La Cascina 1 free porn video

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Questo ? un racconto di fantasia. Mescola elementi realmente accaduti e fatti del tutto inventati. Se sei una persona fantasiosa e hai delle nuove e perverse idee da proporre, contattami a [email protected]!

Sabato 19 marzo 2005, mattina. Punto di vista di Daniele

- Una mezz'ora di auto e siamo arrivati.

Sono appena sceso dal treno, A. ? venuto a prendermi alla stazione.

- Tutto bene il viaggio?

- Tutto bene, grazie!


- Il posto ? una vecchia cascina, ereditata pochi anni fa. Ho sistemato una buona parte della casa, ma rimangono ancora tante cose da fare. Sai, un po' alla volta, anche perch? i soldi sono quelli che sono! E poi, diciamoci la verit?, ci sono le vecchie stalle che sono fantastiche, a noi piacciono cos?, vero?

Ridiamo insieme, il nervosismo si smorza.

Avevo conosciuto A. su internet, prima un annuncio, poi alcune mail, Messenger e infine il telefono. Una persona educata e sobria, pi? grande di me, sia d'et? che fisicamente.

"Ti va di passare un giorno da me? Come ospite, non come schiavo. Almeno vedi cosa faccio ai miei schiavi e magari ti viene voglia... o scappi, ahahah!"

Accettai. E adesso eccomi qui.

- Al momento ho uno schiavo fisso. Viene circa due fine settimana al mese, dal venerd? sera alla domenica sera. Sono quasi due anni che lo sto addestrando, quando iniziammo era inesperto, un po' come te! Adesso vedrai il livello raggiunto. Anche se non c'? un limite alla perversione, credo di averlo portato ad un buon punto. Quindi, anche se ti fai tanti problemi sulla tua inesperienza o se hai dubbi di poter riuscire nelle tue fantasie, sappi che per tutto ci vuole tempo e dedizione.

- Ma lo schiavo quando inizi? a che livello era?

- Di sicuro non pi? di te, a quanto mi dici.

- Quindi, c'? speranza per tutti?!

Un'altra risata ci mise a nostro agio.

- Vedi, la cosa che conta maggiormente ? la voglia, la volont?. Certo, anche la fiducia e l'affiatamento tra Padrone e schiavo; anzi, sono fondamentali. Per? in quello che piace a noi, c'? una componente psicologica molto forte, per questo credo che ci debba essere anche una predisposizione. E tu ce l'hai!

Un po' imbarazzato biascico un "Grazie...".

Arriviamo alla cascina.

E' una grande costruzione squadrata a due piani. Come mi aveva detto A. una parte ? completamente ristrutturata, mentre l'altra, a fianco della prima, ? ancora da sistemare.

- Ci sono le stalle, una volta ci tenevano i maiali, forse anche un paio di mucche. C'? anche la cantina e una specie di deposito, veniva usato per la legna e per il fieno, credo. E' l? che tengo lo schiavo.

A. parcheggia l'auto nel grande piazzale davanti alla casa, accanto ad un?altra macchina, probabilmente quella dello schiavo. Dietro, proprio a pochi metri, su un lato lungo della casa, scorre l'autostrada, un continuo rumore di mezzi che passano.

- Purtroppo, hanno costruito l'autostrada proprio accanto. E' per questo che non conveniva venderla, cos? ho deciso di tenerla e usarla per i miei giochi. Tra l'altro, l'autostrada ? cos? vicina che si ha l'impressione che gli automobilisti vedano tutto quanto, non ti dico quanto ? eccitante. E ci sono altre cose divertenti, sempre legate all'autostrada, magari un giorno le vedrai. O le vivrai...

Mentre A. ? nella stanza accanto che si veste, bevo un bicchiere d'acqua. Dalla porta aperta lo sento parlare:

- Ricordati, questo ? un gioco, ma perch? funzioni deve essere fatto seriamente. Va sempre distinto il gioco dalla vita reale, per? durante la sessione la vita reale e privata deve rimanere fuori e ognuno di noi deve essere convinto di quello che fa.

- Mi sembra giusto.

- Per questo, cerca di essere un giocatore serio e rispettoso. Se in qualunque momento dovessi sentirti a disagio oppure non ti sentissi bene, in silenzio ti allontani e dopo ne parliamo insieme per capire cosa ? successo.

- Ho capito.

A. esce dalla stanza. Una vampata di calore mi avvolge, l'eccitazione mi prende e il cazzo diventa turgido.

- Ti piace, eh!

A. indossa una tuta da lavoro blu, non proprio pulita. Un paio di stivali di gomma alla coscia, di quelli da lavoro, rendono il suo abbigliamento irresistibile. Da una tasca pendono un paio di guanti di gomma.

- Di l? non ? proprio pulito, tieni, indossa questi.

Mi porge un paio di stivali di gomma, sotto il ginocchio.

- Ok, possiamo andare. E ricordati tutto quello che ti ho detto!

