Sleeping Beauties - Chapter Two free porn video

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Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - She Devil Penelope Bishop and Randy Cody had married not long after the shootout at a meth lab where Penelope had shot the Chief of Police and Randy had shot another police officer. The Chief of Police, other senior police officers and several criminals were involved in a conspiracy and had been defrauding the Police Benevolent Fund as had the Mayor who was later arrested and convicted. Also, not long after they teamed up, Penelope had shot a man who was attempting to kill Randy when a weapons deal that went bad. They both had a history of violence and their relationship had started when the Balwyn PD was rotten to the core with corruption, bigotry and misogyny. The Mayor was replaced and Balwyn PD was given a shakeup, the most corrupt police officers fired, not all of them could be though, otherwise there would be hardly any PD left. The City hired a new Chief of Police from out of town and he went about rebuilding the Police Department. Officers were promoted because of their ability and performance regardless of their race, gender or sexuality. Penelope rose through the ranks and was selected to become a Detective while Randy was happy to stay a beat cop. Penelope and Randy worked different shifts which interfered with their relationship and after a few years the fire in their marriage had dulled to a smoulder. They still loved each other but reality began to bite. Randolph Cody's family couldn't come to grips with him being married to a transgender woman; especially one they knew hadn't fully transitioned. Randy wanted kids and Penelope didn't. Randy proposed using a surrogate mother and Penelope hated the idea of raising a child with Randy's genes but with none of hers. He proposed adoption and she hated that idea too. The truth was that she had no maternal instinct. She initially became a police officer just to solve her father's murder but she grew to love being a cop. They drifted apart, Penelope immersed herself in work and Randy followed his hobbies, riding, hunting, camping; anything to do with the outdoors, in which Penelope had no interest. Before Randy came along Penelope had been promiscuous and she became so again and started having short-lived affairs and then she started drinking heavily and it became easier to fuck strangers she met in bars. She never knew if Randy knew about her infidelity but they had argued bitterly about her drinking and they were on the verge of separating when Randy got killed on the job. Penelope used booze to numb the pain. She was a high-functioning alcoholic and she knew it. She was able to control her drinking and was still a very good cop and had risen to the rank of Lieutenant. When her old partner had transferred to the Austin PD she had teamed up with Silvia Bickle. Silvia had some sympathy for Penelope, she knew about her past, about how she had been hazed and bullied when she first joined the PD. Being an African American lesbian, Silvia knew a bit about prejudice herself. She tolerated Penelope's drinking and catting around so long as it didn't interfere with the job; she knew that alkies had to reach rock bottom before they could recover. Penelope Bishop woke up on the second morning of the Rhonda Stevens murder case and was pleasantly surprised that although she was hungover, the hangover was not as bad as it usually was. She went to her ensuite bathroom and removed the laddered and stained pantyhose that she was too tired to take off the night before and threw them in the bin. She used the toilet, had a long shower and sat at her vanity and fixed her makeup and did her hair. She gaffed and then opened a package of the pantyhose she had bought yesterday and slipped them on. It was nice to have drawers full of clean clothing for once and she stepped into a pair of hipster panties. Her work clothes were still at the twenty-four hour drycleaners so she slipped into jeans and a T-shirt and went to collect them. Penelope stopped at the bodega and purchased a bottle of vodka, the bottle in her freezer was getting dangerously low. When she got home she hung up the dry-cleaning and picked out a navy-blue skirt and jacket for work. Once again breakfast was a screwdriver, but at least this time it was made with fresh orange juice. She opened her gun safe and took out her weapon and credentials and was waiting outside when Silvia pulled up in the unmarked police vehicle. "Fuck; you look almost decent," Silvia goaded Penelope who was having nothing to do with it. Penelope was on a nice buzz and didn't want to spoil it. Silvia was wearing one of her seemingly endless supply of pantsuits "So how was your special evening with Sarah?" Penelope asked. "It's a lesbian relationship, we watched a romantic movie, then we argued for a while and after that we had great sex. What did you expect?" Silvia didn't mind joking about lesbian tropes. "You know there's a new drug for lesbians on the market to cure depression, it's called Trycoxagain." Penelope couldn't help herself. "Hey who says we don't like cocks? We were arguing about whose turn it was to wear the strap-on," Silvia countered. "Ok you win." Penelope punched her user code into the dashboard tablet to see if there had been any progress on the case. It didn't look good. The very few hairs and fibres collected on and around Rhonda Stevens' bed came either from Rhonda herself or her clothing. Most of the fingerprints were eliminated and the few remaining prints did not bring up any hits when put though IAFIS. Penelope passed on the bad news. "We still have the phone and internet records, and the CCTV footage to go through. Maybe mister tall dark and handsome sent an email or called her," Silvia said speculatively. "At least we have his DNA from the semen," she sighed. "About that... there's an IM from Brendan Scott asking us to call him about the semen sample," Penelope said. "Let's hope it's good news but I doubt he'd have a DNA match so soon, Silvia pulled into their allocated parking space in the parking lot under Police Plaza. "Bull Semen!" Silvia screamed into the phone and Penelope winced. Silvia got her temper under control and listened for a while and then she slammed down the phone. "The fucker's playing with us. He put bull semen inside her. There is no trace evidence of him whatsoever." Silvia was angry. She continued to read from the computer file. "Rhonda Stevens was subject to rigorous and sustained vaginal sexual intercourse. There are no other marks or contusions on her other than what we saw at the crime scene. Before she was killed she was fit and healthy." "Cause of death was an overdose of neuromuscular-blocking drugs," Silvia continued. "In English please?" Penelope was sitting beside Silvia at her desk "So the medical examiner said that she had puncture wounds in the crook of her arm right? Well the theory is that the first one was caused by the perp injecting Rhonda Stevens with a drug to paralyse her, and then follow on doses to keep her incapacitated and a final hot shot administered to kill her," Silvia explained. "At least she didn't die violently," Silvia sighed. Penelope suddenly flew into a rage. She stood up and kicked the trashcan next to Silvia's desk across the room, raising the heads of other detectives working in their cubicles. "Fucking asshole! Fucking murdering, torturing