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While he was in prison, Sandy and my mother lived at my grandparents' home. The state gave my father a few thousand dollars as a result of his wrongful conviction, and he got a small apartment in Brooklyn and started work in the garment section of Manhattan while going to college to become an engineer.

Sandy had just turned fifteen when my mother had me. Sandy and I shared the front bedroom of the apartment while I was growing up. She married her boyfriend, Nick, when I was six, and they divorced when I was 11. They never had children, and I was led to understand that Nick forced her to have her tubes tied so they could never have children, and this was one of the reasons she divorced him. I didn't know enough about anatomy to know what tube tying was, but the idea that she could never have children seemed grim to me. After the divorce, Sandy got a job doing office work, then as a secretary working for a trucking company.

If you know Brooklyn summers you wouldn't be surprised at how Sandy and I dressed mid-summer at home. Temperatures routinely reached 90 degrees Fahrenheit, sometimes 100, sometimes more. I typically wore shorts in the apartment, or sometimes just underwear. Sandy would wear a bikini or just panties and bra. There was always a housedress to throw over her shoulders if someone came to the apartment. The way we dressed was okay with our folks. When I was three and graduated from my crib, both Sandy and I slept in the same queen size bed. Sleeping in the same bed with your sister with only underwear on? I never thought twice about it.

You had to realize that Sandy was my second mother. Soon after I was born she was given the job of bathing me and often feeding me. When she took a shower she would take me with her. It was faster that way. When at age three I grew tall enough to pull on the hair above her crotch, she would pick me up and put my face to the shower for a second. That broke the crotch-hair pulling habit.

She liked going to museums and concerts, and when she didn't have a friend to go with, she took me. I went to my first concert of classical music at age seven. I really enjoyed those excursions.

We were still sleeping together in that old queen-size bed by the time I was fifteen. After her divorce, even as an eleven-year-old kid I could see that Sandy was wiped out by her marriage. I could practically feel her depression. She moped around. She hardly dated. Even that young I sometimes rubbed her back. She liked it. In bed at night I would snuggle up against her. I liked it and sometimes it put a smile on her face. By the time I was thirteen we had started sleeping like spoons. There was nothing sexual in it for me. I could just feel her depression, and somehow it eased up when I did that.

By the time I was fifteen, my mother, an accomplished seamstress, was working with my father at his own business in Manhattan. He got a partner he could trust in the business, and finally got enough money together for them to take a month-long vacation in Europe.

And that's when my love affair started with my sister. Since she worked I became the cook, and, frankly, I had become a good cook. So when she came home she walked in to a decent meal, not a gourmet meal, but something that tasted good while it nourished her. And I knew her job had her sitting over a desk all day long, so after supper I sat her down and got behind her and dug into her shoulders and back, and then scratched her scalp till she begged for mercy. She loved it. At night in bed she seemed to like her spoon-position hug more than usual. Next morning I got up in time to give her a decent breakfast. Without parents it felt like a honeymoon.

You look at your sister every day and get to know every one of her habits. There is no mystery. She is just your sister. That kills any feelings of sex, especially when she is depressed, as Sandy was. Yet, sometimes, the person you think you know has aspects you don't know. You don't know you don't know until a situation comes up in which that person shows them to you. And that's what happened after supper the third day.

I had spent a lot of time on a supper of baked chicken and potatoes with string beans, and added rye toast, and I had bought grape juice to drink. It was just delicious. I knew Sandy would love it, and she did. When we got up to clean up the dishes she flung her arms around me and kissed me on the lips saying, "You crazy kid you. You spent the whole afternoon on this, didn't you."

It caught me by surprise. I liked the feeling of those lips against mine. I managed to get it together enough to say, "Yeah, and any time you think you like my stuff you can plant another one on my mouth."

