding. In order to present as a female I need to change my voice, either by going to a speech pathologist and learning, or having surgery on my vocal chords which would be a permanent change. If I go with the surgery, I'd be living as a woman full time. I don't think I could handle changing back and forth between Brian and Briana." Mom asked, "You're not going to have a sex change, are you?" "No. Absolutely not." "How does Jamie feel about this?" "I support Brian completely in this, Mom. I've really enjoyed having Briana around, it's been a lot of fun. Briana is more at ease and easier to get along with than Brian. It's a completely different person, but the same person. If you know what I mean. There have been some trials and tribulations, but we've overcome them. We've had some long talks about this. It's what we both want." Kate asked the usual question, "Your not gay or bi are you?" "No, Sis. I love Jamie and only Jamie. And, of course you guys." "I was wondering about the eyebrows. They're too neat for a guy." "Sis, you're the first one to notice, or at least comment about them." "Would you like to meet Briana?" Jamie asked. "I think that might be nice." Mom said. Kate with a twinkle in her eyes, just said, "Yes." Jamie looked at me, and said, "Go get her." "This will take a little while. So, you three enjoy your visit." I got up, walked out to the car, and retrieved my bag from the trunk. I headed upstairs to my old room, that Mom kept for our overnight visits. She hadn't changed it much from when I lived there. It always brought back found memories. I laid out the clothes, got out the breast forms, wig, and makeup case. I stripped, put on a strapless bra, placed the forms in them without glue, put on the gaff, slipped on a pair of panties, sat down and put on a pair of panty hose. I took the wig, and makeup case to my Mom's room, sat at her dresser and proceeded to transform myself from Brian to Briana. I went back to my room, and finished dressing. I had brought along a new off the shoulder peasant blouse and matching long skirt. I slipped on a nice turquoise necklace and matching bracelet. I added a couple of matching earrings, I love having my ears pierced. A little of my favorite perfume in the right places. And, last but not least my favorite pair of sandals with a two inch heel. I went back to Mom's room to take a look in her full length mirror. And, there stood Briana. I primped my hair a little, and was ready for the unveiling. I slowly walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen. Mom and Kate had their backs towards me. Jamie saw me standing in the door, smiled, and said, "Mom. Kate. I'd like you to meet Briana." Mom and Kate turned towards the door. Kate's eyes got as big as saucers. Mom just stared, I saw a tear in her eye, her hand went to her mouth, and she said, "Oh my!" "Mom don't cry. I'll go change back." "No. No. I'm crying because you're so beautiful. Kate, go stand next to him, I mean her." Kate got up and walked next to me. "Jamie. Look at the two of them. Don't they just look like sisters?" "Yes. They're almost identical. Briana is taller. But, they are both so much alike." "Come and sit. Lets talk some more." We talked like four girl friends for the next hour. I felt that Mom and Kate were really accepting of Briana and what we were planning. I think Mom could accept me has her second daughter. We then decided to go to a local restaurant for a late lunch. Everyone knew Mom and Kate there, so I was going to be Mom's niece. We then drove over to the cemetery, to visit Dad's grave, at Moms insistence. There Mom told us that Dad's youngest brother, that I had never met or had known about, was gay. And, that the family had disowned him, and no one knew what had happened to him. We then headed back to Mom's. She fixed coffee and we all had a piece of cake. Mom got out the camera, and took a number of pictures of everyone, me by myself, me and Kate, me and Jamie, the three of us, and then a shot of all four of us using the cameras timer. We left around five, so that we could get home in time for Jamie to get ready for work on Monday. I didn't change back into Brian, and it surprised Mom that I was really that comfortable with my feminine self to drive for three hours. "Your Mom, Kate, and I had a nice talk while you were changing into Briana. I explained how I felt, and about all the talks we had, had. I think that they understand how you feel, and where your taking this. They love you very much, and support you completely." "I felt the same thing, while we were talking at lunch. It's like they knew that Briana was always there while I was growing up, at least Mom did. I felt the support grow the longer we were together, it was like it was the way it was meant to be. I feel like a real load has been lifted off my shoulders." "I wish I had a camera when your Mom saw you for the first time, and said 'I'm crying because you're so beautiful.' The look on your face was priceless." "You should have seen hers." We smiled at each other. Just before we arrived home, Jamie asked the loaded question, "Have you made a decision?" "Yes. I have the support from the people that mean the most to me. I love being Briana. I think it's going to be a go." I saw a smile on Jamie's face. I called Shelly. "Hi Shelly. It's Briana." "Great trip. Very worth while." "Yes." "Yes." "Mom and Kate were very supportive. My Mom now has a second daughter." "Yes, I'd love the job. And, yes I'll start working on the voice right away. What's the name and the phone number of the doctor that Cathy used." Jamie looked at me first in shock, then with a smile. "Ok, got it. I've got a start on the web page. I'll have something for you to look at in a couple of days." "Talk to you later." "You're going to see the doctor?" "Yep. I want to know about all the options. I also want the name of the voice pathologist?" I got a very long deep kiss. And the romp in bed was truly amazing. I really love it when Jamie takes control. (To be continued)

