The Deception of Choice.
Episode Six, comprising Chapters 15, 16, & 17.
Dark despair for David in the aftermath of the Inspection. But help
is at hand. Or is it? A bargain is proposed and agreed by all
parties, although to whose benefit? A party with dancing and
gaiety all round whereat David discovers the value of a stiletto
heel as an offensive weapon. And then betrays someone.
Chapter 15.
David rejoined the waiting group of girls. He saw their faces
expectant, anxious for his news.
"Anne," he managed, "Anne, they .... they would like to see you
next. And they asked if you would take .... take three schooners of
'Dry Fly' with you if you would be so kind."
David stood uncertain, watching as Anne went quickly to the long
table where she busied herself with glasses and a bottle. He sensed
the others wanting to ask, to enquire how his interview went, but
he could not face them immediately and, mumbling words that could
have been an excuse, followed in Anne's tracks to the drinks table.
She had finished pouring and was arranging the tall glasses on a
silver tray.
"She said I was to have one too", David muttered and reached for
the decanter. Anne saw his hands trembling. "Let me," she said,
poured and handed him a glass. "I must hurry", she said. "Tell me
David watched her as she expertly swayed her hips in a walk that
proved the value of the deportment class, and yet caused not even
a ripple on the surface of the sherry in the schooners. He noticed
his own hands trembling even more now as the aftermath of the
interview took hold. He used both hands to guide the glass to his
lips and felt the sherry run over lips that felt parched in spite
of their creamy coating of lipstick.
He felt nauseous and needing to sit down as the tremors in his
hands threatened to spread to other limbs. Reluctantly he made his
way to the others and sat down, noting that, in spite of
everything, his free hand swept the back of his skirt in the
approved manner. The waiting girls as a group seemed to sense that
he needed space, needed a little time.
David took another sip and finally looking up caught Emma's anxious
gaze. She hesitated then stepped towards him. "You looabk terrible
darling, and you're trembling. Was it really so bad?"
David nodded. "Yes for me it was. Nothing for you to worry about
though. They .... She .... Grace de Messembry that is, wants to
rectify some faults in me. I am sure that with you, with the others
it will be all right. Just that I am .... It is my fault. I was
stupid. "David's voice tailed off. He could not explain. Did not
want to go into the details now, not then, not ever.
Emma caught his mood with instinctive empathy. She placed a hand on
his shoulders. Her voice was full of concern, of friendship
offered. "Sit there for a moment Sophie. Give yourself a few
minutes to recover. Then we can see what can be done. Anne and I.
And Laura of course. I am sure we can help in some way, that
whatever it is we can solve together. You are not alone."
She stood there, her hand still on his shoulder as David felt his
world revolve; saw the abyss at his feet.
"I do not know that anyone can help. She was quite clear." David
shook his head. "I do not know what can be done."
There they remained. David taking comfort from her but still with
a great emptiness inside him. Torn between cursing himself for his
own obduracy, his own foolishness, and the overwhelming sense of
injustice that this was happening to him. Overshadowing all, the
fear of where it was taking him and his own impotence in the face
of it.
And then Anne returned. "They want to see you next Emma darling.
Quickly dear! Nothing to worry about. You'll walk it."
"They said I could have a sherry too Sophie darling, Come with me
and we'll top yours up. I'm sure no-one will mind. And then you can
tell me how I, how we, can help."
She reached down and took his hand in a very feminine gesture,
raising him to his feet. "Come darling. You look shattered. Tell me
about it."
So David did just that. His voice still feminine sounding and
feeling strained in his throat. First hesitantly, half embarrassed
at the foolishness, the intimacy of it all, the sentences isolated
with long pauses as he sought to explain, and then the words
tumbling out as the inhibitions were swept away.
Anne listened in silence until he was finished. Just a nod or a
sympathetic smile, a hand on arm or a grasp of his hand,
punctuating David's tale.
"Let's talk to Laura," she said. "Maybe there is a way out. Do not
give way to despair darling Sophie. Let us try to get it in
perspective. Perhaps there is after all something we can do."
"Laura was there," David said. "She did not say anything."
"Maybe she thought it was not the best time to say something. Maybe
she wished to speak to you first. Maybe .... there are lots of
possible reasons Sophie. But if Laura can help, she will. You can
count on that. As will we all."
"Emma's back," Anne said, and David saw her approaching for what
was obviously the customary sherry which was each girl's due at the
end of her interview.
"Details later Emma dear," Anne said. "Briefly though Sophie would
dearly like Grace de Messembry to change her mind on something. I
am trying to convince her that such is very much a possibility if
we can enlist, and I am sure we can, Laura's aid. What do you
"Of course she will! Grace de Messembry is no different from anyone
else in that at least. Either as a whim, or for advantage, just
like everyone else. But it must be presented to her as something
that in no way decreases her power."
Anne smiled wryly. "It doesn't need to increase it, With Grace de
Messembry an increase would be quite superfluous but she would not
like any perception that it weakened her."
In spite of himself David saw a flicker of hope. "Do you really
think so? Really think that she might listen? That she might change
her mind?"
"Yes Sophie, but Emma is right, you will have to convince her that
her best interests lie elsewhere or, and this seems to me more
likely, offer something in exchange."
Emma nodded "Perhaps a combination of the two Anne," she said. "But
you will I think have to give something, concede something, Sophie.
And maybe you will not like the cost of that?"
David was sobered by the premonition that dealing with Grace de
Messembry might be fraught with costly pitfalls, but, "I would
consider anything," he said. "Anything."
"We will talk to Laura as soon as this is over," smiled Anne. "She
will be able to help and advise, and with her on our side we should
be able to convince Grace de Messembry."
"All you have to do in the meantime Sophie is to pull yourself
together. Remember to be ultra sweet and feminine in Grace de
Messembry's presence. Signs of untoward despair will only weaken
your case." Anne looked up. Christine was being interviewed, Alice
had finished and was talking to Janet Saggren. Only Mona remaining
waiting now. "It will be over in another hour. Just hold things
together until then and we can talk and resolve this."
"Do you really think it is possible," asked David.
Emma looked at him and David suddenly realised how shrewd she was
with an incisive street wisdom. "I am convinced of it," she said.
"One hundred percent certain. She will agree. Do not worry about
"Certain? How can you be?" David felt the hope grow stronger and
yearned for reassurance.
"I am certain because I know what I would do if I were she" Emma
smiled at him and David caught in that smile, in that moment, a
glimpse of, not only warmth and friendship, but also something that
might be pity. "I know what I would do in her shoes. And even ...."
Emma hesitated .... "perhaps I can make an educated guess about
those particular shoes."
