Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Ten: Diane Visits The Professor's Office free porn video

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Diane Caldwell sat in the leather bucket chair and fidgeted nervously with her hands, her handbag, her dark hair, her skirt – anything to try and take her mind from why she was waiting outside the younger woman’s office door.

A month had passed since her twenty-one-year-old daughter, Zofeya, had broken down over the phone and admitted to her mother that she was struggling with the final year of her Law degree and faced the real prospect of not graduating at all that summer. The news had come as a complete shock to Diane, who had assumed that her adopted daughter had been doing well with her studies. She had not said anything to the contrary. The young woman had lied and told her mother that her struggles stemmed from the break-up of her relationship with Stefan, who had returned to Sweden after completing his degree the previous summer.

Zofeya Caldwell did not mention the fact that her falling grades, poor attendance at lectures and poor attitude to her studies were down to the fact that she was working almost full-time as a professional spanking model and disciplinarian. She had played the act well. She had always been a good actress and had a knack of getting around Diane, who tended to believe whatever her daughter told her. The fifty-year-old had assured her sobbing daughter that everything would be all right and that she would help her to sort out her problems at University.

Ms. Caldwell had taken the name of her daughter’s course tutor and the woman’s email address. With a little help from the lady next door, Pauline, she had written an email detailing why her daughter was struggling with the workload, how unhappy she was with all the pressures placed on her and also asking if there was anything that she could do to help her daughter so that she achieved a good Law degree.

She had received a reply from Professor Stevens two days later.

The email had been short and to the point. Zofeya was rarely at lectures, her assignments were barely scraping a pass mark and she seemed totally disinterested by it all. Fiona Stevens had also mentioned that she could see no way in which the tall, dark-haired girl would achieve the first-class honours degree which she wanted unless she made massive changes and made those changes quickly. The woman had ended her message by providing her phone number and an invitation for Zofeya’s mother to call her or to arrange a face-to-face meeting with her at the University. She was sure that between them, they could help the young lady achieve her Law degree.

Diane had hesitated at first. She did not want to go behind her daughter’s back and interfere. She was an adult after all. However, after a sleepless night, she had resolved to ensure that Zofeya graduated with her Law degree – no matter what that took or even if her daughter was upset by her interference. Ms. Caldwell had found herself tapping out another email to Professor Stevens, asking the younger woman if they could meet and discuss Zofeya.

A reply had arrived within ten minutes of Diane’s message being sent and the Law Professor had suggested a date and time in the following week. After checking her days off that she was due that week, Diane had replied and thanked the woman for agreeing to meet her. They would do this without involving Zofeya for the time being and see if they could work something out. Ms. Caldwell had smiled to herself, wondering how they could work this out and now, here she was, sitting outside Fiona Stevens’ office, intent on pleading for the woman to help her daughter to get her degree. The fifty-year-old woman had no idea how long she had been day-dreaming but was shaken abruptly from her thoughts by a lady’s voice.

“Mrs. Caldwell?” the red-haired woman asked and smiled as she looked over at Diane.

Zofeya’s mother took a few moments to realise that Fiona had opened her office door and was standing looking at her. The relatively tall and slim younger woman walked a few paces until she was standing beside the chair where Diane was sat. Ms. Caldwell smiled, bent down and picked up her handbag before getting to her feet and held out her right hand.

“Yes. That’s me. You must be Professor Stevens?” She did not know what to say.

Fiona took the older woman’s right hand and shook it softly before letting it go and smiling.

“I am. Won’t you come into my office and maybe we can get to the bottom of all this.” The smile spread wider across her face as she turned and walked back into her large office.

The younger woman walked behind her desk and sat down in her chair, making sure that her computer was shut down and that her mobile phone was on silent. She watched as Diane closed the door behind her quietly before walking the few steps over to the visitor’s chair where the older woman sat down carefully, placing her handbag on the floor next to her right foot. She smiled awkwardly at Fiona Stevens. She had not expected her to be so young – or so beautiful.

“Now, Mrs. Caldwell. I think we need to find out why your daughter has performed so poorly in all her modules this academic year.” Professor Stevens shook her head as she picked up a piece of paper from her desk.

“I mean, she was consistently achieving marks that would lead to a first-class honours degree last year – her examination results at the end of last academic year placed her in the ten best students on the whole Law course.”

The young woman brushed her long, red hair behind her left ear with her left hand before handing the printout of Zofeya’s results over to Diane, who held out her right hand and took them, studying them for a few moments. She said nothing, instead concentrating on the details on the paper.

“This year, however, from around November time, her marks – and her attendance – seem to have dropped off a cliff.”

Fiona picked up another sheet from her desk and handed it over to Ms. Caldwell.

“I get flimsy excuses for her regular absences; her work is always rushed and of a really poor standard – and nowhere near the excellent work that she was producing last year.” The Law Professor smiled at Diane.

“Is there something going on with Zofeya that we should know, Mrs. Caldwell?”

Zofeya’s mum sat in silence for a few moments reading the second sheet of results. Her daughter’s grades had certainly fallen off a cliff, as Fiona Stevens had described.

“It’s Ms. Caldwell, Professor – not Mrs.,” Diane said softly, smiling at the red-haired woman, who continued to stare at her from the other side of the desk.

“I am sorry,” Fiona replied, embarrassed.

“I would like to help if I can. I think Zofeya is a lovely young lady and it would be a real shame to see her not do as well as she obviously deserves after such a good first two years here.” Professor Stevens licked her lips.

Diane thought about what to say before beginning to explain everything to the younger woman. She would plead, cry, promise to do anything if she could see her way clear to helping Zofeya get a good Law degree. She took a few deep breaths, placed the sheets of paper back on Fiona’s desk and looked at the younger woman.

“I guess it hasn’t been easy for Zofeya. I’m amazed – and proud – that she has made it this far. I mean, getting into a really good University, on such a sought-after course and then starting off so well.” She tried her best to turn on the tears.

They would not come. She cursed herself in silence. Why was it that her daughter could do such a thing on command? As soon as she was being scolded, Zofeya could let the waterworks go and not stop until she had got what she wanted.

“I mean, she’s always been a good girl, despite her difficult start in life and the fact that she was brought up in a single-parent family.” Ms. Caldwell smiled.

“No father?” Fiona asked quietly.

“No, Professor. I adopted Zofeya as a baby and it’s just been the two of us. It’s kind of nice as she’s my daughter – but also my best friend too.” Diane felt the first tear in her right eye.

“She did really well at school and always wanted to study Law. When she got in here I was so proud and just want her to graduate.” Ms. Caldwell felt that first tear start rolling down her cheek.

“She went to St. Katherine’s Girls’ School, right?” Fiona Stevens got up from her chair and walked to where Diane was sitting.

The younger woman leaned across her desk and picked up a pack of tissues, which she handed to Zofeya’s mum, and smiled.

“Yes. They did a wonderful job with her and she did really well there.” Diane Caldwell took a tissue from the pack and placed them on the desk.

Fiona sat down on the edge of the desk, inches from where Zofeya’s mum was sat in the chair, wiping her eyes.

“Did she get punished while she was there?” The younger woman smiled sweetly.

The forty-year-old Professor knew all about St. Katherine’s Girls’ School. She had met a few of its former students due to her job and her friend, Kim, taught English at the extremely successful state school. Fiona knew that corporal punishment was used frequently at the school and thought about the stories that her friend had told her about having to spank naughty girls.

“Only once – to my knowledge. By her Form Mistress, Ms. Lindsay, when she was in Year Thirteen.” Diane blew her nose in the tissue and looked up at the young woman.

“Ms. Lindsay?” Fiona asked, trying to act quizzical but already knowing that Ms. Caldwell meant her friend, Kim, who taught English at the school.

“Kim Lindsay?” she added.

Zofeya’s mum screwed the tissue up in her right hand and looked at Fiona, who seemed to be moving closer to her with every minute that passed.