asshole!" Penelope spat. Silvia pulled Penelope back into her chair and looked at her quizzically. "Don't you see? It all fits now!" Penelope ruminated. "The ill-fitting lingerie and heels, the makeup, the way she was posed, the lack of any physical evidence." "The fucker injects her, paralyses her, dresses her, puts the makeup on her, takes his time with her doing what he does, then he gives her a lethal dose to kill her." "He obviously wore a condom and I wouldn't be surprised if he took precautions not to leave any other trace evidence. He would have worn surgical gloves and maybe he was shaved all over or something?" Penelope speculated. "He bought the lingerie, the shoes, the perfume and makeup with him. None of the makeup Rhonda was wearing matched what she had on her dresser nor could I find a bottle of Poison." "This guy is meticulous and obsessive. Everything has to be just so. He fits a certain profile alright." Penelope took her cigarettes and lighter out of her purse. Rhonda followed her down the stairwell to the designated smoking area in the parking lot and watched her light up. Penelope was agitated, pacing up and down. "So he paralyses her, does her hair and makeup, dresses her like a bride on her wedding night, fucks her and kills her?" Silvia summarised Penelope's theory. Penelope nodded. "But if she was paralysed she would have known what was happening to her; she wasn't given an analgesic according to the coroner." Silvia realised why Penelope was so angry. "He wanted her awake; to know what he was doing to her!" Silvia suddenly felt horrified. Silvia hadn't smoked for two years but she snatched Penelope's cigarette out of her hand and puffed on it furiously. ***** Felicity Kendal lay under her husband. As always he had asked her to wear stockings, nylon panties, a bra and high heels and once again she had obliged. She loved her husband and would do anything to please him. He had arrived home from his business trip in the early afternoon and ushered her straight upstairs to the bedroom. She became a little moist while she dressed in the lingerie and put on the heavy makeup he liked and the perfume. She didn't care for the fetish clothing he bought her and her taste in makeup and perfume was quite uninspired but she liked what Michael did to her when he had her dress like this. She had lain on the bed exactly as she knew he liked her to do with her arms by her side and her legs open. Michael worked on her sex with his fingers and his mouth; she bit down on her lip to stifle her moans, she knew he liked her to be quiet. While he was licking her through the gauzy panties he was rubbing his cock on her leg; she could feel the hardness of it, the pulsing, and his pre- ejaculate soaking into her stocking. It made her wetter. He mounted her, easing aside her panties and thrusting his big cock inside her vagina. She grunted when he entered her, then she bit her lip again. She stared up into eyes that were filled with fire and lust while he began to slowly fuck her. Felicity knew that she had to keep looking at him, staring at him; it was part of his fantasy. Her husband's cock was doing everything she wanted it to do and her cunt was tingling, she wanted to wrap her legs around her husband and grind against him, kiss him and hold him, but she lay still until he ejaculated. "Ok now honey." He smiled at her. Now she was allowed to do exactly that, lock her legs around his back and rise up to greet his thrusts. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him. She loved him and she loved him inside her; he stayed hard until she orgasmed and then she lay back on the bed exhausted. She had chores to do and the girls would be home from school in an hour or so but she knew better than to get up. Michael would want to do it again soon. She wiped her vulva with some tissues from the box on the side of the bed so her vagina would be nice and fresh for him. She didn't mind. She loved that her husband couldn't get enough of her. When he came home from his travels he was insatiable for the first few hours and later tonight he would do her again, and then wake her in the early hours and want more. He was a loving husband who provided for his family and adored his children and Felicity saw it as her duty to please him. She started to get wet again in anticipation. ***** Penelope and Silvia went down to CSI and then to the Coroner's office and told Bob Tanner and Brendan Scott their theory. Both agreed that their hypothesis made sense and it explained everything they found or didn't find, as the case may be, at the crime scene and on Rhonda Stevens' body. "What do you think the story is with the bull semen?" Brendan Scott asked. Silvia deferred to Penelope. "You can easily get hold of straws of frozen bull semen. He put it in her after he killed her or at least after he had finished using her. He likely did it as a 'fuck you' gesture," Penelope said. "It's his way of telling us that he's smarter than us." Penelope spun her lighter around in her fingers. "And you think that he kept her awake but unable to move while he had sex with her. I'm speculating the dose of neuromuscular blocker he gave her was measured to do exactly that, she would have felt everything he was doing to her and she would have been able to see, but she wouldn't be able to move. The final dose was the kill shot; that's my guess anyway; why else give her multiple doses?" Brendan agreed with Penelope. "But how does he immobilise her to inject her? No one is going to just offer their arm or lie there while someone sticks a fucking needle in their vein," Silvia asked. "Maybe he put a gun on her, a knife, or threatened her some way?" Penelope speculated. "Or used chloroform?" Silvia interjected. "Well something similar, it's very difficult to actually render someone unconscious using just a chloroform soaked rag, but if he mixed it with something else or drugged her drink, or if she was intoxicated?" Brendan speculated. "This guy knows his drugs. He had to estimate Rhonda Steven's body mass and then prepare and administer the exact amount of neuromuscular blocker to keep her paralysed for hours, so making up a concoction to knock her out briefly would be a breeze." Brendan nodded sagely. "I still can't believe the fucker kept her awake throughout the ordeal." Penelope shook her head. "Do we call in the profilers?" Silvia looked at Penelope. "Why are you asking me; aren't you running lead on this investigation?" Penelope snapped back. "A bit testy today are we sugar? Maybe you need a drink to settle down?" Silvia reacted. Penelope spun on her heels and stormed away. Silvia caught up with her at the Longhorn where she was staring at a cold Lone Star and a shot of JD, just watching the condensation run down the bottle. "I know that you're drinking breakfast. If you start drinking lunch too, you ain't gonna last much longer on the PD," Silvia said and removed the offending items from the bar. "Hey Jimmy! Two cherry-cokes, two burgers bloody, and fries on the side," Silvia called out to the bartender. "So you're replacing my two drinks with fat, sugar and fried carbohydrates?" Penelope whined. Silvia poked her in the belly. "Honey if all you are doin' is drinking then you sure are putting it away 'cause you got the making of potbelly there girl! When was the last time you went to the gym?" Silvia chided her friend. She and Randy had been gym-junkies back in the day. Now she