A Morris Man's Tale Part 2 free porn video

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This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you.

Chapter Three

“Ok, you stay there whilst I get myself sorted out and then get things started”. I push back the duvet and unzip my bag, getting out I scoot to the edge of the bed and locate my t-shirt and trousers, sliding into them next stop is the bathroom, toilet and wash my hands. Coming out I come face to face with Jenny, she stretches a little and says, “Morning again.” and gives me a peck on the lips as she passes me to go to the bathroom herself. I fill up the kettle and put it on one of the back rings, they are quicker than the front ones, and go for a delve under the oven for a couple of frying pans, just as I get down Jenny tries to exit the bathroom, not possible as my size tens are in the way. Keeping hold of the pans I get up and tell her that “it’s all clear now, safe to exit”.
As she comes out of the bathroom and heads back to the bed I say “cheeky, I didn’t know you had the same fashion sense as John Major!!”
“What do you mean?”
“In an interview it emerged that he tucked his shirt into his underpants, the cartoonist Steve Bell always portrayed him with his pants outside his trousers, check where you have your t-shirts tucked.”
“If you were a gentleman you wouldn’t be looking.”
“I never claimed to be a gentleman, now scoot back onto the bed and give the chef your breakfast order, bearing in mind that if you are staying here, and I really do hope that you will, there probably won’t be any more solid food till tonight, The options are sausages, bacon, black pudding and hash browns, no eggs I’m afraid, I can’t handle them so I don’t bring any.”
“Everything except black pudding for me please.”
“Two of each?” I ask.
“If it has to last till tonight then yes please.”
I go onto auto pilot then, This is the breakfast Lynda and I had every time we were away with the van and the Morris, Lynda staying in bed until I put the bacon on to fry, Then she moved quickly, up, dressed and out to the awning, lay the table and cut and butter the bread before the bacon was too crispy.
“This will take twenty five minutes before we can eat; mugs of tea will be ready in two or three minutes. Are you up for a few verses of Drunken Sailor while I’m cooking?” She nods in the affirmative.
I begin it in what I hope is a comfortable key, as soon as I start Jenny joins in. “What shall we do with a drunken sailor, what shall we do with a drunken sailor, what shall we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning. Wey-hey and up she rises, Wey-hey and up she rises, Wey-hey and up she rises, early in the morning.
What shall we do with a drunken sailor, what shall we do with a drunken sailor, what shall we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning.” Again I harmonise on the wey-heys with long heys. Wey-hey and up she rises, Wey-hey and up she rises, Wey-hey and up she rises, early in the morning.
“That’s good, no need for more revision there. I assume you know your way round an MP3 player, see if you can find a reason for it all, by Eric Bogle,” I get the teapot out and the tea bags,
“Let me know when you have”
“Found it.”
I lean across and turn the radio on, switch input to Aux and turn the volume up a bit. “Have a good listen, if or when we do it, I’ll do the bass, you take the high line. If you have a look in the top draw by the wardrobe you should find the Eric Bogle songbook so you can follow the words.” The kettle starts to whistle so I make a brew while the song is going,

Summer's smiling on the city, it’s another lovely day in Sydney,
Sunshine pouring down like honey in a golden waterfall
But in the room where Clare is dying, no sunshine sends the shadows flying,
No children gather round her crying, there's no one here at all,
Except perhaps for the man who sees each little sparrow fall.

Don't talk to me about lonely souls crying,
Dark quiet rooms and old people dying.
I don't want to hear, I don't want to hear it at all.
Tired old people die alone every day,
Don't blame me, I didn't make it that way.
That's just how it is, don't look for a reason in it all.

Winter weeping on the city, a wet and windy day in Sydney,
Rain drops rolling fat and heavy down Clare's window pane.
The rain upon the tin roof beating, disturb the rats as they are feeding.
Back to the nest they all go creeping, leaving Clare alone again.
It's been a long and lonely time since Clare could hear the rain.

Don't talk to me about the meaning of life;
don’t sing your songs that cut like a knife.
I don't want to hear, I don't want to hear it at all.
Lonely old people ain't my concern,
from dust we come, to dust we return
And that's all there is, don't look for a reason in it all.

Springtime’s come at last to Sydney; flowers are blooming in the city.
In all their multi coloured glory, they rise to greet the year.
Memories in chain recalling, footsteps on the front porch falling,
Voices through the window calling, is anybody here?
Clare Campbell's lost and lonely soul is a long, long way from here.

