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Part One

I’d slid away from my computer desk an hour earlier, reheated some frozen leftovers and hastily eaten dinner and then I had taken a quick shower to wash the days’ dust out of my hair and eyes.

Crawling under the false flooring of a twenty-year-old data center, pulling out nearly one-half-mile of ancient wiring and retrenching new fiber optic cables, kicks up half a ton of dust bunnies. I could have hired a small crew of young men to do the same thing, but workmanship being what it sometimes is, I chose to do it myself, and I pocketed an extra two grand in the process.

It had been a long two days, and I had been a filthy, clammy and hungry fucker.

I was a bit on the horny side, also. I had chosen to pass on the urge to jerk-off in the shower, thinking I might have some new email invitations from my online personal ad I had been trolling on I had hoped there would be a solution to my needs, awaiting me.

I’m a troubleshooter. Amongst other talents, I've polished, I do know how to effectively address and repair, certain specialty dilemmas.

I’m the fellow you engage to diagnose issues, then make the proper technical recommendations or actually do the hands-on-work myself. Consulting has its unique advantages. I tend to associate with slightly more of an educated crowd. Professional respect and courtesies come with the turf. I am not the low man on the totem pole, so-to-speak…but it is best to act like I am, sometimes. Displaying too much ego is a reputation killer, in my line of work. So too, though, is indecisiveness and a shaky voice.

It’s a fine line, but one I’ve learned to walk. And, it aids in keeping my ex-wife living in the manner to which she claimed she’d grown accustomed.

I was going to address my sexual cravings tonight, one way or the other, but I preferred some female assistance, if possible.

I strolled through my doorway of my in-home office, Bacardi cocktail in-hand, naughty thoughts formulating, and I noticed…

“Hey, you online? I’ve a problrem that I havr allowrd to festr for a few months and youre the only guy I know I can talk to about this…

*problem, have, allowed, fester”

The instant messenger window from my AOL chat program was eating up the lower left quadrant of my monitor, and the time stamp indicated that Sandra, aka ScrumptiousAt39, had just initiated her message to me, not more than twenty-five minutes earlier. Her typical hot pink, bold, Tahoma font, glowed enticingly from my screen.

I hadn’t spoken with nor seen this petite, gold-digging, fuck-monster since the previous autumn’s equinox. My dick immediately swelled a smidgen, pinned next to my left leg and beneath my boxer briefs. I ran the hair brush through my moist mane and hoped that she was still sitting at her own desk, in her own office, less than twenty miles away.

As I sat down in my reclining chair, I calculated that Sandra had turned 40, just a month ago. I also considered that of all the possible maybes, which may be sitting in my AFF inbox, Sandra was also still, the cream-of-that-crop.

I lit a cigarette, and reached for the mouse to my right. Tilting the wide flat screen down slightly for a more comfortable view, I sat my drink on the DVD I’d wasted, but used for a coaster – just to the left of my wireless keyboard, adjusted my ass in the chair one last time and pondered my reply.

“And what can I do for you, my dear?”

“To what do I owe the honor, Scrumptious?”

“Turn on your web cam and show me your gorgeous, wet slit!”

I absent-mindedly logged into AFF and checked, (just in case the impossible twenty-five year-old, hard-bodied, blonde had sent me a wink) my inbox.

Yet another forty-eight hours of nothing, greeted me, instead.

I knew that Sandra would be able to see that I’d sat back down at my desktop. AOL’s program would detect my mouse moving around and show everyone in my buddy list that I’d returned online, from being away.

Although it had been nearly five months since I last enjoyed eating her appreciative cunt and decorating her slender, tanned neck with a copious pearl necklace, I had kept her user-name within my friend list. I never saw her online, as she chose to remain invisible nearly all the time. But I always knew she was there. I’d hoped she was, anyway.

‘How’s my favorite lusty Italian…and how may I be of assistance?’, I finally managed to tap out on the keys.

My cock was now fully engorged again, and I was oozing pre-cum all over the waistband of my black Jockeys. I should have stroked this urge off, earlier. I’d need to settle down just a little bit, with this chat, if it happened.

Several seconds of time accumulated; gathering to one, then two moments…as I snuffed out the butt of my spent cigarette. I lifted my drink and enjoyed its taste with three small sips.

Perhaps I’d waited a bit too long?

It was a Friday night, after all. And even though it was February and cold as hell outside now, there wasn’t any snow or ice on the roads, and it was quite possible that Sandra had a hot date tonight and was either now gone, or was in her own shower and already had plans.

Just as I was setting my drink back to the coaster, and lighting another smoke –

“I did somrthing rrally damned stupid. I’m in a hjam and I’m too embarrassed to discuss it with any of my friends. Can I call you?

*something, really, jam”

I puffed and grinned and typed...

‘You have a standing invitation, anytime, S. Still the same number.’

Her manicured French nails often produced typos and I knew she much preferred to talk whenever possible.