La mattinata ? calda, il sole piacevole. La grande porta di legno della stalla si apre con un cigolio e lascia entrare la luce e il calore all'interno. Sento uno sferragliare di catene e A. mi indica uno dei cubicoli laterali. Ci avviciniamo e all'interno c'? lo schiavo: in ginocchio, la testa incappucciata e china, le mani legate dietro la schiena con polsiere di metallo, le caviglie ugualmente unite da una corta catena. Al collo un pesante collare di ferro collegato al cancello da una catena non troppo lunga.

Il cubicolo, che secondo A. in passato ospitava i maiali, ? lungo circa 2,5 m e largo 1,5 m, chiuso ai lati da un muro di 1,5 m di altezza, posteriormente dal muro della casa e davanti da un cancello di metallo a sbarre verticali. La catena, legata alla base del cancello, consente allo schiavo di sdraiarsi con la testa verso il cancello, di stare in ginocchio, ma non di alzarsi in piedi. Faccio fatica, nella poca luce, a notare la cintura di castit? in metallo che copre interamente il suo pene.

A. senza dire niente poggia la suola di uno stivale sulla barra in basso del cancello. Lo schiavo, senza bisogno di comandi, si prostra e inizia a leccare.

- Oggi abbiamo un ospite, schiavo. Cerca di non farmi fare brutte figure, chiaro?

- Si, Signore.

Sono eccitato, vorrei essere al posto dello schiavo. Ma si sa, la fantasia e la realt? sono due cose ben diverse!

- La suola.

Lo schiavo si sdraia per terra e cerca di raggiungere la suola degli stivali, da cui riesce a staccare alcuni pezzi di sporco, forse terra. Il Padrone cambia stivale e solo quando ? soddisfatto abbaia un ordine allo schiavo, che si rimette in ginocchio.

- Vieni, ti faccio fare un giro.

Accanto al cubicolo occupato dallo schiavo ce ne sono altri 3, di cui 2 pi? larghi. Davanti alle stalle lo stanzone ? abbastanza grande e spoglio, a parte delle catene che scendono minacciosamente dal soffitto e che immagino senza fatica a cosa possano servire. In fondo alla stanza due porte, una che porta all'altra stanza del piano terra e la seconda si apre su un piccolo disimpegno.

- Da qui si pu? salire di sopra, ci sono tre stanze che utilizzo per le sessioni, poi ti faccio vedere. Poi, ci sono le scale per scendere in cantina...

Mi porta nella stanza accanto, sempre al piano terra. Pi? piccola della stalla, sul lato opposto a quello di ingresso c'? una grande porta-finestra in legno. La spalanca e subito vengo sommerso dal rumore dell'autostrada, prima ovattato dagli infissi.

- Come vedi, da questo lato siamo solo a pochi metri dalla strada.

Al di l? di una rete di recinzione e alcune piante, corre l'autostrada, transitata da numerosi veicoli.

- Ti dicevo, a parte il fastidio, pu? essere molto eccitante. Guarda.

Mi indica la parete di fronte alla finestra: fredda pietra con inseriti degli anelli, presumibilmente usati per legare lo schiavo.

- Spesso lascio esposto lo schiavo alla vista dei passanti. Oppure, gli faccio fare compiti umilianti, sempre avendo l'impressione di essere osservato dagli automobilisti. In realt? non credo che si veda molti, da fuori, considerando che qui ? abbastanza buio. Per? se qualcuno guarda attentamente, sono sicuro che possa vedere, anche solo per pochissimi secondi, quello che accade qui dentro!

- Deve essere molto umiliante!

- S?, ed eccitante! Oltre che, naturalmente, molto educativo.

- Educativo?

- S?, come ti ho detto, per me la sessione ha sempre uno scopo educativo. Insegnare allo schiavo a migliorarsi ? il mio compito principale.  E c'? sempre qualcosa da imparare, c'? sempre un margine per migliorarsi. Quando lego lo schiavo qui, alla vista di tutti, lo schiavo impara a mostrarsi, ed esporsi. Quando lo umilio, lo schiavo impara a sottomettersi davanti ad altri.

- Capisco.

- Per esempio, oggi, la tua presenza ? molto educativa per lo schiavo. Ogni volta che lo sottometto in presenza di altri aumenta la percezione dell'umiliazione subita. E' per questo che mi piace molto esporre i miei schiavi alla vista degli altri. Mi piace umiliarli in presenza di altri e farli vergognare, farli sentire delle nullit?, delle merde. Cosa ne pensi? Cos? non ti convinco, vero?

Un lieve imbarazzo nel rispondere:

- No, anzi...

- Ti vergogni nell'ammettere le tue pulsioni, vero?

- Beh, s?, forse un po'.

- E' giusto cos?, devi vergognarti quando ti umilio, devi imbarazzarti quando ti chiedo qualcosa di perverso, altrimenti che gusto ci sarebbe?

Altra risata, a sottolineare la sua volont? di mantenere tranquilla la situazione.

- Adesso torniamo di l?, chiss? cosa star? facendo lo schiavo!

Naturalmente lo schiavo non si era mosso di un millimetro, sempre in ginocchio, la testa china, in attesa. Il Padrone si avvicina e apre il grande lucchetto della catena al cancello.

