The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix
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Chapter 91 Kim had taken it upon herself to rescue Faye from Agee's class. The dress that day appeared to be dotted with polka dots, but closer inspection on the plum colored fabric revealed them to be dagger impaled skulls. The matching bandana set off her eyes as she strode into Agee's class as if she owned it. "C'mon, Faye. We're going to lunch today. I'm paying." "Excuse me," Mr. Agee said. "Miss Valentine..." "Blow it out your ass, perv. What would Celeste say?" Kim...
Chapter 73 Tim was laughing out loud like a maniac while doing the final cleanup for the day. There was some business, everything sold out. Spreadsheet added up, It was 11:00 a.m. "I'm going to sleep, eat lunch." He had gotten a DVD of Drop Bears from the library. Whatever movie it was, with Bobbie leaning into him, it would be better. Even Ishtar... With the Prom coming up, and the big order coming up for the school... And all the others, damn are we gonna be busy. A...
Chapter 68 "Roxx? What do you wanna do when you grow up?" Mary asked thickly. "Y'know, when school's over?" "Eh?" Roxx asked Mary, suddenly irritated by that question. Robb had asked her that once. More than once in fact. What bothered her was that she never seemed to have an answer. He was always going on and on about having a better life. Paying rent and bills were no fun. To the then Melanie, and now The One Who Is Roxx that the simplest, easiest way to accomplish that was always...
Chapter 49 Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Nothing again... C'mon Fay-fay, where are you? Rach couldn't remember the last time she'd been so hard to get to on the phone. It made her wish she could cry over something so trivial. Rach felt her eyes dampen. She knew it was the painkiller they'd given her. She got all emotional the last time they gave it to her; which, oddly enough, was due to a completely different snowboard injury. They'd gotten her out on the snow, fitted...
Chapter 65 Faye was home early from the bakery that night, with Bobbie and Nick nowhere to be found. She looked around at the empty place. The energy was so different now with all the tension between herself, Bobbie, and Nick. She was cleaning up some dishes when Bobbie finally came in. "Hey," she said, sounding down. "I'm just gonna go to bed. Phone died." There was a heavy sigh. "Hmmm, goodnight," Faye said, looking at Bobbie with a thinly veiled intensity. Bobbie slowly...
Chapter 8 "WAKE UP, BRO WE'VE GOT SOME WORK TO DO," Kim's voice ripped through the velvety blanket of sleep. Bobbie thrashed, gasping. It was Kim, pouncing on her. "Kim, wha..." "Mom's at work today, so I thought maybe I could give you a crash course in a few things," Kim said. Bobbie smoothed her hair and yawned. "You've got the rest of the week, and there's things I'm sure you'd rather not ask Mom," Bobbie stared blankly. "Meet me downstairs," Kim bolted out of the room and...
Chapter 88 Everyone agreed to meet at Daily Grind that morning. Heather and Kim wanting to hear about everyone's night once they left the prom. Gilda's newest experiment; the Borgia, sat in Kim's hands. "How is that?" Beth asked. "Really good, There's an orange in here. Like a whole orange slice, but it tastes like cocoa." Kim looked into the cup as she lifted the lid. "Bet there's enough caffeine to kill a small elephant in there." She sipped again. "Goes great in the morning....
Amber had her jeans on just so, while the green top's scoop neck showed just enough to let the imagination fill in the rest. She was off with Kurt, he had excitedly told her about tickets he had gotten to a local acoustic set played by local artists. The town center was lined with local businesses. Taking a lap to sample wares, Kurt and Amber split a huge Shawarma and laughed at the unusual sights. "So, how'd you get the tickets?" Amber asked. "I...umm..." Kurt looked down. "I used...
Chapter 59 Heather woke up feeling slightly constricted, arms on either side of her neck. The skin smelled of her water activated gel scrub. She also felt Faye's breasts pressing into her back. Faye?? Her eyes snapped open and looked around the room. Mom's room... Suddenly oriented in time and space, a surge of joy gushed directly into Heather's head. Endorphins and hormones doing their dance in Heather's brain, the beat still throbbing against her reticular activating system....
Chapter 87 Rach had an ache in her side, like she had laid down wrong on something. Uhh, what a... The pain in her side was explained away as the misshapen lump of blue clay, Rach looked at it and... Wait a minute, that dream. Her eyes fluttered open to a beautiful shade of blue; when she moved to get up, the blue moved with her. A quick glance at the mirror over her dresser confirmed her suspicions. Fucking magic shit. Rach sighed as she remembered everything else. Rach was...
