Seven Skins Of Hallow's End free porn video

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Author's Note: Looking back on this, I can scarcely believe I finished it. Back before Halloween I had decided to try and give myself a challenge. I would write five pages of a story each day and post them, and see if I could make them satisfying both as a whole and as individual chapters. This idea soon grew in both scope and aspirations until each chapter developed into a story of its own, and the metaplot expanded and became much more complex. My idea was to make at least one story for everyone. I would showcase different types and motivations and story themes for masking stories for each, to let people pick and choose their favorite. There is some repetition, but I feel I at least completed this goal of diversity. This story is once again themed around World of Warcraft, but I have made a huge effort to explain any and all game concepts in the relevant story, so nobody should feel left out. In the process of editing the chapters together into a single story for this site I have changed some minor things, added to the text and re- written some parts to make it flow better. Please read and comment, or criticize what you didn't like. Halloween may be over, but the adventure is just starting. ~L --------------------------- Seven Skins of Hallow's End By: Lyrissa Day One: Disguise "Cannot connect to server" The message kept popping up each time Josh Marks tried to log on, making him curse profusely. He had been so close to the final boss fight too, just a few measly percent off from that potential sweet, sweet loot. Pinching his nose he sighed, and remembered his promise to his mother. He wouldn't let the game be the one in charge anymore. Eyeing the time and finding it was about time to get ready anyway, he shut down World of Warcraft with a heavy sigh, then put his computer in rest mode. Standing up and yawning, Josh stretched his gangly frame. He was only now filling out a little, getting some weight on his bony frame. At 19 years of age, about to turn 20 next spring, he was definitely late in shedding the "gawky teenager" look, and he couldn't wait. Brushing his mop of mussy blonde hair into shape, he spotted an ugly grease stain on his tee and quickly shed it, replacing it with a fresh one. Once, years ago, he wouldn't have cared. He and his best friends Chad and Rich had embraced and lived the "outcast" lifestyle to the hilt, not caring what they looked like or what people thought of them. Times change, and so do people Josh thought to himself as he grabbed his stuff and left his room. "Josh, did you remember you were going to meet y-" his mother Anne, a still-attractive woman in her forties began just as Josh skidded into the kitchen. "Of course," Josh grinned. "Jeeze, mom, I'm not a teenager anymore." "Well you know you were going to prepare for that party and it's only a few days l-" Josh silenced his mother with a wag of his finger, albeit with a smile on his lips. As he grabbed a sandwich and a bottle of juice from the fridge, Josh almost felt a pang of sadness. By spring he would be gone from here permanently, maybe forever. The college they had been able to afford for him wasn't much, but it was what it was. Josh had had some trouble motivating himself to even apply, but he had made a deal with his parents to turn his life around, and if that meant getting a degree he really didn't want, then that was what he would do. He looked over at his mother, now busying herself with cleaning off the sink, and felt very grateful that she and his father (still at work at this hour) had been so lenient and understanding. With the way he had mismanaged his life as a slacker, he might have ended up workless and penniless, had they not offered to help until he could get a proper education. But for now, and for a few more all-too-brief months, Josh and his friends could still hang out, play video games and experience a last lingering taste of teenager life. And right now, he had an appointment to make. "Don't go using my account now." Josh grinned and gave his mom a quick peck on the cheek as he slipped into his beaten-up old sneakers and rushed out the door. "Josh, that's really n-" was all he could hear as she ran down the street laughing, scrambling into his jacket as he did. Josh's addiction to World of Warcraft as a teen (and to other, even more dangerous things) had been one of the great family problems over the last few years, and one that had led to endless arguments. But these days, Josh was very happy to admit, it was all under control, and he could freely joke with his parents about it too. He had realized that partially it was because he had matured. Jumping on the bus going downtown, Josh texted Chad and Rich, warning them of his impending arrival. The return text was somewhat disheartening, however, and Josh frowned as he read the words. Slipping back into his seat he tried to enjoy the beautiful autumn day outside, the bleak October sun shining down on the suburbia houses and gardens the bus passed. It was a relatively quick trip, and soon enough Josh slipped out of the bus onto the sidewalk of one of the early downtown stops, looking around as he pulled out his phone again. "Hey huntard, over here!" a happy voice called from behind him. Josh turned to see Chad waving at him from the street corner. Chad and him went a long way back, having met back in the first grade. Chad was the closest to a kindred spirit Josh had ever had, and the two had shared a lot of adventures, both the fun and the unfortunate variety. Chad had begun to mature into an adult a bit earlier than Josh, and was by now much less gawky than his friend. His brown, straight hair (which Josh was used to see hanging down to Chad's shoulders) was rather neatly trimmed these days, and he had at least tried to keep his mass of spiky stubble under control. The result was that he looked a little less like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo and a bit more like a respectable citizen, even if he was wearing a World of Warcraft logo t-shirt. "What's up noob?" Josh chuckled as he bumped fists with his friend, pocketing his phone again. "Where's Rich? Your message said he wasn't coming?" "I dunno," Chad admitted. "He texted me and said he was busy. Knowing him, maybe he's too obsessed with Pokemon to see his friends" "Aw man that guy isn't for real..." Josh sighed, knowing full well that their absent friend just might be the kind to pull this kind of stunt. "Anyway, you said you'd found a place that had good costumes for the party?" "I did, yeah. Got an email advertising it and I was really surprised to see it wasn't just pretty cheap, but they seem to be very high-quality and they have an actual physical store in our city." "Weird as hell" Josh admitted as they started walking down the street, Chad leading the way. "You'd think we'd have known about something like that, right?" "How many times have we been looking for masquerade costumes in our lives so far?" Chad asked with a smirk. "...point" Josh chuckled as his eyes drifted after a pretty young woman who headed the other way down the street. "You really have changed since our sex-is-the-devil pact, haven't you?" Chad laughed, giving Josh a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Oh yeah. I'm the one who's changed! Which one of us is the one with a hot girlfriend?" Josh shot back. "Who left that prettyboy rich kid boyfriend of hers for me, no less," Chad grinned. Him having managed to start a relationship with Samantha Judd, one of the cutest girls from their old high school class was something neither boy had expected. The two kept chatting along, covering such common topics as what kind of hopes they had for college, relief that their parents had managed to pull them out of their "slacker" phase, World of Warcraft, and of course the upcoming party. The party was in fact something of a big thing among the young of the city, as it was arranged at one of the fanciest downtown nightclubs, the Cardinal. A large portion of their friends from high school would be there (as well as a few enemies), and both Josh and Chad were really looking forward to it for once. Of course, it had led to the small issue of finding costumes, something which had dragged on. Both friends had agreed that showing up in something tacky and home-made would be right out, as both Samantha and plenty of other eligible young women would be there and watching very critically. Besides, neither boy wanted to feel out of place this time. But on the other hand, they also both wanted to be unique, find some costumes that blew everyone away by their originality (and if finances permitted, quality). They had spent quite some time asking friends and family, and even posting a bit online and asking for advice on where to find costumes. And now, it seemed, after both had just resigned to going to the most store downtown and renting costumes like most of their friends had, they had found an option courtesy of random email advertisement. "It is a bit... weird, though, isn't it?" Josh said as they walked past the venerable stone buildings of the university district. "A bit convenient?" "I'd asked online, and this was my public email. Wouldn't surprise me if somebody didn't see my posts and didn't send that store my address." Chad just shrugged, pointing down a side street. "I guess," Josh said, not totally free of doubt. Josh was fully prepared to see an empty store front or a dingy pizza place at the address they were given to, suspecting that one of their friends had pulled a convincing prank on Chad to see if he swallowed the bait. Chad had been scammed and tricked a few times in the past, always lacking some of Josh's inhibitions, and history would probably repeat itself in that regard. Then on the other hand, Chad's more reckless personality was what had landed him with Samantha, as Josh had been too bashful to even consider talking to her, much less see himself daring to ask her out. Josh was broken out of his musing by Chad almost whooping in joy, and rushing up a set of stone steps. Josh blinked and looked up from the pavement to see a quite extravagant store front, proudly advertising "Allison's Illusions. Costumes For All Occasions" The single large window had mannequins dressed in quite extravagant and very high-quality costumes of famous fictional and real people, and rows of masks and hanging costume accessories filled the rest of the display to the point of bursting. Josh recognized Marilyn Monroe, Batman, Boba Fett from Star Wars, Wolverine, Storm (the Halle Berry version from the movies) and