The Coyote Essays Female Nature
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Another tale without a BDSM theme. However, there's still lots of sex.
As ever, my heartfelt thanks to Estragon, whose vorpal blade went snicker snack, leaving for dead homophones and typos galore. He also chose the title.
On with the story...
?And now lot forty seven. A free standing mirror in a carved oak frame depicting seven cavorting nymphs. What am I bid? Do I hear fifty pounds? Come along, this is a fine piece, OK, let’s start at forty pounds, thirty, yes, thirty to the gentleman in the front row, thirty five anyone?.?
Right from the viewing, Jasmine had fallen in love with the mirror. It wasn’t exactly what she had come to the auction for but, as soon as she saw it, she knew she just had to have it. The mirror, that was just a piece of reflecting glass, but the frame was something else. The dark brown oak, carved in deep bas relief, showed a selection of what the catalogue described as nymphs, sensuous female forms which seemed to flow in an endless erotic dance around the circumference. There was something Pre-Raphaelite about them. Lush, abundant bodies that offered their all. A quick review of her personal accounts revealed that, if she lived off beans on toast for the next month or so, she could afford to go up to two hundred pounds.
And now this bastard in the front row was bidding against her. The bidding went back and forth and they were now approaching the two hundred mark.
?Against you, ma’am,? the auctioneer said. ?Do I hear two ten??
Two ten! She had promised herself she’d stop at two hundred but it was so, so beautiful. Dammit, she starve if she had to. She nodded.
?Two ten at the back. Do I hear two twenty? No? Anyone else. Lot forty seven going for two hundred and ten pounds to the lady in the back row, going once, going twice, sold!?
As Jasmine paid for the mirror, and the delivery charges on top of that, she winced at the damage it would do to her bank account but, on the other hand, she knew she had never seen anything as beautiful. A month or two of scratting and saving would be worth it. It was probably the most expensive piece of furniture she had ever brought but she knew she just had to have it.
It was a week or so later that she first heard the voice. The weather had been unusually hot and sultry and she had had trouble sleeping. She lay on her bed, above the covers, naked except for the thigh length Minnie Mouse tee shirt she wore as sleepwear. A sliver of moonlight between the not quite closed curtains gave the room a strange, shadowy look and, there in the corner, she could just make out the outline of her mirror.
?Jasmine, Jasmine, dance with us, come join our dance.?
The voice, or rather voices, were right on the cusp of hearing and, at first, Jasmine didn’t believe she had heard anything.
?Dance with us, dance with us, Jasmine, Jasmine, dance with us! Dance! Dance!?
She lay completely still and silent, holding her breath so as to be as quiet as possible. Was this the sound of next door’s TV? Was that what she was hearing? The walls were thick and, normally, she didn’t normally hear a whisper from them but this time?. No, it couldn’t be that because, for all that it was faint, this sounded as if it were coming from close at hand. Moreover, the sound was sibilant, not the mumbling of the TV heard from the other side of a wall but something reminiscent of the sound of someone else’s MP3 player.
A gust of wind through the open window made the curtains swing and she heard quite clearly the rustling of the leaves from the silver birch that grew in the patch of grass outside her window. That had to be it. A mixture of the rustling of the leaves, her semi-somnolent state and an over active imagination were working together. She smiled to herself as she rolled over to try and get back to sleep. Whatever next?
?dancing, dancing in a woodland glade. Jasmine, and her sisters, she just knew they were her sisters, flowed together, their bodies an expression of the power of the woodland. She could sense the sap rising through the trees reflected in the warm glow that suffused her body. There was a joy, an elation, higher, stronger than she had ever felt before.
But this was the joy of spring, the joy of bursting buds promising summer fruits. The urge within her was strong but only because the culmination would be so sweet. The same power that would drive the salmon to leap the falls flowed within her and she was one with it.
Still dancing, her sisters circled around her, their arms reached out to hold her, to touch her, to caress her, and the touch of their flesh made her flesh sing out loud. She had never felt so alive, so aware, so in tune with her surroundings.
