Sara 5 free porn video

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The next day the four of us left the house early and stopped at the license department first thing. After I gave the girl the paper Dough gave me I was given a new license. It had on it that I was a girl and my new name, though everything else was the same as my old license. Now if I were ever stopped I wouldn't have to explain why I was dressed like a girl. After getting my license we went shopping for clothes for me to wear to school. Sandy was a big help seeing she was in school and she knew what to wear and what not to wear. This was also the first time I had to pay for my own clothes and I was surprised by how much they cost. Money really wasn't that big of a deal as I had plenty, it just surprised me they cost so much. On Monday night I learned Sandy was a bed hopper. At least that's what she called herself. On Monday she slept in my mother's bed and on Sunday she slept in my aunt's bed. Of cause she didn't come out and say as much, but I found her coming out of my mother's room Tuesday morning. She confessed she liked sleeping with all three of us, Tuesday night it was my turn. On Wednesday I went to see the doctor that Doctor Endicott had suggested. I had thought it would be a quick visit and I would be out within a half an hour. I was very wrong in my thinking. For the first hour I was given a complete physical which included taking three vials of blood. Once the physical was over I sat in the doctor's office for another hour and a half as we talked over my life. We talked about every thing from losing my father at an early age to me going to college. We also talked about treatment and what I should and shouldn't do. The doctor was quite happy that I was going to college in New York City, as she was a teacher at Columbia University Hospital. So my visits could continue when I was in the city and going to school. When the visit was over I was given two injections and a prescription for a female hormone. When I left I wasn't sure if she was a psychiatrist or a medical doctor. I did learn I wouldn't be paying for any of my visits as the club was picking up the tab. At least that was the impression I was given seeing I was told my insurance would cover the bills. I didn't give them any insurance information. On Wednesday night my mother and I started packing the clothes I would be taking with me. This took several boxes as well as three suitcases. In the end I didn't take all my clothes, as I was sure to need some when I returned each weekend. On Thursday I got a call from Stan that he was on his way back and he would see me Friday afternoon. He told me he was taking off the day so he could get there early. I had already planed on making him veal scaloppini for dinner. I also planed on making him a strawberry tort for desert. So Thursday afternoon I made two torts one for Stan and one for my mother Aunt Cheryl and Sandy. I didn't want them feeling left out. It wasn't until Friday morning that I finally realized my life was going to take another large step. I had been so wrapped up in my preparations I didn't realize until Friday I would be going to Stan's and except for visits I wouldn't be going home again. As I was loading my car with all my belongings the feeling of loss came over me. Instantly my eyes filled with tears and no matter how much I tried to blink them away they started rolling down my cheeks. I've never been a crier and for the life of me I couldn't remember the last time I cried for anything. But that Friday I cried for several minutes as my mother held me in her arms and told me everything was going to be alright. I knew it would be but I was still sad over leaving. By noon my car was all packed and I was ready to leave for Stan's. Sandy kissed me good bye with a deep soul-searing kiss I would always remember. My Aunt Cheryl kissed me good bye as well. Though her kiss wasn't as romantic as Sandy's it was a little more intimate than what I though was proper. My mother was more maternal as her kiss was less intimate than any of the others were. She did hug me tightly and whispered in my ear that she loved me very much. As I pulled away from my home tears started flowing once more, though they didn't last long as I thought about Stan and I would be seeing him once more. When I arrived at Stan house I saw his car was already in the driveway. I knew he told me he would be come up early but I didn't think it would be this early. As soon as I stepped out of the car Stan was by my side. He took me in his arms and hugged me tight and kissed me deeply. Stan carried the food in while I carried in a suitcase I had packed for the weekend, I also carried in my makeup case and my purse. Once inside we went straight to the kitchen to put away the food and then to the bedroom where I could leave my suitcase. Once I had my bags down Stan took me in his arms once more and said, "I missed you this week." "I missed you too," I told him before he started kissing me. I could tell Stan was excited by how hard his cock was. It was literally poking me in my stomach. As we kissed I rubbed my tummy against his cock to let him know I was excited about seeing him too. It wasn't long before Stan had removed my tee shirt and my bra. I removed his shirt as well and was in the process of undoing his belt when Stan eased me back on to the bed where he covered me with sweet tender kisses. We traded positions several times so we each kissed the other all over till we wound up in a sixty-nine position. Stan took me in his mouth first but I wasn't far behind. We sucked each other till I filled his mouth with my sissy cum before he pulled his cock out of my mouth. I really wanted him to cum in my mouth but I knew there would be plenty of that in the future. After I had recovered from my orgasm Stan rolled me over onto my back. He knelt between my legs, which told me he was going to fuck me next. I grabbed the bottle of lubricant that was always on the nightstand and quickly lubed up his cock. As I did this we kissed and I could taste the cum that I had injected into his mouth. Once his cock was slick with the lubricant and while we still kissed Stan laid me back and entered me with his manhood. I moaned deeply as if in pain but pain had nothing to do with how I was feeling. Feeling his thick cock penetrating my anus was nothing less than ecstasy. I loved the feeling of his cock as it forced my hole to open. Once Stan thighs were touching mine I looked up through half closed eyes and said, "Make love to me honey. I want to feel your cock move in and out of me," Stan groaned deeply and instantly I felt his cock start to thrust in and out of me. It was at that moment I knew I wanted to be in this position always. I wanted Stan to be in my asshole fucking me to our hearts delight. His long fat cock felt wonderful as it sawed in and out of me driving me ever closer to our orgasm. I loved how his cock head would force the walls of my rectum open each time he slid his cock into me. I also loved squeezing his cock with my sphincter muscle as he slid his cock out of me. I truly loved getting fucked by Stan. I had learned the week before I loved getting fucked but it wasn't the same as when Stan fucked me. He made it seem better as if this was what I was supposed to be doing. Stan must have been more excited than I had realized. He hadn't fucked me long before I felt his cock get bigger inside me. Soon he was moaning about how wonderful my pussy felt and the next minute he apologized before filling my bottom with his thick creamy cum. I wasn't the least bit upset with him. Though I hadn't cum this time I had cum earlier. I also knew that Stan would see to it that I had several orgasms this weekend so I didn't feel cheated in anyway. When Stan was done filling my rectum with his love juice he rolled us over till he was on his back and I was now lying on top of him with his cock still embedded in my ass. We lay in each other's arms and continued to kiss. After a few minutes I was surprised by the fact that Stan's wonderful cock had not lost any of its firmness. He seemed to be as hard as he was while he thrust his cock in and out of me. Before I knew it my hips started moving so I could feel his cock once more moving in and out of me. It was a delightful surprised seeing I thought our lovemaking was over at least for that afternoon. Pretty quick my legs were spread wide over his muscular body as I started to fuck myself on his thick pole. I moved up and down letting his cock slide in and out as I squeezed him with my anus. I think this surprised Stan too as he said, "Oh baby you're the best. I've never been able to keep a hard on after filling a sissy's ass before." "I'm glad to hear that because I haven't had my fill of you wonderful cock yet. Now lay back and let me do the work for awhile," I told him as I started to go faster on his cock. While I rode his cock Stan couldn't stay idle. His hands were all over me. He felt my breasts as if he was trying to mold them into different shapes. He played with my navel ring, which felt strangely erotic. He also stroked my sissy clit with his thumb and forefinger. This made me move faster and harder on his cock. Just when I thought I was going to cum Stan flipped us over again. This time instead of fucking me missionary style like he did earlier he pulled his cock out and flipped me over onto my tummy. A second later I felt his cock enter me again from behind. Soon I was on my hands and knees as I slid back and forth on his cock. Stan wasn't idle either. He was fucking me with long hard strokes that had me moaning constantly. As they say all good things must come to an end and the same holds true for Stan. After what seemed like an hour I felt his cock expand and at the same time he took me in his arms and started pumping my clit as he started rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. A moment later I started squealing as my clit started to gush long ropes of sissy cream onto the bed. At the same moment I heard Stan bellow like a bull as his cock once more filled my bottom with hot cum. Stan collapsed on top of me pinning me to the bed. A moment later I felt his hard cock slowly softened till it slid from my sissy pussy. As his cock slid out of me what felt like a quart of his seed followed it. A moment later I felt Stan roll off me and a soft snoring could be heard coming from him. I wanted to sleep too but I knew I had to get dinner started. I eased out of bed and went into the bathroom. After a deep cleansing and a shower I went back into the bedroom to get dressed. Stan was still sleeping peacefully. I didn't put on the tee shirt and skirt I had worn earlier. For this afternoon I chose a pink satin dress with an underskirt made of three layers of crinoline. The underskirt made the top skirt puff out. Sandy told me that guys that like sissies like me love to see sissies dressed in very feminine clothes. She told me the more puffy clothes I wore the more turned on Stan will get. I also wore a corset and stockings with three-inch heels. I was a bit overdressed, but for Stan it was worth it. Once I was dressed and my make up was perfect I went down stairs to start dinner. About an hour later and while I was still preparing the meal Stan came down. He came up behind me and slid his hands around me and kissed me on the neck. He kissed me several times before saying, "I really like your dress, but you didn't have to get dressed up. You could have wore what you did earlier." As I turned in Stan's arms I saw he was wearing his black pajama bottoms and his silk robe. His feet were bare and he looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. Seeing his broad well-sculptured chest and his flat hard AB's was a turn on for me so I worried what he like seeing me wear. Maybe Sandy wasn't right about men that like sissy boys. So I asked, "I like wearing clothes like this, they make me feel feminine but what would you like me to wear. I was told men that like sissies like me like to see them as feminine as possible. But if you're not comfortable with me dressed like this then I won't." Stan pulled me close and kissed my forehead before saying. "I can't deny seeing you in this dress is a turn on for me, but I don't want you dressing up all the time. I want you to be comfortable around me. All I ask is that you wear something a girl would wear. A skirt and a tee like you wore earlier would be fine and even a robe and panties would be sexy. Just don't start wearing boy clothes." "Never again Stan. I never want to wear boy clothes again. Now let me get back to making dinner or we'll never eat," I told him but I did let him kiss me a