Two breaths later, my cell phone vibrated gently in its holster, to the right of my mouse and as I flipped it open, I inhaled deeply, another drag of nicotine. Then I exhaled audibly.

“Still smoking, huh?”

“Winston tastes good, like a cigarette, should!”

“Shame, you always knew that was a deal-breaker for me.”

I took another shallow drag.

“As I recall, you weren’t in the mood for a relationship, so, what did it matter, babe?” I tilted the microphone end, up and away from my mouth, keeping the speaker on my right ear, as I again exhaled blue smoke.

No need to antagonize; I wanted to feel her eager throat around my cock again!

“It was never about you, personally, Jeff…I’ve missed you like that, too! I've missed your tongue on my clit and your cock in my mouth!"

My dick began twitching, and she probably knew it.

“So, tell me, S…what have you done which you can’t tell anyone about, except for me…the man who wanted to settle down with you, just five short months ago?”

“Well, I know you won’t judge me.”

I chuckled slightly, as my heavy dick was pulsing now. Sandra's voice, along with my own previous sense of craving, was starting to get to me.


“You remember I was looking to get rid of my Escalade?”

“Uh huh.”

“That next Friday after I tried to fuck you out of my memories, I went to a Chrysler dealership and negotiated with a guy to trade the Cadillac in for a cute little convertible, to get better mileage!”

“And, you bought a new sports car, instead?”

“Well, yes, but...I met a guy. He was my salesman, actually. Quite charming, very forward and he helped me greatly with the paperwork, gave me a great deal with the trade-in.”

“What else did he give ya?” I was grinning, eager to hear a tale.

Sandra had been utilizing AFF herself, for just over a year, and she and I had often compared ‘dates from Hell’…I didn’t know for sure, but I figured this - was another of those.

If I couldn’t fuck her again, I could at least enjoy another tragically humorous story, tonight.

“Well, it was a Friday afternoon, I was horny – as usual! He looked like a six-foot tall red-headed, freckled carrot. Not my usual type; but, he was quite forwardly flirtatious and you know I have a soft spot for a man who takes charge. And he’d done me a big favor, saving me thousands!”

“So you blew him in his office and you’re afraid you caught herpes?”

“Do you want to hear this or not?” She almost barked.

“Please continue; I sometimes, can’t help myself.”

“No…sometimes you’re just too smart-assed for your own good.”

“So there you stood, in your short, white shorts, tight, pink tank-top, pussy dripping and thinking naughty thoughts about you and Prince Charming…the used car salesman?” This was going to be good, I thought.

“He already had my phone number and my address from the paperwork. He asked me if I had any plans for the weekend as he handed me his business card and I replied that my calendar was open, and suggested he call me around seven p.m.”

“You drove home with the top down, your fingers in your panties, masturbating at nearly eighty miles per hour and got pulled over by a hunky motorcycle cop?”

Ignoring me, she continued, “At six-thirty, my doorbell rang and I rushed out of my bathroom, down the stairs and peeked out the front door. It was Josh. He cleans up nice, but I only had a bath towel around me and my hair was sopping wet.”

“You opened the door?”

“I swung it open, the towel slid down and revealed my right breast and nipple; his jaw hit the concrete stoop, his dick tented his shorts and I had to grab his hand and drag him inside!”

“He wasn’t exactly a take-charge kind of guy after all?”

“Well, let me just say, that for a twenty-four year old man, he at least follows directions, very well…at least about some things.”

“So you and Josh ended up banging all weekend, while your kids spent the next sixty hours with their father, what’s the problem?”

“It gets more complicated.”

“It always does, Sandra…did he fall in love with you, too?”

“It would be simpler if he had...Tell me Jeff, is your dick hard, now?"

She was stonewalling, teasing and tormenting all at once.

"I could cut diamonds with it, right now - you know that."

Sandra had always enjoyed verbal flirtations as well as visual temptations, and providing them; this was something new and she was truly embarrassed. I had not seen this 'dancing-around-the-bushes' side of her before; I attempted to coax it out of her.

“So you fooled around with a man who isn’t your normal type. It was just meant to be a brief fling and you find yourself now in some kind of relationship with him, is that the problem? You broke things off with me, when I hinted at a real, monogamous relationship. Can't pull the trigger, now...or what?”

“We became quick fuck-friends after that first weekend. He wasn’t eager to glom onto me. He was polite, it was decent sex – I mean, he’s twenty-four and his dick never goes soft! I could close my eyes or fuck him in reverse cowgirl and not have to look at his ridiculous hair! Plus, he paid attention and soon - he almost licked my clit as well as you once did!”

“And you were never going to fall head over heels for him.”

“Exactly. And unlike you, Jeff; he would never fall for me, either. I was his little MILF and he and I both liked that arrangement.”

“Heh, you were my little MILF and I liked that arrangement, too...but unlike me, he now has put your tit in a ringer, so-to-speak?”

I swirled the rum in my glass, the ice cubes tinkling audibly as I waited to hear her next comment.

