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Manuel Ortega stood looking at the woman before him, hanging by her wrists. Her whole body was covered in bruises, her eyes closed, unable to see. One thumb seemed to be hanging from her hand, black, swollen and crushed. Even if Mary was released now, the thumb could never be repaired. But Mary Ellis was not about to e released, not until Manuel had the information he needed. And so far, three days into her interrogation, Mary had given him nothing.

Surely she could see he would eventually get the information from her? Why was she being so stubborn.

It had started three days ago when Mary was at the airport, waiting for her plane back to Britain. Four guards had approached her and asked her to follow them, as they needed to ask her a few questions.

Innocently, Mary had obliged, and was led across the airport and through an unmarked door, then into a small holding cell., with two chairs and a table.

Sat in one of the chairs was a dark haired man, wearing a long leather coat. Mary was struck by how unsmiling he was as she entered the room, and was shown to the other chair.

?Miss Ellis?, the man started. ?We have reason to believe you are smuggling drugs from our country. Under our legislation, you will be searched, and if we find any, you will be arrested, and subjected to trial at a later date. Do you have anything to say before you are searched??

Mary looked over at the man, not knowing what to say. She would never smuggle drugs anywhere. She had seen too many of her friends addicted to drugs, and hated what they had done to them.

?Sir? replied Mary, rising to her feet. Two of the guards pressed on her shoulders forcing her to sit down again. ?Sir. I have no idea what you are on about here. I am not smuggling drugs, or anything else for that matter. I insist you take me back to my plane?

?Maybe you can catch a later flight, Miss Ellis. But first we have to satisfy ourselves that you are, indeed, not carrying drugs through our airport. Your coat, please?

Mary began to protest, but from nowhere, a backhander sent her reeling from her seat, sending her crashing to the floor, tears welling up in her eyes, as one of the men began to rip her coat from her.

Mary tried to protest, but it made no difference to the man sat in the other chair, unmoved by what was happening in front of him.

?Miss Ellis. You can do this here, and hopefully catch the next flight, or we cam take you with us, and it could be days before you are able to fly home. The choice is yours.?

Manuel’s voice carried enough menace to frighten Mary. What ever she did, she knew she was not catching her planned flight home.

?Okay, Sir. What do you want?? her voice quivered as she spoke.

?I would like you to get undressed. Miss Ellis. You will then be given a body search, whilst your belongings are also being searched. If our information is wrong, and you are drug free, you will be allowed to catch the next flight home.?

Relc6tantly, Mary nodded her head, and stood by the table/. Slowly. Reluctantly. She followed Manuel’s instruction and began to undress, handing her clothes to the two guards behind her. Down to her underwear, Mary stopped.

?I am sorry, Miss Ellis, we need all of your clothes. Drugs can be hidden in seams, to be opened when you get home. You see, Miss Ellis, you were not chosen at random. We have information stating that you are smuggling. We need to be sure, before we let you leave, that the information is without substance.?

Mary wanted to know who had suggested she was  smuggling, but the man refused to say, simply repeating that she should finish undressing.

As she finally removed her underwear, Mary stood with one hand covering her pubes, whist the other arm did it’s best to cover her buxom chest.

The two guards began searching the seams of her bra and knickers, but even before they could tell their leader that the girl was clean, one of the other four guards ran into the room, speaking excitedly in a language Mary did not understand, and waving a packet of tampons in his hand.

Even before Mary could get everything in her head together, Manuel lifted a weapon from his side, and aimed at Mary’s neck. With unerring accuracy, the dart hit Mary on target, as her hand flew to her neck.

Even before she could pull the dart out, the fast acting tranquilliser had begun to take effect. And Mary crumbled to her knees on the hard concrete floor. The last she remembered, before darkness claimed her, were her hands being pulled cruelly behind her, and something solid fastening around each wrist. Then nothing. Darkness.

When she awoke. Mary’s shoulders screamed in agony. Her wrists hurt, where ropes had been tied on them, and she had been lifted into the air, her whole weight pulling on her shoulders.

It was dark inside her cell, the small window to one side showing darkness outsider as well. She had no idea how long she had been unconscious, but guessed it had been many hours.

As she awoke, as if on cue, three men entered the cell through a door to her left. Immediately, a bright light shone in her eyes, blinding her. Though she knew the other men were there, she could see nothing through the light.