didn't use the gym until about a month before the annual fitness test, just to ensure she was fit enough to pass. "Ok! I'll try to eat right and get down to the gym," Penelope whined. Over the next week the case became colder. They reviewed all of the CCTV in the area of the crime scene and came up with nothing. Rhonda Steven's internet records gave them something. Pictures of Rhonda with two men turned up on her Facebook account and Julie Swindon confirmed that both of the men had been boyfriends. One of them was in jail at the time of the murder working off his third DUI conviction and the other was alibied by his new girlfriend. Rhonda's phone had bounced off a couple of cell towers between the Starlight Lounge and her apartment on the night of the crime. She had not taken any detours. Penelope and Silvia were able to put together a timeline and they concluded that Rhonda had finished her shift around six in the morning and left with a man described as tall and handsome which supported Julie Swindon's recollection. This was confirmed by the security guy on the door who admitted to being tired and pretty inattentive at that time of day after a twelve hour shift. They showed him the composite sketch and he said it could be the guy, but he couldn't help them put more detail into image. The women interviewed Zeke Dickinson the owner of the Starlight Lounge and asked to see his CCTV recordings. The recordings were grainy and a few of his cameras weren't working. As his premises was not a licenced gambling establishment there was no real requirement for him to have proper surveillance and it was obvious that he had skimped on that particular part of the business. The only cameras that were effective were the ones covering the cash registers and the Gaming Room which featured eight-liner electronic 'amusement' machines. Rhonda Stevens came in and out of view of the cameras, serving drinks, but there was nothing helpful and no video of her in company of a tall handsome man. Their interview with Zeke Dickinson did not go well. "How long has Rhonda Stevens worked here?" Silvia began the interview in Zeke's dingy office. Penelope had tied one on the night before and was more than happy to let Silvia lead the interview. "About a year and half or so I think; I can't keep track of all the 'booze-cooze' around here, they come and go." Zeke's eyes were locked on Penelope's legs; she was half asleep and had allowed her skirt to ride up. Silvia's hackles rose at Zeke's misogynist attitude. "I'd like you to look at me when you answer my questions mister Dickinson, not look up my partner's skirt." Silvia nudged Penelope, none to gently, to bring her out of her reverie. "Hey; it pays to advertise is all I'm saying." Zeke smiled, revealing a gold tooth in front. He reminded her of a rat. "So Rhonda worked here for just over a year and half. Was she a good employee?" Silvia asked. "She could tend bar, cook short-order, work the registers but her best attributes were her legs, ass and boobs and she was a looker for a woman her age so she mainly worked the floor serving cocktails. She made money for the bar and earned good tips; what else can I say?" Zeke said smugly. "Do you know if she had a relationship with any of the customers or were any of the customers unduly attentive to her?" Silvia took notes in her notebook. "Look you've seen my joint. It has good looking waitresses wearing short dresses and low-cut tops selling cheap liquor to guys who like to play my eight-liners because they can't afford to go to Vegas or AC. Fuck there's an Indian casino not that far away. So you can guess the kind of clientele I get in here." "Most of the men are middle-aged losers, either single or divorced, and they all think they got a shot with the waitresses. That's why I employ the more mature ladies. They can handle guys copping a feel or making inappropriate comments without going all PC and 'Me Too' on my ass. They suck up the bullshit and pocket the tips. As long as they don't solicit on the premises and don't short me at the register I don't give a fuck." Zeke made a point of studying his fingernails. "Hey Bishop; you think that guy in Vice who is sweet on you might wanna come down to this shithole and maybe take a close look at Zeke's eight- liner operation and also check to see if there is solicitation occurring on the premises?" Silvia had had enough of Zeke. "Ladies, ladies, ladies... let's not get all combative here. Rhonda Stevens was a trusted, reliable employee. She was friends with the other coo... I mean the other waitress Julie Swindon. As far as I know neither of those ladies solicited or picked up dates in my Lounge. They worked the graveyard shift, they worked hard and they were good employees." "I'll get you copies of all my CCTV, copies of timesheets, employment records, and anything else you ask for. I'm sorry for being an asshole but it's been a long day." Zeke became instantly apologetic. "Thank you mister Dickinson we will have all of those things you offered and we will interview some of your staff. I take it we may use your office?" Silvia gave him a crocodile smile. "Hey, mi casa es su casa." Zeke gestured graciously at his fleapit of an office. Silvia and Penelope split up and worked the floor, talking to staff members, asking if they knew Rhonda Stevens so they could make a shortlist of interviewees. Zeke cornered Penelope out back where she was smoking a cigarette. "Your partner is a hardass," Zeke commented lighting up a Marlboro. "So am I; it's just her turn to be bad-cop." Penelope blew out a lungful of smoke. "I've seen you in here haven't I?" he gave her his rat-smile. "It's a free country, I can go where I like when I'm off duty," Penelope replied. Zeke reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a silver hip-flask. He opened it and took a slug and then waved it at Penelope. She looked around quickly and snatched it off him and took a long pull. She handed it back and leaned against the brick wall to let the liquor do its job. "I bet you are a hardass too when you wanna be," Zeke grinned. Penelope just nodded, her eyes were closed. Zeke cast a critical eye over her. "Speaking of asses. If you lost a few pounds I'd hire you in heartbeat if you ever wanted to moonlight as a cocktail waitress," Zeke said. "Fuck off before I bust you for something," Penelope sighed. She went back inside to join Silvia, searching for a breath-mint in her purse. The interviews revealed nothing that they didn't already know. Back at Police Plaza Penelope stared at her whiteboard. Despite all the technology, she still liked to have an old-fashioned time line and story board to work from. "You know from what we've established our murderer had somewhere between twelve and twenty four hours with Rhonda Stevens before he killed her," Penelope speculated. "I was hoping the fact that he had reapplied her lipstick might lead to something. I think he kissed her and that's why her lipstick was smudged but the area around her lips and inside her mouth was pristine," Penelope sighed. "Brendan Scott thinks that that if he used an alcohol solution on her anywhere he might not have left any DNA," Silvia responded. "This case is doing my head in," Penelope sighed. "The Chief wants us to park it and start working other cases," Silvia said. "What about getting the Profilers involved?" Silvia tapped her pen against her teeth. "I'm shipping what we have to Quantico. The FBI are