- Raggiungici di sopra. Sulle ginocchia.

- Si, Signore.

Controlla l'orologio:

- 3 minuti, sbrigati.

- Si, Signore.

Ci avviamo alla porta per andare sulle scale, mi volto e vedo lo schiavo uscire dal cancello e, molto lentamente, strisciare sulle ginocchia, la corta catena alle caviglie gli impedisce di essere pi? veloce. Un po' sono in pena per lui, un po' lo invidio...

- Eccoci, qua ? dove avvengono la maggior parte delle sessioni. D'inverno queste stanze sono un po' fredde, le stufette non scaldano molto, quindi a volte ci trasferiamo nell'altra parte della casa. Ma in questo periodo la temperatura ? perfetta!

La stanza pi? grande volge verso il piazzale, le altre stanze, invece, di lato e verso l'autostrada.

Ci accomodiamo su due vecchie poltrone di pelle su un lato della stanza e sentiamo lo sferragliare delle catene dello schiavo, in particolare quella attaccata al collare che strascica lungo le scale in pietra. E finalmente lo vediamo entrare nella stanza, un ginocchio dopo l'altro, affannato nel cercare di fare velocemente. Il Padrone controlla l'orologio.

- 30 secondi di ritardo.

Lo schiavo si prostra davanti al Padrone:

- Chiedo perdono, Signore.

Con la fronte appoggiata per terra, lo schiavo attende il suo destino, ma il Padrone decide di continuare la nostra chiacchierata, appoggiando gli stivali sulla schiena dello schiavo.

- Nella stanza qui accanto c'? una vecchia camera da letto. Quando non ? troppo freddo la uso per le sessioni, a volte ci dorme lo schiavo, anche se spesso rimane incatenato nella stalla, per la notte, oppure sotto al mio letto.

Poi, rivolgendosi allo schiavo:

- Il frustino.

Lo schiavo immediatamente si alza sulle ginocchia e striscia fino ad un vecchio porta ombrelli da dove preleva con la bocca un lungo frustino da equitazione e lo porge al Padrone, che di nuovo si rilassa usando lo schiavo come poggiapiedi.

- Poi c'? un'altra stanza, quella sul lato della strada. Sai gi? la funzione!

Casualmente assesta un paio di colpi sul culo dello schiavo, che accetta in assoluto silenzio.

- E' addestrato a sopportare il dolore nel massimo silenzio, vero schiavo?

- S?, Signore. Grazie, Signore.

Immediatamente il Padrone assesta due colpi pi? forti, che lo schiavo sopporta con grande sforzo.

- Poi, c'? una stanza abbastanza piccola. Una volta, come puoi immaginare, non esisteva il bagno in casa. La stanzetta fu usata come bagno solo poco prima che la cascina venisse abbandonata. Adesso c'? ancora il bagno, anzi, il cesso. Lo scarico va direttamente di sotto, nella stalla. Ma, come puoi immaginare, nulla va sprecato!

Si sbottona la patta della tuta da lavoro.

- Guarda.

Fa uscire il cazzo, semirigido.

Un colpo secco con il frustino accompagna il suo ordine:

- Schiavo, fai vedere al nostro ospite come sei bravo a bere...

Lo schiavo si posiziona con la bocca spalancata a pochi centimetri sotto la cappella del Padrone. Pochi secondi e il Padrone inizia a pisciare direttamente in bocca allo schiavo. Un flusso lento ma continuo di piscia riempie la bocca dello schiavo, che deglutisce senza sosta e senza lasciar cadere nemmeno una goccia.

Guardo con estremo interesse, eccitato, invidioso della bravura dello schiavo.

Le ultime gocce escono, lo schiavo allunga la lingua per lapparle dalla punta della cappella e poi, seguendo l'ordine del Padrone, si rimette in posizione prostrata, gli stivali appoggiati sulla schiena.

- Come vedi, l'addestramento ? stato efficacie.

- Complimenti, davvero molto bello!

Un sorriso di A., a sottolineare la propria soddisfazione.

Poi, toglie il lucchetto alle catene che collegano i polsi e le caviglie.

- Schiavo, nella stanza sulla strada, fatti trovare in posizione.

Mentre lo schiavo striscia nella stanza accanto, A. continua a parlarmi dell'addestramento.

- Ok, a questo punto lo schiavo dovrebbe essere pronto, andiamo di l?, ti faccio vedere un'altra interessante punizione...

La stanza ? abbastanza grande, anche se non come quella precedente.

Lo Schiavo ? legato con le cavigliere fissate a due anelli sul pavimento, le gambe ben divaricate. Le braccia, ugualmente, pendono da due catene fissate ai polsi e anch'esse ben divaricate.

Sono perplesso su come sia riuscito a legarsi da solo. E A., intuita questa mia curiosit? mi spiega:

- Ormai ha imparato a farlo da solo, anche se, come vedi, le braccia non sono ben stirate. Guarda.

