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This part of the story doesn't deal with the Tg genre though it is essential to tell the story. Chapter Seven The next year and a half my life sucked. Between my freshmen and sophomore year I didn't do much except go to the library and check out books. I never like watching TV and seeing we didn't have cable there really wasn't much on for me to watch during the day. Nights were better though not much. My sophomore year at Brentwood Preparatory Academy was as bad as what I thought my freshman year would be like had I not become friends with Billy. There were other boys I would talk to but no one was as friendly as Billy was. I joined a few clubs and helped other kids with their studies but mostly my second year was an awful bore. Between my sophomore and junior year my mother got me a job at the hospital taking meals to the patients. Even though I did the job I didn't care for it. I didn't like seeing the patients especially when they were hurting or their bodies where severely maimed. That summer taught me I could never be a doctor. I was able to make a bit of money. When I tried to give my mother some she said, "I'm getting social security for you from your father. Take your money and save it for college. Even if you get a scholarship you'll still need money to live on." I was sure my junior year at Brentwood would be like my sophomore year. I wasn't looking forward to it but I knew I would do my best. For the first month and a half it was shaping up just as I predicted. That was until she walked into my life and my chemistry class. When I first look up as she walked into the class I didn't think much of her. She had long stringy brown hair that hung down to the middle of her back. She had dark heavy rimmed glasses on her face. Her uniform looked nothing like the uniform the other girls wore. The other girls wore tight fitting white blouses under their dark blue vest to show off their budding attributes. The new girl's blouse was so loose it looked like she had nothing at all to show off. Her blue gray plaid pleated skirt was longer then the other girl's as well. The other girls rolled their skirts up at the waist to show as much leg as possible. There was a length requirement but every one seemed to ignore it. The new girl's skirt came down below her knees an inch or two. As I looked her over I saw her hand a note to the teacher. After reading the note the teacher stood and walked back toward me with the new girl close behind. As soon as I saw them I knew what was coming next. In our Chem. Lab we worked in pairs. That is every one but me. Seeing we had an odd number I was the only one with out a partner. This was quite all right with me and actually I preferred it that way. This way I wouldn't have to worry about my partner getting their work done or having to do their work seeing they were too lazy or they thought it wasn't important. When the teacher reached my lab desk she said, "Annett this is Timothy O'Shea, Timothy this Annett Simons. Timothy you an Annett will be lab partners would you please work with her to get her caught up with the rest of the class. Annett Timothy is one of our brightest students I'm sure you'll do well with his help." As the teacher when back to the front of the room I extended my hand toward Annett. Instead of taking it She turned and took the seat next to mine. She then opened her backpack and took out her chemistry book and after looking at my book she opened it to the page I was on. She then sat very still, as if waiting for some command of what to do next. Knowing we had to wear safety glasses I picked a spare set and handed them to Annett while saying, "We have to wear these when we're working with chemicals. They should fit over your glasses." In a very soft whisper she said thank you as she took the glasses from me. Seeing the class had just started I discarded the experiment I had been working on and started again. I wanted Annett to see it from the beginning. I explained to her what I was doing as I restarted the experiment. At first it seemed like she wasn't at all interested in what I was doing. She didn't seem to want to talk either. Whenever I looked at her she would look away usually toward the floor as if she was afraid I would see her. By the end of class I figured she was very shy and afraid someone would make fun of her. I was about to ask her where her next class was but the bell rang and she quickly left the classroom. I had to laugh to myself when I saw her enter my history class. I could have save her some time by showing her a short cut through two other classrooms. After she talked to the teacher and was told where to sit she walked right passed me. I gave her a small wave though she either didn't see it or didn't want to acknowledge it. I don't know what it was about her but I was drawn to her. I could see even though she tried hard to hide it she was quite beautiful and I found myself attracted to her. I next saw her at lunch. She was sitting by herself at a small table near the wall. By this time I had a regular seat with a few friends from the Math club. When I saw her sitting alone I went over to her and asked if I could sit with her. She nodded her head but said nothing at all. Once I sat down I asked her where she was from. She wasn't very talkative and only answered my questions with one word answers. When she did answer I could barely hear her over the din in the cafeteria. After about five minutes of this she burst out saying loud enough so every one in the cafeteria could hear. "Look I know what you're after and I'm not interested. I don't want any friends and I sure don't want any boyfriends. Why don't you go chase some other skirt and leave me alone." To say I was shocked by her outburst would be an understatement. I was stun by it. I didn't think I had come on that strongly to deserve being chastised like that for all to hear. It took me a few seconds to get over my shock. I then stood picked up my tray and said just loud enough so only she could hear, "I'm sorry I bothered you I just thought you would like someone to talk to. I won't bother you again." When I took my normal seat with my friends I got a hell of a ribbing. They made all kind of gestures about how I had crashed and burned with the new girl. Even though I told them I wasn't after her that way they didn't believe me. When I looked back at the table where Annett had been siting I saw she had left as well. We didn't have Chem. Lab the next day as we only had it twice a week. I did see her in History but I didn't make any gesture to acknowledge it. I did notice she looked at me but quickly averted her eyes. For the next few weeks I didn't say anything to her except in Chem. lab. There we had to talk though it was in short quick sentences and only when necessarily. There was a tension between us I was sure anyone could feel. Around the end of November Annett came into the Chem. Lab and sat down next to me. As we started our experiment her hand fell on my arm and she said in her timid voice. "Timothy I'm sorry I was cross with you. I was feeling very vulnerable and I lashed out at you. Can we start over again." I was thrilled to hear her say that. "I'd like that a lot Annett. By the way I go by Tim not Timothy." Annett smiled for the first time and I saw she had braces for the first time. "I'm glad too, you can call me Annie if you like. Only my friends call me Annie." After that we became friends. I found that Annie was really smart and she easily made good grades. Sometimes we would study together in the school library and I found she took studying quite serious. I also found out we had the same tastes in music and movies. I was surprised she liked Si-Fi movies and she was surprised that I like romantic comedies. She was the only one besides my mother that knew that. A few weeks after we started talking I found her following me to the bus stop so I asked teasingly. "Are you following me?" She giggled and said, "No silly I live this way. I walk home this way every day behind you. You haven't noticed me before?" I chuckled and said, "I guess not. Why haven't you said anything?" I saw her blush as she said, "I don't know I just didn't." I took her backpack and slung it over my shoulder and said, "You should have said something. I would have carried your books for you." She giggled before saying, "My you are gallant aren't you?" "Not gallant just humble my lady," I told her teasingly. We walked side by side till we reached her front gate. She then took her backpack and asked, "Where do you live. Is it on this street?" Normally I never tried to hide the fact I didn't really belong in this school. I felt privileged to go here so I never evaded the question before. But with Annie I was embarrassed by the fact I was poor so I said, "I live on the other side of town. I catch a bus down the street." Annie looked surprised by my answer before saying. "That's long way to go to school. You must have to get up real early?" "It's a really good school and it's worth the time it takes me to get here," I told her. "I guess it's a good school. Thanks for walking me home and for carrying my books I'll see you tomorrow," she told me before she started walking up her walk toward her front door. I couldn't help myself as I watch her walk away. She had a cute little wiggle to her walk that made her skirt swing from side to side. About half way up the walk she turned her head and saw me watching her. I saw her smile at this before she turned around again. Chapter Eight For the next four months Annie and I became very close. On Monday Wednesday and Fridays I would walk her home and carry her books. On Tuesdays and Thursdays a black Mercedes would pick her up after school and go in the opposite direction. For Christmas we exchanged cards. On Valentines Day I surprised her by giving her a card and a small heart shaped box of chocolates. In early March I knew I had to make a change in our relationship. By this time it wasn't uncommon for Annie to hold my hand or let me wrap my arm around her. I never tried to kiss her but I sure wanted to. Actually I wanted to do a lot more but I never made a move. The last thing I wanted was to be only friends with her. I knew there was a movie coming out that we both wanted to see. It was the third part of a trilogy and I know Annie talked about it constantly. So I decided that I would ask her out on a date for that movie. The Monday before the movie came out I walked Annie home like always. I was so nervous about asking her out my throat was a dry as the desert. I could actually feel my whole body shake as we walked down the street. When we reached her gate I took her hand in mine and said, "Annie you know that movie starts this week. I was hoping we could see it together." Annie looked up at me with a surprised look on her face and asked. "Do you mean as friends?" I really worried that was all she saw us as and I almost told her that was all I wanted. But I held my ground I wanted our relationship to be more then just friends, so I said, "No I was talking about a date." Her eyes popped open even more as she said, "You mean like a real date? "Yes like a real date. I would like us to be more than just friends," I told her. "Okay sure. When?" she said quickly. "How about Saturday?" I asked. "You mean Saturday night right like a real date?" she asked very excitedly. "Yes Saturday night. We'll get something to eat then go to the movies," I told her though I was hoping she wasn't expecting too much in the way of dinner. "I'd love to go out with you. Saturday it is then," she told me as she threw her arms around my neck. As she hugged me she gave me a peck on the cheek then composed her self. "I should be going in now. I'll see you at school tomorrow." She gave me another quick peck on the cheek before she skipped up the walk way toward her house. The next four days were torture and wonderful at the same time. I couldn't wait for Saturday and it seemed to take forever. But Annie made it worth while. Whenever we were together she would hold my hand and when we parted she would give me a kiss on the cheek. It wasn't until Saturday I realized I had no idea how I was going to get home that night. I was sure the bus stopped running in that area around ten. That meant I had to catch the last bus or I'd have to walk home or till I could find another bus. To tell the truth I wouldn't have mind if I did. As far as I was concerned doing that for a date with Annie was well worth it. I knew no one else in school thought Annie was that good looking, but I knew she was and she was a real pleasure to be around. Her demeanor was nicer then any of the other girls at school. When I arrived at her