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Chapter 35 The week past quickly and Brenda found herself at Sunday dinner. She had come to like this ritual, as it seemed to clear her head of the deceit she was involved in. It felt refreshing to forget the seamy side of the investigation, if even for just a few hours. She liked being Aunt Brenda to the children while she became more of a part of Mario's family. She was building close relationships with family members other than Mario. If she was asked to investigate Mario, she wasn't sure if she could, at least not objectively. Tuesday evening came and Tiffany was able to keep her calendar clear for the meeting. "Let's catch a cab, it's getting late and we don't want to keep Bill waiting," Brenda said. "Let me get my purse, what's this Bill like anyway, I've never even talked to him?" Tiffany asked. "He's pretty nice, but not my kind of guy. He's gone through some changes since I met him, mostly for the best," Brenda said. "What do you mean by that?" "He was a full blown alcoholic the first time I met him, he got drunk, and he was disgusting. After that he met some woman and he stopped drinking altogether and now he might take a drink but keeps it under control," Brenda said. "Is he nice to you?" "Of course he is, why wouldn't he be?" Brenda asked. "Because you?re cute and have a body to die for, he does leave you alone doesn't he?" "God Tiffany, Bill's a nice man, you'll see, hurry up, let's go." The girls arrived at the restaurant and Bill hadn't arrived so they sat at the bar to wait. "Brenda, how's my favorite girl?" asked Danny. "I'm fine Danny, and this beautiful girl you can't keep your eyes off of is Tiffany Rollins," Brenda said with a touch of jealousy in her voice. "I'm very pleased to meet you Tiffany, can I get you girls something to drink?" Danny asked. "Two lemon drops please, Danny," said Brenda. "Don't I know you from somewhere, Tiffany?" Danny asked. "Probably from one of the ads I'm in," Tiffany said. "Hey, now I know, you're the Sunstar chick," Danny exclaimed. "I never thought of myself as a chick, but yes, that's me," she replied. "Wow, you were so hot in those ads, I can't believe you're in my humble establishment," Danny babbled. Brenda watched Danny trying to make an impression on Tiffany. Even though there was nothing between Danny and her, she felt jealous of her friend. Danny had been her first sexual experience with a man, and maybe she did have some feelings for the flirt. "Danny, are you going to make our drinks?" Brenda asked. "Oh yeh, I'm sorry Brenda, I don't get celebrities in here very often, I'll be right back," he said. "God Tiffany, I thought Danny's eyes would pop out looking at you," Brenda giggled to her friend. "I get that all the time so I'm used to it, do you know him?" Tiffany asked. "He drove me home after dinner one night, he's pretty nice, and he is cute." Brenda said. "I didn't notice, he's just another guy to me." "Come on Tiffany, you didn't notice how good looking he is?" "Okay, I did, what's Bill look like?" "Oh girl, God he makes me want to jump his bones every time I see him, but if you like him I'll give him up, this time, just for you," Brenda teased. "Is he really good looking?" Tiffany asked, in her innocence. "You'll fall in love," Brenda said. Bill walked through the door into the restaurant and saw Brenda and Tiffany. "Here he is Tiffany, he's all yours." "You bitch," Tiffany laughed and hit Brenda's arm. "Good evening Brenda, I assume you're Tiffany, I'm Bill Cline," he said. "Hi Bill. Tiffany and I were just getting a drink, would you like one?" Brenda asked. "Are you buying?" he asked. "Of course, don't girls always buy men drinks?" she responded. "Good, I'll have a Manhattan over with no cherry," he said. Danny brought the girls their drinks and Brenda ordered Bill's drink. "Danny, Bill would like a Manhattan over with no cherry. We're going to move to a table so could you bring it over there for us, please?" she asked, with her most flirtatious smile. "I'd be happy to, are you staying for dinner?" "Tiffany and I are, Bill would you like dinner too?" "No, I'll just have a drink, I want to get this over with as soon as possible," he said. "God Bill, you'd think we were lepers or something," Brenda laughed. "Sorry Brenda, but I have something's to do," Bill replied. The threesome found and empty table and sat down. Danny brought the drink and some menus for them to look at. "Brenda, Tiffany, we're going to have to get more aggressive with our investigation because so far it hasn't gone very well. All we know is who isn't supplying drugs to Melissa and still don't have clue as to who is, do you have any thoughts?" Bill asked. "I ask around but most of the girls don't like to admit that they're using them," Tiffany said. "I've done my part, God I even had to sample it once," Brenda said. "I know you two have been trying to find information but we have to try harder. There is only one more person on our list and that's Mario the UPS guy. Maybe we should concentrate on him, he seems to be the logical choice," Bill said. Brenda felt her stomach turn as she digested Bill's words. "Bill, I don't think he's the one, he just doesn't fit the profile," Tiffany said. "Who else could it be, the drugs keep showing up for Melissa to distribute? We have traced them back to different distributors and he would have access through out the city, after all who