Ronnie's Three Wishes free porn video

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Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the larger city of Fort Smith to the West and to Little Rock the capital of Arkansas to the East. The nickname Razorpack was of course a takeoff on the Arkansas university team name the Razorbacks. The Razorpack attended Shields high school which had 500 students. The six Razorpacks were high school seniors. Their leader was Kurt, the other members were Derrick, Buzz, Jimmy, Nina, and Ronnie. Nina was the only girl in the group. The Razorpack spent wild nights riding along the backroads in an old 1970 black Chevy Chevelle. Kurt their leader drove the car. Due to a lack of space in the car, Nina sat on Jimmy's lap. Jimmy was the ugliest and dumbest member of the pack and in Kurt's eyes the most non-threatening to Kurt's plan to seduce Nina, so he permitted Nina to sit on Jimmy's lap. Nina had warned Jimmy that if he got a hard on while she was in his lap she would claw up his face with her black nail polished fingernails. And Kurt had warned Jimmy that he would beat him up if he got an erection against Nina's ass. Afterwards, there was only once or twice when Nina looked like she was about to claw at his face. The other guys in the pack wondered if Jimmy just had a really tiny dick so Nina couldn't feel it or if Jimmy was gay and would have preferred a man's ass in his lap, otherwise they didn't see how he wasn't constantly hard because Nina's curvy ass was one of her best features. On these Arkansas roads it was normal for the teens to drive 80 mph and race each other, the cops had actually given up trying to give speeding or racing tickets to the teens because the behavior was too commonplace. Also, the cops remembered when they were young and did the same thing so they felt bad about punishing the kids for what their younger selves had enjoyed doing. The internal group dynamic of the Razorpack is interesting to consider: Kurt as the leader had appointed Derrick as his vice leader so these two made the nightly plans of the pack. Kurt and Derrick sat in the front seat side by side. Buzz and Jimmy were best friends, Nina had a crush on Kurt but she mostly felt alone and uncomfortable with any one member of the group, it was within the group as a whole where she felt secure. Nina's mother had died of cancer when Nina was 12 and her father was a drunk who was never home, he spent his nights at the bar. Nina was the type of girl that most boys liked, she was tomboy enough to know how to have guy fun but pretty enough to be a hot chick. Nina generally wore tight skirts with black boots. Every guy could see that Nina had great legs. She had beautiful long dark brown hair. Ronnie also felt alone with any one member of the group, Ronnie's father was mean to him and whenever Ronnie would ask his dad a question about life or the greater world beyond small town Arkansas his dad told him to "Shut the shit up, I haven't got time for your looking for answers bullshit, if you want that go talk to your fucking grandfather." Ronnie's grandfather was named Fester, crazy Fester the locals called him, he was a strange old man with long gray hair who sat on the porch of his shack cleaning his shotgun. Ronnie knew what people thought of his grandfather and he didn't think those people were entirely wrong but he needed the old man's advice. Ronnie had a secret he was keeping from the pack, he had been madly in love with Nina from the beginning but he had sensed that Kurt the leader was moving in to score with her and Ronnie didn't want to get kicked out of the pack. Without the brotherhood and social power of the pack Ronnie knew he would just be a fat loser with no friends. The weight issue had plagued Ronnie since his childhood and sometimes Kurt and Derrick would make insults about it by making a remark such as "Hurry up fat ass, we gotta go." At the end of one Sunday night after the pack had dropped Nina off at her house, Ronnie overheard Kurt whispering to Derrick that next week he was going to ask Nina to go out with him. Kurt had heard at school from one of Nina's female classmates that Nina thought Kurt was such a hot guy and total badass so Kurt boasted arrogantly to Derrick that fucking Nina's mouth and pussy was a sure thing. Ronnie was in the backseat when he heard this being said. Ronnie felt sick to his stomach, Nina was going to belong to Kurt, it was just awful, he suddenly had the urge to kill himself which swung to the other extreme of wanting to kill Kurt to prevent him from having Nina. However, the voice in his head told him to try to calm down and wait until he was out of Kurt's sight and back in his own bedroom before