But it wasn’t just her sisters’ hands that held her. Some vine, some creeper, driven from the earth by the very force of nature, had become entangled with her feet. She couldn’t see through the press of bodies but she could feel it, circling her ankles, and climbing, gripping her calves, her thighs, pushing, probing, higher, and higher until it reached the very lips of her sex. She felt herself open up, she wanted, she needed to be consumed, to be taken, to be invaded. And, to her surprise, as the vine pushed inside her it was no mere twig but big and strong, hard and firm, filling her up, stretching her wide, taking her, consuming her, body and soul, until, powerless to resist and with a cry that was part agony, part ecstasy, she felt it explode within her and split her asunder?.
Gasping for breath, Jasmine sat up. What a dream! The sheets were sodden with her sweat and, down below, something very different. She got up and went to the kitchen, poured herself a glass of water, and sat at the table sipping gently.
She had never, ever, in her life felt anything like that. Sure, she’d had erotic dreams before, who hadn’t, but never as intense as this and, never before, enough to bring her to orgasm. In her mind she could still feel the vine as it snaked up her thigh and her ‘sister’s’ hands as they caressed her body. Even the memory was enough to get her aroused again. And when the ‘vine’ had invaded her? nothing, nothing she had ever felt before had been anywhere near as good as that feeling, that feeling of being taken, used, overwhelmed. The power of the forest had fed on her very soul and, in return, had granted her a brief glimpse of rapture.
She took another sip of water and told herself to calm down and stop being so stupid. A dream, that’s all it was, just a dream. All these fanciful notions were pure nonsense. Whatever would she think of next? She glanced at the clock. It was five thirty and full daylight outside. She went over to the window and glanced out. The silver birch, with its long slender branches, swayed gently in the morning breeze.
Jasmine had never been particularly sexually active. Sure, she'd had boyfriends and she'd let a couple of them go 'all the way' but their clumsy fumbling had left her cold. However, comparing their inept and selfish groping with the force that had ravished her last night was like comparing chalk and cheese for, in taking, the force had also given and, even now, her body still tingled all over from the memory.
Knowing she would not be able to go back to sleep, Jasmine went to the bathroom and ran herself a shower. Still she couldn't shake this sensual feeling, this awareness of her body. The warm water cascading over her felt so clean, so fresh. The pine scented shower gel, a luxurious present to herself, brought back the memories of the forest dream and, as she ran her hands up her torso, it just felt right to cup her breasts and offer them up. The shower drummed upon her breasts, massaging them and her nipples were proud and erect. But, if she were offering them up, then the question still remained, to whom, or maybe to what, was she offering them up? Her left hand toyed with a nipple while she placed her right hand, still soapy from the gel, flat across her mons. Oh, to feel that good again, to feel that complete, that sated, that fulfilled! The tips of her fingers drew circles around the centre of her pleasure but it was but a pale shadow of how it had felt. She rubbed harder, firmer, stronger until her fore and ring fingers had curled up inside her and she was gripping, squeezing, trying to recreate the passion. She slumped against the side of the shower cubicle and, as her legs gave way beneath her, slid to the floor, kneeling in the corner.
And then the climax came. Her right hand clenched inside her while, with her left, she pinched her nipple as hard as she could, trying desperately to recreate the intensity, to relive the explosion but, there, on her own, kneeling in the corner of her shower cubicle, the release was but a pale shadow and, whilst it would do for now, it had fuelled rather than sated the hunger within.
Emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, Jasmine knelt on the floor of the shower cubicle and let the water wash over her. There were too many questions and too few answers but, for now, she had to just let them rest. In the end the limits of her pitifully small hot water tank forced her to stand up and turn off the now tepid flow. She got out of the cubicle, grabbed a towel and got on with the rest of her day.
All that day Jasmine found it difficult to concentrate on her work. The report she was supposed to write seemed facile and meaningless; the points it was making petty and unimportant. For lunch, a meal she normally ate at her desk, she took her sandwiches out into the park and ate them sat on one of the benches. A row of oak trees, each towering eighty or ninety feet into the air, lined the main path through the centre and Jasmine felt as if she were seeing them for the first time. Even there, in something as tame as the municipal park, they had a majesty about them, a strength, a grace and she felt drawn towards them. She was no tree hugger, she found such hippy sensibilities too airy-fairy and she was far too down-to-earth for that but, today, it was as if she could feel the life force within them. She went over, laid her hands on the rough bark and, as she did so, she felt a connection between them. They were but parts of a greater whole and the power that joined them was a physical joy.
