21 Part 6 free porn video

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Twenty One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 6 He'd get to sleep in on prom day, as like most girls he got to cut the half bullshit day of school, exchanging meaningless classes for beauty rest and the soon to be long process of getting ready for the big night. "I'd say sleeping in until almost noon should be enough, prom girl," said his mother, flicking on the lights and pulling off his covers. "Ohhh please mom," moaned Bob, dreading the day. "Shit, shower, and shave everything really really carefully," said his mother, not taking no for an answer, handing him her shower cap. "Don't wet your hair or worry about makeup. Out in thirty minutes or I'll be in and don't lock the door, I'll be checking on you. You have a twelve fifteen last tanning and spa session, two o'clock nail appointment, and three fifteen hair and makeup. Time to move! The princess has a schedule to keep." Into the shower he went, and when he came out it was actually surprising to just see a simple t-shirt and sweats sitting on his bed, even if they were girl's clothing. Purple lacey boy short panties easily held him back pretty tight as he stepped into them, and then in came his sister, helping him on with a matching purple silk bra. He then stepped into his purple sweats and pulled on the lilac t-shirt from Victoria Secret that had the label "Pink" written across his faux boobs and down the pant legs in contrasting lilac and purple letters. His mother took a quick moment brushing back his hair before sliding on a lilac headband, keeping it out of his face and they were quickly ready to leave as she tossed flip flops in front of him to step into. His stomach was already in knots as the preparation had just begun as she dropped him at the tanning salon. He sat back daydreaming all alone in his little bikini during the last treatment, and then when his hour long session ended, his rest was interrupted by a middle aged woman who worked at the adjoining spa. "Hello, Miss Taylor," said the woman. "Please take the robe and stay in your swim suit for now. Just follow me dear, and none of this will take long." He followed the woman now across the hall and then closed the door before pulling a paper sheet down a stainless steel table. He wasn't exactly sure what to make of the situation, as it looked cold and sterile like a doctor's office and then he looked over, noticing a small green light flashing. We he read the label, he knew exactly what would be next as the small appliance was a hot wax warmer which was plugged into the wall and apparently ready. "Bottom off dear, and don't worry about being shy. I've seen and done it all," said the woman, gently patting the table. "Hop up and my good friend Philippe has told me all about you and that dress. I'm sure it'll look gorgeous on you." "Oh?" shivered Bob, surprised as he gingerly took off his suit bottom uncomfortably and got onto the table. "Has he?" "I assume that's why you're here, honey," said the woman, manipulating him down below as she spoke and then lifted his legs wide open, surveying his private area. "Really that's why half the school has been here lately, and you're already my third full Brazilian today, hon. Now relax it'll be quick, but do brace yourself, dear." "Ok," replied Bob, not wanting to look. From beneath the sides of the table, she extended a metallic arm on each side next to his face. Before he even knew what had hit him, his ankles were now locked downside the Velcro straps and then suddenly he had been contorted from a frog-legged spread to having his ankles up by his face. Without the slightest moment of hesitation, she stretched a long electric shear from the counter like he'd seen at the dog groomer, and then proceeded to buzz around his pubic area. If that wasn't demeaning enough, it got ten times worse in a moment when the blue florescent lights were switched on, as he looked down between his legs, seeing the woman yielding a popsicle stick covered in hot wax. Without any notice, she moved around his manhood and then applied the hot wax all around his crotch. The slightest delay while the wax hardened was very short-lived, as he got his first taste of waxing, as in a series of swipes off went the last little patch of hair that existed below his neck. The humiliation now had become the easiest part of the exercise as he cried like a baby, almost breaking a nail when he tried to grab the table and thankfully the aloe lotion helped sooth the anguish. "I'll give you a minute, honey," said the woman, stepping behind him and working near the sink. "I'm not done?" gulped Bob. "It's ok, the hard part is over and there will be no more pain," said the woman, pulling forward at his hips. "Just scoot forward an inch or two.... Good, now you little butt is off just edge and the rest will be easy. You're nice and clean on the outside, and in a minute you'll feel just as fresh on the inside." She rolled over a small metallic basin atop a small rolling table and then he lost sight of it as she positioned it between his legs. He looked up, now seeing her hold up what appeared to be a syringe with a large bulb attached to the end, and then swallowed hard as she lubricated the nozzle. He needed no insight to realize exactly where that was headed, he felt her gloved fingertip lube his anus and then the tip of the syringe followed inside. "You squeeze and hold the solution for as long as you can, honey," said the woman. "I assume this is your first ever enema or douche?" "Yes," said Bob, holding it as long as he could before exploding, unable to hold it anymore. "Very good sweetie," said the woman, wiping him with a towel at his rear. "One more and just a bit deeper now dear. You're doing wonderfully." She changed to a syringe with a longer nozzle this time, and then he felt it go deeper before the water gushed inside him. It felt gross, yet cleansing at the same time once but again he couldn't hold it and he exploded into the basin. When cleaned, she let down his legs, he almost felt like he was a baby again as she took a few minutes softly moisturizing his body from shoulders to toes, and then he was able to finally get redressed. Just only ninety minutes earlier, he was just a boy in girl's sweats without a stitch of makeup or any style to his hair, yet when he pulled those purple panties back up even before any upcoming beauty regiment, he had been prepared as a smooth clean slate for his man to enjoy. For as much as he wanted everything over with, he now dreaded the night ahead even more, hoping time would move more slowly as he exited the tanning salon and spa. With his mother waiting outside to take him to the next appointment, he was soon in the crowded nail salon awaiting his turn with plenty of other girls he recognized from various grades at school. Just looking around at all the girls whispering and possibly gossiping about him or more than likely passing judgement was annoying enough, but it was probably more unnerving to look over, having to share the experience, seeing both his mother and sister being at different stations. The only saving grace about the experience was that it was a much shorter stay than when he got his nails on originally, as they redid his long digits and toes into a lovely matching fuchsia pink. A good two hours plus though his day of beauty preparation and he still had a long way to go, as his mother brought him and his sister to the hair salon. He knew it could never be longer than when they bleached