Pontiac Bonneville free porn video

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The year was 1965.  The country was still wounded by the assassination of John Kennedy, the Righteous Brothers crooned, “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling,” the 289 Mustang was a car phenomenon, and American boys were dying in Vietnam.  I was about to complete year one of community college when I met Carla.  She wasn’t the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, but close enough. I thought she was gorgeous, certainly out of my league.  Long, dark blond hair, blue eyes, a pleasant, albeit strained, face with lips that were neither thin nor full.  She had a naturally tan complexion and a laugh that sounded like a choral ensemble. That is what first caught my attention.  I watched her from across the restaurant.  Five feet six, maybe seven, inches tall, well-groomed, with firm fair size breasts, a narrow waist, and a butt that could not have filled out her pants any better.  Way out of my league.

I admired her from a distance and dismissed any thought that it might go further than that.  I am about five-eleven, a hundred sixty pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, and an angular face with a bump where my nose was broke.  Not what is called handsome.  But I am usually easy going and fun.  So when I literally ran into her at the restaurant register, I apologized, bade her go ahead of me. 

When it was my turn, and I gave my bill and money to the cashier, she turned back and said, “I know you, don’t I?  You’re Bill Markey’s friend?”

“Ah, old Bill,” I said.  “Yeah, ah, I don’t know him.”

She looked confused then saw me smiling, and got my joke.  I thought to myself “That was dumb, you had the perfect chance to meet her.”  After chastising myself, I quickly said, “But I’ll look him up and shake his hand if that will make you smile again.”

She did.  For whatever reason, she found my ruse charming and smiled.

“I guess I got it wrong, but I thought I remembered you and Bill at school,” she said.

We talked a little longer and I suggested we grab a coffee at the shop around the corner.  Things just took off from there. I learned that she didn’t smile a lot.  Our birthdates were only about a month apart.  The dividing line for starting kindergarten fell at the end of my birth month, so I start school a year before she did.  She lived with her dad, who was not around much.  Her mother died when she was eight years old, leaving her to take care of her heartbroken father, that subsequently became an evening and weekend alcoholic. But he always kept food in the refrigerator and a roof over their heads.  I could make her laugh, she had a wonderful melodic laugh, but she otherwise seemed sad.  She dated often but never had a long term relationship.  She planned to go to college to study psychology.  She had a seven-year-old nephew that she absolutely adored.

 I ended up two weeks later taking her to her senior prom.  We danced, hung out with a few people she called friends, and actually had a good time.  Afterward, the girls changed out of their gowns,  and six of us got into my Pontiac Bonneville, we got a case of beer and drove out to a park by a neighboring town We built a bonfire and proceeded to get wasted partying until three in the morning.  Carla and I were getting very familiar.  A lot of kissing in a lot of available places.  When I would give in to the passion and run my hands over her breasts she would take her time in stopping me, even held my hands on them for a moment, looking into my eyes, before pulling them away.  There were moments when she would seem far away, uncertain.  I would call her name and she would flash a smile and come back.

As we drove back to our town, we made a pitstop at a rest area.  We got out and walked along this path away from the restrooms.  I pulled her close, body to body and kissed her passionately.  The passion was returned, our hands roaming over each other.  Her tongue in my mouth felt like velvet, but alive, wet and moving.  My hands found their way down her back.  Found their way under the elastic waistband of her pants and panties.  They found themselves hugging the soft, hot round globes of her ass.  The intensity of out kissing along each other's neck, of tongues dipping into ears, and lips sucking earlobes, gave way to wet mouths pressed against one and other, tongues wrestling and exploring, seeking the new joy of each other.

Her pants and panties slipped down like they were sizes too big.  I massaged her hot naked ass, rubbed a finger across her anus, while my other hand moved around to the light fur of her pussy, finding and separating her folds and entering her wet vagina with my two fingers.  We were both panting, caught up in the delights of her body, chests tight, trying to feed our passion with oxygen, blood rushing in our heads driven by the lust and passion we shared.  I dropped to my knees, pulled Carla’s wet pussy into my mouth, trying to push my tongue into her, inhaling her aroma, sucking her juice.  Gasping, she pressed against the back of my head, forcing my face hard against her now thrusting pussy.

