Candys Fashion House Chapter Fourteen free porn video

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Thanks to Charlie for the guidance help and editing. As I raced home I realised I would need to pick up groceries. I stopped at the supermarket and picked up food. Those two had no idea about looking after themselves. I wanted to do something special for the girls. Lauren had been at me to give Alecia a massage before our big bust up so I decided to run with that. I set up the table in the bedroom and set the mood with candles and incense oil. I went with lemon grass one of my favourites. I didn't know Alecia well enough to know what she would prefer. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when Alecia Walked in. She was first home. She gave me a very sexy kiss, as she put down her bag. She complained about a long day and needing a shower as she disappeared. She came back down the stairs moments later. "Um babes should I make myself scarce for a while?" "Why?" "Well you always said the massage thing was just for you and Lauren." "No baby you are part of this relationship now. Now it is you, Lauren and me. So if you would like a massage I would love to oblige." She smiled. "That's a no brainer, I would love a massage." I grabbed her hand, "OK then let's get that hot little body loosened up." I started at her feet as I always do and took a long time loosening up her tissue, as I was working my thumbs deeply into the soles of her feet she began to moan. "Oh fuck that feels so good. My god where did you learn that? It is the best." As I worked higher and higher up her calves her moans grew in intensity. Alecia is worse than Lauren when it comes to fashion. She always wears incredibly high heels. I swear she would wear them jogging if she could. Her calves were so tight and knotted. The moment I started to knead and massage the muscles she gave out such a deep moan. "Fuck, oh fuck. Oh babes that is soooooo good." I could feel the tissue releasing and softening as I worked my way up. Her hamstrings were no better and she was as equally impressed. By the time I was rubbing her ass, her legs had opened and she squirmed and wriggled. I dripped some warm oil down the crack of her bum which drew a deep quivering moan of pleasure. I teased her relentlessly working on her inner thighs and ensuring my hands gently came into contact with her pussy lips as they slid past. As I felt her need growing I would just let one of my fingers dip inside her engorged swollen lips. Now that she was aroused her lips were fat and swollen protruding out invitingly. I kept my focus mostly on her thighs but increased the contact with her pussy. I ran my index finger up her slit from her clit to her bum hole which drew an even bigger sigh. "Babes please don't tease me." She had a pleading tone to her voice, almost begging. As my fingers slid up and down her crack I rubbed a little of the oil on her bum hole, I was expecting her to drawback, but she pushed her bum up off the table increasing the pressure on my hand. With one hand I was rubbing her back and the other I was mashing her pussy with my palm open, just pushing her outer lips around. She was writhing frantically her hips lifting up and down matching my movements. I dipped a couple of fingers into her open hole and she cooed responsively. "Oh god yes that's it babes, oh yeah." Moving my hands in and out in a slow fucking motion I started in earnest to fuck her deeper and longer. Her movements were getting more pronounced she was pushing back harder and harder so I eased my fingers out of her and went back to the massage properly. I massaged and kneaded her lower back then up to her neck and shoulders. "Fuck you are such a tease, why did you stop," she moaned. I leaned down and kissed her. "There's no rush baby, just enjoy OK." I rolled her over onto her back and started at her feet again moving quickly up her legs until I was again massaging her pussy. I didn't dally as I could sense her desire. The room was pungent with the aroma of her need. I slid a finger into her hole and fucked her gently using my palm to massage her clitoral area mashing her mons with vigour. Alecia's eyes were closed tightly and her face was tense, her cheeks were a bright red and her breathing was short and quick. Her orgasm wasn't far away. I leaned down nuzzling and licking and nibbling her nipples as I fucked her pussy harder and harder. He hips were thrusting back up off the table matching me thrust for thrust her pussy was so wet my hands were covered with her gooey hot juices. She screamed out loud, "Oh fuck, babes fuck me I'm coming, Jesus Christ I'm coming." I thrust my head down locking my mouth over her clit. I wanted to taste her beautiful cum. It was thick and gooey and sweet. Her whole body was trembling and pulsating. Her back was arched up high as she crushed her pussy on my mouth. Afterwards I released the suction on her clit and lapped her gently, then went back to massaging her shoulders and body, I kept up the massage as she got her breathing back under control and brought her down with a full body massage. As her eyes opened she smiled up at me. "Oh my god Lauren was so right. Babes that was so satisfying and I feel so relaxed. That is definitely the best massage I have ever had." I helped her into the bath and brought her a glass of wine. "Relax while I get dinner," she purred. "OK babes." Reaching out her hand she whispered, "Thank you that was amazing and Kelli I am so glad you are home." I was in the kitchen when Lauren walked in and she gave me a big. "Hi baby." As she walked into the kitchen she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly and we shared a beautiful loving kiss. Her tongue was on fire racing around inside my mouth. She pulled back a little. "Well somebody has been a dirty little tramp haven't they." She was using a scolding tone and I wasn't sure if she was really angry. She has a great poker face and sometimes it's hard to tell. "So where's Alecia," she asked? "In the bath," I muttered. She kissed me again. "God she tastes good doesn't she." All I could do was nod my head before going back to getting dinner ready. Lauren turned and ran up the stairs. I heard them both screaming and laughing. I was serving dinner as they came down and walked over to the table. Lauren exclaimed, "Well it seems like you two have really been having a fun afternoon haven't you." Alecia was laughing but I was still a little unsure how to react. Lauren exclaimed, "I am feeling a little left out. I am going to need a massage myself now. So after dinner you are going to get busy again Kelli you little bitch, that poor little mouth of yours is going to be tired tonight!" That night turned into the most erotic experience of my life. At different points I was buried in Laurens pussy fucking her like mad with Alecia's pussy crushed over my mouth smothering my screams of delight. At others I was fucking Alecia on all fours while she licked my cum out of Laurens pussy. By the end of the night I was exhausted and satiated. I couldn't even move off the bed to shower. I went to sleep with Lauren and Alecia's leg trapping me beneath their hot sweaty bodies. It was amazing there was lingerie spread everywhere. For the next few days things ran amazingly well, the girls were their fun loving selves and there was no fighting or arguing the sex was amazing although Lauren seemed to have rekindled her love affair with my ass and tried to feel me up and get her finger in my bum every chance she got. It pissed me off but I bit my tongue and didn't say anything because I didn't want to spoil the mood, everything had been so fabulous. I was really starting to get more and more comfortable being Kelli. As it always seems to happen with us it fell apart. It happened as we were making love one night. I was lying on my back with Laurens hot pussy smothering my face, she was riding my tongue like a cowgirl as she stroked and massaged my dick. Alecia had been giving me a blowjob when I felt her climb off the bed, and Lauren doubled down on her efforts to suffocate me with her wet pussy. As she was getting louder and more vocal I felt Alecia's weight on the bed by my head and Lauren move her leg back. As she did so Alecia pushed something in between Laurens pussy and my mouth. My tongue was licking frantically and I took the opportunity to suck in a deep breath. As I opened my mouth to get a breath I felt something hard yet flexible slide across my lips. Oh fuck it was that plastic cock again. She was trying to slide it into my mouth, I moved back sharply but Lauren pinned me down tight and I didn't want to hurt her. Alecia kept trying but I had moved far enough. Lauren climbed off me rolling over onto her back, as she rolled over she grabbed my hair and pulled me by the hair until my face was again crushed into her meant to get comfortable I had to move into a kneeling position. As I was licking Laurens wet sloppy hole Alecia moved behind me and I could feel her weight as she manoeuvred between my legs. Lauren was moaning loudly. "Good girl, that's it baby lick me." I felt Alecia rubbing my arse as she wriggled around behind me. That's when I realised she was wearing a strap on cock and it was nestled between my legs. Her hands were on my ass as she moved the head of it against my ass. I realised what she was trying to do and I flopped over on my side pulling away from her. "What the fuck," I cried out. "Jesus what the hell are you doing?" I screamed angrily at her. She looked distraught the ferocity and extent of my anger had obviously scared her. "I'm sorry Babes she whined I thought you might like to feel what we feel when you fuck us. We thought you might like it." "Fuck off." I was almost crying, barely fighting back the tears. "Why the fuck would you think that. I'm not fucking gay." "Hey it's OK." She tried to sooth me. "Babes I love making love with you, I love the feel of your cock inside me, and I wanted you to feel the same joy I do. I love you and I wanted to show you what it feels like." "Fuck you," I grumbled, I scrambled for the edge of the bed but Lauren caught me and pulled me back down. She cooed quietly, "Jesus chill baby it's just a cock." She stroked my cheeks. "Baby please just taste her, just lick it." Lauren pulled me into a passionate kiss. Alecia crawled up so that she was kneeling with her strap on beside our mouths. Lauren opened her mouth and sucked it in, as she did her eyes never left mine. Then she pulled it out. "See baby it's easy, just open those gorgeous sexy lips and suck it, just give it a little kiss." She held the cock in her hand and rubbed it all over my face. "See baby it feels good doesn't it, I know you want It. Don't be scared just give in to the emotion. Please baby don't hold back, just lick it." With that she crushed her mouth on mine and kissed me, her tongue racing around my mouth. As her lips pulled back so they were just touching mine she pulled Alecia's cock towards our lips Lauren started to lick it running her tongue along the length of it as she tried to push it against my closed lips. "Go on baby open up, just kiss it." I felt Alecia's hands in my hair pulling me onto it, Laurens hand pushing the head hard against my lips, Alecia moaned. "Come on babes just open up. Open up you sexy little bitch." Her hand was massaging my cock, squeezing and stroking. "Go on baby suck it," she whimpered. The whole thing seemed a little surreal. As she was massaging my cock her hand was sliding between my legs and her finger was rubbing around the outer ring of my ass, then it was pressing against my hole trying to get inside. I clamped my legs shut. Alecia was talking with her smooth calming voice. "Relax babes let her in, enjoy it don't fight please babes I just want to give you the pleasure you give me, I won't hurt you, Lauren loves it when I fuck her in the ass, please let me show you." Lauren had just about got the tip of her finger in me when I came to my senses and started to kick and wrestle them off me. "Stop it the pair of you. What the fuck Jesus what in god's name makes you think I want this? I told you I'm not into this shit." I climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom to clean up. When I came out they were both watching me intently. I barked. "I am sleeping in the spare room." I slammed the door as I walked out. I went into the spare room and pulled the door shut behind me. I kept it together until my head was wrapped in the blankets and I cried and cried. Fuck them, I had been feeling so good when I got home, Kelli's force was strong and I felt good. Now all my confidence was gone and I felt empty and hollow. Fuck them, why did they have to bring all this gay shit into our relationship. Fuck the pair of them. I sat up in bed drying my eyes; I could hear commotion in the other room. I prised open the door a little, Alecia was crying her heart out. "What have we done, what have we done. Now she hates us." Lauren seemed much calmer. "It's OK gorgeous she was just being a fucking drama queen like always. We just need to give her time she will come round. I could see it in her eyes she was enjoying it." Alecia sniffled. "No didn't you hear the revulsion in her voice. I need to go and talk to her." Lauren