and dyed him two days ago, but he knew it wouldn't be quick either, as it was barely late afternoon. Between small talk and discussion about what they'd be setting out to do on him, he just wanted to crawl under a rock and die as he looked up, seeing Tara come over with a head full of curlers to join the conversation. There was much terminology and subtle debate he barely understood, as Beverly came over hugging the women as he sat there, awaiting her wrath. A few twists and turns of some magazines and then the attention turned his way as she looking over, nodding her head towards him. "So getting excited or what?" asked Beverly, tapping him to get up. "I like your nails, hon." "I don't even know how to answer that," said Bob, getting up as Beverly inspected them. "Of course he is! What girl wouldn't, and we're all so excited." Tara inspected his nails. "I love that color on you too, Bobbi!" "Please Tara," moaned Bob, as he walked right past her behind Beverly. "I'm already stressing from the treatment you had me do earlier." "Maybe, but it'll be worth it later," said Tara, rubbing her finger against his wrist as they passed each other. "Smooth and clean is always better. I know I'm feeling nice and smooth." He sat down in her chair and then around his neck went her black cape. He stared forward at his own sad eyes, dreading every moment yet to come and then looked to his right, startled as she opened a drawer on her cart. "That's not all going on me, right?" gulped Bob, seeing all the blonde extensions. "No, just all the platinum pre-curled one's I got ready for you," said Beverly, opening another drawer. "But all these 24 inch pieces, I have to add in first for length, and then maybe about three quarters of the others you just saw. Relax, they'll blend beautifully on you, and I'll be layering them so they'll look really full on you." All he could do was sit and watch as she began sectioning and clipping his hair, as gradually it was mostly pinned atop his head. When she lifted the first long platinum stand from her cart, he was mesmerized as she stretched the thin lengthy strand and added it just above a small section near the nape of his neck. Within seconds, she wound in her flat iron and he instantly realized she was blending it with his own hair as she worked. A good dozen long strands later and she brushed through some of the curls at the roots, as he could instantly tell how well it had been tightly snapped to his head. While he expected to have some fancy prom do, all these extensions weren't part of what he thought would be coming his way, and suddenly had some incredible length. He wasn't exactly sure how long all this was taking, but before he knew it, it had to be a good forty minutes until finally she had him stand with more hair than he could have thought possible. "Stand up straight and shoulders square, Bobbi," Beverly ordered as he stood amazed at her brushing from behind him. "It's so long," said Bob, almost not believing seeing himself with long straight hair down his back. "It's really pretty on you, yes," said Beverly, brushing through it. "It'll be long, but not this long once I shape it. Just keep looking straight ahead and don't hunch over, please." With her scissors, she sheared across the entire length just above his ass and then crouched down a little, creating a v-shape that angled with the point about two inches above his crack. When she had him sit back down, it was odd that she was shearing away after she just spent so much time adding all this hair. Section by section, she carefully layered, creating his striking mane. A few more snips at the edges, making sure every layer was nice and straight, before she held out a long thin section behind his head. It almost looked like she stretched it for miles, as as she coated it in hairspray and then in went her curling iron, winding it up. When the first curl came down, she ever so gingerly placed it off his back and out of her way, across his right front shoulder as he immediately realized this would be quite a long exercise if she'd really be curling all this hair. With each un-twist of her wris,t long curl after curl sat spilled next to each other, slowly but surely covering his right breast. Within twenty minutes, he had become Rapunzel, with thick spiral tendrils that spanned a good foot and a half downward and sat in a huge pile. Just as he thought she'd finally be working on the top, she oddly squeezed each curl down like a tight spring and pinned them to his head. It seemed as bizarre as the rest of his week as she began dampening the entire top of his head with a sticky lotion, and then green roller after roller filled the top of his head. Dry hair became damp and loose curls became tight as he was confused, but now his hair was pinned and curled. He soon found himself spending the next thirty minutes or so under the dryer, reading through gossip rags next to girls he'd soon be out dressed to the nines with. When finally the dryer switched off, he was seated in a makeup chair and he was reunited with Claire. "You make a beautiful blonde, Bobbi," said Claire, touching his face and switching on the air brush. "I'm so happy for you, now let's make that pretty face of your come alive, girl." He had already had his makeup done more times than he cared to remember, both professionally and by the other girls from school, but never like this as the soft air swirled at his face. Every once and awhile he?d be checked on by his mother or sister, mostly observing but saying so little. A good forty five minutes of spraying and brushes and she had painted him over as she finally brushed at his lips, declaring him finished. Back to Beverly?s chair he could see how much more made up he was and it was crazy as he felt her taking his hair down. It took about ten minutes just to unpin the curls behind his head, as slowly but surely the mass filled his back. Like a wizard, she spun and unraveled each curl, spraying and separating while she placed them in a pattern. He could hardly believe all the dimension that seemed to resting behind his shoulders, but the amazement was short lived once the top rollers began to come out. For a moment, something he?d seen on his grandmother now sat atop his head from his forehead, which seemed so bizarre yet he realized this was some in between state, as Beverly picked at them with her fingers. "Bobbi, be still," said Beverly, tugging and winding in some very small clear tight bands atop his crown and then another just behind his head. "Just let me manipulate your head the way I need to please, and this part behind your head may feel a little tight, as it?ll be best to do that with just your virgin hair, sweetie." With big set rollers free now, the entire top stood curled back in big rolls incredibly high before quickly becoming a mess as she teased at his roots. With the front standing up oddly, he sat there as she pulled back a thick two inch section at each temple just above his ear, and secured in the back, winding in some bands. It was like she was creating some strange high pony, tugging and folding before in went a number of pins. She fussed and fluffed with just her fingers before oddly a steamy hot flat iron pinched down, straightening the new section atop so many curls. She couldn?t be straightening everything she just spent an eternity to curl and create he wondered, as heavy hairspray soon saturated her work. Some sizzling sounds filled his ears as she fluffed at each side before squeezing down her flat iron a few times before adding so many