Candys Fashion House Chapter Thirteen free porn video

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Once we got home the girls started to put the pressure on. They wanted to go out on the town and celebrate. I on the other hand wanted to stay home and just luxuriate in what had been a super day for me personally. It wasn't to be though the girls hassled me until I gave in and agreed. I rummaged through my clothes but decided on one of Candy's new designs. It was a short nude shift style mini dress which was transparent mesh and trimmed with lace around the bodice. I paraded around in front of the mirror I decided it was a no, it showed off to much flesh. Lauren came in as I was admiring myself and gave me a mock wolf whistle. I giggled. "Fuck off Lauren I am not going out in this." She laughed oh yes you are baby. Alecia joined in. "Babes you have to wear it, it looks fabulous. Honestly now that I have seen you in it you have to wear it. What's more It looks as sexy as hell." It scared the shit out of me because it looked like I wasn't even wearing a dress at all. I couldn't wear stockings with this. It was going to have to be pantyhose. I chose a shimmery pair that really showed off my legs and bum. The lace was pretty transparent and I was stunned when I saw my reflection in the full length mirror. It did look hot. No, no, no I couldn't wear it could I? No fuck that I wasn't wearing it. I started to pull it off but Alecia grabbed my arms and held me still. Babes this is sensational. You have to war it. I tried to wriggle my way out of it but the girls were adamant. In the end I gave in just like I always do. Alecia teased me. "Babes you will be the star of the show." The girls finally made some room at the makeup table so I could apply my own. One of the sexiest things about applying makeup is lipstick. I love putting on my lipstick. The feel and texture. Everything about it just exudes sex. Fuck I just love it. Eventually the girls were happy and we headed out to hit a couple of clubs. This isn't really my scene, my preference for music is old school I love the blues and the alternative music scene, not this pumped up drivel they sell as music at clubs, so I wasn't really in the mood. Still I played along and we rocked up. The moment we got inside Alecia sent me off to the bar for drinks, when I asked why it was my turn she sniggered. "Because I like to watch your ass as you walk. Every guy in the room is now watching so you better be good, wiggle that ass babes wiggle that ass." I put on a bit of a show as I walked to the bar and as I was ordering a round of drinks this great big tall guy slithered in beside me. Oh fuck here we go I thought, shit we have only just arrived. The guy smiles at me and asks if he can buy the drinks for us?? "No thanks," I mumbled. I handed over my money and headed back to the table. The girls were laughing and Alecia asked, "What did he want?" I winced. "Oh the sleazy prick at the bar you mean? He wanted to buy our drinks." Alecia pretended to look shocked. "What and you refused?" "Yeah of course I refused. I didn't want him hanging around all night." Lauren snapped. "Jesus we go to all of this trouble. Getting dressed up like this so we don't have to buy drinks. That's the whole idea of it. If we bat our eyes and wiggle our ass then we get free drinks all night." I shook my head. "Sorry that's not the way I see it. I didn't get dressed up to get free drinks. If I let him buy the drinks then he would have been hanging around all night. Lauren if you want free drinks I will buy them OK." Alecia grinned. "Shit you are a dumb ass sometimes. Think about it babes if we don't attract any men who are we going to dance with? This isn't a gay bar." "What about each other," I offered. Lauren raised her voice which only happens when she gets angry. "This is a girl's night out so we want to dance and have a good time, and yes that is going to involve men OK. We dance with each other every day. This is a night out and we want to let our hair down and enjoy the company of people who find us attractive and sexy" "Hey what the hell am I chopped liver? I am still a man you know." They both cracked up laughing, Alecia exclaiming. "Babes you are far from a man. You are the sexiest woman in the place as much as I hate to admit it." "Piss off, you two are way prettier." Alecia tilted her head. "We might be prettier as you put it but shit babe you are sexy as hell. Look around every guy in the place is staring at that cute tushy of yours." "Yeah well if you two had let me wear something that actually covered my arse that wouldn't be happening would it." With that they both burst out laughing. The glasses were empty and it was time for another round, this time Lauren went to the bar and was immediately hit on by a couple of guys who brought the drinks. They all came back to the table and I felt myself tighten up. As Lauren introduces them I just turned away and ignored them much to Laurens chagrin. Still it didn't take long before the guys were trying to drag us out on the dancefloor. Alecia had me by the hand and was doing her best to pull it out of its socket as she wailed. "C'mon babes, just one dance." I refused and shook my head. She put on her sad face and droopy lip but I held firm. I knew once we were out in that crowd those guys would he all over us. Eventually she gave up and the guys dragged both girls up onto the dancefloor. I was left standing there by myself and it was instantly uncomfortable. I felt like every guy in the place was eyeing me up. A fairly cute guy came and asked me to dance, but I chased him away. Fuck it I skulled my drink and went to the bar and ordered another round of drinks for the girls and I. whilst there another guy tried to hit on me, again I just ignored him paid and went back to the table. Just as I got back to the table the girls and their dance partners arrived back laughing and joking. I had just put their drinks down when Lauren glared at me angrily and snipped. "Baby why haven't you been dancing?" I shrugged. "Didn't feel like it and there's no decent looking guys here anyway." She looked a little pissed off. "Well what about the boys they wanted to dance with you?" I grimaced and replied loudly enough so they could all hear. "Like I said Lauren there are no decent looking guys here. Anyway I said no thanks Alecia. I don't feel like it!" The guys just stood there watching uncomfortably through my little outburst. "Relax ladies we will go and get some fresh drinks." He looked at me. Honey what are you drinking?" I glared angrily at him "I will get my own when I'm ready." He looked somewhat put out. "Just chill sweetheart I said I will get it for you." Now he was just pissing me off. I gave him a cold stare. "Look pal firstly I am not your fucking sweetheart OK, and secondly I am quite capable and happy to buy my own drinks. You just buy your own if you can afford them that is." Lauren bit angrily. "Kelli stop being so rude." She smiled at the guys. "I'm sorry guys she has just had a bad day. I do apologise for her." I walked off to the ladies room and when I got back they were all deep in conversation and laughter, the moment I returned they all shut up. I picked up my drink and threw it down, I snarled at Lauren. "Do you want another?" Lauren just shook her head. I turned and was just about to head for the bar when the guy on my left grabbed my arm. "Hey honey why don't you just stay here and chat with the girls and let me get it for you?" I spat at him, "No thanks I like to buy my own. " At the bar another guy came over and hit on me, again he offered to buy my drink but I refused, I turned away from him and stood there surveying the room. The place was packed and the music was so loud it was hard to hear anything. I looked back to the bar to see if my drink had arrived; the guy had it and handed it to me saying he had paid. I looked at him and handed it back saying I said I would buy my own OK. He shrugged and stood there beside me. He was a black guy, tall and good looking with an athletic build. Most women I am sure would find him attractive. I just thought he was a sleaze. I walked back to the table and when I got there I realised he had followed me. He put his drink down beside mine and asked me to dance. I gave him a very cold glare. "No thanks," and turned away. "So why don't you want to dance with me sugar, is it because I am black?" "Fuck off; I don't want to dance with you because you're an ass that's why." "Bullshit I can see through you baby, just because you are the best looking chick here tonight you think you can just treat me like shit. I bet if I was white you would be on me in a flash." "Fuck off it's because you are behaving like a fucking child and I don't find you attractive. It's got nothing to do with your colour and all to do with your shitty attitude, now fuck off and leave me alone." Wow that felt good! Michael would never have been able to say or do that. He wandered away muttering under his breath. Alecia was standing there totally gobsmacked. "Jesus that was pretty harsh, babes he just wanted to buy you a drink and have a dance." "Yeah well I didn't want to talk to or dance with him." I shook my head. "Guys are such fucking imbeciles." The two guys who were at the table moved away mumbling something about going to the bar. Lauren was furious she snatched my arm and spun me around so we were staring into each other's eyes. "Fuck will you stop acting like a bitch you are spoiling the night." I had enough of this crap. If this was what a girls night out was all about then I was going home. "Girls I have had enough of your shit I'm going home you can stay if you want but I'm not putting up with all this bullshit." Lauren was spitting tacks. "Like fuck Kelli we came together and we leave together, that's how girlfriends look out for each other." "Cool let's go then." She shook her head and batted her eyes at me, trying to make a joke out of it. "No dummy what I meant was you have to stay and look after us." "No Lauren you misinterpreted my comment I wasn't asking for your permission. I am telling you I am leaving and that's what I am doing. If we are supposed to stay together then let's go." I walked out without looking around. I made it to the taxi rank and there was no sign of them, I waited ten minutes then found a taxi and headed home. I was in tears when I got home and sat there crying for ages, ah fuck them I thought. Fuck them to hell and back. I went to bed, turned the light out and pulled the blankets up. It took a while but I drifted off to sleep. I don't know what the time was when they got home; all I heard was the stereo go full bore and them prancing around down stairs. I pulled the blankets tighter around my head and tried to go back to sleep. I did finally nod off, but was awoken by the girls piling into bed and start making out. They were all over each other, kissing caressing and moaning. I cried out. "Fuck off you two I'm trying to sleep." Lauren cried. "Oh look who it is, if it's not Chicken Little. Oh boo hoo I'm not having fun." Alecia was tittering. "Lauren don't be so mean." "No fuck him," Lauren cried. "The little bitch, he has probably already had his wank, now he will have to listen to us." I threw the blankets off. "Fuck you two bitches I'm going into the spare room to sleep." Alecia tried to grab me but I flung her arm away. I slammed the door behind me and pulled the blankets up tight, the problem was I could still hear them. Their moans of pleasure, the