She looked at my face with a strange look, and said, "Put down the dishes," which I did. Then she wrapped her arms around me again, more slowly and more gently, and said, "Got news for you. I liked that kiss too." Her eyes looked into the distance. "Long time since I've had a kiss I really liked." Then she gently put her lips to mine, and the feeling was electric. Everything else faded away. We wrapped arms around each other and savored a very long kiss, gently moving lips so as to get the most sensation.

What we did next started a process going that I could never envision just an hour before. Simultaneously, we said, "You got me turned on." It was too much of a revelation to discuss, so we didn't. We just went back to kissing. And after a while the dishes decided that they would have to wait a while to get washed, while we went into the living room, where I lay down with my head in her lap, looking at her puzzled face with my puzzled eyes, and said, "Wow."

She thought for a while and slowly said, "I think I lucked out in my choice of brothers."

We did get the dishes done, but we spent most of that evening smooching. In the past kissing her would never occur to me, particularly smooching, for minutes, for a couple of hours, but she was delicious to kiss. It occurred to me that I had never realized she was a female before that day. I had dated a few girls by that time, and kissed a few goodnight, but all that was nothing compared to this. I was kissing someone I had seen depressed for years, and it was clear to me that our kissing was lifting her depression. Making her depression go away did something inside me that I could not describe, but I felt it in my chest and stomach.

When we went to bed I adopted my usual spoon position holding her. She said, "Not tonight. I have to figure this thing out." That put butterflies in my stomach. I wondered if I had driven her away, at a time I had suddenly found I loved her as a kissing partner. But she didn't let me touch her that night. It drove me crazy. I couldn't sleep.

But in the morning I got up as usual and cranked out her usual breakfast. We didn't talk much, but she did say, "The usual super breakfast. You are a hard-working brother." I did get a peck on the cheek when she left for work. I was a mess inside at school that day. I didn't know what the story was. Would she leave home because we had done forbidden kissing? My jaws chattered.

Nevertheless, I worked my tail off to make her a decent supper. She was a hard-working sister and she deserved to eat well. And we went through supper with very little talk, and no touching. When I told her this whole thing was tying my stomach in knots she said, "Sssshhhh. I'm not dumb. I know."

We went through cleaning up the dishes without a word. Then, without fanfare, she said, "Let's take a walk." And she led me by the hand into our bedroom. And she said, "Let's lie down." And we did.

After what seemed an interminable time, she finally said, "Yesterday I totally pigged out on you. I had a meal of kisses that beat out anything I ever did with any of my boyfriends, and that made my marriage look like a joke. I really needed those kisses. Better than any ice cream. Filled my body up with joy."

That relaxed me but I knew more was coming. "Only problem is, I'm stealing a fifteen-year-old kid from all the other women in this world. You deserve a chance to try them all out and find the right one for you. I'm fifteen years older. Had a terrible marriage. I'm a washed out hag. You need to find better."

So that was the problem. It just so happened that I had a few thoughts of my own about that. "Exactly. You're a washed out hag. Turned into a hag by a lousy marriage."

She turned toward me and smiled. "Exactly, Gary. We understand each other. A year from now this will have been water under the bridge. We'll both remember it and you can smile."

I looked at her earnestly and realized that no diamond could be more precious to me than my big sister at that moment. And I said, "I want to kiss the way we kissed every day of my life. When I'm sick as a dog, when you're sick as a dog, when we're both happy, or sad, or miserable. There is not a kiss that feels as good as yours, Sis. And if there is, I don't mind missing it. Yours is the one I want." Her jaw dropped and her eyes filled with tears. Next thing I knew, she was crying.

Thank God I instinctively knew what to do. I held her in my arms and kissed her cheeks and her ears, and caressed her hair. It didn't matter that she was fifteen years older than I. I squeezed her to me and rubbed her back. She began to talk and I said, "Shut up." And I continued squeezing and caressing.

The idea of losing my kissing buddy was too much. I said, "Let's let this thing work out the way it wants to work out. We're both enjoying it too much to stop, so let's keep going. And everyone be decent to everyone else. And if it turns out it's not working, then let go gently so no one gets hurt any more than they have to. And always remember that we're family."

