"B" IS FOR GIRL (chapter 6: "B" Is For Bathing Belle) free porn video

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"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 6: "B" is for Bathing Belle On Monday morning, as I was putting on my pinafore dress for school, mummy told me she would be coming to collect me at hometime. "I've got a surprise for you, Beverly," she said. "What is it?" I asked her. Mummy made a tutting noise and shook her head. "If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" she said. Mummy tied blue ribbons in my hair, and then brushed some mascara on to my eyelashes and dabbed a little bit of blusher on my cheeks. I hated having the makeup put on my face. In assembly, Mrs Templeton got Tristram to stand up on the piano stool and introduce himself. "Hello," he said. "My name is Tristram Deveral." Some of the children sniggered at the sound of his voice. "My family has just moved up here from Cornwall," said Tristram. "That's why I talk like a pirate." This made everyone laugh, and some of the boys went "Arrr!", like pirates. "Thank you, Tristram," said Mrs Templeton. "You may take your place amongst the boys." Tristram climbed down off the piano stool. "We will now sing our first hymn," said Mrs Templeton. "Number 58, "The King Of Love My Shepherd Is". The girls will sing verse three, and the boys will sing verse four." After assembly we went to our first lesson. Tristram had been put in the same class as me. We couldn't sit together, because all the girls had to sit on one side of the classroom and all the boys had to sit on the other, in alphabetical order. At dinnertime it was spam fritter with mashed potato and peas, with rice pudding for afters. Mrs Duffield put all of my dinner onto one plate, including the rice pudding, and covered it with salad cream. I took it from her and curtseyed. "My friend Miss Poole says you've started ballroom dancing lessons, Beverly," said Mrs Duffield, loudly. "I'm sure you'll look lovely in your flouncy dress and your high heels. I do hope the boys don't stamp on your toes." The boys in the queue behind me laughed when they heard that I was now learning to dance with boys. I was glad Mrs Duffield didn't say anything about Tristram being my dance partner. If the boys found out, they would be sure to start teasing him. When Tristram got his dinner he walked over to sit beside me, but some of the boys pulled him away. "Boys don't sit with girls," they told him. "Come over and sit with us instead." Tristram gave me a little look, as if to say sorry, and then went to another table with the boys. I sat and ate my horrible dinner all by myself as usual. At hometime, mummy was waiting for me at the school gates. She was holding her big sports bag. I saw Tristram being collected by his mummy in a big blue car. He waved to me as it drove off. Mummy had seen Tristram as well. "Tristram seems like a very nice little boy," she said to me as we walked along the street. "Has he made friends with any of the boys?" "Yes," I said. "He sat with them at dinnertime. Mummy, no one knows we dance together at ballroom dancing lessons. Please, you won't tell anyone at school, will you?" "Why?" asked mummy. "Are you afraid they'll make fun of you about it?" "No," I said. "I'm afraid they'll make fun of Tris. It wouldn't be nice for him." "Well, well, well," said mummy. "Hope springs eternal." We walked for a little while, until we got to the leisure centre. "Here we are," said mummy. "I've decided to take you to the swimming baths every Monday. I've bought you a lovely new bathing costume to wear." "A girl's bathing costume?" I cried. "Mummy, I can't wear a girl's bathing costume!" Mummy held up one finger. "Of course you can wear a girl's bathing costume," she said. "You're a girl. Now, no more arguments," she said. Mummy paid for two tickets, and then took me into the ladies changing rooms. There were a lot of ladies and little girls in the changing room. Some of them had no clothes on, and I could see their girl's bits. "Mummy, please!" I whispered. "I can't get changed in here! Everyone will be able to see that I'm a really boy. Can't I go and change in the boys changing room?" "Of course not," said mummy. "The boys would laugh at you if you got changed in the boys changing room. No, you have to get changed in the girls changing room, with all the other little girls." "But," I said, "what about my hair? It might come off