whined, "No baby just leave her to wallow in her self-pity, come back to bed, I want your pussy." Alecia was sobbing and sniffling. "No, no I'm not in the mood anymore." It was a long and restless night, I couldn't clear my mind and I kept tossing and turning. Why did Lauren need me to submit to her? I have fought against it my whole life. Why did they want me to be some sort of submissive slave, it just scared me. The morning rolled around and I escaped early so I didn't have to put up with their shit. I walked into the office and Candy was already there working on her new designs. The moment she saw me walk in she sensed something was wrong. "Oh dear, what happened? Come on out with it." I didn't want to have to go through the whole saga and just fobbed her off, but she would have none of it. In the end I had to tell her and she laughed and laughed. "So let me get this straight, just because your girlfriends want to share some love with you, you get all toxic and go ballistic." "I don't want to talk about it ok." I walked out slamming the door behind me, I walked down to do the prestart with the construction guys and it was noticeable that nobody was paying attention they were all staring at my legs the dress I put on this morning was really short and barely covered my ass. It wasn't very business woman that's for sure. It will teach me for getting dressed in a hurry in the dark. I had to spend some time with the construction guys going over drawings and plans. It was sort of flattering having the whole crew drooling over me. Pete especially, he is such a macho man and he thinks woman are falling over themselves to get to him, and I guess if I was a woman he would appear handsome, and I have seen his dick which is impressive. As I was thinking about it I blushed and felt my cock give a little twitch. The next morning I woke with a fresh outlook looking forward to work. It turned out to be an amazing day. I clinched another couple of sales and had meetings with existing clients. It was just a fun day. I was taking great joy in walking around tormenting the construction guys. I had chosen a short skirt with a white transparent top. My bra was visible through the sheer fabric especially in the sunlight. I had selected a nice pair of light stockings to go with the skirt, but I had chosen to use a garter belt that could be seen under the skirt. It made me feel sexy as I paraded around in it. Pete seemed to find a lot of excuses to get me to go over things with him. It was becoming my fun release tormenting these guys. It didn't go unnoticed by Candy and Siobhan who teased me in return. Candy laughed. "For a straight guy you can be a real teasing bitch!" When I went home that night I quickly cooked dinner and went up to the study to do some work on my portfolio. Lauren wasn't talking to me at all. Her bad mood was driving me crazy. I called them both into the dining room. "OK girls we need to talk, I'm not living like this if you aren't going to respect my boundaries then I am leaving." Lauren spat, "Yeah go on that's your answer to everything isn't it? You always just run away. You are too scared to try something different. God we want to do something to you that you do to us every fucking day. Your answer is to simply run away." Alecia was trying to shut her up, but she was in full flight. "No Alecia I am having my say. He comes home and we never know who is going to walk through the door. All of this is because we wanted to treat him to something special." My anger overflowed in a vitriolic rant, "What you wanted to treat me to was something I have told you over and over I am not into. My ass is off limits because I don't like it. You already know that, but all you care about is your own gratification. You are a lawyer Lauren you know better than us that no means no." That certainly shut her up. The room was silent for an eternity before Alecia coughed. "Um babes, you have to blame me for the other night not Lauren, it was my suggestion. I was the one wearing the strap on. I am sorry I totally misread your signs. I thought you were really in touch with Kelli and you would enjoy it." "That's bullshit Alecia, Lauren knows full well how I feel about this. It's not new we have argued about it in the past. Don't tell me you didn't talk about it first. Or here's a thing perhaps you could have asked me rather than try to trick me." Alecia whispered hoarsely, "Babes we weren't trying to trick you. There's no need for anyone to leave Kelli. We made a commitment to each other. I am sorry you think we disrespected you, we didn't mean to but you have been sending mixed messages lately, or at least that's how it seems to me. I thought you were ready." "Ready for what? What was I supposed to be ready for? Just because I like to dress in woman's clothing. Yes I admit that I enjoy it. I love being Kelli, but I am not interested in getting anything shoved in my arse, I am not fucking gay." "Babes nobody said you were gay; we just wanted to give you something special. We wanted to show you how wonderful you make us feel when you make love to us. Christ I am a lesbian but I still love the feel of you inside of me, I love the feel of you fucking me. I have never experienced it before, and it's wonderful. I want you to feel that. It's got nothing to do with being gay." Lauren tried to interrupt but Alecia overruled her. "You're right babes, we stuffed up. What if we agree to never do it again if we can just move on? Please forgive us, we didn't mean to hurt you. It was just going to be a bit of fun." Lauren finally got her chance she scowled. "Hang on a minute what's wrong with being gay? I just don't get it? We are gay, does that embarrass you? God it was just sex, so what if we want to stick something up your arse. Shit it's not something to be fucking scared of!" "That's OK for you Lauren you are gay. I don't have a problem with it. I am not gay and I don't expect you to have an issue with that." Alecia interrupted, "Babes we have said sorry can you accept our apology." "Yeah of course, I accept your apology but that's not the only problem, I am sick of being belittled and insulted every time you don't get your way. That has to stop and then maybe we can move on." "Oh thank god," she sighed. "Babes Lauren only says those things because she is frustrated with what's happening between all of us, can we just have a drink and try to relax." I poured us all a drink and we sat in the lounge sipping our drinks in silence. We all slept in our bed that night but there was no nookie for anyone. I did wake in the night with Laurens hand grasped tightly around my cock. It didn't matter which way I rolled I was met with a hot sexy body dressed in silk, satin and lace. I had a hard on the whole night. I had to get up early in the morning as I planned to cook a barbeque breakfast for the team. It was a Saturday and the construction guys were in on overtime as was the production staff. I had managed to get the team to work Saturday mornings until we had reduced the backlog of orders. I decided to go with a totally casual look. I selected a pair of skin- tight jeans that showed off my ass and legs, which I coupled that with strappy high heels and a tight fitting T-shirt. I took special care with my makeup, if I do say so myself I looked sexy, casual but sexy. I was just pulling on my heels when Alecia woke up. She saw me dressed and whistled. "Wow babes you look sexy." I smiled. "Thanks Alecia it's a big day today." I walked over and kissed her. "I'm cooking a big breakfast for the whole team today. Everyone's in trying to make up lost time so I'm putting on something special for them all. Why don't you guys come in and join in." She sighed. "It's so early, yeah well maybe. I will see if I can wake Lauren." I stopped off on the way and picked up all the makings, burgers, sausages, bacon and enough mix to make a hundred pancakes. I fired up the barbeque and laid out some tables and started cooking. By the time the crew had arrived I already had a dozen burgers and half a dozen servings of bacon and eggs already on the go. I was just making the first batch of pancakes and waffles when Candy and the production team arrived. We all gathered around the tables and everyone was talking and joking, but I noticed some lecherous stares as I made sure I wiggled when I walked. Siobhan teased me about torturing the guys. We had just started eating when Karla, Lauren and Alecia turned up as well. Karla gave me a wolf whistle when she saw me which got the guys going and then there were several whistles. Lauren walked over and gave me a big juicy tongue swirling kiss which incurred even more whistles. She loved the attention and came back for seconds. I cooked some more food and as I walked from table to table serving the food I made sure that my ass wobbled as sexily as I could. The lecherous stares weren't missed by Alecia; I saw her smile as I made the most of it. Everyone got back to work and Karla came over and hugged me, "It's so good to see you. Oh I am so glad you made the right decision, like it or not honey this really is you. Alecia came over on the pretence of helping me clean up, but all she wanted to do was talk. "For someone who is so uncomfortable around men you seem to be enjoying this way to much. You are teasing the hell out of these guys." I smiled. "Yeah I guess it's because I know them all, they are friends and I am comfortable with them. They aren't trying to grope me, or get into my pants. Here regardless of how I'm dressed I'm just part of the team. Alecia I have never tried to hide the fact that I enjoy the fact men find me attractive, I really enjoy that." She smiled. "Well babe all I can say is it's so nice to see you relax and be yourself. I watched you today and you really shone, I mean it you are glowing and radiant. You exude sexiness without even trying." When I got home I could hear the music pumping from outside, as I opened the door I could see the girls were in party mode. They had the stereo cranked and were dancing around the lounge jumping up and down and rubbing up against each other. The moment they saw me walk in they dragged me into the lounge and pulled me into a clinch as we danced and swayed around. Alecia poured me a glass of wine which went down quickly and then another. The whole thing was infectious; we were kissing and bouncing around. A slow song came on and Lauren pulled me in tight as we swayed to the music, it wasn't dancing it was more smooching. Alecia came up behind me and her arms encircled Lauren and me. Her hot lips were kissing my neck and face, Laurens lips were glued to mine wow it was so hot. Alecia's mouth was like a wet furnace breathing fire across my skin. Then just as it started it was over a really fast bouncy song came up and we were back to bouncing around, Lauren was like a kid jumping on the sofa and trying to sing along with the song. I had to sit down I was exhausted; the girls had a head start on me and were obviously well on their way. I walked out to the kitchen and started dinner, Lauren called out, "Bring more wine bitch." I took them another bottle and Lauren filled my glass and we all toasted love and friendship, sealed with a three- way kiss. I went back to the food preparation and they kept dancing, I don't know where they got their energy, but I wish they would share. I had a long day and my feet were killing me. My new shoes looked as sexy as hell but they were hardly comfortable. It was nice to be out of them and just feeling comfortable. As I was making the salad Alecia came into the kitchen and tied me in a very sexy embrace her kiss was searing hot and her boobs were rubbing against mine, her crutch was pressed against me and I could feel the inferno that was burning inside. We didn't talk we just made out. Then she was gone in a flash of bouncing flesh screaming, "Oh god I love this song!" Over dinner we talked about the day's events. Lauren teased me about being the biggest cock tease of all. "I cannot believe you give Alecia and me a hard time for being cock teasers, you are the biggest tease of all." She rubbed it in that I had been absolutely torturing the contractors. Alecia giggled drunkenly. "Shit yeah girl I watched them they all had their eyes glued to that sexy ass, girl those jeans were made for you. God I would kill for that ass." Lauren chuckled. "I would kill to get in that ass!" Alecia just about choked on her drink as she laughed. "Hell yeah I second that." After dinner Lauren changed the mood putting on a slow jazzy album, and we all slipped into a slow dancing clinch, there were hands and mouths everywhere. My cock was at full mast and it was getting painful trapped in my little pink panties, I was fidgeting and adjusting, Alecia asked coyly. "What's the matter babe? Is something getting in the way?" I laughed. "Yeah and its getting painful stuck in my panties." She knelt down in front of me reached up and pulled my dick out of my panties and slid them down my legs until I could kick them off. She slid back up my body. "Better babes?" And as she slipped back into our slow dance clinch her hand dropped and she massaged my aching dick, stroking it and playing with it. Fuck it felt so good. As Alecia kissed me I knelt down in