Cindy 8217 s New Career
- 2 years ago
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Zhara – Part 1 - A New Career
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Wearing a French Maid’s outfit, waspie and seamed stockings and tottering on 5? high spiky heeled lace up calf boots, Zhara was a provocative site as she exited the chauffeur driven car and entered the up market beauty salon.
For someone who had two weeks ago been unemployed and living on the generosity of her flatmate, this was a sensational change.
Chapter 2 – The Ad
Zhara had been out of work for a month and things were getting tight. Her best friend and flatmate Louise had been paying all the bills without a question, but she just couldn’t let that continue; no matter how good their friendship.
They were looking through the job vacancies when Louise came across a possible and read out, Personal Assistant to Fashion Executive, - P.A or modelling experience would be an advantage.
Zhara immediately ruled herself out, but Louise continued, it was not necessarily the case as it went on to say ‘the position would go to someone whose personality best suited the requirements’.
Zhara replied tersely, as she knew what might they be, namely blonde hair and big boobs!
Louise commented that Zhara may be a brunette, but she had a really good figure and very nice boobs.
Zhara joking responded that she now thought Louise only played at being her best friend, when she actually fancied her!
However, Louise persuaded her friend she had not turned and both girls burst out laughing.
Louise brought the conversation back to the ad saying the pay was ?25 000, then suddenly gasped, ?You only have to work one day a week!!?
Zhara was adamant she was not applying for that job and wanted to know ?what sort of girl Louise thought she was?? They again both laughed and decided to watch TV as again there were no suitable vacancies to be found.
Chapter 3 – The Interview
Louise walked to the front door of the flat she shared with Zhara, to collect the mail.
She found a letter for Zhara and called out ?Zhara, there’s a letter for you – and it’s not a bill - in a posh envelope too?.
Zhara opened it and announced it was an invitation to an interview, which was interesting as she hadn’t applied for it.
Louise looked down nervously as Zhara accused her of applying for the P.A job for her.
To which Louise agreed she had, because she was intrigued and the pay was really good.
Zhara again posed the question ?Just what sort of girl do you think I am??
To which Louise replied ?A desperate one, out of money and with a car on its last legs, and after all, it’s only an interview?.
Zhara said the interview was at the Ambassador Suite of the Ritz on Thursday at 3-30pm
?Well you can see how they can afford a salary like that if the interview was held at the Ritz?.
Louise stated that she had wished she had applied now, so Zhara said there was no reason why she shouldn’t go instead; they would never know. However, Louise’s sheepish look prompted Zhara to ask if there was a reason?
Louise admitted she had sent a photo with letter, prompting Zhara to ask which one?
Louise said it was a good one, but this plainly indicated that there was a little more to it.
The fact was it was a topless pose Louise had taken of Zhara on their last holiday in Tenerife. Although it was a good photo, it was something that Zhara was less than pleased about.
Zhara had every intention of ignoring the interview offer, but as things often do, circumstances transpired to change her mind, namely a large bill dropping through the letter box on Thursday morning after Louise had gone to work.
Louise had been paying the bills for long enough she just had to do something to help and after all, it was only, an interview.
So Zhara prepared herself, she showered, put on her best make-up, best knickers and a smart suit. Then she set off on the tube to the Ritz Hotel.
She entered the hotel, and walked up to the reception desk and asked for the Ambassador Suite.
She was identified as one of the young ladies being interviewed by Mr Steele and directed to take the lift to the fourth floor, where she would see the signs for the Ambassador suite.
She exited the lift on the fourth floor, followed the signs to the Ambassador Suite, knocked on the door and entered a smallish room.
She was greeted by a woman who took her name and asked her to sit. There was another girl already seated, frumpish, but very professional looking with a brief case.
Oh hell thought Zhara, I should have brought one, at least I would look the part, instead she clung tightly to her handbag, which she now began to feel extremely conscious about.
Then the door at the other end of the room opened and an extremely pretty blonde girl with big boobs appeared. Oh, hell Zhara thought again, Miss World exiting and Miss Professional P.A of the Year entering, to be followed by Miss Ordinary; what chance have I got.
The blonde waltzed past and the woman beckoned ‘Miss Professional P.A. of the year’ in.
Another twenty minutes passed and the door opened again and Miss Professional P.A. reappeared, prompting Zhara’s heart to miss a beat as the woman then beckoned her to enter the interview room.
Mr Steele was handsome forty something with dark hair and a distinguished look, he sat casually in an armchair, but rose as Zhara entered and walked across the room to greet her.
?Ah, Miss Lamb? he said prior to guiding her to sit in an armchair opposite to his.
She hadn’t reckoned on sitting in an armchair and now wished her skirt wasn’t quite so short, as the tops of her stockings might now be visible. The contours of her suspenders definitely were, through her skirt as it pulled tightly around her thighs.
Mr Steele began by giving an explanation of his company and its activities. They designed a wide range of fashion garments; however this position was more related to the fetish range.
Oh, here we go thought Zhara.
Mr Steele continued he had a small team working closely with him during the week but there were often events at the weekend that require, well ...... a combined role.
He needed an attractive but organised person to accompany him to dinners, functions and a number of different types of event.
Consequently the chosen person would act as his Weekend P.A, model and escort.
?I thought as much?, Zhara mused.
Consequently hours are from 11am Saturday to 11am Sunday, occasionally when there is an event on a Friday night or a Sunday you will be required to work additional hours, but you will be paid for this time at a pro-rata rate. Therefore, it is not really feasible to have a second full time job, this is why the salary is high for the hours worked; it has to be sufficient to meet all your needs.
He went on to explain that she would also ‘road test’, as it were some of the new lines. They may look good on the models parading on catwalk, but were they suitable for more everyday use.
Zhara enquired that surely these types of clothes were not used for everyday use?
Sometimes they are, when used in a true Sub / Dom relationship, Mr Steele explained, and asked if Zara was aware of Sub / Dom relationships?
She was to some extent replied Zhara.
So Mr Steele went on that in a full relationship the Sub partner, makes no decisions, including what they wear, therefore the Dominant partner my select some form of erotic or bondage clothing to be worn during the course of a normal days, cleaning, cooking, gardening etc. So he needed to know if they are comfortable to wear and the seams wouldn’t split etc. He asked if Zhara had any questions so far.
Zhara asked where would she be expected to do the ‘road tests’ on the clothing and was assured it would only be behind closed doors
She also had a concern about the Escort function and enquired what that entailed.
Mr Steele smiled saying that normally needed some explanation but it was nothing sinister. It was normally expected someone in his position would attend these functions, awards ceremonies etc with a wife, partner, or girlfriend. He didn’t have any of these, so he needed someone to accompany him; an escort.
If they stayed away overnight, she would have her own room, solely for her own use. That was also the case in her normal work; she would have your own room in his house with on-suite, TV etc.
Zhara now felt pleasantly reassured.
Mr Steele then began to ask Zhara about the details in the application (that she hadn’t written!)
?It says you did a little modelling.?
?It does!? Zhara said enquiringly, then regaining her composure continued is a more confident tone, ?It does – Yes?
Mr Steele looked at her quizzically and asked her to expand on that.
She said it was only once, while I was at University, a project was running with a local clothing manufacturer; she was one of the models.
Mr Steele asked what she modelled to which Zhara replied ?A bikini?.
?Ummmm – a good choice I would say?, Mr Steele said looking at Zhara’s letter and attached photo.
?You have a good figure, and you like displaying it??
?I wouldn’t go that far, but I’m not ashamed of it? replied Zhara
?And you would model some of our less than modest garments without a problem??
?It depends on the degree of modesty and the circumstances?
?I see? said Mr Steele ?but, in principal, you have no objection??
Zhara said she didn’t, stating you are unlikely to receive ?25 000 a year for only one day a week for doing nothing.
?Good! Replied Mr Steele ?now it also says you were a P.A. in your last position?
?Weeeeeelll, in a manner of speaking?, Zhara exclaimed ?it was a small engineering company, a designer had just left and the secretary had retired. I sort of took over both jobs, well a few others as well, office admin, office cleaner, toilet cleaner come to that.?
Why did you leave asked Mr Steele?
The company folded, Zhara explained, ?pressure from cheap imports, it was interesting while it lasted though.?
?You also say you have an Engineering degree Zhara?
?Yes, Mechanical design, I was the youngest of four, with three elder brothers. I’ve been surrounded by stripped motor bikes and cars for as long as I can remember. I used to help and found I enjoyed it and not only that I was good at it as well. In the genes I suppose?
Mr Steele asked if Zhara had any questions.
She said she didn’t think so as they had covered the salary etc
To which Mr Steele replied ?Well not exactly!?
Oh thought Zhara, here comes the catch.
I seek continuity Mr Steel began to explain, not just for a few months but years hopefully, therefore the salary will include a bonus element. Consequently you will be paid monthly in arrears, but if you complete a full year you will receive a bonus equivalent to your entire year’s salary.
