His Favorite Artist free porn video

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His Favorite Artist By Lyrissa The rain dashed against Kira's face where he stood in the crowd, but he barely noticed. All around him were other fans, mostly young people, who stood protected by raincoats and umbrellas while watching their idol perform. Kira had neither umbrella nor coat, in fact he hadn't even pulled the hood of his shirt up. He didn't want to miss a second of his idol, not a single movement or sound. Up on the stage, protected by the rafters, Meer performed her latest hit "Together forever". Her bright pink hair shone in the gloomy weather as she moved in perfect sync with her backup dancers. She was beautiful, graceful and had a singing voice that could move a grouch to tears. Kira loved her, and she probably didn't even know he existed. As Kira watched her performance, the much-requested climax of her stage show, he felt a pang of guilt. He knew he was a sad case. He hadn't intended to fall so completely for the beautiful idol, but after hearing her first album he had been spellbound by her beautiful voice. This had led to him attending one of her concerts together with some friends, and after that he had been hooked. When Kira watched Meer on stage he felt as if his life had meaning for the first time. He was drowning, and she was his life line. His apartment was covered in whatever memorabilia Kira was able to find and a large poster of Meer smiling overlooked his computer bench. He knew he was pathetic. He had become one of those guys who develops a huge crush on somebody they don't know and can never get together with. But there were things he wouldn't stoop to. He had utterly dismissed the idea of trying to sneak pictures of the star when she was unaware, or stalk her at home. He had stopped himself from printing out some very questionable fan art and computer-edited pictures from the internet. If he ever got to the point where Meer would actually come to his apartment, Kira didn't want her to see anything that would make her upset. He wanted her to know that he loved and respected her. But then again, the chances of her ever talking to him were less than him being struck by lightning right now, Kira admitted to himself. Meer finished her song, ending it on an impressive high note that made the crowd roar with cheering and applause. Kira brushed away his rain- slicked stringy brown hair and joined in the cheering. Meer thanked her fans for turning out even in such bad weather, and after bowing, exiting, coming back in, bowing again, receiving flowers and more applause, she finally vanished from the stage. The crowd immediately became restless, and Kira slung his bag off his back and fumbled inside for his camera. While many of the audience were dispersing and leaving after exiting the arena, Kira and a smaller group of fans rushed around the edge of the stage. Kira might be more dedicated than most, but there were still plenty of other people who wanted their shot at an autograph, or a private picture of their idol after a show. Kira found himself shoved to the side rather roughly by a group of female fans, all of whom had dyed their hair pink in imitation of Meer. They barely noticed Kira as he stumbled and ended up at the rear end of the throng heading towards the rear stage exit. He felt his hopes deflate. Now he'd never have a chance to get to Meer before she was whisked away into her limo. Normally she only gave one or two autographs at most before leaving due to security reasons, and now Kira was at the very end of the group. Still, he ran after, trying to catch up. He caught up to the group as they were stopped by several security guards and kept away from the stage exit itself. Kira ran up to the back of the crowd and stretched as far as his tall frame could to see over the heads of the other fans. There was no sign of pink hair beyond the security guards or near the long black limo that was waiting near the exit. Kira's hands gripped his camera so hard his knuckles turned white, anxious for even a small chance at a snapshot of Meer. "Say cheese!" a soft female voice said from behind Kira. The fan turned around and was blinded by a bright flash. He grunted and rubbed his eyes with one hand, which led to disaster. Before he could stop it, he had lost the grip on his camera with his other hand, and it fell straight into the pavement. Kira blinked away the spots dancing in front of his eyes and saw Meer giggling at him holding a camera of her own. The young man could barely believe his eyes. His idol had apparently just taken a picture... of him? He had no idea what to do or say, the situation was so unreal to him. He bent down to pick his own camera up, but found that it was no use anymore. The camera display was cracked all the way through and the lens was scratched up beyond repair. When Kira looked up from his ruined camera, he only saw the retreating pink hair of Meer as she dashed around to the other side of the limousine from the crowd and vanished. "H-hey! Wait!" Kira shouted, but it was already much too late. Meer was gone, and despite the pleas and pitiful wails of the assembled fans, the limo dashed off into the rainy streets. Kira kicked the pavement in anger and stormed off. He was going to take the bus home, but he was so annoyed and upset that he walked all the way, getting himself soaked in the process. At first he was angry at Meer for surprising him and making him drop his camera, but then he realized she'd probably not meant it. His own clumsiness and awkwardness about being so close to his idol were the only reasons for the accident, and Kira hated himself for it. His feet pounded the wet asphalt until he reached his apartment building and entered, pounding the stairs to get to his humble abode. He was calculating how much a new camera would cost him when he noticed a small package sitting outside the door to his apartment. Kira walked up to the door and knelt down, prodding the moist brown wrapping paper. It was a small, carefully wrapped box with a simple folded note attached. Kira hadn't ordered anything recently, nor did he have any reason to think his family would leave him something like that without calling him. Shrugging, he picked the package up and unlocked the door, flicking the lights on. Kira's apartment was not very big, but that was perfectly fine for a lone young man. Every wall had posters of Meer on them, either her smiling face, or her dancing or posing. Some were from her album covers, some were publicity, others were purely fan composed. Kira locked the door and went into his living room, leaving the package on the low table in front of the couch. After changing into warm, dry clothes Kira found himself returning to the package. He pulled the note from the wrapping and opened it. It read simply 'You want this' in a flowery hand. Now even more confused than before, Kira unwrapped the package and found a non-descript box inside. Inside the box, however was something very mysterious. It was a camera, there was no doubt about that. It had a lens, a display and a flash on top, but it also had some odd features. It was larger and more bulky than Kira's now-broken compact camera, looking more like a box while being easy to hold in both hands. In addition there was what looked like a hatch on the side which puzzled Kira to no end. Even stranger was the button slider next to the display. The button could easily be clicked up and down into new positions, and each one was clearly labeled. The bottom one was 'Crude', then 'Rough', 'Regular', 'Fine' and finally 'Exquisite' at the top. Kira had no idea what to make of this. Had somebody seen him break his camera and decided to play good Samaritan? That seemed improbable, even if they somehow managed to find out where he lived. Was it a misplaced internet order? That seemed likely, the young man thought as he fiddled with the camera. On