something which instantly caught his eye... a muscular, hunched over orc from World of Warcraft. Then he was mercilessly tugged up the stairs by Chad, who almost pushed Josh over the threshold in his urgency to get them both inside. Inside, the store was clean but crowded. As the two friends entered a pair of giggling girls were just finishing their shopping at the register, barely keeping themselves from laughing as they edged past Josh and Chad towards the exit, both carrying bulging shopping bags. Josh peered around and marveled at the depth and breadth of the selection of disguises, costumes, masks and makeup lining the shelves, racks and counters. The front of the store held the most basic, simpler merchandise while barely glimpsed beyond those first shelves, racks filled with elaborate costumes filled the back of the store. The entire establishment had the smell and feel of a newly established store, and Josh had a sinking feeling those "great prices" advertised in the email Chad had received would be for the cheap, tacky stuff only, to drag in customers. "May I help you gentlemen?" said a pleasant, soothing female voice. A pretty woman approached the two boys, dressed in a comfortable suit jacket with pants. She had a bob of dark brown hair framing a somewhat narrow, cute face with mirthful chestnut eyes. She had the confident air of someone who didn't just work there. "I'm Allison, welcome to Allison's Illusions," she said. "Am I right in assuming you boys are here about costumes for the big Hallow's End party?" "Absolutely!" Chad agreed quickly. "I'm Chad, this is Josh. Man I love your place. Didn't even know it existed. Bet we're not the first people in here getting costumes for this, huh?" "Chad! Don't embarrass me, man" Josh hissed, elbowing his friend before he could blurt out more things. "Don't worry!" Allison said happily, a wry adorable smile playing across her lips. "You're not the first, nor probably the last to come in for this particular reason this week. Now, what are you guys looking for? Something movie-related, comics, real life...?" She studied the two closely, like she was taking their measurements right there. "We need something unique," Josh said before Chad could release another torrent of questions. "We're going to the big party for the first time ever, and we want to blow everyone away. Chad's girlfriend will be there, and everyone else. We don't want something common, or cheap. ...if we can afford something good, I mean." He felt a bit sheepish at that last part, but he was also quite aware that he needed to save up for college. Allison walked around both boys, studying them intently as she listened. "Well... You guys are not too built... bit on the skinny side. A normal costume may be a bit tough to pull off. A special would probably do the trick, though." Josh had felt his heart sink at the initial dismissal, but then felt his curiosity flare up. "Special?" "Our special costumes. Most modern costuming technology available, as good or better than Hollywood." the proprietor nodded. "With a special costume we could dress you up as Rocky Balboa and you as Rambo and you'd both get asked for autographs." "No offense, Allison, but that's bullshit," Josh snorted, finding the idea ridiculous. "Dude! Rude. Anyway what could it hurt to check it out?" Chad said, giving Josh a nasty look. "No offense taken," Allison smiled. "I know this may be difficult to accept, and the whole concept is pretty new. But it's a big seller for us already, and I think you two are likeable enough to get to try it out, hmm?" "We're definitely likeable." Chad nodded. "Follow me then, gentlemen" Allison said and walked between two shelves into the bowels of the store. Josh studied the shelves more as they went, noting that this store really had gone all-out in covering all possible fields. As they passed the first two shelves the store became more crowded, with oversized racks and shelves holding all sorts of costumes. Allison gestured them over to a clearly marked-off section, where the shelves were fancier and the racks more polished than the rest. Josh blinked as he stared. On each hanger, in every bag and on every piece of shelf were truly amazing costumes, costumes the likes of which he had never seen. They depicted all sorts of beings, from real-world humans to fantastic creatures and fictional characters, but the unusual part was that each costume seemed to incorporate a fully realistic complete bodysuit of the subject's skin or body. It was like looking at the carefully hollowed-out skins of many people laid out for display, and Josh suddenly felt a cold chill down his spine. He reached out and gingerly prodded the empty face of WWE wrestler John Cena, and recoiled as the material of the empty face felt warm, soft and almost alive. Allison, noting his discomfort, waved her hand dismissively. "No, they're most certainly not made from people" she said in a plain and honest voice. "Don't think I'm some sort of ghoul... I'm just a businesswoman. These are all fabricated, albeit from very rare components. They feature some amazing internal design which interacts with the wearer's body and even replicates bodily functions. "Whoa," Chad said in awe. "How much are these?" He lifted an empty costume complete with floppy bodysuit of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator. "A few hundred dollars, usually," Allison said. Chad and Josh looked at each other with deeply apprehensive looks. They could afford it... but it would be precious money that would be needed for their college start. Allison noticed the sudden change in tone, seemed to consider quietly for a bit, and then spoke up again. "However... I really don't want to be the one who wrecks the costume party debut for you guys. Tell you what. I'll give you a discount for a couple of special costumes this time, and you guys can do me a favor in the future? What do you say? I won't even ask you to sign any contracts" She giggled. "Ummm. Sure. If you're sure?" Josh said, hardly believing what he was hearing. "Of course. Thank you so much Allison!" Chad said. "No problem. But now, shall we go back to the problem of trying to figure out what costumes you boys want? Nothing too common, but still something that blows everyone away..." She tilted her head and looked at Chad's chest for a moment, and Josh wondered if she was wondering how fit he was under there. "You play World of Warcraft? Maybe that would be a good costume choice?" "That'd be awesome!" Chad said. "Not many people do good WoW cosplays, and those that do can make big bucks. We could win the costume contest, Josh my man!" "Fine by me too," Josh agreed, feeling more excited by the moment. "What would you recommend? Or rather, what do you have?" Allison was already rummaging through a large rack filled with costumes. Josh glimpsed what he thought was the empty faces of king Varian Wrynn of Stormwind and the former orc warchief Thrall as she went, finally emerging with a pair of well-folded packages. "You guys wanna make a splash, right? You want to be unique, and blow your friends away?" She held the packages out, and the two boys took them. It took Josh a few moments to accurately process what he was holding. He saw the picture on the front of it, sure. He turned it over and saw folds of blue fabric mixed in with some form of outfit. He even saw a distended face with long, pointed ears through the transparent fabric of the bag. But still it took his mind a few moments to piece together what he had just been given. "This is a girl's costume," he said bluntly, holding it out for the shopkeeper. "This one too," Chad said. "Made a mistake, I guess?" Allison grinned at them and made no motion to take the bundles back. "Didn't I just tell you that our special costumes are just that... special? And that they can replicate a body quite unlike your own?" "Yeah but..." Chad began. "No. Just no. I am not dressing in drag for this. All our friends will be there, I can't-" Allison held up a finger to silence the storm of protests from her two customers. "First off, you wanted to be unique, right? Both these are hand-made and one-of-a-kind. Second, you wanted realistic? What could be more realistic than a costume which allowed you two human boys to pretend to be girls... and everyone believing it? Third... nobody will ever know who you are with these costumes. Not unless you decide to reveal yourselves." Josh and Chad stared disbelieving at her. "How about this. You take those, you go into our changing rooms, you try them out. If they don't do everything I say, and you end up looking like a pair of gawky guys in unconvincing drag, then you leave here and we never speak of it again. Deal?" Allison rolled her eyes. "Deal" Chad said, before Josh could even open his mouth. "C'mon man, what do we have to lose?" Josh was about to say his dignity, but conceded to his friend at the store owner. He stashed the package under one arm and let Allison lead the two to the changing rooms, each separate and with a nice sturdy door to prevent anyone from seeing what happened inside. "You guys solve this any way you want," Allison said. "I'm going over to attend to those new customers who have been waiting for a bit. I'll be back as soon as I can." And just like that she was gone, returned to the front of the store. "So we're really doing this? Dressing up in some fetish costumes and-" Josh started before Chad silenced him. "Dude, for once let's just see what happens, okay? Nobody's gonna know unless we tell them, and there's no obligation to buy. We can just ask Allison for some dude costumes, no? And admit it. You're curious. I know I am. There's a reason your WoW mains are all girls, I'm sure." "You're one to talk, 'Angel'" Josh snorted, referring to the pet name for Chad's main character. "Besides, I just like looking at a girl's cute ass when I play..." "Suuuure. And those evenings I saw you logged in at Goldshire were ju-" "Okay! Okay. We'll try it. But it won't work, and then we'll never talk about this again. Alright?" "Deal," Chad said with a smirk, and both turned to enter their changing rooms, closing the door firmly behind them. As Josh unfolded the package he had been given by Allison he felt another pang of apprehension. The cover picture depicted an alluring night elf female in a graceful pose, with large amounts of text describing the virtues of the costume. Josh did play a female night elf most of the time, but he had never dreamt of being in the position of trying on a costume of one. Emptying the bag he removed the empty skin of the girl, which was quite large but soft and pliable and thus not bulky