Made From Clay 2 free porn video

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Made from Clay By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Chapter 2 Cameron headed back to clean up in the kitchen but was extremely relieved as Mrs. Claiborne quickly put a stop to his work. "Your parents are here to pick you up, Tracey," said Mrs. Claiborne. "Since you were such a wonderful help today, I didn't mention your little incident. I hope you'll be smarter than that in the future young lady. There's plenty of time for things like that in the future. Now get moving, because they're waiting for you in the car." "Yes mame," said Cameron thoroughly embarrassed as he almost dashed from the back room. He was never so happy to see his father's car as he quickly hopped into the back seat next to his sister. The second the door slammed, he felt relieved but instantly miffed as his mother and father twisted their necks, starting at him and his sister's jaw fell without uttering a word before she covered her mouth with a brief giggle. "What?" said Cameron as his father turned back around, shaking his head a bit as he began driving. "Nothing honey," said his mother. "How did it go? Any issues?" "No, it was fine," said Cameron. "I mean today in general sucked of course, but it was not hard. We served the poor and just did some chores." "Anything else I should know Cameron?" said his mother. "Like what?" Replied Cameron, annoyed. "Nothing else happened. You made me do all this mom." "No problem honey," said his mother. "I just... forget it. It's been a long day." "She means how did you end up rocking the pigs, sis," said Tracey, teasing him as she flicked one. "Tracey, cut the shit. No, no, sweetie," said Donna, grabbing his hand as he was about to smash her and pull out the scrunchie. "They look adorable on you. Keep your hands to yourself girls, and I'll take them out for you when we get home." "Mom," screamed Cameron, annoyed at his sister and being called a girl. "Sorry Cameron," said his mother as Tracey and his father laughed. "It's just you did so well I almost forgot. It's been a long day honey, but I still can't believe you could braid that well. That looks perfect and of course we're all curious what inspired the hair, dear." "I can't braid of course," Answered Cameron, frustrated and giving them a look. "Mrs. Claiborne said we had to keep ours tied up since we were serving food, so some girl did it for me. I had no choice, just like the rest of this day." "Enough," said his father, stopping his whining. "We're a family and we help each other. Be happy I didn't shave your head after all your lies." Cameron didn't utter another sound, looking out the window during the rest of the ride home. His mother and father shared small talk as Tracey texted away, barely looking up. They stopped to pick up a few pizzas as their dad ran in to get them before returning and driving to their house. Cameron looked around as they pulled into the driveway as it was dark out now, but walked in comfortably, seeing no neighbors in sight. "Leave her uniform on my bed and then I'll take out your hair when you come down, honey," said their mother, undoing the back of his romper. "It's been a long day, so everyone in their pajamas and then we'll have this late dinner." Cameron was never happier as he ran up to his room and quickly he was in a 52 Clay Mathews jersey and some Green Bay Packer pajama pants. The second he was dressed, he heard his door closed as he spun around, seeing Tracey leaning against it. "So I'm hoping we'll make a little pact of silence here," said Tracey, giving him a look. "I'm sure you don't want any of this getting out and being the wonderful sister I am, neither do I." "Shit, are you kidding me," said Cameron, looking at her phone as she held up all the text messages. "I did nothing Tracey. He surprised me and grabbed me. What the hell is wrong with you, putting me in a spot like that?" "Oh, I didn't Miss kissy face," Tracey chuckled. "I had no clue he was going to be there. I begged him to do it and he turned me down flat. Just him being there was a total surprise." "Some surprise you got me," said Camero,n turning red. "But obviously mom and dad don't know about him." "Ah yeah and I'm hoping we'll keep it that way, right?" Tracey grinned. "Really! Are you kidding me!" said Cameron. "You can't be kissing boys at 11. You're in the sixth grade and I'm your older brother. I'm supposed to protect you. Dad will kill you and me if he finds out I let you do that." "You sure that's the way you want to go on this one, sis?" said Cameron, flipping around a picture of Cameron in his pigtails and her uniform on her phone. "He texted me some real cute ones of you." "No way," said Cameron, stunned. "He took pictures of me!" "Yup and I guess you didn't even realize these couple of selfies during that little smooch of yours," said Tracey as he was stunned seeing the few shots of the side of their faces kissing. "That asshole," screamed Cameron. "Yeah the asshole has long arms. It's a pretty good shot, and my advice to you in the future is try not to kiss with your eyes closed. Phones are so easy to snap shots with these days, especially if you're not looking," said Tracey seeing her brother look stunned. "But hey! No harm no foul as he thinks I'm a wonderful kisser, so thanks for that. It's up to you but I'd like to keep this as just our little secret. I mean it was our first kiss that you stole from me, so he really wasn't expecting much? What do you say, my big strong brother?" "I hate you," said Cameron, steaming as he stormed past her heading downstairs. They sat eating pizza as his mother began undoing his left braid as the phone rang. She answered it on the portable, chatting away as she undid his hair as she squeezed his shoulder answering question after question. "I'm going to need a few minutes, and I'll call you right back," said Donna, hanging up and dropping the phone on the table. She was speechless for a minute, running her hands through Cameron's hair, separating the bonds from the gel. "What is it honey?" said their father, breaking her trance as she sat down. "Tracey, they picked you for a little test shoot," said her mother. "Yes!" screamed Tracey, jumping up. "That's unbelievable. Awesome!" "What's wrong, Donna? I thought you'd be ecstatic for her?" said James. "I am but it's not what we expected," said Donna, trembling. "I mean it's just a chance for them to get a better look at you for potentially a bit part, but I can't! I won't. Sorry, I'm going to call them back and turn it down. I'm sorry Tracey, but something better will eventually come." "Mom, no way. Are you kidding me?" screamed Tracey. "I'll do any part. I've worked so hard for this. This could be my big break. Why would you make me pass on this? They might never call again if we turn them down. I don't care what it is." "Tracey, stop being a brat," said Donna. "The problem is they didn't just pick you! It's for sisters. They want to get a look at you and your sister Cameron!" "You're kidding?" said Cameron stunned. "I can't put him through this again," said Donna, wiping her brow. "I stressed all day on it. Now I know he lied badly, but his punishment is over." "But mom, come on," said Tracey, immediately objecting. "This isn't fair. It's what you made him do all this for. Please, let me ask him. He'd do it for me. Wouldn't you Cameron?" "Yeah like are you nu--" said Cameron, before he looked up and she was wiggling her phone at him. "What's that my wonderful brother? You know what this means right? Oh, and what this could mean for both of us?" said Tracey, scrolling and hitting some buttons on her phone. "You suck Tracey!" said Cameron whispering and tensing up. "You were about to say?" "I ...well," Replied Cameron, ready to boil over as he closed his eyes. "I guess if it's that important to her." "I'm shocked. I am really shocked, Cameron," said his mother, hugging him and getting emotional. "I've never been so proud of you helping your sister like this. It's just amazing how we turned something so horrible into something so wonderful. See James, I always tell you things happen for a reason." "I guess," said their father, shaking his head as Donna quickly dialed them back. "Yes, they're in," said Donna, barely able to control their excitement. "Yes, 10 am tomorrow is fine and I'll have them ready. Sure all that works just fine." "Mom, wait," screamed Cameron as she hung up. "I didn't know you meant tomorrow. It's my game. You said my punishment is over. I can't miss it." "It'll be fine honey," said their mother, grabbing her purse. "This will be in the morning and I'll get you ready early. You'll get it over with and then we'll head to your game. Now get to sleep you two as tomorrow is a busy day." "Where are you going, Donna?" said James as she hurried away. "What the hell are we doing here?" "Relax, honey," said Donna, kissing her husband as she grabbed the car keys. "I need something appropriate for them to wear there tomorrow. Now off to bed, as I've got to hustle as the mall closes in two hours." "I hate you," whispered Cameron as he followed his sister upstairs. "I know," said Tracey, all smiles. "But thanks anyway for supporting my dreams." "Like I had a choice," Cried Cameron as he reached his room. "Now get your beauty rest sis. I'm sure mom is picking you something really cute for tomorrow. Nighty nite," said Tracey as he slammed his door. As Tracey closed her door, Cameron was lying awake in bed trying to figure a way out of his latest situation. He tossed and turned, finding no solutions until he was startled by his mother turning on the light. "Morning sleepy head," Donna pulled off his covers. "Rise and shine. It's a busy day." Cameron was pretty tired as he sat up and staggered out of bed. The moment he stood up, his mother handed him his tooth brush and he headed into the bathroom. As soon as he returned, he noticed a few things laid out on his bed as his eyes instantly widened as she waited little time coming towards him. "Change your underwear and then I'll help you," said his mother pulling off his jersey and turning around. "Mom, you sure we'll be done in time?" said Cameron, annoyed as he dropped his pants and pulled on the pink cotton panties. "I know you're nervous dear, and I'm so proud of you doing this for your sister," said his mother, kissing his forehead. "It'll be plenty of time so don't waste it Cameron. We've got a lot to do and we're on a schedule." As Cameron turned around, his mother already had his matching little pink training bra held out and slid his arms right into it. It just sat there on his flat chest for whatever stupid reason he thought as quickly she snapped it in the back. "Here," said his mother, holding open one of his sister's silk robes before yelling to his sister. "This is just while I get you ready and until I dress you. Hurry up and meet us down stairs, Tracey." Before he could even object, he found himself in a cranberry silk robe decorated in lipsticks, perfume bottles, and girly shoe illustrations as his mother knotted the robe's belt. She took his hand, leading him to down to the kitchen where he saw a series of canisters, sprays and hot irons laid out on the kitchen table. "Sit at the end, Cameron," said his mother as Tracey joined them. "I'll do Tracey and she'll do you." She spun the chair furthest from the end, pointing for him to sit down. It was odd as he sat with his legs straddling the sides of the chair as he sat backwards facing the back of the chair with his chin rested on top of it. He looked over his shoulder, realizing his sister was right behind him oddly doing the same thing and then instantly he knew why as she began brushing his hair. "His hair is pretty with a little wave mom," said Tracey, annoying him as he glanced back, seeing his mother sitting behind Tracey brushing his. "I know, it's from the braids but it's mostly gone anyway," said Donna. "Just do what I told you as I'm not sure what they'll do with you girls later." "I know, quick and simple," said Tracey, making a face. "It's kind of fun having a sister, so I'd love to do something fancier mom. Come on mom, I want to look really pretty when we show up. You always tell me to leave an impression." "Mooomm," Cried Cameron, turning and ready to kill her. "Turn around please, Cameron," Donna giggled. "Let's just get this done. I'm not sure if they want that." "Mom, please," said Tracey, as Cameron could hear a constant clicking sound as Tracey was quickly pressing open and closing the handle on her curling iron as she held it up, showing it off. "Unless you and dad are going to give me a little sister, when am I ever going to get to do this