when I'm in the pool." My own hair had grown a little bit more, but it was still very short. It wasn't long and wavy like my girly hair I wore every day. "Don't worry about your hair," said mummy. "Come with me." Mummy took me into one of the toilets at the end of the changing room. "You can get ready in here," said mummy. "No one will see your peepipe. Now take off your clothes." I took off my shoes and socks, and then my pinafore dress and my tie and my blouse and my frilly knickers and the cotton knickers underneath. Mummy put all my clothes in a carrier bag, and handed me a pink bathing costume. "Put this on," she told me. I stepped into the bathing costume and pulled it up around me. It was a bit like my ballet dress, only there was a little frilly skirt instead of the big tutu my ballet dress had. "I've sewn a special pair of knickers into the costume," said mummy, "like I did for your ballet dress. The special knickers will keep your peepipe flat. The cute little skirt will help to hide your peepipe as well. Now, give me your hair." I took off my hair and gave it to mummy. She put it into another plastic bag, very carefully. "Here," she said. "This is a bathing cap. Put it on your head and you'll look like any other pretty little girl." The bathing cap was pink, like the costume, and had little plastic flowers sticking out all over it. I pulled it on to my head. It covered my ears, and was very tight. "There," said mummy. "Now you're ready." Mummy opened the toilet door and took me back out into the changing room. Some of the ladies looked at me and smiled, and I felt very embarrassed. "What a cute little bathing costume," said one of the ladies. "And such a lovely bathing cap, too!" Mummy got changed into her own bathing costume. "I've brought my camera, Beverly," she said, taking her camera out of her sports bag. "Stand against the wall and I'll take your picture for the album." I posed for two or three photographs, and then we went through to the swimming pool. A few boys and girls from school were there, swimming around or standing by the side ready to jump in. When the boys saw me come from the ladies changing rooms they started to point at me and laugh. I felt really silly and stupid, and I wanted to ask my mummy not to make me go in the water. But I knew that mummy would be angry with me if I did, so I just got into the water and started swimming. After a few minutes, mummy asked me if I was enjoying myself. "No, I'm not," I told her. "I feel stupid having to wear this pink bathing costume and cap. All the boys are laughing at me." "Of course they're laughing at you, Beverly," said mummy. "They all know you're a little boy who wears lacy dresses and frilly knickers all the time. They all know you go to Brownies in your little Brownie dress and beret, singing girly songs and doing knitting. They know you go to ballet lessons and dance around like a fairy in your little pink tutu. They know you dance with boys at ballroom lessons in your pink ballroom dress and high heels. And now they know you go swimming in a pink bathing costume, and get changed in the ladies changing rooms with all the other little girls." "But mummy," I said, "I'm trying really hard to be a good girl. You said I'm nicer than I used to be, so why can't I go back to being a boy now? Why do I have to be a girl until next summer? I promise I'll be good." "I've told you," mummy said. "I want to be sure you've learned your lesson, and I need to know you won't slip back into your old ways when you stop being a girl and go back to being a boy. Yes, you are nicer now than you used to be, but I still see flashes of the horrible, naughty little boy you once were. The idea behind getting you to become a good girl is to make you forget how to be a naughty boy." "But I can't help being naughty, mummy," I said. "And anyway, girls can be just as naughty as boys, can't they?" "Yes they can," said mummy. "And if they're as naughty as you used to be, then it's up to their mummies to punish them." "But how can I forget how to be a naughty boy, mummy?" I asked. "Simple," said mummy. "By concentrating on being a good girl." "Yes," I said. "But how?" Mummy looked at me. "Beverly," she said. "Earlier, when I collected you from school, you asked me not to tell anyone that Tristram was your dancing partner. I asked you if it was because you were afraid the other children would make fun of you. Do you remember?" I nodded. "And