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This story should be so very easy to write. After all, I am a professional. I am a free lance contributor to a number of well respected magazines and there are only two main characters to the story. So this should be a piece of cake, right?

I will start with myself. As I said, I write for a living, a precarious living at that. At my age of twenty eight I am still in excellent shape due to my four years with the US Army Special Forces. I am somewhat shy around women, especially if the ladies are beautiful. I am blond, and they tell me I have a rugged looking face, like an adventurer. But that I am definitely not. Fact is, I am overly sentimental.

The phone rang at nine in the morning. Its jingle rudely interrupted my thoughts in the middle of the story I was writing.

I am sure that my voice showed my irritation as I barked a short, "Hello?" into the receiver, putting a question mark behind the word. How could I know that this call would change my life.

It was Betty, my librarian friend from the downtown library. "This is your lucky day," she announced. "Do I have a great story for you. I talked to a young girl just now during coffee break. Her bane is Lori. She told me she lives at the end of Elm Street, so you have probably seen her. Good looking and vivacious, always dressed the same, short light blue skirt and a peasant blouse."

I stopped her. "Hold it, hold it a moment, Betty, I haven't seen any girls here because there are no houses past mine. And anyway, my study doesn't face the street."

 "Well, that's what she said and she even described your place. But that's not the point. She turned sixteen today and has no family. Ought to be a story in it for you." I had to stop Betty again.

"Betty dear, I am a twenty eight year-old bachelor. I cannot just invite a sixteen year-old girl into my home. Not proper, and anyway, she wouldn't be so naïve as to enter the lair of a not so old lecherous bachelor," I countered.

Betty, being a devious woman, had a plan. "Get a nice cake, sixteen candles, and put on your movie star smile. She won't be able to resist if you wish her a Happy Birthday. As you know, our ilk is a bit on the nosy side and she will want to find out how you knew about her having a birthday. Trust me, she is a woman. She'll come in."

What could I lose? I moved my wireless keyboard and the monitor to the front window and continued to work. In the afternoon I drove to the bakery and bought a nice Black Forest cake and sixteen candles.

At five I was ready to greet her when she returned from the city; the candles nicely spaced on the cake, matches close by. Fresh coffee in the carafe, sugar bowl filled, and cream in the fridge if she liked some.

At about six thirty she appeared, out of nowhere it seemed. I admired the peasant blouse with its intricate, colorful stitchery. Whoa, I thought to myself, Sam, you are getting old. Move your work station to this window permanently and watch the scenery.

Lori was a beautiful, attractive young lady walking on the other side of the street. I liked what I saw. I guess I just love feminine beauty. And beautiful she was. Her black hair framed a delicate face with large eyes. I could not make out much more of her features; she was still too far away.

The wind was blowing at her so that her blouse was tight against her chest and I thought I could detect two nipples making two dimples in the fabric.

As she came closer I could admire her shapely legs and the way she walked with the easy grace of a dancer. She held her head high and her posture signaled determination and confidence. I would have decided to get to know this young lady even without Betty's urging.

I was simply mesmerized by her long legs and her easy graceful stride. So mesmerized that I did not notice the two hoodlums in the doorway she was about to pass.

It was obvious that she had not seen the two hoodlums either as she walked past the doorway. The taller one was blond with a pony tail, his sidekick a pockmarked punk with a shaved head. They pounced on her and pinned her between themselves. By the time I stepped into the street she had been pulled into the alley.

I was across the street and into the alley in a flash, picking up the old brick at the corner as I ran by. I arrived as the blond punk was trying to rip the girl's blouse off. The brick and the right of his face collided and he went down without a whimper.

As the bald one turned to me I forcefully stepped into him and hooked my left foot behind his leg. He went down backwards. He hardly had hit the ground when my bent knee with all my weight behind it found his solar plexus.

The blond guy stayed down, one side of his face partially gone. The other started vomiting. He would retch and vomit for a long time, wishing he was dead. I had had a good instructor in the US Special Forces and tonight I thanked him.

It was over in no more than three or four seconds. The girl still stood where the blond punk had pinned her to the side of the building.  She looked at the carnage before her, then looked at me, and simply said, "Thank you." I picked up her grocery bag and her purse, then took her hand and left.

In my living room she found her voice again. "My name is Lori," was all she could get out. She flung herself against me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. Then came the reaction, the tears arrived and she started to shake. But she had her self in control again in just a few minutes, all the while hanging on my neck. When the reaction had stopped, she gave me a quick happy smile, followed by another kiss. I actually felt empty when she let go of me.