house it was six thirty in the evening. I knocked on the door assured that her father would answer. Instead it was a woman who answered. "You must be Tim, come in Annie isn't quite ready yet. She was a tall woman, taller than I was by several inches. I couldn't judge her age though she couldn't be more than forty, she looked a lot younger. I thanked her and stepped inside. Once I was inside she looked out the door and said, "I didn't hear you drive up what kind of car do you have?" "I don't have a car Mrs. Simons," I told her. She looked confused for a second before saying, "I guess Annie didn't tell you I'm her Aunt Sally. Sally Adams and you are?" "Timothy O'Shea Mrs. Adams," I told her. "That's Miss Adams Tim and you can call me Sally. If you don't have a car how are you getting to the movies?" she asked. "There's a bus stop just down the street. I figured we could take the bus if it's okay with you and Annie," I told her. Sally looked thoughtful for a couple of seconds before saying. "To be honest Tim I'm not okay with it. I'm not sure what the bus schedule is and I don't want Annie riding the bus." "There's really nothing wrong with the bus Miss Adams. I ride one everyday. I checked the schedule and I know I'll have Annie home by mid night," I told her. "Aunt Sally what's wrong?" I heard Annie asked from behind me. When I turned around Annie was standing at the bottom of the stairs. And the way she looked stunned me. I always knew Annie was good looking, I could see it even though she tried to hide it. The girl before me looked nothing like the girl I knew in school. Her hair was pulled back into a sort of a French brad. She wore a red sleeveless dress that stopped an inch or two above her knee. The uniform she wore at school didn't do her body justice. For her size she had really nice breasts. I'd say a B cup though that was only a guess. She also had a tiny little waist that could be no more than twelve inches around. She was wearing stockings and heels, which I never saw her wear before. "Well Aunt Sally?" she asked again. When I looked at her aunt I could see she was as stunned as I was. She shook her head a second before saying. "Tim doesn't have a car and I'm not thrilled with you riding the bus." Annie thought for a moment then asked me, "Do you have a drivers license?" "No I never had a need for one," I told her. Annie thought again before turning to her aunt saying. "I have one, may I use the Porsche?" Annie's aunt looked like her jaw was going to hit the floor she looked so stunned. "You want to drive?" she asked in disbelief. "Yes if it's okay with you," Annie told her after some hesitation. "Of course you can, it's your car after all. You know where the keys are," her aunt told her. "It's my father's car but thank you anyway," Annie told her with a kiss. Annie grabbed her coat out of the closet and I helped her put it on. We walked out of the house and back around to the garage. I saw there were several cars in the garage. One of them was the black Mercedes I saw picking up Annie on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Another one was a red Porsche 911 convertible. I watched as Annie went over to a metal box that was bolted to a wall. She took several deep breaths before she opened the box. She picked out a set of keys and pressed a button below the box that opened the garage door behind the Porsche. When she got to the car I opened the car door for her and once more she took a few deep breaths as she held her hand to her stomach. Once she was ready she thanked me and slid behind the wheel. I had thought she would have the car running by the time I got into the car on the passenger side. When I got in I saw she had her eyes closed and she looked like she was counting to herself. The ignition key was still in her hand and it was poised at the ignition slot. She really looked like she was scared to drive so I said, "Annie if you don't want to drive we don't have to go tonight." "NO, I want to go. I haven't driven for a while and it was only a few times. I'm just a little nervous," she told me before she slit the key into the slot and cranked the engine over. Once she had the car started she backed out and turned the car around. She then pressed the garage door closer button before putting the car into first and drove down the driveway. I could instantly see she was very cautious, as she didn't get the car out of second gear for nearly the first five miles. She also stopped at every intersection even the ones we didn't have the stop sign for. She also slowed to a stop at the lighted ones even when we had a green light. The further we went the more relaxed she seemed to get. Though that was relative to how nervous she was when we started out. It took us three times as long as it should have but I wasn't complaining. As long as she got us there in one piece I would be very happy. When we were getting close to the theater I asked. "Where do you want to eat tonight?" When we stopped for a light she turned to me and said, "Would it be all right if we went to one of those fast food restaurants? It's been a long time since I had a burger and fries." That sounded great to me and my wallet. Once we were in the restaurant Annie ordered a small cheese burger and a small fry. She also ordered a small shake. I was quite surprised by her meager meal but no matter how much I tried to get her to order something more she would say that was all she wanted. When we sat down to eat she opened her burger wrapper as if it was a place mate. She then poured out the fries onto the wrapper and dribbled a bit of ketchup onto the fries before she started eating. She was a dainty eater, as she only took very small bites of her burger and she ate one fry at a time. I was sure she would finish off her meal but when she had half of the burger eaten and a third of the fries she declared she was full. I asked her several times if she was sure she was full and twice I asked her if I could get her anything else. She assured me she was quite full and she needed nothing else. As we stood in the line for the movie Annie wrapped her arm around mine and rested her head on my shoulder. When we got into the theater she raised the arm between her seat and mine so she could sit close to me. I didn't even try the old stretch and wrap around to get my arm around her. It wasn't needed as she easily rested her head on my shoulder as we watched the movie. The theater was quite full so I didn't try to make out with her. Beside we both wanted to watch the movie. Once the movie was over and we were out by her car I took her into my arms and kissed her. This time it was on the lips and she parted her lips for my tongue without protest. We kissed for several minutes before I finally let her go. The drive home was a little better than the drive to the theater. She stopped far more frequently then she had to but not near as bad as she did earlier. When she stopped the car in the garage I could see her breathe a sigh of relief that her ordeal was over. Once the keys were back where they were supposed to be and the garage was closed. I took her into my arms once more and we kissed for several minutes. We then made our way to the front door were we kissed for a very long time. We kissed for about an hour before she pulled her lips from mine and said, "I could do this all night with you, but I should go in now. My aunt might get upset if I stay out too long." "We can't have that," I told her before giving her a tiny kiss on the lips. "I wouldn't want your aunt upset with me. She may not let me take you out again." Annie looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes and asked. "Do you want to take me out again?" "As often as I can," I told her. "Can I call you tomorrow afternoon?" Annie giggled and said shyly. "I would like that a lot, Tim. But you better watch out. I may start thinking you're my steady boyfriend." "I'd like that too Annie, Would you like to go steady with me?" I asked. "As long as you kiss me like you have been I do," she told me before we started kissing again. It was a half hour later before she finally eased out of my arms and opened her front door. Once she was inside I finally made my way to the bus stop. I was sure at that hour I had missed the last bus by at least an hour. I was debating where to wait till the busses started running again or just start walking when a taxi pulled up to the bus stop. The driver got out and asked. "Are you Tim O'Shea?" After I told him I was he said, "A Miss Adams told us to give you a ride home, she said you already missed the last bus." "That was very nice of her but I don't have the money for a cab ride. Thank you anyway," I told him though I wish I had the money, as it was really cold out. "She's paying the fare. Gave us her credit card number for the bill. Get in before you freeze to death," he told me as he got back in the cab. I followed suit and he drove off. The following day when I called Annie I made sure to tell her to thank her aunt for me. It was a generous thing to do. We then talked for about an hour before hanging up. The next Monday Annie looked like she did every day. The beautiful girl I had seen on Saturday was locked inside so no one could see. I didn't understand why she did that but I didn't ask her either. I figure she had her reasons. Chapter Nine It was Wednesday before I saw Sally Adams again. I had dropped Annie off at her house and after a long kiss good bye I made my way to the bus stop. As I waited a black Mercedes pulled up to the bus stop and the passenger window opened. "Let's go get a coffee Tim," I heard her say once the window was open. After what she did on Saturday I knew I couldn't refuse her though I didn't really want to either. I didn't think I needed to fear her. So I got in the car and she drove away. Once we were at one of the gourmet coffee stores she ordered two coffees and we took a seat in the back away from everyone else. After taking a sip from my coffee I said, "I hope Annie told you I said thank you for the cab ride. That was very generous of you." "Yes she did and you're welcome." She took another drink from her coffee and said, "Before we get too comfortable I'd like to know what are your intentions with my niece?" I was quite surprised by her statement so I said, "I'm sorry I don't know what you're getting at." "It's very simple Tim. Are you dating my niece just to get in her panties? Are looking for another notch to put on your belt," she told me none to quietly. I knew honesty was the only way to answer this question. "Miss Adams I can't say I'm not interested in making love to Annie. If I said I wasn't you would know me for a liar. Any boy my age would be interested. But I'm also interest in Annie as a girl. She's really funny, smart and very pretty. We have a lot of fun arguing with each other. I can't tell you how much I enjoy being around her. As far as putting another notch in my belt I don't have a single one." "You said she was pretty, you didn't know that until last Saturday." I shook my head and chuckled before saying, "You're just like every one else at school. You can only see what's on the surface. Under the facade I saw how pretty she was. I saw it the first day I met her. I don't know why she's trying to hide it but she a very pretty girl." Sally sat back and said, "I know exactly what was under the surface. I knew what she looked like before and what she's trying to hide. And you're right she is a very pretty girl wrapped up in a plan brown wrapper." I could see she was thinking but then she quickly went on the offensive again by saying. "I know all about you Tim. I know how you came to be at Brentwood and where your mother works. I even know your father died in a knife fight at a gin mill. If you looking for a quick payday you have another guess coming, I control Annie's purse strings and you won't get dime of her money." I could see she was trying to make me angry but she was going about it the wrong way. "I'm not the least bit ashamed of where my mother works. She works hard keeping a roof over my head and food in my belly. As for my father I never knew the man but from what I was told he was trying to break up that fight. I'm not the least bit interested in Annie's money and as far as it goes I think it's wise you hold the strings." I could see this wasn't going to work, Sally didn't trust me and I guess I couldn't blame her. I came from the wrong side of town and she was worried. "I was pretty sure dating Annie would lead to this sort of problem. If you don't want me dating her say so and I'll break it off. I don't want any confrontation with you that could hurt Annie," I told her as I stood to leave. Sally grabbed my wrist and said, "Please sit down