Don't talk to me about life's seasons,
don’t ask me for answers, don't ask me for reasons.
I don't want to hear, I don't want to hear it at all.
From the moment we're born, we start to die;
A man can go crazy if he keeps asking why.
That's just how it is; don't look for a reason in it all.
“Wow, that’s going to be difficult to perform,”
“It isn’t as difficult as it sounds; just concentrate on the tune of the second part, once you can carry that all you have to do is sing the words. The difficult bit is the duet at the end, we will probably both sing the same words and tune.
“Tea up, when your bit comes up have a go.” I pass her a mug of tea, following the song in my mind I know that in...Four ..Three..Two.. One..
“Don't talk to me about lonely souls crying,
Dark quiet rooms and old people dying.” She comes in perfectly, it seems as if she would be more comfortable singing a tone or two higher, but she continues to sing along with the song, as I continue with breakfast, “last time through Jenny,” I say, “I am putting the bacon in now, how do you like your bacon, crispy or just cooked.”
“Just cooked, I don’t like my food burnt to death thanks.” While the bacon is starting, I turn on the water heater and then open the cupboard to get the bread, cut a couple of slices and butter them, turn ninety degrees and drain all the water off the bacon, turn the bacon and then turn up the heat under it. Take the bread and refilled tea pot out to the table. Back inside get two plates out and the cutlery. “Breakfast up, Jenny, come and get it.” I plate up, remembering not to give her black pudding.
“Hey, I’m not even dressed yet, I can’t go out like this,” she says holding out the Faversham T-shirt.
“If it’s ok in front of me it should be ok in front of everyone else, but if you’re worried just slip your trousers on, but hurry, this chef doesn’t like serving cold food!
“Ok I’ll go like this if you’re sure, which side should I sit.”
“You choose, it makes no odds either way.” She goes to the far side of the table so that her back is to the window; I place her plate in front of her, and return inside for my plate and the assorted pills and potions that keep me running smoothly.
“This is a smashing start to the day, do you live like this all the time, or just to impress the visitors.”
“This is normal when I’m in the van, the rest of the time its Shreddies or Gerbil food.”
“What’s Gerbil food?”
“That’s one of the less impolite names for Muesli.” Silence descends as we work our way through our breakfasts, I have to confess I am very hungry today, whether it was the nervous energy used yesterday or the smaller portions for dinner last night, or something else I don’t know. Jenny tucks in with all the enthusiasm of a youngster who knows they will burn it off. My body stores it as fat like an old miser hoarding pennies. I pour another mug of tea for myself and offer the pot towards Jenny, she nods yes, so I pour her one as well. As I wipe the last of the fat from my plate with the last of my bread, I lean back and let loose a very satisfied sigh. Jenny is not far behind in finishing hers, “That was brilliant, I need at least ten minutes settling time before I think about washing up,” she says.
“Don’t worry about that, we’ll let breakfast settle for a bit, maybe take a lap around the field, to see who’s about, I might even let you get dressed first!”
“I was so comfortable I forgot that I came straight out.”
“Smile please, visitors approaching the door now,”
“Who is it?” She asks, trying without much success to stretch my t-shirt down to mid thigh.
“Hello Ken, Sue, how are you both this morning?”
“We’re ok, Thanks. Looks like you are running late today, Have a lie-in did you? I see at least one of you managed to get dressed, Frank, I’m disappointed in you, keeping a disorderly van.”
“Ease up Ken; Jenny’s blushing so much that I’m scared the awning might catch fire.” I said. Sue chipped in, “Give them some peace, it was their first night!” “Please, the pair of you, stop trying to embarrass us, I’m immune as I’ve known you too long. Yes, we did get up late, but yesterday was a bit of a ‘mare for Jenny, so after we left you we spent an hour talking about this and that, played some music and it must have been close to midnight before we got settled. So why are wandering around, at this time of day wouldn’t you normally be kitting up by now?”
“We wanted to make sure you were ok, this being your first solo, sorry this was going to be your first solo since Lynda died, and we didn’t expect you to find company quite so quickly.”
“Yes we’re ok, thanks, just letting our breakfasts settle before beginning the chores, and working out what to do with the rest of the day; I assume it’s a liquid lunch at the Gordon around one o’clock, and according to the program Bounty Hounds are on about then.”
“That sounds like a plan then, see you later” said Sue “Bye”
“That’s got the middle of the day sorted, I don’t know about you but I’m going to pop my pills and potions and then go horizontal for a bit” I take my Glucosamine, Cod Liver oil capsule and wash them down with the last of my tea, “coming to listen to some music for a bit.”
“Why not, although I feel guilty leaving the table like this.” Inside the van I switch on the radio to Aux and laying back on the bed suggest Jenny chooses the music from the MP3 player, I am surprised to hear Morris music, The Mother of all Morris, to be accurate and definitely not the best Morris CD I have, but well worth listening to.
“Is there any particular reason you chose this one.”
“No, but this is a Morris weekend, and I ought to at least know a little about what I will hear.” She says as she lays back on the bed beside me, “cuddle me please?” she asks as she lifts her head to allow my arm to go around her shoulders and she rest her arm across my stomach, this isn’t very comfortable after a big breakfast so I move her arm up a bit, ‘Oh why is this so addictive? I never felt this way with Lynda although I was twenty five years younger then.’ By halfway through the CD I am starting to feel heavy eyed and know this is no time for another jaunt with the faeries, Jenny is still awake and moving to the music so I don’t have worry about disturbing her too much when I start to get my arm out from under her,
“Sorry but I was getting too comfortable for our own good, if Ken and Sue come past and see the plates still on the table we will never hear the end of it, you stay here and I’ll get started.” As I start to get up from the bed I am suddenly yanked back by my t-shirt, “I said I would do the washing up Mr Chef, now sit, if you want something to do play a tune on something or sing another song of the sea.”
On her way past me I make a grab for her with the idea of delaying her getting to the sink, as I hold her she turns in my arms and pushes me back on the bed, bending down she kisses me soundly on the lips, “now behave and play something.” I was that surprised all I could do was to watch her go to the sink; she had such a wiggle going on under my t-shirt I could do nothing else. “While you’re starting on the washing up I’ll have a wash and do my teeth, see you in a bit.” After a few minutes I come out to find most of the washing and drying done so I begin putting stuff away, in another couple of minutes and it’s all done. Your turn for the bathroom, do you fancy another brew when you are finished” “Yes please.” Once the kettle is on I turn off the water heater.
“Don’t come out until after I tap on the door, I am going to get changed,” all the blinds are down so I just close the door and strip, sort out clean clothes Dead horse t-shirt, loose flannel check trousers and clean underwear, no socks as I will be wearing sandals so I am sorted, what can I do to help Jenny? She only has the clothes she wore yesterday; best wait till she comes out. I tap on the bathroom door and a minute or so later she comes out wrapped in the bath towel, “I forgot to take my clothes in, I will have to make do with what I had on yesterday.”
“I know they don’t fit you anywhere near properly, but you’re welcome to have a rummage through my t-shirts, one of them might tie in around your waist, or maybe we can get creative with the sewing kit and a couple of bandanas, later on when we go down the town we could splash out in one of the charity shops to get you a couple of changes of clothing.” The kettle starts to whistle and so I turn to the cooker and start to make the tea, after I poured the water into the pot I turned round just as Jenny was about to put on a Widders t-shirt, her back was to me and the towel was on the bed and she was bare, obviously a rare sight, very slim, hips flaring nicely and I thought it was the cut of her coat! I can see the swell of her breast in the wardrobe mirror, very, very nice, no visible droop. Thighs firm and well muscled as she worked on her balance as the t-shirt slid down over her bust, time to turn away, I don’t want to be caught peeping.
“Well, what do you think?”Asks Jenny, I can feel myself blushing, ‘bugger it I’m fifty, why should I colour up over an innocent question?’ I finish pouring the tea before I turn around to look, being aware that she only had the t-shirt on but not knowing it if you get my drift, “That looks good, can you give it a bit of shape, put your hand on your hips and gather a bit of material, she looks very uncertain so I walk up behind her and holding her hips move her towards the mirror on the wardrobe as I gather a few inches of material each side and ask.
“What do you think? Over trousers with a bandana to hold it close should look good. ” From her viewpoint and mine over her shoulder the tee looked good but from a hip level view it would be much more interesting.
“Yes, I like it, could you turn round so I can finish dressing, please.”
“Eh, errh, oh yes, sure.” I sort of fluster out and finish making the tea. Tea’s up.” She is now fully dressed except the t-shirt is loose, I go to the middle shelf of the wardrobe and pull a lilac and black bandana and folding it parallel to the diagonal fashion a belt of sorts, I drop to my knees, “come closer please,” I place the bandana around her just above her hips and tie it with a necktie knot on her left hip, once it is in position I re-arrange the t-shirt gathers to keep as much of the artwork square but with good shape for her body. “There you go, how does that appear to you.”
“That looks very good; you really are very talented you know, what sort of work do you do?”
“I don’t,” while continuing my answer I get off my knees and swing round to sit on the bed, Jenny sits beside me. “Lynda and I had a nice little pickup on the lottery eight years ago, so I went from full time as a toolmaker to a part time job in a shop two and a half days a week, I didn’t have to work but it was good to have another interest apart from the Morris, our kids and the allotments. The idea was to have lots of long weekends away from April to October in this van, taking our bikes sometimes, semi retirement really, just practicing for when we did finally finish working.”
“Do you mind me asking what happened?”

Chapter Four
“I don’t mind you asking, but answering might be difficult for me, in two words, Breast Cancer. Lynda’s mum had it but that wasn’t what killed her that was related to her diabetes, two of Lynda’s aunties on her mums side died of breast cancer. Because of the family history, Lynda qualified for the new gene analysis screening and that showed Lynda had a very high chance of also falling victim, Sarah was tested at the same time and thankfully she had only the normal low risk of breast cancer. Lynda was given the option of a double mastectomy as a preventative treatment with reconstructive surgery later. The mastectomies took place two weeks later, they found cancer cells in the removed tissue when it was studied after the operation but it was too late for any worthwhile treatment for Lynda by the time they had her in on a follow up, there were secondary’s in half a score of places; the funeral was four weeks two days after the recall.” At the end of this short story I am predictably crying and Jenny holds me and cuddles me up close. “That is my potted life story, and only goes to show,,,,, what? I don’t know, and I’m fed up with all this self analysis and depression that goes with it. I’m fed up with only seeing weeds; I want to see some flowers for a change.”
“Look, Frank, we’ve both had a crap twelve months, what we’ve had is gone into the past, and I never thought I would hear myself say this but all we can do is look forward, maybe we were supposed to meet and support each other, how do I know, but I do know there are a lot of flowers out there and for me you are one of those flowers, look inside yourself and try to see what others see, maybe you will see a flower. It’s possible that being here with all the window blinds down, curtains drawn and the door shut isn’t helping matters, let’s let some of that sunshine in.” After this little talking too from Jenny she slides off the bed and kneeling between my legs gives me a long gentle kiss on the lips, after the kiss ends with a searching look into my eyes she gets up and crawls across the bed to open the front blinds and curtains.
”We started opening up just in time, Ken and Sue are now leaving their van and I think it’s Harry and Val as they have two youngsters as well with them, they have their kit on and have black faces. You go and wash your eyes; I will see you outside in a minute, as I go into the bathroom I see Jenny sitting in the van doorway putting her shoes on. When I have done my face again I come out into the awning, Sue, Val and Jenny are talking a few yards away I hear Sue saying sorry to Jenny over the embarrassment caused by the earlier conversation, and Jenny’s voice is quieter when she replies or maybe it’s just that she is facing away from me and the breeze through the trees masks her voice but I don’t hear her reply.