I said no, it was because I was afraid they would make fun of Tristram. And then you said something about hope." "That's right," said mummy. "I said hope springs eternal." "But what does it mean?" I asked. "It means that you learned an important lesson in how to be a good girl, Beverly," said mummy. "And if you can keep learning lessons like that for the rest of the year, then you will have become a very good girl." "And then I can go back to being a boy again?" "Yes," mummy told me. "Then you can go back to being my little boy." We kept swimming until the man blew his whistle and mummy said our time was up. We got out of the pool and went back to the ladies changing room to get changed. We went into one of the ladies toilets so that I could take off my bathing costume and cap without anyone seeing. Mummy helped me to put on my girl clothes and hair again. Then, when we were both dressed, we went back home on the bus. After tea I went to my bedroom and played with my dollies. I told Penelope, my favourite dolly, what mummy had said to me at the swimming baths. "Mummy said I had learned a lesson about how to be a good girl," I said. "I'm not sure what the lesson was, except that it has something to do with Tristram, but it feels nice to know I've done something to make mummy pleased with me. She's never been pleased with me before. It's so hard being a good girl, Penelope. But I have to try." I did try, too. I tried very hard. At Brownies, I started to like singing the songs about being a girl. All the other girls forgot that I was really a boy. After a few weeks I was awarded my knitter's interest badge at Brownies for knitting a toilet roll cover shaped like a fairy. "Beverly," said Mrs Duffield, "I want you to ask your mummy to teach you how to sew, and we can get you working towards your embroidery badge." I liked it when I went to Brownies with my new knitters badge sewn on to the arm of my smart brown dress. I wondered how many more badges I would be able to get before I had to go back to being a boy. At ballet lessons, Miss Poole told me I was a natural ballerina, and that I was able to pick up some quite complicated steps very quickly. In October, just before Blackberry Week half-term school holiday, she said that, because I was so good, I would be performing three dances in the pantomime in January. Two of them would be the forest fairy dance and the village children dance. "Beverly," said Miss Poole, "I'm going to teach you a special routine for your first ballet exam, and you can perform it in the pantomime as a solo." I thought I looked very pretty in my pink tutu and tights, and I liked the way I felt when I danced on my tiptoes like the other girls. At ballroom dancing, Mrs Wilsthorpe told me she was impressed with how quickly I had learned to waltz, and said that me and Tristram made a very good-looking couple. She also told me and Tristram that we would be doing our first ballroom exam after the Christmas holidays. "You are both very talented," she said, " and I think you are capable of much more. I've spoken to each of your mummies, and they've enrolled you both in my Latin dancing class on a Monday night. It starts in the first week of January." I felt beautiful dancing in my ballroom dress. Tristram said he liked dancing with me, and said he was glad he had chosen me to be his partner. At school, Mrs Templeton told me that the teachers were happy with my "significant and laudable modifications in behaviour and revitalised application to studies". I think she meant that I was not being so naughty any more, and that I was working well in my lessons. The boys had almost stopped making fun of me about being dressed up as a girl, too. By the time it got to the middle of December, with a week to go before we broke up for the Christmas holidays, even Nicky and Ronnie seemed to have got fed up of bullying me. I played hopscotch and skipping ropes in the playground with the other girls nearly every day, and I made friends with Tracy Otley. Mrs Duffield was the only one who still seemed to hate me. At Brownies, when she was being Brown Owl, she made me join in all the girliest games she could think of, and sing all the girliest songs, and I knew she wanted to make me feel silly and stupid. And in school she kept giving me cold school dinners covered with tomato ketchup or salad cream. She also kept asking me about what I was doing in ballet and ballroom dancing, so