a whim he turned the camera on himself and snapped a selfie, with the back switch still set to the default 'Regular'. To Kira's extreme surprise the camera whizzed and whirred, and then the hatch on the side of it popped open. For a few seconds he had almost believed the device was a bomb, and nearly dropped it. When nothing more happened he curiously turned it over and peeked inside the open hatch. There was something lodged in there, and the whole camera actually felt a bit heavier than before. Totally flabbergasted, Kira reached in and pulled on the object, which flopped out of the compartment easily enough. It was him. Or rather, it was a perfect copy of Kira, down to every tiny downy hair, skin imperfection and muscle line. He stared at the empty skin dangling from his fingers, not sure on how the object had fit inside the camera compartment at all. It felt light and extremely stretchy but quickly reformed into its default shape when he pulled on it. Putting the camera down, Kira studied the skin closer. It was a perfect copy of him except that its eyes and mouth were just empty, flabby holes and that there was a long seam reaching from the buttocks of the skin up to the nape under the mass of brown hair on the replica's head. "What the hell is this thing?" Kira said incredulously, throwing the skin on the sofa and picking the camera up again. Thinking of something, he flicked the switch on the back all the way down to 'Crude', and snapped another selfie. True enough the camera whirred and the hatch popped open again to reveal another bodysuit. Tugging this one out, Kira was repulsed. It was still recognizably him, but a him that had gone through some form of nightmarish funhouse mirror. The skin had a hunchback, warty skin, ugly brown teeth, wild greasy hair and a boney build. It looked like something out of a horror movie. Kira threw the crude skin on top of the normal one in disgust. Peering at the camera again, he tugged the switch all the way up to 'Exquisite', and photographed himself again. This time the result was stunning in a very different way. The skin Kira pulled out was an idealized version of him. Taller, much more fit, with a larger manhood, a stronger jaw and better skin, the empty bodysuit looked like Kira had been reinterpreted as one of the gods of Olympus. Who had created this thing? Why had it been left here? It must have been intended for some sort of top-secret spy organization, Kira reasoned, but he could not explain how the device worked. He sat there wondering what to do with this odd thing when suddenly his eyes wandered up to one of his posters. His gaze focused on the smiling, kind face of Meer. Feeling his manhood stiffen in his pants, Kira suddenly had an idea. *** A few days later, Kira was in a crowd waiting for Meer to appear once again. This time it was a signing at a mall where the idol would take time out to autograph pictures for fans and answer simple questions. Normally in these situations Kira would be standing in queue very early to get a chance to talk to his idol (of course she probably didn't remember him 15 seconds after they were done talking), but this time he was hovering off to the side together with other less frantic fans. Kira's sweaty hands gripped his new camera firmly. He couldn't believe he was even considering this, but the kinky, forbidden urge was just too strong. Now he just waited for the moment. "Ladies and gentlemen, miss Meer Campbell!" a speaker voice said. Kira went pale as the cheering started. Meer swayed out into view behind the signing table, flanked by two security guards. Her pink hair was as lustrous as ever and her soft blue eyes regarded the crowd as she waved and laughed at the attention. Kira raised the camera to his face and peered into the display. His hands shook as he aimed it at the starlet, waiting for the perfect moment when Meer alone would be in the shot. Suddenly it happened. A nice, full-on shot of the smiling, laughing girl. Quickly checking that the camera switch was set to 'Exquisite', Kira pushed the shutter button. The camera whirred. The hatch popped open. Instead of getting into the queue for autographs, the pale-faced fan dashed off towards the exit. Kira's heart pounded all the way home. He shoved the camera in his bag to make sure nobody noticed how odd it was or caught a glimpse of the pale flesh inside the open compartment. His hands were still sweaty as he stepped off the bus and dashed home, and he could barely work the keys to his apartment. A strange mix of excitement and guilt rushed through the young man's body at the thought of what he had done. She was his idol, it was a terrible thing to disrespect her so. And yet he couldn't resist. She wouldn't know, and he wouldn't technically be doing anything to -her-... Kira rushed into his apartment and closed the blinds to all the windows. He reached into the camera with trembling fingers and tugged out the flesh-colored object inside. He gasped, staring wild-eyed at it as he unfolded it. Meer's pink hair fell from the suit's head and her kind face stared up at Kira with empty eye sockets. But it wasn't just a copy of Meer, it was a perfected copy. The skin had no blemishes or spots, and wider hips and slightly larger breasts than the original. The suit's empty feet and hands were smoother than the real Meer's, showing no signs of veins. It seemed to have just a rump just a little bit bigger and firmer and was a little taller. The original Meer was almost perfect, but this? This was the skin of a goddess walking the earth. Kira felt his heart pound faster and heard the blood rush in his ears. He slid a finger into the open seam of the bodysuit, tugging it open and feeling the moist, warm insides of the object. Kira's manhood was so stiff that his pants bulged out, and he placed the skin of the perfect Meer face-down on the table as he began tearing his clothes. A button from his shirt popped loose as he violently tugged it off, but he didn't care. His jeans went flying and his boxers soon joined them, freeing his almost painful erection. The young man picked up the empty Meer skin and slid his hand into her empty, welcoming depth. "Oh... oh Meer..." Kira whispered, lifting the bodysuit up in his trembling hands. Then his eyes looked up from the suit and he found himself staring into the kind eyes of the real Meer, gazing down at him from one of the posters. "Oh God. What am I doing?" Kira moaned. He stared at the bodysuit of his idol in dawning horror, realizing that he had almost taken his fandom to a new and very creepy level. Feeling disgusted at himself he threw the bodysuit away across the living room, almost sobbing. He rushed into the shower and turned the knob to icy cold, subjecting his body to a bone-chilling deluge of water until he felt his erection die down. Padding back out he gathered his clothes again and got dressed, finally picking the bodysuit up as if it were a serpent that would twist around and bite him at any moment. He wrapped the thing around the suit-making camera and tossed them both into the wardrobe where he had hidden the test skins he had created with the device earlier. Slamming the door shut, Kira went to flop down in his couch. "I can't believe I even considered that," he mumbled. To clear his mind of the incident, he turned on the TV and tried to relax watching his favorite shows. Eventually the thoughts of the suit and the camera had become little more than a faint memory at the periphery of his thoughts, and after having a lonely TV dinner with himself, the young fan fell asleep on the couch, dreaming weird dreams about Meer chasing him and trying to envelop him into her beautiful curves. *** Kira woke to the noise of the TV still running. He blinked his eyes open to sunlight filtering into the apartment and got up to open the blinds. He had slept well into the next day, and he was famished. While making himself some brunch, his