few more times. After dinner Stan and I watched a movie though I only barely remember what the movie was about, seeing Stan and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. It wasn't long before the dress I was wearing was cast aside and my panties soon followed. The corset and the stockings stay on though by the end of the night I was a rumbled mess. Stan and I kissed and played with each other through out the movie and only through sheer will power, Stan's not mine, we kept our orgasms at bay. It seems Stan likes to stay excited for a long time before he erupts. He says it make's his orgasm more intense. I wouldn't mind cumin as often as I could but Stan sees to it I don't. Then again the orgasm I have after prolonged sexual stimulation is positively mind blowing. Sometimes I pass out from the pleasure. At breakfast the next morning I was sitting in a red satin robe with matching panties and a pair of red sandals. Stan wore his black pajamas and a robe as usual. After our meal was finished he said, "You know last week I asked you a question and you didn't answer." "I'm sorry. What did you ask me?" I asked as I only remembered he had asked me to move in with him and I was sure I answered that question. Stan took my hand and said, "I asked you if you wanted to continue going to the club." I thought about his question for a few moments before saying, "I can't deny I loved what happen last week. I also loved being the center of attention. Normally that never happened to me before. How do you feel about what happen after all you saw your girlfriend getting fucked by just about everyone?" Stan chuckled and said, "I loved watching you with all those people. You have to remember I didn't ask you to move in with me until after that night. So you should see I wasn't bother by it." "I'd like to go as often as I can but I don't want to ruin what we're doing," I told him. Stan took my hand and kissed it before saying. "I'm glad to hear you say that. I enjoy going to the club meetings every other week that's why I bought this house. So I can attend and not have to worry about where I'm going to stay. If you like going and partying that will make our relationship stronger. I don't think I could handle being with only one lover." "So I won't be your only lover then?" I asked disappointed. Stan pulled me onto his lap and said, "Honey you'll be my lover but there will be others. The others I'll be with will be nothing more than a diversion. Someone that ties me over till I'm with you again. I'll always come home to you." Stan let that sink in a minute before he said, "You can be with others too. I mean if someone strikes your fancy, then you can seek your pleasure with him or her. All I ask is you never lie to me about anyone your with and if I ask, you tell me what happens." I wasn't too happy about this. I understood the club was different. I could see what Stan was doing and he could see what I was doing. I didn't like knowing he could be fucking some one with out me knowing about it. Stan saw my hesitation and said, "Sara you told me about that girl Sandy from Florida. You told me you enjoyed having sex with her and you wanted to do it again. All I'm saying is you can do her or anyone you want again and not feel guilty about it. Just remember I make love to only you, anyone else I'm with its just sex." I understood what he was saying but it didn't make me any happier. Then again I did spend the night with Sandy after he asked me to move in with him. That was sort of like what he was saying wasn't it? And I couldn't say knowing I could have sex with some one I found attractive wasn't appealing. Though I doubt I could ever find someone that would be willing to have sex with a sissy boy. I wanted to think more on the subject but Stan started kissing me. As always his kisses left my mind blank of anything except Stan. Pretty soon he had my sissy clit out and was stroking me. Once I was hard he sat me on the table with my knees spread so he could suck my clit. Before long I was laid back on the table and Stan was still in his seat as he continued to suck my clit and lick my denuded balls. Just when I thought I was going to fill his mouth with sissy cream Stan pull back and in the next instant he was standing between my legs. I watched as Stan dropped his pajama pants and scooped up a glob of butter from the butter dish. I watched as he spread the butter over his cock till it was slick. He then raised my legs and pulled my panties aside. Then with practiced ease he slid his hard thick cock into my hole. Stan fucked me deep and hard for several minutes before settling into a nice slow rhythm that I really enjoyed. I closed my eyes and concentrated on Stan's cock as it moved in and out of me. At the same time Stan's hands reached around my legs and he started massaging my tits and once in a while he would reach down and stroke my clit. I was in heaven, A heaven that was soon interrupted by another man's voice, "Dam she is beautiful Stan," I heard the man say. When I opened my eyes with a start I saw the mayor looking down at me. Where he came from and how long had he been watching I don't know. His cock was poking out of his zipper and he was stroking himself as he looked at Stan and I. I looked back at Stan as he continued to fuck me he smiled and said, "Sorry I forgot I invited Ted over to watch a movie on TV." He wasn't sorry enough to stop but I guess he figured I would be okay with this seeing I did it at the club, but this was different. It was broad daylight out and the room wasn't filled with other people doing the same thing. I guess I could have asked him to stop but the thought never entered my head. I was to into the feeling of Stan's cock as it sawed in and out and my impending orgasm. Stan must have seen this as my acceptance of the situation because the next thing he said was, "Do you want Ted to join us?" I felt strange about this but I also didn't want to disappoint Stan. And to tell the truth I wouldn't mind sucking Ted's cock. He wasn't as big as Stan, but he could fill my mouth nicely. I looked over at Ted who was still stroking his cock and said in the sexiest voice I had, "Would you like to fuck my mouth while Stan fucks my sissy pussy?" Ted didn't answer me then again he didn't have to. He simply came around the table and leaned over till his seven-inch cock was dangling over my face. I reached up with my hand and pointed the head down as I sealed my lips around the head. I slowly started moving my lips up and down his cock as I got use to it being in my mouth before I started to suck. Once my lips were moving Ted started to pump, feeding me more of his cock. With in minutes Ted was fucking my mouth with the same rhythm Stan was fucking my ass. Before I knew it my mind was back in the party room at the club and I loved every second of it. How long Stan and Ted lasted I couldn't tell you. My mind was so filled with the pleasure I was giving and receiving I lost all track of time. The double fucking I was getting gave me so much pleasure I was disappointed when I heard Ted say, "I'm almost there Sara I'm going to fill you mouth with cum." Once he said this I felt Stan take my sissy clit in hand and he started stroking me. I knew instantly I couldn't last much longer as Ted started grunting and filling my mouth with hot creamy cum. As Ted's cock started to shrink in my mouth I heard Stan moan out that he was cumin too. Once I felt his hot cum fill my rectum I started to cum also. I came hard as long streams of thick white sissy cum squirted out of my clit and all over my tits and tummy. I barely stayed conscious as my orgasm racked my body. One thing I do remember was feeling Ted and Stan lean over me and licked the sperm from my body. It was very sensual, feeling their tongues all over me. Once I was cum free Ted kissed me on the lips and said, "You were wonderful honey." With that said he pulled his pants back up and left the room. Once he was gone Stan pulled me up to a sitting position and said, "I hope you know you didn't have to do that." I giggled and said, "Are you going to tell me you didn't plan that." Stan hugged me tight and said, "Honest love I didn't plan it. I knew Ted was coming over to watch a few porn movies with us but I really didn't think he would get here this early. I'm actually surprised he came in with out knocking." "Maybe he did knock but we didn't hear him." I told him with a giggle to my voice. Stan chuckled and said, "Maybe your right. You're not mad at me about this are you?" I kissed his cheek and said, "No I'm not mad. I mean I could have said no when you asked couldn't I have?" "Honey you can always say no. No matter what it is. Lets go clean up I have a feeling Ted is going to want to suck some cock before he goes back to his wife," Stan told me. "Do you two do this all the time?" I asked. Stan pulled me close as we started to go up the stairs and said, "There is sort of a guy's only club here on Saturdays. A few of us get together to watch a game or a movie and just hang out. Some time we have sex and other times we don't." "Does having me here put a damper on that?" I asked. "With Ted it won't but with some of the others it will," Stan told me. I thought about this for a minute or two before I said, "On Saturday afternoons I could go visit with my mother. She wants to see me every weekend if it's possible." Stan looked relieved and he said, "That would be great if you don't mind." I told him I didn't mind. Stan and I took a shower after I cleansed my bottom. After the shower Stan slid on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and was ready to leave the bedroom. As he was leaving I asked. "What time would you like to eat dinner? I'll make some snacks in a little while but I need to know what time you want to eat dinner so I can start it?" Stan slapped his forehead and said, "I forgot to tell you we've been invited out to dinner tonight. Ted and Lisa are taking us to dinner at Jacques'. I know I should have asked you first but they needed an answer so they could make a reservation." I guess he should have asked me first but I wasn't mad in the least. I never been to Jacques' and I knew very few people who had been. It was an up-scale restaurant on the outskirts of town. I also knew it was very hard to get reservation unless you made them several weeks in advance. My mind went immediately to what I was going to wear. Stan must have read my mind as he leaned over kissed my cheek and said, "Once you decide what you're wearing why don't you put of a pair of panties and a robe and meet me in the TV room with Ted. Unless you don't want to continue our fun." It didn't take me long to figure out what I was going to wear. The only thing was the dress was still out in my car. After doing my make up I slipped on a pair of satin and lace tap-pants a matching robe and a pair of high heeled bedroom slippers. Once dressed I slipped down to the kitchen. I made up a cheese and cracker plate before taking two bottles of beer from the fridge. I also poured a glass of wine for myself. Once every thing was on a tray I went to the TV room. I stood outside the TV room and listen to hear if anything was going on. I didn't want to interrupt if Stan and Ted were having a little fun. After only hearing the moans and groans coming from the TV I went into the room. When I walked in I saw Stan sitting on one end of the sofa and Ted on the other. I placed the tray on the coffee table bending over at the waist to be sure my bottom was exposed so Stan and Ted could get a good view of it. I then sat between both men. The sofa wasn't very big and there was only enough room between Stan and Ted for me to sit. This put both men very close to me. When I looked up at the screen I saw they were watching a T-girl movie. At the point where I walked in the T-girl was getting her cock sucked by her boyfriend. With out even thinking about it I reached over onto Stan's lap and started to squeeze his slightly hard cock. Stan put his arm around my shoulder and whispered loud enough for Ted to hear, "Don't forget about out guest honey. We don't want to appear rude." I almost giggled but instead I reached over with my other hand and rested it on top of Ted's cock. Instantly I felt Ted's cock lurch under my hand as if it was trying to say, "here I am." So with out any further hesitation I wrapped my finger around as much of his cock as I could through his pants. With both men still dressed the most I could do was squeeze their cocks and maybe give them a little rub but that was really about all. This seem to content both men as neither of them tried to take it further for the next few minutes as we watched the movie. After