or heavy. Stretching the suit carefully, Josh was surprised to see how flexible and stretchable it was. He checked over the instructions quickly while he laid out the clothes that accompanied the costume, and frowned when he saw a note that the suit should have full-body contact to work. Josh had to question the wisdom of letting random customers try on their precious costumes without any clothes on, but at by this point he figured he may as well go through with this farce. Hoping fervently this whole thing wasn't a setup for Chad to prank him, Josh began undressing, carefully hanging his clothes up as he went. He felt a bit awkward standing naked in the changing room, his gawky, bony body on display in the full-length mirror. He studied himself a little, trying to prolong what he saw as a moment of awkward embarrassment, but finally ran out of acne scars to study or imperfections to poke. He shook out the light blue suit, sliding the seam running from neck to buttcrack as he did. He noted that the suit came with a full head of hair and eyebrows, and that it was surprisingly anatomically correct. When he was sure nobody would jump out and shout 'Surprise! You're on candid camera!' he slipped a finger between the vaginal lips of the suit, feeling around. There was some kind of structure inside, and Josh guessed it was some sort of way to keep a man's dick under control while using the suit. Suddenly he wondered if he and Chad had actually wandered into some kind of weird sex shop. Determined to get this over with, Josh slipped one leg down the empty leg of the costume. Adjusting the leg proved impossible, as it was made for a much thicker and longer leg than his. He settled for wiggling the toes roughly into those of the suit, letting the suit leg sag in a series of unseemly folds around his. Repeating the process with his other leg he hitched the suit up, feeling it sag around him. As he had suspected there was a sheath inside the groin of the suit, and Josh carefully folded and slid his dick into it, where it was held rather firm. Hitching the suit up over his hips, he began sliding the empty arms on like long gloves. It was easier to fit the arms, as his hands kept them firmly in place once fitted, but it still left him with quite a bit of saggy extra suit. Tugging the seam up, he felt the large, empty breast sacks on the front of the suit dangle over his own bony chest, nothing like the picture on the costume's packaging. Figuring he would end this farce now, Josh pulled the empty head of the suit over his own, brushing the long blue hair out of the way as he did. He pushed his somewhat bumpy nose into the slender one of the suit, aligned the eyeholes as well as he could, and pushed his mouth into the thick lips of the mask. The long night elf ears sagged comically, and Josh knew he looked utterly ridiculous. But knowing he had to prove what a crock this whole exercise was, he tugged the seam closed over his back. It closed up softly and firmly, and then... ...there was a sense of vertigo as his world spun around him... Josh blinked his eyes open again, and carefully got back to his feet. Still dizzy, he grabbed the bench inside the dressing room for support, brushed the long blue hair from his face, and stood up. He didn't register what was wrong until he realized his hearing was suddenly much sharper, and then he realized his hand had brushed something as he had touched the back of his head. His heart racing, he spun towards the mirror, and stared right into the lovely face of a tall, beautiful night elf girl. Josh at first thought it was a prank, and poked the mirror to see if the girl was a projection or similar trick. Then he looked down and noticed the large, soft blue breasts heaving slightly on his chest. Reaching up to cup them with a pair of slender, strong hands, he felt a rush of arousal as he squeezed the juicy mammaries. "...can't be this ca..." Josh mumbled, and gasped as an unfamiliar, feminine voice came from his lips. One hand darted down to his groin, and as Josh once more pushed his fingers past the labial lips of the suit, he now found a moist, warm cavern behind it, and released another surge of pleasure. A frantic series of examinations followed where he pinched his long, dagger-like ears, ran fingers through his mass of silky hair, blinked his silvery opaque eyes, flexed his suddenly pert buttocks and a dozen other little private tests to see that this was really real and that he wasn't hallucinating this while fainted on the floor. Once again hefting his breasts in front of the mirror, and cooing in pleasure at the beautiful night elf repeating his action, Josh finally realized the truth. The costume worked. This was some seriously amazing high-tech stuff Josh thought, now smiling with the luscious lips of the night elf girl as he leaned forward to examine the dark blue dagger-like markings over her cheeks and forehead. While he was wearing this, he was a she to all appearances. If Josh saw this girl at the party he would never think she was a man underneath, or even real, that's just how realistic the night elf looked. Josh also resolved to try and think of herself as a female while wearing this, as it seemed more natural and casual that way. She already envisioned showing up the party like this, nobody knowing who she was, all the boys drooling and all the girls envious... A tinge of warmth spread across her groin, and she cooed as her nipples stiffened in the somewhat stuffy air inside the changing room. With all worries and concerns dispelled by the surprise of the suit working, the night elf girl who Josh had become began getting dressed in the outfit that had come with her costume. Dressing up in her old male clothes just felt dirty, and she also thought some other customer might recognize the clothes and associate them with Josh Marks. She relished the feeling as she slid the garments over her luscious form, noticing with some surprise that some of the cloth-like garments suddenly solidified and became a different sort of material when worn. It must be the same kind of trick as with the costume itself she thought as the cloth-like sash she tied around her slender waist inflated and solidified into a leather belt with metal plating. Feeling a distinct sensation of arousal as the tight-fitting clothes slipped onto her curvy form, soon the night elf surveyed the results in the mirror. She was dressed in a skimpy dark green outfit resembling a bikini bottom, a top holding her soft breasts in check, a pair of thigh- high leg protectors with garters which still left acres of soft blue skin on display, a pair of matching shoulder pads and gloves and a simple headband to keep her hair in check. Giggling, she turned a few times to appreciate just how well the skimpy bottom showed off her butt, then jumped up and down a few times in imitation of how night elves in the actual game did when idle. Only after a bit of this narcissistic self-appreciation did the nagging worry that had taken root at the back of her mind suddenly spring to life. She realized she was the spitting image of her World of Warcraft main, down to the skanky outfit. It had not been apparent from the empty suit, but now that it had become fully realistic and just like a real body, Josh realized this disguise looked just like his character. The skin, the face, the hair, the markings, all were correct to the detail. The outfit too, missing only the bow. This costume had somehow been made into the perfect image of her night elf hunter Almira without her knowing about it. Suddenly she felt the doubt welling up again, a worry that something was wrong. Pushing the door open, the pretty night elf rushed out of the changing room... ...into a comfortably furnished bedroom with a large double bed. Josh froze and stared around. Sunlight poured in through the window, and outside she could see the colors of an autumn forest filled with large, strong trees. A comfy red carpet covered the floor and tickled her feet, and the furniture seemed well-crafted and sturdy, if a bit plain. With a feeling of dread, she spun around to the door through which she had just entered. It was a closed, plain wooden door that looked nothing like the polished dressing room door Josh had entered when he first took the costume to try it on. The night elf tore the door open and found to her shock there was no dressing room behind it, or any swirling dimensional portal. Behind the door was merely a very ordinary-looking storage closet, smelling of dust and mothballs. With a cry of fright, Josh rushed in and began searching the shelves, poking and prodding at everything and nothing. It was no use. No mysterious dimensional vortex appeared, nor could she push her hands through the sundries stacked in there and re-emerge in the real world like the closet in the Narnia books. A thud from the room behind her made Josh spin around, and she was stunned to see a second night elf woman standing in the exact same spot she had when she had found herself here. The newcomer had paler skin than she, lovely white hair and a beautiful face now twisted in concern and surprise. She was dressed in a skimpy robe, really little more than a top and loincloth made from some golden fabric, which did little to hide her natural beauty. And Josh immediately recognized this new girl, as she had healed Almira through countless dungeons, quests and raids over the years. "Chad?" she said carefully, stepping out into full view. "Josh?" the other girl said, her voice melodious but tinged with worry. "W-what happened? I was going to show you... well... this... and then suddenly..." "Suddenly you were here? Same for me." The two night elf women stared at each other silently for what felt like an eternity. Then the priestess whom Chad had disguised as reached over and felt Josh's boobs. "Hey!" "Sorry! Just had to make sure you were real and not just me... imagining" she chuckled, though the worry did not leave her tone. "You really are the spitting image of Almira, aren't you?" "And you're the perfect, living version of Nessa," Josh said. "But... how did we get here, and where is here anyway?" Before Chad could open her elegant lips to respond, the main door of the room opened, and an elderly woman dressed in a non-descript brown dress, apron and carting around a large supply of cleaning equipment entered. Behind her from the corridor the two elves could hear the sound of faint singing and talk, as if a party was going on in the building. "Oh!" the newcomer yelped as she spotted the two elves staring at her. "Begging your pardon, miladies. I didn't know you'd already arrived. I'll clean