again? Please mom, I want to make that perfect impression and I know it'll look perfect with our dresses?" "Fine," Donna giggled as Cameron spun back around, trying to see what his sister was doing. "I guess you're right about that now that I think about it, but let's not dilly dally." "Sit still, sis," said Tracey, turning his face as his sister sectioned his hair as her mother did the same to hers. "This is going to be so much fun." He could feel her tugging now and working with her fingers before he looked over, seeing her grab the flat iron and glide it through his hair. She worked over and over as he listened to the sizzling sound as he felt it tug through section after section. This little session didn't seem so bad as it was over quickly as she put it down as he thought he was finished. "What are you doing?" Asked Tracey, as he started getting up and she pushed at his shoulders. "Aren't we done?" said Cameron, looking confused. "Sit still, Cameron," said Tracey, lifting her curling iron in his face and twisting his shoulders. "All I did so far was straighten out the mess you had from those braids you seemed to love so much. It's time to make all that hair look pretty." "Just quick and loose though, honey," Donna lectured her. "They want simple and natural, so they can do what they want later." "I know but it sucks," said Tracey. "I'd love to do more, but this is fun anyway." Cameron was ready to explode as she clipped a big section of his hair up atop his head and he watched out of the corner of his eye stretch a thick section behind his left ear. He was struggling to control his anger as he noticed the silver barreled iron in her hand and felt her glide the curling iron into place, as he lost sight of it when she positioned it behind his head. If the initial tension as she stretched it wasn't bad enough, it was absolute mental agony as he felt it wind in and listen to it sizzle as he knew she was baking in some form of curl sensing the intense heat near the nape of his neck. She finally released it pressing at it with her fingers and wasted no time doing another as he could feel her fingers scratching near the middle of the nape of his neck. "OMG mom," said Cameron after she did a few more gently placing them across his back. "I love how these look. There coming out gorgeous, and they're pretty quick." "I've always loved them on you too, but just don't make them so tight," said her mother, working on Tracey's hair. "I know how you must feel doing them. It's so much fun and he does have that same pretty hair that you have. Just no more than another layer, and then I'll separate them with my fingers." "You got it mom," said Tracey, releasing the rest of his hair and doing the top layer. He sat fuming as he could hardly stomach her enjoying his misery. She was quite adept now at tugging at his hair as she circled him stretching each thick section and humming to herself as she baked in each long curl. As she finally released the last section, she put down her iron, nodding as she smiled at her work before turning to look over her shoulder at her mother who had just finished her hair. "Now what, mom?" said Tracey, patting his hanging thick big sausage rolls. "Should I..?" "Just leave it sweetie," said Donna, running her fingers through Tracey's hair separating the sections. "You did all the hard work. Give me a minute to finish yours, and then I'll finish Cameron's hair. One more second and you can go get dressed." "Cool," said Tracey, as her mother finished her hair and she ran upstairs. "Thanks so much mom." "You're welcome, honey," said Donna. "Just go get ready and then bring down your brothers dress when you come back. I'll dress him down here and we should be right on schedule." "Sounds good," said Tracey, excited as she ran upstairs. Donna switched to Cameron'chair now as Cameron sat there while she picked through the back of his hair with her fingers. She then took her wide tooth brush, digging it in behind his forehead as he sat there having little choice as she pulled pretty hard brushing a few times. In front of his face now appeared the thin sharp end of a rat tailed comb as it approached in his line of sight before digging through his scalp, seemingly creating a part within a flash. She was much rougher than his sister as she worked rapidly, brushing and tugging at certain sections with her fingers before she held his forehead leaning it back a little. It was awkward staring at the ceiling as she held him steady for a moment before finally he felt a snap near his right temple before she got up and came around in front of him lifting his chin. As she looked him straight in the eyes studying her work, she nodded as Tracey now returned as he could hear her standing behind him. "Ok, let's get you dressed and we're out of here," said his mother, kneeling as she was putting some shoes on his feet. "Ok up and step in when I tell you sweetie." She wasted no time, as he stood she took off his bathrobe. She reached behind, taking his dress from Tracey before pulling the chair out of her way. "Shit" Sighed Cameron softly as he watched his left leg step into the girly looking dress followed by the right. "That's no language for a young girl, Cameron," said his mother with a grin as he watched the dress slide up his body. "But in a way that's the wow factor we're hoping for. At least once they see you girls later when you're totally ready." "Sorry," said Cameron meekly as his mother slid his arms through the short sleeves and he knew it was time as he felt zipper slide up and then a button being closed near his collarbone. "Ok girls we'll leave in a minute. Get his purse, Tracey," Donna ordered, before feeling the tight tug as she tied the bow at his waist. "Ok, sweetie. What do you think?" "Oh mom," said Tracey as her brother spun around seeing her. "I love it." He was speechless, seeing his sister standing there staring at him in her dress, pink sandals, and her hair filled with loose curls as he looked up and down, realizing they were dressed identically. "Good call on the hair, Tracey. I have to say it really makes you girls look so adorable together," said Donna beaming. "Let's get out of here before your dad realizes how much I spent on these dresses. Cameron used to be cheap to dress in jeans and football jerseys, but not today." "I'll handle that mom! He never likes to deny his little girl! Wait, he's not coming with us?" said Tracey, getting upset. "Honey, relax! Of Course he is, and it's not time yet," said Donna, taking a little clear lip gloss and coating Cameron's lips before handing it to Tracey. "He'll be meeting us there. You girls have a nail appointment first. I can't take Cameron there with those disaster nails he's got." Cameron rolled his eyes as Tracey glossed up her lips before she put her arm around him as their mother snapped a cell phone picture. He was so annoyed as she dragged them from the house as they sat together in the back seat, belted in. "Lean forward Cameron, and just let me sweep your hair on your shoulders for the car ride," said their mother. "You'll need to be mindful when sitting, or you'll flatten those curls and it'll be a disaster. If you want to have pretty hair you'll get used to it Cameron." "Who said I asked for pretty hair," Replied Cameron, shaking his head as he could feel his hair oddly flow with some body to it. "You may not have, but it's pretty now and you've got it none the less sweetie," said Donna, adjusting her rear view mirror to look at them. "You really did such a good job Tracey." "Yeah, I know," said Tracey, beaming as she patted his hair, annoying him. Cameron sat their quietly perturbed as they drove about ten minutes, until finally pulling up at the nail salon. The women were gushing about how pretty they looked the moment they came in, as Tracey was enjoying every little compliment as they were led to stations side by side. Cameron was instantly dumbfounded by all the pungent smells and odd sensations as they began working on his fingers. They filled and scrubbed and worked on his cuticles as it was hard to watch them transform from natural to a shiny salmon pink. Before he knew it, his hand was resting under a small dryer as they worked on the other as he glanced over, realizing the smile never left his sister's face. When they finally finished the other hand, they led them to adjoining leather chairs, where they were working on their toes while Cameron couldn't believe he was doing this. "Let me see, girls," said Donna, returning as happily Tracey held out her hands. "You too Cameron. It's a very pretty color and they match the dresses perfectly." "Moooommm!" Whined Cameron, holding out his hands. "This was a good call mom," said Tracey, knowing it was really pissing him off. "I just figured this would help set the mood," said Donna smiling. "Right Trac!" "Thank you so much for all this mom," said Tracey, hugging her and then surprising her brother. "And I love you too, sis." "Ok, enough of the lovie dovey sister stuff," said Donna, taking their forearms and carefully avoiding their nails. "Time to get you girls to work." As they stopped at the counter, their mother paid the bill as Cameron couldn't stop looking down at his sparkling pink toenails poking out from under the hem of his dress. He moved over as she dug through her purse looking for her credit card and was able to really see his full image next to that of his sister in the mirrored walls near the counter. It was sickening as he couldn't believe how much they looked like twin, with identical dresses and hairdos. There wasn't even the slightest trace of the 8th grade football player that needed to emerge later that day, as all that looked back at him was blonde haired, blue eyed princess in a pretty dress. Certainly he knew that his long blonde hair helped easily aid this crazy charade, especially now that it all sat across his shoulders in long loose picked out tendrils. His sister also surely did know what she was doing as he turned his face from side to side, watching his hair bounce and sway in lose curls and waves, as all this new body flowed from temple to temple in his new extremely girly style. On top, he realized what his mother had done now when she stepped in to finish his look, as his hair was parted to the left and pulled tightly across, before a large satin bow tie shaped salmon pink and black bow was clipped above his right temple, keeping his curls from his eyes and face. His dress made quite the impression and perfectly accentuated the look, as he could really see it pop in the mirror now. On top, the dress was a black crushed velvet fitted material with black satin ruffled sleeves at the shoulders, before streaming down to a long tapered sleeve and a little salmon ruffled wrist cuff. Below the waist were three tiered layers of salmon pink satin short tiered ruffles, forming a delicate almost knee length skirt, and surrounding the waist was a four inch thick satin ribbon that was tied in a gorgeous flowing bow at his back. On his feet were matching salmon pink sandals, which allowed his glistening pink toes to wiggle freely, finishing off this look he was still shocked to believe he was about to spend his morning in. "Yes, we do look pretty, don't we?" Tracey joked, awakening him from his momentary trance as she put her arm around him. "Oh, I was thinking of something else," Cameron answered, amazed at how they did look so similar. "Whatever sis," Tracey teased him as she knew she startled him as he stared at her, annoyed. "Just get in the right frame of mind, because you're just another girly girl this morning." "Girls, we're ready, right?" said their mother sternly as she put out hand, grabbing him. "Yes you both look adorable, but it's time to go Tracey." "You mean Cameron," said Cameron, getting a bit steamed as she giggled. "Sorry sweetie! I just get a bit nervous for Tracey at this stuff," said Donna as they headed outside. "Come on girls." "He's left and I'm right, in case you got confused," teased Tracey as they got into the car, clicking in their seat belts. "I figured you did that for a reason, but I didn't realize it was you couldn't tell us apart." "Thanks honey," said Donna, still giggling a bit as she looked at them in her rear view car mirror, realizing she had parted their hair on opposite sides. "You know I didn't girls. That was just me rushing, but it does help. Mommy's allowed some blonde moments too." "Really, hers is from a bottle," teased Cameron, rolling his eyes. "I heard that, my pretty little Cameron, and just because I've dressed you like a little pop star doesn't mean you get to mouth off like some little diva," Shooting back at him as she didn't appreciate his comment. "I'm your mother and this is stressful enough. Show some respect." "Ok mom," said Cameron, getting put in his place before mumbling under his breath. "Whatever." "My intention when I bought these outfits was to match you as well as I could so no one would doubt you as sisters, but I never realized how much you really would look alike. Yes it's true you both got your blonde genes from your father, but sorry to break the news to you honey, that it's also a fact you both got those pretty little features from me," said Donna, getting pissed as she pulled over the car before turning back and looking at him. 