too busy to come here; they are tied up doing their Homeland Security gig." Silvia stood up and stretched. ***** Michael Kendal stopped in Austin and found the lingerie shop he was looking for. They had the red panties and bras he was after but not the garter-belt or the stockings. He had better luck at an adult store in a seedier part of the city and was able to purchase two pairs of red nylon stockings and two red satin suspender belts. He saw some novelty red plastic devil's horn headbands and tossed two of them in with his purchases. Around the corner he was able to purchase two pairs of shiny red high heels in the largest size they had. He paid cash for everything. An examination of his credit card or online activity would turn up only innocuous purchases. Michael put his new purchases into his special suitcase and smiled. If law enforcement ever examined his special suitcase he would have a lot of explaining to do. Pharmaceutical companies generally only hire sales representatives who hold a four-year bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college which is exactly what Michael Kendal had: a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences. He'd majored in chemistry and as an undergraduate had studied marketing, sales, advertising, and business administration. He'd taken electives in organic chemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology. This might explain the pharmaceuticals in his sample bag but not the rape kit. Driving to Balwyn in the hire car Michael recounted his adventures with 'the bride'. He had enjoyed her company but he'd been a little reckless with her being his first and all. First off he had picked her up in that dive the Starlight Lounge, but once he'd seen her he had to have her. He'd been discreet but they might have been seen leaving together. Also he'd kissed her, he couldn't help it; she looked so gorgeous dressed that way, her makeup was perfect but it was her eyes. Her eyes full of fear and dread. Her eyes staring at him, pleading with him, the surrender in them when she realised that he had come inside her. Michael had to pull over at that point and relieve himself into a nylon stocking that he kept in the glove compartment just for that purpose. He was so highly sexed that he never knew when he might have to attend to his needs. He would be more careful with his next victim. Michael had a suite at the best hotel in Balwyn. This was his fifth visit to the city since he'd changed jobs. He stayed for an average of three days, most of the days he spent at Kent Pharmaceuticals keeping abreast of the latest products and developments before he made his rounds to some of the most prestigious teaching hospitals and surgeries in the South doing what he did best, selling Kent Pharmaceutical products. He'd cased Balwyn's downtown area and the surrounding suburbs and had perfected his plan so he could fulfil his ultimate fantasy. Michael had used plenty of women in other towns and cities before Rhonda and it had been nice, well for him at least. But what he had done with Rhonda Stevens had been transcendent. It was close to perfect. And he was ready to do it again. Mary Whitehouse had almost fallen into his lap it was so easy. He'd cruised a few hangouts and finally settled at the Fox and Firkin, a faux British Pub which looked to be full of lonely people seeking a spark of warmth. Mary Whitehouse almost radiated desperation. She was a pretty, middle-aged, middle-class divorcee who was wearing a skirt that was too short for her and a blouse that was too tight. She was carrying a couple of extra pounds but she had great legs, a great ass and nice tits. She had straight, shoulder-length black hair which she wore with bangs. Michael Kendal gleaned all this sitting beside her at the bar studiously ignoring her, or so it seemed. He pretended to be immersed in the file in front of him and then the screen of his tablet. He looked like any another sad working stiff having a drink after work. He listened to Mary tell her life story to a succession of men who sat beside her trying to chat her up. Most left quickly when she told them that she had two kids. A couple stayed on when she told them that the kids were staying with her husband for a few days and she was home alone. But they all gave up eventually. It was obvious that Mary was looking for a relationship not a one night stand. Michael followed her at a discreet distance when she caught a taxi home. The setup looked perfect and he stayed up most of the night perfecting his plan, he set out early. Across the street from her house was a dog park and Michael parked in one of the parking bays where he could see her house. As soon as he saw movement he got out of the car, took a deep breath, looked up and down the street, and seeing the coast was clear, he crossed the road. Mary Whitehouse was still sleepy as she stood in the kitchen dressed in her flannel pyjamas and nightgown putting coffee into the Bunn coffee maker. The knock at the door so early surprised her and she padded to the front door and opened it. She lived in a nice quiet neighbourhood so there was no need to worry. When she saw the tall handsome man dressed in his tracksuit, and training shoes, gloves and beanie, holding a dog leash in his gloved hand she wished that she was dressed a little better. "Hey I know it's early and I apologise, but my dog bolted on me. He ran across the road and I think he went into your back yard." The man smiled at her, holding up the leash and Mary really wished she had put a little makeup on. "That's strange because I had my gates and fences fixed not that long ago because..." she had turned her back on him and stepped back into hallway to retrieve her keys from the hallstand. Michael unzipped his fanny-pack and whipped out the Ziploc bag. He took out the disposable dust mask with the cotton wool soaked in his special concoction of chloroform inside it and whipped it over Mary Whitehouse's nose and clamped one hand over face and put the other around her waist, pulling her into him and holding there while she struggled. After about thirty seconds she passed out. This was the most dangerous time for him. He kicked the front door closed behind him, dragged Mary to the lounge and lay her down. He took off his woollen gloves and beanie put on his surgical gloves and the do-rag he had made from pantyhose and covered his hair. He fixed the dust mask to her face with the elastic and quickly checked that the house to ensure it was indeed empty. He checked himself for any scratches or contusions and was relieved to see there were none. He took another Ziploc bag from his fanny-pack; this one contained a syringe filled with a measured dose of clear fluid. Michael took off Mary's nightgown and pyjamas and laid her out prone on the floor in her underwear so he could make a better assessment of her body mass. He decided that he had made a correct estimate last night and he took the dusk mask off her face and waited for Mary to start to come around. It might be fatal to inject while she was still under the influence of his chloroform solution. When Mary showed signs of rousing, Michael lifted her onto the couch. She opened her eyes but she was still groggy. "We're going to have so much fun Mary; so much fun!" he giggled like girl. He saw her eyes widen when she saw him put the syringe into her vein; and then she went limp. Michael checked her two-car garage and was