pins. A little more spraying and then it was back to work at the hair at his crown, as she tugged it up towards the sky. It was slow, detailing work as she rotated between teasing and a huge thick barreled, curling iron being inserted, twisting section after section up and then away from his face. So much uncomfortable twisting and pulling were sensations he never expected, and by now it was hard to imagine how many pins had nastily scratched at his scalp. It was almost violent as she constantly tugged, teased and curled and then as he looked to the right, he couldn?t believe she was snapping in more small extensions and blending them in. He had plenty of hair of his own, but now he had so much more, as clip after clip snapped down against his scalp. He sat almost in awe watching his hair evolve, like his head was a fancy cake top being decorated as it grew upward and more elaborate with each twisting of her wrist and hot wand. Between pinning and curling, when she eventually stopped, he?d grown amazingly taller, as he looked over seeing his mother watching every step. One more drawer filled with hair gems would take a meticulous, painstaking ten minutes more to get right, as he watched her move each little stone until she was satisfied with its positioning. She lifted and sprayed with a pump spray, working with her fingers and even re- curling a few sections while she hid the last few pins, before finally she stepped back, admiring her work. Every time he thought he was finished, one more pin would be added or one more curl would modified, as she fussed until every single hair would sit to her liking. "Ok, let?s glitter you up, sweetie and let?s get you out of here so you can get into that beautiful dress," said Beverly, dipping her fingers into some glitter and then taking a large sparkly pink can from her vanity. "You must be so excited!" Like he was Tinkerbelle, he could notice the sprinkles adhering to his hair as she circled, dowsing his head with a glittered aerosol hairspray. It would mercifully end when her finger left the trigger as more hairspray than he could imagine now covered his head, and glitter sparkled in every direction. When finally the fumes fully cleared, he looked forward, almost not wanting to stand as he knew the next stage would be to return home to get dressed. He could hardly believe it was him under all this hair, mostly not even knowing which of it was his and which were extensions, as Beverly now pulled off his cape. As he stood from the chair, he looked over, barely recognizing his sister also now overly made up and with dramatic highlights that fronted a big feathered hairdo. Just looking at his mother and sister admiring how he came out made it even more uncomfortable, as she came over softly touching his cheek, nodding and then he followed her to the cashier. "Let?s get a move on, ladies," said his mother, tipping Beverly and hugging her goodbye. "You looking gorgeous, Bobbi," smiled his sister, as he found himself following her outside. "And your hair is amazing." "Stay in the vestibule and avoid the wind while I pull up the car, girls," said their mother. "I brought pillows for behind your lower back, and you?ll need to sit forward once you get in. Especially you, Bobbi." "It?s so you don?t squish your curls," said Vanessa touching his hair as they waited. "She?s so good that Beverly, and just so you know, I?m keeping these extensions for me once you get them out." "You can have them tomorrow," groaned Bob, feeling his hair barely flinch as he shook his head. "Thanks, and then I?ll have to go more platinum, so don?t be jealous," Joked Vanessa, holding up her hands as the car pulled up. "Hold your hands up and fend off the wind." He was just another dainty girly girl protecting his big hairdo as he hurried inside the car and then sat there, making sure not to flatten his hair. If anyone lit a match as they drove, the car would have exploded from all the lacquer or if their mother stopped short they would have flown through the windshield as they both had to keep hunching forward as their mother drove home. As uncomfortable as that seemed, it was Bob?s last break before he had to get dressed, as they had about an hour to get into their undergarments and dresses before their dates would arrive. His mother of course knew only problems could arise if she left Bob with any down time, and as they entered the house up to their bedrooms, she didn?t give him a minute to breathe as he sat there depressed at the edge of his bed. "Let?s get moving, princess," said his mother, entering his room with two shopping bags. "Strip and you?re going to need to park that pride for a minute. I?m your mother. I gave birth to you and wiped everything you had. Hands up and i?ll guide off your top." He hated her being right, but was in no position to argue anyway as he lifted his arms as she carefully guided his scoop neck top off, avoiding touching his hair. Once she undid his bra, he kicked off his flip flops and down went his pants and panties. What he didn?t expect was her to lift a cotton candy pink bustier from the bag and then begin unsnapping the back. She then loosened the thin shoulder straps and held it open as he closed his eyes, extending his arms. The next thing he knew she was fastening row after row of clasps in the back and then knelt, pulling back his hairless member. How much more embarrassing could it be than having his mother tuck him back as she pushed his smooth testicle right up inside him and then connected the front flat to the other in back, between his legs. Three fish hook snaps were followed by a thin second layer between his legs, with even more eyelet hooks as quickly he was tucked away securely. She took a moment now, pulling the straps across each shoulder pushing up his cleavage and making sure the attached silicon edges were well inside. With each adjustment, he grew bustier and bustier as she pulled up his boobs and then took out a series of cotton candy laces from the shopping bag. "Let?s go into the bathroom, please," said his mother, leading him across the hall. "Just stand and hold on to the towel rack while keeping your feet open and even with your shoulders for balance." All he could hear were the laces being threaded from behind and then he felt the first tug. Just like during his fitting it was snug and grew tighter, yet now it would not be temporary, instead he would be in it for the night. "Breath in and hold it," his mother ordered as he took in a breath and felt her pull. "Easy mom," gulped Bob, feeling it grow very tight. "If I break a nail after we just had them done, I?ll kill you, Bobbi," said his mother, unhappy with his effort. "Now empty your lungs, so I can get this right, please." "Let me do it," said a deep voice as he realized it was his father, as suddenly he felt his rib cage pull in as his father tugged on the laces. "With all the crap you put these girls through, I should squeeze the life out of you." "But dad..?" Bob realized it was his father tugging the corset now. "But nothing. Do what your mother asked," said his father. "Now one more good tug on the laces, so get ready and breathe all the way in." "Yes dad," said Bob, sucking in his breath, feeling the air being pushed from his lungs as his father lifted his foot against Bob?s back for leverage, pulling hard on the laces. "Is that good, honey?" asked his father, holding the ends tightly. "That?s wonderful," said his mother, feeling the sides and tying them off before kissing her husband. "Thanks honey! Now let me finish with the