'Whatever' me again and you'll be singing soprano permanently, missy!" "Sorry," said Cameron meekly. They finally got to the addition as Cameron wasted no time getting out of the car, anxious to get this over with. They sat with two other families with sisters in the waiting room, before finally getting called in last after sitting there for about an hour. As they were brought in, the ladies on the staff were gushing over them as they positioned them, taking some shots before posing them a few different ways. They asked them to make some happy and also silly faces as they tested their acting skills with little situations. After a half hour, they were brought back out to the sitting area, waiting for they weren't sure what, until finally a producer came out and addressed them. "Mrs. Martin, I'm Blake Vandermeer," said the producer. "The girls' test shots turned out wonderfully, and we'd like to use them for the little shoot this morning." "That's fantastic!" said Donna, excitedly. "Of course! Of Course." "Great, just understand it's no big thing, but it's a nice start, ok girls," said Blake, crouching down and smiling at them. "We'll try a few things and then we'll see how it goes and if we'll proceed further." "Thank you so much sir," said Tracey, very grateful as she squeezed her brother's hand. "We'd love that." "Perfect," said Blake, reaching out his hands. "Follow me girls to hair and makeup." He glanced over at his mother as he realized it was more than a test shoot now, as he was being led down the hallway as his mother followed. It wasn't long before he found himself being helped into the elevated makeup chair, which was well off the ground as a woman wound a black cape over his dress. He looked to his left, seeing his sister getting the same treatment before his chin was turned by an older woman, forcing him to face straight ahead as she began sponging at his face. "Your girls are adorable, Mrs. Martin," the woman told her, as another was wetting his hair with a spray bottle and holding his head firmly as he was fidgeting a little. "I'm Lynne, and that's Justine doing her hair." "Thank you, and wonderful to meet you ladies," said Donna smiling at Cameron. "Sorry, they're a bit nervous, especially Cameron, as she's not used to all the fuss like her sister." "Oh don't worry honey, we're going to make you look amazing," said Lynne, blending all around his face. "It's easy when I have girls this pretty to work with." Cameron sat quietly, hoping this would all go quickly as the mascara wand slid across his lashes while he felt the tugging through his hair as he watched out of the corner of his eye, seeing his hair being stretched while the flat iron steamed through it. He watched Lynne rub her brushes into some different pallets and opened and closed his eyes on command as brushes were ever so gently sweeping across his lids and cheeks in a very different manner than when his mother had given him just a hint of color. Finally his eyes were being shielded by her fingers as they coated his head in some spray and set his face with a large powder puff. "We're ready for wardrobe in thirty seconds," said Lynne as she painted at his lips. "Oh, why don't you dress Tracey and I'll help with Cameron," said his mother. "She gets a little nervous, so we'll need to make a quick trip to the ladies room before we start." "No problem, Mrs. Martin," said a helper, handing her a garment bag. "It's just around the corner on your left." They pulled the cape from Cameron's neck as his mother helped him from the elevated chair, taking his hand as they headed to the ladies room. The moment they entered, she looked the door as Cameron could barely utter a word, seeing his made up reflection as she wasted no time stripping off his clothes. "Always make sure that no one dresses you or I'm there to help. Don't forget, regardless of how pretty you may look that you've got something a little extra we need to make sure is hidden. I know what outfits won't reveal it, but I'm not sure what they'll put you in," said his mother, taking his outfit from the garment bag and looking it over. "Although this should be no problem." She wasted no time sliding a pale pink tank top over his head before holding out a sweater as he slid in his arms and she dropped it carefully over his head. She knelt, rolling some tights up his legs and then stretched them tightly, making sure they were taut. She then held open his skirt as he stepped in and then dropped some little flats in front of his feet as he stepped in while she zipped up his skirt. "Very cute," said his mother, admiring her work as she stood back up. "Come on, let's go see how your sister turned out!" Cameron rolled his eyes, looking over at his complete outfit in the mirror, annoyed at the sight of himself now resembling some little hip over made up preteen. He was in a faded blue denim skirt with red flats on his feet and opaque tights on his legs. On top, he was in a soft red ? quarter length loosely knitted sweater which sat off one shoulder, showing the pink tank beneath at his neck and waist. His hair had been parted down the middle and flat ironed to be completely pin straight as it sat on both shoulders. His makeup was much bolder today, as his lashes looked round and thick and his lips sparkled with a bold cherry gloss. His cheeks never looked so pink and his blue eyes stood out almost sparkling under the soft pink shimmery eye shadow. It was hard to imagine that this could be worse than yesterday, which now seemed like nothing, realizing he was overly made up to stand out on camera. "Hey honey," said Donna, kissing her husband as he was waiting for them as they came out of the bathroom. "Perfect timing. Doesn't your daughter look adorable?" "I guess that's one way to put it," said James, shaking his head and snickering. "Excuse me, Mrs. Martin, Mr. Vandermeer would like to see you with Tracey as soon as possible, and we've been discussing a few little tweaks with Cameron that we'll need your consent on," said a well dressed assistant, interrupting them. "Sorry mame, but we're in crunch time, so if you could hurry back." "This is Cameron's dad. Honey, you do the consent forms while I go see Mr. Vandermeer and help Tracy now please," said Donna. "I'm sure she's a bundle of nerves without me all this time, since I've been with Cameron." "Sure, no problem ladies," said James as Donna scurried down the hall. "Thank you Mr. Martin and I'm Mandy, Mr. Vandeermeer's assistant and head of wardrobe. Just go have a seat for a minute Cameron and we'll be right with you sweetie," said the girl, handing Mr. Martin a clipboard as he initialed a few boxes. "Is this just standard stuff?" said James, signing the bottom. "Pretty much," said Mandy. "Your wife handled most of the important paperwork, but we need your consent because normally girls her age have this stuff done already. It's no big deal, and just takes a second. I was a late bloomer too when I was her age, so I understand the nerves but we do this stuff all the time here." "Oh, I'm glad you girls understand," said James, handing her the clipboard and taking out his phone. "They're cool with it Justine. Go ahead," said Mandy, nodding over to the hair dresser as she slipped a headband over his head pulling back his hair. "Dad!!!" screeched Cameron, almost jumping from his chair, never expecting the initial pinch at his right ear. "Ssshhh! Almost done and you'll thank me later," said Justine, patting his thigh, positioning the gun on his other ear. "I'm so sorry to startle you honey, but it's always better that way with girls you age." Cameron closed his eyes, feeling the next pinch popping on the left side as Lynne anticipated his emotions, coming over and wiping the quick tears and touching up his makeup. When she finished, they took the head band from his head, fixed his hair and replaced it with a red glittery headband, which had a red daisy angled to the left. "They're just starters, and yours to keep, sweetie," said Mandy. "For shoots like this, we use nice pear shape that pops on camera. It's the little touches that our director never does a shoot without. Don't they look so pretty on her dad?" "Ah, yeah!" said James, startled as he realized he should have paid attention. "You have always wanted them Cameron, and now you've got them." Cameron did want them like some of the other football players, but certainly not like this. He got up now, following Mandy down the hall with his father,, where he could see the look on his mother's face, instantly noticing the studs in his ears as she was inspecting him from head to toe. She didn't utter a word to him as Mandy didn't give him a moment to stop as he looked over his shoulder, watching his mother apparently lecturing his father. He was behind a large scene now where he was joined by his sister, who didn't notice, just giving a passing glance at him, more preoccupied with herself than him. They were no longer dressed identically, as she was in skin tight white jeans, purple flats, and a raspberry tunic. She also resembled a cool preteen, only wearing more makeup that he had ever seen her in, and her hair had also been flat ironed, yet swept from a side part. "Don't mess this up for me. You know how much I want this," whispered Tracey, taking a deep breath as they were pointed through a doorway to a set that resembled an indoor mall. "So girls, we're going to take a few shots of you just browsing through the racks and shopping," said the director. "Just act excited and happy to be shopping, like you normally would." It didn't seem that bad as they smiled and pretended to browse and look thrilled to be shopping, until the director was happy with his cuts. "Ok, bring in Logan," said the Mr. Vandermeer. "Ok girls, just look thrilled and show me raw enthusiasm the second he walks by." Cameron wasn't exactly sure what the director meant, but was immediately stunned, seeing Logan strut towards him. His jaw dropped, realizing the boy in tight football pants and a cut up jersey was the quarterback of the team he'd be facing later that day. "Cut! That was amazing, Cameron. I love that stunned look. Total shock. You are really good honey," said Mr. Vandermeer. "Now let's do it again, and this time give me something different like Tracey did. I want you both to scream and cry like you just saw the hottest guy from your favorite boy band!" Cameron did his best, though not really delivering exactly what the director had in mind until finally they cut. "Let's pose them for a few stills," said Mr. Vandermeer. "I like the initial emotion from Cameron, but not the squealing stuff. Tracey's better at that part. We've got enough to slice and dice it so I can make a decent short video. Position everyone please. I want a few shoots of the pretty girls holding the stud." Cameron soon found himself holding one arm of Logan, while his sister was placed on the other arm. Shot after shot was taken as he was being paraded from front to back of the set over and over holding Logan's bicep smiling. Finally after being paraded, filmed, and their pictures taken over and over, they stopped repositioning them. "Pucker girls," said Mr. Vandermeer, as Cameron now found his body being turned with his face towards Logan's left cheek. "And action! Go ahead and plant and hold your kiss!" Cameron was about to explode, seeing the disgust in his father's eyes as it was revolting holding a kiss on Logan's cheek. As he backed away, it was nauseating seeing the imprint of his lips marked in cherry gloss as he couldn't believe he was doing this. "Ok, same spot again girls, and hold while he shoot. Lift and curl one leg girls," said Mr. Vandermeer, making them do it six more time until he was satisfied. "And cut. Nice job girls. Mrs. Martin, we're going jump right in right to do more of a hip girlfriend type scene with the older one first then just a few minor little sister shots. We're right on schedule, so I'll need the girl's full cooperation." "That's sound great," said Tracey, butting in, answering for her mother and shooting her a look. "I can change quickly and as