Sanura's Tale - Part 2 (A MORFS Universe Story) free porn video

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MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 2 By Britney McMaster Chapter 7: Discoveries My head was throbbing as I regained consciousness. As I looked around at the rubble surrounding me, everything that had happened came rushing back to me in a torrent of confusing memories. *What the hell happened?* Looking around, I surveyed the damage. I seemed to be in the center of the damage. Lying in front of me was the splintered remains of our table. *Where is everyone?* I started frantically looking around for my family, but there was so much debris that it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. As I was searching I noticed that once again, I could smell them. Getting down on all fours, like I had when I was running, I started pawing my way through pieces of the collapsed ceiling as their scent got stronger. After moving a large piece of the ceiling, I saw a patch of dirty while fur sticking out of the debris. *Dad!* I cleared away the rubble as fast as I could and found Dad huddled unconscious over my mom and my sister. I tried to wake them, but getting no response I simply dropped to the ground and began to cry. ~~~ I sat on the curb wrapped in a warm blanket, and cried on Amy's shoulder until I felt better. Well, a little better. I looked back at the remains of my aunt's restaurant and that set off as second onslaught of tears. At least no one had been hurt other than a few minor scrapes and bruises. I don't think I could have lived with that on my conscience. Trance had shielded Amy and himself using his telekinesis. Through watery eyes I took in the scene around me. Dad was huddled together with Crystal, while Mom was consoling Aunt Mika. The firemen were still checking out the building for any further hazards. The restaurant was still fairly intact except for the front left corner, which was no longer there. In its place were the splintered remains of what was once the private dining room. This was entirely my fault, but the worst part was that I didn't even know what I'd done or how I'd done it. What a long day. I had started school as a girl, exposed my real identify to my close friends, learned how to run like a cat, modeled a fancy dress for my two best friends, and blown up my aunt's place using some mysterious power, all within ten hours. After several hours, we finally went home, and I was asleep as soon as I hit the bed. ~~~ After all that had happened the day before, today seemed normal by comparison. Showering didn't take nearly as long this time, and I only scratched myself once with my claws during the process. Putting on my bra and panties almost seemed normal, even though I'd only been wearing them for a few days now. Picking out an outfit for school was quite a hassle. Mom sent me back to change clothes three times before she was satisfied. Apparently I don't know how to coordinate colours. What I ended up with was a long tan skirt and a pale yellow blouse over a white camisole, with my hair up in a ponytail. I was still upset at having to wear a skirt. The school day started just as boring as usual and the class seemed to drag on forever. The fact that everyone was staring at me didn't help calm my nerves either. I guess I still held some fascination as the new girl, or maybe it was my morf that was attracting so much attention. Needless to say, I was eager to escape their stares and was the first one out of the door as soon as class was over. ~~~ "Um... Excuse me..." I turned around from my locker and came face to face with Colin, captain of the basketball team and total chick magnet. I had been friends with Colin before all this. "Err... Can I help you?" "Uh... yeah, I just wanted to invite you to come hang out with some of us over at JB's after school. It's a little cafe about a block or so from school. I just figured that since you're new, you might want to get to know everybody." The offer seemed sincere enough, but I could tell he wanted to be more than just friends. The fact that he kept stealing glances down at my breasts was a big hint. I decided to let him down gently. "Well. I'd really like to, but..." "That's great! I'll meet you here after school and we can walk over together." And with that he turned and headed off to class before I could say another word. ~~~ I was sitting in my class trying to figure out a way to avoid meeting Colin after school when Trance decided to contact me. *Nura!* *What do you want, Trance? I'm in class.* *What's this I hear about you going on a date with Colin after school?* *WHAT?! I am not going on a date with Colin.* *That's not what he's saying* *All he did was invite me to JB's; it's not a date. I don't date boys.* *Okay. If you say so. I'll see you at lunch.* *Whatever...* ~~~ I couldn't believe that Trance would just assume that Colin would be telling the truth. Just because I'm part girl doesn't mean I'd suddenly start liking boys. I angrily made my way to the change room and donned the dreaded leotard. Today I'd be doing the combat simulation, along with several others in my class. The simulator was a mobile unit that comes to the school once a semester. Just another ploy by the government to persuade the more powerful morfs to enlist for the army; personally, I had better plans for my future. I still felt pretty self-conscious in that leotard and spent several minutes at the door before building up my resolve and walking into the gym. I had taken about two steps into the room when I felt two hands grab firmly on my tail. "Gotcha!" "Ahhh!" I screamed out in surprise and tried to run. My tail only allowed me to make it about two feet before it brought me to an abrupt halt. That caused me to fall forward, but before i hit the ground I was lifted painfully into the air by my tail. "Oww! Put me down!" "Sorry. I was just trying to keep you from falling." Whoever it was gently placed me down, and I rolled over to see who it was while rubbing the base of my tail. "Ashley, you dick, that hurt!" He just grinned back at me as he hovered above me in the air, his wings nothing more than a blur as they moved rapidly to keep him aloft. "It couldn't have hurt that much. I've picked up my cat by its tail before." "You're even dumber than I thought. One. I'm a lot heavier than a cat. And two, my tail is part of my spine, you asshole!" "Oh..." He drifted down to the ground and his wings came to a stop. "Sorry. I wasn't thinking." "That's OK, just don't do it again, Pixie." He'd had that nickname since he morfed into an insect hybrid. The fact that he was slim with long platinum blond hair and a pair of iridescent pink dragonfly-like wings had earned him the nickname Pixie. Calling him that was a sure- fire way to piss him off. "That's NOT my name," he said as he glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and ran off to join the class. He took to the air and followed close behind. ~~~ I stood there in the dark in my leotard and waited patiently for the door to open. As I waited, my mind began to wander. What was I going to do with Colin? Or any boy? I could handle the whole new body thing, but having to deal with other guys being attracted to me wasn't something I had even thought about. I was completely sure that I liked girls, but where was I going to find one who would want to be with me. I guess I'd just end up spending my whole life alone. That thought was depressing. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts as the door slid open and the green light flicked on. "That means go." And go I did! As I ran down the dimly lit hallway, my eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness. The hallway descended one level and turned sharply to the left. I noticed the pit of water shortly before I would have fallen in and grabbed the hand-holds on the ceiling. Swinging myself from hand- hold to hand-hold, I managed the twenty-foot gap and dropped back to the ground. Rounding the corner, I came across another stretch of water about fifteen feet down the corridor. Running as fast as I could, I took a leap at the edge and easily cleared the distance. The maze continued with me jumping through hoops and scaling walls until I arrived in the final room. I could see the exit on the other side of the room; however, between me and the door were about ten drones. I took one step into the room and all the drones honed in on me. *damn* I had been hoping to sneak past them, but it was now looking like I was going to have to fight them. As I advanced on the nearest drone, my mind was called back to when Trance had taken this test. He'd told me that they were the same drones that the football team used for tackling practice. The drones, while equipped to attack what ever target they were programmed for, did not have AI and were easy to outsmart. The first drone was eliminated easily as I tossed it across the room and into the wall. Each drone was programmed to shut off after receiving a certain level of abuse, and the next two were quickly deactivated. *This is too easy.* THWACK! My whole body shook violently from the impact as the robotic arm collided with my head. I was brought to the ground from the pain and was quickly surrounded by the rest of the drones. I was nearly overcome by the pain when the rest of the drones commenced their attack. I struggled back to my feet several times, only to be knocked back down again. I was on the verge of passing out when I felt it. It was a very faint feeling, deep inside me, but it was definitely there. I concentrated on that feeling as hard as I could, and it started getting stronger. Soon I could feel it as a tingling sensation over my entire body. The tingling turned to pressure as the lights in the room began to flicker erratically. The drones continued their attack as the pressure built. Just as I felt as though l was going to be crushed by the tremendous pressure, it released itself in a devastating blast. I didn't pass out this time, although the same fatigue was there. When the pressure that had built up released, I was suddenly in the middle of a large blast of energy. The energy field was the blackest of black and seemed to be absorbing the light. The only thing I can think of to describe it would be that it looked like a photo negative of a bright light. As the blast pulled at me, it seemed to be repelling everything else. The drones were crushed badly as the blast pushed them forcefully against the walls. It began and was over in a matter of seconds. Gathering my strength, I dragged myself to my feet. As soon as I made it through the door, I was quickly rushed to the nurse's office. The lights continued to flicker wherever they took me, and I could feel myself drawing in energy again. It was a very unique feeling. I could feel each pore of my skin open up to absorb the light energy, and as it did the pain from my injuries faded away. When I arrived at the nurse's office I was a bloody mess, but after cleaning off the blood she found that all my wounds had closed up. Even though I felt great, I was told to rest. ~~~ "Ah! That's cold." The nurse ignored me and put the bag of ice back on my face. "Now keep it on there until I get back, or you'll get a nasty bruise. "I nodded and she left the room to get my clothes from the locker room, so I could change out of my bloodstained leotard. As I sat there holding the ice pack in place, I kept replaying what had happened over and over in my head. I felt great, and I could feel the energy coursing through my body. I could also feel the light energy in the air around me. I sat back and let out a relaxing sigh. I felt my skin tingling as I absorbed more energy, and again the lights flickered around me. It was an extremely soothing feeling. The nurse finally returned with my clothes, and I hurriedly got changed and rushed to meet up with my friends for lunch. Chapter 8: Showoffs I ran to the cafeteria as fast as my long skirt would let me and rushed over to my friends after spotting them at a table on the far side of the room. "Well, if it isn't our favourite little cat girl," said Amy. She moved over a bit so I could sit down and gave me a hug once I had. "What's with the big grin? Excited about your date?" I scowled at Amy before answering. "IT IS NOT A DATE!" I had to try very hard not to scream. My friends just laughed. "It's not funny! Colin so much as touches me, and I'll blast him." "Blast him with what?" asked Cody. "I think I figured out how to use my powers." I grinned even larger. "You did it by accident again, didn't you?" "Shut up, Trance! OK, so it was an accident, but I think I've figured it out." "Nura, I wouldn't run around blasting things until you really know how your powers work. You need to go somewhere isolated to practice, somewhere away from others." A flood of guilt came rushing back to me as I thought about what had happened last night and my eyes started to tear up again. Trance was right. He always was. "You think I want to hurt people, Trance? I thought I had killed my own family last night. To be honest, my powers scare me. I don't want to use them if I don't have to." "Damn it! I've had my powers for over a year now and can't control them. You morf, figure out how to use your powers within a week and then don't want to use them." Shine sounded really pissed off. "I do a lot more than just light up a room, Rakira." She glared back at me coldly. "OK. Why don't we have a little competition," stated Cody. "Shine and err... Nura will both try to form a ball of their respective energy in their hands, and the first one who can form it and hold it for thirty seconds, wins." "I don't know. I don't want to hurt anyone..." My voice wavered, but I managed to hold back my tears. "We'll be fine. Just be careful," coaxed Damian. "Let's do it." Shine looked determined as she placed her hands in front of us on the table. I reluctanty did the same and closed my eyes. "Go" With my eyes closed, I tried to concentrate on the feeling I had had before. I could feel it deep inside myself, and it started to grow stronger and flow over my whole body. As it grew, I started to concentrate only on the feeling on my hands and the rest seemed to fade away. The feeling was concentrated on my hands and was growing increasingly strong. Opening my eyes, I saw that my hands were shrouded in the same black energy as before. Stealing a glance over at Shine, I could see that she had no problem forming the ball of light, she just couldn't keep it from going out. Gradually, I was able to move the energy from my hands into an energy ball just between them. As I concentrated, it grew larger, and the frustration became even more evident on Shine's face. I was now controlling an amazing black energy ball the size of a grapefruit. "Damn it! I am not about to lose to little Miss Kitty over there!" Shine's outburst caused me to look up just in time to see her form a very large sphere of light between her hands. The light was so bright that I had to close my eyes. Even with my eyes closed, I could still see spots of light, as if I had been staring at the sun. I could also feel the energy from the light and noticed that my own energy was starting to pulsate. Once again, I could feel myself absorbing the light as my skin tingled all over. I opened my eyes and saw that the light was starting to arc out towards my energy. After a few seconds the two met, and in an instant the light energy was absorbed by my own. Shine, not ready to admit defeat, continued to replace the absorbed energy, effectively fueling mine. "Shine! Stop! It's too much." I was barely able to control the power I now held in my hands as the growing force was now pushing even me away. I tried shutting it off, but