Brushing aside such silly nonsense she pulled herself together and headed back to the office.
As she got ready for bed Jasmine wondered if she was going to dream again. She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to. Oh, sure, she'd give practically anything for another of those orgasms, albeit that she'd been asleep at the time, but there was a fear there as well. Did she want it too much? She had never experienced anything so strong and was scared of being overwhelmed.
With her face washed and her teeth brushed she went into her bedroom, switched off the light and got into bed. At this point she would usually turn to her Kindle and read a couple of chapters to send herself to sleep but, somehow, Elizabeth Bennett's troubles with Fitzwilliam Darcy couldn't hold her attention and it wasn't long before she put the Kindle down and turned off the light.
But if Pride and Prejudice couldn't hold her attention, then neither was she quite ready to go to sleep. She lay in the half light and, without any conscious thought on her part, her hand slipped between her thighs. God she was horny! Ever since the dream, all she could think of, all she could concentrate on, was the itch between her thighs. She rolled over, opened her bedside drawer and fumbled inside for her vibrator but, for all that had never failed her in the past, the comparison with the dream was too strong and the cold, inanimate plastic compared poorly with the organic strength of... of... of what? She remembered the vine as it had coiled its way around her calves and then her thighs but, what had penetrated her had been no twig. The vibrator failed in neither size nor shape, it had both those in good measure, but it wasn't alive, pulsing, throbbing, thrusting.... her hand worked furiously as the memories came flooding back. What she would give to feel that again. Just one taste, just one little taste....
Her hand, like the vibrator, couldn't cut the mustard and, frustrated beyond belief, she threw back the covers and got out of bed. Her eyes had got used to the gloom and, as she looked about her, the mirror caught her eye. She went over and stood in front of it, reaching out with her hand to take hold of the frame so as to keep herself steady.
Just as she had felt the power of the oak trees in the park, so now she could feel that same power from the oak frame of the mirror. Unlike the useless plastic vibrator, the wooden frame was alive. No, it couldn't be, it had been alive but no longer, surely. Why then did it feel so alive? Why then did the figure of the nymph that she was holding seem to mould herself into Jasmine's hand?
She stared at her reflection and the half light seemed to flatter her. Normally she wasn't overly keen on looking at herself in mirrors but this time she actually felt she looked a little sexy. Or at least she would do if only she could get rid of the tee shirt. She scrabbled to get out of it and cast it behind her to lie on the floor. Then, when she turned back to the mirror, there she was, naked and ready. She couldn't just stand there, she had to move so, raising her hands above her head, she started a slow sinuous dance. It wasn't that bad; the moonlight filtering through the shades seemed to give her a grace she normally lacked. The shades and shadows hid what she saw as her blemishes and, to an earthy, rhythmic beat that played purely within her head, she let herself go.
Louder and louder, faster and faster, beat the drums that only she could hear. She turned and gyrated, twisting and twirling to the beat until, so lost in the dance, she knew not where she was. Even when a hand reached out and touched her it was so perfect that she did not question it. The dance, that was all there was, that was all she needed. Another hand touched her and, this time, she knew she was not alone, her sisters had joined her, or by the feel of soft earth beneath her feet, she had joined them. Together they ebbed and flowed through the forest, conjoined in their slavery to the rhythm of the dance until, at last, buoyed up by the exhilaration, they came to the clearing. They stood in a semi-circle, Jasmine at the centre, and waited. Puffing slightly from the exertion and feeling more alive than she had ever done before, Jasmine finally took in her surroundings.
The silence hung heavy with expectation. The whole forest seemed to hold its breath. And then, the shadows on the other side of the clearing moved and from the darkness emerged Pan, the prince of the forest, the source of the life force. Half goat, half man, all god.
?Is she ready?? his voice rang out.
?She is ready, she is ready.? Jasmine's sisters voices were as the rustling of leaves.
?Are you ready?? he asked, this time looking directly at Jasmine.
?I am ready, my lord. Take me! Take me!?
Pan strode across the grass, swept Jasmine up into her arms and laid her on the ground. Jasmine flung back her head and opened her legs. She was ready, oh how she was ready. Even so the force of him inside her was almost too much. He was crushing her, consuming her, devouring her, taking her, taking her, taking... taking....
