Homelands Pt 1 Ch 09-10 free porn video

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Now that more, perhaps most, of mymemories had returned, I had an idea. With great effort, and several failed attempts, I transported myself to the Homelands. But not to the court. To a clearing in the middle of the woods, where a humble stone cottage with a thatched roof sat tucked far away from everything.

After a few minutes of gasping for air, I slouched up the slate walkway to the front door. With the back of my fist, I rapped against the door.

''Who is it?'' a voice called.

''It's me, Grandma,'' I replied, raising my voice.

A minute later, the door opened. A woman stood in the doorway, wearing a simple sundress that fell halfway down her thighs.

She didn't look like any grandmother I'd ever known. Nor like most of our kind. Unlike the sexy versions of my mother and my aunts, this woman looked so little like the elderly woman I thought we'd buried recently that I wouldn't even have suspected they were supposed to be one and the same had I not known. Her hair, blonde with dark roots just like her daughter's, fell to her waist in a thick braid. There were a few hints of gray, but otherwise her hair was every bit as gorgeous as that of every other woman in the family. She had full-fledged crow's feet and laugh lines, but by and large her skin was as tight as that of a woman in her early twenties. In fact, if you didn't look closely enough, you might actually think she was younger than Cindy. There was a youthful air about her, a spry energy. And, most distinctively, a playful look on her face, a certain set to her thin red lips, like she was never more than a moment away from snickering at some private joke.

Her figure was lithe, her curves relatively modest. Though, given her frame, she was quite busty. On a taller or thicker woman, her endowment would not necessarily impress. But on her, they were ample enough for anyone who wasn't obsessed with huge tits.

Which, admittedly, I was. But even I found them fairly appealing. Certainly better than my cousin's modest endowment.

And the curves of her legs were subtle, but definitely nice. Her legs begged to be caressed.

Still, while she was definitely very attractive, I was a bit surprised that this was our former queen. I expected more from someone of that stature.

Grandma Kaitlin looked me up and down. Her hazel eyes hardly blinked. ''Come in,'' she said at last, leading the way out to her back yard. ''I should probably say something like, `To what do I owe the pleasure?' But, honestly, I expected you'd show up sooner or later. I sort of hoped it would be later, for your sake, but no sense sending you away now.''

I cleared my throat. ''Nice to see you too.''

She glanced at me, flashed a quick grin, then settled into a cushioned lawn chair. ''Sorry. But you'll forgive me for assuming you're not here because of how badly you missed me.''

I took the lounge chair beside her. ''Well, let me ask you something. Are you satisfied with the job Brianna is doing? Does it bother you that you were succeeded by an Orwin?''

Another quick, bemused grin. Almost a sneer. ''Right to business.'' Then, tone flat, she observed, ''You're an Orwin yourself, last I checked.''

Perhaps I should apologize. But she seemed more amused than offended anyway. ''No more than I'm a Farrier,'' I said. ''But that's not what I asked anyway.''

Grandma looked me in the eye for several long seconds before shaking her head. ''Best you don't worry about that. At least not yet.''

''I almost bested her,'' I said, though I knew that wasn't quite true. Still, I felt that the fact that there had even been a glimmer of hope for me said a lot, since I'd only discovered who I was very recently, and Brianna must have been initiated nearly five years ago, when she'd first turned eighteen. ''If she's stronger than me, the gap is only going to grow with time, now that she has the full resources of the throne at her disposal.''

''True enough,'' Grandma said. ''At least for now. But soon, she'll have picked all the low-hanging fruit, and her power will grow much more slowly. And you, my dear boy, are a rank novice. Which is not an insult. You've got serious raw power, and real potential, once you learn to use it. My point is just that you're at the part of your learning curve where progress will come very quickly, almost daily. What's the rush?''

''She's vulnerable now,'' I said.

''Maybe. None of you were very seasoned when I stepped down, including your cousin. I probably should have waited, for that reason, if I'd had the liberty to worry about such things. But, at any rate, you'd be surprised how powerful others have grown even when they more or less were exiled from the court.''

I didn't reply.

Her face softened, the perma-sneer fading for a moment. ''You've already come a ways, for someone so new to our ways. And, for the record, I'm impressed that you've returned here and searched me out so soon after her highness sent you back, no doubt under one helluva veil. That can't have been easy, and it shows how determined you are as well. I mean, I trust you know that you're already guilty of treason, just on the basis of this conversation?''

Again, I had nothing to say to that.

Grandma sighed. ''Tell me, sweetie, how many have you Devoured?''


''That's what I thought,'' she said. ''And have you had sex with a being, or while in the guise of a being, that was fundamentally non-human?''

''Fundamentally non-human? Like what, growing horns and a tail? Or, I don't know, a second cock? I could probably do that, if I tried hard enough. I'm sure I could, actually.''

''That definitely ought to be one of the arrows in your quiver. But, actually, I meant a vampire, werewolf, or a centaur. You know, your more exotic fantasies.'' When I didn't reply, she sighed and said, ''You've got an awful lot to learn, sugar.''

''Teach me,'' I said.

''Not a chance,'' she said without a moment's hesitation.

I recoiled. ''Just like that?''

She slapped my wrist. ''Don't play that tender ego game with me. I know it would take a lot more than that to offend you.''

I ran a finger gently across the back of her hand, brushed her thoughts, suggesting-

''Forget it,'' she said with a laugh. The sneer was back. ''Don't take this the wrong way. I'm sure mortal women must just eat you up. But by the standards of this world, you're a cute pup, with oversized paws and everything.'' Her glance drifted between my legs. ''Size isn't everything, you know. Don't get me wrong. Of course it matters. A lot. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Sometimes a girl wants nothing more than to feel stretched to her limits. Hence the a centaur thing. But no one likes a one-trick pony.''

I let that sink in for a moment. ''I think I get what you're saying.''

''For one thing, mortals only have so many sex organs and erogenous zones.''

