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“A Recollection” by E. Land 

Author’s Note: This is a true story about an experience that some may call “a man’s ultimate fantasy.” It involved my lover and yours truly. Everyone romantically involved should have a night like the one I am about to describe. It happened because of his desire to watch a woman sexually arouse me. Of course, we know this male wish is nothing new; almost every erotic magazine, website, and blog addresses this dream of theirs. Nor is it news that their women resist living it out for them. So, being typical in that respect, it took some doing on my part to change my mind. But change I did. Delightfully, when the evening arrived, many nice things took place apart from the expected.

By way of brief introduction, we are in our early fifties, but do not let that keep you from reading on; neither of us are drooping middle-agers or “dead-bed.” Because we eat wisely, exercise, and have good genes, people often mistake us for being ten or fifteen years younger. Frankly, if you want my opinion, even stark naked we look good; I have the feminine curves and he has the masculine equipment – each of us proportioned well enough to be likely considered a very good looking couple in a nudist colony. I am a brunette all over, though currently the hair my public sees is tinted lighter. He is a graying blonde. Probably, our natural hair colors are what they are because my ancestors are from Eastern Europe and his are from Scandinavia.

We love each other and are committed for life. But our career obligations keep us from living together. In fact, we live a great distance apart. Another background fact is that he is still married, though he left his wife a year before we began to date. Divorce isn’t a consideration right now and so I accept the life we lead. As for me, I was once a lesbian. For years, an older bi-sexual divorced woman was my lover – and I stayed with her until the day she died. 

 Should you be interested, some of the details of my alternate life style and portions of my growing experiences in the straight world, besides the one being shared here, will come later in stories I expect to write.

Part I – Background and the Request

The long-distance relationship between my man and me has been a beautiful, evolving, and enduring one. Even with the shortcomings of a coast to coast romance, restrictions caused by his entangling family situation, and our business demands, we have the greatest times as a couple. Besides craving each other physically, we think alike about all sorts of things – from the significant to the mundane. Although we both are outgoing, we love having conversations and drinks by ourselves, enjoy dining out alone, and rest in the knowledge that we want to be at each other’s side as often as we can. We laugh often and entertain ourselves without even trying. When we do meet others, they invariably tell us that we radiate so much mutual enjoyment that they like being around us.

I am deeply in love with this man, not only for the reasons I just gave you and because he absolutely adores me, but for several other qualities of his. Not the least of which is that he possesses a strong feminine side. That is, he is very sensitive to the feelings of others. I think he understands women more than most men I have met; I know he understands me. He is also a stickler for personal cleanliness; I call him “my pristine man.” I like that quality in any person. Admittedly, I am no expert about the male population, given my sexual proclivities of the past, but I know enough to realize that these attributes of his are rare among men.

Furthermore, he is special because he was non-judgmental about my background when I finally revealed my way of life. Nor did he tease me when he also learned my hymen was still intact. Yes, though unaware of it at the time, he had come upon a virgin in her 30s as it relates to men. Actually, he was thrilled and told me that every man is when discovering his lady lover is brand new. I suppose I knew this, nonetheless, I loved his “live and let live” thinking.

Staying away from men sexually began when I was in my late teens. I played with the boys physically when in high school, but it never really went beyond serious “petting.” In the heat of the moment, I remember a time when one boy’s penis got an inch or so into me before I pushed him away, but that was the exception. My mother had put the fear of God in me when she said I could easily get pregnant playing around with boys – and then added that those things they have can be unclean. But, my mother’s cautions weren’t the only reasons I decided to stay away from boys for sex. I was, at the same time, beginning to realize that girls were sexually attractive. So when I was approached by a senior in my first year of college, I decided to let it happen. I loved her caresses – immensely. And so boys were out. Neither was masturbation in the picture very often either. Not when my new lover and the lovers that followed were so available.

Despite my gay orientation, however, I enjoyed being with the opposite sex. A few of them became friends. But always they remained platonic relationships. Until this man of mine entered my life some fifteen years later, never did I desire a male to “take my cherry,” as the saying goes.

Today, I have more men friends than women friends. Several who make me feel good as a woman are dinner and brunch dates. I go out with other men because my man does not want me to be a social hermit between our get-togethers. He trusts me, as I trust him. But, quite candidly, there are times when they try to entice me into taking off my panties. As complimentary as this is, I will not. These men know I am in a serious relationship with someone from out of town. However, I do permit them to kiss me in more than just a friendly way when saying hello or goodbye. And, I don’t always brush aside their hands when, in our embrace, they fondle the sides of my breasts a few times. There is no harm done if these things give them some sensual enjoyment. It is the least I can do in return for the pleasure of their company.

Some men I met back as a gay woman were played with as sex toys. For instance, my lovers and I often had fun holding and pulling and squeezing penises and testicles when at a party or a place where other gays congregated. They were guys we hardly knew or had just met. In our 20s, we thought life was made to explore and experiment. Equally pleasurable was watching gay and straight men – casual acquaintances at best - drop their pants and stand in front of us masturbating in a secluded part of a club or in a living room. It aroused us (which benefited our love making later on) to watch their penis grow stiff and their sperm shoot out into the tissues that one of us would be holding.

Of course, now I would not touch anyone’s genitals or watch a man climax unless my own man was with me. Enamored by the male sex package, I have envisioned a fantasy when I could visit an upscale private sex club. With him next to me, and both of us unclothed, I want to watch a trio of naked young studs masturbating in front of us until each cum. If some of their sperm hits my naked body because of the force of their unusually strong spurts, I wouldn’t be disappointed. It would enhance the realization that I am the object of their arousal – always good for the female ego, providing it goes no farther than I want. Sex to the maximum with a male other than my lover doesn’t interest me; I am a one-man woman.

At the same time these guys are doing their thing, I want to stroke the penis of another off to the side. I would love to feel his shaft grow in my hand and have him shoot out onto my breasts. And then, if my man would indulge me, I would like to help these four men dry off their softened manhood with a washcloth as an extra treat. All this happening with no strings attached. Exciting! Afterwards, I would like to shower and then go to bed with my man in one of the club’s private bedrooms, where all sorts of “toys” were available for us to try out on each other.

Another tantalizing fantasy for me is to have a set of male genitals hanging between my legs for a week or so. What a workout they would get!

There are many more sexual fantasies swirling around in my head. I hope we can act upon some of them in the next few years. If at all possible, I know he wants to fulfill mine and I want to fulfill his.

My man says no one could ever guess that I have such wild amorous thoughts, claiming my public persona is as a well-educated female, a prosperous business woman, and a proper and well-dressed lady. I am each of those, but not when aroused. Such images and civilities go out the window when I am in heat. He knows me as a very lusty lady when opportunities for exciting sex present themselves.

Sometimes, I manufacture sexual situations – harmless things. For instance, most every day I engage in crotch-watching. I discreetly look to see if there is a bulge in a man’s pants. If there is one, I wonder what his “stuff” looks and feels like. I am on the prowl when shopping, walking down the street, at parties, restaurants – everywhere. It is a pastime that helps a little to feed my exceptionally strong libido. But, never do I attempt to take it another step, even though a man’s penis and testicles are more important to me now than a vagina.

Back in my lesbian days, as I have said, vaginas were my thing. Though, “eating” them was hardly ever done with much enthusiasm. You see, I was in the gay community more to receive orgasms than to give them to others, which is uncommon among such women. I did, of course, have to sexually please my partners. Though, rarely did I do so with the same degree of enjoyment I felt when a woman was focused on my erogenous zones. Most of the time, I caressed their bodies and sex sensitive spots with my mouth and tongue and fingers only because of the extreme pleasure these women afforded me.

However, that was then and this is the present. Now, my man’s genitals are in my mouth whenever possible during our lovemaking – and at other times, as well. Impulsively, I occasionally interrupt what we are doing – reading, walking in a deserted area, or some such ordinary thing. I will unzip his fly, reach under his swim trunks, or pull down his elastic-waist jogging pants, to lovingly “abuse’ those things that make my heart beat faster.

This marvelous relationship of ours started at a time when I was beginning to have serious second thoughts about my gay life. I can say that I truly loved the woman I last lived with; my partner was so talented in business and strong and exciting in her approach to life. We went all over the world at vacation times and made love passionately wherever we went. Her breasts were small and her vagina was not all that special, but god, could she make me cum! Her hands and mouth were all over me.

Incidentally, when I say we lived together I do not mean that in the usual sense. I had a co-op in the city of Philadelphia and she had a home about an hour and a half away in New Jersey, where she operated her design company. I spent every weekend there; she would come into the city for business during the week and stay with me a couple of nights. This arrangement suited us fine; we liked our private times. Anyway, a few years before she died, I began to question my life style. I thought, “My lover is much older than me; could I continue this way with other women after she is gone?” Then along comes this co-worker, who gratefully helped me make the decision to move into the straight world.

Executives in an international stock brokerage firm, we worked at the home office in Philadelphia on common projects. In the course of our work, we began to enjoy the company of each other. That chemistry blossomed into a friendship and lunch and dinner dates. The almost inevitable affair followed and, in our case, it led to a terrific romance and everlasting bond. In the early days I was still involved in an active love life with my paramour. I guess you could say I was secretly bi-sexual while this romance with him was developing.

