- 2 years ago
- 27
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Breakdown to Breakdown
TJ Ryder
A femdom- toiletslave- bdsm story
(preface! A Europa Femdom colony story!
Background! After the federation's economic collapse and the colony
on the planet Europa was just begun, it was discovered that males reaching
puberty needed a protein that was only found in the milk and waste
products of females at puberty through to menopause. This biological
condition led to inevitable social adaptation over time. Leading to
males becoming subservient and smaller over the three
generations until regular commerce renewed between Earth and its now
Femrule counter part and members of both societies began to emigrate
back and forth.)
One such young emigre passed the standards of acceptance because
Europa needed emigrants possessing needed skills was a young teacher
trying to commute back in his old jeep to his apartment after a long week .
Timmy was a 23 year old, high school teacher in the city but one
of his duties was bringing state tests and regulations to the isolated
communities in his school district that preferred to home school their
children. And since new employees are always given the shit assignments
in any occupation, he grumbled as he considered all he was given was mileage,
which didn't cover the wear and tear on his old vehicle.
The other problem was the fact simply because he was a male, a
foreign male with an odd accent he was trying to fix, in a part of a
planet that had been aggressively femdom. Some of the families he
visited were more interested in keeping their kids from associating
with the more liberal views toward males, and a couple of his visits were
definitely less than welcoming. The fact was that with membership
in the Federation again, both males and females had to pass the same
tests and be able to vote. Some women who met him in the door were so
entrenched in femdom run households they couldn't accept what he was
saying, just because he was a male.
Between the recession on Earth and the fact that he was selected
because of his ability to fit in as a male on Europa he smiled ironically
at the idea of being irritated by the occasional femdom head of a
household. He was still getting adjusted to the ultimate form of
slavery as a male, having to eat and drink the waste products of a female.
Yes, his psych profile showed submissiveness thanks to
his dominant mother and sister, but the casual upfront way it was
presented here as part of normal society still stunned him.
And he was hungry and thirsty, having not eaten since morning.
He had thought he packed enough food to last the trip but he was
running out.H e could drink water to hydrate and he had a thermos.
He also had an emergency packet of Europa's version of 'fast food'
for males. Processed fibrous chunks of, well, dried
female waste. Horrible tasting! Ugh, he thought. And too expensive to
use unless it was an actual emergency. Not as expensive as two
refrigerated bottles in his cooler of woman's breast milk he'd
been having. Every process from an female's body from puberty to
menopause provided the protein that allowed digestion for males
between puberty and the age of around 50.
Richest was breast milk, Second was female orgasmic fluid.
Some in urine. But most content was in fecal matter.
Fresh bowel movements! The first colony almost disappeared with
all the adult males until they found a 'solution'.
Then when the early federation hadn't collapsed, it was used as
a prison planet for adult males, adding to the female
dominant culture. Then when the first depression hit and space
travel too expensive, the prisoners
interbred, and the culture adapted again.
Still hours away from the city he got a little panicky as he
heard his engine rattle. Was there a garage nearby? He took a
turn that seemed to enter a town but it was only a general store.
Thinking he saw a sign in the distance, the rattle increasing in
volume, he drove down into a valley
and noticed the sign was for a dairy farm. He decided to stop the
engine and look at the map.
Wow, no town for maybe 25 miles and he knew he wouldn't make it!
Not having cell service either as he looked at his phone, he looked
and saw a big farmhouse a few hundred yards away. He saw a big house
a few hundred yards away that probably had a lan line. In fact he
saw someone riding a tractor and some kids around.
There was a mail box on the edge of the long driveway.
Mmmmm, Victoria, Jones!
That was typical of a femdom family; the matriarch's first name,
and then the last name.
The name sounded familiar though! This was still part of his
school district even though some kids had a long bus ride.
The tractor had stopped and an attractive young woman had
gotten off nearby as she smiled over at him.
"Hi mister, are you lost?" She yelled from the other side of
a split rail fence!
"Not really, ' he yelled back as he got out of the jeep.
"Just my jeep needs work and I need a telephone!" He didn't like
the way the girl shook her head at that information, her blonde hair
swishing. She was attractive even in her dungarees and flannel shirt
pushing out impressive breasts. Another thing about
Europa was the change in the women, getting bigger and bustier, as
the males got proportionally smaller and thinner and meeker.
He was selected because at only 5'4" and thin and no beardline
he filled the ideal image of the Europa male.
No matter what the age, he learned, there were no men on Europa,
only boys! No matter what job a male had in
the city or on the farm, once he was inside with the women,
he was a boy again, usually with a leash and collar! Some natives
had trouble with that and emigrated to Earth, and vice versa, like him.
He got out of the jeep and walked over to her, smiling politely
as she was also smiling.
"Hi, I'm...!"
"My sister's math teacher, Mister Johnson!" she giggled.
"Oh, I thought the name on the mailbox was familiar!"
"Well, teacher, I'm afraid there is no garage except Floyd's
and he doesn't do service calls after 5. So I guess unless you want
to spend the night in your jeep you'd better come on up to the house!"
She climbed over the fence and he saw some sweet cleavage.
"I'm Daphne by the way, my sister is Tiffanny!" she said with a
little smirk, knowing he had looked at her tits as she bent over
the fence.
"Pleased to meet you!"
"I'd better go on up with you, mom is a little cautious around
new males!"
He appreciated that, and when they got to the door, Tiffanny yelled
she had a visitor. "So everyone is wearing some clothes!" she
smiled with the explanation..