''So I should, what, grow three dicks? I mean, where do you even-''

''Why would you assume she can only have two holes?''

I blushed.

''But that's not the point anyway. You see, sweetie, at its best, sex between two of our kind is only minimally reminiscent of sex between mortals, in that it involves more or less physical bodies intermingling in a dance that culminates in complete submission. Think bigger than just growing more of the same old parts.''

''I see.'' I paused for a moment. ''So what does it mean to Devour one of our kind?''

''You're not ready to know that,'' she said.

''I won't try it until I am.''

''So long as I don't tell you, no, you won't,'' she said with a chuckle.

I couldn't decide if that distinctive semi-sneer was really condescending or really fucking cute. The more I looked at her, the more I thought the latter. In fact, there was something almost painfully attractive about her, as unconventional as her beauty was. And it had a lot to do with those lips, thin though they were.

She held up a hand to cut short my protest. ''Don't bother swearing you won't. You might even believe that. But it's just not who you are. You've always been extremely curious. That's good, in a lot of ways. But also extremely dangerous. The less inquisitive among us may have the least fun, but they often live the longest.''

''I get it,'' I said. ''But can you at least tell me whether this Devouring business is why Jack and Mark don't have a father?''

''It is,'' she said. ''Taking the throne is easy. Keeping it is not.''

''I'm sorry,'' I said.

Grandma laughed heartily, hand draped over her bosom. ''Why ever should you be? I knew what I was getting into. Much better than your cousin does. And I have very few regrets.'' She sipped her iced tea slowly. ''Just two, in fact. A few minor qualms, not quite reservations or misgivings, but only two full-fledged regrets.''

I raised an eyebrow. ''So what are they?''

She wagged a finger at me. ''Not for your virgin ears.''

''I see.'' I drew a deep breath. It was clear where this was going.

''Well, it was nice to see you again, Grandma. For real this time, not just with our mortal masks on. But I guess I should get going.''

She grabbed me by the wrists as I started to stand up. ''Not yet.'' She licked her thin lips. As I felt her desire increasing, my own surged. She might not have been the best-looking woman in the family, but there was something about her that was intensely arousing. ''I know I've been telling you how much you've got to learn, but as long as you came all this way, I can't just let you leave like that, without having a little fun.''

For her, it must have felt a bit like fumbling about with a virgin.

But, for me, it was amazing.

I'd thought Brianna powerful. And compared to most of the rest of us, she was. But she couldn't hold a candle to Grandma. Better still, Grandma was not just blessed with lots of raw power, she knew how to use it. She showed me things I'd never imagined, even though I was sure she was holding back.

Inspired by some of her more exotic feats, I tried a few of my own. Starting, of course, with a second cock.


I clicked on picture after picture, each steamier than the last. Why would Aunt Liz stay logged into her email account if this kind of thing was there, just waiting to be found?

In the two days I'd been staying with my aunt and uncle, I'd slowly started to suspect something wasn't right. Once or twice, when looking at Liz, I saw something other than a middle-aged housewife who tried to take care of herself but was still carrying some extra pounds. On those two occasions, I'd ever so briefly thought I was looking at a porn starlet. Her face looked more or less the way I suspected Aunt Liz might have if she wore more makeup, lost a few pounds, and was a decade or even two younger. Her skin should not be that fair, that tight, that free of all but the faintest imperfections and signs of aging. This woman also had a killer body. Her breasts were no smaller, yet much perkier. And her ass was also about the same size, much firmer, more heart-shaped, and sitting higher.

It was that same woman I found in the photographs, in a series of compromising positions. Okay, "compromising" was putting it mildly.

I heard the front door open and clicked away to another tab then minimized the browser before opening an automatic update window. The type of thing I was supposed to be doing. Being more tech-savy than my aunt and uncle, I had agreed to come visit them and help set up their new computer and design and launch a website for my uncle's business.

"Hey there. How's it going?" Aunt Liz asked, walking in. She wore a long overcoat, despite the South Carolina weather. Patent-leather heels and silk stockings peeked out from underneath. Her face flashed back and forth from the image I thought was the right one and the stunning beauty that I somehow knew was also Aunt Liz. She put her purse down. "Not staying. Just forgot something." She left her purse on the table and hurried up the stairs.

I shouldn't. But I did. In her purse, I found lube and an anal plug. And a hotel room key. I wrote down the name of the hotel and the room number.

Aunt Liz came back. The lump in one of the overcoat's large pockets looked like it was made by a pair of handcuffs. "Be back late. There's money for pizza on the counter."

"Okay. Have fun," I said.

Googling the hotel chain, I found only one locations within twenty five miles. I waited ten minutes then rushed to my car, tucking my raging hard on up into my waistband.

I sat in the car a few minutes, gathering my thoughts. Was I really about to go spy on my Aunt Liz while she had a sexual rendezvous? How was that any of my business?

It wasn't, of course. But that didn't mean I was about to pull out of the parking lot and drive back to her house, passing up a one of a kind opportunity.

So I got out of the car and went by the door to the room. Faint sounds drifted out. A bed squeaking. A woman moaning. A man grunting. Another woman's voice, though too garbled for me to make out what she was saying.

I went to the front desk and asked for a room. I hoped he gave me one close to theirs, but I was pretty sure it didn't matter, and I wasn't sure how I'd explain why that was important. Feeling a little guilty about it, but not wanting to leave a paper trail, I convinced him that I handed over a credit card without actually doing so.

Once inside the room, I wasted no time. I sat on the bed and focused on the sense of Aunt Liz. I'd done this before, when tracking down some old high school crushes. Never members of my own family, but it ought to work the same.

I'd only ever tried to get a sense of where they were at the moment though. Right now, I was attempting full blown clairvoyance.

Sure enough, a blurry image filled my mind a moment later.

A young blonde, barely legal and unable to fill out her halter top, sat on the edge of one bed. She stared with rapt attention at the scene unfolding on the other bed.