it just kept growing no matter what I did. My arms were starting to ache from the strain of controlling the energy. FOOM! I felt as though I was on fire, as most of the energy rushed back into me, starting through my hands and quickly surging throughout my whole body. The rest of the energy dissipated in an instant, sending out a shadowy wave of force that sent everything on the table into the air before fading, and that included our lunches. We were lucky that none of us were hit by any airborne food, but the kids at the near by tables weren't as lucky. I winced as I saw my salad collide with another kid's head. "Food fight!" someone yelled, but it was too late. Before I could duck and cover, I felt the squish of someone's sandwich hitting me in the side of the head. Chapter 9: And They Called it Kitty Love I won't bore you with the details of my afternoon at school. We all managed to get our lunches out of our hair and off of our clothes and faces. The next two hours were spent in boring classes pretending to pay attention. The bell finally rang, and I rushed to my locker to get my homework from my morning classes. I was hoping to avoid Colin, but as I rounded the corner I saw him leaning up against my locker waiting for me. I wasn't sure what to do and was about to turn and leave when he spotted me through a gap in the crowd and waved me over. I couldn't run away now that he'd seen me, and so I headed over to meet him. We exchanged hellos and then both fell silent as I retrieved what I needed from my locker. We headed quietly out of the school and started down the street. I had no idea what I should say; the last thing I wanted was to let him think I was flirting with him. I glanced over at my former teammate and was amazed how much taller he was than me. He looked down at me and smiled. He asked me how my day went and how I liked the school. We made sporadic small talk while we walked the block and a half to JB's. So far things hadn't gone too far and I was starting to relax. "Well, here we are." We walked in and the first thing I noticed was that we were the only kids there. As if reading my mind, Colin said, "Everyone else should be here soon. Come on, and let's grab a seat." I timidly followed him over to a booth in the corner and took a seat. I was startled when he slid in next to me in the booth. "So Sanura, can I ask you a question?" "Oh, sure, I guess." I couldn't even imagine what he was going to ask. "You just morfed recently didn't you?" It wasn't so much of a question as it was a statement. "Ummm... Yeah. I just morfed a little over a week ago. Why?" Where was he going with this? "Well, I just noticed that you seem a little shy around other people. I figured it was because you had just morfed. I was the same way right after my morf; I couldn't imagine having to start a new school on top of it all." The last thing I wanted right then was sympathy. I had been getting plenty of that over the past few days, and all it did was make me depressed. So I decided to change the subject. "So when did you morf, Colin?" Of course I already knew this, but if he was talking about himself then he couldn't talk about me. "I morfed about three years ago, when I was thirteen. I was one of the first ones in our year to morf." "So, what'd you get stuck with?" "Well I got stuck with this turning blue," he said as he tugged at his hair, "and I was gifted with this..." He reached out his hand towards the table next to us and slowly raised it up. The table followed suit as it raised into the air. I tried to pretend being impressed. "Wow! You have telekinesis?" I knew he hated that question and had to force myself not to laugh. "I'm actually not telekinetic." He looked annoyed as he thought of what to say next. "I'm what's known as a disrupter. Most people haven't heard of them, but they're similar to elementals. Basically, a disrupter can cause interference with external forces by generating an opposing, yet similar force. Does that make sense?" "Oh... Sort of. So what forces can you disrupt?" I turned towards him as I asked the question and slid myself a few inches away from him without him noticing. "I can only interfere with the earth's gravitational pull." "So can you fly?" "Not really. If I remove the gravity, it's more like falling up than flying." Colin laughed at his lame little joke. I just smiled. We continued to chat while a few other kids from school drifted in and found tables of their own to sit at. Despite myself, I was starting to find Colin very fun to be with, even if he was flirting with me. In a way, it was just nice to be treated as if I was important. It was also pretty cool having someone else buy me a milkshake. I guess being a girl isn't all bad. As I sat there pretending to listen to Colin talk about the school basketball teams, my mind was filled with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, it was nice just being accepted as a girl and being treated like a normal person. I even found myself attracted to Colin a little bit. On the other hand, I was still very much a boy and was growing more and more depressed as that side of me seemed to slip further and further away. It seemed that everyone I knew wanted me to be a girl. Since the day I morfed, even my own parents seemed to act as if Jason had never existed. "Sanura? Are you alright?" "Huh? Oh... Yeah. I'm fine. I was just lost in thought. Sorry." "Are you sure you're alright? You're crying." "Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I dabbed at my eyes with my paws. "I think I should head home. Thanks for the shake and for letting me hang out with you." 'No problem. It was really nice to get to know you. Can I at least walk you home?" He had a pleading look in his eyes that made him look incredibly cute, and so I relented. He stood and put out his hand to help me up, and I took it gratefully. It wasn't until we were passing the school that I realized that we were still holding hands. My mind started whirring as I realized that I was holding hands with another boy... and I liked it. I kind of tensed up for a minute as I considered letting go of his hand. If Colin noticed then he didn't say anything. A part of me was screaming *he's a guy!* as I squeezed his hand and leaned against him. That part of me was screaming just loud enough to be heard, but even louder was a calm reassuring voice saying, *It's ok, you're a girl now.* And it was right, I was a girl. There's no reason for me to fight my feelings. We continued to walk hand in hand all the way to my house. I had agreed to go to the movies with Colin on Friday night and promised to be at the basketball game the next day to cheer him on. Everything was going great and for the first time since I morfed I felt comfortable in my new female body. That's when everything went completely wrong. We had just turned onto my street and were approaching my house when we turned towards each other and both started to say something. We both stammered a bit and then Colin told me to go first. "I was just going to say that this is where I live. Thanks for walking me home. What were you going to say?" "I was going to say that a friend of mine lives... here..." My heart started racing as he said that. *How could I be so stupid as to bring him to my house?