Belinda_(2) free porn video

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Several years ago John was diagnosed with liver cancer…. or so he said. We are all sure it was from pickling his liver from all the cheap vodka he drank. On a normal day he was passed out by 2:00 pm which is why he never was able to keep a job more than a few days. Almost two weeks ago sirens alerted me that something may have happened at John’s house. An ambulance pulled up and I watched its crew roll in an equipment laden gurney. Not long after they rolled John out and loaded him up before driving off with no sirens. Two days after that a car was parked outside with out of town plates. The next day I saw his obit. Devoted husband and loving father my ass. For the next few days after that different locals stopped by with food and flowers. None of them neighbors. I was guessing people Belinda worked with or maybe family members. I didn’t go over. What was I going to do? Pay my respect with a hearty thank God he’s finally dead? I’m not hypocritical so I kept to myself, along with the other neighbors.

A few days ago I started seeing Belinda outside much more mowing the lawn or watering. At night she would sit in her enclosed porch for hours. Several times she I saw her walking to the community mailbox and she would smile at me from across the street and give me a fairly animated wave. She didn’t appear to me to be a grieving widow. She seemed rather happy actually. However I was the only one that thought that apparently as neighbors started asking if I had been over yet. They had concerns that she was over there all alone and grieving. Why me? Why can’t they go over? Seems no one wanted to. Its like they thought John’s ghost would haunt them or something. I finally reluctantly agreed and the next day when I saw her out to get the mail, I waved and jogged across the street.

She waited until I was stepping up over the curb. “Hello Michael,” not making eye contact.

“Hey Belinda, beautiful day.” She just grinned nervously and shifted her weight from one leg to the next so I got right to it….. no sense in dragging it out if she’s not comfortable. “How have you been doing?”

“I’m okay. Kinda lost but I’m dealing ya know. I mean…. John was an asshole but he was all I knew for 12 years.”

She still wasn’t making eye contact. Just absently string past me into space. “Belinda is there anything I can do for you?”

“Not unless you want to weed may garden for me. I haven’t quite been into it,” and she chuckled mechanically.

“I could do that tomorrow around ten?”

“Oh you don’t have to…” Finally she made eye contact. She seemed unsure and somewhat nervous.

“Belinda its fine. Gives me something to do.”

She just smiled then looked down again so I continued. “Look I’ll see you tomorrow. If you need anything just let me know. I’m just across the street.” I touched her on her shoulder and then turned and crossed the street. Poor lady I thought as I walked away. All she ever knew was him. What a fucking ass.

The next day rolled around soon enough. I fed the dog and got her out for a walk then came back, changed into shorts and a white tee shirt, grabbed my gloves, a bucket and my little shovel and went over to Belinda’s. I didn’t bother to knock. I just let myself in their…. her backyard. The gate to her privacy fence was not locked. Nobody locks anything in this small town. I walked straight to the garden. Mass of weeds. It looked like she watered plenty because the veg looked nice but the weeds were everywhere. This was no simple weeding. I set my ipod to random, put my earbuds in, gloved up and drove right in. I ended up having to soak the ground some in order to get the roots to let go and dropped the little bastards in my bucket.

Thirty minutes later Belinda scared the crap out of me when she grabbed my shoulder. I almost literally left my shoes on the ground when squirted myself with the hose and jumped. Panting and laughing at myself I pulled my earbuds out and was met with the hysterical laughter of Belinda.

“I’m sorry” she managed to get out. “That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I tried yelling at you but you but you didn’t hear me.”

“That’s okay. I was in my own world” I said still out of breath and dripping.

“Well let me get dressed and I will come out and help.” She turned and hurried back into the house.

I stood there for a second dumbfounded that I had not noticed her dressed in her robe and slippers. She really HAD thrown me for a loop. I wrapped the earbuds around my ipod and set it up on the table on the deck out of the sun and went back to work.

She did take her time. I was starting to wonder before she finally came out. I had to do a double take. The few times I went over to see John, before he became the drunken ass, Belinda was always at the computer in a chat room or playing online games. We never really talked and I had never seen her closer than from across the street, excluding a few day ago, until now. We were both approaching the magic 4-0 mark but she looked younger, just a bit worn out as you would expect, and very pretty. She was wearing cut off shorts and a white button down shirt with no makeup. She didn’t need any. Her blonde hair pulled back, baseball cap on her head and gloves in her hands, she walked over to me actually smiling. She’s skinny with really nice tanned legs. Breasts were not big but not small either. Maybe a 34c?

She stopped and waved her arms at me.

“Its up on the table” I said pointing to her deck.

“Just making sure. Don’t want to kill you before the weeds are pulled” she joked.