he would know the best course of action to take. When Ronnie got home he flopped face down on his bed and started to cry. It wasn't true, it couldn't be true, Ronnie had always loved Nina and now Kurt was going to have her and what made the pain of this worse was overhearing Kurt say those descriptive things about what he was going to do to Nina's beautiful mouth and heavenly pussy. Words couldn't describe the misery he felt thinking that Kurt would get to do those things with her. Again Ronnie thought of killing himself, he knew his father didn't have a gun but grandpa Fester did. Ronnie had the idea that he would show up at his grandfather's shack and get Fester to go with him into the shack's kitchen and then when Fester was distracted Ronnie would sneak away and find Fester's shotgun on the porch and kill himself. When Ronnie showed up at Fester's house it was already very late, Fester was sitting on the porch and the wind was howling making Fester's long gray hair look even wilder than usual. Fester was surprised to see Ronnie and said to him,"Rons, is that you? What are you doing out so late, don't you have school tomorrow?" Seeing Fester's face Ronnie felt affection for the old man and Ronnie thought he would ask for Fester's advice one last time before he decided to kill himself. Fester pulled up a small chair and let Ronnie share his thoughts, Fester could read people and he knew Ronnie was in a bad state and needed help. Ronnie asked Fester, "Do you know how to get a girl to stop liking a guy?" Fester responded, "I should have known it, you've got girl problems, nobody would come out here on foot at night in this raging autumn wind if they didn't have a damn good reason." Fester then asked, "What's the nature of the girl problem?" Ronnie said, "The only girl I've ever loved is going to be taken from me by a jerk named Kurt, is there any way I can get Nina to think Kurt is a loser or a fool so that she doesn't want him?" Fester laughed and asked, "Is this Kurt a popular good looking guy?" Ronnie frowned and said, "Yes." Fester said, "I'm afraid there ain't no stoppin' a girl from wanting him unless he was...GAY." The word "gay" sent Ronnie's mind racing, he had heard about these "gays" a few times from the high school's Republican student group. Ronnie asked Fester, "So if a guy is gay a woman doesn't want him anymore?" Fester's eyes lit up, "Yes and no, I mean it depends, if a gay guy is macho and muscular some of those guys still screw the ladies on the side so ladies are into them just the same. But you got a whole different ballgame if the gay guy ain't macho." Ronnie was curious and asked, "What do you mean?" Fester said, "Well, the non-macho gay guys are called sissies and sissies wear makeup, lipstick, and women's clothes, and they even paint their fingernails the colors that real women do." Ronnie asked, "Will women have sex with a sissy gay guy?" Fester laughed hysterically and said "Rons, are you kidding? Sissy gay guys don't even want to have sex with women, they want to look and act like women and get fucked in the mouth and asshole by men." Ronnie was a bit taken aback by Fester's crude description of sissy sexual behavior but this must be the crazy side of Fester the locals had said was there so he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Ronnie wanted clarification and asked, "So if the guy I know, Kurt, if he was a sissy gay guy then it would prevent him and Nina from having sex?" Fester nodded and said, "Yep, you got it." Ronnie looked troubled and disappointed and he said, "But Kurt isn't a sissy gay guy, he is a macho guy who loves pussy." Fester said, "That is indeed a problem but luckily you came to see me when you did. Tomorrow is Halloween and this year there's a special Halloween version of the county fair. There is a group of visiting gypsies from Romania who are setting up a table at the fair to grant three wishes to all who pay them $100." Ronnie thought his grandpa's suggestion sounded crazy: Halloween county fair? Gypsies? But he desperately wanted to believe that there was still hope. So willing to believe that grandpa's plan was the only hope left, Ronnie said the price was an obstacle. He said, "Grandpa, I don't have $100." Grandpa looked at him and smiled, "Rons, you don't think I would let you down, do you? I've got over $400 dollars saved up inside a giant moonshine jug under the kitchen sink. Didn't your daddy ever tell you I was the moonshine King in this county during the 1970's before the entire State police of Arkansas shut me down?" Ronnie said, "No, dad never talked about it." Grandpa made an angry face, "That's because my son is an idiot." Both Ronnie and his grandpa laughed. On Halloween night