With that Emma suddenly turned away towards the approaching Jane
Saggren and Christine. Further off David saw that Laura was leaving
the interviewing group and was walking back with Alice. Mona was
already deep in conversation with Grace de Messembry and Helen
Soon they were all, with the exception of Mona and the two
directors, gathered round the summerhouse. David tried hard to
appear as if his world was not falling apart. Tried desperately to
fulfil the role assigned to him. Demure, ladylike, poised even.
Conscious of the clinging femininity of his clothes, of the weight
of his breasts, the flick of his hair against his neck, the waft of
his perfume mingling with that of the others. Tried to dispel the
sickness of his heart.
There was an almost party air prevalent. As if a great weight had
been lifted, a cloud passed to let the sun shine through again. The
inspection had obviously passed off well. Laura and Jane chattered
with their charges, who in turn seemed relaxed and carefree. David
saw both Anne and Emma become serious in small private moments with
Laura, and saw such moments marked by glances in his direction.
Otherwise the atmosphere was without care. Laura herself spoke to
David and, again apart from the pressure of hand on elbow and a
whispered, "Don't worry, we will talk later", seemed oblivious to
the fact he did not share in the general gaiety.
Mona's interview seemed to go on for ever, but even it finally
ended and she came tripping towards them, her face lit up and
excited. Grace de Messembry and Helen followed her, deep in
conversation one with the other, but smiling and relaxed. They
joined the group and a natural silence of deference stilled the
"Laura, Jane, girls," began Grace de Messembry. "Just to tidy up a
few loose ends and then Helen and I must leave you, at least for a
short time."
"First of all I would like to congratulate you all, every single
one of you, on the absolutely splendid reception you have given us.
As you know Helen and I look forward so very much to these little
get-togethers and it is our one regret that we cannot be with you
more frequently. It is always such a joy to see so many happy
faces, so much solid progress made, so many girls fulfilling so
admirably their destiny in such a worthwhile little community!"
Grace de Messembry's smile, warm and gracious, fell upon all there
like a benison. Helen Vanbrugh's slighter smile echoed an amen.
"As you may be aware it is customary on such occasions to award
some form of additional accolade by picking the best, the most
deserving, of your two groups. It must be said that it is the one
thing that we hate doing, and I do so wish that we could abandon
the practice, but I do appreciate that you girls are foolishly
attached to it, and that in encouraging a certain friendly girlish
rivalry between you it does perhaps add a little interest to our
"Well to put you all out of your misery," again the gentle mocking
smile embraced them all, "we will deal with that first. As you will
already be aware, the reason that we hate thus adjudicating is
that, in choosing the winners, we frequently feel that we are doing
a grave disservice to the losers. So very unfair! And on this visit
it has been found to be quite impossible! So many points, nearly
all good, have so balanced one side against another that neither
Helen and I, two people who, I do assure you, are not normally
afflicted by indecision in any circumstances, have found it quite
impossible to decide."
"Thus we have reached the only possible conclusion open to us ...."
Another slight pause for dramatic effect. "We have decided to
declare you both equal winners! Again congratulations to all
concerned. To you girls, whose praises Laura and Jane have sung to
us all morning, and of course to Jane and Laura themselves who do
such splendid work here. Helen and I both value their work here
enormously, as I am sure you all do."
"So the winner's privileges go to all of you!"
"Not that there were not one or too imperfections of course. But
none of them serious. None of them that can't be solved by a little
more effort, or perhaps just a greater awareness of what is
expected of you. Individual girls are, I am sure, strengthened by
the little discussions we have had. Indeed faults we perceive in
you are often the result of oversights, or lack of awareness of
your needs, on our part. So this can be quite a humbling experience
for us, but at least we are comforted by the knowledge that this
process enables us to solve those little problems that may have
seen insurmountable to you, but which, in reality, can be resolved
by us by a mere administrative stroke of the pen, by a little more
David knew it was not in his imagination that Grace de Messembry's
smiling gaze caught his eyes and lingered there momentarily.
"And now for some exciting news!. Perhaps a little sad too, for I
know she will be dreadfully missed here. Mona will be leaving you
this weekend. She has made such brilliant progress that both Helen
and I believe that she has outgrown the benefits of this Holding
Wing and now needs to move on. She has become such a darling girl,
an example to all you aspirants, that I am sure that you will wish
her all the best in the new stage of life now before her."
Grace de Messembry turned towards Mona and with a gesture drew her
to stand close by her side. She placed a hand protectively on her
elbow with an air of satisfied ownership.
"Mona has been a most delightful student and her achievement in
making such a positive start to her transition has been quite
outstanding. She will be leading us for our Finishing Centre
tomorrow and I know she will take with her all our very best wishes
for her time there. I am sure her success here will be mirrored at
the Centre and so it only remains for us to wish her all happiness,
both there and in her future."
All applauded. David found himself joining in but could not
simulate the added little cries denoting enthusiasm and delight
which came from Emma and Anne now standing next to him. Mona looked
quite radiant at the compliments. Blushing slightly, her eyes
a-sparkle, she was the epitome of girlhood, of femininity, grace
and beauty.
"To mark the occasion," Grace de Messembry continued, "and to
celebrate the progress that you have all made, I have decided that
this evening we will have a little party."
Her smile swept over them all, encompassed them all.
"It will give us all a chance to dress up in our glad rags and don
our best frillies. I know how young girls adore that! And so that
the glamour won't be wasted I will bring along a few of my nephews
and their friends whom I am sure will be suitably dazzled."
Again the smile flashed.
"But I do insist that you let me have them all back relatively
undamaged at the end of the proceedings."
The smile expanded into a long, low, sultry laugh of genuine
"So shall we say an eight o'clock start? Here on the roof garden I
think. No need for you to do anything Laura, Jane. Apart from
looking as fetching as ever. Helen has arranged for some staff to
come in and fix everything."
All the girls crowded round Mona chattering excitedly. Grace de
Messembry and Helen became deep in discussion with Laura and Jane
David just stood there. The world washed over him. He felt detached
and numb. He saw Laura look warningly in his direction and realised
that he was standing alone, so he joined the others round Mona and
tried to blend in with them. The talk jumped and spun from Mona and
her departure to the evening's party and back again. David tried to
relate to it. Would he also accept and welcome such praise in
future? At some future date would he blush to hear his femininity
thus admired? And what was the Finishing Centre to which she was
going? And what could it do that the Holding Wing didn't? Was it a
destination or just another stage? Was it the answer to the why he
had been seeking or just another complication?
And, with Mona gone, would he ever discover more of the bare
branches? And China? The 'why' to his misfortunes.
David shivered. Was there nothing but questions?
Questions and, Oh God, and his promised mutilation? He looked
around for Laura. He must speak to Laura! There must be something
he could do. Something he could give to .... to .... He clung to
the hope that Emma and Anne were right and that it could all be
He became aware of movement. The meeting was ending. Other voices
stilled as Grace de Messembry raised hers so that all were included
in her words. Numbly he heard them drifting, detached phrases,
through the turmoil of his thoughts.