* I'd actually started to like Colin as a possible boyfriend, and now he was about to find out that I used to be Jason. My mind was running through scenarios of all his possible reactions as I tried to come up with a way out of this. "I guess he moved..." It sounded lame, even to me. "No. He would have let us know if he was moving. Last I heard he was off of school with morfs..." His mouth opened and closed a few times, but he didn't say anything. I could tell he was trying to figure everything out. "You said you just morfed a week or so ago, right?" "Yeah..." Damn it. He's going to figure it out. "Sanura... What's you're last name?" Yup. He's figured it out. I could feel the tears starting to sting the back of my eyes again. "It's Miller. Colin, I think we need to talk. Why don't you come inside?" ~~~ We had just come into the house as Mom came down the stairs, and damn it if I wasn't still holding his hand. The act wasn't missed by my mother as she raised her eyebrows questioningly at me. I blushed and looked at my feet. "Hi, Mom. We're just going to go up to my room to talk." "I'd rather you not have boys in your room, young lady." Mom cut off my protest and continued, "Why don't you two talk out back on the porch?" "Fine, we'll go out back." I grabbed us some sodas and then we went out on the deck and made ourselves comfortable. Silence prevailed. "So do you want to tell me about it?" Colin actually looked concerned. "Well, as you've figured out. I used to be Jason Miller. I just had morfs and I got worked over pretty good. I should have told you who l was, but you were being so nice to me that I didn't want to ruin things. You even didn't seem to care that I'm a hybrid." I had to stop to catch my breath. "First, why would your being a hybrid matter?" "We're sorta treated like... Well, like animals by some people. A lot of people see us as second class citizens." "Oh... I never really noticed that... So are you a girl now, like all the way?" Now it was Colin's turn to blush. "Sorta..." "What do you mean sort of?" "I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to laugh at me or tell anyone else. The only reason I'm telling you this is because I know you like me and so I think you deserve to know this if you want to pursue a relationship. So, do you promise?" I was starting to cry again, and so I hugged myself and looked down at my feet. "I promise not to tell, and I'd never laugh at you." I could tell he was sincere and was a little startled as he moved to sit next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I took a few minutes to compose myself and enjoy his embrace before continuing. "The whole issue of my physical sex is a bit complicated. To answer your question, yes, I am a girl, all the way. This is where it gets complicated. I'm still a guy too. I've got both sets of equipment, and they're both functional." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was waiting for him to remove his arm and totally freak out, but that never happened. He just continued to hold me. I looked up to see him smiling down at me, and I just broke down. My body shook as I was racked with the flood of tears. Colin just pulled me closer and gently rocked us a back and forth. "It... it doesn't bother you that I'm both?" "Sanura, I'll admit that it's a shock to find all of this out, but I knew from the moment that I saw you that you were the girl for me, and none of this changes how I feel about you. If you feel the same way, then I'd really like to be your boyfriend..." I still couldn't believe how awesome he'd been so far. "Really?" He nodded. "Then I'd love to be your girlfriend!" His smile grew even bigger as I said that and I couldn't help smiling back. He started to lean in closer and I knew exactly what he wanted. That little voice started acting up again. *YOU'RE A BOY!* it yelled. *No! I'm a girl!* I yelled and then closed my eyes and accepted his kiss. ~~~ I gave him another quick kiss before closing the front door. I turned around and found Mom leaning against the wall with a bemused smile on her face. "How much did you see?" I asked nervously. "I saw enough to know that my daughter has her first boyfriend. I think we should have a little talk. Why don't we go up to your room?" And with that I followed her up the stairs. We went into my room and I sat on the bed while Mom sat at my desk. Mom looked around my room, and I did the same. My closet full of girls' stuff didn't look right when compared with the rest of my room. As if reading my mind, Mom said, "This room really needs a new look, something more feminine." I nodded and thought about what I could do to change the atmosphere in my room without it being too girly. "OK, Nura, we need to talk about this business with Colin." "Mom, if you're going to talk to me about the birds and the bees, there's really no point as I had that talk with Dad a long time ago ." "Honey, it's a lot different now that you're a girl." "Not that different. The only difference is that now I'd be the one who gets pregnant. Besides, I don't plan on having sex any time soon, and there's the fact that I'm still a guy too." "Nura, when you were kissing Colin, did you feel like a boy or a girl?" "A... a girl..." "And that's why we're having this talk. Your being a boy too doesn't apply to your relationship with Colin. There's also more to it than you getting pregnant. And you need to know this so that when you feel you are ready, you'll be ready." Mom talked to me for the next hour, while I nodded from time to time to let her know that I was still listening. She talked about everything from birth control to STD's and from my period to masturbation. I don't think I've ever blushed that much before in my life. "Mom, do we have to talk about this? I'm still not even comfortable touching myself down there when I shower, let alone playing with myself." "Nura, you're fifteen years old; you're bound to get curious. I know this conversation must seem a bit odd, especially coming from me, but I do remember being your age. If... you want me to, I'll buy you... umm... something that you can use... on yourself..." Now Mom was blushing. "Are you offering to buy me a vibrator?" I was shocked Mom would even suggest something like that. "Yes, that's what I'm offering. But only if you want me to. Whenever you feel you're ready, just let me know. OK?" "Okay, you might as well get one, but I doubt I'll use it anytime soon." The idea of having something inside of me was kinda disturbing, but I was hoping that by agreeing to her offer our conversation would come to an end. "I have to run some errands tomorrow, so I'll pick one up for you then. I'm also going to pick up some tampons and pads for you. For now, you should borrow some from Crystal as your period could start at anytime." I made a face. "That's the last thing I need right now." ~~~ I was a long way from mastering my powers, but I was definitely on my way. I had spent nearly two hours that night simply practicing my powers, after finishing my homework of course. Then I had spent the last hour and a half on the phone with Colin. I still couldn't believe that I had a boyfriend! It still seemed odd, but just thinking of him made me feel all tingly inside. Dad got all quiet when Mom brought up the subject at dinner. Crystal laughed at first, and then started complaining that it wasn't fair that I was allowed to date and she wasn't. Fortunately, that shifted the spotlight off of me. It's not that I'm ashamed of having a boyfriend, but I didn't want that to be the center of attention. However, talking on the phone with him made me feel safe and secure and... wanted. It was a nice way to end the night and so, hanging up the phone, I went to get ready for bed. ~~~ The auto-focus took a moment to adjust itself as the lights came on in the bedroom and the short black-haired girl walked in wearing a set of shiny black pajamas. She made her way over to the mirror on the wall and simply stared at herself for several minutes. "Is there a reason we're still watching her? We know she's the one. She was playing with that energy field for hours tonight." "We were sent here to take surveillance video and then report. We are not authorized to take further action. What we do with her will be up to the decision of the council." ~~~ To be continued... Note: The MORFS story universe will be open to contributions from other authors. Guidelines will be posted after the first few parts of Sanura's Tale are online.