front of her and pulled her panties down, as I slid them down I crunched them up and held them to my nose inhaling her beautiful earthy aroma. I put my mouth right up to her pussy and kissed her as she swayed to the music, her legs parted and I ran my hand up her inside leg until I could feel the wetness of her open slit. My tongue found its way into her wet opening and I ran my tongue in and out. Lauren moved up behind Alecia and her hands were around her as she tweaked and pinched Alecia's nipples, massaging her boobs, kissing her mouth, her neck and nibbling on her ears. Alecia supported herself by grabbing hold of my hair and holding my face tight against her. She pulled me up until we were kissing again. This time I knelt down in front of Lauren and pulled her panties down in one foul swoop, again I inhaled her aroma, Lauren has the sexiest smell. When she is aroused she exudes this gorgeous sexy scent. It's strong and you can smell and sense it. I buried my head in her pussy rolling my head as I licked and bit her. She pushed me gently back until I was lying on my back and she sunk down covering my mouth with her pussy. Her lips opened wide and my tongue slid right up inside and I licked and sucked for all I was worth. She was rocking back and forth grinding her clit against my nose, her lips suctioning my tongue further into her hot wet depths. I felt her falling backwards over my torso and Alecia's face appeared above mine as she licked and sucked Laurens pussy. Lauren moaned. "My ass baby lick my ass." She was wriggling her bum hole above my mouth. I tentatively kissed her little starfish. Alecia was going crazy on Laurens pussy and it was so hot getting a close up view of Alecia at work. As I kissed her bum hole and she pushed her ass harder down on my face, my tongue slid right into her hole, just a little at first then as she gyrated more and more and I became comfortable with the taste and sensation I fucked her asshole with first just my tongue but then I added a finger. Alecia had three fingers fucking her pussy and I had one up her date. I could feel Alecia's fingers through Laurens skin, it felt so sexy and yet so wrong. Lauren was screaming and her body was moving of its own accord as she writhed uncontrollably on my body. She came in a tumultuous orgasm, her juices squirting all over our faces. As she recovered and slid off me Alecia glued her mouth on mine trying to suck out any remaining taste of Lauren. We were all lying there recovering and Lauren giggled. "Sorry baby did I hurt you?" "I will recover," I breathed. That night as we fell into bed Lauren and I were making out, Alecia had disappeared Lauren was holding my head tightly in her hands kissing me, I felt Alecia climb back on the bed she was wearing that fucking strap on again. It appeared by our faces and I recoiled fast, pulling right back. Lauren laughed. "Relax baby this isn't for you, it's for me." She sucked it into her mouth, licking it like she would my cock. Alecia was sliding the plastic fantastic slowly in and out of Laurens mouth, her eyes were fastened on me as her hands tangled in my hair she was trying to encourage me to lick the plastic cock but I kept my mouth well out of the way. She fell back away from us and as Alecia rolled over onto her back Lauren climbed over her and she murmured to me, "Baby put it in for her." I reached down and grabbed the cock and held it as Lauren slid down on it, I mumbled, "Hmmm looks like I am just going to be a spectator tonight." Lauren started to ride Alecia moaning and whimpering as the sounds of her wet pussy convulsing around Alecia's cock filled the room. Lauren turned around and cried to me, "Baby slide your finger in my ass." I crawled up beside them and slid my finger in, as I kissed her bum cheeks. Lauren moaned, "Oh fuck that feels so good baby, now pull Alecia's cock out and rub the juices all over my hole." Again I grabbed the plastic cock and rubbed it up and down Laurens crack getting plenty of her juices all over her hole. "That's it baby she cooed now put two fingers in my bum." I did as she asked sliding two well-greased fingers into her bum and sliding them in and out slowly. I grabbed the plastic cock and slid it back into Laurens pussy and she squirmed around until the cock was buried deep inside her and she started to slowly fuck it. She smiled at me as I slid my fingers in and out her ass in rhythm with her thrusts. "Baby I have dreamed about this moment for ages, I want you in my ass right now, I want you to fuck me in the ass." Jesus this was one of my biggest fantasies, I crawled up between her legs, I pulled Alecia's cock out of her pussy and slammed mine in, I pumped her for a few moments until my cock was wet and slippery with her juices then I crammed three fingers in her as well and rubbed the juices into her arsehole. Lauren squirmed around until Alecia was buried back in her pussy and I slid my cock slowly into her ass. Inch by inch I eased it in. I felt Alecia's plastic cock through the membrane of Laurens ass sliding in and out. I was so scared of hurting her I went slow, really slow, but Lauren would have none of it she was pushing back. "Stop teasing me you little sissy bitch just fuck me, fuck me hard." Being a gentleman I couldn't refuse I fucked her, I fucked her hard and she moaned and whimpered, "Ooooohhhh fuck yes. Jesus Kelli your cock feels so big in my ass, oh god baby." I was driving hard into her and I felt her body go rigid and her breathing stopped and she trembled, inundating Alecia's legs with her juice as it flowed and squirted all over her. I was pounding her ass harder than ever and it was my turn to cum filling her with gallons of hot gooey cum. I flopped down beside Alecia and she leaned over kissing me, she had a big smile on her face, I couldn't talk, I could hardly breathe I just smiled back. She shocked me by leaning down and kissing my cock. Fucking hell, I had gone to heaven. Alecia raised her head and kissed me again sucking my tongue deep into her mouth. Laurens head popped up and she whimpered. "Wow I have dreamed about that forever." Alecia sniggered. "Yeah well next time it's my turn." The next morning found me doing some laundry by the time the girls dragged their arses out of bed. I made them a light breakfast and as we were sitting around Lauren asked, "Well what shall we do today girls?" Alecia cried out, "Let's all go on a girl's day out. We will shop all day." Well Alecia's idea of shopping is we go all over town into every single expensive boutique. Her generosity knew no bounds. She wouldn't let us pay for anything, not a damn thing. We had shopping bags full of clothes jewellery and makeup; we had that many bags we could hardly hold then all. I was trying to slow her down. "Alecia this isn't right, it is too much, and I can't afford to repay this generosity. Please Alecia, let me buy my own things, I don't need all of this!" She looked hurt. "Don't you like the things I brought for you?" "Of course I do Alecia it's just I can't afford to repay you. I feel terrible." She shushed me. "Babes I have a trust fund that is bigger than what you will earn in your lifetime. I will never be able to spend it so please, just accept these little gifts. It is my feeble way of saying I love you. Babes it is only money, you give me so much more with your love." That night in bed I tried time and time again to repay Alecia, I don't know how many times she came but it was a lot and we slept the sleep only the satisfied can sleep. It was an amazing thing. I woke first in the morning and it was a replay of the previous mornings, Lauren and Alecia wrapped together in a rapturous embrace, it no longer made me feel jealous or uncomfortable, it was more a warm glow seeing the two of them together. I decided to just lay there and soak in their beauty for a while. Even with their hair messed up and their makeup smudged they are two of the most spectacular women you could ever wish to see. Two completely different body shapes, Alecia with her luxurious cherubic curves, Lauren with her lithe slim almost boyish figure. I was in awe of their beauty. I was laying there on my side admiring them when Alecia's eyes opened and she looked across Lauren at me and a huge smile spread slowly across her face. She reached out with her hand until her hand was in mine. "What are you doing?" she mouthed. "Just thanking my lucky stars and admiring your beauty," I answered quietly. We lay there like that for ages. In the end I jumped up and headed for the shower. I was standing in there with the spray washing down me when the door opened and Alecia snuck in behind me. We soaped and scrubbed each other, giggling and laughing. Then the door opened again and Lauren was squeezing in beside us. We were rubbing each other there were soap suds everywhere, even places where there shouldn't be. We kissed, stroked and caressed our way through the shower. It was a magic moment. So here was another Saturday and yes we were shopping! We were strolling around the mall with our arms full of bags, Lauren said let's get some lunch and dragged us into this cosy little wine bar. She ordered us all a salad and got a round of drinks. We were sitting giggling and laughing, I noticed myself that I try so hard to mimic the girls that I sometimes go over the top in trying to be feminine. Anyway we were talking when a very big handsomely dressed guy came over with a tray of drinks for us. "My treat," he said as he leaned between Lauren and I. She batted her eyes and responded sexily. "Well thank you kind sir, most appreciated." He disappeared back to the bar where he sat watching us, his eyes never leaving our little party. Lauren leaned over the table whispering. "God he is scrumptious." She looked nervously at me to see what my reaction would be. I just shrugged, and Alecia replied. "He is handsome all right." Lauren carried on. "I wouldn't say no to him between my legs." I was a little taken back and looked at the pair of them with my eyebrows lifted to show my surprise. "What why are you so shocked," Alecia muttered. "You think men are the only ones who talk about this?" She giggled patting my hand. "Relax babes we are just teasing." As we sat and chatted Lauren turned the conversation to the previous night, Both Alecia and Lauren were going on about it and Lauren sighed deeply. "Girls it was amazing that's all I can say, I have never felt anything like that. It was so animalistic. Thank you for giving that to me." Alecia added her ten cents worth. "Well after tonight I will be able to find out for myself, I can't wait, my pussy is already tingling." They were carrying on like teenagers and the guy who brought the drinks wandered back with more. This time Lauren moved her chair and invited him to sit. He ended up sitting between Lauren and me. "So ladies what brings you gorgeous creatures here today?" I snapped sarcastically, "Isn't it obvious? We have been shopping." I meant it to be a caustic response to a stupid question. He looked at me with a smile. "I can see that I was just wondering if it was for anything special." "Well actually it's none of your damn business is it?" Alecia interjected before it got out of control. "No it's just a girl's day out. We were just enjoying being with friends." He smiled across at Alecia his gaze warm and inviting. "You can't beat being with friends, have you been having fun?" Lauren exclaimed excitedly, "It's been wonderful, thanks for the drinks by the way, you didn't have to." "Oh yes I did," he stated loudly. "Three gorgeous sexy women walk into my bar, I absolutely had too. I was so intoxicated by your beauty I had to come and talk to you. I had to find out if you are as beautiful as you seem. Ladies I can confirm that you are indeed the embodiment of a sexy woman. I would love to take you all home and make passionate love to you all." "Hah," I sputtered at his bravado. "You couldn't handle one of us let alone all of us." He looked at me. "Perhaps you would like to prove that, I would love to have you try to prove me wrong." Lauren jumped in, "Now, now children play nice, and we don't even know your name." He held out his hand. "I am Brent, and you are?" Lauren introduced us all to him. He looked at me. "Kelli, what a sexy name. Have I seen you before?" He asked with his eyebrows arched quizzically. Alecia interrupted. "Kelli is sort of famous locally, and she is often in the media modelling our range of clothes?" His eyes narrowed as he stared wantonly at me. "A model? Wow I should have guessed with a body like yours, it had to be didn't it. Although you are on the short side for a model aren't you? I thought models were all six foot monsters." I was blushing, and I could feel my cheeks burning. Lauren was enjoying my discomfort she handed her phone over to Brent. "Here this is Kelli's Facebook page." He scrolled through bringing up photo after photo. "Wow Kelli you are one gorgeous sexy intoxicating creature." I didn't say anything I just sat there feeling stupid. Fuck I my dick twitch and my balls tighten, shit this guy was getting to me. Lauren reached over and took her phone back and she and Alecia talked to Brent about our business. The conversation was going back and forth. All the while his eyes were