the big sister, I certainly don't need a break." "Excellent! That's such a wonderful attitude Tracey, and we'll need some extra time with your little sister anyway," said Mr. Vandermeer, nodding approval. "Follow my assistant, as we'll need to give you a slightly more mature look. It'll be quick and we'll get right back to work. Mandy, can you jump in and we'll divide and conquer." "Of course, Mr. Vandermeer," said Mandy. "I'll take the younger one with me back to hair and makeup." "Stay with Tracey and we'll switch once I make sure all is good with Cameron," whispered Donna to her husband. "He's probably freaking out inside." Donna followed Cameron and the team back down the hall as Mandy handed Donna a robe. "Here have her change into this while they do her hair and we figure some wardrobe options," said Mandy. "I'll go get her hairdresser and run a few things by Mr. Vandermeer." Quickly, Donna helped Cameron off with his outfit and he soon found himself in nothing but a simple white bathrobe as Justine entered. "So, she did so well before," said Justine. "You're a natural Cameron. I'm Justine. Sorry but we weren't formally introduced before!" "Great to meet you Justine. So I'll need to get back down there once they start shooting Tracey," said Donna. "But I just didn't want to leave her here not knowing what you're planning. She's more the nervous type than my older daughter." "Of course Mrs. Martin," said Justine plugging in some devices. "My boss wants to create a little age disparity between them for the next shots. Sisterly yet not so much like twins like before." "Oh, I thought that's what they liked about my girls," said Mrs. Martin annoyed a bit. "No don't take that the wrong way Mrs. Martin, he does. He told me he has some great twin type shots from earlier and he believes your girls give him great options for even more types of shots," said Justine brushing through Cameron's hair. "Believe me if he didn't there would be other girls sitting in these chair right now for the next shots. It's a big time compliment!" "I feel so flattered then," said Donna holding her chest, feeling better. "So then I'm assuming you're doing something age appropriate with Cameron then?" "Yes! The plan is to widen the age gap as much as we can. So as you know, we're taking Tracey's look up a notch and that means we go a little younger for Cameron. I think as a mom you'll enjoy it as maybe it'll bring back some memories of a few years back," said Justine, sliding some pins into his hair. "I'm going to try some bananas. I think they'll help chop a few years and be absolutely gorgeous on her. You good with that Mrs. Martin?" "Oh, that sounds adorable on her," said Donna with a little giggle, before getting sarcastic. "I'd say these would be new memories though right Cameron?" "I guess," said Cameron, annoyed. "Relax sweetie," Justine told him, brushing through his hair, creating more sections by inserting clips and pushing a lot of his hair forward slightly into his face. "You'll be cuter than ever when I'm done with you." "I don't doubt that," said Donna, taking a deep breath as Cameron felt his hair being stretched at the left side of the nape of his neck. "I'll be back in a bit, as I'm going to go check on Tracey. From the looks of things, they'll be working on you for a while so I'll be back when they're ready to dress you. I'll have your father come back in a bit to keep you company." None of that made Cameron feel any better as he looked to his left, seeing Justine pick up the silver aerosol can and cringed listening to the sound of the spray saturate the section which was stretched out. He immediately knew this was'nt going to be good, watching a gold barrel slide towards the edge of the stretched section before clamping down and disappear from his view as it was tightly rolling towards his neck. What was only seconds seemed like hours as he could hear his hair sizzling from behind his head, as he knew she was baking in curls. He could feel the tugging and the gentle way she placed it on his shoulders as she stretched the next. The process was quickly repeated another three times on his back before she finally stopped for a moment sipping her soda. "Your hair holds it nicely Cameron and you're so easy to work with," said Justine, taking her rat tailed comb in her hand and getting back to work. "Just sit here patiently and you'll be pretty as a plum in no time." It was nauseating, feeling her separate the next layer and humming each time she wound in the next section., He tried not to focus on the squeaking of the iron's handle, but it was impossible as this seemed to last much longer than when his sister worked on him feeling the strain with each series of hair strands being stretched. He was staring straight ahead at the wall feeling the soft weight and spring as each curl that was being added to his head as this was quite a rigorous process. He was at the point of getting sick as he counted each time, when at the twenty fourth curl his mother finally returned as Lynne released it looking over at Donna. "Wow," said Donna, inspecting as she lifted his chin. "Her hair is amazing. Damn, you're good." "Thank you, Mrs. Martin," said Justine, pulling back tightly at his forehead and snapping in a clip pinning it back "How much longer until she's ready to be dressed, because Tracey's on a five minute break so I thought I'd help dress her," said Mrs. Martin. "I need at least another ten minutes to do the sides and then we have a bit of makeup to adjust," Replied Justine, looking at her watch. "Maybe fifteen minutes, but you don't have to worry, wardrobe will dress her." "She's more comfortable with me here, but I'll come back," said Mrs. Martin. "If anything I'll leave my husband here now and he'll help with some of it." "You kidding?" said James. "Here Mrs. Martin," said Mandy, coming in and handing her a white frilly garment. "Since she's so shy, why don't you just put on her slip and then we can just drop on her dress and she won't feel too uncomfortable. We'll be trying a few outfits over this anyway. We'll turn around for you sweetie." "That'll work," said Donna, taking the garment as the girls turned around. "No tights then right?" "No, not with what we've picked," said Mandy. "I was thinking sandals, but I'm not sure yet. I'll avoid the tights." "Sounds good," said Donna, as Cameron felt ready to puke as his mother quickly stripped off the robe, as even his father had his back turned. It was embarrassing stepping into a new snow white cotton panty and then his mother ever so carefully dropped the white silk slip tank top with its attached soft layered petticoat bottom over his body. As he sat back down they slipped some soft white slippers on his feet and re- wrapped a cape around his neck getting back to stretching his hair as his mother headed back down to watch Tracey. Lynne now also jumped in front, wiping away some of her old work on his lids and lips quickly embarking on his new look while his father was happy to take a seat in the hall just outside the door, texting away on his phone. "Not bad ladies," said Mr. Vandermeer, coming in now and inspecting as they stepped back, allowing him to look over Cameron. "Ten minutes ok, but I think she needs the right touches?" "Yes sir," said Lynne. "Just a little more 'precious' though I think. Can we do more precious, more dainty please," said Mr. Vandermeer, holding out his hands in front of Cameron's face and opening his palms as only his thumbs touched each other as he framed Cameron's face like it was being looked at by the lens of a camera. "I need her to look so different than before. Remember that she is the younger sister of the girl that hung on Logan's arm. Think of her as Tracey's adorable little sister and let's get a move on." As Mr. Vandeermeer left, Justine gently tugged his hair at the crown a few different ways, adjusting her thinking slightly. "Yeah I can do younger? You good with that Mr. Martin?" asked Justine, looking over at him through the doorway as he was reading email on his phone. "I was going to frame with a few ringlets anyway, but instead of pulling back everything tightly off her forehead, then I'll fringe down across the front and go precision across the brows. That'll definitely get us a younger look, but I never do things like that without asking. You good with that sir?" "Uuumm, sure if that's what Mr. Vandermeer wants," said Mr. Martin. "All this stuff is Greek to me, but let's get it right I guess, as I'm sure Cameron is anxious to get this over with." "Good, then let's get you finished cutie," said Justine, brushing at the left side now. "I'm sure you're dying to get out of this chair." "You're not kidding," whispered Cameron softly to himself before just making a soft sarcastic smile at the girls. They got back to work, making some final adjustments on his face while the hot iron wound into sides near his temples again, creating curl after curl. After another five minutes, he realized it was finally almost over as Justine finally put down the hot iron and was coating the back of his head in hair spray. Just as he thought she might be finished, she released the tension near the crown of his head as he noticed her place a silver clip between her teeth and dig her comb in across his forehead. "Almost ready?" said Mandy coming in behind her now. "Mr. Vandermeer says he will be ready for her soon." "Just a sec Mandy. I'm trying to accomplish what he asked," said Justine snapping the clip tightly back in his hair and suddenly a thick section of his hair feel in his face. "And you know him, as he has a hissy fit if a single hair is out of place or a part's not straight." "Tastes gross," mumbled Cameron blowing the sticky hair spray laced hair from his tacky lips. "It won't in a second sweetie," said Justine as he watched her comb pierce through his hair before his eyes a few times stopping past his lips. "Close your eyes please for a moment and don't move a muscle honey." As he closed his eyes, he felt her pull the hair taut in front of his face before she combed through it, gathering more from temple to temple until she was satisfied. He felt an odd cold metallic sensation across the top of his left eye socket now and couldn't help but pop his eyes open the moment he heard the initial snip. At first he didn't put two and two together, having un-obscured vision out of one eye until suddenly his view was completely clear as the shearing happened so fast. He could feel his eyes slightly watering as his eye balls glanced down, watching a few long blonde strands sliding down his cape. "Chin up and don't open until I tell you this time," said Justine, lifting his chin so she could finish. "We don't want them crooked honey." His heart was racing now as he began a little panic as there was nothing he could do, feeling her comb against his forehead and make some final adjustments trimming until she was satisfied. "Oh this look is going to work well with the A-line Lilo dress," said Mandy, staring at him. "I was leaning towards a different dress, but this is going to be so much better now. I thought she looked too mature for it but after all your amazing work ladies, I'm pretty sure she can pull it off now. Mr. Vandermeer is going to be so pleased when he sees her in this look." "I think that's perfect," said Justine, combing against his forehead again. "Just let me turn under the front just a touch and spray them so they sit perfectly." "Just do it quick while I put on her shoes, and then you can help me dress her," said Mandy. Cameron could feel Mandy putting some socks and shoes on his feet as Justine took a round brush to his forehead, rolling through his hair as she hit it with the slight warmth of her hairdryer. The moment she finished she pulled the cape from his neck as he could see all the long fragments of his hair on the floor as quickly they had him up from the chair. "Honey, arms up and let me guide this on so we don't ruin your hair," said Justine, as in the blink of an eye his vision was blocked as they ever so slowly slid down his outfit. When it cleared his eyes, he looked down, seeing nothing but a sea of pink silk and ruffles as they lifted his hair ever so gently and tugged at the hem, adjusting the dress into place. As they spun him around, he began slightly trembling now, seeing his reflection in the mirrored wall, barely able to accept that this could possibly be him. He had little room to flex his toes, which were now inside shiny little white patent leather flats, and it was uncomfortable feeling the tight single strap across his foot. He was used to hi-top sneakers, but never a Mary Jane shoe that had a little buckle holding it snugly in place, and