Detective's Blues Chapter 10 free porn video

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Chapter Ten The wheels of the jet touched down onto the tarmac with a sudden screech, and the engines screamed as the pilot reversed their thrust. As the aircraft began to slow down, James Arlington squeezed my hand and smiled. "See, Janet? There's no reason to be afraid of flying. We made it just like I promised, safe and sound!" I smiled back at him, secretly pleased with James' concern for my welfare, even though it was somewhat misplaced. My name wasn't Janet, you see, nor was I afraid of flying. My real name was Bill Richmond, and for the last four days I'd been trapped inside of Janet Washington's curvy female body. And I wasn't the only one suffering from this strange condition. I looked across the aisle at the two people who shared the plane with James and I. They looked like your typical young couple. James' new partner, Joe Lorton, could only be described as tall, dark and handsome. He smiled and chatted with the blonde, busty and beautiful woman seated next to him. He thought she was Charlotte Brasswell, but I'd found that looks could be very deceiving. Inside of Charlie's body was none other than Jim Arlington, James' brother. Using the memory transfer device, the ruthless gangster Rocco Tortelli had placed him in Charlie's body, and like me, she was forced into betraying her brother to Rocco if she ever wanted to regain her male form. Rocco had instructed us to keep an eye on James, and keep him informed about his movements. The person who'd orchestrated my body swap, William Herndon, was here in Jamaica, and Joe and James where here to look for him. I still wasn't sure if they knew about the fact that Herndon was in possession of the advanced prototype of the memory transfer device, but somebody besides Rocco must have had a clue as to what was up. Otherwise, the four of us wouldn't be here on an all expenses paid trip to this sunny Caribbean Isle. The plane slowed to a crawl and slowly taxied off the runway in the direction of the airport. Joe Lorton unbuckled his seat belt and said, "Ok, ladies, listen up. Just so you've got it straight, I'm going to go over our story again. If anyone, and I mean anyone should ask, we're just two honeymooning couples here for some fun and tropical sun. I've made contact with the police here in Jamaica and they think that we're just looking for the group that kidnapped you two. They'll be helping us look for Rocco Tortelli and his henchman, but I haven't told them about the real reason we're here." He looked pointedly at Jim and I and continued. "And neither should you. Here's your passports," he finished, and produced two black booklets from his hip pocket. I took mine when he handed it to me and flipped it open. Janet's smiling face looked back at me from the photo. My name was listed as Mrs. Janet Arlington. We all unbuckled our belts and I followed James down the aisle and out the door. He held out his hand and helped me down the short flight of stairs to the pavement. I immediately felt the heat from the tropical sun as it began to beat down on my bare shoulders, but the breeze blowing off of the nearby ocean made it feel pleasantly cool. The light wind lifted the hem of my loose denim skirt, showing the tops of my legs to anyone who happened to be watching. Embarrassed, I held it down against my legs to prevent them from seeing the fact that I wasn't wearing any panties. A customs agent was waiting nearby to greet us, seated at a large desk underneath an even larger orange umbrella. He went over our paper work, stamped it and handed it back with a smile. "Enjoy your stay," he said. A man handed us our bags, and I walked hand in hand with James all the way to the taxi stand. We stowed our bags in the trunk of the waiting taxi, and all four of us crammed into the back seat. James spoke to the driver. "The Half Moon Hotel, my good man!" The driver smiled at us over his shoulder, and stepped on the gas. Being used to the driving on the right hand side at home, I was horrified when he veered onto the left side of the road and began to push his car to it's limits, dodging potholes, wandering goats and overtaking other drivers as he sped down the road. You would have thought that he was rushing a dying man to the hospital from the way that he drove! I fumbled for my seat belt and held on to the seat in front of me with a white knuckled grip. Finally, he pulled off the main highway and stopped in front of a group of white washed buildings with a squeal of rubber. Thankful to still be in one piece, I quickly got out of the car. He handed us our bags and I walked inside on wobbly legs to check in. A young woman of African decent with a dark complexion and her hair in long braids greeted us in her lilting Jamaican accent. She quickly and efficiently processed the paperwork, then commented, "Oh yes, you're our newlyweds. You'll all be staying at the Fern Tree Villa." She smiled at me and winked. "Congratulations, Mrs. Arlington. You've caught yourself a very handsome husband. Enjoy your stay." A bellhop gathered our bags and led us outdoors to a waiting golf cart. We climbed aboard and the bellhop drove us along a winding path through the resort. "The Half Moon is what is called an all inclusive resort," he explained as he drove. "We have everything here that you might need, and if you don't want to, you'll never have to leave the grounds. The resort takes up about four hundred and fifty acres of beachfront realty. We have tennis courts, golf, swimming pools, bars, shopping, nightclubs, fine dining and over two miles of white sand beaches. Before I take you to your villa, I'll give you a quick tour of the place so you'll know your way around. To our left you'll see our very popular day spa, and to the right are the beach cabanas and Dolphin Lagoon." James put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed contentedly as the bellhop continued to point out the various whitewashed buildings set amidst the lush tropical vegetation. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I could feel myself relaxing, the stress of the last few days slowly easing away. The bellhop stopped the golf cart in front of a large, two-story bungalow partially hidden behind a tall masonry wall. It was situated a few hundred yards off the beach among a grove of palm trees. "And this is where you'll be staying. Let me introduce you to the staff." He opened the wrought iron gate and led us up a stone path to the large oak door on the front of the house. He knocked, and the door was quickly opened wide by a man wearing a starched white uniform. "Please come in," the man begged. He stepped back from the door and stood alongside the two other staff members. The bellhop made the introductions. "This is Roger, your butler, Sheila, your maid and Helga, your cook." The butler bowed and the two women curtsied. "If you need anything at all, just let them know." I looked around at the place, somewhat amazed. Not only was the house beautifully decorated, but also there were actually servants to wait on us! This had to be costing a pretty penny. The maid took Joe and Jim's bags and led them down the hallway towards their rooms. The butler took our bags from the bellhop and said, "Allow me to show you to your suite." He led us up the winding staircase to the second level and opened the door of a spacious room. Setting our bags next to the dresser, he asked in a disinterested tone, "Will this be suitable, Madame?" I looked around. The ceilings were twelve feet high, the bed was king-sized with satin sheets, and the French doors opened onto a profusely planted terrace, which overlooked a sizable swimming pool. Sculptures and fountains enhanced the large garden beyond, and beyond that I could see the deep blue ocean over the tops of the palm trees. James pulled me into his embrace and asked with a smile, "Well, what do you think? Will this do, Mrs. Arlington?" I looked up into his eyes and replied, "Perfectly, Mr. Arlington." He pulled me even closer and kissed me deeply. The butler took this as a sign to leave, and closed the door behind him. James' tongue delved deep into my mouth as I looped my arms around his strong neck and melted against him. I felt like I was in a fairy tale, and James was my knight in shining armor. At that moment, finding William Herndon and returning to my male body was the farthest thing from my mind. Thoughts of trying out the king-sized bed with James had just begun to enter my head when he broke the kiss and said sadly, "I'd love to stick around and relax here with you, baby, but Lorton and I are due in Kingston. We're supposed to meet with the chief of police in one hour. There's a helicopter waiting for us on the helipad right now. Unfortunately, this is a working vacation." My face must have shown my disappointment, because he said, "Lorton and I will be back this evening. But that doesn't mean you and Charlie can't enjoy yourselves in the meantime. Why don't you girls spend the day at the beach, or go shopping in Montego Bay?" His lips returned to mine, and I found that I couldn't stay upset with him for very long. *** The Helipad was only a short distance away from the villa, and a little while later we all walked down together. Jim and I watched and waved as the helicopter lifted off the ground and headed off towards Kingston with Joe and James on board. Once again I was forced into watching and waiting as others did the detective work for me. It was not a role that I liked playing. Jim echoed my thoughts when she said, "Those two had better not screw this up. I wish I could go along with them and keep an eye on things!" With our hands shielding our eyes from the bright sun, we watched as the aircraft shrank to a small dot in the distance and then disappeared altogether. I looked at Jim and she looked at me. "Well, we might as well try to relax and enjoy ourselves while we wait for the boys to come home. What do you say to a little shopping trip?" I asked. "We'll both need swimsuits if we're going to use the beach!" She smiled and nodded. "Sure. Joe left me a wad of money, so we might as well spend it!" We walked back to the villa, grabbed our purses and hopped into the golf cart that had been left for our use. We headed over to the shopping village that the bellhop had pointed out to us earlier and parked outside of the swim shop. A lady greeted us at the front door and steered us towards the racks of women's wear, then left us alone to browse. Jim took a bikini off the rack and held it against herself. "Not much in the way of coverage, is it?" She was right. Women's swimwear was so much more revealing and downright feminine than men's. And there were so many styles and colors! There were one pieces, bikinis, tankinis, and many variations of each kind. It was very hard to decide. I picked through several racks and found a few that I liked. Jim walked over to me with a couple of swimsuits in her hand. "Damn, look at this price tag, Janet! They want a hundred and fifty bucks for these tiny pieces of cloth that are nothing more than a few postage stamps wired together with dental floss!" I laughed, and we headed towards the changing rooms with our selections. Because there was only one unoccupied room, Jim and I were forced to use the same one. I tried not to stare as Jim disrobed. What a body she had! Full, firm breasts, a thin, flat tummy that flared out into a deliciously heart shaped ass set atop her long, slim legs. I could feel a moistness in my vagina as I took it all in. It was comforting somehow to know that a beautiful woman could still affect me. I helped Jim into the rather tiny swimsuit she'd picked out, then tried on my first selection. Jim tied the string to the bra top behind my back. We looked ourselves over in the mirror, and I guess the absurdity of the situation hit us both. We were both men trapped inside of women's bodies and trying on bikinis in a woman's changing room. We looked at each other and started to laugh. We laughed until tears came to our eyes, and we hugged one another. I could feel that we shared a common bond, even if Jim didn't know that I was actually Bill Richmond. We tried on all the swimsuits and I finally decided on a teal colored string bikini that I liked. Jim