we're not done talking yet." As far as I was concerned this conversation was over but I was never rude to my elders so I sat down and started to listen. Once Sally saw I was ready she said, "How old do you think Annie is?" "Well she's in the same grade I am but she does have a license so I figure sixteen or seventeen," I told her. "Actually Annie is almost nineteen," Sally told me which shocked me to the core. "How can that be she's Junior a like me?" I said. "Do you know anything about her family?" she asked sadly. "No she never mentions them, in fact I didn't even know she was living with you until last Saturday," I told her. Sally nodded her head and said, "That figures. She refuses to talk about them and the accident. I know she blames herself for it but it wasn't her fault. She had an argument with her father earlier in the day over a boy and she thinks she caused the crash." Sally took a drink of her coffee and said, "A truck ran a stop sign and plowed into their car killing both parents. Annie was hurt pretty bad too though she lived. Her body healed but mentally she was a basket case." "That explains why she drove the way she did the other night," I said. "What do you mean?" Sally asked. "She stopped at every intersection we went through. I guess she was looking for other cars," I told her. "I don't know if you realized it but I was quite shocked when she asked to drive the Porsche. She hasn't driven since that day and when she first got out of the hospital she hated getting onto a car. I had to give her a tranquilizer to take her to the doctors," she told me. "You should have said something to me. We could have canceled the date," I told her. She quickly said, "No don't get me wrong that was a big breakthrough for her. She must have really wanted to go out with you. It must have taken a lot of soul searching for her to get behind the wheel again. That night was the first time she got dressed up for anything. Normally she wears the ugliest clothes she can find but for you she got dressed up and did her hair." "So what are you saying?" I asked. "Are you saying it's not good for her to go out with me? Is that why you brought up my background? Or are you worried she may fall in love with me and you don't want some one like me in her life?" Sally thought for a second and she looked embarrassed when she said, "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I wanted to know what your intentions are. Annie is vulnerable right now. I don't think she could handle a relationship if you were only interested in getting in her pants or at her money. I had no reason to believe you were but I had to know." It sounded to me like Sally was only looking after Annie's welfare. I could understand that seeing the little I knew about Annie's accident and the aftermath. My problem was I still didn't know what Sally wanted so I asked. "So would it be better for Annie not to see me? I mean we've only gone out once and if I break it off now she shouldn't take it hard." Sally looked confused then she said, "I thought you two were seeing each other for a few months now?" "Not really," I told her. "We have been friends since before Christmas but it wasn't serious until last Saturday." "I hate to tell you this but Annie thinks you were her boyfriend for that long. At least before Valentines Day." She then laughed before saying, "You know girls, they always think a relationship is more than it actually is." I was still unsure of what she wanted from me. "So can I date Annie or do you want me to break it off?" "As far as I can see you're good for her. In the last few months she's been sleeping normally. She's starting to take an interest in her looks again and she's been eating better," Sally told me. "You said eating better, she sure didn't eat very much last Saturday," I told her. "Believe me she is eating better. She lost almost half her body weight after the accident. There were times when I really thought I was going to lose her from malnutrition. In the last four months she gained twelve pounds which is a big improvement." Sally took my hand in hers and said, "I think you've been very good for her and if you are serious about dating her then I think you should." After that we got up and went out to the car, Sally told me she would give me a ride to the bus depot where I could catch my transfer. On the way I asked, "If Annie is nineteen how come she's still a junior in high school?" "For six months after the accident she was bed ridden from her injuries," Sally said. "The next year she was unresponsive and she couldn't cope with her parents death. It wasn't until this year that I finally got her to go back to school. Now she's two years behind physically as well as mentally. Either she doesn't believe she's nineteen of refuses to accept it. In her mind she's the same age she was at the time of the accident." I was beginning to wonder what I got myself into. The more I heard the more it sounded like Annie was a very disturbed girl. But to tell the truth she didn't seem that way to me. If she was nineteen like her aunt claimed she didn't act it. She acted like any other girl in my school. Except Annie seemed more innocent then most of the girls. Chapter Ten We continued dating through the rest of the school year. Sally encouraged me to get my license so I could take Annie out using one of their cars. Over the summer we continued to date and Sally got me a job at a law firm as a copy machine operator and an errand boy. It paid pretty well. Enough so I could give my mom money to help with the bills and money left over to take Annie out. Several times a week I would be invited over for dinner. When ever I was over Annie made a point to look her best. After dinner we would watch TV and make out on the sofa. Our make out sessions were just that. We would sit on the sofa and kissed the night away. More than a few times I tried to feel her up but Annie wouldn't let me. If I tried to put my hand on her breast or her bottom she would pull it away. Her lips never left mine but I knew her secret places were off limits. Over the summer I could see Annie start to come out of her shell. She wore clothes that showed off her body whenever I was around and she always looked wonderful when ever I showed up. I really thought she turned the corner. But once school started again she returned to what Sally called her plain brown wrapper. Christmas of my senior was very special to me. Actually from Thanksgiving to Christmas was special. After dinner Thanksgiving night Annie and I were on the sofa making out when I tried once more to feel her breast. This time she didn't pull my hand away. This time she moaned into my mouth as my hand felt her breast through her dress. From that day on as long as we were alone she would allow me to massage her breast and her bottom through her clothes. Christmas day I received several presents. The first was from Sally. She handed me a box that contained the keys and the title to her black Mercedes. When I told her the gift was too much she said I needed a car and she was just going to trade it in anyway. You could imagine how much I thanked her. Annie had several presents for me. The one I loved the most was when we were alone on the sofa. She opened the top of her dress and pulled my head down so I can suck on one of her nipples. At the same time she opened my pants and pulled out my cock. This was the first time she ever felt it even through my pants. She jerked me off as we kissed until I went off in her hand. She seemed to enjoy doing that and she got me off several times a week after that. That was about as far as we got for the rest of the school year. For the most part our relationship was wonderful. We never had an argument except for the one about the prom. I basically told Annie we were going to the prom. She insisted that she didn't want to go. She told me she would have to dress up and she didn't want the other boys to see her. I still couldn't understand what that was all about and she never told me her reasons. We wound up arguing for several days to the point neither of us talked to the other. I was about to give in and not go then Annie came to me and said, "I'll go to the prom with you. I know I'm going to have a horrible time but if it's that important to you I'll go." It really wasn't that important to me but I wanted Annie to experience it. Even her aunt said she should go, as it would help her. As soon as Annie accepted the fact we were going she did everything she could to make it special for both of us. I had a way to make it special too but I had to talk to her aunt first. I had arranged to meet with Sally at the coffee shop where we had our discussion when Annie and I first started dating. Since that day we had a good relationship seeing our mutual interest was Annie's well being. I was hoping that would still be the case after I talked to her. By the time Sally had arrived I already had two cups of coffee. I was shaking like a leaf when she sat down across from me. I'm not sure if it was the coffee or just my nerves. This was the biggest question I could ask anyone except when I asked Annie. Before she sat down she gave me a peck on the cheek which had been our normal greeting for the last year or so. Once she was seated she asked in a whisper, "Now what's so secretive that we have to have this clandestine meeting?" I had rehearsed exactly what I was going to say to her. "Sally I wanted to ask for your approval. I know you had some questions when I first started dating Annie. I hope I laid these questions to rest by this point. I wanted your approval before I talk to Annie. I would like your permission to ask Annie to marry me." I had thought this would surprise her, of course I was quite wrong. "Tim honey I'm not at all surprised. I could see Annie had fallen deeply in love with you and I saw you fall for her as well. I also have to admit you have been a tower of strength for her to lean on. She has come a long way from that girl that you started dating. Unfortunately she still has a long way to go." Sally paused for a minute as if in deep thought before she said, "As for my approval I will gladly grant it under two conditions. One is that you do not marry until both of you graduate from college. Annie will be going to Radcliffe in the fall and she'll need something to work towards. I'm afraid if you marry she'll give up on college and run to you. I believe she needs to be on her own for a while. I think in the long run she'll grow into a better person for it and you both will be happier. "The second condition has nothing to do with your background," she told me after she collected her thoughts. "I would ask the same of anyone Annie marries regardless of their financial state. I want you to sign a prenuptial agreement. You have to understand, I'm only asking this to safeguard Annie's future. I would ask the same even if you had a billion dollars in the bank." "I expected you to ask me to sign a prenuptial agreement," I told her. "I don't want Annie's money, I never have. I only want Annie and I only want to make her happy. I was hoping we could be married before we go to college but I understand what you're saying and I agree with you." "Well since you've agreed to my conditions then I'll gladly welcome you into our family," Sally told me. "That's if Annie also gives her consent," I told Sally. "I wouldn't worry about that too much," she told me before she said, "speaking of engagements have you got a ring yet?" "No it'll have to wait till I can afford one," I told her. "That will never do. A girl needs a ring to prove she's been asked," Sally told me. "I have a ring you can give her. It was passed down to me from my grandmother. I was supposed to use it when I found a man to make an honest woman of me." "I wouldn't want to take that. I'm sure you'll find someone soon. You're very beautiful and I'm sure you have guys line up around the block," I told her. "Thank you," she said with a smile. "But that will never be the case. My taste in romantic partners leans more toward the feminine side." It took me a second before I realized what she was saying. I'm sure my surprise showed on my face once I realized she was telling me she was a lesbian. Sally chuckled and said, "Don't look so surprised Tim, surely you must have figured it out by now." "No not at all," I told her quickly. "I mean I never saw you with another woman and you don't look like a lesbian. Then again I have no idea what one should look like." Sally laughed before saying. "I guess you have a point there. I do keep my liaisons quite secret and I don't look like a butch out dyke. I hope this doesn't bother you. I'm still the same Sally I was before you knew." "No it doesn't bother