We stood rooted to the spot, looking at each other and appraising each other. I waited for my breathing and my heartbeat to slow down to normal. It couldn't have been the kiss that caused my rapid heart beat; it probably was the walk back home across the street. Then I remembered to tell her who I was.

"My name is Sam," I told her. "I live here." That was a stupid statement I remarked to myself. Why do I always do that when I meet a beautiful, attractive lady? "Wait a minute," interrupted my mind, 'did you just now say, a lady'? "I meant to say, girl," I lied to my mind, "anyway, a beautiful and attractive female."

She gladly accepted my invitation to take a hot shower, but somewhere in the back of my mind I heard a small voice whisper something about candles. Then I remembered.

I really startled her when I next said, "hold it, first I want to wish you Happy Birthday." She stood absolutely still, just staring at me with unnaturally wide open eyes while I lighted the candles. Then the tears started flowing and she rushed at me to embrace me and hug me, and almost squeeze herself into me.

Her voice was hoarse with emotion as she whispered her thanks into my ear, "Sam, I will never forget this day, how can I possibly ever thank you enough. No one ever has wished me Happy Birthday before."

"Then you had never had a birthday cake?" I stuttered.

Lori shook her head and started shedding happy tears again. Between her sobs I could barely hear her as she hoarsely whispered, "and the   …  candles …  they are so  …   beautiful."

I had to stop it right now or I too would join Lori with a few sympathy tears. It was necessary to bring up an important subject.

"Lori," I said, "you realize that you cannot go back to where you lived. I have an extra room that we can fix up for you and you can stay as long as you wish as my guest."

I could see her wheels spinning, but finally she agreed. "You are right. I accept with gratitude." Then she laughed. "Right now I will take you up on the hot shower; I already took a bath in salty tears."

We never did see the movie we had wanted to watch after dinner. We sat on the couch and talked a bit about our lives. Lori had no family, she told me.

 "A woman on drugs and a monster of a man on booze is not a family," she spit out the words with a voice that had lost its sweetness; the sweetness had been replaced by burning anger.

We sat quietly for a few minutes until her anger had faded and Lori was Lori again. She snuggled herself against me, letting her warm body talk to me in many ways. There was bare skin making electric contact with mine, there was soft hair brushing against my neck. Her leg pressing against mine sent messages of pending ecstasies to my brain.

The fragrance of her body was a cloud of sensuousness. It enveloped me and carried me away to where there was no today, just immeasurable bliss. I was in a different universe, just a girl named Lori and I.

My musing came to a sudden halt, when two soft arms snaked around my neck. Two soft, hot lips planted themselves on mine and a small tongue demanded access. It was granted and my tongue and Lori's started to dance a tango. Reality of this world receded far, far away to another planet. My world was close by and her name was Lori, a soft, warm, intoxicating presence.

She started to cry and I felt a warm tear hit on my hand. It was a tear of happiness. A few seconds passed and I heard her hoarse whisper.

"Sam, I am so happy, I had to cry."
"What are you so happy about that you have to cry??"

Lori was quiet for a long time. When she started to speak again I could feel her breath on my ear as she whispered while snuggling even closer to me. "I don't know how to say this, I don't know you, we just met, but I feel I have known you forever."

It suddenly dawned on me, this was exactly how I felt about Lori. It was the wonderful, happy feeling of having her close to me.

I was jolted out of my reverie when Lori whispered again into my ear. "Don't wait till after midnight." She closed her sentence with a small impish giggle and a quick nibble on my ear.

She took my hand and put it on her left breast where her erect nipple pressed into my palm. "Do I have to do everything for you," she laughed. "I don't think a man with your looks could be a virgin," and she let out another of her delightful giggles.

She was right and I hurried to pull her blouse up to her chin. Her tits were exactly as I had pictured them, pert, cone shaped, neither small nor large. Her Maker must have had me in mind when they were molded to perfection.

I bent my head and let the tip of my tongue run a small circle around the base of her nipple, then wiggled it. Her nipple obviously enjoyed the treatment; it stiffened a little more, hardening against my tongue.

I could feel her chest heaving as she took a few deeper breaths. Her excitement started to build. I did not want to hurry her and broke the contact. Her hand came up immediately to push my head and mouth back to her tit. My mouth opened and I sucked a good portion of her tit in my mouth and kept it there, washing her nipple with a flat tongue. Then I changed and attacked it with little flicks of the tip of my tongue.