Aunt Liz was handcuffed to the headboard, lying on her stomach, with something shoved in her mouth. Something silk, maybe, to judge by the sheen. A huge black man knelt between her legs, pushing a cock as thick as a beer can into her pussy.

For a few brief moments, I watched. But I realized that however it was possible for me to spy on her, it took a lot out of me. I just gave myself another couple of moments to enjoy the way Liz's astounding ass tightened up each time the man thrust into her.

I dropped to the floor holding my head in my hands. It had been simple enough. But it was anything but easy. Like running a marathon. Just one step after another. Simple.

After I regained my energy, I gathered myself up and walked back to the car. Paying greater heed to the speed limit than I had on my way out here, I drove back to their house.

When I walked in, Uncle Jim asked me where I'd been. I told him I'd needed to go pick up some software, and while I was out, I got dinner. When he asked where the software was, I said they didn't have it in stock and I would have to order it off the internet. He made some cranky old person remark about how that always happened these days, and it was like the internet was making everything harder, which seemed to be more or less completely the wrong way of looking at it. No wonder Aunt Liz felt safe leaving her email account open.

Liz didn't come home all that late after all. Not as late as I'd expected anyway. Her eyes were half open, her lips curled in a perpetual grin, and her knees wobbly. Or maybe that was only one version of her. My uncle didn't seem to notice anything.

The three of us watched a movie. Like everything was as it should be.

But that wasn't really what I was watching. Instead, I was watching an infinite loop of the scene from the hotel room over and over in my mind.

It made me feel dirty, sick even. I should have been horrified. Not aroused. But damned if knowing that I shouldn't be did anything to change the fact that I was.

Liz's ass was round, wide, and was mostly comprised of thick muscle with just the right amount of soft padding. When her muscles tightened, her cheeks slapped together so fast, I was sure I'd have heard them clap if I was in the room. Her legs were relatively slender, but the thick ropes of muscle gave them nice curves. And even though she'd been lying on her back, just from the half-moon sticking out the side, I could tell she had fairly sizable breasts.

I stayed up late that night, masturbating repeatedly.

Aunt Liz, a schoolteacher, always got home fairly early in the afternoon. At least a few hours before Uncle Jim, who owned a consulting firm that specialized in civil engineering. Or some kind of engineering. I didn't really know. Or care.

"How's it all going?" Liz asked as she walked by Jim's home office the next day after she got home from work. She fiddled with her hoop earrings. Her sensible wool skirt came to her knees, and her thick sweater almost succeeded in hiding her charms. Despite the modest outfit, it was clear that this was the sexy version of her.

"Fine," I said. "Great, actually. Found some very interesting things online today."

She stopped, backtracked to the doorway, and stood there with one earring out and one still in. "What's that?"

I smiled at her. "Some pictures."

"That so?" She took the other earring out. "Of?"

I lowered my voice. "Take a guess."

She almost dropped the earrings. "Oh my god." Her skin drained of what little color it had to begin with. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"You should get yourself a drink."

"I--you can't-" she bent down, took one heel off, then the other, and padded into the kitchen. When she returned, she had a glass of white wine in one hand, the bottle in the other. "What do you want? You wouldn't be telling me if you planned on showing your uncle. Money? You know we're broke. I could sell my car, but it's not worth much."

"I don't want your money," I said.

Her shoulders heaved as she sobbed. "Well, what then? I don't have anything!"

I didn't reply.

"You can't be serious." She stared at me, brown eyes wide. Then she burst out laughing, her breasts shaking. "My god. You're sick. I can't believe your my sister's son."

"Aren't you going to tell me to get the hell out of your house?"

She breathed heavily, cheeks flushed. "Yes."

"Sounds like you really mean it. And if I don't?"

She finished her glass of wine in one big gulp, then topped it off. "I can't believe you're blackmailing me. We're related by blood. Why do you even want to?"

I stood up, walked over to her, took the bottle from her small hands, and drank deeply. "Look, Aunt Liz, I don't actually care about what you did. None of my business. I didn't make copies of the pictures. Delete them if you want. As far as I'm concerned, it never happened. I wanted to get your attention, yes, but I'm absolutely not blackmailing you." I placed a hand on the swell of one of her hips. I was proud that the movement was swift, confident, without any hesitation. If I betrayed how nervous I was, this might play out quite differently. But if I could come across as confident and in complete control, I was sure that this would end precisely as I wanted. She was pretending not to want this. But if she really didn't, she'd have reacted quite differently already.

My aunt looked down at my hand. I met her eyes. She showed no reaction.

"I'm not threatening you with anything. Cover it up, live your lie, and I won't even say a word of it to you again, let alone Uncle Jim." I pulled her a little closer. Her hand went towards her hip. For a moment, I thought she was going to lift my hand away. But when she laid her hand over mine, she did so tenderly.

"All I'll say is that I saw something I didn't expect to see in those pictures, and that's why I'd want to. You positively exude sexuality." I paused for a moment. "But even so, I only want it if you do too."

"And, what, because you said my pictures were hot, I'm supposed to suddenly melt and throw myself at you? At my own nephew?" Despite her words, she actually inched closer to me, craning her neck to stare up at me. Her mouth opened slightly, her deliciously full lips flirting with the idea of puckering up for a kiss.

Even if the body language didn't say it all, I knew she wanted me. I couldn't explain it, but I sensed something awaken inside her. No, not awaken. But swell, at least.

I poured her more wine. "Tell me something."

"What's that?" She pressed against my chest with just enough pressure that you could almost say that she was trying to push me away. Almost.

"Why aren't you shaking?"

Her voice dropped. "Fuck you." Her legs inched apart. The roll of her hip under my hand made my cock twitch. "You don't know what you're talking about."

I leaned closer, made like I was going to kiss her. Her eyes closed. I stepped back. "No, of course not. You're clearly outraged," I said.

She opened her eyes and threw the wine glass she'd all but forgotten against the wall.

"I'll be in my room," I said.

Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at my door. I honestly thought it would have been sooner. Suppressing a smile, I opened the door without a word.

Aunt Liz stood there holding a fresh bottle of wine and two glasses. She wore a white bra with floral print and a matching skirt that was so short that it basically only covered her hips and her pubic mound, leaving me to guess whether she was shaved bald. Pink pumps adorned her cute little feet.

"You're an asshole, you know that? I don't even know why I'm here."

I slipped an arm around her waist. Not only didn't she resist, she leaned into me, holding her breath. "I think you do know. And that's quite a mouth you have."

"You've never heard a grown woman curse?"

"I didn't mean your language. I meant those lips."

She blushed. And licked her lips.

"Anyway, what took you so long?" I asked.

"Had to make a phone call," she said.

"Contesting charges on your credit-card bill?"

"Inviting a friend over," she whispered.

"That so?"

"You don't mind, do you?" Aunt Liz leaned in closer, her breasts pushing up against me. "Or are you going to insist on having me to yourself?"

"Just don't try to turn me into a spectator."

"Not to worry." She tapped the head of my cock. "I promise that won't happen."


She licked her overfull upper lip again, though it still glistened from the last coat. "Ever been at the center of a threesome before?"

"Yes," I said. "And I've usually been disappointed."

Her fingers brushed the very tip of my head ever so lightly. The faintest graze, really. "I must not have been one of the women," she said.

I let the hand on her waist slide down to her ass. Fuck, it was nice. A little soft, with nice give to it when I squeezed, but underneath, a solid layer of steel. "True enough," I replied. Though in the back of my mind, a thought buzzed, protesting my answer.

"Don't get me wrong. I like pussy. Quite a bit. But I love cock. And though it should disgust me, something about fucking my nephew has got me absolutely sopping wet."

"Could that something be this?" I said, placing my free hand on hers and guiding it back to my thick cock.

"Might have a little something to do with it, my Master of Subtlety."

"And your friend? Does she like men too?" I asked, ignoring her comment.

"Oh, yes," Aunt Liz said. "Don't worry about that." She gave my dick a solid squeeze. Her hands were so small, and I'd somehow made my dick grow so large, the effect was almost comical. "But I'm not sure she can handle this thing. She's very small. You're going to have a hard time getting it in her vag, and you certainly won't be able to put it in her ass. But, lucky for you, I'm pretty sure I can handle it. In either hole. And I just love anal. And not in the way that some women claim to love it just to get men excited."

"We'll see what we can do about that," I said. "As for your friend, I'm surprisingly flexible. Should be able to work something out."

Aunt Liz laughed, slowly stroking my python. "I hope so, for her sake as much as yours. But I'm telling you, she's insanely tight. I tried fisting her once, and I thought she was going to kick my head clear off my shoulders. Which, for most men, wouldn't mean a thing. But in your case, I think that says it all."

"And yet you want me in your ass."

"Desperately. Fingered myself thinking about it while I was on the phone with Jane."

"How'd you know how big I am?" I asked. "Been doing some spying of your own?"

She laughed. "You were pretty hard earlier. When you stood up, I almost fell over."

"`Think you can swallow the whole thing? Bury your nose in my pubes?"

"Damned if I won't try my hardest," she said.

Finally, I leaned in and kissed those oversized, impossibly soft lips. I'd almost forgotten the pleasure of a simple kiss. But with her mouth, it would be hard to overlook.

After some tonsil-hockey, I hooked a finger inside the front of her bra, started to pull it down, hoping to free her breasts. But she grabbed my hand by the wrist. Her grip was surprisingly firm given how small her hands were. "Let's wait for Jane."

I nodded. At least she didn't have a problem with making out while we waited. I wasn't far from busting a nut, just from the touch of her lips, when we finally heard creaking on the stairs. I stepped back from Aunt Liz, summoning a pair of loose shorts. Having enhanced my modest piece to such a massive size, there still wouldn't be any real mystery for Jane on that front. But this would help prove we hadn't started the party without her.

Jane topped the stairs, entered the loft apartment. She wore jeans that were obviously supposed to be tight, and did in fact hug her hips, but still hung loose even over her thighs, and a tiny T-shirt with a kitty's face plastered on it in sequins. Her face was cute, with her little button nose and bright eyes, but the almost complete absence of any feminine curves was not doing it for me. I hadn't gotten a great look at her earlier, being a little too focused on my aunt, but my initial impression held up unfortunately well.

Liz introduced me to Jane. Her voice was bubbly, high-pitched.

I wondered why, if Aunt Liz was going to take a female lover, she'd choose this tiny little thing. But as we all started to undress and intermittently kiss and fondle one another, I started to get a better idea. For one thing, Jane was confident and open-minded, not the least bit uncomfortable in her skin or shy about sharing her body with us.

And she doted on Liz. Adored her really. It was like she couldn't do more than pretend to enjoy herself if she couldn't be sure that she was satisfying Liz. She needed for Liz to need her. I could see how that'd be intoxicating.

Still, Liz wasn't lying about how insanely tight she was. I had trouble getting more than one finger inside her while I ate her pussy. At least at first. Some men would find that appealing. It certainly wasn't as if I preferred my women loose. But this was almost hard to work with. I'd have to let my cock shrink a good deal to get inside her pussy.

All the same, I had to confess that I enjoyed the way her eyes looked like they might pop out of their sockets when I took my shorts off. The simple, naked desire I saw in her eyes was powerfully exciting.

The body she had hidden under that outfit was pretty much exactly what I expected. Her breasts were close to non-existent. Her pink nipples were puffy and prominent, but that was all that could be said for her chest. While technically, I realized that she had an ass, it almost looked like someone had found a woman who had one and cut it off. It wasn't just that I preferred them big and round, which I did. Though it was a very different type of appeal, I'd seen women with small yet tight, firm asses. The kind where the cheeks didn't touch unless she forced them to, but still, the two little half-orbs demanded a certain respect. Jane's ass didn't even look like that. Just flat and shapeless.