catching mine. "So Kelli you are the boss that must be something. Having your own company?" I snapped caustically, "It's not mine I am just the manager I offered curtly. Alecia and Lauren own shares as well. In fact Alecia is the biggest shareholder." He was getting to me. I wanted to go. I looked around at the girls. "Girls we need to get going." Lauren sighed. "Let's just stay and have another drink baby. Brent stood up. "Let me get them." He picked up the tray and headed for the bar. Lauren giggled. "Wow somebody has a fan. He is into you baby, I could see him undressing you with his eyes. "He wants you babes," Alecia whispered. "No question about it." "Please girls can we just go; I'm getting uncomfortable with this." Lauren smiled. "Shush just enjoy it, we will have these drinks and go OK." Brent arrived with the drinks and he handed each of us the fresh drink. I pushed mine back. "No not for me I am the driver." He peered at me questioningly. "You mean you have finished shopping? There are still shops, surely by the time you have finished shopping the drinks will have worn off." He pushed the glass back to me. I pushed it back getting a little angry. "I said no thanks and I meant it. I don't like to drink and drive, so not for me OK." He grinned turning his head so he could talk to Alecia. "OK sweetheart there's no pressure." "Hey," I hissed at him, now he was just pissing me off. "I am not your sweetheart ok I don't even know you." He looked bemused, uncomfortable even. "It's just a term of endearment. I would love you to be my sweetheart though. Perhaps if you have finished shopping we could go out tonight? Get a bite to eat, dance a little, and talk. I would love to find out all about you." Fucking prick why was he so nice. I wanted to hate him. "I am married and I don't think I would be very popular if I went out with you. So no thanks." He sighed deeply. "Well that is unfortunate. Your husband is one lucky man, a very lucky man indeed. I hope one day to find a creature as intriguing as you." Lauren interjected quickly, "Baby I don't think you would be unpopular at all, why don't you go with Brent and enjoy a nice date." I was shocked and pissed off at her. "Don't be ridiculous. I am not a cheat. For god's sake what sort of person do you think I am?" Alecia grabbed my hand. "Calm down babes. I think Lauren was just saying that she didn't think it would be a problem." She patted my hand. "Chill babes it was just a suggestion. It might be fun." My cheeks were on fire I was so embarrassed and angry. "Brent but the answer is no. Even if I thought it was OK, which I don't you are definitely not my type. I don't even like you." He recoiled, "not your type" a smile washed across his face. "I get the feeling I am your type why don't you give me a chance to prove it." With that he slipped his business card across the table. "If you change your mind I would love to prove you wrong." As the card slid by me I picked it up and dropped it in the drink he had passed me. He looked a little stunned shaking his head he stood up and shrugged. "Good day ladies." And wandered off to the bar. I was angry at Lauren. "What the hell was that about Lauren, why did you say that?" She grinned. "I was just saying that if you did want to go with him I wouldn't mind. In fact the thought of it has got me all tingly." Alecia stood up. "Come on girls there's still a few shops we haven't raided yet." As we were walking back to the car Alecia spotted a sex shop and she laughed. "Come on girls let's see what they have got." Inside there were all sorts of marital aids, dildos, vibrators, double ended dildos. The bit that interested me was the lingerie; there was lots of wonderful sexy lingerie. As I was looking over some of the items Alecia was following along behind me and picking up everything she thought I liked. Lauren was buying lots of things as well, although I didn't actually see what she picked up. When we got home Lauren demanded that I model all of the clothes that Alecia had brought for me. Alecia cranked the stereo with some thumping sexy blues and they got me to prance around modelling all of the items one by one. Then Alecia wanted to see me in the lingerie, so there was another parade. In the end I was as horny as hell and the modelling was becoming difficult due to my cock bulging out from my panties. Lauren had poured us more wine and we sat on the sofa as Lauren unpacked her bag from the sex shop. The first thing she pulled out was a vibrating egg, she handed it to Alecia and leaned over and kissed her. "This is for you beautiful." Alecia took it and rolled it around in her hand as she played with it. Lauren laughed. "Well don't just sit there baby, put it in." Alecia smiled. "OK but I warn you I am already feeling horny as hell." As we sat there Alecia parted her legs and slid the egg into her pussy and I could see that she was already wet. The egg slid straight in. "How do I turn it on?" Alecia whispered huskily. "With this," cried Lauren and she pulled the remote out of the bag and turned it on. Alecia jumped. "Oh my god, oh god, shit turn it down Lauren." And she tried to snatch the remote. Lauren pulled back grinning wickedly. "Is it a bit much baby?" She did however turn it down until Alecia settled down with a sexy smile taking over her face. "Oh yeah that's nice, just leave it at that." Lauren also pulled out a pair of ben wah balls and handed them to Alecia. "I got you these as well." Then she pulled out a set of handcuffs and handed them to me. "These are for you if you are ever brave enough to use them." "Why would I have to be brave to wear them?" I asked. "Well it would mean you would have to trust Alecia and I wouldn't you." She then handed me a long thin stainless steel vibrator. "This is also for you; again if you are brave enough. It's called an anal intruder and is designed for people who are interested in anal play but haven't much experience." "Why the hell are you giving it to me?" I asked caustically. "Well baby because it's something I want you to try. You might not be ready for it yet but I want you to think about it. I hope one day you will give us your ass. You took mine, and we are taking Alecia's tonight." I handed the vibrator to Alecia and she looked strangely at me. "Well if we are taking yours tonight maybe you should use this." She laughed. "Babes I am well past that. Lauren has fucked my ass many times, and I love it." Then Lauren pulled out three butt plugs. Holy shit I was aghast. "What the hell, are they what I think they are?" She laughed. "Yes baby they sure are. I got us one each. We could wear them to work tomorrow." I was shaking my head, who the hell was this woman, where had my beautiful innocent Lauren gone! Alecia grabbed one. "Well if you will I will," she replied. Lauren giggled. "Well I am definitely wearing mine." She handed one to me but I refused to even touch it. "Sorry Lauren not for me I'm not doing that." Alecia held my hand. "Babes you are just scared, nobody would even know you would be wearing it. It's just a bit of fun." "No thanks Alecia, I will give it a miss, thanks for the kind offer though," I muttered curtly. "Feel free to use yours though," I added. She shook her head sadly. "No that's not the way it's supposed to work babes, it's all or nothing. We are in this together. I won't wear mine until you wear yours. You would be surprised how amazing they feel, you can't stop thinking about sex when you are wearing one, they are delicious." So that night it turned out to be Alecia's turn to give up her ass. It started out quietly as she was lying on her back; I was between her legs licking her pussy for all I was worth. Her growing moans proof enough that I was doing a good job. Lauren had been sitting on Alecia's face but disappeared. When she returned she was wearing the strap on and I could see her as I peered up from between Alecia's legs, I was watching her very closely. Alecia's hands were running through my hair. "That's it baby lick that pussy get it nice and wet." Alecia grabbed Lauren by the strap on and pulled her up so the cock was in her face and she called out, "Kelli come up and help me please babe, I need you." She begged, "Please babes I need your help." Laurens grabbed a handful of my hair pulled me up until Alecia and I were face to face, her eyes were pleading with me. "Come on Kelli please, just try it." Lauren turned her body until the cock was right in front of my face, she moaned. "Come on baby lick it." I turned my head away every time she tried to pull me onto it. Alecia pulled it back to her own mouth and sucked it straight in, she sucked it lovingly for a few minutes before she again pleaded. "Please babes just for me." Lauren whose hand was still tangled in my hair, pushed my head until Alecia and I were kissing and as we kissed she slid it back until it was pressing against our lips. "Oh that's good baby," Lauren moaned. "Just imagine its Brent's big fat cock and you are sucking him getting him ready. Just imagine it baby imagine how that big cock is going to taste in your mouth, come on just give it a kiss." God I was getting harder and harder as she moaned. "Baby you want it don't you? You want Brent's big cock oh god I bet it tastes so good, oh imagine his cum squirting down your throat as you suck him dry." I kept my mouth closed and as Lauren tried to force it in I pulled back taking my mouth out of the way. Lauren shook her head and muttered, "Idiot." She pulled back removing the plastic fantastic from Alecia's mouth. "Come on Alecia give up that cute little pussy for me." In a repeat of the previous night Lauren lay on her back with Alecia riding her, and I snuck up and slid my cock into her upturned ass. She screamed like a banshee and I pulled out immediately thinking I had hurt her. "Oh no babes put it back god it felt so good." As directed I slid back in and went inch by inch until my balls were on her pussy, and then I pounded that sweet little ass, she screamed and moaned so loud her cries were echoing around the room. I could feel the vibrations of whatever it was she had in her pussy, it was driving me crazy as well as her and I wasn't going to last long. Thankfully Alecia's orgasm wasn't far away either and it didn't take long before she was cumming in a huge wave and my spunk was filling up her ass. The next week was a rollercoaster of sex; we were making love every night in a multitude of positions. God I was seriously worried about whether I would be able to keep up. Fortunately they were feeling the same way and we relaxed back into a more comfortable rhythm. The strap on was coming out most nights but not always for anal. Towards the end of the week we had a few drinks with our dinner and as we were preparing for bed Lauren knelt on the bed and dangled the handcuffs in front of me. "Well are you brave enough?" I looked at the handcuffs and then at her eyes, she was mocking me. I smiled at her. "If I thought I could trust you I would, but you and I both know the moment I put them on we both know exactly what will happen." She sneered, "And what would that be? Baby this is just a chance for you to let go some control and relax. This way you don't have to worry because I will be in control." "OK I will wear them, but there are some rules. Nothing goes in my bum, and you can't stick anything in my mouth." She shook her head. "I guess we may as well just forget it then. It's OK we get it you don't trust us." I shook my head. "No you are wrong, I trust Alecia; it's you I don't trust." She muttered sarcastically "Yeah, yeah whatever. You and your fucking rules you always manage to take the fun out of everything." Alecia hugged me. "Babes why are you so uptight about this? So what if we did put something in your mouth? What would it hurt? Babes you have taken both our bums over the last few days, and it's been a lot of fun hasn't it? Don't you see it will be the same for you? We want to give you the pleasure you give us." She was begging. "Please babes, loving needs to be equal, if you want to stick things in our bums, why can't we stick something in yours? We promise if you don't like it we will stop. You say the word and we stop, it's that simple." It's so hard to argue with Alecia because she doesn't get angry or upset she just lets you talk and she listens. I was scared, I was scared of what they would think of me, I know it's a bit of a clich? but I was worried about whether they would respect me in the morning. "No thanks Alecia I like my bum the way it is. You are right it has been fun and the reason you both enjoyed it is because you both wanted it." "Kelli you are just scared baby, we need to be equals. We want to share with you." Lauren was masking her anger. "Kelli if you want to be a woman you need to learn what it feels like to be a woman." "Lauren I am not a woman I am a man in a dress that's all." She murmured something unintelligible under her breath and we ended up going to sleep. Lauren was in a huff and Alecia snuggled up tightly to her to try and appease her. She wouldn't let it rest though. I heard her grumbling to Alecia that I was just a pussy. Over the next week life was pretty good. The sex was still raging but Lauren seemed a bit withdrawn. It was during an extremely