ears suddenly perked as he heard a familiar name filter in from the TV running in the other room. "...still no further word on the disappearance of rising pop starlet Meer Campbell..." the announcer said. Kira felt his stomach tie into a knot. He rushed into the living room and cranked the volume of the TV up, his entire body feeling weak. The news story was fortunately just starting, or unfortunately for what it told made Kira feel as if he'd been punched. "It appears that up-and-coming pop diva Meer Campbell has simply vanished. When her agent called her this morning she did not answer, and when he drove to her house he found it empty. The police are conducting a thorough search of the area, but have yet to offer a formal statement. They have said that eye witnesses have confirmed that miss Campbell left her house late in evening for unknown reasons, and was last seen walking towards the beach. What happened after that is unclear, but stay tuned as this story unfolds." Kira felt a lead weight settle in his stomach as the reporters droned on about various details. Yesterday evening... his idol had just vanished yesterday evening. The same evening when he had been experimenting with creating a bodysuit of her. Was it possible that in creating the empty skin now hidden in his cupboard, Kira had unwittingly caused the real Meer Campbell to vanish? His eyes stung with tears as he buried his face in his hands. He hadn't meant for any of this to happen! He wanted to admire and respect Meer, not cause her to cease to exist! He cursed the stupid camera and whoever had given it to him, cursed himself for being such a naive idiot and cursed the universe for being such a cruel place. But then, as he sat there despairing, a few thoughts trickled into Kira's grief-struck mind. He had tried the camera before he tried it on Meer. He'd even used it on himself, and he was still there. So maybe the camera hadn't actually made Meer vanish? But it could still have somehow contributed to the event somehow and Kira still felt like he was partially responsible. But how could he help find out the truth? If he went to the police they would laugh at him, or just arrest him as a suspicious creepy stalker. If he showed them the skins and the camera, he might be considered a murderous psycho out to skin women like in Silence of the Lambs. Kira freely admitted to himself that he was scared of going to prison, and he would not be able to help Meer at all if he was stuck in endless police interrogations. Then a thought occurred to him. It was an absolutely insane idea, but it was the best thing he could think of right now. What if Meer was to appear again unexpectedly, saying she'd just gotten lost or twisted her ankle or something similar. Would that draw out the truth of what happened? Could Meer herself find out what had happened the previous night? It was a long shot, but Kira felt it was the only way he could help out. He would have to overcome his doubt and awkwardness for her sake. Standing up, Kira marched over to the wardrobe and opened the door. The Meer skinsuit lay there just like when he'd dropped it off yesterday. He picked it up, gazing into the beautiful face and running a finger through the suit's silky pink hair. He started to undress quickly, before he could lose his nerve again. He took the bodysuit and clothes into his bedroom and folded his outfit up carefully on the bed before shedding his boxers and picking the Meer skin up. Slowly and awkwardly he slid his leg into the seam and down into the empty leg of Meer. The suit seemed to cling to him a little and the warm, moist surface was pleasant against his bare skin. He pushed his other foot down as well, wiggling his toes to slip them properly into the pink-nailed toes of Meer. Tugging the skin up over his groin, Kira grunted as he slid his erect manhood to rest against his tummy. He suddenly realized he still hadn't tested these skins at all and that he would probably just end up looking like a bondage slave in a rubber costume. But the camera seemingly operated on magic or super-science, and he had to see if this worked. Tugging the slit of the skin up to cover his groin he couldn't help slipping two fingers between the labial lips and tugging it gently into place. Kira pulled the hips of the bodysuit up over his own and felt his waist get tightly compressed by the thin waist of the suit. He tugged the large, empty orbs of Meer's breasts up to rest over his own lean pecs, and began slipping his thicker arms into the slender, graceful arms of the disguise. His fingers felt like sausages inside the thin pink-nailed fingers of the Meer suit, but Kira kept his focus and tried not to think about the discomfort. He pulled her smooth shoulders up to cover his own and only hesitated a little holding the empty mask. He swept the long pink hair aside and plunged his face into the face, pulling and tugging to fit his thicker nose into the thin one of the suit, to fit the mouth neatly over his own and to squeeze his ears into the costume's. Blinking to align the eyeholes right, Kira pulled the mask back over his neck and reached down towards his costumed rump, finding the zipper and starting to tug it up. The seam slid shut smoothly and without protest, despite how Kira was much larger and more muscular than the girlish figure of the costume. Finally his fingers reached the top of his neck and the zipper clicked into place, and Kira's world turned upside down. He fell to his knees as he felt himself compressed in every direction at once and something flowing over and clouding his eyes. He felt his chest grow and become much more sensitive and the dull strain of his manhood sandwiched between the suit and his taut tummy fade. A few moments later the sound of brief, feminine gasps found their way into his ears. Kira got unsteadily to his feet, gripping the bed for support. He turned towards the mirror mounted on the door of the dresser, and gasped. Meer Campbell stared back at Kira from the mirror. She was absolutely perfect, even more so than the real Meer. Her breasts, her hips, her well-trimmed slit, her full lips, her pale blue eyes, her fingers, her cute belly-button... it was all there. Every detail Kira had studied and drooled over ever since he discovered his idol was there. And they were now Kira's. Or rather, Meer's. Kira realized he would have to think of himself -as- Meer if he was going to impersonate her, no matter how briefly. He would have to pay attention when her name was spoke, move with her feminine grace, laugh her joyous, sonorous laughter... For the moment, he was Meer. No. She was Meer. The new Meer studied herself in the mirror, still barely believing what she saw. She hefted her large, plump breasts in her hands and cooed in pleasure as a wave of ecstasy washed through her. Her right hand almost found its way down to her womanhood before she stopped herself, chiding the naughty boy she had been until a few moments ago. "No. Not yet anyway. First I have to get in touch with the real Meer's agent and see if I can convince him I'm her. Then we'll talk to the police and see if they know. Hopefully something will come out of it," said the pink-haired girl, turning around to study herself. "I wonder if I can do one of her shows? Hopefully it won't come to that, she doesn't have another concert until in 30 days..." The new Meer dove into Kira's wardrobe to try and find something decent to wear before she left to her agent's place. *** "M-Meer? But... I mean it's -so- good to see you're alright!" Meer's agent, Erik, said as the beautiful pink-haired girl entered his office. Meer gave him a sweet smile, but beneath her casual demeanor she noticed something was wrong. Finding the phone number for the agent on Kira's computer and then heading there had been easy, but the way the man had responded to Meer's assurance that she was alright had seemed off. Strained? Nervous? At any rate, Meer