would notice a UPS truck in their neighborhood, one truck looks like the next," Bill said. "I know it's not Mario, he wouldn't do something like that," Brenda said. Brenda's greatest fears were coming true. She had become involved with a suspect and had fallen in love. There would be no way for her to investigate the man. Maybe she should excuse herself from the investigation and let Bill replace her with someone that didn't have connections to the case. "I really think we should concentrate on him, he's the logical choice as far as I'm concerned, what with the Colombia connection and all, I'll bet he's our man," Bill stated. "Bill, I think we should go in a different direction, I don't think Mario's our man, it's just a feeling I get," Tiffany said. Brenda looked at her friend. Tiffany winked at her and smiled. Brenda wanted to hug her friend in the worse way, but thought twice. Bill wouldn't understand. "Okay, let's try to be logical about this, what do we know so far?" Bill asked. "We know Melissa is using the drugs to guide her models into prostitution after they've passed their usefulness as models, Connie has said so and I have first hand experience," Brenda said. "We know that, but what we don't know is where she gets the stuff," Bill said. "When you test it where do you get the other drug samples?" Tiffany asked. "It's sent to us by police departments from all over the United States for our lab to test. The results are used when they go to trial. That way they can tie the drug to the person that's been arrested." "How much do they send you?" "Just a small sample." "What do they do with the rest of it?" "They incinerate it. The drug is kept under lock and key at each facility and only a very few people have access to it. It?s kept until the trial and after that it's destroyed." "Let me get this straight, the drugs we had tested were matched to quantities you tested from the New York police department which they obtained during an arrest? The first batch was from an old case and the second was from one, a year newer, is that right?" Brenda asked. "Yes that's right, but that doesn't explain the last batch, we have no sample of that one." "Maybe you haven't tested it yet, how many samples do you get and how long does it take to test it?" Brenda asked. "We get hundreds and we're really overloaded right now so a sample might not be tested for three or four months, what are you driving at?" Bill asked. "What if it's the police that are giving Melissa the drugs, that would explain why the formula changes from time to time. When they incinerate the drug they just get hers from another batch, it all makes perfect sense," Brenda said. "Do you know how difficult something like that would be to prove?" asked Bill. "It's a theory worth pursuing, it makes more sense than Mario does," Brenda said. "Okay, let's assume you are right, how do we find the answer we're looking for?" asked Bill. "We do what we have been doing, Melissa is starting to trust me and I think if Tiffany can get close to her we might find out who the dirty cop is," Brenda said. "Can you think of anyone?" Bill asked. "She is dating that one cop that we know about but I don't think it's him, he has too much to lose," Brenda said. "Who's that?" Bill asked. "He's the commander of the drug task force and it's common knowledge that Melissa is sleeping with him and uses him for information. He's married and has kids so I doubt he would be the source. Let's look at the people who have access to the drugs, you know the guards or maybe even an attorney that goes in and out. Get the sign-in sheet and we'll look at names, it's worth a try." Brenda said. "Okay, that's a theory worth pursuing, but if it doesn't work out, we'll have to concentrate on that Mario guy. Girls I have to run, I have a hot date with my mom again," Bill said. "Good night Bill, it was nice to meet you," Tiffany said. "It was nice meeting you too Tiffany, and your pictures don't do you justice, you're much prettier in person," Bill said. "Thank you Bill." "Goodnight Brenda, I'll be in touch." "Goodnight Bill, have a nice dinner," Brenda said. Bill left the girls and they opened the menus. "What's good?" Tiffany asked. "Everything, let's see if Danny will do something special for us," Brenda said. "Do you think he will?" Tiffany asked. "Of course he will, if I ask him nicely," Brenda said. Brenda called to Danny. She wanted to ask him something. "Danny, Tiffany was wondering what to order and I thought maybe you could do something special, for old time sake?' Brenda flirted. "Brenda, you know I would do anything for you, I'll have the chef make something special," Danny said. "You know I'll want to take you out if I do?" "Danny you're such a flirt, of course I'll go out with you," Brenda said. "What about you Tiffany, would you like to come too?" Danny asked. "No, that's alright. I'll let Brenda take care of you," Tiffany said. "Could you at least sign some pictures so I can hang them on the wall?" "I guess that would be okay, do you have a camera?" "A digital and a printer in the office I'll be right back." Danny returned with his camera. "Don't move girls, smile," he said and took a picture of Tiffany and Brenda at their table. "Could I take one with you standing and one with me?" asked Danny. "Sure, what ever you would like," Tiffany said. "Stand by the bar, smile, got it," Danny said. "Brenda would you mind taking a picture of Tiffany