“I just can’t believe I have opened myself up to this kind of financial blackmail, by an asshole, fifteen fucking years younger than me!"

She spit that sentence out with venom; I could almost taste her disgust with herself - on my own tongue.

“Now we get to the heart of the matter…”

“I could call him whenever I wanted an orgasm on my terms. He only lives ten minutes North of me, and I’d use him for an hour and send him on his way. He could come over in the middle of the morning or afternoon, because they aren’t selling many cars now, so…”

“He was great for in-home delivery, but he has you over a barrel, now. He sounds like a swell guy, babe.”

“One afternoon in early October, he mentioned to me that he knew of a great purchase opportunity on a used sedan, but he was short of cash and if I could loan him the purchase price, he could turn it quickly and he’d split the proceeds 40/60 with me!”

“That doesn’t sound like a problem, as long as he could deliver.”

“Yeah, he delivered, alright. After that first deal, he and I swung another eight deals just like that. I made almost ten thousand between Halloween and Thanksgiving!"

I could picture the wheels, inside her mind, spinning. One thing I’d quickly surmised about Sandra, aside from the fact that she was a nymphomaniac and a cougar, was that she craved money like a vampire requires blood.

Divorced at thirty, she was fortunate that she had caught her home-building husband fucking the twenty-two year old office help, whom Sandra herself had interviewed and hired a year previously. Sandra had retired from the daily chores of running their business office, to stay at home with her newborn daughter and two year old son.

During the 1990’s, their business had grown exponentially and they were in the business of creating and selling custom built, half-million dollar McMansions in the finer, newer neighborhoods of our city.

Since their divorce in 1998, and her subsequent share of said business along with alimony and child-support, set for a ten year payout period (which was close to expiring in eighteen months), Sandra had lived very well. Better, in fact, than she had during her marriage. Some would say she had grown accustomed to living way above her means.

She was not a millionairess, she only acted like she was. Four or five Mexican scuba-diving vacations each year, a brand new vehicle every two years, private schools for her children. Jewelry, clothing, keeping up with the Jones' in her neighborhood and social circles. Platinum and gold credit cards with forty thousand dollar ceilings and several of those, maxed out.

She lived extravagantly for a divorced mother of two; she hadn't worked a day herself, in nearly a decade.

I was familiar with her situation. My ex-wife had been milking me for the last two years in a similar fashion. And I didn't have kids to pay for! I almost felt sorry for her former husband. The poor, dumb, philandering bastard. At least Sandra owned some excellent pussy!

Partly because of the fact that I had an outflow of income, which would be biting into my play money for the next three years, Sandra had decided that I was not someone she would enjoy spending her fifth decade of life, with. I was good for an occasional fuck, but not for the rest of her life.

That didn’t make her a bad person, in my book; it did make her a desperate person who was sometimes prone to making faulty decisions. She was definitely smart and calculating, but also prone to being fucked over, easily.

As someone who has made a nice career out of smoothing over tribulations, small and large, I myself recognized early on, what Sandra was all about and what her goals were, short and long term.

She was an easy mark, for someone even more manipulative and cutthroat, than herself.

“Sounds like you’ve found that potential business partner/white knight/fuck-toy you had spent the previous half-dozen years, searching for.”

With an audible huff, she continued, “Around Thanksgiving, Josh told me that he thought he needed a nicer car to help him project a more professional posture.”

“As a successful salesman, he probably had his choice of rides, babe.”

“Well, that’s just it…Josh wasn't moving dealer cars. He was, ummm, short-circuiting potential dealership clients and those were the people we were acquiring vehicles for. He’s very bright and very charming, when he wants to be. He knew people who owned cars and people wanting cars and he was acting as the independent broker; I was his bank!”

While it was definitely dicey, as far as I could tell, she hadn’t broken any laws herself and if her bankroll really was up several thousand dollars now, she wasn’t risking much of her own money.

Curiously, I inquired, “Are you and Josh still happily fucking?”

“No. And it’s not about that. It’s about me now being in a hole and I don’t know how to get my ass out without getting burnt, big-time.”

“Did you loan him the money to buy his own Cadillac, and he’s not paying you back, or what?” I couldn't bully anyone into repaying a debt that wasn't one owed to me; I was already thinking of any advice I could provide. Especially if I could also get laid, again.


“What could be worse than loaning someone sixty grand and getting stiffed?”

“I co-signed on this loan, and he’s not making payments. He changed his phone number a week later and he got fucking fired by the dealership three days after he drove the Monte fucking Carlo off the gawd-damned lot!”

“Oh shit.” I immediately saw her predicament.

“The paperwork was a twenty-four month loan period and I need to make a sixteen hundred dollar payment every fucking month and keep that fucking thing on full coverage insurance!”

"Sounds like you might be well and truly hosed, S."

"That's what sucks. I'm back to paying out a thousand more a month than before I met the asshole, and he's driving my fucking car. If I don't keep making the payments, my excellent credit gets shredded!"

“Damn. Tight spot you're in, Sandra.”