He saw a teenage girl walk by and two rather young girls.
A buxom woman in her late thirties came out from the back with an
interested expression on her pretty face.
"Mom, this is Mr Johnson, Tiff's math teacher, and his car has
broken down!"
She nodded, shaking her head also.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr Johnson," she held out her
strong hand and he shook.
"Even under these circumstances! You'll have to stay overnight because
our only local mechanic with a tow truck will not drive after dark
and he's too stubborn to get new glasses!"
"Unless one of the boys might know how to fix it!" Daphne said.
"Well," (smile) "Possibly Lloyd, although theyr'e all going to be
rather, (smile)busy tonight!"
Daphne giggled, "Friday night is for the girls in our house,
Mr. Johnson! Well, (smile) it's always for the girls here but Friday night is
kind of special!"
"Oh, " he said, concerned now. "I'm familiar with the Friday night
custom even in the city, ma'am. If I'm intruding please let me know.
I mean if I could just borrow a blanket and some water I'll be fine in
my jeep!"
The woman shook her head. "I wouldn't hear of it! Please come into
the living room and sit down. Can I get you a cup of tea?"
"Thank you, that would be very nice!" Daphne went out to get it.
The woman sat across from him, crossing her shapely legs in her
short skirt.
"Tiffanny tells me your'e a good teacher!"
"I, um, well, I'm trying!"
"And your'e am emigre! How are you adjusting? Some boys don't
last too long!"
"I think all right so far. This week Iv'e been assigned to cover
the district with some state forms and tests!"
"Oh, yes, the home-schooled. We have some ladies with their
daughers coming tonight. My sister is coming because I'm hosting the
Friday Night Fun this week!"
Daphne came out with a cup on a saucer and he thanked her. Daphne sat
on the sofa, pulling her legs up under her sweet bottom, showing
cleavage again. He had been blueballed all week and now this!
"You are familiar with Friday Night Fun here, Mr. Johnson?"
"um, yes, and please call me Timmy!" He looked around,
"I was kind of wondering where the males were!"
"Yes," she nodded, "that's another reason why wer'e not used to
having, well, strange males around. My boys are all grown and work
in the mines on swing shifts like many of the families in this valley.
Tonight the bus will drop them off and wer'e, well, having a special
kind of welcoming party!"
Daphne laughed. "Wer'e not used to strange males, especially
on Friday Nights!"
Victoria nodded with a smile. "I'm afraid wer'e not as, well,
sophisticated as city people, Mr. Johnson! Here in the valley wer'e
used to being ourselves with the same people wev'e known all our lives!
And yes, we are a very femdom community, especially how we train
our males!"
"Oh, that's right," Daphne said. "We haven't asked you about
whether you need food or anything, Mr. Johnson! We don't have any
lactating mothers and most of us relieve ourselves in the morning!"
"Thank you, Daphne. Wer'e such poor hosts here! It's kind of
late in the day for most of us, myself included, but let me ask the
other girls and see if anyone has to go!" Daphne got up with a smile,
saying she'd take care of that.
"Please, um, don't go to any trouble!"
"Oh, it's not a trouble, it's our duty actually. We love to
feed males and I think it's a good way to break the ice, so to speak!
Perhaps afterwards you'd like to participate tonight!"
He felt his cock swell at the idea and crossed his legs.
Also a faint blush to his face, which pleased the woman.
"Well, um, when you say Friday Night fun, I was wondering...!"
"Oh yes, like many families our males are away or working hard
all day, and we girls like to, well, re establish things, as it were.
So by doing it on Friday night, we girls have a party, and the boys
have a couple of days to recover (smile)! I think that's pretty
common in the city too!"
"Um, yes ma'am!"
Daphne returned with a smile. Her mother asked her if she had
any luck!
"Well, yes, two girls, Heather and Emily!"
"Emily, well....!" she sounded doubtful. Timmy noticed movement to
the left and two girls walked in, one holding the younger one's hand.
The older girl was a very pretty blonde in her late teens,
but the other was younger, and shy.
Heather bent her head as Emily giggled and whispered in her ear.
She smiled, nodding, and spoke softly to Victoria but also looking
at Timmy.
"Emily says she will need to go if she eats something but she's
never used a boy she hasn't seen reduced before and your'e a stranger.
Your'e familiar with that expression?" He blushed slightly and nodded.
"Oh, really honey?" she asked the girl. "You don't think you could
use Mr Johnson here, Emily, otherwise?"
"No ma'am!" she said quietly, half hiding behind Heather.
"How about you, Heather?"
"Well,... I could I suppose, but I do think Emily is right!
Iv'e never done it to a totally new boy either!"
"Maybe a little session would be a good idea; is that all right
with you, Mr. Johnson?"
He gasped, "reduced...!"
"Yes," she smiled, "a nice discipline session first so everyone can
feel more comfortable with you! Wer'e doing all the boys one after the
other tonight anyway so you would just be the first! The fact is,"
she lowered her voice and nodded at the kitchen where several other
women were gathered preparing for the party.
"Just your sitting here, fully dressed, well, is creating a little
awkwardness, especially for tonight! I mean," she smiled,
"I would like to introduce you to the
other ladies, but they would be very uncomfortable, um, as you are!"
Conflicted by desires, he knew he would be an ungrateful guest and
probably bad for his career if he declined.
"Um, of course, thank you!" All the women smiled.