tomorrow then, when you're out doing your adventurer thing." She moved to exit again, banging the hilt of a broom against the doorpost as she did. "Wait!" Josh shouted. "Wait, please. You were... expecting us?" The woman stopped and stared at Josh as if she didn't know if the elf was jesting. "Of course, we were notified you two were coming to stay with us for a while when we received payment. All nice and properly handled too, nice Stormwind coin. None of those ancient gold coins scavenged from ancient ruins that-" "Someone booked this room for us? And said we were coming?" Chad interrupted her. "You did, yes. You sent us payment, along with information. Two nice kaldorei ladies, one priestess of Elune and one huntress. Staying for a week to do certain jobs around the Stormwind area." "Stormwind," Josh mouthed to her friend, scarcely believing what was happening. "Did... uh. Did we specify how we would arrive here?" "Now you're joking. Not nice of such fine ladies to jest with old Magda" the old woman scoffed. "No. No I mean. I'm just curious what th- what we told you," Josh said, placating. "Nothing specified, so I assumed by griffon. You snuck up here right quiet, though. Anyway, if I'm not going to clean here, I best get working on the room down the hall. Damn mage detonated a spell down there and now the sheets all smell like sulfur... Pleasant stay miladies." She curtseyed awkwardly and exited, closing the door behind her as she rambled down the hallway loudly. Josh and Chad stared at each other in disbelief for a few minutes. Chad sunk down to sit on the bed, seemingly unsure of what to do. Josh snuck up and locked the door from the inside, then walked over and peered out the window. As she had suspected, outside stretched what she was sure was the forest of Elwynn, surrounding the village of Goldshire. Looking north she saw the bend of the road going towards the Alliance capital, Stormwind. She quickly pulled the curtains shut, plunging the room into darkness. "What are you..." Chad started, but Josh put a finger across her soft lips and Chad fell silent. Reaching up to her neck, Josh felt around for the nub of the seam which had sealed the costume. She prodded, poked and felt, finally sitting down in front of Chad and pushing her hair aside. Her friend had no better luck, her soft fingers finding nothing but supple flesh at the nape Josh's elven neck. The process was repeated with Chad, with no more luck there. Josh sunk down onto the bed, feeling a mixture of dread and giddiness run rampant inside her. Here she was, stuck in the body of her long-running gaming character, in a world that resembled... or maybe WAS... the World of Warcraft. The temptation to explore, to see just how realistic this world was, how far it stretched was strong. But at the same time the worry about the situation, knowing that someone had likely arranged for this to happen was warring with the excitement and polluting it with fear. "We can't do much but wait," she finally conceded. "Hopefully someone will come looking for us, or we'll find a way to contact the real world." "Maybe it's like virtual reality?" Chad offered. "We got drugged and now we're in a computer world, just like in the Matrix." "There is no spoon?" Josh chuckled, and leaned back on the bed. "Well, first off we mustn't despair. This isn't a disaster yet. But I think it might be a good idea if we try and use our character names until we're out of here, and act as if we really are our characters." "Good thinking," Chad nodded. "So I'm Nessa Silverleaf, priestess of Elune?" "And I'm Almira Strongbow, huntress and sentinel" Josh said, mentally adjusting herself to get used to that name. "Someone went through a hell of a lot of trouble for this. I wonder who, and why? Was it someone who hated us... or someone who thought they were doing us a favor?" Nessa mused, leaning back on the bed. "No idea..." Almira said, still trying to get used to 'roleplaying' in the most complete way possible. "But maybe... maybe it's not all bad?" the priestess offered. "How so?" the other night elf asked, looking at her friend. Before she could react, Nessa had reached out to brush a lock of blue hair from Almira's face, brushed her palm across her cheek, and pulled her into a deep kiss. It felt like it lasted forever, and Almira (or Josh) was throwing into an exhilarating rush of rosy red. As they pulled apart, she stared at her friend. "Nessa, I..." "Sssch," the priestess mumbled. "We're stuck here. For now. We have done this in the game. Why not try it? As Allison said... nobody will know." Almira wanted to say no, she wanted to find an excuse, any excuse. But this close, the lovely night elf priestess smelled so good, and her skin was so soft and gentle against Almira's. The bed was soft under her, and she suddenly wondered about a great many things she had imagined as Josh but never thought she could try. She leaned over and kissed Nessa again, feeling it dulled and dispelled the worry over their situation. Soon, soft hands were undoing straps and buckles, and sliding down soft cloth, as the two elves explored their bodies together. Soon, their clothing shed on the floor, they were together in the large soft bed, embracing and kissing and running hands over each other's soft forms. Almira did not think of her partner's real identity, only the beautiful, gentle priestess, and she thought... hoped... that Nessa did the same. As evening began to fall on the forest outside, the two forms in the bed entangled and ground against each other, finding immense new pleasure into the night. And yet, Halloween drew closer... Day Two: Undercover Two bodies ground against each other with frantic, almost violent fervor. Their sweat-slicked forms bounced against each other again and again with an every quickening rhythm. One was a beautiful, slim blood elf female, her sweat-slicked blonde hair spilled over the expensive cushions of the bed as she was pounded into by her partner. Said partner was a tall, leanly muscular troll male with the characteristic blue skin and tusks of his race. He was quite handsome by troll standards, and his mass of scarlet braids bounced off his soaked back as he pushed deeper and deeper into the elf. She screamed out, almost being rammed into the wall by the force of the thrusting, her femininity spread wide by his massive dick. With a triumphant howl the troll came, releasing a thick flood of hot semen into her, pumping and pumping... She screamed out as she orgasmed as well, clamping down on his member and crumpling the bedsheets in a desperate attempt to keep herself steady. For what felt like an eternity both partners were locked like that, he thrusting deep into her and filling her with his seed and she spasming as her body convulsed in ecstasy, no other thought than to remain like this forever in her mind. Then, slowly, his orgasm subsided and he sank down onto his knees on the soft bed, panting. With a slow, agonizing movement he pulled out of her with a soft 'plop', leaving hot juices to flow from her unplugged slit onto the sheets. Leaning down to the panting girl, her eyes still closed in ecstasy, the troll stroked her cheek gently with one three-fingered hand. "Dey weren't kiddin' when dey said you were good. I wish I'd... come here earlier," he chuckled. She didn't respond, simply laying back on the covers and panting rapidly. He chuckled and gently pulled her legs closed, rubbing his large member over her stomach before standing up and stretching. The small, rustic building was a little too cramped for his tastes, but nonetheless rather comfortable. Outside the window the endless sandy plains of Tanaris stretched, and even now the sun was setting over the dunes, casting the desert in shades of fiery orange and red. The troll grinned and went to his clothing which lay discarded messily around the room after the frantic struggle the couple had had trying to get into the bed. Perhaps they could have just done it on the floor, or on the table, but the bed had been the best choice after all. As the troll got dressed he shoved his large dick into a simple pair of shorts, covered by a loincloth and didn't really mind the large bulge on prominent display in front. "I always wanted ta try a blood elf... Always heard da stories but never believed 'em, an' never had da chance to see for myself. But now... well let's say you were my first, but not my last." He finished strapping on the rest of his gear with reluctant, slow movements. He could stay all night with this enchanting creature, and he relished to fill her again and again. But there were also other things he had to do. Other duties which compelled him. Luxury and pleasure were important, but duty was even more so. She rose slowly to half-sit in the bed, slipping her legs together as she rolled onto her tummy and watching him. "Will I ever see you again?" she asked, breathily. "Ya can count on it," he smiled. He walked over and gave her another carefully-administered kiss (any self-respecting troll male could kiss without getting his partner rammed by the tusks, so why would he be an exception?) and waved as he picked his gear up and opened the door, letting a gust of hot sand-choked air in. "Be well sistah," he said as he turned. "For the Horde" "For the Horde," she responded as he closed the door. Outside, the troll sighed and began his walk towards the gates of Gadgetzan. Leaving the well-protected goblin tinker town behind, he climbed a dune and cast one final, longing look to the town behind him. And then he crested the dune and was gone. Back in the house his erstwhile lover sighed a bit as well as she slipped onto the warm floor and padded over to lock the door tight. On bare feet she padded over to the windows and shuttered them one by one, speaking a simple magical ward to keep them shut or otherwise alert her that they had been tampered with upon her return. She calmly went through the order in which she needed to do things mentally. With a methodical, slow pace she gathered up her scattered skimpy mage outfit from the floor where it had been discarded in the throes of passion, folded up each piece of cloth and sealed them nice and tight in a chest. After making sure that was locked as well she took her ornate mage staff and spoke a simple command word which shrunk the elegant weapon into a tiny, inconspicuous dull metal rod, which she stashed in a small tool locker under a table. She spoke the words of a simple illumination spell, which would last only for a few hours, but was enough to light the darkened, hot room up. Her dainty pale hands slipped between her legs and wiped off some of the drying