"Little brother, you don't sound fifteen."

"Well, you forced me to think real hard. And I keep thinking the kisser of my dreams is right next to me. And she has been sleeping with me throughout my life, so we know each other, so that makes for less unpleasant surprises. Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like it."

We had run out of talk. We just lay together caressing and here and there gently kissing.

The next morning I had her favorite breakfast for her as usual. And she gave me a quick kiss before leaving, but there were tears in her eyes. And then she left.

And I left nothing out at supper time. She had a meal fit for a queen because that's what she seemed to be to me. She seemed a bit jittery, but I figured that whatever would happen would happen. I seemed to be taking our kissing session a lot better than she was. We didn't talk much when we did the dishes.

And then she said, "Little brother, come with me." And she led me into the bedroom. "Okay if you do what I do?"

I said, "Fine."

And then, one piece of clothing at a time, she stripped till she was bare naked. I figured I was supposed to follow suit, so I stripped till I was bare naked. This was the first time since we had taken showers together when I was little that I saw her entire body without clothing. I had looked at her thousands of times in my lifetime but suddenly I realized that I was looking at a pretty woman. She was slim, of medium height, and her brunette tresses fell below her shoulders. Her tummy was trim, but just round enough to turn me on. Her breasts were clearly bigger than those of my mother.

Then she pushed me over on my side and sidled up to me. That's when she took hold of my penis. I had no warning. Wiggling up to me she jiggled it around till it was over her vagina, and then she began pushing it inside her. I didn't know whether to push her away. I felt as if I were fainting.

But never in my life had anything felt that terrific, so following her lead, I pushed it in as far as I could. I can't describe the feelings. The tingling of my penis. The waves of feeling in my belly and my back. I didn't dare move. It felt too good. The warmth. The moisture. Her occasional vaginal spasms. Kissing Sis was delicious. And she began moaning, "Oh, Gary...have I needed this...for a long time...." And without warning her body began jerking and wave after wave of spasms went up and down her vagina, pressing against my penis. My cheeks were greeted with a face full of tears. She dug her fingernails into my back. And all I could do was squeeze her and rub her back and neck. And I remembered from some sex story, stick your tongue as far into her mouth as you can. Tickle her tonsils.

I gently pulled back and then pushed in again. More shudders from Sis. If I just took it easy, I might last more than a few seconds. And I did. And then back in. And after a couple minutes of this I was met with another set of spasms as Sis had her second orgasm. And by going very slow I prolonged my pre-cum to about ten or fifteen minutes. There was no way of prolonging it further. Knowing I was about to erupt, I began pumping as quickly and as hard as I could. Sandy seemed to be in a continuous orgasm, shaking, shuddering, digging her nails into me, spasming in her vagina. And then I came. It seemed as if I were draining out my insides, pouring semen into her vagina. And Sandy kept shuddering, digging nails into me, biting me, her vagina undulating with spasms. I felt as if she were in another world, but I was getting all the benefit. It all turned my feelings on to white heat. I grabbed her, bit her, kissed her, pulled her hair, and finally came to my senses. Then I became infinitely gentle.

Finally we were both done. I nestled my head against her right breast as she lay a limp arm on me. After a few minutes I took her into my arms, and she fell asleep. In that position I fell asleep too.

The next morning was a Saturday, and I awoke to find myself in my usual spoon position behind her, except that this time we were both naked. One of my hands was on her belly, the other on one of her breasts. And as she awoke, she instinctively grabbed my hands with hers and pressed them to her. I wanted it to never end, but our bladders had different ideas. We both needed to get to the bathroom quickly, and this was the first time I just stood there looking at her as she peed. Then, when it was my turn, she held my penis and made figure 8's in the toilet with my urine stream. It was our first time but it seemed we had been doing this all our lives.