Taken aback, Zhara said ?Let me get this straight, if I work a complete year I will, in fact, receive a salary of ?50 000,?
?Yes, that’s about the size of it? Mr Steele confirmed, ?Now as your the last candidate I think I am in a position to offer you this position?
Zhara, somewhat stunned, said ?You’re offering me the job now??
?Yes – I don’t expect you to answer immediately but I am in need of a prompt start?
With that Mr Steele phoned through to the woman in the other room. ?Debbie, can you print out a contract for Miss Lamb please?.
?Now Zhara, you can pick up the contract from Debbie on your way out, but as I said I need a prompt start so if you intend to take the position I need you to come to my home at 3pm tomorrow to be measured so that any clothes that you may need can be organised. If you don’t appear by 5pm I will assume you are not interested. Debbie will give you the address and directions.
?Are you Ok?? Asked Mr Steele ?you look stunned?
?I am; I didn’t expect to be offered the job let alone now?
?Well hopefully we will see you tomorrow – goodbye Zhara?
?Oh, goodbye Mr Steele?
Zhara returned to the flat she shared with Louise and was immediately interrogated by Louise on the interview. ?Well Zah, did you go??
Zhara replied they had offered her the job.
?Really? Louise blurted in a stunned fashion ??25 000 a year too, wow?
Not exactly Zhara began to explain.
?Oh, there’s a catch, isn’t there? said Louise
No, more of a bonus actually, if I last a year I get ?50 000 Zhara continued.
Louise then went into turbo mode with question after question until Zhara was quite exhausted.
The following day, Zhara, having read the contract from top to bottom a number of times; visited Mr Steele’s house in Mayfair. This was a Georgian house, four floors and probably a cellar.
This must be worth a couple of million Zhara thought as she rang the bell.
She was again greeted by Debbie who she had seen the previous day, and handed over the now signed contract.
?Very good Miss Lamb, now we need to take a few measurements? Debbie said
?I think I can save you time, I know mine and they never vary? Zhara stated
?Ahhh? said Debbie ?these are a bit more detailed, please follow me?
With that Debbie led Zhara upstairs into a small room with a cubicle at one end and a fancy piece of computer controlled equipment at the other.
?Now, Zhara, this is a non-contact measurement scanner, however you need to completely undress, knickers and all and then stand on that round turntable over there. You just stand in the centre with arms out horizontally the table will rotate and the computer laser scans your complete body and any measurement that may be wanted will be stored. Is that Ok??
?Errr, yes I suppose so, I wasn’t quite expecting this? Zhara commented
?Oh Mr Steele didn’t mention it then,
?No? Zhara blurted
?Oh well, you’re a big now’ said Debbie ?I’m sure you will take it in your stride?
So Zhara went into the cubicle, stripped off, then came out naked and went and stood on the turntable. Debbie pressed a button and a laser started flashing all over Zhara’s body while she slowly rotated. Not the most glamorous pose she had ever struck but it only last a minute or so.
?Ok Zhara, we’re done, you can get dressed now?
Once dressed Zhara reappeared, ?That’s it Zhara, we have the contract, your measured, so you can go, we will see you tomorrow at 11am?
Chapter 4– The First Day
Zhara was out of breath as she rang the bell, it was 11.45am. She was 45minutes late on her first day.
?Ah Miss Lamb, we’re glad you could join us? Debbie said sarcastically.
?I’m sorry I’m late? Zhara began but was cut off mid-sentence.
?It’s Mr Steele you need to explain to?
?Oh? Zhara replied ?I better speak to him right away?
?That will not be possible? Debbie said sternly ?He left fifteen minutes ago and you were supposed to go with him? Debbie continued, further twisting the knife.
?You will receive a reprimand Miss Lamb; and on your first day too! Mr Steele was most annoyed ?
Debbie was really going for it now mused Zhara; she seems to have it in for me from day one!
?No doubt Mr Steele will deal with you tomorrow – anyway Maria here will see to you now? and with that Debbie flounced off.
Maria was quite small, with tanned skin and in her late twenties and spoke with an accent that Zhara was later told was Brazilian.
Maria explained she was the house-keeper, and showed Zhara to her room.
Having reached the top floor, Maria showed Zhara into a very nice room with a fantastic view, on-suite bathroom, a large bed and a TV, but there was nowhere to hang her clothes. Looking somewhat lost Maria pointed to a door, saying your dressing room is through there, hang your clothes in the wardrobe and put on the clothes already there.
Maria explained ?I’ll be just outside - Oh the waspie goes on last, you’ll need help lacing it so give me a call?, and with that she left.
Zhara entered the room, put down her overnight bag, opened the wardrobe and looked in amazement at the only clothes in there.
They comprised a French Maids outfit; stockings, suspenders, white knickers, ankle boots with a spiky heels and a waspie.
Well Zhara thought, I’d better put them on before I’m in more trouble. She took off all of her own clothes, hung them in the wardrobe and stood there wondering where to start.
The lacy black suspenders appeared the best place, followed by the shear black seamed stockings; something she had not worn before so it took some time to get the seams straight. The bikini style knickers came next; the intense whiteness contrasting the black stockings and suspenders.
Before continuing, she then took a while to admire herself in the full length mirrors on the two adjacent corners of the wall. This allowed her to see front and side at the same time, and very nice it looked too.
There being no bra, Zhara put on the satin French Maids dress. This had short frilly edged sleeves and zipped up the front and fitted extremely snugly, making her wonder why there was any need for the waspie. However, her concern was the shortness of the frilly edged skirt that barely covered her knickers; her stocking tops being constantly on show. The deeply hooped neck also displayed an ample amount of her breasts and cleavage. The tightness also ensured her nipples could be prominently seen through the thin material. Smoothing down what there was of the skirt, she had another look in the mirror and she was even more impressed with her look. Turning around she looked behind herself as she leaned forward and a flash of white knickers came into view. Well I shall certainly be on display today she thought.
With that she called for Maria to help with the waspie.
?You will find it best to put the boots on first; it’s much easier to bend down without the waspie? Marie suggested.
?Ok then? Zhara replied
The boots came half way up her calf and had a 5? heel; Zhara liked wearing high heels, but she was not used to anything more than a 4? heel. Sitting on the dressing chair she worked her right foot into the first boot; it was a snug, yet comfortable fit. Then, looking up she caught another flash of white her knickers in the mirror in front of her. ?I’ll be displaying my knickers all day long? Zhara said with a resigned sigh.
?I think that is the whole point of this outfit? Maria commented.
Returning to the boots she slipped her left foot into the other boot. She then began to lace the boots up until she noticed there was a ‘D-shaped’ ring sticking out at the top of one side of the boot and a strap with matching slot on the other side of the boot. She asked Maria if something was broken or missing as there nothing to keep the strap on the D-loop.
?Your right? Maria said and opened her palm to reveal to two small padlocks. ?You have to wear the complete outfit, no cheating?
?So what if they hurt and I want to take them off?? Zhara enquired.
?One; they won’t hurt as they were made especially for you, and two; you can’t unless someone unlocks them? Maria explained.
With them fully laced, Maria bent down, latched the strap on the right boot over the D-ring and slipped a padlock through it and locked it on with a distinct ‘click’ then did the same with the left.
Zhara got to her feet rather unsteadily and again looked at herself in the mirrors. The heels further accentuated her shape, her calves emerging from the boots and her thighs disappeared into the frilled edge of the skirt at stocking top level. Her hips were now thrust forward by the height of the heels and gave her a more pronounced wiggle as she took a few steps across the room.
?Ok let’s go for the waspie, then Maria?.
?It’s best you get as far as you can without help, as you will need to get used to wearing one of these, or a corset? Maria said.
So Zhara pulled the waspie around her waist and started working her way up each hook and eye at the front.
With all the hooks engaged Zhara could already feel the restriction in her movements. She reached behind herself and started pulling at the laces with her fingers further tightening the waspie. After a few moments and a slight reduction in her normally 24? waist, Maria said ?Ok – I’ll take it from here? and with that started working down the laces again.
Zhara now felt things really getting tight causing her to take shorter breaths. Finally Maria said ?There we are, that should do for starters!?
Zhara’s waist was now a trim 22?. She looked in the mirrors to see this extremely curvy provocatively dressed figure. Her breasts now prominent due to her small waist, jiggled as she walked across the room. The waspie had done wonders for her waist but offered no support to her breasts and her nipples now strained at the material. Zhara having noticed this; was thinking what they would look like if she became aroused.
?Ok then? Maria said ?You are to help me this morning and after lunch spend the afternoon with Debbie?
?Oh? replied Zhara ?I’m sure she doesn’t like me, and I’ve done nothing to upset her?