Victoria asked Emily if that would fix things up and she could
use him! The girl pulled Heather's hand and whispered in her ear again.
Heather chuckled and smiled.
"She doesn't understand why he's not already naked!"
All the women laughed while Timmy blushed.
"Just be patient, honey," she told the girl who was now boldly
smiling with anticipation as she looked at Timmy. and she turned
to Heather.
"Do you have time dear?"
"I want to do him too," Emily protested. "Iv'e never done a
teacher before!"
"Just wait honey, Heather?" But the teenager was walking to
the kitchen.
"Sorry aunt Vickie, I would love to but mom wants me to help her!
Hope to see you later, sir!" she said with an amused expression.
The woman looked at Emily and shook her head. "And no, Emily,
you are not old enough to do him by yourself!"
"I know that, but Mom will help me! Let me go get her! We do
ALL the boys!"
After she dashed off to the other room, Victoria sat back down.
"Wer'e all very busy getting ready, Mr. Johnson, but don't worry,
we'll work something out!"
"Yes, u-um, thank you!" he said, feeling kind of ridiculous.
ust then he heard high heels tapping on the hardwood floor as Emily
led another woman in by pulling her hand. The new woman spoke
"What are you talking about honey? I didn't hear any bus!"
Timmy and Victoria both rose to greet her as the mid thirties
blonde stopped at the entrance of the room. Timmy's mouth opened as
he gaped at her. An older version of Emily, super stacked, pouty full
lips, but wearing a tiny black, leather, thong bikini and riding boots.
This bombshell immediately gave his long deprived groin a jolt.
"There he is mother, and wer'e going to do him tonight!
And he's a teacher and he's so cute!"
"Barbara," Victoria smiled, "this is Timmy Johnson, Tiffanny's
teacher at school, whose car has broken down and will be staying with
us for a while!"
"Oh, I see," she smiled, walking over, "I thought...well," she
walked over and they shook hands.
"I'm very pleased to meet you, madame!" he smiled submissively.
She smiled, squeezing his hand, "I am so pleased to meet you
too, Timmy!"
She dropped the handshake and looked at Victoria!
"Emily is all excited,.... so you want a reduction!"
"Would you mind very much, dear? Probably be another hour at least
before the other boys arrive!" The woman smiled over at Timmy.
"I'd be happy to, and in any case Emily would go crazy if I didn't!"
The teenager squealed with pleasure and clapped her hands.
"Want us to use the dungeon?" she laughed as she explained to
Timmy. "Vickie has a very elaborate basement!" He just weakly nodded
with a smile.
"Um, well, I don't know. What if the bus arrives and your'e not
finished? Hmmm, would you mind using one of the rooms upstairs?
The large bathroom is all set up. That's what we used before we did
over the basement!"
"I remember, oh sure, that will work just fine!" When she turned and
Timmy saw her gorgeous botton in that tiny thong he tried not to get hard.
She clicked on her heels a little more smugly than she came in, he thought,
as she opened a drawer near the front door.
"Vickie, the only thing I need is another couple of collars.
I only brought enough for my two boys!"
Vickie walked over and opened some more drawers, and looked over
at Timmy, sizing him up.
"Mr Johnson, would you please come over help us find the
right size?"
"(Gulp), oh, sure, of c-course!"
He watched the two womens' backs as they pulled things out of
drawers, as the blonde turned and smiled.
"Oh, of course, right, please take all your clothes off Mister
immy gasped as Emily giggled, standing sideways to him so she could
Soon he was down to his undershorts as he laid the clothes and
shoes and socks on a chair seat, as all three women turned and looked
at him. He wished he didn't have a half boner, and those big swollen
balls! Emily giggled and snickered as he pulled them off. Barbara
looked at his genitals and bit her lip and turned her gorgeous
backside as she rummaged around some more, but she handed back a pair
of handcuffs.
"Emily honey!"
"Yes mom!" she smiled as she took them. She moved in back of Timmy.
"OOOOo, mom look at those smooth white buttcheeks, just imagine!"
The two older women busy as they discussed and selected things
that Timmy couldn't see.
"Just pay attention to the job at hand, honey!" she said over her
smooth naked shoulder.
"Yes mom," Emily intoned. "Put your hands behind you teacher!"
He groaned but obeyed, there was no choice! CLICK! Now he was
"Try this one, honey!" She handed her a dog collar with a big ring.
The girl told him to bend down so she could put it on, giving the
ring a little tug with a smile. Both women turned then with another
kind of leather collar in each of their hands, smiling as both looked
at his genitals.
He groaned and blushed. Victoria said, "that one I think!"
to the one in Barbara's left hand.
Barbara stooped a little, her big full breasts near him as he
felt her warm fingers, as he looked down, and then he got hard!
Emily squealed with pleasure and Barbara chuckled, as he felt her warm
fingers cup his swollen balls and lock the belt making sure both balls
were trapped, then made sure the ring was in the front.
She stood up and gave his erection a little slap, enough to make him
wince as Emily giggled as she looked into his eyes, seeing his reaction.
His erection softened but inflated again. She smiled.
"I think one leash is enough now, don't you?" She clipped the ring
to his testicle harness and lightly lifted him up onto the balls of
his feet as he tried to keep his balance.
"Mmmmfffffpppp!" Timmy grunted.
"Your'e only bringing him upstairs, Mom," Emily teased.
"You can never be too careful with new boys, honey. Remember that!"