girls and then we?ll see you downstairs when they?re ready." "This should be interesting," replied his father, shaking his head and leaving the room. "And don?t make me come back up here, because you?re giving your mother a hard time Bobby." Throughout all of the week, he hadn?t seen his father, who had been working double shifts on the construction site, and just hearing his voice sent fear throughout his body. He was happy they didn?t make eye contact, but that would soon be unavoidable as his mother double knotted the laces and snipped off any unwanted length. Back to the bedroom they went as he sat on the edge of his bed while she rolled thigh high stockings up his legs and then wanted to die as he stood while he watched his own mother attach his thin stretchy garters to the nylons. Once she adjusted the tension, he sat down again as out came his shoes and he knew these would be much more of a challenge than any of the lower heels he?d grown used to. Just the sight of such spikey stilettoes would send a pulse inside his member, but that didn?t matter anyway now as it was so tightly pulled back and hidden, it may as well never existed. When each strap was buckled above each ankle, she fastened a shimmering ankle bracelet around the right ankle and then had him stand for any last minute adjustments. She took a moment now to change his earrings and then added some rings as his lobes had never felt such weight. After a shiny tennis bracelet was added to his right wrist, she called for his sister and then it was just about time. "Vanessa, five minutes," yelled their mother as she exited the room. "I?m going to dress Bobbi, and the guys should be here any minute." "Almost ready, and I?ll be in in a minute," yelled Vanessa, as Bob looked down at himself in nothing but lingerie and skyscraper heels, amazed at his shape until the quick gaze was interrupted by his mother returning with a huge grey garment bag. There?d be no surprise about what was inside, as he'd soon be in one of the many dresses he had tried on, as the moment had arrived as she unzipped the bag. "I?ll do everything and you just step in really really carefully when I tell you please," said his mother as Vanessa hurried in. "Sorry, I?m here," said his sister, looking him up and down and his lingerie. "Woooowww.... sexy." "Please Vanessa! Now?s not the time for that. Hold her shoulder and I?ll guide you in, Bobbi," said his Mother, kneeling down with the dress and lifting his right leg inside it. "Sorry," Vanessa, seeing her mother stressing, helped balance her brother. As he held his sisters shoulder, he lifted the other leg as his mother moved the material carefully before the spikey heel set down and then up came the dress as it rose with his mother as she stood up straight. Just feeling it snug at his hips and then molded to his waist turned his stomach, as slowly but surely she wiggled it in place. The moment she guided his chest inside and it surrounded his boobs, he could feel his palms grow clammy as his mother straightened the fit. When the zipper slid up his lower back, his mind wandered, rewinding through every moment of the five torturous days of preparation it took to get ready, as his mother fastened the hidden double claps above the zipper just below his shoulder blades. He now knew every single tiny detail of what it took for a girl to be ready for prom, and that part of the journey would now be behind him as the he heard the doorbell ring. He closed his eyes, wishing he could become invisible but the second he opened them, he looked down, still in his dress. He told himself he?d never take anything women said or went through for granted again, but that didn?t matter anymore as shortly he'd be making good on his horrible bet. "Turn around, and let?s get a good look at you, honey," said his mother, stepping back. "Because it?s time and I?m pretty sure your dates have arrived, girls." One last time he closed his eyes, hoping for some miracle but his mother and sister were just staring back at him in awe as he slowly turned their way. He could feel himself trembling, seeing the emotion in their faces as his time was up and the moment had arrived. "Huuuhhh! Oh my gawd mom," said his sister, covering her mouth. "He.... Umm.. She does look like a Barbie. You?re so beautiful Bobbi. It?s like every little detail is perfect on her." "She?s gorgeous," said their mother, beginning to cry. "Both of you are!" "I can?t even mom," said Vanessa, fanning herself fighting back tears. "You?re going to ruin my makeup on me Bobbi.... You?re breathtaking!" "You look beautiful too I guess Ness, but please..." said Bob, as she ran over, hugging him. "But nothing! I love you sis," Sighed Vanessa, practically knocking him off his heels."Holy shit. I can?t even take it!" "Ok no more before I lose it even more, girls!" Commanded their mother, wiping her tears. "We?ll all be wrecks if the waterworks begin!" "I?m sorry! I?m sorry," said Vanessa, breathing in and out. "Now that?s what I?m talking about," said Tara, coming into the bedroom. "Tara?" Bob was dying inside as he saw her. "You look incredible, Bobbi!" smiled Tara. "I?d like to say stunning, but really I guess none of us are stunned anymore." In his eyes, she was the prettiest girl in school and now he could hardly believe what he saw. In a short, red a-line prom dress, her firm boobs looked enormous and her legs looked ten feet long. She was beautiful without a stich of cosmetics, and now all made up she looked like a Hollywood star. He had always fantasized about dating a red head, and now his dream girl had ditched her dirty blonde color for a flirtatious ginger. Just feeling the pain in his loins he knew had to just calm his nerves, as no chance anything could arise anyway. He?d be with her all night without being with her, and just the sight of her near him might be the only thing keeping him from having a nervous breakdown. "Oh my gawwdddd Tara. You?re gorgeous," yelled Vanessa, as again came some quick waterworks and then finally she stared at Bob again. "You are rocking that red!" "Thank you my bff bestie! I?m loving the red thing, and definitely sure that pink is her color, Mrs. Taylor. I know it?s a stupid bet, but she?s exceeded every expectation. said Tara, coming over and taking his hands, looking him up and down before touching his hair. "I have to admit I?m a little jealous, and I am going to have to try this platinum thing one of these days. This is going to be an incredible weekend for us!" "You mean night?" said Bob, feeling touched by her love. "Well yes and no honey, but that?ll be up to you and really all of you," said their mother. "We have the limo, so I know you?ll be drinking after prom or whenever, so just don?t get too carried away please. Plus obviously I don?t have to worry about you being stupid and using protection, but it doesn?t mean I?m na?ve either. You girls handled everything yourself to get ready, but the rooms are mine and your father?s treat so just be smart, enjoy and that?s all I?m going to say before I say too much." "You got us rooms?" Bob asked as his eyes bulged out. "Yes, suites on the beach at the Embassy Suites," said Vanessa. "That?s where a lot of your class is headed, and that was her surprise even before you took a turn... you know for the better." "Girls, let?s get a move on," yelled their father up the stairs, interrupting their conversation. "These handsome fellas are waiting, and the Tomlinson?s are here now too. They?re wonderful people." "On the way," yelled their mother as she scurried ahead