"Must be going .... Times wing?d chariot etc. And I just know that
you will all be wanting to rush away to prepare for this evening
.... So looking forward to it myself .... So pleased with your
progress .... all of you .... This evening then ..."
Groups were breaking up. David was startled to find Helen Vanbrugh
at his shoulder. Smiling at him, her hand light on his elbow.
"Try not to be too upset. Acceptance is the key. If I can help at
all then I will. And you are lucky in Laura as a friend. I would
like you to think of me as one too."
And then she too was gone, joining Grace de Messembry in an elegant
departure, in a clicking of heels and a swirl of perfume.
The girls were left chattering excitedly. In relief that the
inspection was over and in anticipation of the evening that lay
before them.
David felt sick. His heart dead inside him as the outward
sensations of his new femininity surrounded him. Caressed by the
silky smoothness of his lingerie and hose, the confinement of his
girdle and the swirl of his dress. The taste of lipstick and the
scent of perfume. 'Blue' by La Perla, the thought rose unbidden.
'Accept' Helen Vanbrugh had urged. And he tasted the bitter
knowledge that acceptance, insidious and invasive, would inevitably
grow on him as day followed day. That femininity would come to be
less strange, more normal, more acceptable, as it became his
everyday existence.
Unless .... unless. There had to be an unless. At least he could
contest each point, each stage. In the hope that the unless would
be realisable. He had to be 'too upset'. To accept was the end.
He became aware that the others had gone with the exception of
Laura who was walking back to him as Anne and Emma disappeared down
the stairs. She looked grave.
David's hope of sympathy was shattered.
Laura was seething, incandescent.
"You stupid, stupid girl. Stupid and selfish! I told you, warned
you! For your own good. Such silly little futile gestures. Things
I had specifically mentioned to you. To make things easier for you
I trusted you and you betrayed that trust."
Laura shook her head, made a conscious effort to calm down.
"You nearly spoilt everything. You made me look a fool in front of
Grace de Messembry. You let down Emma and Anne and risked negating
all the work we have done. Stupidity I can stomach Sophie but you
were selfish and that is harder to forgive."
"Laura, Laura I am so sorry. I did not mean to ...." David was
taken aback by her anger. He had thought that the wrong done to him
would be the priority. "I did not mean, did not expect, to upset
you or Anne and Emma. I can see that it was stupid. I know but I
did not realise that it affected others."
It all proved too much. David's misery at his own plight was
multiplied by the condemnation and scorn of Laura. The one whose
help he had thought to be his one chance He felt tears running down
his face. Blindly he turned away from her and sat heavily in one of
the chairs, his head resting on his arms, and gave way to the
grief, and indeed the fear, that whelmed up inside him.
Two, three minutes passed. David felt Laura's hands on his
shoulders, warm through the fabric of his dress. Another minute
passed. She stayed there silent yet the human contact alone
comforted him.
Finally she spoke. "Sophie I am still here for you." She sighed.
"Anne and Laura have both spoken to me. And of course I was there,
I saw it in your eyes then. The despair."
"You have good friends. They do care, and wish to help in spite of
the fact that you put them at risk too." Again Laura sighed, this
time in exasperation. "Sophie I don't think you realise how lucky
you were, how lucky you, all of us, are. Grace de Messembry on
another day could have come down on us all like a ton of bricks.
She was in a remarkably benign and affable mood. Playful even.
Oddly enough she seems to like you. Certainly Helen told me that
you amuse her. Not that amusing her can be without its
disadvantages mind you!"
Laura's fingers tightened slightly on David's shoulders.
"It could be very different you know. On another day you could be
paying a visit to the Rehabilitation Centre. And we, Anne and Emma,
perhaps the others too, could have had all privileges withdrawn and
I could be up before the board for neglecting my duties here."
"As it is .... As it is your actions have rebounded only upon
yourself, and even that could have been worse, believe me."
"Worse?" David shuddered. "It is bad enough. I cannot bear to think
of it. It is mutilation. A humiliating form of mutilation."
"Nevertheless worse it could well have been. I don't need to spell
out some obvious options do I? And don't exaggerate. Nothing is to
be removed. Just a modification that might well be reversible."
David shook his head. "Anne, Emma thought you might be able to
help. That perhaps you could persuade Grace de Messembry to
rethink. To opt for something else to ...." David's voice tailed
away as the hopelessness swept back.
"They have already spoken to me about it." Laura's voice was grave.
"You ask a lot Sophie. To put my head on the block for you after
your actions, your thoughtlessness, so very nearly brought disaster
upon us all. I can't count on Grace de Messembry always being in
such a good mood. And one thing that she does not like is her
judgement being questioned."
"They thought ...." David's voice faltered, unsure. "They thought
that perhaps I could offer something, an alternative .... concede
something." David realised how weak it all sounded as the words
left his mouth.
"Sophie," Laura's voice was gentle now, all traces of anger gone.
"Sophie what can you offer, what can you concede, that Grace de
Messembry cannot take if she so desires?"
There was silence between them as David conscious of Laura's eyes
upon him, questioning, tried desperately to think of something that
he could offer. He shook his head despondently.
"I don't know," he said. "Emma seemed to think that there could be
something that would be to her advantage to accept, that you would
know, could suggest something. She seemed confident. Maybe she was
just trying to .... to make me feel better."
Laura sat down opposite David and looked at him seriously with a
hint of calculation in her eyes as if she were trying to probe his
"Emma is smart. Bright and streetwise. One would not think so but
she is. She has a surprising insight into how the world works."
Laura herself sounded pensive. "I have talked to her about this and
she may well be right, but I am not sure whether it will benefit
you in even the medium term. Remember that in negotiating with
Grace de Messembry you are bound almost inevitably to surrender
much to gain a little. And that there is certainly a snag."
Laura reached out and laid her hands on the table her fingers
overlapping David's.
"Have you heard of a zugzwang?"
David shook his head.
"It is a chess term which, I am told, describes a position from
which whatever move you make will lead to a worsening of your
circumstances. I think, alas, it applies to your position too."
"You understand?"
David nodded. "I know but I do not want them to cut me there.
Please. Anything but that. I am desperate."
Laura's fingers held David's.
"All you can offer, all you have to offer, is willingness Sophie.
Willingness to embrace femininity. Not just to pay it lip service
but to embrace it with enthusiasm."
Laura's eyes searched for a response from David's.