opted for a very skimpy bikini with a snakeskin pattern. We changed back into our street clothes and purchased our new swimsuits. I also bought a bottle of suntan lotion, a pair of sunglasses and a pair of flip-flops for the both of us. We were about to get back into the cart and head back to the villa when I noticed a lingerie shop across the street from the swim shop. "I've got one more thing to get before we head home, Jim," I said. So I went inside and bought several pairs of panties. I slipped on a pair in the changing room before we left. I had much more shopping to do, seeing as I hadn't brought much in the way of clothing with me, but Jim and I could hear the beach calling out to us. We climbed back into the cart and headed back to the villa to change. We donned our swimsuits and I helped Jim apply a fresh coat of lipstick. With beach bag in hand, we set out for the beach. Wearing just our bikinis, sunglasses and flip-flops, we walked down the path to the beach. Heads turned as we made our way down to beach cabana. An attendant who was working there greeted us with smile. He handed us each a towel and invited us to take advantage of the chaise lounges arraigned in neat rows along the sand. We spread our towels on the nearest two and lay down. A waiter appeared from out of nowhere and asked if we'd like something to drink. He showed us some menus, and we both opted for some fruity tropical drinks with the little umbrellas in them. "This is great," sighed Jim as she lay back and stretched. "It's been years since I've had time to take a vacation. It's so nice to just lay here and do nothing." I had to agree with her. I'd been working hard at my business over the last few years and had never found time to get away. I pulled the bottle of suntan lotion from my bag and began to apply it to my skin. Jim noticed what I was doing, and held out her hand. I poured a generous portion onto her palm. As she was rubbing the lotion onto her legs, she looked up, and her eyes widened. "Take a look at the brother coming towards us," she whispered. I looked up, and I was glad I did. A tall, dark skinned black man wearing only a pair of tight swim trunks was walking towards us. He was fit, muscular, and very good looking. Around his neck hung a number of expensive cameras, and over his shoulder was slung a small black camera bag. He smiled widely as he approached, his bright white teeth a stark contrast to his dark skin. "Good afternoon, ladies! Would you care for a memento of your vacation? Only five dollars!" "What are you selling?" asked Jim as she applied the lotion to her arms and chest. Grinning even wider, he said, "I have a number of different packages to choose from, ladies. I can make you a small spyglass with your picture inside that you can hang on your key chain, I can make glossy prints of any size that you'd like, and I can even shoot a video of you enjoying yourself on our lovely island. Let me show you some samples of my wares." He knelt down and opened his bag and produced a set of prints that he handed to Jim. To me he handed a small plastic tube with a key ring attached. I looked through the hole at the end and could see the picture of a smiling couple that he must have photographed at some past date. I took the spyglass from my eye and looked him over as he chatted Jim up and showed her more samples of photos that he'd taken. I wasn't sure why, but he seemed very familiar. I was sure that I'd seen him somewhere before. The waiter interrupted my thoughts when he approached with our drinks. He handed them out and then said to me, "I have a message for you, madam." He held out an envelope. I took it from him and he turned and walked away. Jim was so involved in her conversation with the photographer that she didn't even notice as I opened the envelope and pulled out the piece of hotel stationary inside. Scrawled in black ink, the words jumped out at me from the paper. "Janet, come to bungalow 234 as soon as you receive this!" I read. "And come alone!" Only one person knew that I was here in Jamaica. It had to be Rocco's nephew, trying to make contact with me! The stress and nervousness that I'd thought were gone returned in a rush. I looked out of the corner of my eye at Jim. She was laughing at some anecdote that the photographer was telling her, and she seemed oblivious to everything else. I also noticed that she was sneaking frequent peeks at the considerable bulge in the crotch of his tight swim trunks. I quickly crumpled the note up and hid it in the palm of my hand. Rising to my feet, I said, "I've got to run back to the villa for a few minutes. Can you make it without me?" "Take your time, Janet," said Jim. "Rodney will keep me company until you get back. Won't you, Rodney?" "I'm sure we can find something to do till you get back," said Rodney with a wink. I rose to my feet and walked back in the direction of the villa. Turning back for one last look, I saw that Rodney hadn't wasted any time. He'd taken the bottle of suntan lotion and had begun to rub it onto Jim's shoulders. I wasn't so sure I should leave her alone with such an obvious wolf, but I had to find out who was the author of this note. Once at the villa, I climbed in the golf cart and drove to the other side of the resort where the small single bungalows where located. I soon arrived at bungalow 234 and knocked on the door. I was very nervous, the palms of my hands wet with sweat. I had no idea what to expect. A few moments later, I heard a deep male voice call out, "Come in!" I twisted the knob and pushed opened the door. The room inside was dark, with the shades drawn and the lights turned low. In the dim light, I could just make out a figure on the couch in front of me. "Come in and shut the door!" he ordered, and tentatively I complied. "Are you alone?" "Yes," I replied as the darkness enveloped me. My mysterious friend flicked on the lights, and I saw him for the first time. He looked to be in his mid to late twenties, with a muscular build and chiseled features. A full head of dark, wavy hair spilled down his thick neck and over the collar of his shirt. His most noticeable feature was his dark, piercing