And, as he pumped his seed inside her, she knew she had found her home. Here with her sisters, here with her god, she would live forever, lost in the dance.
?And now lot fifty six. A free standing mirror in a carved oak frame depicting eight cavorting nymphs. What am I bid? Do I hear fifty pounds? Come along, this is a fine piece, OK, let’s start at forty pounds, thirty, yes, thirty to the gentleman in the front row, thirty five anyone??
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HumorMirror Mirror I was on my elbows and knees moaning in pleasure. My tits, were swinging back and forth as some stranger I just met only a few hours earlier was pounding away at my pussy. My long red hair cascaded down to the bed and swung to the same rhythm as my large aching breasts. He place his hands on my hips as he continued to pound me. My tits swung back and forth with each thrust. His cock completely stretched my pussy and he knew exactly how to use it - in fact he had already...
MIRROR, MIRROR By Deane Christopher Copyright: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 e-mail: [email protected] Chapter 1 "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" "'Bout time!" the mirror, a rather garish gold platted eyesore of a mirror, as mirror's came and went in those Golden Oldie Moldie Days of Yore, replied in a huff of unbridled impatience. "And here I was beginning to think that you'd never get around to posing that - as we say in the magical mirror trade -...
HumorMirror, Mirror 1:Through the Looking Glass By Ron Dow75 A ten-year-old in pajamas, carrying a backpack crept up some stairs. At their top was a hatch door. Easing it open, he shone his flashlight into the now shadowed filled space. "Now, where did they put it?" Coming up into the unfinished area, he said, "Don't tell me they actually tried to hide it?" He found it under some old drapes. Pulling them away, he found the trunk locked. Ellis...
“Dad ... Dad Are you up yet?” It was Rebecca, knocking on his door. “Dad ... come on ... we want to get the mirror in my room.” “Huh ... ok ... ok. I’m up. Go down and get some breakfast and I’ll be down.” The girls hurried downstairs. Tom looked at his clock. “7:30 am? You have got to be kidding.” Tom got up and got dressed. Looking himself in the mirror, wondering if last night was a dream, he half hardily said “Tom? Are you there?” Immediately his image spoke “Yes Tom, it’s me. You look...
Through the mirror of my mind Time after time I see reflections of you and me Reflections - 1967 Susan Wu let out a loud sigh of relief as she collapsed into the cushioned recliner in her small studio apartment. It had been a really bad day for the twenty-five year old, capping off an even worse week. A major project upgrade, one that she had been sure was going to make her name in the company, had unexpectedly gone to another associate. This despite the fact that she had already done all...
Authors Note: This is the final part of my novella "Mirror Mirror". If you've got this far you know what to expect - there's not a great deviation in my writing (XXX themes, magical TG and that sort of thing) but hopefully if you've got this far this means you enjoyed the other parts too. Please leave a review if you enjoyed it or have constructive criticism, or visit my Patreon at . Peace! MIRROR MIRROR PART 3 Brian quickly threw...
She is not with me now. I have only held her once, a short hug in a park in fact, and that was some time ago. I remember it as if it were happening right now, but it isn't. It is only a memory. I am alone. Everyone else has gone to sleep. In the quiet of the night, I have been exchanging messages with her, but she is not with me now. But I feel her. In my mind's eye, in my mind, I still feel her and I can re-create every touch.But that was then. It was innocent, a moment of comfort between us....
MasturbationTom puttered away at the mirror stand, gluing, clamping and fastening it together to hold the mirror. As he put the mirror into the stand a funny feeling came over him. “Whoa. What was that?” It gave him a creepy shiver. His attention was now drawn to the inscription around the edge. He wrote it down and went to his computer to look up the meaning. It was written in some type of old English dialect it said “Whomsoever readeth this inscription and addeth the word “allismine” will be the master...
Having read and enjoyed Ellie Dauber's original story set in the "House of Mystic Mirrors," I must admit to being somewhat surprised no one had taken her up on writing another story within it. But Halloween is now so close and, rather than seeing its tent fold without its due fanfare, I wrote this tale during my lunch hour with the original close at hand. This tale may be posted to any free site. And those to which I generally give such permission have it. I hope you like...