wet sounds of their flesh on flesh. Finally with tears rolling down my cheeks sleep overtook me and I slipped into a deep sleep. Why couldn't I stop crying? It was like I was on an emotional rollercoaster lately In the morning I got up early, I hadn't really thought about the sleeping arrangements, with three people living in a relationship one bed doesn't work. Last night was a classic example of that. When one person is angry with the other two it is not just your partner as is the norm but two other people so instead of two people giving each other the cold shoulder the other two are free to do their usual shit. I sat around for a while wondering about the future and how this could ever possibly work. I reflected on the previous night. In situations like that I felt totally uncomfortable and I couldn't see any way that it would change for me. Maybe I was just fooling myself? Maybe I should give up this crossdressing shit and go back to being good old reliable boring Michael. I walked out to the garage and pulled the cover off the 996 gave her a bit of a dust down; yeah I might take the old girl for a run. I went up and washed Kelli off my face. I made sure that all remnants of Kelli were gone. I found some old jeans and a jumper, I pulled on my old scruffy leathers and started her up and hit the road. The sun was shining; it was early in the morning so the traffic was light. I was quickly into a fast pace and I took out all my frustrations on her. The throttle was on the stopper and cars were falling behind quickly. As I got up into the hills I backed off into a smooth pace. The 996 was in her element swooping from corner to corner. It was magic and for a short time my problems were lost in the staccato bark of the big v twin. I pulled up at a service station and had a coffee and sat outside in the sun relaxing. I hit the road again slower this time making my way through the little built up area and then back into the tight twisty mountain pass. It was almost dark when I got home. Lauren and Alecia were in the lounge talking and listening to music. I walked in without saying anything and went straight into the kitchen where I made a sandwich picked up a beer and walked through into the lounge. I heard Alecia cry. "Oh my." And then I heard Lauren scream, "For fuck sake Michael what have you done?" I had wanted to sit down and talk to them. Explain what I was feeling and how confused I was but her tone pissed me off and I retorted angrily, as much to piss her off as anything. "That's right it's Michael, I am afraid Kelli has gone on holiday and I am not sure that she will return." "Oh my god Michael, you fucking idiot. Your stupidity never fails to amaze me. You have fallen to an all-time low this time. The real Michael has come to the fore and you have done your usual run away and hide routine." There was steam coming out her ears. "You sad stupid little fuck. Like the guys said last night what a piece of work." I turned and stormed out heading for my study. I slammed the door and sat there fuming. Fuck she has been a real bitch lately. It seems since Lauren had started seeing Alecia she feels it's OK to humiliate me, belittle and mock me. Or maybe she really has lost respect for me, because let's face it how could she respect a walking freak show. Fuck I am just a little guy in a dress. Yeah no wonder she has lost respect for me, that's why she keeps putting me down! Yes the only way to get through this was to stay away from the crossdressing. I opened up my investment portfolio and did a little work on that for a while. I had been at it for a while when there was a knock on the door. Alecia put her head in. "Lauren and I were just about to get dinner, do you want something?" I shook my head. "No thanks." As the door shut I went back to working on my portfolio. It was going gangbusters and it was making good money even without much input from me. My thoughts drifted back to what I was going to do. I had lots of client meetings this week and the new project was about to get underway, how the fuck was I going to wrangle this! It was a fuck up. I was going to have to front as Michael the new project manager. It would be fine for the construction crew. It was the client interactions. I would have to defer the arranged meetings. We could just say Kelli wasn't well and keep the communications to the phone? Yeah that might work for a while at least. I went into the main bedroom and dragged out my old clothes and took them into the spare room. With the reception I received when I got home I could see I was going to be living in here for a while. I wasn't putting up with that shit. It was much later and I was in bed when there was a knock on the door, it was Alecia again. "We are going to bed are you coming with us?" "No thanks I am comfortable here." I heard Lauren cry out from behind Alecia. "Fuck him let's just go to bed, its nicer without him anyway," Alecia scolded her. "Stop it you are just being bloody mean." She barked, "To hell with that, he can listen to us again tonight; he must be running out of skin on his palm by now." Alecia pulled the door shut. "Good night Michael." At work in the morning I met with the contractors and introduced myself, explaining Kelli had employed me to oversee the project. The hardest part was getting my voice back. I had spent so much time recently trying to sound as feminine as possible that now it was hard to go back. I went down to see Candy, the moment she saw me it was like I had slapped her in the face. "Oh god Kelli what have you done to yourself sweetie, where is my gorgeous Kelli. Why is this scruffy guy standing in front of me?" "Look Candy something happened and it made me realise that I can't live as Kelli. It's all a fa?ade built on lies. I can't do it." "Bloody hell, what happened?" I ran through what happened and she laughed. "What that's it? Some guys hit on you and you're giving up. For god's sake sweetie I thought you were made of tougher stuff than that. Whichever room you walk into you are going to be the sexiest woman there. You have to expect men to come onto you." "Candy I have based my whole life on being honest with people, trying to do the right thing and telling the truth at all costs. Living as Kelli isn't the truth, it's a lie. Kelli is a lie. Don't you see it's a sham. I'm living a lie." Candy picked up my hand, "Sweetie it's not a lie. Kelli is as much a part of you as Michael is. You are both. Kelli is this beautiful sexy glamourous woman that the whole world loves. That's not a lie. It's just you being Kelli." I shook my head. "Whatever but I need your help today. I can look after the construction people if you can look after a few clients for me." She held my hand tightly squeezing tightly. "Well if you are worried about living a lie, why not come out of the closet. Tell the world and be proud of who you are that way you wouldn't be lying to anyone." She could see the shock washing over my face and she gripped my hand like a vice. "No Candy I am not ready for that. I could never do it. I barely function when they think I am a woman. No everyone would laugh at me. I would be that sad little guy who likes to wear a dress." I was trying to urge her to help. "So can you look after the client meetings for me over the next week or so?" "Fuck no Kelli, that's not happening. You are having a moment of uncertainty where you are questioning your sexuality but let's not kill off everything you have achieved in one foul swoop. All of our clients expect to see Kelli they don't want to talk to me. We have built this business on the back of Kelli. Now you can like it or lump it but we need Kelli. No Kelli no business. If you are serious we need to have a meeting and clear the air." "Yes OK Candy I will think about it, please just cover for me for a few days while I think." I caught up with Siobhan and she was even more shocked than Candy. "No Michael please don't do this. I will show you the figures. Following the TV spot last week our web page has crashed three times just because of the amount of traffic. Look at all these orders, I have three more requests for radio interviews and the newspaper wants to come to site and do an in-depth interview with you. We are flying, but if you take away Kelli we will fall. Just how far we would fall I don't know but we should probably reconsider the extension." I flopped down in my chair, I felt like the world was caving in around me. "We have built this business around Kelli. You are the face of this company and after that TV spot the reaction was all positives. We have received nothing but positive comments like it's so good to see an honest face in the industry. If Kelli just disappears we lose all of that credibility and everything we have built comes into question. Shit if I thought you weren't comfortable as Kelli I would never have pushed that angle so hard. Lately you seemed so into being Kelli I thought you were here for good." "I am sorry; I just don't know what to do." "If you kill off Kelli we have a serious problem." I worked late with the construction crew; it was fun being around the construction guys. It was funny to hear the comments though. They were all looking for the hot chick that was in charge. One of the guys who was one of those typical macho construction workers bragged. "Yeah I would love to get between her legs and fuck her the way she needs to be fucked, long and hard." as he adjusted his crutch. The guys all laughed. "You haven't got a chance bud she is way out of your league." It was also weird going into the men's urinal. I had been using the woman's for so long it had become normal. I was standing there the big macho guy came in and stood beside me. He had been bragging about the size of his dick, I had never looked at another guys junk in the urinal before but I took a peek. Shit he wasn't lying, fuck he was hung like a porn star. Now that was weird, fucking hell, now I was looking at dicks in the toilet. It was really late when I got home, I went straight up and showered and cleaned myself up. I went to find some clean clothes only to find all of Michael's clothes had been removed. I pulled out all the drawers rummaged through all the wardrobes but nothing, there were no signs of Michael's existence like I had never even existed. I went downstairs wrapped in a towel. "OK girls where are my clothes?" They both looked at me with knowing smiles and said in unison. "What do you mean Kelli?" "It's Michael now you scheming bitches. Now where are my fucking clothes?" They both just smiled and shrugged. "I am not joking girls, if you don't bring out my clothes I am out of here." They both looked back and forth between each other as if they didn't believe me and shrugged again although I noticed Alecia had lost her look of confidence. I lost the plot entirely. "OK then fuck you both. I turned and walked back up the stairs. Pulled back on my dirty clothes and stormed back down the stairs. I walked straight for the door and didn't look back. That night I booked into a cheap hotel. I cried myself to sleep. I had become a snivelling wreck lately. The whole night I stewed over what the hell I was going to do. The next day Alecia called and asked if we could talk. I agreed to meet her for lunch. I went down to a little bar not far from the factory. I ordered a beer and found a table. As I was finishing my beer Alecia walked in. She sat down across from me. "Michael what happened the other night? Maybe you can explain what went wrong?" I took a deep