surrounding his ankles exploded a few layers of white lace ruffles from his nylon ankle socks. His calves were barely noticeable, yet appearing so milky white as his knees were just hidden under the big tea length skirt of the dress. He could see the white crinoline ruffles of his petticoat slip, which puffed out under the shiny silk coral pink skirt which looked so wide creating the precious A-line silhouette. "Be still sweetie, as I need to make sure this fits right," said Mandy, working behind him from a kneeling position as he could feel himself being closed in as each button was fastened on his back. "It'll just be another moment, as these Lilos run a little narrow but I think it's a nice fit." It was surreal now watching the bodice of the dress perfectly form to his skinny upper body, as his hair at the back of his neck sat softly on her wrist while she fastened the last few top buttons. The top of his dress featured a pristine white satin bodice with a simple rounded boat neck collar and short ruffled sleeves. At his waist, a thick fuchsia satin waistband delicately separated the white bodice and pink skirt and featured a large fuchsia silk rose and tulle ribbon detail off center to the right. "Cameron, please don't fidget," said Mandy, giving a little tug as she stretched the long silk fuchsia ribbon behind his back and he got a glimpse of her twisting it creating the large silk bow. "I think it's is perfect on her," said Justine, inspecting as she came in front of him bending own as he felt something snap near the crown of his head. "There, that should be the final touch." "Damn, we're good," said Mandy, as his hair dresser joined her behind him lifting some of his hair and positing it on his shoulders. He felt ready to pass out as he watched her ever so carefully placing some long ringlets on each shoulder and just fuss with a few sections with her fingers. She blocked his vision momentarily with her left hand while she took a silver aerosol can giving on last coat to his head. He wanted to cry but couldn't even must a tear when his new likeness was still there as fumes and her palm unclouded his view. For the second day in a row, he felt sick to his stomach,knowing that the long hair he loved more than aided to his image, never imagining in his wildest dreams it would ever be styled anything like this. He twisted his neck slightly, amazed for a moment that he now had layer after layer of distinct long barrel type curls streaming from the back of his head, cascading across his shoulders. On each side they hung more like a row or two of delicate tendrils, unable to hide the shine from his new sparkling studs. On top, his hair was pulled back tightly as there was no missing the large fuchsia rose clip which held it taught behind the most disturbing sight of all which was new thick bangs. At least his makeup was simple and subdued now as he realized how light and flawless his complexion looked, featuring only thick curled lashes and coral pink glistening lips. "Mr. Martin, your daughter is ready," said Mandy, calling him into the room. "They're ready for her on the set, so would you like to come with us." "Oh, sure I'll ----," said Mr. Martin, as he stopped dead in his tracks, stunned he was looking at his son. "And that's the impression we were hoping for," said Mandy, thrilled at his reaction. "I know she looks so different than you might of expected and much younger, but that was our assignment. I mean doesn't she look so absolutely precious?" "That's one word I guess," said James, shocked. "My wife is going to just freak!" "That's fabulous!" said Mandy, hugging him and then taking Cameron's hand as they started down the hall. "I know it's crazy wonderful when we can invoke some sheer emotion! I know it probably brings back some memories of when she was younger. Bet you miss those days of having her looking so delicate, like a little china doll." "Yeah, missed is pretty accurate," said James, following them to the set. "Excuse me, Mr. Vandeermeer," said Mandy, stopping in the doorway breaking up the conversations with him, Mrs. Martin, and some others. "You ready for us, sir." "Excellent, you're right on schedule," said Mr. Vandermeer, looking at his clipboard. "I'm not sure about this though. Will I be pleased?" "I hope so sir, as Cameron won't be joining us for this scene," said Mandy, invoking an angry look from her boss. "But I think little Cammi should do just fine." "Holy sh--" mouthed Tracey, as her mother quickly put her hand over Tracey mouth mid-sentence, as Mandy stepped out of the way revealing Cameron. He looked up, seeing his mother's jaw drop, stunned, before quickly racing over to see him. "I can't even," started his mother, getting choked up as she stopped mid-sentence, taking both of his hands in hers while looking him up and down. "She's perfect," exclaimed Mr. Vandermeer. "What a job, ladies. You took her from that perky little pre-ten and gave me a delicate little flower. Mrs. Martin, you ok? You need a minute?" "I'm fine," said Donna, wiping a few tears and sucking back some mucus. "I'm sorry. The curls. The dress. She's so beautiful. I just never --." His mother fanned herself with her open hand and took a second composing herself. She nodded to the director as Logan returned as they brought Cameron to the set. "Just sit her on the bench and she won't look too tall. He's a big guy anyway, so it should create a nice contrast," said Mr. Vandermeer. "I want you to just use you're mousiest little girl voice when you read the cue cards honey." "Yes sir," said Cameron. "I'll try." "Softer and squeakier little Cammi. Cross you ankles for me but don't slouch," said Mr. Vandermeer. "Baby type talk sweetie. Come on now we've got you looking the part now get into character. Action." Cameron sat on the park bench as Logan walked in, picking up a teddy bear which was sitting on the ground. "Here you go honey," said Logan. "You dropped your teddy." "Thank you," said Cameron in his mousiest voice. "Hey, aren't you that boy football star?" "Well not yet, but hopefully when I get older," said Logan. "Sure you are?" said Cameron, acting excited. "You're a quarterback and you're amazing." "Thanks. Here, this is for being so sweet and noticing," said Logan, picking a daisy and handing it to him. "Most people never recognize me." "How could I not, you're so dreamy!" said Cameron, batting his lashes and sniffing the flower. "Hopefully you'll remember me someday when we're older!" "I'd never forget a girl as pretty as you," said Logan, kissing his finger and touching Cameron's cheek. "Thanks for being a big fan!" "I'll never wash this cheek again!" sighed Cameron. "Cut," yelled Mr. Vanermeer. "Good start! Let's do it again! Remember you're young and precious, honey. Stay mousey and adorable. Logan stay strong yet be gentle speaking with a young girl." They began shooting again as Cameron was amazed he could pull this off and was even somewhat relieved to be getting this over with, doing his best with his limited role. "Good job, honey," whispered Donna with some attitude to her husband as they watched the shoot. "Figuring out how to get him looking somewhat normal for football later should be interesting. I leave you with him the first time and he comes back with his ears pierced. The second time all you have to do is watch and he comes back a little princess. Maybe you can pay attention next time, because the next time they chop off something big, you'll really be enrolling him in dance school instead of football." "I was confused," whispered James. "I don't know what all this girly terminology means. I'm sure you'll figure it out for later." "What terms?" whispered his wife. "You never heard of studs or bangs before?" "Think of it this way mom," whispered Tracey. "He'll finally know the school work. I'm sure little Cammi is very advanced for her age." "Behave Tracey," her mother scolded. "Little Cammi is adorable though, and I can hardly believe how well the name fits. Besides, I'm in shock how natural he looks. He must be absolutely dying inside, but he is pretty good at acting." "Exactly mom! Can't we keep her this way," Tracey pleaded. "You know how I always wanted a little sister . It could be so much fun for me dressing him up and doing his hair." "Stop Tracey," said Donna, laughing. "If he heard you he'd throw a fit!" "I think you mean a tantrum, mom!" teased Tracey as they shared a giggle. "Cut," yelled Mr. Vandermeer, as he came over handing two tickets to Mrs. Martin. "Donna, I know we're on a tight schedule as Logan needs to be at the big game, but this last shot will be on location with him and here's tonight's tickets." "Wait, I'm sorry but I'm confused," said Donna, looking down at the tickets. "I thought we were done, and I know nothing about tonight. We have something we must leave for soon, so I'm not sure about any of this." "Mrs. Martin, this was all discussed with your husband and I'm sorry, but everything's been arranged," said Mr. Vandermeer with a stern look on his face. "I was told you had a son playing football today on the team against Logan's, so this would work out since we'd all be going to the same place. The plan is for the girls to do a few shots with Logan on location well before game time, and then we're finished. Your husband said that would be no issue since we were all going there anyway." "Oh, I see," said Donna looking over at her husband, not paying attention, texting. "I figured we'd be helping you doing this at a place you had to be anyway," said Mr. Vandermeer, turning a few pages in the agreement he initialed earlier. "I don't mean to be difficult, but your husband signed off on all this hours ago. This will be quick and well before kickoff, as Logan needs to get to his locker room thirty minutes prior to the game. So don't worry you'll have plenty of time to get situated and watch your son play. Mrs. Martin, I hope we don't have a problem because I've been bending over backwards to give your girls their big break. You do understand that don't you?" "Of course! Of course! Well I guess that has to work then, doesn't it," said Donna, shaking her head as she flipped over the contract's pages. "But we won't need tickets obviously. We have them for the big game." "Oh, they're not for the Pop Warner game," said Mr. Vandermeer. "Those are for tonight's charity event, and they're just for the girls. All our young people attend and it's no cost to you. My assistant will provide you some nice designer clothes for the girls and all they need to do is show up. They sit there with some of their peers and pick a charity of their choice to have a nice dinner with. For any money they earn today, I donate an additional ten percent to the charity of they're choice. It just a little publicity and for a good cause. Again, it's in the contract." "I see," said Mrs. Martin, opening the agreement and reading again. "Good publicity for you for the company I notice, and we signed off on doing it." "True on both accounts," said Mr. Vandermeer, grinning as Donna closed the agreement. "Ladies, get the girls ready for location please. Ok, move everyone as we're on our way in twenty." "Next time read before you sign, genius!" said Donna, slapping the agreement against her husband's chest. "Got any other surprises you'd like to let me in on." "Hughhhh?" mouthed James as she broke his trance from working on his email. "I've got to go help the girls," said Donna, walking away shaking her head. "We'll talk on the way. Go see Mr. Vandermeer and then you better go outside and make a few phone calls." Donna walked over huddling with the staff as Tracey took her clothes, pulling out a garment bag to change. "Just sit here please, Cameron," said Lynne, patting a chair. "This will be quick." "I'll be right back after I help Tracey," said his mother as he sat down. "Everything is on schedule, so don't get nervous about that." As he sat, he wondered what was happening as he thought he was done, only to be frustrated again as they wrapped a new cape around him. With a few quick wipes, she removed his eye shadow and lip gloss as he relaxed momentarily, thinking maybe they were taking off all his makeup. It was also a nice relief as Justine joined them, pulling the big rose clip from his hair as he was happy to see her place it down on the table next to them. "This part won't be fun, but I'll need to break the bonds on all the heavy hairspray and pick out all the thick rolls sweetie," said Justine as he felt her separating some of the hair in the back with her fingers. "It's sad but no more little Cammi. You sad sweetie? I bet it was fun feeling younger and being that adorable, even if it was just for a short time. I know your mom will be