The first time we were really intimate was the first time I wanted a man to cum inside of me. The prospect of his stiffened appendage going in and out of the apex of my womanhood was now enormously exciting. My understanding of menstrual cycles eased away pregnancy concerns, especially since this day was a “safe day.” We had been “making out” on the couch in my living room and taken off each other’s clothes. I was new at this male-female game, but since I am a quick learner, he was stiff from what I was instinctively doing. As for me, I was practically climbing the walls with anticipation. He stood up and we moved to my bed, where I fell on it splayed out naked waiting for this special moment to begin. I was both apprehensive and eager. But instead of mounting me, he went “down” on me. I was startled, but the experience of the first man’s lips and tongue kissing and licking my clitoris and labia folds was, nevertheless, divine. “My god,” I thought, “this man is as good as anyone I have ever had!” Later, I decided that he was much better. His luscious hard penis and his art of lovemaking put him at the head of the class. He has said to me more than once, “I please you only because your aggressiveness and willingness encourage me to try things that my past lovers would not allow.”

He “deflowered” me at my next “safe period.” The feeling of his shaft rubbing the tight insides of my unused-by-men vagina was fabulous. This was new and glorious for me! The joyous experience of sperm shooting into me for the very first time made me want this to go on forever. I climaxed, and then climaxed again. I wanted more.

Next morning, the tear of my hymen wouldn’t stop bleeding, so I had to go to the hospital emergency room. Despite my embarrassment of being cauterized for this reason at my age, I felt the previous evening was worth it.

My appetite for this very self-assured man to spawn my orgasms grew with a roar during the next few weeks. With his hands and mouth, and a condom on his shaft when needed, he began to do and teach things to me that my lesbian lovers never did. Months later, we decided that we were meeting each other’s deepest sexual needs. He found me an adventurer and a willing woman. I found him a man of unlimited imagination and sensuality.

It surprised me greatly to hear that despite not having serious experiences sexually loving men, I excited him more than any woman he has ever enjoyed. He told me so, and then added: “You know exactly what turns me on. You have a man’s mind in a woman’s body.” His talent regarding me was and is identical. Since then, we have come to know each other’s “hot-buttons.” Touching and penetrating everywhere on our bodies, then and now, is okay as we give and take our pleasures. There is nothing out of bounds between us. Incidentally, we have never had a “quickie” as a consequence; our lovemaking extends to hours, not minutes.

You will likely remember that I did not masturbate all that much as a lesbian. As I said, the women I knew usually satisfied me so that I seldom needed to play with myself. Although I must admit that I liked – and still like - touching my vagina when showering or going to sleep. Those times I “did” myself were really not all that important to me. But when my man was transferred about five years ago to San Francisco to head up the western operation, frequent masturbation became an important part of our sex life.

I have always needed to cum often. Typically, my last girl partner and I had three love sessions a day every weekend – wake-up time, mid-afternoon, and at night before going to sleep! In between, on those weekends, I could hardly wait for the next one. So orgasms were, and are, very important to me. Since he was now away from me more often than not, we resorted to telephone sex. It continues to help both of us keep connected. Sometimes we masturbate by phone two or more times a week. In between, I masturbate by myself, with the occasional help of photos I took showing his erect and thick penis bending upward in such an appealing way. I measured it once and it is about 7 inches long and almost 3 inches in circumference. Not humongous by some standards, but very satisfactory for me – oh yes, indeed!

At times, his pictures prepare me for our telephone appointments. We dub them “tele-orgasms” or “tele-treats.” In case you are interested, I have no problem being aroused this way; I cum easily because of his sexy talk. Helping me, if necessary, is a vibrator (we call it a “missile”). If that is not available because I am away on a business trip, then I improvise. My wide toothbrush handle (cleaned off of course) or a recently purchased and thoroughly washed carrot is substituted. Because the homemade sex tools are seldom used, when they are, each puts a little extra spice into my moments of phone lovemaking and solo efforts, too.

As you can imagine, it is not easy for my man and me to meet as often as we want. We’ve been challenged by the fact that I live near the Atlantic Ocean and he by the Pacific Ocean. You may ask, “Why do you bother with a long distance romance? When you do get together it probably goes no further that the proverbial ‘roll in the hay.’” In response, I say that our relationship has grown way beyond the bed; we are “soul mates.” Although, I must admit getting “laid” by this man is a highpoint in my life.

For the record, we do many intimate things besides copulating. They may seem silly to you, but, they bring us closer and only incidentally act as aphrodisiacs. One example is that when we are together, we often shower at the same time. Our privates are never as clean as when we tend to each other. Another is holding his penis and testicles (my sister likes to call them “the unit.”) as he “whizzles” - sometimes I then tissue off any vestiges. This happens almost anywhere; in parks, back alleys and, of course, in the bathroom. He loves to help me as I do the same. I have to squat when I am outside, so at times it’s a little awkward, but regardless of where I whizzle, he never misses a chance to gently wipe dry the lips of my vagina. Talk about closeness - delicious!

We share so many things. Apart or together, I let him know when I have female issues. He tells me about his male concerns. He knows, for instance, when I am upset about a discomfort in my vagina or a suspected lump in a breast. Or when he says something that makes my vagina contract or moisten. He knew about the hot flashes and periods before I had my hysterectomy. To this day, he knows the details of my gynecologist visits, wanting me to be very explicit - and so I am. I tell him whenever I insert the special cream in my vagina that my doctor gave me, which prevents dryness and keeps it soft for him. I know as much about my man as he does about his woman.

I know, for example, when his testicles ache from prolonged sexual arousal because our foreplay has been especially extensive, or he has taken me several times, or he masturbates too frequently in a short time frame when I am unavailable. But this condition, known as “blue balls” in street vernacular, can also be caused by sexual stimulation that does not result in orgasm and ejaculation. Nature is demanding the sperm in his testicles be released, but they are not, for whatever reason. I also know when he has to “free” his manliness from a cramped position in his pants as we enter a public room. I usually shield him as he fixes himself. By the way, I know that his penis hangs down to his right normally and that his scrotum shrinks when he is cold or about to cum. There are so many areas that we feel free to act upon or talk about! Some of them are so extremely personal that I will not share them with anyone.

He loves to fantasize sexually about me or us when we are apart. What I like about that is he always relates them to me afterwards – ether by phone or when we are together. Candidly, many of his fantasy stories turn me on. I am easily aroused by his very descriptive sexual scenarios. He even thinks them up when we are together. He has an amazingly fertile and creative mind for such things, and, frequently, as the mood strikes, will compose a fascinating story in our bed, telling it to me as it comes to his sensual mind. It’s been a titillating part of our foreplay at times.

As I mentioned at the start of this story, a recurring fantasy of his has been to watch a woman make love to me. Actually, as you probably know, sex therapists say that he is not alone; many men have this fantasy. An article in a recent Cosmopolitan Magazine said that it could be because they want to be a sight-seer once in a while, not always a co-star. They want to concentrate on looking at their woman being stirred up by a person who poses no threat to their male sexuality. On the contrary, they hope this other woman’s nudity and actions would help stimulate them to masturbate and cum, thereby doubling their pleasure, if you will.

The magazine article went on to say that as they stroke themselves, these men want to watch their woman’s face take on the unique to sex look that shows raw hunger, expectancy, and gratification, all at the same time. A look that would say if it could talk: “Give me a little more of you and then I am going to burst forth with the mother of all ecstasies that I so crave.” They want to see their woman’s naked body flush with arousal, when breasts are swelling, nipples are erect, hips are squirming, and legs are apart exposing the puffed wet folds of their vagina. They want to hear their moans for more penetrations and caresses. When the explosions finally occur, there is no question in my mind that they are exhilarating sights and sounds for such men. Especially, if at about the same time, they have climaxed by their own hand or within a few moments anticipate climbing onto their satiated, but still keyed up woman.

Before I knew about this longing of his, he would ask me occasionally to explain what went on with my lovers, especially the one woman who bedded me during the final years of my lesbian life. I kept telling him that I am not very good at remembering such details. Not because I am reluctant; as I said, we have no secrets. What hinders my recollections, you may recall, is that my primary goal as a gay woman was to have an orgasm, not provide one. The foreplay was essential and certainly pleasurable, but secondary for me. Orgasms were the overriding aim.

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t blocked these former lovers out of my mind. I can still name each one, but I cannot provide a description of their nakedness or our sex activities to any great degree. I can still remember that their breasts were soft, their arms and legs so smooth, and their behind nice and shapely. But I cannot describe their vagina or anus to that extent. Particularly since going down on them wasn’t normally what I liked doing. I enjoyed fingering and holding their bodies. Bringing my mouth down to caress their vagina and anus was another matter. They were not aware of how I felt because I never failed to reciprocate for what they did to me. I felt an obligation to do so - although not always. On occasion, I looked forward to mouthing their “privates” in gratitude for something they did or said. I suppose they sensed the difference, because their screams were usually louder. My last lover was the exception; I always pleased her in the fullest sense. Many times she said to me: “You are my dream affair!”

I said to him that most often each of my lovers began “doing” me first, and then we would end up by me “doing” her. But, every intimate advance we took toward our climaxes had been forgotten. I remembered that we usually made love on a bed, with her and me on our back alternately, though regularly we 6-9d each other. Providing step by step descriptions of tongue and finger doings or the details to the use of a strap-on and large or small missiles – one of them flexible and double-headed - well, that was out of reach. The specifics of what my lovers did to me and what I did to them were too vague in my memory bank.

My man reacted like most males when he heard my excuses. He tried to convince me he would love me just as much, and maybe a little more, if I would let a female make love to me in front of him, so he could, at last, learn a little more about the art of making love to a woman.

As you can imagine, I saw through that charade of male thought. But since I have some compassion about this part of the masculine psyche, and I have a strong desire to please him, I eventually opened up to the possibility. I decided under the right circumstances a woman could take me in front of him, even though such lovemaking no longer interested me. He had seen to that with an artistry that has pleasured me in ways I never experienced with gay women - it makes my vagina quiver with delight at the memories of our sex times. So I began to mull over ways for his fantasy to be fulfilled and for my resistance to go away. I needed to think seriously about this.