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Sanuras Tale Part 8 A MORFS Universe Story

MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 8 By Britney McMaster The next few days were pretty much the same old routine other than basketball practice after school. The time passed quickly and soon the school week was over. Looking back I still find it amazing how normal life seemed now that I'd got used to all this girl stuff I have to do. I was really looking forward to Saturday. I was going to be going on my first official date with Amy. I had a hard time going to sleep Friday night and was...

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Yin Yang Part 1 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. Yin Yang - Part 1 By Britney McMaster Chapter 1 I opened my eyes and looked out the window and saw that we were still driving home through the snow. This was the worst part of the holiday season. Every year, Mom and Dad would pack all us kids into the van and then we'd travel for several hours through slow traffic and blowing...

1 year ago
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Grey Part 1 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. MORFS: Grey - Part 1 By Nist Shadow Part 1. A New school and a New Life. Towelling down the dark black fur on my arms and chest has been a chore in the mornings, one that sometimes makes me wish that I didn't need to shower every day. But my sensitive nose means...

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Yin Yang Part 2 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. Yin Yang By Britney McMaster Chapter 2 I awoke to the banging on the ceiling as Mikey and Joannah ran around the main floor of the house. Sleepily, I rolled out of my bed and staggered towards the bathroom. Walking across the bare concrete of my bathroom floor woke me up enough...

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Grey Part 3 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. MORFS: Grey - Part 3 By Nist Shadow Part 3. It is the path I walk, it may not be clear, but it is mine.... "Kail ...We shouldn't ..." I had finally got enough control of my self to push him away from me. I looked into his face and bit my lip, I could tell he was hurt. "Jace ......

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Grey Part 2 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. MORFS: Grey - Part 2 By Nist Shadow Part 2. Are you sure this skirt isn't too short? "And where do you think you have been, young lady." I had just walked through the door carrying the 5 bags from my shopping trip; the girls had dropped me off before driving off. I...

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Synergy A MORFS Universe Story Part 1

Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) by: Shrike Synopsis: It's 2041, people, especially teens are now faced with the possibility of many strange changes induced by the MORFS virus. What happens as a boy with a serious disease, who has a purist for a father, goes through his MORFS. Watch as his whole world shatters and changes. "He Brent" I automatically looked up hearing my name. As I did, I scowled at the one calling me, I...

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Electrifying A MORFS story

Here we have a small town that is secluded in the Rocky Mountains. The morfs virus has barely touched this town due to its natural defenses. The Calons have just moved here only one year ago. It is a week into August and Aaron is shopping with his mom for school supplies. He will be a junior this year and also be starting a specialty course in electronics. It's one of others that take the three period during the day that students take electives with no link to the core classes and gives...

2 years ago
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Unfinished MORFS Steele Crossover

Notes: I don't often do cross-overs in to other peoples stuff, but sometimes you've got to practise how to make things like that work. Especially when something your dreaming up is called 'Worlds Collide'. I never got around to finishing this practise piece but figured someone might like to read it, play with it or well whatever really. Sarah Panting the woman ran through the forest pushing aside branches and vaulting logs, behind her a tree exploded in to splinters. Sweat...