very happy to find one space vacant. He put his woollen gloves over his surgical gloves and the beanie over the do-rag and when the coast was clear he sprinted across the road and drove his car into Mary Whitehouse's garage and closed the garage door. He opened the trunk and took out the special suitcase, laid it on the garage floor and opened it. He stripped naked; he had completely shaved from his neck to his toes last night as an added precaution. He put on the spandex bodysuit; there were holes for his eyes and his mouth and his hands, the rest of his body was completely covered. He had also cut a small hole in the crotch, big enough for his erect penis to poke out of. He put on a fresh pair of surgical gloves, closed the case and took it up to Mary Whitehouse's bedroom. He came down and checked on Mary again. She was breathing fine but unable to move. Michael could see the terror in her eyes and he started to become erect. He put her in a fireman's carry and lugged her upstairs, laid her on the bed and stripped her out of her underwear. Michael was pleased to see that she was shaved. "Ok honey, let's make you pretty." Michael was very excited now and he had to force himself to calm down. It was awkward trying to dress a comatose woman in lingerie and stockings but he enjoyed it, particularly smoothing the stockings up her legs and clipping the welts to the garter belt. He took out his makeup kit and went to work; it had taken him hours of practice on himself to perfect the makeup just how he liked it. He was now an expert so it didn't take him long at all to do Mary. He brushed out her hair and then posed her on the bed, taking the time to look into those beautiful blue eyes that were now awash with terror. "Ok honey one last thing." He put the red high heels on her feet and the red plastic devil's horns headband on her head and sprayed her liberally with Poison. "Perfect!" he clapped his hands like an excited schoolboy. "Ok now just let me do this," he said to no one in particular and took a GoPro camera and mounted it on its little flexible tripod ensuring it would film everything that happened on the bed. Michael took out a box of extra-large condoms and unwrapped four of them and put them on the bedside table with a tube of lubricant. "I didn't need the lubricant with Rhonda and I'm hoping I won't need it with you." Michael leaned over Mary's face. He wanted to kiss her already but he'd wait and see if it was worth the risk, he had plenty of alcohol wipes and a spray bottle if necessary. He freed his erection from the bodysuit and rolled a condom onto it all the way down to the base of his shaft. "Ok Mary; let's get started. I'll need relief almost straight away but don't worry, I recover quickly and we have all day and all night." He grinned at her as he climbed on the bed. When he finished with her the next day he cleaned up everything, triple- checking that he had left nothing to incriminate himself. In a plastic trash bag went the six condoms he'd used, the four pair of surgical gloves, a handful of alcohol swabs and their wrappers and all the other detritus from the scene. He'd sprayed every surface that he had touched with alcohol and wiped it down, including Mary's lips and mouth. He'd had to reapply her lipstick twice. Michael just couldn't help kissing her. He packed away the GoPro and hefted the suitcase down to the garage. Michael came back with the straw of frozen horse semen which he fitted to a syringe and deposited in her vulva. "You should find that amusing, you dumb fucks," he chuckled as he lifted the sheer gusset of Mary's red panties back into place. He took one last look around and left Mary Whitehouse's bedroom for the final time. Down in her garage he stripped out of the Lycra bodysuit, put on his tracksuit, packed everything up and put it in the trunk. He drove away in the early hours of the morning, stopping briefly to remove the stolen plates from his vehicle and replace them with the registered tags. ***** The young black man was fit and muscular, his cock stood out hard and proud, inches from Penelope Bishop's puckered sphincter. She was kneeling on the bed in a cheap hotel room dressed in black stockings, a bustier and black high heels. The last few hours of Penelope's life was a blur. This weekend was the anniversary of Randy Cody's death and she needed to numb the pain. She'd driven to Helensvale, a college town about an hour from Balwyn with the specific intent of getting drunk and taking some stranger back to her hotel room so that she could forget all about Randy's death, using booze and sex to desensitise herself. Penelope remembered bar-hopping, mainly hitting the LGBTI bars looking for tranny-chasers. She had deliberately dressed provocatively. The last thing she remembered before she blacked out was that she that she had somehow ended up at a college bar talking to two handsome young men. Penelope cycled back into consciousness as the fit young black man positioned behind her was about to enter her anus and a fit young white man was kneeling in front of her on the bed with his steely member inches from her mouth. "Hot damn! Man I always wanted to do this, spit-roast a tranny!" the black guy said enthusiastically. "Well shut the fuck up and do it." Penelope wriggled her buttocks invitingly. He gripped her hips and slammed his cock into Penelope's lubricated anus. "Mmm... that's the stuff." She pushed back against him and gyrated her ass. "Now you big boy." Penelope reached for the white guy's cock. He moved forward and thrust it into her mouth. "Maybe this bitch will shut the fuck up now," the white guy chuckled. Penelope went to work sucking on his cock, using her tongue on the underside, lapping at his fraenulum, and her lips on the shaft. The man behind her got into a steady rhythm, holding her hips and fucking her with long hard strokes, driving himself all the way inside her. He picked up the pace and Penelope sensed he was about to come so she pushed back hard and ground her buttocks against him whilst slavering at the cock in her mouth. When she felt the black man fill her anus with semen she quickly whipped a hand to her own penis and stroked it until it spattered her seed on the bedsheet. "Fuck that is hot!" the white guy growled. As soon as the black guy pulled out of Penelope's anus the white guy took his place. He fucked for a few minutes and then came inside her. Penelope was a little sore by then but she encouraged him and wriggled her ass appreciatively. Penelope lay propped on the pillows watching the two young men get dressed while she drank Jack Daniel's straight from the bottle, semen dribbling from her sphincter and soaking into her panties. "Wait until we tell the guys at school that we gangbanged a tranny." The white boy patted his friend on the shoulder enthusiastically. "Hey! How old are you guys?" Penelope called out as they opened the door that led directly out to the parking lot. "What the fuck do you care you old skank. Just be glad you got some fresh young meat tonight," the black boy heckled her and slammed the door behind them. "Jesus Penelope, you gotta sober up," she sighed, lifting the bottle to her lips. The next afternoon Penelope was sober enough to drive and she set out on the road back to Balwyn determined to control her drinking. She was about half an hour outside of the city she got a text from Silvia. 'We have another body. Same MO. Call me.' To be continued