eyes. As they wandered up and down my scantily clad body, I wished that I'd worn something besides my skimpy string bikini. "My uncle told me you were beautiful, but I don't think that even begins to describe you, Janet," he said in a calm, cold voice. "Sit down." I walked over on shaky legs and sat beside him on the edge of the couch. "My name is Alphonso." He pushed an empty glass in my direction and asked, "Some wine?" I nodded, and he poured my glass full to the rim. "As I'm sure you know, my uncle has asked me to come down here and watch over some of his business. He seems to think that you are the key to finding something that he's lost. He wouldn't tell me what it was, and quite frankly I don't care. What I do care about is solving his problems." I was somewhat surprised that Rocco hadn't told him what we where looking for, but then Rocco wasn't the trusting type. I lifted my glass and touched the rim of mine against his. "Cheers," he said, and took a long pull off of the chilled red wine. To quell my nerves I did the same, emptying several inches from my glass. The alcohol settled my nervous stomach, and gave me a feeling of warmth deep inside. "If you're Rocco's nephew," I asked, trying to get a handle on this man, "then I suppose that you're in the 'family' business with him?" He looked at me and smiled. "No, my mother didn't want that life for me. She insisted that I go to college, and get a degree, which I did. Just last year I received my Masters in business administration." He took another sip of his wine, and continued. "But blood is much thicker than water. My Uncle needed my help, and I couldn't refuse. Besides, I've found that I hate the suit and tie wearing business world. If I do well here for him, he's promised to let me run some of his legitimate businesses back home. A win-win situation for both of us." He reached over and refilled my glass. "From what my uncle has told me, you're supposed to be keeping an eye on a detective who's looking for the ex-senator William Herndon. What do you have to tell me?" What I'd suspected earlier was true. Rocco and his nephew knew nothing about Joe Lorton, who was almost certainly some sort of government agent. I decided that it might be in my best interests if I kept quiet about it. "James Arlington has gone off to Kingston for the day to meet with the chief of police there. He'll probably check out a restaurant where Herndon was last seen while he's there. He was expecting your uncle to come down here with some of his henchmen, and I guess he was hoping the police would help him to catch them before they were able to find Herndon. He told me that he didn't tell the police that what he really was after was Herndon. So until he gets back from Kingston, I won't know anything else." His dark eyes wandered from my face down towards my breasts, and I could swear that I felt them burning into my skin. A slight smile curled his lips, and he said, "Good! Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we can get on to the second order of business. My uncle told me a few things about you, and I want to find out if they're true." I froze, and the panic must have shown in my eyes, because his smile only widened. Did Rocco tell him the truth about me? Did he tell him that I was actually Bill Richmond? His hand reached out and caressed my cheek. "He told me all about you, Janet. He say's that you're a sexy little slut that just loves to suck cock. Is that true?" His smile turned into a sneer. "And before you answer, remember this. My uncle put me in charge. I'm the one who'll be reporting back to him, and if he gets a bad report, he might not like it very much. Understand?" Unfortunately, I understood only all too well. Ever since I'd been trapped in Janet Richmond's beautiful female form, men had been lusting after me. Again and again, I'd been coerced into having sex with them in order to get I wanted. Alphonso was no different from all the others. Once again I came to the sad conclusion that there was only one way out. "Yes," I replied, hanging my head in shame. Back in Washington, Rocco must have been laughing. "No need to be shy, my sweet," he said with a hint of laughter in his voice. "My Uncle's told me all about you. How you love to tease men with that hot little body of yours, how you love to suck cocks, and how much you love to be fucked hard and long. Don't worry, I won't deny you. Now get down on your knees." It wasn't a request, it was an order. And I really had no choice in the matter. So I slid off the couch and knelt before him, resigned to my fate. He spread his legs to allow me in between them. I looked at the crotch of his jeans and saw that he'd already become excited. A large bulge had formed around his zipper, evidence of his arousal. He took my hand in his and placed it over his growing erection. I squeezed it through the cloth and felt his penis jerk inside of his pants. "Take it out, slut," he ordered. My traitorous female body evidently welcomed what was about to take place. I could feel the sexual excitement rising from deep inside of me. Being in close proximity with a healthy, attractive male had the female hormones in my system racing in overtime. My pulse quickened, my mouth began to water and I could feel a film of moisture beginning to coat the inside of my vagina. With trembling hands I took the tab of his zipper and slowly pulled it down. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and his penis flopped out into my face. It was long and extra thick. I inhaled his distinctly male scent as I curled my fingers around it and slowly ran them up and down the shaft. He grinned down at me with a triumphant smirk as I brought my lips to the large flanged head of his penis and gave it a kiss. "That's it, baby," he sighed. The taste was so intoxicating that I did it again. Slowly, I kissed my way down to the base of his long, thick cock. When I reached the base, he groaned and gave me another order. "Lick my balls, slut," he commanded. I proceeded to do just that, licking his scrotum and weighing his heavy balls with my tongue before I gently sucked them into my mouth. "That's enough, sweetheart. Now put it in your mouth," he ordered after a few minutes. My tongue and lips left his balls and headed north, kissing and licking my way back up to the top of his shaft. When I reached the head, I engulfed it in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it several times before I began to bob my head up and down. As I began to work, his hands reached down and untied the bra top of my bikini, then went up and rested on the back of my head, urging me to take in more of his big cock. At first I gagged a bit when his long cock reached the back of my throat, but I found that if I concentrated, I could relax the muscles back there and allow his penis to invade my throat. With his strong hands firmly pushing down on my head, my lips were soon down around the base of his shaft. I labored long and hard on his penis, trying to make him come. Finally, with his fat cock buried deep inside of my throat, he held me down as he groaned long and hard, and his hips began to buck against my face. I couldn't breath with his penis plugging up my throat, but Alphonso was not to be denied. I felt his semen as it was jetted down my throat and directly into my stomach. He relaxed his grip on my head, and I quickly pulled back so that I could breath again. I caught the last few spurts of cum directly in my face. I looked up at him with big eyes as he took his dick in his hand and used it like a spoon, wiping the last of his sperm from my face and feeding it into my hungry mouth. I licked his penis clean as I caught my breath. It didn't show any signs of flagging. "Take off your swimsuit and get up on my lap," he ordered. I was quick to obey. My vagina was sopping wet, and I knew that I had to have his big, fat penis deep inside of me, and soon. As I shed my swimsuit, he kicked off his pants and pulled his T-shirt over his head. His muscular chest was covered with dark, curly hair. I knelt on the couch straddling his legs. His erect penis rubbed against my lower belly as he cupped my breasts in his hands and brought them to his lips. I gasped as he began to suck my nipples. "You've got the nicest set of tits," he commented as he switched from one nipple to the other. He had me so unbelievably hot. Thankfully, he didn't make me wait very long. He took my ass in his strong hands and raised me up so that I was directly over his long, hard cock. He didn't have to tell me to take his penis in my small hand and guide the head between the lips of my pussy. He pulled me down, and his cock, still slick with my saliva, slid smoothly up inside of me. I could feel it deep inside of my belly, filling me up. I looked wide-eyed at Alphonso as I sat impaled on his cock, and he smiled and put one hand behind my head and pulled my face towards his. He took possession of my mouth, crushing my lips under his as his tongue reached into every nook and cranny of my mouth. His other hand remained on my butt, his fingers digging deep into the flesh of my ass cheek as he urged me to begin moving. I began to slowly rock my hips, feeling the delicious sensation of his cock sliding me in and out of me. But after a short while this wasn't enough for Alphonso. He grabbed my ass with both hands and began to pick up the pace, ramming his rampaging prick deep inside of me. I could feel my orgasm approaching, and I could tell it was going to be a big one. Waves of pleasure began to wash through my body, each one stronger than the one before. My fingers and toes curled up as I let out a wailing scream. Alphonso let out a grunt, and worked his hips against mine as his cock spewed his seed deep inside of my belly. I collapsed on top of Alphonso, limp as a dishrag. Slowly, I recovered from my multi orgasmic experience. Being used to cuddling with James after having sex, I was surprised when Alphonso coldly pushed me off of him and reached for his glass of wine. "My uncle wasn't kidding. You are one fantastic lay." He took a sip and gave me a look that seemed to say, "What are you still doing here?" Feeling embarrassed and used, I got up off the couch on wobbly legs and gathered my swimsuit. I pulled the bottom up my legs until it fit snuggly around my bottom, then pulled on the top and tied it behind my back. As I turned to go, Alphonso said, "Be back here tomorrow around the same time. I'll need a fresh report to send off to my uncle!" I made my way back to the golf cart, my legs still limp from the orgasms that I'd experienced. As I sat down on the seat, I could feel Alphonso's semen still leaking from my vagina. The sex had been great, but he'd just used me as a receptacle for his lust, nothing like what I experienced with James. James seemed to care about me. Thoughts of James filled my mind as I drove slowly along the path, wondering what he was doing in Kingston. I hoped that Joe and James would find something of value while they were away. I just wondered how much I would tell Alphonso. Back at the beach, I discovered that Jim was nowhere to be seen. My towel and beach bag still lay on the chaise lounge where I'd left them. Standing by the beach bag, I looked up and down the beach. To the left, the beach ended a few hundred yards away where a huge mound of rocks from some ancient landslide formed a wall. To the right, the beach curved around to a distant point. I didn't see her anywhere. I sat down and rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming on. The waiter who'd served us our drinks earlier came over and asked me if I'd like anything. "I was looking for my friend," I explained. "Did you see where she'd gone off to?" He gestured towards a footpath a short distance away that was beaten through the thick vegetation along the edge of the beach. "I saw your friend and the photographer go down the path about forty five minutes ago." "Where does it go?" I asked. "It leads to our clothing optional beach," he replied. "Clothing optional?" He grinned. "It's our nude beach. The path takes you past that big pile of rocks to a very secluded and private beach on the other side. Good luck finding your friend," he said, and wandered away to a nearby couple to take their order. Picking up my beach bag and towel, I