Part II – Arrangements

Three or four months later after arriving home from a particularly lovely time in San Francisco with my man, I decided to bite the bullet. I called Patricia from my Philadelphia apartment. We had lived together in New York City for a couple of years after college. Lovers from school, we wanted to continue the relationship as long as possible. Though she was cute, and very willing to bring me to an orgasm any time I wanted one, our day-to-day interests were changing and so my attraction to her waned. When I met another more exciting woman, we amicably parted ways.

I thought of calling Pat because she visited me not long before that trip to the west coast. We had not seen each other for many years, until she called me out of the blue from her place in Boston to invite me to lunch. She expected to be in Philadelphia in the near future and for old times sake wanted to get together. When we met, I saw she bordered on being overweight. But, our luncheon was pleasant and interesting. I told her some of my history and she told me some of hers, including the fact that she was still a lesbian. Since we had such a nice time, I decided to pick up the phone to find out if she knew a gay woman to help me act out my lover’s fantasy. Maybe, I thought, she knew someone who was pretty, trustworthy, and willing.

Pat was happy I called, and very responsive to my request. I asked, “Since I want to please my lover, do you know an attractive gay woman younger than us who would be willing to come to my hotel room the next time we are in Boston to make love to me in front of him?” She thought she did.

After I hung up the phone I had more reservations. I wondered if I could still respond sexually to a woman. I had never faked an orgasm in my life and I was not about to start now. Could I get past that hurdle? I also found the whole idea of a naked woman on top of my naked body or between my opened legs a little unsettling. I had left that world, and my fear was that acting out this fantasy for my man could reawaken my desire for women. I doubted this would happen, but… I also knew I was not an exhibitionist – not by any measure.

How best to arrange for my man’s fantasy to take place and concern over these personal fears occupied my mind for a few days, but when I got busy they went away. They came back a month or so later at my country home in New Jersey where I spend weekends. I received a telephone call from a very pleasant sounding woman. She told me her name was Joan and explained that a mutual friend of ours had told her about my wishes. She said, “Pat described your past relationship with her and your current situation. I understand and, if you would like, I am willing to meet with you and your lover for a night. In fact, I must admit that it sounds exciting.” I took her telephone number and promised to call when I knew we would be in Boston.

Now I was really nervous! But the wheels were in motion – she did sound very nice - and so I decided to go ahead. But these arrangements would stay secret until the last minute. Besides the fears already mentioned, I still was not sure that I could allow a perfect stranger – especially a woman - to touch me so intimately. Never in my adult life – straight or as a lesbian - have I considered being a man’s or a woman’s “one night stand” treat. That might be okay for some women, but not for me.

About two weeks later, I learned that Marilyn Maye, one of our favorite saloon singers, was appearing at a club in Boston. I called him and we decided to go to her show. My next call was to Pat’s friend. She thought she would be available, but asked me to call her when we arrived. He flew into Newark airport from San Francisco and I met him in my car and we drove up to Boston.

The plan was to stay there for three nights. Shortly after we registered at the hotel, I surreptitiously called the woman. She told me that she could be with us the following night. With trepidation, I gave her the hotel address and room number.

That first evening in Boston we went to the early show. It was a great performance with great ambiance and great food. Later that night the sex was perfect and unusually long-lasting. There were oodles of precious moments as we fondled and explored each other. I could eat up that man; that is, if he did not devour me beforehand. At the risk of sounding egotistical, we are hot in bed.

The second night in Boston we went to a romantic place for dinner at a northern-style Italian place (light sauces) - our favorite food. When the dinner ended, I feigned tiredness and said I needed an early night. So we went back to the hotel. As we were returning, new misgivings arose. “What am I doing?” I thought to myself. But there was no stopping, unless I ended it when she knocked on the hotel room door.

The knock came before we had a chance to undress. I stood transfixed and did nothing, even though my brain was telling me, “You need more time before this happens!” He opened the door and standing in front of him was a beautiful and elegantly dressed woman. Next to her was another attractive woman – almost a girl. My man looked puzzled. I went into action and invited them in. Crazy!

As they entered, I turned to him and said, “Tonight, my darling, you are going to have your sexual fantasy about me fulfilled.” His jaw dropped. I showed a calm that belied my anxiety. Again I thought, “What have I let myself in for – and why have two women showed up?”

We sat down in the parlor of our suite and I asked him to make us all a drink from the bar. As he was doing this, I learned the older woman was Joan and her friend’s name was Sandra. Joan insisted that she bring my drink to me. To say that I was uncomfortable is an understatement. However, I shook my head clear and then explained to my man that Joan was a friend of one of my former lovers. I turned and asked Joan why she brought Sandra. She replied, “She is my lover and is here to add to the night’s pleasure.”

When we finished our drinks, the two women stood up and Joan beckoned me to do the same. When I did, she told me she was going to undress me. I closed my eyes and, after a brief intake of air, I nodded agreement. She proceeded to remove from my 5’3” and 125 pound frame the short-sleeved black cotton sweater I wore, jiggling my bare breasts as she did. I try not to wear a bra when I go out to dinner with him. He loves knowing they are free; and sometimes when I am not wearing panties either – just stockings that stay up by themselves - his penis oozes pre-cum. If this happens, I will open his fly under the table and wipe him dry with my napkin so no stain will appear on his pants at the crotch. I am so thoughtful! But I am wandering.

Joan then unzipped my pleated black skirt and told me to step out of it. I did, and now I am standing in my high heels with pantyhose still in place - but not for long. She carefully slid them down and off. Now naked, except for my pearl necklace and earrings and other jewelry, she and Sandra were gazing at my body. I was aware that my breasts and dark brown pubic hair, along with my behind, seemed to be their center of attention. After I had been turned around several times, Joan reached down and slid her hand over my vagina. Before I could react, she reached around and squeezed the cheeks of my behind. I felt a little like a piece of meat and almost ended the evening’s event at that moment. Sensing this, Joan stopped and began folding my clothes as if to apologize. Glancing over at him, I saw him sitting there seemingly unmoved by my obvious peevishness. He seemed spellbound by this woman’s process of getting me naked and ready. I simmered down because, after all, this was his night, not mine

Suddenly, my attention shifted to Sandra. She had taken off her clothes. Her lithe body appeared not to have a wrinkle anywhere. Her skin was unblemished. I saw she was a natural blonde by her pubic hair, which had been shaped into a narrow vertical strip above her vagina. I suppose young women like being arty when they change the shape of their hair triangle down there. I am aware that many younger women shave off all of it, but this is not my thing. I think a woman’s triangle is usually a pretty sight and, in my situation, my man would be unhappy if I shaved. He likes to glide his tongue all through it.

My lover was now looking at two naked women. One, girlish in figure – that was her – and another, womanly shaped - that was me. My bra size is a 38C so my breasts are not small – my man says they are firm and perfect. Incidentally, not so long ago one of my dinner dates took me to an “in” night spot for an after dinner drink with some friends he knew. I was introduced to a gay doctor who told me that I had a great “rack.” He was using slang to describe his assessment of the outline of my breasts and cleavage tastefully displayed in the partially opened sweater I wore. Said so sweetly, I wasn’t offended.

This night of the fantasy, however, these two women not only saw the outline of my “rack,” but also the small nipples and light areolas on the front of my rounded breasts. They saw that my body was firm all over and my pubic hair fairly full and nicely shaped. If I must say so myself I looked very good for a woman of any age. They saw au natural my small waist and hips, nicely shaped legs and tight “buns.” The jewelry, I think, added to my look. Sandra, on the other hand, had small breasts – probably between a 32A and a 32B cup - with relatively normal size nipples. Because of the shaving, her vagina was prominently displayed. Overall, it was nice looking, but the clitoris was a little too large, if you ask me. Still, I thought her body and face were quite pretty.

It had been some time since I looked closely at a naked woman, let alone caress one. I see women at the gym where I work out strip down in the locker room, but never do I give them more than a passing glance. But with Sandra, I appraised her looks. I suppose some straight man or gay woman would find her appetizing. However, if I was still doing the gay thing, she would not be my type; too dainty looking. In retrospect, I realized that Sandra was mainly company for Joan. It was Joan and me who were to be the main players in my man’s fantasy. Though I must tell you now that Sandra added a little zing to what happened later – and I did taste her on impulse.

Sandra asked me to follow her into the bathroom to freshen me with a shower. She turned on the water and I took off my jewelry. After checking the temperature, we entered and got wet. Sandra lathered me from the neck, over and around my breasts, up and down the back and front of my torso - apparently careful to avoid soap entering my vagina – then finishing at my feet. Pushing my legs apart, she took the extension shower head off the hook and placed it at my vagina, forcing water to enter. The pressure of the water felt pleasant on my clitoris. Right there and then, I decided to buy and have installed such a showerhead. Holding on to her shoulders to keep from slipping, her skin felt baby soft. She then soaped herself and finished by rinsing out her own opening with the showerhead. She turned me around and bent my body forward. As I placed my hands on the shower wall, Sandra washed my behind with her soapy hands. Her finger went in and out of my anus more than a few times. I watched her do the same thing to herself. Now we were both thoroughly clean. With the water off, Sandra dried both of us, paying particular attention to fluffing up my pubic hair. She spread my cheeks and carefully dried the crack of my behind. A light powdering of some of my body parts followed. I was feeling more comfortable about things.