breath OK. "It's no secret I am uncomfortable around men. I don't like to be touched or groped. When we go to clubs or bars, guys just seem to think it's OK to grab me, or play with my arse. It scares the hell out of me and I get tense and nervous. It freaks me out and I don't like it." Alecia looked confused. "Babes I just don't understand, Candy loves guys doting on her." "Yeah well that's because Candy is gay and I am not, that's the difference." "The other night, the guys at our table were all handsome nice young guys, they were just out for a good time. Like us they wanted to dance and blow off a little steam. It's not like anything was going to happen. It was just some innocent fun. We just talked and danced. If you had let your guard down you might have enjoyed it as well." I gave a little snigger. "Alecia you are dreaming, Guys don't want to dance! They buy you drinks to get you drunk. All those guys wanted was to get laid. You forget I am a guy and I know how guys think and what they want. Each and every one of those guys the other night wanted one thing and one thing only and that was to get into your panties and fuck you. Dancing and buying drinks is just part of the mating game they have to play to take you home." She looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. "The reality is its all bullshit Alecia, Kelli is just a fantasy." She was shaking her head in disbelief. "I'm sorry you feel that way; I really thought you loved being Kelli. I didn't realise all this was so hard for you." "Christ Alecia it has been a real struggle. The other night was a lightbulb moment for me. It all came crashing down around me. I can't go through my whole life living a lie. I'm sorry if it upsets you but I can't live two different lives. Michael is back and he is here to stay! Kelli is a thing of the past." "Then what happens to us? What do we do?" "I don't know Alecia I guess the balls in your court. I guess that's the sixty four thousand dollar question. I have developed feelings for you and I like living together but I can't take the way Lauren puts me down and insults me. I refuse to live like that." It took a couple of days before Lauren rang me and asked me to go home that night and talk to them. When I got there they were already prepared and waiting, sitting around the table like a war conference. I started. "OK girls what do you want to talk about?" Lauren was biting her lip trying to maintain control. "We have to sort out what is happening. We want Kelli back." I laughed loudly. "Sorry but that's not happening." Alecia was looking at Lauren with a strange look on her face. "Guys I think I am going to go back to my place for a while. I think the two of you need to sort this out on your own. Maybe me being here isn't helping. At least if I'm not here you can share a bed together. Couples shouldn't sleep in separate beds." Lauren flipped. "Oh my god no please, don't you dare leave me here with this idiot. No if you go I'm going with you and dimwit here can have the house to himself." Alecia was adamant. "No I think its best if you stay and work it out together." "No way." Lauren screamed. "You can't do this to me I love you." Alecia shook her head. "You two have to talk. If I stay I will just get in the way." Lauren pleaded, "Please stay please don't go, please...." Eventually Alecia relented. "Yeah all right Lauren but I'm going to bed now. You guys have to talk and sort this out." She got up and left Lauren and I sitting in the lounge. Lauren barked angrily, "Fuck you Michael. See what you have done. You are chasing Alecia away. You are ruining everything. It was all going so well. It's all because of your stupid male ego. All you had to do was dance with a couple of guys, and have some fun, but oh no you had to get all agro and stupid. Now you have fucked it up." "Why is it fucked up Lauren?" "Don't you understand you fucking moron. She is going to leave unless Kelli comes back." "Don't be ridiculous you are trying to guilt trip me into bringing Kelli back that's all you want. This is all about you. The fact of the matter is you prefer women, you like Kelli, Michael has served his purpose so you don't want anything to do with me now. You keep going on about how you love me, but the truth is you don't love me, well not unless I give up my manhood and pretend to be a woman." She got all defensive. "No it's not like that at all. I love Michael as much as Kelli. Alecia and I have talked about this over and over and she is really upset. She loves Kelli but doesn't think she can be intimate with Michael. Remember baby she is a lesbian and its Kelli she fell in love with. You killing off Kelli and bringing back Michael is what's pushing her away." "So hang on a minute Lauren, it's OK for her to be uncomfortable around men but I'm supposed to love it?? Fuck you Lauren at least she is a woman, not a make believe bloke in a dress." That's when the fight started for real. She got angry and started yelling. I walked out back to my hotel. The next week flew by. The construction crew were going flat out. I was dealing with equipment suppliers and fabric and material suppliers and dealers, trying to make sure that there were enough materials on site so the construction wasn't slowed or stalled. I was working until late in the evenings. I was stalling all of the planned face to face meetings and doing as much as I could over the phone. I deferred as much as possible to Siobhan who was being helpful. She was freaked out about the business collapsing. Candy refused to help. She was trying to use it as leverage to get me to bring back Kelli. I went into work on the Wednesday morning to find the whole team gathered in my office. As I walked in Karla declared, "All right everybody let's get started. Michael sit down we need to talk." Aw fuck it was an intervention. Karla started, "This situation is serious. Firstly we need to recognise and acknowledge what a stellar job you have done up to this point. Siobhan has just run us through the web site and social media pages. The increase in public awareness and traffic over the web site since the TV spot is absolutely amazing, and it's all because of you." I wanted to say something but Candy grabbed my arm as Karla continued. "Michael I think we all realise it must be difficult enough to go through the changes you have but then to pile all the fame on top of it, well that must be even more difficult. If you are struggling and Kelli is gone for good as you have been saying, we need to make some changes. The world now associates Candy's with Kelli. If Kelli isn't going to be around then we need to do some damage control and we need to find a new face to represent this company. I don't think you will be able to run this business as Michael. If that is the case we need to find another face to represent us and it makes sense that they also lead the company. So it is imperative that we find out exactly what your plans are." Alecia grabbed me by the arm and held me tight. "Michael we didn't want to corner you like this but we have tried to talk to you individually and you fobbed us all off. Surely you can see how this impacts the company. It's not just a decision about your life it's also about the company and all of us and let's not forget all of the employees. There is a lot riding on this." Karla started again. "We need to somehow establish how much harm losing Kelli will have on the business. Siobhan feels that there will be a drop off in interest which will reflect in sales. So we need to know whether we can afford to go ahead with the extension if Kelli isn't going to be here to lead the company." I was overwhelmed, angry and embarrassed all at the same time. I stood back up from my chair and took in a deep breath trying to maintain my composure. "Well if you all feel the same way and think it's that important I guess you better find a new face because I'm not being railroaded into doing something just because it's what you think is best. Go ahead and find a fucking replacement and I will resign. I will go back to my former life. Fuck the lot of you. You can do this yourselves" I went to get up and walk out but Candy grabbed me by the arm and held on for dear life. Karla entered again. "Michael we don't want you to leave. We don't want to lose you. We need your enthusiasm. What we were hoping is for you to give us some time? If you could keep Kelli around until we figure out where to go or what to do. Please we need Kelli to see us into a transition period. Even if it's just for work, go home and change back and be who you want to be at home." The anger was raging inside, and I was trying to keep it in check, I was so close to exploding, but I knew anything I said would just be reactive, and I would end up saying something I would regret. Candy was still gripping my arm fiercely. She normally has such a tough personality, but I could see tears were forming in her eyes. "Sweetie I am so sorry for this. I am beside you one hundred percent, I would love Kelli to be around. But I will support you whatever happens. I am your friend Kelli I will always be behind you." Siobhan spoke up. "It's me you have to be angry at. This was my idea. I have been so worried about what to do. This company needs Kelli, we need her drive, enthusiasm, passion and just her get stuck in and get your hands dirty attitude. I don't know that we can survive without her. This is my fault as well, because I saw in Kelli the way to develop interest in our company. Kelli is such a star. I made a conscious decision to drive everything from Kelli's persona. I am sorry I wouldn't have done it except I thought you were so settled in Kelli's skin. You have developed into a beautiful sexy woman and you seem so natural. That's partly why people fall in love with you. It's made developing the brand so much easier. I apologise for screwing you over. This was not an attempt to push you out. I don't want to see you upset, this is entirely my fault, I feel terrible." She had barely stopped talking when she burst into tears running out of the office with tears rolling down her cheeks. The others were standing around and it was deadly silent. Lauren threw her ten cents worth in. "Michael please think of everybody here instead of just yourself. There's a lot riding on this for all of us. Please Michael we all love you." I screwed up my nose and was going to say what I thought of her bullshit comment. She was just using the company and the others to get me to keep dressing as Kelli so Alecia would stick around. I just swallowed those thoughts. I shook my head. "It doesn't feel like it at the moment Lauren. I walked out and went back to work with the construction crew. I saw Siobhan sitting in a corner outside bawling her eyes out, with her head in her in her hands resting on her knees. I went over and sat beside her. "Hey honey it's OK, it's not your fault. You did the right thing." She flung her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder, "Yeah well it doesn't feel like I did the right thing. I am so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I should have warned you about today. Once I talked to the others it sort of snowballed. I feel so terrible please don't hate me, I'm not trying to force or bully you into being Kelli. I just thought maybe for work you could be Kelli and Michael at home or something, I don't know I think I have fucked up haven't I." I laughed. "No it's me that fucked up. I should never have started this crossdressing thing in the first