Schoolgirl's High ~ Bondage Council free porn video

Schoolgirl’s High ~Bondage Art
By YamiNoHikari
Part 1 - The Rescue
Rei peeked through the window beside her secretly. Beyond the glass, she saw Lucretia; the student council board member was walking through the hallway, with the some students following her in amazed.
Rei was attending Higashikou Gakuen. The school's activities were run by the student council, so the board members were very famous. There were 3 board members and each of them had their own fans, always following wherever they go.
Rei's short black hair was moving as her brown eyes followed her gaze through the window. Clad in her summer school uniform, she was one of the cutest girls in her classroom. Her height was about 5 feet, considered to the ones a guy wants to protect. However, her too silent personality was not a fun type to befriend with her classmates. Beside some friends she had from junior high, she hardly gets any new friends.
Every day, Rei always peeked through the window of her classroom when Lucretia walked through the hallway. Even she was also one of her fan, she was afraid to meet her by herself, she thought of her too high for her class.
Lucretia was one of the board members of student council. Her long blond hair and her classy face told the whole school that she was a foreigner. Her elegant movement captivated almost every student in Higashikou Gakuen. She became the board member by her senior year, while becoming the idol of the school in her sophomore year.
The bell rang telling the students of their break time. Rei walked out of her classroom, going to the cafeteria. Her female classmates were chattering as usual with their own, gossiping through so many topics throughout the school.
"Rei!" Out of her classroom, she was greeted by her boyfriend.
"Shuu, what's up?" she replied.
Rei and Shueen were classmates during their junior year last year. At the end of the school year, Shueen confessed to her. She shocked at that time; thinking that someone like her would never had a chance to be loved. She gave the answer when they met again in their sophomore year and they had going out for about two weeks.
Sometimes, she regretted her answer, because she didn’t really feel the same with him, only that she didn’t want to break their friendship. So, she thought that one day she would return the same feeling to him.
"Nothing, did something happen?" Shuuen looked at her.
"No, let's go before the cafeteria is becoming a battlefield," she tried to reassure that nothing's wrong. Even though she had already a boyfriend, she couldn't let Lucretia out from her heart.
Shuuen followed her from behind. Sometimes he felt so guilty, that he couldn't become a good boyfriend for her. At the same time, Rei also felt guilty, not being able to share all her heart for Shuuen.
"Rei, watch out!"
On the hallway, she bumped with another girl and fell down to the floor. Trying to regain her composure, she was shocked to learn who see saw.
"Mi.. Miss... Lucretia...? she whispered.
The one she admired, Lucretia was standing before her. Though she was also startled of the sudden meeting a bit, she moved her hand towards her.
"I'm sorry, are you all right?" she offered her hand to help Rei to stand up.
Shuuen and the fans following Lucretia couldn't move an inch looking at the event. Slowly, Rei reached Lucretia's hand, and in one motion, Lucretia helped her to stand up.
"Are you ok?" Lucretia asked her calmly. Rei was dumbfounded, unable to neither speak nor act of her sudden meeting with Lucretia. Suddenly her mind returned, and she pulls her hand from Lucretia. She bowed her head repeating "I'm sorry" for several times.
Lucretia was a bit confused for her reaction, but then she smiled. "An interesting girl," she whispered slowly. She kept looking at the girl in front of her that bowed to her. She moved her hand to Rei.
"Stand up, please," Lucretia put her hand to Rei's shoulder. "What's your name?" she asked her calmly, after Rei slowly standing up.
"Mizunashi, Rei Mizunashi," she slowly answered.
"Okay, Miss Mizunashi. Let's meet again later," she was smiling to her, and then she walked again, followed by her fans. After a moment, Shuuen moved near Rei to see what he could do to her. It was not normal, he thought to himself. But, he kept it with him, not being able to ask her away.
The first bell rang again, telling the students to be ready to their class. Telling Rei to wait a little bit, Shuuen rushed to the cafeteria to grab the anpan, the only left breads. After buying the breads, he quickly returned to Rei.
Apologizing for only be able to get anpan, Shuuen gave one to Rei, and while walking slowly they returned to their classroom. Rei was somewhat quieter than usual after her sudden meeting with Lucretia.
"Rei, let's go after school," he hesitant for a moment, but he asked her away. Rei looked at him, then after a bit, she agreed his offer with a nod.
"I'll meet you in front of the giant clock, at three, okay," he was waving his hand after accompanying her to her classroom.
After school, Rei was on duty to clean the classroom. After she and her friends were done with the cleaning, they moved out from the classroom. It was a half past two in the evening, and she was wondering if she would be late to meet Shuuen at three. She separated from her friends then she moved out from the school.
In the hallway, she looked back at a moment, feeling that someone was behind her. After checking that no one was following her, she continued walking. There was no one else but she in the garden at that time, the cleaning was longer than usual.