that the other boys and girls would laugh at me. But everyone had got used to seeing me dressed up as a girl, and didn't laugh at me as much as time went by. I always made sure I curtsied when Mrs Duffield gave me my dinner, and I always ate everything on my plate, even though it was horrible. On the Thursday afternoon of the last week of term before we broke up for Christmas, I learned another important lesson in how to be a good girl. At afternoon playtime I was playing Queenie Queenie with Tracy, Fiona Rawtenstall, Heather Flint and Joyce Preston. We were playing near the gap in the wall that divided the juniors playground from the infants playground. Fiona was Queenie, and tossed the ball over her shoulder. I caught it and hid it behind my back, but Fiona guessed I had it straight away and so I was out. As I was watching the other girls playing, I heard a "psst!" from the gap in the wall. I turned round to see who had made the noise. It was Thomas Duffield, Mrs Duffield's little boy. "Are you Beverly Bathenthwaite?" he asked me, grinning. "Yes, I am," I said. "And you're Thomas Duffield. I used to bully you because of your lisp." "Yeth," lisped Thomas, still grinning. " I uthed to hate you, becauthe you were alwayth tho horrible to me. You uthed to make me very upthet. But now you jutht look thtupid and funny. Why are you wearing a dreth?" "My mummy reached the end of her tether with me," I said, "because I was such a very naughty little boy. She's making me be a girl for a whole year." "That'th very funny," said Thomas, giggling. "I think you look very thilly. My mummy thays you wear frilly knickerth ath well. My mummy thays you play with dollth, and that you're learning to danth like a girl. Are you a thithy?" "No," I said. "I'm not a sissy. I wear dresses and frilly knickers and do all the girly things because my mummy makes me." "But why ith your mummy making you be a girl?" Thomas asked. "Why doethn't thee jutht thmack your arthe?" "She used to smack me," I replied. "She tried all ways to make me be good, but nothing ever worked. Mummy thought that by dressing me up as a little girl, I'd learn to be good. Then, once I've learned to be a very good girl I can go back to being a boy again." "Do you like being a girl inthtead of being a boy, and wearing dretheth and knickerth?" Thomas asked me. "No," I said. "Of course I don't. But I've got used to it now, so it doesn't bother me so much any more. And anyway, I don't have any boy clothes to wear. Mummy threw them all out when she turned me into a girl. I have to wear girls clothes and play with girls toys all the time." "Well," Thomas said, "it thervth you right for being tho nathty to otherth. My mummy thays you detherve everything that'th coming to you." Just then Mr Nairn rang the bell for the end of playtime, and Thomas turned away. "Thomas!" I said. "What ith it, little girl?" said Thomas. "I... I'm sorry for bullying you." Thomas just grinned, and ran off into the infants school. The next day was Friday, and it was the last day of term before we broke up for Christmas. We were all very happy, and the teachers gave us little quizzes and games all day instead of proper lessons. It had snowed in the middle of the night, and when we went outside at playtime we had fun making snowmen and throwing snowballs. At dinnertime, I went to get my dinner from Mrs Duffield. She looked at me with a funny look on her face, and I thought she was cross with me. "Hello, Beverly," she said. "I understand my Thomas spoke to you yesterday at playtime. What did he say to you?" "He told me he thinks I look silly," I replied. "and asked me if I liked being a girl and having to wear dresses and knickers." "And what did you say?" "I said I didn't like it. Thomas told me it serves me right for being nasty to others." Mrs Duffield reached for a plate. "Thomas told me you said you were sorry for bullying him," she said. "Is that true?" "Yes," I said. "And I really am sorry. I'm trying to be a good girl now." Mrs Duffield's mouth twitched at one end. "Here's your dinner, Beverly." She handed me a plate of steak and kidney pie, chips and peas, with no tomato ketchup or salad cream or anything else on top. "Merry Christmas." "Thank you, Mrs Duffield," I said, and gave her a curtsey. "Merry Christmas to you, too." I went to a table and sat beside Tracy and Fiona, and started to eat my dinner. And it was hot, like everyone else's. To be continued...