Chapter 4 Robb had drained about $1200 from the bank card that bore his name. He bought a backpack at a thrift store. He broke the card in half and threw it away. He walked and walked, and walked... ...and walked. During his internet musings he discovered the idea of the Walkabout. Walking until you meet yourself, considering the events of the week, that seemed like the most likely thing in the world. He knew that there wasn't an explosion behind him. He also knew that he wasn't...
Chapter 15 Bobbie was a little grumpy, but felt lighter than she had recently. Despite cramps, she smiled some, happy to see Beth and Amber who had joined them for lunch to talk about the cupcakes. "Cooking is all science, really. I mean, there's the art stuff, too, but the physics of it... Those were so good. I was wondering if you could make some for the bake sale?" "Bake Sale?" Bobbie asked, Beth's expression mirrored Bobbies. "Yeah, we do the big musical in the spring. We...
Chapter 62 Tim seemed a little nervous, his permits for the Grand Opening had come through pretty fast. He was hoping that one week was long enough to get it all together. They were a go for next Friday as far as the city was concerned. There were flyers at the printers, and the prep schedule had gone into overdrive. Thanks, Officers, he was sure that Hudson and Hobson had something to do with it. Of course, Tim's promise that he'd be able to make his daughter a cake for her 13th...
Chapter 23 With school out, Bobbie had been going to Heather's under the guise of being her model. Heather's mother, Betty; had come home with wild tales of New Zealand and bad stitching. Heather, while happy to see her mother, seemed a little annoyed after the first day. While standing in yet another blue gown with Heather affixing pins to the hem, Bobbie found out why. "You are such a beautiful girl, Bobbie. You have a boyfriend, right?" Betty asked. Bobbie got timid. "I ...I...
Chapter 55 Another channel had gone out. A little girl was playing with an older blonde girl. "Skipper likes bad boys." The speaker wheezed through static, before fading into unexpected clarity and coherence while bathing the room in azure light. Kim wanted to be away from this television and this couch. The television's channels disappeared one by one until only two were left, this and the other channel with the redhead. Last time Kim checked, she was robbing a liquor store with...
Chapter 71 "That smells really good." "Dude." Faye said, turning to Nick and rested her weight on one hip. "It's bacon and onions. That's it." "Still smells good." Faye had talked Nick into stopping at Freddie's on the way home. She came out with a big bag of groceries in one hand and a long baguette of French Bread with the other. Nick knew better than to ask, just accepted that something awesome would follow. Some more sounds in the kitchen clattered before Faye came...
Chapter 94 Roxx was inspecting her girls. Rubi and Rosa made a home quickly, the others making them comfortable. She was having some fun reshuffling the features and personalities of the dancers she had started with. Now there was a veritable 'rainbow coalition'. Roxx had decided that if she was to be the one in charge, she would make sure that everyone that came to her could be satisfied. No matter what their tastes. Roxx looked at Rubi. Mary seems to be enjoying this. The...
Chapter 45 Myka sat quietly in the room, there had been some sound a minute earlier. The buzz in her ears had started last year, just after the accident. It was so hard to think through it. Some days it was just easier to sleep on the couch. There was food, though she would be hard pressed to remember much of anything. Tim was alive and taking care of himself... At least she hoped so. There was that noise again. It meant something. "Mom!." Tim huffed. "Didn't you hear the...
Chapter 29 The bakery had been open for all of a day before Tim realized the problem with running a food business. Waste. He kept the ones he didn't sell that day and sold them for a reduced price the next. Even then, once his costs were covered, there wasn't much left in the way of profit. The door bell rang and Tim looked up from the assignment he was working on. He saw the flash of crimson and knew who it was. "Hey, Tim," the voice purred. "Umm... hi, Roxx," Tim said, their...
Chapter 81 Ever since Bobbie's revelation about Faye, Nick had felt bad, he even didn't think about their coupling on that crazy night. We couldn't just dump her on you. Nick felt his eyes moisten. She's my friend... he's my..... "Goddammit," Nick whispered. Nick just wanted his friend back. His original friend. Yeah, Faye made him say goodbye. But there was still so much Kane in there. And now? Faye was completely different to how she was before. Giggling,...