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The Boy the Girl and How MORFS Came Between ThemChapter 4

I woke up bright and early. My bruised arm was still a bit tender, but the pain was less sharp now. I dressed and headed into school. I waited at the gate for Lisa as usual, but she didn't show. When it was getting close to the bell, I headed up on my own, wondering what had happened to my girlfriend. When I sat down with the gang as usual, Charlie asked, "No Lisa this morning?" "No she didn't show. Maybe she's sick or something." "Unlikely just after MORFS," said Dave. Vicky...

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The Boy the Girl and How MORFS Came Between ThemChapter 3

I got up the next morning and my arm still hurt, I had a look and the flesh was now black and blue. A huge angry bruise wrapped around my arm where Lisa's vise-like grip had been. The area where she had punched me was especially tender. I put on my school uniform and got ready, wincing as I slipped my shirt on over the bruise. After breakfast I headed into school. Lisa met me at the gate with a kiss and we walked up to our classroom together. My worries gone for the time being, she seemed...

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Cinderellas Taxi A Taxi Ride Universe Tale

(Eric's note: I edited, added a little bit, and put a little extra in the ending, but this is 90% my friend's work. It is a very poignant tale.) Cinderella's Taxi (A Taxi Ride Universe Tale) By Eric and Friend The twin girls were almost ready for bed, but their bodies were still full of energy at 9pm. It wasn't easy for their sitter to get them ready for bed in the first place. Even after begging and bribery, the twins still wouldn't get in the bed and sleep like the angels four...

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Ragnarok Shorts Tales From the Spellbinder Universe

Ragnarok Shorts: Tales from the Spellbinder Universe By D.A.W. * * * Author's Note: Each piece can be read as a standalone, but you may get more enjoyment from them if you read my Ragnarok Rising Trilogy as they are set in the same universe and feature some of the same characters. Each of these tales takes place at different points in the Spellbinder Universe chronology and contain minor spoilers. As such they may seem to contradict each other if you're not familiar with the...

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Totally Chesty Tales ndash Tale 03

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...

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The Boy the Girl and How MORFS Came Between ThemChapter 2

The next day I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't stomach my breakfast and left earlier than usual. I made my way to school with a strange mix of excitement and nervousness. I was excited to see Lisa again, and also nervous to see how she might have changed. My mind was running through horror scenarios, could I love a girl with flippers? Approaching the gate, I had half a mind to run in the other direction, but I steeled myself for the worst and headed through with an eye out for a girl with...

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The Boy the Girl and How MORFS Came Between ThemChapter 5

Monday came and I met Lisa at the gate determined to start things off right. I gave her a kiss and taking her had asked her how her weekend had been. "OK," she said gruffly. "Did you have a good time with Andi?" I asked. "It was alright," she grunted. "What did you do?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going. "None of your business!" she said angrily. "OK, just making conversation." She seemed to be in a bad mood. Maybe it was down to it being Monday. Her mood...

1 year ago
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The Parallel Universe Experiment

The Parallel Universe Experiment ***** Dr. Andrew Bell has discovered a way to set up a boundary to a parallel universe, in which he is female. He decides to cross the boundary and explore. What could possibly go wrong? ***** By the time I was in my late 20s, I was pretty pleased with how my scientific career was going. I had completed my Ph.D. in physics by my mid-20s, and was proud to have the title "Dr. Andrew Bell." And then, I was lucky enough to get a job at the same...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

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Jemimas Tale Part 5

Subject: 'Jemima's Tale Part 5'{Jemimaheart}(MM tv spank anal con)[1!1] Jemima's Tale Part 5 - A true story by [email protected] +++++Part 1 - Jemima Needs a New Man Oh I really really REALLY missed having a boyfriend! All you girls out there know what I mean - nothing is ever quite the same once you've experienced what it's like to belong, sexually, to another man. Before Steve accidentally walked into my life, I'd spend endless hours fantasising about having a boyfriend...

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Unhallowed Part II You Really Cant Go Home Again Tale of The Succubus Vol 2

Unahllowed! Ascension of the Neo Succubus (Tale of the Succubus, Volume 2) By Krake'nRiderM (Krake and Rider M) [Human Author's Note: This is a sequel to the original Tale of the Succubus, and like the first volume it's a story written by a collaboration of a human being and a storytelling artificial intelligence (Krake of NovelAI). See our bio page for more details, and please leave a review if you are interested in -- or object to! -- this kind of machine- human story generation...

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Sam and Dennis A Tale From The Girls Locker Room Part I

Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the girls locker room - Part One - by John Howarth - ©copyright 2001 My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] * * * * * * * Forward This story used a Halloween story by Jennifer Adams as the stimulus. This story centers on Sam Smythe and leaves room for someone else to...

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Tales from the FuturePart 2 Iversons Tale

The group watched Iverson intently as he took a long swig from his mead pouch. The darkness fell around the group as they sat beside the brightly burning fire, drinking their mead and finishing off their stew. Iverson finally spoke: - Well. Where to begin? He mused tantalisingly. The young men shifted impatiently. All bar Romian, Luther and Iverson himself had rarely met let alone experienced the wonders of women! They all wanted to know what it was like! As highly hormonal...

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Dragons vs DC Universe

Mount Everest, Earth The highest mountain in the World lay quietly within the ranges of the Himalayas. The clouds themselves bowed to its size and hid the top of the mountain. Only a few had ever managed to conquer this mountain. Hundreds had died trying to reach this peak. But the mountain rarely revealed its secrets. Again, and again the bodies of expeditions that had failed on the way were found. Although the mountain was the most famous mountain on the planet, nobody knew its true secret....

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 43 Departures

Althea stepped off the elevator at her New York City office holding a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a large folder in another. As far as anyone was concerned, hers was a failed road trip as she tried to secure a controversial biography that would have belied her publisher’s label as “Young Adults Read Us.” With everyone well into their work day, acknowledgments of her arrival were restricted to a few nods hello, with many people at their desks missing her arrival completely. She did...