But all the same, she was so open and selfless a lover, it was hard not to start to see her differently after we fell into a messy tangle of flesh atop the bed. Watching her do everything she could to satisfy Liz orally, I found myself wanting her to want my approval as badly as she obviously wanted Liz's. When she then did in fact do the same for me, I was quite pleased with the result, even though it was clear that I did not occupy the same status as Liz in her mind. I had to gradually shrink my cock closer to normal size, in order to allow her to get it inside her mouth. But once I did, I found her efforts quite gratifying. Not as enjoyable as Liz's, to be sure. But if she had Liz's lips, there'd almost be no contest.

Almost. Liz was damned good herself.

At some point, my memories percolated up towards the surface of my consciousness. This was not the first time I'd had sex with the incredible goddess that was my Aunt Liz. Nor was it even the first time I'd had a threesome with her.

I'd shared her with both Mom and Cindy.

Other things returned to me. A conversation with Grandma. Things I knew I needed to master if I was ever to be a serious player. Extra sex organs. More exotic transformations.

Jane lay on her back, her legs open wide. Liz was on her knees, attacking Jane's clit. I knelt behind my aunt, grew a second penis, and then filled both of Liz's holes at the same time. She moaned approvingly.

But I did so much more than that. One arm grew comically long, and I used it to reach up and play with the tiny blonde's stiff nipples.

My other arm ended in something that did not even resemble a hand. I slipped one of the two amorphous protrusions inside Jane's ass. It pulsed slowly. The other filled her vagina, and sprouted tiny nubs. I rotated it, massaging her insides, especially her G-spot.

As if the effort of maintaining a second penis and reshaping my hands into unreal sexual instruments were not enough, I also poured energy into suppressing their climaxes. I let their ecstasy build, carry them in the natural direction, but did not let them quite reach their destination. Each woman experienced a series of miniature orgasms, too small to really dissipate the rapidly growing tension. Just sufficient to keep them from feeling as though they were unable to enjoy the overwhelming stimulation they were receiving. This lasted for at least twenty minutes before I finally let them explode.

Both Jane and Aunt Liz immediately ejaculated, their bodies spasming uncontrollably, as the raging river of pleasure I poured into them finally overflowed the banks.

Most of the excess flowed right into me. I almost choked as I drank in all the energy I was drawing away from them.

They needed a while to recover, but were far from satiated. Jane didn't last much longer though. She bid us good night, smiling ear to ear.

Aunt Liz and I showered, exploring each other's bodies as if we hadn't just done precisely that. I stood behind her, gripping her ass with one hand, a heavy breast with another, my head cupped in the space between her neck and her shoulder.

"How did you do those things?" she asked.

"Magic," I said.

"That's basically the truth, isn't it?"

"More or less," I said.

"We're not human, are we? Either of us?"

I nibbled her ear. "Not so far as I can tell."

"Neither is my sister. Or your father. I married a mortal, but my sister didn't. So both sides of your family come from that other world."


"My Brianna doesn't have the same blood you do."

"I guess not," I said. "But that doesn't seem to be holding her back."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

I planted a few more kisses on her neck. I felt her shudder. "Nothing."

"I don't know how I know these things. I can do things like you did though."

"I would imagine so."

Her breasts grew, and suddenly my hand felt inadequate to the task of holding them.

Liz twisted her neck, turning her head around, and kissed me deeply. After what felt like several minutes, she broke the kiss. "I'm not your first, am I?"

"No, but the truth is, I have no idea when or how it all started."

"So you've fucked your mother. My sister."

"Many times."

"I should be disgusted by that."

"But you're not," I said, moving the hand that had cupped the swell of her ass to hold the other of her now engorged breasts. "Are you?"

"No," she said. "It actually turns me on to think about the two of you going at it."

I worked her nipples more and more vigorously. "You'd like to join us, wouldn't you?" Apparently she didn't remember that she'd already done just that.

She moaned. "Fuck, yes. Is that gross? That I want to slurp my sister's juices, taste her cum? Want to look down between my legs and see her head buried between them?"

"It's no more perverted than what we're doing now," I said.

"Maybe not. And I guess I don't even care that I usually prefer my women to be trim. But the last time I pulled Ellen's hair, it wasn't in the throes of an orgasm."

"Are you sure about that?"

She laughed. "Okay, maybe not."

"How about after this, we go refresh your memory?"

"I'd like that," she said. "I'd like that a lot."

I took one hand away from her amazing breasts and guided my thick cock into her warm folds. She gasped as the head spread her lips wide.

"Oh, god, that's so perfect. It's almost too big. But only almost."

My hands took hold of her humongous breasts once more. "Same with these."

"I always wished they were bigger. I don't know why. Most of my friends had smaller breasts than me. I guess I was just jealous of Ellen."

"You shouldn't be. You're gorgeous."

"You don't think your mother...oh fuck yes, harder baby...don't think your mother-"

"She turns me on, yes. I have a serious thing for her, actually. No sense denying it. Always have. Probably exactly because she's my mother. But on some level, I can't help but think that I should look at her and say to myself, `That's too much.' I know most men do. I can't imagine anyone having any complaints about your figure though."

Liz pushed her hips back to meet mine, her timing perfect. Her ass shook delightfully with each smack against my thighs. "Enough smooth-talking. Just fuck the hell out of me."

I freed one hand, slapped her huge ass. "Fixin' to."

We went a few more rounds, pouring everything we had into pleasuring each other. She was positively insatiable. And the things she could do with her mouth defied words. She experimented with the limits of her power, wrapping herself around me in impossible ways.

Eventually we decided we'd better go and see if Uncle Jim was home. Well, there wasn't much doubt of that, given how late it had gotten. It'd be more accurate to say we finally realized that he would start to worry sooner or later, and the range of stories we could expect him to believe got smaller and smaller the later the hour.