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Madeleine Ch 04

December, 1915 Paris, France Madeleine looked resplendent in her dark green dress, with the bright red corsage I had pinned on her breast. She looked very much in keeping with the holiday, which was the idea, since we were entering the ballroom at the Ritz Hotel, the same one where we had spent our wedding night, for the American Embassy’s annual Christmas banquet. Because the United States was still neutral in the Great War that was raging not far away, we were not under the same moral...

2 years ago
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Madeleine Ch 03

June, 1915 Paris, France ‘A toast! A toast to Robert,’ cried Sergei Hoffmann, over the din of well-wishers. ‘Hear, hear!’ was the response from several corners of the room. We were gathered in the private room of a well-known Paris restaurant for the traditional bachelor’s night, and the good food and copious amounts of spirits in all varieties had made for a memorable evening. Stories – many of them bawdy – had been told and conversation had been brisk. These were my friends, the people I...

4 years ago
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Madeleine Ch 08

CHAPTER 8 Paris, France March, 1918 I had been on furlough from my duties as an attache from the U.S. Embassy to Gen. Pershing’s headquarters, and Madeleine and I had finally reconnected after months of forced celibacy after her miscarriage and subsequent emergency hysterectomy. I had finally come to realize how close she had come to dying that day. Only a quick transfusion of blood helped her survive the surgery that saved her life, but deprived her of the ability to have any more...

2 years ago
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Madeleine Ch 06

June, 1917 Paris, France It was on a warm late spring morning that I arrived in my office to be greeted with a summons to the ambassador’s office. When I arrived, I stopped short, for Mr. Stark had a visitor, someone I knew well, and for whom I had decidedly mixed feelings. Gen. John James Pershing was seated in a chair across from the ambassador’s desk, and he rose when I entered the office. ‘Sergeant Guidry,’ he said as he offered his hand in greeting, using the rank to which I had risen...

1 year ago
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Madeline in Oregon

Madeline in Oregon She hadn't seen her Aunt Margo in many years but she wasn't feeling guilty. Her family had made it clear. They did not agree with two women living together. The telephone call had to be dealt with immediately though. Margo was her mother's sister and had received the lion's share of the estate at the probate three years earlier. The call wasn't from her Aunt, rather from Margo's younger 'partner' Allen. Aunt Margo had been married but after nineteen years they had...

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Madeleine Ch 02

Paris, France February, 1915 It was cold, bitterly cold, as I turned up the collar of my overcoat and walked out of the embassy into the gathering gloom of the late afternoon. On impulse, I decided to turn down the little side street that was so familiar and visit Marcel’s again. I hadn’t been there since my return to France a few weeks earlier, and I found I missed it. So much had changed in Paris since those heady days of August, when the young Frenchmen had so eagerly sought out war. No...

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Madeleine Ch 05

September, 1916 Paris, France It was a Monday, when my life took a significant turn. I had completed my morning exercise at the embassy and had arrived in my office when I was summoned to Mr. Stark’s office for what was described as an urgent meeting. This in itself was not unusual, as I spent almost half my time in the ambassador’s company, discussing events, planning strategies or interpreting for him. But this time, I found him in the company of a high-ranking British general and the...