Her lips were close to my ear and I could hear her quiet whimpers of pleasure and once in a while a puff of air hit my ear when in her excitement she exhaled with force.

My hands caressed her bare back, slowly moving up and sown. When I lightly scratched her warm skin with my fingernails she stiffened and sat up to a more upright position to give me better access to her back.

After I had feasted on both tits I moved upwards to kiss her throat, the side of her neck and finally her ear lobes. I traced the outside with the tip of my tongue, once in a while venturing further inside. The little squeals she emitted when I did this added to my fun of pleasuring her.

My interest went from her ear to her temple where my tongue left a wet trail that my lips attempted to dry again. When my tongue traced her eyebrows she started to shiver a bit and her whimpers turned louder. I did not stay long. It was time to place sweet love kisses on her forehead and give her a chance to relax for a while.

As she slumped back into the cushions of the couch I brought both hands up to her face and turned her head so I could look at her. She was lovely. Her breathing started to return to normal I noticed. Holding her face in both hands I kissed the tip of her cute nose, then her eyelids, then her chin.

She was now relaxed, luxuriating in the loving attention I gave her. Again I was amazed at the lushness of the lips of this sixteen year-old beauty. I finally had a chance to study her eyes that even in the dim light of the night had a radiance that compelled me to keep looking.

She is more than just beautiful nudged that little voice in the back of my brain. She is soft, and sweet, and tender, and tough, and so loveable. Go and love her NOW, commanded the voice.

I took her in my arms and brought my lips down to hers. Her eyes were wide open, take me they said, I am yours, don't let the moment pass. Her arms lifted at once as I started to move her peasant blouse over her head. I stood up and moved in front of her.

She reached for my hands to get up from the couch and snuggle close to me before she unbuttoned my shirt and removed it. My pants fell to the floor when she ran the zipper down. She looked at me strangely, then turned me and pushed me back onto the couch.

"Sorry," she whispered, "I am new at this. I did not realize that the shoes come first." She giggled her infectious laugh, and added "but I am a fast learner." I did not wear shoes but sandals and she had them off in a flash. Now my pants skipped off easily. To get rid of my skivvies I had to get up.

I wondered how she would handle that. Not exactly like a pro, but efficiently. Once they were down she knelt in front of me inspecting what she hoped would soon bring her much pleasure and happiness. She seemed fascinated by my dick's twitching while it was getting hard. She reached out to feel it with her hands, encircled it with her fingers and finally kissed the head.

The feel of her fingers had the expected effect. My prick really sprang to live and for a short moment Lori looked confused. When the ground did not open to swallow her she became bolder, stuck out her tongue and swiped once from the base to the tip. My dick was now fully erect, but Lori's tongue swipe caused it to twitch again.

Lori giggled and asked, "does your penis always do that if I kiss it?"

"Why certainly, It will always acknowledge loving treatment as you will find out in time, Also, the word penis is reserved for the doctor's office," I corrected her.

"I know, I know," she laughed. "I know the right words but I didn't know if I should use them in polite company." That imp had a good sense of humor, something I really appreciate, especially in a woman.

"If you promise to stand still and not laugh, I will subject you to my first attempt at a blowjob." A second later my dick had disappeared in her mouth. This girl just played the beginner for fun. In fact, she had quite a repertoire. She constantly changed her pressure, her speed, how far she took me in, how she used her tongue.

"Lori dear," I had to tell her, "if you keep this up there will be nothing left. I can cum only two or three times, but not all night. Let's make it last."

She grudgingly released me, but not without a parting shot. "If you allow me to sty for a while, I will train you, it'll be fun."

She grabbed me like a pull toy and led me to the bed room. It was time for me to take over again.

I turned to face Lori and took her into my arms. My left hand reached down and there was the rasping sound of her skirt zipper. After a few wiggles her skirt was on the floor. I reached down with my other hand also to cup her ass cheeks and found open territory. That vixen had taken her panties off sometime during the evening.

"Lori," I inquired more than stated, "that was very thoughtful of you."

She knew what I was talking about and just treated me to her trademark giggle again. "We women are devious, aren't we?"  I cut off any further remark by kissing that loveable female imp.

She looked up at me with wide open eyes full of expectations as I pushed her down on the bed. I joined her, crawling to her left side. She was completely relaxed, waiting for me. I lifted her hand to my face and sucked each finger into my mouth. This caused little shrieks of surprise and delight. They were followed by a breathed "HHMMM…" when I swiped my tongue across the palm of her upturned hand.