Ronnie arrived at the Halloween county fair with the $100 dollars his grandpa had given him. Ronnie looked for the gypsy table and didn't find it outside so he decided to approach a few of the tents which had games and exhibits inside. The tent Ronnie entered said "Beware" above it. Ronnie found the gypsy table, there was a crystal ball on it and what appeared to be an old skull. Ronnie saw three gypsies sitting behind the table all of whom appeared to be between the ages of 40-60, they had long dark hair and wore lots of jewelry. Surveying the situation Ronnie had the thought that this was stupid, that grandpa was whacked out of his mind like everyone said he was, and that these women couldn't possible give him what he wanted. He heard one man say to his three children, "Them women ain't got no powers and even if they did it would be the Devil's magic which goes against the will of God." But Ronnie swallowed his pride and again decided to take the risk, it was better than nothing. One of the gypsies said in an Eastern European accent, "You can have three wishes but what is the category of wishes you desire? You must choose between wishes of spirit, power, or health." Ronnie asked, "Can you explain each category?" The gypsy woman said, "Wishes of spirit help you bring back the dead, a dead relative or even a dead dog or cat. Wishes of power give you mental power over others, people will do or become whatever you desire from them. Wishes of health make the terrible pain in parts of your body disappear." Ronnie visualized each of those options, he didn't know any dead relatives or pets he wanted to bring back to life, the idea sounded scary and gross. He didn't need physical health, he was only 18 so his health was doing okay. What Ronnie wanted was mental power over others. Ronnie selected that. The gypsy woman said, "Ah, you want mental power, to control the minds and actions of other people, to activate that power and to receive your wishes you must touch this old skull on the table, place your hands on it and rub the skull all the way around with your hands." Ronnie did as she said and felt a tingling sensation in his hands, he didn't know if he was just as nuts as grandpa but he was now totally absorbed in believing that every bit of this was legitimate. Ronnie finished rubbing the skull and the gypsy woman said, "You now have three wishes of mind power and keep in mind that each wish goes only to one person so you are limited to mind power over three people, use your wishes wisely, and remember that whatever you wish for or ask for from another person is permanent, there is no reversing it." Ronnie was so lost in the fantasy that he was taking every word from this woman as the literal truth and he made no hesitation when he paid her the $100 dollar fee for the cost of the wishes. On the way out of the fair Ronnie thought about using one of the wishes just to make sure they worked but he reasoned that when you had only 3 wishes wasting one for practice was the ultimate in foolishness. Ronnie went home and called Kurt on the telephone, Ronnie said he wanted to meet with Kurt in person at Kurt's house to tell him what Nina had said about how much she was into Kurt as a potential lover. Ronnie said, "It is better if I tell you in person, we can party at your house, you won't believe how much Nina has the hots for you." Kurt who already felt like a prize for any woman was quite enthusiastic about Ronnie coming over. Ronnie's call had caused Kurt's ego to soar even higher, in his own mind he was an alpha male God who could have any girl in Northwest Arkansas. Ronnie arrived at Kurt's house at night, Kurt's parents and his 16 year old sister were gone to the movies, Kurt was all by himself. Ronnie braced himself for what was coming next, this was the biggest moment in his life. A brief moment of doubt entered his mind and he said to himself, "If the wish thing is bullshit and those gypsy bitches conned me I will have to fight Kurt, I can't do nothing while he takes Nina away from me." Kurt was grinning with excitement to hear what Ronnie was soon to tell him about what Nina had said. Although Ronnie didn't know it, Kurt was semi-erect thinking about the near future of Nina's precious saliva all over his cock. Kurt invited Ronnie into his family's living room. Kurt was overwhelmed with a sense of his own power and right in front of Ronnie he jumped into the air shouting "This weekend Nina's mouth and pussy are all mine baby!" Hearing Kurt bragging like that Ronnie had decided he had waited long enough, he gave Kurt a fierce look and launched into his first wish, "Kurt, you don't want to have sex with Nina, you are gay, you are a homosexual, and you are not a