hot session on Friday night. We had been drinking all night following a huge feast that I had prepared. Our lovemaking had been fierce. My jaw was sore from licking so much pussy. My face was covered in their hot sticky juices. During the lovemaking I had just finished fucking Alecia's hot sexy little ass. We were all lying together, hot and sweaty, Alecia was laying beside me her hands gently stroking my face, she was smiling as she looked into my eyes. "Kelli I want to make love to you." I smiled back. "Wow can you give me a moment to recover babe." She chuckled. "No babes I want to make love to you, just like you just did to me." My response was silence. I was sick of this argument. She held me tightly as she stared into my eyes. "Kelli why not you just gave me an amazing experience, all I want is to repayyou." "Alecia please give it a rest baby. I am sick of arguing." "It's not fair Kelli why is it you can take our most private place but we can't take yours? I just want you to experience everything there is to experience. I absolutely love you making love to me. I love the feel of you inside me and I want you to experience that as well. Babe if I didn't think you would love it I wouldn't suggest it." I didn't say anything I was tongue tied trying to find a logical argument. The problem being there wasn't one. She was right, they had both willingly given up everything they had and I was withholding something from them. The pleading look in her eyes was making it harder to argue with. "Kelli if we start and you don't like it or you feel uncomfortable we will just stop, trust me babe I promise we would never hurt you." I swallowed hard. "OK Alecia, but the moment I say stop you stop OK?" Both girls were excited, Lauren smiled "OK then let's get you cleaned up and ready to go." I was a bit lost. "What are you talking about?" "Baby we need to get you cleaned out, I'm not sticking my tongue in there until you are well and truly clean." She led me into the bathroom where she gave me my first anal clean out and enema. It sort of spoilt the mood really and my ass felt so uncomfortable after the enema I didn't really want to do this anymore. "Girls I'm getting cold feet, this is sort of a deal breaker for me. I don't want to do it now." Alecia hugged me and she held me tight kissing and stroking me. "Just relax babe, I know the first bit isn't much fun but once you learn to do that before we come to bed it won't get in the way. Come on, let's just play." She pulled me back onto the bed and kissed me, her hands pinching and tweaking my nipples, Laurens hot breath swept across my stomach and I felt her wet lips nuzzling into my crotch. Soon her mouth was engulfing my hardening cock and bobbing up and down sucking me. As she sucked I felt her hand slowly working its way between my legs until her finger was tracing small circles around my bum. Alecia kept me busy kissing and nuzzling. Lauren squirted some lubricant on her hands and suddenly my ass was super slippery. Her finger was at my anus and she was working it into my bum as she sucked my cock. I tried to keep my ass clenched tight but with all the lube it was almost impossible to keep her out. She stopped sucking my cock and came up for a kiss with Alecia and I. "Baby stop fighting me, just open up, you will like it I promise." Her mouth went back over my cock and her finger worked on my bum, I could feel her pushing harder and harder as she tried to wedge her finger in. Again she stopped sucking me. "Baby please you are spoiling it, just relax." Alecia moved away and then climbed back on me in a sixty nine position, her pussy pressed hard on my face. I could feel Alecia and Lauren kissing beside my cock then there were two sets of lips sliding over my cock, someone was sucking the head and someone was kissing my balls. Lauren was lying between my legs and she pushed them up so my knees were bent a little wider. Then there were two hands on my bum. One was rubbing the oil in and the other was trying to get inside my bum. I guessed it was still Lauren as she tried unsuccessfully to slide her finger in. Fuck her I thought I will just keep it tight, but as Alecia sucked my cock harder and faster I was building towards an orgasm, and my tummy muscles convulsed and my ass relaxed and Lauren was able to get just the tip of her finger in. She wriggled it around and slid it in a little more and wriggled it, then pulled it out and slid it back in, each time getting a little deeper; oh fuck it did feel good. Alecia stopped sucking my cock, I think mostly because she was getting close to cumming herself. I could feel it her body was shuddering spasmodically and her pussy was clenching my tongue as I sucked feverishly on her clit. Lauren had her finger right in my ass and was wriggling it around. "See baby that's not so bad is it." I couldn't talk Alecia was smothering me with her pussy. Lauren started fucking my bum with long smooth strokes, one finger going in and out relentlessly, not fast just purposefully and persistently working deeper and deeper. Alecia came in bucket loads covering my face with her juices. "Oh fuck," she moaned. "Oh my god." She climbed off the bed and Laurens mouth slid up my tummy kissing my nipples on the way past until we were kissing and she was licking Alecia's juices off my face. Her hand pulled away and stroked my cock then went back and slipped into my bum. I didn't want to but I moaned the pleasure was too much it felt wonderful; she was rubbing my prostrate as she was fucking my bum. Alecia returned, kneeling by our heads. She offered her strap on to suck. Alecia mewed, "Lauren show Kelli how to suck my cock. Come on lover show her how much you love it." Lauren went straight to work sucking it deep into her mouth, her saliva rubbing all over it. "Good girl," whispered Alecia. "Now Kelli it's your turn, suck my cock, get it nice and hard so I can fuck you properly, tonight I am taking that virgin asshole." She pushed it against my lips. "Come on Kelli open your mouth, take my cock." Lauren leaned across and started sucking it in front of me. Alecia's hand grasped it and rubbed it all over my face. "Come on babes I know you want it, open that sexy little mouth just kiss it." Lauren clamped her lips on mine in a kiss and Alecia tried to slide the cock between our lips as we kissed. I kept pulling back moving my face away. Lauren was getting upset. "Kelli for gods sake stop fucking around. Come on baby, show Alecia some love." I balked. "For fuck sake stop it this isn't love, this thing isn't even fucking real, why the hell do you want me to suck it." "Come on baby it's how we show Alecia we want it, please baby play the game." Alecia moaned, "Come on babes open up I suck yours all the time." I shook my head keeping my mouth as far away as possible. Lauren sucked it back into her mouth slavering all over it with if you will excuse the pun gay abandon. Her mouth was working harder than our old vacuum cleaner. I could see the consternation on Alecia's face. She groaned. "OK Lauren you may as well stop she isn't going to do it. I think we have had enough of that anyway." She disappeared from view although I felt her crawling up between my legs. Lauren moved out of the way and Alecia slithered up my body until her beautiful smiling face was in front of me. "Ready babes?" Her voice was soft and warm. "Are you ready to give up your gorgeous little Heini to me?" I couldn't speak my tongue felt swollen and my pulse was racing, I felt like I might black out. I felt the head of her cock nudging at my gateway, trying to edge in but I had it closed, closed to all traffic. She kissed me. "Come on babe open up let me in, didn't Laurens finger feel good? Just imagine how this is going to feel come on babes don't lock me out. Be brave, be adventurous. She was being more forceful trying to slide it in, but I was scared, scared not of the pain but the loss of my last remnant of masculinity. I started to cry. "No Alecia please, please stop, I don't want to do this." She lifted her head up from where she had been nuzzling my nipples. "It's OK babes, I know it's a bit daunting but it doesn't hurt that much and then the pleasure takes over. I wouldn't do it if I didn't think you would like it." "No Alecia, I said no." I was shaking my head, the tears rolling down my cheeks. "Please get off I don't want to do it." She climbed out from between my legs and cradled my head in her hands as I sobbed, Lauren came over as well and we sat for ages. Alecia pulled back a little. "What's the matter babes just tell me, what went wrong?" "Alecia you won't understand but this is the last vestige of Michael, the last remaining piece of my masculinity. Once that's gone I can't go back, Michael will be lost forever. Lauren already makes fun of me being a sissy. She has lost respect for me; I'm just some weirdo who dresses in her clothes. I'm a fucking freak." "Babes you are so wrong, Michael will always be there, god I couldn't love you more for giving us this last part of you. Don't you see we love you for that." Lauren kissed me. "Baby its Ok this isn't robbing you of something, its giving you something new. An insight into what it's like to be a woman, you will feel what we feel, and you will understand why we love you so much. You will know what it is to receive rather than give. You will open up and be like a flower blossoming in spring. Please don't let that stupid male ego get in the way." Alecia started to kiss and stroke my face as she pushed me back down on the bed climbing back between my legs. "Let me make love to you, let me show you what it feels like to be a woman." Her cock was back at my ass nudging trying to sneak in. Laurens hands went down and grasped Alecia's cock and held it against my portal as she did she slipped a finger in opening the way, as she slid her finger out Alecia nudged her cock in a little more, she was wriggling and manoeuvring and slowly but surely she was getting deeper. I couldn't help it I moaned it hurt. "Oh fuck, Alecia go slow," I moaned. "Don't worry babes the worst is over. "She held still not moving, then gradually drew back out, and then back in. Her lips locked on mine and we kissed her tongue ravaging my mouth, she was fucking me. "Oh god," I cried out breaking our kiss, I couldn't stop thinking oh fuck, it felt so good, I lifted my knees and she slid in a little deeper. Oh god that felt so good I moaned louder. "Oh fuck, oh fuck." I didn't want to say anything every time she pushed in it was like she was pushing all of the air out of my lungs. Her lips were back kissing me as she built up pace driving further into me, I don't know where it came from but once it started I couldn't stop. I squealed like a little girl. "Oh yes oh god yes," I grunted. I squealed louder. "Yes oh god yes." She was going so slow I clenched my legs around her waist and tried to pull more of her into me, thrusting my hips up at her, but she just went so slowly. Oh fuck it was so frustrating, it was like slow motion, I could feel my orgasm falling away. "Please baby faster, fuck me harder please." God I sounded like a girl. My arms wrapped around her neck and my head buried in her shoulder as I bit down hard, oh fuck it felt so good, but I was on the edge, I could feel cum bubbling in my balls but she wouldn't go faster. I was gasping right on the precipice but she just kept this insistent pace. I was gripping her pinching her urging her please baby fuck me, thankfully she started to increase her pace and she was pumping me harder and harder. I couldn't help it I moaned loudly. Tears were rolling down my cheek. "Yes," I cried, "yes fuck. Oh fuck don't stop baby please." Her rhythm increased again. My legs were trying so hard to drive her on my heels were hammering on her ass, my arms were crushing her neck as I hung on and I humped her uncontrollably, quivering and trembling, then from out of nowhere my orgasm hit me. "Oh fuck." I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Oh fuck I'm cumming," and I squirted all over our tummies and chest I covered us both in my hot sticky juice. The tears were rolling out of my eyes it was the strongest orgasm I had ever experienced, in fact I had never experienced anything like it. Alecia slowed down as my breathing returned to something like normal. Alecia collapsed on top of me, her cock slipping out of my ass. "Oh my god," Lauren cried. "I have never seen anything like that, it was amazing oh my god it was beautiful." She kissed me and stroked my face. Alecia kissed us both. "Thank you for sharing that, it was beautiful. Wow that was incredible." I felt my face screw up tight and the tears started again, I felt so embarrassed, god that horrible little squealing voice, fuck I begged her to fuck me. I couldn't help it I felt weak and pathetic, a poor excuse of a man. Lauren soothed me. "Shush baby relax, it was sexy and beautiful." "No I am so embarrassed!" They both snuggled up. "Baby we love you," Lauren exclaimed. "Baby I love you more right now than I have ever loved you in my life. That was fucking amazing." The dreaded morning after I felt like shit, I felt degraded and humiliated and to top it all off my arse hurt. I had begged Alecia to fuck me; I had squealed and cried like a girl.