“Yeah that would be bad” aiming the hose mockingly at her.

“No no no” putting her hands up in defense and laughing.

“Fine. Just realize I have the power. I have the hose.”

For the next few hours we pulled weeds and got ourselves plenty muddy and fairly soaked from the waist down kneeling in wet soil. We chatted and joked about work, weather, her son and his finance and just about everything BUT John. I learned more from her in these two hours then I did in eight years. We were both starting to get really hot and sweaty with the noon sun pounding down on us when one of my jokes was answered, not with a laugh or comeback, but a sloppy mud ball to the back of my head. My response was quick and decisive. I dowsed her with the hose. Full jet right into the back and chest when she spun around.

“HOLY SHIT THAT’S COLD!” as she tried to dance and weave to avoid the hose.

I turned if off. “Had enough?”

With her back turned to me, “YEAH YEAH UNCLE UNCLE!!!” Laughing and dripping she turned around. Her once white shirt was translucent. Even though she was wearing a bikini top (damn it) I could tell she looked damn sexy.

She looked at me then down at her shirt. “Guess there isn’t much point in wearing this is there?” I tried to look around and find something to do like pull a weed or tie my shoe as she unbuttoned her shirt and took it off. As she hung it on a tree limb I took the chance and took a good look at her. I don’t think she had an ounce of fat on her. Water droplets shimmered on her bare skin. The bikini top didn’t leave a lot to the imagination, being a bit small I could see the sides of her breast and two very excited nipples. My cock certainly noticed too. When she turned back to face me I quickly looked down searching for something to do and noticed my gloves and shovel on the ground. I grabbed my bucket and knelt down, picked up and placed my gloves and shovel in the bucket. It was an easy way to hide the growing bulge in my shortss. While I standing up I felt two hands hit my back and shove me forward. I fell face first into the garden making a sharp slap noise as my body hit water and mud. Ice cold water from the hose quickly followed blasting me in the ass and small of my back. She’s right. The water is frigid. Game on.
By the time I was getting to my feet she had already backed off quite a bit so I had some ground to cover before I got to her. With a war cry I charged. She screamed and ran away from me hose pointing at me, trigger down and an ice cold jet of water hitting me in the chest and face. She didn’t make it more than ten feet before I dodged to the left and grabbed her around the waist picking her up off the ground. She squealed as she tried to get me with the hose, her legs flailing in the air. We wrestled as I tried to disarm her and fell to the ground. This was my territory now. She was quick but I had a good 60 pounds on her. A couple of times I felt those hard nipples rubbing up against me just as I’m sure she felt how hard my cock was through my shorts. I so badly wanted to grab that tie to her bikini top on her back and give it a pull so I could kiss and lick those nipples but I didn’t. The poor lady just lost her husband. Eventually I got her on her back and sat on her pinning her shoulders to the ground. We were both soaked and covered in mud and grass. As soon as I felt her struggle I eased up I asked her if she gave up. She gave me the sweetest, sexy grin right as the water blasted me in the side of the face. She still had the hose. I aimed it right at her. My hand ready to squeeze the trigger.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

I did but not as she expected. I shoved the nozzle under the band of her shorts and flooded her with the icy goodness of revenge.

“OH MY GOD THAT’S COLD” as she squirmed her way out from under me. She hopped to her feet and was dancing around as the water ran down her legs. She was clearly enjoying this as she looked at me and hissed “….. you play dirty.”

“You started it.”

“Oh and I will end it too. I’ll get you back.”

“Sure you will.”

“Why don’t you go clean up and come back in 30 minutes and we can fire up the grill. Least I can do is cook you some dinner for helping me out.”

“I would enjoy that.”

As she walked by me she stuck her hand out and kinda half hit me in the shoulder, half shoved me. “Go. 30 minutes.”

I stood there for a minute and watched her walk up her steps and through the glass siding door on her deck into her house.


I had no idea I had so much mud and plant bits stuck to me until I looked in the mirror. My God I looked like something on a Science Fiction cable channel. I actually needed just about the full 30 minutes to get clean and dressed. I grabbed a bottle of vodka from the freezer and crossed the street for dinner. If I’m going over, I’m going over armed.