Va in un angolo, dove ? fissata una fune, che A. slega e avvolge intorno ad un piolo. Questo permette di tirare verso l'alto le catene che legano i polsi dello schiavo, stirandolo in posizione.

- Ecco, adesso ? perfetto!

Davanti allo schiavo c'? la finestra spalancata, con la vista sulle automobili che percorrono l'autostrada. Mi sento a disagio per lo schiavo, cos? mostrato a tutti quanti. Anche se A. ha detto poco fa che probabilmente ? difficile che qualcuno riesca a vedere, mi sembra che tutti stiano guardando in alto verso di noi...

- Guarda, il maiale...

A. mi fa notare come il cazzo dello schiavo sia in erezione, anche se costretto nel tubo metallico della cintura di castit?.

- Si eccita nel mostrarsi agli altri, nel far vedere il lurido schiavo che ?. Sei uno sporco verme, uno schifosissimo maiale!

E con questo partono una serie di colpi di frustino.

Inizialmente lo schiavo cerca di stare zitto, ma man mano che i colpi si accumulano sul sedere, lo schiavo inizia a lamentarsi e a muoversi.

Il Padrone si sposta davanti e gli prende il mento con una mano:

- Allora? Non hai imparato niente in questi mesi?

Lo schiavo ha il fiatone, come se avesse corso. Non riesce a capire se la domanda sia retorica o se richieda una sua risposta.

Il Padrone gli assesta due schiaffi.

- Adesso inizier? di nuovo. Questa volta sarai punito per i 30 secondi di ritardo. Mentre soffrirai, cerca di pensare al tuo errore e cerca di essere grato della correzione che ricevi.

- Si, Signore. Grazie, Signore.

Eccitato, guardo la scena come un sogno.

Il Padrone inizia nuovamente a colpire lo schiavo, che mugola di dolore ma ce la fa ad arrivare fino in fondo.

Il Padrone lo slega e lo schiavo si accascia al suolo, stremato per la fatica, sia della fustigazione che della severa posizione.

- Non ti dimentichi niente?

Lo schiavo immediatamente si prostra a baciare gli stivali del Padrone e con trasporto:

- Grazie, Signore, grazie!

Nella grande cucina, nella parte ristrutturata della casa, stiamo finendo di mangiare. Lo schiavo in ginocchio, sotto al tavolo, durante tutta la durata del pranzo, non aveva mai smesso di leccare gli stivali del Padrone, se non per preparare i piatti e servirci.

- Il caff? ? quasi pronto. Mangiato bene?

- Ottimo, veramente!

- Bene! Adesso ti faccio vedere cosa mangia lo schiavo.

Tira la catena attaccata al collare dello schiavo fino a farlo uscire da sotto al tavolo.

- La tua ciotola.

Lo schiavo striscia fino ad un angolo della cucina dove, accanto alla pattumiera, si trova una grande ciotola in metallo, quelle per i cani. Con le mani, legate davanti, la raccoglie e torna verso il tavolo. Si mette accanto al Padrone, con la ciotola ad altezza del tavolo, sicuramente ? abituato a questa routine.

Il Padrone raccoglie gli avanzi dai piatti e li versa nella ciotola.

- Mi passeresti anche il tuo piatto?

Gli passo il mio piatto, che A. ripulisce con una forchetta e versa tutto sempre nella ciotola, dove si accumula una generosa porzione di avanzi.

- Gustoso, vero? Ma adesso viene il meglio.

Si sbottona la patta della tuta e tira fuori il cazzo. Lo schiavo, bene istruito, abbassa la ciotola e lascia che il Padrone ci pisci dentro. Una lunga pisciata ad innaffiare per bene il cibo, che adesso sembra pi? una zuppa.

- Bene, ? veramente disgustoso, non trovi.

Un po' in imbarazzo, cerco di sembrare naturale.

- S?, abbastanza.

Ma molto eccitante, penso!

A questo punto lo schiavo posiziona la ciotola per terra, facendo attenzione a non farne cadere il contenuto. Prima di prostrarsi per mangiare il Padrone lo ferma.

- Oggi voglio essere generoso, giusto perch? abbiamo un ospite...

Beve un sorso d'acqua, che usa per sciacquare per bene la bocca e poi sputa nella ciotola. Non contento, si schiarisce la gola pi? volte e poi lascia cadere nella ciotola un grosso globo di saliva.

- Bene, adesso ? condito per bene, non credi lurido schiavo?

- S?, Signore. Grazie, Signore.

Lo schiavo, prostrato e con le mani dietro la nuca, consuma con voracit? il pasto, leccando accuratamente la ciotola fino a farla splendere.

A. mi guarda soddisfatto, cercando di capire il mio stato di eccitazione.

Sono molto eccitato e, per l'ennesima volta, mi viene da invidiare il povero schiavo fortunato!