Same as Sleeping Beauties - Chapter Two Videos

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Sleeping Beauties Chapter Four

Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Mommy's Home "Why Equine semen?" Silvia stared at the screen. "What?" Penelope turned away from her whiteboard and looked at Silvia. "Horse semen. He put horse semen in her this time," Silva sighed. "Ok that might not help identify our perpetrator but it adds more data to his signature. As you know, some serial killers like to engage with law enforcement or the media. Needling them or making demands or just boasting,"...

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Sleeping Beauties Chapter One

Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter One - The Bride Wore White Author's Note: Penelope Bishop first appeared in my story 'Cop Town Girl'. This saga stands on its own but if you want to read about Penelope's past, the story is available for your perusal. I hope you enjoy this thriller. Penelope Bishop woke up to the ringing of her cell phone, her head groggy; to her it sounded like Quasimodo was ringing the bells of Notre Dame Cathedral inside her head. "Fuck!" ...

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Sleeping Beauties Chapter Three

Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Teacher's Pet Felicity Kendal burst through the front door with her two excited daughters right behind her. They had come home from church to find their father's car parked in the driveway. "Daddy!" the girls called out in chorus. Michael Kendal rushed out of the kitchen where he had been waiting and hugged all three of them and kissed his wife. "Hey; you girls wanna go and get yourselves some ice-cream or go see...

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The Triad and the Village of Pregnant Beauties Chapter 1 MotherDaughter Pregnant Delight

Chapter One: Mother/Daughter Pregnant Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fiona – Shesh, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I took a deep breath, trying to ignore my twin sister's terrible antics in the bar. “Ten guys before a quarter of an hourglass runs out,” she boasted. “I'll make you all explode.” “Las's cum, but you're a wild one,” laughed a rough-faced man with the dusky skin of a Hazian, contrasting against my sister's...

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Threesome Sex Pleasure With Chennai Beauties

Hi to all my loved Indian sex stories readers, I am back with a sensual erotic hot and wild encounter which took place between me and two beauties. First I like to introduce myself am Sandeep or sandy you can call me however you wish.I am pursuing my engg final year in Chennai. My age is 21 and my height is 6 ft and my weight is 68 kgs.I am staying in vadapalani in a single bhk flat. Girls ladies and aunties who are in need of sensual relief by getting massage and sex pleasure can ping me a...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 09

Chapter 9 – Risqué Tours: Her mother adds spice to the Jaunt. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter includes the adventures of two beautiful Jamaican women wearing revealing clothing, driving topless, and posing naked for room service. Interracial Love: this story...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 11

Chapter 11 – Risqué Lessons: She learns how to spice up her dancing. Notice: Jamaican Beauties is posted under Literotica’s category of Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur – this chapter includes the story of two young Jamaican girls dancing naked at a V.I.P. lounge. Interracial Love – the story is about a developing relationship between a Mulatto Jamaican woman and a...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 10

Chapter 10 – Risqué Beaches: She spices things up on the beaches. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur — this chapter includes the adventures of two beautiful Jamaican women wearing sheer bikinis and going naked in public. Interracial Love — The story is about a developing...

4 years ago
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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 01

Chapter 1 — Beginnings: Their love of Jamaica brought them together. Introduction: A naïve, insecure, and inhibited 26-year-old, mulatto, Jamaican woman trying to get over her European boyfriend who cheated on and then dumped her, goes online and meets a mature, sophisticated, and experienced 41-year-old Caucasian American man who recently separated from the woman he believes was his last hope for happiness. They soon bond with one another through their common love for the beauty of Jamaica....

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 08

Chapter 8 – Experiences: She experiences the joy of being submissive. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: BDSM: in this chapter, a young Jamaican woman experiences a Dominant/submissive relationship. Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter includes the story of a pair of naked Mulatto Jamaican women...

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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

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The Triad and the Village of Pregnant Beauties Chapter 3 Pregnant Twins

Chapter 3: Pregnant Twins By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fiona – Mushroom Ring, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I clutched my pregnant belly, my stomach twisting. It couldn't be Seamus's child. I licked my lips, the familiar flavor of cum coating my mouth. My breasts both ached. They had swollen larger, ripe with breast milk. The creamy liquid beaded at my nipples, mixing with the cum smeared across my body. “I'm filthy,” I said and...

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The Triad and the Village of Pregnant Beauties Chapter 2 Faerie Bondage

Chapter 2: Faerie Bondage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Aoifa – Ke-Thi, Lesh-Ke Mountains, The Kingdom of Haz “Have you seen my husband?” I asked a pair of naked pregnant women, their skin that deep Hazian dusk, their dark hair falling about their faces. They both gave me horny smiles. “That big man that came with you?” “Yeah,” I nodded. Fiona and I had split up to find him. Knowing our husband, he was dick-deep in pregnant pussy right now. He was such a stud. Fiona was still...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 07

Chapter 7 — Revelations: She makes and has several revelations. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: BDSM: this chapter tells of a young Jamaican woman’s first exposure to being a submissive exhibitionist and her learning about her parents’ and best friend’s membership in a BDSM club. Exhibitionist...

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Blonde beauties bare beachvolley 1

At the nudist beach the nearest neighbours of Petra and her granddad are four blond beautiesA mom with her three dods - so we invite them for a few sets of beach volley between us sexy sixAfterwards unexpected events take place, when we retire to our camphouses to relax and have funAs will become clear the naughty idea of Petra, if you continue to read our foxy fantasy furtherWe welcome our nice neighbours When we notice the arrival of new neighbours on our Spring holiday break at the beach, we...

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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Rebel SpyChapter 20 A Pair of Beauties

Widowed Sisters "Madam," I said with a bow. "Your friend, Madam Von R -- has sent me, I assume at your request." The woman released my hand and raised an eyebrow. I introduced myself and admired her openly. She was a peach, a very high class peach, but a peach nevertheless. Tall, slim, cool, tastefully dressed and openly aroused by something or other, angry or passionate. Her face was flushed, her breathing rapid and her high breasts rose and fell rapidly raising her hardened nipples to...

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AscentChapter 2 Of Bathes Beauties

When I awoke the next morning, I had four magnificent breasts to play with. And I did. My antics woke both girls so after giving both of them a long good morning kiss I slipped out from under the sleeping fur and pulled on my jumpsuit. As I was dressing Sheel raised herself to one elbow displaying one perfectly shaped breast and asked, "Dac, that thing... making love, how did you know to do that?" "Why, didn't you like it?" I teased. "Oh no! Please don't think that! It is wonderful....