After breakfast, eaten in the nude, it was into the shower together. That's where we started to talk. I said, "How can sex be that good?"

She answered, "I've had eight guys, some more fun than the others. None of them ever felt like this. I can't even explain how this feels."

"Yeah," I said. "I guess sleeping together all these years did it."

"More than that, Gary. When I got out of my horrible marriage, you were eleven, and you actually knew enough to give me a back rub once in a while. And at nights you snuggled up to me. You didn't snuggle up for you. You were keeping me company, like you knew how totally lonely I was. And you never asked for any favors in return. I needed it. You didn't mind doing it. I've learned that I can trust you. So I just let myself be me last night. And the way you push your penis in..." Her eyes rolled.

"Sis, you've done just about everything for me. Made my meals. Bought my clothes. Stayed with me when I was sick."

"Mom needed it from me."

Then I said something that was on my mind, that was not yet said. "Sis, unless you throw me away I'm your husband. Forever. Yesterday convinced me. Maybe not able to get married, but the same as a husband. Whatever you need, I'll do it for you. I love everything about you. I feel like I'm just a kid. I wouldn't know what to do if you suddenly disappeared. The last couple of days you have--" I searched for words to express how I felt. "You've completed me. Like you put stuff in place that I need and didn't have."

"I lucked out." She cried.

We spent most of the day in bed, and I learned as much about every position she liked and every way she liked being caressed and kissed as I could. I knew a lot about pleasuring her by the time our folks returned from vacation. At night we kept the door to our bedroom shut and learned quickly to make love without making noise, and we continued our sexual relationship.

By the time I graduated from high school our folks had figured out that I had done things for Sandy while they were on vacation that somehow got her straightened out. She had come back from her marriage with Nick a total mess. She was a new person after their month-long vacation. They knew that little brother had lifted her spirits and they approved.

When I went to college in another city Sandy and I took an apartment together. The folks figured it was a brother-sister relationship. We never gave them cause to think otherwise. The most important thing to them was the fact that I seemed to perk her up, to undo the damage that Nick had done.

After I finished college we moved to California, and there, we adopted two minority kids. Sandy is in college now, working toward a teaching credential. We give our adopted kids whatever it takes to make them happy without spoiling them, and they are A students. They know enough to stay out of our room nights. That is our private time. We go at it every night of the week. I'm crazy in love with my sister and she is crazy in love with me.


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Sandy and I Weekend Away part 1

Read “My Wife Caught Me” first. It had been two weeks since Sandy and Karen caught me in the basement, she had said nothing about that afternoon but I felt something was brewing. We had booked a weekend get away some time ago and was this weekend, three days at a resort to relax and be pampered. I got home about 3:00 Friday, “Jim, I packed your bag already and put clean stuff on the bed for you after your shower, I’m ready as soon as your done” Sandy told me. I showered and dressed and we on...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 11

Responding to several requests, I have indicated that there are 21 chapters: 116,000 words, 217 typed pages if you are interested in details. Whether it’s worth it or not is up to the readers. ***** ‘Ok, honey, have fun!’ I watched her hurry downstairs and quickly switched to the webcam in the living room. I got it on just in time to see her open the door and meet Frank. He dropped the overnight bag he was carrying, quickly put his arms around her and they stood there kissing passionately for...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 19

It’s amazing how quickly you return to your routine after you return home from an adventurous or unique time away. Often, that exciting time somewhere else seems to have been a dream in which someone else did all those things you remember. At her office, the members of the group acted much as they had before, all quite discreet. Frank sat at his desk, Sandy at hers and the others at theirs, with no conversation about their wild activities. No one asked Sandy if she were wearing panties. When...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 14

Things continued as before with coursework, classes and, for Sandy, continuing her preparation for her exams, now scheduled for early January. That schedule meant that both the written and oral parts could be completed before the second semester started around the third week of the month. Knowing her and the quality of her work, her adviser and committee seemed confident that she would pass despite its difficulty. Of course, there were interludes of more interesting activities – a party the...

