- 2 years ago
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Rest in Pieces
From the back of the Sunset Funeral Home, the sky in the west was rosy as the rising sun in the east lit the clouds. Sam, the undertaker, and his assistant, Fred, stood by the back entrance, smoking Marlboros and admiring the view.
?Another slow day,? remarked Sam, ?nothing scheduled.?
Fred responded, ?Well, at least you can give me a chance to win back some of the money I lost in the last card game,? turning towards the door.
Just then, a van with hospital plates turned down the side street, and into the rear parking lot. ?Hey,? the driver yelled, ?I got one for you.?
?Guess I’ll just have to keep the money for awhile,? said Sam to the morose Fred as the van backed in. Fred pressed the button inside the back door, raising the garage door. After backing up to the loading dock, the driver opened the rear doors of the van and pushed a gurney with a dark green body bag strapped to the top.
?Got any paperwork on this one?? Sam asked.
?Sure,? said the driver, handing Sam a sheaf of papers on a clipboard, ?sign here, and here.? ?Look, I’m in a rush, I’ll pick up the gurney on my next trip.? Slamming the van doors, the driver peeled out.
?OK,? says Sam, ?Let’s get her into the prep room,? pushing the gurney through two swinging doors into a brightly lit room with a stainless steel table in the center. The two men maneuver the gurney alongside the table, then slide the bagged corpse onto it.
?This one’s really light, must be 110 or 115 pounds,? Fred said, ?a lot less work. I hate the fat ones. If we could just charge by the pound, we could make some money on them.?
?This one’s a cremation,? said Sam, ?she’ll go up the chimney pretty quick. Let’s take a look at her. The name’s Cindy Bragg.?
Fred unzippered the bag from the head end. As he opened the bag, the long, almost white hair of the corpse spilled out. The face was peaceful, with a pert nose and cleft chin. With more enthusiasm, Fred pulled the zipper down the rest of the body. Perfectly formed round breasts the size of medium apples were revealed next, then a shapely waist and hips. The pubic hair matched the shoulder length hair.
?Wow,? Fred exclaimed, ?no dye job here. See how her hair matches perfectly.? Slender legs tapered exquisitely to well-formed feet with painted toenails.
?Cindy is still fresh,? Sam observed, ?she’s even slightly warm.?
?Fred,? Sam said, ?I think I had better do a little probing here,? sliding off his pants and removing his underwear, shoes and socks. Sam climbed on the table, carefully spread the corpse’s legs apart, and thrust into the dead vagina.
?No rigor mortis for a change,? Sam crowed, ?but a nice tight cunt.? He quickly spent himself in the nude body, and climbed off the prep table.
?Mind if I have a go at her?? said Fred.
?Not at all,? Sam replied, ?be my guest.?
?I like a smooth ride,? Fred commented, ?I think I’ll shave her pussy first.?
As Fred reached for the shaving cream and razor, the phone rang in the office. ?I’ll get it,? Sam shouted as he ran out the prep room door.
Intent on his work, Fred carefully lathered the pubic area, and began to carefully shave off the hair, leaving a smooth surface behind. Just as he began the tricky operation of shaving the lips, the doors slammed, and Sam exclaimed, ?Jesus, what a fuck-up.?
Startled, Fred jerked the razor. ?Ouch!? The corpse yelped, and sat up, then fell back onto the table.
?Where am I? What’s going on?? the girl asked, pleadingly.
?Fred, finish up your work while I explain the situation to Miss Briggs. Oh, yes, and be sure to fasten her to the table so she doesn’t fall off the prep table.?
?Who are you and what is going on? I was supposed to have a tonsillectomy today.?
?Well, Miss Briggs,? Sam explained patiently, ?it seems there was a little mix-up at the hospital. After your operation, they left you in the hallway for transport down to the recovery room. At the same time, Cindy Bragg, who died on the operating table in the next room, was left in the same hallway for disposal.?
?What happened,? said Cathy, ?where am I??
?It appears,? said Sam in his most solemn, funereal voice, ?that an overworked hospital orderly delivered you to us, and Miss Bragg’s corpse to the recovery room. It’s a natural mistake, as Cathy Briggs looks virtually the same on a tag as Cindy Bragg.?
?But where am I now?? the girl asked plaintively.
?You were delivered to us, that is, the Sunset Funeral Home, for cremation.?