I wasn’t a virgin, but I had never experienced anything like this. My one hand left her ass and tried to get my own zipper down.  I didn’t have a condom so I knew we couldn’t fuck, but I had to release the pressure of my cock bent by confinement.  Knelling like I was the fabric of my pants would not let the zipper move.  My fingers still moving inside her, my tongue and lips still licking and sucking, Carla began to convulse with orgasm.  Her previous soft whimpers now poured from her throat in a long rolling groan as her legs shook and her pelvis jerked.

That was when the strangest thing happened.  I suddenly realized why she was so often sad.  I had the ill-timed epiphany that this is what all men wanted from her.  They saw her body, saw her beauty and simply wanted to have it.  They did not want “her,” they did not give her respect, they did not see her humanity or care who she was, they just wanted to fuck her.

I pulled my face, dripping with Carla’s juices, away from her pussy, removed my fingers and stood up.  She fell against me, her legs weak and unstable.  My cock softened and withdrew, leaving its own goo in my underwear.  I held her while reaching down and pulling her panties up.  Still leaning against me she finished placing them.  I reach down to her ankles and pulled up her pants as soon as she could stand on her own.  We stood there looking at each other.  Her eyes were peering into mine, questioning, searching.  I didn’t know what she was looking for.  Had I guessed right?  Did she need to be wanted for who she was, not just what she had?  Was she disappointed that we didn’t fuck?  I didn’t know.

We walked back to the car.  I took her hand, hoping that it would reassure her.

We got in and became the subject of conversation for the remainder of the drive back home.  Teasing from the back seat, guessing what we were doing, sexual comments, everything short of wolf whistles.  We didn’t have a chance to talk on the way home, but I sensed she was either filled with doubt or too embarrassed and just wanted it to be over. I didn’t know what to say. There was one couple that hadn’t been dropped off yet when we got to Carla’s house.  I walked her to the door.  Under the porchlight, I could see her eyes were puffy.  She had not been crying, not outwardly, but her eyes looked as though the dam was ready to burst.

“Can I see you again,” I asked hesitantly.

She turned her key in the door lock and looked back at me.  “Please don’t tease.  Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”

I smiled, relieved.  “How about tomorrow night.  The Cincinnati Kid is on at the drive-in?

She looked at me, doubting, then said, “Yeah. I’d like that.  Tomorrow.” She stepped forward and kissed me lightly on the lips, turned and went inside, closing the door.  I stood there a minute, wondering what was happening on the other side of that door.  Was she hurting?  Did she feel good about tomorrow’s date?  I had no answers, only the questions.  I returned to the car and drove the other couple to their car.

No matter what path life would take me down, I knew I would never forget that night.  I would never forget Carla.


We dated through the summer.  Except for one date early on, with a girl that had great tits and no personality, I didn’t date anyone else.  Carla seemed to be happy with me, her sadness diminished the more time we spent together.  I tried to let her know how much I liked being with her.  Respect. I wanted to give her respect.  Kissing, holding each other and petting, but I did not push her to have sex.  Occasionally I let my errant hand pass over her boob or across her ass.  She would look at me, with a knowing smile, like I was a naughty boy.

One evening we went to the drive-in with another couple, Jim and Barb, who occupied the back seat.  They were lovers and didn’t seem to be too bothered by our presence.  Carla and I were in a fun mood.  Only half watching the movie and tickling and teasing each other.  She lay across the bench seat with her head on my lap while I dropped kernels of popcorn into her mouth.  Giggling when I would miss, or drop a half-dozen at a time. Jim asked for some of the popcorn.  As I turned to give it to him Barb sat forward, her naked breasts flopping over the seatback. They were a lovely surprise that Carla and I both stared at.  Large round globes with reddish nipples that looked as though the had recently been sucked.  After a moment Barb giggled and asked for the popcorn.  I didn’t realize just how horny I was.  I think that the back of Carla’s head detected the stirring of my cock. She kind of rocked her head a couple of times as if to verify what was happening.  Then a teasing smile spread over her face and she rolling her head around intentionally maneuvering my cock around.  It was heaven and hell.