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Diminutive sub Canela Skin shows up at her master’s place for her usual ass-beating, but today she’s surprised when a woman she’s never seen before greets her at the door, complete with strap-on! It’s dark-haired Russkie dominatrix Sasha Rose, and she’s been charged with looking after her pussy while the master is away. Sasha wastes no time in stripping Canela down and strapping a dog collar around her neck before making her wrap her luscious lips around the...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader at the mall pt2

Oh yeah. Look at her, she wants a good fucking,’ the guard said. Tati squirmed under the guard as her body was overwhelmed by the sensations it felt. She had never had sex before — contrary to the talk at school — she was a virgin. She had masturbated many times and had even made herself cum, but nothing as intense as she was feeling now. The sight of what was going on was intensely erotic. The slender, pretty girl, rapidly becoming filthy from the dirty floor, being pumped by the older,...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 272

This one is compliments of John & Beryl How to get to Heaven from Ireland (A true Story from an Irish Sunday School Teacher) I was testing children in my Dublin Sunday school class, to see if they understood the concept of getting to heaven. I asked them, if I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale, and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into heaven?' 'NO!' the children answered. 'If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the garden, and kept everything...

4 years ago
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A gangbang with strangers

We have finished settling into the room and now I sit and watch as you dress. The small halter top, the mini skirt that doesn’t quite cover your ass, and now you are bending over as you roll on your stockings. I don’t even realize as I pull out my cock and start stroking as you stand to clip the first stocking to your garters. You know what you are doing to me. You raise your other foot and start rolling on the stocking, then bend over further than you need to, exposing that pantiless ass to me...

2 years ago
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Return To The Office

I headed for my office in a hurry. It was a Friday evening and I needed my laptop for the weekend. The time was about 7 o'clock and I was on my way back from the latest trendy wine bar, where a few colleagues and myself had retired to, come the end of our usual hectic day. As the bar was only a few hundred yards from the office, I'd decided to leave my car in the office car park and my laptop in the security of my locked desk. Once inside our glass fronted building I was walking past a...

2 years ago
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Champion of Camelot

Champion of Camelot The yelling argument had lasted an hour, and King Arthur was starting to regret allowing it to start in the first place. But one of the founding principals of Camelot was the symbolized by the Round Table - that despite being King, Arthur was only to be considered the first among equals, and so he had let his most trustworthy knight Lancelot make his case. "It cannot be done, Arthur! You cannot give a knighthood to a woman!" "Why not? She saved my life, any man...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Girl

Neighbor Girl Chapter 1 They must have been roses. Viewed from the outside, the curtains were light,either white or beige, with darker spots in no apparent pattern. He could rememberwhen they, his neighbors, had first put up the curtains. What had he been,twelve? The absolute time or age did not matter; he remembered it was the summerhe and Jessica had spent nearly all their time at the little lake near town,the summer when it rained so much. Of course they could not be expected totake swim...

3 years ago
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11th Home for CHristmas Again

When the Christmas break came around, I was fortunate to get some extra time off work so I could go home for the duration. I waited till the next morning to take the train home and Emma was there to pick me up at the station. She wanted to drive me to her house for a while, but I insisted we go straight home as Mother would be expecting me for lunch. I did promise her I would see her the next afternoon, at least for a couple of hours as I still had some Christmas to do. The table was set for...

4 years ago
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Behan Ka Shadi Wala Experience

Hi mere pyaare doston, main Subham hu, aur main Delhi ka rehne wala hu. Meri umar 27 saal hai, aur meri chhoti behan ki umar abhi 23 hui hai. Uska figure 34-26-34 hai. To aaye kahani shuru karte hai. Meri behan ka naam Supriya hai. Wo graduation kar chuki hai, aur ab MBA karna chaahti hai. Main usko kabhi-kabhi padhne mein madad kar deta hu. Main meri patni, mummy, papa aur Supriya hum sab sath ek 3 bhk flat mein rehte hai. Supriya ko jab bhi koi doubts hote hai, to wo mere room mein chali aati...

4 years ago
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The Drifter Ch 8

When we walked into what was once Dot's Cafe, I looked up at the huge spider webs covering the circular fan, light fixtures, and the ceiling in the corners of the room. The restaurant was filthy with thick layers of dust and debris. Old newspapers were piled in a corner by the door. A dozen dirty round wooden stools sat in front of the splintered counter. On the opposite wall, across from the counter, were three wooden booths. I could see they were once brown but were now faded and covered...

Straight Sex
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Little Nikki

When I was 6 my parents divorced. My sister and I lived with my mom. My dad ended up marrying a younger woman. It wasn't long before they started having k**s of their own. When I was 7 my little sister Nikki was born. Two years later my little brother Tyler. Being so far apart we weren't that close growing up. Also, my father lived a state away so we didn't see each other as often. When I turned 18 and started college all of that changed. My college was one town over from my father's...

3 years ago
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My Next Experience

Weeks had passed since my first experience with Stephanie and her boys and I had been craving that feeling that I had. I needed to have that feeling again, but as much as I tried to achieve it on my own, I could never get that same orgasm. I had tried using my fingers, my hair brush, anything I could get my hands on I would. It wasn’t something I could just ask Stephanie, not sure how I could go about asking if her husband could fuck me.They would act like nothing ever happened. Sure, Jason...