Sandra led me back into the bedroom carrying another soapy washcloth and dry towel. There was my man and Joan standing next to each other at the foot of our bed without wearing a stitch of clothing. I stiffened - in surprise - until Joan said, “Relax, nothing happened between us. I just wanted us to be ready for you. Besides, his uncircumcised cock is so small that if it were an inch less it would be a hole.” I bristled at her remark and protested, “Small as it is at times, when I arouse him it gets as big and thick as I want it to be; perfect to fit into what I have.”

I thought of the many mornings of the past when I awoke and reached over to touch the genitals of my sleeping man. Sometimes I had to pull them out from between his legs. Wherever they lay, I knew his penis would be the size of a small child’s. No matter, my initial movements always awaken him and his penis will begin to swell. Within minutes his maleness is stiff and big and ready. For a woman, this has to be one of the great joys of sex. It certainly is for me, especially because of what usually comes next. Those yummy moments of stroking his shaft to hardness are followed by sucking it to taste his pre-cum, and then having his mouth on my nipples before I open my legs and accept his throbbing manhood - all incomparable foreplays of pleasure to bring us to our orgasms. Though Joan was wrong to impugn his ability to satisfy a woman, her comments actually mollified me. I forgot about being upset by what they had done without me overseeing them get naked.

My man and I sat down on the bedside chairs as Sandra told Joan to spread her legs. “Open up so I can wash the insides of your cunt,” she said. When done, Sandra turned her around and bent her forward. She asked my man, “Please spread Joan’s cheeks apart so I can wash her back hole.” He looked at me for permission. There were no rules in place, so I nodded that it was okay. My acquiescence surprised me as I quietly watched him open her behind and hold it so until Sandra finished. I could not help notice the roundness of Joan’s behind and the fullness of her nicely nippled breasts as they hung from her bent body. “She is one attractive woman,” I said to myself.

Joan looked almost as good as my lover says I look. I am sure her loveliness did not escape him. My guess is that her breasts would fit comfortably into a 36B bra, her stomach had that small rise which enhanced her femininity; and her waist and hips were as narrow as mine. Her legs were not bad either. I noticed her pubic hair was a light brown and because she was probably in her late 30s, her “triangle” was fuller than mine. So much so that when I peered more closely at it, I could not see the vertical entrance to her vagina. All I saw was her “bush,” as some men describe our pubic hair.

Finished with Joan, Sandra moved to my man. Holding his testicles in one hand, she said to him, “I am going to stroke your cock a few times to make it grow a little so I can make certain it is clean as can be.” With his genitals so engaged and with what had been going on, including his part with the cheek business, I saw that she had no problem thickening and lengthening him. Pulling back his foreskin, she used the wash cloth to carefully wipe off the head before moving to his testicles and then to his behind. And then she dried him. My, we were all now so sparkling clean!

Part III - Special Moments

Joan waved me over to her. She exuded confidence. I like that quality in people. Nonetheless, I hesitated and she sensed my continued discomfort. She smiled and assured me that this evening would be a good experience for everyone in the room. Facing me, she began to massage my body with lemon-scented oil, starting with my neck and then moving onto my shoulders and arms. No one had ever done this while I was standing, and soon that vertical position brought on sensual feelings. As she did, I watched her breasts moving in concert with her hands. They were pretty things. Her skill made it feel like a professional massage – which I love getting. It felt so good! “Could all this lead to an orgasm?” I wondered. At this point in time I felt it was too soon to know.

She then went to my breasts and oiled each one. Her pressured movements made my little nipples stand up. Her hands felt so nice on them. She commented, “These breasts of yours are so round and firm.” I replied, “My lover thinks so too.” I knew they were not as close to the chest as when I was in my 20s and 30s - they hang a little more now. However, he loves them that way because he is able to take them more fully into his hands. He says he can better caress and gently pull on them than when they were tighter and slightly smaller. He enjoys drawing each breast away from my body to suck on the nipple. Joan took each one the same way, mouthing my left nipple for some moments before moving to the other one. One of her breasts kept brushing against my stomach; it was an erotic feeling. Ripples of pleasure went through me. I was now beginning to get into what was happening, particularly when I knew all this was for my man.

Joan knelt down and spread oil on my stomach. I had to grab hold of the mattress behind me for support as her hands sensually and firmly kneaded this part of my body. Otherwise, I would have fallen backwards onto the bed from the pressure and I was not ready for that yet. She put her tongue in my navel, one of my erogenous zones, and then licked two more - my abdomen and the top part of my pubic hair. It was so pleasant that I began to get more into the program – or so I hoped now. Joan took her hands and pushed my legs farther apart. I watched her pour more oil into her hands to start massaging my legs.

Beginning at my feet, she moved upward with one hand on each leg. When she got to where they joined my torso she seemed to take pains not to touch my pubic hair or anything within it. What she was doing, however, was arousing me. No question about that! Actually, I was sort of disappointed she hadn’t touched my entrance because her handiwork was exquisite. It had been years since I felt feminine hands down there.

Joan then said, “Turn around so I can massage your lovely looking back.” She took long up and down strokes from the shoulders to the top of the cheeks of my behind. Then she began to do the same across my back from the neck down to across my behind. I heard her say to my man: “Come here and open her cheeks so I can oil her asshole.” He did, and as my cheeks were pulled apart, I realized that some of my pubic hair was no doubt peeking out between my legs – he loves that look. When she was finished, he sat back down. I felt well-oiled and, to my relief, everything was starting to really please me.

I looked over to where he was sitting. At first, I could not tell if he was aroused, but it would have surprised me if he was not. After all, he had just participated in the early part of his fantasy. He was also watching me in the nude being fondled every which way by an unfamiliar naked woman, as another unfamiliar naked woman stood aside observing all that was happening. Then I saw him moving his hands in his lap. Since he too was without any clothing it made me feel better knowing that he was reacting normally and positively.

“Bend over as far as you can so your ass is up in the air and facing me,” she said. I leaned over without bending my knees and held on to my ankles. No doubt my anus and the wiggly folds appearing from within the center of my pubic hair were fully exposed to the three of them. So was the area in which my pubic hair grew, which, according to my last gay lover and my man, goes out onto the top my legs and down and under onto the beginning of my cheeks, including two or three short strands around my back hole. Oh well, have a good look,” I thought.

She poured the body oil into the opened crack and I felt it trickle down to my anus. At that moment she stopped the oil and pushed some of it into me with one of her fingers. Bit by bit she went in further. She pulled out and carefully put two fingers in, moving them around until I felt it widen. My vagina quivered. Things were continuing to take place inside of me and I was feeling happy for my man. I was also glad for the physical shape I was in as these two women looked at and touched me. My man says I should be very proud of my body.

Joan gestured that I get up onto the bed and lay on my back with my legs wide apart. I was now ready to do this. Talk about being exposed! She said, “Please, open up your cunt so I can see how wet you are in there.” Despite my natural reticence to display myself in any fashion, without hesitation I took my hands and pulled my vagina apart as far as I could! She peered into it and smiled. She said: “You’re beginning to come around.” Then she again called my man over. She told him, “Slide your finger in her and tell me if you agree. He did and nodded in agreement. Next, she said to me: “Grab hold of his stiff cock and start jerking him off!” I did not realize that he would be such an active participant, but with joy I grabbed it. The next thing I knew, Sandra came and asked me if I would like her to caress my breasts. Again, without hesitation I helped the fantasy move along. She sat on my stomach facing me. Promptly, she began to slowly and sensually massage my breasts. Every moment or so she would lean over and suck a nipple. Oh yes, Joan sure had an extensive plan to please my lover!

I lost sight of her at this point. Get the picture: I am stroking my man’s hard shaft. Sandra is sitting on my stomach and moving my breasts. I could not see Joan, but I feel this woman whom I had never met before, licking my inner thighs and getting closer and closer to my love center. Her hands push my legs further apart. She is so sensual. Suddenly, her tongue begins to flicker my pubic hair, circling close to my vagina that I now know is getting wetter. I feel a flick or two of her tongue as it went along side the outer lips of my entrance. Lo and behold, more joyful happenings are going on down there in that department!

Sandra continues to run her fingers around my breasts. The effect on my nipples is amazing; I had never seen them so erect! She places both her palms directly over my nipples, with her fingers spread apart. Then slowly Sandra lifts her hands so that her fingers move over the nipples. On reaching each one her thumbs, index and middle fingers close around the base and gently draw them out. She squeezes gently, first one and then the other - again and again. It is so lovely to feel! I am thinking: “Maybe these women can bring me to an orgasm!”

In the meantime, Joan’s tongue is getting very intentional in her efforts to arouse me. She glides her tongue along side the outer folds of my swollen womanhood. It is so nicely sensitive there. She also places a hand under my behind and begins to feather the cluster of my back hole. I involuntarily move my hips as she moves about with her tongue and fingers. I continue to pull on my man’s hardness and feel the softness of its skin as I stroke him. My hand is in heaven, my breasts are in heaven, and the areas around my vagina and anus are in heaven. All I needed was her tongue and finger in those openings and all of me would be in heaven! So that is the picture!!

My heart jumped when Joan found the wetness of my opening crevice with her lips and tongue going up one side and the other; all with great passion. She took the thumb of one hand and rubbed my clitoris as the index finger of the other hand slipped inside my back hole. The combination of mouth lips to vaginal lips, clitoris caresses, stimulation of my anus, and a hard-on in my hand, was pushing away all my reservations. I wanted to cum!!

"Please," I whispered, as their tongues lapped my vagina and breasts, “Do not stop.” I lifted myself up a little to make Joan’s now stiffened tongue enter more deeply in my soaking wet opening. After a blissful time feeling her beautiful penetrations, she alternated her tongue between my crevice and clitoris. With her finger moving around in my anus at the same time, again and again she sent waves of joy through my body. I could not believe it!