“Yes. That’s right. Do you know her?” Diane smiled.

“I do. I went to school and University with her and shared a house with her here, until she got the job at St. Katherine’s and she’s been there ever since.” Fiona Stevens placed both hands on her black-skirted knees.

“We see each other from time to time and she always tells me about spanking the girls. Don’t tell me that Zofeya got her one and only spanking at school from Kim?”

Diane Caldwell laughed.

“Ms. Lindsay did spank her. Zofeya had skipped her chemistry lesson and she got caught. Kim was her Form Mistress and spanked and slippered her over her knee.” Ms. Caldwell licked her lips. “I don’t think she enjoyed it at all but never got a repeat performance.”

Professor Stevens began playing with the long sleeves of her purple satin blouse. She could feel herself becoming warm at the thought of punishment and tried not to make it so obvious that she was damp between her legs.

“No. Kim is a very strict lady.” She stood up and walked back behind her desk before continuing.

“I can imagine that it really hurt and that she didn’t sit for a few days afterwards.”

Diane, for the first time since she had seen Zofeya’s Law tutor, started to realise how attractive, and how sexual, Fiona was.

“No, she really hated it and was moody for an age afterwards,” she laughed. “But she did behave herself until she had left the school,” she added.

The red-haired lady laughed and sat down in her chair once more, pausing until she had thought about what to say next.

“And, have you ever spanked Zofeya?” Fiona closed her eyes before focusing fully on Diane. “I mean, it must have been difficult at times bringing her up on your own and having to deal with a stroppy teenager?”

Ms. Caldwell had decided that she liked the young academic and decided to be honest with her.

“I haven’t.” She looked down at her black shoes, before returning her attention to the young woman.

“But I get my neighbour, who was a retired School Mistress to punish her for me,” Diane added.

Fiona Stevens had started to play with the buttons on her satin blouse, but this last statement made her stop immediately and stare across at Ms. Caldwell.

“Really?” she asked, shocked. “What does she get punished for?” She placed her elbows on her desk and leaned closer to the older woman.

Zofeya’s mother shook her head.

“All kinds of things. Generally rudeness, laziness – or the worst thing she did which was to send me a film of her giving her boyfriend a…” Diane stopped and thought of how to phrase it. “Blow job,” she added quietly.

Professor Stevens seemed to ignore the last comment, although she had heard it.

“Boyfriend? I didn’t think that she had a boyfriend?”

Ms. Caldwell shuffled around in her seat and played with her hands.

“They split up last summer when Stefan completed his degree and decided to go home to Sweden. I think Zofeya took that really badly and that’s where her attitude and lack of effort is coming from.” She looked at Fiona.

The younger woman sat in silence for a few moments, thinking to herself. She brushed her red hair back behind her ears before opening her mouth.

“So, that will have been a cause of what has been going on over the last few months then.” Fiona Stevens took a deep breath.

“I wish she had come to me and told me about this, and I would have sorted something out for her.” The young woman inhaled deeply, her large breasts being pushed out proudly before her under her blouse. 

“I really like her and think she shows real promise,” the Professor sighed.

Diane reached down to the floor and picked up her handbag, which she placed on her lap. She tried to take her mind off the thoughts she was having about the red-haired woman. She was extremely attractive.

“I think that Zofeya needs a damned good hiding, but I just can’t do it to her. Maybe my neighbour will have to come and put her over her knee?”

Professor Fiona Stevens was having the same thoughts as Diane Caldwell. She found the older woman extremely arousing and began thinking about how she could get the sexually attractive Diane into bed.

“Maybe the spankings she receives aren’t doing the trick, Diane. Perhaps I should punish you for the failings she has shown and then maybe we can deal with her poor results.” Once again, the young lady got to her feet and walked around her desk, sitting on the edge of the desk.

“What do you mean?” Ms. Caldwell smiled, knowing exactly what Fiona Stevens meant.

The forty-year-old academic unbuttoned the top two buttons on her purple blouse and looked down at the older woman. She unintentionally opened her legs, her skirt riding up so that her legs were revealed as well as her pink knickers.

“Well, I can make sure that Zofeya’s grades are improved and she’ll get a good degree in exchange for allowing me to put you over my knee and smacking that lovely bottom of yours.”

Fiona licked her lips suggestively and spread her legs even wider and smiled at Zofeya’s mum, who was sat on the chair across from her.

Diane was shocked. However, if that is what it took for her daughter to receive a good degree, then it was worth it. She had taken many spankings from Pauline Manson and, although they had hurt, there would be no way that this young woman could hit any harder than the lady next door had. After a few moments of silence, she answered.

“What? Here? Now?” she spat out in a panic.

Fiona Stevens smiled and touched Diane’s right arm with her left hand.

“Oh, God no. Not here. At my house later this afternoon.” Fiona got to her feet and picked up her pen from her desk.

She bent over her desk and scribbled on a pad, tearing off the sheet once she had finished. She held the sheet out for Diane Caldwell, who reached across and took it in her right hand.

“Meet me there at three and I’ll punish you, and once I’ve had you over my knee for a little while and smacked your bottom, then I’ll make sure that Zofeya gets a good degree.”

Professor Stevens stared with her deep blue eyes at the dark-haired woman, who was looking at the paper.

“Do we have a deal, Ms. Caldwell?” she asked softly.

Zofeya’s mother placed the paper in her handbag, looked at Fiona and smiled before she got to her feet.

“Yes, Professor. I shall see you at three this afternoon.” She nervously bit her lip.

The red-haired forty-year-old walked to the door, pulled it open and held it for Diane. She smiled as the dark-haired woman walked out into the corridor.

“Don’t be late,” she whispered.

The Law Professor smiled as she watched the older woman walk towards the stairs. She closed her office door quietly and returned to her chair, where she soon found herself touching herself under her three-quarter-length skirt.

Diane did not look back and quickly walked down the flight of stairs and out of the main entrance, into the brilliant sunshine. She shook her head but was determined to ensure that her daughter graduated with a good degree and would do whatever it took to make sure that happened.

Zofeya’s mother drove into the city centre and spent her time looking in shop windows before having lunch and watching as the time slowly ticked towards two-thirty in the afternoon. She returned to her car and set her Sat Nav, which, within fifteen minutes had directed her to Fiona Stevens’ impressive house on the other side of the city. She could see the Audi car parked on the driveway and sat behind the wheel of her car, taking several deep breaths before she began checking her appearance in the rearview mirror.

Once she was satisfied that her shoulder-length brown hair was perfect, that her discreet make-up and lipstick were applied neatly, Diane took the keys from the ignition, reached across to the passenger seat where she picked up her handbag, opened the car door and stepped out into the sunny afternoon. She locked the car with her key fob before throwing the car keys into her bag and walking up the block-paved driveway to Fiona Stevens’ house. She subconsciously looked around before she pressed the doorbell with the index finger on her right hand.

It rang with a loud chime, which repeated, making Ms. Caldwell nervously look around once again. Through the frosted glass panel in the front door, she soon saw a figure approaching, shortly followed by the door being unlocked and opened slowly. Within a few moments, she was face-to-face with Fiona, who was still dressed in her shiny satin blouse, three-quarter length black skirt and dark stockings. She smiled warmly at the older woman and stepped back from the doorway.

“Hi, Ms. Caldwell. I was unsure whether or not you would actually come over.” Professor Stevens’ smile grew wider across her face.

Zofeya’s mum thought to herself for a few moments before replying.

“No. I would come regardless – I want Zofeya to graduate.” She smiled back, feeling uneasy about what she may have to go through that afternoon.

The younger woman shielded her eyes from the sun and took a few steps backwards down the hallway.

“Won’t you come in and then we can have a chat, Ms. Caldwell?” Fiona began day-dreaming about the older woman.