cum and other juices, but she quickly realized it would take much too long to clean up properly. Instead she focused and spoke the words of an arcane spell, focusing on a specific place. The house was further illuminated by a swirling magical portal which manifested right in the middle of the floor and hung there like a tear in the fabric of space. Mentally preparing for what was to come, the elf brushed her shoulder- length blonde hair aside and began search the soft skin of her neck. Soon her practiced fingers found a telltale nub, and gripped it tight. Then she tugged down. The soiled skin of the blood elf parted bloodlessly into a seam, which continued down her back as she kept pulling. Grabbing onto each side the of the seam the elf tugged and pulled, and suddenly her pretty, delicate face crumbled and fell forward like an empty mask. An equally beautiful face emerged, that of an alien-looking woman with curved horns on her head, a bob of short dark hair and soft blue skin. Tugging the pale skin open further, she released her own arms and torso, revealing a pair of smaller but still shapely breasts with dark blue nipples. She seemed to grow out of the skin as she kept peeling it downwards across her body, letting it pile up in her hands. An elegant, gently muscled torso appeared, then a pair of wide hips with a small tail dangling from the back, right between her pert buttcheecks. Peeling the legs of the elf down the blue legs that emerged somehow miraculously inverted their joints, resulting in a pair of hoofed goat-like legs stepping out of the empty, saggy feet of the blood elf. The draenei girl lifted her disguise with a critical expression, then walked over to another sealed chest. Opening it, the draenei first pulled out a fist-sized rich purple sphere covered in golden inlaid ornamental swirls. Laying the blonde blood elf's skin out on the floor, she carefully folded it up like a robe, turning it into a small packed of flesh-colored material. Then she twisted the orb in just the right way, making the top half swing open. Stuffing the empty blood elf suit inside, she carefully locked the sphere back up and replaced it in the chest. Knowing she had little time to waste now, the draenei girl started pulling out a suit of heavy armor from the chest. Getting dressed in her undergarments and regular clothes first, she began donning the heavy, tank-like suit all the while slowly getting used to the increased weight on her body. She had spent so much time undercover this time she had gotten used to walking around feeling light and exposed, but on the other hand the comfortable embrace of the armor was just like coming home. Finishing her armor, she picked the helmet up under one arm and reverently lifted the large two-handed sword from its resting place at the bottom of the chest. The massive, sharp weapon bore the markings of her people, and was light and easy to swing. Closing the chest and making one final check-up to make sure everything in the house was secure, the draenei jumped through the portal before it winked out of existence. Stepping out onto the familiar cobblestoned floor of Stormwind's mage guild, vindicator Maruuna gave one of the mages scurrying around managing portals a curt nod, and then left down the stairs. The mages were used to seeing countless adventurers coming and going daily, and paid little notice of the draenei paladin. As she emerged into the great city itself, Maruuna drew deep breath, and gazed over at the setting sun. It was a weird existence she led, ever since she had purchased that bizarre but functional blood elf costume from the odd shop here in the city. Maruuna had heard of items that might change ones appearance before, but never one such as this, a literal second skin to wear. Not only that, but the suit also changed her abilities fully, changing her from a brave paladin of the Light into a spellcasting mage, as long as the suit was worn. She had undertaken her spying mission quietly, revealing it only to a few trusted friends and Matthias Shaw, the head of Stormwind's SI:7. Now she lived a double life, half her time as Maruuna, half as the blood elf mage Iriana. And as if the physical changes of being shorter, softer and having a wholly different set of abilities in her head wasn't enough, she had quickly discovered that the blood elf addiction to magic pounded though her veins when she was disguised, making her having to be very careful around the arcane. And even more odd, she had discovered that her blood elf self was a sexual, promiscuous creature in stark contrast to Maruuna's chaste life and terse, silent manner around others. With a flush of embarrassment she remembered the rough but extremely satisfying bout of spontaneous, savage sex she had enjoyed in the company of the troll earlier, and she had to stop herself from stopping right there as her nipples tingled and her groin became hot. She bit down on her lip and kept walking. She could keep her two selves separate. After all, she had managed so far. The odd weird dream where she woke up sweaty and aroused was the only indication that her other life intruded on her real one, and after all wouldn't it be weirder if it didn't in some fashion? Iriana had definitely acquired quite a reputation in Gadgetzan, but it also meant she had a reputation of honesty and open demeanor, and many people talked freely with her, all of which suited her perfectly. Now, however, Maruuna had an errand to perform before she returned to the front to perform her holy duties as a paladin. Quickening her steps through the streets she walked towards the trade district and the costume shop where she had purchased the miraculous orb containing the costume which made this whole charade possible. She wanted to ask the proprietor some questions, as she had begun to experience some disorientation when taking the suit off and putting it on. Sometimes she had odd dreams which seemed more suited for her blood elf disguise than her real draenei form. She wished to ask if these were normal side effects of the disguises or something that needed looking at. However, her plans were soon dashed. As she walked up to the Gilded Rose, the inn which had recently been home to the costuming shop, she saw that the place was clearly locked and closed. The Hallow's End decorations found throughout the city were shabby and badly cared for here, indicating that the place had in fact been closed for some time. Frowning, Maruuna looked around for a notice of some kind, and soon found a dirty note fasted to the doorpost. "Important business trip to Darnassus. Back in a few days. ~A" Shrugging, Maruuna admitted defeat. She turned and instead begun doing her errands, stocking up on resources and supplies for her trip north. Despite her concerns about her disguise, the battlefield needed her vigilance, her healing and her strength in battle, and only a fool went into such a task unprepared. After completing her purchases, checking in with old friends in the city, and responding to the large amount of correspondence that had piled up, she decided that it was by now too late in the evening to begin her long travel. With the Gilded Rose closed, she considered her options carefully before deciding to stay outside the hustle and bustle of night-time Stormwind for the night. Renting a horse Maruuna rode the short way down to the village of Goldshire in the Elwynn forest south of Stormwind, and checked in at the old and traditional (if sometimes a bit wild) inn there, the Lion's Pride. As she checked in for the night, Maruuna absentmindedly noted two buxom kaldorei women in skimpy outfits deep in a kiss by one of the tables, and snorted a little at the lack of shame those elves displayed openly. Slinging her bags over her shoulders, she walked upstairs for a long, good night's rest. That night, the draenei paladin tossed and turned in her rented bed. She had odd, sexual dreams of being ravaged, then looking down and finding herself in Iriana's skin and flesh, looking up at Maruuna's confident draenei face as they embraced. She woke up with a start, sitting up in bed and panting, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. She found her nipples poking painfully at her undershirt, but bit down and tried to go through a series of mental exercises from her paladin training to calm down. She focused on her training, on her duties and on her work, brushing aside the sensual fantasies. Laying down again, she closed her eyes and returned to sleep after laying there quietly. The next dream was even odder, with her going into battle with the Horde when suddenly she discovered she had become Iriana, and instantly turned on her former companions, blasting them with ice and fire. The dream transitioned to a post-victory party where the blood elf mage enjoyed the company of a magnificent blood elf man and a well-hung orc. Waking up again, Maruuna pinched her nose and tried to clear the confusing and distracting thoughts from her mind. She had a duty, a sacred duty. She was content with her ascetic life style. She believed firmly in the Alliance cause. She knew that sexual relations were a dangerous distraction. Looking around the dark room, she heard an owl hoot sadly outside. She shrugged and mumbled to herself, laying back down and reciting a number of holy litanies of her profession under her breath until she fell asleep again. This time she drifted in peaceful sleep for a long while but was all the time vaguely aware that something was oddly wrong. She felt like she itched, like her body was too big and heavy, like she couldn't balance on her feet. The sensation of discomfort was only a nagging feeling at the back of her dreaming mind, but soon enough the dream changed. She was in a great cathedral built from white stone, with sunlight shining through tall stained-glass windows. She was kneeling in front of a row of stern and powerful-looking paladins of the Alliance races, each regarding her with a quiet expression of pride. Behind her countless other paladins knelt, awaiting the upcoming moment with reverent silence. "Congratulations," said the stern-looking head paladin in front of her, his heavy human features obscured by a great mustache. "You have achieved the wisdom you have strived so hard to get, and thus found the truth you were looking for." There was a chorus of assent among the crowd. Maruuna inclined her head with a soft smile on her lips. She had finally made it. She had finally reached the pinnacle of her training, the role she so desperately wanted and dreamed of. "Now... you may become one of us in truth as well as in garb," the head paladin said, and