"Yesssss, mooommmmmmm!" Barbara smiled at Timmy and gave a slight
"Have a good time!" Victoris said as Barbara held the leash as she
half turned to the stairwell.
"Oh Vickie, what do you want him to be when wer'e finished?"
"Depends on how long you are! If the boys haven't arrived by
then, make him either a maid or the coffee table!"
Timmy looked in the direction of Victoria's nod and saw the heavy
long narrow wooden coffee table in the living room had leather manacles
attached to each leg. He gasped at the thought of laying naked, exposed
and facing upward as a group of gorgeous women sat around him.
"Okay," Barbara smiled, "Come on then, Mr. Johnson!" she said as
he watched her incredible thong bottom as she made the first step on the
stairs, with Emily following, giggling with anticipation.
He entered the large tiled bathroom as Barbara led him into it.
"Let's see now, if they left some manacles in the cabinet.
Just stand right there Mr Johnson!" As if he could otherwise
She was pleased to see a bunch of props in there, as she took a
handful out, as he watched. A ping pong paddle, crop, flexible
plastic ruler, (gasp) a heavy leather strap with a slit tail, and
cock and ball cat of nine tails, a ball gag.
She smiled and put the ball gag back.
"I guess we don't need that! The ladies downstairs expect some
sweet sounds from in here and we wouldn't want to disappoint them!"
Emily carried a stool into the bathroom and to his surprise
she set it in the middle of the big bathtub. She began to unbutton
her blouse and he gaped, seeing her youthful but firm, swaying big
breasts. When she was topless, wearing only shoes and panties,
she stepped into the bathtub and sat on the stool facing out.
She liked him trying not to stare at her breasts.
Barbara moved Timmy over to face her anxious daughter and recuffed
his wrists to the sturdy steel shower rod. Then she undid his genital
harness, as he was naked in front of the girl, only a few feet away.
He could tell now he was totally secure by the feel of the steel rod!
"Any questions or needs before we begin, Mister Johnson!"
she cheerfully asked as she laid out equipment across the sink and the
closed lid toilet.
"Let me know if you need to drink some water at any time!"
"Um!" he could only see Emily as she shivered with anticipation
and cupped each breast, licking her full lips.
"Um, ah, um, madame... the girl, Emily...are you sure that...!"
"Don't be concerned about Emily's age, Mr. Johnson.
She loves to watch from the front! And don't be ashamed to scream or
anything like breaking down either! Because we're used to it.
And we expect it! And, well, (smile) you will anyway.
And, (giggle) Emily would be soo disappointed if you didn't!"
"You do too, mom! And I want to do something too, you know!"
"Not till after he's broken honey! You know the rules!"
"Well I want to do his front! Iv'e never done a teacher's front
before, especially this," she grinned and leaned forward and slapped
his erection!
"Gasp" he moaned, "But, don't you think your'e, um, well, aren't
you're a little young, honey?"
"Are you embarassed to break down in front of a girl her age,
Mr Johnson!"
"(Giggle)I think he is, "Emily giggled, "isn't he! I think
he's cute!" Timmy gasped as the girl reached out and cupped his heavy
testicles, appraising them and then squeezing. He groaned and
writhed a little, helpless with his wrists tied.
"Your'e afraid of breaking down before a girl whose butt your face
will be in before we leave!" The thought was the trigger that coupled
with Emily's small soft hands created a massive swollen erection to
spring up.
Emily squealed with delight as her fingers ran over his pulsing
"Oooh you naughty boy," she cooed, "it's true, you want to worship
my bottom, don't you?" She leaned forward and slapped him across his
face as hard as her small frame could, making his cheek turn red and
tears come to his eyes.
WHACK!! OOOHHHHHH! She smiled at his surprised reaction, and
then leaned back, one hand pinching a nipple, and the other under her
panties as she spread her smooth thighs.
Barbara put her small hand running over his white unmarked butt
"Mmmm, should I manacle his feet!" she wondered out loud.
"Oh no, mother, no, I just love to see them dance!"
"I guess your'e right, honey. I do too. Now try not to cum until
wer'e together later!"
"You should talk!"
Barbara stepped back several feet and picked up a heavy
split tail leather strap, sighing as she though of what those leather
tails would do to all that unmarked smooth white skin, cupping one of
her big breasts as her tongue moistened her full lips.
"Come on, mom, come on....!"
"Wait, I forgot something!" she turned and opened the bathroom
"Vickie wanted a concert after all!" Emily giggled and whispered
and leaned
"Everyone's going to hear you screaming and begging, teacher! Soon!
And when we parade you down afterwards, won't you grateful to us!"
He tensed, hearing Barbara take a few practice swishes, and then,
heard a swish.
WHACK! The searing pain took him by surprise by its intensity,
making him cry out!" The scream tore from his throat making Emily gasp
with surprise and pleasure.
Recovering, already beginning to perspire, he clenched his jaw,
tensed his muscles. Three more whacks, at thirty second intervals at
the same power, and he just grunted, trying not to break. Emily's face
went from pleasure to irritation as the methodical strapping continued.
His legs twisted a little and he forced them to be still, sweat
dripping into his eyes. Red streaks across his buttocks, the top of
his thighs, his back, he bit his lip trying not to scream, twisting
in the manacles.
Emily's hands had dropped to grip the edge of the stool as she
sat upright, her face now of worry and concern.
"Mmmmmooooooooommmmmmmm?" she whined.
Barbaba said, a little breathless from swinging the heavy strap!
"Just be patient, honey!" She paused, counting off the interval,
and swung again.