Next I visited her flat belly. My tongue tickling her belly button made her jerk and wiggle, so I did not stay there but kissed and nibbled my way across and down to about an inch above her pussy. There I stopped. I felt her whole body moving around on the bed trying to make my mouth go on further. I didn't. She became more and more agitated until I finally moved my lips along, but not to where she wanted them.

As I moved my mouth past her pussy down to her thigh I also shifted my body. She had not expected my next move and exhaled a loud"UGHHH…" when I lifted her right knee high and slipped in between her legs.

 Her pussy opened to me as I spread her legs apart. When I next lifted her knees up to the side of her chest she knew that relief finally was on its way. But I still had other ideas for her. Her feet were right next to my face and the little toe was first to arrive in my mouth.

Now she started to get vocal. "OH NO….. OH,,,,, MY OD….OH". I had to hold on tight, she jerked around so much. It got worse as I worked my way to the big toe. When I slurped it past my lips she moaned and mumbled unintelligent words, making me wonder if she might be near a climax.

It was only a short jump from her foot to the inside of her thigh, and only a few nibbles later I had arrived. Her relief was palpable. But it was shot lived. I did not go where she thought, instead I put my lips to her clit and sucked on it. Her reaction was almost violent.

Her body shook and quivered in every direction, her breath came in short bursts. There were no shrieks or moans, just a constant "GGRRHHH…………"

I moved my mouth again. This time I clamped my lips tightly to her pussy and let my stiff tongue caress the inside walls. Her orgasm started at once. It came so sudden that it startled and almost frightened me. Her body stiffened and arched, her arms flailed about trying to reach something to hold onto, her unseeing eyes had opened wide, her mouth was open, searching for air.

When she finally had gulped enough air she cried out to shake the room. She quieted down some and then another orgasm hit her almost as strong as the first. And still another two smaller ones followed before she came back to earth. She looked at me as if she saw me for the first time in her life.

And then she collapsed into a rag doll. She was frightened. I moved up onto the bed next to her and took her into my arms.

"It's alright," I repeated several times. "This is what love will do to you." Later I recalled that I continued holding her and whispering words of love into her ear. Oh God, I was so much in love with this woman that it was almost painful.

After both of us had recovered we lay still for while, hugging close, soaking in this moment of bliss, floating together high above the earth on a sensuous cloud.

Lori stirred first. We kissed for a long time, kisses not of passion but of love and happiness. When we broke she lifted herself on her elbow and looked at me. Something was in the air. I knew it because she wore her typical impish grin.

"Don't go away," she warned me. "I am going to practice on you.  I can stop any time; just tell me you don't like it." She chuckled before she opened her mouth to finish what she had started earlier and I had halted. She was only sixteen, where did she learn all her routines, I wondered. Maybe this is just inborn talent. like some kid playing piano at four.

She did not sleep in her room that night. When I woke up the next morning I looked at her. Her hair was a mess, she still had some tear streaks in her face and a few spots of my cum on her chin. Lori was an absolute mess. But to me she was the most gorgeous creature on earth. Was I in love?

After we were done with breakfast I got up as usual to clear the table. She beat me to the task and addressed me in a stern tone, "As long as you allow me to stay with you, this will be my duty. This and a few other things."

Whoa, I was just told by a pretty young lady that there were certain 'things' I would not be allowed to do any more. This was preposterous and I decided I would have to talk to her about this.

But she was not finished, there was more. "You do your work or watch TV; I am taking over the household chores like cleaning, laundry, sweeping the floor, and so on. Those are my terms for staying." She looked at me and smiled that sunny smile of hers. But there was no doubt that she was serious.

I could not let a teenager commandeer me; I had to make a stand. "What gives you the right to make such statements, especially in my own house?" I demanded to know.

Lori fad a quick answer. "I am a guest in your house and guests have rights and obligations. There is the right to speak up, and there is the obligation not to be a burden to the household. And if it is an extended stay, the guest is expected to contribute some help. Any objections?" And again that beautiful disarming smile.

What was there left to say. I turned so she would not see my admiration for her on my face. And I wondered, why did I feel so odd, both happy and sad at the same time. Was I really in love with a young girl of sixteen?

No way, one of my voices said, that's absolutely ridiculous.

'Why is that ridiculous?' The other voice of my mind inquired.
Because we two just met. The first voice answered.

 So, you never heard of love on first sight?
That's different. Anyway, she is only sixteen.

Amalia married at thirteen and built an archeological museum.
I am almost twice as old as Lori. I can't be in love.