had packed a can of mace on the simple bag she carried with her to the agent's office, and she knew that Kira's decent knowledge of martial arts would also be a surprise to any attacker. "Oh don't worry Erik, I know how to take care of myself," Meer said with a laugh. The agent sat down behind his desk and picked up his cell, once again casting a glance over at the diva. Meer had dressed her beautiful, buxom body in the least masculine of Kira's clothes she had found, a pair of jeans that were much too tight on her, a t-shirt and a hoodie. She looked a bit scruffy compared to what the real Meer usually dressed like, but Erik seemed quite convinced. "Let me just... ehm... call the police and tell them to stop looking," the agent said, turning away. Meer nodded and crossed her legs. She was doing her best to act and move the way the real idol had all the times Kira had watched her. It was hard to act so effeminate, but Meer thought she was getting a hang of it. Listening to the girl's pleasant laughter coming from her own lips was very soothing, almost arousing. "Right. I called the police and the record company. We're all good again. Looks like Lana can go back to her vacation.." Erik said after a bit of talking into his phone. "Thank you. Now I'd like to go home, if I could. It's been a long night, sleeping outside." "You really have to tell me what happened, more than 'I got lost'," Erik said, regarding the singer carefully. Meer shrugged and smiled. "Oh I went for a walk because I needed to stretch my legs and practice a new song I'm writing, and I just kind of got lost, I guess." Erik's eyes narrowed. "Huh. Well, I see. Alright, the police said they would be around to pick you up for some questions first, but after that they will take you home. I'll talk to you later, my dear, alright?" Meer resisted a shiver as the manager pulled her into an embrace. Something was definitely off. *** The following time moved like a whirlwind for the new Meer Campbell. The pink-haired girl had barely had time to get used to her new body (including all-new genitalia) before she was interrogated by the police, checked over by doctors, interviewed by reporters and questioned by her bosses at the record company. After being given a clean bill of health and proving who she was through fingerprint identification any suspicion of criminal wrongdoing was largely dropped and Meer was returned to her opulent home to recover. However despite her apparently carefree and cheerful demeanor, deep inside she was meticulously noting everything that happened. The police had informed her they had been dredging a rocky area south of the public beach near an old pier, thinking she might have fallen into the jagged rocks... or been pushed. But now that she was back safe and sound they stopped all investigation of any wrongdoing or accident, much to Meer's chagrin. She realized her presence was now sabotaging the investigation into the real Meer's disappearance. Nevertheless, the die was now cast. Kira had to fill Meer's shoes until she could find some form of lead or until she gave up and returned to the life of the unassuming male fan. Either prospect seemed grim at the moment. Meer was starting to be convinced that her original had not just vanished randomly, she had been the victim of a plot, and it looked like Meer's agent Erik might have something to do with it given his nervous demeanor. While relaxing in the Jacuzzi in her new home, Meer took some notes on her private cell phone, noting anything out of the ordinary she had discovered about the case. If somebody -had- hurt the real Meer, they would pay. The following week provided some distractions from the detective work, however. First a group of stylists arrived early one morning to prepare Meer for a public appearance, and subjected the disguised Kira to a relentless barrage of makeup, manicure, hairdressing and other beauty treatments. Once the staff of beauticians were done, Meer peeked at herself in the mirror and was stunned at how much better she looked. Despite looking great even without any makeup and with her hair all messy, now that she was styled up she looked even better. Meer posed in front of the mirror, practicing some of the real Meer's mannerisms, like a cute wave meant for fans and a slightly risqu? bow that exposed a little of her cleavage. She had barely had time to admire her new look before she was whisked away by her costume designers, who ripped Meer out of her casual pants and t-shirt and quickly fitted her inside a skimpy, very tight pink and white dress fit with very high white heels. Wobbling around in an unladylike manner, the new Meer tried to get her bearings when she was pulled into her limo and driven to the record company where she had to make a statement about being alright for the fans. She was handed a cue card to read from, and shoved back and forth to the stage like a puppet. After that it was another fan signing at a local mall, after which Meer was exhausted and just wanted to go flop over in bed. However, instead of taking her back home she was next driven to a fancy party for a number of other singers and entertainers, where Meer's agent insisted she had to be seen. The following days were no less hectic. If it wasn't a signing or a small speech somewhere, it was a short public appearance to promote some other product or just be seen in the right place for publicity photos. Meer's head was spinning most of the time and she ended up being ferried back and forth to her limo like so much luggage, then handed some food to have while they drove to the next place. Meer just wanted to scream at them to stop, to give her time to rest, but she knew she mustn't risk her cover too much. Instead she began quietly studying everyone around her for anything suspicious, anything that might indicate any connection to the real Meer's disappearance. Unfortunately the real Meer still was nowhere to be found, and with a sinking feeling the disguised Kira began to fear the worst. The real Meer was dead, probably the victim of a murderous plot. This somewhat strengthened Meer's resolve and gave her new purpose. She became more alert and listened to everything that was said or whispered around her. She learned how to relax during the few quiet moments of her hectic life style, and to catch naps when she could. She also found she truly loved greeting the fans and sharing a little joy with them, probably because she knew all too well what being a lonely fan was really like. Soon she began actually picking up on a few things that proved very interesting. First off, one of Meer's old friends from her school days, a woman called Lana, seemed to have been harboring a long- standing grudge against Meer. Lana seemed to think that Meer was unfairly popular and had somehow cheated her of her place in the spotlight, something that sounded ominous. Second, and this was something Meer found by some very creative internet searching, it was rumored that Lana had started an affair with her and Meer's talent agent, none other than Erik. Were these coincidences? Or signs of a plot? In her mind, Meer had thought of a very dangerous way to find out. *** "You wanted to talk to me?" Erik said, leaning back in his chair. Meer smiled sweetly at him and closed the door behind her, walking up to his desk and letting her finger trail across the papers there. "Erik... I know what you did," she said in a playful, throaty voice. "I know about you and Lana." Erik froze in his chair, his hands slipping across the keyboard of his laptop as he turned to her, wild-eyed. "What did she tell you? What? Did she try to convince you it was my idea?" Meer gave him an innocent smile and circled the desk again to stand on the opposite side. Erik rose from her chair, his hands shaking. "Are you saying it wasn't?" Meer asked innocently. "Of course it wasn't! It was her! That spiteful bitch tried to use me!" Erik said, following