Same as Candys Fashion House Chapter Fourteen Videos

3 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen As I walked into the office my phone rang. It was Alecia. "Hi Kelli." I was a bit stunned that's just all I needed right at that moment. "Hi Alecia." "Kelli I wanted to talk to you if you have a minute." "OK Alecia let's hear it." "Babes I wanted to apologise for stealing Maddy away. She wanted to come to see you in person before leaving but I asked her not to. She feels really bad about what happened." "Tell her that I am disappointed but I guess I...

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen Of course nothing runs smoothly in our home. Lauren and Alecia were determined to get Josh and I together. They kept on and on at me to call him. I ignored all their requests and filed him away in the history folder never to be reopened. Christmas was racing around and things were crazy at work. We were flat out trying to fill orders for the end of year orders. I was thrown a reprieve which allowed me to escape Alecia and Lauren. I had to fly out for three days to...

4 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eleven

Thanks to Charlie for the guidance and editing. I hit the factory straight after work and continued with the office fit out. I had the framing finished and was running some cables through the walls when Siobhan came in. She needed me to get away from work in the morning she had organised a radio interview for the drive time show on local radio. "Shit Siobhan I'm not sure I can do it, will I have to be dressed as Kelli?" She smiled. "Yes of course unless you want to come out as...

1 year ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Nine

I held back the tears long enough until she was out of site and then I had to pull over and the tears flowed. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I sat for ages trying to get control. Fuck her she was such a bitch. I called my boss the next day and took the rest of the week off. I used the time to follow up on some of the equipment for the factory. The sewing machines were easy, and I got a good deal by shopping around and found some machines that were left over from an unused...

3 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Seven

Thanks to Charlie for his editorial assistance and guidance. You are a star Charlie. Could I do it? Could I attend Karla's party? The more I thought about it the more I wanted to do it. I recalled some of the things Lauren used to say. Didn't I want others to see Kelli? The simple answer was yes. The more I dressed as Kelli the more I liked it and yes I wondered whether I could pull it off. Could I go out in public? Would I pass or would I be a laughing stock. It both scared and...

4 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter One

Thanks to Charlie for the editing, encouragement and the advice. A story of a husband's feminisation and transition. Chapter One: So how does a scruffy heterosexual male construction worker become the head of a small fashion house? Read on people, read on. My Name Is Michael Curtiss and I grew up in a small town. A poor family, my dad worked long hard hours at the local steel mill to put a roof over our heads and keep us fed. He was a hard man who took no shit from...

2 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Thirteen

Once we got home the girls started to put the pressure on. They wanted to go out on the town and celebrate. I on the other hand wanted to stay home and just luxuriate in what had been a super day for me personally. It wasn't to be though the girls hassled me until I gave in and agreed. I rummaged through my clothes but decided on one of Candy's new designs. It was a short nude shift style mini dress which was transparent mesh and trimmed with lace around the bodice. I paraded around in...

3 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Fifteen

Thanks to Charlie for the guidance help and wonderful editing skills. I dressed quickly and left for work, it was going to be a big day. We were getting close to completion and we had the big party to organise. Siobhan and I worked on the invite list and gift baskets for all who attended. I organised the band, security, lighting and caterers. I left Candy to organise the models. I worked with the construction team finishing the runway in the new area. I ended up driving the...

3 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen The next morning I overslept and had to rush like crazy again. As I arrived at the office I saw Siobhan arriving at the same time. I gave her a hug and she apologised for being late. I laughed "Don't worry I'm late as well." She giggled and picked up my hand and we walked in together hand in hand. Bugger me there sitting outside my office talking to Maddy was Lauren. The moment she saw us together her face dropped. Siobhan disappeared as soon as she saw Lauren. I...