“Thank you, Professor.” Diane stepped inside the large detached house and closed the front door quietly behind her before lifting the door handle, turning the key in the lock and smiling as she realised that it was securely locked.

“No one can walk in on us.” Fiona Stevens laughed and turned, heading towards her kitchen. Diane Caldwell slowly, and nervously, followed the younger woman.

Within ten minutes, the two ladies were sat at the red-haired woman’s kitchen table drinking coffee. They sat watching one another. It was Fiona who spoke first.

“So, Ms. Caldwell. I take it that you are happy to do whatever I ask you to do, this afternoon?” The young woman licked her lips.

Diane smiled, sipped her coffee and gently placed her mug on the undoubtedly expensive oak table in front of her. She nodded.

“Yes, Professor Stevens. Whatever it takes to get Zofeya’s degree.” She looked down at her black shoes.

“Great. But I think we need to start with you calling me by my name – it’s Fiona, Ms. Caldwell.” The younger woman spoke quietly.

The fifty-year-old woman nodded.

“I’m Diane, Fiona.” Zofeya’s mum looked over at the woman with the long red hair.

The young Professor smiled and picked up her cup from the table before emptying it and placing it back down in front of her.

“Okay, Diane. I think that we need to deal with Zofeya’s failures, don’t we?” She laughed and quickly unbuttoned the top two buttons on her purple blouse with her left hand.

Zofeya’s mother nodded once again and could feel the juices beginning to flow between her legs. She really wanted to take the young academic to bed and show her how sorry she was for her daughter’s poor performance.

“Yes please, Fiona.” She licked her lips.

The red-haired, forty-year-old slowly got up from her chair and placed it quietly under the table. She picked up the empty cups from the table and walked over to the sink, where she placed them, before turning and facing Diane once again.

“Yes, please?” Fiona Stevens laughed as she looked down at Zofeya’s mum. “You won’t be saying that once you have been put over my knee like a naughty girl, Diane.” Professor Stevens walked to the doorway and watched as Ms. Caldwell turned around in her chair and looked at her.

“You will get yourself up and follow me into my living room.” She paused. “Once you’re there, you will strip absolutely naked, placing your clothes on a chair and not say a word. Am I making myself clear, Diane?” Fiona Stevens began heading towards her living room.

Diane Caldwell got to her feet, placed her chair under the kitchen table and quickly hurried after the younger woman.

“Yes, Fiona. I understand,” she replied.

Once the women were standing in the spacious living room, Zofeya’s mother walked across to one of the armchairs and began removing her clothes as she had been instructed to do. First, she kicked off her black shoes. Then she unbuttoned and removed her short-sleeved white cotton blouse, folding it up neatly before placing it down on the chair. Next, she reached behind her back and unfastened her white silky bra which she placed on top of the blouse. Diane tried to ignore the fact that the younger woman was staring at her as she unzipped her knee-length black skirt which she allowed to fall to the floor before she bent down, picked it up, folded it and placed it on top of the pile. Finally, she slipped her hands down both sides of her white cotton knickers and slipped them down stepping out of them before picking them from the floor and placing them on the chair.

Diane then noticed the implements lying on the dining room table behind her.

As Diane Caldwell was getting undressed, the young academic had lifted her own long skirt and reached under it and removed her pair of pink knickers, placing them on the floor by her feet. She then sat on her large three-seat sofa and watched as Zofeya’s mum removed her clothing. She placed her large hands in her lap and licked her lips as she noticed Diane’s perfectly formed and large breasts and her pussy, which was topped by a neatly-cropped bush of dark pubic hair. Once Ms. Caldwell was standing in front of her, completely naked, Fiona Stevens smiled at the older woman. She patted her black-skirted knee gently with both hands.

“Right, Diane. Get yourself over my knee and not a word from you, otherwise I will spank your naughty little bottom even harder. Do I make myself clear, you naughty, naughty, girl?” Professor Stevens brushed her long red hair behind her ears and smiled up at Diane.

“Yes, Fiona. I understand,” Zofeya’s mum replied and slowly covered the six steps between the two women.

Ms. Caldwell paused as she stood to the younger woman’s right-hand side, waiting until the red-haired woman removed her hands from her lap. Diane carefully reached across and placed her hands over the far arm of the sofa, feeling her crotch touch the material of Fiona Stevens’ skirt. The younger woman reached down and lifted her legs from the floor and heaved them carefully until they were resting over the other arm of her sofa. The woman’s hands were then placed on Diane’s bare bottom and her lower back.

“If I can’t spank Zofeya for her naughtiness, Diane, then you will have to be spanked instead, won’t you?” The forty-year-old rubbed the older woman’s bottom gently with her large right hand.

Zofeya’s mother turned her head to the left and looked up at the red-headed Law Professor.

“Yes, Fiona, I need to be spanked for being a poor mother and for not ensuring that my daughter was doing as she should,” she replied softly before placing her head in her hands.

“Bad, bad girl!” the forty-year-old woman hissed as she raised her large right hand in the air.

It landed a moment later with a loud, and painful “slap!” right across the fleshy centre of Diane Caldwell’s bare bottom.

Fiona Stevens smiled as she watched the older woman’s buttocks wobble as her hand connected with them. Her large right hand had immediately left a large pink hand print in the area where it had landed solidly against her bare skin. Within moments, the younger woman had raised her right hand once more and paused, taking a deep breath, before she brought her hand down once again, signalling the beginning of her onslaught.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

The young Law Professor laid out half a dozen, slow, full-force smacks with her large right hand across the fleshy centre of the older woman’s pale bottom.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

Another slow, painful dose of Fiona’s hand smacked Zofeya’s mum’s buttocks alternately, beginning to turn the skin from a pale white to a shade of bright pink. The older woman simply buried her face in her arms and tried to take what was coming her way.

I do deserve this as I have failed as a mother, she thought to herself as Fiona resumed the hand spanking.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

Another slow, deliberate spanking targeted the centre of the older woman’s bottom. Fiona Stevens said nothing, opting instead to place her left arm under Diane and pull her deep into her purple satin blouse and long black skirt, which had risen up, revealing the Law Professor’s shapely legs. She smiled as she felt the heat of Diane Caldwell’s crotch pushing against her lap. Within moments, her hand was in the air once again and the spanking continued.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

Zofeya’s mum felt the heavy-handed younger woman target her lower buttocks and tops of her legs. She tried to move around to avoid Fiona’s hand, which was landing at regular intervals, but it was no good. The young woman simply pulled her closer into her blouse and skirt with her left arm before returning her attention to the task in hand.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

The creases in between Diane’s buttocks and thighs received a painful visit.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

Fiona returned her attention to the fleshy centre of Diane’s bottom, slapping the woman slow and hard, smiling as she saw a red hand print appear across the older woman’s increasingly pink and warm backside.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

Fiona Stevens unleashed a frantic spanking which covered every inch of Ms. Caldwell’s small bottom, whilst holding the woman tightly until she was finished. The red-haired young woman smiled as she could hear Zofeya’s mum sniffing and sobbing and decided to lay out a slow, hard and targeted dose of her hard right hand to conclude this part of the older woman’s punishment. Over the next ten minutes, Professor Stevens slapped hard and deliberately targeted the creases in between buttock and thigh. She held Zofeya’s mum tightly with her left arm whilst she turned her bottom bright red.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

“Oh, Diane. I’m going to turn your bottom the same shade as my nails,” Fiona laughed as she placed her right hand in front of Ms. Caldwell’s face so that she could see her deep red fingernails.

Zofeya’s mother simply sobbed and pushed her crotch deeper against Fiona’s legs. The hand spanking had hurt, perhaps not as much as one from Pauline Manson did, but she was determined to take whatever punishment the younger woman decided to administer to her. She just wanted her daughter to get her Law degree.