Meer around the desk and grabbing her bare arms. His hands were cold and clammy. "Let go of me, Erik," Meer said in a low tone, her amusement suddenly gone. "If you do... then I'll show you things that little minx Lana never could. You could be my lover instead of hers, Erik. Wouldn't you like that? You would have a girlfriend who is one of the most beautiful women in the world... and one with a real career." Erik stared down at her in amazement, as if his fevered brain was barely capable of processing the words. Then a mad smile spread across his lips. "Yes. Yes. That's what I want. That's what I always wanted! But you never returned my advances before, not even right before... You were always so cold to me," he babbled. "Not anymore, Erik. I've seen the real you. Take my side against Lana. You know it's what you want," Meer said with a purr, leaning in let her tongue touch Erik's parched lips. "We can be together forever, a real power couple." "Yes. Yes! To hell with Lana! She asked me to set you up, you know. That call I made to you to meet me at the pier? All her idea. I felt awful doing it, knowing she planned to... But you're alright, you tricked her and now it's going to be you and me!" "And me," said a female voice from behind Meer. "I don't know -how- you got away from me, but neither of you can escape now!" Erik's eyes went wide with terror. "Baby, wait!" he screamed. Meer reacted instinctively, remembering Kira's self-defense training. She pushed Erik away, back towards the large desk in the center of the room, and dove to the floor, rolling behind the leather couch. Peering around it she saw a woman with long blue hair and bright blue eyes, dressed in a stage outfit almost as ostentatious as Meer's, except the new girl dressed in blue and white. More importantly, she was wielding a gun. Erik was backing away from the girl, who had to be Lana, with his hands up. He looked terrified. "Baby, it's not what you think, I didn't tell her-" "Shut up! I heard you! You told her everything, you lying, two-faced bastard!" Lana shrieked. Meer scurried around the couch to the other side, now being to Lana's side instead of in front of her. Before Erik could say anything else, Lana fired her gun and the agent fell to the ground with a pitiful wail. Before the murderous rival noticed that Meer was no longer where she had vanished, the pink-haired singer tackled her would-be murderer and bowled her to the ground. The bodysuit Kira wore was in almost superhumanly good form, and the martial arts training she had did the rest. Before Lana could aim the gun at Meer, the starlet tore the weapon out of her hands and landed a series of hard, very un-feminine punches on Lana's jaw. Panting like a boxer, Meer stumbled over to call the police, emptying the gun of any remaining bullets meanwhile. Wherever the real Meer was now, at least she had been avenged. *** Meer pushed the door to her - or rather Kira's - apartment open and flicked the lights on. She felt very tired, but also somewhat content. While it hurt to know that her idol was gone, at least her killers would be facing justice for what they did. The recording Meer had made of everything Erik and Lana had said back in the office had proven very interesting to the police indeed. Erik would live, as the bullet had only grazed him, but he would live only to see his day in court. None of it would bring the real Meer back, but at least there wouldn't be two killers making a career off her death. Meer felt like her limbs were made from lead. She just wanted to slip out of the skin now and become Kira again. Once back in her old form she would burn the skin to ashes and smash the camera, leaving no evidence for anyone to connect Kira with the Meer who had so bravely defeated her would-be-killers. Meer supposed her disappearance might become one of the great unsolved mysteries of the music world, something for people to speculate and gossip about for years. But now it was time to change. She had slipped away from her house unseen after she had been taken back by the police to rest and arrived at Kira's apartment safely. Her high-heeled shoes brushed against a notice from the landlord that had been slid in under the door, informing Kira that he needed to turn his music down in the evenings. Wait, what music? Meer suddenly realized the apartment wasn't dark beyond the hallway. She snuck up to press her back against the wall into the living room and peeked around quickly. Kira sat on the couch watching the TV and laughing at some comedy show. When the lean, brown-haired boy spotted Meer's hiding behind the corner he waved. "Come on in, miss Campbell! You don't have to be afraid! I'm your biggest fan!" Meer had no idea what to make of this. She was sure she was dreaming. After all, she was Kira. She had just impersonated Meer Campbell in order to find out what had happened to the real idol. She stepped out from behind the wall and walked into the living room, studying the young man incredulously. He looked exactly like the real Kira should, with slightly stringy and messy brown hair, deep brown eyes and a lightly tanned complexion. "Do you want me to get you something from the kitchen?" Kira asked. "You look a bit out of it." Meer's hands darted up to her neck. She pulled the collar of her elaborate stage dress down to expose her neck and brushed her long pink hair aside. Tugging her long gloves off with her teeth, the idol's slender fingers searched her neck frantically for the seam that indicated the pull of the skinsuit zipper. After several moments of fruitless searching her fingers closed around a small nub and with a triumphant grin she tugged. Nothing happened. With a surprised cry, Meer tugged harder, but only made the skin of her neck stretch a bit as she pulled. No mysterious seam opened in Meer's soft, pale flesh. She kept trying for several moments as Kira regarded her. "What are you doing? Ummm, miss Campbell? Are you feeling alright?" the young man asked as he got up and walked over to the pink-haired girl. "It's... I... the zipper... it's stuck... I can't get out..." Meer whimpered as her fingers tugged and pulled at her neck. "Zipper? Stuck?" Kira said with a confused expression. "Look, maybe you should sit down?" He gently grabbed the distraught starlet by one hand and led her across the room. Before she knew what was happening she was sitting on Kira's bed. "I'm... you have to help me," Meer pleaded. "I'm really Kira, but my zipper is stuck. I just impersonated Meer Campbell to find out who was threatening the real one. And I got them, they're both going to jail now... but now the suit won't..." Kira smiled and sat down next to Meer, gently taking her hands and pulling them away from her neck. His hands closed around Meer's, and he looked deep into her blue eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about, miss Campbell, but I'm glad you did what you had to do. And I'm so glad you finally came to meet me. I honestly thought you'd never come. I'm your greatest fan, you know," Kira said and smiled at her. "I'm not Meer! I... I'm not..." Meer said, but trailed off. Where was the real Meer? She was dead, she had to be. Lana and Erik had conspired to kill her and hide her body in the dangerous waters around the old pier. But suddenly the zipper to the bodysuit wouldn't open, and there was already a Kira living in the apartment that Meer had considered hers. Was she actually the real Meer? Maybe she had contracted amnesia at some point and started believing she was a stalker fan of herself? Maybe she had fallen off the pier and hit her head, which had caused her to dream this whole implausible thing with the camera that could create skinsuits? Suddenly Meer felt like the bedroom around her was spinning and she had no idea what was real and what was fantasy. The vertigo passed when Kira pulled her close and kissed her firmly. Meer had no idea why she was responding to