place." "No that's not right. Things happen for a reason. Take a look around you. All of the great things that have happened here wouldn't have happened, we wouldn't have met. Even though I have let you down I am still incredibly happy that we met. I just wish I had warned you about today. It wasn't fair of me. Just think of it this way, all of these amazing things happened because you met Candy. She would never have got this off the ground let alone be the success that it is. You would still be working construction. All of the people working in the factory now wouldn't have jobs. Most of them couldn't get work because of their gender issues. There are not a lot of employers where being transgender is a plus instead of a negative. Lots of our workers couldn't get jobs because of their sexuality. You have done something amazing. Your dressing as Kelli was the glue that pulled this whole thing together. If you have to go back to being Michael well maybe that's another road we all have to go down." I shrugged. "Yeah maybe." She smiled at me. "I am sorry you are so confused about who you are. I guess it must be difficult to be two different people in the one body." The meeting had disintegrated when I left. We sat there and watched as they all filed out and left. I went back inside where Candy tackled me. She dragged me back into the office closing the door behind us. She sat me down and pulled a chair up in front of me. She held both of my hands in hers and looked me in the eye. "Please honey you have to talk to me. You have to talk to someone, at least I might understand." I had survived the conversation with Siobhan without tears but not this time. I started to cry. "I can't explain it Candy. Everything was going so well. I was loving my life and starting to feel totally at peace with Kelli. Then we went out to that fucking club and it all turned to shit. I was so proud of myself modelling those outfits on television and I held it all together, but then some sleazy guy chat's me up in a bar and I fall to pieces. I got so angry; the worst of it though is Lauren pushing me. She keeps going on about me being into it. She thinks I like these guys hanging around." Candy looked pensive. "So what does it matter if a couple of guys chat you up? You don't have to do anything." "I don't know it just seems so fake." "Sweetie it's going to be hard for you. You may not realise the effect you have on guys, people actually. I have seen you walk into a room and every guy is looking at you. You exude sexuality. You obviously don't see it but I am telling you it's there. You are so fucking sexy. Don't get me wrong Alecia or Lauren are more beautiful, prettier even, but you, you exude this sensuous exotic sexuality, sweetie it oozes out of you. I feel it and I'm fucking gay! If you get my motor running imagine what you are doing to them." "Candy don't you see, that's part of the problem I feel like a fraud. I am not looking for anything sexual. I feel like letting them think I am is wrong. I feel like a cock tease, or something. Lauren and Alecia like to let the guys chase them knowing full well that they aren't going to go with them. It's not right; there is no honesty in it." Candy smiled. "That is just life. There is no compunction to actually have sex with anyone, guy or girl. They throw themselves at you, but if you reject them that's their problem." "I know that, and if Alecia and Lauren would support me when I reject them I would be fine. But that's not what's happening. They think because I'm wearing a dress I am a fucking queer!" Candy pulled back sharply and gave me a hurt look. I saw it straight away. "Shit I am sorry honey I didn't mean to upset you. That was wrong of me. I accept you are gay and that works for you. I just don't feel the same way." She accepted my apology with a thin smile. "Honey there's nothing wrong with a little flirting, why don't you just give it a go. Bat your eyes at them, smile and just agree with them. Where's the harm. I'm sorry Kelli but it's a cross you will have to bare for being sexy." "No that's where you are wrong you see. If I stay as Michael, then nobody cares. I can go wherever I want and nobody even sees me. Candy was shaking her head vigorously. "No sweetie that's not the answer, that's the running away that Lauren's always whining about. You are too important to us all, and what's more you love being Kelli. I see it in your eyes; you come alive when Kelli is around. You are outgoing, bright effusive, you take charge and get things done. As Michael you go back into your shell. It might be hard to hear but Kelli is who you are, it doesn't mean you are gay. There's plenty of crossdressers who aren't interested in men. But you are lying to yourself if you don't admit that you like being Kelli." It took another week before Lauren called me and asked me to go home. It was a Friday night. I agreed to meet with them. When I arrived there was no food prepared and I was bloody starving. I rummaged around in the cupboards and found enough to make us a dinner. As we sat around talking Lauren apologised. Just like that completely out of the blue. "Michael we were wrong the other night. We shouldn't have left you standing by yourself. We weren't being very good friends, we ignored your fears and concerns. We just want to apologise for being poor friends. There is a girl's code and we ignored it and left you to fend for yourself. That was unfair of us. We should have supported you." Wow an apology! "Thanks for the apology. I accept." Alecia smiled. "Thank you it's important to us that you realise we know we did the wrong thing by you. We need to be better friends, but Michael don't you think you over reacted? What did any of those guys do that was so wrong?" What happened to the apology? She couldn't leave it alone. "Alecia we were on a girl's night out, three friends together celebrating what had been a great day. That morning was such a huge moment for me personally and I wanted to celebrate with my two best friends. I didn't care about anyone else. All I wanted was to spend the night with you two. All I wanted was a night out with my two best friends, a few drinks and some laughs." Lauren joined in. "Michael, please we are just trying to understand, what did they do that was so wrong?" I couldn't put it into words. "Oh I don't know they were just there. They were fucking breathing. I have tried to tell you that I am not comfortable with guys hanging around. I don't need that shit on a night out." "We were just having some fun. Those guys knew we weren't going home with them, they just wanted some female company, they wanted to dance and just let of some steam." I glared at her. "What a load of crap, the only reason guys go to places like that is to get laid. They buy you drinks and dance and play your stupid game because it's expected." Alecia was sitting quietly. "Michael we aren't trying to insult you. We were just trying to understand how you were feeling." "Can we move on? What is it you girls want from me? I am sick of all the drama and tension. I am sick of fighting with you." Alecia and Lauren glanced at each other and spoke together. "We want Kelli back." Lauren was in tears. "Please baby I am begging you, let Kelli out." I had heard enough. I am sorry Girls but Kelli is staying locked away. I left them sitting there as I headed back to the hotel. I decided I wanted a drink. I headed out to a local bar for a few drinks. As I walked in I saw a couple of the guys from the construction crew playing pool. They looked up and saw me and waved me over. They invited me to play a few games with them and as the beers disappeared and we talked a little. One of the guys patted me on the back. "Man you are one lucky dog working with all those hot women. Shit you must walk around all day with a boner." I laughed along with them. "Yeah you're not wrong actually. They are a pretty sexy bunch." "Hell yeah," Pete snorted. "It's a bit disappointing that the boss chick isn't around a bit more, fuck she is hot." Marcus the other guy snickered. "Hell yeah man if she played her cards right she could have me!" The pair looked at me. "Come on mate, what's she like? She looks fucking sexy." Pete opened his phone and went to Facebook where he opened up Kelli's page and started scrolling through some of the photos. They stopped on one Siobhan had taken at the show with me in lingerie. They were just about beating of there in the pub as they looked at the different photos. I grinned inwardly. Siobhan really was spending a lot of time keeping my fans happy. It was throwing out time before I left; I had to get a taxi because I was so drunk. That night I did a lot of thinking. I felt like shit. I missed Lauren, and if I was honest I missed Alecia as well. The time we had spent together had been amazing and not just the sex. I had developed real feelings for her. I missed Kelli as well. Nothing had gone right since I pushed Kelli back into the closet. I was fucked. If I could take my time back I might have done things differently. I really only pushed Kelli away to piss off Lauren. I had cut my nose off to spite my face. It was just my stupid stubbornness and pride. The next morning I was late when I rocked up the guys gave me shit about being late. Pete guffawed. "Bet you were having a dawn breaker." I was blushing bright red which only made matters worse. We got started on the day's work. By the time the crew was in full swing Candy and the team were just arriving. Candy and I hugged and she held me tight. "Love you sweetie she whispered." About morning tea I got a call from Leanne one of our biggest customers, she wanted to come to site for an impromptu meeting as she had one of her friends who was also in the business and was interested in buying a full range of our collection. It would be our biggest single order ever. I tried to get her to defer the meeting or just meet with Candy but she was adamant. Realising what I had to do I stalled her until later in the afternoon. I ran out of my office catching Candy by the arm as I ran by. She was stumbling along beside me as I dragged her I hissed, "Candy I need to bring Kelli back quick smart." She yelled at me as she tripped up, "Slow down before I break my neck. What's going on?" I explained the situation and she laughed. "Yeah about time, let's get you back to my place and we will get started." We finished up and headed to her place which was nearby. She went into overdrive doing my makeup; she worked fast blending a nice daytime look, not to dark. She pulled out a dress which was absolutely stunning; it was part of a new range she had been working on at home. She pulled it on and zipped me up; it was just about a perfect fit. She smiled saying whenever she designs a new dress she always uses my measurements. Candy didn't have any breast forms, but she had a little push up bra that fit well, as she was playing with my chest trying to squeeze my chest to form a breast shape, she gave them a little squeeze. "Shit girl these little puppies are starting to feel good." When I looked she was right I had man boobs and they were much bigger than I remember bloody hell. Once the bra was fitted I was amazed at the fullness, even without the falsies I had a nice cup, it wasn't full but it was noticeable. I was stunned by the look. It was perfect for a daytime meeting. The only thing she didn't have was shoes in my size. We had to take a detour on the way back to the factory so Candy could run in and buy me a pair. She picked a silver