After it was all over, they all went back to the mirror, gave kisses and hugs and returned. Tom went to bed that night, satisfied more than he could ever imagine. Mean while, at the Simpsons house Rebecca and Jill were naked, in bed together, trying to look at the magazine, they were overcome with such feelings of arousal they had to try each other out. Now laying in each other’s arms, naked and still rubbing their pussies together. It feels like it will last forever. Beth was in her room,...
Rose-Marie felt truly blessed by nature, as she stood naked on the balcony of her father’s palatial white mansion looking out onto her father’s ornate garden. Not only had she the good fortune to have been born and to continue to live here in St Lucia, one of the most pleasant corners of the French Empire, but she also had the good fortune of possessing a wealthy father who had chosen the Edenist way of life. In fact, the garden, the island as a whole, was very much like the Garden of Eden to...
Rose-Marie felt truly blessed by nature, as she stood naked on the balcony of her father’s palatial white mansion looking out onto her father’s ornate garden. Not only had she the good fortune to have been born and to continue to live here in St Lucia, one of the most pleasant corners of the French Empire, but she also had the good fortune of possessing a wealthy father who had chosen the Edenist way of life. In fact, the garden, the island as a whole, was very much like the Garden of Eden to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHalsey lay next to Maia in the bed. She had just brought Maia to an intense orgasm. Maia was breathing slowly and deeply, waiting for her heart rate to slow. Halsey leaned across and kissed her passionately. “I really, really love you,” she said. “Oh, and I love doing this, too.” She was combing her lover’s pubic hair with her fingers. Halsey frowned, “Mine is so sparse.” Maia rolled onto her side to face her. “It’s a blond thing. Blonds have lower hair density than brunettes. File a complaint...
LesbianMirror, Mirror 2: A New Relation By Ron Dow75 Carol Queen pushed her very hesitant ten-year-old son through their front door. "Is it gone?" he asked just inside the threshold, his face to the door. The mother looked at the entry wall behind him; all that was there over the small, narrow table and coat rack-umbrella stand was a rectangle of bright paint amid the faded paint. "Yes; it's gone." Wary, the boy slowly turned his head. His body...
For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and the three-thousand square foot home. The house is two stories and completely furnished, mostly with old antique furniture. I write this to document the strange occurrences going on in this house since I moved in. I never was one to believe in ghost stories or anything of the paranormal but over the past month, this house may make me a believer. Night 1...
The phone jarred me awake from the first good sleep of the week. It was Wednesday and already I was feeling myself droop at work. I needed sleep, craved it the way a man crawling around in a desert dreams of a glass of ice water. Creating imaginary worlds was a difficult task and without sleep … ‘Hello.’ My response was loud in the quiet house. ‘Sorry.’ The sound in my ear was so soft I could barely understand the words. ‘I wanted to hear your voice that’s all. Is this a bad time to call?’ I...
My name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and...
SupernaturalMy name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and...
SupernaturalMy name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and the...
Mirror Site: A new hand of cards By Yurix "I lost..." Sebastian wasn't pleased at all. It wasn't the fact that he was a poor loser, which wasn't the case, but he had a terrible tendency to take every small mistake as a big one, and every big one as a disaster. His mind clouded by the thoughts of his last loss, which was that of his job, made him unable to concentrate. The game he was playing wasn't in a casino. It wasn't even a gambler's game. He was playing Duel Monsters, which...
It cost me twenty-five dollars to get in. The woman working the front had a hoodie over a bikini which made for a confusing yet alluring introduction to the building. I had never been to a strip club before and had no idea what to expect. I had a vape pen in my pocket I was hitting so hard I could have caught an assault charge. That is to say that I was stoned and walking into very dangerous new territory. My hand was stamped and the military-grade velvet rope was removed from my path. I...
HardcoreBack to nature It was a baking hot afternoon in early August. For the past week the south of England had been enjoying a ridge of high pressure which showed no sign of moving and temperatures had soared way above the seasonal average, causing the grass to wilt and yellow, and stimulating the local insects into furious buzzing action. Around the ancient earthworks of the Iron Age hill-fort the air shimmered with the heat, the sun so fierce that this normally crowded beauty spot was almost...