me at all," I told her and I'm sure I sounded like I meant it. Sally smiled and said, "I'm glad now, shall we leave, I know Annie is expecting you for dinner. Before you two get too comfortable on the couch I'll show you the ring." I wondered if Sally knew how comfortable we really got on that couch every evening. It wouldn't surprise me if she knew everything. A week later was the prom. I had rented a tux for the occasion and I picked a wrist corsage for Annie to wear. The last I saw of Annie was two days earlier. She told me I couldn't see her till I picked her up for the prom. I had the ring that Sally had given me in my pocket. It had been resized to fit Annie's finger. When I rang the door bell Sally answered and said, "My there is nothing as attractive as a man in a tuxedo. Please come in Tim, Annie will be down in a minute or two." I didn't have to wait long as when I looked up the stairs I saw Annie standing at the top. She was breath taking. She was wearing a long black dress that was covered in black sequins. When she turned just so and caught the light her entire dress glittered like a thousand candles had flickered at the same time. Her hair had also been done. It was piled on the crown of her head and long curls hung down in the back. Her hair looked luxurious, as it was as shiny as satin. When she descended the stairs she did it with grace and finesse. Her heels showed from under her dress and I knew they were high and the heels looked very narrow. Once she was standing in front of me it dawned on me she wasn't wearing her glasses and her make up was done to perfection. When I took her hand in mine I saw her nails had been lengthened and they were cherry-red. I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it before saying, "God you are beautiful." Annie blushed and said, "Thank you, you're quite handsome yourself." I was so taken in by her beauty I pretty much stared at her. After a minute or two Annie blushed and asked as she looked down at my hand. "Is that for me?" "Oh yes of course it is," I told her feeling stupid. I open the box and took out the corsage and slid it onto her wrist. "It's beautiful. Tim shall we go now?" she asked. "Not yet. There is something I want to ask you," I told her as I pulled the ring box from my jacket pocket. I open the box to show her the ring and said, "Annie I love you with all my heart. Please take this ring and say you'll marry me." The shocked look on her face was priceless. Her mouth dropped open as her hand came up to cover it. I watched her arm shake as she held her hand over her mouth before she said, "Yes Tim I'll marry you tonight if you want. I love you too I love you so much." She then threw her arms around my neck and hugged me so tight I couldn't breath. She kissed me over and over as she hugged me. Once she had calmed down I was able to slide the ring on to her finger. Sally had it resized and it fit perfectly. She then showed her aunt the ring, Sally marveled at it as if she hadn't seen it before. After Annie fixed her makeup we took our leave. The prom was held at a four star hotel and it was catered by the hotel. At the prom I can't tell you how many guys came up to me and asked me who was the hot chick I brought that night. I loved the expression on their faces when they found out who she was. Very few actually believe me. Annie and I danced to almost every song and more than once she thanked me for making her come. I told her I knew she would have a wonderful time once she decided to join me. About a half hour before the prom broke up Annie excused herself. She came back about ten minutes later and took my hand. She then steered me out of the party and down the hall toward the elevators. When I asked where we were going she said I should be patient. Chapter Eleven We took the elevator to the fifteenth floor and got off. She then steered me down the hall to a hotel room. She pulled a card from her clutch purse and unlocked the door. She then pulled me into the room. As I looked around the room I saw it had twenty or so lit candles scattered about. There was a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with two long stem champagne glasses on the counter next to the bucket. On the bedside table there was a large assortment of condoms in different styles and colors. After looking around I asked, "Um Annie whose room is this?" Annie slid her arms around my waist and looked up at me while saying, "It's my room, or should I say it's our after prom love nest." "You did all this?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes love. I wanted our first time to be very special. I want to remember it always," she told me. "You bought the champagne and the condoms?" I asked. "The champagne I had ordered to the room. As for the condoms I had to. I love you dearly but I don't want to have your children just yet." I chuckled a little before saying, "That's an awful lot of condoms." Annie giggled before saying. "I didn't know what type you would prefer so I got an assortment. Don't worry we'll use them up before we go away to college." I looked at the nightstand and thought that was a lot of lovemaking. I then turned back to Annie and pulled her tight before kissing her deeply. We kissed for quite some time before I said, "God you are wonderful." "So are you love. Now would you like to pour the wine?" she asked. I never opened a bottle of Champagne before. Hell I never opened a bottle of wine before. It took some figuring out but eventually I popped the cork like they did in the movies. I then poured a glass for each of us and handed one to Annie. I held the glass up and said, "To our love, may it last an eternity." Annie smiled up at me and agreed before taking a sip. After she finished half her glass she took my glass and put both on the counter. She came over and started unbuttoning my shirt. Once my shirt and undershirt was lying on one of the chairs she stepped closer and slid her arms around my waist and pressed her face to my chest. As she kissed my chest lightly I found the zipper to her dress and eased it down. I had thought she would object but she didn't. Once the zipper was down she stepped back a little and the dress slid to the floor. Under her dress she was wearing a black satin bustier with matching bikini panties and garter belt. She also had on black transparent stockings and black four inch heeled sandals. Even without the dress she was a vision. Once her dress was kicked to the side she went after my belt. That was quickly undone and the pants slid to the floor. Once I slipped off my shoes and stepped out of my pants Annie pulled me to the bed and sat down. While I stood in front of her she pulled my briefs down and had me stepped out of those. She then reached over to the night stand and took one of the condoms. She opened the package and pulled out the latex sheath and slid it over the head of my already hard cock. Once she rolled it down to the base of my cock she looked up at me and with a beautiful smile on her face she asked, "Did I do it right?" I had to chuckle as I said, "I guess so I never used one before." "Does that mean you're a virgin too?" she asked with a bit of a surprise in her voice. "Yes we're both virgins," I told her. Annie took my hand and scooted back on the bed while saying, "Then let's lose our virginity together." I wasn't sure what Annie's intention was but I wasn't going to rush this. I had thought about my first time for a few years and I wanted to make it last. I also wanted Annie to enjoy it as well. I wanted her to remember our first time together with fondness. I laid down on the bed next to her and took her in my arms. We kissed deeply for several minutes as I held her tightly. Then while I continued to kiss her I started to run my hand over her sides and tummy. Every time my hand bushed over her flat tummy I felt it flutter. Our lips still hadn't separated when my fingers started to undo the fasteners on her bustier. There was a bunch of them and working one handed made the job last forever. Once the bustier was thrown to the side I started to massage her breasts. Her nipples were already hard when I first touched them and they were sticking out like little erasers. When I squeezed her nipples ever so lightly she moaned into my mouth. I then moved my hand down her flat tummy and over her satin panties. I could feel her panties were slightly damp at the crotch and she moaned more as she sucked on my tongue. I rubbed her pussy though her panties till she was shaking and she pulled her lips from mine as a long gasp exited her mouth then her lips were back on my as she shoved her tongue deep into my mouth. It was my turn to suck on her tongue as I continued to rub her pussy though her panties. When I was sure she had at least one orgasm I slipped my hand into her panties and through her silky soft pubic hair. When my finger touched her slit I felt how wet she was. She also moaned when my finger made contact. From the letters Billy and I read I knew it was important to rub her clit and thanks to those letters I knew about were it was located. At the very tip of her slit I found a slight bump, I gave it a slight rub which caused Annie to squeal as her pelvis came off the bed. Annie's hips started to move up and down as my finger continued to rub her clit. She pulled her lips from mine and gasped a moan with her eyes screwed shut. Over and over she moaned as her hips moved up and down. I was almost positive she was climaxing over and over. After a few minutes of this Annie grabbed my arm and pulled my hand from her panties she held it to her tummy and she said, "Please stop just for a minute so I can catch my breath. I never knew this could feel so good." She panted for a minute or two, then she kissed me as her hand grabbed my cock. She gave it a few strokes before saying, "Now honey please. Can I feel you inside me now?" How could I refuse her? I kissed her once more as my hand worked her panties off her hips. She helped quite a bit by moving her hips from side to side. When her panties were free of her hips I slid them down her legs and over her stockings. I was glad she had the foresight to wear them over her garters. When her panties joined the rest of her clothes on the floor I eased myself between her legs that she had spread out invitingly. At this point I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I was never in this position before. From what I read I was supposed to shove it in her, but where and how deep? I also knew if she was a virgin, she might still have her hymen and breaking that could be painful for her. Slow and easy had to be my best course of action. Using my hand I wiggled my cock up and down her slit till I found what I thought was her opening. As I eased my cock in to her Annie moaned. I wasn't sure if that was from pain or pleasure. I looked down at her and she smiled up at me which encouraged me to go further. I pushed in a little more and cock came to a stop. It felt like I hit a wall though it gave slightly. When I focused on her face I could see a bit of fear in her eyes so I said, "Relax love I don't want to hurt you." "I know you don't, but I'm afraid it will anyway," she told me. I reached down with my free hand and slid it under her neck and pulled her up. She followed and wrapped her arms around my neck and our lips came together. As we kissed I eased in as gentle as I could trying to exert just enough pressure to pop her cherry. I felt a slight resistance then the head of my cock pushed through. Annie chirped slightly then her lips continued to kiss me. As we kissed I pushed in a little more and I didn't meet any resistance. I pulled my lips from Annie's and asked. "Are you okay?" "Yes," she told me with a small kiss. "It hurt a little but it's better now." I eased in a little more and I could see Annie grimace slightly then she smiled before kissing me again. I eased my cock slowly into her bit by bit until she had all I had to offer. I was surprised by how tight she felt and by the heat that surrounded my cock. Once I had bottomed out I held my place as we kissed so she could get use to having me in her. After a few minutes of kissing I finally started to move. I had read quite a bit from the magazines Billy had, but none of them properly explained how good this would feel. Her heat and the feel of her pussy were amazing and I almost climaxed the instant I started fucking her pussy. I realized if I thought about the feeling too much I would blow in seconds so I though of everything but her. I closed my eyes and thought about baseball and hockey. I thought about school and gym class. All these things helped but in the end it wasn't enough. Within minutes I felt my orgasm begin at my toes and