“And he’s already wrecked the car once, sliding on ice in December, into fire hydrant. I had to pay the fifteen hundred dollar premium to get it fixed and repainted.”

“Do you have keys to this vehicle?”

“Yes, at least I got a set of those.”

“When is the last time you talked to Josh?”

Gears started creaking, and valves opened in my own head.

“At the body-shop, the week after Christmas. I explained the situation to the repair guys and asked the owner to call me to let me know the car was ready to be picked up. I met him, Josh, there that afternoon. He handed me nineteen hundred in cash and told me to relax, that he was on the verge of selling three more vehicles and we were still partners.”

“You believed him?”

“What else could I do?”

“Do you know where he lives?”

“I know where he used to live, maybe still lives, I don’t know for how long.”

“So you haven’t had sex with this guy since?”

“The day we signed paperwork on that Chevy and he stopped by my house to thank me.”

“Roughly, Thanksgiving, then?”

“Yep. And I'm horny too. I can't believe he fucked up a good thing.”

“Does he have girlfriends or live by himself, room mates, etc…?”

“I don't think so. I called his apartment complex and pretended to be his girlfriend, telling them that I’d locked myself out of our apartment and wondered if I could come by and get another key or be let in.”

“You’ve been inside his apartment?”

“No, they told me that his name was the only one on the lease and they couldn’t let me in to his place…but I also learned that he’s two months behind in his rent and about to get evicted!!”

The way I saw things, this could be pretty bad, or…it could be pretty good, but time was of the essence. Here it was, the first of February, Josh probably had another few days before he was served papers to evict, it was a Friday night and a long shot, but…

“You need to repossess your car, babe.”

“Can I do that, legally?”

“You are a co-owner of that vehicle, you can do whatever the hell you want to with that car, especially if you are going to be paying on it for the next two years. You can drive it, burn it or push it into the river and collect the insurance on it.”

I heard a deep sigh into her end of the line, “I feel so much better now,” she sighed, "I should have called you in December, huh?"

“I wouldn’t feel better until you had that thing parked inside your garage, Sandra.”

“What is our next step?”

“I’ll be over to pick you up in an hour, you and I will drive up to his apartment complex and if we see that car, you take possession of it with your keys and if he tries anything, I’ll introduce myself to him, as you drive off.”

“Damn, I am so wet right now, Jeff…I shouldn’t be…but I want to fuck you when you talk like this.”

“Let’s take of business, first, Sandra.” Adrenalin coursed through my brain.

I hadn’t lit a cigarette in nearly thirty minutes and my left hand had been stroking my cock for at least the last ten moments, as my mind had been trying to piece out the possible scenarios.

“It’s almost seven o’clock now, you can be here by eight? Do I have time to masturbate then?”

“What you have time to do, S…is get your hot little ass dressed in some jeans, boots and a dark sweater top. If I arrive and you’re still using that rabbit I gave you last year, we might end up not accomplishing our main objective, tonight.”

“Okay, I’ll see you when you get here, and I’ll be ready!” She nearly squealed, "I can't wait!"

“Ciao.” I said, as heard the connection click to dead air.

I simultaneously bounded out of my chair, flipped the phone shut and I dashed into my bedroom down the hallway. My mind racing, I grabbed the same dusty jeans I had just removed two hours earlier and began hopping into them, one leg at a time.

Three minutes later, fully dressed and jacketed, with a cock that seemed to be commanding one third of the blood flowing through my body, I was rolling out of my neighborhood; taking care to not push the speed limits and to obey the streetlights, before I could merge onto the interstate, a mile away from my driveway.

Fifteen minutes later I was wheeling my pickup into the triple-car driveway of Sandra’s impressive sixty-five hundred square foot, three-story domicile. The headlights reflected off the brick siding and multiple front windows of her house as I swung the truck in, up and to a stop.

I could only imagine what thoughts coursed through Josh’s mind, last September when he first pulled into the same spot as I was parking my truck, now. So much house, for such a small woman.

“Geezus FuckingKeriste, I have hit the damned lottery with this cougar!”

The yellow hued front porch light flashed on, and I watched as Sandra, dressed all in dark tones, opened the massive front entrance and then pulled it shut behind her, turned and locked the deadbolt.

My left hand grabbed my erection through my zippered jeans. I could almost feel my heartbeat pulsing through my bulge. I could almost feel her trimmed, brunette landing strip upon my tongue.

I noticed again how small her one-hundred and ten pound frame looked - compared to the seven foot tall door, as she spun and launched herself down the two front steps to her front walk, jogging towards me.

Chestnut, shoulder length hair flounced, as her sixty-five inch silhouette seemingly floated in the windless winter’s crisp air. Her forty year old shadow didn't appear to be a day over twenty-five.

I’d unlocked the doors as soon as I’d brought my truck to a stop. Suddenly, diffuse light flooded the cab’s interior as Sandra opened the passenger’s door and jumped up, smoothly swinging and gliding her lithe frame onto the bench seating, immediately to my right.