2 years ago
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Sandys Milk

Sandy had always been a rather large girl. By large in mean her bust was bigger than most girls her age. She had begun to develop very early in life until now, at age Sixteen, her bust turned the heads of any sane man around. This is not to say the rest of her body wasn't something to cause additional excitement with her slender waist and very womanly flared hips. Her face was absolutely gorgeous with full sensual lips. Golden hair cascaded down her back...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 8 Mom

Sandy left to see her father with Randy stuck behind due to an illness that his mom determined was just a stomach bug. He’d be ok in a few days but would have to stay at home as it could be the Norovirus, very contagious, but usually not serious unless you were the one that had it. Then you felt like it’s the worst thing ever. But a couple days in, Randy was settled enough that he could sleep. His mom stayed close, taking care of him. Since she had no job at the moment and they had the...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 03

I sat there in utter shock as I watched her go into the house. Obviously, I drove home but I have no recollection of doing so. One thing became excruciating obvious: it is one thing to be told that your wife has been screwed by someone else and another to suddenly realize that she is planning to do so. The first is over and done with, a fait accompli, and beyond your control, so you deal with it. You blow up or you just accept it – but it’s happened. In the second case, however, nothing has...

2 years ago
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SandyChapter 5

Sandy was wearing an old shirt that had belonged to her father. It was fairly heavy and came down to around mid-thigh. Being naked under the shirt, except for a pair of panties, she wasn't exactly dressed for a trip to the mall, but was certainly within reason for responding to the door, at least if she was careful. Sandy turned the porch light on and peered through the peep hole. She saw with delight that it was Charlie, from the house in back, and he was alone. She opened the door wide....

2 years ago
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Sandy Lucky

Hi this is Poonam am 28 married to sandy he is good we have a good sex life he is thick & long he satisfying me all this years with his manhood I am small by breasts are 34 but firm sandy has a cousin lucky he is always invited at our place for a drinks they are good friends one night while making love to me in a dog style he gave his thumb in my mouth which I enjoyed sucking like a baby then sandy asked me would you like to have a another man in a bed I was mad sucking the thumb with my eyes...

2 years ago
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Sandy Finds Love

Sandy woke up and opened her eyes.  There was a scented candle burning on her nightstand.  She wondered who put it there.  She started to raise up; “Ouch,” she moaned and lay back down rolling onto her back.  Francine lay next to her and started to stir as well.  She was lying on her side and opened up her eyes.  Sandy was looking lovingly at her. “Wake up baby,” she whispered. Francine smiled. “Hey baby, what time is it? How are you,” she asked.“I’m fine, baby,” Sandy said as she leaned and...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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SandyChapter 7

Inside the house, Sandy put the pizza in the oven and then went to her room. She unbuttoned the shirt and started to take it off. She stopped, though, and looked at herself in the mirror. The shirt was long enough, and opaque enough, to be as modest as what she had been wearing when Charlie first arrived. But, it could also be more daring ... depending on 'how many buttons' ... and 'panties or no-panties'. Studying herself in the mirror, Sandy slowly re-buttoned the shirt. She left the...

3 years ago
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Sandy and RobChapter 4

Rumors got around town that Bill, Tom and Vincent were being investigated by a grand jury. No one knew of what specific crimes they were supposed to have committed. Jeff had been called before the jury several times. He told us he had been granted immunity and had bared his soul, and ratted on his so-called buddies. His custody hearing came up before the divorce court and he easily was granted custody of his kids. When a tape surfaced of Jordan dressed as a dominatrix treating Barbara as a...