?Miss Ellis?. The voice was of the man who had questioned her earlier. ?You have been found guilty of conspiring and attempting to smuggle drugs through our borders. Your case was heard a few hours ago, in your absence. You have been sentenced to five years hard labour, to be followed by the death penalty. This is how we treat smugglers. I am sure you think your government will intervene on your behalf, but the British government hold no sway here. If they choose to enforce sanctions, we will not be bothered by them, as we have no dealings with them at all. I want you to understand all of this, Miss Ellis. There is no appeal. You will serve five years in a hard labour camp, and when it is completed, you will be put to death. Your arrest and sentence have already been posted on the internet, in an attempt to dissuade others from attempting the same thing. However, Miss Ellis. The court may repeal the death sentence, if you help us out. We need to know who supplied you with the drugs, where in the UK they were to be delivered. If you give us this information, the death sentence will be repealed, and you will serve life in the camp instead. As I said previously. There is no appeal. You will  not leave this island, Miss Ellis. But it is up to you how long you live. Do I make myself clear??.

Mary was dumbstruck. How could this be happening? How could she have been tried and convicted, when she had no opportunity to offer a defence? How could they do this to her?

Even as all these questions went through her mind,  Manuel ordered the other two men to release her arms. Marty dropped like a stone to the floor, her arms screaming in agony as they fell to her sides. Immediately. The two men picked her up and threw her into a chair, and began to tie her legs and her arms to it. Without thinking she lashed out at the man to her right. The response was immediate, and brutal, as his fist crashed into her face. Stars filled her head, and she tasted blood, as her head was viciously rocked from side to side. Tears filled her eyes, as the man grabbed her hand and pulled it towards the side of the chair, tying it in place, and rendering Mary helpless once again.

?That was silly?,  Manuel said, as Mary was finally secured. ?Any repetition will cause you severe pain. Now then. I will ask you simply, where did you get the drugs, and where are they going??

Mary didn’t know what to say. She had no idea she had been carrying drugs in the first place, had no idea where they had come from, and certainly no idea where they were going. She protested her innocence, but that was met only with scorn from Manuel.

?Miss Ellis. In your luggage we found five boxes of tampons. A few too many for a three month trip, don’t you think? The boxes, however, did not contain tampons, they were mere camouflage for the cocaine hidden inside them. Between the five boxes, we discovered almost six kilos of the drug. This, Miss Ellis, is a very large shipment. Perhaps the largest we have caught. There can be no denying you were taking it from the country, it was inside your own luggage. We have this on video tape, and this tape was shown to the courts. Hence the sentence. However, as I said. Tell us from whom you got the drug, and to where it was being delivered, and you will not be put to death?

Mary screamed again that she didn’t know anything about the drug. Someone had obviously planted the drug in her luggage without her knowledge.

?Miss Ellis. Did you pack your case before leaving for the airport? Or did someone else pack it for you??

Mary knew her answer would not help her. She had packed the case, and it had not left her side since. Not until she had been arrested at the airport. The tampons did belong to her,  but her own tampons had not contained cocaine. Someone had switched them in her room.

?I don’t know what happened? she sobbed. ?I wasn’t smuggling. Please. You have to believe me?

?The evidence, I am afraid, goes against you, Miss Ellis. However, your reluctance to give the information we need, will not go well for you. I am your court appointed interrogator, and if it takes forever, I will get the information we need. Be aware of that, Miss Ellis. You WILL tell us what we need to know.?

With that, Manuel and his two men moved out of the cell, leaving Mary alone. After a few moments, the light went out, leaving her in the darkness of her cell, tied to the chair, and frightened.

For three days Mary was questioned. Each time she refused to answer, her torture grew worse.  At one time, Manuel had ordered one of his men to break her thumb. The scream had echoed around the cell as she felt the agony. As the man grabbed her thumb, twisted, pulled and then hit it with a heavy metal hammer. The sound of bones breaking could clearly be hard in the cell, and had made Mary pass out.

Manuel was not worried. There was no time limit on his interrogations. And her sentence would not start until he had the information he wanted.

She was again, strung up by her wrists. Her whole body was covered in bruises, but still she had not given the information that he wanted. He knew, more drastic methods would be needed, but doubted Mary’s ability to take the punishment that would be meted out.

Before he started, he ordered his men to take her into the yard the next morning. Another girl was facing the death penalty. Maybe seeing someone else die, would loosen Mary’s tongue.