tapped his sword on Maruuna's shoulder. The crowd erupted into a roar of applause and cheering, and Maruuna felt pride swell in her chest. "Thank you, honored elders," she said as she stood up again, proudly. "I am so proud to be here among you today, and that you have chosen me to join you. I wish nothing more than to serve our cause with fervent valor an-" she trailed off as she saw the head paladin whisper with one of his colleagues, a short and stout redheaded dwarf man. "Ehm" she cleared her throat. "Is there something wrong, honored elders?" "Well, we just said that it isn't really right for you to stand around like that now, is it?" the older human said. "You have become one of us now... it's time you dressed like it." With a quick overhead swing that Maruuna's shocked dream-self was unable to duck, avoid or parry, the man sliced down through her unhelmeted head with the sword continuing through her body until it struck sparks on the marble floor. Maruuna stood there completely stunned for a moment, and then her skin, armor and clothing neatly split in two along the lines where the sword had sliced. The two halves of Maruuna fell open to each side, revealing the blood elf mage Iriana standing there just as shocked as the draenei she had been moments before. She looked down and saw her buxom, pale form dressed in her usual cindercloth garb, then looked up to stare at the grandmaster at the assembled paladins. "W-why?" she stammered as she frantically scrambled to reach down and pull her bisected draenei skin back together. "Well you are one of us now," the grandmaster chuckled, and then a disturbing change occurred. All around her, each paladin grabbed their faces, and with gauntleted and bare hands they began tearing at their cheeks. One by one they tore their faces open like ripe fruit, sending shreds of hair and skin flying everywhere. The grandmaster tore open his skin to reveal a heavyset orc male dressed only in a breechcloth, whereas the rest of the elders repeated the gesture and ripped their skin open to reveal blood elves, orcs, tauren, trolls, forsaken and even goblins. Behind her the many assembled rank and file repeated the procedure until Iriana was surrounded by the Horde on every side. With a quiet coordination the Horde members began removing the now unrealistic stage decorations of the marble cathedral, revealing a primitive orc grand hall where stuffed animal heads lined the walls instead of stained glass windows, and everything was crudely functional. Before she could open her mouth to protest, the orc grabbed her in an embrace and kissed her, and to her shock Iriana did not turn him away. In fact she returned the kiss even more passionate, pulling him into an embrace. "You deserve to be one of us," the orc whispered. Maruuna woke up, her groin pounding and her body aching with desire. This was wrong. It was all wrong. She was a faithful draenei vindicator, undercover as a slutty blood elf mage. Her true loyalty was always to her real self. Or was it? Was Iriana's life so heinous? Did she not enjoy each night in the blood elf's skin a dozen times more? Who was the act now, and who was the reality? She tried to wave the thoughts away again. She was needed on the front again tomorrow, she couldn't betray and leave... But she wouldn't be leaving. She'd be taking up a different responsibility, a different life. A mage was no less important in the grand scheme of things. And she'd tasted the life now. The full, sensual life. She screamed as she tried to end the struggle going on in her head. And then it ended, both quickly and decisively. Maruuna stepped out of bed and opened her pack. Not bothering with her armor and weapons, she stuffed whatever else she thought useful in there and then pushed her hands down, searching for something. Her hands came out holding a large oval stone of some white-ish rock with a swirling light blue symbol engraved. Without hesitation the draenei paladin rubbed it, and waited as the stone gathered power. Suddenly there was the quick, disorienting tug as her body was flung through other dimensions to the location where her Hearthstone was set. Blinking in the darkness, Maruuna waited a few moments for her eyes to become accustomed to the dim light of the moons and stars seeping in through the shuttered windows. With urgent fervor she stripped out of her clothing, discarding it without a care around the room. She almost threw herself onto the chest, unlocking it with trembling fingers and pulling out the hefty purple orb. Unlocking it she saw the gleam of pale flesh in the dim light, and quickly got to work. A few minutes later, Iriana spread out across her soft, warm bed, still naked. Her room was now illuminated by soft magical lights and she purred as she relished in being herself again. Maybe she had gone insane, she thought, but if so she never wanted to be sane again. She wanted to wake up like this every day, alone or with one or several companions. She wanted to feel the rush of spellcasting as arcane energies rushed through her body. She wanted to explore the world and discover ancient magical secrets. In short, she wanted to be herself. Perhaps, she thought idly, Maruuna could make a reappearance or two. Perhaps the draenei vindicator could now be -her- disguise. Iriana laughed a pearly laugh at the thought of the reversal of her two personalities. Yes, that was an undercover mission she could enjoy. Turning over and extinguishing the magical light, Iriana quickly fell asleep and slept soundly, with warm, beautiful dreams of a delicious future easing her rest. Day Three: Search "I'm not buying anything, I just need to know if my boyfriend and his friend arrived here," Samantha said to the girl at the counter. The blonde, ponytailed cashier with the large breasts put down her handheld game and sighed, rolling her eyes at the persistence of these two non-customers invading her free time. "Right when I was doing well against that trainer too," she sighed. "Well before I just start blabbering about our customers, how about you guys give me a little more to go on, huh? You basically didn't tell me anything about the guys you're looking for." Samantha sighed and cast a glance over at her brother, who was playing with the rubbery mask of a Christopher Reed Superman. She had come to this store she'd never heard of, "Allison's Illusions", searching for her boyfriend Chad and his friend Josh. The two guys had just vanished, leaving their friends and family worried. Samantha had been together with Chad for a few years now, and she liked the geek much better than any of her other boyfriends. She'd always been a pretty girl, and thus seen as a prize to be fought over by whatever boys felt like proving themselves the most macho. Her former boyfriend Tom had been especially bad, being both rich, self-absorbed and conceited. With Chad, though, everything was much easier. Samantha could do more or less what she wanted. "My boyfriend Chad was meeting his friends Josh and Rich downtown, but they never showed up and Rich texted me saying the last he heard was that they were going to your costume store here. They were probably looking for costumes for the Halloween party, right Will. Will?" "Hmm? Wha-?" Samantha's brother Will said, looking up. "Oh er, right." Will was Samantha's older brother and had not inherited the same amount of good looks she had. He was tall, and built like a linebacker, but his face was rough and broad, his nose a bit crooked and his black hair a mass of spikes. In comparison Samantha was buxom, with lovely smooth skin, lustrous black hair and sparkling blue eyes. Were it not for the black hair and pale skin few people would have believed them to be related at all. Still, they had an amiable relationship where Will frequently stepped into shoo off obtuse or creepy prospective boyfriends, and Samantha spoke for Will when needed and helped him with advice about relationships and schoolwork. "Anyway, Chad is about this tall, brown hair, a bit on the lean side. His friend is a bit taller, beanpole-like build, blonde hair that always looks greasy and messed up," Samantha concluded, realizing Will was not being helpful. The cashier hmmed, tapping a pen to her thick, red lips. She wore an atrocious pink blouse which exposed a large amount of her cleavage, a way too short leather skirt and she had shiny lipstick on and a bimbo- ish demeanor which was grating on Samantha's nerves. "I think those two may have been in here the other day, yeah. I wasn't on front desk duty at the time, but I heard my boss handling some special customers who wanted extra fancy costumes for Halloween" She giggled a bit. "Look," Samantha said, feeling her patience with this girl drain quickly, "I just need to know -if- they were here, -what- they did and if possible -where- they went next? Can you please call your boss up? Cuz otherwise we'll have to call the cops, and they will have to come around here to check." It was not a bluff either, Samantha and the parents of the missing boys were already worried and ready to start an official search. "Right, right. Don't get your knickers in a bunch, huh?" the receptionist sighed. "I'll call the boss up, you wait here a moment." She stood up, making her breasts jiggle in the skimpy blouse she wore, picked up a cell and went behind a drape into a back room. Samantha looked at Will, who shrugged back. Will was always a bit awkward in social situations, especially around pretty girls. Most people expected him, one of the top jocks of his college, to be bold, brash and loud, and were surprised to find him quite soft-spoken. "She's not very clever is she?" Will said. "Definitely not," Samantha agreed. They stood around for a few minutes, watching the odd costume store. Neither had ever heard about this place before Rich's text had mentioned it, and the address. Samantha had vague memories that this had been a coffeeshop once, but she hadn't been to this street for a long time. Shelves, racks and cabinets with all forms of disguises, masks and makeup lined the crowded store, and vanished into a murky back area. It was a surprising type of store to open up in a city which already sported a couple of large, long-established party stores, but even Samantha who had little interest in costume parties like this had to admit this one was a lot cleaner and better stocked than the older ones. "Right, boss says those guys were definitely here. They bought some costumes and then headed out, didn't say where," the receptionist chirped in her somewhat airheaded voice. "Crap..." Samantha replied. "Well, thanks for your help." She turned to leave, and