quickly consume my entire body. The next minute I felt my cock explode like a cannon firing sperm into the condom. I heard grunting as my cock pumped load after load and I only vaguely realized I was the one doing the grunting. After my orgasm subsided I opened my eye and saw Annie looking up at me. Instantly I knew, not only did I forget about her but also I was sure she didn't cum either. I felt guilty about this, as I wanted her first time to be as wonderful as possible. "I'm sorry," I said as I held myself above her. "Sorry for what sweetheart?" she asked as she reached up and touched my face. "Sorry for not giving you an orgasm," I told her. She laughed and said, "Are you sure I didn't have one. Your eyes were closed the entire time. Next time please leave them open so I see you." She then raised up and kissed me. We kissed for a few minutes as my cock slowly softened. Once it slid free I rolled over onto my side taking Annie with me. We kissed some more before I said, "I have to clean up, I'll be back in a second." "I have to as well but you go first," she told me. I kissed her once more then got out of bed and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later I came back and poured us each a fresh glass of champagne then laid back on the bed while handing one to her. She took a sip from the champagne then said, "I'll be right back. I bleed a little and I need to clean up." "Bleed?" I asked surprised. "What did you bleed from. Did I hurt you?" Annie laughed and said, "Silly, you popped my cherry. You did know I would bleed a little didn't you." "Well no I guess I didn't," I told her feeling very stupid. Annie smiled sweetly before saying. "Don't worry honey all girls bleed the first time. It's how in the old days a husband knew his wife had been a virgin. They used to show the nuptial sheets to everyone to prove she was untouched. Do you want to save the sheets for our wedding night?" I laughed and said, "I don't think that will be necessary." Annie kissed me and said, "I don't think so either. I'll be right back love." Annie got out of bed and went into the bathroom. After about five minutes or so she came out wearing a short red satin nightgown. She had removed the stockings, garters and heels. She came over to the bed and straddled my waist before leaning over to kiss me. After a minute or so she rolled over and laid next to me on the bed. She ran her fingers through my hair and said, "I wish my parents were alive so they could meet you. I know my father would really like you had he known you." Except for a vague reference earlier in our relationship she never mentioned her parents. "I doubt that, I'm not your class of people," I told her. I wasn't sure if she knew about my finical state, as I hadn't told her. "You mean because you're not as wealthy as the other kids in school. I don't think that would have bothered him. He told me once someone could be quite noble regardless of the amount of money in their bank account. Just because they're rich doesn't make them a good person." "That doesn't mean he would like me," I told her. "I think he would have liked you better than he liked Bobby," she told me. "Who's this Bobby?" I asked. "He's the boy I had a date with the night I killed my parents," she told me. I really didn't want the conversation going in this direction but I still had to say, "Annie I don't know what happened but I'm sure you didn't kill you parents." "Everyone says that but I know I did. If I had obeyed my father they would still be alive today," she told me as her eyes started to water. I really wanted the conversation to end at that moment but she seemed determine to talk. She didn't look at me as tears started to flow down her cheeks as she said, "Bobby had asked me out for that night," she told me as her eyes looked as if she was looking off in a distance. "My father told me I couldn't go out with him as he had a reputation for soiling the reputations of good girls. He bragged to everyone he knew about who he had bedded and when." "I was sixteen at the time and I thought I was an adult and I told my father I could take care of myself. He still told me I couldn't go and refused to discuss it." Her tears were flowing freely by this point. I wasn't sure if I should stop or her let her continue. She hugged me tight and said, "Later that night Bobby called and said he would be right over. When I told him I couldn't go he said he though I was a big girl and I could do what I wanted. I told him I wanted to go out with him but my father wouldn't allow it. He then told me I should sneak out and meet him down the block from my house." Annie looked up at me and said, "I shouldn't have listened to him I should have obeyed my father and hung up the phone. Instead I got dressed and snuck out of the house." Annie cried silently for a minute or so before she said, "It was horrible. The second I got into his car he was all over me. He started kissing me and his hands were everywhere. At that moment I knew I had made a mistake and I knew my father had been right. I tried to get out of the car but Bobby had locked the door and when he saw I was trying to leave he drove off." I gave Annie a drink of the champagne, as she had become hoarse. She took a sip then continued. "Once he was driving I yelled for him to stop and let me out. He slapped my face several times and told me I wasn't going anywhere until he was done. He then grabbed a handfull of my hair and yanked my head down on to his lap. I don't know when he did it but he had his penis out of his pants and he was trying to get it into my mouth. He kept yelling at me to suck it and called me a bitch and a slut. I did manage to keep my mouth closed even though I wanted to scream from having my hair pulled. "Once he realized I wasn't going to suck him he drove into a vacant lot. He pushed my head back so hard I slammed my head into the passenger window. I was dazed for a second and when I realized what was happening he was on top of me. He had ripped open my blouse and my bra. He had his mouth all over my breasts. He was even trying to get between my legs with his. I had worn a tight skirt that night and he couldn't get my legs apart so he tore the skirt and ripped off my panties. "I was trying to fight him off. I scratched at his face and I pounded my hands on his chest. I screamed as loud as I could but I couldn't get him to stop. Just when I thought he was going to rape me for sure the car light came on and Bobby was pulled out. "I had no idea where Bobby went to and to tell the truth I didn't care. I just wanted to crawl into a ball and die right there. When someone pulled my door open I thought it was Bobby again and I started screaming again. It took me a minute to realize it was my mother who was pulling me out of the car. "She wrapped a jacket around me and started to steer me toward our car. When I looked over to the other side of Bobby's car I saw my Dad beating Bobby over and over and he kept yelling, 'Not my daughter you don't not my daughter.' "Once my mother had me in the car she had to yell at my dad to stop. It took a minute but finally he stopped. He came back to the car and we drove away leaving Bobby on the ground crying for help. "On the way home I kept telling my dad over and over I was sorry and I should have listened to him but he wouldn't answer me. He was so mad at me he wouldn't speak to me. My mom kept telling me everything was going to be all right but I knew my father hated me at that moment. A few moments later a white pickup truck came out of nowhere and slammed into the side of our car so hard he rolled over the top of us." I couldn't imagine going through a night like that. She went from one ghastly experience to another. No wonder she was so traumatized by that night. Annie cried in my arms for a half hour. I could do nothing more than hold her and try to soothe her as she wept. I didn't try to talk to her, as I knew she wouldn't hear a word of it. When she finally stopped crying she looked up at me with tear stained cheeks and raccoon eyes and said, "Can you still love me knowing I killed my own parents?" I kissed her lips and said, "I will always love you even if you had killed them, but I don't believe you did." "But I did," she cried as tears started flowing once more. "If I had obeyed my father and stayed home they never would have been on the street that night and my father would not have died hating me." "He didn't die hating you, of that I am sure," I told her. "How could you possible know that?" she asked. "Because Annie he came after you. He rescued you from being raped. If he hated you for going out when you were told not to then he wouldn't have bothered to find you. And even though I don't have a daughter I doubt I could ever hate my daughter. I might be displeased with their choices but I could never ever hate them," I told her as I held her tight in my arms. Her tears slowly started to dry as she said, "DO you really think he didn't hate me when he died? Why wouldn't he say anything to me? I kept asking him to forgive me." "Maybe he didn't say anything because he couldn't," I told her. "He might have been filled with so much rage with what Bobby was trying to do he just couldn't speak. Some people are like that." Annie thought for a few seconds before saying, "Maybe you're right, at least it sounds logical. But I still have to live with the knowledge I killed them." "That's not true either. The driver of the truck killed them. He ran the stop sign and ran into the car. He is to blame," I told her. "That's true but if I had not gone out then my parents wouldn't have been out there," she told me pointedly. "That's also true but if Bobby hadn't talked you into going or he had driven further down the road before pulling over or if your father had hit Billy a few more times then the accident wouldn't have happened," I told her. Annie giggled and said, "You make it sound so easy to change everything." I got serious at that point. "It's not easy to change everything. What happened has happened and you can't do a thing about it. I doubt your parents would want you to punish yourself day in and day out over something that can't be changed. I'm sure they loved you very much and they only wanted what was best for you and for you to live a happy and fun filled life. I know that's what I would want for my child." "You're right I can't change what has happen. I believe you're right about what my parents would want. Now I just have to forgive myself," she told me as she kissed my lips and eased off the bed. "I'll be out in a minute or two, I need to wash my face." Annie got up and went into the bathroom. After ten minutes I started to wonder what was keeping her. After fifteen minutes my mind started to go over the things we had said and her feelings. By the twenty minute mark I got up to check on her, as I feared she might do something to herself. Just as I was getting out of bed she came out of the bathroom looking even more radiant then she had when I picked up for the prom. She came to the bed, straddled my waist, then leaned over and kissed me hard. We kissed for several minutes like this before she released my lips and rolled over on to her side. I held her tight and asked. "Is everything all right, you were in there for quite a while?" "Everything is wonderful," she told me. "I just had to do a little more thinking and a lot of repairing of my makeup." "Have you come to any decisions yet?" I asked. "A few. I decided you are right even if I did kill my parents I'm sure they would forgive me and they would want me to be happy. Right now there is two things that could make me very happy. Number one is to get you to make love to me right now and number two is to become the wife of the most wonderful man in the world." "Well I can definitely handle number one," I told her as I pulled her closer. "But who is going to be number two?" "You are love, only you," she told me before she kissed me. We had kissed for quite some time before she took my hand and brought it down to her pussy. I was sure she wanted me to finger her again like I did the first time. She came several times before she finally pulled my hand free. Once she caught her breath she rolled over and looked through the condom assortment. When she turned back she said, "Look this one says 'Ribbed for my pleasure' Can we try it?" "I don't see why not," I told her as I reached for it. She tapped my hand away and said, "No that's my job." Once she had my cock in its pre-lubed sheath we started kissing again. Making love to Annie the second time was better than the first. This time I kept my eyes open and looked down at Annie as I moved inside her. I could see what she liked and what made her smile. I could