2 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Three

The transformation begins Thanks to Charlie for his assistance and editorial skill. That night I cried myself to sleep and I woke up late feeling worse than when I went to bed. I rang in sick for the next couple of days because I couldn't stop crying, out of the blue for no apparent reason it would hit me and then the waterworks would start all over again. By the third day I was starting to regain some control, I was able to go a couple of hours without having a breakdown. I was...

3 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Five

Thanks Charlie for the editing, advice and of course encouragement. You are a star! So there we were standing in the driveway admiring our new delivery. With all the drama lately I had forgotten it was my birthday today. The guys were smiling. "How you can be so lucky is beyond me, shit new bike and..... Well, you are just a bloody lucky bastard!" They packed up and disappeared as I was walking around the bike running my hands over it admiring its sexy lines and glossy paint I...

3 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter six

Thanks to Charlie for the editing, advice and support. After a couple of days Lauren still hadn't returned. I called Karla to see if Lauren was staying with her but she hadn't seen her. For the next few weeks the status quo remained. I was living at home by myself. For all intents and purposes Lauren was gone and I was now single. She refused to answer text messages. When I rang her at work it was impossible to get past Maddison. Every time I called she was either busy or out of the...

3 years ago
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Candys Fashion house Chapter Two

Thanks to Charlie for his amazing help. So that was it, I was wearing her panties every day. Every morning without fail Lauren would be waiting for me with a big smile and the panties twirling on her finger, there was always a pink pair, but I wasn't giving her the pleasure of wearing the bloody pink ones. On Friday night after work I got all excited, recently while Lauren had been working late I had taken an online course on massage. The last part of the puzzle was to actually...

2 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter four

Thanks to Charlie again for his editorial skill, support and encouragement. Alecia, what the fuck was she doing here??? I turned to look at Lauren; she was talking to Maddison who was in turn pointing over at me! I got up and walked over. "Hi Lauren I was just wondering if you wanted to get lunch somewhere?" She hugged and kissed me. "Sorry baby I am flat out today, but I would love to take a rain check!" I mumbled hesitantly, "Yeah no worries Lauren, I will see you...

3 years ago
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Candys break up lll

All her fantasies wear about to come true. Sticking her tongue out Beth ran her tongue up each side of Candys vagina. The burning between her legs turned to flames as she tasted an other woman for the first time. Candy pressed on the back of Beth's head as she pushed her tongue into her. Beth could feel her own juices building as she lapped up Candys sweet nectar. That's it, Candy moaned. As she instructed her, Candy pulled at her nipples. Closing her eyes she felt her orgasm building deep...

2 years ago
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Candysfashionhouse 16

Thanks to Charlie for all the help and wonderful editing. Our relationship seemed to settle down and we slipped into a bit of a routine. As always it was short lived Lauren seemed to become more and more withdrawn. There didn't seem to be any one particular reason, she started to snap at both Alecia and myself. We ended up in arguments over the most trivial shit. Don't get me wrong life was still pretty good, the sex was out of this world and the love we shared was real. Alecia and...

3 years ago
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Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only c***d, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the character that Ewa Aulin portrayed, she was named because my maternal grandparents thought her sweet.She is. Think of the nicest and happiest and most giving gal you...

1 year ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Fourteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter Fourteen By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty...

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Candys Choice

At nineteen you think you know it all! Well, I did anyway. I really thought I could manipulate anyone in trousers to get them on my side and make my progress through life as easy as possible. And it had worked, until now. I seemed to have reached my ‘nemesis’ in the form of Jock Gray the College Principal who had given me a stark choice to make. My name is Candice but my friends call me Candy and I really try to live up to my name, presenting myself as a sugar-sweet, all pink and white,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 82 Lunch with the First Fourteen

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) Julia and I headed back toward the girls who were waiting for the honor of having lunch with me. They'd sat in the same classrooms with me almost an entire school year and I'd not noticed any of them feeling particularly honored. I should have made myself honorable by making girls cry years ago. Julia had already told me who she'd gracefully permitted to have lunch in my august presence, and I'd seen most of them during the morning. Seeing them all...

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Skipper Chapter Fourteen

Skipper, Chapter 14 - By: Beverly Taff We arrived outside the school a little early so we settled down in the Land rover and fell to chatting generally. Firstly we chatted about the set-up at the cottage. "You can sleep with the girls in their study any time you wish if you miss their company." "I probably will," she replied ruefully. "It's difficult to be separated from them now I have them back. I feel so guilty about having to abandon them." "Having to abandon them?" I...

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Introduction: This story is a little different. Its told from the perspective of a fourteen year old girl whos curious about sex, and whos growing up very fast. There is a lot of sex in this story but it is not meant to be completely gratuitous, and is hopefully presented in a way that illustrates the themes that Ive introduced. This story covers only age fourteen. Lola has other stories to tell about her experiences at different ages. Many of her adventures are cautionary tales, and as such,...

1 year ago
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My name is Lola and everyone tells me that I'm beautiful, and maybe they're right, I'm not sure really. I have high cheekbones and I don't need to wear makeup to be pretty. So far my skin is dewy and soft, and my eyes are really big and dark blue, and my hair is shiny and dark brown, and falls just below my shoulders. I have a straight nose and a long neck and I'm thin with nice tits, huge really, and a tear drop shaped, firm ass that looks amazing with a thong wrapped around it or...

2 years ago
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Fashion House 2 TUESADY

TUESDAY I woke up but Alastair wasn't in the bed next to me. I sat up, not at all in any pain, despite what I suspect was more than enough alcohol to sport a hangover. I realized I was naked, and looked around but didn't see any of my clothes from the night before. There was a light blue silk robe lying neatly at the foot of the bed so I got up and put it on. I went into the bathroom and relieved myself. After I washed my hands, I spotted a small hotel vanity kit with an extra...

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Fashion House 1 MONDAY

The House Couture Looking back, I could never have understood how important this week in February was going to be to me or to my life. I mean, I started the week as a young man, intent on cracking into his industry and I ended the week as a bride! MONDAY I had been looking forward to February for a long time. Through several pulled strings and a little bit of sorcery, if I do say so myself, I had scored an invitation to one of the fashion world's most exclusive gatherings,...

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FRIDAY Jena and Gretchen awoke to her iPhone's alarm. She wanted to spoon with a woman so we slept in our female aspects. We took turns in the bathroom and she showed me how to brush out my hair, just as a good life skill. I could have done a quick female to male back to female change and had my hair basically ready to go, but we had time and it was good to learn. Jena and I were both borderline size fours so she lent me a skirt and a top so I didn't have to do the walk of shame...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen: It’s Getting Wet In Here! After a night of having my cock blown to the point of cumming in Julia’s warm wet mouth, while at the same time I sucked on Amanda’s succulent firm tits and fingered her dripping wet cunt until we climaxed at the same time, I awoke to find myself alone in the bed. Their was no sign of either girl, as the curtains were opened and the rays of the warm sun shone across the bed sheets where I laid beneath. The still sweet musky smell of aroma from the...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen: It's Getting Wet In Here!After a night of having my cock blown to the point of cumming in Julia's warm wet mouth, while at the same time I sucked on Amanda's succulent firm tits and fingered her dripping wet cunt until we climaxed at the same time, I awoke to find myself alone in the bed.Their was no sign of either girl, as the curtains were opened and the rays of the warm sun shone across the bed sheets where I laid beneath. The still sweet musky smell of aroma from the night...

First Time
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Right from the Start Chapter Fourteen

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The Creature chapter fourteen

CHAPTER FOURTEEN He called my name once more just before I entered the kitchen, where he was. I hopped in front of him, feeling extremely embarrassed, and closed my eyes. He was so surprised by what he saw that he said "Oh... My... God!!!" three times in a row. I looked at him and pouted, hoping he might understand that I needed help. He said 'Oh my god!' once more and then, still in shock, dropped the glass he was holding in the sink and shattered it. This brought him back to reality,...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Fourteen

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Fourteen - Supergirls Bangkok "I've fucking had it with Jason!" Michele spat at Rod Latham "That fuckwit tracked me down and found me in a bar in Naples and created an absolute shitfight. And every night I'm here in the club he carries on like a petulant child whenever I work a punter and in particular Lieutenant Steve Winters who is one of our best customers." "When is that fuckstick going to realise what happens on board this...

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Mom Eyes The Kids Chapter Thirteen and Fourteen

He wasn't much of a hunter, Dan – no Orion, no Nimrod, no Daniel Boone. He didn't much want to shoot a helpless deer and he was scared shitless of bears. But his boss had invited him and here he was, supposedly stalking prey or driving it towards Mr. and Mrs. Gordon as they lurked in ambush. It had surprised him a little when the boss had brought his wife along. Marion Gordon hardly looked like the outdoorsy sort of lady. She was a redhead with bedroom eyes and big tits and had given Dan...

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Fashion House 2 WEDNESDAY

Wednesday Wednesday morning seemed to be a repeat of Tuesday morning. I awoke alone in bed and there was satin robe lying across the bed. It wasn't the blue one but rather a long silver one with embroidery that matched the negligee. I got up, and went into the bathroom knowing I needed to relieve myself. I walked to the toilet, pulled my panties down and sat. "If I'm going to experience being a woman then I might as well start now," I thought. Next I went to the sink and...

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The Playhouse Chapter 1 Candidate

THE PLAYHOUSE Copyright Transfemme, 2002. CHAPTER 1: Candidate Verity Sherman walked down the central colonnade of the Facility, a pretty young woman in a pastel yellow sundress, her full lips pursed with trepidation. It was Monday morning; the Committee was meeting at ten thirty-five to discuss her latest progress report. Verity noted the time with an anxious turn of her wrist. Attendance was mandatory; she couldn't afford to be late by even a few seconds. She quickened her...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 4

Pete and Devin stood atop a temporary platform which allowed them to look down through the hollow. The men smiled as they saw water draining away. Pete’s cell phone rang. As Pete answered it, Devin got a knowing look on his face. “Hello?” Pete answered. “Yes, this is Pete Nelson. Yes, Nelson Treehouse and Supply. Your treehouse ... hurting the tree? The side of a cliff!? Uh, yeah, that’s not something I’ve come across before.” The head of NTAS glanced around the work-site. “Um, yeah, I’ll...