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The town marker said there were 11,562 inhabitants in the town. Big enough for some business, but with the small town feel to it. It would be mostly agriculturally connected, although we went by an industrial park on the outskirts. I pulled into Milfords Diner for lunch. When we got inside we found it clean and it had a menu posted. We had been on the road for two days. We could have made it this far in one, but had made a leisurely journey out of our traveling. We had slept one night in the...

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Milfords DinerChapter 3

Business was good all winter long. New repeat customers were naming our diner the place to eat. Our seatings for all three meals were nearly full to capacity. Bertha was the first to mention expansion. Roxy and I discussed it, but we knew it would mean a heavier debt load. Then suddenly a factory went into production and we were asked to cater their lunches. The bank that held our note was more than willing to lend money for the expansion at the diner. Money for equipment to set up in the...

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Milfords DinerChapter 4

I announced in the morning that I was going back home and look in on my aunt. I might be away for four or five days. Roxy asked, "Have you made a decision about Ginger and the baby?" "No, and I can't, because I don't know how she feels. I don't want to start trying to resolve this without facing her directly. I need to be able to gauge her reactions if I say something." "I understand that. I wish you would remember one thing. This is your home now. You would give up an awful lot if...

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UnforgetableAnything Chapter 1

He is right in front of the door of his hotel room. He leans his forehead on the door. Cannot decide if he wants to open the door or not. He is scared she won't be there, he is scared she will be there. He wants her like crazy, but he knows he's crossing all the lines he always swore he won't. He knows he already crossed them this afternoon when he run into her at work in an elevator after weeks of smoldering chats with her on IM. Though, he was able to stop the hot conversations on IM few...

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UnforgetableAnything Chapter 2

They get up to finally go to his room. Finally to have each other. For a few second he walks right behind her. He cannot get enough of the view of her slender figure, but still curvy delicious ass clad in this little black dress. He can only think about squeezing himself to her from behind sliding his hands from her waist down to the curves of her ass and feminine thighs, touching his lips to the bare skin of her back. He wants her so much that it doesn't feel like he came so intensely just...

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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 1

“Maman,” Cat called from the train aisle. A woman ahead of them was nursing a baby. “Come back here, mon chat. Yes, it is a beautiful sight.” Jeanette wasn’t going to let the poor woman think that she was doing wrong. “But it is a private event. When I fed you that way years ago, other people left us alone. Come back to your seat. Maybe when they are quite finished, she will let you see her baby then.” “Sometimes, Cat,” Bob added, “curiosity is good. Sometimes it is wrong.” He pulled his...

2 years ago
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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 2

“Je vous aime. Memere,” Cat said to her grandmother. Having been warned minutes before, she walked to her decorously and hugged her legs. Kate returned the hug. “Sharl!” Cat then cried. She raced to him and collided with him. It was something between a hug and a tackle, but Charles could handle it. He lifted her for a mutual hug, and she ran her hands through his hair. Charles was one of her favorite people, and his kinky hair was one thing which she enjoyed most about him. When he could set...

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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 3

When the alarm woke Kate, Cat was already awake in her arms. “What’s that, Memere?” “That’s an alarm clock, dear. Different ones sound different.” And she could never bear to listen to Russ’s again. “Let’s get up and go to the bathroom.” They both used the facilities, both washed their hands. She brought Cat back to the room while she dressed. Modesty was a weird idea; after all, she’d seen Cat naked many times. Changed more than one diaper. Still, Cat’s eyes on her were somewhat...

4 years ago
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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 4

Kathleen left her book on the dining room table when she heard the door slam, (Reading there was more comfortable than holding the huge art book up in a living room chair, and being in her room -- where she’d normally read for her entire life in this house -- seemed, suddenly, suggestive of what she had been doing with Char.) She found Mom and Cat in the living room. “Cat, shouldn’t you close the door more quietly?” “Memere!” Now Tante Kathleen was making rules like Maman. And it was a rule...

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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 5

When the alarm called Kate to duty, the warm body in her arms made her reluctant to rise. But she had a family to feed, which was much better than preparing breakfast for one. “Do you want to come to the kitchen with me, dear?” “Can I? ... Please.” “You certainly may! Bathroom first. Can you go by yourself?” “Yes, Memere.” And she did, showing a dressed Kate her washed hands. After Kate had her own bathroom time, they went down to the kitchen. Cat sat on her phone book at the kitchen table...

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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 6

“Cat, before you start that new book, dear,” Kate asked. “do you think I might borrow Charles?” “C’mon, Cat,” said Kathleen. “It might be a miserable day outside, but you don’t have to sit in one place all day. I have something to show you upstairs.” While she and Cat went up to look at her last doll, Charles followed Kate into the dining room. “As I’ve said, dear, this is a planned feast. Midday, perhaps, but Sunday dinners are midday. Why not Thursday dinners? Anyway, I thought of calling...

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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 7

When she’d got back from washing her hands, Cat went to Memere to give her a hug. Kate hugged her back. When the physical imbalance of having her knees hugged and touching only Cat’s head bothered Kate, she led Cat to the sofa and sat down. When she patted the cushion beside her, Cat climbed up. This hug was much more comfortable. They were still sitting together when Kathleen and Charles came back. When Charles had sat down in a deep chair, Kathleen selected the chair furthest from others...