Joan stopped after a while to say to me, now a highly aroused woman: “You are a beautiful sight! Your body has the look of a young woman and your cunt is encircled by just the right amount of pubic hair. Your swollen clit is so delicate looking and inviting as it sits there above what I am licking and kissing. God, but you are good to eat! Your clit and cunt are scrumptious to suck and, as I tongue your insides, your juices taste so sweet. I love it that your cunt continues to respond to my touches, and overjoyed the two of us are turning you on. I now know why Pat loved being your partner. Whether or not other men have fucked you is your business, but every man I know would salivate at your nakedness and the way you receive what I’m giving. Your responses to my lovemaking are better than I could possibly have expected.” “How lovely of her,” I thought. The next thing I knew, three of her fingers were moving in my very hungry and drenched vagina. It was an incredible sensation, and I could feel the rising of an orgasm for the very first time, as she thrust in and pulled out at a perfect pace for me.

Sandra was still working my breasts like the connoisseur she was. Oh, how she pleased them! I could see her opening and realized she was aroused by what was happening. Candidly, I was flattered that my body was probably an important cause of her excitement. In fact, these things she and Joan were doing to me had the same effect on me. Everything was all so sexy!

So many things are now going on at one time. I was reaching over and sucking my man’s lovely thickness; all the while holding onto testicles that were starting to tighten up with desire. A tongue and fingers were lapping and touching me between my legs and my breasts were being loved to death! Never had I been in a situation like this and it was almost overwhelming. This was supposed to be primarily for him. Yet, I was on a sex high never experienced before! I became completely focused with desire. My sole aim was to cum now! “Full speed ahead,” I thought.

Suddenly, I was ready. I let go of my man’s genitals. My arms spread out from my body and my opened legs strived to widen even farther. I could feel the first orgasm rising in me. I yelled to Joan, “Push in deeper!” Instead, I felt a vibrator on my clitoris. Where it came from I did not know, but the feeling was fantastic! She slid it down over my clitoris and then up and down between the lips of my vagina, which was screaming out for something or somebody to get in and go to work! A moment later, the vibrator began to do what it is supposed to do. She moved that vibrator in and out and round and round within my soaked and begging vagina. Her actions sent me over the top. I came with a force that was out of this world; the kind of orgasm that I get at special times from my man. I came again - and then once more. Incredible!

Coming off this sensational series of orgasms, I opened my eyes and looked over to see how my lover was reacting. He appeared to be transfixed in male heat as he watched what was going on. His hard and thick penis was sticking up into the air like the Empire State building as he was stroking it. I could see the head was a deep raspberry red, which meant he was extremely aroused. It looked so gorgeous.

Then Joan’s actions brought me back to her. She had pulled the vibrator out and was using her flattened tongue to lick the folds of my crevice. They were so ready for another orgasm that they seemed to part this time with a vengeance. She shoved all five of her fingers into me. Can you believe that? She moved them around so that she wasn’t far from “fisting” me! The frenzy of her movements and Sandra’s ministrations to my breasts set me off again. I yelled with joyful abandon as I came several times. I yelled my head off.

I did not count my orgasms, but there must have been more of them coming out of me at this one love session than ever before. It was out of this world marvelous!

Part IV – Ending Pleasures

After these orgasms of mine ended, Sandra got off my stomach. I saw Joan. God, here was a naked woman lying on her stomach with her head between my legs; her lips and tongue fervently loving my vagina! She was perspiring and flushed. I was so pleased and, at the same time, further aroused looking at the nice-looking dip in the middle of her backside and her breasts being squished by the pressure of the bed. Her hands reached up to my own breasts and covered my still erect nipples. I tousled her hair and thought, “Only a few months ago, this scene would have been unthinkable.”

Spread-eagled on the bed, I felt totally drained. Without question, I believed I was fulfilling my man’s fantasy – to say nothing about the unexpected gifts of my multiple orgasms and highly sensual pleasures. My breasts, falling slightly off to the sides of my chest, were still being pleasured by Joan’s slightly pressing hands. My pubic hair was wet from my juices and her saliva. My mind was filled with images of mouths and hands all over me. This vagina of mine was a little sensitive and I was also aware of my anus. Even my breasts tingled with the memory of so much intense attention from Sandra. Everything was just – well, just spectacular!

I quickly learned that this fantasy wasn’t over for my man. Joan said to me, “Flip over on your stomach, spread your legs, and push up your ass a little.” I knew this would once again show my puffed and wet labia lips in the midst of my dark colored pubic hair. I wondered if this display and these gyrations excited Joan as much as I was sure they were exciting my man – and me. I soon learned that they did – very much so. Sandra opened my behind to allow Joan to get more oil into my anus. I could feel several of her fingers expanding my back hole once again. After a minute or so, I heard her say to him, “I suggest you stop jerking off. You’ll enjoy shooting your load much more if you fuck her asshole; she is ready for you.” I could not believe my ears! I mean, this was something we had rarely done, and it was certainly much too personal to do in front of others. But I said nothing.

With his hard-on in hand, he moved to the foot of the bed and asked me to get on my elbows and knees. I did, and he pulled me down so that my lower legs and my feet were hanging over the edge. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Joan rubbing his shaft with the K-Y gel from the tube I left on the night table. When she finished – I thought she took a little too much time gelling him - he pushed his thick and stiffened shaft into me. I could feel the stretching, but he was so gentle. He went in deeper, and after five minutes or so, I felt his hardness had gone in to the hilt. His passionate thrusts caused my breasts to swing. I loved it and understood more about his increasing fervor when Joan said: “I am squeezing his balls as He pumps your ass. And Sandra is pushing her finger into his asshole.” I was reeling with joy and approval! All this was beyond belief!

Moments later, Sandra stopped “doing” him and got on at the head of the bed where she slipped her vagina under my face. My mouth could not help but touch it. She smelled extremely fresh. She was still moist! Her wriggly crevice was so soft and inviting that before I knew what I was doing I kissed it. And then I ran my tongue over the folds several times until she was moaning softly. She pushed up and I tasted her seeping sweetness. Memories of my past life flooded my mind; this girl tasted better down there than most of the women who wanted me. But I stopped when I sensed my man was about to cum.

I felt his sperm shoot into me. It is a marvelous and almost indescribable sexual feeling to receive my man’s seed in my behind. This night, his maleness seemed to get bigger as he climaxed. When spent, he rested a moment or two before he withdrew and fell along side of me. I felt pleasantly full and shivered when some of his sperm oozed out of my anal canal. Still on my knees, I groped for his softening shaft. It felt so good in my hand. With all my heart I wanted to cum the next time he and I did this. I probably could if I played with my clitoris at the same time

It was then that I realized that Sandra had slipped away and was sitting nearby furiously masturbating. She was concentrating on her clitoris. Her legs were wide apart, each one draped over an arm of the chair. Twisting and thrusting as she came; all of us watched her head go back, her stomach rise, and her crevice open wide with desire. Her moans faded away and wetness was all around her vagina when she finished.

Full of emotion from all of what I was experiencing and seeing, I turned over onto my back and said to Joan, “This has so wonderful! How can I repay you for what you’ve done?”

Gazing at me intently, she said: “Slide a couple of your fingers in me; I need to have you do that right now.” As my man watched, I put two of my fingers in my mouth to wet them - as I used to do in the old days to help ease them into a lover’s vagina. I reached over and began searching for her opening within the bushiness of her light brown hair. Upon entering, I learned she was very aroused - there had been no need to wet my fingers. It was a sopping wet and warm place. Also thinking back to her flushed face when she was ravishing my vagina, I said to myself: “Joan and Sandra have proven that my body can still get a woman excited.”

A few moments, and a couple of pleasurable moans later, Joan slowly eased away from my probing fingers. Noticing my questioning look, she said: “You could have made me cum in a heartbeat; you are a very exciting and luscious looking woman. I am so glad Pat called me. But that is not the plan. Instead, I would like both of you to watch as Sandra kisses and licks my cunt and asshole – and then I would like you to hear and see me have an orgasm or two.” I looked at him and we both nodded agreement.

We left the bed and pulled two chairs close to it so we could see them better, but not before I held and kissed her breasts; I could not help myself. “How wonderful,” I thought, “for my man to watch all of this!” The women lay down beside each other in a 6-9 position so that Joan’s thick pubic hair was even with Sandra’s face. Sandra moved her hand to find Joan’s vagina within it. I could now see that her triangle of hair was extensive. It began about four inches above her clitoris and reached over to her legs and up to her cheeks, as mine did. All of it, however, had been neatly trimmed. Mine doesn’t need trimming.

We watched as Sandra pressed her index and middle fingers between Joan’s obviously puffy and ready-to-be occupied slit. It quickly parted and we saw a very pink and glistening interior. I heard Joan moan and say, “Go in and out of my cunt with your fingers; slowly at first and then increase the speed so that you are pounding me.” Sandra did as she was told.

The next ten or fifteen minutes were filled with passion. Their antics excited both of us. He fingered me and I grabbed hold of his shaft. Both bodies were things of beauty as their femaleness was displayed before us in various ways. Sandra was fingering and kissing and Joan was caressing her everywhere she could. My man’s solid shaft head was shiny wet with juices that had seeped out of the opened slit at its top. He withdrew his finger from me and put it into my mouth to suck. I was shocked to be as wet as I was. All this was so unbelievable! Here I was a straight woman, yet still able to be aroused by a torrid lesbian scene.