and me?" "Sure, stand next to her. Do you think you can grow just a little Danny, or if you'd like you can borrow my heels so you can be as tall as Tiffany," Brenda laughed. "Very funny Brenda, just take the picture," Danny said. "I can take my heels off if you would like," Tiffany said. "I'm fine, go ahead Brenda, take the picture." Brenda took the picture and handed the camera back to Danny. "Let me take one of you and Tiffany, stand next to each other," Danny said, "Okay, I'll go print these, do you want any copies?" "I do, the one with Tiffany and me," Brenda said. "I'll be right back," Danny said. "He's sweet," Tiffany said. "Oh please, if you knew Danny like I do you would know he's just a terrible flirt, but you can't help but like him," Brenda said. The girls sat back down at their table. "Thank you for trying to protect Mario from Bill, I don't know what I would do if I had to investigate him," Brenda said. "I know how you feel about him and I'm sure if he wasn't a nice guy you would know, just don't let your feelings for him cloud your judgment," Tiffany said. "I won't," Brenda said. "Seriously though, I can't believe you compromised the investigation, the way you did," Tiffany said. "I'm sorry, I didn't plan on falling in love with Mario," Brenda said. "But you did. You should have never gone out with him in the first place, Tiffany admonished. "Tiffany, I don't know what happened to me. I feel so foolish, but I couldn't help myself. I'm truly sorry for all this," Brenda said. "I know you are, but next time think before you react, and don't date a person of interest in an investigation,' Tiffany said. "I won't," Brenda groveled. "Are you serious about the cops being the source of the drugs?" Tiffany asked. "Think about it, who was Natalia going to see when she was killed, the police. I'm sure she didn't tell Melissa she was going to them so the only other people that knew were the police. I just don't know where to start with them. Maybe Melissa will introduce me to her boy friend and there might be a chance that he might have some information he isn't aware of. He might say something that might be of interest to us," Brenda said. "I have an idea, but I don't know how to carry it out. I met a cop a while back and maybe he might have some kind of idea as to who might be involved," Tiffany said. "It's worth a try but don't blow our cover doing it. Who is he anyway?" asked Brenda. "Just a cop. I met him after a photo shoot, he's a street cop, you know, one that wants to do his job without all the political bullshit. I think I can trust him." "Be sure before you tell him anything about yourself or you might be killed." "I'll be careful, what about you, what are you going to do, go to Melissa's boyfriend and say, I'm FBI, that sure won't work?" "I'm not sure yet, I think I might be able to work the drug, whore angle. Melissa wants me to work for her so bad, that she is actually nice to me, you know the saccharine touch. If she's any sweeter to me I'll probably get diabetes," Brenda giggled. "I'll call Hank tomorrow and see if he can be trusted," Tiffany said. "Did you decide what you are going to do at Christmas?" Brenda asked. "I think I'll go with you if that's alright." "Of course it's alright. My mom will like the company. Now lets see what Danny has for us to eat." Danny provided a dazzling array of food for the girls and they were stuffed by the time they were finished eating. "Well girls, did I do good?" Danny asked. "That was delicious Danny," Tiffany said. "If you keep this up, I might have to marry you, Danny," Brenda laughed. "Don't scare me Brenda, marriage is a four letter word as far as I'm concerned," he responded. "Do you mean you wouldn't want to be with me twenty-four seven Danny, you're breaking my heart," Brenda laughed. "I might be tempted with Tiffany," Danny said. "Don't get your hopes up unless you are willing to wait on me hand and foot," Tiffany replied. "I think I'll just stick to the bar and when I feel lonely I'll just have a shot of Jack and remember what I'm passing up," Danny said with a laugh. The girls paid their bill and went on their way. Tiffany found Hank's business card and called him on his cell phone. "Hank Phelps," he answered. "Hi Hank, I don't know if you remember me, but I met you several months ago and you bought me a cup of coffee. My name is Tiffany Rollins," she said. "How could I forget a beautiful woman like you especially after I've seen your picture everywhere, I'm surprised that you remembered me," he said. "Of course I remember you and the reason I'm calling is that I would like to see you about something personal going on in my life," she said. "Is someone trying to hurt you?" he asked. "No, it's nothing like that but it does have something to do with my work and I wanted to get together with you to talk about it and wondered if we could meet?" "Are you kidding me, of course I'll meet with you, no one will believe that I got to see Tiffany Rollins, for a date," he said. "Where would you like to meet and when?" she asked. "Is tomorrow too soon, I have the day off?" he asked. "That will work for me, I have a fashion show in the afternoon but I'm free after that, why don't we meet for dinner, my treat?" she said. "I have just the place, right off Times Square on forty-third, let's say seven?" "I'll see you then, and thanks Hank," Tiffany said. "The pleasure is all mine Tiffany, see you tomorrow night."