headed off down the path wondering what the hell Jim had gotten me into. The lush vegetation surrounded me like a wall of green, and the calls of exotic birds hidden in the bushes greeted me as I made my way. The path went up at first, skirting the edge of a steep hill. I stumbled along in my flip-flops as best I could, stubbing my toes more than once. Gradually, it flattened out for a while and then dipped down sharply. After a bit, I could here the sound of the surf, and I knew that I was close. As I walked, I wondered why Jim had gone off with Rodney. She didn't even know him! For all I knew, he could have robbed her and left her for dead. The path finally came to an end. I emerged from the jungle to a deserted beach. Palm trees ran along the fringes of the sand, and behind me steep cliffs rose for hundreds of feet into the air. I looked around, wondering where Jim could be. Then I stopped. From somewhere off to the left I heard a mewling sound, sounding for all the world like a lost kitten calling for its mother. Wondering what it could be, I stepped softly through the white sand and crept over towards the thick hedge of bushes that hid what ever was making the noise from my view. The noise continued as I slowly made my way around the bushes, and I began to hear something else. The sound of a man grunting softly could be heard as I drew closer to the source. I suppose I should have been surprised at what I saw when I knelt down and pulled a leafy branch to the side so that I could see, but knowing Jim and her lusty ways, I wasn't. Rodney's camera bag and their swimsuits lay off to the side where they'd tossed them. Their backs were turned towards me. Jim was positioned on her knees, her head lying on the towel they'd spread on the sand. Her shapely ass was up in the air, and Rodney knelt behind her, his hands gripping her hips. I watched his buttocks flexing as he pounded into Jim from behind. Jim continued to moan as Rodney apparently gave her the fucking of her life. "You like that, don't you, honey?" asked Rodney. "You like my big cock up your pussy." Jim moaned, "God yes...ooooh, I'm...aaaaaaah, going to come again!" She moaned even louder as she franticly worked her hips back against Rodney's rampaging penis. She let out a scream and then lay limp on the towel, apparently passed out. Rodney held onto her hips and chuckled as he continued to pump his cock into an unresisting Jim. "The magic stick does it again!" he bragged to himself. "Now for the grand finale!" He pulled his massive erection from Jim's pussy with a slurp, and turned around towards me to reach for something lying behind him on the towel. His penis was huge! Jet black, long and thick, with two huge balls hanging beneath. Suddenly, something inside of my mind clicked. I remembered where I'd seen him before! Rodney had been the cameraman in the film that Herndon had sent to Rocco Tortelli! I watched as Rodney picked up the bottle of sun tan lotion from the towel and poured a generous amount into the palm of his hand. He then proceeded to slather it over his now very familiar erection, covering it in the oil. He turned back towards Jim, still lying senseless on the towel. "Here it comes, darling," he whispered as he lined his massive prick up with Jim's defenseless little pink anus. My eyes widened as I watched him begin to work his cock up Jim's ass. Jim awoke with a groan, but instead of protesting I was surprised to hear her say, "Oh god yeah, fuck me, fuck my ass with that big dick!" What a little slut she was turning out to be! Rodney pulled out all the stops, giving it to her hard and long, slamming his cock into her cute butt. Jim just lay there and moaned. Jim's anus must have been very tight, because Rodney couldn't hold out for long. With a deep moan of pleasure, he buried his cock deep into Jim's behind and held it there as he pumped her ass full of his cum. After a few moments, he pulled out of Jim's ass and collapsed on the towel next to her. "Whoa, that was some of the best sex I've had in a long time. You've got to let me see you again." Hiding in the bushes, I silently urged Jim to say yes. This man probably knew something about Herndon's whereabouts! "I don't know," said Jim, keeping in character as Joe Lorton had ordered. "I just got married, and it's so wrong to cheat on my new husband like this." As she said this, she snuggled up next to Rodney and rested her head on his chest. I watched as she caressed his body with her hand, and thought that she wasn't looking very convincing. "C'mon, baby, you know you liked what we just did. And where's this new husband of yours? At a business meeting on your honeymoon! In two weeks, you'll leave this island and you and I will never see one another again. Couldn't you and I meet just one more time?" Jim smiled and said, "Well, maybe once more. But we'll have to be careful. He's very jealous." Rodney sat up and reached into his camera bag. "Here's my card. Please give me a call when you're feeling lonely." He looked at his watch and exclaimed, "Oh jeez, I'm late! I'm supposed to be shooting video at a wedding in half an hour! You can find your way back, can't you?" Jim smiled and nodded her head. Inside, I rejoiced. Not only had Jim done what I wanted, but also he'd kept quiet about the truth. I hunkered down even lower in the bushes and waited. Rodney gathered up his things, gave Jim a kiss and hurried off in the direction of the path. I waited a few minutes to make sure he was gone, then emerged from the bushes. Jim was startled by my sudden appearance. "I see that you and Rodney were getting very friendly," I said with a smile. Jim's face immediately blushed a bright red. I sat down next to her on the towel and smiled. "No need to be embarrassed, Jim. Rodney is one hot stud. If you hadn't grabbed him, I would have." This wasn't entirely true, but I was trying to set Jim at ease. He was vital to finding Herndon. Softly, she confessed, "I couldn't help myself. He just looked so good, and he got me all hot and bothered. You won't tell Joe about this, will you?" I smiled and replied, "Not if you do exactly as I tell you, Jim." I had big plans for her.

