21 Part 7 free porn video

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Twenty One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 7 "Tickets everyone please, and no one enters without signing the waiver and behavior policy," said the teacher at the door. "Remember, no drinking and please abide by the rules of the committee." At least the ledger still read Bob Taylor as he signed in and Rex handed them their tickets. It was one last reminder of who he was just a week earlier, yet now he was holding hands with his boyfriend, being led through the crowd. At their table, some smuggled in liquor helped ease some of the burden as his sister and Tara made out with their dates as he stared off into the distance, trying not to think about all he would have to deliver post prom. Whatever Rex was babbling about as he massaged his back and whispered his way went in one ear and out the other as he dreaded his situation. When the girls finally came up for air, they dragged him out on the dance floor, as it was a place as a guy he knew little about. "I can't dance, Vanessa," said Bob, as she bounced her hip off his. "Plus, I can barely move in this." "Feel the beat, Barbie girl," said Tara, lifting her arms and bouncing off him. "Come on, arms up sis," said Vanessa. "You're so fucking hot! Enjoy it!" "Well?" said Bob, trying to shake a little as they forced him to dance as one of the girls. "That's better," said Vanessa, lifting his arms. "Just do what we do." "Yeah girl," said Tara, grinding up against him. "That's it!" The disco got faster now as they bumped and pushed him just enough as he did his best dancing with the girls. By the third song, he could really feel the burden of his boobs bouncing and his feet starting to ache just a little in heels. He wasn't sure if it was all the hair like a coat on his back or the heavy unforgiving dress that made him begin to feel sweaty, but then thought it might not be either as he couldn't take his eyes off of Tara's huge rack almost popping from her dress. As the third song wound down to a gentler beat, she smiled at him before wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead as a slower song began. "You ok?" said Tara, seeing him getting a little tired. "Come on! One more." "Sure, what the hell?" said Bob, as the song began picking up, hypnotized at the sweat between her cleavage. "Like I have a choice?" "Maybe not, but you're doing fantastic," replied Tara, winking at him and then softly bumping her hip off his. "Now let loose and feel the beat, Barbie! Half the girls here would die to be as pretty as you, and the other half will never have a guy as sexy as you will." "Please don't make me think like that..... Holy shit, Tara," Bob was dying to have her ignoring the thought as she slid her hand across his neck under his curls as she spun past him. "This should have been us." "No honey. I know you don't believe me, but you make a much better Barbie than I could ever be, and even if you won our bet we'd have never been like boyfriend and girlfriend like you'd want us to be," said Tara, putting her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes while dancing. "Sure I would have been your date, but not a cute couple like you and Rex make. I told you I love getting dressed up, but really I'm just here for some fun and to get laid." "I think I would have been good with that," said Bob, as Tara spun away from him. "In fact really really good with that." "Yeah I bet you would, you little slut," teased Tara, taking him by the hand. "Now come on and let's go freshen up." "You guys go ahead," said Vanessa. "I'll get us drinks and meet you back at the table." Just holding Tara's soft firm hand felt amazing to him as they briefly stopped at their table, grabbing their purses and went into the ladies room. She pulled him right inside the handicap stall and without hesitation pulled down her panties before sitting to pee. He wasn't sure whether he should look away, but couldn't help staring as there wasn't much to see except to look down at her breasts before quickly she emptied her bladder and wiped. "Ok, I know this is tough in a dress like this," said Tara, unzipping the back partially and then hiking it up. "Now just hold the ends off the floor and then allow me. I'm sure your teeth must be floating by now." "Well not really but-" Bob was surprised as she pulled open the snaps easily and then he sat, feeling major relief as his balls slipped right out of their cavity before he peed like a race horse . "Ohhhhh... maybe you were right!" "Trust me, I've been in dresses like this before, and you need help sometime," said Tara as he wiped. "Better I help you now when I can. I won't be with you all night you know." "But I wish you were," said Bob, standing and flushing. "Tara, I..." "Don't please..... Sorry but that's on you and we've both got dates now," said Tara, bending and yanking him back, tucking him before snapping the hooks between his legs. "I mean no doubt that could have been you instead of Justin, and from what I've seen you've got way more in those pretty panties than your