Professor Stevens laughed and raised her right hand in the air once again. She licked her lips before laying out a final six, slow and extremely hard slaps across Zofeya’s mum’s already hot and sore bottom.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”

The forty-year-old woman placed her right hand on Diane’s back and pulled her left arm from under the dark-haired woman’s waist, placing this flat on her back too. Fiona Stevens smiled as she rubbed the older woman’s bottom gently with her right hand, listening to Diane sobbing and sniffing. After a few minutes, the younger, red-haired woman decided to push on with the punishment. She tapped Diane Caldwell’s bare bottom softly.

“Up you get, Diane.” Fiona shuffled around on the sofa and watched Zofeya’s mum slowly and awkwardly get to her feet.

The fifty-year-old stood in front of her and wiped her eyes and nose with her right hand.

“Now. I’m going to use my implements on that lovely bottom of yours seen as I can’t spank your daughter. I guess you’ll have to take the punishment on her behalf for her naughtiness, won’t you?” Fiona Stevens smiled angelically as she walked into her dining room, returning moments later with her clothes brush, slipper, wooden paddle and cane in her hands.

The younger woman continued to smile as she laid the cane and paddle on the armchair beside the sofa. She then sat down on the sofa and placed the slipper on the seat next to her. Fiona tapped the ebony-backed clothes brush against the palm of her right hand.

“Back over my knee, you naughty girl!” she snapped but continued to smile as Diane Caldwell obeyed.

The young academic moved around on the sofa until she was comfortable and replaced her left arm around Diane’s waist to hold the older woman securely in place over her lap. Once she was satisfied, she pushed her long red hair back behind her ears with her right hand before gently tapping the nasty wooden brush against Diane Caldwell’s already red, sore and hot bottom in front of her.

“You deserve every smack with my brush, you bad, bad, girl!” Fiona Stevens snapped before landing her first swipe across the centre of Diane’s small bottom.


Ms. Caldwell squirmed as the brush hit home, but soon found that she could not go anywhere. She buried her head deep in her arms and tried to take what Fiona gave her with as little fuss as possible.

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

The slim, red-haired woman rapped out half a dozen slow and full-force swipes with her clothes brush across the fleshy centre of Zofeya’s mother’s bottom.

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

Fiona said nothing as she concentrated upon landing her clothes brush at regular intervals as hard as she could against Diane’s bottom. She used all her strength to hold the older woman across her knees while she pushed on with this part of the woman’s punishment.

After five minutes, she paused and leaned over, speaking quietly into Ms. Caldwell’s ear.

“You deserve each and every smack, Diane. You need to think about why I’m smacking your bottom and then you need to deal with that issue, don’t you?” Professor Stevens took a moment to smell Diane’s perfume before she sat back on the sofa.

She resumed gently tapping the ebony-backed clothes brush against Diane Caldwell’s bottom. It took the fifty-year-old a few moments to re-gather her composure, at least enough to allow her to reply.

“Yes, Fiona. I promise that I will take Zofeya in hand. I promise.”

She didn’t even bother to ask Fiona Sevens to stop the spanking. She knew that was never going to happen, no matter how much she pleaded. Within seconds the clothes brush began to kiss her bottom once again.

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

Professor Stevens rapped out another two dozen hard smacks with her brush before she paused and licked her lips. She was becoming so turned on by having Diane over her knee. She could feel that Ms. Caldwell was aroused too and laughed.

“Now, I’m going to smack you hard and fast with my brush and you are going to feel each smack. I don’t want any fuss from you, Diane. Are we clear?”

She raised the clothes brush in the air once again and waited.

“Yes, Fiona.” Ms. Caldwell took a deep breath and waited.

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

The young Professor rapped out a rapid, and extremely hard, dose with the brush across the lower buttocks and tops of her thighs. Fiona Stevens tightened the grip she had around Diane’s waist as the older woman struggled to take her punishment and did not release her grip until she had completed this part of her punishment. Once she was satisfied, she placed the brush down on the sofa next to her and reached over and picked up her large, rubber-soled slipper.

Within moments, she was tapping the large slipper against Ms. Caldwell’s red and sore bottom.

“Now, you naughty girl. You are going to get twenty-four smacks with my slipper for being such a naughty woman,” she spoke softly.

Fiona leaned across and whispered into Zofeya’s mum’s left ear.

“Just take them and think about why you are being punished, lovely lady.”

The red-haired lady took a deep breath and took aim with her slipper. She raised it high behind her head before bringing it down solidly against the fleshy centre of the older woman’s bottom with a loud,


Fiona tightened the grip that she had on Diane with her left arm and pulled her even further into her purple silky blouse and long black skirt. She nodded before taking aim once again and rapping out this part of the punishment.

“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”

“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”

“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”

“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”

Once completed, Fiona placed the slipper down on the sofa and removed her left arm from around Diane’s stomach. She spent a short while massaging the dark-haired woman’s red and extremely hot bottom. She smiled as she listened to the woman sniffing and sobbing. Professor Stevens was enjoying herself, enjoying administering a spanking as it had been far too long since she had punished anyone and enjoying feeling the older woman becoming turned on by the spanking. She was so aroused too. She tapped Diane Caldwell on her bottom gently and smiled as the woman turned her head to look up at her.

“Up you get, naughty. Go and bend over my dining table over there.” Fiona Stevens shook her long hair from her eyes and smiled.

The young woman sat back on the sofa her large breasts being pushed out under her silky purple blouse as she did so. Ms. Caldwell struggled to her feet once again and immediately began rubbing her bottom with both hands in a futile attempt to try and cool the fire that Fiona had ignited across her buttocks. After a few moments, she turned and walked into the dining room. Fiona Stevens stood up and ironed the creases from her blouse and skirt before picking up her wooden paddle and cane from the armchair before walking across to where Diane was bent over the table.

Fiona smiled as she laid the cane down on the table, next to where Diane Caldwell was lying. The forty-year-old academic rolled up the sleeves of her purple blouse and stood at Diane’s left-hand side, her feet apart and laid the holed wooden paddle against Zofeya’s mum’s bottom. Fiona Stevens placed her left hand on her left hip and took several deep breaths before she was ready. The silence in the room was then broken as she drew the wooden paddle back, bringing it down a second later across Diane’s bottom with a loud “Whack!” which echoed around the room.

Ms. Caldwell certainly felt that first swipe with the large wooden paddle, but simply buried her face in her arms and tried to take the punishment without making a fuss. She had taken what Pauline Manson had done to her on many occasions and so she could take this. Besides, she needed to ensure that the red-haired woman would help her daughter to achieve a good degree. She closed her eyes and remained as still as she could as, behind her, Professor Fiona Stevens laid out the remaining swats with her nasty paddle. The younger woman wasted no time in administering this part of the punishment, giving Diane a few moments to recover after each stroke, but it took her very little time before the final swipe had been delivered.

“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”

“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”

“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”

“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”

Fiona walked over to where her cane was laid on the table and picked it up, placing the wooden spanking paddle down in its place. She leaned in close and inspected Diane’s bottom. It was a mixture of shades, but the younger woman noticed that it was mainly a deep shade of red across the centre and creases in between the older lady’s buttocks and thighs. Professor Stevens ran her right hand slowly and gently over every inch of the older woman’s bottom. She smiled as she heard the satisfied moans and gasps coming from Zofeya’s mum. Deliberately, the red-haired woman touched Diane’s pussy lips and held her fingers there for a few moments. She could feel how moist the older woman was.

The forty-year-old smiled and returned to the task in hand. She stood to Diane’s left-hand side and measured the cane out against the older woman’s bottom and took aim against the fleshy centre, which had already seen the majority of the punishment.

“Now, you naughty lady. I’m going to give you twenty-four swipes with my cane across that very beautiful bottom of yours and then we will be done.” Fiona Stevens licked her lips as she gently tapped the thin and whippy cane against Ms. Caldwell’s bottom.

The forty-year-old woman ignored Diane’s sniffing and sobbing.