The next morning Mary was taken, dragged, into the courtyard of the building. There were already three others in the yard, one on his knees, his right arm seemed to be tied to a small wooden plinth, and she could see him trying to struggle to get it free, but it was securely tied.

A second mad was tied to a tall metal frame. His arms had been forced through holes and his hands tied in front, forcing him to hug the frame. His legs had been secured to the frame, with half of each foot protruding from holes at the base. He, too, seemed to be struggling to get free.

The third person was a young women. Mary thought she was in her early teens, certainly no more than twenty years old. She was kneeling on a platform some six feet from the ground. Her arms were bound behind her at the wrists and elbows, and, as Manuel explained, her knees and ankles were also tied together, so she was unable to move from where she was.

A man in a dark hood entered the courtyard, carrying what appeared to be a heavy sword.

?The man on the right? said Manuel to Mary, ?Has stolen from a shop. We do not like thieves, and for his crimes, his right hand will be removed. The other man, has tried to escape from prison. This was his third attempt, and to try to stop him, the toes of both feet will be removed.?

He looked over at Mary.

?The girl on the platform is a murderer. She killed a man who she picked up in a bar. First she led him on, and then when he wanted sex, she ki8lled him. For that reason, she is to be beheaded. The reason I show you this now, Mary, is that you, too, will be beheaded when your prison sentence is complete. So far, you have given me no reason to appeal the sentence, and if this continues, then this will be your fate.?

Mary looked at the helpless girl as she knelt on the platform. She looked so young, so frail, and so helpless. But it was the sword in the hooded man’s hands that caught more of Mary’s attention.

Standing over the first of the men, he raised his sword above his head, and waited. The man on his knees began pleading for mercy. Mary didn’t kneed to understand what the man was saying, she could feel it inside her. But the pleas were in vain. Manuel looked over at the hooded man, and nodded his head.

Seconds later the sword descended with force, slicing through the man’s wrist as if it were butter.

Screams of agony echoed around the walled courtyard. Mary found herself trying to hide her face, but Manuel turned her head, forcing her to watch, as the severed hand rolled over a few times, and came to rest some feet from the, now unconscious, prisoner.

The hooded man moved over to the second man. Again, the sword was raised, and Manuel’s signal awaited. The man on the frame was screaming, begging for mercy that would not come. Mary closed her eyes as she saw the sword start to fall. The screams filled her head, as she tried to pull away from her place. But Manuel would not let her go.

?Now, Miss Ellis. We turn to the young lady on the platform. She is not much younger than you, though she wont be serving five years in hard labour first. I want you to watch this carefully, Miss Ellis. Watch how easily the blade cuts through flesh and bone. Watch how cleanly the executioner slices the girl’s head from her shoulders. See what will happen to you, if you do not give us the information we want.

Two men climbed onto the platform and forces the bound girl forwards, trapping her shoulders in place by a wooden stock. No matter how hard she struggled now, she would not be able to lift her head.

Mary watched through half closed eyes, as the hooded man climbed onto the platform, standing above the girl.

Mary wanted someone to free the girl, she begged, anyone, let her go. But Manuel simply laughed at her side.

?Take note, Miss Ellis. This will be you?

With that, Manuel nodded to the hooded man, and without a word, almost in pure silence, the sword began to drop. There was no sound from the girl’s lips as the sword sliced through her neck, her head, seemingly holding it’s place for a second. Before bouncing off the platform, rolling across the yard, the eyes still open in disbelief.

Mary tried not to look, but there was something compelling about the head as it rolled, stopping a few feet away from Mary, they eyes still wide open.

The legs were still kicking on the platform as the head finally came to rest. Mary couldn’t help herself, and threw up.

The girl had no begged for forgiveness, not begged for mercy. It was as if she knew it would all be a futile waste of time. She had not even tried to turn her head as the sword had made its final journey towards her vunerable neck, and sliced her head free of her body.

Mary was dragged back to her cell, her wrists freed, only to be tied in the air again, as the two men hoisted her off her feet. The pain in her shoulders was like a fire.

Minutes later Manuel entered the room, and sat in a chair in front of her.

?Now then, Miss Ellis. We are going to get serious with you. You will, in the end, tell us everything, and we shall help you.? With that he stood up and grabbed a long piece of wood, like a baseball bat, and moved close to Mary.