pair of two inch pumps and a pair of pantyhose. I hate pantyhose but at short notice it was better than nothing. Fuck I was so nervous, but excited at the same time, I couldn't help staring at my reflection as we walked past every window. I loved the flow of the dress, it flowed and floated. It would be dangerous on a windy day. Candy caught me posing in front of the mirror staring at my reflection and she chuckled. "Jeez you really are a girl." That was it I blushed bright red again. As we were walking into the factory Siobhan was coming back from lunch, when she saw me she rushed up and gave me a hug. Thank god Kelli, I'm so glad you're back, oh my god I am glad to see you. I have been stalling so many of our clients; can I tell them you will see them? It's important Kelli it really is. Some of them are getting cold feet. We need you to get them back on side." That afternoon I caught up on weeks of negligence. They were right, as Kelli I instantly felt more relaxed and in control. It became so much easier. It also felt good to be Kelli. I had really missed this. The day had raced by and it was late. The construction crew supervisor turned up looking for Michael. I said he had to take a couple of days off due to a family emergency. He was looking at me with an admiring gaze. "Well who do we talk to about issues with the job?" I gave him a smile. "I guess it will have to be me." "OK well we have a couple of issues which don't make sense and we could use some guidance. Can you come and have a look?" "Sure can," I muttered. I pulled on my jacket and followed him out to the work front. He dragged me into the site office. There were electrical drawings spread everywhere. I asked. "OK what's the problem." He scratched his head. "Well we don't think the electrical supply cables are big enough. With the new air con units in place the current is going to be too high. These drawings don't allow for the new air cons." As I looked through the drawings I could see they were right. I did some quick calculations. "OK we can continue to run the internal circuits from the existing circuit board. The supply cables can handle the extra lights and power sockets. Sewing machines don't draw that much continuous load. We will have to split the incoming supplies and install a new distribution board and junction boxes for the air cons. I will ring around tomorrow for a new distribution board and bigger cables. Let's focus on the lighting circuits for the time being." The look on their faces said it all. They were thinking how does she know that? I could see their minds working. It was all doable but to stay on time we would have to work Saturday. The supervisor said he wasn't sure he could get the team together but would talk to them. I asked. "Would it help if I talked to them?" He smiled. "It sure wouldn't hurt." So we went out and I asked the guys if they would be able to get in on Saturday. I offered double time and a bonus if we came in on schedule. There were some smiling faces and Pete piped up asking if I would be in as well. I could almost hear his gears turning. "Yes I will be here, I wouldn't miss it," The rest of the team all agreed they would be in as well. Crisis averted. Next up was Leanne who was already a customer. She arrived with her friend the new prospective customer. The moment she walked into my office I was stunned. Leanne is an attractive middle aged woman but the woman with her was beautiful. She was in her late forties but with a fabulously svelte figure and exquisite classical features. Her hair was raven black and her skin was an olive complexion with high defined cheekbones. She was absolutely stunning. We kissed as they entered my office. I made us all a cup of coffee and we chatted. It turns out Diane runs a small boutique shopping chain. She had six stores spread around the local region. She specialised in alternative styles. She didn't carry mainstream brands and labels. She wanted to keep her business as select and elite as possible. She liked what we were doing from the first time she saw our designs. As we chatted I called in Candy so Dianne could meet the actual designer. Diane was really taken with Candy. I left Leanne with Siobhan and walked Diane around our facility. As we walked it was obvious she was impressed. By the time she left I had a feeling she was sold even although she hadn't committed to anything. It had been a long day and Candy walked into my office sitting down on the edge of my desk. "Wow you always manage to amaze me. Well done today you nailed it girl." I was pretty tired it had turned out to be a pretty stressful day. I was leaning back in my chair. "Candy I want to see the rest of these new designs you have been working on. I have to say if they are as good as this one it's going to be a winner. Depending on how many designs you have we could do another show, if we get in early it could be a lead in to a summer range." She was smiling and nodded. "Well I don't have a full range, but if Kelli was here to look after the sewing room for a few days I could possibly have something by the end of next week. Come on sweetie, I saw you today, you love this, you haven't been happy recently. This is who you really are, that's the reality sweetie you can't hide from it; you just need to own it." She headed for the door. I still had a couple of hours work left. I needed to adjust the accounts, spreadsheets and profit and loss statements. It was surprising how far ahead we were. My god we were making a profit even considering the fact we were miles behind with production. The meeting today had gone well and it looked really promising. As I was making the adjustments a new email popped up it was Diane the lady from today. She was placing an order, and it was huge. There was a PS on her note. She wanted to go out together sometime. Bloody hell it was amazing. My mind was spinning. I couldn't stop smiling. I wanted to celebrate. I called Candy to tell her. I heard her squeal but she already had plans. I tried Siobhan but she was busy. In frustration I rang Karla. She like me was ecstatic with the news but like everyone else she was busy. I sighed. "Oh well looks like a night in by myself." Karla probed. "Why don't you ring Lauren or Alecia, I know they are at home doing nothing because I just spoke to them." "I don't know, things have been horrible between us lately. I haven't even spoken to either of them for a week." She comforted me. "I don't know what really happened between you three, but I know Lauren loves you. She was in tears the other day she misses you and wants you back in her life. Can I suggest that you give it another chance? Surely it's worth giving it another shot. If Alecia really likes you she will get used to Michael eventually. By the time we had finished talking she had convinced me. I decided to ring Lauren and tell her the good news. The moment she answered and she realised it was me her voice lifted and she sounded really happy. I explained the reason for my call. I heard her talking to Alecia. She asked. "So what are you doing?" I was honest and admitted that everyone else was busy and I just wanted to share the news and celebrate. "You should have called us first you pig. Come around tonight and we will all celebrate. The only catch is you will have to do the cooking!" I hung up the phone and straightened out my dress and jumped in the car and drove home, stopping only to pick up some booze and some groceries. Alecia and Lauren were in the lounge, watching something on TV they were laughing and joking. As I walked in I called out and they looked up but by then I was already in the kitchen plonking down my armful of supplies. I poured myself a glass of wine and poured a couple of fresh ones for the girls, I placed the drinks on a tray, sucked in a deep breath and walked into the lounge. I was leaning over in front of them placing the tray on the coffee table before there was even any recognition that I was in the room. All of a sudden Alecia screeched. "Oh my god Kelli, oh god you look divine!" Lauren followed suit, and a big smile passed over her face. "Oh my god baby it's so good to have you back." She jumped up into my arms. "Where the hell have you been? What took so long?" I explained I had stopped to get something to cook for dinner. I knew they wouldn't have anything in the house. Alecia clapped her hands. "Oh thank god I am so sick of take- away's and pizza." Lauren burst out laughing. "Kelli you will never know how much we have missed you. I have put on five pounds." I left them in the lounge while I went in to start preparing dinner. As I was getting it ready they both came in and hugged me and we kissed. I told them all about the new order. They stayed in the kitchen talking, cuddling and kissing as I got the food. I had read a recipe for Grilled Tequila Garlic-Lime Flank Steak and was giving it a go. The girls were bubbling and giggling as we cooked up a storm. By the time we sat down to eat things were buzzing. Alecia smiled. "God it's so nice to see you looking so happy and you look incredibly sexy." I sucked in a deep breath. "I have to say it feels nice to be home. I am so sick of fighting. Can we just start again?" That night we restarted our new marriage and we sealed it with a night of passion. It started in the lounge with Alecia sitting in my lap. Her tongue wrestling with mine. God that feeling of her lipstick covered lips sliding over mine, her channel perfume floating over us like a sensuous cloud was just so stimulating. She wriggled her hips on my hardening cock. She wriggled and writhed as Lauren walked behind us. She leaned down and her lips slid over mine and then onto Alecia's and they kissed. Fuck this was fantasy personified. Her hot breath was driving me crazy and Alecia was giggling sexily. "Kelli are you enjoying this?" Lauren had slid her hands over Alecia's breasts and was mauling them brutally, pulling her blouse open and her sumptuous flesh flowed out. She laughed as she lifted up and pushed her nipples into my open salivating mouth. Lauren snuck behind Alecia and worked her hand down her arse under her quivering cheeks. I felt her hands playing with her slit. She swapped from playing with Alecia's pussy to squeezing my cock. First one then the other. She slipped my dick out from inside my panties and rubbed it all over Alecia's wet open slit. Alecia was wriggling and writhing. I felt the tip slide into her as she let out a long. "Oooooooooooh god yes." Lauren massaged my balls under Alecia's arse as she started to bump up and down on me. Riding me like we were in the grand derby. She crushed her snatch hard down on my lap until I couldn't hold back. I pulled her back into our kiss and her tongue fucked my mouth as she fucked herself on my cock. It was too much and before I could stop myself I was flooding her with gallons of hot sticky goo. As we tried to regather our composure Lauren grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me into a deep soul wrenching kiss. "Come on bitch we are going to bed I need some of that. I hope you have been saving up." The next day was a great day, Candy was so happy to see Kelli walk in through the door she spent most of the day walking and talking with me. The construction crew were flat out and going well. It seemed even Siobhan was also more comfortable knowing I was around. As the day was drawing to a close and I relived the previous night my cock started to throb and pulse I raced out to my car and raced home hoping for a replay.