So, what do you know about being in love, you never were.
But I read about it.

The tiny voice from a far corner of my mind kept whispering 'sure you are, you stubborn fool.' I decided to ignore that silly voice and go on with my work of the day. Strangely though, today I had difficulty concentrating on my work. Maybe I was worried that Lori knew what she was doing around the house, because I found myself looking for her every few minutes.


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An unforgiving summer sun beat its heat down on the city. Blistering sidewalks and streets baked those brave enough to traverse the thoroughfares on foot. The heat waves rising from the roadway made strange ripples in the view and people and buildings seemed to bend and straighten when seen through the rising air. Venturing from work Sam left the gropers, perverts, drunken businessmen, and other strangers behind her. Working in a strip club you put up with a lot of crap – but Samantha didn’t...

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Waiting for the Balls to Drop After Midnight

12:16 PM Christine spreads her legs wide, and Aaron lowers himself on top of her; sliding his rigid tool into her, he starts to thrust. As Aaron quickly finds his carnal rhythm and Christine starts to moan, J.J. inserts his stiffened pecker into Tracey and starts hammering away at her pussy. Soon, both studs are working up a sweat as they once again synchronize their thrusts, slamming into their partners, pelvis to pelvis, with machine like precision, showing the same skill and proficiency...

4 years ago
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After Midnight

It was one of those nights when everything seemed to be going right. Candy and Sue had dressed for temptation and tonight it was paying off. The club was packed; the music high and the lights so low that what went on in the corners was known only to those close enough to smell the action. By eleven o’clock Candy had drawn enough attention to herself that she no longer needed to dance. Sue kicked off the action by daring Candy in the quiet seconds between one track and the next. You know those...

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Tilly was speaking to her mother about her day's activities at school, when she heard her father pull into the driveway. She glanced at her watch. He was home early. The front door opened then slammed shut. Her father appeared at the kitchen doorway. Tilly immediately noticed that he was not happy. So did her mother. "What's up love? Was it a bad day at work?" Tilley's father was a policeman. Most days were a bad day at work. Steve looked at his wife then turned his gaze to his...

4 years ago
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Zombie Wife and Officer Midnight

People talk about their lives being complicated. It’s a fact, everyone’s is! But the issues I seem to deal with, are more the incredibly, bizarre situations that arise, from said complications. A while back, I was laid off from my high paying job, of eight years. At the time, I figure I’d take a couple weeks of ‘Me Time’, then, find a new job. Well, seemingly out of nowhere, the economy decided to downturn, so POOF! No jobs! On a different note, it seems my wife of 3 years, Daria, had fallen...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Reader On A Rainy Midnight

Hello readers, this is your Joe back with another sex story which happened last week. To my new readers to know more about me, please click on my name above for my old stories. Any unsatisfied girls, ladies in & around Bangalore please ping me on Secrecy & privacy will be maintained for 100%. Any couples looking for threesome ping me on This story is how I fucked my reader on a rainy midnight. We had many encounters before @ her place, in her car, resorts, open bangalore-Hyderabad highways...

2 years ago
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Dinner At Midnight

Having a job that frequently requires me to work until around eleven or later due to my company having a large client base overseas, I'm lucky to have a lady that is very understanding about it all. She knows that when I take my turn working a month of late shifts that I adjust my entire day so I can stay in the routine of getting up and going to work, then having the evening; even if the evening doesn't start until around midnight. Since she has her own website development company and works...

Love Stories
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Best Friends Mom Blew Me After Midnight

The first time my best friend's mom's mouth closed around the head of my penis, I was hooked. It was just after midnight in the utility room on the first floor of their colonial New England house. Her eyes sparkled in the soft reflection of the moonlight coming in the window that faced the back yard. Through it I could see tall oaks waving softly in the fall night air of our small Massachusetts town. My shaft disappeared within the round O her lips formed around it, emerging again slick with...

4 years ago
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Dont Judge A Book By The Cover

"Well, well, well.... will you look at who it is.." I hear this every morning when i go to school... its the boy cheerleader.. yepp and i hear it from the star quarterback on the high school football team.... with his friends that are right behind him laughing... What is it. Well if you be really nice i will let you watch us in the shower after the championship game ok.... let me let you guys in on a secret... the quarterbacks name is Matt... and he is the ultimate ladies man.....