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A Witch in Love on All Hallows EveChapter 2

Becky, the beautiful submissive witch in hiding, had to admit that Sir Louie, the youngest son of the Mountbatten clan was quite skilled in the use of his God-given flesh-based sword in assorted positions entirely unfamiliar to her in her total innocence of recent personal past. The handsome youngest son of the estate continued to worry the flanks of the upstairs maid each morning, but Becky cared naught because the girl was insipid beyond all ken and merely grunted like a bored cow giving...

4 years ago
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Though this story does not have much sex or violence, it does contain some elements that may be considered offensive. If you are under 18 or easily offended, please read no further. Skins By Morpheus The TV changed channels for what had to be the thousandth time as I continued to click through the remote, feeling a little bored. I had just gotten home from school a short while earlier and found the house empty, which wasn't too unusual. However it left me in the house...

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Skins vs Boys

Please do not read if under 18 years of age, or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. Skins vs. Boys By Couture (couture_writes@h...) (c) 2001 Couture The biggest football game of the year was almost over, and my husband sat next to me angry and blushing in humiliation, while I cheered. Call me a bitch, but I took extra pains to rub it in. "Wahoo! The Skins are going to lose to the Boys!" I cheered. Then I got up and did a little victory dance in front of...

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Shirts and Skins PickUp Game Leads to Gangbang

I grew up in a college town, Gainesville, Florida, home of the Gators, and my high school friends and I played basketball on our high school team. We were good, but not good enough to earn college scholarships.My name is James, and my four friends and I all had good enough grades to get into the University of Florida and we took advantage of the intramural program to continue playing basketball, which helped us stay in shape. We also played pick-up games when the intramural games were out of...

College Sex
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Mrs Cavendish

Preface: I apologise for posting a second unfinished story here (the other being 'Model') but this is another story that I made good progress with and then due to pressure of work have had to stop temporarily. If you like this, or Model please let me know - it will help me decide which one to finish first (or even to start another one). Mrs Cavendish by Paula Hanson (email: [email protected]) Prologue I left school that hot summer three years ago. I was only sixteen at...

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Golf A Skins Game

My name is Robyn. I'm a single gal, 28 years old, the youngest vice president of the largest land developer on the West Coast. I don't have a lot of free time. The time I have, I spend on the one true love of my life. Golf! I get to work at 5 A.M., to handle the little bit of East Coast phone contact I have, but mainly so I can get away two afternoons a week and play golf. I'll play golf those afternoons with colleagues, clients, potential clients, friends, relatives, or even total...

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Changing Wendell

Changing Wendell By Donna Dee I had a topsy-turvy childhood, perhaps what you might call the curates egg - good in places! We lived in a large house set in its own grounds a few miles from the nearest town and as a consequence, apart from mates that I met at school I had very few friends outside the family, but they weren't really necessary because of the exceedingly tame wild animals that roamed our estate, animals that gave me hours of pleasure just to watch and photograph...

4 years ago
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Kendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...

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© Copyright 2003 by Rod Ramsey. All rights reserved. Chapter 1: The Professor's Office Glenda leaned against Professor John Walker's desk and raised her short skirt, her long red hair falling to touch the desktop. This was the fourth time in as many weeks the twenty year old sophomore had found herself in a position to be punished by the handsome Psychology Professor. Professor Walker usually found one or two female students every semester that were willing to trade an occasional...

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Rob and Glenda

We had just gotten off work and Ben and I were sitting at the bar in Riley's Tavern sipping suds and shooting the shit while watching Monday Night Football on the TV. The game was just so-so, neither team seemingly able to get it together although the Broncos did manage to get a drive or two going even though they never capitalized on them. A shot of the Broncos cheerleaders hit the screen and Ben nudged me and said: "Would you?" "Would I what?" "Do one of those...

1 year ago
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Seven Years a Woman Extended Edition

Seven Years a Woman by Holly Sharp. Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...

2 years ago
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A Baby for Glenda

A baby for Glenda By Talent Scout Constance lay in bed after a bout of weeping, her hand resting on her belly as she felt the hard knot of a baby within her. Last night, she could no longer hide the truth from herself - despite all the precautions, all the medicines and charms she used regularly, she was pregnant. Her last customer of the night had noticed and had asked her once he had taken his pleasure with her, his question piercing her carefully built walls of self-deception. She...

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Seven Years a Woman

Seven Years a Woman Holly Sharp Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...

3 years ago
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Pool Party Starring Anna Kendrick

Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjas For more celeb content visit Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She...

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Pool Party Starring Anna Kendrick

Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjasFor more celeb content visit Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She stepped...

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Nude Bartending

This story is based on a true news report, however I made up everything in it. This is purely fictional. The actual Associated Press release is at the end of the story. Nude Bartending My car broke down in a small hick town in a rural area called Delhi, Illinois. As I quickly found out they pronounce it Dell-ee rather than Dell-hi. Go figure! The attendant at the local repair shop told me that I would have to stay in town until he got the parts sent in from Saint Louis. It was only...

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Seven and Bella

“What? You’re kidding me right?” “No I’m not, we are coming home tomorrow” Renae said through the phone. “We miss being home, being with you guys. A year away from home is enough for us" “You have no idea how happy this makes us, right Sev?” Kay looked at Seven, who nervously walk up and down the terrace. “Ask her if Stacey is there with her” Seven commanded. “She isn’t mate she is asleep, Renae is talking outside on their balcony. But I thought you said that you never wanted to...

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Maria Mendez

(Please feel free to write your chapter if I like it I will add it to the story) Hi my name is Maria Mendez. I'm 37 years old. Despite having three kids I still look good for my age. I stand 5 foot 6 inches tall. Im a honey skinned mexican milf. 36c voluptuous breast with all the exercise I do I manage to keep my tummy and my 40 inch ass tight. It was Friday morning when the sudden noise of the alarm clock woke me up. 4:15 ugghhh!!! Time to go drop Dan off. Dan is my husband. I married him...

3 years ago
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Kendra By jasmine Chapter one The mournful music of Mozart's Requiem was playing quietly in a darkened room. A young eighteen year old girl was silently weeping on her bed as the morbid music filled the air. Mass for the Dead, is how it translates to. The tearful young woman was thinking about why god had chosen her for this cruel life. Kendra had a slim figure but was quite buxom. Her long brown hair dropped past her shoulders. She had beautiful green...

3 years ago
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The Seduction of Glenda

There was an article on page eight of the Tribune. Thirty per cent of new graduates could not find jobs. Glenda felt very lucky to be employed in one of Chicago's biggest accounting firms. It was only a clerk's position, but it was better than nothing. She was sure her 5.0 GPA helped a lot, the interviewer seem impressed with that, and that she took accounting classes in high school. The train was slowing for Union Station. Glenda folded up the newspaper and crammed it between the seat and...

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My Bestfriend

So here I bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 13 Serendipity

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 10 Glenda

The day after Allan told her of the new arrivals, Glenda went to the transporter. She found the maps in the system for how to get to Jahnville and even the papers were Allan had jotted down the coordinates for the new town where the other humans were now living. She connected to the satellite locator and looked for a signal. She found there was one and she was able to update the maps from it onto an old pad. She was then able to type in the coordinates to the new town. Now all she had to do...

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Warrens WomenChapter 3A Glenda

Because of the congested traffic, Warren left the cab in the middle of the street a half-block from his apartment and jogged through the heavy rain to the dryness of his apartment's lobby. Once inside, he ran his hands through his hair and wiped them on his raincoat before removing it and shaking it over the marble floor forming a small pool. Draping the raincoat over his shoulder, he sauntered over to the mailbox and retrieved his mail and perused it, noting with some chagrin they were...

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You have a lot of time to think when you are sitting on a cot in a jail cell. No TV, no radio or newspapers to distract you, nothing but a wall with names and dates crudely scratched into it. You could spend time wondering what was behind RAMOS 4-12-81 or what the story was that went with I FUCKED MARIE AND HERE I AM, but I didn't. What I thought of mostly was why I was there — what caused me to be sitting in a jail cell. The primary reason was clear enough; another man found me with his wife...

4 years ago
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Kindling Kendra

"Good morning, men. On behalf of the faculty, staff and slaves of the University of Dolcett, I would like to welcome you, the incoming freshman class. I know that most of you have heard something about us, from your fathers, or your older brothers, but now you will be part of over 200 years of grand tradition.""My name is Chancellor Leach, but you can call me Gary. I want you all to know that my door is always open to you. If you need to talk about anything at all, please do feel free to stop...

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The year was 1876 the country was reeling in shock and horror over the Battle Of The Little Big Horn, there was talk of revenge but many were scared of what the Red Indians would do next which is why 17 year old Jake and his 16 year brother Joe were helping Sara and her sister home from town, both boys were good shots with the rifle and handgun and were much sort after for protecting ranches. At 18 Sara was hot headed and moaned about being treated like a kid by 2 gunslingers, as they rode...

2 years ago
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Frank Beth Anne and Glenda

I had been married to Beth Anne for eleven years when the event that started this tale took place. We had gotten together in the tenth grade, started going steady just before the start of summer vacation between eleventh and twelfth grades and were joined at the hip from then on. We made plans to be married when we graduated from college and one month after that momentous event we tied the knot. Altogether we had been a couple for just a little over eighteen years. We both wanted to succeed...

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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 07

‘You, Alessandro Conti, are a cruel, lying, seducing, asshole!’ Maisie whispered, her finger poking his chest with every insult. Alessandro’s mouth dropped open. His pulse raced, though whether from panic that he’d done something terrible or annoyance at her accusation, he didn’t know. ‘What, not going to own up to it?’ Maisie let out a short, angry laugh. ‘Tough. I promised not to run last night, and you’re in luck, I’m keeping that promise, and I’m going to tell you exactly what I think of...