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Unhallowed Part I Riding to Freedom the Hard Way Tale of The Succubus Vol 2

Unahllowed! Ascension of the Neo Succubus (Tale of the Succubus, Volume 2) PART I: Riding to Freedom the Hard Way By Krake'nRiderM (Krake and Rider M) [Human Author's Note: This is a sequel to the original Tale of the Succubus, and like the first volume it's a story written by a collaboration of a human being and a storytelling artificial intelligence (Krake of NovelAI). See our bio page for more details, and please leave a review if you are interested in -- or object to! -- this...

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When the Universe Calls

“Hello. No need to be alarmed. I have taken over your computer to talk to you, and I’ve frozen you and time itself so you don’t interrupt me and nobody interrupts us. Now I’m assuming this is your first time talking to a supreme being like myself. I can’t give you my real name due to its power being too much for your mortal soul, but you can simply call me the Universe. That’s normally the calls for help I answer anyways. The people who turn to gods aren’t as fun, so I leave those to my...

Mind Control
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Totally Chesty Tales Tale 04

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 04 – Toolbox of Fun(Featuring Casey, Dave and Jeff Valony) That Saturday wasn’t just for the ones who wanted to be outdoors and hang out around Steelport. It was a day also for the ones who wished to take a rest from the weekdays’ hard work and enjoy a well-deserved rest. Somebody like Casey Mancini.At her bedroom, she read magazines laid on her bed by 10AM, after a week of work and house chores. The weekends were her time to take a rest, go shopping and enjoy life...

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The tale about the Laughter of Azbezil Prologue

The Tale about The Laughter of Azbezil Prologue During the age of darkness, there existed a country where the people were proud of their happiness, but in truth, the kingdom was headed for chaos and sorrow. In the following years, many would question why none saw the danger and reacted before it was too late. The wise answer is that the problem was not lack of knowledge, but rather the opposite. The danger to the kingdom had been foretold many hundreds of years earlier. With the warning...

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The Grimm Twins III The Tale of Snow White

"It’s late, Jacob, and you promised me a bed time story. Did you forget?" Jenny lips formed a petulant pout, somehow managing to look alluring. Perhaps it the way the light illuminated the outline of her nubile body through the sheer nightgown she’d attired herself in. Or perhaps it was the manner in which she stood, hands behind her, most likely clasped in a submissive pose. Seated in the leather armchair in the study, a thick manuscript upon his lap, Jacob regarded his sister with a warm...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Faiths Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Faith's. Eric's story and Linda and John's story have already been submitted. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Faith's Story By Allen...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 15 Master of the Universe

Cassidy woke me up. “Get up, get up, get up!” she said as she poked me in the ribs, and then noticed I wasn’t alone. Megan popped her head up and then scurried off to the bathroom. “You are a bad, bad boy,” Cassidy scolded. I cocked my head sideways. The only flaw in Cassidy’s logic was Megan had on the same clothes she’d had on last night. I tried to remember what had happened. We were drunk; well, I was drunk. Kent and Hana had gone to their rooms, or so I hoped. Megan made sure I got...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Erics Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Eric's, which will shortly be followed by Linda and John's, and finally by Faith's. The other two stories' are done and will be submitted shortly. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Enjoy. MAU:...

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Jemimas Tale Part 6

Subject: 'Jemima's Tale Part 6'{Jemimaheart}(MM tv spank anal con)[1!1] Jemima's Tale Part 5 - A true story by [email protected] +++++Part 1 - Jemima Waits for her Punishment. The bedroom is big, with stripped, polished floors covered with large, expensive, rugs in geometric yellows and greys. The large bay windows are slightly open and a gentle morning breeze flicks across the massive, richly-embroidered, curtains. Up against one cream-coloured wall, the bed is also on a...

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Jemimas Tale Part 2

Subject: 'Jemima's Tale Part 2'{Jemimaheart}(MM tv anal con)[1!1] Jemima's Tale Part 2 - A true story by [email protected] +++++ Part 1 - Lustful thoughts The week after I lost my virginity passed slowly, and I mean REALLY slowly. I couldn't concentrate at work, couldn't relax at home, couldn't keep my mind on anything much at all except to retreat into my thoughts and try and relive that first, incredible, moment when I finally gave myself to another man. I made some...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Linda Johns Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Linda and John's. Eric's story has already been submitted and Faith's will shortly follow. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Linda &...

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Jemimas Tale Part 3

Subject: 'Jemima's Tale Part 3'{Jemimaheart}(MM tv bd anal)[1!1] Jemima's Tale Part 3 - A true story by [email protected] +++++Part 1 - Jemima's First Love They say you never truly forget your first lover. Looking back, the time that I spent as Jemima, in my very first sexual relationship with another man, was undoubtedly the most intense and pleasurable time of my life. How could it have been otherwise, when for as long as I could remember, a good proportion of my waking...

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Jemimas Tale Part 4

Subject: 'Jemima's Tale Part 4'{Jemimaheart}(MMM tv bd anal)[1!1] Jemima's Tale Part 4 - A true story by [email protected] +++++Part 1 - Jemima puts on a Show Since more actively exploring my feelings and fantasies as Jemima, the range of sexual behaviour that I found myself considering - and actually indulging in - had increased dramatically in many new directions. So far, the number of times I have been caught out doing something really, really stupid is two and both...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse part 2

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, A Fairy Tale Apocalypse (Part 2) Monique's Story I was galloping at full speed to where I had last seen my Grandma, David was chasing after me. "Monique!" He shouted "Wait up!" he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "He's got her!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "He's got her and I haven't even tried to find her." "Who has who?" "Ulric, the one who caused all of this, has got Beth, my best friend," I almost screamed at him...