“Don’t worry about it; talking to Frank it would appear to go with the territory, he said the pair of you had a, now did he say, wicked or warped, sense of humour either way we don’t have a lot of choice, but he did say you could both be trusted totally, and although I have known him less than a day, I have some feelings for him, I haven’t a clue what they are but he is getting to me. I think part of it is he told me about Lynda, it takes a lot of trust for a man to open himself up like that, I feel connected somehow, I don’t know how to explain it.
“If he talked about Lynda you really are in the inner circle, he hasn’t told us about what happened yet, it still hurts too much I think.” Sue whispers, “He’s coming,” and in a normal voice, “What are you planning doing today,”
“I think a bit of clothes shopping around the charity shops, lunch at the Gordon, was it the Bounty Hounds that Frank said were playing and then just walk and talk and do the tourist thing.”
“What time are you thinking of going down the town Frank?” asks Sue.
“If Jenny’s ready, probably in a couple of minutes, I’ve just got to get my box, tankard, wallet and a jacket then lock up and go” “ I just need my handbag and phone and I’m good to go.” said Jenny.
“Come on then, Jenny, let’s get organised and burn off some of that breakfast.” It takes less than a minute to get ready, when we come out and zip up the awning Blackwater are swapping drums, sticks and bags amongst themselves. It is not a bad walk down to the town, up the steps out of the sports field, through the car park to the main gate, along the private road by the University of the Creative Arts (U.C.A.) across a playing field with a lot of old earthworks in it, (Fort Pitt?) the play area, some of the more juvenile members, and these are not necessarily the youngest, want to play, the sensible (?) ones make like grownups telling the children they can’t play now, maybe later if they are good. The next buildings of note are the old almshouses on the hill down to the high street. We cross a major road at the pedestrian crossing, and continue down into the high street itself, closed to traffic for the sweeps festival, there are a few shops before the first side out dancing.
“We will see you later” we yell to Ken and Sue, as we peel off into a Sue Ryder charity shop, Jenny starts looking through the rails at quite a rate, she obviously knows what she is looking for I might as well just stand back and admire the view as she takes her coat off and hands it to me, She finds a pair of shorts, I would have called them hot pants, she holds them in front of herself and looks to me for an opinion, as a personal opinion I don’t like hot pants, I did in the seventies, but that was different, you don’t need to ask me how, but it was. What do I do? I won’t chicken out, I twist my wrist both ways with my hand open and flat to indicate ‘iffy’ and then give thumbs down. This gets me a smile and a nod. Half a dozen items along and another hanger is selected this is a skirt, green tie dye, looks like corduroy, mid calf, it will be too heavy move or flow nicely, thumbs down, again a smile and a nod, a couple of minutes go by and another hanger selected a gypsy type blouse this time, white floral, the neckline looks very wide, puff sleeves.
Is she winding me up or testing / teasing me, deliberately picking unsuitable items, that gypsy blouse would have fell open at the front and it would have given a lovely view of her breasts, because remember, no bra when I saw her putting my t-shirt on. I wander over to her and whisper in her ear, “just you and me in the van, those hot pants and the gypsy top on you and I might consider myself a happy, dirty old man, but I’m not a dirty old man, I would like to see you dressed in a relaxed and easy style, so start looking properly or shall I choose four tops, two skirts and two pairs of trousers, and you will use them or those or streak!”
“He or she who pays the piper calls the tune.”
“Are asking me to put my money where my mouth is?”
“No, just winding you up, the look of almost panic when I picked out those shorts was so, so, funny I couldn’t resist going with it, sorry love, I’ll be good.”