Maria explained that was not exactly the case. Debbie considered some of the weekend events as a perk; she was the weekday P.A. who occasionally helped out at the weekend. Zhara would now be doing the weekends so Debbie had lost her perks.
Zhara spent the rest of the morning doing a bit of vacuuming and dusting in her outfit, and, as this included a considerable amount of stretching and bending, she was pleased no one else was around to see her knickers being flashed every few seconds.
After lunch, which was taken with Maria, Zhara was taken through Mr Steele’s diary, organiser and filing system by Debbie. This was done in a rather off hand manner as Debbie was obviously one to bear a grudge. Three hours later Debbie said that was it, even though Zhara had said she wasn’t that clear on some points. Debbie replied that she should have been on time then she could have in been involved in a day’s work and it would have all meant sense.
?Still? Debbie continued ?No doubt you can ponder that during your thirty minute reprimand tomorrow?!
That’s twice she has mentioned this reprimand thought Zhara, perhaps I have to stay thirty minutes late to make up for things.
Zhara and Maria had dinner together about 7pm, Debbie having gone. Maria explained that Zhara was free for the rest of the evening but she should not leave the house. She then gave Zhara the key to the boots and told her to hang the Maids dress in her dressing room so it could be collected. Breakfast would be at 8am, but Zhara should be up in time to put her outfit on; this would be in the wardrobe as today.
So Zhara went back to her room, took the uniform and hung it up as she had been told. She then watched some TV before going to bed. It had been an interesting first day.
Chapter 5 – The Reprimand
Zhara was up at 7am and had showered and put her make up on before going into the dressing room. Opening the wardrobe she found exactly the same outfit as she had worn the day before. Maria must have washed it last night Zhara thought as she put the suspenders on. The seamed black stockings followed and she checked in the mirror that they were straight, and being satisfied they were, she admired her long legs and how sexy they looked. The intense white bikini style knickers were next, then the maids outfit. She slipped her feet into the boots and laced them to the top. She noticed the two little padlocks were on the shelf in wardrobe where she had left them only the key was nowhere to be seen. Presumably Maria had taken it. So having laced the boots fully she pulled the straps at the top over and padlocked each in place. Once again she would have to wait until given permission to remove them.
Zhara pulled the waspie around her waist, engaged the hooks and eyes at the front and had just finished the laces when Maria knocked on the door asking if she needed any help with waspie.
?Come in? Zhara said and Maia entered ?That was good timing, I had got as far as I could.?
Maria tightened the laces further, commenting Zhara had improved on yesterday. As the constriction increased, Zhara concluded it was slightly tighter than the previous day.
?Be sure you at the breakfast table by 8am, Mr Steele doesn’t like being kept waiting? Maria commented before leaving.
Zhara made sure she was at the breakfast table just before 8am and Mr Steele entered the room almost on the strike of eight.
?Morning Zhara, nice to see you’re on time today? Mr Steele said. Zhara felt uneasy at the reference to being on time, but there was nothing nasty in the way he said it.
Conversation was light and topical during breakfast, Maria joining them.
?After breakfast we’ll spend a little time going through the diary Zhara? Mr Steele said ?There are a few things to update from yesterday, I scribbled a few notes. Then I will show you some of the facilities here that you won’t have seen up till now.?
By the time this had been accomplished the time had moved on to about 10am.
Mr Steele showed Zhara a small private cinema on the first floor and large function room before they returned to the ground floor, then producing a key from his pocket Mr Steele unlocked a door that revealed stairs down to the basement. However the stairs and entrance were luxurious; this was obviously no basement used for storage.
?This is our play area? Mr Steele explained, ?as well as producing fetish wear and toys; we also hold functions where they can be made the most of?. Opening a door off to one side of the corridor, Mr Steele ushered Zhara in.
The room was a considerable size with floor to ceiling mirrors on three walls; the other being cupboards and drawers. This, however, was not the thing that caught Zhara’s eye, it was the equipment within. The was a medieval rack, a large cage (large enough for a person) hanging from a chain in the ceiling, there were a number of other chains hanging down as well as other devices for which she did not know the purpose.
In one corner there was one that she did recognise, a pillory, the poor occupants neck and wrists being restrained by the three cut outs.
?There was one of these in the museum near us? Zhara exclaimed, ?We used to try it out on school trips. Can I try this one out??
?Certainly? Mr Steele said and with that Zhara lifted the top and placed her neck and wrists in the cut outs.
Mr Steele carefully closed the top and loud click was heard. The openings were leather lined and Mr Steele explained that they were adjustable to ensure the occupant was comfortable yet could not escape and pressed a button to demonstrate. The cuffs and collar slowly expanded like a balloon to securely hold Zhara’s neck and wrists.
?It’s certainly secure? Zahara commented ?I hope you’re going to let me out now??
?Well Zhara, you have pre-empted my plans. Your lateness on your first day means a Level 1 reprimand of thirty minutes.?
?Yes. I’m sorry about that I had a problem with my car and after fixing it I was a bit messy and needed to clean up? Zhara explained.
?That may be so? explained Mr Steele ?but a reprimand is still necessary. So you will spend the next thirty minutes here and you also get six lashes?
?What? exclaimed Zhara ?you’re going to lock me in this for thirty minutes and whip me??
?If you put it like that, yes, but you may find it not as distasteful as it sounds? and with that Mr Steele strode over to one of the drawers and took out a small whip.
Zhara tried to pull her hands out of the restraints, but it was no use. Mr Steele positioned himself beside Zhara raised his right arm, and then brought it down quickly with a ‘swish’. A ‘thwack’ then emanated and Zhara felt a sharp-ish pain across her left buttock. This was then repeated on her right buttock. This procedure was repeated again by which time Zhara was overcoming the shock and started to shout and curse Mr Steele. The final two lashes fell and Mr Steele replaced the whip before saying to Zhara, ?I will be back in thirty minutes?.
?You’re a perv and a nutter, let me out here you arsehole?
?That sort of behaviour will get you another reprimand Miss Lamb? Mr Steele said as he left closing the door to let Zhara contemplate things.
Thirty minutes later Zhara heard a click and a whir and the pillory opened. Zhara stood up and stormed out of the basement and up to her room. She entered, slamming the door behind her, only to hear a knock. She opened the door to find Maria standing there with keys for her boots and also an envelope.
?MR Steele said to give you these, and he hopes to see you next week.?
?Huh ! Some hope? said Zhara ?he’s a nutter.?
With that she shut the door, took off the waspie, Maids outfit and boots and threw them in the corner. She then put her own clothes on, grabbed her bag and left.
Arriving home she was greeted by Louise who, as was to be expected was full of questions. However, she had just started to say ?What was it like? when Zhara shouted the blokes a perv!
?What do you mean? exclaimed Louise.
Zhara explained that it wasn’t that she had to wear a skimpy maid’s outfit with spiky heeled boots locked on to her ankles, but that he locked her in a pillory and whipped her.
?So I assume you’re not going back then?? enquired Louise.
?Too right, good money or not? Zhara replied
?So what’s in the envelope? Louise asked ?maybe a wad of notes in payment??
?I don’t know and don’t care?. Zhara stormed. Louise asked if she could open it to which Zhara replied she could.
Louise emptied the contents and exclaimed, ?Wow, have you seen these tickets!?
?You know I haven’t, so what are they?? Zhara snarled.
Louise explained they were for Led Zepplin’s reunion concert, you can’t get these for love nor money and what’s more there is a backstage pass for before and after the show, they’re priceless!
Chapter 6 – The Decision
Zhara had had a great time at the Led Zepplin concert with Louise but this hadn’t changed her mind about returning to work with Mr Steele, however, sometimes things just work against you.
She was driving to an interview for an admin job when her car went bang! She knew the timing belt was well past its recommended service date and she had meant to change it but it was too late now. The engine was wrecked and there was no point trying to repair it as the cost was as much as buying another car. But where could she get ?1000 or even ?500 to buy one.
Well she thought ?500 is only one week or one day actually with pervy Mr Steele, I could surely endure one day, just put everything to the back of my mind and concentrate on the money.
Consequently Saturday came around and she set off once again.
She arrived in good time and rang the door bell. After a moment it was answered by Maria, who beamed a smile and said ?Hello Zhara, I am pleased to see you again, we didn’t think we would.? Zhara mumbled a, thanks, and went in.
?You know where your room is now, so pop up and I’ll be a long in a few minutes to see that everything is Ok?
She seems so nice thought Zhara, is this job that bad!
Reaching the room Zhara entered and sat on the bed for a moment before going to the wardrobe in the dressing room to hang up her clothes.
On opening the door she was greeted by the same maids outfit as the previous week. Oh well here we go again she thought, still in 24 hours I will be ?500 better off and can walk away for good.