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This Most Unusual Sister Ch 03b Interlude

***** Edited by AsylumSeeker, a true joy to work with. Thank you again, for helping this dreamer bring life to these words. This is a simple kiss, told in precisely 750 words. It is an interlude, as the relationship (already more unusual than either can imagine) between these two young women changes and their feelings for each other deepen into previously unimaginable areas. This interlude occurs between chapters 3 and 4 of This Most Unusual Sister. Very soon, we’ll be meeting more members...

2 years ago
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My Unusual Request

The request was polite and intrigued me. The man was a friend of a man who recently escorted me to a budget hotel to meet a stranger for sex. He asked if I would be interested in meeting him at his flat in Kensington London.He was he said a gay man but had always wanted to look at his aunt naked and had when a young teenager stroked her bottom. He also said he had fantasies about her being naked and him masturbating while looking at her. He claimed his aunt was flattered that he had stroked her...

3 years ago
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Unusual Punishment Parts 1 and 2

Unusual Punishment, Parts One and Two By Norman O. Johnson In 1900, two primary forces were known: electromagnetic and gravitational. During the following century, two more (the major atomic and the minor atomic) were discovered. One thing was still unknown: a fifth force to hold the other four together, and through them show to humanity the secret of the order to the universe. It came to be called the Unified Field. In the early 21st century, the Unified Field was discovered. Its...

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Unusual Punishment Conclusion

Unusual Punishment: Conclusion By Norman O. Johnson Part Six: Life Sentence Electrodes were glued to my forehead, my right forearm, and the top of my breastbone. "Is your name Karen Lauterbach?" asked my investigator. He was a stocky SBI man with a flattop and a well-trimmed moustache. The moustache looked rather good on him. "No," I said. This was the preliminary phase. I was supposed to reply 'no' so they could test how the lie detector's needle would bounce if I told a...

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An Unusual Hotel

Introduction: My second story, a bit longer than the first. I hope you like it An Unusual Hotel….. As she drove out of the city, Sarah Dalton was angry. Shed just spent much of the afternoon arguing with men in caravans, and she still had a long drive home. Shed had to come out to the site herself, to see why the construction was so far behind schedule, and shed gotten good and mad at the Site Engineer and the Works Foreman. Theyd initially been patronising towards her but she was used to...

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an unusual proposition 2

Thank you for the requests of a part two to my original story based upon a daydream etc. so i guess i have to rely on my literary genius he laughs and see if part two matches up to expectations of the masses lol''';;;;dededededaaah went the music as we cast our memories back to the scene as we left if it part one..."THANKS MARK" they said... I was thoroughly glowing and wow just could really believe that happened to me I mean I had to pinch myself.Guys im gonna take a swim to refresh and...

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Unusual Punishment Part 3

Unusual Punishment by Norman O. Johnson Part Three: Temporary Girl I had come to Ida Cynthia Watkins Girls' Reformatory as a boy trapped in a girl's body. That was my first emasculation. As the fall quarter went on, I became a boy trapped in a girl's body impersonating a girl. That was my second emasculation. But there was a third set of male parts tucked away in my brain. In September, I resolved to keep them always. In mid- November, I noticed an invisible knife inside my...

3 years ago
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Unusual Circumstances

Unusual Circumstances I lived a very normal life until the age of 27 when I was in a bad industrial accident. I?d been married right after high school and we?d had two kids, one of each ? a boy and a girl. Then, five years after the birth of our daughter, my wife had run away with another man and took the kids with her. I?d dated a few times since our divorce was finalized but I hadn?t been intimate with any of the girls I?d gone out with, maybe out of a fear of...

3 years ago
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A Unusual day at work

A Unusual Day At WorkIt was a cold Monday morning as Dave Climbed out of bed ready to start another working week at the office, he sat up in bed and looked over at his wife Gemma who was still asleep, Brown Haired size 12 and with a 36 b chest she was a good looking lady for her age of 35 and still had the sex drive of a 17 year old, the only problem Dave had was that she never tried nothing knew in bed it was always the same routine a quick feel finger or lick her to Orgasm then it was his...