Chapter 19 "Here." Tim said, giving an envelope each to Beth and Bobbie. Looking inside, there were two crisp hundred dollar bills in each. "It's your share of the profit. Wouldn't be fair if you didn't get something." "Oh, Heather and I can go shopping..."Beth asked, peering into the envelope. She looked back at Tim "What did you do with your share?" "I bought Bobbie's gift, and a couple of pizzas." He smiled at her. "The rest I'm putting back into the bakery. I wanna open the...
Bimbo Kisses, Lollipop Dreams: A Delacroix Side Story. Robert didn't have anything left to live for. The drugs were barely getting him from one day to the next. Without any money, he and his girlfriend decide for one more score to buy the drugs they craved. But things go wrong, and Robert is watching his life bleed out of a gunshot wound. But he was saved, redeemed by a spirit of justice who only demanded one thing in return: Use this gift to help the lives of others. Robert was...
Chapter 12 Friday night in Delacroix. Like most middle sized towns, there were pockets of inactivity. Large swaths of suburban living gone dark for a night out on the town. Then there were the parties. This one was like most others, loud and busy. Grrl Army was playing. Somewhere around the fourth song, "C'mon Eileen"(Heather felt more comfortable with the Save Ferris cover.) Bobbie lost track of Beth. Bobbie started looking around, and found her... Talking to a boy? "There you...
Chapter 25 Kim's thoughts were like the internal contents of a food processor, with said food processor flying through a hurricane. She couldn't control herself; Roxx was doing all the talking. Kim moaned and allowed the shockwave of orgasm take her. Roxx slithered up, casually licking a nipple on her way to cradle her head on her ample bosom. "Mmmm, Roxx. Just when I think it can't get any better..." She craned her neck up and kissed Roxx's neck, then reached over for the pipe....
Chapter 40 Faye was frying potatoes in bacon with onions and heating the oven, The eggs and zucchini were ready and the bread was ready to go into the toaster. Bobbie woke up sweaty. And her hands were... engaged. She looked around, touched her ample breasts, and relished her own touch. Rolling out of bed, she grabbed another pair of the frilly panties Faye wore so often, and grabbed a shirt that barely covered her chest, the bottom of the shirt dangling in the two tails meant to be...
Chapter 33 Heather put Kim(the bass guitar) back on the rack. She was still so mad at Kim, torpedoing the band like that. She was no good at playing the thing. Luckily she could work around the missing instrument, playing a keytar had its advantages. Since Beth and Tim had asked if Grrl Army could play at the grand opening of Cheepskates, she had been finding herself missing band practice. Not the frozen pizzas they ate, but the music. The Spring Musical was set to go on this Thursday,...
Chapter 79 Faye had a beer open and sitting on the table. Bobbie had looked at him crossways for that. "What?" He asked, taking a swig. "He had a problem." "So did you, don't get all high and mighty now." Bobbie rolled her eyes. "I'm not. I just..." "Fuck. Sorry, Faye." The vibrating phone threatened to resurrect the erection that had been running off and on all day. Being aroused all the time was one thing if your state wasn't telegraphed so easily. He looked at the...
Chapter 83 The ball flew through the air cleanly from way out there in three point land. "Holy shit," Faye said. "Damn. Big Daddy Kane in the house or what?" A nameless skin player gave Faye a hi five. "That's like what. Twelve points... somethin' ridiculous? What is it, Brickhaus?" Brickhaus, a large barrel-chested dude with shiny hair and an Ed Hardy shirt looked at the game as a whole. "Yeah. He's at twelve. Score's 68-61 skins. That's game. Dude, where the fuck did you...
Chapter 85 Faye couldn't believe his luck. Here he was, one gorgeous blonde riding his cock like the mechanical bull at the Mule Lip, while yet another was thrusting her throbbing moist pussy into his face... ...After getting the mother of all blowjobs. Not the evening I had planned, but not complaining. Bobbie was gonna be angry, but she'd get over it. Besides, it's not like she didn't owe her a little karma. Besides, it looks like she's totes enjoying it. As he came closer...
Chapter 78 Bobbie was still trying to figure out the plans for the school cake; it was just such a daunting project. There's got to be something like 20 sheet cakes here. The amount of limes that would give their lives to form the tasty grass of Slacker's cove would number in the dozens. She took stock of the inventory and saw the small amount of inventory that remained. Worry about Tim sent her deep into the freezer to get one of the root beer ice cream sandwiches. Bobbie bit into...
Amy 12: Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Miss Popularity "Komori!" "Hey." "Whassup, Amy?" "Um... Going to class?" "Outstanding!" One accidental result of joining the J-V cheerleading squad was I'd practically become an overnight...