macho man homosexual, you are a sissy homosexual, you have zero sexual desire for women, you apply makeup and lipstick to your face and you polish your fingernails and toenails red or pink." Ronnie noticed an instant change in Kurt's facial expression and body language. Ronnie told him, "Go into your mother's room and put yourself in her makeup and lipstick, you know how you really want to look." Kurt rushed to take off his male clothes right in front of Ronnie and he minced to his mother's bedroom, Kurt applied makeup and lipstick to his own face and began to slowly transform his look into full sissy. He took one of his mother's gorgeous black dresses out of her closet and began to put it on. Kurt reached in the back and zipped up the dress like he was in absolute sissy heaven. His body language was so swishy and his arms were limp-wristed. Kurt had a full erection now only this time it definitely wasn't about Nina, his dick was rock hard in absolute surrender to the bliss of feminizing himself. Kurt was in a frantic mood to put on his mother's pantyhose, panties, and to find her prettiest and most stylish high heels. Seeing Kurt already being defeated Ronnie wasn't done putting Kurt in his place. Ronnie said, "Kurt, you dress more girly than Nina does, Nina wears black boots but you always have to be in high heels. Nina sometimes wears jeans or slacks, you always wear dresses, skirts, or mini-skirts. Overall you are more girly than Nina is by far. And you desire sex with men so much more than she does. Kurt, you adore men, you live to please big cocks with your sissy hands, mouth, and asshole." Kurt's voice had turned utterly effeminate and he said, "I sooooo need a delicious boyfriend, I would loooove hard cock pounding my girlish holes." Kurt was internalizing everything Ronnie had programmed into him so there was little else that Ronnie had to say but to sit back and enjoy seeing Kurt's total defeat. However, Ronnie wanted to clarify where Kurt stood when it came to Nina. Ronnie asked Kurt, "Are you planning to have sex with Nina?" Sissy Kurt nearly gagged and he said, "OMG, that is sooooo gross, and might I say that she's a sweet girl but dear God her fashion sense...those horrible boots and that cheap purse...HELLO....Give me some time honey and I swear I'll be sooooo much prettier than her, I'll get the perfect hunks she wishes she could get. And I will find a handsome rich husband long before she does." Suddenly Ronnie remembered what the gypsy woman had told him, that the wishes were permanent. Ronnie felt a surge of power inside of him, he realized he had made Kurt a sissy faggot forever. Kurt would never again stand in the way of Ronnie and Nina being together. Ronnie's face turned a little red when he noticed that making Kurt a faggot had given him a hard on. Ronnie reasoned with himself that this wasn't a gay reaction, that Ronnie had just gotten an erection from having that much power over another person. Ronnie thought that this must be a trait that frequently happens in nature. Worse though, Ronnie knew that Kurt's parents and his 16 year old sister would return home from the movies soon and Ronnie thought it would make him look really gay if Kurt's parents caught Ronnie in the same room with their son with Kurt fully crossdressed and in makeup and lipstick. Ronnie knew that Kurt's parents would see how their son was dressed and they would look at Ronnie dressed in male clothing and they would get the wild and wrong idea that Ronnie had shown up to fuck their son. Seeking to avoid that fate, Ronnie was more than happy to leave Kurt behind in his mother's bedroom playing supermodel kissy face with his red lipstick into the mirror dreaming of hot hunks. When Ronnie left Kurt's home he left the door to the house partially open behind him to make it certain that Kurt's father, mother, and 16 year old sister were going to walk into the house without needing to ring the doorbell and make the shocking discovery of Kurt fully feminized with his mother's skirts, dresses, lingerie, pantyhose, and high heels scattered all over the bed and the bedroom floor. Ronnie had the look of victory on his face that Kurt's whole family would see that he was a hopelessly sissy gay. Ronnie considered for a moment that he would try to kick queer Kurt out of the Razorpack but Ronnie thought, "That's letting him off too easy, I want him to stay in the group with us because I want Nina to see him face-to-face, I want her to see what a total faggot he is. I want her to look at that sissy and wonder why she ever thought he was a macho stud. I want her to look at how effeminate he is and for her to consider how masculine and desirable I am in comparison." To Be Continued...