buddy has, so my guess is your night in bed with Rex will blow mine away." "Please, can't we just lose that last part?" Bob asked as she turned him away from her, zipping up his dress. "I've already done everything." "Not everything, pretty girl," said Tara, spinning him around before she leaned in and kissed him. It was an even more stunning moment than any he'd had before, even trumping those that revealed him as a girl or even as a blonde. No kiss from any girl had ever been so striking or feverish as she commanded the moment and then stuck her tongue in his mouth. The kiss lasted a good ninety seconds as she ground up against him and pushed him hard into the stall wall. When her knee jammed up the slit of his dress right against his tucked privates, he thought his head was going to pop off, but as quick as that sent his adrenaline streaming through his body, but quickly the rush ended as she pulled back her leg. "Feel better," smiled Tara, breaking the kiss, staring at him and then pecking another. "Yyyeee.. yes.. but I..." replied Bob, stunned as she pressed her index finger over his lips, stopping him from speaking as she shook her head no. "Sssshhhh.... Good because like I said, you will honor the entire bet and consider that kiss my little concession to calm your nerves," said Tara, backing away and unlocking the stall. "I already told you I expect your night in bed with Rex will blow away mine in bed with Justin. But while I'm blowing him, you'll be blowing Rex and if you're a very very good girl like the one I just kissed..... then maybe he'll just blow you away too." "You're saying he'd," Sighed Bob, practically falling off his heels as she dragging him towards the vanity. "Oh didn't I mention?" Tara smiled before opening his purse and handed him his lipstick. "You're the perfect girl for my brother. You know his type!" "His type?" Bob asked as she repaired her lips and checked her hair. "You mean ... A blonde Barbie girl?" "Well maybe, but not exactly silly!.... Why do you think he's here with you? It's his prom too, you know?" said Tara, unscrewing his lipstick and wiping any mess from the edges of his mouth from their kiss. "Smile wide and then pucker, hon." "I thought because you forced him and he doesn't really have any friends," said Bob, as she fixed his lips. "Or maybe as a favor to you or something?" "Would you kiss a boy in a dress for your sister?" Tara asked, doing the edges of his lips with a pencil. "Eeeww," Sighed Bob. "Of course I wouldn't!" "So really I meant more like why is he so excited to be with a girl like you then? You know a hot chick with... you know a big dick," Smirked Tara, rubbing the gloss across his lips. "My brother in case it matters to you is gay." "He's gay!" Bob gasped, instinctively squeezing his butt cheeks together. "You mean all the times we teased him.... Wow, I was really only teasing... I was right?" "Yes, and I'm bi if that matters," said Tara, raising her brows. "I don't normally talk about this stuff as it's no one's business, but I thought you should know." "So you like girls and guys," said Bob floored. "And that kiss." "Yeah it was nice and that was me kissing a girl," said Tara, lifting little sections of Bob's hair and spraying it. "But really it was to help relax you. Half my basketball team in high school were lesbians, and I dated one of them for a while. I dated boys too, but I think you'll be the first girl for my brother." "But I'm not a girl, Tara," said Bob, staring into the big mirror as she picked at his hair from behind. "You kidding? Trust me I wish I could pull off the bow or all these curls as well as you, Bobbi," said Tara, smiling and spraying the bow behind his head. "My brother is most comfortable around women, but just desires different things in the bedroom. Sure, on the outside he's big and tough but he's sensitive and a fashion freak. I made sure not to miss a detail on you for him just as much as myself, because he'd critique me endlessly if I did. Trust me, he can almost help you more than I can with outfits and what looks good. I send him pictures of every dress we both tried on and in the end he picked both of these." "How late is it? This must be just a nightmare," said Bob, as she put everything away now in their purses. "No, it's prom night. True, it's getting late but prom night is a magical night," said Tara, taking his hand and swinging open the door. "And I think you'll find the last obligation of your bet more magical than you think. Now I'm getting horny just thinking about all this stuff, so let's get back to the guys because I'm sure their minds are all on the same thing by now, but there's still plenty of prom left to enjoy first." Bob's head was spinning as she pulled him from the ladies room as they walked back to the table. He unexpectedly looked at Rex a totally different way, almost wishing he didn't know about Rex's sexual orientation, knowing now that Rex really might be dying to ravish his male body under his feminized frame. When their eyes met, it was like a lightbulb went on in his head as he thought maybe Rex wouldn't be as