“What are you doing,” I inquired?

She squealed with laughter, gave it a couple of more rubs and sat up, scooting away, just looking at me with that teasing smile.  As she did, she saw into the backseat where Barb’s tongue was teasing the tip of Jim cock.  I saw her watching, transfixed, so I turned to look.  Barb’s mouth enveloped Jim shaft, sliding down as far as she could.  I looked over a Carla, who was still watching.  As she finally looked away, she looked at me as I was trying to adjust my swollen dick to a more comfortable position in my jeans.  A devilish grin addressed her face.

It was one of those moments where each mind wrestled with “what-to-do.”  It was that moment when I realized that she wanted me as much as I wanted her.  Carla enjoyed the easy manner of the way we had been dating.  She knew she didn’t have to worry that she’d be forced to do anything she didn’t want to do.  She enjoyed the respect.  But the naked sexual ministrations taking place in the backseat altered our tenuous sexual balance.  Her devilish grin turned pensive.

On an impulse, I moved across the seat and hugged her.  As I held her, my left hand slid up the back of her tee-shirt and quickly unhooked her bra.  Lifting her shirt to get my hands underneath, I squeezed her firm boobs.  Just as quickly, I let go and moved back to my end of the bench seat, smiling.  She tried to feign being shocked.

“You grabbed my bare tits!” she yelled in mock astonishment.

Still smiling, I said, “Yes I did.  And I just might do it again!”

Carla turned pensive again, I watched her weigh what we had against what we could have.  Her teasing manner faded from her face, replaced by doubt.  Then, almost immediately, the doubt gave way to her own desire and I saw a gentle peace take her.

Reluctant no longer, she pulled me close to her.  Punctuated by slurping sounds from the back seat,  she said, “Promises, promises,” and covered my mouth with hers.

I can’t tell you the sequence of everything that happened.  Somewhere along the way her shirt and bra fell away, and my mouth took great delight in her naked breasts and cone-shaped nipples.  Intense hands labored at my belt and zipper.  My cock was freed, only to be captured the divinity of a warm, wet mouth.  She took me in fully, to the back of her throat, then began a rhythmic sucking up and down on my shaft.  Fingers danced around my balls, squeezing and fondling, as her magnificent tongue tenderly caressed the underside of my cock. 

I confess, it took almost no time before I yelled, “I’m cumming.”  Carla, my wonderful Carla, did not miss a beat, kept stroking me with her mouth while I climaxed and expelled into her throat.  Her lips milked me as I shuttered and groaned in incredible pleasure.  Cool air hit my moist dick as she withdrew, bringing her mouth, and a partial load of my semen, to my mouth, thus sharing the plunder of her labors.  It was a new experience for me.  To be served that esoteric treat by such lovely lips, I could but joyfully return her kiss. When she finished washing my tongue with my own semen, she sat back, her beautiful tits freely jiggling, smiled, almost giddy, and said, “I owned you that one.”  It took a moment before I realized she was referring to our first sexual encounter almost two months ago.  I would like to say I’m sorry about that, but I would be lying.”

“I’m not sorry either,” Carla said, a peaceful expression illuminating her face.

We suddenly became aware that Jim had been watching us, his grinning mug resting on the seatback.  “Those are nice, “ he said, nodding ar Carla’s exposed tits.

Carla blushed only slightly, placed her open hand over his face and pushed him back, “Disappear, Jim,” she said, serious but kind.  Jim chuckled as he dropped from view.

I was sitting slouched, just the way Carla left me, feeling my strength return.  We looked at each other for several quiet moments.  She nodded at my cock, still stiff, if not full-on hard. “Looks like you’re not yet satisfied.”

In appreciation, it bobbed.  “Not sure. I need to test it out,” I quipped, meaning nothing specific.