Same as Candys Fashion House Chapter Thirteen Videos

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen As I walked into the office my phone rang. It was Alecia. "Hi Kelli." I was a bit stunned that's just all I needed right at that moment. "Hi Alecia." "Kelli I wanted to talk to you if you have a minute." "OK Alecia let's hear it." "Babes I wanted to apologise for stealing Maddy away. She wanted to come to see you in person before leaving but I asked her not to. She feels really bad about what happened." "Tell her that I am disappointed but I guess I...

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eleven

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Seven

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Candys Fashion House Chapter One

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Fourteen

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Fifteen

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eighteen

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Three

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Five

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Candys Fashion House Chapter six

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Candys Fashion house Chapter Two

Thanks to Charlie for his amazing help. So that was it, I was wearing her panties every day. Every morning without fail Lauren would be waiting for me with a big smile and the panties twirling on her finger, there was always a pink pair, but I wasn't giving her the pleasure of wearing the bloody pink ones. On Friday night after work I got all excited, recently while Lauren had been working late I had taken an online course on massage. The last part of the puzzle was to actually...

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Candys Fashion House Chapter four

Thanks to Charlie again for his editorial skill, support and encouragement. Alecia, what the fuck was she doing here??? I turned to look at Lauren; she was talking to Maddison who was in turn pointing over at me! I got up and walked over. "Hi Lauren I was just wondering if you wanted to get lunch somewhere?" She hugged and kissed me. "Sorry baby I am flat out today, but I would love to take a rain check!" I mumbled hesitantly, "Yeah no worries Lauren, I will see you...

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Candys break up lll

All her fantasies wear about to come true. Sticking her tongue out Beth ran her tongue up each side of Candys vagina. The burning between her legs turned to flames as she tasted an other woman for the first time. Candy pressed on the back of Beth's head as she pushed her tongue into her. Beth could feel her own juices building as she lapped up Candys sweet nectar. That's it, Candy moaned. As she instructed her, Candy pulled at her nipples. Closing her eyes she felt her orgasm building deep...

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Candysfashionhouse 16

Thanks to Charlie for all the help and wonderful editing. Our relationship seemed to settle down and we slipped into a bit of a routine. As always it was short lived Lauren seemed to become more and more withdrawn. There didn't seem to be any one particular reason, she started to snap at both Alecia and myself. We ended up in arguments over the most trivial shit. Don't get me wrong life was still pretty good, the sex was out of this world and the love we shared was real. Alecia and...

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Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only c***d, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the character that Ewa Aulin portrayed, she was named because my maternal grandparents thought her sweet.She is. Think of the nicest and happiest and most giving gal you...