interested in him as a girl, and then with nothing to lose jumped into his most effeminate character. "Careful of the curls, honey," said Bob, cuddling in towards Rex as they sat. "I love love how they came out and don't want that big strong arm of yours to crush them like you almost did before." "Of course not. They're gorgeous on you," said Rex, adjusting himself making sure he lifted Bob's hair softly above his arm as he wrapped it around Bob, touching his shoulder. "Guessed you missed me, then?" Asked Bob with a sheepish grin, touching his thigh, testing him. "Of course," said Rex, softly rubbing his back. "It was nice hanging with your buddies, but really I'm here to be with you." "That's so sweet," said Bob, turning his face and softly pecking the first kiss he initiated. "Just do not smear my lipstick please." "I'll try," smiled Rex, looking at him curiously, sliding one finger up and down his bare shoulder. "Are you ok? Were you drinking a lot with my sister? You seem so much more relaxed." "Stop! You're giving me goosebumps," Bob squirmed, turning and pressing down his lips so softly on Rex's for just a touch longer. "Now behave, because you wouldn't want your girlfriend looking a wreck and I just redid my makeup." "I would doubt that's even possible," said Rex, loving that Bob initiated and pressing down and initiating a much deeper longer kiss. At first he tried imagining he was still kissing Tara, but the touch was so different even if their family shared a common flare for unpredictable passion. When it broke, he tried not freaking out staring into Rex's eyes, not sure if his strategy had backfired as Rex leaned back into kissing him again. A touch on his lips wasn't so bad but then Rex's tongue was inside his mouth as he had little choice but to hope he could be too much woman for a man who liked guys. "Could have fooled me?" said Bob as they came up for air. "Because girl is trying to look her best so be gentle big guy. I may be your dress up Barbie, but I'm really more the girly girl type if you didn't figure that out yet." "I'm learning that, and so many interesting things," nodded Rex, as Bob opened his purse and took out his compact. "Good boy," said Bob, patting Rex's thigh as he looked into his little mirror and repaired his lips once again. "Aren't you two absolutely adorable together." "Oh hi, Sabrina," said Bob, looking up from glossing his lips. "Thank you." "So looks like everythings going well for you then this evening, Bobbi?" Questioned Sabrina. "A lot of the other students were worried about you, so I just wanted to make sure." "Yes, very nice prom," said Bob, being cuddled. "We're having a really nice time." "Great, I see that and I'm so happy for you. You look so beautiful," said Sabrina, leaning in giving him a quick hug and then he leaned back into Rex's arm. "You know I'm on the prom committee, and now I can tell them you're a definitely viable candidate." "Viable candidate?" Bob questioned as Sabrina was texting. "Yes, for prom queen," said Sabrina. "You're getting a lot of votes already, and you weren't even on the original ballot. I'll see you two out on the dance floor in about five minutes. They'll be introducing everyone nominated." "Did you just say my sister's nominated?" said Vanessa, walking up with Tara and their dates. "Yup, for prom queen, and she'll be getting my vote," said Sabrina. "See ya in a few and good luck, Bobbi." "You nominated me?" moaned Bob, jumping up from his seat getting in her face. "No," replied Vanessa, turning towards Tara. "Me either?" said Tara, putting up her hands. "Didn't even know we could?" "Anyone can," said Justin. "It's probably some of the girls from class. All they do is rave about him coming out. I heard some guys even asking if he had a sex change, and you should of heard some of them taking about you while they were gawking at you dancing with the girls." "Fantastic?" Bob muttered, shaking his head. "It was a bet and it's not even been a week. The bet is public knowledge, and everywhere on the internet!" "And so was that last make out session," giggled his sister. "You did a good job making that pretty public, and I don't think after half the place saw that then any guys will bother you. They're here with dates, and you seemed to make sure everyone knows you have a boyfriend now. I can't even believe it myself." "I'm so embarrassed," said Bob, turning red. "It's fine. Give us a second," said Tara, putting her arm around him and walking a few steps away from everyone. "No reason to be embarrassed, Bobbi. Better off making sure half the assholes here think you have a boyfriend so they don't bother you. I had to tell that kid Ryan from track you were taken. He's been dying to date you." "I forgot about him," Bob said. "Yeah but he didn't forget about you, and imagine if he saw you now," said Tara, rubbing his arm. "After graduation, you'll never see most of these kids again, and my brother already adores you. I think you already know that. Now take a deep breath and relax." "I don't even know what exactly what that means.... adores me and I don't think