She drew the seamed black stockings up her legs and engaged them in the suspenders, then stepped into the intense white bikini style knickers and pulled them up. She paused to look at herself in the mirrors. She had to admit she did look sexy. The maids dress followed, already hugging her curves before she pulled the waspie around her waist and engaged the front hooks. She had just finished the lacing when Maria knocked on the door. She has perfect timing Zhara thought, that’s the second time she has arrived just at the right time. Maria entered and offered to finish off the waspie lacing. This was definitely tighter than before Zhara thought as she found she had to take less deep breaths.
?You forgot to put the boots on Zhara? Maria said. ?Oh, damn? exclaimed Zhara and tried to bend down to put them on. This was not as easy as it seemed, as Maria had said the previous week. She couldn’t bend enough and so had to bop down bunny style, bending her legs at the knee. Neither method was really easy; however in this position the white crotch of her knickers was easily seen in her reflection in the mirror. Maria said she was put them on for her. So Zhara stood up straight, lifting a foot when told to do so while Maria guided her foot into place and began lacing them up.
Zhara looked down on Maria busily lacing her boots and had a quite relaxing and satisfied feeling, like being pampered in a beauty parlour. Glancing down again she saw Maria raise her eyes slightly, initially she thought nothing of it, but then, when looking in the mirror she noticed that when Maria did look up slightly she was staring at Zhara’s crotch. This was only a few inches from Maria’s eyes.
What stunned Zhara was not the fact that Maria was openly looking at her from close quarters, but that she actually got a kick out of it, and began to tingle a little. Then before she realised it, there were two loud clicks from the little padlocks and Maria stood up and said ?All done Missy, now you better get down and see Mr Steele.?
The first few steps were a bit tottery as Zhara again became accustomed to the height of the heels.
She approached Mr Steele’s office door, paused, then knocked, twice and was asked to enter, which she did.
?Good morning Zhara, I hope you are well?
?I am, thank you? Zhara replied,
?Good? continued Mr Steele ?because we have a busy day. We have an event with many special guests here this evening and you will be hostess for part of that. A handmade evening dress will be delivered for you later this afternoon and you are booked into a salon at 1pm for hair, nails etc?
?Oh? Zhara replied, somewhat taken aback ?right?.
?However? Mr Steele said in a rather stern school masterly way that sent a shiver down Zhara’s back ?we have a little left over business from last week don’t we ?
?Do we? Zhara said mystified.
?Yes, we do. Your language was certainly not becoming of a young lady in your position, so you will receive a Level 2 reprimand, so will you kindly follow me?
Oh, here we go thought Zhara, we are starting off with pervy stuff this time, still only another 23 hours and I’m out of this.
Mr Steele unlocked the door to the play area as he called it, or the punishment room as Zhara saw it, and they entered.
?Same position as last week, Zhara please?
Zhara walked over to the pillory, bent over and placed her wrists and neck in the appropriate cut –outs. Mr Steele lowered the top half, there was a click and a hiss and the cuffs tightened around her wrists and neck. She was now at his mercy for the next 30 minutes.
Walking over to the cupboards along one wall, Mr Steele returned but not as Zhara thought with a riding whip as the previous week, this time he had an assortment of leather straps in his hand. He approached Zhara from the front and she could see what looked like a red rubber ball in with the straps.
?Open please.? Before Zhara realised what was happening Mr Steele was trying to push the ball into Zhara’s mouth. She initially tried to back away but this was obviously not possible and so started to shake her head, but Mr Steele’s hand simply followed her movements. It was obvious she would tire before him, and consequently after a few second she slowed and in gasping a breath allowed the ball to be slipped behind her teeth.
A strap was then swiftly pulled around the back of her neck and secured.
Zhara tried to protest ?Oou-arse-ed---et--iss--ova-eee?.
?Now Zhara, you know where that sort of language gets, don’t you? Mr Steele retorted.
Zhara was now being fitted with a ‘Trainer Ball Gag’; not that she knew the technical name at the this time. Straps connected to either side of the ball were pulled up; these joining in the centre of her forehead, where a single strap passed over her head and down the back to connect to the strap that held the ball in place.
A further strap, again from either side of her mouth buckled under her chin. The bright red ball was definitely staying put.
Zhara looked on in vain as Mr Steele walked back to the other side of the room, opened one of the drawers removed something that made a ‘clinking’ sound, closed the drawer and walked back towards her. He approached with three short chains in his hand, ?now what’s he going to do with those?? Zhara thought.
She didn’t have to wait long to find out as he clipped the end of the first one into a D-ring on top of her head harness. The other end was then pulled up and back, forcing her to raise her head and look straight ahead, this was clipped into a ring on the pillory just above her head.
Her movement was then further reduced as, being forced to watch via the reflection in the mirrored wall in front of her; the second chain was clipped onto a ring to the left of the ball gag. The opposite end of the chain was then clipped into a ring on the pillory to her left. She now could no longer turn her head to the right, and, as she thought, the third chain was clipped similarly to the right side.
Her head was now held in place by the three chains forcing her to remain looking straight ahead at her own reflection in the mirrored wall.
Mr Steele once again returned to the drawers and, as the previous week, strode back with a small whip. ?Ok Zhara? he began ?Level 2 reprimand, so twelve strokes?
?Oou-arse-ed? Zhara protested as ‘thwack’ the first blow fell on her left buttock. ?Awwooou?
?One? Mr Steele counted, ‘thwack’ – a second landed on her right buttock ?Awwooou?.
?Two? Mr Steele continued, ‘thwack’ – ?Arrghh?
?Three? ‘thwack’ – ?Arrghh?.
So it continued until finally Zhara heard.
?Twelve – now Zhara, I hope the rest of the day improves? Mr Steele said as walked around to where Zhara could see him.
Zhara, being forced to look straight ahead, saw fire in the eyes of the girl that looked back and she suddenly brought one of her padlocked booted feet forward and kicked Mr Steele squarely on the shin causing him to wince and jump back.
Being captive as she was, she immediately thought that was probably not the best move that she could have made, but it was too late now.
?Arse--ed? Zhara screamed, and Mr Steele still recovering, partly from the pain but more the surprise backed away and said in a very stern voice ?Very well Miss Lamb, I will see you in 30 minutes?.
With that he turned and left the room closing the door behind him, leaving Zhara to ponder the situation.
She found the position somewhat uncomfortable, occasionally lifting and straightening a leg or shifting her weight from foot to foot the other, all the time being forced to look at her reflection in the mirrored wall in front of her. The eyes looking back were still full of fire, but the vision of herself gagged by bright red ball and the black leather straps did give her a sexy look. This she found somewhat puzzling together with strange effect her tingling buttocks were having.
She felt slightly aroused, but she was not sure why. She felt angry, so where was this feeling coming from? Was it some unconscious feeling buried deep inside that she had no control over? This feeling was made worse, as turning her eyes to the right the reflection she saw, via the side and back mirrored walls, was of herself from a rearwards direction.
Her white knickers clearly visible, as, bent over as she was, her short skirt had ridden up significantly. Her long legs encased in seamed black stocking all accentuated the vision.
After what felt more like an hour than thirty minutes, Zhara heard the door open and Mr Steele strode in.
?Well Zhara, I hope you have had time to reflect on things, so the rest of the day will go smoothly?
Zhara decided thirty minutes like this was certainly enough, even though there were some unusual pleasant feelings. So she would do her best once she was released. Shifting her position ready to be released, she was puzzled as to why Mr Steele was opening one of the lower cupboard doors and not releasing her.
Turning her eyes to the left she could see him in the reflection in the wall getting something large out of the cupboard. The as he turned she saw he was carrying what looked like two planks of wood. Now standing in front of her, although not close enough so that she could kick him again, he said, ?Now are you going to behave??
Zhara moved her head back slightly, then forward in an attempt to nod, but there was ‘clink’ sound as the chain connected to the top of her harness stopped her abruptly as she uttered ?eesss? through her gag.
?Good? Mr Steele said as he bent down and started to fit one of the planks to base of the pillory. At this point Zhara could not see what was happening as Mr Steele, being directly in front and below her, blocked her view. However, he commanded ?lift your left foot? so Zhara did and found it was guided into a certain position. ?Now the right?, the same happened. Mr Steele again said ?Good? as Zhara felt something press against the back of each ankle.
Mr Steele stood up and moved to one side allowing Zhara to see in the mirrored wall in front of her that he had fitted the equivalent of a pillory around her ankles. She was now further restrained with legs spread about two feet apart each ankle being held in a circular cut out in the planks similar to those securing her wrists. The planks were fixed to the base of the pillory allowing no movement.
It now dawned on Zhara that she was not being released!
Mr Steele said ?Ok, Level Three reprimand, eighteen strokes?
?Aaart? Zhara exclaimed.
?Well, you didn’t think you could kick me and not be punished did you Miss Lamb?? Mr Steele replied.
Zhara hated the ‘Miss Lamb’ bit, it was like being a naughty school girl again, but then with that short skirt she was wearing it was, in some way apt!