Yet even knowing this, as we went down the stairs to the garage and across to the house, I kept thinking about grabbing Aunt Liz, taking her back to my room, and fucking the hell out of her one more time. Watching her hips roll from side to side, her ass cheeks tightening and jutting out from her body so nicely with each step, and knowing that I wouldn't have another chance to be inside her until tomorrow, was quite painful.

We walked into the living room to find Uncle Jim stark naked and passed out on one of the black leather sofas. His mouth was open, tongue peeking out the corner of his mouth.

"Does he do this often?" I asked Aunt Liz, who had let go of her imitation of my mother's figure. Not that there was anything wrong with hers.

She started to shake her head, then whipped it around at the sound of someone opening the refrigerator door in the kitchen. "Who's that?" she asked.

"Oh, hi, Mom," Brianna called from behind us. How had we not noticed her? "I thought I'd drop by and see how you two were doing."

My cousin walked into the living room, eating a bowl of cereal. She wore red silk panties, a matching bra, and nothing else.

Her skin was glowing. I remembered what that meant, even if Liz didn't.

She gave me a quick smile. "Didn't know you were here, Frank. How're you?" She pointed the spoon in her hand down at the big wooden bowl. "Forgive me for not hugging."

I couldn't be sure if I was supposed to be surprised that she was practically naked, and that her father was. After all, as I was just noticing, the air reeked of sex.

Brianna didn't have the type of figure I preferred. Her thighs weren't much thicker at any point than they were at the knees. Though, on the other hand, they did look like they went on forever, even though she was shorter than her mother, who was not the tallest woman to begin with. Whether that was because she was so thin or because she was actually shaped differently than should have been possible, I couldn't have said. It wasn't exactly unheard of in our family anyway. But she really was damned skinny.

Well, that wasn't quite fair.

Jane was skin and bones, yes. Briannna was thin, without question, but if not for my preference for voluptuous women, I would never have considered describing her the same way I would Jane. The truth was that, while her breasts were much smaller than her mother's, considering how thin she was, they reasonably proportional. And I wasn't giving her legs enough credit. Her thighs had a little something to them. I also had to admit she had nice hips. I couldn't tell from this angle, but I thought I remembered having noticed before that she had a surprisingly well-shaped ass. Small, but hard and round.

No, her body was not ideal in my eyes. But it was still quite appealing.

And there was nothing critical you could say about her face.

Even guys who didn't dig redheads thought Brianna was gorgeous. Her skin was almost as white as her teeth, which themselves made most people's look brown in comparison. But despite that, she didn't have a freckle on her. Her lips were not as full as her mother's, but they had a delightful shape to them, with the center part of her upper lip standing out prominently. It wasn't the sort of mouth where the upper lip was thick, larger than the bottom lip, but the kind that looked like three circles, one above the other two. Her eyes were large, and her irises bright green with tiny flecks of brown and gold. Her lashes were long, thick, and heavily curled. An exquisite measure of kohl framed her lids, further accentuating how fair her complexion was. As did her moderately thick red-brown eyebrows. She wore her hair short, pixie-like. Her nose was slender, pointy, and had a diamond-stud in one nostril. Her cheekbones were prominent, her jaw delicate.

"Brie, honey, do you know why your father is naked?" Aunt Liz asked.

Brianna held up a finger to tell us to wait a second while she finished chewing her mouthful of cereal. After she swallowed, she said, "Because I just got done fucking him."

Aunt Liz's mouth fell open. Had she already forgotten what we were?

Brianna dropped the spoon in the bowl, planted one small fist on a hip. "Don't even think you can try to guilt-trip me. You think I don't know where the two of you have been? Didn't see the weakness in your knees, the glow to his skin, the smile on your faces?"

"What? We didn-," Aunt Liz stammered. "Don't be...that's ab-"

I shrugged. "Yeah, okay. That's true. And her friend Jane joined us for a little while."

Aunt Liz stared at me. She was obviously going for reproachful, but on another level of reality, I was bathing in the warmth of her desire.

"What? She's obviously not buying it. And why should we be ashamed?"

Brianna jabbed her head sharply in an approving nod. "There you go. How was she?"

"Pretty amazing," I said. "Those lips are every bit as wonderful as you would imagine."

Brianna ran a finger over the gentle swell of her breasts. "Mmm. I bet. I just love a woman who understands that the mouth is the most powerful of all sex organs."

I stepped closer to Aunt Liz, took her hand in mine. She made a token gesture of trying to pull it away, but there was no real effort behind it.

Still holding her hand, I came around behind her, kissed her neck softly. I guided her hand between my legs. She started to pull away. All I did was tap her elbow and she abandoned course. A moment later, she gripped my penis through my shorts.

"I think your mother is only pretending to not be interested." Then, to Liz, I whispered, "Shh. It's okay. It's not like there's any pretext of normality left to save."

Brianna licked her lips slowly, then placed the wooden bowl on the large marble coffee table. "Okay, here's the deal, Mom. I'm aching to get off. Again. I'd like to feel your soft lips brushing against my moist folds. You can either tell us that you want to take part, or Frank and I will go elsewhere to have some fun without you."

Liz gave my cock a few excited jerks. I could feel her pulse racing.

"That's it," I said. "You know you want to."

"Fuck. Okay, yes, I want to fuck you, Brianna. I want to fuck my own daughter, and watch my nephew shove his gigantic cock into your tiny little snatch, watch him spread you wide like he did me. I want to see if you can fit his massive slab of meat all the way in your mouth, down your throat. And yes, I want to eat your pussy and taste your cum."

I had her bra opened and was pulling the cups away from her full breasts before she finished saying that. Her nipples were rock hard.

"Well, that's more like it," Brianna said, slipping her fingers inside the waistband of her panties. "I was hoping you'd come around."

I went to my knees, held Liz's hips in my hands, and pulled her panties off with my teeth, pausing for a second to leave light teeth marks in one of her ass cheeks.