Without hesitation, Carla pulled off her shorts, followed by her panties.  She turned in her seat, propping her left leg up against the seatback.  I had a full view of her fuzzy pussy.  Light from the movie flashed through scenes, bathing her moist and swollen labia in a collage of changing colors.  I sat up, transfixed on her nakedness playing out before me in multi-colored Cinemascope.  I leaned over and kissing the inside of her propped up leg.  Then kiss another spot, and another, working my way to her down-covered treasure.  I couldn’t believe that I had done this before, that I had sucked on her clit and licked her folds before, and now I got to do it again.  Her aroma evoked a tightening in my balls, my cock becoming painfully hard.

My lips encircled her nub, pulling it into my mouth, sucking.  My tongue flicked its tiny tip repeatedly as I varied the intensity of sucking.  She was soon moaning from that deep, visceral core.  I kept it up, relentless sucking and flicking until she screamed and pushed me away, panting.

Breathless, she commanded, “Get over here,” pointing to the spot on the seat beside her.  I un-slouched and scooted.  She placed her mouth over mine, shifted and quickly straddled me.  Breaking the kiss she moved her hips, the way only women can until my cock was poised at her entrance.  Slowly she lowered herself down my shaft never taking her eye away from mine.  We had not done this before.  Yet it seemed like we fit so well together it was like we had been sculptured as one.  Her hot, wet folds enveloped me, drew me in, her pink cone nipples dancing before my mouth.  I took one into my mouth and lavished it with wet desire; sucking, tongue, and lips tasting and teasing.  I had one hand on her other breast. I wet a finger of my free hand in her pussy juices, reaching around I slid it into her anus.  She began moaning and riding my dick harder, then harder still.  Nothing I had ever known felt this good.

Her legs started to shake and she convulsed as the orgasm flowed through her.  Her vagina muscles contracted many times as her orgasm tore through her.  The grip of those fabulous pulsing pussy muscles squeezing me hastened my orgasm.  When copious amounts of pussy juice washed down between my legs, I came and came and came, while Carla was still going strong. 

When our lust finally played out Carla collapsed against me, my cock still inside her.  My semen drained from her and down the insides of my thighs.  I held her, wanting to stay this way forever.  Jim said, “You kids almost done?  We want to go get something to eat.  Carla got dressed and I pulled my pants up.  We left the drive-in and found a restaurant.  It wasn’t easy sharing the rest of the evening with Jim and Barb.  They were fine, but Carla and I had just made love, for the first time really, and we wanted to bask in that shared glow.

When I got home that night, I found a letter on the table.  It was from the Selective Service.  I had been drafted.

I had to report for duty on September 14th, barely six weeks away.  I told Carla, trying to put a happy spin on it – the Army will make a man out of me – absence makes the heart grow fonder – God, Country, and Rock n’ Roll.  But her sadness returned.  Just as she was starting to trust again, this happened.  I had some money, so I rented a furnished apartment for six weeks.  We almost lived there.  Well, Carla did.  Her dad didn’t realize she wasn’t home.  I made appearances at home but only enough to keep Mom and Dad from worrying. 

We fucked like rabbits. Watched movies on the black and white tv, and ate a ton of Swanson TV dinners.  We were happy as we could be with the knowledge that it was going to end so soon.

The Army bought me a train ticket to Fort Knox, KY.  The last days before I had to leave was wonderful and very hard.  In the end, I gave Carla the Bonneville to keep for me, thinking that it would keep us connected.  I saw her again when I came home on leave before I went to Vietnam. 

The next time I saw her was twenty-four years later.  She owned a Bed and Breakfast at which I had booked a room for a week.  I was attending my daughter's wedding.  When I signed in with the clerk, I heard that melodic laugh that I had heard so many years before.  I asked the clerk who that was.  The young man said, “Oh, that’s Miss McGuire.” 

“Ask her to come out here please.”

“Sure thing,” he responded.  “Carla, can you come here?”

At the sound of her name, my heart jumped up to my throat.