Then there was a ‘swish and a thwack’ as the first blow fell on her left buttock. ?Awwooou?.
?One? Mr Steele counted, ‘swish - thwack’ – a second landed on her right buttock ?Arrggh?.
Zhara was already tender and as the caning continued she was sure she could see via the reflections in the mirrors the redness of her buttocks through her knickers.
‘Swish- thwack’, ?Arrggh? – ?Seventeen? ‘swish-thwack’, ?Awwo? – ?Eighteen, now I’ll be back in thirty minutes and we can proceed with the preparations for the rest of the day? Mr Steel said as he put the cane down and left closing the door behind him.
Zhara was feeling quite sore and with her ankles restrained as they were was just able to wiggle her bottom a little to try and relieve the pain. But, was it actually a pain? Again she was feeling this strange feeling, a mixture of pain and arousal. Actually, squeezing her thighs together and wriggling a little was quite nice and she was aware of becoming slightly damp.
Did she really like this, she thought to herself, this was not possible, was it?
Looking straight back at herself; the bright red ball that gagged her, the black leather straps of the head harness, the chink of the chains that held the harness to the pillory and then that inviting sight of her exposed bottom in those intense white knickers all lead her to quite erotic feelings!
Wiggling away as she was she was surprised by the sound of the door. Surely the thirty minutes were not up yet. So scanning the room in the reflection on the wall, she saw Maria.
Maria walked around behind her and appeared captivated by the vision of Zhara restrained as she was.
?You must have been a very naughty girl to be punished so, and on only your second day too!? Maria commented.
?And, you seem to be enjoying it too, judging by the look of those panties?.
Zhara grunted a sort of quizzical grunt.
?Yes, that damp patch is clear to see and gives you away?.
Zhara, still aroused, now felt slightly guilty and embarrassed.
?Still it will be our little secret? and with that Maria walked up behind her and stroked her finger up and down the damp patch.
This caused Zhara to breathe in sharply, and, as her mouth was filled with the red ball all the air entered via her nostrils causing a distinctly audible sound.
?Oh, we like that don’t we? Maria exclaimed, and continued the stroking, further increasing Zhara’s breathing. ?Now we don’t want to further dampen these panties do we?? So Maria pulled them to one side exposing Zhara’s sex.
?Now let’s see you in action? Maria continued, sliding a finger around to Zhara’s clit and gentle massaging it.
This was all so unexpected and with the new experience of restraint, was just too much, and she suddenly went over the top into an orgasm.
The feelings were so intense she was, for a while, unaware of her surroundings as sensations surged up her spine to her brain and then back down again. When she began to be aware of her situation once again, she was puzzled that there was no sign of Maria. It was almost as she was never there, did she imagine it or did it really happen? She was just wallowing in those pleasant feelings as again she heard the door open and saw Mr Steele approaching.
?Well Zhara, you have managed to endure this with no further aberrations so I can now release you. This has disrupted our plan for the day somewhat, so you should be on your best behaviour now?
?Eeesss? Zhara replied as the head chains chinked as she tried to nod agreement.
?Good, then let’s get you out of this?
Zhara felt relief as Mr Steele began to release her ankles but felt very conscious that he may spot the damp patch on her knickers and tried to twist her bottom away from him in an attempt to avoid this.
Luckily he was concentrating on the restraint apparatus and quickly freed her ankles and then moved around the head harness. Within a few more seconds was free and standing straight up for the first time in an hour.
Chapter 7 – The Function
?Now then Zhara, it’s off to the salon for you, the car is waiting? Mr Steele said.
Zhara asked if she was supposed to go dressed in her maids outfit and was told she would normally have changed but due to her earlier behaviour there was now not sufficient time. So with some mumbled comments under her breath, she exited the house, down the few steps to the pavement and into the car. Luckily there was no one in the vicinity to see this beautiful dressed girl in the erotic costume.
The trip to the salon took about 30 minutes, during which time she got a few strange looks from passing cyclists as they waited in traffic or worse from lorry drivers leering down into the car from the elevated position in their cab. This made her squirm slightly, but also gave her a pleasant sensation as she thought of the effect she was having on them.
Arriving at the salon, a particularly up-market establishment used by the stars, she was forced to exit on to a pavement with a considerable number of people walking past. Some took absolutely no notice; one older man turned around to get a better look and collided with a most indignant woman coming the other way who then proceeded to tear him off a strip. A couple young lads couldn’t believe their luck as she all but brushed against them in her haste to enter.
When she did enter she still turned a number of heads, but of the customers rather than the staff who, working in an establishment of this class knew not to look, or had seen it all before.
The receptionist knew exactly who she was and guided her to a booth at the end of the salon and out of sight from other customers.
She was immediately asked if is she would like a drink and made to feel at home. The salon’s leading stylist then appeared and after a few ‘tuts and sighs’ said ?Ok, well I think we should be able do something with this?. He then strode off again while three girls started to prepare Zhara for the forthcoming afternoon of pampering.
After three hours or so Zhara was finished; her hair was cut and styled completely differently and she had to admit to herself she could pass as a top model or actress. Her nails were also something special and she wondering what this must have cost, when she was beckoned to the door by her chauffeur.
She exited the salon and again was confronted with a number of passers-by, some thinking was she a star or a celebrity they should know; others ‘what was a girl doing dressed in an erotic costume at this time of the day and in a main street?’
Back in the car, she felt more relaxed as they sped, traffic allowing, back to the house.
Once inside Mr Steele said they would spend an hour running through the programme for the evening before having a light meal.
Mr Steele explained to Zhara she was to greet the guests as they arrived, check them off on the guest list and direct them to the function room on the first floor. There would be champagne and nibbles available and there would be a presentation by Mr Steele before viewing a film in the private cinema. Following this a buffet would be laid on and the guests could wander around the house, and if they wanted, view the ‘Play Area’. Zhara would be stationed there to explain some of the equipment. Mr Steele gave her a brochure showing a list of equipment and suggested she made herself familiar with them; she flicked through the brochure and looked worried.
?You only need to know about the ones in Play Area Zhara? Mr Steele said, ?Not everything in the brochure. You’re very familiar with one piece of equipment already, so don’t look so worried?
Zhara forced a smile and went back to her room study the brochure.
Having familiarised herself with the items she remembered seeing in the Play Area she went back downstairs for the meal. This finishing, Mr Steele told Zhara to return to her room and get ready and Maria would be up to help her put her dress on in about 30 minutes.
Zhara had forgotten about the dress, so was quite excited to see what was like. Once released from her boots and out of the constricting costume it was a release to just stand under the shower, making sure she didn’t disturb her new hair-do and make-up, Zhara had just dried herself off when Maria knocked on the door. Zhara called ?Come in? again thinking, how come she always arrives at the right moment?
Maria said that she should hurry and put the dress on as some of the quests would no doubt arrive early and time was getting on. So they moved into Zhara’s dressing room and Maria opened the wardrobe and lifted out a stunning full length evening dress.
?What underwear.....? Zhara began, before it dawned on her that there wouldn’t be any. ?There isn’t any is there? Zhara continued.
?No? Maria replied ?You will see why when you put it on. It has been made exactly to your body scan data and you can’t spoil the line with underwear?.
Maria held the dress out; Zhara slipped her robe off, and stood naked before stepping into it. The dress was backless, starting on the curve of her bottom. The top was held up with shoe string shoulder straps, while the front had a plunging neckline and in addition was cut away in numerous places and was slashed to the thigh on one side. It clung to her every feature of her body and there was definitely no way that underwear could have been accommodated. Zhara’s breasts were prominent, her nipples clearly visible through the material, this detracting from her vast cleavage. The way the dress fitted yet had cut-outs below her breasts and on either side of her waist made it a work of art.
Zhara, on looking at herself in the room corner mirrors, could hardly believe the vision looking back. She looked absolutely stunning, good enough to grace any ‘Red Carpet’ event. She gave herself a ‘twirl’ that brought ?Wow - you look fantastic? from Maria.
?Oh, just one more thing? Maria said ?Shoes? producing a black pair with 4? heels. She slipped these on Zhara, which further enhanced her look, changing her posture to further accentuate her curves.
She made her way down to the ground floor where, Mr Steele also commented on her look, saying how the ?1500 on the dress was ‘well spent’.
Now waiting by the front door she did not have long to wait before the first guests arrived. They were in general just ordinary people, although a few were memorable. One couple were a rather ancient gentleman and a young girl some forty years his junior! Zhara thought there must be money involved in this relationship, if that’s what it was, or maybe it was just a commercial arrangement. ?Adam Snowling and Becky? he announced. ?Good evening Mr Snowling? Zhara replied ?Good evening Becky?. Becky just giggled as Zhara gave directions to the function room. ?Come along Becky? Mr Snowling said starting off towards the stairs and Becky obediently followed along behind him on 5? heels. Zhara thought she ought to have been called ‘Barbie’ rather than ‘Becky’.