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Mike is a black man from Chicago. He studies medicine and he met Ludmila at a fraternity?s party and they fell in love almost immediately! He?s an athletic 23 y.o man, finely muscled, 5?9 and with a friendly face and short hair. This night he wears black jeans with a white shirt and a suit jacket. He?s really proud about his girlfriend. Ludmila is a white girl from France who came to the USA to study art and photography. She is 19 y.o, 5?25 with a nice face, long black hair and beautiful brown...

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From a sophisticated mom to a cheap dirty slut A desi story

Introduction: This is the story of a sophisticated mom who turns into a nasty slut. This is a desi story and my english could be awkward for some people. Hi All. This is Dilip back with another hardcore story. This is a hardcore sex story and has many extreme sexual themes like incest, watersports, scatplay and also bdsm. If you dont enjoy these things, I would say this is not a story. Send in your comments to [email protected] It was 2 years back. I was 20 at that time. We are a family of 3....

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The Fool

“So the farmer’s kid comes running back home from Maisy’s Whore House, waving the duck his dad had given him to pay for his shot. His father asks him, ‘So, how’d you get on with Maisy, son?’“And the boy starts shaking the duck by the neck and shouting, ‘I got a fuck for a duck, a Duck for a Fuck, ten bucks for ducking a fuck, AND I’VE STILL GOT THE FUCKIN’ DUCK!’”Everyone burst out laughing, some bending double and holding their sides. Jimmie, the storyteller, sat there smiling and laughing...

2 years ago
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Rhapsody SuiteTwentyone

THE MORNING WAS CASUAL and no one other than Kate seemed eager to get dressed. The party wasn’t over. I was a little worried because I’d thought of a few things I still wanted to pull together for my portfolio and I was counting on some time today to do it. Lissa put three frozen quiches in the oven and tasked me with frying up a couple dozen chicken breakfast sausages. She pulled a big tray of fruit out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter. No one made a move toward the dining room...