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Right from the Start Chapter Thirteen

Right from the Start - Chapter Thirteen - By: Beverly Taff Simon(Simone): The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary & Sandra: School classmates; Toni & Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist. Sophia & Alicia: Mary & Sandra's mothers. Chapter Thirteen Mary and Sandra smiled, as they lay still...

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Candys Choice

At nineteen you think you know it all! Well, I did anyway. I really thought I could manipulate anyone in trousers to get them on my side and make my progress through life as easy as possible. And it had worked, until now. I seemed to have reached my ‘nemesis’ in the form of Jock Gray the College Principal who had given me a stark choice to make. My name is Candice but my friends call me Candy and I really try to live up to my name, presenting myself as a sugar-sweet, all pink and white,...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Thirteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 13 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...

2 years ago
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Skipper Chapter Thirteen

Skipper, Chapter 13 - By: Beverly Taff I did not sleep well that night and unusually, I slept in. By the time I awoke, I remembered that Jenny and Bea had slept over with Chenille and Martina in the barn conversion. I had not been woken by the usual 'dawn thunder' of feet on the landing. Obviously, Sandie, Margaret and Sian had sensed I was too troubled about developments. I would not have been a fit parent to the girls that day. When I finally appeared in the kitchen window, Sandie...

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Fashion House 2 TUESADY

TUESDAY I woke up but Alastair wasn't in the bed next to me. I sat up, not at all in any pain, despite what I suspect was more than enough alcohol to sport a hangover. I realized I was naked, and looked around but didn't see any of my clothes from the night before. There was a light blue silk robe lying neatly at the foot of the bed so I got up and put it on. I went into the bathroom and relieved myself. After I washed my hands, I spotted a small hotel vanity kit with an extra...

4 years ago
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I Turned Thirteen

I Turned Thirteen My name is Claudette and I always thought that I was an ordinary typical teenage girl. I was pretty and the boys liked me. I had nice clothes, good friends, and I went places with my parents. I even did well in school. My life was perfect…or so I thought. The night before my thirteenth birthday Mom tucked me in and kissed me goodnight as she had done since I was a baby. Then she said, “When you wake up in the morning things will be different. You will become a...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: Insert Here! Several hours passed, as the light turned to dusk outside and the curtains hid our sexual encounters from the world. That night, both Amanda and Julia informed me that it was be okay for me to sleep in the same bed as them, if I wanted to. Like a kid in a candy shop, how could I resist such a sweet invitation. As I undressed in the bedroom, the two girls watching me as they perched their small petite and beautiful soft cheeks upon the edge of the bed. Stripping...

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A Moms Sexuality Awaken Chapter Thirteen

CHAPTER Thirteen That was when Sally realized the man inside her ass had just shot his load inside her and she had finished sucking all the cum out of Beth’s mouth. She missed Tom, but the man now inside her pussy was making it hard to go back to her memories. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kate talking to Josh and she wondered what that was all about. A feeling of jealousy at first swept over her as she didn’t want anyone getting her Josh. But, then she remember, that there really...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: Insert Here!Several hours passed, as the light turned to dusk outside and the curtains hid our sexual encounters from the world. That night, both Amanda and Julia informed me that it was be okay for me to sleep in the same bed as them, if I wanted to. Like a kid in a candy shop, how could I resist such a sweet invitation.As I undressed in the bedroom, the two girls watching me as they perched their small petite and beautiful soft cheeks upon the edge of the bed. Stripping off...

First Time
3 years ago
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Detectives Blues Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen A sea of masked faces looked up at Ted Phillips and the tall leggy girl with the long dark hair. Jim and I watched with horror as Phillips handed the brunette beauty's leash to the man who had just bought her. Eagerly, the man took hold of the leash and looked over his prize. Her hands, like ours, where cuffed tightly behind her back, leaving her totally at his mercy. Her long and shapely legs were clad in shear dark stockings and three inch black pumps. She wore a...

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The Creature chapter thirteen

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Like I said, I woke up around 10 o'clock in Randy's bed, not Mom's. I sincerely wondered what they had done to me during the night, while I slept. I knew that, most probably, I'd never find out. The first thing that I did was to go and change into normal clothes. I wore the girls' faux-leather pants and a normal girls' black T-shirt. I tried to do 'normal' things that 'normal' people did, but it felt strange not being able to talk. I went outside to play with the animals in...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Thirteen

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Thirteen - Naples - Whores and Princesses The Ark continued her voyage through the Mediterranean Sea, exercising with the Task Group as she went and arrived in Naples a week after she left Gibraltar. Lieutenant Steven Winters, RN became a regular at Barrack Room Betty's whenever there was no night flying. He entered into an arrangement with Michele that she would always be available for him at thirty pounds per week. In 1974 that was...

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Fashion House 1 MONDAY

The House Couture Looking back, I could never have understood how important this week in February was going to be to me or to my life. I mean, I started the week as a young man, intent on cracking into his industry and I ended the week as a bride! MONDAY I had been looking forward to February for a long time. Through several pulled strings and a little bit of sorcery, if I do say so myself, I had scored an invitation to one of the fashion world's most exclusive gatherings,...

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FRIDAY Jena and Gretchen awoke to her iPhone's alarm. She wanted to spoon with a woman so we slept in our female aspects. We took turns in the bathroom and she showed me how to brush out my hair, just as a good life skill. I could have done a quick female to male back to female change and had my hair basically ready to go, but we had time and it was good to learn. Jena and I were both borderline size fours so she lent me a skirt and a top so I didn't have to do the walk of shame...

3 years ago
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Fashion House 2 WEDNESDAY

Wednesday Wednesday morning seemed to be a repeat of Tuesday morning. I awoke alone in bed and there was satin robe lying across the bed. It wasn't the blue one but rather a long silver one with embroidery that matched the negligee. I got up, and went into the bathroom knowing I needed to relieve myself. I walked to the toilet, pulled my panties down and sat. "If I'm going to experience being a woman then I might as well start now," I thought. Next I went to the sink and...

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The Playhouse Chapter 1 Candidate

THE PLAYHOUSE Copyright Transfemme, 2002. CHAPTER 1: Candidate Verity Sherman walked down the central colonnade of the Facility, a pretty young woman in a pastel yellow sundress, her full lips pursed with trepidation. It was Monday morning; the Committee was meeting at ten thirty-five to discuss her latest progress report. Verity noted the time with an anxious turn of her wrist. Attendance was mandatory; she couldn't afford to be late by even a few seconds. She quickened her...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 4

Pete and Devin stood atop a temporary platform which allowed them to look down through the hollow. The men smiled as they saw water draining away. Pete’s cell phone rang. As Pete answered it, Devin got a knowing look on his face. “Hello?” Pete answered. “Yes, this is Pete Nelson. Yes, Nelson Treehouse and Supply. Your treehouse ... hurting the tree? The side of a cliff!? Uh, yeah, that’s not something I’ve come across before.” The head of NTAS glanced around the work-site. “Um, yeah, I’ll...

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The Mediterranean Guesthouse Chapter 2

The Mediterranean Guesthouse – chapter 2As I wake up some hours later, it is still dark, but I can already feel it is close to dawn. I slept again with the windows open, and the sounds of the warm night are already gone and I can hear the odd cry of a rooster from the valley. I look to the window and I can already make out the outline of the sky against the hills. In half an hour it will be sunrise. I still cannot really believe what happened last night. It all seems like a dream. Did I really...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part Two

Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Karen, 36, neighbor of Crystal's, 5'8, white, Blond Hair...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 8 Fashion Model

Being with Ramon was a wonderful experience. He shared with me his interest for music, the arts, good food and most of all his worship for the female body. He made me feel like a fully grown, mature woman, like the only woman in the world. His attention, his gentleness, his generosity made me want to give myself to him in any possible way. And when he fucked me - although he rarely used this term; he preferred to say we were making love - I wanted time to stand still, wanted the experience to...

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Fashion House 2 Thursday

THURSDAY It was an odd start to a morning. I awoke snuggled into Alastair's body, wrapped in his arms and felt a sense of protection and safety I had never felt before - never needed to feel before. The clock read 5:30AM, as I broke out of his embrace to get up to use the bathroom, I felt a strange sensation between my legs. I padded over to the bathroom and closed the door quietly before turning on the light. I pulled up the negligee, tucking the fabric under my arm, and...