Meanwhile up the road outside the Eagle, Val and Sue are discussing Frank and Jenny;
“Did you see the looks in their eyes when they talk to each other, and him telling her about Lynda, if they aren’t holding hands or got their arms around each other when we meet up at lunch, then I’ll be getting the beer in for the rest of the day,” Says Sue.
Val chips in with, “I wonder if they really only just met, they were both very relaxed about sharing the sleeping accommodation, they could have met a month or two ago and are trying to hide it.”
“No, that doesn’t fit at all. Frank couldn’t lie to save his life, he is lousy at it, and he knows it. That is a lot of his attractiveness to those who know him, I always thought of him as a one woman man, when he lost Lynda I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had lost it as well. I suppose their kids helped him to keep himself together.”
“Here come the rest of the side, is Ken out of the pub, yet? Asks Val,
“He’s only gone to the gents; you make him sound worse than he is.”
“If I hadn’t seen Harry slip off with all the tankards less than ten seconds later I might have believed you, I suppose Ken knows what you want.”
“Yes Ken knows, I wonder what the bar staff will say when he makes it.”
“What do you mean, ‘makes it’,”
“It’s a shandy but with water instead of lemonade, in times of old it would have been called ‘small beer’.”
“What’s small beer then?”
“When proper beer is made the spent hops and malt instead of being thrown away are boiled up again to make a second much weaker brew, this, because it had been boiled was safer to drink than the spring or stream water that the men in the fields would often have to drink. As this small beer was so weak and lacking in alcohol and flavour it couldn’t get them drunk, that’s why small beer is a bit of an insult.”
“So it’s watered beer, then?”
“To me, now, yes, But I couldn’t drink full beer this early in the day anyway, here they come,”
“Hello Ladies, Here’s the first one of the day, may it be a good one.” This is from Harry.
“The day or the beer,” Says Ken, “well have you got them married off yet, Sue?”
“I don’t know what you mean, I admit we were talking about them and I just might have dented your weekend beer fund, but I think it’s safe.” Ken raises an eyebrow in question. “I bet Val that when we meet them in the Gordon they will be holding hands or cuddling each other, the stakes were beer for the day”
“My beer fund is safe.” Was Ken’s simple but heartfelt reply.
Back in the charity shop Jenny is still going through the racks but more slowly, a strappy sun top comes out and is proffered for appraisal, muted orange, it looks small but she knows her size, that gets approval, a minute or so and a white floral blouse comes out and is draped across my arm, a bit further along and she stops, “these are all too big, don’t need trousers or coats, this will do here,” and she walks to the till, I am about to reach for my wallet when I get told in no uncertain terms to put it away. After the goods are paid for we leave and continue along the high street, there is a hospices charity shop next we are only in there for a few minutes, nothing takes Jenny’s fancy before the Eagle, so we stop and watch Vixen do a seven man (woman) dance, I like Vixen, and not just because it is a ladies border side, they have an attitude to the dancing that lifts it, and they have some good dances too. “This is brilliant, I never knew stuff like this existed, what’s it called,” “the dance style is Border, The tune is called Princess Royal, this tune is more usually danced to by a Cotswold side, and it looks like it’s Cotswold next.”
“I know I sound stupid, but what is Cotswold”
“You aren’t stupid, you are just ignorant of this part of our history, traditions, and so on, as a general guide, Cotswold sides tend to wear white trousers and baldrics, some have floral hats, the moves and stepping are more complex than border and the bands are usually lot smaller, sometimes a single whistle or concertina.”
The next side to dance are Coton Morris from Cambridgeshire, all white with black waistcoats and bell pads. They have three musicians; two melodeons and a whistle.
“I think Blackwater will be on next, Ken is trying to organise them.
“I wonder what they will do; there are about a dozen of them, six to dance and six in the band or eight and four.” Ken goes on and introduces the side and announces that they will be dancing Ally Pally, a fairly showy dance with lots of movement to get the rags moving. There are a couple of figures in it, interlocking squares, and cross & swing that weren’t there last time I danced out with them, after the dance we go across to them, Jenny is full of praise for the display, “I’ve never seen anything like it, and the music has a lot more get up and go than on the CD we listened to last night, I would like to stay but I have to get some more clothes, and we don’t want to be late for lunch.” “See you later.”
We continue along the street, outside the Two Brewers. Hertfordshire Holly are getting ready to dance, “If Dave were honest this is the sort of music and dance he would have liked you to have a go at.” North West dancing to me looks more like synchronised tap dancing with hand movements; I feel I must maintain neutrality about what I say, I would like to get someone else involved, with the loss of Lynda the Morris is poorer and I feel the need to replace her for the Morris. “I’m glad Dave didn’t come, he could never have got me interested in this, and I don’t like the word but boring springs to mind.”
“I am not certain of this because I never have been that interested but I was told by a dancer years ago that most of the dances are supposed to welcome the men folk home from work,”
“No this isn’t for me, can we move to the next shop” “You’re the shopper; I just follow and obey, dearest, after you.” The road is getting more crowded as we get closer to the Cathedral, “there is another charity shop,” I say pointing to a Cancer research shop, we enter and Jenny moves straight to the clothes racks, a skirt is selected and held in place, it looks nice, lightweight, off white, horizontal seams with orange lace trim, well flared, just below knee length, it will move nicely, I give a thumbs up, a couple of minutes and another skirt appears shorter, straight, and bottle green, it could go well with the orange strappy top, thumbs up, I get an, are you sure, sort of look and I nod yes. Another rack and a cardigan is selected, it looks like cashmere, light coral in colour, could match with the green skirt, this also get a thumbs up. With the three purchases, she goes to the till to settle up and we leave the shop, over the road, next door to the Gordon is a shop with loads of tankards on tables outside,” if you’re drinking with the Morris you have to look the part, that means you need a tankard, have a look over them and see if any take your fancy.”
“I don’t know anything about tankards, help me.”
“Ok, are you comfortable drinking pints or would you prefer halves.”
“I normally drink wine, so I would prefer a half pint size.”
“Do you have any hobbies or pet themes?”
“Some of the tankards are engraved; on other items engraving tends to reduce its value, that doesn’t seem to apply to pewter, as the engraving may be attractive in its own right or just to the individual. There aren’t many half pint ones and you can easily look at all of them.” After looking at about half of them, she selects an unengraved, glass bottomed half pint one, I look at the price tag, and it’s a bit uppish but not exorbitant, I get my wallet out.
“Oh no, you aren’t paying for this, it’s too expensive.”
“This time I get my own way, it is traditional that your first tankard is a gift, and you can’t break with the tradition; ask Ken when we see him. What else is on your shopping list for today?”
“I need underwear, and I want new for that, is there a shop along here or do we go further afield.”
“I think we have to cross over the river, for those, I’ll ask Sue later. It’s just after twelve let’s move along a bit and see who’s dancing outside the cathedral.” it’s a bit crowded but eventually we get up onto the grassed area in front of the War Memorial and from the top of the low wall that holds the soil back we have a good view of the dancers, it looks like two border sides and a garland side who have just finished. “It looks like it’s the Whitchmen next; I think you will like these.” The squire comes on and introduces the side and the dance, Rochester Thistle, this gets an extra cheer.
“If I recall correctly this is a willy dance” I tell Jenny,
“What’s a willy dance?” is the expected question.
“Watch and see.” As the dance starts with two lines of four, half the dancers, all male, hold short sticks pointing out from their groin, and swaying in time with the music, the other side of the formation again with short sticks, sideswipe the stationary sticks in time with the music, then the roles are reversed, with the strikers being struck. This occupies the ‘A’ music; all the dancers move to figures for the ‘B’ music, five choruses and figures complete the dance, ending with a dash into the crowd. Jenny just stands there jaw agape,” If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it, they are such big men, and there wasn’t a lot of thumping about at all, so light on their feet,”
“Let’s move on to the next shop, see if we can find something to interest you.” We walk another fifty yards past a Cotswold side that had just finished dancing; they were to be followed by Gundulphs Sword side,
“You haven’t seen any sword sides yet so we will stop and watch these, they have a few more younger people than the last time I saw them.”
“What else do they do apart from stomping round in.... That’s different,” one of the dancers holds aloft an interlocking pattern of swords, it is lowered back amongst the dancers, they all grasp an end in each hand and they are off again, passing through, round, over and under swords held by others in the set, all done without letting go of both blades, after a couple of minutes a star is held aloft to cheers from the crowd, all dance off following the star through the musicians.
“Shall we move on again,” I ask? ”There’s an Oxfam shop over there, ok.” We go into the shop; they have air conditioning, about ten degrees cooler than outside I hadn’t noticed how warm it had been getting, even though I was still carrying my box on my back.
“You help me look this time instead of just standing there like a spare part or a lost husband!”
“Ok, What are you looking for, what size, colour, etc etc etc.”
“Something nice, size eight, possibly a dress, and definitely a jumper or sweater to wear this evening.”
“If I find something I like and that you find acceptable, I reserve the right to buy it for you, Ok?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know what you will pick.”
“That’s why you have right of veto, fair enough.”
“Ok.” I cross the shop to a dress rail, I’m quite comfortable, looking though the dresses, checking brand labels, care labels and looking for damage, Lynda trained me well in the art of charity shop shopping. Just to be awkward, these aren’t sorted by size, it definitely slows the work, that’s nice, size twelve, pooh, continue along, that’s a nice grey and black dress, size eight, the grey is a semi circle pleated fan decoration from bust to hem centred above the left hip, 90% Silk, tricky, cleaning would be pricey, Karen Millen, that’s a pricey label, how much? Ten Pounds, that’s cheap, this would retail at eighty pounds plus, what’s wrong with it? I take it from the rail, and lay it across the top of the rail for a proper look; all the seams are ok, can’t see any stains or discolouration. I put it back and continue along the rack. A blue dress catches my eye, I look at it, and put it back, I like blue, but her green eyes wouldn’t suit, further along an emerald green dress with contrast trim to collar and arm holes, sleeveless with embroidered and beaded bust and a wide sash around the waist, Size eight, Monsoon brand, I prefer the grey silk mix. I can’t see if Jenny has found anything of interest, so I cross the shop to her and ask if she has anything, she shows me a grey jacket; it looks like silk but manmade fabrics are getting very close to silk in appearance now. I don’t ask to look closely, “I have found a couple of dresses that might look great with that, would you care to come over here, we go over to the dress rail and I pull out the green dress, and before she has a chance to grab the price ticket I hold it up in front of her, her arm comes around to hold it in to her waist, she smiles at me.
”Hold the jacket over as well to check the colours together, looks good?” Nodding, she gives me a wide grin, her eyes shining; I think that the colour got her. “I have an alternative dress, just a moment; give me the green one, I take it before she can take a peek at the price ticket and hand over the grey one, I see her eyes flash over the brand label, she holds it in place, and puts the jacket over, the greys are not the same, they look good together though.
“Which dress do you prefer?”
“I like them both, the green one is gorgeous, but the grey is more functional.”
“Choose or do I buy them both?”
“No you can’t, I won’t let you.”
“Look love, choose,”
“I can’t choose they are both so perfect. I think I will have them both.”
“I will buy the green one then.”
“How much is it?”
“Not telling.”
“I will stand by the till to find out.”
“No you won’t, I will ask the lady at the till to keep it under the counter till I slip out from the Gordon on the pretext of a toilet break to come and pay for it.”
“You can’t, that’s cheating.”
“How much is the Karen Millen and the jacket?”
“I don’t know,” she has a rummage amongst the folds of the dress and finds the ticket. “I don’t believe it, it is ten pounds, It must retail at over a hundred pounds. The jacket is six pounds.”
“That’s what I thought, it’s only a silk blend but at 90% it will be priced as a silk dress for cleaning, so if you give me cash I will take both and pay for them and this green one.”
“I will need to check them first.”
“Sure, the seams are all ok, no stains or damage, but there are a few discoloured beads on the neckline of the green dress, here to here” As I show her, she gives me another smile, “you’re well versed in charity shopping.”
“Well trained I was by an expert, have you got a twenty or will we square up later,” a quick dip in her purse and she gives me twenty pounds.
“Thank you, I will see you outside in a couple of minutes, Ok? Scoot.”
Once she is out of the shop I move to the till, and placing forty pounds close beside the till so that Jenny couldn’t see it from the road, and hand over the two dresses and the jacket, I ask the lady to remove the price tickets, she tells me they do that automatically, it’s how they balance the till, the clothes are carefully placed into a carrier bag and I receive our change and till slip, the till slip and paper money goes in my wallet, I keep four pounds to give to Jenny and put the other two pounds in the collection box, “Thank you.” Says the lady behind the counter. “Thank you very much, too” I reply. Outside the shop I hand the bag to Jenny, she opens the bag to check, then smiles and makes a move to give me a cuddle, we hold for a second or so then break.
“It must be close to one o’clock, we had better make a move to the Gordon, as we move towards the door from the other side of the street Harry comes up to us and asks.
“Are you ready for lunch, the rest of us are following behind, I told them I needed to go ahead for a toilet break, I hoped to catch you first, can we go inside? I want to talk to the pair of you.”
“After you,” and we all enter the Gordon, straight on towards reception, then Harry turns left into a bar, the rest of the year it’s the patrons bar, Harry orders us to sit in a corner, where we won’t be seen by people going into the beer festival.
Harry starts the conversation with “I don’t know what’s going on but there is some form of bet going on between Val, Ken and Sue, and it’s about you two, holding hands or cuddling or not when we first meet here.”
“I think I can guess this,” states Jenny, “from what they were saying earlier, I think Sue already has us married off in her own mind, she’s crazy, we haven’t known each other a day yet; would that be the core of a bet?”
“It wouldn’t surprise me if that was the case, but what does she expect me to do? Get on one knee in the marquee and propose?”
“I don’t know, I would like to see Sue lose the bet but that would mean you two would have to stay apart, and I can see you’re holding hands under the table!” At this comment we both colour up like a pair of teenagers, being caught out by friends.
Jenny comes in with an idea that might put them on the wrong track, “look, if I go to the ladies and get changed, into some of this lot, and then come into the bar and meet up with you there; I can start a bit of a disagreement between us over different fashion and decency standards.”
“That would be a good one, shhh. There they go, Jenny could leave here first as there will be a fair queue for the ladies, we can leave a few seconds later and go straight into the marquee”
“Where do I go?” asks Jenny.
“Of course, you’ve never been here, Harry, you go first; we will leave in a bit.” Harry leaves grinning from ear to ear under his face paint. “He’s looking forward to getting one over on Ken & Sue, I wonder if something else is going on as well that he’s not telling. So are you going to start yelling at me or going straight for the jugular when you berate my standards?”
“If I tell you, you won’t be suitably surprised when I start up, will you?”
“Yes dear. Let’s go.”