a while I got tired of squeezing their cocks through their pants. So I removed my hand from Ted lap and opened Stan's pants before turning my attention back to Ted. Once I had both men's cock out of their pants I started stroking each man while the movie continued. I stroked each cock just hard enough to get moans from them but not hard enough to bring them off. I knew Stan like to prolong his orgasm but I didn't know if Ted liked it that way too. This lasted about ten minutes before someone decided I needed attention too. Ted's hand moved over and slid between my legs. His hand rubbed over my pelvis like I had a vagina. He rubbed me hard at first then he reached into my panties and started stroking my sissy clit. At the same time Stan started playing with my left breast. After about ten more minutes I got bored and decided I needed to move things along. I let go of both their cocks and stood up. I then went to my knees in front of Stan and took his cock in my mouth. I sucked his cock making sure to take him deep into my throat several times so Ted could see me do it. Not wanting Ted to feel left out I took Stan's cock out of my mouth and said to Ted. "Why don't you move over and I'll do you both." I didn't have to ask twice as Ted slid right over. After removing both their pants I went back to sucking cock. First I started sucking Ted. I had his in my mouth earlier in the day and now it was like an old friend. As soon as I had his moaning and groaning like he was about to shoot his load I pulled off and switched over to Stan's cock. I kept this up till my jaw started to hurt and till they both complained about me stopping. So I said, "Well you know you could do each other. I wouldn't mind watching two men pleasuring each other. I never saw that before." Ted and Stan first looked at each other then at me before Ted said, "Stan doesn't suck cock but I do." With that said Ted rolled over on to his stomach and took Stan's cock into his mouth. Obviously this wasn't Ted's first time at sucking Stan's cock. It wasn't long before he had every inch of Stan's cock in his hungry mouth and I could even see his tongue as it moved around Stan's cock. Stan seemed to love it too as he closed his eyes and placed his hand on Ted head as if to guide him. Stan must have been really excited as in only a few minutes he pulled Ted's head off his cock and said, "Let's show Sara what two men look like fucking before I cum in your mouth." Ted looked at me a little frightened before saying. "Okay but you can't tell anyone about this. I mean Lisa knows but no one else does. "I would never tell anyone Ted," I told him. Stan got off the sofa to give Ted room. Ted then turned around on his hands and knees and offered his ass to Stan. When Stan picked up the ever-present bottle of anal lube I took it from his hand and started applying it to Stan's cock. Stan's cock was nice and hard and after I had it all lubed up it looked all slick. For some reason it looked even bigger than it did normally. I then turned my attention to Ted. I started by first pouring the lube so it dribbled into the crack between Ted's cheeks. I then slowly massaged the oil into the crack before letting my fingers tickle at his back door. Ted seemed to enjoy this as he started moving his bottom against my hand as sweet moans started to escape his lips. When I eased a finger into his asshole Ted moaned deeply as if in pain before asking me to give him two more fingers. After sliding in the other two fingers I started to finger fuck Ted. He moaned almost constantly as my fingers flew in and out of his bottom for several minutes. All this time Stan watched with a pleased grin on his lips that told me he was pleased with what was going on in front of him. I don't know if either of them was ready for me to stop but I withdrew my fingers and took Stan's cock in hand and guided the head toward Ted's hole. I spread Ted's cheeks with one hand and pushed the head of Stan's cock till it kissed the spongy opening of Ted's ass. With a slight jerk of Stan's hips the head sunk into Ted hole about an inch. I watched in amazement as Stan's long thick cock slid into Ted's asshole. I was actually surprised that something so big could go into a hole that looked so small. It made me wonder what my asshole looked like when Stan fucked me. Surely my hole had to look smaller. As I watched Stan bugger Ted's asshole I could hear Ted moaning and begging Stan to fuck him harder. He begged to be treated like a faggot and a queer slut. Obviously Ted was into self-degradation seeing he called himself all kinds of nasty things while Stan was fucking him. Seeing Stan fucking Ted this way and knowing what Ted was feeling soon got my juices flowing. Before I knew what I was doing I started stroking my little penis though my satin panties as my other hand started playing with my nipples. This wasn't lost on Ted for as soon as he saw me rubbing myself he said, "Why don't you bring your pretty little cock here honey and let me suck it?" Without even looking over to Stan for approval I knelt on the sofa in front of Ted and lowered my tap pants to my knees while saying. "I'm a sissy boy so I don't have a cock like you guys do but you can suck my sissy clit if you like." If Ted had heard me I can't be sure as he impaled his mouth on my clit. As Ted started sucking I heard Stan say, "Fuck his mouth Sara. Fuck his mouth like he fucked yours." With out asking for Ted's approval, I started rocking my hips to the same rhythm Stan was fucking Ted's ass. Ted was moaning around my clit while still applying a steady suction. I could even feel his tongue as he ran it around my clit and rubbed the underside. I was really excited and before I realized it my orgasm had snuck up on me. To give Ted fair warning I squealed, "I'm going to cum Ted. I'm going to fill your mouth with my sissy cream." I heard Stan grunt out, "Do it Sara, fill his mouth. Ted is a cum-slut and he loves having his mouth filled." I wasn't sure if Stan was right but I couldn't stop as I started squirting load after load of sissy cream into Ted's mouth. Ted swallowed each load as I came and sucked hard for more. Only when my orgasm was spent and my clit became too sensitive did I finally pull my clit free of Ted's lips. Once I had moved aside I heard Stan say in a very angry voice, "You ready for a man size load slut. Turn around and take my cum load faggot." I was surprised Stan sounded angry but once Stan's cock was out of Ted ass Ted spun around. With out the slightest hesitation of where Stan's cock had just been Ted engulfed Stan's cock with his mouth. Stan started pumping and grunting as Ted swallowed every inch of Stan's cock. In less than a minute I heard Stan say, "That's it you cum sucking faggot drink my cum. Drink it down you cum-slut." At the same time I noticed Ted was cumin too. His cock was squirting cum out onto the leather sofa. I was surprised he could cum with out being touched. I was quite shocked by Stan's behavior. He never treated me like this. He never called me a cum-slut even though I sure was becoming one. He only treated me with respect and love. It actually scared me seeing him treat Ted this way. Once Stan was done cumin he picked up his bottle of beer and drained it while keeping his cock in Ted mouth. Once it was empty he said to me. "Sara honey can you get us another beer. I'm sure Ted needs something to wash down the cum load he just swallowed. Still being slightly scared of what just happen I stood to do as I was told. I quickly pulled my tap pants back on and scurried out of the room. After retrieving two more bottles of beer I went back into the living room. When I walked into the living room it looked like nothing at all happen just a few minutes ago. Stan was sitting at one of the sofa and Ted at the other. Both were dressed once more and they were watching TV. Only this time instead of a T-girl movie they were watching a golf game. I handed the beer to each and took my place between the two men. Once I was seated Stan wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. He kissed me lightly on the forehead before I cuddled into his arm as we watched the golf game. We sat quietly for about a half-hour before Ted said, "I should be going, Lisa wants me home a few hours before we go to the restaurant. You two are coming aren't you?" "Of course we are. Seven o'clock at Jacques' right?" Stan asked as he got up off the sofa. With Stan's help I stood as well before Ted said, "Right. Okay, see you then." Ted then shook Stan's hand and I gave him a peck on the cheek before he left. We walked Ted to the door and once he was gone Stan took me into his arms and kissed me deeply for several minutes. He then carried me up to the master bedroom where he laid me on the bed and continued kissing me. We kissed for several minutes before Stan pulled back and asked. "Are you okay with what happen down stairs?" I had two questions I wanted answered. I wanted to know why Stan seemed angry with Ted and why did Ted say Stan didn't suck cock. Stan laughed and said, "First of all I have never sucked another man's cock. I don't count sissy boys like you because they don't have cocks, right?" I saw where he was going with this so I said, "Sissy's like me have sissy clits not cocks right?" "Exactly love, you have a pretty little sissy clit that I just love to suck until you squirt your sissy cream in my mouth." After Stan said this he kissed me several more times. After he kissed me for a minute or so he said, "You have to understand something about men. We either have to be the top or the bottom in a relationship. One guy is the top or the dominant one or he is the bottom or the submissive one. I'm always the top and anyone I have sex with is the bottom. If I started sucking cocks and letting a guy fuck me then I would have to be the bottom and I don't like it that way. Ted loves being the bottom. He loves being called a faggot and cum-slut. Hell his own wife calls him a cum-slut." I was shocked that Lisa would do such a thing. She always seemed so prim and proper. Even when she sat on my face so I could lick out her pussy while her husband fucked my bottom. She did it so lady like. When Stan saw my shocked expression he said with slight chuckle to his voice, "You would be surprised by all the things the couples at the club find arousing. Actually I shouldn't be telling you any of this as I've been swore to secrecy by just about everyone. Besides, the club secrecy that is." I tried asking Stan about other couples but he told me I would have to find out for myself. We spent the rest of the afternoon in bed together but once again Stan kept our orgasms at bay. I was so aroused I could barely see straight by the time we had to get ready to leave. I slipped outside in only a robe and my panties to get the dress I wanted to wear that night. I also got the three-inch heels that went with the dress as well as the corset stocking and panties. The gold lame' dress I had chosen required I wear a corset as it was skin tight and any thing like a garter belt or a bra would show. Seeing the corset would pull any excess fat I carried in and the look would be smooth from my breast to my waist. This was also a special corset as it had a strap that would go between my legs so there would be no unsightly bulge to give away my true gender. It would also hold my breast up to give support with out bra lines. For accessories I wore a gold lame choker around my neck. Sandy had told me that seeing I was naked from my breast to my chin I need something for contrast. Besides it hid my Adam's apple very well. I was still wearing my starter earrings as I hadn't had them for very long and I wore a diamond cocktail ring on my right hand. It was one my mother gave me. Of course I wore my gold watch that Stan had given me for graduation. Once I was dressed and my makeup was perfect I when down stairs to find Stan. It had taken me forty-five minutes to get dressed but the look on Stan's face told me it was well worth the trouble. He gave me a wolf whistle as he took my hands in his. After he gave me a small peck on the cheek he said, "I knew you would be beautiful but I didn't know you would be this beautiful." I told him thank you as I took the arm he offered. As we were walking out the door to his car I asked, "What did you mean you knew I would be beautiful? You've have see me dressed up before." Once we were in the car Stan said as he started driving. "I was referring to the day I first saw you at the forth of July picnic a year ago. I knew then, you would be a beautiful sissy. I was quite taken with you though I did think you were very young at the time. I didn't find out you were