"That is the one thing that Grace de Messembry cannot enforce
Sophie. She can make you jump through all the hoops that she, or
you, can envisage. But your active desire to conform to her wishes,
that is beyond her. That is the one and only thing she lacks and
thus it is the only thing of value that you can offer. Your
willingness. Your full acceptance of, and active striving for,
Laura saw the dawning, dread, understanding in David's eyes.
"In accepting Grace de Messembry's will as your will and striving
for its advancement without reserve, indeed anticipating its
fulfilment as regards your acceptance of your essential femininity,
you make her a gift. One which would most likely allow her to feel
that any change in her mind over previous plans would be amply
David nodded, allowing the full significance of the bargain to sink
"And you really think she would accept?" He said. "That she would
Laura nodded. "Yes I think she would. Emma is quite right. Think
about it. Her suggested modification is calculated to bring home to
you, in a somewhat dramatic fashion, the fact that you are required
to adopt a more feminine behaviour pattern. In exchange you are
offering to accept willingly such a behaviour pattern and indeed to
go much, much further along such a path. The gain is all her's."
Laura paused, seeming to search for words. "It may not matter much
of course. Dear Sophie, as I am sure that you are by now aware, you
are destined to be more feminine. That is why you are here. So
whatever path you follow is irrelevant to the eventual destination.
Whether the mental process will prove to be less, well, traumatic,
if you fight it, rather than if you accept, it I do not know. Such
is probably a matter of individual personality. Obviously by
willingly accepting femininity you do avoid an immediate physical
intervention. The choice is yours."
Her voice petered out. David looked up at her. The word 'immediate'
hung heavy between them.
Laura shrugged "I am a female of course so it is difficult for me
to know, to appreciate. My natural inclination is to think that
being a girl is good, preferable. I know I would not change. I
think that you will find many things to enjoy in femininity at
whatever stage thereof you eventually arrive, perhaps even that in
time you could prefer it. But of course I realise that I can never
truly understand how you feel and that it is natural for you to
cling to what you perceive yourself to be."
David's throat was sore. The spray was wearing off and his voice
was ragged, breaking in and out as he spoke dully, his brain packed
with cotton wool. He thought of querying the word 'perceive' but it
seemed too great an effort. And futile.
"You spoke of a snag. Is that it? That it does not matter? That the
destination is the same?"
Laura shook her head. "No the snag is simpler than that. If you can
accept the need to sit to pee and can come to terms with the
reality that you are not going to be effectively sexually
penetrative in at least the immediate future, then the intervention
is quite minor and will not effect you in any really meaningful
way. And she will have lost the power that the threat has. It
cannot be used twice by its very nature. So you will both have lost
"But if you opt for the other trade. Then you will have given
something, something of value, and she will have kept something.
Her threat will remain intact, unused. A Sword of Damocles that is
ever present. What is more you have added to the value of the
threat. She will then know that it, and others of its ilk, are
Laura looked at him with compassion. "As I said Emma is really very
smart. She saw it immediately. It is because of that that she feels
certain that Grace de Messembry will accept."
Laura steepled her fingers just as Grace de Messembry had done so
short, so long, a time before
"If you still wish for me to try to persuade her."
Chapter 16.
David stared back at her, trying to take it all in. Trying to
understand the ramifications. His brain felt overwhelmed, sluggish.
He heard his cracked voice speak "What should I do? What can I do?"
Laura's anger had quite vanished, forgotten in her genuine concern.
Perhaps even her anger had been sparked by her concern.
"Only you can decide. As I said, I am a female, have always been
female. Part of me would encourage you to accept femininity and
enjoy it. And I assure you it really can be very enjoyable."
She smiled gently, almost tenderly, at David.
"And of course I am here to guide you to it, to help you along the
path to it. So on both those counts I am admittedly biassed. But
part of me can conceive of your dilemma, understand your feelings.
In the end only you can decide. Only you have the necessary
David nodded.
"What will it entail?" He asked. "If I choose the option of
acceptance, of willingness to embrace femininity? More than just
sitting to pee and wearing nightdresses I presume? What more will
be required?"
"How long is a piece of string? It is open ended. It would require
that you actively seek femininity. Not just that you fully
co-operate with us in advancing towards it but that you run eagerly
down the path before you. That you explore with enthusiasm ways
that might facilitate, hasten, your acquiring it."
"Sophie," Laura continued. "Nothing can of course change what your
true feelings might be. But such must remain hidden deep inside
you. Whatever your inner feelings, nothing but enthusiasm for the
journey towards femininity must be evident to the outside world. In
thought, word and deed you must appear as a girl whose sole desire
is to make up for lost time in learning to be the perfect model of
what a young lady should be."
Laura paused to order her thoughts.
"And moreover you will have to evince delight and enjoyment in all
aspects of your burgeoning female persona." Laura's voice took on
a sombre tone." All aspects, you understand Sophie? All aspects!"
Silence fell. David sat there and wished for the world to end.
At last.
"I know it is the wrong decision," he said finally. "Defying common
sense. But I cannot let them mutilate me. And, and that is the more
immediate. Somehow the other is more removed. It gives more room
for hope, more time for circumstances to change; for something else
to happen. Something that will prevent it .... happening."
He looked up at Laura who nodded. He saw in her eyes that she had
expected him to choose as he had.
"It gives leeway, however illusory. I choose to conform, to her
wishes, to be willing to accept femininity. Please try and persuade
Grace de Messembry to agree Laura. Please."
Laura rose and stood looking down at him. "Yes," she said. "If that
is really what you want. I will be seeing Helen Vanbrugh this
afternoon before the party. I will first talk to her. She has
influence with Grace de Messembry. And she, Helen, also is, I
think, on your side."
"You will need to start now Sophie, to convince Grace de Messembry
of your sincerity. Remember nothing is decided until she agrees.
And her agreement, in spite of our optimism, is not to be taken for
granted. There is still much to be done to convince her. I, and
perhaps Helen, can talk to her, but she will be watching you like
a hawk, and evaluating how you behave at the party and our words
will be of less importance than the impression you give."
Laura glanced at her watch. "Let us join the others for a quick
bite of lunch Sophie. And then we can plan our strategy both for
the party and for your performance at it."
As David stood up she leant forward and took hold of his upper arm.
"Remember it starts now! You are naturally terribly excited at the
prospect of a party and dressing up and being girly and .... and
Grace did mention bringing some young men with her didn't she?
Mmmmm there is something to look forward to, to speculate on with
the other girls. To make sure you look your best for!"
"Remember," she said as they walked together away towards the
stairs, "it starts now. Femininity here you come."
They found Anne and Emma sitting waiting for them in the dining
room. The looked up expectantly, faces eager, searching the faces
of Laura and David for the good news that would allow their half
smiles to blossom fully. David, reminded by a tightening of Laura's
hand on his arm, walked the walk of femininity and smiled
reassuringly at them so that they both stood up and planted little
kisses on his cheek. Their hands searching for his to give little
squeezes of support.