of them down the stairs. "Hoolllyyy Crap," sighed Bob, barely able to move as his sister yanked him from the room. "Ok one at a time and come down slowly," Yelled their mother as Tara could barely wipe the smile from her face, heading down and right into the arms of Justin. Vanessa was next, ever so slowly milking each step as she blew kisses to her father who was videotaping and then posed for the hired photographer. "Ok Bobbi," yelled his mother. "Let?s see what you got." If time could stand still, then it did for Bob as he struggled just to take that first step. He had already learned to walk in heels and had become assimilated to some type of life as a girl, but now he was willingly taking his first step towards a date with a boy as his 'girlfriend'! There was only so long he could balance in one spikey five inch heel as he lifted his left foot off the first step, but his knees wouldn't bend to move forward. He could hear his long thumbnail tapping the rail nervously as he held it tightly, afraid, and then his calf muscle gave out, lowering his left foot to the next step. The laws of gravity and forward momentum though could not be stopped as he couldn?t look down at what awaited below. "Smile! You look so beautiful, honey," yelled his mother as he had little choice but to slowly master each step in a tight dress and then before he knew it, the flash bulbs were popping in his face. While his mind was scared shitless, his body navigated the steps in stilettos as the blonde in a pink dress made her way down. He was visibly trembling and half blinded by the flashes when he finally reached the foyer floor and looked up, seeing Rex approach him. It was an embrace he wanted no part of, seeing Rex?s parent?s next to his as all seeming to have accepted them as a couple. He was completely caught off guard as the softest kiss touched down on his cheek right in front of his father, sickened as he knew his dad had caught it on video. Before he could even react, there was Rex getting on one knee, grasping his hand and bowed his head, kissing the back of his left hand. These were all traditions he knew little about, wanting to yank back his hand but instead could only watch his prom date slip the delicate corsage over his wrist. In an instant, it was like he was Rex?s possession, as he looked down, extending his shiny manicure studying the corsage of pink roses and white baby?s breath that were wrapped over his left wrist, and beneath it the tiny decorative white ribbon spelled out "Rex and Bobbi heart icon Prom 2017." "Here honey, pin this on your date," said his mother, helping him pin one that matched onto Rex?s lapel and then she backed away so the photographer could catch the moment. Even in tall heels, he looked up to the big strong guy smiling down at him, stuck as his unwilling lover not a fighter, yet every ounce of what was left of his masculinity wanted to fight everything that was seemingly already done. Even looking at Rex, Bob just stared through him, but that was enough as all the parents shared laughter and drinks while the kids posed on command. They stood now as a group of girls, then just sisters, then all together and then even worse as couples, as these moments were captured in every way possible. Some of the most important memories of his life had been forever changed and recorded as a girl instead of those he?d envisioned like every other guy. When he stood for his solo shots, they posed him in front of their large ornate hallway mirror, snapping shot after shot. It was bad enough having to smile as big as they asked and then ever so troubling when they had him turn to capture the back of his dress as he gazed at his face in the mirror. Staring at his own face with a huge smile was ever so troubling while getting the full rear view in the reflective lens, and as much as he looked for the old Bob, only a petrified and delicate Barbie girl gazed back at him. Being pretty in pink was never anything he aspired to be, but there he was shivering as he was minutes from leaving his house, ready for prom. He was stunning in a Sherri Hill, hot pink mermaid style dress that would turn every head, as he was covered in bling. Philippe had made sure that he was certain to be the only girl wearing the designer dress like this, as it had been customized to include elaborate details and make it one of kind. His thin toned arms and thin collar bone now served as the perfect background for the strapless, sweetheart jeweled bodice top of the dress, as he could hardly believe how well they pushed up his flesh, creating amazing cleavage and an eye catching busty appearance. From his boobs to his hips, the entire bodice was completely covered in beading, appliques and exotic Erose crystals, as he sparkled in every direction, lighting up the room. Beneath all the intricate detail, he could feel the 10 hidden bones upright against his rib cage which gave the dress a perfect bone structure and complimented his already incredibly cinched waist. Between the dress and his lingerie, all the added support would make sure nothing could move in his mid-section and gave the dress a 3 dimensional feeling. He now fully understood the detail involved in his fittings that seemed to document every inch of his body, as they had certainly made sure his heavy false boobs couldn?t pop out or show and no chance even strapless, that anything could be falling. All the pinching and appliques at his waist also created the illusion of slightly more hip, as the dress clung tightly past his flattened crotch before exploding at about mid-thigh. The gorgeous beaded mermaid shape now switched to its trumpeted bottom, which consisted of elaborate layers of ruffles spanning down past the floor. The soft tulle material in the same hot pink color flowed six inches behind in a glorious off set sweep train, and opened just slightly off center in front on the left. With his left leg exposed, his hot pink five and ? inch spikey stilettos shone from the crystals that decorated every strap, beautifully complimenting his dress. He noticed now that the sparkly ankle bracelet added even another dimension of glisten to the bottom of his dress, and his hot pink toes shone right through the blush nude stockings. While his dress cemented his glorious prom date status from the neck down, his face and hair did nothing to disappoint. He was already used to his face being well made up, but now having his face professionally done for a special occasion now took it to a whole new level. He squinted for a moment, amazed at how the jet black liquid liner winged outward past his upper crease, creating a focal point of his meticulous outlined eyes. The dark liner also now thinly outlined his inner waterlines, and grew much thicker on his upper lids, creating a striking yet soft raccoon effect. Above the liner, the longest jet black false lashes he could imagine fanned out toward the outer edges before curling back slightly beneath his arched brows. Deep charcoals on the outside blended into a salmon pink glittered shadow as they spanned inwards towards his nose, and above them a glistened pearl color acted as an accent color. A soft layer on pink glitter was impossible not to stare at as it contrasted with the blue in his pupils but its illumination was nothing next to his lips. The brightest fuchsia pink with an ultra-high shine gloss exploded off his face in a slightly over lined style, giving him a moist, luscious big lipped look, especially atop his amazing bright white smile. A gleaming bronzer completed his flawless