2 years ago
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An Unusual Day

Hi everyone. Long time reader, first time contributor. If it's any good and you like it I'll definitely continue it. An Unusual Day By Swishy It's not a usual day the day you get turned into a girl. Not at all, it never had happened to me before. Never have I been walking to the shops to get the papers only to return sans newspapers but with an ample pair of breasts. I have lived my share of days too. All sorts of days. Hot long days, days on vacation, hung over days alone in my...

1 year ago
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the Unusual Gloryhole

I am a big fan of gloryholes as I like the anonymity of it. However, living in the UK there is a shortage of decent gloryhole places. I occasionally check out the adverts on Craig’s list but generally the ones I have replied to and have sent no response or clearly been timewasters. A few months ago though I saw a very unusual advert which seemed to being offering a gloryhole experience. However, when I opened the advert it was a rather unusual idea. A couple were advertising that they wanted...

3 years ago
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An unusual pastime

For almost two years now, I've had a very unusual hobby: murder. Well, not so unusual, really—lots of people hunt for recreation. They just haven't found out the most thrilling game to hunt; or don’t have the nerve to try.It’s one thing to outsmart a wild animal out in the woods. Yes, its senses are sharper than a man's, true. I don't mean to discount the smarts and care it takes to track, stalk, and shoot a game animal. But that's just it; it’s a sport pitting abstract human thought against...

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An Unusual BeginningChapter 8 Incest Discovered

Sam vomited over the edge of the bed, then climbed up to help Mom. Cyndi was stunned and didn't know what to do while Rebecca was holding the mask over my face telling me that I was a fuckwit and if I died just because I thought I had to prove something she would never forgive me or talk to me again. This, I thought vaguely, was immensely sensible because I wouldn't be there to forgive or talk to. Dad had called an ambulance before coming into the room and trying to usher Rebecca and Cyndi...

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Tracey the Lifeguard

Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 28 Live at the Lifesaver

“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...

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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

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I Come From An Unusual Family

Introduction: Mom and son play doctor I come from an unusually weird family! Its a statement that took me a long time to say. The unusual circumstances started out before I was born. My mother is a proclaimed bi-sexual lesbian. Her lifelong partner was a woman I came to know as Aunt B, the B standing for Becky. Aunt B was a girl that lived down the street and was never actually my aunt, but it was easier to explain when I was growing up why mom lived with another woman. Mom and Aunt B became...

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An unusual f amily 1

The first time I suspected my family was not like every other family was when I was 18. Being a teenage boy, I had all the normal hormones and urges, and I had become fond of masturbating. It wasn't something my family talked about a lot, and I knew that my older sister on occasion played with herself. But it was certainly not discouraged, and to me it was normal to fondle myself in my pants or even out in the open while we were watching television or sitting outside on the patio. In my family,...

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Test Subject Unusual Changes

Disclaimer: This story is intended for mature adults who appreciate certain aspects of life that some might from offensive or simple not entertaining. If you do not enjoy transgender fiction then it's not for you. As the author I give you permission to reprint my story freely, so long as you give me credit for my work. If you are a writer, and feel inspired by certain plot details of this story, then feel free to borrow from it as much as you'd like. I'd love to read what you came...

2 years ago
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Two elders now placed masks on myself and Adelle that covered the complete lower half of our faces, almost up to our eyes. At this point, Pastor Rachel paused the ceremony as she whispered something to several of the elders, receiving enthusiastic nods of their heads and as the elders left to bring a piece of apparatus from the rear of the stage, she once more addressed the excited audience: “In light of the intimate romance that has developed this evening between Yvette and Adelle, I have...

4 years ago
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An Unusual Way of Life

Sharon and I first met at a party, something neither of us had bothered with since our surprisingly civilised divorces. From the moment we met, a rapport began to build, and when it was time to leave, I asked if she'd like to come home with me. She did, and that was five years ago. We lived in a small but adequate house on a secluded farmlet, an hour out of town. With the house surrounded by scrub, it gave us the privacy we enjoyed. We had installed lighting through some of the closer areas...

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An Unusual Favor

My name is James.  I work on a crew of about a dozen tradespeople.  I’m in my late 40’s and I’ve been on this crew for quite a long time.  My seniors have all retired, and I’m the old man on the job now.  The rest of the crew ranges in age from mid 20’s to early 30’s, mostly men but a few women too.  As the old man, the others pretty much take their cues from me.  They mostly learned their trade under my tutelage and I make an effort to not only be their teacher, but a friend and mentor figure...

Straight Sex
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This Most Unusual Sister Ch 03

Chapter 03a Hungers ***** Another big thank you to my editor, AsylumSeeker! As ever, I’m grateful for your suggestions and advice. The story so far… Angela and Gwen, best buddies from San Diego, California, are on holiday in Fuerteventura, staying at a timeshare owned by Gwen’s parents. Less than twelve hours ago, Angela awoke to find she had a fully-developed and completely functional, though as yet sterile, penis and testicle between her legs, replacing her womanhood. Angela and Gwen...

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This Most Unusual Sister Ch 01

First of all, a big thank you to AsylumSeeker for editing this story and valuable advice – it made, to my mind, a huge difference in how the story reads. Secondly, a note to the reader. This story is part of a series of stories revolving around a family of witches, for want of a better word. Their origins and powers will be hinted at throughout the course of the stories, leading to a climax on the sister and brother’s 21st birthday. All the stories will have the words ‘This Most Unusual’ in...

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This Most Unusual Sister Ch 02

***** Once again, thanks to a wonderful editor! AsylumSeeker, thank you for your input and comments. This story follows directly after TMUP 01. It is the morning after Angela’s transformation, and her bladder is filling up. Angela grows more and more desperate, and Gwen becomes curious. If you don’t like watersports/golden showers, please don’t read this instalment. If you don’t like this story, well, that’s my fault. If you do like it, remember to thank AsylumSeeker for the polish and...

4 years ago
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Rose Joins the MileHigh Club in an Unusual Way

Rose sat down in her seat and started the usual airplane passenger routine and looked at the entryway hoping that anyone over the size of a normal person went past. “Also any small children or anyone looking sick,” Rose thought to herself. As she watched, she remembered some of her early flights, when she used to hope some very handsome and available guy would sit next to her. That hope faded after a bunch of trips when she realized the odds of a nice guy, let alone a handsome and available...

Group Sex
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An Unusual Hotel

As she drove out of the city, Sarah Dalton was angry. She’d just spent much of the afternoon arguing with men in caravans, and she still had a long drive home. She’d had to come out to the site herself, to see why the construction was so far behind schedule, and she’d gotten good and mad at the Site Engineer and the Works Foreman. They’d initially been patronising towards her – but she was used to that. As a 29-year-old woman, with a pretty face, a good figure and a penchant for business...

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I Come From An Unusual Family Part 4

Mom cried that day on my shoulder as I called dad to give him the news the porn shoot would have to be postponed. After talking to mom, dad immediately had his pilot fly out to Salt Mountain to assist mom in going to the funeral since her relatives lived halfway across the country. Mom never had much contact with her parents since moving out, but I on the other hand was always invited to family reunions since I was deemed innocent of mom’s decisions. Mom told me she was “burying the...

1 year ago
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A unusual situation Pt 5 VWOM BUSTED

Day by day went by and Debbie would bring first one girl then another home for me to fuck. I tried several times to find out about Rene but Debbie only said "I told you she is a blonde with died black hair. Then Friday night arrived and the girls started arriving. Ann pulled me aside and said Debbie wants you to wait out by the pool for her and the girls. Then She added find a seat and just cover up with a towel and pretend to be asleep. I did as told and a few minutes later all the girls came...

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A lovely young woman teases then plays with a male lingerie dept clerk with an unusual twist

Tiffany was very bored on a Sunday afternoon and decided to drive to the mall for some last minute Xmas shopping. She entered through the fine department store which was unusual for her. As she walked through store she noticed the lingerie department and thought she would buy something new for his homecoming. As she browsed the racks of satin and lace garments the clerk offered his assistance. Odd it was a man but surely he was gay she thought. Together they picked out several items then he...

2 years ago
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A Very Unusual Couple

Thomas and Denise Watkins made an unusual couple. They were both well educated and in good shape for 35 and 33 respectively. They both had good professional jobs and made a good living. What set them apart from most people was that they had never dated anyone else but each other. He had been a senior in high school and she was a sophomore when they first went out. It was basically the first official date for either of them. Thomas had been a late social bloomer and Denise’s parents had not let...

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I Come From An Unusual Family Part 4

Introduction: A funeral fuck Dad told mom of the agreement I was going to get three women pregnant in a porn film. Moms at first had concerns but after the details were revealed by dad, she relaxed and surprisingly gave her approval. It was on the day that I was to get the three Wells women pregnant that mom received some urgent news that her brother (Uncle Frank) had died of a brain aneurism. The doctors told the shocked family that it could happen to anyone. I didnt even know Uncle Frank...