One memorable individual was a strict looking woman of about forty. She was dressed in a smart looking black suit and pencil skirt with patent black high heels and seamed stockings. Her hair was also jet black and pulled tightly back further accentuating a stern appearance. ?Name please? asked Zhara. ?Charlotte Devine? came the reply with a look of distain.
A cry of ?Lotte darling? came from the top of the stairs as Mr Steele came down and Lotte’s face changed to a smile. ?I didn’t think you could make it? Mr Steele continued. ?Oh James, I couldn’t miss seeing your latest items could I? Lotte replied as they both made their way up the stairs.
The guests all having arrived; Zhara went up to the function room and was about to listen to Mr Steele’s presentation when Maria said there was a phone call for her; it was Debbie (the weekday P.A.). Debbie said she wanted to make sure that a contract had been sent out; it was to Barnard and Taylor and maybe on her desk. If so could she take it to the main sorting office tomorrow to ensure it got to its destination on time. Zhara went to the office and spent about 10 minutes sorting though a pile of stuff on Debbie’s desk before finding it. She then quickly popped it up to her room and put it with her things so not as to forget it tomorrow when she left.
Chapter 8 – The Play Area
When she got back to the function room the presentation was all but finished and the guests were filing into the cinema. Mr Steele followed them out and suggested to Zhara she should make her way down to the ‘Play Area’ now as some quests may not watch all the film.
With that Zhara made her way down to the ‘Play Area’ and started wandering around the room looking at the items and trying to remember what the brochure had said about them. Working her way around she came upon one that she didn’t remember seeing before so had not revised its operation. Thinking quickly she decided to stand in front of it concealing it from view. It basically consisted of a vertical column two to three feet tall and positioned as it was, central and close to the back wall she could hid it from view.
A few people wandered in and out asking the odd question which Zhara managed to answer or fend off. After a period of about twenty minutes with no guests, Adam Snowling and ‘Barbie’ appeared.
What’s this strange looking item Adam enquired? ?This is the Statue? Zhara replied.
?Looks more like a stick man, without a head? Becky retorted.
Zhara went on to explain it was indeed like a stick man, a life size stick man made of 1? diameter steel like a flexible desk lamp. This meant it could move into any position, plus the arms and legs could also be adjusted in length to fit anyone. ?It’s fitted with straps at neck, waist, knees, ankles, elbows and wrist? Zhara continued ?so the victim, or chosen person, can be strapped against it. They are free to move, although limited to standing on the plinth. Then you press the freeze button.?
?The freeze button?? Adam enquired. Zhara pointed to a button on a remote control in her hand. ?This freezes it, turning the victim into a living statue?
?Can we try it?? Adam asked ?Certainly? Zhara replied. ?Jolly good? replied Adam ?come on Becky, stand against it?.
Becky dutifully stood against it so it ran up the front of her body, while Adam secured the straps. Finally, all but the neck strap were done up; this was a 3? wide posture collar and Becky was forced to lift her chin to allow it to be secured. She then stood there with a resigned look on her face.
?There? Zhara said pressing a release button on a remote control, ?you are free to move now Barbie! I mean Becky?. Becky sneered at Zhara while Adam, having been passed the control box didn’t appear to have noticed.
?What am I supposed to do now?? Becky said putting her hands on her hips thrusting her breasts forward in a rather indignant pose.
?I don’t know? Adam replied ?Touch your toes.? keeping her legs straight Becky giggled and bent over and touched her toes just as Adam’s mobile went off. Before answering the phone Adam pressed the ‘Statue’ freeze button.
Becky was now frozen in her ‘Touch your toes’ stance which had caused her short skirt to rise up revealing her knickers.
?Ah? Adam said ?I have to meet someone in the function room. I won’t be long?
?What about me? Becky said!
?She does complain so? Adam commented ?this will keep you occupied? He then reached forward to the crotch of her knickers causing Becky to grunt; then walked out asking Zhara to keep any eye on Becky for ten minutes or so.
Zhara decided to walk around Becky to see what it was that Adam had done. Becky, frozen in the position she was, had no way of seeing the item Zhara had been hiding. Looking at Becky’s now exposed knickers and crotch she could see nothing of note; however a buzzing sound gave it away.
Becky was fitted with a vibrator that was now beginning to warm her up. At this point Becky was still moaning about the position she was held in, however, after a few minutes these moans of complaint changed to moans of pleasure and her breathing quickened.
After about ten minutes Becky went over the edge into an orgasm, shuddering and making loud wailing noises. This was followed by a silent period and she now looked like a rag doll draped over the edge of a toy box as her limbs although still restrained hung loose. Adam re-entered the room as Becky started to recover.
?Now, how are we then Becky?? Adam asked. Becky still re-orientating herself just groaned. ?Has she been a good girl, Zhara??
?A little noisy, but she’s been no trouble.?
?Good? Adam continued switching her vibrator off then pressing the release button on the Statue control box ?Because I need to return to the meeting for a while longer. Do you have any gags in here Zhara??
Zhara having been intimate one of them a couple of times pointed to one of the drawers. Adam walked across and opened a draw. ?Next one down? Zhara said. Adam closed it and opened the next one down. Inside was a selection of every type of gag you could imagine, each one in its own compartment with its description.
?This one I think? Adam said, selecting a penis gag. He returned to Becky who was now fully alert and none to impressed by the gag Adam was holding in front of her. Knowing there was little choice she opened her mouth then wiggled her head from side to side slightly as Adam pushed the penis deeply into Becky’s mouth. ?Good girl? Adam said walking around her to do the strap up at the back of her head.
?Take your bra off for me Becky? Adam continued, to which Becky leaned forward slightly to maintain her balance as she put her hands behind her back to release her bra catch. Just as the catch came undone Adam pressed the Statue remote and Becky was once again frozen.
Not expecting this, she grunted into the penis gap in a very indignant way. Adam pulled her top up and pulled the strapless bra away and laid it down to one side. He then pulled her top back down before cupping her right breast and easing it up and out of the top of her plunging neck line. The same followed with left breast leaving Becky in a very suggestive position. Legs some way apart, hands pulled high up her back, leaning forward with bare breasts jutting out and a penis gag keeping her quiet.
Adam returned to the draw he first opened and returned with a pair of nipple clips joined by a short chain. Becky looked on helplessly as he approached, opened the little serrated jaws, positioned them either side of her right nipple, then let them bite into her delicate sensitive flesh. Becky, wide eyed, made a wailing noise from behind the gag. The jaws of the second clip opened and again closed now on her left nipple. A further muffled wail was heard as moving around behind Becky, Adam switched on the vibrator. Adam again asked Zhara to keep an eye on her for another fifteen minutes or so, before leaving the room.
Becky was in somewhat of a predicament. The vibrator was doing a good job causing her to shudder slightly from time to time, which in turn caused her breasts to sway and the nipple weights to sway even more so, increasing the feelings in her sensitive nipples. This only accentuated the rising waves of an orgasm causing her to shudder again. This ever increasing circle of excitation culminated in another orgasm. Much as before Becky wailed as her orgasm hit only with an increase in volume and duration. Finally she began to come down, but her position and the stimulus of the vibrator and nipple clips kept her at a heightened level that soon began to climb once again.
However, before she could reach a further climax Adam re-entered. ?I think that’s enough for now young lady? he said instantly assessing Becky’s situation. Becky was not so sure as she was now craving the orgasm; nevertheless Adam switched the vibrator off leaving her unfulfilled.
The nipple clips were removed and brought further wails from Becky as the blood surged back into her nipples and with it unwanted pain. Becky was still breathing heavily as Adam pressed the release button allowing Becky to stretch and then return to a normal standing position, before easing her tender breasts back inside her top.
?That was fun wasn’t it Becky? Adam said ?I think we will have to get one of these?.
?Oh, do we?? Becky pleaded, but she knew was now going to be subjected to many more sessions as Adam’s living statue. Taking no notice, Adam began releasing Becky from the statue. Then after thanking Zhara the two of them left with Becky’s still trying to put her bra back on.
Zhara spent the next ten minutes on her own and was getting rather bored, although during that time she had been trying to work out what the strange item she had been hiding all evening actually did.
The vertical chrome column ended in a U shape that looked like a narrow bicycle saddle with upturned ends front and back. Inside the front upturn, or what would have been the front of the saddle was a small area covered with a pimpled rubber. Towards the back of the saddle was a small raised area the shape of a volcano.
Zhara concluded the whole emphasis of the room suggested that this item only one use. So pulling her dress up a little she stepped over the saddle, bent her legs a little and lowered herself down onto it.