She walked in, elegantly dressed and with a poise that belied her forty-some years.  In that moment of recognition, all the years washed away.

She didn’t stop staring at me. “Allen,” she said to the clerk, “Set up a table for two out on the veranda.  Start a pot of coffee.”

Young Allen sensed something way beyond his measure,  “Yes, ma'am right away.”

Six months later we were married.  We drove off on our honeymoon in the Bonneville, memories fully intact.

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Friendly Licks

We had been friends just over a month and although I saw her watching me sometimes I didn't think anything of it. One night we had put the k**s to sleep and were sitting on the couch together just watching a movie. My husband was out at work and hers was on a business trip for the next two weeks so we decided to keep each other company. She would stay in my spare bedroom one night and we would stay at her house one night also. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as her hand slipped inside...

1 year ago
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Our New Apartment

My husband had just been transferred from his job and we got an apartment in the city so he could be close to his job and I worked as a bank teller so it was very easy for me to get a job. We had just got settled in when we met our neighbors from across the hall from us. Now I have been with my husband since junior year of high school and have never been with anybody else, man or woman, but when I saw my neighbor, my pussy jumped. He was about six feet tall, had gray streaks in his hair and was...

1 year ago
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The Sex Goddess

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I was sitting with a cigarette in my mouth on a bench on the lonely side of the park. The sun was about to go down and darkness was starting to spread. I should go home. Perhaps. Or I could stay a little longer. Wait till the stars shine up. I relaxed. Breathing in the cool fresh air, I felt happy and rejuvenated. Oh, this is the best. Time goes slowly now. The surrounding was so still. I could hear the sound of the leaves as...

3 years ago
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Boston Fetish Fair

The Boston bus station is mobbed with people attending the fetish fair. I pace restlessly, glancing at Chris sitting sitting quietly, as we wait for You to arrive. We people-watch, amazed and amused at the variety of clothes we see. Engrossed in watching an apparent Dom lead his pet on a leash, I am not aware of your presence until I feel a sharp slap on my ass. Red-faced I smile and hug You. Chris stands and waits for You to greet her. Hugs done with, You gesture for Chris to sit back...

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Tamil Couple In USA

Hi, Indian sex story readers. We’re Narayan and Gayathri, a married couple living in the USA. We’re originally from Chennai, India. Gayathri is a Tamil Brahmin girl from Tanjore: very fair and very curvy, with fat in all the right places. Though she comes from a conservative family, she is very modern in her outlook and is dynamite in bed. She has lots of values, and I knew she would never cheat on me.I am also a Brahmin from Tirunelveli which is in the south of the state of Tamil Nadu. One day...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 2A The Way Things REALLY Were

A prim, proper Sharon Wilson met her daughter, followed somewhat diffidently by the black boy, Nate, as she arrived home from school. She eyed the boy warily, but the fact was that there was nothing really awful about him -- he was tall, reasonably good looking, and seemed to have some vestigial manners. Nate returned the regard, wondering when Mama was going to say something, but said nothing -- Nate had determined that his ghetto- black arrogance and the 'rap' that went with it put him at...

2 years ago
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My Drunk Mommy

Your drunk mom stumbled in the door at fucking 3AM. After the last fight your parents had this became your mom's modus operandi. Unluckily for you, she stumbled in on you watching incest porn on the couch on the big screen with headphones plugged into the speaker. She was hammered so she didn't even register you being there but you freaked out all the same when she burst into the living room in a flurry of shoes being kicked off and purses being thrown. You jumped and pulled the headphones out...

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JordanChapter 14

We'd been outside for a while and I was starting to feel cool so I suggested we go back inside. After supper I'd uncorked a bottle of wine to let it breath. I gathered it and a couple of glasses, then taking Jordan's hand, went up to the bedroom. "The wine is for us for after our first session." I told Jordan as I set the wine and glasses down. "Let's go and have a shower." Jordan was naked in a flash and prodded me to hurry up. The shower was a fairly quick one, even with some...