Chapter Five
We leave the bar, and go down the steps, turning left towards the exit for the toilets, downhill to the toilets and I tell her once she has changed, to go out the door at the end and find us in the marquee, Jenny goes into the ladies with her carrier bags, and I go into the gents, I might as well since I’m here. When I leave the gents, a queue has formed at the ladies; that could be because of Jenny changing in there, evil I know, but I have to chuckle to myself.
As I go outside I am struck by how warm it seems to be getting, well, it was a warm front that gave us the rain yesterday, so I shouldn’t be that surprised. In the Marquee it is easy to spot who I am looking for, they are fairly striking after all, and when I get to Sue and Val I lower my box and jacket to the concrete.
“Hi Sue, Val, is anyone in the queue yet or am I to have the honour of being the first to open my wallet?”
“Ken’s over there, behind Harry, he got here first, I thought he was rushing for the toilet, so he could hide and avoid the first round.”
“So where is Jenny?” “How did the shopping go?” “Did she spend a lot of your money?” “What did she get?” If they had rehearsed it they couldn’t have got the timing better as they asked alternate questions; it was only when they heard themselves that they burst out laughing and had to stop.
“Right, here we go, Round one question one, Jenny is in the ladies, getting changed, Question two, the shopping went very well considering the difference in our ages and fashion sense, in which I am apparently sadly lacking, my turn for a question now, do either of you know of an underwear shop here or do we have to cross the river?”
“I thought you passed one down the road a bit opposite the Two Brewers,” said Val.
“We probably did then, Hertfordshire Holly were dancing near there, we watched them, Jenny wasn’t impressed, so we’ll go back there after the lunch break. To continue with the questioning, fourthly, she didn’t spend any of my money, she wouldn’t let me pay, next, you will see some of what she bought when she comes in? I was allowed after much protest to buy her a half pint tankard, I told her it was traditional that your first tankard is always a gift; don’t rock the boat, please.” Ken and Harry return with four full tankards which are duly handed round.”You should have tapped us when we were getting these we could have saved you queuing again.”
“I don’t know what Jenny will want; I might as well wait till she gets here and let her read the tasting notes.
“Here she comes,” says Harry, who is facing the entrance, she looks great in the off-white flared skirt with the white floral blouse open down the front tucked into the waistband of the skirt and the orange strappy top under it.
Sue and Val are either side of Harry, Ken is next to Sue so if we open the circle there is space for Jenny between me and Ken. We open the circle to make space for her and she speaks to me first, in a fairly sharp tone, “You perv, I wondered why you were keen on this skirt, now I know, I was checking my appearance in the full length mirror at the top of the corridor, and against the light this skirt is practically see through, I think I will go and put my trousers back on.” Harry, who is facing her and looking into the light, comes to my defence.
“What do you mean? I’m looking into the light and it looks perfectly ok to me, what do you think Val? Or am I a perv as well?”
“Sorry Jenny, I know we are all a different generation to you, but I think you look really good, do you know what this makes me think of? And Jenny, you probably won’t have a clue what I’m talking about, back in 1980 or 81 there was a lot of fuss over some pictures that a newspaper had of Lady Di, while most photographers at an arranged photo call were taking front view pictures, a couple of them sneaked round behind her and took some pictures against the light, again as with you now, her legs were in silhouette, the fuss was that she was a prospective royal and that the picture breached royal protocol. So unless you can show that you have royal connections, you will just have to accept that Frank has an eye for making a girl look good, what else do have? As an outfit what you have on matches together marvellously did you get it as an outfit?
“No, these came from two different shops, as to the rest of it, so far I have a skirt that is too short, I don’t have the legs for it, a jacket, a cardigan and a couple of dresses; and I do still need undies, “
“We have already discussed your undies or the lack of them, you were too busy watching Hertfordshire Holly to look around you, and there was lingerie shop behind or facing you, near the Two Brewers.
“How about christening your tankard then Jenny, I have the tasting notes for what is available, have read through and let me know what you fancy”
“I have a question, was Frank spinning me a line about the traditions surrounding the gifting of tankards.
“Do you mean that you don’t buy your own first tankard, if so that’s true?”Answered Sue. “However who first fills it is entirely up to you. Have you made any sense of the notes?”
“No, afraid not, I am by choice a wine drinker, I don’t know what hoppy or malty even mean. I haven’t tasted either,”
“Look everyone, give her a taste of each of what we have, then she can have one of those or pick something different,
“I’m on Lunchbreak,” says Ken try a drop of this.”
“There’s a lot of bitterness in it and not a lot sweetness or alcohol to off-set it”
“I’m on Frigging” says Harry try this.”
“That’s nicer, sweeter but stronger I think”
“I’m drinking XT,” from Val,
“Not too sure about that, I don’t like the aftertaste.”
“Finally this is an IPA with a top.” From Sue.
“All can notice is the lemonade, although the beer isn’t offensive,
“So what’s it to be then, Friggin’ in the rigging, or something else,”
“What are you having, I could have a taste of that as well, couldn’t I?”
“I’ll have Nelson’s Blood, anyone need a refill?” All declines the offer, so I head towards the bar with Jenny following close behind, it will take a couple of minutes to get served so while I am waiting I ask if that is all the anger she can generate.
“That was more than enough of a display to make Ken pay for the beer; but it was amazing how everyone came to your defence.”
“That’s because I’m right, you really look good, nobody commented on having your hair down; and the skirt is translucent not see through. Modest as well aren’t I? Pint of Nelson’s please” My beer is handed over and Jenny takes a sip,
“I’ll have that please”
“Another Half of Nelson’s please.” I pay for the beer and turn to face Jenny,” you are beautiful, a proper flower, thank you for being here for me.”
“Now, now, we have to make like we aren’t keen on each other for a bit longer, how long till the Bounty Hounds start,” I look to the ‘stage’,
“They are in position, they will start soon. Have you seen much live music?”
“Would you believe I have never seen live music on this sort of scale? My sister had a band at her wedding reception. Band and guests together totalled less than one hundred.”
“Right let’s get back to the rest, see if you can find another sharp remark, then we will go up front to watch and listen.
Ken asks “What did she decide on, Frigging?”
“No, I have found a lady of rare taste and refinement with an educated palate who knows good ale when she finds it, this lady drinks of Nelson’s Blood.”
“Hey Sue, Guess what Jenny’s on.”
“Frigging” “No, Nelsons Blood”
“Wow I don’t know how she can.”
“How can you drink that, Jenny? It’s horrible, like drinking tar,”
“It would appear that my taste in beer is better than Frank’s sense of decency when it comes to clothes”
“If my taste is that bad, try the other skirt and the cardigan instead of that skirt and blouse next time you go to the ladies, let everyone else vote when you get back. Looser buys. Ok.”
“Ok, but I can’t be bothered to wait, I’m going now.”
“What’s got into Jenny today, she was happy enough this morning, what happened?” Asked Ken.
“I don’t know, I have never claimed to understand women, if she asks for an opinion I will give it, if she doesn’t like it it’s not my problem.”
“You didn’t give an honest opinion about clothes to a woman? You did, didn’t you? No wonder you’re in the mire!” I look into my Nelson’s Blood and smile from ear to ear; I might have got one past Ken. Yippee!
We are in practically in the same positions as when Jenny came in first time round, and this time, because more people have moved to the front for the Bounty Hounds there is a lot more space for her to fill as she enters the Marquee, she looks stunning, the skirt is short, nearly six inches above her knees, she has good legs, the green of the skirt meshes perfectly with the orange of her top, and the cashmire sweater worn unbuttoned seemed to cling to her top accentuating her figure, as she approached her smile was nearly as broad as mine, but nobody was looking at her face.
“Ok folks,” I say, “Time to vote, do I have any form of acceptable dress sense when it comes to ladies clothing, and will those in favour please raise your tankards.
“By a vote of five to one, I declare that Jenny is getting the beer in!” Jenny comes to me and quietly asks do I look nice?”
“Everyone here thinks you look great, didn’t you look in that mirror when you left the ladies? Of course you did, and because you did you know it as well as I.” The Bounty hounds fire up at this point so I have to lean close to her to ask.
“How do we find out about the bet? I want to hold you; I know the dispute is phoney. What do we do next?”
“I don’t know, maybe you can talk to Harry, see if Ken or Sue has given in.”
“Ok if I get the beer in then bladder pressure will give me a chance to talk to Harry.”
“No, I lost, I have to buy the beer,” turning to the others, she asks, “Right, I have to get them in, who wants what, Speak now or go without.”
“Lunchbreak, Frigging, XT and IPA and One and a half Nelson’s Blood is the total order, I carry the men’s tankards, Jenny has the ladies tankards, we get to the front and after a very short wait we get the beer in. Jenny, of course, pays. I am beginning to think that she has standards very close to my own. We get the drinks back to the others who have managed to get a table, as we sit together; we hear that they will be dancing again at two thirty.
“Where are you planning on dancing?” I ask.
“Probably at the Two Brewers or the French Hospital, then try for a spot at the War Memorial, if we can’t get in there we will move round the corner to Ye Arrow. The Bounty Hounds start playing Honour and Praise, “Here you go this is what it’s supposed to sound like;
“On a fine summers morning we lay at the Quay,
The holds were filled high with the treasures of the sea,
So that they could be transported by men such as we,
To homeland and for queen. And so on....
At the end of the song Jenny is looking very moist in the eyes, there is a story in there and I would like to know more, but I won’t mention it, I hope others don’t either.
The next song is another Fairport standard, written by John Richards and titled The Deserter, this is a lament for the execution of World War One shell shock victims, I don’t know why, but all these songs about W.W.1 really get to me, No-one in my family tree on either side were significantly involved, I suppose someone will come up with a psychobabble explanation for it.
“Well it’s twenty past two, bottoms up; it’s time we were getting going again. Are you going to play along for a couple Frank? If you don’t it’s a waste of energy carting that about all day, or is it a status symbol?
“I might well, later on, but first I have to go to the gents,”
“No ribald comments but I had better as well.” Says Harry, “Back in a minute.”
As we are standing in the queue for the gents I ask Harry if he knows anything about the bet he says “I know nothing but Val is doing a lot more smiling at Sue since Jenny had a go at you, If I go back first, I’ll listen for any clues, give me a minute.” As it happens, he passes Jenny in the corridor on his way back, to the table. As Harry sits again to finish his Frigging. Sue announces “All right, I was wrong; I could have sworn they were close, sorry dear, your beer fund just took a hit,”
“Don’t worry about it, I thought you were right as well, I’m glad I didn’t up the stakes to Sunday as well! Still it’s not too bad, A round in Ye Arrow when we finish and a couple more here on the way back won’t clear me out, But you are buying tomorrow,” he said looking straight at Sue and winking. I return to the table and down the last of my beer, and seeing Jenny’s isn’t empty “I assume Jenny’s gone to the ladies, is she coming back or are we meeting outside.” Shrugs all around.
“Right I’ll wait here for her; we will probably listen to the rest of the set while we have another one and catch you later outside or at Ye Arrow.”
I settle in for a bit of a wait and after another couple of minutes, she comes in to the marquee, I stand up to make sure she sees me and after looking all around, crosses to me puts her arms around my neck and kisses me soundly, I instantly put my arms around her waist and rest my hands on her bottom, this lasts a few seconds and as we let each other go, she again looks around. “Feel better now?” she asks, eyes shining brightly as she looks into my eyes. I nod.
“Good, has everyone gone?” “Yes thankfully, otherwise the cat would most definitely be out of the proverbial bag, “Would you like another one,” I ask raising my tankard, “we could then move closer to the front for the rest of the set.” “Please, I could get taste for that.” I go to the bar while Jenny watches our stuff, I watch her while I slowly progress to the front, and she keeps looking down at her legs, almost as though see doesn’t think they are hers. “Pint of nelsons please and half of Hobgoblin please.” Let’s see if she notices the difference, I pay for the drinks and go back to the table and sit to her left, “why do you keep looking at your legs, haven’t you seen them before?”
“I haven’t seen this much of them before in a skirt; I really do think it’s too short.”
“If you think that is too short, I don’t think you would like to wear that, moving my tankard towards the bar, to the right of Jenny, is a girl with a skirt that only just came below her sex. I bet she doesn’t sit down or bend over very often! Why are you worrying about your skirt, you know you look good, you looked in the mirror, or are you fishing for more compliments?” She colours most charmingly.
“If so, I still think you look stunning, but what do I know, I’m only a bloke.”
“Can we stay here, I know we can’t talk properly, but I would like to listen to the music as well.” She takes a sip of beer.
“This isn’t the same, she looks into her tankard, it’s more red, (pause) tastes of spices, (another taste and pause) smoother and I don’t think it’s quite as strong. Have you still got those beer notes? I want to see if I can identify it.” I twist round to check the table behind us, there is a copy on there so I ask the lad sitting there to pass it. “Thank you.” I pass the notes to Jenny, and she spends a couple of minutes reading then announces.
“It has to be Hobgoblin, it could be Pussy Strong Porter but from the notes I don’t think so.”
“Well done, I couldn’t have done that.”
“Without wishing to sound at all snobbish, because I’m not, wine drinkers have generally a better sense of taste than the average beer drinker, I think that’s because wine measures are smaller, stronger, cost a lot more in terms of pounds per pint and are a lot more complex in flavours, so you take more time and think about it more.” The Bounty Hounds come to the end of a song that I didn’t recognize, and then announce for their last one they will do Matty Groves, a traditional song, again a Fairport standard, and along with a lot of the audience, I join in,
“A holiday, a holiday and the first one of the year,
Lord Darnell’s wife came into the church, the gospel for to hear,
And when the meeting it was done......
.....But bury my lady at the top for she was of noble kin.” This gets an extended round of applause, they go off and don’t return. In the comparative silence that follows conversations around us swell in volume, but not to the extent of making us have problems talking.
“That last song they did, do you know all the words, all the way through? “
“Yes, and some of the variations that Fairport put in.”
“What do you mean by variations?”
“The verse that goes,”
“How do like my feather bed, how do you like my sheets?
“How do like my lady wife who lies in your arms asleep?
“Upon occasion becomes,”
“How do like my feather bed, how do you like my sheets?
“How do like my curtains I got from Ikea last week?
“Why do they do that?”
“I have no idea, one theory is it might help track bootleg copies, but I think that’s a load of tosh, I like to think it’s to keep the fans off balance when they sing along.” Now the Bounty Hounds have finished what will we do next?
“Well we were just going to do the tourist bit, weren’t we? But we haven’t been back to near the Two Brewers yet to get your undies, then wander about, look at a few dances, maybe catch Blackwater doing their last one. We need to finish our drinks first, so while we do that, can you tell me something about yourself, all I know is you are Jennifer, you live in a flat somewhere in Bishops Stortford, your Dad died a couple of years ago and finally you found a crap boyfriend named Dave, oh, I forgot that you have a sister. So how about a potted biography your life in ten minutes, that should leave plenty of gaps and unexplained bits to keep us talking for a fair while.
“Ok it seems fair enough, my full name is Jennifer Anne Saunders, no Ab Fab jokes please, I was born in St Albans nearly twenty six years ago, I am an orphan, mum died in an accident when I was ten, I was then brought up by Dad and my elder sister, Erica, who married three years ago, I am very single, I live by myself in a flat in Bishops Stortford, I am self employed as a property agent, I don’t drive, I like a drink and good food, I don’t do sport, and I have no hobbies.”
“That was less than one minute, what did you do at school, any favourite subjects, what did you hate?”
“I hated senior school, I was bullied by the bigger girls after mum was killed, I think because I didn’t get the emotional support and guidance that just sort of filters down from mother to daughter, and I couldn’t handle the pressure to conform to the standards of the rest of my age group, I felt they were wrong, but didn’t know why, I finished school when I was sixteen, with bare passes in my GCSE’s. I got a job as an office girl in an estate agents, I think Dad got that for me, I don’t know or care how, he was always interested in anything that happened at work and because he was interested I was more motivated to make more of it, I went to college for four years of day and evening classes got my qualifications as a quantity surveyor. Mum and Dad always had what they wanted, but Erica and I were always short of funds, if we wanted something we had to save or work for it, Dad said it was to teach us the value of money.”
“That takes you to around twenty one, what has happened during the last five years,”
“Not a lot really in one sense, but a hell of a lot in another, once I was twenty one, both Erica and I were taken by Dad to an office in Bishops Stortford where we were given what amounts to a crash course in the financial details and property owned by our Dad, we were both stunned at how much Dad was worth, and an outline of how it was planned to form two property enterprises from the one just prior to or immediately after his death. After seeing the look of shock, fear and worry on our faces, he said that he had no plans to die just yet and that the division of his estate would be revaluated every six months to ensure the division was fair and equitable, and things were s