2 years ago
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Fit To Be TiedChapter 12

"It was excruciating, Bill," Laurine told her boyfriend. "I couldn't even move and then he stuffed those ice cubes up my cunt." The man looked at her, surprise on his face. "And this director just let him? I thought he looked after his people better than that." "He said he was busy with some others on the staff. He apologized, Bill, and I think he meant it. But Christ, the way my twat feels now! It's still a little numb." "The hell with Love, Inc. The hell with them all. Just...

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 7 The Decision

The sounds of Sonny Rollins drifted though the room as Lisa sat at the table, reading her medical books. Sitting beside her was a half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of milk. Cheri was playing with her squeaky toy. Lisa rubbed her head trying to get rid of her headache that has been bothering her for three days. Suddenly she snapped at the dachshund, "Cheri! Stop squeaking that damned thing." Under the coffee table, Cheri dropped her toy and whimpered. Turning around, her...

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From Jenny to Mei Ch 20

Much appreciation to my trio of friends: Vanessa Nelson, GTDaytona and Mr. Fox for their guidance and edits. Remaining mistakes are all mine. ***** At five Karla texted Philip the address of the chain restaurant that was to be the setting for the execution of her plan. She was going to confess to her boyfriend that she had had ‘unintentional’ sex with Mei Chun, have her join them and manipulate him into agreeing to let her continue to see her. She could have kept their affair a secret,...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Mom

I am sameer(not real) from mumbai, 24 years old young lad. I have been enjoying a good fuck with my mother. Let me share my nautral real experince with all of you. It all started when i was 14 years old. I was just getting to know about the wonderful word ‘fuck’. Before i proceed i should explain my family environment. I am the only son to my parents. My mum got married at a very young age, so by the time i was 18 she was only 36 years old. My dad is a successful business man with only weakness...

4 years ago
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Poor Petra 1

I’ve just turned nineteen and am excited about going to university. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for ages. Okay, I’ve had to give the kiss off to my hometown boyfriend Mark, but that wasn’t so tough. I’ve been cheating on him like a slut anyway. I am sex mad. On the first day, the freshers are paired for accommodation and I get roomed up with a girl called Petra. She’s a bit older than me, but she seems alright, and we draw a nice bedsit with kitchenette and bathroom. There’s...

Group Sex
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One Night In A Bus With My Chatting Friend

I am frequent reader of ISS from past 5 years and decided to share my experience also with my fellow readers. It is my first story here so please kindly bear if there are any mistakes. I am open for suggestions and any hook up with beautiful ladies in Hyderabad. I will make sure to satisfy you to the core. I used to chat in a sex chat group where I met this beautiful girl Srividya. Initially we chatted like friends and as days passed we started exchanging our personal stories and feeling as...

2 years ago
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Sandwich Bar Girl the SequelChapter 2

I was awoken with a strange sensation ... my nose was being tickled. When I prised my eyelids apart to see the cause, I was greeted with the site of a bald pussy hovering over my lips. It had a pierced clit so I knew that it belonged to Ronnie, my fuck buddy from last night, and aunt of young Tess who I'd fucked during the weekend. Her hand came down and with her fingers she parted her fleshy pussy lips as she settled it onto my open mouth. My tongue slid out between my lips and up into her...

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A Singular EncounterSasha was a singer, and was telling her friend Trish some of her experiences in her job and the people she had met. “I know I seem to be in an exploitive industry but I like being looked at, it sends a charge right through me from my brain down to my toes. It charges my body like an electric shock from my ankles to my groin and then keeps going until it reaches my boobs, which always seem to respond by going hard and making my nipples go erect. I don’t mind the customers...

3 years ago
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MeaganI had befriended Lois at the gym. She was an attractive woman who did hard workouts. We had first chatted when working out together with the trainer. Neither of us really needed him but it is always nice to get some new perspectives and input as to our own individual routines. Lois could have been every bit the vaseline, glamour cover girl if she had been taller. Standing five-four in pumps hadn't exactly worked in her favor as to enter into that line of work. Still, there was no denying...

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Quite an unusual sign! I thought, as I drove by the gated side road that led down to the private camp about a mile from my house. I’d’ driven by the camp for years and often wondered if the sign was just for the sake of humor or a real warning. I never had the courage to check it out other than to look it up on the internet, I was seriously tempted to join. I lived in a very rural part of the country for the same reason that the camp was here, I enjoy the freedom that privacy brings. The...

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My Mother My Lover

I am still stunned that it happened. Here, I thought I was going to get laid, and all I got was dumped. "How can women be so cruel?" I asked myself as I was walking up to my house. "I can't believe I got sucked in so easily.""All she wanted was the free tickets to the concert. As soon as we got there, she took off to be with her friends. What a waste." I said to myself. "Guess it means another night of going home to surf the net and whack off."I was so totally dejected and depressed that I left...