seventeen till I talked to your mother." I slid a little closer to Stan and asked, "What did my mother say when you told her I would make a pretty girl?" Stan laughed while saying, "I didn't say that right off. I told her you were a beautiful child and some day you would make a very handsome man. That's when she told me that you were pretty much full grown and she didn't see you getting any taller. She told me about how you were born premature and you were always very small." "My mother always felt it was her fault that I was born early. She thought if she had done things differently, I would have gone to term." I told him. Stan wrapped his arm around me and said, "She told me as much that day. I told her if you had been born a girl it wouldn't have mattered. Your mom laughed and said that was true. I think it never dawned on her where I was going till I told her it wasn't too late. Your mom knew my sexual preference toward men, especially feminine men. She put two and two together and quickly realized what I was getting at. "At first she thought it was a bad idea but she never said I couldn't pursue you once you turned eighteen. Once you were legal then you could say yes or no. I had to promise not to touch you until you were eighteen and if you ever said no, I had to break it off. I believe I lived up to my promise," I told him I believe he did. Once he helped me out of the car at Jacques' I asked. "Do you regret waiting so long?" Stan pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead before saying, "Only that, we couldn't start getting to know each other sooner. But I will never regret waiting for you." Jacques' was not your typical restaurant. The owner converted an old Victorian home into a restaurant. There were seventeen rooms in the restaurant that served as separate dinning rooms. Each room was separated from the other rooms by sliding French doors. This way you could be seen but still have some privacy. We had to walk up the stairs to get to the room that Lisa and Ted had reserved. It wasn't until I walked into the room that it dawned on me that their daughter Amy would be there. Amy and I were in the same homeroom for the last four years and we knew each other well. I remembered that Amy was one of the waitresses at the club the week before. I had seen her there but I never connected that she was Ted and Lisa's daughter. I mean I knew she was their daughter but at the time I never connected the two. We exchanged kisses that were more like touching cheeks and making a kissing noise. Our lips never actually touched the others cheek. Stan also got a kiss from Amy and Lisa and a handshake from Ted. Once we sat and gave the waiter our drink order Lisa said, "Sara honey you know our daughter Amy don't you?" Before I could answer Amy said, "Actually mother Sara and I haven't really met yet. I saw her at the club the night of her initiation but that was the first time I ever seen her. I do know her brother Scott. We were in homeroom together." For a second I had thought that Amy didn't know I was really Scott but the wink I got from her told me she knew who I really was. We made idle chat till the meal was ordered then Lisa said, "Sara your mother tells me you're starting school this week at NYU. Amy's starting at the same time." Amy and I looked at each other and a smile came to her lips that were quite wicked though not in a bad way. Amy then said with a pout, "I had hoped to take off the summer and maybe go abroad but my father said if I didn't start college I had to work in his law office. Does that sound as dreadful to you as it does to me?" The look her father gave her quieted her down instantly. Amy didn't say much for the rest of the meal. Her mother talked about what we could see in New York and where we could go. Finally the meal came to an end where Stan and I were invited to Ted and Lisa's home for dessert. Stan and I followed them in their car. Once at their home Stan and Ted went to the study while Lisa Amy and I went into the sitting room. Once Lisa served dessert she sat next to me and said, "Stan tells me that you want to stay with the club. Is that true?" "I was hoping to. I enjoyed myself immensely last week," I told her. Lisa ran her finger over my cheek and said, "We enjoyed you too dear some of us more than other's. But for now we must discuss your duties." I was a bit confused I didn't know there would be duties. "What kind of duties?" I asked. Lisa saw my confused look before saying with a slight giggle to her voice, "Nothing too mundane sweet heart. You would have to get to the club early on meeting nights to get every thing ready including yourself. I mean unless you want to wear your waitress uniform on the drive over." "I didn't know I had to be a waitress too," I told Lisa. Amy and Lisa both laughed before Lisa said, "Well of course you do that's what a party girl wears. By joining the club as you are, you have to start out as a party girl." "Being a party girl is a lot of fun," Amy told me. "You get to have all the sex you want. The only down part is the heels you have to wear. Those four and a half inch heels can be hell by the end of the night." It didn't take me long to think it over. "Well if I have to be a waitress to be in the club then tell me where I can buy my uniform." Lisa and Amy seemed pleased with my decision Lisa then said, "We already have your uniform. We'll just have to check it for fit and make any alterations this week. Amy would you show Sara her uniform, and help her try it on." "Of course mother," Amy told her as she held out her hand to me. After taking her hand Amy guided me down a hallway to what I would later learn was Amy's bedroom. Once inside she opened her closet and pulled out a French maid's uniform wrapped up in plastic. She hung the uniform on a hook and said, "First let's get you out of this dress." I was really nervous so I said, "Are you sure, I mean, you know who I am don't you?" Amy laughed and said, "Of course I do your name use to be Scott but now you go as Sara. I have to say you look sexy as Sara. Scott never did anything for me. Don't get me wrong he was a really nice guy but sexually speaking he was too small. Now off with your dress." Before I could even reach behind my back to unzip the dress Amy was there to do it for me. Once the dress was off and my heels were kicked aside Amy said, "Good thing you're wearing a corset other wise you would have to wear one of mine. They want this uniform to fit like a second skin. Of course you'll have to get rid of this piece that goes between you legs. At the club they'll want access to all of you." As I started slipping on the uniform I asked, "When did you first learn about the club?" "When I was fifteen," Amy told me with out the slightest hesitation. She must have noticed the shocked look on my face because she giggled and said, "When you walk in on your mother and your best friend's mother, explanations are needed." "You mean your mother and her mother was making out when you walked in on them?" I asked as Amy zipped up the back of my uniform. "Suck in a little sweetie so I can get this zipped," she told me before going on. "I came home early from school one day and found Julie's mother and my mother on her bed naked. My mother was licking Julie's mother pussy like there was no tomorrow. I stood in the doorway and watched for about five minutes before Julie's mom realized I was there. The way she screamed you would have thought all hell broke loose." "That must have been a shock to you?" I asked. Amy dropped to her knees so she could help me on with my shoes and said, "It was a big one but not the biggest I ever had. Once my mother sat me down and explained that she was bisexual and that my father knew what she was doing, it didn't seem that bad. I mean I liked touching other girls not sexually, at least not at the time anyway. I mean I like the way a girl smells and how there skin feels. Though it was after that, I had my first bisexual experience. I mean if it was okay for my mom, it was okay for me." As Amy wrapped a choker around my neck I asked. "I guess you enjoyed it then." Amy giggled and said "Enjoyed it, I loved it. It was the first time I had an orgasm. I had been sexually active since I was thirteen but none of the guys I slept with took me to the place Julie did. Doing it with a boy was fun and it felt good but they were to fast on the trigger. I mean it just started feeling really good when the boy would cum and I would be left hanging. It wasn't until my first time with an older man when I came while some one was fucking me. Boys are fun but men are much better and to tell the truth girls are even better, they can go all night." By this time I was completely dressed in my new maid's uniform. As I looked at myself in Amy's full size mirror I was shock by how sexy I looked. The higher heel made my legs look longer and sexier. The skirt was so short you couldn't help seeing the tops of my stocking and the garters that held them up. I knew I was the epitome of someone's very wet dream. Amy saw the look on my face and said, "That's the same reaction I had when I first saw myself in that outfit. You almost want to screw yourself. Come on lets go show the others. I'm sure Stan will love it. Oh be careful of the shoes they take some getting use to." As soon as I started walking out of the bedroom I realized what Amy meant by being careful. The four and half inch heels felt almost too high. With three inch heels I was almost walking on tip toes but with these I was walking on my tip toes. All my weight was pushing down on my toes on each step I took. On top of that I had to take tiny steps till I got use to them. I didn't get too use to them by the time I walked down the hall to the Study where Amy was sure she would find her mother. Amy didn't bother knocking as she walked into Study. I would have knocked incase there was something going on, but Amy didn't seem to care. Stan Ted and Lisa were sitting in big comfortable chairs and all three were smoking long thick cigars. There was a cloud of smoke hanging over the three that at first I thought would smell bad. Surprisingly the smell was rather nice, almost comforting. Amy took my hand and forced me to do a pirouette before saying. "Doesn't she look absolutely stunning?" "Gorgeous, stunning," I heard Lisa and Ted say but when Stan said, "Absolutely wonderful; my love." I couldn't stop the blush from covering my whole body. I did a few poses and one where I bent over at the waist with my hands on my knees. This caused Stan and Ted to adjust their cocks in their pants. Lisa then said, "Amy honey, help Sara out of her uniform. From what I could see it fits her perfectly." Before we left the room Lisa called Amy over and whispered into her ear. At first Amy made a scowl before she whispered something back to Lisa. Lisa then said, "Well of course honey, enjoy yourselves." Amy took my hand and pulled me out of the room. I had a hell of a time keeping my balance as she virtually pulled me down the hall back to her bedroom. Half way there she saw I was have trouble and slowed down before saying, "Sorry I forgot your not use to the shoes yet. You should take them home and practice with them. Or we could go shopping one day and get you another pair so you always have them." "With us going to school I don't see where we'll have the time. By the way are you driving back and forth to school every day," I asked as we continued to her bedroom. Amy laughed and said, "Not hardly. It's a two-hour drive on a weekend day I can't imagine what it would be like on a weekday. Mike Matthew's is letting me stay in their condominium while I go to school. Their daughter used it till she transferred to Berkley last year. My mom tells me you'll be living with Stan during the week?" "Well actually he wants me to live with him all the time. Even on weekends when we come back here," I told her somewhat proudly. "So you two are like a couple then? Don't you want to know what other people are like," She asked as we entered her bedroom. "We still can. Stan told me I could have sex with whoever I want and he can do the same. I mean after all we're still members of the club right?" I told her as I tried to reach back to unzip my maid's uniform. "So it'll be alright if I do this then?" Amy asked as she cupped my ear with her hand and brought her lips down on mine. In high school I had a thing for Amy. Then again I had a thing for just about every girl in the school. But I always thought Amy was really pretty and I wondered what having sex with her would be like. When her lips touched mine I didn't hesitate in the least. I willingly kissed her back with out thinking about Stan and what