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The Grimm Twins III The Tale of Snow White

"It’s late, Jacob, and you promised me a bed time story. Did you forget?" Jenny lips formed a petulant pout, somehow managing to look alluring. Perhaps it the way the light illuminated the outline of her nubile body through the sheer nightgown she’d attired herself in. Or perhaps it was the manner in which she stood, hands behind her, most likely clasped in a submissive pose. Seated in the leather armchair in the study, a thick manuscript upon his lap, Jacob regarded his sister with a warm...

3 years ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Tattletale Tale 1

Tattletale Tail By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Wow," said his mother looking around as she turned the car into a fancy development. "Looks like you made a rich friend." "Yeah, I heard that in school," said Todd. "But she's still a nice girl, right?" His mother gave him a look. "I think so," said Todd. "I don't know that many girls too well mom." "Well, as cute as you are," said his mother reaching over touching his head softly. "You will honey. It takes...

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Uncle Montys Tale

Uncle Monty's Tale This tale is how Scotty met Nicole's and Larry's father. Please read the tale of Oh No before reading this one. Peace. Belle. Greeting everyone. Scotty here. This tale deals with Anthony James Sargento. I told this tale after the interment of Anthony Sargento. Both Nicole and Larry wondered why both Capt. Starr and the leader of the Marine funeral detail saluted William Bonnie. Capt Starr, William Wallace, William Bonnie, and myself were in full uniform with medals...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

1 year ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

2 years ago
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Tale of the Wizards Apples

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Codes: Fantasy, Historical & Magic Sex: No Sex Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ******* The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the...

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A True TaleChapter 9

Mia only took a second to think and then quickly removed her dress step out of her slippers pull off her stockings and then blew out the lantern before pull down her underpants and climbing into bed. The next morning Mia was shocked at the fact that the old man only slept touching her in a kind manner but never made any type of sexual move. He was dressed and watching as she climbed out of bed and dressed. The both walked to breakfast where they met Lord Kronk. Kronk asked how they slept...

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The Tale Of Swifty Black

THE TALE OF SWIFTY BLACK BY Dorothy StrangeloveSunlight shone through the window of the village church, beaming multicoloured rays of light through the stained glass, onto the man who was knelt in prayer at the altar. His voice echoed in the empty room as he said his piece to god, the light shone and bounced off his fine jewelled rings and the heavy gold cross and chain around his neck and it seemed to illuminate the whiteness of his embroidered shirt. "Oh Lord,"He said, "I am but a humble man,...