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Sadia Aunty

Hello ISS reader, I am Sunny main ye jo story sunanay ja raha hon bilkul sachi gatna hain my age is 22 now chota sa bacha hon hehe aur khoobsoorat be hon ok ab main story ki taraf ata hon main 18 saal ka tha uss waqt hamarae ghar kay saath aik aunty rehtee tee uss kay 3 bachay be thay aur uss ka husband showroom ka busness karta tha wo aunty roz hamare ghar atee tee aur khoob gup shup lagatee tee main be uss kay saath khoob gul mil giya uss ki age yahee koi 30 ki hain uss ka naam sadia hain...

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Song of ThanksChapter 22 You Promised to Marry Me

"And something else, Darryl Sanders, I'm going to marry you someday." Courtney Archer age 8 Grindelwald, in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, Sunday, July 1 "Yes I've made a decision. It's the hardest damn thing I've ever done in my life... even harder because this is when someone gets hurt. But I don't think I can put this off any longer." His eyes showed his guilt and pain, as well as a few tears. He was still reluctant to speak. Everyone else was keyed up to hear what was...

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To Have and to Hold Chapters 23

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD By Trisha PREFACE Here are the final two chapters of the story. I originally thought it would take more time to complete them, but then I guess i got inspired. I not only finished them quickly, but I am pretty happy with the result. As always, thanks for any comments. CHAPTER TWO So Celia and "Natasha" came over that evening, just as it got dark outside. Lauren had by then come home and changed into an attractive black dress. For my part, I...

3 years ago
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Meine beste Freundin

Es war letztes Jahr im Sommer. Sabine, seit unseren gemeinsamen Zeiten im Kindergarten meine beste Freundin, und ich wollten endlich gemeinsam Urlaub machen und entschieden uns für eine Reise nach Afrika, genauer gesagt nach Mali. Geld spielte keine Rolle, denn Sabine hatte die Reise von ihren wohlhabenden Eltern zum bestandenen Abi geschenkt bekommen und durfte ihre beste Freundin, also mich, mitnehmen. Alleine hätte ich mir so eine Reise nie und nimmer leisten können. Sabine hatte bereits...

2 years ago
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Fairytale Adventures Ch6 Kristen Meets The Candle

Kristen had been right, the pleasant weather seemed to have melted away, and she was quite sure that it was going to be cold enough to snow by the time the sun was completely down. Naked, she ran through the woods, trying to heat up her body. When she saw a light through the trees, she immediately went towards it, heedless of where it might lead to as long as she could be warm and inside.The wind picked up as she found herself standing in front of a huge castle, an iron gate swinging in the...

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My much needed Naturist holiday

As my open hands caressed my body, my mind wandered, thinking they were my husband’s hands, my nipples beginning to harden, my lou-lou began to get warm and wet. Thinking I would put my pumps on and pump more milk. Malcolm always loved suckling me when I was full of milk, giving us both a terrific orgasm. Oh, how I miss him still. I got my pumps out placing them on both nipples, setting the suction to medium. Stripping off I leant back on the sofa, I placed my feet on the edge letting my legs...

4 years ago
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Annie and the SchoolTeachers

To be honest, I was feeling pretty fed up that Wednesday afternoon. I had twisted my ankle the day before, and although it wasn’t that serious, it meant that I wasn’t able to go on the usual cross-country run with the rest of the sixth form. I liked cross-country. Although I wasn’t much of a long-distance runner, the chance to get off the school premises for an afternoon made it good for a laugh, especially as my best friend Helen and I usually managed to have a bit of a chat on the way round....