As the luminosity began to fade, she turned and leaned her face towards mine, her blue eyes persuasive. A mischievous grin with pouty, pursed lips greeted my own, as she lightly kissed, promising with a hint of tongue, then pulled away and whispered, “I knew I could count on you.”

I felt her right hand land upon my familiar bulge, she once intimately owned, and grasp me, firmly.

“I’m flooding my panties, Jeff…can you sense how I need you?”


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Jenny felt like shit. She sat and sobbed her heart out. She'd been talked into doing this sodding photo shoot by her boyfriend. Mark should have been here, to chaperone her, protect her from the evil filth that had plundered her body, deprived her of her dignity and made to feel a useless slut.Her pussy ached, having been stretched to capacity, fucked then fucked again. Her briefs were soaking wet with the remnants of several loads of cum which had been ejaculated inside her over the last few...

2 years ago
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Truck drivers role play

Scuford looked at the iridescent bubble of his tea bursting as he turned his spoon in the cup. It was 2 o’clock in the morning and he was on duty at the gas station. This summer, Buford and Scooby found him a somewhat stressful job: night attendant at a gas station that was open 24 hours, 7 days. It was located just outside the city. Before taking the highway, many truck drivers were filling their tank there or even spent the night at the parking lot. Nowadays however, the station was declining...

1 year ago
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Extramarital friendship

Hello all, a brief intro of myself. This is Kartik, I am 42 yrs old, 5.10 with good physique and have very strong desire for sex. Settled in Bangalore for last 10 yrs and working for an MNC. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy it more than man and I have always committed in practicing what I have believed whenever I loved a lady in bed. I like ladies with good looks n figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer...

4 years ago
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my mother in law 2

I have told you how my mother in law Stella and I finally got to fucking after years of teasing and flirting on her part. During the summer there both Sara and her mom decided to book a holiday for the 4 of us. We had been working hard all year long and they both thought we were due to have some fun and relaxation somewhere hot and sunny and so they booked us a holiday of the Island of Mallorca. It was almost noon nearly 90F when we got there and everyone else was walking about in shorts or...

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Shy Wife Fucks Stranger for Husband

I suppose this story starts with the love of my life; my sweet wife, Claire. She is truly the most amazing woman I have ever met. Everybody loves Claire. And aside from being a great wife and mother to our three k**s, she also has an amazing libido- always eager to have sex. She is 34 years old, and even after having three k**s, still has rocking body. She is 5'4", has great legs, and beautiful "C" cups. We have been married for five years and have enjoyed amazing sex from day one. You would...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Experience With A Beautiful Stranger

Hello guys, this is my first story in iss and this is totally non-fiction story happened last week to me with a beautiful stranger. For a small introduction, my name is mogembo (name changed) with the hight of 6feet and not that heavy muscled guy. Have a great 6.5inch tool for lovely ladies. For contact: As you know this is my first story, so please pardon me and my mistakes. Let’s begin with the story… I am a type of guy who loves to go everywhere alone and also love to go different places. I...

4 years ago
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The Substitute

My relationship with Carol started out as a normal monogamous one. We both enjoyed sex, especially oral sex. She told me she loved to have her hairy pussy eaten and loved to suck my cock. I told her the same. I loved to lick her pussy until she came and I loved the feel of her warm mouth around my hard cock and watch as I shot my juice into her open wanton mouth. At one point, I told Carol I loved her and would like to watch her suck another man’s cock. I told her my love for her would not...

1 year ago
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The Arrangement Ch 01

‘Lord, I know you say that you’ll never give us more than we can handle, but right now, it sure seems that way. Them girls need more than just a Granny. And Lord, that boy of mine has more wounds on his soul from that woman than the Seals ever put on his body.’ Esther Monroe gently rubbed the glass on the silver picture frame, outlining the faces beneath. Her shoulders slumped as the frame fell onto the bed next to her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she bowed her head. ‘Now Jeb too. I...

2 years ago
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The WaifsChapter 8

"This," Lessa said, "is my plan for the attack." The four teens who had come to rule the ship over the past month and a half stood around the table in the conference room. Lessa stood at one end, dressed, as she usually was at these meetings, in combat fatigues. They were new ones of somewhat her own design, a cross between the usual Rebel and Federation gear, and others were starting to copy them. If there was an official "mission" uniform this dark brown, loose but form fitting...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 186 My First Day as a Millionaire

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) Once I was sitting at my desk again, with my schoolwork open around me, I couldn't help noticing that this wasn't a particularly thrilling way to spend my first morning as a multi-millionaire, but I couldn't think of what else to do (not strictly true, as Carol was sitting a few feet away and I had no trouble thinking of what I'd like to do with her). To distract myself, I decided to spoil myself by writing the sexy spreadsheet that I'd thought of...