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The Tale of the Torch Singers Wife

THE TALE OF THE TORCH SINGER'S WIFE by enduringshades PROLOGUE Linda James was driving home in her husband's, Leo, SUV. She was distressed. She had been invited to the BRITs the night before, but her name was not on the guest list. Her husband's agency was supposed to have made the arrangements, but all they had done was book her a hotel room, just for her, and she had had to pay and she really couldn't afford it. She had thought the hotel room had been booked for her...

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Tales from the FuturePart 2 Iversons Tale

The group watched Iverson intently as he took a long swig from his mead pouch. The darkness fell around the group as they sat beside the brightly burning fire, drinking their mead and finishing off their stew. Iverson finally spoke: - Well. Where to begin? He mused tantalisingly. The young men shifted impatiently. All bar Romian, Luther and Iverson himself had rarely met let alone experienced the wonders of women! They all wanted to know what it was like! As highly hormonal...

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Miss Layla Smith tales a tale

My name is Ms Layla Smith, and I am, as you might say, a lady of negotiable affection. This is quite wrong indeed. My price is rarely negotiable, since the customers willing to negotiate obviously are not wealthy enough to afford me. I am a true professional, discreet and perfect in every manner a gentleman could ask for. I know what they want before they even know it themselves, when to smile, when to stare, when to lie, when to be the ever so modest little flower, and when to be the...

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True tales of submission and crossdressing Chapter Three Tale of Two Sisters

Another true tale... I've told it as accurately as I can from memory. Hopefully someone out there might enjoy this! Background ---------- The year was 2004. I had built up something of an online presence, with profiles on most of the personals sites out there - both as a guy, and as my girly alter-ego. That summer, two rather interesting women got in touch with me. Introducing Mistress Pink... ---------------------------- I had a profile on a well-known UK BDSM site. This...

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The Tale Of The Wizards Apples Revised

The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the inn. If he inched any closer to it, he'd probably set his motley on fire. He called out to the tapster for another mulled wine. "After you earn your keep you old trickster. Tell us a tale to gladden our faces and warm our frostbitten hearts." He bellowed back in return, followed by the murmur of much agreement by my fellow trapped passengers. I had been on my way home from the Christmas Court...

3 years ago
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Shejarchya Auntyne Mansokta Zavun Ghetale Part 2

Hi friends, me punha mazya Shejarchya auntyne mansokta zavun ghetale ya story cha next part ghevun aaloy. Mazya shejarchya aunty baddal aadhi sangitlelech aahe. Magchya story madhye tine kase mazyakadun ticha navara yeiparyant zavun ghetale te sangitle hote. Tyanantar javal javal 15 divas aamhala kahi karayla jamle nahi karan, ticha navra yethech hota aani ticha mulgahi (jo dusrya shaharat shalesathi asto) aala hota. 15 divasani to gela aani ticha navarahi punha 8-10 divsansathi punha out of...

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Shejarchya Auntyne Mansokta Zavun Ghetale

Hi indian sex story friends, me dev from ahmednagar, 30 years, mazi hi dusri sex katha ghevun aaloy. Tar aata direct mazya story kade yeto. Ya kathetil aunty che nav kavita aahe (name changed) kavita aunty disayla khup sundar, 38 36 38 size chi, age 45 years pan watate 38 varshachi, bhargaccha sharir, kelichya gabhyasarkhya bhargaccha mandya, manala ved lavtil aase blouse madhye na mavnare bhargachh stan asleli, ticha te uphadyacha saundara pahun kunalahi tila lavnyachi echha vhavi ashi goripan...

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Draft Dodger On The Rag A Bunnys Tale

DRAFT DOGER ON THE RAG - A BUNNY'S TALE By: Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2000 *********************************************************************** **** Draft Dodger on the Rag - A Bunny's Tale is the direct result of three different ideas coming together to form the bases for a single story. It all started with a suggestion from Mindy Rich for me to use some or all of the photos that she had posted on the Original Fictionmania from the made for TV movie A Bunny's...

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The Lancers Tale The Ripening

The Lancer's Tale "The Ripening" By Ranbarth of Dusain Author's Note: Some readers may find parts of this story familiar. This is not ~d?j? vu~. ~The Lancer's Tale~ is actuality the rewrite of a public domain Victorian erotic novel from more than a hundred years ago, one that we have transposed to Overlord's Zhor. It has undergone a great deal of rewrite and we hope that the result gives it some merit as a new work of art in i...

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The Witchfinders Tale

THE WITCHFINDER'S TALE By Dr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DIn the garden of the cottage, as the birds sung in the trees and the summer morning warmed the soil, the young girl sat on the grass and looked again at the baby son who slept in her arms. Her husband sat beside her, still with a look of awe in his eyes. His mother came out to the garden and joined them, she smiled at the way her son was so stunned he could produce such a perfect child. "I never thought you would be married by...

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Seafarers tale

My name is Jack, better known to all and sundry as Jack the Rat, with another enthralling tale of my lusty adventures. I am a sea salt with years of experience of the high seas and the lowlifes that populate it. I have been at sea so long that when ashore I have problems walking a straight mile. Me dad was a second mate on board an old tramp steamer, and when me ma passed away, me dad took me into the service and left me brothers with an aunt in Bristol. Me aunt was a right river, and me...

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Loving Mansi 8211 Part 1

I am Raj and any comments, feedback is welcome to incident is about my wife’s beautiful friend and of course me. Let me start with some background. This happened few year back when I was in Singapore with family. My wife as well use to work off and on when she feels like. We had a maid so that she can work when she wants. My kids were in UKG and we decided to give them some basic Hindi knowledge. Though we weren’t sure if we are ever returning back to India if this Hindi knowledge is going to...

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How dave fucked his hot new employee mansi in sa

Mansi came for interview dave asked her name and you said "Mansi",Dave saw that she dont have any skills and dave seemed upset about how to say no, and said that "sorry" Mansi pushed her sarree pallu a little away and do I have really no chance?Dave licked his lips and said, come from tomorrow, we'll see, and mansi goes back happily.Mansi came next day and they couldnt meet, and after 3 days, Dave call mansi "please come" from her desk,Mansi came and Dave saw her hot saree, but acted like he...

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The Elbow Trick A modern day fairy tale for the new millennia

The Elbow Trick - A modern day fairy tale for the new millennia By Caleb Jones Jack and Francine were sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! They were in their favorite spot, inside the tree house her older brother had built when he was a little boy. They had been kissing since the fifth grade and they had just graduated the seventh. For all of those three years only the two of them knew they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and not just the good friends everyone else assumed they...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

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A twisted tale 8211 1

Why is uncle (mama) sleeping my mother’s (amma’s) bedroom? An introduction. Notes: this is purely a work of fiction. No person(s) depicted in this writing are based on any true known person(s). About the tale: “a twisted tale”, is account of 20 year old amitabhe learning about the secrets of his family. The tale is told as chapters, the focus is not graphical sexual content, the only the thing guaranteed is the originality of these accounts. These are extracts from the diaries of amitabhe. “it...

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Mansi8217s Special Way To Celebrate Valentine8217s Day

Guys and girls and this is Rahul here from Mumbai, aged 28 years and this is a story of my Junior College days. I had a big time crush on one of my school girls. Her name Mansi Bhatia. A gujju to the core. She stayed in Andheri. Any young and lusty females feel free to contact me at rahulkhanna311 @ gmail.com. It was after my FYJC exams that i proposed Mansi. She asked me for a few days to answer and finally her friends coaxed her to say YES. That was the best day of my life. Mansi is 5’4″...

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Uncle fucked Mansi Part 2

Hi everyone, this is ishan again going to continue the 2nd part of “Uncle fucked mansi”. For those who didn’t read the part 1 please read it first (uncle fucked mansi-part 1) then continue this part. So coming to the story. As uncle’s blowjob session was interrupted by the door bell, uncle was left disappointed. Mansi was asked to open the door and let in her parents as the maid had left. After getting freshened up, they all met at the dining table to have dinner together. Her parents started...

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First Love And Sex Experience With My Unmarried Mausi Mansi 8211 Part 1

Hello friends…. I have been following ISS for a very long time and enjoy the stories and comments here. Presently I am living near RAIPUR Chhattisgarh. This story happened to me when I was very young (18 years old).. Against all the claims of the ISS story writer I am a 32 year old man of average built 5-5” and have working tool of 5.5 Inches. I have a pleasant smiling appearance and an average body (although I had no interest in providing these details but I do understand while imagining some...

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A True TaleChapter 10

The old man and Mia entered the room and slowly got ready for bed. Naked they both climbed into the blankets and after adjusting their position with Mia backed to the old man’s front they drifted off to sleep. Mia enjoyed the strong arm draped over her with his huge hand covering her breast softly squeezing and rolling it in his hand. The next morning the old man told Mia he would be back in two days and left. Panicked, Mia told Lord Kronk that the old man had left stating he would return in...