?Thank God you found out the mistake before that. Now let me up.?
?Cathy, it’s not quite as simple as that. You see, I told the hospital a little white lie.?
?Huh?? Cathy grunted in amazement.
?Yes, Cathy, I told them that it was too late, that we had been testing the crematorium this morning, and that you were already ashes. They have already filled out your death certificate and notified your family.?
?This has got to be a joke. Who put you up to it? My brother? My sister? No, I bet it was my best friend, Elana. Wait till I see her!?
?No, Cathy, I’ve decided to keep you here as our guest for a while. You see, Fred here is shy. Almost all the girls he meets are pretty stiff, if you get my meaning. This is a golden opportunity for Fred to sharpen his social skills and have a meaningful relationship. Right, Fred??
?Right, Boss, although you never let me go first. She’s ready, can I start??
?Go right ahead, Fred. Enjoy yourself, or rather enjoy Miss Briggs. I have to make a few phone calls.? Sam walked out.
?I can’t believe this! You’re going to fuck me?! What if I say no??
?I’m a little hard of hearing,? Fred smiled, ?and hard of something else, too.? He had already divested himself of his clothing, and had climbed onto the table to inspect his work better. Satisfied, Fred thrust his penis between her vagina lips.
As he penetrated, Cathy struggled, then stopped. Suddenly she arched her back as much as possible, and squeezed Fred’s swollen member as tightly as she could. She moaned and quivered. She came, and Fred felt a gush of liquid envelop him.
Fred, delighted, ejaculated quickly and stood by the side of the table. ?That was the best I ever had!?
?Me too,? Cathy smiled, ?now, can you let me out of here??
?Sam’s the boss,? Fred replied, ?I’ll ask him as soon as he comes back.?
Just then, Sam returned. ?Good news, I think we can resolve this whole thing rather easily.?
?Great,? Cathy, ?now let me go.?
?Cathy,? Sam gently chided, ?it’s not quite so simple. The hospital has declared you dead. Your death certificate has already been made out and notarized. You must know how hospital bureaucrats hate making mistakes.?
?So,? Cathy said, ?what are you going to do with me??
?Cathy,? Sam answered in consoling tones, ?we are going to have a little more fun, then get you ready for market.?
?JESUS CHRIST!!! What are you talking about? White slavery? Sell me to some perverts to fuck to death? LET ME OUT YOU COCKSUCKERS!?
?Cathy, there is no need for histrionics, my dear. We’re going to start by fucking you up the ass. Fred, help me turn her over.?
As the two men tried to flip the struggling girl onto her stomach, she fell off the table, hitting her head as she fell. Fred and Sam quickly lifted her up and tied her to the table with her ass up. ?This will be more fun if we let her regain consciousness first,? Sam told Fred.
As the groggy Cathy groaned, Fred mounted her first. Her increasing struggles excited Fred more, and he continued his frenzied thrusting. As he withdrew from Cathy’s asshole, he noticed that her cunt was dripping wet.
?Hey, Sam, it looks like she’s enjoying it after all.?
?Fred get a bowl and collect her cum. See if you can get any off the table where she came before. Let me see what I can do.?
?I hate you,? the girl said as Sam positioned himself. ?Why don’t you go fuck yourself and Fred, too??
?Cathy, I’m having too much fun right now. Besides, from what I can see, you’re enjoying our little session.?
?Now Cathy, there’s no need for such hostility. In fact, I’m going to fuck your asshole right now. Enjoy the ride.?
Involuntarily, as Sam’s cock thrusts repeatedly into Cathy’s asshole, she moaned and began to clench his dick with her sphincter. She came again, more copiously than before. Fred collected the cum in his bowl. At last, Sam withdrew with a satisfied look on his face.
?What next, you bastard?? she snarled.
?Cathy, we have to resolve the discrepancy between the official records and your present, rather embarrassing, status. Don’t worry, though, we are going to process you a little differently than most of our customers.?
?What do you mean? Are you planning to snuff me, to murder me??
?Cathy, let’s face reality. You are already dead. It is impossible to murder a corpse. We are simply going to make the best of a bad bargain, and a little profit, as well. It turns out that you are worth far more than I had thought.
Your driver’s license indicates that you are an organ donor. We are going to harvest your heart, liver, and kidneys. We have also made arrangements with your family for a memorial service tomorrow with a dinner to follow. Fortunately, you will be there as the main course.?