1 year ago
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My Lover the Car

--- My Lover, the Car (mf, Mf, MF, 1st, cons, creampie, inc, mc, oral, impreg, reluc, safe) by Krosis of the Collective --- Sue gasped. Arnie's hand was on her breast now, under her t-shirt but over her bra. He had parked up his neighbors' long gravel driveway because he knew they were away for the weekend and the young lovers could find some privacy there. Arnie and Sue had been dating for a couple of months but had only graduated to heavy petting a couple of weeks ago. They had really...

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Ride of a Lifetime

Life had been going along smoothly when I got a phone call from June. She told me that she was watching her friend's home and would I come with her to check the house. I told here that I would help her. We drove to Nick and Lori's home, the house of the couple that we had traded with months before. We walked through the place, checked everything, and then left to go back to June's house. "Matthew, what is a Sybian?" June caught me off guard and I ended up running a stop sign. I knew from past...

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AssParade Virgo Peridot Alexis Andrews Two Huge Booties Are Better Than One

Virgo Peridot and her friend Alexis Andrews decided to hire an instructor and do some quick exercises. The problem is that both of these chicks have massive asses. Instead of concentrating on the workout, the instructor concentrated on their huge booties. This dude popped a boner real quick, that shit was even hanging out go the shorts. Virgo and Alexis noticed and were turned on more than anything. Soon after, the workout went out the window and he was pulling their gigantic asses out and...

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Anastasia Part 2read in order

She looked me up and down slowly trying to get a feel for me and then lowered her eyes and went to teach her class.“Ladies, since our gentlemen aren’t here, it’ll be a girls only class. Line up!”I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes again. To me girls only meant talk about other men and all that shit and that wasn’t my type of environment. The girls only I could really get down with were two girls fuckin in my bed or sliding down the pole at the gentlemen's club but I made a promise to...

1 year ago
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A Step in Transition Part 4 Dreams Fulfilled

A Step in Transition - Dreams Fulfilled Bonnie Lea A few weeks had passed by since Nikki's date with Bryan and she was still thinking about all that transpired that night. Just the thought of touching another man's cock and taking it in her mouth had made her feel so much like a woman that it was all that she cared about now. The pills that Claudia had been getting her to take had obviously done the trick as her breasts were now fully formed and as she looked naked in the mirror all...

2 years ago
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love encounters 2

it was my final year of colg.. i knew this guy back from school.. he was my junior then... he was a gud looking guy ...slim figure .. medium height .. we often used to praise each other saying u are hot .. handsome.. all girls will run after you .. we used to have fun together ... chatted till late ... shared our collection of porn .. n many other things too.. we were basically good friends ,,, but he called me " bro " he had gone out state for his college ... he was a management...

1 year ago
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Interactive POV

I’ve dreamed of Interactive POV porn, so when I heard there was a site offering just that, I had to check it out right away. Done right, the first-person POV format can really drop you into a sex scene in a way that ain’t quite possible with the third-person stuff. Take a couple bong rips or smash an edible beforehand and it’s even easier to imagine you’re really the porn stud as you watch those girls bob their heads and back their asses up on “your” dick. The only thing missing is an...

Best Porn Games
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 2 Honeymoon Preparations

Both the wedding and the celebration had gone beautifully without any problem whatsoever. Now only one part of the wedding tradition was left and this was the one that had both Stan and Laura a little worried. "Are you sure we shouldn't wait to have our honeymoon at a later time." Laura said nervously. "After the kids are more comfortable with the new house and with each other I mean?" "Actually, I'm not sure," Stan said smiling, "unfortunately all our tickets and reservations are...

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Erin Jacobs

She was walking home from her swimming club; wearing jeans and a plain green t-shirt with her sports bag slung over her shoulder. She was feeling very relaxed in the warm July air and opened the gate at the bottom of her drive. She gasped as she saw the door wide open with a huge dent shaped like a foot in the centre. She hurried into the house, dumped her sports bag in the hall and called "dad?" There was no reply. "Dad?!" She called again panicking. As she made her way...

4 years ago
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The walk home

 The walk home A black, new looking car honked it's horn in rapid succesion as it slowly passed a mostly red, and fully naked, rabbit on the nearby sidewalk. Bunny, as he went by to most, blushed as he watched the car pass, unable to see the driver through the heavily tented windows, but he didn't bother covering himself up. He couldn't cover his large cock with both paws even if he wanted to, the already rock hard foot plus of his length throbbing and bouncing loosely in the cool air as...

2 years ago
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Jenny and the Wild Boar

By: kangaroo08 The old man had been making claims for years about a large pig, perhaps many, who had been making foraging attacks on his farm land that bordered on the swamp country. Not many people believed old Joe after listening to a lifetime of tall stories told at every opportunity and to anyone who would listen. Still he persisted with his larger than usual pig stories. “I tell him!” he would insist, “Them pigs is huge, one big boar must be seven or eight hundred pounds. Huge he...