"Oh, go faster and harder, mom!"
"Patience takes practice honey!"
Emily watch two more strokes land, one wicked one across
his butt that drew blood.
Timmy writhed. "ARRRGHHHHHH!"
The next one he was still recovering, so Barbara waited an extra
WHACK! (sob, sob, pl--please sob) he blubbered.
WHACK! He twisted like a puppet and his shriek filled the house!
Both mother and daughter feasted on the sight and sound for a
a couple minutes.
The next one she delivered elicited an even louder shriek as he
twisted and writhed.
Emily leaned back in her stool, idly pinching each hard nipple,
as she licked her lips and drank it in! Her panties like her mom's
thong was already soaked.
"mmmm, that's right teacher! And just imagine, wev'e barely
begun, (sigh)"
Downstairs the women in the kitchen all paused for each stroke,
winking and smiling each other as several had their hands on their
damp panties, fingering their clits, breathing in the sweet sounds,
in between their talking.
Victoria also was sighing with the sounds and Heather came by noticing
her hand in her panties.
"What a good idea, Aunt Vickie! Background music!"
The women all laughed.
Victoria chuckled. "Poor new teacher! This is his second
breakdown of the day and the night is young!"
Continued in upcoming complete profusely illustrated story at
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The radio droned on, some politician talking about the rise in youth crime...Mike wasn't listening though. He was leaning forward in the driving seat, trying to look through the sheets of rain lashing the windscreen. He glanced at the time - almost one in the morning, and here was, on this Godforsaken back road. What in idiot! He thought bitterly. He had to try and cut some time off the journey, but apparently this road wasn't on the map, or at least it wasn't the road he thought it was....
I worked for an assurance/insurance broker. I cannot say that it was the job of my dreams, but it paid the rent and etcetera. I was fortunate to get on rather well with my boss, who took a liking to me very early on. I was hardworking and diligent, a trait my boss liked. In comparison to many other of the lazy members of staff, I supposed that I was a breath of fresh air to Mr. Allen, my boss.One Friday afternoon, at three-thirty p.m., Mr. Allen approached me and asked to deliver documents to a...
BisexualAs he strode out into the blinding sunlight, Galen had no idea what to do next. PeeJay was getting heavy, and the as-yet nameless blonde, while not putting up any resistance, was also not helping him any. About this time he noticed that the blonde's hands were bound together by what amounted to leather handcuffs, and that her skimpy costume, which had been provocative enough in the semi-darkness of the bar, proved to be pretty much not there in full daylight. Oh shit! We're gonna get...
"Sir," Angel ventured softly, "may I call you Master when we're being intimate?" Her eyes were filled with so much love and hope that he couldn't say no. He acquiesced with a nod, and drew her back into his embrace. Across the room on the sofa, PeeJay had watched the proceedings with more than casual interest, but she had been bound for some time now. She was thirsty, and had begun to lose feeling in some of her extremities. More irritating that that, however, was the fact that she was...
This is a first! Galen observed, grimly, as Justine lay unmoving on the floor. I've never had a lover pass out before. A glance at Angel revealed a grin that almost split her face. "What's so funny?" he growled. "You!" she popped off, then went on, "You act so worried! She's going to be okay ... she just hasn't had sex with a guy for a very long time. It's different enough to be something of a shock, especially if you mistakenly thought you were a dyke." "Well, help me get her...
Alone again, Galen was driving through the streets of Savannah, searching for his client's address. All in all, he was in a pretty good mood. He'd never before considered the possibility of owning a slave, and now he had two! And not just any kind of slaves, either. What he had acquired was a complementary pair of knock-your-socks-off babes, who seemed to want nothing more than to be his dedicated lovers and servants. Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient...
Bill woke up to a different world that Friday morning. He hadn't slept well the night before because of the news of the bombing in Washington DC. He turned on the news as soon as he got up to get the latest developments and learned of the assassination of President Julian. Well, he wasn't sworn in as president yet but the American people had elected him and Bill considered him the president. The first thing Bill did was call his son but he had just turned the news on too. Rob only watched...
Rob Blake briefly looked at his cell phone in disbelief. It has just died. There was no signal. What the hell happened? "Watch out," Susan screamed and Rob looked up just in time to see a rioter run in front of his truck with a baseball bat. Rob pressed on the gas and swerved to catch the rioter on the fender. He decided it would be better to break a headlight than to get someone tangled in the under carriage as he felt the truck lurch. He couldn't resist a grim smile as he remembered...
"This little Nissan Sentra just wasn't made for these dirt roads," Cherie Jackson thought to herself as she bounced through another rut and the little car careened to the other side of the road. She glanced at her daughter's white knuckled grip on the door and thought for the hundredth time in the last hour, "I have got to get control of myself, for my baby." Cherie and her 14 year old daughter, Mary, had been invited to spend the weekend with Cherie's Aunt Nancy and Uncle Frank at...
Bill was waiting at the crest of the hill for almost 15 minutes while he watched the SUV at the crest of the next hill. It was idling as if they were waiting for someone to clear out ahead of them and Bill wondered if they were travelers trying to get to safety the same as he was. Bill decided to give them five more minutes before trying to find out. The SUV suddenly roared as the driver stepped on the gas and it leapt forward and over the crest. Bill thought they may have seen him and...