?I know if I asked you where you got the drugs, you would say you didn’t know. I want you to know what happens when you do give that answer.?

Without a word he pulled the bat back as if he were playing baseball. Seconds later the room erupted in an agonising scream. As the bat made contact with Mary’s shin. Mary bounced in agony on her ropes, trying to find a way to stop the pain. But there was none. Her tears filled her eyes, as the pain seemed to find its way through the whole of her body.

Manuel was unmoved, and lifted the bat again. Mary tried to turn away from it, to get free, her wrists bleeding as she twisted against the ropes.

The bat made contact with her other shin, as Mary’s scream echoed around the cell., her body being unable to take the pain,. Sending her into unconsciousness.

Manuel stood in front of her, and smiled. The English girl didn’t realise it yet, but her ordeal had only just begun.

He left her overnight. His men had, once again, tied her into the chair, her legs pulled wide open, her arms tied securely to the side. This way, she would be defenceless in the morning when he finally told her she would be serving her sentence, and would still be put to death after she had served it.

It was early morning when Manuel returned to Mary’s cell. She was awake, and looked as if she had not slept at all.

?Miss Ellis? he started, his voice as even as it always was. ?We have given you every opportunity to give us the information we need, but you have, for whatever reason, chosen not to give it to us. Therefore, I can offer you no appeal to your death sentence. In a  while you will be taken to the prison compound where you will serve your five years in hard labour. But before we send you there, we have one or two things to see to.?

Taking a bag from his drawer, Manuel placed it on the desk in front of Mary. Whist one of his men plugged a soldering iron in to heat up.

Standing directly over Mary, Manuel took a long needle from the bag, and showed it to the shaking girl.

?Every prisoner has to be easily located at all times? he started. ?To ensure this, we are going to pierce you and fit you with a couple of bells. Where ever you go, we can hear the bells, I wish I could tell you that this is not going to hurt, but I would be lying if I said such a thing.?

With that, Manuel leaned forwards and grabbed hold of Mary’s right nipple between his fingers. Teasing it, forcing it to stand out. As soon as it did so, he took a pair of forceps clamps and grabbed her nipple between them. Only then did he show her the long needle. Mary could only relate it to a knitting needle, and screamed and squirmed as she saw Manuel move it closer to her body.

Her screams filled the cell as Manuel used pure brute force to pierce her. The needle slowly found its way through the centre of her nipple, tearing nerves as it did so. Only when the needle had passed all the way through, did he extract it, though by that time Mary was, once again, unconscious. It would not matter, now, if she felt it or not. Once in place, the bells would remain, forever, a part of her.

Following what he had done to her first nipple. Manuel soon had the second nipple pierced, before threading strong metal rings through each. On each ring there was a small length of chain, and a bell. Passing the rings through the still bleeding nipples, he grabbed the soldering iron and soldering wire. Within minutes, the rings were sealed, never to be removed.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Manuel told his guards to deliver her to the prison as soon as she awoke. The female guards would not treat her lightly, but that was no longer Manuel’s concern.

As he left the cell he smiled to himself, as he looked at the five packs of tampons on the table in front of Mary. He knew she could never give the information he wanted, she didn’t know it.

His own men had placed the tampons in her luggage after she had been kidnapped at the airport. And it was kidnap.

But before he could move onto the next girl. And American who was due to leave the country a few days later.


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* based on a true story I am female 30 my name is Jessica The family had rented a cabin for the weekend in the old south. I thought it would be boring (although interesting). And I had never been to the old south before. We had dinner and I was sharing a room with my aunt Kim. Kim and I had always been close, today seemed different. She looked at me almost gazing. Spellbound. Ahh.. she moaned . Thinking nothing, all innocent. I jumped into the breasts wet, pale. I began stroking my...

2 years ago
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Jessica One Hot Woman

I saw Jessica again today and the memories of the first time I ever met her came flooding back into my mind. It was one of those "one in a lifetime" experiences, one I don't think I'll ever forget. The first time I ever saw Jessica was about 3 years ago and she was new to town. She'd moved into the town where I live with her family and she was checking out all the educational and research facilities in our area. She came into my place of business looking for prospective materials and I...