radiant appearance, as his the reflection above his well- defined mauve cheek bones only added to his breathtaking appearance, and more apparent than ever now was the diamond stud that sparkled from his left nostril. Last but not least, he was still quite taken aback that all this hair could actually be attached to his head, even though he had witnessed it being done. He had barely adjusted to the taste of his own medicine, becoming a bleach blonde, and never could he have believed that would just be for starters. It was utterly astonishing that he had an extravagant half up hair down hair, down hairdo as elaborate as any bride or pageant princess could ever wish for. Just twisting his neck looking down his back it was crazy to see four or five layers of platinum cascading spirals piled atop each other, reaching more than half way down his spine. The only good part of his new hairdo was that it would help cover his bare shoulder blades on the open back of his dress that spanned down his vertebrae towards his cinched in waistline. Reality though was it was hard to imagine how he could easily rid himself of all these baked in curls and even worse as he couldn?t help but reach back and touch the crazy hairspray cemented bow just beneath his crown at the back of his head atop them. What he saw at a quick glance in the salon was not exactly what he anticipated, as he knew now that she had used his own natural hair rearranging it and sculpting it into the shape of his bow made from his own attached hair just above his mounds of curls. At each side, his hair had been folded over, fanned out and somewhat flattened to form the large outside ends of the bow and then a single strand wound around like the knot in the middle. Atop the knot a round rhinestone hair brooch with pearl accents decorated the loop and small rhinestone hair gems had been sporadically clipped through his curls. His hair shaped into a platinum bow was like the icing on the cake, as if that would even be necessary after all he?d been through. In front all the rollers, teasing, and little clip in extensions were to create two rows of pinned coils just in front of the bow, which spanned upward a good six inches in a few off set curly layers. If all these curls weren?t grandiose enough, they were fronted by a dramatic three inch bumpy puff behind his forehead that was softly decorated with intermingled tiny rhinestones. There was no end to his glisten and no direction without a glimmer as his entire head had been coated with glittered hairspray that glistened in synch with his dress. To finish it off, a single barreled curl spiral tendril fronted each ear and swung next to the huge Erose crystal chandelier earrings that matched those in his dress. His mother?s thick tennis bracelet added even more bling and so did the few diamond rings she added, especially atop his long fuchsia nails with rhinestone dipped tips. When the camera finally stopped flashing, so did all memories from the whole week were now branded into his mind. His ridiculous gambling and his lust for a girl had doomed him as he found himself being hugged and kissed goodbye by all the parents. It was like the whole neighborhood was out to see them as they walked down the sidewalk and he looked around, not believing this could be real. Struggling to walk with any pace behind his sister in a dress he could barely move in, seemed to go by in a flash and then suddenly he was inside the limo, staring at Tara with her brother?s arm around him, rubbing his bare shoulder. A few sips of champagne were nowhere near enough as he stared at her tongue in his best friend?s mouth, sick to his stomach, watching them already make out. It hit him pretty hard now, thinking about that the kiss should be his, yet instead he had already kissed a boy and been proclaimed his girlfriend already, as he leaned forward feeling his hair being played with. "Excellent sis! Cheers!" said Vanessa, clanging her glasses and sipping. "Mom would be proud that you remembered not to sit back too much and flatten your curls." "Yeah well that?s why I went with the full updo," said Tara, clanging his glass and whispering into Bob?s ear. "I don?t want to ruin my hair because I plan on spending a lot of time later on my back tonight." "Please don?t remind me," Grumbled Bob, wanting to kill her. "Oh, and I almost forgot this for my princess," said Rex, taking a small package from his pocket. "Really?" gulped Bob, wanting no part of it, looking around at the girls. "Oh Rex. You are so sweet buying her something," said Vanessa, nudging her date. "Open it honey," said Tara with a grin as he had little choice, pulling off the bow and paper. "Barbie?" said Bob, opening the velvet box. "It?s nothing much," said Rex, pulling it from its packaging. "I just thought that after all you?ve been through, you deserve a little something extra and it?s the cutest little nickname for you, Bobbi." "That?s so romantic," said Vanessa, elbowing her date. "Right sis?" "Romantic?" Mumbled Bob, wanting to puke as Rex leaned over, lifting his curls and fastening the necklace around his neck as Bob now looked down, seeing the small gold nameplate just above his cleavage, branding him as Barbie. "Right Barbie?" Mumbled Tara, softly kicking Bob?s ankle. "I guess I don?t know what to say," Bob glanced up at Rex and then over at Tara and his sister. "Bobbi?" Leered Tara. "Oh," Bob sighed then spoke ever so softly. "Thank you." As the words left his lips, he braced for what might follow, not wanting to look as Rex?s lips touched down on his. It was not like the beach where they were alone in the night, as the entire car witnessed the soft slow kiss that he already knew was coming. Once again he couldn?t kiss back, but no longer did it matter as Bob had become pretty Miss Barbie Taylor this evening and Barbie had become Rex?s girl. When he opened his eyes, he saw Tara put down her phone, dying as he knew Tara had captured the moment on video and even worse was pretty sure was posting it for all to see. As far as she had already taken him to become the girl of his own dreams, making sure not a detail was missed, she also left nothing to chance that he wouldn?t live up to every aspect of the bet, cementing every moment on film or into stills, as if he could stop this madness if he tried. They drank and told jokes, cranking the music until finally they arrived at the prom. As the driver opened the door, the guys got out first and then there he was somehow holding hands with a boy in front of everyone the moment he stepped to the curb. Classmate after classmate, especially the girls, hurried over and couldn?t believe their eyes even though they?d witnessed each stage of the daily transformation. He?d become the snap shot taken by everyone?s phone as the girls fussed over his dress, his hair and every detail. He had his sister like a sidekick to wipe lipstick stains from his cheeks, as he wasn?t too good at air kissing as of yet, and Tara was like his agent, inviting more people his way. When the teachers broke up all the groups outside by opening the door, the time had come as Rex held out his arm to hold onto. He may as well get it over with anyway he thought, as there was not a person that didn?t see him as a boy from the school anyway now, reaching around cupping Rex?s forearm being let inside. As they strolled towards the door, he was a glamorous blonde on the imitation red carpet, walking into the big catering hall with nothing left except to succumb to Tara?s last orders, as his brother?s new 'girlfriend.'