Same as Detective's Blues Chapter 10 Videos

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Blues for C Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2. This follows directly from Pt 1. The continuation and conclusion of the tale. Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go. There is a bit of violence here, but not too graphic. A few expressions and phrases may be unfamiliar to some. Where I thought appropriate I have marked with an asterisk and a meaning is placed at the end. Thank you to Dimelza Cassidy for much needed advice on 'Blues' bike....

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Blues for C Part 1 of 2

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CJs Stories Teddys Blues Bar

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Backwater Blues

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Blues in the Night

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Blues in the Night

The bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television. On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar. The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff. "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin. "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..." "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently removing...

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Blues Fusion

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Piano Blues Part 3

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Miniskirt Blues Part 2

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Detectives Blues

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Detectives Blues Chapter Eight

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 36

Breeding Desiree Falco wasn’t exactly an ugly or unpleasant chore, of course. Nor was breeding her half-sister, Mia, for that matter. Mia was as light and blonde as Desiree was dark and black, mind you. Something clicked in my mind and it dawned on me ... Sarah was Desiree’s half-sister, just as Mia was! Just different halves, that was all. Sarah and Desiree had the same mother, but different fathers. Mia and Desiree had the same father, but different mothers. They were all basically sisters...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Four

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Sarah Carerra 206 Hospital Blues

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: September 6, 2010) Chapter 6 - Hospital Blues The constant hum of machinery and the intermittent beeping were the first things that I became aware of. The smell of antiseptic was next. I opened my eyes a moment later. A...

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Sunday Night Blues in the Middle Class

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Bobs Blues

Bob had the blues so bad he figured if he was able to look in the mirror he'd look like Grover, Harry, or Cookie -- the fuzzy and blue monsters from Sesame Street, which he was currently watching because the remote had stopped working and he couldn't get out of bed to change the channel. He knew the batteries in the remote were okay; he'd just put them in last week or maybe it had been the week before. With the day he had had yesterday, it was kind of hard to remember things. He was...

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Playing the BluesChapter 4

A little later the girls were sitting at their table having a last drink as most of the crowd were leaving. Several people had approached them, mostly to welcome Jenny and thank her for playing. Jenny was amused by the way Kate seemed to try to get between Jenny and every woman that came over but eventually she pulled the girl down into the chair beside of her to keep Kate still. “So Jenny,” Julie asked smirking at Jenny, “Is there something you forgot to tell us?” “Well not really, up...

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How to Cure the PostPartum Blues

‘Oh my god!’ I cried as I came home from a date to find my husband had packed his clothes and left the baby untended. The baby was choking on a bead and rolling around on the floor. I called the ambulance, just in time. I was in shock. All because I wanted a little fun out of life, my child almost lost his! It all began the day Jeffy was born. I was terribly unhappy. There I was, only 19 years old, saddled with a husband who drank so much that he couldn’t satisfy me, and now with a baby too!...

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Helplessness Blues

Hi! So Helplessness Blues is my first attempt to write anything like this. I actually am working on a much longer story, but I sort of dreamed this up in the last few days. Admittedly, it’s a bit fluffy with fairly one-dimensional characters. The story actually did start as a rather unpleasant dream I had recently, although I think it ended well. I don’t remember which parts were from the dream and which I made up except that the dildo was definitely not from the dream and the twins were....

2 years ago
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Piano Blues Part 3

I’m a piano player, not a pianist. I started as a pianist when I was eight or nine, but then I heard Honky Tonk Train Blues, or something. I heard James Booker and Professor Longhair, all the New Orleans guys, and it struck me. I had to sound like that. I never will, but I keep on trying. They’re the greatest piano players ever. The rhythm, the music. Spiritual music. A sound like that can heal a broken heart. And Ragtime. I love that too. Still piano players. All the styles are linked. You...

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Tashita Loves Rhythm And Blues

I lived in a third-floor apartment. Tashita lived under me, in the second-floor apartment. How we met was pure happenstance, as was what transpired after we met.It was a warm spring afternoon and I decided to play hooky from work, to stay home and just chill. I had the stereo cranked up and admittedly, was jamming, having a good afternoon. I didn’t think anyone would care because surely, most folks would be at work.The banging on my door startled me. I quickly turned down the music and cracked...

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Monday Blues

As dawn broke I got out of my car in the car park, thinking of nothing in particular. As I walked to the underground elevator, I quickly look back at my joy and lock the doors with the familiar beep and flash of lights. Pulled my over coat closed as a breeze of bisque morning coolness blew through the car park. Arriving at the elevator, the quiet air of silence that only early morning offers. Still waiting...finally the audible bell as the doors open, still moving in a robotic manner as every...

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SRU Election Blues

SRU: Election Blues By Radioactive Loner The rain was whapping itself in big, fat droplets against the windowpanes of the town's mall as an individual slowly walked through the corridors, that person's eyes darting left and right, in search of an old-fashioned store with a name few would take seriously ... "Spells R Us." Of course, what approached that homey storefront was a former customer, who knew that the shop's potions, curios, and knick-knacks were all too serious. As...

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Detectives Blues Chapter 3

Detective's Blues - Chapter 3 By Joeshmoe547 Wednesday, June 30, 2001 I lost track of time while I was trapped in the trunk. At first I could heard the sounds of traffic and the tooting of horns to indicate that we where still in the city. Gradually our speed picked up and the city noises faded behind us. In all the years that I had been a practicing private detective, this was by far the weirdest caper I had ever been involved in. I'd been trapped in Janet Washington's...

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Altered Fates GIBlues

Authors note: This story was inspired by Femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af054.jpg. I wrote it when femur asked me for a story. This was the one I originally intended to start with but, for various reasons, I ended up writing other stories first. ALTERED FATES: G.I.BLUES By BobH. (c) 2003 For John Geddes this five day furlough could not have come soon enough. Six days from now he and his unit would be shipping out to become part of a...

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Lipstick Blues

Lipstick Blues by Peggy Sue It all started at the Jewish Community Center. There was a pageant and I was Moses receiving the 10 Commandments. There were lots of 12 and 13- year olds in the pageant and we were assembled beforehand when suddenly there appeared a young man and women in our midst who were putting lipstick on everyone and rubbing a little of it on our cheeks. My heart filled with terror and I didn't know why. I saw that people had lined up in front of the man and the...