3 years ago
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ForclosedChapter 2

The next day Kelly went to work, and I was alone with Ralph. That was distinctly uncomfortable. “Listen Tom, I’m sorry about what happened. With Kelly I mean. I misunderstood, I thought you guys were into that sort of thing, you know, sharing.” I grunted an acknowledgment. “Anyway, don’t worry, she’ll get bored of me after a while. I mean, I’m sure she must have had an affair before at some point, and she stayed with you.” “We’ve been faithful to each other since we were kids.” I said,...

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ForclosedChapter 3

A few days later, Ralph and I were relaxing with a beer after our daily run. “I shouldn’t be drinking this.” He said as he took a pull. “You say that every day.” I pointed out. “Yeah, sorry. Repetition is an old man’s prerogative. Hey, I forgot to tell you, my old girlfriend Mayra is coming for a visit.” “Mayra? What kind of a name is that?” “I dunno. She’s Belgian though. She’s a funny old thing.” “How’s that?” “Well, she has one eye; grey hair, and she’s hot as hell.” “That does...

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ForclosedChapter 4

A few days later, after our run, Ralph and I were out on the patio by the pool. Mayra brought us our beers. Kelly was at work. “What do you think of this anal sex thing?” Mayra asked me. “It doesn’t really appeal to me.” I told her. “Me either!” she exclaimed, “It’s a bit disgusting don’t you think?” “That’s what Kelly said at first.” Ralph said defensively, “But once she got used to it, she likes it.” “I think she just does it for you.” Mayra said, “No woman could really like...

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ForclosedChapter 5

Kelly and I kept up appearances outside the house; neither of us wanted to admit the truth, even though that wasn’t very fair to Ralph. We went for our morning run as usual. Later, after we showered, we were out by the pool. Kelly came out in a bikini and joined us, throwing herself onto the sunbed with Ralph. I wondered how much she really liked him, and how much she just liked to torture me. She knew it hurt me to see them like that. He pulled her tight and kissed her; her young black...

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ForclosedChapter 6

We went to a party for some film people I knew. Kelly looked fabulous, and flirted with everyone as if we were the young successful couple we were pretending to be. It was creative people mostly, not anyone famous or crazy rich. But these were my people, exactly who I needed to network with to find good work. Kelly sat with several guys, flirting and laughing with them, showing a lot of leg and a fair bit of cleavage. I sat with Noriko in the next room. Ah, Noriko; stunning, talented,...

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ForclosedChapter 7

What I needed was a divorce, on my own terms. I waited for Ralph to start the conversation about his relationship with my wife; that happened a few days later. “If you want to keep her, knock her up.” I told him. “She always said we’d have a kid as soon as our finances were sorted out. Kelly wants a baby, Ralph. Tell her that’s what you want too, and propose.” “What if she says no?” Ralph worried. “Just make sure your timing is right. First of all, tell her you only want her from now on,...

2 years ago
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Terraforce AcademyChapter 2

Orion rose early to talk to his dad before he left for work. It was a restless night of sleep or better described as no sleep. He couldn't shut off his thoughts that the new class was so Terraforce could evaluate him. "Hi, Orion!" Dad greeted. "Ready for your new class?" "Was I supposed to prepare something?" he said worriedly. "No," Dad said with a bemused chuckle. "Do you know what kind of class it is, Dad?" "Probably an excellence class because you are smart." "Could it...

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Terraforce AcademyChapter 3

Hyperjumps could only occur outside the four inner planets, so the shuttle took two and a half Earth days to arrive at Terraforce Academy on the moon Deimos around the planet Mars. It was interesting for the ten selected students to finally meet face-to-face. The students were greeted at the space dock by a man and a woman. "Welcome cadets," Sirrah said. Novia liked hearing that word. Cadet. She was a Terraforce cadet! "All girls follow me," Sirrah said. Novia, Lyra, Ouranie, Cassio,...