The drive that afternoon was nerve wracking. Each hill crest had to be approached with caution so they could scan the road ahead and behind for danger. Each heightening of tension in the truck had wrung whimpers of fear from the young girl. Each time her daughter whimpered in fear it tightened the grim expression on Mary's face. A broadcast on the two-way had barely warned them in time of a response to the tower of black smoke behind them. Bill had pulled off the road and nosed in behind a...
Bill was up very early on Sunday. He couldn't sleep because he was worried about his son and his family so he fiddled with the short wave so he could get some news until day light. The local radio stations were all standard Associated Press reports. According to the AP the US had been attacked by foreign religious groups. Short wave radio provided a completely different picture. According to SW radio the Weathermen organization was the cause of all the problems and they received their...
Rob was worried. They were parked behind an old shed just north of Heber. Three vehicles were parked on the pavement not a hundred yards from them and Rob could see the men talking through the gaps between boards in the wall of the shed. The house the old shed had belonged to had been burned to the ground. Rob thought the structure had been burned recently because of the fresh, un-weathered look of the burned boards. Rob knew the turn off to the property was only a few miles farther. From the...
Bill had to smile when he walked back into the earthship. Cherie was wearing a pair of his old jeans and a shirt. Mary had on a pair of Jimmy's cutoffs and a shirt. Both mother and daughter looked like little kids playing dress-up with their parent's clothes. All the clothes were too big. Susan hadn't left any clothes other than some underwear at the property. She complained about wanting fresh washed things when she came up so always took them home. She didn't come up every time they...
The last two and a half hours had been incredibly tense and Rob's nerves were stretched to the breaking point. They could hear the thugs talking and laughing and continued lewd comments about the 'state of higher learning' at the local high school. His anger at the atrocities he could overhear that were being committed continued to rise. Learning that young boys were also star participants in the games these animals were playing made him angrier. The look on his 13 year old son's face...
Bill lay on the crest of a hill between two rocks. This was another of the lookout points he and Rob had prepared. The one he had used this morning was on their property so they could build it up and stock it for defense. They had prepared three that were off their property. Bill was in the one facing south right now. There was another on the hills to the north of the property and another on the west side. Rob didn't think they would need one on the east side because they had such a good...
Mary's mouth hung open in astonishment as she watched Bill disappear over the hill. She looked at the strange woman sitting in the back. Susan gave a rueful grin and said, "I guess he could have at least introduced us. I assume that you are Mary?" Mary nodded and tentatively smiled back saying, "And I assume you are Susan?" Susan nodded in reply but her face turned serious. "We should get started if you don't mind driving. I need to try to keep him calm and we need to hurry." Mary...
Rob was awake and in the living room with the rest of them. Fortunately his leg wound wasn't as bad as they had thought. The bullet had gone through cleanly just above the knee and the knee, as the focal point of so many nerve endings, could cause a lot of pain. He had passed out due to shock from loss of blood. Now he was propped up on the couch with his leg elevated on Susan's lap. He couldn't put weight on it but could get around with help. They had just listened to the evening news...
Bill snapped awake and rolled out of bed in one motion. Jimmy was standing beside his bed and had jumped back at the sudden movement. "Sorry Grandpa. You asked me to wake you at 5:30," Jimmy said. Bill nodded and wiped his face with his hands. His eyes felt grainy and his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. He had only slept for a couple of hours. The night before had been a flurry of planning and activity preparing for what he was sure would happen today. First they had made the...
Bill and Jimmy were on a quad right at dusk. Jimmy hadn't seen movement and no more bandits had shown up to investigate their missing comrades. Susan and Mary stayed in the lookout point to provide covering fire if Bill and Jimmy had to run for it. Bill smiled to himself at the sight of Mary touching Jimmy's arm and telling him to be careful. Jimmy's chest had puffed out and he stood a little straighter but he didn't say anything. He only nodded and patted her hand on his arm before...
Bill was awake for the last watch. Rob had volunteered to watch all night since he wasn't running all over the country but he had woken Bill about 30 minutes earlier and told him he just couldn't keep his eyes opened any longer. They had used the short wave again and called the National Guard just to let them know they were still alive. They didn't say anything about the battle or how many people they were. Bill assumed the bad guys were listening. Bill started a fresh pot of coffee and...
Henry gripped the steering wheel and thought--for the hundredth time--about what he wanted to say. "Aly... ," he said at last. She sent her text message, snapped her phone shut, and looked at him expectantly. "Aly," he began again, "we need to talk." "Oh," she mocked, "this sounds serious." "It is." "It's about this morning, isn't it?" He started to respond, but she cut him off. "Why are you so uptight about it, Dad? We're both consenting adults." "It's still...
Reid tossed is cell pone in the passenger seat beside him. He had tried to call his wife and tell her he was on his way to his next destination, but as usual, she did not answer. His marriage was on the rocks, and he knew it. He loosened his tie and tossed it in the seat beside his phone. Ever since he had gotten his promotion, things had headed south. The new job had him on the road a lot, his territory stretching across the southern states. He had a feeling that his wife was...
“Go back to sleep, Honey” I say walking out of the bedroom to answer it. Your voice replies after I pick. “I need help” you say. “Why did you call me?” I reply. “You know better than that!” “I didn't know who else to call. I was leaving my boyfriends way past curfew and my car stopped running. My father will kill me if he knew I was still out and I'm scared!” “Where are you?” I demand keeping my voice low so as not to wake my family. “I am on the side of the road near Mill...