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Major Makeover

Major Makeover by Throne "Stop fidgeting, Pinky," the tall woman said in an exasperated tone. "I'm sorry, Aunt Fiona. It's just that this whole project, putting me into dresses and everything, isn't easy for me. And if you could please call me Parker, like before, it might be better." "If I called you by your boy name, it would only work against everything we're trying to accomplish." She patted the tight bun high on the back of her head, into which her long black hair had been...

3 years ago
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Always in My Life Ch 01

I would like to thank Kayli1001 for taking the time to edit this story. ********* Always in My Life Ch. 1 His smile was so gorgeous. I think I fell in love with his smile before I fell in love with him, although I can’t say for sure because I have known Spencer my whole life, it’s just that it took me nearly two decades to realize I was completely in love with him. He was my best friend. I spent every spare minute with him, hanging out. He had this amazing ability to make me laugh even when...

4 years ago
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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 12 The Dragon Is Tamed

Kenneth did indeed wake Alison in the middle of the night. He held nothing back and pounded her pussy bringing her to three crashing orgasms before he blasted a massive load of cum deep into her juicy and very welcoming cunt. And then they slept on the wet sheets before he took her again in the shower, but this time only after she'd given him a blowjob. Then she put on a lacy nightie while Kenneth dressed. It was sheer, knee length and clung to her like a second skin leaving any person...

1 year ago
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Little League Mom

Little League Mom There she was in her usual seat just one to the right in front of me. Millie was the mother of a boy on my son’s team. She always smelled nice and she looked outstanding in her tight team T-shirt and those jeans that rode low on her hips. As we jumped up to cheer and sat back down throughout the game I kept a close eye on Millie. After an inning or two I would be treated to a rear view of her rising panties or a hint of butt crack. I would ‘accidentally’ take a...

3 years ago
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Overlooked Bride Ch 04

SO FAR: Jilted a few days from the altar and now back in her homeland, business consultant Bianca White’s attempt to find a female business partner and possible mate for her first client nose-dives. But the quest continues while both Biance and client Marty Young inch closer together. Exciting times lie ahead for both of them. * Bianca White awoke on Saturday morning becoming aware she was stroking her left breast and thinking of her client Marty Young. Oh you lucky man, she thought. Gloria...

1 year ago
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Mariko Raped Trained In front of Husband

Mariko Raped & Trained In front of Husband Mariko Raped & Trained In front of Husband  What I can remember beforehand, and it isn?t very much, is that Mariko and I were walking down the lane that leads to our house. We were admiring the autumn shades and the colors of the sunset through the trees. I can recall a pressure on my face and a sickly sweet pungent smell. After that nothing until I awoke ? how much later on I don?t know. I was in darkness. A cloth was tied tight round my head...

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Ek kahani

Hi friends ! My name is Sourabh Shukla and I am leaving in Raigarh state Chhattisgarh. I am a good looking married man of age 29 years working in a steel industry. I want to narrate my story after reading all the stories. The story about me & my little sister. Her age is 25 year and she also married and a housewife. I tell you the story in hindi which is very easy to understand. Main apni Behan ko bachpan se hi bahut acchi tarah se pyar karta tha. Usme mai ek bahut acchha akarshan mahshus karta...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Samantha Rone Cherie Deville Alex Grey Mafia Mom

Mob boss wife Cherie DeVille gets the news that her husband Biggie’s in jail. She comes to the conclusion that she’s in charge now. Cherie’s stepdaughter Samantha Rone hears the news and informs her wife Alex Grey that her stepmother is planning to take over the business, Samantha’s rightful inheritance. Alex and Samantha agree to a meeting with Cherie. Samantha is confident her coke trade will secure her position at the helm. During the meeting Samantha stakes her...