4 years ago
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Dont get caught playing with markers

Introduction: Sarah 9 this is a dark fantasie of my own, this story is not for the weak minded so please dont read it if you dont like young rape and dark fantasies. My name is Sarah, I have long auburn hair hazel green eyes Im 5ft1 short and slim with pale white skin and freckles on my cheeks and arms. I was 9 when my life utterly changed. My family was moving to Toronto from Montreal, we were listening to led zeppelin of course my dads favorite band when the moving truck spun out of control...

3 years ago
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Dont mix with bad lads

I was always told to stay out of trouble. Ever since growing up I always made sure of that. I had just turned 18 a few months before and was walking home from a mates birthday. I was on cloud nine having just arranged a date with a very attractive girl. I couldnt control my emotions as I skipped down the street. I guess if I was thinking better I would have chosen a better way to walk home. But I didnt.I took the mistake of walking through the park, then the council estate. Bridging the two was...

5 years ago
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Giving Tilly Some Fresh Excitement

In this house lived a pretty girl named Tilly. Tilly also loved horses but didn't have any of her own, so it wasn't unusual for her to wander over whenever she saw my daughter out working or grooming the horses. She was probably not more than a young teenager when she first started coming over, which would make her about 14 now . . . maybe older. As I mentioned, Tilly was a very attractive girl, with wavy blond hair and big blue eyes. Her body was...

3 years ago
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"Sean!" Mum yelled, "Wake up" "Aww" i groaned, loud enough so she would hear. "Whats wrong?" She asked doubtfully knowing that since i had obtained my drivers license i had been trying to get off sick for the last few weeks. "My head, it really hurts" I said, trying to sound sick "You're not just saying this to get out of school are you?" She asked. "No Mum i swear I've got a real bad headache, can i just sleep for another thirty minutes and see how i feel" i asked...

2 years ago
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Sam and Tilly in the Beginning

An unforgiving summer sun beat its heat down on the city. Blistering sidewalks and streets baked those brave enough to traverse the thoroughfares on foot. The heat waves rising from the roadway made strange ripples in the view and people and buildings seemed to bend and straighten when seen through the rising air. Venturing from work Sam left the gropers, perverts, drunken businessmen, and other oglers behind her. Working in a strip club you put up with a lot of crap – but Samantha didn't...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 1 Tilly Johnson

Foreword: This is a series of short, to longer stories, that will cover twenty or so years of the life of Bobby Dalton, a young man who, while he grew up in a way that might seem foreign to those of us in this day and age, wasn’t at all bizarre in his own day and age. Life was both more simple, and much more complex back then, than it is nowadays. His story starts when he was two years old. Because of the nature of his experience, the stories will start with relatively short accounts of what...

1 year ago
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The Waitress who became my Wife a Sequel to The Tempting Waitress

Note: This is based on a true story. Some parts have been changed to give the story a finishing touch. Names have been changed for privacy of characters involved. Hi, this is Prakash. As I had told you, I married the waitress who worked in a local eatery on the way to my work. Now I am back with my honeymoon story. After marriage, we were planning for our honeymoon. My boss, who’s a really nice guy, gifted me an all-expenses paid honeymoon package to Ooty. We packed up our bags and went to Ooty...

Erotic Fiction
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Married At Midnight

Be sure to hit "Start Game" to track your progress... *Skreeeech-Crash!* "Bee-woooop-woooop! Wheeooo-wheeooo-wheeooo---!" "What the Hell was THAT?" You ask yourself, though you have a sinking feeling you already know, and looking out the kitchen window of the enormous Victorian farmhouse you inherited from your estranged great-grandfather a month ago confirms it. It's the first day of spring in South-Central Ohio, and it's been raining fit to cause a flood all day. This makes the old country...

3 years ago
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Miss Midnight

Although he was only a few miles from home, he didn't have a clue where he was, and with the twisting and turning of the road, slowly he lost his bearings. He pulled over to the side of the road, and flicking on the interior light, he grabbed the A-Z from the passenger seat, opening it to page 86 again. As he ran his finger over the page looking for Marley Way his mobile ran, and taking it out he recognized the number from the call 30 minutes earlier.'Hi Miss Midnight,' he said with a smile...

3 years ago
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The Tower of Midnight

This is from my siteVisualise a roomRoom descriptionThe tower is seriously weird. At whatever time you arrived here from the outside world it is always night here. It is lit by a red light which has no visible source. The ground is littered with objects, which you cannot see clearly.Object DescriptionIn the dim light you can see the outlines of objects, at least two of which are boxes., In the room there is: SharethExamine Shareth Shareth the...