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Dear Diary

                                                                            DEAR DIARY      I awoke on the filthy mattress and looked around the darkened room. The dim glow of the street light peaking thru the dirty slats on the windows blinds. The   quick moving hoards of cock roaches skittering across the thread bare carpet. Sitting up I realized what had happened last night. There were bruises and ugly raised welts all over my aching body.  My tits were in terrible pain with dried blood...

2 years ago
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Waking up wet

Everyone in this story is over 18 so fuck off.I lived with my mom and stepdad and everything was great. I had my privacy so I could jack off 2 or 3 times a day at least.Then my stepbrother, Jimmy, moved in. He was a skinny, blonde haired blue eyed k**. We had plenty of room but he had to sleep in my bedroom. Now I wouldn't have the privacy to engage in my favorite hobby. We got along fine, being almost the same age, and liking the same things; sci fi, ninjas, war shit, movie monsters, etc. But...

2 years ago
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Caught Masturbating

Caught MasturbatingThe house was empty and I was the only one at home. Dad was out and my older sister was about to leave to go visit a girlfriend. It was 10 am and I slept in and got up just as my sister was about to leave for her girlfriends place. She told me dad had gone out to town and I said ok and headed off to the bathroom. When I went in, I knew my sister just finished having a shower, as her hair was still a bit wet. Having a fetish then of wearing panties, I looked in the clothes...

1 year ago
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I Fucked My Cousin On A Sofa

Hi everyone. It’s my biggest fantasy to write a sex story. Now I am gonna step ahead to give it a try. I am someone living in Chennai, working in an IT company. So let us get into this story of mine. Excuse me it’s kind of long since I wanna you people to feel the essence of my sex. A year back I was at my brother’s engagement where I saw a group of girls dancing in front of the DJ. There I saw a gorgeous girl, who is super sexy. I saw her dancing in a blue churidar. I could clearly see her...