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

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Whatsapp Se Bedroom Tak

Mera naam jimmy hai. Mein punjab se jalandhar city se belong karta hu.aaj mein aapko apni ik story ke bare mein batauga..jo aaj se kuch hi time purani hai.. Aaj kal whatsapp toh sab lok hi use karte hai. Meri story bhi whatsapp se hi related hai. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh aap mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakte ho. Aab mein story par aata hu. Sunday ka din tha mein bilkul free betha tha .. Sardi ke dino mein dhup mein bethana mujhe acha lagda hai bus mein v dhup mein betha...

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Longly Prep 2

Introduction: This part may get a bit confusing. There are flashbacks which are marked with * , but so are texts and notes. I tried my best to use the criticism from the last part to make this one better. I woke up in my den. I felt really warm. I slowly opened my eyes and my head started pounding the second I did. I sat up and realized I was naked. I wrapped the blanket around me and opened a window. The door was still locked. I noticed my clothes strewn across the floor. I started to dress...

4 years ago
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Bicurious In College No Longe

I always considered myself straight and definitely acted the part. However, when I was learning about sex and started looking at porn online, I would find myself searching for guys as well as girls. Something about comparing my cock to another guys interested me. I would get glimpses in the locker room and shower, but I was so nervous that I'd get caught looking that I never was able to take it all in. Early on I noticed a pair of my sister panties in the laundry room. It was a white lacy...

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My first encounterin a train compartment

My first encounter...in a train compartment.It was almost exactly a year since my 'Changing Room' incident that was revealed in my previous story. I was a year older, but was I any wiser? I'd been working away from home for the whole of my summer holidays and it was time to return there, and then within days back to school. I was 16 and had been 'sort of apprenticed' to a foreman in charge of refurbishing shops for the last 6 weeks. The job wasn't really the type most schoolboys got in their...

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A Long Lust Story Part7

I was thinking how to begin and do away with all the three now. Then Ranjita was a big help. We all were seating in the common room and chatting about things from here and there and then I suddenly said, “rashmi, how come you are friends with Nimmi?€ she smiled and then Nimmi replied that, she did not know Rashmi till this morning, she is Ranjita’s friend only. And they went there to meet her because they felt bored in the fair. I bowed forward and told in the ears of Ranjita, “rashmi...

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A Long Lust Story Part3

After the lunch is over we went back to our hotel room. It was only 2. She called her friends and I called home to talk to my sweet wife. She was worried because I was having trouble for her sister. I said her not to worry, as I am also the Jeez of Nimmi. She was happy that I am taking good care of her sister, unknowing what type of care I was taking. After the calls were made, I grabbed Nimmi from behind and said, “We still have some time, why waste it? Come let’s enjoy our time to the most.”...

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Susan and Nat in Adam 3 Nat Longs Love

Last night Susan sneaked to my bed to make love, the night after Natalie's first orgasms she doesNice Nat is still a virgin but she knows now she longs to leave her cherry at me in awesome A'damPlease Professor Peter will you make me a woman here before we will leave back to the States?Peter you are so sweet to me and my mom so I trust you completly, hope you will do me the honourWe will see tomorrow my dear, I take you in my arms to bring you back into the arms of old MorpheusWe will share my...

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A Long Lust Story Part5

It had been a week since we returned from capital and we did not get a chance to meet for some fun. I was very eager to fuck her at the next instance and was unable to do anything. We were close at home and were seen as good people, so we did not have much time and place for sex. Although occasionally she would brush herself on my shoulder when she walked past me and I would without the knowledge of others caress her breasts, and pinch them. Then one day she came out with me on pretext of going...