As she had expected the pimpled rubber area aligned with her clit and she rocked back and forth getting a pleasant feeling. After about a minute the rubber area started vibrating which gave Zhara a surprise but it made the sensations all the nicer. Rocking forward now increased the sensations and she was beginning to drift away, when she felt something slowly pulsing in and out of her love hole. However what was of more concern was the fact that when she first sat on this apparatus she had to bop down a little, now she was standing straight legged.
The column was slowly rising, this must have started when the vibrator came on but she hadn’t noticed. With the pulsing intruder now into her by a couple of inches, and her heels just off the floor she was standing only her toes! There was no way she could lift herself high enough to get off!
She was now impaled on the apparatus and it was still rising increasing the weight taken by her crotch on the saddle further increasing the sensations.
Finally the column stopped rising but it left Zhara now impaled on the pulsing intruder by about 6?. Most of her weight was taken on her crotch with the vibrator still working its charms on her clit.
At this point Zhara heard steps outside the door and a shiver ran through her at the thought of being caught as she was. She quickly dropped her dress down and stood erect as though nothing was amiss. Her dress, being just above floor length meant that the apparatus was hidden and so, if whoever came in didn’t know of its existence, she may get away with it.
The door opened and Charlotte Devine walked in. She walked around the room as though Zhara was not there, then after uttering an ?Uuuumm? she walked up and said ?So your Zhara, I noticed you at the entrance, what James says about you is true.?
Zhara wondered what this meant when Charlotte continued ?You are quite beautiful, everything where it should be and accessible.?
Zhara wondered whether Charlotte would notice the musky smell drifting up from her aroused body when she noticed Charlotte looking at her nipples which due to her state of excitement where forcing their way through her dress material. Then without a word Charlotte raised her hand and squeezed Zhara’s left nipple.
This caused Zhara to pull backwards but impaled as she was this was little movement was possible although she did move back until the volcano shape on the back of the saddle pushed against her rear entrance. This caused it to emit an electric shock, presumably to ensure the occupant kept themselves well pressed against the vibrator at the front. However, the shock now caused Zhara to thrust forward with the result she pushed her nipple and breast into Charlotte’s hand.
This took Charlotte a little by surprise, until she gave Zhara’s nipple a hard squeeze and the cycle was repeated. Zhara pulled away instinctively only to get a second only stronger shock in her rear end that again made her recoil and thrust her breast into Charlotte’s hand once again.
?My you are a spirited girl? Charlotte exclaimed ?I shall look ford to entertaining you at my establishment later in the year.? She paused ?Yes, James was right he has definitely struck lucky here.? And with that she turned and left the room.
The combination of this and the attention of the apparatus were too much for Zhara and she went into a huge orgasm. Impaled as she was she looked like a scarecrow blowing in the wind as she threw her head back and her arms flailed madly.
After some minutes Zhara slowly calmed down and stood there drained and feeling she must look much the same as Becky had a while earlier.
With the pulsing intruder still working its magic along with the vibrator, rational thought was difficult. Although only just coming down after a huge orgasm, she knew it was only matter of time until she would build up to another. Then another and there would be no escape until someone came in to rescue her.
What if no one came down for a few hours, the thought horrified her, she could end up completely drained and the image of a discarded rag doll bent over double came to mind.
Trying to think logically, she told herself, use that education to work a way out of this.
How could she stop the apparatus, so how did it know to switch on? Yes, she thought, it must have sensed my weight on it. It also stopped increasing in height before my feet lifted off the ground so it must be sensing the weight taking by my feet and balancing it with the weight on the saddle.
So if I lift my feet off the ground and put all my weight on the saddle it should reduce in height. So all I have to do is lift my feet until its low enough for me to get off. However this simple idea had one flaw, the built in stimulation.
Zhara held onto the front and back of the saddle to balance herself then lifted her feet off the ground. This of course meant all her weight was taken by the saddle driving the pulsing intruder a little deeper and the vibrator harder against her clit.
After what seemed like ages but was only a minute or so Zhara felt another orgasm coming and it did not appear the column height has reduced. But she had to persevere as there was no other way.
The second orgasm hit, only harder than the previous one and her thought train was now completely overcome, so she put her feet down and again swayed like a sapling in a strong wind as the waves of pleasure overcame her.
Now more drained than ever, and with the image of discarded rag doll becoming closer to reality she fought to clear her mind.
Once again she grasped the saddle to steady herself while lifting her feet from the ground, but this time she wriggled around so she could get a better hold of the saddle. This allowed her to take some of her weight through her arms and the effect of the vibrator was much reduced.
She managed to hold this position for what seemed ages, but was probably only two or three minutes. She could feel another orgasm slowly building but she was more concerned whether her arms could take her weight for much longer. If she could not keep off the vibrator for long enough then the orgasm would surely hit again and she would be back to square one.
Using all her concentration she held herself up for a few more seconds before reaching down with her feet. They touched the floor and she found that she could lift herself up a few inches allowing her to almost lift off the intruder. Then waiting until the intruder was the bottom of a pulse, she brought both hands around to the front of the saddle, then pushed down on the front of saddle and leaf frog style, jumped off, landing in a heap on the floor.
Totally drained and perspiring from the exertion she lay there for a couple of minutes hoping no one would enter. Fortunately no one did and she was able to regain some poise and take stock of herself in the mirrors. The site she saw was not good, her cheeks were rosy red, her makeup was a mess and so was her hair and she could feel love juices running half way down her inner thighs.
Zhara walked across to the door and opened it and checked if anyone was around. There being no one she exited, closed the door and quickly made her way back to her room avoiding the areas where she might meet any guests.
Having accomplished this she slipped her shoes off, hoisted her dress up around chest stepped into the shower to wash her love juices off her lower body. Quickly drying herself she reapplied makeup and did her hair and sprayed on a little perfume. Now feeling back in control she made her way back to the function.
She was greeted by Mr Steele who asked where she had been as her had been down to the play room ten minutes ago but there was no one to be found. Zhara told him she had seen no guests for twenty minutes and had assumed that everyone that had wanted to look had looked; besides she needed to go and do girl things. Mr Steele muttered an ?Uhh? and nodded and turned back to his guests
Chapter 9 – The Morning After
Zhara awoke when her alarm went off, ?8am!? exclaimed Zhara ?Hell, I’m late.? Then she remembered that breakfast was 9am, not 8am due to the last night’s function finishing after midnight.
Having had a nice relaxing shower and doing her hair as the salon had the day before; Zhara walked through to her dressing room. She opened the wardrobe door only to be greeted with the same French maids outfit. She sighed as she picked up the lacy black suspenders and fitted them around her waist and slid then down a little until they sat on the curve of her hips.
The shear black seamed stockings followed; taking her time to get the seams straight. The intense white bikini knickers completed the first stage as Zhara admired herself in the mirrors. She was beginning to enjoy looking at her provocative sexy look.
She slipped on the satin French Maids dress, zipped up the front and gave her breasts a little jiggle to get them nicely settled into position in the tight fitting material.
The 5? heeled boots came next and it took a couple of minutes for her to get the mid calf high laces tight and the straps locked in place.
Finally Zhara pulled the waspie around her waist and worked her way up the hook and eyes at the front. She was now getting the hang of the lacing and felt that she had done a good job tightening and tying the laces off when there was a knock at the door.
The door opened and Maria appeared. How come she always appears just as I’ve finished the waspie Zhara thought?
Maria commented ?Not bad?, as she walked around behind Zhara and started working down the laces. Zhara felt her ribs being crushed as the waspie pulled in anther inch or so.
The two of them then made their way down to have breakfast.
Mr Steele appeared at 9am almost to the second and they all sat down. There was the usual small talk during breakfast until Mr Steele commented that the function had gone very well and they had both done very well except for one thing.
?Zhara? Mr Steele began ?Lotte - - - you know her as Charlotte Devine said she couldn’t find the Pedestal?. ?Pedestal? Zhara enquired.
?Yes? Mr Steele continued ?the item you were hiding?.
?Ah, I can explain that? Zhara said ?I hadn’t swotted up on that one and I thought if I stood in front of it I could avoid questions about it. I’ll read up about it this morning so I’ll know how it works?.
?Is that necessary, I thought you would know only too well how it works? Mr Steele said sternly.
Zhara felt rather embarrassed, ’How did he know what happed ‘Zhara thought as Mr Steele put her out of her misery.
?When I went looking for you last night the Pedestal was still running, so I had only missed you by a minute or so otherwise it would have switched off. Also there was considerable residue on it?
Zhara now wanted the floor to open and swallow her up, Mr Steele had seen her love juices all over the saddle and probably running down the column; judging by the amount that had run down the insides of her thighs last night.
?You know what this means don’t you missy? Mr Steele said with a very stern look, ?another reprimand, Level Four I believe and this is only your second day with us. You’re definitely setting records.?
They finished breakfast and Mr Steele beckoned Zhara with his finger and she meekly followed him down to the Play Area.