“You will count and then say, 'I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.' Is that clear, Sweetie?” The Professor continued tapping the bottom with her cane as she waited for a reply.

Eventually, Diane Caldwell turned her head to the left and looked at the red-haired woman.

“Yes, Fiona,” she said softly before returning her head to her arms.

Within seconds, the young academic had raised her red-handled cane in the air and sent it hurtling towards Zofeya’s mum’s bottom. It landed with a loud “Thwack!” which echoed around the room.

The pain took a second to register in the older woman’s brain. Once it had, she winced and tried her best not to move or to shout out. Canings from Pauline Manson had hurt, but she had expected them to hurt. She had been an experienced School Mistress, who had caned naughty schoolgirls on a regular basis during her time as a teacher. However, this young, red-haired woman seemed to be able to cane even harder. It took her a while to reply.

“One. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”

From behind where Diane was lying face down over the table, Fiona laughed. She wasted no time in bringing down her next stroke. The cane swished noisily through the air until its journey was interrupted by the collision with the fleshy centre of Diane’s bottom.


Ms. Caldwell gasped as the thin cane bit into her bottom. It took a few moments before she replied.

“Two. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


The red-haired Law Professor concentrated on landing each of her first strokes across the centre of Zofeya’s mum’s already bruised bottom.

“Three. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Four. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Five. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Six. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”

Professor Stevens smiled as she paused and leaned in close to take a look at the older woman’s bottom. She ran her cool right hand across Diane’s bright red bottom and laughed loudly as the older woman gasped as the sensation of Fiona’s cool hand coming into contact with her red hot buttocks and thighs hit home in her brain. The forty-year-old woman gently touched the collection of thin, red tram lines that had appeared across the bottom in front of her before she resumed her position at Diane’s left-hand side, the tapping of the cane against the older woman’s bottom signalling that the punishment was about to be resumed. A few seconds later the silence in the dining room was ended when the seventh stroke landed.


“Seven. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Eight. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”

Sensing that Diane’s lower buttocks and thighs had escaped their share up until this point, the red-haired woman took aim slightly lower down and sent her cane on its way once more.


It took Diane Caldwell by surprise, and she winced and squirmed as the pain hit home. It took her a few moments before she could reply.

“Nine. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”

Fiona Stevens laughed and licked her lips, running her left hand down the length of her satin blouse before returning it to her hip and re-taking her position.


Diane began crying uncontrollably, again taking what seemed like an age before she replied.

“Ten. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Eleven. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Twelve. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”

Once again, Professor Stevens paused and leaned over, running her right hand over Zofeya’s mum’s bottom. She nodded as she could see the neat set of red lines that not only covered the centre of her bottom but had also appeared on her lower buttocks and tops of her thighs. Fiona bent down and kissed Diane’s bottom softly, ignoring the older woman’s sniffs and sobs and gasps with pleasure.

After a few minutes, Fiona returned her attention to tapping her cane against Diane’s sore bottom that was bent over the table in front of her. She would conclude her punishment quickly and hopefully take the woman upstairs for the final part of her punishment.


After a short while, the reply came.

“Thirteen. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


More sniffs and sobs, but Diane managed to answer.

“Fourteen. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


Ms. Caldwell winced and eventually replied.

“Fifteen. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


Diane Caldwell tried to stop wriggling and squirming and fought hard to resist the urge to stand up and rub her burning bottom. She took a while before she replied through the sniffs, sobs and tears.

“Sixteen. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


Zofeya’s mum breathed deeply and sniffed. Pauline Manson was an experienced disciplinarian and her spankings did hurt, but nowhere near as much as this. Where had Fiona learned to cane people? Despite her sniffs and sobs, the older woman was very wet and aroused and tried to think about the red-haired woman in the purple satin blouse and long black skirt. After a long pause, she managed to answer.

“Seventeen. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Eighteen. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”

Once more, Fiona Stevens paused and leaned in close to inspect Diane’s bottom. She slowly and gently ran her right hand over every inch of the red and sore bottom lying in front of her. The academic then slowly licked the older woman’s bum cheeks, the cool sensation making Ms. Caldwell moan with pleasure. The forty-year-old red-haired lady continued doing this for a while, enjoying it far too much before resuming her position. Those last six strokes were going to be given quickly so that Fiona Stevens could soothe Diane and get her up to her bedroom.


“Nineteen. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Twenty. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


Ms. Caldwell rubbed the tears from her eyes and turned her head to look at Fiona, who was smiling.

“Twenty-one. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Twenty-two. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


Zofeya’s mother shouted as the cane bit into her thigh once more, leaving yet another red tram line. It took her an age to reply.

“Twenty-three. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”


“Twenty-four. I will do anything for my daughter even though she’s a lazy little girl.”

As soon as Fiona had completed the punishment, she leaned over and laid the cane next to the paddle on the table. She spent a few minutes listening to Diane sniffing and sobbing before leaning over and kissing the older woman softly on her forehead. The Professor smiled and used her right hand to brush Zofeya’s mum’s long dark hair from her eyes. It took Diane a few moments to regather her composure and she looked across at the younger woman, who had continued to stroke her hair with her right hand.

“Lie there, Sweetie and I’ll go and get something to soothe you.” She leaned in close and kissed Diane Caldwell’s forehead.

The forty-year-old redhead was gone for several minutes before returning to the dining room, where Zofeya’s mother was still sniffing and sobbing, bent over the dining table. Without a word, Fiona opened the tube of gel and squirted a handful into the palm of her large right hand. She flipped the tube closed with her left hand and placed it on the table. She then spent a good ten minutes rubbing the soothing gel into the older woman’s red and bruised bottom and thighs. Fiona Stevens said nothing as she listened to Diane’s sniffs and sobs being replaced by satisfied moans.

Once she had tidied Diane’s bottom up, ensuring that every inch of her lovely bottom had been treated to some cooling gel and any marks had been covered with plasters, she picked up the rubbish and disappeared once more. Whilst Fiona was in her kitchen where she placed the rubbish in the bin before washing her hands, Ms. Caldwell stood up and began gently rubbing her sore bottom with her hands. She smiled as Fiona Stevens returned and put her arms around her. Zofeya’s mum did the same, and the ladies held one another for a few moments in a warm and loving embrace.

Eventually, it was Professor Stevens who gently pulled away from the older woman, the smile beaming across her face.

“Now, Diane. I need to show you that I have forgiven you for being such a bad girl and not dealing with Zofeya properly.”

She took hold of Ms. Caldwell’s left hand in her right hand and began gently leading her to the hallway. Diane did not resist.

“I want to take you to bed and I promise you that Zofeya will get her degree at the end of the year. How does that sound?” the woman with the flowing, red hair purred.

Ms. Caldwell did not need to be led upstairs – she almost flew up the stairs.

Once they had reached Fiona’s large bedroom, the younger woman wasted no time in taking off her clothes. First, she unbuttoned the remaining buttons on her long-sleeved purple satin blouse and threw it on the floor. Then she reached behind her back and unfastened her light pink bra, sliding her arms out of the garment before it too, hit the floor.

Ms. Caldwell sat on the large king-sized bed in silence, watching the younger woman as she continued to undress in silence. Fiona unzipped her long black skirt and allowed it to fall to the floor before stepping out of it. Next, the younger woman struggled to remove her black stockings, laughing as she struggled to push them over her feet and onto the floor. Finally, she slipped her hands down the sides of her small pink knickers and lowered them to the floor, smiling at Diane as she kicked them off.

Ms. Caldwell sat for a moment and admired the younger woman. Her long, red hair was long enough that it reached past her impressively large breasts. Her nipples, which were standing erect, were light brown and small when compared with the size of her breasts. She was very slim, and her skin was pale, the almost white body broken up by a small, and neatly cropped, clump of ginger pubic hair above her pussy. Diane smiled as Fiona sat next to her on the bed and immediately started to kiss her softly on the lips at the same time, touching her breasts with her large hands.