2 years ago
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O Is for Opening Night

October 24, 2012 was the 45 anniversary of the off-Broadway New York debut of the hit musical Hair. Olivia was going to play a supporting role in the revival production which was in its final rehearsal at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. This was a major break for Olivia, a 19 year old dancer and singer who had only appeared in amateur productions before. Olivia was so nervous about her lines; not the script but the stripped. Her figure might be called wispy if one were being polite,...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 678

This One Is Compliments of Pepere A Nun Grading Papers Can you imagine the nun sitting at her desk grading these papers, all the while trying to keep a straight face and maintain her composure! Pay special attention to the words and spelling. If you know the bible even a little, you’ll find this hilarious! It comes from a catholic elementary school test. Kids were asked questions about the old and new testaments. The following 25 statements about the bible were written by children. They...

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How to Build a Better Sissy

How to Build a Better Sissy Or My Evolution by: Missy Satinpanties I was a small, skinny child, with a rather normal family. My father worked for the electric company as an auditor, and my mother ran a yoga studio in the converted garage of our home. When I was young, this was where I played, watching women contort themselves into the various yoga poses. I was about 6 when I asked my mother...

3 years ago
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Witches Dancing at Midnight

There was no music in the middle of the forest except for the steady beat of naked feet on the bed of leaves already fallen from the tall trees. Thirteen female bodies twisting in the light of the Harvest Moon with nipples bouncing and pretty bushes all a twitter with a frenzy of the rhythm. Nikki was feeling the spirit of the master driving her into a frantic gyration that lathered up her flanks and her pretty pussy. The other females were just as carried away by the rays of Mother Moon...

1 year ago
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Online date

So I meet this woman Michelle on one of these dating sites and after talking on the phone for two weeks we finally set up a date. For the past two weeks we've been talking about sex and things both of us like and dislike. She's been sending me pictures of her tits and pussy every day while I'm working and this has me really worked up about meeting her. I'm 47 by the way and she's 43.I drive out and meet her at this bar close to her house. She gets there 30 minutes late walks in we make our...

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Sarah 4

sarah was now a senior and she was begining to explore her options. she planned to go to the same college as me so we could be together. but since i had been in college i had only seen her a few times a month. each visit i could sense that she was more and more deprived of sex. she told that she was loyal and i was away hoping that she was telling me the truth. i was not 100% loyal but i tried my best. late in her senior year she began to experiment and was having sex with a girl in...

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Adult Empire Parody

What’s up, you dirty dog! How’s your cock holding up? Have you been remembering to take breaks? You’ve got to give that little pecker a rest, or you’ll be beating some burnt meat real soon! Trust me. I know from experience! But you can spend one more day engaging in some much-needed “self-care”, right? Well, that’s great to hear! Because I’ve got some pretty great content for you and your cock today!In a world where movies are being made for either 16-year-old girls or the Chinese government,...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Once You Go Black

"Look Mrs. Miller, I need a $2400 cashiers check on my desk by Friday or I will have a company come and repo the BMW next week" and she hung up the phone. What am I going to do? I can not come up with that kind of money. We just made a payment on my husbands Duramax and I have to make a mortgage payment. We have no money coming in. My husband is a contractor and has not had any work in a month. I am a big time realtor-high sales partner in my firm. I need this Beemer for my image. I cant sell...

2 years ago
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Audra Meets an Older Man

Last night, my girlfriend and I went out. We went to our usual bar that we liked. We drank and had a great time, but didn’t really meet up with any guys. We still had a great time though. My friend likes to go home with strange men. She lives alone and likes for somebody to pay her attention sometimes. She was between men and didn’t really have anybody to call to sleep with her. I guess you could say she was on the prowl. I wasn’t having the greatest time. She was already tipsy and I knew...

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My Aunt The Dominatrix

MY AUNT THE DOMINATRIX by Long Tall MaryThe look on Tina’s face is one that I’ll never forget. After being ordered to strip naked, in front of another woman, she is bound tightly with rope; quicklyrealizing that the modality of relationship therapy will be quite different than what she has been told.My name is Rebecca. I’m 28 years old, a leggy 5’9 brunette, and work as an assistant manager at a supermarket. Currently I own my home and havean ongoing relationship with a male. My sexual...