that's a good thing, Tara," said Bob, taking a breath. "Yes you do, and I saw you flirting. Turning on the charm," said Tara. "Now that I'll admit I didn't expect, but my parents did adore you too!" "Tara, that's not what you think," said Bob. "I was.. well.. all this is fucked up." "Excuse me sis," said Rex, interrupting. "They're waving us over, Bobbi." There was so much chitter chatter as they weaved through the crowd, walking hand and hand with Rex. He tried tuning it out but when he heard his name called, he wanted to die, mortified with the entire class's eyes upon him as he walked up onto the stage. While some kids believed this was all a bet, others felt differently yet either way, so many kids cheered as he was suddenly one of five candidates for prom queen. As they announced each candidate, the judging was simple as the roar of the crowd was used to determine the winner. With the first three getting little applause, it was down to the school quarterback and cheer captain that seemed a shoe in before the day had begun. They had a resounding round of cheers and jeers that easily trounced the other three couples and then it was Bob's turn. Just standing there being nominated was irritating enough, and then when the spotlight hovered over their heads, he wanted to crawl under a rock. "And last but not least," said Sabrina, with her hand pointing towards Bob and Rex. "Candidates number five. Mr. Rex Tomlinson and Miss Bobbi Barbie Tayyyylllooor." It took only a second to realize they had won, as the women in audience easily out screamed and applauded the jocks. Even the beautiful cheer captain, disappointed she didn't win, had tears of joy in her eyes as she hugged the girl that she had despised previously when she was a boy. Like a deer in headlights, he stood dumbfounded when the hug was over as Rex's lips pressed down on his under the bright spot light for all to see, instantly removing the last tiny fragment of masculinity that he had clung to. The quick kiss may have been a second or an hour, but either way it didn't matter as the entire school let out a collective scream celebrating their selection. Before he could even grasp what had happened, he found himself being lead to the center of the stage, barely functioning and then looked to his right, seeing a striking tall brunette. He remembered the gorgeous senior from last year now that she stood next to him on stage, and watched as they removed the crown from her head. It all happened now in slow motion, as girls attacked him on either side from behind, dropping a sash over his head and lifting her crown above his head. He looked down, visibly trembling at the white sash angling from the right with "2017 Prom Queen" in gold sparkling letters across his chest. He had felt the wrath of pins scraping at his scalp before, but never like this as the weight of the huge duchess teardrop tiara pulled back his head as a girl on either side rapidly fastened the princess crown as he stared out at the crowd. "Please raise your right hand, Miss Taylor and Mr. Tomlinson and praise your allegiance to your duties as 2017 Prom King and Queen," said Sabrina, as they handed Bob a huge bouquet of two dozen roses into his left hand and raised his right. "We do," said Rex, nudging Bob from his dazed state as he raised both of their hands together upward, signing victory. "Holy crap?" mumbled Bob, staring at the hundreds of students screaming his way. There were so many faces he knew and tons he didn't as he was suddenly the entire school's darling. He could barely fathom everything that had already occurred as he stood front and center as streamers and balloons rained down of them. As small slivers of confetti stuck to his hairspray, it was a surreal moment as he was suddenly the belle of the ball. "Congratulations to our lovely deserving couple," yelled Sabrina, pointing to the dance floor. "Now please enjoy your first dance together as our 2017 prom king and queen." He had no idea what that meant to be prom queen, but like it or not he was being led by the hand down the stairs off the stage. As Sabrina took his flowers for a moment, he was quickly arm and arm with Rex as the music began. He was scared shitless as everyone backed up suddenly, in a slow dance under the spotlight for all to see with seemingly half the student body snapping shots or filming his slow waltz. Once again he wanted to blink himself invisible, but instead he was thrust in a role of being envied by girls surrounding him at every turn. It was a momentum he couldn't stop as Rex ever so slowly spun him, realizing he could do nothing but clutch to him, stuck as the center of attention. Just seeing how the looks of disdain or bewilderment when they first saw him dressed in school now seemed to have turned to acceptance or jubilance helped at least relax him a bit as he looked up, seeing Rex look at him so lovingly. Any resistance he ever had was futile and almost a distant memory, as he saw Rex's lips approach his and like it or not now had to embrace the role as his Barbie, as the extremely public deep kiss was inescapable. It