While I was still on my knees, Brianna came over and began to play with her mother's breasts. Aunt Liz's head rolled back and she sighed contentedly. She cupped her daughter's face to her breast with one hand on the back of the younger woman's head. I gently forced her legs apart, gripped her thighs tightly, and did my best to pleasure her orally.

"This is too much. I can't take this standing up," Liz said, one hand on the back of my head, and one on Brianna's.

We moved as one to the coffee table, laying Liz on her back, and resumed.

After a while, Brianna told me it was her turn to taste her mother's pussy.

I straddled Liz's chest, pushing her breasts together around my cock. She leaned down and sucked on the thick mushroom-head. But she didn't put much effort into it. Whatever Brianna was doing between Liz's legs, it was apparently quite overwhelming.

After Liz came, she told Brianna to take her place so that she could return the favor. Judging by how quickly Brie's eyes rolled back in her head, Liz was every bit as good at eating pussy as her daughter was. I didn't bother trying to get Brianna to blow me. Instead, I circled around behind Liz and lubed up both her asshole and my cock.

"Mm, okay, but slowly," she said between mouthfuls of her daughter's pussy.

Per her request, I went slowly as I worked a shortened, tapered cock inside my aunt's ass. Even after I felt her sphincter relax, I didn't work up too much of a pace. I wanted to make sure I didn't distract her too much, lest she fail to satisfy Brianna properly.

But once I heard Brianna announce that she was cumming, I immediately picked up the pace, slamming into Liz's ass full force. I suspected it was the surprise of the change in tempo more than anything that brought her over the finish line. She grabbed the edges of the coffee table, her sphincter spasming around my cock, as a climax overtook her.

Then my cousin came and knelt beside me, and the moment I pulled my cock from her mother's ass, she dropped down and took it in her mouth. As she spit polished it, I enhanced its size once more. Her eyes went wide, but she didn't take it out of her mouth.

Slowly, I worked my way onto my back, lying on the floor, making it easier for Brianna to work. She fingered her clit with one hand and ran the other over my abs while she blew me. Her lips were not as magical as her mother's, but fuck, did she have talent.

Liz knelt behind Brianna, tucking a lock of sweat-dampened black hair behind her ear while she caught her breath. "Does she have you all the way inside her mouth?" she asked, meeting my gaze over her daughter's back. I nodded. "That's my girl," she said with a smile, then picked up where she'd left off with Brianna's tight pussyTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Massage Parlor First Time 8211 My Real Experience

So first a little brief about myself. I’m 22 and with no real kind of experience with a female. From a long time I wanted to visit a spa/massage parlor to get this curiosity out of my system about getting physical with a female. This dream turned into reality when one of my good friend, let’s call him JJ, suggested that I should try out this massage parlor at a good locality in Mumbai. At first I was really excited and told him yes on the spot but later on I got the jitters and kept declining...

3 years ago
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Husband Picks My Date Blacken

I wasn't feeling over confident but, as what I was about to do was for my husband, I did my best to conceal my doubts and apprehension. I mean, it's not every day that you are about to be fucked by a stranger while your husband watches. Well, it's not for me. I was definitely nervous.The time had arrived and, as requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a small g-string with tie sides. Otherwise I was naked except for a dash of my favourite perfume.I was waiting in one...

3 years ago
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Drive Time

Drive timeThis goes with the Drive Time gallery photosLast year, in the summer, I fancied some fun, hubby was at care home working, I had some free time, so phoned our good mate Dave up and asked if he fancied a drive out, knowing what I’m like, he agreed instantly, so met him in car park inCroydon, I had a very short loose fitting dress on with a button front, bare underneath, it was a warm day lol.Luckily I did not have far to walk to meet Dave, cause walking thru Croydon in a dress like I...

1 year ago
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Can Matt Return HomeChapter 4

Matt did stop by Andrea's the next afternoon and they sat down at the kitchen table and had a good talk. She already knew he was seeing Kathy and was delighted he had fallen in love. He told her he had seen the motorcycle parked in the drive last night and she told him it was John's the man she had met at the garden shop. She told him John wasn't the person he looked like. When she first met him she was a little frightened at how he looked but when he spoke it was with intelligence and wit...

4 years ago
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A Shameful Obsession Part One

The classroom door opened. Late, Dennis Hobson thought, as he looked over the rim of his glasses, curious to see who it was. The girl who came in was a child he had never seen before though. The new girl, it must be her. What was her name again? Amanda Stanton? No, Esmeralda Stanton, but spelled differently, in two parts, Es Meralda. Who would give their child a name like that?All this going through his head in the two seconds it took for the eight-year-old to come through the door. She was...

1 year ago
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My stepdaughter and I get closer

I had married Tracy's mom about six months ago. Tracy and I were OK with each other. We didn't hang out or even talk a lot but I think we both liked each other. Her dad had died about two years ago. Her mom, Dottie and I work together and a few months after her husbands death we started having coffee together on our breaks and talking. She told me how lonely she was feeling and asked if I had a girlfriend. I told her that we had broken up and that she had moved out. We started dating...

4 years ago
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Dreams part 3

I woke up with him still beside me, I kissed him on the lips and snuck out of bed to go take a shower. I stood at the bathroom door and looked out at him still asleep. It was enough to make a girls heart melt. I took off what little of my clothes I still had on and turned on the water, I waited for the water to adjust to my skin before I got it. I let the water soak my hair before tilting my head back and letting the water run over my face down my chest around my tits and down my stomach to my...

4 years ago
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Fathers Day part 2

Introduction: Marks fathers day continues with his wife and daughter I had so much fun writing the first part of this story I couldnt wait to write more. This whole story is entirely fictional. ============================================== Alex got up from the bed first and headed towards the bathroom. As she walked Mark savored the view of her large, firm ass bouncing from side to side. Alex shot him a sly look over her shoulder. She knew exactly what he was looking at anytime she turned...