3 years ago
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My Best Studies Ever part 2

“Benjamin…” she calls to me once again, coming down the hall to my bedroom. Samantha is all but insatiable when it comes to sex; judging from the tone of her voice, she wants another go at it, assuming I just don’t up and expire with a wild smile on my face. Her cell phone rings again, the last time it was our friend Tabatha who was to come over and had to cancel at the last minute; work related matters of course. “Hello…oh, hi…” I hear her speaking, “you can make it…and they…your...

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Geeky Dave Geeky Chris and Supermodel Morgan Chapter 2

The next day, Chris called me to tell me we were on for a late afternoon role play. I was to meet her at 4pm at her dorm room. When I arrived, Morgan was leaving the building. I didn't say anything to her because I knew that every guy was hitting on her, and I didn't even know her. When I reached the dorm room, I told Chris I saw Morgan. She said that Morgan was kind of angry about being kicked out of the room for us to play. I asked Chris if she was ever thrown out because of...

2 years ago
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Fun With Physics Teacher Leena Mam 8211 Part II

Hi i m rocky posting the next part of my story . Thoda recap kar leta hai mena apna picle part me bataya ki kaisa me apni madam leeena jo meri physics teacher hai unka gher kaisa phucha and now again i tell u detail of my mam she was tall , beautifull , age 33 , round boobs , her figure is 36-32-36 nd sexy pussy . Now ab aga ka part me liktha hoon toh mena madam ko kiss kiya lips me par madam sath nahi de rahi yhai par mena bhi kosis jari raki or unha 5 min. Tak unka lips choosta raha par wo...

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BongaCams Latina

Alright, you simps. It’s time to listen up as I tell you a thing or two about Latina sluts. I swear, I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad lay with a Latina babe. Seriously. These sluts are born with the talent of riding dick like it’s nobody’s fucking business. Those hips start moving and I’m sent to nirvana. The sparse few of you cucks who have actually pounded some Latina pussy know what the hell I’m talking about. The vast majority of you who haven’t, well, you’ll just need to keep on...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 13 Escape

JANET: I sighed when I heard Marilyn’s story. We all glanced toward the kitchen to see if any of ‘the kids’ had heard her heart-rending confession. Danielle was the only one in sight and if there was ever a woman who knew how to keep her mouth shut, she was it. If she’d even heard. She was checking the oven and we could all smell the cinnamon rolls. “It was my fault,” I whispered into the quiet. “I had no idea what my daughter was training to do ... or teaching Brian.” I’m sharp as a...

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A guy and his 54 Remembrance

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker           Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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Casino Love Ch 04

4. They lay there snuggling and sweaty, their bodies still sticky from the chocolate, whipped cream and strawberries. Kathy nestled her head on Jason’s shoulder and her hand stroked and caressed his chest, her fingers tangling in his chest hairs as she relaxed and got her breathing slowed down. Jason’s hand slid up and down her arm and side, and he kissed her forehead tenderly just as she moved her hand up over her mouth to hide a yawn. He smiled and said, ‘Wake up, sleepyhead. Let’s go shower...

1 year ago
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Deep Undercover

Your name is John McQuaid. It is something you remind yourself everyday, for it is not your name. Not your real name, anyway. You reach down the lunch hamper you brought with you, your fingers seeking the comfort you always find in your gun.

3 years ago
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Hampsted Village Part 3

Chapter 10Katie was speeding like crazy to get home and nearly ran into an old man as she was darting onto Winthrop Lane. Every nerve in her body was tingling, her beautiful pussy throbbed with every beat of her heart. Her tires squealed as she pulled into her long driveway and again when she sk**ded to a halt in front. She grabbed a brown paper bag and as she jumped out her beautiful breasts bounced violently while she ran for the privacy of her door. Kat tried to wave as she was walking...

4 years ago
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RedTails The Paddled Princess Chapter 1

RedTails : ReckoningsThe Paddled PrincessByScarletdownChapter I: Street SentencePowerful muscles rippling beneath soft black leather pants and matching sleeveless top, a Furling Tiger, born and bred to hunt, stalked with grim determination through the busy streets of Lovenmusk. Warden Arlin paused as he neared the city's Techno-Leisure district and sniffed at the night air. His orange and black striped tail twitched with annoyance, and a disdainful snarl crossed his feline muzzle as he took in...