It was obvious someone had had a breakdown as Joel and Damien pulled into the roadside rest area on the inland highway. They needed a pit stop anyway; a slash in the scrub; a drink and a change of driver; but the combi had their attention. The flat inland monotonous semi desert road held no interest and even spotting a dingo and a pair of feral camels was more than an hour ago.The guys were on their way to a true outback Bachelors and Spinsters ball, B & S for short. Well an old mate had...
55. SHERRI`S BREAKDOWN. Sherri had been off visiting her sister for a week, more duty than love, up there in Delta up in Utah, she was happy, fairly tired and hot, glad of the draft from the open topped Oldsmobile as she cruised along not a care in the world she would be home in Vegas by the end of the day home with her husband Jason. She was a sensuous 30 year old, a size 12, about 5ft 3” 38d chest and still growing, filling her tee shirt in a provocative way. Hair, well more of a deep...
You were on your way back from a meeting . Its early spring and thunderstorms have been causing accidents on all the major roads all day long. It's late and not wanting to sit in traffic you decide to take a different route through the country. As you're driving you noticed that the power lines are down everywhere and it none of the houses or stores have power. After a while you notice you're getting low on gas but keep driving in hopes of finding a gas station that's open. About 10 minutes...
Gem had been waiting 45 minutes. Her husband had picked her up from work and they were driving to a hotel for a romantic weekend. The car had broken down on a country road. Jim had tried to see what the problem but couldn’t find it so had left 45 minutes ago to go find a garage. It had been a long hard day at work, the office was so hot she had taken her bra off at lunch. Standing in front of the car in just a shirt and her business skirt with stockings and black heels, Gem only saw 2 cars go...
its a raining winters evening and im driving around when my car breaks down and i knock on your door to use the phone. You answer the door in a figure hugging strap top and a skimpy pair of shorts that mould round you ass. I explain what has happened and you invite me in and take my coat to reveal my soaked white t-shirt clinging to my body. You show im into the living room where there is a strong smell of pot, ignoring this i start to use the phone. whilst making my call you whisper that you...
My name is Fred and I’m 27, about 6’2 and medium build and have been married for 3 years now. I lived in the countryside with my wife Sally, with only a few houses dotted around. I was working from home one day, working on the laptop, taking breaks to look at some porn, but I started stroking myself before turning back to my work. I hadn’t had sex or masturbated for a week now, and was ready to burst. It was about midday and I was about to take another break. I was in the process of looking...
TransRemix, Chapter 6: Breakdown By Brevdravis James wondered if she could get away with sweatpants today. Although her mother's slacks were slightly more comfortable than the male clothes she owned, they ended at the bottom of her calves. Shorts were out, since the last thing she needed today was Randall humming a ZZ Top song whenever she walked by. James finally gave in to her initial idea, and pulled on the light grey sweatpants. Her mother would probably give her garbage about...
I'm sorry for the delay, I just couldn't get in the mood for writing this week. I hope you enjoy part 5. A time of changes by Souffle Girl Part 5: breakdown The first thing that Rachel did after dinner was a shower. She felt a burning need to wash, as if the events she just went through had left her dirty. Undressing made her nervous. So far, she had only stripped to try on new clothes and had carefully avoided looking in the mirror while she changed. This time, however, she...
The Breakdown By strangefun I should have brought a change of clothes with me. Male clothes. Though, on the other hand... One night, I was mincing around the house, dressed in my usual "comfy" home attire - red-hot bodycon sheath dress with long sleeves and high neck, stretched over double D silicon falsies, glued to my hairless chest. No bra, so the erect fake nipples were poking through the stretchy ruched material, and every move made the two soft globes move around and jiggle...
Spring Breakdown "Spring Break, woohoo!" Jay shouted as he saw the edges of the beach city in the near distance. He has going to have the time of his life, the first spring break vacation from the drudgery of college life. He looked over to the driver's seat, where his best mate Matt Williams was driving steadily above the speed limit, looking a bit downcast. Jay swept a hand through his short sandy hair, and spoke up again. "Hey man, cheer up, it's gonna be a week of sunshine,...
Washing the muck and grime from my hands, I was feeling pretty good about myself. A man had brought a car into the garage, saying his gearbox had gone to the shitter and he could get only two of the five gears. Having been given the job by my boss, I started working on it after lunch, convinced it would be a late one. However, Lady Luck was on my side and it turned out to be an easy fix. Tightening the last nut, I looked forward to getting down to the pub with my mates and drinking the first...
Office SexAngela Whitman is a good looking 19 year old. At 5 foot 7 inches, she was well endowed, athletic and the body to show it. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she was always being approached by the jocks in her school. Her friends call her Angel, for short. Today she decided to go and surprise some friends from back home for spring break, rather than joining her friends at Fort Lauderdale. She had a four hour drive on the Interstate and things where going well. As she wasn't expecting to be on...
The morning after the party, I snuck out of Brian’s house before anyone else awoke. Sleep hadn’t helped my mood too much; I still felt some anger when the memory of the previous evening seeped back into my thoughts. My head was groggy as I trudged to my house, sleeping bag in hand. I was hoping to fall straight into my bed, but unfortunately Melissa was yawning her way into the great room when I entered. She looked at me in surprise. “You’re up early,” I murmured. “You’re back early,” she...
Alan found himself home alone on Sunday afternoon. He'd had to go to church with the rest of the family on Sunday morning, but now he was both bored and frustrated. His mood of feeling sexually overwhelmed was long gone. He was especially frustrated not to have been able to stay home that morning and get help from Suzanne, and he was also raring to fuck his sister some more. His great hope was that Suzanne would come through for him and make the weekend a little bit more interesting. I've...