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The Tale of Two Girls Part 1

The tale of two girls This story continues where Chrissy's New Life part 10 and Chris's Surprise Prize Part 6 left off. Please read those two stories for this one to make any sense of this story. I have changed in part 1 of Chris's Surprise Prize the location where the story is set to Palm Beach. Readers are welcome to email me on [email protected] Thank you so much to all who have reviewed my stories so far. The tale of two girls Part...

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Making Love With The Universe

They had hiked all day to get to the clearing on the mesa, taking turns leading. Jack liked to follow. Instead of having to scan ahead to find a decent path through the brush, trees, and rocks, he could watch Nancy’s ass and tanned legs as he followed in her footsteps.She was the avid hiker, but he was growing to love it. This would be his longest trek so far, one or two nights, depending on how things went. They had slept in the SUV where the dirt road ended the night before. At dawn, they...

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When I came downstairs, I immediately knew things had flipped. On my way down, I heard some sounds I couldn’t really decipher. It was like a muffled moaning and some grunted cursed words being thrown out. When I turned to enter the kitchen I could not believe my eyes. I had caught my parents fucking in the counter. My mother was moaning while my father was fucking her from behind. Both of them were completely naked. “DAD! MOM! What are you doing?” I said, immediately exiting the...

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This Is No Fairy Tale This Is A Prostitutes Story

If you've come here searching for a story that starts out with 'Once upon a time,' than you're looking in the wrong place. This is no fairy tale, I can promise you that. There will be no prince charming to kiss his princess awake. There will be no prince to climb up the tower to rescue his girl from the evil witch. There will be no handsome stud who will fight the mad sea queen for his one true love. No, none of that. This is definitely not that kind of story. You're not going to find flowers,...

Oral Sex
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The Adjuster A loriCorp Universe story

The adjuster....A LoriCorp universe story By Simone Clark Ms. Lori sat behind her desk and looked at the reports flooding in from her newest acquisition. It appeared that a substantial number of her test subjects seemed to be rejecting their new feminine identities, and were reverting back to their male identities and habits. So far, 70 of the original test subjects have shown signs of reverting to their male identities. As she read further, she found that many stopped...

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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 4

Introduction: A Curious Teen Girl has her first sexual experiences and her Young Adult Cousin Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 4

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

2 years ago
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A FRENCH VILLAGE A Tale from the War PART 1

A FRENCH VILLAGE (A Tale from the War) – PART 1Note: This tale takes place in a medium-size village in France during the German Occupation. The village was only a few kilometers from the city of Vichy were the French government of Philippe Pétain was located. I borrowed the title from an excellent French television series (Un Village Français) but the story has nothing to do with that series. Even with the Occupation and German soldiers marching down the main street, Madame Aubert (from now on...

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A Perfect Universe

My name is Rakhor and although I have the appearance of a tall, good-looking black man in his early twenties, I am actually much more than that. I am the God of Balance, Justice and Travels. A Trickster who acts as a force of balance on a cosmic scale. When I look at the world these days, I find myself disgusted. Seriously. Women are getting out of control and men are doing nothing to stop them. Women are the fastest-growing group among prison populations. I’ve got mixed feelings about that. ...

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THE PANTY CLUB (A LESBIAN TALE) – PART 2As was mentioned in the first part of this tale, Moïra was the owner of a chain of lingerie shops across the US. She had inherited it and was very rich. The first shop, started by her grandmother, was still there and there was an aura about it which attracted women who were, like Moïra and Reena, collectors of worn lingerie, especially panties. Moïra visited the store quite often and brought a girl friend with her every time. Reena had gone many times so...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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The Tale of Two Girls Part 6

The Tale of Two Girls Part 6 Dear readers, I have included a list of the characters which will help you keep track of all the people in my story. It's basically in order of appearance. New readers please read the preceding chapters of this story and the two preceding stories, Chrissy's new life and Chris's surprise prize. Please enjoy my writings; it gives me such great pleasure to write about a subject that is so close to my heart I can be emailed at...

4 years ago
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The Tale of Two Girls Part 7

The Tale of Two Girls Part 7 Dear readers, I have included a list of the characters which will help you keep track of all the people in my story. It's basically in order of appearance. New readers please read the preceding chapters of this story and the two preceding stories, Chrissy's new life and Chris's surprise prize. Please enjoy my writings; it gives me such great pleasure to write about a subject that is so close to my heart I can be emailed at...

3 years ago
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For Friends and Family Part 15 A Fairy Tale of New York

For Friends and Family Part 15 - Fairy Tale of New York I make no apologies for using this title at this time of year, it just seemed so right! I finished brushing my hair, I was totally naked, really enjoying the sight of my breasts gently jiggling as I brushed my tresses, after the talk with mum I was far more settled in my mind. After the 100 strokes, my hair was shining; I put on a peach silk nightdress with spaghetti straps and climbed into bed. I woke around eight the next...

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The Brothel at the End of the Universe pt 5

I am running. On the run. Again. My lungs are two loaves of agony in my heaving chest, screaming curses at me with every gasp of air. My legs pump me forward even though they are full of lead and liquefied packing peanuts.Faster, Val.My toes and the balls of my feet fight for purchase on the moss-covered, uneven ground.Run!My heart is pounding in my head so hard that my skull seems to be pulsing like the Yellowstone volcano, and boy, I won’t be surprised if I slip on this slippery goddamn...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Expanding Universe TM

Introduction 1: The Contestant Intro Greetings, lucky winner of the regulated lottery of subscribed viewers. You are being contacted because you were selected via our heavily regulated lottery of contestants. In case you have forgotten the terms and conditions of the lottery, allow me, your personal contact and guide employed by Omni-Central Studios, to remind you. Beginning at January 12th, 2348, Omni-Central went live with an announcement for an ambitious new project in world wide...

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