3 years ago
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The Stroke of Midnight

Blending in with the shadows of a tall spruce tree as if born from their substance, he observed the building across the street and the dwindling line of guests entering. The clouds, thick and stagnant, shrouded the moon's glow and lent the night an air of mystery. A soft blanket of new snow covered the ground and helped to muffle footsteps. He smiled to himself; the perfect night for a heist. Nymphenburg Castle was bathed in muted light, from outside as well as within. No loud and raucous...

5 years ago
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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 3 Midnight

July 1973, age 18 It was late Monday night by the time I arrived home from Italy. I had spent the whole journey deep in thought. Stewing, as Ewan put it. Dan had waited up for me, but when I sank into an armchair across from him, I didn’t know what to say. Eventually, he interrupted my thoughts. “Come on, Finn. Talk to me.” I shrugged and told him, “I’m angry at myself”. He looked surprised. “Why? This wasn’t your fault.” “Oh don’t worry, I’m angry at you too. There’s plenty of blame to...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 25 After Midnight

All the girls were required to stay and party until at least 2 A.M., when liquor sales had to end according to state law. If the program lasted until after 1 A.M., we had to stay at least an hour. The program ended late, just after midnight. Our biggest fear was that when the wrestling ended, the guys would be all over the gals. Surprisingly, it didn't happen. Part of it was security, which was really real. People who were impaired but awake were actually being driven home before the party...

3 years ago
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Walking After Midnight

The faint sounds of the music filtered through the window screens to reach me as I sat on the front porch steps. Patsy Cline, I was not, but I hummed along anyway, watching the end of my cigarette flare as I took a long, slow drag. Although it was after midnight, it was too damned hot to do the walking that the song suggested. Summers in west Texas can be brutal and seemingly endless. I felt a drop of sweat roll down my back to catch on the waistband of my simple white cotton panties and, when...

3 years ago
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A Minute after Midnight

'twas a minute after midnight on Valentine's Day. Cupid was working hard!You came to me and kissed me. We'd met through xhamster,. we'd both just joined recently. You said you were looking for a lady and I said I was happy as is, though in a sexless marriage. You posted your photos of your breasts and a vibrator at the entrance to your pussy. I made them my favorites. I posted my stories and you read them. Writing has given me a way to connect to all of you through the web. I tell you my...

2 years ago
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Walk after midnight

Cool summer night the moon has risen above the trees. There I was walking in the park after midnight just trying to recover from a busy afternoon. Along came one of my friends that I havent seen in years stopped by to chat with me. Chatting about our past, he leans over to kiss my silky lips. We walked down the hill just past the trees on the right. We sat down at the table kissing under the moonlight. pulling my panties down fingering my wet pussy, his tongue deep inside my pussy. It...

2 years ago
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Kuwait Main Chudahee


3 years ago
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Love Before Midnight

I sit nervously waiting for your arrival. It’s the first time that we are meeting face to face since we met online. Your from Australia and it is always difficult trying to talk to each other with such different time zones. I look up at the sky as it begins to snow and can’t believe that we are meeting on New Years Eve. It’s a dream come true to finally meet you. I look around at everyone around me and see all the couples holding hands and cuddling together to stay warm as they wait for...

3 years ago
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Ancient Love At Midnight

Author’s Note: This story is not intended to be pornographic. If you are looking for something that will titillate you sexually, you should just move on. The story is meant to be romantic in nature and I hope it will appeal to older people who may wonder if love and romance are lost to them. I firmly believe that love endures when all else fails, and this story reflects that. Kindly note that my references to Cherokee culture and tradition reflect my own experiences only, and are not intended...

2 years ago
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A Meeting of Pleasure at Midnight

I have been texting and chatting online with a girl I met while working for a restaurant. She was one of the boss’s daughters, but we were instantly attracted to another from my first day on the job. We kept our chatting to a minimum at the restaurant, careful not to raise suspicion, but online we some times talked all night. Our conversations were usually very personal, talking about out lives, past experiences, how we saw our future selves, typical harmless conversation. As we grew closer...

3 years ago
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Dinner At Midnight

Having a job that frequently requires me to work until around eleven or later due to my company having a large client base overseas, I’m lucky to have a lady that is very understanding about it all. She knows that when I take my turn working a month of late shifts that I adjust my entire day so I can stay in the routine of getting up and going to work, then having the evening, even if the evening doesn’t start until around midnight. Since she has her own website development company and works...