Alan was having the greatest dream: he was having sex with his beautiful mother. He was in ecstasy as he thrust into Susan, over and over. There was nothing unusual about that, as he'd been having variations on that dream quite frequently these last couple of months, but the sensations seemed unusually intense. Dreams are fantastic! he thought. My life is nonstop heaven when I'm awake, and now it seems just as good when I'm sleeping. Although... A realization dawned on him, and he...
"Wow. Look at this place," Amy said, as we pulled into the driveway. "It's a mansion!" "That's what I said," I replied. We got out of the car and I got Amy's suitcase from the trunk. Charlotte took her smaller bag, and we walked up the walk toward the front door. "I hope you don't mind," Charlotte said. "I have some friends over." "Oh?" Amy said. "Cool." "Yeah. We're celebrating." "Celebrating?" Amy said. "Celebrating what?" Charlotte opened the door. There was...
The radio is blastin', Someone's knocking at the door. I'm lookin' at my girlfriend, She's passed out on the floor! I'm seein' so many things I ain't never seen before! Don't know what it is, I don't wanna see no more! Mama told me not to come. Mama told me not to come. She said, "That ain't the way to have fun, son!" "That ain't the way to have fun. No!" --Mama Told Me Not To Come (Three Dog Night) First period on Monday, Sherry saw me. "I heard that you had a wild...
Introduction: A friendship suddenly turns into much more! Logan, are you ready to go? I call out from the parking lot. Yeah, one minute Ryan. Logan responds as he looks back at me in the car. As you can see, my name is Ryan. I am 16 years old. I am about 62 feet tall, and weigh about 170 pounds, all muscle. I have brown hair which is always kept fairly short and I have green eyes that have for a long time melted girls when the looked into them. Logan is 14 years old, although he looks and...
It was Friday night. Valerie and her 21 year old son, Charlie, were sitting in the lounge of their home, watching a movie on television. “Gee mom, maybe you should get one of these!” Charlie teased his 52 year old mother, when a girl in a thong appeared on the TV screen. Valerie laughed. “Yeah, right,” she said.” “A lardass like me, wearing that? Sure!” “Oh nonsense. I bet you’d look… hmmm…interesting,” Charlie replied,...
~~Julias~~ “The Carthians are rebels without a cause. They don’t do well taking orders from the older covenants, and work to try and establish more modern forms of government.” Julias paced back and forth in his kitchen, glass of red in his hand and his childe at the counter. “They don’t sound bad,” the boy said. “They’re not ‘bad,’ but they’d tear down generations of structure, of heritage, of rules and dynasties just because it doesn’t have the flash of a modern government.” He gave a...
I giggled and wiggled my nose. I leaned up to kiss his when at the last second he lifted his head and my kiss landed on soft, full lips. The kiss lingered and we sank further down into the sofa caressing each other. I removed his hat and tossed it to the floor. He removed my hair clip and tossed to wear his hat lay. With one eyebrow raised I unbuttoned his flannel shirt and tossed it to the floor next to the hat and the hair clip. He relaxed back into my arms wearing only a t-shirt and jeans....
It was not a regular mess but six of us share a three bed room residential house..Two girls in each room.. Spacious.. Three toilets..Comfortable to live in.Myself Nitu and Namita in one room..Amina and Amrita & Babita and Basanti share other two rooms.We made a rule that each room will have the responsibility of food for one month.Since we are all young girls .. Within age group of twenty.. It was usual for us to live with grand masti and optimum freeness..Freedom in...
LesbianIt’s been a month now since Marcie had become Hans’ sex slave and she grew quite settled into her position. Despite the fact that he used the buxom blonde’s body whenever the mood struck him, he was always genteel and he never exceeded her limits, although they were indeed tested. He had an uncanny knack for knowing just how far he could take her and she trusted him immensely. In fact the tall Germanic gentleman was so pleased with her progress that he no longer required that she be bound to...
FetishKandi Monaee is a skinny and super fit ebony princess who is ready to take some professional peen in her teen pussy. She lays back on the bed with her bountiful breasts hanging out for our stud to drool over. Then she hops in the shower to oil herself up and give a sloppy blowjob for the camera. All this before she bends over on the bed and takes a big rod from behind while sucking on her finger seductively. She moans and groans as her tits flop up and down during some raucous dickriding, and...
xmoviesforyouI’d arrived late the previous evening after a long flight and was still suffering jet lag. So I was up early having some breakfast when my Mother-in-Law Sheila came downstairs at about seven o’clock wearing her dressing gown. David and Emma were still on there way back from Yorkshire and wouldn’t be back until the evening.I jokingly commented how sexy she looked and Sheila told me not to be silly – she was an old woman. I looked over at her as she was putting the kettle on and said 'Sheila, you...
SpankingHi friends my name is Dev but log mujhe Pyaar Se Benz Kehte ha. Mai 25yrs ka average looking ladka hu. Ye meri Pehli story hai indian sexx stories dot net me. Ye kahani aaj se 3 yrs Pehle ki hai. Mai Indian Sex Stories dot net ko pichle 7 years se follow kar raha hu aur har tarah ki story padha hu. To ab zyada bore na karte hue story aata hu. Mai Kolkata ka rehne waala hu magar filhal Mumbai me rehta hu job k liye. Ye kahani 2014 ki hai jab mai Bangalore gaya tha apne Pehle job ki training k...