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Post Graduate blues

It was so easy. I was thinking about our relationship now. My husband (at the time) and I were participating in a special archeological study of a tribe which had no previous contact with modern man. We are both in our early 30s. I am rather tall at 5' 10" 140 lbs. with long blond hair and (if I do say so myself) a killer body!) Stan, my husband, was a shrimp at 5' 6", 120 lbs. with a physic of a child. He had longish brown hair with somewhat gentle features. A real Nerd! ...

3 years ago
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Smoking Blues

Smoking Blues by Brenda @2019 "Hey Bren," called my assistant Sarah. The home office called while you were out smoking. You Better call Mr. C back. He didn't sound happy!" "Okay, thanks dear. I will call him back straight away," I replied as I headed to my office. As I was opening my door Sarah continued. "You know, you really have been taking a lot of smoke breaks lately. We are all concerned about your health. You are the first boss we have had here that knows how to treat people...

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First time blues

I, satyam and suri are like minded batch mates at engineering college… despite busy with well paid jobs we maintained constant contact…continued to do so even after getting married … to implement our student day pact…met periodically to review progress …decided that nothing can be done till each of us became parents of two kids…and waited…a year later, i am blessed with twins …satyam and suri had a kid each … ‘…fellows…i am more ready than you…‘i often teased them…two years passed by… a week...

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Even Cowgyrls Get The Blues

                 Even Cowgyrls Get the Blues!                   Gay interr trans morph                           TJ Ryder            year 2054Place    New South African republic of Obeah.*****************************************************************pic 1    The lightning and heavy rain lit up the grim brickbuilding of the orphanange, its placque the only bitof ornamentation on its street-facing side exceptfor long, high narrow windows    Ojobango Banto...

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Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues

Chapter 1. Life’s a Beach(Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get the Blues, Aurelius c. 2002)It was a fine evening for a walk along the beach. On Rabbit Island every evening was a fine evening for a walk alongthe beach! The scenery, the tropical climate and the idyllic locationmade it so.Kate and Jessica ambled bare-foot across the soft wet sand at thewater’s edge, both captivated by the radiance of the pumpkin redsun sinking rapidly on the maritime horizon. They marvelled how muchquicker the...

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Boot Camp Blues

Boot Camp Blues By Deputy Duffy In northern Vermont there's an old school building that was used once asthe State Police Training Facility. Some vandals had trashed the place recently,and Deputy Johns and I were sent up there to play janitor. And I certainlywasn't happy about it. But then, in the debris of some vandalized wooden lockers,I found these papers -- letters from a girl to her sister. It was kind of strange at first to read them, but it was also kind of titillating,too. It took some...

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Miniskirt Blues

Miniskirt blues: Something inside Sarah must have snapped. She no longer wore a slip or a neglig?e to bed. She now wore one of those tee shirt style pyjamas and something like boxer shorts. Increasingly she was becoming disinterested in sex with me and I was finding it hard to maintain an erection. Sarah would still cook and wash up but she was starting some sort of internet fitness business which was taking up increasing amounts of her time. Sarah would also do the shopping. S...

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Miniskirt Blues Part 3

Miniskirt blues part three: I dreamt that I was at a ball with Sarah. I was wearing a tuxedo and she was wearing a beautiful black ball gown. So when I woke the following morning, with my morning erection and looked at myself in my babydoll nightie and panties I felt humiliated. This was degrading. It was no way for a man to dress. My erection subsided. But as I turned around I felt the caress of the nightie around my body. My erection returned. Yes, I had to admit that this...

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Work blues

Work bluesPart 1 – staff training Another Melody Mitchell story‘I'm sorry" Melody got in first "but Tracy's only twenty-one and she needs the extra coaching if she's going to be able to cover for me next month when we go away to Italy. The only chance I have is if she comes here on Saturdays and we go through the work in the evening. She’s as bright as a button so she should catch on quite quickly if we can get down to it one on one"Melody knew that Steve disliked her bringing work home, but...

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Work blues Part 2

Work bluesChapter 1STAFF TRAINING – Part 2Another Melody Mitchell storyMelody spent the whole day in a confused state of both denial and anticipation, wondering if it had all been a dream and whether Tracy would continue with what she had started the night before.It was late in the afternoon when, at last, Tracy phoned and asked her, rather curtly to hand the phone to Steve.Melody watched anxiously as Steve, a grin growing on his face, listened to Tracy. After a couple of minutes, he said,...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 23 Birthday Bliss or Blues

Chapter 23: Birthday Bliss or Blues Repercussions from the swim debacle followed, the school principal wasn’t happy that I had been pulled out from detention by Bill. But after a meeting where my Mom came in to discuss what happened, he understood what had happened, the coach was meant to be at the meeting also, but had abstained, saying he had more important things to do than deal with a whining student. He had given the principal his reasons for his decision in a previous conversation...

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Detectives Journal Chapter 5

Frank I awoke from an awesome dream in the most erotic way with a head bobbing on my morning woody. My eyes were clearing from sleep, and I saw Alexia’s mouth slurping up and down like she was trying to consume me whole, not quite achieving that, but I really appreciated the effort. It was so erotic watching her tits swaying against my thighs with her erect nipples pointing the way. This was confirmation that last night was not just a dream. ‘Well, good morning to you!’ ‘Goog moorig,’...

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