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Seven Brothers

At first, I just asked the mailing list for advice. But the stunning response I got (all one of them!) convinced me to keep it as-is. So here, without further ado, is: SEVEN BROTHERS by Roy Del Frink The seven Frie brothers of Newark were considered despicable. Everyone seemed to hate them. By some quirk of fate, each acted like the very personification of one of the seven deadly sins. Alex was the "wrathful" one. He got upset at the smallest little thing, screaming...

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Seven Deadly Wishes

Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...

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Mr Henderson

Introduction: A new series Im starting, unrelated to the other one. Comments and feedback are always appreciated. I was failing my history class. It was completely unavoidable. I blamed my failure on a combonation of two things: My lack of effort, and the teacher being a complete psycho. The man was near impossible to communicate with, and gave assignments that made very little sense. I wasnt the only person with this problem, and it was not uncommon for my friends and I to have a good bitch...

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Hideki Ascend

"When you need to be somewhere, but can't get there? You need the Hideki Ascend. There is no distance that will keep you from making your mark on the world. Be sure to sign up for the Ascend Ambassador program, and you'll always have access to a body in any Hideki location around the world. Be everywhere." The commercial for the new Hideki invention flashed on a nearby screen. It began with a woman looking at flight tickets from New York to Berlin, seeing she missed her flight. The commercial...

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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 5 Bohemian Rhapsody

“Stay humble,” my host admonished me as she led me up the final flight of stairs to my room in Bucharest. I started to ask her what the hell she was talking about when she pointed up and I ducked my head so I wouldn’t hit it on the low ceiling of the hall. Stay humble. In other words, keep your head bowed. I was a little testy, but it wasn’t her fault. It had been a miserable trip from Sofia, Bulgaria. I had just nine Bulgarian lev when I headed for the train station. My previous trip to...

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Silver BloodVendetta

Running away, the now feminized Sean finds the Silver Blood Foundation where they help her by teaching the cursed Van Helsing how to fight without her immunity nor with her vampiric abilities, making her a slayer. Shaun discover love and a secret that lets her become a full female, using her latent slayer powers to complete the transformation. Now, ready, she returns home to confront Dracula and end his tyranny. * * * Sean finally goes to the Halloween Party as the girl that he is...

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The Reverend

THE REVEREND Joseph wasn't the sharpest pin stuck into that weird little tomato shaped sewing accessory. He did however find an interesting niche to take advantage of in the current situation. He worked for the reverend, a scary small-time gangster that nobody would ever go up against. The reverend was small in stature but had none of the so called "small man syndrome," There was something in his aura that reeked of true power. There were bigger fishes but the reverend had an aura that...

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Green skins

The forest is a calm, serene setting, away from the hectic insanity from the human kingdoms and towns, and hidden away from the goblin dens where their scavengers would hopefully never find you. You took this plot for camp, burying your tent and fire within the dense trees. It was a place to relax from the mass of panic in every place you went. Goblin raid this, Goblin attack that. You understood the panic. the goblin numbers have dramaticly increased, seemingly over night. However you were...

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Your name is David Anderson, you are in the last year of high school. You live a normal life with your girlfriend, friends and family until now... You or someone you know finds a box that contains two pen looking devices, one that can change other people into bodysuits, the other has unknown powers that's up to the writer to decide. The bodysuit device: Looks like an odd looking black pen with strange inscriptions on it and has a button on the top of it. The other one looks pretty much similar...

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Telle est prise qui croyait prendre

Tel(le) est pris(e) qui croyait prendre... Les sauna mixte et club ?changiste, est un de mes passe temps favori, de m?me que je ne suis un habitu? d'aucun des ?tablissement que je f?requente tellement je varie mes visites. Mais voil? maintenant un mois je me suis rendu au "club myst?ria" c'?tait un apr?s midi, ce club est situ? dans le centre ville d'une grande ville et en ce samedi apr?s midi de d?but d'?t? les gens ne se prom?ne pas trop dans les centre ville de bord de mer, comme vous l'aurez devin?, ils pr?f?...

4 years ago
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The ass adventure of Kendra

Note: This story never truly happened. Any names or resemblance is purely coincidental. Second story^^ woo hoo Kendra Douglas was 22 with wavy dark brown hair that reached her ass. Her eyes matched her hair they almost looked chocolaty. She 5'4 and weighing about 150 pounds. Her breasts were a 36c cup and her ass was perfectly rounded. She and her friend Katie stood in line for a club. Kendra was wearing her hair loosely braided as it hung down her back. She had on a wrap dress as black as the...

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Seven inches of pleasure for Morgan

I wanted to fuck her the first time I saw her. She was down the hall, maybe ten yards distant, walking away from me with my boss, and she was wearing a short tight skirt that showed off her well-shaped little ass and legs. She was young, well less than half my age, probably in her early twenties I correctly guessed. She was petite, a half-head shorter than me and couldn’t weigh over a hundred pounds. Her hair was dark and sort; a ‘pixie’ cut, I think they call it. She turned and I noted that...

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Seven Sisters in Seven Days

Have you ever felt tired, so tired that you can't even get it up? I don't think I'm there yet, but it can't be far away. I never thought too much sex could ever wear me out, but I was wrong, so wrong. Maybe it wasn't the amount of sex, but the style, the variations, the number of partners, the immoral circumstances and God knows what else finally got to me. Right now, I feel so tired that if my dick fell off it could be a blessing. I suppose I should explain. My name is Sloan. I'm 22 years old...

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Seven days seven womenPart 1

Seven days, seven women-Part #1 By csn61 © Chapter 1: the storyline:I want to describe the incredible fortune I have landed in terms of being able to make love to different mature rich woman, every day of the week without any catch, any obligations, without spending a single penny!I am a 21-year-old young computer scientist, presently unemployed. My main occupation now is to satisfy the sexual libido of my seven rich mature beautiful women lovers, day 'in' and day 'out '(pun intended) who love...

4 years ago
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Seven Nights

Seven Nights Ryan surveyed his assembled slaves, and their handlers, critically. He'd called an assembly of his seven slaves, and their handlers, this eveningfor a special announcement. They had been assembled for some minutes now, buthe let them wait as he looked them over. Ryan Dante was a CEO for one of the largest software companies in the world.As a result, he had wealth enough to indulge in every whim, every perversity,he desired; and his particular desire had been, since he was young,...

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Mrs Townsend

It is our anniversary and I sit naked on our bed. When I awokethis morning I was told to shower and to shave every inch of my body, torub lotion and powder on myself so that every inch of me was soft andcaressable. I have done as I was told; I am very obedient. By now thecherry red polish on my toes and my fingers are dry and shiny. My lips areglossed the same color. My eyebrows are plucked and shaped, my lashescurled, my face powdered, my cheeks blushed, my shoulder-length haircombed. I...

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Seven Days

Standing anonymous amongst the congregation, he watched as friends and family precariously lowered the rain-drenched coffin into the collapsing grave. Six burly men leaned over the open chasm, striving to maintain balance in the torrential rain, as the coffin slowly disappeared from view a barely audible splatter resonated from beneath as it finally hit its waterlogged bed. All the Pallbearer’s shoes had once gleamed with pride, now they stood caked in mud, housing feet that struggling to...

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Seven Deadly Sins

In the dark bowels of Hell, two demonesses were working hard over a forge. The two demon women were of the prettier variety, though they didn’t hold a torch to succubi. The first of the demon ladies picked up the object they had just finished crafting. It was very ornate, and certainly didn’t belong in a hellhole like, well, Hell. It was a golden amulet with seven glowing gems placed in it. Six in a circle, and a seventh in the middle. “King Lucifer will be pleased with the Sinner’s Amulet.”...

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Seven Wishes

Seven Wishes As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it.Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have...

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Seven Chinese Dicks

Aloha. This takes place in Oahu, in the older part of downtown Honolulu at Aloha Tower, where the cruise ships pull in. It was in front of Aloha tower, in a grassy square. It was a rectangular cement men’s room, the size of a single-wide. High barred windows, with six urinals and six stalls. None of the stalls had doors. A sink at the very end. A heavy door that was padlocked at nine PM each night and remained wedged open during the day. Entrances could be made quickly and silently, without...

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Seven Months

© August 2000 Jake roused me from sleep, his fingers prodding my panties. With practiced skill he slipped beneath the elastic and lace, quickly, before I was fully awake. His fingers maneuvered in and out, every other stroke pushed a little deeper. He kissed my neck, nibbling my earlobe. I shivered. "It's after midnight, Jake," I mumbled irritably. "I'm sorry," Jake responded. My husband nuzzled up against my back. I felt the heat from his naked chest warm me through my thin...

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