this boy's approaches. She was a boy too! Only dressed in the skin of a girl! But that feeble explanation sounded less and less plausible in Meer's confused mind. She kissed Kira again, and then they hugged tight. His hands reached up to play with the buttons holding Meer's dress together, and suddenly she stopped struggling. His quick fingers opened the garment as if he had done it before, and Meer's large soft breasts spilled out. Kira leaned down to kiss one rosy nipple before starting to knead the idol's breasts, which caused her to gasp and moan in pleasure. Her hands reached out to pull at his simple t-shirt, and he didn't resist as she removed it. Soon the two were undressing each other frantically. Meer lay on her back on the bed and tugged her pure white panties down her long, soft legs, finally dangling the garment from her toes. She wanted to be with Kira right now, it was the only thing that made the confused chaos in her head make any sense. The young man climbed up after her, having just shed his boxers to reveal a large, thick manhood that was already fully erect. Meer was still not sure who she was or had been, but she knew her breasts and groin were pounding with expectation. She laid back on the bed and spread her legs, and Kira lowered himself after her, kissing her passionately. The tip of his manhood teased the outer edge of her sex, and with a passionate moan Meer rose up to return Kira's kiss, pulling him down onto the bed with her. Her soft hand guided his hands to rest on her breasts while she laid back and prepared for him to enter her. Kira pushed into Meer slowly and carefully, his thick manhood stretching her slit wide. She gasped and bit her lip at the strain of his entry, but pleasure quickly overtook the discomfort and she moaned as he slowly filled her. His hands on her breasts felt so good too with her nipples stiff under his touch. With a push, Kira entered Meer fully, and she reached up to cling to him as he began moving back and forth. Slow at first but with increasingly more force, Kira slid his member deeper and deeper into her moist femininity. Meer couldn't believe that having sex as a woman could be this electrifying. It was a world apart from having sex as a man, if that was what she had once been. Lying here on her back with a strong, virile man entering her was suddenly her whole world and her excited moans turned into little yelps of pleasure. Kira for his part did his best to pleasure her, making sure his thick meat rubbed powerfully against her clit as he pushed into her and that his hands were constantly busy with her breasts. He leaned down to put one of Meer's nipples between his teeth and was reward with a scream of pleasure as he gently bit down. Their coupling was primal and furious, with Meer wanting to experience what her new body had teased her with all this time, and Kira all too happy to oblige. His thrusting into her womanhood became quicker and quicker and he was leaking precum into her as he went. She had to bite back orgasm several times before suddenly losing herself to the rapture. As Kira's member plunged deep into her and his hands squeezed her sensitive breasts, Meer experienced her first female orgasm. She screamed out as her slit clamped down on his penis, making it harder for him to keep thrusting. Waves of pleasure washed through her as hot steaming juices flowed from her sex onto him. A short while after Kira came as well, unloading himself into Meer as his member filled her with thick, ropy cum. Meer's back arched as she pushed into him, desperate for every last scrap of pleasure, and he plunged her deep into the soft bed in response. They lay like that, locked in the throes of perfect bliss, until slowly the waves of rosy pleasure subsided in both partners and they sank down together onto the bed, panting and gasping for breath. "That was... wonderful," Meer whispered. "I never dreamed..." "Me either," Kira said with a smile, and kissed her on the cheek. "You're perfect. I knew you were a good choice." It took Meer's pleasure-dazed mind a few seconds to understand what the young man had said. "Wait, what?" Kira laughed and rolled out of the bed, almost stumbling as he landed on his feet. He had trouble standing up after the intense orgasm, and the member between his legs trailed a long sticky white trail across the bed down onto the thick carpet. The brown-haired young man gave Meer a reassuring smile as stared at him. "I'm sorry, I haven't been entirely honest with you, Meer," said Kira, reaching up to his neck. "You see, the plan changed a bit when you managed to overpower Lana and Erik. You're more resourceful than I thought originally. I assumed you were just a creepy perverted stalker." Kira's fingers closed on something, and suddenly his handsome male face deflated. Meer felt a jab of icy fear rush through her body. Kira kept pulling forward causing his head to flop down over his chest like an empty hood. Meer Campbell's giggling, sweaty face, complete with long pink hair, sat on top of Kira's masculine shoulders. "You see, I figured out Lana was having an affair with Erik and planning to get rid of me," the Meer in the Kira-suit said as she began widening the seam on the suit's back. "They were trying to keep it quiet, but eventually I picked up a few things. They were going to make it look like an accident and then Erik would falsify some document to give him ownership of all my songs and recordings. Those bastards wanted me to support them, even after I died!" Meer tugged Kira's torso forward, causing it to crumple as her large soft breasts spilled out from behind the firm male pecs. "So I made a plan of my own. A plan to have one of my fans replace me and become their victim instead," she said as she tugged nonchalantly at the arms of the Kira skin. The Meer who was still on her back on the bed gasped. "You wanted me to die in your place!" she yelped, but was too exhausted to do more than slowly crawl up into a half-sitting position. The other Meer nodded. "Yep, exactly. I'm glad you didn't, though. Living in your apartment did change my mind a bit about you. You're not at all as creepy as I imagined," she said with a giggle as she tugged the suit's groin down across her thick thighs, causing the male member to deflate and empty into a floppy sheath. "When I sent you that camera after making the bodysuit of you at the concert I knew you'd take the chance to make one of me and probably wear it. And then I let Lana and Erik think their little hit had been a success so I could vanish while you took my place. It was a gamble, sure, but it worked, didn't it?" The Meer on the bed was slowly trying to process all this. Everything that had happened, Meer taking Kira's picture, the mysterious camera, the false murder, it had all been according to plan. Then she realized something. "B-but with Lana and Erik out of the way, what now?" "Well," the real Meer began as her graceful feet stepped out of the Kira skinsuit which was now piled on the floor "my original plan was to let you die in my place and take over your life for a while. I was a bit tired of show business and being treated like a piece of meat. You experienced that too, I can tell. But even being a naughty boy like yourself and masturbating to pictures of my old self got a bit tedious. And when you showed up tonight, I felt like fortune truly had smiled on me!" The Meer who had been Kira groaned as the real Meer bent down and scooped up the bodysuit that was an idealized version of Kira's real body. The original Meer gave her double a sweet smile as she leaned in to kiss the Kira skin full on the mouth, her large naked breasts grinding against the floppy material of the suit. "What happens now?" the Meer on the bed asked. "I made some new plans for you, my dear. We haven't even begun," the original Meer said with a wide grin. The Meer who had once been Kira wondered if she minded at all. End.