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The Mediterranean Guesthouse Chapter 1

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. *******************The Guesthouse – chapter 1The flight had arrived on time, but the luggage was taking ages to arrive. It was already midnight, and I was feeling tired after spending full day at work and then flying to Cyprus. I was just waiting to get to the guesthouse and get in a good nights sleep. Watching the other passengers I could tell this was what other...

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Confessions Of A Fashion Witch

Warning - Top Secret The following document is the transcription of an audio recording between a reporter for the "Midside Courier" - Miss Cassandra Beckstein (shortened to Cassy) - and an individual identifying herself as "Evelyn". This recording appears to be made in a conference room in the newspaper main office and uploaded to the cloud as an automatic backup. Contents of this document are not to be made public. Cassy: Miss < REDACTED >? Evelyn: Yes, but please do not...

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TreehouseChapter 3 Busted

Bob awoke to birds singing in the tree limbs above him. Kim was nestled in his arms. The early morning sun was warm, but not enough to offset the chill from their nakedness. Kim stirred and looked adoringly at Bob. "Good morning, lover," she whispered sweetly. Then she realized that she had no clothes on, and that, even though she was snuggled close to Bob, she was freezing. "We had better climb down and go inside," said Bob. Bob and Kim grabbed their clothes and hurriedly threw them...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part One

Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben, a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Characters Introduced: Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 59 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 52, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 57, Asian with 5 cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 62 ,white, 8 cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 58, white,...

1 year ago
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E028 Pearl Thirteen

As Emma drives home she feels the pull on her nipples and clit from the string clasp on her.  The weights, while not that heavy, do add an extra tweak to her nipples.  Every time she goes over a bump in the road a jolt runs through her.Arriving home, she carries the suitcase in, wondering what the neighbors are thinking of her coming and going with a suitcase all the time now?  She hopes no one sees her.  Inside, she carries it to her room and takes out a lovely emerald green dress, shoes and...

Love Stories
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E028 Pearl Thirteen

As Emma drives home she feels the pull on her nipples and clit from the string clasp on her.  The weights, while not that heavy, do add an extra tweak to her nipples.  Every time she goes over a bump in the road a jolt runs through her.Arriving home, she carries the suitcase in, wondering what the neighbors are thinking of her coming and going with a suitcase all the time now?  She hopes no one sees her.  Inside, she carries it to her room and takes out a lovely emerald green dress, shoes and...

Love Stories
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Best Friends Foreverpart six of thirteen

CHAPTER 11:Lawyer Donnelly was nothing if not knowledgeable of how to do these kinds of negotiations. But, he was wrong about getting the check on the same day that the deal was consummated. It took two days. The guy was actually apologetic. I was sitting in his office looking at the actual check from Marcort.“They actually thought they’d be in litigation for forever,” said Mr. Donnelly.“Well, I guess they got something out of this too then, right?" I said.“I’d say that that’s a fair...

Wife Lovers
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Crushed on the Inside by the Outside Part OneBorn at Thirteen

PLEASE NOTE - All characters in this story are fictional, and thus any resemblance with real people is entirely fictional, and I apologise in advance. I hope you enjoy this tale, and please review when finished. I would love to hear any comments. It has been broken into more digestible chunks, making it easier read for some people.Anyway, enough of this mindless banter, let us continue with the story CHAPTER ONE-SELF REALISATION Black. Not even a colour. However it was...

1 year ago
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The Games Part Thirteen

THE GAMES PART THIRTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And now, on with the...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 5

Pete drove up to the Harris property, having just returned from a cliff-side treehouse near Memphis, Tennessee which was in serious need of modification, lest it kill both of the trees which were supporting it. The first thing the head of NTAS saw as he brought the pick-up truck to a stop was his son Henry, who was carrying a bucket of paint. “How’s it going?” the father called out. “Going great,” Henry called back as his father made his way to the back yard. “But Paula wants to talk to...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 6

Pete led Julie into her back yard, at which point he insisted that she look down, not up. Her parents and what looked like half of Tupelo followed at a respectful distance. “OK, now just stay looking down,” Pete told the eager teenage girl, “OK, now on three-two-one you can look up. Ready?” Julie was almost vibrating with excitement. “Yes, yes I’m ready!” “OK then,” Pete told her. “Three, two, one ... Look up!” Julie looked up and gasped. “Great Shades of Elvis!” she breathed. Several...

4 years ago
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FW How To Trick A Fashion Witch

"Stay back!" Fitz shouted while lifting a broom like a weapon. He glanced behind him for a moment and saw that Kellie equally frightened. Shifting his view revealed themselves trapped in a corner of the school's drama club room. "Doesn't she make a nice wig? I always loved her hair. So smooth and silky." Fitz's eyes narrowed as he saw Becky lift her latest victim up. He hadn't known. No one had. The mousey little wallflower was a fashion witch and now turned against her...

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The Houseboat Incident Chapter 1

It was the summer before my freshman year of college. My sister had returned home for the first part of summer. Since we would both be attending the same college in the coming year we decided to get in some early bonding time. We had enjoyed many days shopping and sunbathing while exchanging stories of some of our sexual exploits. There wasn't a day that went by that I hadn't learned how much of a cock hungry slut my older sister really was. Her sort of on again off again guy, Cody, invited us...

College Sex
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 2 Harry The Houseboy

Harry’s life as a Phyllis’s houseboy had turned out to be better than the situation of many of his contemporaries. A sponsored male in New Order Britain wasn’t under the sort of constant surveillance, harassment, and suspicion of subversion that un-sponsored males had to put up with. And besides, Phyllis had turned out to be a reasonable sponsor. The dream at school had been to be picked out as some girl’s life-partner but, realistically, that didn’t happen to more than a handful of men....

2 years ago
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Fashion's SlaveIt was the night of the presentation of our tenth couture show in Paris. Our company NIARTSER FASHION was not a big one, but we had grown steadily little by little and the number of the special kind of people that appreciated our art had grown and now people were coming from all over the world to see our presentations, which -- like at the big couturiers and the "pret-a-porter"-houses -- were held twice yearly. Actually we were more in accord with the timing of the...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Thirteen

It was only two days after my encounter with Molly in the bathroom. I was up late, getting myself a snack, and Chris and Jerome were probably in the living room doing something or other, as usual. I opened the fridge, eyeing some leftovers, sighing as I took it out. Microwaving was for the weak, real men just eat things cold. I set the tupperware on the table and saw Chris coming into the room. “Yo.” I casually greeted him. “Hi, Aaron.” he greeted me, almost nervously. “Can we talk about...

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DarkFyre Chapter Thirteen

The mild weather snuck away in the night, setting the stage for their departure, to be a much more bitterly cold and uncomfortable affair. After sundown the temperature dropped until snow fell in a scintillating curtain of white, crystal-soft flakes. They danced along the wind, dazzling and fleeting in the moonlight as they did somersaults and dizzying spiral dives before collecting in a graceless mass grave all along the docks, their frantic, joyful celebration of cold and movement and life...

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Mothers Model Son In His Totally Fem Fashion Show The Final Chapter

Frank thought ruefully that nothing could be more humiliating than to be a man dressed in a bra and panties, garter-belt, stockings and high heels to please two demanding women. Now, he realized with a new shame that shriveled his manhood, it was even more terrible to be undressed by those women even as they prepared to put him new, frothy lingerie loaded with lace, ribbons and bows. Even worse, he now stood there naked. From the neck down he knew he looked like a man even though his...

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You Must Remember ThisChapter 9 Fashion Victim Paris December 1941

Anna Prozisc was not a woman to let a simple thing like global conflict interfere with her enthusiasm for haute couture. As a result it hadn't been hard to track her down. Two of Sandy's "nuns" had kept watch on the fashion houses in the Boulevard Hausmann, under the guise of collecting alms for the poor. On the second day, Sandy was able to tell Clegg that they had spotted her. Clegg and Sandy took off in a taxi along the right bank, Sandy for once eschewing a military uniform to allow...

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