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Terraforce AcademyChapter 4

Androme said, "As your ship sensors indicate, the asteroids we are approaching are not real. It is Terraforce's playground." Novia was happy to be in space again as the third week at the academy begun. She was in the shooter seat as Orion piloted out away from Mars. Orion didn't think the motionless fake rocks looked very realistic. Androme continued, "They are pretend asteroids, but they are still very much a danger. If you run into one, you can destroy your ship and kill yourself as...

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Terraforce AcademyChapter 5

Androme and Sirrah weren't in the room when the cadets woke up. It was the start of a new week so it was likely the intensity of their training would increase again and they were excited and ready for it. They were one third of the way through the academy. When time passed and the instructors still didn't appear, speculation began on what might be happening. "They are probably just preparing our next training mission," suggested Pyx. "What if one of them is sick?" said...

1 year ago
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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

4 years ago
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Batgirls predicament chapter 1

Batgirl slowly opened her eyes, moaning, only to find that it was all dark around her. Her head was pounding and she felt disoriented and weak. She immediatley knew on some level that something was not as it was supposed to be, but she couldn't get her mind to think straight. She struggled to keep her eyes open, only to find that it was too hard, and she drifted back to sleep again, her subconscious vaguely recognizing that she was restrained somehow...Sometime later, she awoke again, only to...

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Helles Belles

A Tan and Sandy Silence Rent Crisis Roger, my housemate and tenant was, yet again, behind with his rent. This was partly because he had spent most of his income from working at his father’s chicken farm a couple of villages away in the pub near the farm and gambling on the one arm bandit in the rugby club in that village. He had frittering away his money on things that he couldn’t afford such as taking Tracy, his long-term girlfriend, to Ibiza for a holiday with TwentiesAction Holidays. He...

2 years ago
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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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Bama Belles

Sports Illustrated uncovered a story but could only print a censored version of what the sports writer working on the story wrote. College football is big business. Getting the best recruits to sign with them was getting even harder and harder to do. The alumni paid big bucks for their alma mater to win and win they must. Colleges are limited to providing only tuition, room and board as part of the scholarships to attract the best and strongest talent. A number of the bigger schools have taken...

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Reform School GirlChapter 2

When we left off this story two years ago, Jesse Brown was an old for her years fifteen and now she was an almost adult reform school girl of seventeen with all innocence rubbed off the hard way by just trying to survive the day to day existence of an incarcerated white girl in a definite minority incarcerated for telling the truth until she turned the magic age of eighteen and was released into society as a full grown adult ready to meet the world on her own terms. Jesse had learned how to...

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Life With AlphaChapter 14 Supergirl and Epsilon Eiko

Next a few bits of information about household upkeep and updates. One of the things Alpha and I had been pursuing to an increasing degree was people storage, or in SciFi terms, suspended animation. Let me say right off the bat, freezing people doesn't work. Yes, cold slows cell degradation and death, and yes, science can freeze and revive small animals. But let's back up just a little ... The human body is full of water, and water expands when frozen. If you freeze a person, cells...

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Reformatory Girl

It was hard to argue as the hardness of my pecker now was forcing against the restraint of the Levi denims I had on. Moisture was beginning to surface on the front of her slacks, signalling that she was also getting her rocks off. For some stupid reason, I found myself doing some math and realizing that she was still a few days short of being legal age. Just as I though I might put a stop to our foreplay, she easily unzipped my denims and released the rock hard beast from its captivity. ...

1 year ago
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Misfortunes of a Rich Girl

Kate was on her way to the big annual charity gala and knew that she had to dress to impress. She was a rich 22 year-old at the top of society in the city. This was the big event of the year and she wanted to impress all of her rich and spoiled friends. Kate was a tall young woman with thick long blond hair that reached past her shoulders. She kept herself in exquisite shape and had been considered beautiful all her life. Her legs were long and lean and turned men's heads when she walked by....

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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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Belle was a woman of about fifty when I knew her, had long grey hair and a short, broad body, a boisterous manner and had left her husband of many years and moved to northern NSW to the town of Bellingen. She had bought a block of land there, part rain forest, part pasture, and there she lived in the old farm house with her two teenage daughters. She was a hippy, or if you like, new age, which is to say she was deeply dissatisfied with the ideology, the habits, the economy and the repressions...

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