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A Long Lust Story Part1

It had been more than four years since I was married and yet I was unhappy, because in all these years I could not put a hand on my dearest shali. She was a sweet looking cute girl, when I married her sister. Though she did not have much geography like her sister, but what ever she had was much for me. I was in look out for chances to put a hand on her beauty, and explore the beautiful inside of the virgin girl. She was an average health with cute looking pointed small boobs. My point of...

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A Long Lust Story Part6

About five in the morning I felt being sucked and when I opened my eyes, it was Ranjita who was sucking my dick. Looking me get up, she came close to my ears and said, “don’t let Nimmi get up. I want to enjoy alone. Please come with me to the other room.” I said, in her ears, “i wanted to come alone for you only. But she insisted to come, anyway let’s move to some other room and do it so that she does not wake up. And if she gets up we will say that, we were in the other room because...

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A Long Lust Story Part4

We went out of the hotel room, at six and I took her to the big IG Park in the center of city nearer to the Railway station, where we moved through the walk paths holding hands like new lovers and then we sat in the shade of a tree while she rested her head on my shoulder, I was combing her hair with my fingers, she told in soft voice, “Jeez, will you promise me something?” I was unable to guess what she wants, but then nodded my head saying anything for you. She told me, “Please don’t tell...

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Longtime Friends Become Sex Partners

Helen Simpson and Simon Corbett were both in their late fifties and were part of a group of six or seven couples that often met at dances or for a drink or a meal.Whilst some of the group were loud and gregarious neither Helen nor Simon liked to be the centre of attention although they were both sociable and happily joined in conversations.Helen was married to Colin and Simon to Elizabeth but unbeknown to each other and to the rest of the group neither marriage was happy.Simon found Helen to be...

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Terrace View Apartments

Author's note: this is actually an older story that I wrote almost 15 years ago. A gentleman who has been encouraging me to write these sissy stories suggested that I post some of my older work online here, so that all of my stories would be available to read in one place. I hope that you enjoy this story; Sissy Michelle The Terrace View Apartments: Chapter 1 - Danielle I got a great job, right after I graduated from college. And while the job required that I relocate from my...

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A Long Lust Story Part2

Opening her legs apart I smelled her inner jungle and watched the beauty for some time. Unbelievably her pussy was not much crowded with hair, and the few hair, that was there were smooth and cut along the panty line. May be she did shave off once in a while, but it seemed like she had cut the hair in last few days. Anyway she was getting impatient as I could smell from her heartbeats. I lowered my lips over her love hole and simply kissed on the mound, and her whole body started shivering in...

4 years ago
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Three Rules When Writing Longform Erotica

At any rate, welcome to the world of longform erotica. It may sound bizarre, but longform erotica is entirely different from shortform erotica, and the rules of writing completely change. That’s why so many people comment on standalone stories asking for a ‘part two,’ and yet you rarely see a comment on a part two of said standalone saying ‘Wow, this turned out better than the original, I’m so glad I asked for this’. There are times longform is needed. There are times it is not. Do not be...

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Tale of a Longshoreman

Jock Austin had been working the wharf in San Francisco for many years.  His hands had the rough, calloused feel of a man who had done hard work all his life.  Jock was tired.  There had to be an easier way. As he was fuming and lamenting his lot in life, his mind wandered and he nearly slipped on the water-soaked pier. Damn!  He'd just have to get out of this racket.  But how, when you've been able to scrape by only $5,000 in savings after doing this crap for almost thirty years?The work of...

Love Stories
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Longhorns Ch 01

Author’s note: This is a slower-moving, more character driven piece. There’s some sex at the end, but it’s mostly building towards the next two chapters. I’m writing each chapter from a separate point of view. This chapter is Robert’s, we’ll see the story from other characters’ perspectives in subsequent chapters. Enjoy, vote, comment! ***** It’s good to feel worn out. It’s good to be sweaty, too. If you’re too tired to think, you’re too tired to think about Beth… ‘Don’t tell her where I...

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Longhorns Ch 03

Author’s Note: This is Meredith’s chapter, I plan to write a concluding chapter wrapping up the story from all sides next. This one took me a long time to complete, thanks to a ton of travel recently. Hopefully, it doesn’t disappoint. This might take a bit of a left turn for the Romance category, which is somewhat monogamy-oriented, so caveat emptor. As always, I appreciate all your feedback, and I hope this chapter lives up to the story so far. -Theworldspins ***** When it got dark, the...