he would say. After all he said I could as long as I told him about it if he asked. We kissed for a few minutes as we stood close to her bed. During this time Amy reached behind me and pulled down the zipper of my maid's uniform and let it slide to the floor. Once I was free of the dress Amy's right hand started to caress my left breast, which caused me to moan into her mouth. Her other hand stayed behind my back and she pulled me close to her. Even with the four and half inch heels I was wearing Amy was several inches taller than I was. My best guess was she was five seven in stocking feet, but at the time she was wearing three inch heels. When Amy pulled her lips from mine she said, "Mm that was sweet you kiss like a girl too. I guess I thought you would kiss like a boy even though you look like a girl. Do you do everything like a girl?" "I try to though I'm sure I could do more things like a girl," I told her as I wondered where this was going. "Do you pee standing up or sitting down?" she asked with a silly grin on her lips. "Mostly standing," I told her before I realized I really should sit when I do that. "If your going for realism then you should sit to pee and make sure you wipe," she told me with a giggle before she kissed me once more. This time while she kissed me her right hand slid down to the crotch strap and popped the two snaps holding it in place. Once the strap was gone her hand slid between my legs and caressed my slowly swelling sissy clit. When she started playing with my clit I figured that we were going to do more than change clothes so I pulled the zipper down on her dress. Her dress wasn't as tight as mine was so the dressed easily slid down her body to join the maid's uniform on the floor. Under her dress Amy was wearing a pale blue half cup bra that left most of her breast exposed. She was also wearing a pale blue garter belt, stockings and matching pale blue French cut panties. Once her dress was off Amy kicked off her shoes dropping her down about two inches. Unfortunately the shoes I was wearing had a strap around the ankle that was buckled into place. Seeing I was too busy kissing Amy I couldn't bend over to unbuckle them. Even though I was still wearing the heels and we were closer in height I was still shorter than she was. This might have bothered me a few weeks ago but by this time I had accepted my short thin stature as being a plus. Beside a few weeks ago I would never had dreamed I would be in this situation. I next eased up my hand between Amy's breasts and unsnapped the clasp of her bra. Once her beautiful full, firm breasts were free of the bra Amy shrugged her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She then released my lips and pulled me toward her bed. Once Amy was lying on the bed and she started to pull me down I asked, "Did your mother want you to see if I was sexually attracted to real girls?" Amy laughed and said, "No, she wanted me to entertain you while she and my father had some fun with Stan. That was what she whispered to me. I wasn't too happy about being left out of the fun so I asked if I could have fun with you. I saw the way you eagerly eat pussy last week and I was sure you would do the same tonight." I lay down next to Amy and kissed her sweetly before saying, "I'll gladly do that and much more if you want." We kissed deeply while Amy worked at undoing the tabs that were holding my stockings to my garters. Once all six were undone she unsnapped the hooks and eyes going up the front of my corset while I worked on the ones near the top. When I was free of the corset we were able to make love unencumbered. Amy was still wearing her panties garter belt and stocking and I still wore my stocking and panties. We kissed each other as our hands roamed over each other. We would caressed and squeeze each other's breasts and legs. Our hands would rub gently over each other's genitals till we both were gasping as the slightest touch. Finally I started moving down her tight body. Sandy was beautiful and her body was quite firm, but Amy was even firmer. Even if I had tried to look I doubt I would find the slightest bit of excess fat. Her tummy was flat as a board and she even had a slight muscle ripple. Her breasts were also firm with larger dark areolas with long fat nipples. I didn't go for the nipples right off, Sandy taught me to take my time and make love to the whole breast. After kissing and nibbling Amy's ears down her neck and shoulders to her chest, I finally reached the swell of her breasts. At the very edge of her breast I started a slow spiral climb with kisses that covered her entire mound. After one breast had been orally adorn and with out touching the areola or the nipple I did the same to the other breast. On the second go round I used my tongue to lick her entire breast including her areola but once more I switched to the other breast before making contact with her nipple. By this time Amy was squirming and she was clinching her legs together. The moans escaping her lips sounded like I was torturing her. Her hand clasped at my head as she tried to guide me where she wanted me to go. I wasn't about to let her rush me. I wanted to pleasure her in such a way she would always remember me, and she would want me again. I had dreamed of making love to this body and wanted savor the experience. On my third trip up her mound flesh I finally licked at her rock hard nipple. It was so hard I thought it was going to burst, like a pimple. The gasp that leaped from Amy's mouth sound like a rush of air like her cry got stuck in her throat. This time Amy forced my head down so her nipple forced its way into my mouth. With out thinking I started to suck on her nipple. First softly, with lots of tongue action. I nibbled on it causing Amy a slight pain then a gentle throb. Through all this she moaned and squealed through clenched teeth. I continued to lick and suck on her nipples and breast for a long time till finally Amy pushed my head down with such force her nipple came out of my mouth with a pop. Even though she tried to get me down between her legs quickly I took my time and kissed and licked her tight tummy. I also made sure to lick and nibble at her pierced navel. How often I had seen that pierced navel and how often I had thought how sexy it made her look. I had thought about kissing her there, right on the piercing. I'm sure she never noticed me stealing glances at her tummy or at the rest of her for that matter. Her slim runner's legs, her large breasts and her tight beautiful bottom. Yes I knew her body well but from a distance a distance I never thought I would cross. But now here I was worshiping that body with my lips and tongue and I was fulfilling dreams. Now that my head was near her tummy I could smell her excitement. I could smell her essence wafting up toward me as she clenched and unclenched her legs. Her smell was rich and tangy, if one could call a smell tangy. I knew she was excited and ready to be licked. I eased myself between her spread legs and inhaled her scent. If there was one thing I loved about a woman was your ability to smell them when they were excited. A man may have a hard on and it can be very visible but a woman secretes an odor that fills your head with lust. Instead of removing her panties I first decided to lick her mound through them. Amy's panties started out a pale blue the same color as her garter belt she was still wearing. Now her panties were two different shades. The sides were still a pale blue but the center was a dark blue almost black. They were quite wet with her secretions and the smell was wonderful and heavy. I started licking her wet panties lightly just barely getting any of her flavors on my tongue. It was slightly salty but it tasted wonderful. I tried to go slow to let the experience last but I was soon sucking the moisture from her panties as my mouth made contact with her mound. Once Amy could feel my mouth on her Venus mound she started humping my face and she squealed out, "Oh god Sara make me cum make me cum again. I need you sweet mouth on me baby." I didn't know she had cum before and it gave me a sense of pride to know I had. Even though I didn't want to move I knew I had to get her panties off. Kneeling up I grasped the sides of her panties and started to pull. Amy lifted her bottom off the bed to aid me. Once the panties had cleared Amy's bottom she raised her legs so I could get them the rest of the way off. Once her panties were off I settled back down between her legs and started to lick her pussy once more. As was Sandy, Amy was completely free of all hair between her legs. Her flesh was as smooth as silk and her vaginal lips were dark red as they were engorged with blood. They were also slick with her juices. I started first by licking her slit, cleaning away all her vaginal fluid. Her cream was so tasty I couldn't stop myself from piercing her nether lips with my tongue. Once I licked up all her fluid I started to lick her lips once more. This time I traced the outline of her pussy till my tongue made contact with the bump of flesh at the very top of her slit. When my tongue made contact with Amy's clit she squealed like I had stuck her with a hot poker. She thrashed about as she continued to squeal which told me she was cumin once more. I wanted to go down and lick her sweet hole but I held fast and continued to lick at her clit driving her to a third orgasm. When I thought she was calming down I encircled her clit with my lips and sucked hard on the little bud of flesh. This caused Amy to squeal once more that she was cumin again. I knew I had her right were I wanted her and I continued to suck and lick her clit as I drover her from one orgasm to another. When she couldn't stand any more Amy pulled my head from her pussy and said in a horsed voice, "Please stop, give me a chance to catch my breath. I can't believe you made me cum so much." I felt proud of myself and I wanted to continue so I started licking her wet hole, thinking that would soothe her. That proved to be too much for her and she pulled away with a small cry. So I crawled up the bed to lay along side her and instantly she wrapped me in her arms. We kissed lightly as she trembled in my arms. When Amy had calmed down she said in an embarrassed whisper, "Where did you learn to make love like that. Who ever taught you to make love to a woman like that I want to meet her? She must be fantastic in bed too." I giggled and asked, "How do you know it was a she?" Amy pinched my bottom and said, "No man could teach you to love like that. No man ever devoted so much time to each part of my body like you did." "Sandy was a great teacher and she taught me to adore every inch of female flesh." I told her as I thought back on the three nights I spent in bed with Sandy. Once Amy got her strength back she returned the pleasure I had given her. She tried to mimic every thing I did and she was quite successful and it felt really good. She even licked my bottom like Stan does and her tongue pierced my opening on several occasions. Finally she took me into her mouth and sucked me off till I filled her mouth with sissy cream. I had hoped she would share it with me but she swallowed it before we kissed. We then lay in each other's arms and kissed while we caressed each other. Finally Amy asked, "We are going to be friends aren't we? I mean when were in the city. I can count on you being my friend?" "I was hoping so. I like Stan a lot, but it would be nice to have a friend there besides him. Sometimes he goes away I'll be left alone till he gets back," I told her. I knew I sounded like I was whining, but it was something about living with Stan that bothered me. "I know what you mean I'm kind of scared too. At least you have Stan I'll be by myself most of the time," she told me. "Well you can call me and when Stan's out of town we could stay together," I told her. Amy got that wicked grin on her lips again before she said, "Maybe we could get together when Stan is in town too?" I knew what that meant so I said, "I'm sure Stan wouldn't mind entertaining you and I." This caused us both to laugh. The ice between Amy and I was fairly well broken. I could see where we would become good friends. Unfortunately our fun for that night came to an end when Lisa walked into the room. Neither Amy nor I thought to cover up, as we lay on the bed nine tenths naked. I was still wearing my stockings and the four and half inch heels. Amy was still wearing her stockings and garter belt. In fact Amy rolled over when her mother approached the bed giving her mother a good view of her breast and anything else she cared to look at. If Lisa was embarrassed by her daughter's di