"Sorry we are a little late. Haven't you eaten yet? So good of you
to wait but Sophie and I have had things to discuss as you both
know." Laura smiled at the two girls. "And I can tell you that we
are all going to give it a try. I will see if I can persuade Grace
de Messembry to reverse her earlier decision. And dear Sophie here
has assured me that her fondest wish is to embrace femininity in
all its aspects, and that I can urge that upon Grace de Messembry
with a clear conscience."
Little cries of delight from Anne and Emma as again they pecked
David on the cheek. Emma's eyes sparkling with excitement, " I am
so pleased really, really pleased." Anne's eyes smiling too but
darker with understanding. "It is for the best. You mustn't
agonise, better to accept. It is the only way."
They sat down at the table. All four of them. All smoothing their
skirts under them as they swivelled neatly into their chairs. All
poised. All aware of themselves, their bodies controlled, radiating
femininity. Three of them naturally, for Anne was well advanced in
her progress. David having to concentrate.
Lunch was light. "Mustn't gorge ourselves before the party." Emma
pointed out. Salade ni?oise followed by poached salmon, spinach and
a few new potatoes. White wine however flowed. Perhaps they all
felt the need to unwind. David felt light headed. Everything rather
more unreal than normal. if normality could be applied to the
present. Laura sat alongside him. She didn't discourage him from
drinking but her hand's pressure on his arm constantly prompted
him, reminding him of his undertaking.
The forthcoming evening dominated the conversation. David's
decision, once taken, was not dwelt upon. Rather there seemed to be
a tighter bond between them. A communal desire to gloss over his
pain perhaps. Perhaps more an acceptance of David's new status, of
his having passed a mental divide.
"They can be quite dishy." This from Emma referring to the
potential male guests. She giggled. "If a bit sex starved! And
rather gauche. Still dishy in a gauche way!"
"What shall we wear? Nothing too grand, just something light but
dressy? " This from Anne.
"I will try to find you all something new," smiled Laura. "Sexy but
demure, enticing but correct, all promise but with insurance."
Something mid calf perhaps but low cut with ........ Well I will
ask permission to make a special raid on the wardrobe. Don't worry
you will all be quite stunning! I feel sorry for her male guests
"Classic all fur coat and no knickers." giggled Anne."
"I hope we can stop short of that," laughed Laura. "Perhaps suggest
it though!"
"Such fun, isn't it Sophie sweetie?" David realised that Emma was
addressing him.
"You will really not regret it darling Sophie, really you won't. I
am so looking forward to helping, to sharing things with you. I
promise you will just love it!"
Her eager face radiated the enthusiasm that David knew he had now
to emulate.
"Yes," he said. "Such fun, dearest Emma, such fun. And you must
help me otherwise I shall just be the ugly sister at the ball,
eclipsed by my two sisters."
A chorus of denials broke out. David saw Laura smiling at him. "No
chance of that darling Sophie," she said. "No chance of that.
Tonight you have to be the belle of the ball."
When they broke up it was after three. David sat in his room with
instructions from Laura to rest for a couple of hours; to rest and
to try to relax. Perhaps try the TV, or read. Not to brood too
much, but to make sure he was bathed, shaved all over, smooth and
silky skinned, bright eyed and bushy tailed, by 6 o'clock when she
would drop by with a dress and accessories for the evening.
"There is nothing much I can add," she had said. "You know the
score. This is the first, crucial, test, and above all you must be
seen to enjoy it. I have other girls to look after. And I have to
make myself presentable. And find time to speak to Helen Vanbrugh"
Suddenly she had leant forward and kissed him.
" And remember I cannot cover for you any more! From now on you
will need to convince me as well. My evasions and lies will not
protect you. Not after this morning. You have made this choice.
Embarked on this course, and ultimately on you alone hangs its
success or failure."
Again a kiss. Softer, elegiac almost. Her voice had dropped to a
whisper so that David could scarce hear her words.
"If you know any more what success and failure are for you."
And so he sat there. Trying not to think. Trying not to dwell on
the path that he had chosen for himself. And to where it would,
inevitably seemingly, lead.
He turned on the TV and found the channels were limited to an
in-house programme of fashion, beauty, female interests in general.
The CDs and DVDs were the same. The pile of magazines was comprised
exclusively of Elle, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire etc. He knew
that in future these would have to be read, and inwardly digested;
that he would have to feign, no not feign that would be too
dangerous, that he would have to develop an interest in them.
But not now. Too much had happened, too much remained to happen,
this day. Now he needed to rest. Needed quietly to come to terms
with this new reality. Earlier he had feared that his old reality
would be eroded by the constant presence of the new: that the edge
of his resistance would inevitably be blunted by the everyday
reality of what had been forced upon him.
But now he had chosen to encourage that erosion. To dig
enthusiastically himself at the very foundations of his own
identity. He knew with a deadly certainty that the wearing of
lingerie day in, day out, would lead to such being normal wear.
Unremarked on by his consciousness. That the weight of breast
forms, their shape, their movement, on his chest, would likewise
become second nature over time. Perfume would become as natural a
scent as after shave, Make-up part of the mornings' routine, the
ritual application accepted and perhaps in time thought of as
normal. Repetition would dull strangeness and lead to acceptance,
liking, preference perhaps. Would he hanker after it if it were
And now he had added a voluntary mental acceptance to the equation.
More dangerous than the physical. He was conniving at his own
defeat. What was the word Laura had used? Zugzwang? He was out of
his league.
The spark, the inner spark that was increasingly all that was left
of him would also be eroded. God no. That must never happen not
completely. Please God no.
He looked at the bright decorative bracelet watch and saw that time
was ebbing away. He rose and made his way into the bathroom.
Dragging his panties down on his thighs, he lifted his skirt and
slip, and sat down on the toilet to pee.
What a stupid, futile, dangerous gesture standing had been!
He sat there looking down over the soft swelling curves of his
breasts at his hose clad legs which made his ankles seem so much
slimmer, so much sexier, his feet lifted to an unnatural angle by
his heels. His panties, delicate, lacy, were half concealed by the
broad lace edge of his slip lying across the top of his thighs.
With a sickening feeling he realised that he was becoming aroused
by the sexy femininity of his own appearance. His penis hardening
rapidly, thrust upward making its own mound in the tangle of
delicate fabric that indistinguishably comprised panties and slip.
A moan escaped his lips as his right hand unbidden slipped amongst
the froth of lace. The skin rivalled the lingerie in velvety
smoothness. Already the tip gave forth a pearl of lubrication over
which his fingers slid, sliding, sliding over the glans and down
the shaft itself, now rigid with its own blind unthinking desire.