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The Hook Up Artist

So, you’re going through a bit of a dry spell? Not hitting it off as much as you like at the keggers? Turning in early on Saturday nights? Nothing to be ashamed of, friend. Everyone goes through a rough patch now and again. In fact, there’s a person I know that deals with this exact sort of situation. She could help you out if you’re interested. Her name is Melanie Danvers. She’s what you could call a ‘matchmaker’ around the school. She’s got tabs on all the students on the registry. (Even some...

4 years ago
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Deviant Artist

I closed my eyes that I might open a portal into the infinite universe of imagination. The emotion I was experiencing fueled the acceleration into my fantasy. And that emotion was extreme eroticism. I need a damn good fuck and all I had was my hand, my penis, and my brain. I was not interested in a quick masturbation. I had all the time in the world, but no place to go. And so I had my ipod plugged in to my ears playing music that put me in the mood. And I lay naked on my bed. Now all I needed...

4 years ago
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The Artist

My son’s girlfriend was a fine piece of ass. I know what you’re thinking, she’s your son’s girlfriend, but seriously this girl was the hottest thing I had ever met and I was determined to have a taste. They had been dating for almost a year, and while I knew they were affectionate I was fairly certain they hadn’t fucked yet, and I wanted to fuck her first.One late Saturday afternoon she came over, I watched as she walked up to the house, I was home alone, and it seemed like the perfect...

2 years ago
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lust for her abs female martial artist

It had been about 3 years since I fucked that amazing female bodybuilder. Although she lost interest in me shortly thereafter (started dating some bodybuilder dude to my understanding), my fetish for a fit, muscular women with rock hard abs hadn't died. Jerking off to that amazing night, or visiting female muscle sites simply wasn't enough anymore, I wanted another night, just like that one. I had just about given up hope...I was finishing up doing drills in my Taekwondo class. While I...

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Me And My Tattoo Artist

Hi to all. This is my first story to ISS so please excuse in case of any mistakes. Let me tell you about myself I am Raj (obviously not real name) I am 36 year old 6 feet tall smart and confident and doctor by profession living in Mumbai . Everything is true including the story except the character names. This story took place last year during the ganesh visarjan festival. I and my son who is 6 year old were roaming in and around our area to see the ganesha idol and on the way we found the...

3 years ago
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The Artist

I walked in from a long day at the office to find the fire crackling in the lounge and my love standing at her eazel, painting. I grinned as I took in the what she was wearing. I was the luckiest man alive I though to myself. How many other men get home to find their partners painting in high heels and her sexiest black lace lingerie. "Hey gorgeous!" she...

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The Artist

       A Work of ArtMoaning softly I shift my aching body to try and ease the strain in my arched back and tensed muscles. My eyes closed tightly against the intrusion of  bright lights surrounding me in the other wise darkened room.  The pounding of my heart is accompanied only by soft scraping sounds from across the room. I feel completely exposed and helpless in this position.   Rubbing my parted thighs against the rough fabric of the bench beneath me. Shifting once more, tugging at the...

3 years ago
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Batgirl Perspective of an Artist

“That was a great interview!” gushed Anita McCall as she and Dr Susannah Lascelles left the Gotham Museum of Modern Art. “Don’t mention it,” replied the tall woman with the long curly blonde hair, “It was a pleasure in every way. Not only did I get the chance to talk about my life’s’ passion for art but I did it with someone who is quite a work of art herself!” Anita laughed nervously. “Oh,” she chided, “I’m sure there are plenty more pretty girls in this fair city!” “Don’t sell yourself...

2 years ago
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Copyright 2002 Her heart was hammering, banging away against her chest. She unlocked the car and quickly got inside and slammed the door. She started the car and turned the AC on high and stuck her face in one of the vents. Still feeling flushed and warm, she unbuttoned the top four buttons of her dress, pulled it open, and directed another vent to her chest. "Jesus," she thought, as she tried to put the memory of the feel of his inner thigh into perspective. She'd been caught off guard....

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 129 The Bmoc And The Artist

Kate Thompson had a self-image. It wasn't a bad one, mind you, but it was realistic. She had always thought of herself as a bit 'off', a little strange-weird, even. She just wasn't like other people. And then she went to art school. Kate's classmates in high school had thought she dressed strangely. Well, her floppy hats and skinny ties and tie-die skirts and collections of bracelets were positively sedate compared to some of her classmates in art school. Hair colors that were not of...

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THE FAVORITE I sat at home, alone and in just an A-shirt and boot socks. Almost into the television, but much more into the memory about the hot time with the guy who’d left an hour or so before. The growling of my stomach soon put me in the kitchen, still in recall, but I prepared my pork chops to be seasoned. A few minutes after I put them in the oven, I heard a knock on the kitchen door. I stepped into the bedroom, slipped on a pair of shorts and then went to the door to see who was there....