Same as Sara 5 Videos

2 years ago
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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet.She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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I met Sara through an adult personals website. I had originally posted my ad on a night I was home alone d***k and horny. So I was surprised , a month later, when I got an email. Sara lived in the same town as me, so we met on her college campus on a Friday afternoon. Initially I was disappointed in her appearance. Sara was 5’5′, kind of chubby/stocky build, small tits, short hair, average looking at best….she looked like a brick …having no distinguishable waist line. She dressed like a tomboy....

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I met Sara through an adult personals website. I had originally posted my ad on a night I was home alone drunk and horny. So I was surprised , a month later, when I got an email. Sara lived in the same town as me, so we met on her college campus on a Friday afternoon. Initially I was disappointed in her appearance. Sara was 5'5", kind of chubby/stocky build, small tits, short hair, average looking at best....she looked like a brick ...having no distinguishable waist line. She dressed like a...

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The one thing Sara loved was fucking. She would fuck any one anytime anywhere. It started when she was young and her dad's friend took her to his hunting cabin and fucked her for over three hours. That made her addicted and wanting more. She met him two times a week for a fuck session but it was not enough. She found a site where men wanted to fuck younger girls and when she put her picture on it she had a lot of men wanting to fuck her. Most of the men were fifty or sixty and she liked the...

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Sara Sara  Mi chiamo Sara, ho ventidue anni e studio Lettere e Filosofia qui a Milano. Mia madre ? francese, mio padre? italiano. I miei genitori vivono e lavorano a Nizza, la citta? in cui e nata mia madre, ed in cui sono nata anche io.Finito il liceo, mi sono trasferita in Italia per frequentare l?universita?. Desideravo conoscere meglio il paese di mio padre e cos? ho preferito Milano a Parigi. Parlo correttamente l?italiano oltre al francese, percio? non ho problemi di lingua.  Sono alta u...

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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet. She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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Sara was a little butch, you know? I don't mean she was a bull dyke, or anything, and I don't want to be thought of as judgmental about it. It's just that she had this disdain for men, dressed like a man, and generally just did not seem to radiate any femininity at all. She was also a little on the plump side, but overall not bad-looking. Even cute, in a strange sort of way. Well, she and I were co-leads on a sizable computer project in a large IS department. We worked well enough...

1 year ago
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SARA By Charles E. Campbell CHAPTER 4 PLEASING ALICIA Tommy showed me a mat on the floor in the kitchen where I was to sleep.A dish of water sat next to the mat. He attached a pair of very stout chainsto the clasps in my breasts, and locked the chains to an eye-bolt that wasin the floor. I fell right to sleep almost the instant I lay down on the mat.Neither the dirty cracked linoleum floor nor the odd sounds from the woodskept me awake. When I finally started to awaken from my deep...

4 years ago
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Sara was nineteen and very sexy with huge tits and a great bubble ass. XShe had been sleeping with Senator Brown for over six months. He was married with six k**s and his wife was knocked up with their seventh. The senator had a big thick cock and a thirst for sex with young girls. He always made sure they were of age and big tits. He moved Sara into an apartment close so he could stop in and fuck her any time he pleased. He would call her and tell her "I am five minutes away. Get naked." He...

1 year ago
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   I couldn’t get the thought of her out of my head. So was so beautiful to me. She had long black hair. I wondered what it would feel like running my fingers through it. Sara also had the darkest blue eyes I had ever seen. If I looked in them too long I felt I would lose myself.    Her body was just perfect. I am about 5’7 and she was just an inch or two taller than me. She had long legs that always seem to have a tan. Her breasts were about the same size as mine as far as I could tell. A...

3 years ago
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My name is Sara and I like porn. I like porn for men, the real smut, no germ-free high-gloss productions. Only that turns me on. I like deep throat and gangbangs, slaps and humiliations, big breasts and anal scenes. Nothing is more erotic than a woman who gives everything without being boring and perfect. I hate fake excitement. Gargling and bubbling it should, the saliva must flow and the eyes can be in tears.And of course, I love to see cocks. Cocks that are getting rubbed, that slip through...

2 years ago
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   I couldn’t get the thought of her out of my head. So was so beautiful to me. She had long black hair. I wondered what it would feel like running my fingers through it. Sara also had the darkest blue eyes I had ever seen. If I looked in them too long I felt I would lose myself.    Her body was just perfect. I am about 5’7 and she was just an inch or two taller than me. She had long legs that always seem to have a tan. Her breasts were about the same size as mine as far as I could tell. A...