2 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 9a A Slutty Revelation With BE

I understand some people are not into bestiality and I did not tag it at the beginning. For this reason, I have made two versions of this chapter. This version has bestiality. Chapter 9b does not. This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. She was to grant three wishes to her son’s soccer team if they...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 410

The Mission Hours later, Arlene and Ann, tired, eased to the edge of a high rock bluff overlooking the massive power station in the distance. “Well, they sure don’t bother to conserve energy, at least with their lights,” Arlene sarcastically remarked as they stared at the brilliantly lit station. Worried that they might be discovered, both young women had employed their sensors over the edge to gather information before proceeding with their mission. “Just how are we supposed to get from...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Sera Ryder Failed Date Night

Gorgeous babe with natural tits and ass, Sera Ryder, feels frustrated after having a rough night with her date. The petite hottie can’t help but share TMI as you listen to her awkward date night story. Her problem boils down to her date not having the dick size that can satisfy her lustful desires. Lucky for her, you are willing to help her out and lend your big black cock. Sera is a bit hesitant at first because you are roommates. However, all her hesitation fades into the air after you...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 49 For What and Whom

Elijah already had an inclination of the roles how his, Yurnal and Kartion’s bodily refinement techniques would play in the making of the ultimate bodily refinement technique. The Seven Stages Of Bodily Refinement and he believed its subsequent refinement technique, focus on the vitality of the bodily cultivator. In general, all bodily refinement techniques enhance the vitality of their users; it was the core of their strength. But the emphasis in Kartion’s technique, perhaps because of his...

2 years ago
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A Day Full Of Secrets

Hello Everyone This beautiful experience started some 3 months back in December 2012. I still remember, it was a Saturday morning a weekly off for both me and my spouse. We were getting ready for a boring Parent-Teacher meet at my child’s school. It was this time when I got astrology alert on my cell saying this is a day full of secret affairs. Be cautious or flow with the destiny and I pretty much ignored it thinking its not gonna work with me as usual. It was a start of a vacation and I...

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Bored after sport

(This story is ficiton, but i hope you enjoy!)A few days back me and a few of the lads had just finished a great game of football. We won 4-2 and we're sweating like dirty pigs, as normal we heaeded back to get changed and shower.In the shower our goalie Jason kept looking at our dicks and asses, until he was wanking none of us realised, his dick seemed to triple in size instantaniously, at this point everybody apart from me was wanking. I was washing my hair, suddenly i feel a warm sensation...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Charlie Red Hold You Close

Charlie Red watches from an armchair as her date, Jason X, sets the scene. Some sweet music and dancing is the order of the evening as the lovers stick close to one another. When Jason dips Charlie, he leans in for a kiss that she eagerly returns. Turning Charlie around in his arms, Jason lifts her shirt and sweeps his palms up to her small breasts. Jason finds Charlie’s nipples already hard as she grinds her ass against him in time to his squeezes. The couple relocates to the bedroom to...

3 years ago
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Caught On Camera Ch 01

The young man’s name was Aaron Olson. He was a high school senior and he lived with his mom and his grandfather. His dad had died when he was two. His mom worked full time in his grandfather’s camera shop, and he worked there part-time. Aaron, his mother and grandfather all lived in her childhood home. The Bardoorian sisters occupied the house across the alley behind them. Like his mom, they also grew up in the same house they were living in now. Lisa, the older of the two women is in her...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 42

Day 91-92 / Day 140 continued: The ice melted, revealing a woman easily mistaken for Hrund’s twin, with pitch black hair instead. Eyes as clear and cold as the glacier above their heads regarded her expressionlessly. Her shield was round on top, but elongated below like an inverted teardrop, and had a large metal boss in the center. Her other hand carried a long spear, with an axe head sticking out at the base of the blade, and a spike sticking out the other side: a halberd. It was the first...

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Spanking Service for a Housewife 3

Introduction: If you havent read parts 1 & 2, you should do so before reading this one. Once the daughter was in position I turned to the mother and said Ready?. She nodded and rose from her chair and stepped next to me. Last time you gave me the last bit while I was bent over the coffee table and my husband really seemed to like that. Would you mind doing them all that way this time? she asked. With visions of the daughter in that position still fresh in my mind and remembering how good the...

2 years ago
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Take Me Home Country Road

I was about twenty when I decided I wanted to leave my country in search of a better life abroad. I always knew I wanted to go to America. I'd seen a lot of movies where they showed the country life and how amazing it looked over there. I should probably tell you that I'm a city girl, but I've always had a love for the outdoors.Two weeks later I found myself at the airport, ready to say goodbye to my old life. I made my way through check in and through the gates. For two hours I sat at the gate...