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Unusual School Romance Female Edition Part 1

Authors Personal Note= If You Find that This Story Is Not For You Than You Are More Than Welcomed To Leave At Any Time you Want No One Is Forcing To Read The Whole Story Authors Personal Note 2= Please Keep In Mind That My Stories Maybe Unique And Not Just In Format But Also The Author Tries To Fit As Much X Rated Scenes As She Can Just As Long As She Could Fit It In The Plot As Best She Could So That It Doesn’t Feel Like A Or Some Cheap Porn And May Not Be For Everyone Author’s Personal Note...

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AN UNUSUAL CHURCH – TRUE PENANCE, PART ONE:Cycling back to my Volvo with no panties on below my short skirt was exhilarating to say the least. Like most of my close friends, I keep my pussy shaved and almost completely bare and as I rode along the hilly lanes with my mind ablaze at the thoughts of Pastor Rachel, I could feel my slit (very wet) sliding on the saddle, and particularly so going up some of the hills. The extra effort of leaning forward and half standing as I pedaled up the hills...

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an unusual proposition

This story is entirely fictitious although the cove exists and the story was the result of a daydream.hope you like it. all names are made up.The alarm sounded in my ear that morning last July.The weather where I live in South Devon had been hot for a few days and the forecast for the coming day was good too. I planned to spend it at a favourite cove of mine, which offers a secluded place to be both naked and as a bonus is plentiful in bounty from the sea such as fish and the odd edible crab....

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Altered Fates A Tale of Hollywood Mystery Magic and An Unusual Medallion

Please send or leave comments so I know whether my time writing this was well spent! Thanks for all comments. _______________________________________________ A Tale Of Hollywood Mystery And Magic, And An Unusual Medallion! An Altered Fates short story by Caleb Jones (Inspired by the Oscar winning actress, Hilary Swank.) Hilary Swank read the headline one more time, still unable to believe last night's events were true. "Swank Wins Oscar" Sun, Mar 26, 2000 05:54 PM PST LOS...

1 year ago
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Unusual Punishment Part 4

Unusual Punishment Part Four: His Name Is Tyrone Jameson By Norman O. Johnson My bed in Solitary was a bare mattress on the floor, with a blanket and no sheet. I slept quietly for a while. At some point, I woke up, but I may have forgotten some of the things that happened to me right after I woke up. There are frustrating gaps in my memory, but I know these terrible events really happened. I remember lying spread-eagled on my back, naked, with my wrists and ankles shackled to...

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Unusual Punishment Part Five Violated

Unusual Punishment Part Five: Violated By Norman O. Johnson One Saturday night during the second week of January, it snowed. Some of the girls were outside making snowmen. Others were pelting each other with snowballs. I was indoors with Daria. We were lying together fully clothed on her bunk bed. She still had no roommate, which gave us privacy, the rarest luxury at the school. We didn't have sex this time. Sometimes neither of us wanted it. But we talked about things. Just by...

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An Unusual Walkabout

An Unusual Walkabout By - Anna Feie I work out of the home most weeks that suit me just fine. I can wear what I like, act like I want to and in simply English - live my life as I want without public scrutiny. All we, guys and gals who are transgendered (hate that word) is acceptance. Enough of the soapbox. Some years ago, I had the opportunity to go ?walkabout? so I went. I have a great deal of experience being one of the ancient crones to still walk this realm, aka Earth. I...

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The Unusual Case of the Vindictive Ghost Entwhistle Investigations 4

The Unusual Case of the Vindictive Ghost Ian Broadway was finally going to get married. After the trauma of the previous failed attempt, he had been in therapy for years afterwards. He had not trusted himself to fall in love again; well not until he'd met Holly that is. She was the one who he loved, would marry and finally unlock the family fortune! Ian had just returned home from work at the Chester Sofa Emporium when his mobile phone rang. "Mr Broadway, this is Kath Saunders your...

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Im a bit of an unusual girl Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Hi, like it says in the title, I think that I’m a bit of an unusual, even weird girl. I’m definitely different to other girls my age. My name is Imogen and I’m quite slim, 160cm tall, dirty blonde, shoulder length hair, I weigh about 50 Kg and have 32A breasts with big nipples that one of my fuck buddies tell me he could hang his coat on. My labia is quite pronounced, I have virtually no inner labia and a clitoris that never seems to want to hide behind its hood. I...

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Unusual Love Story With My Maid Simran

This unusual love story happened recently during the lockdown. I live with my parents in a detached home. Just after the strict lockdown was lifted, we hired a maid to do daily chores. Her name was Simran. She was a 46-year-old brown-skinned, chubby woman. She was not sexually attractive. I did not care about her as I was occasionally getting sex from a neighborhood aunty. Simran started working at our home, and she would spend more time near me. I figured out that she was into me. She would...

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Unusual Love Story With My Maid Simran

This unusual love story happened recently during the lockdown. I live with my parents in a detached home. Just after the strict lockdown was lifted, we hired a maid to do daily chores. Her name was Simran. She was a 46-year-old brown-skinned, chubby woman. She was not sexually attractive. I did not care about her as I was occasionally getting sex from a neighborhood aunty. Simran started working at our home, and she would spend more time near me. I figured out that she was into me. She would...

1 year ago
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Unusual Treatment for My Porn Addiction

From all outward appearances, my family life in the Philadelphia suburbs with my wife, Megan, is ideal. I have a great job in the city, my beautiful wife keeps herself busy with our two elementary-school-aged kids and volunteer work, and we have a reasonably good sex life.My name is Dave, and Megan and I met in college in our junior year. We were married soon after graduation. I was the first man to fuck her, so she really couldn’t compare with others the feeling of my four-and-a-half-inch dick...

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The CEOs Unusual Retirement Party

by Vanessa Evans Graham Paxton was a very successful businessman who, in the 25 years that he built his business empire, had developed it to make it worth billions. Unfortunately that was at the cost of his wife who hated the long hours that he worked and she left him with a daughter (Siobhan) who Graham sent to a private boarding school. When she left the school she went and worked for him and after another 5 years she became her father’s assistant. It didn’t bother Siobhan that the office...

2 years ago
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Bea has some unusual experiences

I had an opportunity to visit my sister last fall when an oddball assignment took me to Texas. I don’t usually like to leave New York in the fall. To my way of thinking it’s the nicest time of the year to be in the city, but I accepted anyway, as I had not seen Helen for some time. My work as a senior editor on the staff of Pet World normally confined me to the office, but occasionally, just to get out and around, I would take a story, especially if it was of an unusual nature. My...

1 year ago
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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 7

A couple of hours or so later, I walked to the entrance with Dee pushing Zoe in a wheelchair beside me. Dee had found her a Tee-shirt and a set of scrubs to wear, and her arm was in a sling. They had wanted her to stay the night, but she didn’t want to. I’d offered to look after her, and Jose was happy with the idea. I found my car where Mike had parked it. He’d taken the time to wipe down any blood that had splattered the interior. It wasn’t as much as I’d feared, I’d done a reasonable job...

1 year ago
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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 8

I sipped my coffee as Zoe finished her story. She looked up the end of her admission and smiled at me, “So do you still want me with you on your grand road trip.” I laughed and muttered, “So long as you realize I’m going to blame you for all the wrong turns I make.” She smiled and sat back in her seat and gave a contented little burp. She shot me an embarrassed grin. “I take it that means you’re done?” She nodded. I paid our bill, and we headed out to check on the car. Zoe stopped me at...

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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 11

The weather had been kind to us as we left the town of Cherokee and I had kept the Aston’s roof down. The road was cutting through the hills and valleys; before winding its way through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. This was just what the Aston had been built for, and she purred around the bends and growled along the straights. We’d stopped south of Cherokee for a late breakfast at a little family dinner. We sat side by side in a booth and...

3 years ago
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An Unusual BeginningChapter 5

Cynthia You'd think nothing else could possibly happen to wreck the weekend. After all both girls had accepted the other. Wrong! While Rebecca and Samantha had been reaching their truce we forgot entirely about Cyndi, and why shouldn't we, she wasn't even meant to know about Samantha and I. At least Mom remembered because she managed to come into my room, wake us and get both Samantha and Rebecca out of the bed before Cyndi woke up. As it turned out Mom need not have bothered. After...

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An Unusual WeddingChapter 2 Bucks and Hens Nights

When he woke in the morning, both girls were taking turns to lick and suck his, by now, erect penis. When Kellie saw he was awake, she greeted him and then mounted him, sitting down facing his feet. After bouncing up and down a few times, she lay back on top of him, bringing his hands around to caress and fondle her breasts. Wendy didn't stay out of it for long. She was between their legs where she could not only see Dave's penis as it thrust in and out of Kellie, but assisted, holding...

3 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 8 College Life

"Jeff Wimble... " the middle aged and nearly bald man called out. "Here... " a voice said somewhere from the right side of the room. "Is there anyone here I didn't call?" the instructor finally asked. I raised my hand, having gotten used to not being on the attendance sheet from the two previous classes I had been in. "And your name is?" "Tim Brandon... That's be are ay en, dee oh en." I said, remembering to spell my last name without the t. "Uhm, student number is four...

4 years ago
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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

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