was different than the other pecks, as the oodles of sighs from the onlookers egged on their soft smooch to become so much deeper. It was no peck in the limo or at the table, or even a crowning one second smooch, as he had been thrust into the most romantic public moment any high school girl could ever imagine. As Rex dipped him back and he hung on for dear life balancing on the spikes of his heels as their lips truly interlocked as one. Just the imbalance and sheer terror only made him open his mouth even wider, as it was unavoidable anyway that Rex's tongue slid deeper into his mouth. As seconds began to become tens of seconds and extended over a minute, their kiss became passionate as Bob had little choice but to swirl tongues with Rex's. When the song finally ended, Rex lifted him back to his feet as the applause was deafening as everyone else joined them on the dance floor. His sister was crying as she hugged him and even Tara couldn't hold back her emotions as she wiped his lipstick from his cheek with her fingers. A few more dances as couples and finally the experience was over as the music finally mercifully ended. As relieved as Bob felt this was behind him, he was more frightened than ever at what he'd have to do next that night, as making out with Rex paled in comparison to going further completing his bet. The champagne was flowing as they got back in the limo and in a way it was better that Rex's lips were all over him, giving him no time to think. It was only a fifteen minute ride to the hotel, and when the limo driver opened the door, all he could think about was taking off running like he was back on the track. With his fingers locked between Rex's that would be out of the question anyway, and his feet were already barking from dancing in heels. There was no shot he could speed off in a tight dress and stilettoes anyway, as the only steps he found himself taking were behind the other couples, hand in hand with his boyfriend as they walked into the hotel. Rex already knew how nervous Bob was, softly kissing his ear and cheek as the girls went to the desk, getting the room keys. Ther mother had already checked them in and pre-paid, so it was quick as Bob barely got to think too much about what was next, gazing up into the fabulous atrium at the grand Embassy Suites. "Ok then," said Vanessa, handing the guys the keys as she walked over pushing the elevator button. "They'll be sending up our luggage, so let's get moving." He was dying as he held hands with Rex, staring out of the glass elevator as suddenly everyone was becoming small in the distance and the elevator rose up towards their floor. Barely a word was uttered by his sister or Tara as they made out the entire way up, and then he heard the dreaded ding as the elevator stopped at their floor. "Last stop," said Tara, taking a breath before looking at Bob and whispering into his ear. "And last part of our deal. Believe me I think you're about to enjoy something more special than you could have ever imagined. I'll see you first thing in the morning, and help you, but first enjoy tonight honey." He could barely hold it together emotionally as they all got off the elevator, and instantly his sister hugged him. "Love you, and see you tomorrow, sis," said Vanessa, squeezing him before hurrying down the corridor hand in hand with her date. "Goodnight everyone." "Love you Ness and have fun," smiled Tara, watching her friend hurry away before turning and hugging Bob and then pointing at her brother as she began walking away. "You make a beautiful prom queen, Miss Taylor. Now make sure your queen gets nothing but the royal treatment, my dear brother. That part is our deal." "That was never in question," said Rex, lifting Bob off the floor. "Whhhooooaaahh," Bob cried out, suddenly in Rex's arms and being carried down the hallway. The only time he'd ever been in a suite was with his parents on vacation, and he had never even been in a hotel with a girl before, except for a few cheap by the hour motels. His stomach was completely in knots as Rex slipped the key in the door and never put him down until they were well inside the room. He needed a second just to keep from having a panic attack, as Rex walked over popping the bubbly as the champagne was already on ice. He almost couldn't fathom that he was now alone with a boy as his prom date in the spacious suite, as he slowly wandered around the lovely suite, killing time. He was mostly not wanting to look but his curiosity had the better of him as he glanced into the bedroom, seeing the single king sized bed. "Come sit," said Rex, patting the big couch as he poured Bob and himself a glass. "You already know I don't bite my lovely queen. What an amazing honor, them picking you." "Rex, I can't do this." Bob was handed his glass. "You're a great guy and I'm sorry for anything I ever said in the past but..." "Sssshhh... easy," said Rex, wrapping his wrist around Bob's. "Just sip. It's incredibly sweet, and it's incredibly special night for a special girl." "Mmm.. it is sweet," said Bob, enjoying the champagne. "Wow, I've never tasted