3 years ago
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Freshly out of the military and 21 I knew I had to get a good job and was looking in earnest. My finances were OK but not finite so I was in conservation mode and because I was my social life was all but non-existent. Luckily there was a cheap movie theater within walking distance. I went to a couple of times a week and after I would go to an all-night diner, sit at the counter nursing my coffee and watch the world go by. Then she walked in and my life, whichever way it was going, would never...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 12

She hung up, checked herself in the mirror one more time, and, opening the door, called down to Frank, ‘All right, you can come up now.’ She backed up until she was standing away from the bed in front of some bookcases and stood there until he came into the room. I have no idea as to what he was expecting, but his face had a stunned expression as he saw her. His mouth gaped open and he just stood there, speechless, until he was finally gasp out, ‘My god, Sandy, you’re beautiful!’ He didn’t say...

3 years ago
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Sandy and Frank Ch 04

After that second episode, there was nothing of the apologetic, ‘we shouldn’t have done what we did’ pas de deux of the first time between Sandy and Frank. Sandy had let Frank keep his symbol of success, her panties, and that brief give-and-take clearly proved that she was ok with their extramarital activities and a strong implication that she welcomed more. While they acted completely normal after school started when others were around, there were a few quiet, discreet and brief conversations...

4 years ago
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Sandy and RandyChapter 7 Visiting Daddy

Unexpectedly, the family receives a letter from their father that contains a check for $10,000 and two open-ended airline tickets with a letter pleading to Sandy and Randy to forgive him and come visit. He missed his kids so much. Her mom almost tore it up, but the money would save them from losing their apartment after she lost her job. She did not want her kids to go homeless! After much discussion with their mom, they decide to go to visit. He was their dad, after all. Sandy wondered if...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 06

So, Sandy’s first deliberate, pre-planned assignation was over and, in virtually every way, had worked out well. She had gone further than might have been expected and she was shocked to see herself reacting so strongly, but it had worked out. Their conversation had definitely cleared the air and any question about a desire to continue was answered positively. In general, their sexual activities would be limited to those after-party occasions although, as it turned out, there were other...

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SandyChapter 3

"Too bad about that. You could be over here with me ... of course I'd have to put my top back on if you were here..." "Why would you want to do that? You look beautiful the way you are." "Like you would know." "Uh ... I can see you, you know." "Right, and I'm Mother Teresa." "No, I'm serious. You're lying on your back with your top off." "What the..." Sandy hastily turned face down on the lounger. She was facing the back fence and looked toward Charlie's house but...

1 year ago
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Sandy Sandy

Sandra (Sandy) Baker accompanied her recently widowed older sister to a Greek island holiday that megs husband would have gone on. Meg's friends met on the island every two years and she had booked the house and did not want to be alone, Sandy agreed to leave John and the business and spend July with Meg. Sandy felt out of place with Megs friends and by the second week she spent more and more time sun bathing and reading and wandering along the beaches. Sandy ate a simple salad with fetta...

3 years ago
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Sandy and Frank Ch 15

So, that year had passed, her lover was out of town and we returned to a more normal life – although it really wasn’t. We had a small Christmas celebration with no travel, no seeing of relatives or friends. We attended one New Year’s Eve party, but that was it. During all this ‘free’ time, Sandy was closeted with her books and articles, covering and recovering the entire history of Spanish literature and all of its components, any of which could appear on the prelims that loomed over her....

4 years ago
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Sandy revisited AGAIN

I didn't want this thing with Sandy to become a full blown affair, I was more than happy with my wife. After all I got everything I wanted sexually from Suzy and there was no good reason to spoil that. But I am a guy and when your sack is full and you are shown a little interest from a good looking woman what more can you do than fuck the ass off her!Sandy wasn't a problem, she was just a bit frustrated with the ordinary sex her and Ted had been doing for years, she had been awakened by the...

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Sandys Boyfriend

Sandy and I are very close, but she likes/wants me as her girlfriend/bitch. I'm totally ok with this arrangement. She started seeing a guy from college, he's an athlete, about 6'2", very built. She told me that she wanted me to come to her apartment on Wednesday night. I should bring a sexy outfit and be prepared to please her and her boyfriend. I show up and we talk for a little while. She says it's time for me to get ready. I've become very good at makeup and just love how I look all made up....