He shivered. Last night he had resisted. But the imperative was so
much greater now. If he was not successful in negotiating away his
own sexual identity then this might be one of the last chances he
had to ejaculate, Perhaps the last time that his sperm could surge
forth rampant, spurting proudly up and outwards propelled by the
need to impregnate. Next time perhaps, if there were a next time,
it would dribble forth sadly, oozing over his testicles and drip,
defeated, in a sorry string of lumpen futility.
Christ! They would of course know, but they had not objected
before. His hand moved up and down. Pulling his skirt back he saw
the red of his long finger nails contrasting with the satin
smoothness of his skin, whitened by his time in the cell. Perhaps
they wanted him to do it. To decrease his masculinity? To weaken
his resolve?
All such thoughts faded into the background as the incessant,
increasing physical need wiped out all other considerations. He
watched as hands, no longer really his with their long oval
tapering crimson nails slid over the tip of his cock, slid over and
plunged down the shaft. Half sliding, but half grasping, moving the
skin over the veined rigidity that throbbed amongst the tangle of
champagne slip and panties' lace. The silkiness of the lingerie
sliding across the back of his hand duplicating the soft sliding of
his own fingers. His other hand pushed back the silken clothing to
reveal the taut firmness of the girdle and the tabs stretched to
the band of his stockings.
He looked down as if he were just a third party voyeur. So feminine
a sight! His perfume rose to his nostrils, His hair fell across his
face as his earrings touched his neck. And all the time his red
tipped girlish hands caressed the swollen prick that intruded,
insistent, all demanding. So feminine a sight apart from that
rampant evidence of masculinity. As if there were two people. The
male driven to lust that could not be denied by the delightful
yielding promise of a female paradise. Driven to lust but also
lured to lust. The blind unthinking penis lured to waste itself, to
shrink back leaving the ultimate victory to the female.
As his climax approached, his hips rocking, jolting, control of his
actions past, his breath rasping in his still sore throat, David
had the sudden intuition that the penis was the intruder, was the
alien. His very lust was fired by the femininity of his, David's,
body, its perfume, its female trappings. His new found feminine
self was seducing this penis, making a fool of it, draining it of
its masculinity. Sophie was a reality.
His moans of ecstasy turns to sobs as his semen was released,
spouting, gushing forth. He grabbed his cock with both hands in
despair, fingers clamped over its end so that the sperm was caught
there, trickling thick and lumpy in strings through his fingers,
gathering in little interconnected pools on his hands. He realised
a need to keep it from staining, from spoiling his pretty frilly
He sat there for several minutes on the toilet. The tears running
down his cheeks, his semen running through his hands down over his
testicles. He felt not just the normal deflation after ejaculation,
but something akin to fear
Eventually he rose. Cleaned himself with toilet paper. Noted
ruefully that he had at least been successful in keeping his undies
unsullied by semen, and, first turning on the bath taps, went back
into his room to undress. He carefully took of his shoes, and dress
which he hung on a hanger. With a dream like concentration he
removed his slip, girdle, panties, bra and breast forms, stockings,
jewellery, carefully folding where appropriate. Conscious in his
nakedness of the hairlessness of his body; aware of its softness,
pampered by bath oils and the Venumar skin treatments. Aware too of
the thin red marks on his chest left by the underwired bra.
He went back into the bathroom, adjusted the temperature by a quick
running of the cold tap, added a liberal amount of the soft scented
bath oil and stepped in, sat, leant back, letting the water soak
into him, lull him into a forgetting. He needed to be mindless, to
cultivate mindlessness. Not to think, not to analyse. Not now,
later perhaps, but not now if he were to get through this day. If
he needed to embrace femininity, and he did, then he must embrace
it, thinking only of the details, of how to do it, concentrating on
all he had been taught, taking pleasure in his ability to do so,
smiling at the satisfaction of doing so successfully, and at
others' compliments.
What he must not do was to hold futile debates with himself or give
way to maudlin despair, or indeed anger. He had chosen this option
and he had to succeed. To fail would bring the worst of both
worlds. He had to be play the role tonight to perfection. To do
that he must not think about what he was doing. Only how to do it.
He stood up and dried himself. Went to the wash basin, applied skin
cleanser and shaved. He massaged his body with lotion feeding its
newly acquired softness. Back to the wardrobe to select an utterly
feminine housecoat of a soft satiny pink fabric.
David sat at the dressing table regarding the assortment of
cosmetics blankly. Then he shook himself and reached purposely for
the foundation.
When, at six o'clock, a discrete knock heralded Laura's arrival
David was, with infinite care, blending eye shadow and smudging it
onto his lids trying hard to remember all that he had been told..
He swivelled around as Laura staggered in, half hidden by a dress
covers and several boxes. "Darling give me a hand with these,
before I drop them all."
David rose and padded across to take some of the burden, a vision
in pink, his house coat swirling seductively around him.
"Oh and you have made such a good start. You look super darling!"
Laura's eyes sparkled at him. "I have had such an exciting time
since I left you! I have spent some time with Helen and she is most
sympathetic and has promised to do all she can to help. She will
back us to the hilt!"
Laura dumped the parcels on the bed, hanging the dress cover and
its contents on the wardrobe door.
"Just wait till you see what I have found for you to wear this
evening! But first I must tell you about Helen. I think she has
taken a shine to you darling!"
"But I have been so clever! Really clever! Cunning as a vixen. And
all for you Sophie sweetie. I asked her advice on what you should
wear this evening, you know to create the best impression with
Grace de Messembry."
Laura ushered David back to the dressing table "Here let me give
you a hand with those eyes darling. You are not quite there yet!.
Let me show you."
Laura busied herself with David's eyelids, still bubbling with
"And it worked! She really entered into the spirit of the thing. In
fact as she was leaving she said she had had the most enjoyable
afternoon for ages!. She really is such a poppet. And had some
really good ideas! But the main thing was that we got her on our
side. And she is invaluable. Do you know she fixed it for your
"Fixed it for my breasts?" David knew he must show similar
enthusiasm but he could not keep up with Laura's chain of thought,
slowly submerging in the froth of her excitement.
"Do pay attention Sophie! Strictly speaking the use of adhesive
breast forms has to be sanctioned by a Board member. It is after
all a privilege. But of course Helen is a Board member and she
could hardly refuse could she since she was the one who suggested
the dress?"
David felt Laura's fingers, sure and skilled brush his face, fixing
liner, mascara, improving the effect he had so painstakingly tried
for, in a few minutes.
"Really it was such a brainwave of mine to enlist her help. And she
really is good! Prepare to be thrilled dearest Sophie!"
"Come and look!" Laura went over to the wardrobe and with a
dramatic flourish produced a dress from its cover. "It is so right
for you Sophie!. What do you think?"