Zhara walked over to the pillory and put her head and wrists in place without being asked; Mr Steele closed the top half and the cuffs inflated with a hiss securing her in place.
She offered no resistance as he approached with the gag and harness; opening her mouth to accept the red ball as the straps were tightened around her head. The three chains followed and her head was again held such that she was forced to look forward at her own reflection.
She tried to reposition the ball using her tongue but only succeeded in drooling down her chin.
Mr Steele had now returned with the two planks of wood that would secure her ankles.
?Lift your left foot? Mr Steele commanded, Zhara did so and it was guided into position. ?Now the right?, and the same happened.
Here we go then Zhara thought as Mr Steele returned from the cupboards; however he was not carrying the whip. Now what Zhara thought?
Mr Steele moved around to her waist, so her view of him was obscured by the pillory, however moving her eyes to her left and twisting her head the little she could to the left, she noticed the top draw was open.
This was the draw Adam had got the nipple clips from last night when he fitted them to Becky, surely Mr Steele was not going to . . . . .
At that point Zhara felt the zip of her maid’s outfit being pulled down as far as the waspie and her breasts flowed out into fresh air.
He was! Zhara realised and let out a muffled ?Arrrsssshhh?
She then felt her left nipple being rolled between Mr Steele’s finger and thumb before there was a wave of pain as the nipple clamp bit.
Zhara squealed ?Eeeeehhhhhh? as Mr Steele moved around to her other side and Zhara felt her right nipple being prepared before she felt another wave of pain as the other clamp grasped its target.
Zhara squealed again ?Eeeeeaaaarrrhhhhhh?
Mr Steele now returned to the drawer, took something else out, closed the drawer and returned to Zhara.
?Ot-owww? Zhara enquired as Mr Steele hidden from Zhara attached a 4oz weight to her left nipple clamp.
The pain had been subsiding in this nipple, but, the addition of the weight brought it back up again. The same followed for the right nipple and she stood there being able to do nothing about the situation.
Mr Steele, now again returning from the cupboards, whip in hand saying ?Now Zhara, Level 4 reprimand, twenty four strokes?
Zhara winched at the thought.
‘thwack’ the first blow fell on her left buttock. ?Awwooou?
One? Mr Steele counted, ‘thwack’ – a second landed on her right buttock ?Awwooou?.
?Two? Mr Steele continued, ‘thwack’ – ?Arrghh?
The pain came in two waves; firstly the pain as the whip landed, then as she flinched the movement caused her breasts to sway violently and the nipple clamps bit as they tried to transfer the movement to the nipple weights.
She was now trying to stay incredible still to avoid the second wave of pain from her nipples, this was not really working though and after about six or eight strokes she was finding the waves of pain were merging into arousing sensations that surged up and down her body.
By the time Mr Steele was approaching fifteen strokes Zhara was quite highly aroused and she didn’t even here him call twenty as a huge orgasm hit. Zhara shuddered and wailed and moaned into her gag as she was lost in shattering waves of pleasure.
Unaware of her surroundings for some while, Zhara started to become aware once again and found she was on her own. Mr Steele must have seen her orgasm, Zhara thought, but she didn’t really care; she was just enjoying the sensation coming from her striped rear end and her nipples that were a mixture of pain and pleasure, the overall feeling was unbelievable and she had another thirty minutes in which to enjoy it.
? 2008 [email protected]
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In this part Theron trys to drug Queen to make her his lifetime slave. And he started to sceduce her hard. [email protected]
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A Change Of Career By Jennifer Richardson I so much enjoyed our chat the other day and seeing your sexy photos!! So much so that I was moved into writing a little scenario that I hope you might enjoy. If we're on line at the same time again I'd love to explore the possibilities, as you probably guessed I am rather submissive! It is rather long so perhaps you'd be better sending it as a text file and reading it later. Jennifer xxx. If you're sitting comfortably, then I'll...
I happily wrote Charlotte a cheque for two thousand, double what I had suggested. She protested, but I was adamant that she accept it, confident she would earn that and more. We'd stopped for an early meal before I called a taxi and took her back to her apartment before having the man drive me out to Sand Pines. It was back to our normal routine on Monday. I had a paper to compose and edit, while Charlotte had her afternoon shift at the Sport Warehouse. However, the past three days were a...
‘You could hear a pin drop as they positioned themselves. Julian stood behind Damian with his arms under his, holding him tightly as they kissed while Jeremy almost swallowed Damian’s erection. ‘A week later my man and I were both naked, sitting alongside each other on our couch. Damian and Jeremy, two of the men we watched perform at the party were also naked, kneeling between our legs as we anticipated the sexual pleasure we both craved from them. ‘Damian was almost identical in size to...
‘You could hear a pin drop as they positioned themselves. Julian stood behind Damian with his arms under his, holding him tightly as they kissed while Jeremy almost swallowed Damian’s erection. ‘A week later my man and I were both naked, sitting alongside each other on our couch. Damian and Jeremy, two of the men we watched perform at the party were also naked, kneeling between our legs as we anticipated the sexual pleasure we both craved from them. ‘Damian was almost identical in size to...
"Okay, gentlemen," Leo said, "Here's what I've decided. We will order one press now, along with a laminator and a pouch machine. Ralph, you indicated that the laminator and that one larger press were available almost immediately, correct?" Ralph nodded. "The pouch machine comes from Japan and delivery is minimum sixteen weeks," Ralph confirmed. "The press and the laminator will be on site as soon as the preliminary work on the building is done. Luckily, there isn't much to do...
Introduction: Ron Popeil offers a new invention called The Spartan Spitter. Introducing the Spartan Spitter Story: #25 Copyright 2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughters disregarded your rules and ran out again,...
Story: #25 Copyright ©2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughter's disregarded your rules and ran out again, you wish there was some way to spit and process them without spending a fortune, flipping...
Parte 3- Boa! Exclamou o J, que logo se refreou um pouco perante a minha quase indiferença.- Excelente ideia I, concordou o P, e como temos pouca roupa em cima de nós acaba num instante. Risos.- Não sei não…disse eu, tentando reverter a decisão que parecia tomada.- Qual é o problema? De qualquer forma já nos vimos todos nuzinhos hoje à tarde! Argumentou o J.Estava-se mesmo a ver onde eles nos queriam levar, mas perante tanta insistência e concordância, não seria eu a estragar o barato. Tb era...
7 de octubre 2017ESTEBAN, DAVID, MIGUELDurante el día fui hacer compras para mi casa y fui a vitriniar en un centro comercial, luego en la tarde me puse a ver una película con Denzel Washington y Marc Anthony sobre un secuestro, no pude ver el final ya que me dormí, lastima pero sabía que con la dormida tendría más energía para la noche.Me aliste para salir sola, me entro la idea durante la semana, una ducha y loción corporal para estar deliciosa. Salí bastante sexy para provocar, fui a un...
Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...
GRAN BEL PASTICCIO -parte 1Una serata andata male!?!Dipende dai punti di vista... vediamo un poco. Dal mio punto di vista, beh... si!Appuntamento alle 21.30.Auto lustra e con pieno.Agghindato come un albero di Natale.Arrapato come...Lei mora, occhi verdi, un poco a mandorla, bella al naturale, un seno proporzionato con due capezzoli che dietro al costume erano sempre turgidi, fianchi perfetti, alti e stretti, ginocchia esili ed ossute, caviglie sottili, glutei da bralilera, ballerina ed...
Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...
Love Stories(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...
Note de l'auteur: vous trouverez dans ce chapitre et dans les suivants, quelques tranches de vie de l'enfance d'Alexandre. Ces petites histoires, qui se d?roulent entre 10 et 15 ans environ, permettront d'accompagner Alexandre dans la d?couverte de sa vraie personnalit?. L'enfance d'Alex - Partie 1 Arriv?e... La nouvelle maison ------------------------ Victor Martis n'?tais pas m?content de quitter cet appartement qui commen?ait ? ?tre trop petit pour eux trois... Il savait qu'Alexandre serait ...
Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 4 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 17 - Nouveau look Assise ? son bureau, Jessica se demanda comment Sam serait habill? ce lundi matin, elle trouvait qu'il avait un gout tr?s s?r pour coordonner ses v?tements. Il avait tellement chang? depuis trois semaines qu'elle se demandait si c'?tait bien le m?me ...
Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...
Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...
Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 8 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 29 - La Nouvelle Fille de l'Agence Le soir venu, Samantha rentra chez elle et attendit impatiemment Kathy. Quand elle arriva, elle trouva Sam si adorable dans son ensemble rose bonbon qu'elle ne put r?sister ? la tentation de la caresser. Comme Chris...
Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 10 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 41 - Totalement Samantha Dans les affaires que lui avait offertes Jessica, Samantha d?couvrit des choses toutes plus jolies les unes que les autres. Des robes, des jupes, des chemisiers et pleins de tops et chaussures... il y avait m?me des sous-v...