anything like that before." "Exactly Barbie, and you've never tasted so many wonderful things so don't be nervous with me. Just try to think of that sweet champagne as a first of many new things that I know you'll soon acquire a taste for," said Rex, putting down his glass and pressing his lips softly down on Bob's before looking into his eyes, touching his hair. "So relax and let me expand that pallet of yours. Sit back now and let me show you how a king should worship his queen." "What are you?" Bob shivered as Rex slid off the couch onto his knees right in front of him. "Ssshhh," said Rex, putting his left index finger over Bob's lips as he slid his hand under his dress. It was certainly not what he expected, as expertly Rex undid the snaps between his legs and untucked his manhood. Never had a girl held it the way Rex did, rubbing the rim of his penis and manipulating the shaft. Rex stood up without releasing his grip, pulling Bob to his feet and pressed down his lips on his. All the kissing and tonguing at the prom where nothing like this, as it seemed so much more tender and gratifying as something just felt so different as he was being tenderly stroked while kissed. Maybe it was because he was no longer on display or being humiliated but he found himself kissing him back so very passionately for the first time. He reached up, digging his nails through Rex's hair, feeling tingles down his spine he never felt before, and then suddenly Rex let go before stepping back a few inches, as Bob realized he was rock hard. He wasn't sure how to react as Rex just smiled at him without saying a word and then placed his hands at Bob's hips. A few twists of Rex's palms hiked up the fitted portion of Bob's dress around his hips and then Rex got down on one knee, placing his head inside the hiked up slit. He almost jumped off his heels, feeling his calves and thighs twitching as Rex's tongue slithered around his manhood. It was a chill he had never felt through his body once Rex began sucking him feverishly, as this was nothing like any little skank he'd hooked up with from class. He had to hold on to Rex's shoulder just not to tip over, as he was suddenly flabbergasted by Rex's unexpected skills. The deep throated slithering of this king satisfying his queen was nothing like anything he could have ever imagined as he exploded less than two minutes into the amazing ordeal, more content than he'd ever felt in his life. "Hope that helped relax you a little, Barbie," said Rex, finally coming up for air as he licked him completely clean. "You absolute delight of a woman!" "I don't even know how to answer that," said Bob, plopping back down on the couch as Rex stood up, pouring them each another glass of champagne. "You don't have to," said Rex as they heard a knock at the door as Rex tossed a pillow onto his lap. "Just maybe keep that on top of your dress for a moment, and that should be our room service." Bob quickly pulled down his dress and sat the pillow atop his lap, blocking the little semi-aroused bulge in his dress. He recognized his suitcase that his mother or sister must have packed for him being brought into the bedroom, with another for Rex by one bellhop, and then another wheeled in a few covered trays of food. When Rex tipped them, he was a little hungry yet somehow still aroused as Rex returned to the couch, pressing down on his lips once more. Right away he realized he was kissing Rex's mouth that just recently was in a place he could have never imagined. All he could taste though was the bubbly as it was a momentum he could no longer stop, as Rex paused, pouring them more. Another glass of champagne followed an incredibly passionate kiss and Rex oddly got up, allowing Bob to catch his breath. "So I've heard you love chocolate and strawberries," said Rex, lifting a silver top from a huge tray. "Who told you that?" said Bob, as his face lit up, seeing Rex dip a strawberry into some chocolate. "My romantic senses my queen," putting the strawberry into Bob's mouth and letting him take a bite. "This is all crazy, Rex," Bob said with his mouth full, chewing. "I'm no queen, but it's like you're actually treating me as one." "Of course you are. You're my queen, at least for a day and apparently the entire school agrees. Don't they?" said Rex, dipping another and feeding him. "This tastes incredible," Rex was again chewing. "Is this really how girls are supposed to be treated on prom night?" "I think so... but I'm a hopeless romantic, romancing the most beautiful girl at the prom in a sparkling tiara with beautiful big blue eyes, gorgeous flowing curls and in an amazing dress that I want to bow down and worship," said Rex, dipping a large strawberry in the chocolate before putting it half way in his mouth. "Oh Rex," sighed Bob, so confused, never having felt so flattered or revered, softly biting down on the other half of the strawberry before their lips touched as they shared it. Three or four times now they paused, sharing kisses, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries until finally Rex got up to his feet and took a