David could distinguish little apart from a glimpse of a white
dress that seemed inadequately sized. He knew though that under the
new rules, delight was called for.
"Oh it's super Laura. You are so good to me. I am so thrilled! How
clever you are to find it."
"Yes it combines sexiness and innocence so deliciously well doesn't
it. You really will be the belle of the ball in it Sophie."
Laura held it up against her front to give David the benefit of a
better view.
"It's a by Jean-Paul Gaultier design. Look at that fantastic corset
top darling with the overstitched seaming below the bust. So very
sexy. And it was Helen's idea to go for the white. Black seemed the
obvious choice but she convinced me that the white was such a
wicked contrast! Virginity with a sexy, seductive, bedroom allure."
"And don't you just love those thin shoulder straps? Quite
irrelevant! But of course you can't wear a bra with straps as well.
So that is where the adhesive comes in And Helen found me some new
forms as well, special models for long lasting adhesion. Products
of Venumar's latest research!"
"Well what do you think?"
David sensed the challenge behind the question. Knew that whilst
Laura's delight and enthusiasm were genuine, he too must play his
role. That he too was expected to share the rapture.
He breathed in deeply in appreciation. "It's truly beautiful Laura.
Quite stunningly beautiful. I am such a lucky girl. But isn't it a
little, well, a little short?" He stumbled, recovered " I mean am
I advanced, skilled enough, to carry it off, to do it justice?"
"Of course you are. don't be such a silly goose! That is the whole
point anyway. In this outfit you don't have to carry it off. It
will carry you! A bit of leg is always a distraction and this is
designed to distract! It's skin tight with quite a lycra content
and barely comes to mid-thigh but with a bit of care sitting down
you should be all right. Teach you to sit in a ladylike manner
Laura giggled.
"And the joy of it is darling .... these! Da. Da!"
With another flourish she produced a pair of knee high white
leather boots.
"They are Italian with the uppers in an elastic type of leather,
eco-leather they call it, so they will hug the leg. Aren't they
just made for this dress? And I take no credit. It was Helen's
inspiration. I can't wait to see you in them."
"I had thought of a cocktail dress sort of ensemble. But as Helen
says this makes a much, much more positive statement! Daring and
oozes commitment!"
Laura put the dress on the bed.
"Lots of other things to show the party girl, but first let us get
these breasts fixed darling, then we can concentrate on the undies
while they are setting. Best stand up sweetie then we can be sure
of the positioning. Nothing damages a girl's morale so much as
lop-sided tits!"
Laura chortled, a deep sound, full of genuine amusement. David
joined in, inwardly thanking her for the infectious quality.
He stood up and faced her as she produced and unwrapped the breast
forms. If anything they were perkier than his previous slip-in
ones, although about the same size. "C cup darling," Laura said,
"ample for you at the moment. And the drag on the skin will be
quite manageable.
"Latest adhesive too," she said, "guaranteed to last at least a
fortnight. A sort of two pack. The first part on the breast form,
and the second on the breast itself." Her hands gently smoothed the
surprisingly liquid lotion onto David's skin. "And then we have to
wait for a couple of minutes. Just time for me to show you the
undies to go with the outfit darling."
Another parcel unwrapped to reveal an underwired bustier. " Padded
cotton lined cups for a firm hold darling, but just look at all
that delicious embroidered tulle! The straps are detachable so we
can forget them for this evening. A bustier will give your breasts
that extra support, especially as this has soft bones incorporated
and silicon bands at the back to give a perfect firm fit."
Laura waved another fragment of fabric in David's direction.
"Matching stretch tulle panties Sophie darling. Look as if they are
hardly there but should give you good tucking support for your
special needs. No room for a girdle or anything under the dress.
Also the tabs on both it or a suspender belt would show through.
Terribly sexy in its way of course, but not the ladylike image that
Grace de Messembry is so keen on. So you will have to make do with
hold-ups. Nice lacy topped ones to give those enticing glimpses if
you are not too careful, or if you are very careful."
Again the deep chuckle.
David felt that comment from him was overdue. "Won't she think that
this outfit is a little unladylike Laura," he said, "it is quite
madly delicious and exciting, but it does .... well isn't it a
teeny weeny bit provocative?
Laura laughed. "You really have such a lot to learn Sophie. Being
ladylike does not preclude being sexy, or provocative or even
slutty in a ladylike way, as distinct from being so in just a
slutty way. The skill is in not falling off the tightrope."
So saying Laura leant forward to kiss him and as she did so, David
felt the breast forms pressed firmly in place on his chest. "Stay
still," she whispered in his ear, "just for a moment." And she
kissed him again, her perfume washing over him, the softness of her
lips velvet against his. There they stayed, close together for a
long minute, two long minutes, her hands pressing the breast forms
against him, moving gently to smooth the edges down, centring and
reapplying pressure
Then she moved back, her hands lingering firm against his chest for
another moment until they too were slowly removed. David felt a
heavy drag on his chest and looking down was confronted by the most
natural looking breasts growing, perking from his front, complete
with exquisitely formed aureoles and tumescent nipples.
"Sophie! A girl couldn't wish for sexier boobs! Mmmmmm. They really
look so natural, Don't you just love them? I am quite envious."
David hid the sickness at his core. "They, they are lovely Laura,
just so lovely, words fail me. All a girl could want."
Laura winked at him saucily. "Well not quite all Sophie dear, but
hormones and implants aren't part of the Holding Wing's remit.
Still they will do for the time being at least."
David tried desperately to ignore the implication.
"One last surprise, one last present for the party girl." Laura had
turned away and now swung back holding an gossamer creation in
ivory up to her. "By special request Your new baby doll outfit! As
recommended by Grace de Messembry."
"Oh don't look so serious Sophie," she said, "you must admit it is
quite adorable. And it has got a front fastening underwired bra
built in so that will help support your new titties at night time.
And the all round chiffon petal skirt is the most adorable thing.
Hardly there at all Sophie dear, literally hardly anything to
object to. And such fun!"
Laura came close again. "Seriously Sophie it is a delight. And you
did ask for it. And you did promise to enjoy it. Remember that
above all. And when you think back on it, in time, I think even you
will admit that Grace de Messembry was rather witty about it."
"And," she sniggered, "put your panties on before your quest for
complete femininity suffers a further setback."
David blushed. In spite of his embarrassment and his recent
traumatic experience, her closeness was beginning to effect him.
"I must fly anyway," she said, "I have to drop in on Anne and Emma,
and also have to get prepared myself. The party is for all of us
remember and I don't see why I shouldn't stand as good a chance
with the nephews as the rest of you."