Straight Sex
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The Last Chance

Mature Gentleman seeks travel companion. Requires younger cultured woman as a travel companion for a trip to Europe and beyond. NSA. Applicants will be judged on personality and culture. All expenses paid and an end of trip bonus of $10,000 per month will be offered. Apply by Email to WethersfieldR@ giving a brief apercu of yourself. Only candidates judged suitable will be contacted.I insert the ad in the Globe Classified section to run for a period of a weekend and sit...

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Welcome to Sweetheart! In this story you will be going back to high school and get back into the dating game. Throughout the story you will meet many different girls with different personalities that you can try to get with. Your ultimate goal can very. Whether you want to just get them in bed or get them in your arms, Sweetheart will offer you many opportunities to do so. So good luck and have fun!

3 years ago
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True Mage ChroniclesChapter 7

“I need to drop something in my room quick,” I told the guard at my side. I figured my sidearm would be enough for now. As we walked up the stairs, I asked a question that had been bugging me, “What kind of animal are you, Petra?” “River otter,” was her reply. I jumped when something smacked my ass hard. I looked over to see the mischievous grin on her face and the tail swinging quickly back and forth. “Nice ass,” was her only remark as we continued up the stairs. When we entered my room, I...

4 years ago
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MAU 12 The Day After

MAU 01: Day Jobs and Superheroes (Part 2) Night had fallen, and day had come, and Karen, who only yesterday had been known as Kevin Starr, awoke from sleep in a large building whose ownership she had yet to determine. Something she would need to fix before the day's end. She had also been changed by something called a Matter Adaptation Unit, though she didn't know the name of it herself. She had been called by her friend Mark, who was worried that his brother Todd, would...

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NubileFilms Casey Lady Bug Make Me Cum

Casey and her girlfriend Lady Bug are playing a sensual game outdoors that involves a blindfold and plenty of teasing and kisses. It’s tons of fun, but when the blindfold comes off the kisses don’t stop. In fact, things get even more heated. Taking Lady’s hand, Casey leads her short lover into a more secluded area that comes complete with a couch. Now that they have some privacy, the girls hold nothing back in their make out session. Casey’s hands are everywhere on...

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Bosss Dominance

Constance was the executive at a large firm in Seattle, and her day-to-day pressures had made her quite dominant over her employees as well as her clients. She sat behind her desk a very lonely woman, her dominance had driven everyone away that she could have been close to, and she never quite got used to being "the bitch" and "cobweb cunt," which were some of the nicknames she had overheard for herself. At 47, she was still an attractive woman, her auburn hair hung to her shoulders and...

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My First Encounter With An Aunt

Hi, Myself is Sameer 23 M and working in the Hospital. This was happened to me first time when i was 20yr and starting my new job in the hospital with my studies. I have got my first job in night shift in the Orthopedic Hospital and there were only two staffs required in night shift. There were already women aged about 42 years was working and later on I joined her. Now I’ll tell u in “Hindi’ so Anybody can easily understand. Gaanv mein raat ke waqt jyada mareez nahi aate the isliye night shift...

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JuniorChapter 24 Sammys in love

Naturally, I called Kelley and Suzanne to tell them about my harrowing experience on the road, but I didn't get a chance to talk to Marcie until the next afternoon when she returned to school. She and Charlie were the only ones I told about coming back to school early and hearing Gladys exclaim how Victor missed the landing strip and landed in the drink. Marcie thought it was hilarious and I had to admit that I was feeling the same way. As I explained to her, "I was letting my mind play...

4 years ago
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Room for Rent Part 9 of 14

It was Thursday before Labour Day. I was in my office at school. Actually, I shared the office with another graduate assistant, Zoey, so it wasn't totally mine. She was new to the program, and I hadn't actually met her yet. The only evidence of her existence was a new set of books lining her half of the shelves, and a few anime figures on her desk. The most intriguing of these was Shino Asada from the series, Sword Art Online. Most girls who were "into anime" usually went for mainstream Sailor...


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