Zofeya’s mother returned the compliment and softly stroked the younger woman’s long, red hair, before turning her attention to Fiona’s large breasts which she touched softly, rubbing the small nipples, smiling as she heard the forty-year-old moan with pleasure. She gently pulled Fiona Stevens onto the bed and began rubbing the woman’s pussy with her right hand. At the same time, the younger woman kissed her full on the mouth and began exploring Diane’s warm mouth with her tongue before she pulled away and sat up on the bed.

The Law Professor reached across to her bedside cabinet and picked up her vibrator and a long, thin dildo in her left hand. She threw the vibrator onto the bed and began to touch the older woman’s pussy and anus with the solid, rubber dildo, smiling as Diane Caldwell began to moan loudly.

Fiona Stevens sat up and smiled as Zofeya’s mum lay down, her head resting on the pillows. She continued to touch the younger woman’s large breasts with her hands whilst Fiona gently stroked her anus and inside of her thighs with the dildo, eventually pushing the woman’s legs apart with her free hand. The red-haired woman leaned over and began kissing Diane hard on the mouth, gently touching the inside of her mouth with her tongue. Ms. Caldwell relaxed and soon felt the sensation of the six-inch rubber sex toy slipping comfortably inside her hot and moist pussy.

The young Law Professor continued to kiss and touch Zofeya’s mum as she slowly worked away with the dildo, touching Diane Caldwell softly and smiling as she found the woman’s clit, which she concentrated upon. The loud moans and gasps coming from the dark-haired fifty-year-old woman informing her that she had hit the spot. Fiona concentrated on working away softly, then rapidly, pushing further and further until she felt Diane’s muscles tense before she let out a loud orgasmic scream as she came.

Ms. Caldwell reached over and kissed Fiona hard on the mouth and squeezed her breasts hard before she turned her attentions to them, licking and sucking on the younger woman’s nipples. Zofeya’s Law tutor smiled and lay down on her back, allowing Diane Caldwell to gently push her legs apart. The next sensation that the younger woman felt was Diane’s fingers exploring every part of her pussy.

She squealed softly as the older woman pushed further and further inside her, locating her clit and then beginning to massage it softly. Zofeya’s mother rubbed it hard, moving slowly backwards and forwards, hearing Fiona moaning with pleasure. The dark-haired older woman held her fingers there for a few moments as she listened to Fiona Stevens’ gasps, before resuming her massage. Ms. Caldwell carefully touched every inch of the red-haired woman who was gasping for air until finally, her pelvic muscles tensed, and she let out an almighty scream with pleasure as she came.

Zofeya’s mum held her fingers inside the younger woman for a while, all the time kissing and touching her with her free hand. It took a while for Fiona Stevens to calm herself and she turned over and kissed Diane on the mouth once more. Her fingers reached down and began to stroke the older woman’s pussy gently before she placed them inside, slowly and gently, returning the favour to Diane. Within moments, the fifty-year-old climaxed once again and smiled over at Fiona, who removed her fingers and smiled across at the very sexual Diane Caldwell.

The women played for another hour before collapsing on the bed. Diane had used Fiona’s vibrator to make the young woman come once again and had been treated to two more mind-blowing orgasms from the lady with the long red hair thanks to her dildo. They had kissed, licked and sucked every inch of each other and had lain down extremely satisfied.

Professor Stevens had made tea for the ladies once they had made their way downstairs. Fiona had thrown her silk dressing gown around her and smiled as she sat watching Diane dress in her blouse and skirt in the dining room. The ladies had chatted about what had just happened and about what Fiona would do to help Zofeya. They had kissed and touched one another once more, until they had both decided that they needed to stop. Diane had got to her feet, gathered up her bag and made sure she had everything before kissing Fiona Stevens on the lips once more and heading for the front door.

Several weeks later, twenty-one-year-old Zofeya Caldwell was sat in Fiona’s office in shock. She just couldn’t believe what she had just been told by the young, attractive, red-haired lady. There was no way she expected that news.

“I don’t believe it!” she exclaimed, almost on the brink of tears.

Fiona Stevens got up from her chair and walked around to the other side of her desk, sitting on the edge of the desk, inches from where the dark-haired young lady sat.

“Well, there you go. Just shows what you can do when you have good people looking out for you, isn’t it, Sweetie?” She intentionally placed her large right hand on Zofeya’s right knee.

“I thought you were going to tell me that I had failed.” She smiled and the tears had started forming in her bright blue eyes. They were tears of relief, of joy and of amazement.

Fiona Stevens sat there looking down at the young woman for a few moments and smiled at her.

“Well, I just thought that after everything you’ve gone through, Zofeya, that you needed a break. I won’t tell anyone about this if you won’t.” She licked her lips.

“But a first-class, Miss?” Zofeya Caldwell swept her long dark hair behind her left ear.

Professor Stevens laughed. She ignored being addressed as “Miss.”

“Well, no one really checks what grades we give people and so, I went into the records and gave you a few extra marks.”

The older woman got up from the desk and stood up, looking down at a stunned Zofeya.

“I looked into what you were going through and decided that you needed a break. So there you go.” She turned and walked back behind her desk.

“This is just between the two of us, Zofeya. I could get in serious trouble if anyone else found out, is that understood?”

The Law tutor adjusted her white, short-sleeved blouse and smiled.

“Definitely.” Diane’s daughter stood up.

“Good. If you wanted me to, I can also put in a word with a friend of mine who works for a Law firm and they’re looking for new trainees.” Fiona ran her right hand through her flowing red hair.

Diane’s daughter nodded.

“That would be great. Thank you so much. What with one thing and another, I haven’t even started looking for a training contract. I just thought that I was going to fail miserably.”

Fiona Stevens walked back around her desk and stood within inches of Zofeya Caldwell, her large breasts almost touching the young, dark-haired girl.

“I’ll give her a call today and see what I can do for you, but I’m doing this on the condition that Miss Olivia Birchwell comes and visits me at my home,” the older woman laughed.

The dark-haired girl was stunned. How did her Law tutor know about her part-time job? What would she expect her to do? How could she get herself out of this one?

Diane’s daughter looked at Fiona. Then at her own shoes. Then back to Fiona, who laughed sweetly. Zofeya replied with the only response she could think of.

“Yes, Miss.”

The red-haired lady nodded at her.

“It most certainly will be 'Yes, Miss' when I see you in the near future, Sweetie. You can be rest assured of that,” Fiona replied quietly.


Same as Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Ten: Diane Visits The Professor's Office Videos

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The Chauffeur 19 Diane and a Baby

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As the night progressed, the fucking and the sucking continued. There were threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes. At one point I remember seeing both CG guys fucking Jennifer and Diane side by side on one of the California King beds in my room. On my bed, Dakota and Nadia were having their way with me. In the center of the room Miguel, John, and James were having their way with the C&C twins, Allison, Paula, Belinda, and of course Tina. John was...

1 year ago
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Teaching her son's best friend...“Watch out!” Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry...

3 years ago
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Diane and Janine

Janine had come to Davidson, Saskatchewan with her college roommate. Diane was from this sleepy little town, she grew up playing in the fields playing with the cattle and riding horses. Janine had grown up in the heart of Saskatoon, nowhere near horses, cattle, or any fields of any kind. There was something about this small town that made her feel like she was home, she didn't know if it was Diane’s parents treating her like she was family, or what it was, but she would soon find out. They had...

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Nurse Diane

I was around 25 years old when I was hit by a drunk driver. He ran a red light and t-boned me right in the driver’s side door. The impact broke my left ankle, left tibia and fibula, femur and hip. It also fractured my left arm in two places along with my collar bone and three ribs. In the emergency room they determined that I needed surgery to repair my hip, leg, ankle, arm and collar bone. I was wheeled up to the operating room and it wasn’t long before the pain stopped and everything went...