3 years ago
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On the bathrooms floor

Friday night I was home alone; my loving hubby hone fishing with some of his buddies. I felt stressed after a long week at my office and, worst of all, Victor had not fucked me properly during the last days…So I was horny as hell; but not in the mood enough to go out and pick up a good hard dick. Tonight I wanted some woman’s lips all over my body.First I called my sexy girlfriend Helena; but she was busy with her brand new black lover and she would not come to my home tonight.I then called...

2 years ago
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The Gypsy Butterfly

THE GYPSY BUTTERFLY As I prepare to step into the historic illusion initially implemented by my Grandmother, it seems appropriate to share this singular story heretofore undocumented in our times. Indeed, what I begin to relate to you, dear readers, is a tale of complexity, diversion and mysticism borne of a terrible time in my family history. You see, our family was of Russian descent living in Germany during the early 1940's. Our immigration to Germany years earlier would not...

3 years ago
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Housemaid in my 50s Part 2

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 2 CHAPTER 3 The next couple of weeks were quite hectic. I announced immediately my decision to retire and the count down started at once. I had to work very hard and overtime to bring up to date all the files and projects I was handling, in order to pass them on to the person who were going to replace me. I also announced to Linda our cleaner that we would let her go at the beginning of next month. She had mixed...

3 years ago
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When the wine has made the atmosphere, I was proposed massage ... different, not in the bedroom ... everything was ready in the bathroom ... candles ... mattress and gels. Surprised, you let the strip ... quick hot shower ... you were ready for a new experiences. You lie down on the mattress, and when you lie on your stomach with closed eyes, I reach for the gel ... slowly ... sensually rubbed cold gel in a gesture of your skin ... first ... then back buttocks ... slow circular movements ... so...

1 year ago
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The Key Hotel

Hello, welcome to the key room of the Key Hotel. Introductions are not needed. All you need to know is I am the host. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to find me. I will be happy to help you in almost any way you need. Keep in mind we have rules. Rule one eveyone here is over 18 and human. Except my aliens.... they're out of this world. Rule two no killing. If that gets you randy then walk out the door now. Rule three I am here for the imformation not your pleasure. I limit to...

3 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 50

Flashback – Ben – In the HIND 24 headed to Moscow Hells bells, Elena wanted to look at my ribs! I sure the hell wish I could have continued to lie to her about my injuries. I wondered if I had a tell (like a bad poker player) that indicated when I lied. I needed to get Jack alone and grill the hell out of him on this because my lies failed too often. Elena came over beside me and continued her orders, "Okay Ben, let's get that shirt off so I can look at those ribs." I started to...

3 years ago
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Cabin by The Lake Chapter Two

After their boat hit something under water and Paige took a spill in the icy lake as they neared the cabin, Bull had rescued her. Then the unthinkable happened. His best friend – the one he’d secretly yearned for, but knew was out of his league – had kissed him. It was not a platonic kiss. It was a hungry, hard passionate kiss, or at least it quickly became that once their lips met.It had stunned Bull. He had often dreamed of her as his lover, but was sure it was never going to happen. But she...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 49

It took little effort and next to no time, to make myself cum as I sat in the toilet cubicle next to Brigid's. I'd stuffed three fingers up my soaking pussy, and stuck my middle finger up my arse. I used the fingers of my left hand to gently spank and massage my throbbing, bulging clit. In less than a minute a little whimper escaped from my mouth, followed by a couple of low groans. I had to take my hand off my clit to stick it in my mouth to cover my moans of pleasure. I continued to rub...

1 year ago
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Visiting The Construct

"I can do anything I want?" "Within limits," the counselor said. "We offer access to two possible universes, the public, and the private. The difference is that other people, people like you, share the public universe. If you do anything to one of them without their consent, you will be in violation of the terms of your contract." "How do I tell the denizens, I think that's what you called them, from people like me?" "Visitors, which is what we call people like you, will have a...

2 years ago
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And So it Began

After dating my wife for three years, we got married seven long years ago. I was 43 and she was 38. It was her third marriage and the first one for me. Her daughter who was 19 had just moved out of the house within the past year. We'd had a good sex life while dating and that continued in the first couple of years of marriage. My dark secret was that I had always had a cuckold fantasy. My first serious girlfriend in high school had cheated on me, two of my girlfriends in college did the same...

2 years ago
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My work colleagues soft and shiny tan stocki

This is a recent and real experience I wanted to share with you...My colleague is in her late 40's and is extremely fit for her age. She has been divorced for a number of years and recently rejoined the dating game. At work she dresses rather conservatively and doesn't wear too much make-up but we've been out for after work drinks on a few occasions and for those nights she dresses up a little more. She is extremely attractive in my opinion with dark hair, decent size breast and long legs. She...

3 years ago
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Do You Trust Me

He knew that she was his responsibility. Luckily all those around him trusted him, and he knew that one day so would she. Victoria had lived in the same house, on the same ten-acre property, with the same friends and family around her from the moment she was born. Her life just got a little more dramatic as time passed on. It all began when her parents revealed that her mum would be moving out and she would be, from that point onwards, splitting her time between houses. Due to this...

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Catching my sister inlaw part 3

After I had caught my sexy sister in-law having sex with her own brother and then when it came out that my brother is a lousing lover and I confided to Tina that my wife is nothing more then a ice berg, and with us finding love in each others arms. We just couldn't stay away from each other. I got one of those prepaid cell phones for Tina so she could call and if my wife happened to answer she could pretend to be someone else. I think Tina and me have been with each other 2 to 3 times a week...

3 years ago
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A Single Dad lunch at school

Introduction: I write what turns me on.. and what i hope turns HIM on. Yes this is all fictional. I am posting them here because HE has instructed me to. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and it is always fun to hear how they affect you. PLEASE NOTE – read the themes – if they repulse you then STOP READING NOW – beacuse that is what the stories are about.. Doh It had been a long week – I had to travel for work and the kids had been at my parents. I spend almost every evening tossing and...

1 year ago
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