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The Triad and the Village of the Pregnant BeautiesChapter 2 Faerie Bondage

Aoifa – Ke-Thi, Lesh-Ke Mountains, The Kingdom of Haz “Have you seen my husband?” I asked a pair of naked pregnant women, their skin that deep Hazian dusk, their dark hair falling about their faces. They both gave me horny smiles. “That big man that came with you?” “Yeah,” I nodded. Fiona and I had split up to find him. Knowing our husband, he was dick-deep in pregnant pussy right now. He was such a stud. Fiona was still prudish. She had unwound a lot, but she still resisted having fun,...

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The Triad and the Village of the Pregnant BeautiesChapter 3 Pregnant Twins

Fiona – Mushroom Ring, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I clutched my pregnant belly, my stomach twisting. It couldn’t be Seamus’s child. I licked my lips, the familiar flavor of cum coating my mouth. My breasts both ached. They had swollen larger, ripe with breast milk. The creamy liquid beaded at my nipples, mixing with the cum smeared across my body. “I’m filthy,” I said and shuddered. Now that the lusts had passed, I wasn’t nearly as happy about being covered in spriggan cum. “Speak...

2 years ago
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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 06

Chapter 6 — Renewals: She renews her efforts to become uninhibited. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter includes the stories of a busty Jamaican woman dressed revealingly as she dances in a nightclub and shops in a clothing store. Interracial Love: this is a...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 03

Chapter 3 — Villa Ronai: Her challenge is to pose and dance while braless. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter continues the story of a young Jamaican woman’s acceptance of the Seven Progressive Challenges and her accomplishment of the third challenge: to pose...

3 years ago
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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 02

Chapter 2 — Challenges: He challenges her to prove she can be uninhibited. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter begins the story of a young Jamaican woman’s acceptance of the Seven Progressive Challenges and her accomplishment of the first two challenges: 1)...

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Hammers Garden of Rare Beauties

Hammer's Garden of Rare Beauties By Rohmer Fan I reloaded my shotgun after another zombie burst into bloody pieces. Ever since I graduated high school last month, I had done almost nothing else but play this zombie game at the truck stop down the road from my house. A neighbor of mine worked behind the cash register and showed me how to open the machine and get all the free games I wanted. Because my parents both worked graveyard shifts at Walmart, I had a lot of time to...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 15 Preparing the Breastworks

Once in his chambers, Judge Rule turned and said, “Roycealee, Peter, Joe Bob, anybody want a drink? Sweet tea? Jack and branch water? Some of Pappy Smith’s ‘shine? No? Well, we’ve got big problems. This smells bad enough to gag a maggot! Y’all get that feelin’ too, don’t you?” Roycealee frowned and told him, “I’ve had a bad feeling for quite a while, but I never could get it to jell. Y’all both think we have a white slavery ring operating - at least sex trafficking, don’t...

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Confessions of a Catwoman

CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...

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Soul Mates Part 1 The beauties of modern technology

Joe was a sex god, long, black hair that reaches his shoulders, which I just yearn to run my hands through as I kiss him passionately. He has the most beautiful bright blue eyes, which look almost unnatural. His slight chubbiness just makes my body lust for him more, wanting him to hug and hold me and kiss me, make me feel safe in his arms. MSN pinged and my attention was brought back to the real world (in my mind I was slowly undressing Joe). Ah, Joe had just signed in. It was four...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 04

Chapter 4 — Jambalaya: She must pose in a public bar without underwear. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter continues the story of a young Jamaican woman’s adventures during a series of challenges, including going to a public bar wearing revealing clothing and...

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Blonde beauties bare beachvolley 2

How to solve this very embarrasing situation: we find the three teen dods of Kris watching porn!We three, that is their mom Kris, my granddod Petra and me - we are neighbours at the nudist beach Petra and me share genes and a similar ingenuous intuition to solve sexy situations as this one isAs the only elder one and only man I take the initiative to find an interesting intriguing way outProper corporal punishment for whom and why? The eldest of the three is only f0urteen - it is probably their...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 05

Chapter 5 — Quad Club: She must dance naked in her favorite club. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter continues the story of a young Jamaican woman’s acceptance of a series of challenges that include her exposing herself outside her favorite nightclub, while...

2 years ago
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Black Haired Beauties

We’d been shooting porn videos in western and eastern Europe. Damn, those Czech and Romanian gals were hot. We went on to India and got some hot footage with Desi girls and women attending to our white cocks. Then on a whim we headed for Sri Lanka. Didn’t know much about the place but it sounded interesting. Finding a place to stay on the outskirts of Colombo, we posted signs in the market that we were looking for models for a video shoot. We specified age and weight but got some...

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Erotic Beauties

Want to see some hot naked girls at EroticBeauties? When you’re done with all the hardcore stuff that you’re inevitably watching if you’re a fan of porn in general, maybe you’d like to switch over to something more sensual and erotic. We all have those periods when we just want to chill out from all the rough and hardcore stuff and dive into a world where everything is meant to give us a sense of calm and passion. Erotic Beauties is up to the task, and it’s going to show you how softcore...

Naked Girls Galleries
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Non Nude Beauties

I’m a glutton for punishment. Sometimes as opposed to enjoying porn, I want porn to torture me. I want porn to make me its little bitch. When that urge hits, it’s not the most hardcore degenerate shit that I lean towards. To me, looking at non-nude porn is all the torture I can handle.I’ve seen every debaucherous act that one human being can possibly do to another one thousand times over. There isn’t a single thing on this earth that I haven’t cum to. I’ve seen four midgets doing handstands...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sleeping DaughterChapter 3 Nanny Cam Revelation

“She isn’t even wearing panties tonight, the little slut,” my wife chortled in my ear. I reached up and adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece to make it more comfortable and stop pinching. “Ooh, this is almost as good as being there. She’s ripe and ready for you. She’s taken her medication and she’s passed out.” My dick ached. Even after a month of fucking my fourteen-year-old daughter while she slept, I was still eager to feel her hot, tight flesh wrapped about my cock. It was so wrong. So...