4 years ago
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Naples Florida Beech Mountain NC

Sandra and Debra were full of questions as she banked the plane south.. I told them of the plan Donna and I set up and how well it turned out. They were really impressed that I took on Stanley and had broken his nose, his collarbone, and a few ribs. Debra hugged and kissed me several times in gratitude.. I think she wanted to do more , but Sandra cooled her down some.. “We need to discuss what will become of you now that you can't return to Beech Mountain any time soon. I...

4 years ago
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Wont You Be My Neighbor Part 2

It had been nearly a week since Susan had first moved in. Work kept her busy most of the day, and by the time she came home, it was late and she was usually too exhausted to cook. She was thankful for the Braun’s house-warming casserole. As a single woman, it had lasted her almost the whole week. Now the empty dish sat in her sink waiting to be washed and returned. Maybe she’d visit the Braun’s on the weekend. In the meantime, she thought she'd just watch a little TV before bed.But she never...

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His Sisters EyesChapter 10

It was three more days before they brought her home, three days in which we went to see her first thing in the morning each day, Angie took her the syrup and she actually looked quite good in it, it was blonde and short, not unlike her natural hair, mind you for the money it cost, it should have been good! She walked out of the ambulance still clad in her robe and we both made a big fuss of her after listening to the doctor's instructions, "Just a week or so more of rest David" he said...

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His Halloween TrickChapter 7

The next time I woke up, everything seemed a bit different. I looked past the curtains and it seemed like a late afternoon. There were four girls on bed with me, all soundly asleep. Suddenly, I recognized those little guys inside my head trying to get my attention with something like 'took you long enough.' I ignored them, donned my robe, and walked downstairs to get something to eat. I took a quick look to the other bedrooms and surprisingly all the girls - or women - seemed to be asleep....

3 years ago
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Fucking My Aunty

Hi readers, I am Suresh 25, 5’8, reasonably good looking, living in chennai, working in an MNC. I am narrating my real life experience with a married lady last month, name Suma (Name changed), height 5.3 I am a regular reader of ISS and I use to always dream about fucking mature ladies but as I am a bit shy I never fucked anyone even I get the chance many times as I use to talk to lot of women in my area. Aunties or girls can contact me for sex @ . The lady I fucked is a woman of dreams with...

2 years ago
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Sabahs Mother

Rod had floated happily off to town to buy supplies. "I hope I didn't fuck him so well he can't drive," Sabah thought to herself with a smirk, the young man's thick jism still leaking from her. Rod didn't get off to as early a start as Sabah at first intended, but it was her own fault. When she came back to the bedroom with breakfast for them, — she had made love to him until far into the night and decided he deserved the extra rest — he had just looked too good there in her bed, his hard...

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Ghar ka maja aur kahan 2

Hai doston apne meri gharka maja aur kahan part-1 kahani padne ke bad mujhe bahuth sare mails karne ka aplogon ka bahut bahut sukriya.kai sari ladkion ke mails milne pe mujhe bahuth khushi huvi.ab mai apke samne apni dusri kahani gharka maja aur kahan-2 leke aya hun.jisme mai ne meri baji [DIDI] ko choda tha. Unka naam hai mehzabeen umar 24sal figur 38 30 39 ki hai.asha kartahun ke aap log is kahani ko bhi usi tarha se adar karenge jistarha meri part-1 ka kiya tha.mujhe mails karo. Mera Email...

2 years ago
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Taking Stepdaghters Christian friend Samanth

Claire has been friends with Samantha, a Christian and a volleyball player, since elementary school. They have been in volleyball camp together every summer, on league teams together. I've seen Sam in volleyball shorts a million times, watched her bubble butt stretch those shorts from pancake flat to full round over the years. She has dark brown hair and eyes and pale skin, imaculately groomed. She wears the same outfit at least once a week religiously, it makes her feel pretty: v-neck red...

4 years ago
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Caz sat in her car, disguised in black wig and sunglasses, and watched the man she was about to fuck walk from his car across the parking lot and into the foyer of the cheap hotel.She couldn't believe she was doing this. Her stomach was quivering with butterflies - but fear mixed with frustration was a heady combination that fuelled her desire. This was totally unlike her and no-one she knew – not her family – not her friends - would believe she was here - on this shabby side of town -...

Love Stories
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The Girl on the Train part 1

First of a multi-part, disjointed but semi-sequential tale I started some time ago. Here's the first part, just a bit of gentle exhibitionism to get started :) Worth pursuing? Comment and let me know!The Girl on the TrainPart One of ???Sitting alone on the train, she yawned and checked her watch. It was just before 4am. She'd had to rush to catch this one actually, having finished work at the studio only 20 minutes earlier.Not many others were up and about at this time, in fact the carriage...

2 years ago
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Maa aur beti ki sex ki dastaan

This is the story of aarti, a sexy women who loves sleeping under men whoever they may be.her only criteria was that the man who sleeps above her should satisfy her fire. Aarti was 39 years lady but looked 32-33 years old.she had maintained herself,keeping herself fit by exercise & dieting. Aarti had a figure of 34-28-36.she always wore transperent chiffon saris with sleeveless blouse which had a big low neck.anybody standing in front of aarti could clearly see her sexy cleavage. The only place...