A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIV - We learn that there is a 'good Jezzie' and a 'bad Jezzie', so what happens to naughty sissies? Also we learn a bunch of German swear words. "Dear Jezzies (squared); One of you has been most naughty and of you has been nice, but since you are twins now, we can't be bothered to figure out who is who, so you both have to be 'suitably' disciplined. The real Jezzie's chastity will tell you whether you are getting 'warmer or colder' in terms of...
Chapter 36 Bobbie was fighting the urge to clean Nick's car as they drove. "So, Bobbie," Nick said, trying to make small talk. "What's your story? Study cupcakes under the French masters? Sell your soul to Satan for the ability to bake?" Her eyes tumbled downward. "Apparently, just a girl who seems to have bad luck lately. My mom threw me out, and..." Bobbie's voice broke as she started to cry a little. "Hey, we all have bad luck. My parents and I aren't exactly close." He put...
Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Four By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IX: 10th Grade, Fall 1986 Part 2 - Rings of the Slaves (mc, oral mf) "Where's Laura?" Joey asked when I reentered the showers. "She's sleeping," I replied. "Why? Don't you like her?" "Yeah, I liked her. But she thought I was somebody else. We found who she was really looking for, and now she's sleeping, dreaming about him," I said sadly. "Shit, Tim... Hey, help me with these girls then. Julie knows some cool...
When Chef turns the pump on you wish the drugs were stronger. Getting your stomach pumped is unpleasant even with anesthetic. When it finishes all you can think about is thanking Chef. He seems so concerned about the condition of your body. You feel bad for making him worry. He lifts you onto the table, fingering your soppy, loosened asshole while he does it. You discover that the table is heated. It's so warm and comfy on the black stone surface. You feel sleepy just lying there. Chef...
Chef retrieves a large shiny tray from the cupboard. Your breathing gets slow and heavy, as if you're having a panic attack. Chef seems to sway and twist as he walks back towards you. The tray is on the floor. You are on the floor. You are on the tray. The drugs are wearing off. You are on the tray. You are food. The pain and nausea hits you from the stomach first; a sickly, nauseating, embarrassing ache. Suddenly you're back in preschool for a second, unable to find the courage to ask to go...
James was six feet tall with light blonde hair. He’d breezed through school collecting high enough grades to guarantee his place in college, and had spent the rest of his time hanging out with the ‘cool’ kids and going to the beach to drink and surf. James was a chef, just like his father and his father before him. As a matter of fact, James’ ancestor cooked the celebration banquet when Napoleon conquered Naples! Six generation’s had kept a culinary secret, a combination of spices that gave...
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I could feel the sweat trickling slowly down my back, snaking its way between my shoulder blades as we worked. It had gotten so hot that even the waiting staff had noticed, pulling at their tight collars as they waited by the hotplates. We were an hour into service and the only thing keeping me going was the knowledge that Alex was having an equally hard time, and, for the second time that evening I heard his muttered curses as he caught the side of his hand against one of the stoves’ back...
Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 4 "You ok my dear," said Joe taking his hand. "I can handle them for you but if that is what you want than you mustn't exclude me." "Exclude you?" gulped Nate having his finger rubbed. "I don't even understand any of this? What did I do? What did I sign?" "That I'm not even completely sure of but let's just enjoy the show as it's about to begin," said Joe. "But whatever it is I'm sure I can find a way to wiggle...
Foreword:I wish to tell you about an observation I have made throughout my life. I have never met a chef with beautiful hands. All the chefs I have ever encountered have the most unattractive hands, in fact, most have really ugly hands.My story:When I was a student I procured a part-time job at a hotel that was renowned for functions. Being in a beautiful location with ample parking, the venue was particularly popular for weddings. Naturally, they were always in need of casual staff as waiters...
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RomanceA vinyl record chirps out the chocolaty smooth baritone of Nat King Cole and his 1960 album, The Magic of Christmas, as we’re processed, lifting the precinct’s normally dingy atmosphere to something almost magical. Thing is though, the steel cuffs around my wrists aren’t at all about that magical, ‘Deck the Hall,’ cheer. They prefer sucker punches of ball-busting reality and the sphincter tightening nature of repeated threats to phone my ma. And yet, that dichotomous mood of steel cuffs and...