4 years ago
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A Meeting of Pleasure at Midnight

I have been texting and chatting online with a girl I met while working for a restaurant. She was one of the boss's daughters, but we were instantly attracted to another from my first day on the job. We kept our chatting to a minimum at the restaurant, careful not to raise suspicion, but online we some times talked all night. Our conversations were usually very personal, talking about out lives, past experiences, how we saw our future selves, typical harmless conversation. As we grew closer...

Love Stories
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Traveling With Mom 8211 Midnight

Hi ISS lovers, this is Abhinav. This episode is the continuation of the story ‘Traveling With Mom’, and I named this episode Midnight’. If you are new to this story, I request you to go through previous episodes of this series so that you could clearly understand. This episode revolves around what exactly happened between my mom and me after we slept at night. (2nd day of the trip with my mom). Let’s get into the story. I slept with a hard dick. At midnight around 2:00 am, suddenly, the power...

4 years ago
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Taylor is a 20 year old, single, midwestern girl. Camden is a 22 year old, single, midwestern guy. Both growing up across the street from each other. Taylor is fairly short, with light brown and blonde highlighted hair. Just past shoulder length. Sun tanned skin, bright green eyes, with a curvy build. Her breasts are naturally round and the envy of many of her friends. Having developed large breasts early in her teens, she has been the envy of her friends for many years. Her waist emphasizes...

5 years ago
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Altered Fates Milkshakes at Midnight

Altered Fates: Milkshakes at Midnight by Bashful [email protected] This is the tale of a young married couple, the husband's brother, and how the Medallion of Zulo altered their fates. Frank and Debra Walker had been married for close to three years when Frank's brother Ed moved in. Ed had lived with his parents until they retired and moved to Florida. Ed was frequently out of work and living with his parents had taken the stress out of finding a permanent job. Now Ed was...

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The Rabbit at Midnight

The Rabbit at Midnight By Jennifer Hutchinson This is the incredible true story of my new life. It is so incredible, I am not sure I truly believe it myself. It all started on Friday night. My wife had gone to her mother's for the weekend. I had to work late Friday, so I told her to go on without me. I would stay at home this weekend and get some work done on the yard, which really needed it badly. This was just a cover. You see, I am a crossdresser. That was hard to admit, but I...

2 years ago
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Sometime Around Midnight

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your white dress and sexy underthings lie next to my clothes in a pile by the coffee table.The memory of our first night plays through my mind: the blind date, the quiet conversation, the laughter. Both of us thirst for the inevitable conclusion. Tonight, I drink your intoxicating aura from the flames in your eyes.We lie naked on the couch, me in the back, and you in the front. My fingers between your legs gently coax apart your folds; I sense your love moisture coating...

Quickie Sex
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Witches Dancing at Midnight

There was no music in the middle of the forest except for the steady beat of naked feet on the bed of leaves already fallen from the tall trees. Thirteen female bodies twisting in the light of the Harvest Moon with nipples bouncing and pretty bushes all a twitter with a frenzy of the rhythm. Nikki was feeling the spirit of the master driving her into a frantic gyration that lathered up her flanks and her pretty pussy. The other females were just as carried away by the rays of Mother Moon...

1 year ago
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I bounced my ass on his pelvis, which led him to moan, and his penis to go in deeper, so I continued doing it. His penis slid in so easily, like a missing puzzle piece. I was so wet. We fucked in that position for about ten minutes, then he sat up, his penis still in my pussy and ass. I fell back, and his cork started sliding out. It left my body with a wet ‘thwack’, as I moaned. We lay there for a few minutes. It was friday at midnight, and I was laying in bed, scrolling through Instagram,...

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Till Death Do Us Part

"Till Death Do Us Part" By Heather Caroline "Acknowledgements" I wish to acknowledge and thank Ms Vickie Tern for being my inspiration and encouragement to write this story idea that has been rattling around in my blonde brain for a very long time. I just couldn't get motivated to get started nor believe enough in myself to write a good and entertaining story. Vickie's writing style encouraged me and then she gave me the push to start. Everything she told...

4 years ago
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Waiter to waitress

I cant believe that I finally dressed up like a girl. I was living down the beach at Cape Cod {CC} for the summer .I shared a large 3 BR {Bedroom }house with my sort of GF, 2 other girls and some dude without a job.{He was selling MJ but was buddies with the landlord.} We had to share one bathroom and it got a bit hectic with bras, nylons and tampax all over.I am about 5'9 '' with strawberry blonde hair. I was in good shape from jogging but had one constant problem. 3 inch cock.My GF was giving...

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