Sandra changed tactics then. While keeping her fingers moving in Joan’s vagina, she took her other hand and pulled one of Joan’s legs over her shoulder to get at her anus. She pushed her face into Joan’s behind and lavishly kissed and licked and sucked her there. The combination of finger and tongue seemed to be just what was wanted. Joan was squirming. It was clear that Joan’s moment was arriving! Sandra’s fingers were going in and out of Joan feverishly; her tongue was reaming her back hole. Suddenly, Joan erupted. She screamed, “Fuck me; fuck me!”

She came, and came again; each orgasm apparently getting stronger, followed by a few smaller ones. When they stopped, Sandra’s fingers came out and her hand seemed to be drenched from Joan’s juices. With her legs still wide open, Joan exclaimed, “That was sensational!” Sandra reached over and planted lingering kisses on Joan’s very wet vagina, licking her several times as we watched less than a foot away.

She turned to us and we saw a victorious and sexually gratified look on Sandra’s face. And then she shifted her body on the bed for my man’s benefit. Scooting up to sit up against the headboard, she spread her legs and then brought them up so that her feet were flat on the mattress. My man could easily see Sandra’s entrance glistening from playing with herself and loving Joan’s body. I looked as intently as he did. Looking straight into his eyes, Sandra took her hands and slowly widened her vagina so he could see deep inside. I’m pretty sure he was tempted to lean over and lick her. I am glad he didn’t. Her motivation for doing this, I believe, was to provide him every opportunity to see a woman in all her intimate glories!

Joan left the bed and came to me. As she approached, I could see love juices shining bright on her inner thighs and pubic hair. She leaned forward so that her breasts hung down only inches away from my face. In the gay days I would have reached over and sucked them. She moved my legs apart and then very briefly slid her hand up and down my wet pubic hair and vagina. I felt her middle finger pressing on my entrance as she did. At the same time, she took the index finger on her other hand and scooped up cum that had seeped out of the slit on the top of my man’s penis. She licked it off. Both acts done as if to say: “Thanks for inviting me.” Somehow, I felt those two gestures were appropriate. In my mind, the magic of this evening made everything we did suitable and pleasurable. What was done for my man – and certainly to me - fit in with my attitude that there are no barriers in love-making – as long as there is no physical or emotional pain involved.

Joan took Sandra with her to the bathroom. As they went, Joan said: “Both of you get back on the bed crossways and spread your legs when we return with washcloths.” We did as we were told and reveled in this amazing experience that had turned fantasy into a reality – at least that is what we told each other later that night. The girls returned with soapy wet wash cloths and dry towels; we spread our legs. Joan explained, “I know you’ll shower, but we want one more treat by washing you.” She worked on my man and Sandra serviced me. They lifted our legs straight up to clean off the residue of sex on and around our front and rear openings. It was no ordinary washing. My, oh my, how sensual were her cleansing touches! Ooh! And I could hear him murmuring pleasurable sounds, too. I felt very sexy and happy, and decided it was a nice way to end this extraordinary love session.

When they finished, Joan and Sandra performed their own ablutions. However, they washed each other’s private parts in ways that were highly sensual. “Good for them,” I thought. Their legs spread as they dealt with each other’s vagina and backside. Moving breasts and moving hands and various sexy exposures were the order of the moment. I noticed his fascination at the showing of their shapely bodies so intimately. These two, despite being gay, knew that a pretty woman’s nakedness – no matter what she is doing - turns on a man.

Afterwards and still undressed, we each poured ourselves a nightcap. The energy generated the past few hours was very much present. I believe it caused us ladies, as we sipped our drinks, to independently pull our legs up onto our chairs and expose the essence of our womanhood. What a sexual sight we must have been for him to see three highly gratified vaginas staring him in the face!

Drinks finished, Joan and Sandra dressed. He watched them as they put on and adjusted their bras and pantyhose and then their outer clothing. They bid us good night at the door and left. Before they did, I thanked Joan with a kiss on the cheek at the door – she patted my bare behind. I smiled appreciatively at Sandra and gave her a hug – she kissed my neck.

When the door was shut I turned to my man and said, “This was what some people would probably call an orgy. I know you loved it and I, too, found it surprisingly erotic and gratifying - a fabulous experience for both of us. It was obvious that you liked seeing them make love to me; to say nothing about the obvious enjoyment you had with my behind. Perhaps, we should do this again. However we decide in the future, I am glad we did it tonight. Darling, this fantasy turned out to be in real life a very exciting time for you and for me.”

I kissed him and cupped his genitals. He began to squeeze both my breasts softly and whispered, “You are a gem among women.”

We went toward our bed…showers would have to wait.

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Junior Sex Club 7

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, sport," I looked down at Sandy, "I've got a hot and wet hole, too." "Sorry...I'm kind of new here...and the scenery is pretty spectacular," I answered, kneeling between the girl's thighs and reaching out to finger her cunt...probing inward for her hidden vagina. "Well, sure enough...you do seem to have a hole for me to play with," I bantered,...

2 years ago
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Miss Marvel vs Dr Evil

Previously, on “The Amazing Miss Marvel”: After pursuing Dr. Evil around the Universe and defeating his goons trying to defuse his plan to destroy the fabric of reality, Miss Marvel uses the powers of her Tattoo of Knowledge to discover the Doctor’s secret lair and pays him a visit.“Freeze, Dr. Evil! Your plan is over. Surrender or face the consequences!”. Stated Miss Marvel after entering the Doctor’s Lab.“You are a fool, Miss Marvel! Don’t you understand I needed you to come to my lab so I...

2 years ago
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A Week In The Mountains Ch 30

Passion in James County XIV: A Week In The Mountains Chapter thirty Frankie and Kay had to remain in Jamestown for a week after the funeral because the Bobar family lawyer wanted to meet with them to review the will and go over other legal issues related to the death of the young man’s parents. Kay was in the kitchen making breakfast when Frankie came downstairs the morning of their appointment with the lawyer. He was dressed in the same three-piece charcoal gray suit he’d worn to the...

4 years ago
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A black stranger fucks my sweeet wife

That afternoon I could get off work early so I thought I could hurry home and surprise Anita by inviting her going a night out. It was a nice day, a bit warm; so I was in a good mood.I pulled into the driveway and barely noticed the car parked alongside my wife’s car. It was just a friend of her I guessed, so I paid it no further attention and headed inside, opening the front door slowly.I gently set my keys down and made my way through the dimly lit house. As I got closer to the bedroom I...

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PornWorld Bambola Stud Patient Plows Busty Nympho Dr Bambola During CheckUp

It’s the beginning of the work week and Dr. Bambola has a few minutes before she sees her first patient of the day. So, to pass the time and prepare herself for the day ahead, she takes out her favorite glass dildo and begins pleasuring herself with it. Some minutes later, after getting dressed, the first patient arrives and Dr. Bambola—with her pussy still dripping wet—takes him back into the examination room. Still horny as fuck, Dr. Bambola decides to seduce the patient, letting his stiff...

1 year ago
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Her First Time With the Dog

Ginny had just turned eighteen, and like most of the girls around her age she was starting to feel more like a teenager and less like a kid. She was certainly starting to look like a teenager, almost like a real woman. Her long gangly legs and become shapely, her tiny breasts grown into full size B cups, her hips more rounded. She felt more and more desire to make herself look good. She no longer pulled her dark brown hair up into a mess bun and walked into town with an oversized t-shirt and...

3 years ago
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Macks ProgressChapter 7

I think it must have been about midnight when I broke the seal on that bottle of rum. I wasn't bad enough to drink straight from the bottle though and I poured a decent shot of the liquid into one of the tooth glasses I'd retrieved from the bathroom. God knows how long I lay there, trying to understand where my life was going. And what was it about Lindsey that she kept bugging me like she did. Christ, I'd dumped her two years ago and I'd had relationships of sorts with Millie, Patricia...

4 years ago
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The Man From Nowhere

It was a typical Saturday afternoon in July. Serena walked along the beach near her summer home in the Caribbean. She was an unusual beauty, not very tall, but beautiful. She was slender and toned with a golden tan, large blue eyes, long dark hair, and great legs. She had just come out of the ocean from an exhilarating swim and the sun had not yet dried the beads of water from her skin. She wore a fluorescent bikini that barely covered her voluptuous body. She was happy, at 23, she had more...

1 year ago
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A Fun Camping Trip

Friday had finally arrived, and Peter had the motor home pulled out. He and Jean were loading their gear to go to the lake for the weekend. Their friends Gregg and Susan were supposed to call, letting them know they were on their way to their house. Jean was helping to hook the boat up when her cell phone rang. She answered, and heard Gregg’s voice. ‘Hey, sweet stuff, we are on our way so don’t let your old man leave us behind.’ Jean giggled, telling Peter, ‘It’s Gregg, they’re on their way...

2 years ago
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Fast Times In Chacahua

“Carlos,” Cassie said again, her finger running in circles on her bare thigh. “Shut that thing down and come for a swim with me.”Her husband had his short beard only inches above the keyboard, hunched over like some sort of deranged goblin, biting his lip at the screen. “In a bit, honey. I’ve still got a few things to sort with the Chinese—plus some client emails.”Cassie pouted, her chest deflating in time with the response she expected. She eyed him for a moment longer from across the room...

3 years ago
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Islamabad mein Choudai

Hi This is Ali I live in Islamabad I am very big fan of human digest and I have been reading stories for about 3 years this is my first story ever I told to any body and this is 100% true story which happened to me. My English is bit on weaker side so please don’t mind and I don’t know that way to write my story but here is my little effort to let u know about my sex experience with a sexy lady First let me tell u about myself I am a typical Pakistani guy with a fair looks I had 6 feet height...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 21 Newcomers Find a Place

Joseph stayed in the sparring pit and took on all comers with a variety of weapons until he was drenched in sweat – and he no longer was angry at the world. Liala and Octavia had stayed for the entire time but Julia had stalked away after seeing Liala sitting across Joseph’s midriff. Her mother had looked on helplessly but Victoria had followed her sister into the castle. Finally Joseph reached the point that he could barely lift his arms and he called a halt to the battles. He sat heavily...