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Lisas Confession Sessions Prelude

Lisa’s Confession Sessions Please send me feedback. Prelude I was still numb, tasted cum, and was still a bit fuzzy in the head. I could hardly believe I had just blown the cock of a top Las Vegas Psychologist in his office…during a session. A lot had happened and I was still trying to understand. The psychologist, Dr. Heard, had been asked to both present the full offer from my ‘benefactor’, more of a sugar-daddy-cuckhold, and record the story of my life, a confession really. “You are making...

2 years ago
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The Collins Brothers Chapter 1 Meeting the Collins

I moved into an upper-class neighborhood in California about four years ago. I lived by myself and was beginning my freshman year of college at UC Berkeley.  My next-door neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, were the first ones to welcome me into the neighborhood. I quickly became close to them and their children.They had four children: three sons [one pair of twin sons] and one daughter. The oldest son, Taylor, was 16 years old; the twin sons, Matt and Lucas, were 15 years old; and the youngest...

Gay Male
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Secrets Shared Prologue

"Hel-looo?" "Ty-ler?" "I know you're in there." Tyler Evans sat petrified on the commode in the tiny basement lavatory, his heart pounding in time with the mantra running frantically through his mind..." "Ohshitohshitohshitohshitoshshit..." He was done for. Finished. His whole social existence - kaput. Forget about that law degree. After all, who wants to be represented by a deviant? WHY hadn't he just stopped acting upon this stupid, stupid, stupid fantasy now staring...

3 years ago
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Waiting for the Balls to Drop Part 1

December 31, 4:45 PM: “Honey, we can’t cancel the party! It’s too late to call the caterers! It’s too late to call 50 people!” blurts out the distraught Christine. “Well, I’m not going to be there,” replies her husband’s voice at the other end of the phone. “We’re having a blizzard here. At first they delayed my flight, but now they just cancelled it and nothing’s getting out of here for at least the next 24 hours. Just do the best you can, I guess.” Christine puts the phone down in despair. I...

1 year ago
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Chatting To Hot Fucking With Colleague

I was working in Hongkong in a senior position with a shipping company. My company’s headquarters was in Mumbai and they had chosen me to lead the far east operations from Hongkong. In our company we use to use the skype software to chat with our clients/vendors and colleagues in various offices worldwide. I use to interact with my staffs in head office in mumbai a lot for official purpose. It all started on one of those days when i was late night in office in hongkong i saw one my staffs...

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My Friends Daughter

Note : 100% fiction! This is Naresh here. I live in Manali with my family. Our family business is hotels and resorts. We have resorts and scattered over Manali, Shimla, Katra, Jammu and Srinagar. The house we live in is adjacent to the resort we own in Manali. We are quite famous in the place and throw parties often to keep the place lively. My wife has got many friends due to such gatherings, but I have just two close and best friends. One of them is Lokesh and the other is Surjeet. I have two...

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Endless Impossibilities Abby

It's shaping up to be one of your lamest spring breaks ever, in that your parents are letting you do exactly jack and shit for fun, even though you're eighteen now and it's your senior year and you have a good track record for being responsible enough to keep out of trouble. But your mom is convinced that to let her teenage daughter go on a spring break trip with friends is the virtual equivalent of buying her a one way ticket to a porn studio. She knows all about "the kind of awful things that...

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The Executive Ranch

By Greg I am the director of marketing at a large fortune five hundred corporation with headquarters on the east coast. I have been steadily working my way up the corporate ladder for years and have made all the right connections along the way. Over time I have proven myself to be reliable, effective and committed. Upon reaching this level I now enjoy some of the perks of the job and I don’t just mean the keys to the executive restroom. Our business interests span the...

2 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 22

I was helping Mom wash the breakfast dishes when she surprised me. “Why don’t we call Sam and go shopping for something to wear to the dance?” After I put the dry plate away, Mom handed me another wet one with a curious smile on her face. My heart raced as I dried the plate quickly, then ran to the house phone. The school was on our speed dial. Seconds after the outgoing message started, I punched in the code for Sam’s room number. “‘ello?” Sam sounded so sleepy that I wished I was...

4 years ago
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Green Acres 5 The Opinions Expressed Do Not Necessarily Reflect

Green Acres 5: The Opinions Expressed Do Not Necessarily Reflect... Produced by Jay Sommers [1965-71] Parodied by Ron Dow75 In the lobby-living room of the Shady Rest Hotel: "Mrs. Bradley, you can't have anything to do with that, that --Poison!" Mr. Douglas cried. "You're too good and decent a person." It was her that had rescued him from the nightgown he'd been forced to wear, and loaned him the (oversized) men's blue suit with the thin red tie. "Poison??" Mrs. Bradley...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Rachel Raxxx Rachel Raxxxs Double J Tits

Rachel Raxxx is back! She’s here to parade her Double J size tits. These things are humongous. Definitely, the biggest pair of tits I’ve ever seen. Rachel joins us for a quick cruise around town as she shows us her goods from the back seat. After Rachel makes her way to the “bedroom” or as I like to call it the fucking dungeon, where my boy Mirko gets a crack at that pussy. Not only does Rachel have some of the biggest, juiciest tits in the business, she has one of the tightest pussies around....