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ShockwaveChapter 11

The three nurses were through with their post-natal exams of Andrea and Savana and both mothers were leaking milk from their swollen breasts when Lisa called for Connie and Nora to bring the babies in. Laura and Lisa washed their faces and hands and they were already calling Mommy as they were taken to where Andrea and Savana were reclining, with their breasts uncovered. “Turn them loose and see what they do,” I told them. They were already crawling and saying Mommy. What would happen...

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Well See Part 1

"C'mon guys, we just won. I know it's gonna be hard to win the next game without Jen... but I know we can do this," Spencer said trying to cheer up her teammates. They just learned that the captain of their Lacrosse team wouldn't recover until their final game six days ahead of them. She had already missed their last game due to a minor injury. Well, of course it wasn't only the last game of the season but also the most important one, since they would be first in the NCLL if they won. As...

4 years ago
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The best part of the best job Part 1

This story is dedicated to countrygirl40. I see her as the woman in this piece of pure erotic fiction. Enjoy!One of the advantages of living in a community that is a tourist destination is that you meet a steady stream of new and interesting people. I have had a number of jobs, some of which were better than others for meeting ladies. The best, however, was probably working as a concierge for the local 5 star hotel. The job had its downside, like having to deal with jerks who thought I should...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon at Disneyland

Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...

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My hot little niece

I'm a horny old man. There's no denying it. Any red blooded American male is the same way, though. Before I go too far, I need to introduce myself. My name is John. I was born on October 3, 1973, and I love to have sex. I never had any interest in anyone in my family. That is until I met my niece, Doe. She was born April 1, 1990. That's all I knew when I went to pick her up at the airport this past May. When I saw her, I thought I was staring into the face of an angel. She stands about 5'10",...

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Revenge In A Small Town

I always told my wife Jayne that her hot-tempered personality would get her in trouble some day. That she might piss someone off enough that she'd receive some kind of repercussions that might come back to haunt her. I suppose it's partially my fault over the years for not putting up a stronger objection to her at times, but I think it was inevitable that sooner or later she would get herself in trouble. Though I guess you could say that we both had a hand in setting up the scenario that you're...

2 years ago
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Hell YeahChapter 6

Now that Shaun owned Mac's, he had rearranged the office to his liking. The ugly, old sofa where we'd first had sex had been relegated to the corner, and the desks, both his and mine, had been pushed together facing each other in the centre of the room. It was an ideal set-up, since we shared a computer and phone; plus it meant I could look up and see Shaun's sexy smile any time I wanted. Being promoted to manager had changed my workload. I spent less time behind the bar until the wee...

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The Awakening of Katie II

Introduction: Katie shares her new found sexuallity with her closest friends. The Awakening of Katie II Tara crawled up to me and collapsed on the bed next to me. We hugged and tenderly kissed and licked each other. No words were spoken. No words were necessary. Tara and I had known each other our whole lives. We knew each others hopes and dreams. I realized at that moment that we were sole mates. We would be best friends and possibly lovers for the rest of our lives. We pulled the covers over...

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The Thrill of Almost Getting Caught 2

The hours seemed to crawl by. I could only assume that “dress nicely” meant that he was taking me somewhere that required evening wear. My black dress would be perfect. Layers of sheer material overlapped a simple black underskirt. Together, they complimented each other, but without the underskirt, my treasures were visible. I couldn’t wear a bra with the halter top, so my heavy breasts hung freely. The soft material lightly tickled my nipples, making them stiff and sensitive. I decided to wear...

3 years ago
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I Met An Old Friend

I liked going to historical houses and places of historical significance and I suppose that is why I was a member of the National Trust. It had something for every mood. Today, I just wanted to get away. Things had not been going my way so I just wanted to escape and wonder around having things to do so my mind didn't start thinking about things and this particular place had everything. Nice gardens and woodland walks to get lost in and a fantastic house with labyrinths of rooms and things to...

Straight Sex
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The City Girl BluesChapter 8

There wasn’t much talk in the truck on the way back to the ranch, as both people examined the world they found themselves in. Mandy blamed it on the rabbit, but then decided she was tired of fighting. Or maybe resisting was the better word. Bob was obviously interested in her and, suddenly, the objections she’d had toward returning that interest just seemed tiresome. Not that she planned on jumping into anything with both feet. She decided the breaking point had come when he hinted she might...

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Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the ‘swishhh’ of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....