2 years ago
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The Cross Dresser and The Big Fat Fuck

As soon as the door closed to her place Debbie started squeezing me tight. Before I knew it I was the one with my dress around my ankles. Soon I was being pulled down the hall to Debbie's bedroom. While I sat on her bed, Debbie went in her bathroom to freshen up. When she came out she was wearing a sexy red night gown. If it weren't for the fact it was a size 6X you might have thought Debbie bought the thing at Victoria's Secret. ...

2 years ago
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Indian MILF Landlady Made CumSlut By Tenant

So being caught up between work, work, and more work, the time had come where my tenancy agreement was coming to an end with my landlady. This whole year we had grown quite close sharing intimate things, watching films a few weekends together (when my girl had gone on holiday) helping out each other, doing chores for each other, etc. I had hoped my milf landlady would have forgotten about the tenancy agreement but I was taken back when she mentioned during November that I should start looking...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 1 Ch 03

Book 1, Chapter 3 At six o’clock he woke her up with a kiss on the neck. She reached for him and pulled him down to her and they rolled together on the bed. ‘It’s time to get up, princess.’ He said ‘The pool party is about to start and I think it will be a lot of fun, especially with you there.’ ‘Tom’ she said ‘I saw those other women in their thong bikinis this afternoon. Will they be wearing them tonight?’ ‘Yes’ he said, ‘They will. But that doesn’t mean you have to wear one. You looked...

1 year ago
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My First Time At The Gym Part 1

I have always had this sex at gym. I guess its because of reading all of these kinds of stories. The problem is that I am 18 and have no way of getting to a gay gym. I don't even know if I am gay, I have never kissed anyone but I seem to be more attracted to boy on straight porn. I have been to my straight gym many times and walked through the mens change room observing dicks of many sizes, shapes and colours. But never did I think the following would happen: I entered a empty sauna, to have a...

1 year ago
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Ring of TruthBlog 16 A Gay experience

24th November 2004 I spanked Sarah on Sunday. It was only the second time that I had done so and she more or less provoked me into doing it. She was on her period and a bit grumpy to start with and when I tried to get her to name a date for moving in with me she snapped at me and said tartly, "Perhaps I never will." As she turned away her thoughts came through,

3 years ago
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Walking HolidayChapter 6

I had the washing machine pipe, I had a plan for the future, and I had two kisses from each of the four – I interpreted it in its broadest sense. Toni sat on the washing machine whilst I fitted the new pipe. “I hear you are thinking of retaking, Toni? What did you get first time round?” “A and two Bs. I don’t know why, that’s the trouble. Fiona walked it, of course, but I don’t know if trying again will be any different. Maybe I’m just not cut out to be university material” “Toni, stop...

1 year ago
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Naga Massage Review

What a dump, Abraham Russell thought as he glanced around the reception area. It was how he'd expected it, to be honest--naff in a cheap kind of way. They'd made an attempt to make it look sensual and erotic, but overall the effect was more Blackpool than burlesque. Stylish photos of scantily-clad models from the sixties and seventies were placed on the walls. The girls were all on the chubby side. It was a reminder of how hideous the average English woman had been until the advent of...

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Jenny Is a Friend of Mine

“Hey Danny, how you doing? That was a fucking top night last night. Here have a drink on me” “Hi Jenny, thanks, I drank way too much last night, could I just have a glass of milk please.” “No worries,” Jenny grabbed a pint of milk from the fridge, “still on me though...” “Thanks, mmm that’s nice and cold.” “So, what you going to do about the Chloe & Lorraine situation?” We were sat on a sofa in the pub, I was the only customer late on Sunday afternoon, Jenny was the only member of...

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Animal GirlChapter 4

Sarah knew even before that first mouthful had started a gentle glow in her belly that taking a drink at all was a terrible mistake. Jamie had told her once when they were going to a party that she should be doubly careful since she wasn't used to drinking and, unlike the more experienced, could not tell when she had had enough until it was too late. This stuff tasted good enough -- a "Cuba Libre" he called it, whatever that meant -- in fact, it was hard to taste anything other than the...

2 years ago
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How I Lost My Virginity To The Neighbor Lady

Hello friends. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Ram from Bangalore, 24 years old, 6.2′ in height and working in an MNC and fond of fucking for that I used to see porn movies daily. Now without wasting any time lets come to the story. There was a sexy lady in my building. Her name was Anusha. Let me describe her body first. She is 32 years old housewife. She looks good. She has fair skin. She has maintained her body in good shape. Anyone would die to have sex with her. I always had an...

4 years ago
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Off Limits

When she graduated high school, she was living in Washington with her father. Several fights with her dad's girlfriend later, and she was essentially homeless. She begged her dad for money for a plane ride back to Minnesota and, like always, she got her wish. Sadly, there was no room for her back home. Her mom and her step dad had just moved to a small apartment and couldn't take in another kid. Granted, the second bedroom was unoccupied at the house, so maybe there was more wouldn't...

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My Best Experience

Hi I am Sanjana, married with 3 teen girls. Last month was our 20th Anniversary. We could not travel on our Anniversary day due to some urgent works for my hubby. Let me tell some details about ourselves, I am 5.1 and Petitite, fair with 36-28-30. My hubby is 5.4 and a bit chubby. I wanted a special gift from my hubby, so he said he will take me to Kerala and he booked a Honey moon Villa with a Private Pool. Before we left Bangalore, he made me promise that what ever he tells I will listen to...

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Sharing a fantasy with my wife

Lying in bed, getting ready to drift off for the night, and I hear my wife ask out of the blue "do you have any fantasies?""Like what?" I prod, sleepily."You know... like... sex.""Aww, you're my fantasy baby!" I answer, safely."Heh, I know... but like... do you ever think about being with someone else?" she pushes me for an answer."Do you?" I reply, turning it back to her."I dunno... I had this dream..." she trails off. "There was... this girl..."So now I'm awake. My wife went to an all-girls...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 100

Liz was all smiles on Saturday morning. She went to check on our guests while I got dressed for my morning workout. I appreciated that she offered me the independence to do what I could without assistance. I also appreciated that she returned in time to tie my sneakers for me. “Your workout partners are waiting for you,” she informed me. “Ah, hell no,” I said. There was no way I was going to try to keep up with Chris or Matt. Chris still held firm to the Navy training regimen. Matt’s job...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child How it couldve happened

Delphi played it safe. made it look liked she tried to block, just a second too slow. As the wand disappeared from her hand, she smiled. “Now you’re getting it. You’re really good at this.” The truth was, he wasn’t very good. At all. Albus Severus Potter might bear the names of three of the greatest wizards to have ever opposed Voldemort, but he had none of the makings of even a half decent wizard. Knowing better than to let her contempt of the boy’s skills show, though, Delphi smiled...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Whatsapp Messages To Losing Virginity

Hi, everyone. I’m also just a regular ISS reader like everyone here. Been a fan of this site for about 4 years. The story that I’m about to tell is between me and my hot, sexy aunt. First, let me introduce myself. I’m abhi. I’m 20 years old. Still in college, average height guy, with a good body shape and dick of 5.1″. I know that’s too small, but it satisfies just like everyone else’s. Now about my aunt, she’s 44 now. With a 34D boobs and 90cm panty size. I never really had any interest in...

2 years ago
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Traumatized Brother Part 1

Buzz . . . Shane Henney looked up from her notes and picked her phone. There was a new message. Her best friend, Helena smirked. “Tell your boyfriend we’re busy.” But it wasn’t Marc. The phone ID displayed the name Kyle, her 16 year-old younger brother. She frowned. Kyle doesn’t text her, not unless he needed something from her. She accessed the message. Wer r u?! been here 4 an hour! “Shit!” she cursed. “What?” Helena asked. “I forgot I have to pick up Kyle at the bus...

3 years ago
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AlexisChapter 9

Katherine Anne Billingsly was born the following February on a cold winter's night. The screaming baby was cleaned up, wrapped in a warm soft blanket and put to her mother's tit for her first feeding. The proud father, after seeing that all was well with his wife and daughter, promptly joined his father and friends for a night of drinking and debauchery. "Now I feel like a complete woman," she smiled to Ann who elected to stay with her daughter-in-law. The baby's lips sucking her nipple...

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CamSoda MILF

We’re at it again, boys. About to dive into some random ass MILFs from across the world right here on CamSoda. I’m reviewing the MILF section in specific because you know I like to get really nitpicky with my smut. Plus, I know you guys appreciate the extra narrow categories. I’ve been covering a lot of live cams lately, and I think that CamSoda is doing its best to stick out ahead of the competition with some unique design choices that distinguish them from other similar websites. But, then,...

Live Mature Sex Cams
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Isolation Incest

The pandemic had everyone staying in their homes, afraid to go outside, afraid to interact with friends and strangers. The government ordered everyone except essential workers to isolate at home or they would face charges. We were stuck at home with family: four weeks inside or out in the yard. Our family only took deliveries of groceries, essential items, and restaurant meals. No visitors. It was maddening. The father, Marcus, was 38 and worked in the city water department working ten-hour...

4 years ago
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A night of entertainment between good friends and their pets makes for a kinky bisexual orgy

Mmm, listen to the quiet susurration of rain on the tile roof. A comfortable sound in the warmth of the lounge. The fire has burned down now, only the embers flaring briefly to life when the wind outside causes a draft in the fireplace. Lightning is flickering on the hills to the east; a reminder of the storm that passed over here a few hours ago, and the unpredictable illumination compliments the glow of the fireplace, and the cool light from this laptop computer. The candles that were...