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Chapter Two Allyson Opens Up to Diane

That evening, after supper, Diane and her boyfriend went to the local dance as usual. Now she began observing other couples dancing together more closely. Men normally would ask the ladies for a dance, but on occasions two women would dance together. This did not mean they were partners in the romantic sense, it was the social thing at the time, women who were not asked to dance, would occasionally dance together. She started noting small things, like where they placed their hands, and how...

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On the Road With Diane

Man it was fucking cold! I hate sleeping in my clothes but there were only two options, go to bed cold or go to bed freezing. I struggled under the covers of the cheap motel bed fully dressed thinking I could take my pants and shirt off after the bed warmed. I never did that night. I shivered and chattered for hours, forcing myself to get up and desperately twist the useless fucking thermostat knob 720 degrees in both directions. The clerk told us when we got the room the heat might be out...

4 years ago
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Dianes Submissive Adventures The Sorority

Diane’s Submissive Adventures: The Sorority College had just begun a few weeks before, and Diane was finally getting into the swing of things. The pace was very different from high school, but not in a bad way since she was responsible for scheduling her classes. Although she would have preferred to spend all her time pleasing the inventive twins, the two were currently preparing for football season, and their trysts together had become sporadic at best. To make matters worse, most of the boys...

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Diane Pearsons New Job

Diane Pearson checked her make up and hair in the rear view mirror before she got out of the car. School had let out and hour ago and the only people left were the principle and some of the players of the high school football team.Diane Pearson was here to see the principle about the new English teaching position. She had not taught in over 2 yrs and she was ready to get back into the class room.Diane was greeted at the office by the principle and they went into the office. The meeting went...

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Jack and Diane Ch 0204

I apologise to readers for the delay in posting this. I am posting a thread in the Story Review forum to explain myself. Please comment here or there. Jack and Diane Chapter 2 My time at Milla and Simon’s gave me some time to think about my life. Perhaps I should introduce myself. I’m John Nelson Winters. The Nelson bit is mothers maiden name and, yes, there is some connection to the Hero of the Nile and Trafalgar. At one stage the family had been quite wealthy, but that was before the First...

4 years ago
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Diane Library Fuck

Diane was so excited after being selected from all the school librarians in Birmingham, Alabama to make the Martin Luther King, Jr. presentation at one of the underprivileged inner city high schools. The only problem was that her husband, Bill, didn't want his beautiful blonde wife going into the city to be at some "nigger" school. You see, her husband was quite the racist he also lost his job awhile back and the bills were adding up so he needs to get over it! Diane had always wanted to give...

3 years ago
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Jack And Diane

This is a little story about love discovered between Jack and Diane. They grew up as neighbors; only a few houses separated them from each other. Jack was the typical neighborhood boy, all rough, tumbled, and getting in trouble with his friends. Diane, on the other hand, wasn't your typical girl. She was right out there with the boys getting in trouble with the boys, much to her mom's chagrin.As they matured, Jack grew into a high school sports star. All hard-bodied and handsome, attracting the...

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Tickling Diane

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is adult oriented fiction of a strong sexual nature. If you are under 18 years of age or easily offended by such material, then click your browser's back button now. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website without obtaining the author's permission...

3 years ago
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Diane and Nadia

The day was warm and clear and we all sat in a semi circle on the green summer grass, enjoying the sights and sounds of a fantastic outdoor summer concert. My self, my girl friend Nadia, as well as my mom, Diane’s Daughter Amanda, and of course the woman in question Diane herself. We had driven from Toronto to Montreal meet up with Diane and her daughter and take in the annual Jazz festival, and where at first the idea of spending a weekend with my mother and her friend made me want to roll...

4 years ago
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Frank and Diane

The day showed no signs of being a disaster when I woke up. The alarm went off at five and my wife Diane reached for me and pulled me back down as I started to get out of bed. She kissed me, slipped me a little tongue and her hand reached for my cock. Twenty-five years and the woman could still turn me into a quivering wreck. She pulled me on top of her and as my cock parted her nether lips she said: "Make it a good morning lover; make it a very good morning." I pushed into her and she...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact SideStory Mary and Diane Go Clubbing

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side-Story: Mary and Diane Go Clubbing Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 and 18 when Mary goes out with Diane. Takes place at the same time as The D&D Group Side-Story. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a sleek, black dress that clung to my curves. It was low cut and a push up bra made my B Cup breasts look like C's. The skirt was short, and the tops of my black fishnets would peak out as I walked along with...

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Diane Pearsons New Job 2

Diane first few days at her new job were pretty normal but she could tell that the students were treating her different especially the guys.Her night in the boys locker room seemed like a terrible nightmare but she had to admit that down deep she knew she liked it. That night she experienced more pleasure than she had ever had in her whole life. If it had happened with any other group than a bunch of high school football players it would be perfect.Diane knew that like any group of hormone...

2 years ago
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Fucking Debbie and Diane A True Story

This is a true story. My first three-way happened when my girlfriend, Diane and I were experimenting with our sexuality. She admitted to me that she found women attractive. In fact, when she was younger she had a brief lesbian affair with her cousin. I told her I found the thought of her and I having a sexual encounter with another woman highly erotic, and she agreed.We thought about whom we might find to have a three-way with. I asked her if she found any of her friends attractive.“Yeah,...

3 years ago
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Diane Takes Jacks Cherry

Jack and Diane’s relationship flourished after the ice was broken on that infamous afternoon in Jack’s room. Jack forgot all about Marcy, and Diane hadn’t been in a permanent thing with anybody. As their sophomore year ended, they found their relationship heating up to ever hotter levels. They stole all the time they could to spend together and spent as much of it as they could to continue their fun that started in Jack’s room that faithful day.The thing they never seemed to accomplish is...

First Time
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Diane and the Copper

There is very little graphic sex in this story. * CHAPTER ONE I have often heard people say that what goes around comes around, many will sagely refer to the ‘circles of time’. If you are to believe those two maxims, then the other old advisory ‘you should never go back’ is contradictory. You have no choice about going back because the circles of time and what goes around comes around will take you there whether you want to or not. I had not sought to re-visit the past, but it came back to...

1 year ago
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The Sex Unbelievable Secret Sex life of Mrs Diane Erebus

As usual we have to say this is fiction, so alright, to be published yeah. The facts are presented in the manner prepared by investigative reporters; Husband Mr.Eric Erebus: That night Diane was combing her hair facing the mirror in the dresser with her back towards me. She was naked from her waist up with a towel wrap around her hips. She just came out of the shower. She hadn't change much since we got married some 7 years ago. I can see from the mirror the outline of her gorgeous body and her...

Cheating Wifes
1 year ago
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Jack and Diane Ch 0810

I apologise for the delay in submitting the next parts of this story. I got the dreaded blue screen of death and have had to rescue the story from a couple of sources. The final part is just being tidied up. Thanks to rpsuch for his comments and advice on technique. I haven’t entirely implemented them here because of the hiatus but I haven’t disregarded them either!:) Jack and Diane Ch 08 People like to talk. Jack had developed the skill of getting people to talk. Putting the two together,...

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Lee and Diane

Lee and Diane came over for dinner, one night when our girls were both out. After dinner, the conversation turned to computers, and computer games. I mentioned that I had several games, including some very adult games, one of which was called INTERSEX, a Monopoly type game for consenting adults. Since, by then, everyone had had several rounds of drinks, it was decided to try the game, and anyone could call it quits at any point they felt uncomfortable. In setting up the game, we decided to use...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Mary and Diane Go Clubbing

Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 when Mary goes out with Diane. Takes place at the same time as The D&D Group Side-Story. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a sleek, black dress that clung to my curves. It was low cut and a push up bra made my B Cup breasts look like C's. The skirt was short, and the tops of my black fishnets would peak out as I walked along with the clasps of my black garter belt holding the stockings up. I wore gray eyeshadow, a...