She turned at the door. "You can manage can't you Sophie dear? It
is all there. Remember hold-ups. Oh and there is a little silk half
slip for the dress. Otherwise the dress will cling so tight that it
will have ridden up to your bra before you have downed your first
"Remember it kicks off at eight o'clock, so I will drop in at half
past seven just to help with any last minute preparations. In case
you need help with the boots or whatever. Bye till then."
Laura blew a kiss and slipped through the door.
David gazed at the froth of clothing strewn across his bed. He knew
now that he was liable to be observed. Christ knew where the
cameras were situated but effective they certainly were. He had to
make a start!
The bustier proved somewhat difficult. More complicated than the
bras he had worn so far, with all of eight back hoops and three
different position fastenings. And of course there was the added
complication that he now was the owner of breasts that jutted and
swayed from his chest. Still finally he made it, dropping his new
boobs into the padded, cotton lined cups. When he straightened up
he felt relief from the weight tugging at his skin and he realised
that from now on a bra, although still a symbol of shame, would be
a welcome, necessary, companion. Then the matching briefs with his
cock tightly held back between his legs, his balls tucked up
inside. The hold-ups next; rolling them up his leg carefully,
anxious not to snag at this stage. The promised elaborate lacy tops
smoothed over his upper thighs. The half slip next, just a small,
lace edged, silken tube, that slithered down to cover the lace tops
of the hold-ups.
The dress was a work of art. A small work of art. David was not at
all sure how to get into it. From the top? Or from the bottom?
After considerable reflection he shrugged and wiggled up through
it. Carefully over his head, and then his obtrusive new bust,
smoothing down over his hips, reaching barely, and tightly to mid
thigh. It fitted him like a skin. David could walk by grace of its
elasticity only, but even so his stride was limited and a feminine
hip sway was needed to progress in any meaningful way. The hooks at
the back David gave up on, awaiting Laura's return.
Finally the boots. The leather was supple and smooth. His hose clad
toes slid into them sensuously and there was something quite
explicitly sexual in the way the boots' elasticity gave way to his
feet and calves, encircling them, caressing them, enfolding them.
He pulled up the small zips over the ankle slits and stood up. And
sat down again as he nearly fell. The heels were higher than he had
worn before, again limiting his stride, enforcing the lessons he
had learnt, lending a feminine sexuality to his hip movements.
He practised walking back and forth, trying to remember his
lessons. Trying to move with grace. Trying not to think. Trying to
smile to give an outward semblance of pleasure, of delight in his
new clothes. Trying to conceal the sick despair that formed a solid
ball in the pit of his stomach. A sick despair made all the more
gut wrenching by the knowledge that he really did look quite
ravishingly pretty, sexy and attractive. And that he was accepting
this, conniving at it; fulfilling all the ambitions that Grace de
Messembry apparently had for him.
Then Laura's now familiar knock, and as the door opened he turned
to greet her. "Be a poppet and do me up at the back, please,
And then an anxious "How do I look? Will I do?"
But Laura's reaction made the question superfluous even as it was
asked. Her delighted little cry of pleasure was followed by a
torrent of compliments. "
"Sophie darling, I knew it would great on you, but no idea just how
good! You look quite stunning! Sexy, seductive and utterly
feminine! I can't wait for Helen to see you. She will be
Laura took both David's hands in hers and stood there smiling at
"You look quite adorably sexy. Surely even you can see that? Can
take pleasure in it? All that remains is for us to just guild the
lily a little."
Already her skilful fingers were doing up the last of the hooks and
eyes at the back of the dress, stretching it so that it moulded
even more tightly to his enhanced body shape.
"Look inside that," she said, delving inside her bag and producing
a small white evening bag. David did as he was bid and discovered
a cluster of jewellery which resolved itself into diamant? dangly
earrings, a bracelet and a choker necklace to match. "Only costume
of course but nothing like a bit of glitter to give a girl
"The bag is for you too. A girl needs something to keep her
ammunition in. Sit down a minute whilst we freshen your make up,
and we can just drop in a few of the essentials that you will need
to do a few running repairs during, the evening."
She bent close as her hands fluttered around his face; he felt the
lipstick cream his lips, a touch o blush here, mascara brushed
lightly, eye shadow applied with a quick, sure, finger. It took a
moment. With David it would have taken half an hour.
And then the voice spray.
With an adeptness born of experience she dropped articles in the
white evening bag. Cosmetics, a perfume atomiser.
"And a hankie of course," she said. "Oh and a girl must never go to
a do like this without these. Men are so unreliable!"
With horror David saw the last comment referred to a couple of foil
packets of condoms.
He nearly gagged . "Laura! Laura! You don't expect .... I won't
have to .... Laura please No ... No."
Her hand was firm on his shoulder now as he half rose. Her lips
close to his ear. "Just for contingencies darling. I don't expect
for a moment Grace de Messembry would countenance any such
behaviour from her guests. But a girl can't be too careful, as you
will find out, and better be safe than sorry."
"But Laura. I can't .... I can't .... I am a m ...." Laura's hand
was at his mouth, cutting off his words.
"A girl now darling. Remember. And eager to be one. And of course
you can. There are more ways of skinning a cat etc. as I am sure
you are well aware."
The hand was removed from his mouth as Laura thoughtfully regarded
the contents of the bag again.
"You really will have to learn to deal with these situations Sophie
dear. In the meantime better get used to the idea of receiving
rather than giving sperm. So much more satisfactory darling. All
this propaganda about it being better to give than to receive is
utter nonsense designed to make the males feel better, poor deluded
She smiled at him knowingly.
"Remember that you are a girl now sweetie, and that in matters
sexual your role is from henceforth no longer that of a penetrator.
but of a penetratee. No man looking at you now would consider you,
and with both reason and enthusiasm, as anything other."
Chapter 17.
"And hurry, we're going to be late! I said we would meet the others
She turned to go, David automatically following, feeling dazed, so
that he all but bumped into her as she stopped in front of the
cheval glass.
She regarded herself critically therein and then made way for
David, halting him in front of the mirror.
"No girl ever goes out without checking in the mirror sweetie. Just
to check she hasn't tucked her skirt into her knickers if nothing
else! Not that there is much danger of that in your dress."
And then they were out into the corridor and hurrying to the main
concourse and the steps to the roof garden. Ascending the stairs
slowed David down. The act of lifting the leg, itself requiring
some effort in the tight confines of the dress, slid the skirt,
lubricated by the silken slip, alarmingly high up the thigh. His
heels too complicated the action and it was thus that, when he
finally emerged onto the roof garden, he had already fallen some
way behind Laura. David saw that they were the last of the girls to
arrive. Anne and Emma were already there at the bar, as were Janet
Saggren and her brood. Laura sashayed towards them to be greeted by
exclamations of delight and garlands of compliments, which
multiplied at his own appearance.
Cheeks were pressed to cheeks, as kisses were exchanged with soft
perfumed embraces. All thought David