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The Mediterranean Guesthouse Chapter 2

The Mediterranean Guesthouse – chapter 2As I wake up some hours later, it is still dark, but I can already feel it is close to dawn. I slept again with the windows open, and the sounds of the warm night are already gone and I can hear the odd cry of a rooster from the valley. I look to the window and I can already make out the outline of the sky against the hills. In half an hour it will be sunrise. I still cannot really believe what happened last night. It all seems like a dream. Did I really...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part Two

Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Karen, 36, neighbor of Crystal's, 5'8, white, Blond Hair...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 8 Fashion Model

Being with Ramon was a wonderful experience. He shared with me his interest for music, the arts, good food and most of all his worship for the female body. He made me feel like a fully grown, mature woman, like the only woman in the world. His attention, his gentleness, his generosity made me want to give myself to him in any possible way. And when he fucked me - although he rarely used this term; he preferred to say we were making love - I wanted time to stand still, wanted the experience to...

2 years ago
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Fashion House 2 Thursday

THURSDAY It was an odd start to a morning. I awoke snuggled into Alastair's body, wrapped in his arms and felt a sense of protection and safety I had never felt before - never needed to feel before. The clock read 5:30AM, as I broke out of his embrace to get up to use the bathroom, I felt a strange sensation between my legs. I padded over to the bathroom and closed the door quietly before turning on the light. I pulled up the negligee, tucking the fabric under my arm, and...

4 years ago
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The Mediterranean Guesthouse Chapter 1

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. *******************The Guesthouse – chapter 1The flight had arrived on time, but the luggage was taking ages to arrive. It was already midnight, and I was feeling tired after spending full day at work and then flying to Cyprus. I was just waiting to get to the guesthouse and get in a good nights sleep. Watching the other passengers I could tell this was what other...

2 years ago
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Confessions Of A Fashion Witch

Warning - Top Secret The following document is the transcription of an audio recording between a reporter for the "Midside Courier" - Miss Cassandra Beckstein (shortened to Cassy) - and an individual identifying herself as "Evelyn". This recording appears to be made in a conference room in the newspaper main office and uploaded to the cloud as an automatic backup. Contents of this document are not to be made public. Cassy: Miss < REDACTED >? Evelyn: Yes, but please do not...

3 years ago
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TreehouseChapter 3 Busted

Bob awoke to birds singing in the tree limbs above him. Kim was nestled in his arms. The early morning sun was warm, but not enough to offset the chill from their nakedness. Kim stirred and looked adoringly at Bob. "Good morning, lover," she whispered sweetly. Then she realized that she had no clothes on, and that, even though she was snuggled close to Bob, she was freezing. "We had better climb down and go inside," said Bob. Bob and Kim grabbed their clothes and hurriedly threw them...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part One

Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben, a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Characters Introduced: Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 59 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 52, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 57, Asian with 5 cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 62 ,white, 8 cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 58, white,...

2 years ago
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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 5

Pete drove up to the Harris property, having just returned from a cliff-side treehouse near Memphis, Tennessee which was in serious need of modification, lest it kill both of the trees which were supporting it. The first thing the head of NTAS saw as he brought the pick-up truck to a stop was his son Henry, who was carrying a bucket of paint. “How’s it going?” the father called out. “Going great,” Henry called back as his father made his way to the back yard. “But Paula wants to talk to...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 6

Pete led Julie into her back yard, at which point he insisted that she look down, not up. Her parents and what looked like half of Tupelo followed at a respectful distance. “OK, now just stay looking down,” Pete told the eager teenage girl, “OK, now on three-two-one you can look up. Ready?” Julie was almost vibrating with excitement. “Yes, yes I’m ready!” “OK then,” Pete told her. “Three, two, one ... Look up!” Julie looked up and gasped. “Great Shades of Elvis!” she breathed. Several...

3 years ago
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FW How To Trick A Fashion Witch

"Stay back!" Fitz shouted while lifting a broom like a weapon. He glanced behind him for a moment and saw that Kellie equally frightened. Shifting his view revealed themselves trapped in a corner of the school's drama club room. "Doesn't she make a nice wig? I always loved her hair. So smooth and silky." Fitz's eyes narrowed as he saw Becky lift her latest victim up. He hadn't known. No one had. The mousey little wallflower was a fashion witch and now turned against her...

4 years ago
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The Houseboat Incident Chapter 1

It was the summer before my freshman year of college. My sister had returned home for the first part of summer. Since we would both be attending the same college in the coming year we decided to get in some early bonding time. We had enjoyed many days shopping and sunbathing while exchanging stories of some of our sexual exploits. There wasn't a day that went by that I hadn't learned how much of a cock hungry slut my older sister really was. Her sort of on again off again guy, Cody, invited us...

College Sex
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 2 Harry The Houseboy

Harry’s life as a Phyllis’s houseboy had turned out to be better than the situation of many of his contemporaries. A sponsored male in New Order Britain wasn’t under the sort of constant surveillance, harassment, and suspicion of subversion that un-sponsored males had to put up with. And besides, Phyllis had turned out to be a reasonable sponsor. The dream at school had been to be picked out as some girl’s life-partner but, realistically, that didn’t happen to more than a handful of men....

1 year ago
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Fashion's SlaveIt was the night of the presentation of our tenth couture show in Paris. Our company NIARTSER FASHION was not a big one, but we had grown steadily little by little and the number of the special kind of people that appreciated our art had grown and now people were coming from all over the world to see our presentations, which -- like at the big couturiers and the "pret-a-porter"-houses -- were held twice yearly. Actually we were more in accord with the timing of the...

2 years ago
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Mothers Model Son In His Totally Fem Fashion Show The Final Chapter

Frank thought ruefully that nothing could be more humiliating than to be a man dressed in a bra and panties, garter-belt, stockings and high heels to please two demanding women. Now, he realized with a new shame that shriveled his manhood, it was even more terrible to be undressed by those women even as they prepared to put him new, frothy lingerie loaded with lace, ribbons and bows. Even worse, he now stood there naked. From the neck down he knew he looked like a man even though his...

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You Must Remember ThisChapter 9 Fashion Victim Paris December 1941

Anna Prozisc was not a woman to let a simple thing like global conflict interfere with her enthusiasm for haute couture. As a result it hadn't been hard to track her down. Two of Sandy's "nuns" had kept watch on the fashion houses in the Boulevard Hausmann, under the guise of collecting alms for the poor. On the second day, Sandy was able to tell Clegg that they had spotted her. Clegg and Sandy took off in a taxi along the right bank, Sandy for once eschewing a military uniform to allow...

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The Doyen of Fashion LoPR Part VII

The Doyen of Fashion Mark had been summoned to the offices of the Independent Mutual Assurance Company on urgent business. They'd not said exactly what that urgent business was, but he knew that urgent business meant work for him, so he hurried to make the appointment. He headed to the office of his regular contact there Mr Walpole, and he was promptly shown in by Walpole's buxom young secretary. "Thank you for coming so quickly Mr Entwhistle-Houghton. The insurance company has a...

2 years ago
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TreehouseChapter 2 Truth or Dare

"Well, that certainly was a unique experience!" said Bob. He and his friends, Kim, Heather, Sarah, and Jack had just witnessed from the vantagepoint of Bob's old treehouse some passionate lovemaking by his next door neighbors, the Smiths. The dim light of a lamp in the lower level of Bob's palatial hiding place in the leaves illuminated all their faces. Each glowed with perspiration from the experience of watching. They sat for a long time in silence each wondering if the sexual tension...

3 years ago
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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 2

The team from Nelson Treehouse and Supply was making good time on the treehouse Paul and Paula Harris had commissioned for their daughter’s sweet sixteen. There was much use of pulleys, nail-guns, and human muscle with an occasional break for coffee or to talk to the Animal Planet production crew. Suddenly Paula came running up to the base of the tree. “Pete!” she cried out, “Pete, I’ve got bad news. I just got a notice from City Hall. You can’t build this design!” Pete was horrified. He...

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The Mediterranean Guesthouse Chapter 3

The cold air coming in from darkness of the open window wakes me up. I am sleeping naked with only the sheet and no blanket, which was enough on the previous nights. But tonight is clearly much colder. Shivering, I rise up and look outside via the open window. It is still perfectly dark, and Kate turns off all the outside lights for the night. I can just about make out the trees close to the house, and only seeing the light of the stars change to total darkness gives out where the sky ends and...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 11 Fashion Show

Debbie turned off the tape recorder, and removed the microphone from the center of the table. "Well, I'm proud of you, Michael. That was well done," Catherine said. I could see that Catherine was excited. "Sarah, did you have something you wished to say?" Liz asked her daughter. "Well, we ... all the girls, that is, wanted to thank Michael for the shopping spree today by having a little fashion show to help some of the girls make their final selection for the party tomorrow night,"...

2 years ago
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Camp Bathhouse Chapter Three

Ben and Amelie started to collect themselves and reassemble their clothes on their now naked bodies. There was an awkward silence in the air. So awkward you could almost hear it. At the moment I didn’t know what to think. Should I feel bad about the fact that my brother may have just ruined his whole life with the urge of one simple boner? Or should I just laugh about it? I was torn. Either way, I had seen more than enough, tonight, to last me for the next month of jerking off; shoot I might as...

4 years ago
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Camp Bathhouse Chapter Two

What the hell was I supposed to do? There I was, fucking naked, with my own splooge dripping off of me and now the sound barrier of Amalie’s shower was gone! Shit, I thought to myself. Alright, fuck, I have to make a move… or wait… maybe I don’t. Maybe that’s the move, maybe the best thing for me to do is to just hang out for a minute, wait for Amalie to finish up and leave. Duh, I don’t even know why I shook myself up for a second there.I could hear what I assumed was the sound of Amalie...


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