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The feeling in the pit of his stomach grew more intense as he neared the clearing. He was early - he'd been waiting for this moment for years, in a way - and he was far too scared, too exhilarated, to be late. He was at the clearing now. It was around 15 metres wide, with thick tufty grass covering its floor. Taking a crumpled packet of cheap cigarettes from his pocket, he found he was shaking slightly in fear. The rain put paid to any efforts to light one, though, so he shoved them back...

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No narration, I hope. One I wrote a while back and need some urge to continue - I have a second chapter but it needs work. I'm hoping that posting stories once more gives me a reason to write again. Callie ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clicking and clunking of the letterbox and the slapping of envelopes onto the floor was the signal for Katy to peel away from the chair and run into the hall, immediately followed by Mr. Jangles,...

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Saradas is one of those sites that caught me a little bit off guard because I didn’t immediately understand the name. I’ve reviewed countless porn sites with nonsensical, unfamiliar or foreign names that just turned out to be your typical free tubes stocked with your typical dirty movies. Maybe it’s just because free tubes are the dominant format for free adult sites, but that’s honestly what I expected here, perhaps with a South American twist. Turns out I was way off, which I would have known...

Porn Forums
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Welcome to, or, whichever one you prefer because they both lead you to the same place for Pinay sex scandals or Pinoy sex videos. What is this place all about? Well, it’s a website where people post some of the best amateur porn and scandals that arise in the Pinay sphere. You better believe that there’s a lot of kinky and sexy stuff going on here so strap up and get ready for a ride that you’re going to remember. Maybe because you enjoyed it or maybe because you...

Asian Porn Sites
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Sarada Hentai! Do you crave a fuck load of hentai that you can get off to? Then you probably love reading hentai issues and watching hentai videos. But what if you want something a little more unique? Such as hentai photo galleries designed to get a mother fucker like you hot and sweaty?Then you need to check out Sarada Hentai. Here, you will find a wide array of hentai content that is certain to make you get off time and again. With so many pages of content to choose from, where in the hell...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Sarah By Sissie Maid Cuckold FOR SARAH "What wrong honey?" "I don't know I guess I am tired." "But it's not like you to no be able to get it up." "I know Pam. I just don't know, maybe its stress, works not going so good." "Hey, I know, Audrey at work said her husband had some issues and she did this..." Pam took hold of her silky nighty and wrapped it around Brenden's cock. She could instantly feel it grow. She smiled at him and said, "It worked, it worked just like...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 I had just come home after an extraordinarily hectic day at work. It was Friday, and this was the last day of school for the summer. I am a mechanic at a very busy shop. It seemed like everybody was going somewhere for the summer and they needed their cars fixed, yesterday. I was swamped all day. I didn't even get a lunch break, which I was really feeling because I had skipped breakfast that morning as well. I had just kicked off my shoes and was starting to get undressed for my...

4 years ago
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Sarah was a raving beauty and I had lusted after her from the very first day she came to work for me. Jet black hair that hung down to the middle of her back; 36 C cup breasts on a five foot five frame that probably was carrying about a hundred and twenty-five pounds and with an ass to die for. I would call her in the office and give her some meaningless, trivial task just so I could watch her ass as she walked out of the room. Sarah only had one major flaw; she was married (women that nice...

2 years ago
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“Hands up, chin down!” my voice booms through the boxing club. I have barked out these words a million times. Instructions that were also barked out at me a million times by my coach, for the first few years of my training when I was a teenager. Three loud electronic buzzes signal the end of the training session. “Good work ladies and gentlemen. See you at the next class,” I announce, dismissing the class. I am fifty four years old. Outside of work, I train and teach at my friend’s boxing club...

Oral Sex
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My name is Steve Johnston. I’m 57 years old, 6’3”, athletic and still have most of my hair. I run my own computer consulting firm. My income is more than adequate for my needs and my ongoing investments assure me a comfortable retirement. I own a home in a nice community just outside of a college town. You might think that this would lead to some fantastic sexual adventures but my needs are met by some good friends a few nights and weekends a month. All things are subject to change and it...

1 year ago
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She has always made a joke of it. "We met in a church," she would say. And people who know us would do a double take. "In a church?" And of course, it was almost true. You see, in our quaint little midwestern town there was an old church building which had been empty for many years. About 15 years ago a fellow with some interesting business ideas purchased the building and opened a musical instrument store at the back of the former sanctuary and a performance music hall in the former...

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What some of you already know or don't know, before I started my first real job, I studied one year at a local university. Unsuccesful cause I partied to much and I didn't want to study, so I quitted after a year. But in that first year I met somebody very interesting and somebody I still like very much to this very same day. And that's what this story is about, or should I say who : Sarah. The people who have read my previous erotic stories, know that I have had lesbian sex with a girl...

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DADDIES GIRL My 16 year old daughter Sarah is beautiful just an angel, long blonde hair, deep blue eyes and was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. I had divorced from her mum when she 8 and we had always been very close, so much so she had chosen to come live with me when she was 11. I had no problem with it, she never got on well with her mother they always argued, anyway I loved having live with me, her company was amazing and I watched her grow into a beautiful...

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I stared at my daughter, shocked by what she had just told me. “Your brother fucked you!?” She had come to me quietly, timidly but she wanted to tell what had been going on in my own home for two years, “Yes, I think he raped me but I’m not sure anymore.” Now that her brother was out of the house she felt she could talk to me, “What the hell do you mean you’re not sure? Did he rape you or not, that should be pretty easy to figure out. Either you let him or he forced you, which was it?” Nate,...

2 years ago
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Sarah By Christie Angenieux (c)2000 Vanity Press "I want to you to maid for me tonight." "What?" "I said I want you to maid for my party tonight. Some of my friends are coming over with their husbands and I think it would be a great opportunity for you to open up." The thought was arousing, but I didn't think I could go through with it. "I'm not sure...I..." "Didn't you tell me that you felt all alone when you dressed and that you wished other people knew and would accept...

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Several summers ago I was a waitress at a restaurant down in the outer banks. The restaurant was very popular but had a horrible staff. I worked with mostly women who had been there for years and bsically had the run of the place. The owner hired me at the last second when one of the girls quit without notice. I had never waitressed before, and my new co workers weren't shy about openly displaying their resentment towards me. I was "accidently" tripped while carrying trays and routinely talked...

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My Senior Prom was almost a bust. Three days before, my girlfriend had called to say that she was very sick and probably wouldn't be able to go. "Shit," I thought, "Only three days to find someone else good enough to go with?" Fortunately, my school posted a list of all the students going to prom--including whether or not they were going stag. I ran my finger down the "date" column, stopping at the blank spaces to check out their names. "Karen Stiller. No wonder she's going alone."...

1 year ago
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I told this story to a friend last night. I had forgotten all about it. On my way home it all came flooding back into my head. I have to tell this story. It happened in Great Neck, Long Island, New York in the summer of 1962. These were pre-disease days. I was 30. Her name is Sarah Weingold. She was 22. I was working for a credit card company and our office building was next to what today would be called a Strip Mall. There were only five or six businesses in this mall. Sarah’s father had a...

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Dinner I asked her? No sex 1st, then we’ll eat. I wanted to screw her from the moment I saw her, but this was a bit more forthright that I expected. We had been working together on the training course all day and had just got to the hotel. Well, you have been eyeing me up all day, sizing me up, trying to look down my blouse, so why waste time? Hell she was definitely my type of woman. Well in that case, my room or yours? I asked Yours she said firmly and headed to the elevator. We were on the...

1 year ago
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This is truly what you would call paradise. There were so many beautiful girls and since it was always really hot here they went around pretty much nude. We were what some would call stranded. We all lived on little huts on the edge of a small lake in the centre of an island. I sat on the beach, it was getting late. I looked around to see what girls were still had not gone to bed. I stared in amazment as I found a hot chick named Sarah still sitting on a log across from me. I walked over to her...

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Nerves and anxiety were at an all time high… It was 6pm and I was stood propping up the bar in a strange place I'd never been in and had already had a couple of Gins to calm my nerves, yet my palms were still sweaty and legs were like jelly. But then “she” walked in… And I'm not exaggerating when I say everyone in the place turned to look at her. Her name was Sarah and we had been talking online for over a year and finally the stars had aligned and we had agreed to meet. My first thoughts were...

1 year ago
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I sat alone in the back of the small, yet oh so exclusive suburban church and watched the proceedings as only an outsider can watch. I had no part in the funeral services although my heart would be buried in the grave along with my beloved. It was difficult to concentrate on the words of the unctuous, self-important minister as he extolled the virtues of a woman he had never met in an orator's voice that held no sincerity. The half listened to drone of his words flowed over me. My own...

1 year ago
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I was at a national convention in D.C. The convention was in its 3rd day and it lasted 7. They bused us from the convention hall to our hotel every day. This got to be a hassle some times, because you had to wait and wait sometimes. On this day, i had become separated from my friends and stood alone waiting for the next bus. It finally came and i got a window seat. Five minutes later, a huge black woman got on and sat down next to me. She said hello, and i returned the greeting. She...

3 years ago
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If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this SARAH in the comments below. Enjoy...The greatest thing about my lover, Joe, is his cock. I just love it. It's so fat and hard and muscular, I love holding it, I love stroking it, I love kissing it, I love sucking it, I love feeling it between my tits, I love feeling it filling my arse-hole, I love feeling it filling my pussy.I'm 26, with long straight brown hair, and brown eyes. People have always called...