HumorHere it was, 5 o'clock on a lazy Friday afternoon and all the crew who worked at the ranch were leaving for the weekend. All but one that is, you, my live in chef. You and I shared a special bond. Your grandfather had worked for my grandfather, then your dad for my father before your dad retired to his native country a few years ago. Our families roots were so intertwined it was impossible to separate them. You loved being part of the 'family' and decided to stay here, in Texas, where you had...
First TimeI am studying culinary and pastry;My teacher is a very handsome mid age man from middle estern. Fit, hairy man, green honey big eyes color; tan skin, very manly and a beautiful bubble butt... I always wanted to see his bulge all time and see the size in first, but the stupid apron always covering...Every time at class, at the beginning he welcomes and assist his students with their tasks during the class... I never try to get his attention and do mistakes... At the time that he was between me...
Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident of mine. I haven’t submitted any story for long, apologies for the same. For the newbies here, I am Shivang(pen-name), 24 from Mumbai. I lived in Toronto- shifted to Mumbai around 7 months back. Brunda. Please come back. Your feedback is welcome at . So this incident happened on the recent long weekend which we got, thanks to the Republic Day of India. So I ventured out to Kasara, a hill station close to Mumbai. I was alone as I...
Sarah Bell was wondering how she had gotten to this point in her life. How could she be so miserable? And worse, she knew it was all her own fault. Sarah had made her own bed, so to speak, and now she was sleeping in it. Alone. And THAT was a large part of her problem. She shivered from the cold — standing outside on the pier at night in Malibu was cold in February. Even for California! "Brenda," she asked her friend from work who had dragged her out for the evening, "Remind me why we are...
Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...
Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 3 Nate walked out in a huff angry and then the second he heard the door shut behind him it all hit him that he was suddenly stuck as a woman in a hotel with a man he had known only from the bar. He froze as some people walked by him paying him no mind and then peered back over his shoulder seeing Joe heading his way. "Did you forget something Nancy?" questioned Joe stopping next to him and softly touching his...
Friday--Chef Duvall "Weekly salary: $1,123. Weekly housing benefit: $980. Weekly fuxeries: Priceless." The alarm flashes... 7:55 ... 7:55 ... 7:55. I groan, curse and--like every morning--think about jacking the nail business, and myself. I mic some leftover coffee. Splash some Crown Royal in it. Fire-up a Camel. Then I remember it's Friday. In sixteen hours I'll be Disco King of the C.C. Again. I could use a shave. Just politics on the news--something...
Summary: A disgruntled employee holds Cleo for two days in her restaurant. Her body is used for his pleasure. Cooking instruments were never meant to be used like this. Keywords: M/F, nc, anal, oral, toys, reluc, humil, bdsm Chapter 1-Late at Night Cleo was on her knees, her legs spread so wide her panties began to tear. Her knees were tied to the base of one of the metal preparation tables with rope holding them pinned to opposite ends. Another rope around her waist held her pinned to the...
EroticPreetha's eyes went heavy as she was leafing through the pages of the newly arrived magazine. It is happening to her often these days, a side effect of having too many valiums for sleep. She can't sleep at night, and throughout the day, a spell of gloom and drowsiness hangs heavy over her like a shroud. Her cell phone was buzzing with vibration on the table beside the bed, it must have been Sayani from her office. She has been calling so many times, don't they realize she won't be going back to...
Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers West Hollywood, early fall 1957. Nate pulled up his shiny new red 1957 chevy to the first bar he saw after leaving a difficult client meeting mentally exhausted after a long week at his new job. He'd been an accountant for six years now since college but it was like he was starting over as the low man on the totem pole only one month into his new position. Working in a small firm directly for the partners he was receiving...
Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved * Sarah Bell was wondering how she had gotten to this point in her life. How could she be so miserable? And worse, she knew it was all her own fault. Sarah had made her own bed, so to speak, and now she was sleeping in it. Alone. And THAT was a large part of her problem. She shivered from the cold — standing outside on the pier at night in Malibu was cold in February. Even for California! ‘Brenda,’ she asked her friend from work who had dragged her out...
Here it was, 5 o’clock on a lazy Friday afternoon and all the crew who worked at the ranch were leaving for the weekend. All but one that is, you, my live in chef. You and I shared a special bond. Your grandfather had worked for my grandfather, then your dad for my father before your dad retired to his native country a few years ago. Our families roots were so intertwined it was impossible to separate them. You loved being part of the ‘family’ and decided to stay here, in Texas, where you had...
Der Chef Der Chef
Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...