?OK, Fred, put this ball gag on her and help me turn her over. For such a small girl, she puts up quite a fight.?
Once more on her back, the frightened girl can only stare as Sam and Fred start taking out scalpels, knives, and other tools. Fred absently strokes her cunt and presses his forefinger and middle finger inside. ?Hey, Sam, she’s coming again. Should I collect this, too??
Sam nods, and Fred scoops up the cum in his fingers and wipes them on the rim of the bowl.
Sam turns to Cathy, ?Since you have been so uncooperative, I am not going to take the trouble to anesthetize you.? He then cuts her from the pubic mound to the sternum in one quick movement.
?Fred, hold this open while I take out her liver? As Fred holds the gash open, Sam disconnects the liver and places it in an insulated bag. Next, he exposes the kidneys and removes them. Cathy’s eyes start to glaze over, but she is evidently still alive, although her struggles have almost ceased.
Now Sam takes a small circular saw, and cuts through the sternum. Fred pulls the ribcage apart, cradling the breasts in his palms as he does, and Sam pulls out the still beating heart. With a last convulsive shudder, the new corpse is now still. Fred notices that Cathy has come again for the last time, and scoops up the cum.
Just then, the delivery entrance bell rings, and Fred hurries to the door to deliver the organs to the transplant service. The driver hastily examines the packages and grins, ?Nice and fresh.? He hands Fred a money bag, ?no paperwork, and cash on the spot, it’s a pleasure doing business.?
When Fred returns to the prep room, he finds that Sam has already chained Cathy’s feet together, and attached them to a hoist. ?Clean out the rest of her guts, Fred, we’ll cremate them later.? Fred quickly removes the intestines, gall bladder, uterus, bladder, and lungs, and looks over their handiwork.
?Gosh, Boss, too bad we didn’t have time for a little more fun. He idly thrust his fingers between the corpse’s vaginal lips and wiggles them in the body cavity.
?No time for playing in the box, Fred, give me a hand.? Sam and Fred pull on the chainfall, and hoist their guest’s remains head and arms down. Sam takes a chainsaw and severs the head from the torso.
?Add that to the pile for the furnace,? he tells Fred. ?Now, hold her still while I quarter her.? The chainsaw bites deeply between the buttocks, and cuts the body into two pieces, each with a leg and arm.
?Now hold her shoulders, one at a time,? Sam orders. He slices each body half across at waist level, and Fred carefully lays the pieces on the table.
?Look, Sam, she has a tattoo on one shoulder,? Fred points to a floral panel with Cathy & Elana tattooed inside. ?Gosh, do you think she was a lezzie??
?Fred, I don’t know and don’t care. All I know is that she has been truly and thoroughly fucked.? ?Now, where’s that bowl of cum? Catch some of that blood dripping from her neck. This is going to make a great barbecue sauce for her memorial dinner.?
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EroticThe art gallery opening was today, a new artist that not many people had heard of, but was quickly becoming the toast of the town. I was busy fixing my hair while the husband was humming silly tunes in the other room. I exited the bathroom, wearing my red summer dress. He had asked that I wear it because it was his favorite, but for me it showed too much arm, too much leg and too many inappropriate curves. He saw me and whistled, immediately wrapping his strong-arms about me, nibbling my neck...
She had just cleared past the grape vines of the Mountain Castle winery and knew she was back on her mother’s land for the first time in nearly seven years. Ally stopped on the side of the narrow, winding, graveled road up into the mountains in a fold between the southern slope of Mount Marshall and a shorter mountain called The Peak, northwest of the small town of Washington. This quaint little hamlet on the verge between northern Virginia’s hunt country and the Blue Ridge mountains wasn’t...
What Angela had to say to Ally at breakfast in the morning two weeks later hit her doubly hard because of the telephone call she made before coming down to breakfast in order to get through to Europe while the embassies there were still open. She already was in a melancholy and edgy mood, because, although Miranda had recognized her on a few visits—not more than half of them, though—she had not again been as demonstrative toward Ally as on that first meeting of recognition. It seemed that,...
Autumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth. First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After...
Autumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth. First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After...
Group SexMuseum Piece "Jay, this is Amanda, your roomie from college." Stunned to hear this voice from my past, I didn't respond. "You're wondering why I'm calling?" Actually, I was wondering a lot more than that. Mute, I nodded. Then, prompted by the feel of the cell phone in my hand, I said, "Yes." "I'm in town. I thought you might like to get together, for a burger or a beer or something." * * * We ordered both, a burger and a beer, with French fries, at the...