4 years ago
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Als Sarah erwacht, liegt sie in einer dunklen einsamen Gasse. Sie rappelt sich mühsam auf und sieht sich um. Die schäbigen Häuserfassaden auf beiden Seiten sind so hoch, dass der Himmel darüber nicht mehr zu erkennen war und das Tageslicht gänzlich verschluckt wird. Vielleicht ist es auch gerade Nacht. Das einzige spärliche Licht kommt von vereinzelten Lampen über den Häusereingängen. Doch die meisten sind zerschlagen oder sehen so aus als ob sie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr gebrannt hätten....

2 years ago
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“Hands up, chin down!” my voice booms through the boxing club. I have barked out these words a million times. Instructions that were also barked out at me a million times by my coach, for the first few years of my training when I was a teenager. Three loud electronic buzzes signal the end of the training session. “Good work ladies and gentlemen. See you at the next class,” I announce, dismissing the class. I am fifty four years old. Outside of work, I train and teach at my friend’s boxing...

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My phone is going off and when I look, it’s my husband texting me. He doesn’t even bother to call. He says he is going to be home late from work again. I just finished putting dinner on the table.I sit there and eat alone, having a glass of dark red wine. I know he’s fucking someone now. I take off my pants and start fingering my pussy as I finish eating alone. That bastard.It is a couple of hours later when I hear him come in the door. The food has been in the refrigerator for a while. I am...

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Hannah Gets The Job

Hannah was a woman with many problems. First she had now been without a job for three months. Her savings were just about gone and she was past due on her mortgage, car and credit cards. Then there were her three k**s! Her older daughter Candy was now fucking her boyfriend every chance she could. Her son Jake was turning into a pervert. He had been caught doing a peeping Tom on just about every girl or woman in the neighborhood. Then there was Amanda her youngest daughter who was so quiet that...

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HandsOnHardcore Shalina Devine Kira Queen Poolside Penis Party

Relaxing after their epic beavermunching session, hotalicious honeys Shalina Devine and Kira Queen are joined by their boyfriends, Kristof Cale and Josh, at the poolside. It’s not long before merely being in the presence of these two heavenly bikini-clad bitches makes the dudes grow long rubbery ones, poking through their swimming shorts. The girls know exactly what the guys need and start greasing their men’s poles with their supple lips. There’s no turning back now: the...

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There Are No Limits part 2

I didn't see Connie again after the experience, and after a couple of days (okay, a week) of waiting for her to call me (I'd given her my number and explained that I wasn't good at phoning) and realizing she wasn't going to, I returned to normal, that is, Asshole Cop Mode. On May 24th, Martinez came into Wesley Avenue practically singing. Since Sheridan and I were going off shift, I only had the briefest opportunity to ask him what was up. He looked both ways, lowered his voice, and said...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 25 Unplanned Threesome

Jill's been dragging ass all day at work. She felt recovered and energetic yesterday, but the late-night sex with Allie took its toll on her body again. When he gets home, Allie isn't waiting for her at the door. Instead, Jill finds her sleeping on the living room couch. When she goes into the boy's room to shed Jerry's work clothes, she sees Allen's work clothes thrown on the floor.'Hmmm...' she thinks to herself, 'my little whore is all worn out... just like me.'It's all she can do to get...

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My Wifes First Teaching Job1st Teaching Job Path 2

Mr. Evans continued to find reasons to spank Beth, but the spankings became less frequent and certainly less intense. He still wanted Beth just as badly, but that was the problem. Each spanking he gave her seemed to ultimately punish him even more than it punished her. He was left thinking about her body and aching for hours after each spanking. Just before Christmas break, Beth was called into the Principal’s office. “I keep track of every spanking that a teacher receives. You are close to...

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Neighbours son

Hi all Its been a while since my neighbour has passed on and his son and family have moved into his house, i doubt i will have the same fun with him as i did with his dad sorry to say but you never know.He has now seen my wife naked and i got a good telling off from her about it. Here's how it happened.I had been chatting to him over the fence about a week ago discussing the condition of the panels and it was suggested by him that a couple are replaced i agreed and offered to split the cost he...

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Nurses do it better Chapter 3

We woke the next morning encrusted in cum and saliva. We headed to the shower that was big enough for the three of us and proceeded to wash and scrub our way through multiple orgasms for each. Alese finally said she had to go open the restaurant and had to leave, but I dicked her hard before she left and she was smiling happily on her way out the door.Sunday was long and languid and lurid as we relived the night with Alese and as we prepared to head to work together the next day. We were both...

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Best Friend gives the best Footjobs

Yesterday my best friend was at my place. We watched some movies on TV. I was on the end of the couch ans she was laying down. I had her feet on my lap. I couldn't resist looking at them, the whole time. She noticed at a moment, that I was looking at those perfect feet and she asked me, why I was looking...I told her that her socks were kinda dirty (it was dark so she couldn't tell). So she removed her socks and put her bare feet on my lap again. At that time I knew, I couldn't just look. I...

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Perfect Couple

I met them in the spring about 2 year's back. They moved into the apartment building I owned. Normally I don't meet with perspective renters but the manager s father had died so I was filling in. She was a very pretty brunette about 5 and a half feet tall, in her late 30's with shoulder length wavy hair. She had a dynamite hourglass figure, large succulent breasts that seemed to bounce with ever step. Her skirt was not short but showed enough of her shapely legs to make any man's mouth...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 44 A Year Later

Jared’s naked body lay softly besides Vanessa’s naked body. He was holding the girl tightly with his left arm while his right hand ran gently up and down the svelte skin that was under it. That right hand was enjoying very much the feel of Vanessa’s smooth, warm skin as it ran over her butt cheeks, her legs, her back and stomach and her lovely breasts. Vanessa herself was just humming quietly to herself as she snuggled in hard to Jared’s naked chest and enjoyed the soft stroking of his right...

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First time with mum

100% fiction! It was after midnight when I clumisly put my key in the front door, It had been a good night, Id been out drinking with friends, Id had acouple too many but felt happily tipsey, I went up the stairs without putting the lights on, just as I put my hand on my bedroom door handle, I could see through a crack in my mums door that her bedside lamp was on, I looked at my watch to see it was 12.20 now and thought to myself, Its not like mum to still be awake at this hour, I opened her...

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My Boss My Master Part 2 Morning Dictation

This story is a work of fiction. Constructive feedback is welcomed, as are suggestions and requests. This chapter was written on my phone while I waited on work stuff, so there may be autocorrect errors. Let me know if there are!The remainder of my first day went as most do. The receptionist,whose name I learned was Jenny, showed me around the building and have me the basics of what a personal assistant is expected to do. She didn't say anything about my "extra duties," and I didn't ask. There...

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Dear Hate

I write things. Poetic things that have deep symbolic and metaphorical meaning, that express the truth in what is going on in the world around you.Things that are easier to manage when seen in a different light. Why? Well, I like to. But today, I wanted to take a different approach, and offer a wake up call by someone who matters very little in the larger scheme of whatever we're doing in this life. This has been brewing in my head for quite some time, and the narcissistic storm of racist...

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The Dancer 3

Chris found him at recess and again Jacob just walked away. At lunch Chris had had enough. Chris found him in the canteen line with one of his friends. Jacob looked extremely bored but would smile and nod when needed. " Why aren't you talking to me?" Chris asked interrupting the friend. " Excuse me. I was talking." The guy said. He was thinner but still had some muscle. His hair was styled up in the middle into a line. " Yes but no one cares." Chris said. " I care and you are...

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Its cookie time

Introduction: This is my fourth story. Thanks to everyone for the helpful feedback on my earlier writing. I hope you enjoy this one! Jesus! My nipples! They are OUT! As she drove her minivan, Abby Carter looked down at her chest in a panic. The 25-year-old blonde had forgotten to put on a bra before dashing out of the house. Abby wore her comfy-but-threadbare Eminem concert T-shirt shed had for a decade. As a result, her large breasts bounced freely whenever she hit a pothole, and her nipples...

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The Love ExpressChapter 4 But We Donrsquot

March 14th, 1995, 5:07 PM EST Pennsylvania Station Harrisburg, PA The silence was soft and sweet, the kind of good silence that can exist between two people when they feel that there is no longer anything to communicate in order to reach understanding. They loved each other. They needed to sit and ponder that. No more doubts, nothing to wonder about anymore. Now they had to wonder how this was going to work, because they were going to make it work. George drifted with the lights off holding...

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My Doctor My Maid

Chapter 1: Office Visit "Excuse me ... I..." I stumbled over my words, as I got a look at the woman sitting in front of me. "I was looking for ... Dr. Rodriguez." "You found her," she said with a grin that was almost a smirk. "I'm Carmen Rodriguez. Perhaps you were expecting a man, no? But as you can see, I am a woman." That I could see. Indeed! A large and very well built woman, 'stacked like a brick shit house' I would have said in college days. A large expanse of Dr....

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MagicChapter 63

The little metal statue of Suzie danced in Sean’s hand. He had found that a paper clip and a bit of magic made a nice little statue. He put the statue on the table by his bed and watched it walk around. He sighed wishing that the real Suzie was there with him. He had to spend the night in the hospital because of his concussion. For the tenth time that morning, he picked up the latest copy of the newspaper. His mother’s picture was on the front page. At least they had the decency to blur out...

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The Other Woman Part Two

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