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A Million Wishes

So that Babylonian artifact I found in my dad’s garage is now my keychain, and I just need to put a hand in my pocket to get anything I want. The little stone dude went from holding up three fingers, to two, to one, and now he’s permanently holding up all three again and forever because he fell for the oldest trick in the book. There are rules to this thing, but you can experiment and find the loopholes all you want once you’ve wished for a million wishes. The first thing I found out is that...

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Sensible wishes

Sensible wishes By: Set3 Cliff Brind, an accountant, had just released a Djinn from the bottle he had bought while at a garage sale on the weekend. The Djinn offered three wishes to Cliff for freeing him from his imprisonment before leaving to parts unknown. Cliff adjusted the glasses that had fallen down his nose as he thought of his wishes while the Djinn floated there in disinterest. "I suppose my first wish would be," Cliff started. "To always succeed in any profession I...

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Conjunction of Wishes

Conjunction of Wishes By Rabbi-El Dix Mike and I met our freshmen year in college. We became roommates for the next three years, and afterwards we got an apartment together. Together we had wild times and I began to think of him as the brother I never had... until the change that is. Mike and I were like night and day, opposites in every way imaginable. While I was around 5'10, Mike was 6'4. I was neat. He was messy. I liked having one girlfriend at a time. He liked having...

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Three Wishes

[Author's Note: This is a fairly slow build, with a few chapters of backstory, so feel free to skip ahead for sex. Would love your contributions, please add your own chapters & comment what you’d like to see! Aiming for a main story branch based around the "No Inhibitions / Mind Control / Freed Genie" set of wishes, but feel free to add whatever twists you like.] Johnny Dreamer is an easygoing college student with a mindless night shift at the sex shop down the road. Though fairly handsome &...

Mind Control
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Christmas Wishes

I wrote this story several years ago and thought that I'd repost it for the holidays. Christmas Wishes By Morpheus The Carson family sat at their kitchen table in preparation for one of their families Christmas traditions. Mike, who was the father of the family, had a sheet of paper in front of him, carefully writing on it while his wife Lauren read over his shoulders, making occasional suggestions while their children, 17 year old Michelle and 15 year old Steve impatiently waited...

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I had called my group of friends over to my place. My parents wouldn’t mind. They never minded. I’m lucky that way. I can get away with nearly anything. Nearly, but not everything. My friends were all from school. James and Denise lived on the same block as I do. Brent and Robert each live about a quarter mile away, but not in the same direction. Then there’s Aaron, who lives on the other side of town, but always comes over when invited. I wanted to have a little fun. Some fun that involved...

2 years ago
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Janenes Wishes

"So, you say you're granting me three wishes, huh?" asked the young sales girl with a disbelieving smile. Derek had spotted the girl a few minutes ago. He had scanned her mind and saw that she was only sixteen years old. The girl was very pretty and very sure of herself. She wore her blonde hair long and possessed the loveliest blue eyes. A further scan told him that she was used to getting what she wanted... when she wanted it, and very much aware of her beauty. It was these types of girls...

1 year ago
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SRU Bottle of Wishes

Spells R Us: Bottle of Wishes By Morpheus 25 Jan 98 While walking through the mall, Dan saw a store that he thought looked kind of interesting. Spells R Us, was written clearly above the door. Must be some kind of magic supplies shop, Dan told himself as he went in. The first thing he saw was an Old Man in a somewhat worn bathrobe putting a glass bottle on a shelf. The Old Man turned around as soon as he walked in, saying, "Good afternoon Dan." Surprised, Dan asked,...

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The Wishes

Author's note: This story can freely be posted to any free site as long as there's no fee for reading it. The Wishes (C) 2003 Nabiky S. As I walked down the beach, I thought how tempting it would be to just dive into the water and let the strong current pull me out and drown me, but I was too much of a coward for something like that. Life just sucked; I'd lost my job and my girlfriend. And as if that just hadn't been enough, mom got hit by a drunk driver and died after days of...

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Delicious Wishes

It was a balmy fall evening as we walked along the beach when we stumbled across the bottle. Literally stumbled, as Maggie tripped over it and tumbled onto the sand. I dropped down on the beach next to her, and we laughed. It felt terrific since we hadn't had much to laugh about in recent months.The coronavirus had all but killed what had been a rousing, raunchy sex life. While Maggie was still submissive in the bedroom, or any other room I desired, gone were the many other men (and women) my...

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Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes by Bruce Leach 1. "Goodnight Claire, night Robert. Happy birthday Jess!!" yelled his aunt Nancy as Jessie Evans closed the door on the last of his party guests. Thank god the whole ordeal is over, Jesse thought, family parties are the worst. He figured at 19 he should be able to have his own friend over to his own party, but the big get together was a family tradition. All his aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and all their spouses got together...

4 years ago
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wife agrees to do her husbands wishes

Valerie enters the dark world of bdsm. Pre note.   Part of this story is based on true events. Valerie and her husband did wish to join a BDSM club some of the events actually happened.At last after months of arguments Valerie at last, agreed with her husband. She had to accept the fact that perhaps he was right. All this came from a swinging party they had attended, were her husband had watched Valerie being taken by numerous cocks some White some Asian but the ones Val adored were Black they...

2 years ago
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Fictional Wishes

His name was Samael, and until a few days ago, he was just a nobody. But then, one day, he was transported into the Fictional realm where all fictions are connected as a fictional multiverse, he was then landed within a world which seem to be a world different from the others, he was a very nerdy, who loved any to all fiction, he knew all of the fictional worlds, except for the one he was currently on, he saw a screen appeared in front of him, which has texted in. –Dear Sir or Madam; If you...