2 years ago
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Excited wet dream

I went to see my male physiologist to talk about the wet dream I were having. Here, how I had explained the dream: 'I was playing a role as a sexy housewife to my husband, wearing nothing underneath my bathrobe. I’ve just finish taking a hot bubble bath, my pussy was still soaking and wet, and, my husband is lying on the bed watching TV with his dick stand out of his underpants. I took off my bathrobe, walk over to my husband, begin to suck on his hard rock dick, I suck his dick like a...

3 years ago
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Semper FiChapter 5 The Barriers

It took all day to dress the bear and return it and the two does to their bunker. While Hitch carved up the meat and cleared the hides, Kieu-Linh refilled their water supplies from the creek and hauled the heavy canisters inside. Hitch had always kept enough water for a month of drinking and basic sanitary needs in the bunker, but with the teen staying, it halved the overall duration. Since it was the snowfall which might keep them locked in, he didn't really fear being without water just...

2 years ago
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Give me a P

“Come on, you piss-sluts. If you don’t keep your toilet hole open, you can forget about taking a shower after this,” the head cheerleader announces, aiming her Super Soaker full of her cold pee at the row of naked girls on their knees in the locker showers. The colorful guns let the seniors stay far away from the splash zone, for a single droplet would tarnish their impeccable red and gold uniforms. It’s just three of us rookies left. Two walked out when they were told what a first-year...

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Wes and LesChapter 37

Mrs. Crowly lived a couple of blocks over from us. She drove a red and white 1953 Chevy Belair in mint condition. Fins in the back and chrome in the front. Most of the kids I knew would give their eye teeth for a car like that. The only time I ever saw her driving was when she went to church with her sister. Both of them must have been in their 80's. It seemed strange to hear her voice. She was saying "I didn't see him. He just came out in front of me." I wanted to tell her it was...

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Costume Gun Goth Girl to Soccer Mom

Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...

4 years ago
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Great Day for It

“Great day for it!” “Huh?” “Oh, I’m sorry. I heard you up ahead going off the trail, figured you heard me too. I’m Julie.” “Oh, uh, Claire. I didn’t. Sorry about ... this...” “Hey, pepper spray’s a perfectly reasonable precaution, least you didn’t spray me.” “Thanks. Wish I’d taken more precautions, though. Water bottle ran out a couple miles back.” “Well, lucky for you, I always pack extra for a hike. Here, I haven’t drank out of this one.” “Oh, thanks.” “Welcome. Good clearing you’ve...

3 years ago
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The Bet 3 Into the Ocean

Clothing Bet 3: Eve had taken me out of the safe harbour of vanilla male and female gender roles and I was now being driven towards into the deeper ocean of transsexual and transgender roles. I was now being encouraged to think of myself as Simone the Maid. Eve had given me a feather duster and had me pose in various positions as I dusted the house. The feather duster was one of the most feminine things I had seen as it had to be used in what felt like a really gay way. The only...

1 year ago
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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 5 Martha Sean

Martha stayed in Phoenix after the second failed attempt to sign the adoption papers. She primarily wanted to spend time with Sean, but she also wanted to get to know the Cavallas better. She and Seth talked about the Cavalla's request to continue to be part of Sean's life and, by association, their lives. They didn't see any problem with the request on the surface. They didn't have any deep dark secrets to hide but they were a very private couple. Neither Martha nor Seth had brothers or...

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My Weekend at Howards

I had just started my junior year when I auditioned for a part in the school play, OUR TOWN. I was cast as a father, Mr. Webb. Howard Goldman was cast as my son Wally. He was a sophomore, shorter than I, and with his blond hair and blue eyes, looked nothing like swarthy, Sicilian me. Howie and I hit it off from the start. We had lunch the same period, so I invited him to eat with my friends and me. They weren't too keen on having a sophomore eat with us, but I persisted. He soon won them...

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Her anal treat

I first met E a few months ago on a chat site. I went to visit her, an attractive 71 year old lady with a very nice pair of breasts. We kissed and cuddled and this soon led to sex. During my sixth visit I asked if she had tried analand she said she had many years before but wasn't keen on it. I asked if she would try with me "I'll see, no promises" she said. The next time I visited she was keen to show me her new rabbit which came with some lube,"show me how you use him" I said as we lay in bed...

4 years ago
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Collge Days

hi readers, aap sabhi ko mera sadar pranam. aaj main ISS par apni khani sunane jaa rha hoon. khani sunaney se pehle main aapko kahni ke mukhya patron se introduce krva doon. to pehle khani ka main hero Pavan kumar smart, dashing, inteligent, ek no. ka ladki baaz jindagi mein ladki badlna yaa gadi badlna ek smaan. 5-11 height 68 weight. aur sabse badi baat mera dost. khaani ki heroine Sonia Jain, much more inteligent one of the beautiful most girl of our college, slim nice figure, step cut hairs...

1 year ago
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My secret

One thing i like about her is that, she's as crazy as me, And that made us perfect for each other, or atleast i thought that we are perfect cause the text i got from her just was going to break me. I open her text and saw those four words that no human would want to hear from their significant other "WE NEED TO TALK". My heartbeat just got faster and my brain started calculating what may i have done to deserve this text. But deep down somewhere in my mind i also saw this coming too.. I...

2 years ago
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AcceptanceChapter 5 World Shaking Events

When we sat down for dinner, Meili was at her usual place under the table with my cock in her mouth. I swear, ever since she turned fourteen she was utterly insatiable. Every meal, she sucked off either Steve or me, claiming it made her food taste better. We had long ago given up saying no to her, as it was pretty much impossible to change her mind. Truth to tell, she was so good at it, neither of us really wanted to say no. Steve had long ago lifted the prohibition against sexual activity in...

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NubilesPorn Lindsay Sharon Spying Teen

Angelo Godshack is working out and trying to ignore his raging hardon, but Lindsay Sharon has definitely noticed his physique and his sexual need. The fiery redhead struts into Angelo’s sight and immediately goes to work getting his workout outfit and her clothes off. Soon her soft lips are wrapped around his dick so that she can suck and lick her treat. When Angelo pushes her back onto the couch and returns the favor lapping at Lindsay’s needy twat with his delightful tongue, the...

2 years ago
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A Ride in the Country

I have been seeing my ex girlfriend’s mother for over a month now, I can’t belive I did not notice how sexy she was when I was going out with her daughter nearly twenty-five years ago. She was in her forties then and in her prime, what a fool I was back then.I have not seen my ex girlfriend yet until her mother is sure she can handle the news of us two being friends. We have finished painting her house and as a treat, I’m taking her for a drive into the country this hot summer’s day,Its just...

1 year ago
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Carters Exploits Part One The One Night Stand

The all too familiar story seemed so close to Carter's life that he could've sworn that he wasn't alone. But even he knew that was, unfortunately, his existence. How he was meant to be. And he had come to like it that way. The Gothic Lounge was bustling with the spirits of those raving around it. Everyone was jumping, singing, dancing and having a good time. It was a nice sight, seeing so many people happy over his efforts. He was sure to make his money back from the renovations to this place:...

3 years ago
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Sister With Benefits

It was like luck had struck, except not quite. Marti was definitely the hottest of the handful of girlfriends I'd had. Her parents kept her on a tight leash, but times she chewed through it, she was the one yanking up her shirt to shove her tits in my face. Once we were free to do that, having gained a private moment, she was always eager and anxious for me to get her panties off. Marti loved it when I got to play with her pussy. Beginning with my fingers, and then stirring in the...

3 years ago
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should never have said it final

Introduction: Amanda comes to savannah Well here it is the final part of the story, I would like to apologise to the people who have found this too long winded and complicated by too many characters but when I started I never imagined it would get so drawn out, however I was trying to convey how fucked up my marriage had become in such a short period of time and to this end things got drawn out in the earlier parts, I will try to put the story to bed as quickly as I can. In the week after all...

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the breeder vampire

This vampire is just as powerful as the common vampire with only one exception.This vampire does not want your blood.He wants your fertile pussy.His power is to breed with any and all females that are fertile. This passage will tell the tale of how he lures women with his eyes.He controls them with the tone of his voice.Women can not resist.This vampire can not be stopped.He will not stop.His power is to breed. A long long time ago at the age of thirteen a young male,while in the shower...

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Horny Masseuse Gets Splattered

A couple of weeks ago I was in Corona, CA and decided to go for a massage. As I entered the massage studio, I was met by a middle aged Chinese woman in a tank top and a short, fluffy skirt. She couldn't speak any English, and pointed out the various massage times on a chart, to which I selected an hour.She then led me to a room, pointed to take off my clothes and lay on the table, and then I heard her lock the doors. We were alone and I suspected that I was in for a good time.She then started...

2 years ago
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Mom Humiliates Pussy Licking Son

Mom Humiliates Pussy Licking Son 1The author wishes it to be known she does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many.  This series of stories are based on real events. I’m Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places.  Normally, I’d be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now.  What’s more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a...

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Shoplifting troubles pt 2 the big house

So some time has passed since i last wrote, I have been in a normal routine of waking up popping a xanex, shower, do "makeup", eat breakfast, blow someone, lunch, count, fuck someone, dinner and head back to the cell to sleep for the night. This has been the normal schedule except for days where I have court. On those days after breakfast I am handcuffed and shacked, frisked by some weirdo in his 40s and put in an escort van where I am handcuffed to the seat as well as the inmate next to me....

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