LesbianMirror of the Soul It was officially called the N-Dimensional Rift Stabilizer. We nicknamed it the Magic Mirror. Unless you'd spent eight years studying probability manipulation and multidimensional physics, it wouldn't do me much good to explain it to you. Suffice it to say that infinite parallel dimensions did exist. The NDRS had given enough scientific data to say this with some certainty. Of course, like the speed of sound, I was sure our understanding of the exact...
This is an open-ended story, my Halloween gift to the TG World. The "House of Mystic Mirrors" is open for anyone to write and post a story about. The mechanics are as described in the four vignettes below. The magic of the maze makes it seem as if only one person - or group - is there at a time. Others kind of wait in a limbo, I think. The Barker is an ever-changing manifestation of the magic in the maze. The force that controls the change has a sense of justice - and a sense of...
Nothing like a lovely stroll in an enchanted forest on a day where the temperature's perfect, right? Hearing the birds chirping, animal making other noises and even- "AAAAARGH!" Whatever that was. That noise came from the mouth of a young barbarian, who chased after a massive creature. "Wait! Come back here, U'Gar!" He shouted as he panted, struggling to keep up with the dire bear that previously served as his mount. The bear, despite its size, was way faster than its owner and fled away. "Oh,...
Romance“Come on, hurry up already!” Under the watchful eyes of her friends, Emily stumbled out of her parents’ house while dragging along a suitcase nearly twice as heavy as the petite teenager. “Ye-yeah, I know, I know!” The stuffed container dragged across the asphalt while she put all remaining energy into pulling it towards the parked camper van just a few feet away, after which she uttered a sigh of defeat upon realizing that she would still have to lift the suitcase at least a foot off the...
Mirror Site: The Right Things By Dan Garcia Stan Barr walked down the street. The scene perfectly matched his mood. Any observer could have told you the street was definitely in some city, but the buildings were decrepit, and any observer would have an urge to leave very quickly. The buildings seemed devoid of inhabitants, except for shadows, creeping along, a hovering threat. Stan didn't care about that though. He was depressed, very much so. It wasn't the fault of poor...
"Well lookie here..." you let out a whistle of approval as you hold the tiny ceramic figurines in front of your headlamp. They look ancient; one is an intricate carving of an impish creature, the other of some sort of demonic statuesque female. You smooth the dust off the womanly figure, revealing its faded yet uniquely ornate paint job. A strange sense of arousal grips you momentarily, but you manage to shake it off. Stuffing them in your backpack, you ruminate on the local history of the...
BDSMI suppose I've been fascinated by voyeurism since my late teens.We lived in a house which backed onto woods. At evening times in spring and summer I would walk our dog there - though the real reason was to spy on the lovers who went there for sex. Whether they were stretched out naked, fucking in the grass, or fondling each other up against a tree, it never failed to get me hard. Once back home in bed, I would masturbate over the sights I'd witnessed. On one memorable occasion I spied a young...
VoyeurShe walked into the lounge, the curtains had a two-foot gap between them, she assumed Jimmy had stepped out after Mike had come up to bed to have a roll-up, she wondered idly if he still smoked his wacky-backy occasionally. She turned on the picture lights which included a spotlight over the fireplace and the ornate mirror above.Standing in front of the fireplace, only a hint of warmth emanating from the ashes within the grate, she lifted down an empty wine glass, a red tide mark designating it...
VoyeurOnce upon a time, there was a beautiful blond haired girl with brown eyes who lived in a lonely beach house. She didn't have a family, no , dad, or siblings, and NO kids. Her name was Daisy White. She lived in her beach house because ever since the queen Sarah had taken over the village, she had wanted Daisy White dead, but Daisy White was too smart for her. She'd excaped many times, enough to tell this story. But, maybe, this was the time she couldn't excape. You can't escape everytime. Which...
First TimeHere's a little story that bit me while I was working on a longer piece. I kind of think of such stories as gargoyles. When the stonecarvers working on the great gothic cathedrals needed a rest from making angels, they'd carve a gargoyle. These pieces, some of them, are a way of resting while I work on a real long story. Also, since I created the "Mirror Site" about a year ago for Halloween, I thought now was a good time to revisit it. Let me know how you like the story, and,...