deep breath. "I think it's my turn," nodded Bob as he undid Rex's belt and closed his eyes, pulling open the button. "But just don't rush me. I'm really scared." Bob couldn't look as he unzipped the zipper and then felt Rex lift his bottom, sliding off his pants. "Of course not, and this will make it easier, Bobbie," said Rex, dropping a pillow towards the floor. "Call me Barbie tonight please, as Bob's not here, ok?" said Bob, kneeling down and shaking as he stared at Rex's hard member. "I know I have to do this for my bet, but you've made me feel so at home as a girl that it just feels so right now." "Thank you," said Rex, reaching out and squeezing his trembling hand. "You're already an incredible woman, so just trust your instincts and the night is still young, my darling Barbie." "I'm not sure if that's good or bad but somehow you've brought out the woman in me, and I guess we're about to both find out if I can handle it myself," said Bob, cringing as he reached forward, grabbing hold of his member. "You're so fucking sweet, and it can't taste that bad, right?" "All you tasted when I kissed you after was champagne and chocolate right?" said Rex, touching his face lovingly as he looked down at him. "Just relax your throat like you did with the carrot, and the next thing you know you'll be tasting strawberries again." He certainly couldn't believe it himself as he dipped down his face and opened his mouth, taking Rex's member inside him. At first it was tough pulling right off the first few times, but all he could taste was the chocolate on the roof of his mouth. He thought about what he liked when it was done to him as he licked around the shaft and then suckled his balls. The first little moan from Rex only served to make Bob feel even hotter as he began bobbing up and down, testing how far he could go. It took a minute or longer to assess his limits as he tried relaxing his throat and then began picking up the pace as he felt Rex's hands touching his shoulder. Faster and faster he sucked as Rex's hand began pushing at the back of his neck. It was stimulating and frightening all at the same time, until a rush he couldn't believe filled his throat and he pulled back as it dripped out of his mouth. He couldn't fight back the tears as he sobbed for a moment, gulping down what was half choking him. The softest rub on his back soothing encouragement as he glanced up at Rex, wiping his cheeks and then licking up the mess. When he swallowed the last drop he saw, his lips were met with champagne as Rex held a glass to them, allowing him to sip. Before he could even fret about any of his actions, Rex lifted him from the floor into his arms, placing him on his lap on the couch and any regret would be an afterthought as their lips took over. A good ten minutes of kissing and then Rex stood to his feet, still cradling Bob in his arms as he wiggled his ankles. As Bob looked down, he could see Rex kick off his shoes and the pants from his ankles and then he turned away from the couch, carrying him off into the bedroom. When he placed him down at the foot of the bed, he stepped behind Bob, unzipping his dress. With his hands softly touching Bob's spine, he felt a chill like never before in his life as Rex's hands slid down his vertebrae before heading inside his dress and lifted it off his faux breast. As they slithered down, parting the gown across his corseted rib cage, he then ever so gently pushed down the dress past his hips. When his dress finally slid to the floor, Rex's tongue entered Bob's left ear as he sighed in pleasure, never feeling more desired or shockingly more ready. He stepped out of his dress, kicking it away before turning around and looking up at Rex with a soft smile on his face, ever so slowly nodding. They looked up into each other's eyes as Bob unbuttoned Rex's shirt completely now, embracing his role as his girlfriend and lover. When he tossed it away, he looked down, staring at the large muscular wrestler's physique now fully naked, never seeing anything like it even in his years in the locker room. He needed a second to gather himself, closing his eyes momentarily before opening them, looking away and then staring down at himself in his pink lingerie, thinking he should pinch himself. Without the element of his dress atop his cinched in waist, he felt so much thinner and his legs looked so much longer as he felt so sultry yet delicate in his soft satin lingerie. One step to the right and his heels looked some much higher, and one back to the left and his curls just seemed so much longer as they spilled across to the front of his shoulders. While his mind seemingly needed a minute, his body obviously felt differently as he was already completely aroused yet looking like he was fresh out of a Fredrick's catalog except for the huge erection already streaming upward between his legs. There'd be no hiding his lust for his boyfriend now, as he stepped back towards him initiating a tender kiss and sticking his tongue into his mouth. It was insane to feel Rex's hard member on his stomach as they traded saliva, yet the next