4 years ago
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Madeleine Ch 01

Author’s note: It has been nearly a year and a half since my last submission, and over these past few months of idleness, I’ve been searching for some idea, some story line that would challenge me, and get me excited about writing again. I have about a dozen stories that I’ve started, but never got fired up over, so they sit in a file somewhere and will likely never see the light of day. I kept coming back to this scenario, however, and each time I did, the more it intrigued me. With the...

3 years ago
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Madeline had gotten divorced three years ago and she hadn't been with a man since. She always told herself that she didn't need another man that her dildo worked just fine. She lied to herself on that subject. She really wanted to feel needed again. She wanted to feel attractive and sexy. She really wanted to feel a dick in her that was attached to a body. Most days she didn't think about it. Her three daughters lived with her still though they were all over twenty and work always got in the...

2 years ago
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How did I let myself get talked into this? Here I was playing my 12 string Framus guitar at a nursing home so that my best friend could make points with his newest intended conquest. Her mother was holding the sheet music for me and since she was holding it just below her bust I was having trouble concentrating. That was SOME bust and the cleavage left me gasping. Trying to play music I was not used to was bad enough without the added distraction my music stand was giving me. If the songs...

3 years ago
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Madeline Jones

It had been six months since I'd moved in next door to an amazing lady. She was in her early to mid sixties, had a vibrant warm personality, and immediately befriended me showing genuine concern after my divorce. Madeline and I became good friends. I very often stopped by after work to check on her, see how she was doing, and generally on the weekends, did a few odd jobs for her. Having Madeline as a friend, someone to talk to, made the days easier to deal with and not quite so lonely. She...

2 years ago
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Amader Prothombar Sex Er Golpo

Hi…..amar naam A, 24 bochor boyesh, motamuti bhaloi shashtho. Amar girlfriend er naam S, 20 bochor boyesh, 34-38-34, sexy figure. Forsha besh, dudh gulo toh aro forsha. Halka pinkish nipples, norom tultule. Ektu chushe kamralei laal hoye jay, toh bujhtei parchen kotota norom ar sensitive. Shob theke uttejonadayok byaparta hochche or nipples, ekdom hard ar boro…..jotoi chushi mon bhore na. Sexy komor, tight ass…ar laal bheja gud ta dekhlei amar 5.8inch bara lafye lafye othe. Or sex khub chorom...

3 years ago
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MadeleineChapter 2

The next morning I awoke late for breakfast because it was not a school day. Usually, my Grandmother rings a bell, and I am punished if I am not dressed, washed, and ready for breakfast. This morning I heard many bells jingling downstairs as I awoke and washed up in the washbasin. My mother was on her hands and knees, scrubbing the floor. She had a very sheer nightshirt that was as translucent as my own. It really didn’t matter because while she was on her hands and knees, I could see her...

1 year ago
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Amader chairman

Hello amar nam Amar bakhsi.Aamar boyosh 33 ami ekta private comapany te chakri kari General manager er poste. Aamar stri Shila boyosh 24 bochhor, Forsa rang bodbodo chokh duto, mukhe sab samai hasi,height 5’8″, Bhison sundari aar sexy ekebare nikhut body. Rasta diye jakhan hate takhan loke ghure ghure takai tar jouvane bhara shorirer dike.Amader Company r chairman Mr. Khanna age prayee 55 er kachha kachhi, Khub sunder atheletic body, byayam kore khub bhalo swastho aar lamba choura figure ek...

3 years ago
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Blonde, blue-eyed, 4ft 11inches at 100 pounds, 34-21-35 and legs to die for. My wife? Hell no - my mother-in-law, and for the last year she has been doing her absolute best to fuck my brains out. And three years ago this same woman hated my guts because I was going to marry her daughter and she did not consider me good enough for her baby. Why the change of heart? Well, that's the story. It was a dismal day in October, one of those days when the weather can't make up its mind whether it...

4 years ago
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Chapter 5 Alice gets to fuck Pauls friend Bernie Clayton

Introduction: Alice was in an exceptionally horny mood, Chapter 5 (Alice gets to fuck Pauls friend Bernie Clayton) (all people in my stories are over 18) The following Saturday morning when her husband took the twins with him on a business trip to a nearby town, Alice slept in later than usual. Waking up and knowing no one else was in the house, she went down to the kitchen for some coffee, wearing nothing but a bra and panties. Alice was in an exceptionally horny mood, and she could feel...

3 years ago
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A Claytons

Please excuse this for being such a short story  but please enjoy :)~ He was cybering again  …….. there was a gorgeous sexy BBW who was flashing her tits and jiggling them about right there in front of his eyes. He wishes he could touch them , they look so soft , so sensual and those nipples were begging to be taken into his mouth. He placed his hand down to his already hard cock and gently started to stroke , he closed his eyes  and  imagined what it would feel like to suck those big hard...

4 years ago
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Face the Strange Chapter 511 The Importance of Being Tara Maclay

FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 5: The Importance of Being Tara Maclay Little by little I became aware that I was still alive and breathing. I was sitting on a soft surface, maybe a cushion, reclining with my eyes closed; and someone was nearby, looking at me intently. I made a very feeble attempt to think and reason so as to find out what was going on and where I was, but it failed before it had even begun. I was too tired and the temptation to return to the sweet...

2 years ago
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A Claytons

Please excuse this for being such a short story  but please enjoy ~ He was cybering again  ........ there was a gorgeous sexy BBW who was flashing her tits and jiggling them about right there in front of his eyes. He wishes he could touch them , they look so soft , so sensual and those nipples were begging to be taken into his mouth. He placed his hand down to his already hard cock and gently started to stroke , he closed his eyes  and  imagined what it would feel like to suck those big hard...

3 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 13 Admiral Clayandrian

Vague shapes and lights moved around him, sensations and sound that meant ... something? He groaned, then blackness. Lights returned, shapes moved. Someone touched his forehead with cool hands. Tristan's head felt as if it was being beaten from the inside by a hammer. Voices and faces faded in and out and he had strange dreams. Sometimes they were pleasant ones, other times not. Many of his dreams centred on a beautiful alien with eyes of brilliant blue. He opened his eyes. He was lying in...

3 years ago
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Madelines Introduction II

After Madeline's first lesson with me the week passed quickly, and I found myself thinking about her more and more. The whole event seemed odd in so many ways, like her rapid change from shy to extrovert and back again. Either way I was back again the following Monday and like last time her mum greeted me at the door. "Welcome back Alex, how was your weekend?" she greeted me. "Good thanks Mrs Walker, and you?" I replied. "Very good thanks, but please, call me Jasmine. Now Maddi is in her room...

First Time
2 years ago
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Red and Darla Clayton

1998 I sat at the dinette table slowly rotating my cup of tea; a cup of tea I had not yet taken a sip from. Across from me, she watched me do it. Sixteen years of marriage down the shitter. "I'm sorry, Red. I—we—we—we..." "I get it. Don't say anything else. Please don't say anything else. I get it," I said. "I'd do anything to have spared you this, Red. Really," she said. I stood—suddenly. I turned my back to her. "I said to please not say anything else, Darla." I could almost...

3 years ago
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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

1 year ago
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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

4 years ago
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

1 year ago
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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

Hentai Porn Sites
2 years ago
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MadeleineChapter 4

The plan was amazingly simple. All I had to do was bring some wine to my grieving Grandmother, seduce her and get her drunk and then steal her keys and money. I packed a small bag that evening, but I did not tell Nannette what my intentions were. “I will give you fifty strokes of the cane before we leave tonight, Connasse! I do not want you to return to your insolent and cruel ways simply because we leave this house. I will still cane you regularly when we leave,” I informed my mother. I...

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MadeleineChapter 5

I soon learned that beatings were as common at Canard’s tavern as fucking. There was no routine or reason for them the way they had been when Fabienne was in charge of my mother. If business was slow, then Canard or his friends fucked the whores. If business was VERY slow and Canard became bored, then he beat them. Canard was usually drunk, horny, and bored when he initiated the beatings, and it was usually out of frustration with the women’s glances or condescending comments. He promised...

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MadeleineChapter 7

The storekeeper was not inclined to be generous and offer me additional books. He was willing to give us a ride in his wagon to Canard’s tavern after my mother’s little show degrading herself by sucking horse cock. My mother genuinely appeared contrite and humiliated by what she had done. It was the first time I had seen that look on her face it quite some time. It pleased me to know that even she could feel shame. We had been gone a long time, and Canard would probably be angry with us for...

1 year ago
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Almadelias night out

AlmaDelia. ====== Part I —— Im not sure what woke me the first time but when I heard the doorbell I figured that must have been it. Checking the clock I saw the dial flip to 3:03 am. I immediately figured some emergency must have taken place and threw on a bathrobe over my naked body. Checking out the windows on my way through the house to the front door I didnt see any signs of fire or Armageddon so I began to worry about my wife. A nursing supervisor, she was covering the night shift for a...

3 years ago
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AlmaDelias life

by the time my daughter Alma Delia was nine years old she was been molested by three men,including me,but let me back up a little,I started touching her when she was around six,sliding my fingers up and down her pussy slit,she was too small to suck me off but she did her best,and every time I make her swallow my cum,my wife started to suspect something was up when Almadelia begun complaining that her little pussy was sore,my wife check her out and found our daughter's pussy red and...

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Madelienes just deserts

Spinning to face him, she saw a tall muscular man in black pants, T-shirt and ball cap. Before she can react there is a pop from the device in his hand and her world explodes as the taser darts strike her in the ribs, delivering 10.00 volts. She collapses to the garage floor, twitching but unable to move a muscle on her own. The man quickly roles her over and cuffs her hands behind her back. Then he shoves a ball gag in her mouth and buckles it tightly. In less than two minute Madeliene is...