3 years ago
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Gloryhole first pt1

There was a part of my life that I'm not particularly proud of but I feel compelled to tell about it. I was still in high school, life was fun and not much responsibility except sports, boys, and grades. I was barely 18 and relatively new to sex. My experience was basically having intercourse with a couple of boyfriends while either jacking or sucking off a few more. I was at that stage in life when sex was so exciting and fresh, you would have thought I was a guy because it was on my mind so...

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New Start Rays StoryChapter 7

"Phillip this isn't you, is it? I am sorry that I haven't returned your calls. And my other emails have been so very cold. But things have changed. I am so confused. I really think I need some space." As Ray read her email he nearly did a back flip. She needs space! Talk about the kiss of death. Phillip Marriot your days are numbered. And God help us all if I ever see you, Ray thought to himself. 'Dana, is who as important as why?' 'Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness,...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Came Real With Kanan Bhabhi Part IV

Hello all welcome to my 4th episode of my fantasies. Thanks for all your mails and feedback. All your feedback helped me to make the incident more spicy and enjoyable to read. So as you know I had the amazing moment while massaging my Kanan bhabhi in her small house where we were alone. She did allow me touch her ass also and I first time saw her masturbate from the hole of the washroom. So moving ahead, after that massage day she was really close to me. She used to talk to me a lot and I also...

1 year ago
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When you visit Wildz for the first time, you may be inclined to think that it’s a place where you can watch a hot granny get her fuck on while riding a motorcycle. Or jumping out of an airplane. I love to jerk off to about any kind of porn out there, but this isn’t that kind of fucking site.That granny, who may be an actor, is just the mascot for Wildz. It’s one of those online casinos that have been popping up ever since COVID made brick-and-mortar casinos nonexistent. But let’s get back to...

Betting Sites
3 years ago
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Quickies a Collection of Short Episodes

Title: The Fun One Summary: The essence of a hot wife (sharing, gang bang, w/s) I walked up to the naked woman lying on a towel on the grass, “Bob said you asked for me. Your cunt sure is a mess!” Cum was in white flecks around her slit and running down over her asshole. She grinned and spread her thighs wider. I pushed down my half-hard pecker and a light yellow stream rinsed the pearly globs off the outside of her gaping pussy. She giggled when the hot liquid hit her clit. Bladder empty,...

4 years ago
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Two DiariesChapter 5 Therersquos No Place Like Home and Thank God

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, What a day. I’m nervous, and excited, and happy, and worried and ... and ... and ... Should I write it? I almost feel like it will spoil it. Come on, Amanda, don’t be silly. I think Fiona likes me! Really, really likes me. Like, for real, properly likes me. All that stuff about being her pet--yeah, it sounds really weird, I know--and taking care of me, I’m starting to get it now, and I think she’s serious. Still not sure how to feel about it but ... Ok, calm...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Brooklyn Gray Throat Challenge

Sharp, shorthaired brunette Brooklyn Grey has a pretty face and a tight, tan, tattooed body. She teases in stylish, sheer black lingerie, stiletto heels and a CUMWHORE choker. The dirty-talking girl says she’s ready for the challenge of taking young, tattooed stud Damion Dayski’s shockingly huge big Black cock down her throat. Brooklyn gives him a worshipful, wet blowjob with two-hand stroking. Thick slobber covers his towering, super-hard erection, ball sac and thighs as she sucks...

3 years ago
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The Luckiest Dad

THE LUCKIEST DAD Hi this is Mridula with another fairy hot incest encounter between a bitch daughter and lust dad. Hope you will enjoy the passionate fuck. It was early afternoon, and after a working lunch in which my associates and I signed the deal on a major contract, I decided I would head home for some well deserved relaxation. It was the first large business deal I had closed since my wife’s death some six months before, I walked into the house at a quarter to two. The house was quiet;...

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The Switch

He was trading messages with a woman named Rita who was asking him to switch weekends with him. “Who’s Rita?” Katrina suddenly appeared behind him, peering over his shoulder. “Why do you have to switch shifts with her?” “When did you get here?” Marcus was startled. He had not heard her approaching at all. “Normally you stand to greet me,” she continued to scold him. He stood up and went to hug her but she just sat down, ignoring him. He frowned as he sat back down. He had been dating Katrina...

2 years ago
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Thinking With P0rtals

It was worse for Korbin; Marissa was his step-sister. She hated him, he hated her, yet couldn’thelp masturbating to the sound of running water whenever The Queen was in the shower adjacent to his room. In sex or in death, today should bring great change, he mused before asking Marissa to come down into his make-shift basement laboratory to be his assistant. Standing a glowing platform, The Queen was wearing one of her school outfits that often got her sent home. Her skirt was too skimpy, her...

3 years ago
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Blackmail payment me his wife

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereMy name is Colette, I am a 25 year old Eurasian, and my father is Chinese, my mother French. I lived in Hong Kong until I met and married Richard, now I live in London. I cannot complain about his long trips abroad, otherwise I would never have met him. Richard is in the tough world of government contracts in the Middle East. We had not seen each...

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