3 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbour Julie

Hi to all ISS readers. This is Varun back to share my experience after a long time. I am Varun 25 from Chennai. This is my experience of fucking my neighbor lady. Now coming to the story we have recently moved to a new apartment in Chennai and It was a gated community and around 200 to 300 families will be living there. The Apartment was at the outskirts of the city and only 60% is occupied. We had two flats per floor. There was a couple living nearing our apartment. Since we moved early I...

1 year ago
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Dating Danielle

Danielle was the daughter of my employee at the convenience store I managed. At 11 she was cute as a bug and just starting to develop as a woman. Her small breasts were mere bumps at this point on her otherwise flat chest. Her mother had confided that she had just started her period. Her mother treated her badly, so my plan I felt would work well. The day came when I could proffer my plan. Danni as I called her was at the store one day with her mother, and I overheard her complaining...

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ExxxtraSmall Harley Ann Wolf A Petite With Pom Poms

Harley wasn‘t picked for the cheerleading squad, so she decided to go to the coaches house and explain to him why she deserves it. He was surprised to see her, and figured a second chance couldn‘t hurt. She totally forgot to wear panties, so during her tryout Coach became extra impressed. There could be some benefits ofsuch a tiny girl on the squad too, she can be easily thrown around for aerial stunts. Coach decided to test her dexterity, and have her do some cheers while gargling on his dick,...

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Indecent Proposal By Son

This is a story of me. I am Mallika and I am 43 now. It all started when I was about 42. I was happily married with my husband and our only son Ramesh. On an unfateful day I lost my husband due to an illness. I was pretty devastated as is my son Ramesh. We could not live anymore in that town so we sold our house. My son got a transfer to a remote village and we both moved and settled there. My son was 21 then and he is already working and earning well. Since Ramesh started working he gave us...

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FamilyStrokes Kendall Kross The Graduate

Kendall Kross is about to graduate high school! Her mom wants to make sure they get great photos before commencement. Her mom hired a professional photographer to capture these precious moments. However, this teen is horny AF. She is more interested in flashing the photographer with her fur bush. At first, he tries to look away, but she is dead set on making him get a good look at that pussy. Finally, he gives up and starts enjoying the teen flash show before him. While trying to shoot some...

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The young asian girl

I have always had a sexual desire to make love to a young asian girl; but never had the opportunity. My friend Mark jokingly mentioned that my fetish for asian girls was so strong that I needed to go right to the source. He laughed and said,"make a trip to Thailand and check out one of those asian brothels." I went along with the comment and laughed with him. But, I knew that this was no joke in my mind and it would be a great way to fulfill my desire to meet a pretty young asian girl. At age...

First Time
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Barbara my friends Call me Barb wanna be my friend

Her name was Barbara Barb for short I was at my local hole in the wall bar in Santa Monica The Daily Pint, known by the locals as The Pint. My Fiancee Angel was out of town for a few days visiting her parents. Angel and I had talked earlier in the evening, I told her I missed her and was board out of my head.So she said go play some pool you know how you like, it I agreed but declined. They were going to bed early in order to get up in the morning, so she said good night and if you do go out...

2 years ago
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I frequently went through craigslists back then. Just curious to see what was out there. Looking for anything and that turned me on. I went and found a post from a guy that involved going over and watching porn together and then jerking off. That's it. I thought about it and it excited me. I was gay or anything, but I had always thought about masturbating with another guy. I initially decided not to reply. But I found myself thinking about it all day and figured why not? I went ahead and...

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It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of 18 to 21. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor encouraged...

Mind Control
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Lancers Solo Mission

My name is John...but never mind that just call me Lancer, EVERYBODY calls me Lancer. (I hate my real name anyways) About a few weeks ago i woke up with a reeeal wierd feeling. (Turns out I was floating over my bed) I found out that I inherited superpowers from my parents. (I couldnt talk to them about it because those two idiots left to "follow their dreams" or what ever the note said, I have not seen them in years) I gave the decision a few days and decided to go the hero route (For now...

4 years ago
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A Morning In Bed

When I awoke that morning, I could feel his breath on my neck as he spooned me. After laying awake for a little while, appreciating his warmth, I gently lifted the covers and slipped out from under his arms and watched as he stirred without waking and rolled over back into a deep sleep. I grabbed a shower, and as I ran my hands over my body, lathering up, it reminded me of how his hands had softly caressed me the night before. I quickly scurried to the kitchen wrapped in my towel to bring some...

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