2 years ago
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The Favorite

THE FAVORITE I sat at home, alone and in just an A-shirt and boot socks. Almost into the television, but much more into the memory about the hot time with the guy who’d left an hour or so before. The growling of my stomach soon put me in the kitchen, still in recall, but I prepared my pork chops to be seasoned. A few minutes after I put them in the oven, I heard a knock on the kitchen door. I stepped into the bedroom, slipped on a pair of shorts and then went to the door to see who was there....

1 year ago
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Favorite Things

Favorite Things By Donna Williams "We'll be dining out for Christmas dinner tomorrow, Marie. You don't need to slave over dinner this holiday." "That sounds wonderful," I responded. I so rarely have a day off from my maid duties, since I confided my cross-dressing desires to my wife three years ago. "Finish cleaning the kitchen and go to bed early Marie. Santa won't come if you're awake. I want you wear your little girl, pink, satin pajamas to bed, so when my little girl wakes,...

4 years ago
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Hey Those Are My Favorite Panties

This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. Simonnedanielle1204 @hotmail.com - All Rights Reserved. Synopsis: Paul is an absurdly small and definitely curious fifteen year old. He has this irresistible urge to discover, up close and...

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Sissys Favorite Toy

This is my first attempt at erotic literature so.... it is what it is lol this is a story of sissification and cuckolding so if your not into that you have been warned Embarrassment and arousal... how and why those two things combine in me I dont exactly know, but I have spent many hours pondering the thought, and yearning for it. My current girl friend, my goddess, the one I am hoping is the one, she has obviously spent some time thinking about the same thing. I sit here right now...

2 years ago
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His Favorite Day

Halloween was his favorite day in the whole year. The jack-o-lantern he’d carved grinned out the window. Its reflection was the brightest light in the living room, and he’d even put a low-watt bulb in the porch light. He peeked around the door to count the ghosts or pirates climbing up to their porch. He grabbed up two wrapped Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups apiece and knelt behind the door. When the bell rang, he slid the door open wider and stuck out his long arm. Waiting until he felt the edge...

3 years ago
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My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The Mall

My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The MallMy last story was a detailed account of the day my favorite Milf Sarah, and her Friend Lisa, went to the beach. They chose a distant, and fairly private spot to put down their towels. After enjoying the sun for a while, they became hungry. The remote section of beach they settled on was almost a half mile from the concession area, but the girls, (actually I should say women, because they are both over 50 years old) didn’t mind the walk down to the...

1 year ago
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My Favorite Aunt and The Divorcee Landlady

My favorite Aunt and the Divorcee Landlady By Julie D Like most trannies it all started with a favorite aunt and progressed through a series of experiences such as sexy landladies. I have been an avid reader of FM for the last two years since I got a PC. I was told about the site from a fellow TV in one the London clubs I used to go to as Julie. I go into the site most days to see if their are any interesting stories as some are very rewarding when you are alone and feeling...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Favorite chapter 2

My Wife's Favorite By Squidonhead Copyright Notice ©(2017) AUTHOR OR PUBLISHER. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied without the expressed written permission of the Author. This book is a work of fiction. Characters and events in this novel are the product of the author's imagination. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincident CHAPTER TWO I...

2 years ago
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Mothers Favorite Son

Copyright© 2006 SexyBeast "To you, the best mother a guy could ever ask for," Erik said, chinking his glass against his mother's in a toast. They were both drinking mimosas, as they were at brunch. "Thank you, sweetie, you're very nice," Rita answered. She leaned over and kissed her son on the cheek after sipping her mimosa. They were sitting at a small wrought iron table outside in the sunshine at one of their favorite restaurants. They were in a small, secret garden in the rear, which...

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Masochistic Me

Masochistic Me By Cal Y. Pygia Late in purchasing a home computer, I was late in surfing the 'net. However, when I first took to cyberspace, spending hours perusing porn, like any other red-blooded, all-American boy, I soon discovered spanking, both as it is represented in drawings and photographs, still and (in the form of video clips) moving. I also discovered Literotica, to which, by today's count, I have submitted (lovely word, that!) over 682 works,...

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Abhishek Fucking Neighbour Girl Neha And Her Mom Shweta 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone! Abhishek here! I am a resident of north Bangalore in a posh society. I am 5’11” tall, athletic build and quite fair and I can speak quite well. I am a regular reader of ISS and I can’t tell you how amazing this particular experience has been. I finally decided to share my experience. This is the sex story of how my neighbor’s daughter caught my interest and how I ended up fucking her and then her mom separately. Neha is a sensual babe while her mother is a wild chick. This...

4 years ago
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Her Favorites

It had been a few days since they had last had a chance to have sex and it had only been a quicky and as much as she loved any sex with him she was really feeling the need to climax. He would be at work for another few hours yet so she went to the bedroom and got a few toys out of her top draw and settled down on the sofa with just a silk dressing gown on, her laptop opened on her favorite porn website and her toys next to her on the sofa. She didn't often use her toys much but sometimes when...

Straight Sex
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Thistle street middlesbrough escort

6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...

3 years ago
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Memphis on the way

Saturday afternoon I had a very good fuck session with my beloved hubby.Later that night Victor drove me to the airport; I had to catch a flight to Memphis, on a very boring business trip. I felt really stupid when I took a challenge from my asshole Boss and accepted to make that trip…In the other hand, my good friends Sheila and Peter lived in Memphis; so it would be a nice chance to meet them after so many years.Sheila and Peter Anne sometimes had played around with me when they lived in...

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Art and Artists

The woman didn’t just enter the restaurant where I was having lunch, she swept into it, filling it with a sudden infusion of energy. She walked up to the table where the two ladies she was meeting had been sitting – she was fashionably late – greeted them warmly, then headed to the ladies room. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her as she walked by my table. She was probably around 40, a little taller than average with a trim, but curvy body that was well-displayed in a pair of tight blue jeans...

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exava my favorite champion acts 12

Introduction: exava has always been my favorite card. and i wanted to write an action, romance and lust filled fan fiction for her. but i have so many other cards i love too. so i decided to make them all characters. so enjoy Chapter 1: of love and lust youre lucky my master has mercy a woman spoke with a dark tone picking another woman up by the throat and tossing her aside rakdos the other woman winced in pain he is no longer my master. and if was youd be dead. she sighed happily concider...

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