Mind Control
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Ten Wishes

Ten Wishes A Drabble by (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 2001 I was Zagros Sadjadi, a young White man who would often wish to be a Chinese girl--also from Japan When a ring of ten wishes came to me First wish and my maleness went Second changed my race Third gave me an accent Fourth a lovely face Fifth femininity was savoir faire Sixth changed my age to thirteen Seventh only dresses or skirts could I wear Eighth and it had always been Ninth--Mingmei...

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Djinn Wishes

“Samantha. Hello, Samantha! Earth to Samantha!” Samantha woke up with a smack to the back of her head. Groaning she turned over, her coal black wavy hair a complete mess. “What?” “It’s time for class, Professor White said if you are late again, she’s going to fail you.” Samantha’s roommate Jenni said. “Yeah, yeah… Let me get up.” Samantha said as she climbed out of bed. Her larger than average boobs bouncing in her F-Cup bra. She gave her bra the sniff test and considered it okay to wear again....

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The Genies wishes

Genies, beings with phenomenal cosmic power, bound to objects such as lamps, bottles, or even rings. When you find an object that contains them, all you need do is rub them, to release the genie. This genie will become bound to your service and with them you shall have the universe at your finger tips, what ever you wish, if it is with in the Genies power it shall be yours. But what most people don't know, is that Genies also get wishes. The rules change depending on the genie, but as masters...

1 year ago
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Megan Makes Some Wishes

Megan woke up on her 18th birthday, excited about the day ahead. She got out of bed and looked in the mirror. Megan was an attractive redhead with a great body, but she never saw herself as attractive, in fact she thought she was ugly. Megan put on a t shirt and jeans and went down the stairs, where her mother was waiting for her. "Happy birthday!" Her mother shouted. "There's something I need to tell you. Take a seat" Megan thought this was an odd thing to say, but she obliged her...

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Just a Girl A Jack and Alice Tale Version 9 Wishes

Note: my original language is not English, therefore it is possible there are mistakes wrongs at the text. JUST A GIRL: A Jack and Alice Tale By Anne Marie Pearl Version 9 - Wishes One year ago, the night of the Magic. It was when Jack died. But now is the present days, a happy age. Sunday, Alice kissed Jim the first time. Monday she made love with Bruce (So handsome Bruce, strong arms and tender heart). Tuesday she met Peter, and the love caught her and him. Thursday...

1 year ago
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Careless Wishes

*author's note:  I wrote this sometime last year (2008), my first in this genre.  Originally "Abigail" was "Ayla" since this was written for my online friends and we like to write about ourselves?but then I wrote Future Shocked which also starred "me" in a completely different setting so I figured I'd better change this one to avoid confusion!  Hope you enjoy!   Careless Wishes By Ayla Jaxxon        "You are so naughty!" giggled Abigail.  Iza just grinned that feral grin of hers.  "This skirt...

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Ronnie Repents

?Ronnie Repents ? Ex-Wives 5?   by Richard Stryker © Copyright R. Stryker 2005.   The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. Published by Reproduced with permission of the author and publisher. CHAPTER 1 She opened an eye, but her whole world was still one of darkness.She felt something around her face, like a mask. It made her grow cold withfear as...

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Two Simple Wishes

This is a quickie to try to get past a block in what's turning out to be a long sequel to "Purse Snatcher." As with a lot of my stories, it's a sequel. This time to what I thought was a stand-alone, "A Simple Wish." Two Simple Wishes By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 "Oh, Reg, this park is so romantic." Kathy Thomason looked up at her escort, Reg Harman, and sighed. She'd had a crush on Reg since they were in grade school together. They'd been friends back then, but he'd all but...

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The Ring Of Wishes

"NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" yelled a fat looking man at Mike. This fat looking man was Mike's boss, and he had always had it in for Mike, ever since he was hired at the company three years ago. It was mainly because he spilt some coffee on the boss' papers when he was newly employed, but now, the boss had a valid reason to punish him. And yes, making him unemployed did seem a bit harsh, but this boss was very powerful and gets his own way. On the way out of the office, Mike muttered...