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My bro in laws fiance

It was over a year ago when I first met my brother in laws fiance. My wife and I were invited on a double date and go to this pretty upscale steakhouse in the city. My brother in law has been dating this girl for over a month and he's introducing her to the family slowly. We got there first and frankly I was not looking forward to meeting her. My brother in law usually dates girls that are boring, quiet, super shy type. When he opened the door, I am not going to lie I nearly was caught with my...

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Keeping Mum

‘Oh God! You’re something else, Ali.’ The raindrop effect from the power shower splattered against Andy’s face as Alison sucked him off lovingly. She was on her knees, milking the thick eight inches, taking large gulps, gyrating the cock as the veins stood out, the head wanting to break free from the foreskin. Alison gave him sex on demand, she didn’t want to hurt his ego. The couple fucked like rabbits, but owing to a rare condition, Andy had zero sperm count, and it was extremely unlikely...

4 years ago
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Back form my dayliy walk

i just got back fome my dayliy walk and there he was standing next to my in tabel he hade his playboy bunny boxers on he took me and made me get on my hands an knees pulling my hair makeing me curl to my room … i go to take his boxers off with my teeath (him) no no no bad girl … (him)stand up …so i do . B/c i want to plz my master . he bends me over my desk…puts two cups filled with blue faygo on both of my hands ..says if you spill any of it u will be punished ..(me) ok master (him)good girl...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage London River Empty Nest Mom

Zac Wild stands in the entranceway of his family home. He is excited, holding a couple sheets of paper in his hands. ‘Hey, Mom! I got accepted into college!’ he calls as he runs through the house. He finds his step-mother, London River, in his parents’ master bedroom, her back to him while lifting her shirt over her head. Zac doesn’t want to make an awkward moment even more awkward, so he calls to her to let her know he’s there. She turns around, mostly naked but...

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Famiy business pt 3

Mike didn't see any of his family other than his dad the next day at work. As usual, his dad made the rounds of the office on the first day back after the paid vacation. John chatted with everyone as if they were old friends. As Mike watched him make his way down the hall he realized again what made his dad such a great boss and company owner. John had the gift of making everyone feel important and valued.Mike and his dad traded a few friendly words. John acted as if nothing at all out of the...

3 years ago
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How A Day Of Teasing Led To A DayLong Threesome

Sheila and I started dating after a year of working together. I was an executive in the company and she was a relatively new analyst so we had to keep our relationship secret. However, we both loved public play and the risk of it all. A lot of buildup at work led to a wild night of sex and a threesome the following day. This is how it all unfolded.Sales Meeting - Friday, 9:30amOur weekly sales meeting had just concluded. She stayed to speak with me after. “I have a few questions,” she said. I...

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Hermione and the Squid

She strolled down next to the lake to vent some steam by swimming. She laid her bags on the ground and hid them with an invisibility charm, so she would not be disturbed or teased. She kept her robes on so she could hide them in the water and placed the bubble head charm on herself and then dove into the water. It was cold, unseasonably so, but she quickly remedied that by using a warming charm on herself. She kicked fiercely through the water trying to get as far from land as possible,...

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Belize Adventure

Author’s Note: Thanks, again, to snooper, my editor. Those of you that have read African Adventure will notice a significant passage of time between that story and this one. There is another story that comes between these two and deals in detail with events that are alluded to or briefly referenced in this story. I have elected not to publish that particular story on Literotica because it’s mostly adventure. Frankly, there’s far too little sex to interest most Literotica readers. The story was...

2 years ago
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The Curse of the Inbox part 2

The Curse of the Inbox-2 Needless to say, I didn't really get a lot out of the Math teacher's lesson for the day. I sat there replaying the events of the past hour or so, just trying to get my head wrapped around the utterly bizarre series of events that had overtaken me. I tried to carry on without thinking about it. I knew it was probably best to carry on until I could get home or come up with some plan of action; but, how in the Hell was I supposed to do that?!?!? The...

3 years ago
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A Whole New World

"Submit!" A whirlwind of sand surrounded them. Unstoppable street urchin, powerless Genie. "A-Aladdin, why?" The Genie's voice dimmed with every passing moment, but his ephemeral face, fading though it was, cracked with the pain of Aladdin's cruel betrayal. Cheeks streaked with tears, Aladdin clenched an ancient gem within his fist. "This is the only way to save Jasmine," he yelled, voice cracking with sadness. He pressed the gem into the Genie's lamp. The spirit's blue vapor collapsed,...

1 year ago
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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 26

Jon had led Jo to one of the alcoves for a bit of privacy, after explaining how to get ‘Rita’ to connect the call, he had left the girl to her privacy. Staying close by in the kitchen, preparing some coffee with Fiona who had come up to get a drink as well. “You Bastard!” Jo cried out. The unexpected outcry caused both Jon and Fiona to go running over. Jo was aware of the two arriving but carried on regardless. The conversation was open and they could hear both Jo’s parents on a loudspeaker...

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