thing he knew Rex's lips had slid down to his neck. He was so tender with his lips as Bob gasped for air when he changed pace, gingerly nibbling and before he even knew what hit him,, Rex had manipulated his way behind him now. Rex was so smooth and stimulating as it happened so fast, yet as much as it scared him he could barely handle the anticipation. It felt like a thirst that would never be quenched, as he could feel the slippery lube tip poke around but not push all the way in. He reached back with both hands, digging his nails through Rex's hair, continually sighing as the tease was too much. He wiggled his butt cheeks pushing back to initiate more tension, and then Rex adjusted his position as he felt his tissue further parting. It was the most erotic moment of his young life as he screamed from the stretching, and then he was moaning and yelling as Rex penetrated him. "HHooollllyy shhhhiiittt," cried Bob, as Rex began thrusting. "Yesss..... Yeeeeessss. Please don't stop. Unbelieveable Rex. Oh mmyyy gawwwddd." He was all woman now, enjoying his man as they spent the long night embroiled in passionate sex. It was more erotic and consuming than he could have ever fathomed, as he allowed Rex to have him until their bodies gave out. Rex sucking him off was followed by anal missionary and then being mounted spread eagle before they both passed out, exhausted in each other arms. The night he feared instead served as the longest and most fulfilling sexual night of his life by a mile. He woke only to pee and then cuddled right back into Rex's armpit with his face at his nipple, kissing his chest as he snuggled him in. As a guy, it was just a quick exercise banging a chick getting his rocks off or more recently even wilder yanking himself to a sexy image, even if it was his own. Those as it turned out now were only mild cases of self-satisfaction, as he fell back to sleep in his boyfriend's arms, suddenly content in a way he didn't know existed, even if it was just for one night, and because he couldn't sink a long jump shot.

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Early Teen Wanking Story Part 1

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My 6Month Thailand Sojourn

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The Little Boy at the Grocery Store

-1- I was picking out some peaches at Kroger’s a few days ago when I heard a soft little voice say, ‘Hello Mister!’ I changed my focus from the yellow peaches and looked up and saw the most beautiful little boy I’d ever seen. At first glance, I figured he was about two-years-old, but as he continued to hold a conversation with me for the next two or three minutes, I realized he must be a little older than that because of the words he used and the way be communicated his thoughts. His mother...

2 years ago
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Which Arm

WHICH ARM? Chapter 1 - My Damn Cousins Invite Chapter 2 - The Notebook Chapter 3 - Waiting for sunup Chapter 4 - Back home Which Arm? Chapter 1 - My Damn Cousins Invite My cousin Harry Reeves and I were both very familiar with the legend of the Damascus Bracelet. Our long deceased grandfather's tales about our ancestors, had made hunting the Bracelet a lifelong quest for Harry. When we were little kids, grandfather repeatedly told us about his grandfather losing the...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 17

I awoke to the sensation of a naked form pressed up against me on either side. I looked and found Lillian on my left and Janet on my right. I was not sure how long I had been asleep but based on the sounds coming from the forest around us, it was close to dawn. I tried to remove myself from their embrace, but that only served to awaken both as a result. I watched as both women stretched their aching muscles and enjoyed the delightful way their breasts jiggled with each movement. I saw the...

2 years ago
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Worth ItChapter 4

Topher was in a meeting at NationComm on Thursday morning when his phone rang. He held up a finger to Steve Lang, the manager he'd once coded for and now provided coders for. "I need to take this." Before anyone could object, he stepped out into the next conference room and closed the door. "What's up?" Allegra asked when he answered the phone. He'd texted her to ask her to call when she could, not wanting to interrupt her work. "I found a boxing match this weekend ... a mixed card...

3 years ago
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Girls on the Beach

Girls on the Beach “I just hope we don’t see anyone we know!” says Kate as we settle down on the train at Victoria. “Don’t worry,” replies Jess “They’ll all be stuck indoors, wishing they were out here with us!” It’s a Thursday, and by rights we should all be studying like the good girls we aren’t, Kate at her History lectures, Jess at a Geography seminar, Lizzie swotting for a Chemistry practical, and me researching for my essay on the Lake Poets (yawn!). It’s been a beautiful hot sunny...

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