Suddenly, three senior year students emerged from the nearby tree. Before Rei could see what’s going on, the three quickly grabbed her then pin her down to the floor.
?Let me go!!? Rei screamed, but one of them grabbed her mouth to prevent her sound to be heard.
She tried harder to break free from her captor, but the one who pin her down was outmatch for her. The other one of the three looped the rope around her wrist then tied her hands behind her back, while Rei was pinned to the ground, face on the floor.
?Quickly, her legs were kicking me like crazy,? the one pinning her told his friend to secure her legs. After securing her arms with the ropes, he quickly looped the ropes tying down her legs together.
?Ouch!? the other guy yelped as she bit his fingers. He put a handkerchief to gag her mouth, while he slapped her for biting his fingers.
Tears were running down from her eyes. Her hands and her legs were tied by the ropes, disallowing her to struggle against her bound. She was sobbing, screaming Shuuen’s name in silence, stopped by the gags.
?Take her away before somebody sees us!?
One of them took her to his lap, and then the three rushed to the backyard. However, as they run a girl saw them in a flash. They stopped in front of the gym storeroom. While still protesting to her bonds, Rei wiggled around in her captor’s lap.
?Shut up, girl!? Her captor landed down a quick punch to her belly. Rei screamed in her gags, more tears running down from her eyes.
?Don’t break her, bastard!? the other guy scolded her captor.
?Then open the door faster, she is not cooperating.?
They broke the key to the storeroom, and then they entered the room. Rei was thrown to the mattress in the back of the room. She wiggled through her bonds, unable to break free.
?I’m beat. Let me rest for a while,? the one carrying her sat down near her, while another one closed the door. The room was dark; because they didn’t want anyone knows that they were inside.
In the darkness of the room, Rei was sobbing, afraid of what they will do to her. She was tied at her hands and legs, and she couldn’t scream because of her gags. She was at her mercy of her captors.
One of them grabbed Rei and he positioned her standing in front of the stacking mattress behind her. Her eyes widen as he moved his hand from her shoulder. Rei yelped and she writhed, her captor grabbed her breast by caressing through her school uniform. Another guy moved nearer and cupped her other breast.
Rei had never let anyone groped her breasts, even Shuuen. She was very embarrassed as their hands moving around her breasts. Her head tilted left and right while she tried to break free from her bonds.
Rei gasped when she felt a hand on her thigh, moving at slow pace to her skirt. The hand moved closer to her panties, finding the way to her private part.
Her mind raced with fear, embarrassment, and somewhat... pleasant. Deep within her wanted more, the feeling of being helpless, cannot do anything and be abused at will of her captor. She discarded her negative minds, telling herself that she didn't want it to continue in every single moment her mind jolted.
The other one who sit all the time moved nearer with a cutter in his hand. The other two let their hands from her, and then Rei was caught in fear. A cutter was raised in front of her.
"Don't move, girl," he hissed then he grabbed her upper cloth. First, he cut and tore her blouse, and then he tore the same style with her skirt. Rei closed her eyes while trying to get as far as the cutter.
Putting the cutter aside, he ripped her blouse, at the same time fondling her breast. The other two laughed at her. Her tears formed a puddle on the floor.
Suddenly, a loud bang followed the upcoming light from the outside. The door was broken and falling, while two shadows emerged from the outside.
One of the shadow run to her then in a leap he kicked one of her captors who was doing her. Amassed by the event, Rei saw the one saving her.
"Shuuen!" she exclaimed through her gags.
Shuuen was standing after leaping through the air. Her captor who was kicked was unconscious on the floor, while the other two prepared with cutter on their hand.
In front of Shuuen, Rei was sobbing in relieve. Her clothes was ripped heavily, her bra was sawn through her clothes. Her skirt was also damaged by the cutter. Shuuen was enraged, but she hugged Rei shortly.
The other two were screaming then they slumped to the floor. In Shuuen's hug, she could see the other shadow emerged gracefully from the light.
It was Lucretia, who was smiling to her. The other two of her captors were slumped besides her. Feeling relieve, Rei fell unconscious, feeling so pleased to be saved by both of them, the one who loved her, and the one she admires.
To be continued
Author’s notes
This is my first attempt to make a story with more plots than just sex play. I’ll make more detail of sex scene in later chapter. In this story, Rei was confused by her feeling of having Shuuen as her boyfriend, or her admiring Lucretia.
In upcoming story, Shuuen will show more and more his attention to Rei, whilst Lucretia had her own agenda with Rei. In a hint, Lucretia also loved cute girl, but neither as friends nor lover? but as her pet. More in the story will be a battle of Shuuen and Lucretia, who will have Rei’s whole heart.
Lastly, but not least, please take a while and give a comment and thank you for reading.

- 12.10.2022
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