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Diane and Kris

Diane Pollock was driving herself over to her daughter Kris's house. It was about a 20 minute drive. Diane liked driving herself around and often took herself for drive around town, just for the fun of it.Diane arrived and pulled into the driveway. The name plate on the mailbox said 'Nickelsen'. The house was very good and very comfortable. Diane liked the house and had helped her daughter Kris to decorate and re-model the house. Pressing on the door bell Diane waited for Kris to open the...

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Diane and the CopperChapter 4

Jacky came up trumps with photographs taken off the tapes that the Bell had kept. There was even one of Terry with the girl I saw him with that Saturday night. The next time Diane called I suggested that we meet at Jacqui ' R's. I was certain that Jacky would be happy to add her two penny's worth about Terry. Diane was sitting down drinking coffee with Jacky when I arrived. Jacky called Tom for another coffee and I bent over and gave Diane a kiss on the lips. She was delighted but still...

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Louise and niece Diane

She was Diane , Roy’s ( my husband ) 18 year old niece , she and her family lives on the other town ( 30 km from Manila , mine is 50 km ), having her school much closer to my apartment , Roy and her family came to decide she can stay with me so at the same time as my house companion ( I live alone ) . Diane’s a great girl , I never find it difficult to get along with her. Usually she would go to school in the morning and I would be left in the house , I was a little bored...

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Diane educates two young men

The following morning after his encounter with Mrs M, Charles didn't go to the pool, though that's where his mother thought he was off to when he left early with his swimming bag over his shoulder. In reality he had an appointment to keep with a Mrs M, the mother of his team mate. A last minute hitch had cropped up. His friend Josh, had called to tell him his mother had taken off to attend a sick grandad, and he was going to bunk off school as he had the house to himself. They could...

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Diane Pearsons New Job Pt 3

Diane Knocked on the door of the apartment she was feeling could still feel the wet throbbing of her pussy. She was still horny from having her pussy eaten by Ms. Jones.Diane could not believe that she actually licked and sucked Mr. Howard semen out of the pretty lady's wet cunt and then she shared it with the young lady. Diane felt so ashamed but also incredibly turned on.Jimbo answered the door he was still in his gym shorts and no shirt.Jimbo told her to come on in we have plenty of things...

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The Night Out Diane gets ready for the Ball

  Diane looked at the clock. "Damn, 6:10. I need to get going," she said to herself as she applied eyeliner to her freshly washed face. The tennis match had gone extra sets, putting her behind schedule. She smiled. Well it was worth it she thought. She was in the Club championship. Not too bad for a 37 year old married mom. She grinned, looking in the mirror, then refocused on the task at hand, getting ready for the night. Diane leaned closer to the mirror, as she did the cold granite...

Wife Lovers
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Diane 11 Shopped Popped

Act I That night, I'd gone to the dance to watch the girls and see what happened (there's something about dancing that seems to get women, especially teenage girls, all excited). There was all the usual goings-on: Marcie sneaking into the bushes with Jerry; Mack and Brutus getting thrown out for fighting (again); Marcie hiding in a locked room with Tom; Rose and Shelly having a screaming match that could be heard over the band; Marcie sneaking behind the curtains behind the band's stage...

4 years ago
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Diane Kris Coffee Morning

It was Wednesday morning and Kris Nickelsen was being picked up by her mother Diane Pollock in her car. They were going to a woman's coffee morning meeting for other local ladies. It was a very special woman's group. By invitation only. Kris was being taken by her mother for the first time to this kind of coffee morning meeting. Her mother Diane had made sure that Kris was dressed appropriately with her new outfit bought by specifically for the other ladies to admire and approve of. Kris was...

1 year ago
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Copyright© 1995 All rights reserved It was my second furlough in London, and much different from my first. On my first, I had hooked up with three other kids, one guy and two girls, for my week's leave. This time, I was going to go it, on my own. This was the Christmas season, of the same year. I actually got there on Boxing Day. That is the day after Christmas, and there were a million kids on the streets. It drove me crazy, until I had it explained to me. The city was much more festive than...

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Diane my slut wifes encounter

Let me tell you about my wife, Diane. She’s this sexy girl who grew up in Minnesota. She has shoulder length, blonde hair, brown skin, blue eyes, a full mouth, and a body like a fuck doll. She’s 50, 40DD tits on a nice, slender frame, so it’s all pretty firm and outstanding. At the time of this story we’d been going out for about two years, and had been through most things sexually, but had never brought in a third person. I should add that Diane is a total fuck slut. She likes to be fucked...

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Braving Diane

It all began 15 years ago but I remember it as clearly as if it hadhappened yesterday. I was with my best friend at the time Diane, we were celebratingour 30th birthday together. Nothing big, nothing fancy, we'd both left ourk**s and husbands at home and gone off on a spa-weekend together. Dianeand I had been best friends since college, I've never had anything butfriendly warm feelings for her, perhaps too friendly but I've never desiredher in a more intimate, sexual way, to this day I still...

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Kris and Diane on the Lust Boat FICTION by req

This is not a true story... but it could happen.. I like to take a cruise now and then, partly for relaxation and partly to meet and have fun with women whom I may never see again. Last year, I booked a one-week Mexican Riviera cruise out of L.A. The ship sailed in the late afternoon, as we got under way I took a tour around to orient myself, then went down to my cabin and freshened up for dinner. When I got to the dining room and was shown to my assigned table, most of the company had already...

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Dianes Birthday by loyalsock

Diane was definitely hot. I first saw her at the annual flea market.Honestly, it wasn't intentional but I kept running into her. I knowthat I was checking her out and was fairly certain that she was doingthe same. Her eyes and smile hinted at a nasty streak which had methinking of her in a whole new way- basically, naked.Her body was made to be seen, perfect curves filling out tightjeans which only made my imagination go wild.She knew exactly what she was doing. When I came by, she wouldcast a...

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Tipsn Toes Getting to Know DianeIn a Biblical Way

Tips 'n Toes: Getting to Know Diane...In a Biblical Way! I really thought myself very lucky, having met Teri, Fran, and Diane. My friendship with them grew as the year went by, although at first I spent most of my time with Teri. She was a lot of fun to be with, and took great pleasure in teasing me about my nails, and my sissy attitudes. I of course took even greater pleasure from being teased, and I would do anything Teri asked of me. Every week or so I would do Teri's...

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Diane Through the Looking Glass

I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...

4 years ago
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Diane Through the Looking Glass

I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...

3 years ago
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Diane Through the Looking Glass

I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...

Wife Lovers
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Jack and Diane Ch 1518

As you may be aware, I lost the original ending to Jack and Diane in a bluescreen of death. I have rewritten the ending. This takes up at the end of Ch 14 and replaces the epilogue. If you haven’t read Jack and Diane Ch 1-14 you will need to, in order to follow this. TTB. Jack and Diane Chapter 15 Whilst things settled down at home, we were still subject to visits from Child Protection Services. However these were carried out by Zoe Aristedes and one of her senior case workers. They...

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Diane gets a delivery

The alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. and I reached over my wife to shut it off. My morning hard-on pressed against her back. She was beautiful lying there naked with her blonde hair cascading down her pillow. I thought about waking her up for a quick start-me-up this morning. Instead, I jumped out of bed and got in the shower.By 7:00 a.m. I was showered, had breakfast, and on the freeway to start my day. Traffic wasn't too bad this morning and I reached work around 7:30 a.m. I checked my e-mail and...

2 years ago
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Adulterer Wife Diane

I'm not a writer so bare with me. I work on a merchant ship enroute to Africa and Europe and out to sea for 8 to 10 months durations. I inherited this job from my grampa and dad and I had to go to nautical school for 3 years. I couldn't just give up on this job. Dian was 22 when we married and asked me to take a land job but wouldn't. The shipping line owners are family friends to us and they paid me so good with a promise I'll be cheifmate someday, no way I'm walking away. Diane quit her job...

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