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I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to flood the passage way. It only took twenty minutes in the cab but I knew that by the end of the night this was going to be the longest time I had sat down between Molly and her partner James and not spoken a word. It was always awkward in a cab with those two. Molly would have to at any given moment...

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Introduction: Part 1. Black tutu, silk stockings, 6 inch heels and the skimpiest bra I could find. I couldnt be arsed with knickers they would only get ripped off and lost forever. I didnt want to loose any of my sexy clothes they werent designer but they were mine. Silk handbag with the essentials in it. I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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Sleeping DaughterChapter 2 Backdoor Delight

The beep of my alarm clock dragged me out of drowsy sleep. I groaned, my hand lashing out, swiping across the counter, brushing my cell phone before I crashed into the side of the alarm clock’s plastic case. My fingers trailed up it and found the button. “Crap,” I groaned. I hated Mondays. They were always the— Did last night really happen? I shot up in bed, my heart thudding in panic and looked at my wife. The covers spilled back, revealing her lush, naked body. Betty was still in great...

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I arrive home late, Marina is in bed asleep. She was so hot she slept in the nude. I turn a low light on and pull back the covers. She is on her stomach with her right knee bent and leg pulled up. I have a nice view of her shaved pussy. My cock starts getting hard as I lick my finger and reach out to caress it around her pussy lips..She wiggles a little in her sleep as I pull back and strip my clothes off. I carefully climb in bed so I don't wake her..not yet. I move up behind her and move...

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She was laying with her back closely pressed to my chest, her legs pulled up and her chin sunk down towards her chest. She was asleep; her hands were grabbing onto the edge of the heavy duvet as if she was trying to cover herself up and meanwhile I feel it strangling me, leaving me unable to move much while sweat starts forming in a layer all over my body. My face was already wet and red by the time I push the boxers down and feel my heavy balls. I wondered for how long I'd been asleep like...

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Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...

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Sleeping with Beauty

I was late, of course. By the time I arrived at the court, I was greeted by an eerie silence, walking through rooms and rooms of people sitting, slouching, laying, all of them sleeping as if frozen in time. I slowly paced the long hallways, quiet rooms and courtyards, stripping off more and more layers of my gown until I was completely naked, enjoying the freedom, the feeling of a cool, light breeze on my breasts, safe in the knowledge that nobody could see me now as I set out to enact my...

4 years ago
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Sleeping Beautifully

This is unbelievable, I never thought anything like this happens in real life. My best friend is my computer and the Internet is my playground. The sex newsgroups feed my adolescent mind with vivid fantasies that are just out of reach in reality. If only I could take that first step to fulfill those dreams with the opposite sex. I never thought I would be living out one of those hot sex stories I ravenously read about on the net. I’m average looking not a girl’s wet-dream,...

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Terrible Twosome

Terrible Twosome!    TJ Ryder    The attractive, late-thirties teacher in her much mendedtight dress frowned as she looked at the bulletin board at BriarcliffCollege, the exclusive girl's school catering to the very rich, verybad and mostly very depraved girls of the priviledged ruling class. Being always anxious to make some extra money since teachers were considered on a par of servants and chauffeurs by the arrogant wealthy girls and the pay was pitiful, she always...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1224

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

1 year ago
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Sleeping Pills

Let me tell you a story of something that happened to me not long ago. Part 1 I live at home with my mom and sister. We lost my dad about 6 months ago to a car accident. My sister is a year and a half older than me. We always got a long for short periods of time, but mostly we did our own thing. My mom works during the day, so my sister and I are home a lot by ourselves. Mom leaves the house about 8am every day and my sister rouses around 9 or so during the summer months. My sister...

4 years ago
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Sleeping Pills

It’s amazing how things happen sometimes. Let me tell you a story of something that happened to me not long ago. Part 1 I live at home with my mom and sister. We lost my dad about 6 months ago to a car accident. My sister is a year and a half older than me. We’ve always gotten along for short periods of time, but mostly we do our own thing. My mom works during the day, so my sister and I are home a lot by ourselves. Mom leaves the house about 8am every day and my sister rouses around 9...

4 years ago
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Sleeping on two boobs night 3

Hello friends! This is Sunny again with a fantasized story. I fantasize a lot about touching; feeling and fondling big-breasted females and also beautiful, voluptuous bellies, deep holed navels. I love females wearing saris and revealing. I can give them lot of pleasure, fondling and pampering. I am married hence “No Sex” with others. Only fore playing and fondling. I am repeating the initial section for new readers. This is a fantasy of how I spent my third night with my beautiful aunty. This...

1 year ago
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The Beauties and Mysteries of the Grand Canyon

 Diane and April had been besties since they were in grade school. They went through puberty together and masturbated together a few times but never more than that. After college, they moved away from each other. They made a promise to each other to scratch one thing off their travel bucket list each summer.They had traveled to many places across the world, Europe, Jamaica, and many locations across the United States. Each year, they alternated who got to pick where they were going, this year...

3 years ago
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Sleeping With Anu Chachi Part III

I woke up the next morning around 9 AM. I never woke up so late. Last night’s adventure kept me awake almost whole night. So waking up late was but obvious. I saw around my room, I was alone. My beautiful Anu chachi and irritating Rinku had left. Smile came to my face and my heart raced with excitement as I sat on my bed recalling my last night adventure with Anu chachi. “Was it for real ???? Did I really did those things to Anu chachi last night ??? Or was it my wet dream ???? Can I really...

2 years ago
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Two Beauties and The Beast

She'd had butterflies in her stomach for a week now. Jeremiah would be meeting Samantha tonight and Juliana was more than a little bit nervous. Early on in their relationship Juliana had told Jeremiah about her relationship with Samantha. They'd been seeing each other for ten years. For the last year or two they saw each other only on birthdays and special occasions. Samantha was living near San Francisco with her rich boyfriend and Juliana hated the two hour drive. It had been eight months...

Group Sex
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A Swapped Life Chapters 1921

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 19 - 21 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

3 years ago
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Sleeping Daughter 1 Wicked Wifes Plan

Chapter One: Wife's Wicked Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were. They glistened. The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her...

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