4 years ago
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Madelines Introduction

Her hair was dark, not quite black, and would have extend halfway down her back had it not been held up by a thick ponytail. But her eyes were the first thing I noticed, similar colour to her hair, deep and mysterious. I’m probably just over thinking things again, she seems like a perfectly normal girl, wouldn’t stand out in a crowd of other high-school girls her age. I had a call from her parents a few weeks ago asking if I could tutor their daughter Madeline, or Maddi as her friends and...

3 years ago
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My father, Josiah Clench, was a furniture maker. He died in the influenza epidemic of 1775. My mother and I had lived comfortably if not luxuriously and I had even been given some schooling, enough at least to write this chronicle. My parents had employed a cook and maid and we occupied a small house in Paddington Green, a small village just outside London. My mother was a seamstress and worked for a dressmaker, Mistress Carter, in Marylebone whose customers were some of the finest ladies in...

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Madelines Introduction II

After Madeline’s first lesson with me the week passed quickly, and I found myself thinking about her more and more. The whole event seemed odd in so many ways, like her rapid change from shy to extrovert and back again. Either way I was back again the following Monday and like last time her mum greeted me at the door. ‘Welcome back Alex, how was your weekend?’ she greeted me. ‘Good thanks Mrs Walker, and you?’ I replied. ‘Very good thanks, but please, call me Jasmine. Now Maddi is in her room...

4 years ago
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MadeTo Submit5

Tears streaming from my eyes as I grunted and groaned from brutal attack. Bruce grunting and growling in my ear as he worked my tender butt. Daniel standing at the window watching the streets and slowly jacking his massive piece of man meat. Bruce picked up the pace and rammed into me so hard I was being shoved across the mattress with each blow. Suddenly Bruce growled 'I'm gonna fill this ass full'. And with a powerful plunge his cock sunk as deep into my rectum as possible. I cried out in...

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My father, Josiah Clench, was a furniture maker. He died in the influenza epidemic of 1775. My mother and I had lived comfortably if not luxuriously and I had even been given some schooling, enough at least to write this chronicle. My parents had employed a cook and maid and we occupied a small house in Paddington Green, a small village just outside London. My mother was a seamstress and worked for a dressmaker, Mistress Carter, in Marylebone whose customers were some of the finest ladies in...

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Mademoiselles Closet

Mademoiselle's Closet By Sheila Anne Morgan The headline in the box read; "Mademoiselle's Closet is pleased to announce the winner of the Mademoiselle's Girl selection is Suzette from California," Below the headline was a picture of a very pretty young woman dressed in one of Mademoiselle's creations. The smile on her face showed just how happy she was to be selected as this year's winner. Little was known outside of the...

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Ramadevi Hot Mature Booby

Hi, all readers. I am Radhakrishna who is married hot guy of 30 years with handsome and hot looks. In this story I am going to explain a hot relationship with my wife’s aunt named Ramadevi. She is my wife’s maternal uncle’s wife. First let me explain about Ramadevi. She is 45 years old. She has a great body of huge melons and big round ass. She must be around 5.10 height and 80 to 85 kg of weight. Her physical data may be 40G 36 44 ass. She looks very fair and perfect curves in the right...

1 year ago
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RemaDevi was my KamaDevi

Here is my experienne with my maid servant aunty aged 50 yrs. I am a Software developer working in a software company at Trivandrum.When I was at the age of 25 my mother was sick ( pressure, Asthama etc. etc ).I alone have to take care of my mother since my brother was in Kuwait. So I planned to employ a old lady to take care my mother’s health and treatment.Finally I got one maid servant name RemaDevi aged 50.She had 3 daughters , 2 of them got married.All the expennses incured for the...

1 year ago
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Reddit HomeMadeXXX, aka r/HomeMadeXXX! Why is amateur porn the best type of porn out there? Hell, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it’s raw, unedited and not produced by a guy behind the camera who’s waving instructions at the girls like a spastic aircraft marshaller. Imagine you’re viewing a particularly sexy triple-A production and your dick is rock hard, then imagine that instead of looking into your eyes, the girl is actually seeing some suit-wearing yahoo waving stroking instructions at...

Reddit NSFW List
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I knew Taylor Made Clips would have some exciting stuff even before I pulled up the site. You see, I’ve been reviewing smut long enough to know that custom porn shops are much more likely to cater to kinky fetishes than your average, vanilla lesbian-and-blowjob porno operation. I certainly don’t have anything against the tried and true formulas, but sometimes you want a break from the normal. And for a lot of you hardcore fetishists, that’s the only way you’ll even get off.So, have you got any...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Amader kajer chhele aar baba

Amader kajer chhele aar baba By: madhumita Hi, ami madhumita amar boyos ekhon 19, college pori, khub sunder dekhte forsa, amar body r size 34-28-34,. Baba ekta hotele job koren, ma house wife, Babar age 45 aar ma 44,aar barite kajer ekta chhele achhe behari naam Golu, amara take golu balei dakii Boysh. Amar baba khub handsom aar swastho tao besh bhaloo, Amar mao bhison sexy dekhte. Baba aar amar roomer modhye ekta coomon door achhe kintu seta dudik diyei bondho thake khola haina,ami majhe...

2 years ago
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MadeleineChapter 3

Over the next month, my Mother’s humiliations and tortures became almost routine to the rest of the family and our neighbors. My father and I routinely beat her and had our cocks licked. I frequently paraded my mother around like a circus animal for guests. I also made her sit up and beg and act as the family dog quite often. Fabienne requested that I attach a leash to her collar and let her lift her leg and piss and shit in the yard. I milked her like a cow and made her squawk like a chicken...

1 year ago
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Remade and Reborn

Remade and Reborn by His Servant Chapter 1. Introduction Hi, my name is George. Well, it was George. No, I think it will always be George. Oh, that's right, you don't know me. I'll have to tell you a little bit about myself. It all began before I was born. You see mom and dad loved each other very much. They got married and did what, well you know, married people do. Oops, maybe that's a little too far back. I'll go ahead and fast forward a bit to a time about two or three...

3 years ago
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Madelines Introduction

Her hair was dark, not quite black, and would have extend halfway down her back had it not been held up by a thick ponytail. But her eyes were the first thing I noticed, similar colour to her hair, deep and mysterious. I'm probably just over thinking things again, she seems like a perfectly normal girl, wouldn't stand out in a crowd of other high-school girls her age. I had a call from her parents a few weeks ago asking if I could tutor their daughter Madeline, or Maddi as her friends and...

First Time
2 years ago
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Madelines College Years

After I bid my parents goodbye, I set off to find my room. The start of the fall season was hectic. The freshman class needed directions to almost everywhere. Luckily, I had gone through this mess only last week, and so had a head start on the class. I signed in to the west dorm and followed the throng to the 3rd floor, where my room was. When I opened the room, I saw two beds, one on either side of the room. At the foot of each bed was a desk. In between the beds were two standing wardrobe...

3 years ago
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Homemade Boudoir Photo SessionWife and Her Sister

I am planning a Homemade Boudoir Photo Session and my models will be my wife and her sister. I never imagined that when on a whim one night I bought my wife several sexy panties and a few camisoles that it would lead to anything like this. I just had a thought that she would look good in this combination and make her feel sexy as well as looking exceptionally good.Crazy as it may sound but I am obsessed with my wife’s derriere and how good it looks when she is lying on her stomach next to me...

3 years ago
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Tales fromthe SugarBowl 5

He seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...

1 year ago
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She had forgotten how long she had been sitting there, staring blankly out into the darkness, a half smoked cigarette dangled in tapered fingers. Fingertip flicked the smoldering cigarette, ash drifted downward in a powerless spiral, and a purse of thin scarlet stained lips drew on its end, flaring the ember’s burn at its tip for a moment, before it returned to its weak and faded glow. Dark strands of pitch hung limply against her face, oily tendrils clinging to her brow. Hollowed cheeks,...

3 years ago
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MadeleineChapter 6

After I told my story about Fabienne and my mother, the others seemed to respect me a little more than they had before. They accepted what I said was true and not a fabrication. The tale of Fabienne beating my mother into submission had sounded almost unreal to me when I heard myself tell it to them for the first time. Yet, they all nodded and agreed that it was not only plausible but a very likely outcome for such an unruly wife. I had never seen or heard my Father mention whipping my...

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Homemade Love

Homemade Love By Mellissa Lynn My wife, Katie, had known about my transvestite tendencies for some time, and had been fully willing to incorporate them into her own fantasies. We've played out hundreds of scenarios using our imaginations and wardrobes. We've went shopping, to clubs, out for weekend jaunts, and to social events for others like me. Every Halloween we fully swap roles; she becomes a man for the day and I become a woman. Our sex life had been outstanding...

1 year ago
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Homemade Frosting

My wife is an enthusiastic baker and is always interested in making complex desserts.  So when I came home the other day to her baking I was not surprised.  I walked in the door shouted, “Hi" to her in the kitchen and went to take a shower.  I had no idea that she was cooking up something more than cupcakes.  When I got out of the shower I dried off, threw on a pair of shorts, and went to give her a kiss in the kitchen.  When I walked in my jaw almost hit the floor, she was rolling out some...

Straight Sex

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