Almost as soon as we took the step to involve others in our sex I have craved for any sexual partner to have a big cock and to treat me roughly. This is a total contrast to the tender, sensual lovemaking I enjoy as a norm. Reflecting back on my sexual history this may explain why. SxFor a few seconds I begin to wonder what on earth has possessed me. I’m an attractive 22 year old woman with a loving boyfriend yet I’m laying on my back, smelling the body odour and Whisky breath of my overweight...
The back story comes from an author "Changes". The premise started by Changes is that Pleasure Island is a place for singles or couples to go where many pleasures can be indulged and almost anything is possible. On the Island is a pool where you are to meet your girlfriend for drinks for the evening. Unfortunately, it's a poolside bar and you have to be dressed appropriately to enter. Not to worry though, the bartender is all too helpful and has the lost and found box with swim...
Thanks for taking the time to read this story. All the usual warnings go here. Copyright me, etc. Special thanks to my friend Ed for helping in the final editing stage. Please provide as much feedback as possible, good or bad. Chiara Wrestling Star: Chapter One By Chiara There was never any question about it. I was always meant to be a wrestler. Not just any wrestler, but a world famous one at that. My grandfather and my father had both been wrestlers. You have probably...
I had a long kiss with my wife Samantha before leaving home. I sank my hands in her flaming red hair and sucked her lower lip, then kissed her white porcelain neck. I had so much lust for her because it had been longer than two weeks since we'd had sex. It was because I had a business trip that week, she was on a training previous weekend and there were a few other smaller activities. I could do it with her just then, but I needed to attend a friend's gathering.I felt really sorry that I left...
Wife LoversThe life of a pirate wasn't always hectic. It was just that the less hectic bits didn't capture the attention of story-tellers quite the way that the exciting fights did, with epic finishing moves and heart-stopping back and forths. It always surprised people to hear how rare those fights actually were- three or four a year at most. The vast majority of their time was taken up by either traveling- and that took up a fair portion of time, given how their vessel was wind-powered- or preparing for...
BDSMAutumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth. First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After...
Lynn crawled out of bed and looked back at the two men who laid there asleep, her boss Ron and Steve the foreman. Her cunt felt raw and her hair was crusty from the dried cum. She walked to the bathroom and tried to wash up and pull herself together. She thought, “Fuck, finally, I guess it’s out there now, I am a fuck load whore and the whole company knows.” She absolutely loved it though, jesus, the amount of cock was unreal, just months ago she was a frustrated shy lonely needy executive on...
Group SexIt was an accident that we’d both been hoping for…We used to have this boxer-sharpei mutt Bear, who was supposed to be a guard dog but was too sweet to everyone except the neighbors’ yappy dog. He died in 2010 but we loved him up till the end, possibly because he brought us closer.Mom was single and I had no brother or sister so we needed a guard dog especially when I was too young to defend the homestead. It wasn’t a bad area but Mom still worried – she carried a butcher knife in her bath robe...
On my drive down to the gym for another practice, my cell phone rang and it was Carlos. "Hey Coach, I wanted to let you know that I am running late so I need you to go to the gym and get things going." This wasn't the first time I had started practice so nothing was abnormal...YET When I pulled up to the gym, there was an eerie quiet. There was only one car in the parking lot and it was Carlos’ wife’s car. I walked into the lobby and to my surprise Cynthia, the mother and Savanna...
When I was in high school, I was already very into wearing pantyhose. A friend of mine one day asked me if I wanted to join a wrestling club (not the high school team). I really had no interest in wrestling guys, but I was aware that wrestlers wore an outfit very similar to a leotard and tights which did intrigue me. I said no at first, but when he said the matches would take place in those outfits, I agreed. He said that we had to get outfits, but real wrestling singlets were expensive, but he...
It was about half way through the year and it was wrestling season. Wrestling to me was the greatest thing on earth. I loved it. It was a sport about two men in physical combat trying to prove they are better than the other. There is no one to blame for your mistakes besides you. Granted some of the moves in wrestling did look a little gay but if you ever wrestled, you know it is anything but. I was on the JV team in the 150 pound weight class. I was about 5’-11”, short dirty blonde hair and...