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Mansi Ki Chut Ka Pehla Lund Poojan

Hi to all friends and readers of ISS and ye meri pehli story. I hope apko pasand ayegi. Ye meri aur mansi k pehli chudai k kahani h mansi mere se 3 saal badi h vo mujhe apna bhai manti h apr mai to use mansi ka figure kuch khas nai h par ha uske boobs acche h. Story- ye baat 1 saal pehle k h jb mai delhi gaya tha college mai admission lene. Vaha pe mai sbse pehle mansi se mila jo k meri senior thi usne hi mujhe help k sb arange karne mai admission se le k flat dhudne mai maine Ek 2bhk ka flat...

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Eddies tale part1

I never knew my father. Mom had told me he died in a car accident but as I got older I believed her less and less. Whenever he was brought up she always changed the topic which was fine with me because I couldn't even remember him. And so it was growing up just me mom and my brother tom. My mom, Kathy, worked hard to support us. We weren't rich by any means but she did the best she could to make sure we never went without. The years had taken their toll on her but she was still beautiful....

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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi Part 8211 4

Hey, guys, this is arav, once again I am here to share my further experience after a long time with my gorgeous, bold, beautiful girlfriend Mansi, Please read the previous 3 parts for more pleasure and excitement and also do likes and comments. This is a continuation of the third part and I began with that horny evening, As this part is most exciting and hornier please read as whole to enjoy. After that evening we again busy in our exams schedules because every weekend we had back to back exam...

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Almost a fairy tale Chapter 1- The beginning "In what a mess I'm involved in", I though. There I was, half naked and surrounded by two large and well armed guards. Close to me was Elisabeth, my lover, and together we did wait for our executioner, the mighty King-Wizard Wolf. My name was Richard. I was born in an untypical peasant's family. My father had been educated to become a monk, but was expelled from the monastery after the other monks discovered what he had been doing...

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The Tale of Leigh and Jo

The Tale of Leigh and Jo By Kelly Blake Edited and Proof Read by Andrea Lena DiMaggio and Alison Mary; artwork by the incorrigible Belle Meade Author's Note: This little tale would definitely not have been possible without the help of the above mentioned ladies and their staff. This tale is dedicated to all those who have 'little secrets' and unyielding families. "New Year's Day..." Mother, we always called her mother, and I were in the sun room. She wanted to...

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A Tale of Two Sissies

A Tale of Two Sissies By Sandy Brown This story is a tribute to Sandy Thomas. For those of us who came of age before the internet and sites like Fictionmania, Sandy Thomas books were a lifeline for us. I sat at a small table in the dimly lit bar, sitting directly across from one of the most beautiful looking middle-aged women I had ever seen. She passed my most demanding standard, which was, "Would I would love to look like her when I am her age?" Yes, I had instantly...

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Just some notes: -I do some research, but I do it in the spare time of my spare time, so I took many poetical liberties in the description of the past. -I'm no adept of metaphysics, but the interpretation I gave for prophecies as powerful spells look logical to me, perhaps someone had that idea already before. -There is sex, of course, but the main focus is on the concept of personality, what defines "us". This is the main theme of all my stories. Almost a Fairy...

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A Tall Tale From The Badger

I 'spose all you johnny foreigners think we British don't talk about sex. 'Tisn't true y'know, well, not all the time like you lot. It's just one of those things put about by people that are jealous of us bein' English. Stereotypin', that's what it is. If you say things loud enough and long enough then people'll believe it. Y'know the Froggies are always sayin' that they have a monopoly on culture. Huh, don't know when they translated Shakespeare from the French! And like Germans...

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A tale to tell

A tale to tell A tale to tell My little slave boy has in fact just turned 19. He looks more like sweet 16 and unfortunately sometimes acts like he is going on 12.I sometimes wonder if he will ever just "grow up". Then again something about his very youthfulness (I am 44) really must appeal to me very much.Awkward and even clumsy at times in a charming very boyish way, he blushes quite easily and indeed he often has an extremely vulnerable, almost poignant young quality about him that I...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 5 Daughters Incestuous Toy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter's Incestuous Toy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – January 2038 “I hear you're making friends with my daughter,” Dr. Wilson said as he wielded over the 4D ultrasound to the bed. “Yes, Heaven's great,” I said as I sat on the hospital bed, both my parents with me. They were on the other side of the bed from my OB/GYN. Mommy held my hand, a bright smile on her face framed by her...

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Mai Corns Tale

This is the tale of a witness to the events chronicled in the tale of Miss Pepperidge, parts one and two. It occurred in the world of Templeton College, so compellingly described by Charles Petersunn. This tale is told with the approval and support of author Petersunn. == == == == == == == == == == Mai Corn stumbled a little as she walked from her plain-sight hiding place to her room. She wasn’t drunk. Indeed, she hadn’t had anything to drink all evening. But she was excited, more excited...

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A sexy wife shares her exciting tale of infidelity with her loving cuckold

The last few weeks of the busy season had Dan working sixteen hour days, six days of the week. Even a few hours on Sunday. Just before eleven he had finally called it quits and made his way home. The house was quiet and empty. The text from Sylvia, his wife, at six- thirty said that she and some girl friends from work were going to check out ladies night at the recently refurbished club near the store where she worked. The lure of discounted cocktails and DJ orchestrated dance music always...

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An Enchanted Tale

Long long ago, in a sleepy little kingdom deep in the woods, a lone cloaked figure came riding slowly into the village. This quaint village sat at the base of a very big hill, at the top of which sat a large imposing castle, which in turn protected the village. The village was quiet and dark and the rider was curious as to why. It looked charming enough, but there was a sense of foreboding and dread that permeated the whole town. The figure rode slowly through town, stopping at a small market...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The tale of the big bad wulf

Just a translation of one of my stories."Daddy?""Yes, honey?""Daddy, I love you.""Yes, my dear, I know. Daddy loves you too. But now close your eyes and sleep.""Daddy?""What's up, dear?""Daddy, I can't sleep. Please, lay down next to me and tell me a story.""Hm, okay. What do you want to hear?""Just tell me the tale of the big bad wulf!""But Baby, then you won't sleep all night.""But please, daddy, pleeease!""Okay then. Once upon a time, there was a little girl, almost as cute as you. She...

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The Witch Hunters Tale

THE WITCH HUNTER'S TALE copyright 1998 by Scott K. Jamison The fire crackled merrily as the travelers finished their song. The Adventurer turned to the Witch Hunter, flashing his slightly maniacal grin. "It's your turn to tell a story tonight, my friend." The Witch Hunter set down the stake he'd been whittling. "I suppose it is, at that. Any requests?" "Something with sex in it!" called the Cat. The Maiden pouted. "Do you think of anything else? *Can* you...

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A Hunters Tale

A Hunter's Tale By Scrambler J Copyright July 2000 Hunter's Tale Chapter One My name is Mike Dayton. I'm a Hunter for the Guild, yesterday was my 39th birthday and I've been a Hunter for the last twenty-five years. I stand six foot five, two hundred and ten pounds of solid muscle. I've got short blonde hair and light green eyes. What is a Hunter? Simple, we are those that stand between humans and the nightwalkers. No, I don't just mean Vamps, or vampires...

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Sam and Dennis A Tale From The Girls Locker Room Part I

Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the girls locker room - Part One - by John Howarth - ©copyright 2001 My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] * * * * * * * Forward This story used a Halloween story by Jennifer Adams as the stimulus. This story centers on Sam Smythe and leaves room for someone else to...

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The Tale of the Comfortable Panties 3

THE TALE OF THE COMFORTABLE PANTIES #3 By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 4 I woke up the next morning, and I did not feel well. I took off my negligee and looked in the mirror. My body was red and swollen all over. It seemed that where more hair was removed, the redder that area was. My face was a bright red, and hurt the most. Thankfully the areas that were the least red were my back and my butt. So at least I could lie on my back and sit on my butt. I remembered that Debbie had...

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Saga 3 8211 Encouraging My Brother To Deflower 8211 Sravya8217s Tale

Hie all, this is Sravya penning down my experience again in ISS. Lemme give you a brief introduction about me. I’m actually from Hyderabad but studying in Vizag and let’s keep the rest of my personals in private. Thanks everyone for the appreciations for the previous two fantasies. Both of them and this present one include a set of common people. So go through all for a better understanding. I’m providing the links above. 1....

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My Lifes Tale

My Life's Tale Hello all you good people. This is a tale from a client. I will let Kim tell his tale. I was in our doctor's office. My mother and my twin sister Alexandra were with me. So was Sgt. Winston of the Sheriff's Department. I got in a fight and got a black eye. My opponent got a set of cracked ribs and his face smashed. I won the fight. Sgt. Winston asked me, "Kim why did you beat up Mr. Kimble?" I said, "Joey started messing with me, so I gave him what he needed...

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