3 years ago
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Halt eine Geschichte

*badum* *badum* *badum*. Es dauert nicht einmal eine Sekunde bis mein Gehirn die Erfahrungswerte der Vergangenheit abruft und entscheidet das es mein Vater ist, der die Treppe herauf marschiert und meiner Zimmertür am Ende des Flurs anvisiert. Mit Sicherheit könnte ich es nicht mehr sagen, aber in meinem Kopf geistert die Erinnerung umher, dass mein Vater schon ein paar mal nach mir gerufen hat, was ich in dem geilen Traum den ich gerade nicht mehr greifen kann als sehr störend zur Kenntnis...

1 year ago
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Nerds Make The Best Lovers

Reid is gorgeous. If gorgeous to you is chocolate brown eyes that screamed mischievous with a side of innocence. His short brown hair which he wore sometimes gelled, complemented his slightly tan skin. Reid is 5'9" and always ready with some useless fact about anything under the sun. He recently got glasses which only adds to his nerdish appeal. Reid and i met in college where he was studying engineering and i focused on Criminology. He wasn't a frat boy or mean to pompous ass, which set my...

4 years ago
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NTR Quest

The receptionist smiles at you gently. “Please touch the orb to determine your rank within the guild, sir.” The orb she is referring to is a milky-white glass ball that is about three times larger than any human palm that would be placed on it. The ball sits in an indent within the receptionists desk at chest level. Despite the fact that the attractive brunette receptionist behind the counter called you sir, the crowd gathered around the desk snickers. You are younger and more slight than most...

2 years ago
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Your Zee

Tina had a guest for dinner. Although she was two-and-a-half years younger, she had guests. Guys who visited me were just Dave’s friends even when Mom fed them. Anyway, Zee was not entirely awful. She didn’t giggle, she didn’t simper, and her hair was long and clean and black. I was polite to her, having had that fight with Mom before. After dinner, it was raining. Dad drove Zee home. “Zee, dear?” Mom asked when they were out the door. “Please, Mom, don’t call her Zenobia. She hates that. Her...

3 years ago
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Best GirlPart 6

Laying in bed, Todd heard someone rustling from the other side of the room. Not moving himself, he whispered out the side of his mouth. "Candy, do you hear something?" Chris woke up and said, "What?" "Shh. I think there's someone in our room." Both Chris and Todd slowly rose up and saw a figure standing at their dresser at the other side of their room with his back to them. Chris said, "What's a man doing in our room?" The man was stealthily and methodically going over the...

2 years ago
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sex vth sisterilla part1

Shortly after my wife and I married, her sister came to stay with us for a few weeks before she started college. I went alone to the airport to pick her up because my wife worked days and I worked nights. Shock registered on my face when she got off the plane because I hadn’t seen her for two years. She had changed from a lanky girl into an incredibly attractive young woman, a younger version of my wife. It was a unnerving but definitely fascinating to see a younger Priya as Pooja bounded off...

2 years ago
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Triple Play1

Triple Play Chapter One Another boring party, another bunch of boring people. "Jeez," I thought to myself. "I've got to find another job." Picking up my 5th tray of champagne, I made my way through the crowd, picking up bits and pieces of a dozen conversations, none of which I could have cared less about. This group was just another ultra-conservative right-wing presidential support group trying to make sure their petty interests didn't get squashed in the upcoming...

1 year ago
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OMG Im a Bimbo Slut Part 10

The girls were snipping their coffees as they spotted their sissy walk through reception and towards its car. They just loved that it decided on the pink dress and knew the long toy would be incessantly tormenting. They watched as it eagerly climbed into the car, started the engine and just sat there. They could just make out the overwhelmed look on its face... "That toy must be causing a stir..." Ruth chuckled as the others laughed along... followed by Lacey saying, "Let's send our...

1 year ago
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Najdik Rehnewali Aunty Ki Chudai

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto , ye mera third encounter hai. Me pehle apne aap ko introduce kar deta hu. Mera naam sajan hai. Me pune me rehta hu. Meri height 5.6 hai aur dick size approx 6 inch. Me daily exercise karta hoo gharpe so my body is fit and hot. Ab aapko jyada boar na karte hue sidhe story pe aa jata hoo. Ye incident 2 mahine pehile ka hai. Me jaha rehata hoo wahi paas me ek aubty rehti hai. Uski height 5 ft hogi. Wo dikhne me bahot fair hai. Jab bhi wo mere samane se...

1 year ago
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A Final Fuck

As I wrapped my gloss smudged velvety soft lips around his pulsing hardness, slipping his bulbous reddish head into my timid mouth, a small tear gathered in the corner of my eye. I felt empty, vacuous almost; an empty vessel with a beating heart, but I still wanted this final time together. I wanted to at least offer him this final gift for being so sweet to me for two years. I had been lucky to have such a wonderful man take my virginity and teach me things I needed to learn as I transitioned...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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I watched them

I'd been out on the town with some friends and by the end of the night a couple of them pulled and buggered off leaving me, my best mate Mark and his stunning girlfriend Sam . Mark and sam asked if i wanted to stay at Marks house as his parents were away for the weekend as it would mean catching a taxi on my own , costing me a small fortune. Mark said that he would drive me home in the morning , so i agreed. We all got in a taxi, Mark sat next to me and Sam opposite me her long brown hair...

1 year ago
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Blood and SandChapter 2

The transit bus ground to a stop at the curb, and Lissa Tilo hoisted her book bag over her shoulder, pushed open the front door of the District 7 Public Library, and walked out into the sticky summer heat. Almost immediately, she could feel her polyester school uniform start to stick to her skin. Lissa was a strikingly beautiful girl with smooth skin the color of honey and sensual features that reflected her Latina heritage. A little shorter than average, she had a ripe, womanly body that...

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