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Ronnies Awakening

Ronnie left the apartment on Iberville that morning, making his way across the Quarter to Busters Beans & Rice. Most of the street k**s in the Quarter ate there once a day. You just couldn't beat a big plate of red beans and rice with a big hunk of fresh bread and plenty of Buster's homemade hot sauce for 35 cents. And always meet up with friends and get the latest news.Ronnie thought about the 2 tricks he pulled last night, twenty bucks each just to get his dick sucked. Half of it went to...

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Ronni Tempted MeChapter 3

Jack found himself agonizing over Ronni once more. When she asked him during their forbidden chat session if he wanted to fuck her, Jack couldn't get his brain around the words at first. "I'm asking if you wanna fuck me." He was bewildered. Part of him wanted to drive to Ronni's house, sneak into her bedroom and screw her all night. He quickly reminded himself that she was the same age as his own daughter Emily. And even though he had never met Ronni's parents, he figured he himself...

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Sharing Wishes

Sharing Wishes by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1999 All rights reserved May not be reposted to ANY site without author's consent This week began as any other, at least in MY life. Up before I needed to be because I had to share my room and bath with my younger brother Sandy. He's just 11 and I'm 13. I always wanted a couple more siblings, even girls if necessary, but Mom said no. Actually I think it was because she had such a hard time with Sandy although all I know is what I was...

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I returned home following my summer spent cruising along the inland channel. It had been a great summer and one that taught me a lot. Found out that my younger brother had spent the summer in a boy's training school, after getting caught "joy riding" in someone's car. He was now home and like me, getting ready to return to school. For me this would be my last year, then on to college. In actuality ended up going in the service before finishing college. Spent a lot of time with my younger...

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Ronnie 2 Mall

“Oh God, I love riding you like this!” My beautiful fiance Isabella was seated on top of me, grinding her clit on my groin. Her big, beautiful brown eyes were boring into me. She was sitting up, rocking back and forth and up and down, covering me with her wetness. “Am I wet enough for you baby?” I have the greatest woman in the world. And she’s all mine. “God, yes.” I did love how wet she got for me. She wasn’t a squirter, like you see in pornos, but she did gush when she came. ...

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Ronnie 1 Amusement Park

If you asked any other guys, they’d tell you she was cute, but nothing special. They’d probably say she was too small, too skinny or too many freckles. Those other guys might point to the plethora of other women around the water park. The MILFs, the huge tits and the surrounding cleavage that was on display for the world to see. Those other guys wouldn’t give her a second glance. Those other guys would rather spend their time hooting and hollering at a bevy of other women. Those other...

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Ronnie B Good

I you ever happen to frequent the Hyperboard you may find a sweet and wonderful girl there by the name of Veronica. She always has a kind word for you and will often share her images with you. Most of the time she likes to be called Ronnie, and I dedicate the song below to her. The link to the midi I used to listen to only seems to be working for "Firefox" and not "Explorer." (Just letting people know). Well Ronnie, I do hope you like this song. The moment I heard I did think of you....

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Ronni Tempted MeChapter 9

Seconds after Emily climbed off of her daddy's dick, Brooke had her eyes on her next prize. "Stay right there, young lady," Brooke said to her daughter. "It's Mommy's turn." Brooke crawled up behind Emily while she was still straddling Jack. She stuck her tongue out and ran it down Emily's crack. She flicked her tongue briefly over her asshole and then planted it directly on Emily's cunt, fully aware that Jack's cum was about to ooze out. Brooke put her entire mouth on Emily's...

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Two Wishes

Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didn’t know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always said: “So I can wish for anything I want?” ‘Almost anything,’ Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. ‘Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldn’t give them.’ The waitress brought more coffee. They waited until she’d left to say more. It was a warm...

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Unlimited wishes

I was just standing in my room. And suddenly a genie appeared next to my shoulder. He said to me you can have unlimited wishes all you have to do is just think "I wish... " Followed by what you wish for. I was still a little skeptical but the genie already disappeared before I could ask anything else.

Mind Control
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Cordelias Feet 5 The Queen Bees Wishes

Freshly showered and blow-drying my hair, I contemplated my unhealthy infatuation with my student once again. How far would I allow this to go? Too much was at risk. I needed to stop this, and I stared hard at my naked reflection in the gold-rimmed bathroom mirror, willing the strength I needed into existence. I switched off the dryer, put it on the small shelf next to the washing basin and took in my mirror image. Was it just my imagination or did I look younger? There appeared to be a...


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