3 years ago
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My New BFF Part four

It was after two o’clock in the morning by the time we got back to Tiffany’s apartment.   Both of us were not wearing panties under our skirts and I was tingling from the cool night air on my well reamed ass.  Tiffany suggested we slip into some comfortable lingerie to sleep in.  She picked out a long sheer night gown for me.  I stripped down completely before pulling the gown over my head.  After peeing, I climbed in bed next to Tif, spooning her, as we both fell fast asleep.It was late in the...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7

Steve unlocked me from the cage and handed me over to Master. I went to wipe Steve's cum from off my face but was told to leave it.'So Sissy that's 3 serious demerits you've earned for that little escape attempt. I warned you not to mess with me but you just couldn't help yourself could you?'No Master' I said sheepishly.'Right well get yourself home and learn to follow orders' he said. 'I want you to have an early night and watch the videos I have given you on your ipad. And don't forget to...

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Caras twisted revenge in her family Prologue1

Dodge was a bad boy. Everybody knew it. He was well known in town for being the little shit you must avoid at all costs. Him and his friends were nothing more then the town hooligans. He had no morals and Cara knew this. That's why she went to him for help. There was always rumours flying around school about Dodge and his gang. The shit they get up to. The chaos they cause. If they weren't getting drugged off their faces and robbing hotels, they were raping some innocent girls down...

4 years ago
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The Inventor

Zane Hawthorne is an average 18-year-old young man, recently graduated from high school, dark hair, light skin, a bit nerdy, quiet. Zane wasn't the most popular in school, he kept to himself and was afraid to come out of the closet. You see, Zane is gay, his search history will tell you that. One day Zane gets a visit from a lawyer telling him that his distant uncle Jack passed away recently and left everything to Zane. He had heard of his uncle Jack in passing, apparently, the man was a...

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The Beanbag Chair

Gwen drove over to Rachelle’s house, retrieving a cocktail dress Rachelle had borrowed for a party the week before. Gwen thought about how great Rachelle looked in her dress, knowing it looked better on Rachelle then on her. Rachelle’s soft curves were silhouetted yet accentuated, and her skin was soft; as Gwen helped her with the zipper that night, her finger knuckle lightly grazed her back, sending shivers up Rachelle’s spine. Gwen pulled up to the house and Rachelle opened the door.“Thanks...

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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Octavia Red 30933

Busty blonde Octavia Red is helping out her friend’s boyfriend, David, by modeling for a painting. As soon as she takes off her clothes, he can’t keep his eyes away from those big natural tits of hers. He is not used to seeing big breasts because his girlfriend has itty-bitty ones. David starts to paint but is distracted by those amazing jugs, so he asks Octavia if he can touch them. He stars squeezing her tits and then Octavia get’s turned on and immediately wants to fuck...

4 years ago
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My Life Turn Into Sex Slave

Hi guys this Prausha and I am woman who wanted to be a doctor but becomes a slave or keep to the doctor. Sorry for poor grammar and spelling mistake let us back to the story. My status is 34-28-38, little boobs and big ass everyone in the street guys where looking at my ass when I am moving I am desirable babe everybody wants to fuck me at least once and our family is small. I have two brothers two are elders than me, elder one is auto-driver another one is jobless so only my elder brother had...

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We both have an assignment with Rose and Max in the suite of their five-star downtown hotel, They have been in town on business which was very successful, so they have booked our services for their sexual pleasure to celebrate Rose was in her mid-forties and a very attractive woman, the concierge told me as we made the arrangements on the phone, twenty years older than me, while her wealthy, very fit bisexual man was around the same age. On the way I teased Seb by asking him if he would...

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Help Im fucking Kate Upton

Katherine Elizabeth Upton is an American model and actress. Upton was born in St. Joseph, Michigan. She is the daughter of Shelley (née Davis), a former Texas state tennis champion, and Jeff Upton, a high school athletics director. Upton attended a casting call in Miami for Elite Model Management in 2008 and was signed the same day. She eventually moved to New York City, where she then signed with IMG Models. She appeared in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue in 2011—for which she was named...

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