4 years ago
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SandyChapter 6

"The pool water is kind of cool anyway," Anita remarked, "Maybe we all better go in." "You don't have to quit on my account," Sandy said, continuing to shower in her shirt and panties. "The night air is a little too chilly for my taste. I thought the water would be warmer," Anita said. "You ready to go in, Charlie?" "Yeah, that was enough for me too," Charlie said as he followed Anita up the pool steps and across the deck to the shower. Charlie, his eyes now accustomed to the...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 2 Daytime Funtime

After the close call and excitement, in more ways than one, of that first night together, Sandy decided they better cool it a bit so Mom wouldn’t get suspicious. Mom also went back on day shift, 8am – 8pm, so bedtime was less private, but days were not such a problem. Randy tried to act normal around Mom and of course, around Sandy, but he did have some issues like being quieter and more protective. Mom just thought he was getting older and closer to starting into puberty, especially now...

2 years ago
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Sandy and RandyChapter 13 Dad is Home

Sandy jumps out of her father’s hotel bed. She looks at herself. She is a mess, hair all mussed, belly and mons covered in dried cum, KY, and her own juices. Into the bathroom for a quick shower. She comes out with a towel around her torso and another drying her hair. “Sandy, you can’t have wet hair. Your mom! There’s a hairdryer in there.” Nearly ten minutes goes by as she dries her hair. He has jumped in the shower as well, washing away his cum and her sex scent. She looks at her...

1 year ago
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I am 25 years old, have been married since I was 22 for three years and I am a very sensual woman, but lately my husband has not touched me. He is a golf addict and lately has been spending all of his time on the golf course, with his buddy next door, who works for the same company he does. The reason we bought this house to begin with, was that it was next door to his buddy and luckily for me, his wife and I hit it off famously. She is a tall redhead, about 5 ft. 10 in., with a model's figure...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 09

So, that rousing and scary event was over, and another, unexpected, rendezvous was set up for the second Saturday night in a row. There was one difference, however, and that was that I had gotten the equipment I needed to wirelessly connect the camera in the suite to the TV in our bedroom. As a result, I could watch the action live and, at the same time, record it on the hard drive of our Panasonic DVD player-recorder. This was going to be much more comfortable than looking down through a...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 08

I had let her talk without interruption, for she was still on a high, excitedly giving details of her wild evening. That her affair was our joint enterprise was clearly shown by her enthusiastic description of everything she and Frank had done – making sure that I, as her partner in crime, knew every detail. While there certainly was affection and intimacy that was different from her experience in the car, it still was fun and an adventure rather than a true romantic love affair. This might...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 10

I said that there were two specific occasions where their activities were certainly not platonic, one of which, of course was the episode just described. The other, in some ways, was more important because it was a major step up in their relationship. This came about because of my attendance at the annual Northeast Political Science Association Conference which normally runs three days in the middle of November. Obviously, I would be gone overnight, leaving Sandy alone at home. Usually during...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 3 At the Movies

Sandy couldn’t sleep. She hears slight snoring coming up from the bottom bunk. Even with air conditioning, it is hot inside in August. She only has a sheet over her and no PJs, just panties and tee. She is also restless. Lightly touching herself, she slides a hand down under her panties to her mons and quickly to her pussy. Rubbing her clit slowly, then a little faster, she heats even more. She feels unsatisfied. It has been a few busy days since her brother had last been inside her, and it...

2 years ago
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Sandys cousin 2

So we were still at this reunion/party and I was just meeting all of these people for the first time. Sandy was off with a couple of her cousins and Billy was introducing me to some other people. Sandy would make eye contact with me and when no one was looking shed rub her nipples, or pretend to be fingering herself, and other suggestive things. I was still wondering if she figured out why we had been gone so long earlier. I met Sandy's aunt and uncle ,Billy's mom, Janet, and his step dad Paul,...

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