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Longhorns Ch 02

***Author’s note: Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the first chapter. This chapter proceeds from Virginia’s point of view. As always, I appreciate votes and comments. -Theworldspins*** There must be some law that any party thrown by a sophomore chick has to have at least, like, three bottles of Malibu coconut rum. Virginia scrunched her face up when she took a sip of the ‘tropical’ concoction her friend Stacy passed her. She hated the taste of coconut. ‘This one’s from Madison,’...

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Adventure in Longwood Day 01

The sun sending out its last strands of light before ducking below the distant land, I bounce into town sitting in the stage coach. Bouncing around with me is another lady, Mrs. Sarah Roundtree, though definitely not round, she is very prim and proper and stick thin. Her lithe body encased in several flowing layers of white and purple, around her neck a cameo held there with a silk ribbon. Bits of brown hair sticking out around her head where it had broken loose from either her hat, or the...

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Adventure in Longwood Day 03

I wake with the sky, Dan barely even moves as I sit up, debating on waking him or not I decide to just get up. I get my clothes on then go through the bath to check on Chun. I find her and Amanda asleep on the bed, wanting vittles I poke Amanda. I poke her again when she does not move, this time she rolls over and curls up under the covers. I pull the sheet off her feet and rub at her she twitches and starts to giggle. Chun sits up looking at me with her face covered in black and blue. She...

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A Great Start to a Yearlong Trip

Well, we finally made it to Costa Rica. After the excruciating process of dealing with airport security and getting our luggage, finding a taxi, and being dropped off at the correct location, we officially made it to the hotel where we would spend the next 7 days before heading off to Australia for a year. Just out of high school and 18, going on 19, I spent a year raising money to travel the world with my boyfriend of almost 3 years. Make that… fiancé. He’s 20, almost 21, and he proposed...

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Adventure in Longwood Day 05

I wake with the sky, the birds making noise to greet the light sounding a bit anxious. I get up and look out the window to see nothing I look above to see a nest and a bird coaxing the little birds to fly. I sing a prayer that the birds fly, all but one take off and swoop about. The one that does not fly almost has it, still falls toward the ground the wings out trying then just before hitting the ground gets it right. I am smiling as I pull back in to the room to see Dan looking at me. ...

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Lord of the Rings The Longinus Edition

The change came gradually, so slowly that you had no idea it had taken place. Travelling into one of the few remaining large forests of Britain, you found yourself lost when the path you had previously taken was suddenly gone, replaced by thick bushes with thorns everywhere. Slightly distraught, you decide to carry on, wary of this strange happening. After a while, when nothing else has taken place, you decide that it was just due to you taking a wrong turn. You were also tired from a long day...

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The Longway home

This story was written by Jill we hope you enjoy. ( we know its a bit long)The shopping tripIt was a dank dreary November afternoon rain was falling steadily as we made our way back from our first xmas shopping trip in Southampton, the roads were very wet and puddles lay at the side of the road, a horrible afternoon to be out. Our journey home took us out into the new forest where it was bleak and cold. The traffic was very very light considering all the shops were in sale and we had not seen...

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Waiting for the Longships

Astrid looked across the room at her son illuminated by the fire but obscured by the mist of its smoke. She hoped he wouldn’t wake up and wonder what his parents were doing on the straw mattress opposite. Not that he wasn’t used to the lovemaking Thorvald and she enjoyed together, especially after the long night of feasting that led to this moment of passion. It never bothered Thorvald, of course. And it certainly wouldn’t tonight after all the ale he’d drunk. It was Astrid’s duty to give...

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Nevelle Longbottom and the Sneaking Spell

Two days before Harry's discovery of the Sleeping Spell, he had suggested making certain members of Dumbledore's Army privy to the power of the Sneaking Spell. His friends had agreeed, but advised keeping the number low to prevent their weapon falling in the wrong hands, In the end, two members were chosen: Ginny Weasley and Nevelle Longbottom. Ginny wondered aloud whether Harry had used the spell to spy on her. In fact, he frequently had, as had Ron and Hermione. Harry and company wisely chose...

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Honeymoon Stringalong

Jessica's Wedding Night Cheating Game."One more week, Jerry. In another week I'll be your wife, and I'll submitto you whenever you want me. But you've got to hold off until then." "Oh God, Jessica! I don't know if I can take it!" "You've got to, Jerry. If you want me to submit to your cock, if youwant me to take it whenever and however you want it, you have to show methat you can keep from ejaculating for another week." Jessica's pussy was tingling and creaming with arousal. She...

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