Despite knocking on the front door twice, Belinda didn’t answer. I thought maybe she was in the back yard but she wasn’t. I peered around the corner first just to see where the hose was. It was the same place I left it. The grill sat where it was that morning so clearly she had not come back outside yet. Her deck was extensive with a cover and lattice edging. I walked up the couple of steps to the table and put down the bottle of vodka and looked around. Under the kitchen window was a bench area that looked like it may double as storage. I walked over and tried the lid, it opened easy. Inside was charcoal, lighter fluid, a lighter and some very nice grilling tools. I set the charcoal and lighter fluid on the ground and pulled out a lighter and utensils before shutting the lid. Once shut I stood up and looked through the kitchen window just in time to see Belinda come out the bathroom carrying something. All I could see was her bare back and she was topless. I really wanted her to turn around but also didn’t want to be caught. When she rounded the corner and left my sight I picked up the lighter fluid and sack of charcoal and took them out to the yard. My brain was feeling guilty, not about peeking through her window because that was an accident. The guilt was because I was having a hard time not going back and taking another look. I poured in some charcoal, gave it a splash of lighter fluid and lit them. There was a lawn chair near so I turned it to face the grill and sat down to wait and keep an eye on the fire. About five minutes later two shot glasses appeared in my peripheral vision. I gratefully took one. One of her hands was on my shoulder and I could feel her against the back of my head as she stood behind me.

She whispered in my ear, “Thanks for coming over today.”

I drank the chilled shot of vodka and felt it warm my throat. I raised the glass up a bit so she could take it, said “Your welcome” and tilted my head back so I could look up at her. She was wearing a half shirt and I could see right up it. This time there was no bra. I could see the soft underside of her breasts and those hard nipples pushing her shirt out.

“I’m afraid I’m not going to be much help with this view.”

I heard her laugh as she took a half step back and bent over kissing my forehead. “You’re not supposed to help. You worked enough today. Just sit back, watch and keep me company.”

“I can do that.”

“Another shot?”

“Yes please.”


“Yes please.”

“I’ll be right back.”

As she walked away I turned to look. She was wearing white shorts and a pink half shirt. No shoes. Her hair was pulled back and held with a rubber band. I watched her ass as she walked all the way into her house. I turned around and settled back in to wait. The coals were getting close to being ready so I stood up and started to spread them out with the tongues.

“I told you all you were supposed to do is watch”

Busted I turned around. Belinda was heading for me with a tray of food, beer and vodka shots. She is one of those women that have that natural beauty and need no makeup. She wasn’t wearing any and looked very good. She set the tray down and immediately smiled at me and took the tongues away from me. “Sit. Relax.”

The tray had brauts, veggie kabobs of red and yellow peppers and onions and some chips and dip and of course, beer and vodka. I picked up the shots of vodka and handed her one. We did the shots, she handed me her glass and she pointed at the chair I had been it waggling her finger. I picked up the beer, Flat Tire, nice, and sat down. Over the next hour we chatted about this and that. Flirted a little as the vodka and beer made it into our blood stream. I watched her cook, okay stared at her ass, and tried to hide the bulge in my shorts. The fabric of her shorts is wonderfully thin. Why couldn’t she have been wearing those a few hours ago? Occasionally she would turn around to take a drink of beer and show off her tanned and sculpted torso and ever-hard nipples to me. The food was very good. The beer was plentiful. The company was buzzed. Belinda wasn’t shy at all. She rather enjoyed showing off her body to me. She would bend over and let her shirt fall open so I could look and she would feed me a chip and brush her finger against my lips.

After we finished the food we put the dirties on the tray and I carried them to the kitchen for her. She slapped my ass a few times to get me moving. She had me set the tray on the counter and asked me to grab the shot glasses. The bottle of vodka she retrieved from the freezer. She grabbed the front of my shorts sliding her fingers into the waist band and pulled me outside onto the deck. She had brought me to a semi hard state by slapping my butt on the way inside. With her fingers in my shorts, I was rapidly growing and as usual I wasn’t wearing underwear. When my cock began forcing itself over her fingers I expected some sort of reaction; pull her hand away or cop a feel, but she just pulled me out onto the deck and put my ass in a chair at the table. She started at my crotch for a few seconds. I know she must be able to see my head by now. She turned and sat the bottle down on the table and took the glasses from me. She poured and we drank two shots in a row each. Then she sat down in the chair next to me, smiled, giggled, looked back at the head poking out of my shorts, and sighed. “I have a confession to make but you can’t ever tell anyone and you can’t hold it against me. Promise.”


“I’ve been watching you for a long time. From my bedroom upstairs I can see in your office and your kitchen in the morning.”

I just smiled and looked at her. I live alone and don’t wear much when I’m at home. Particularly in the summer, like now, when its so hot. I don’t have air conditioning so I would probably be in my office naked. I wondered just what she saw.

She continued, “I’ve seen you in the morning when you make coffee and aren’t wearing anything and….” She blushed and laughed. “I can’t believe I’m telling you this! I am so drunk.”


“And?” Then she remembered. “Oh no I’ve said way too much. You’ll be shutting your curtains for sure already.”

“No I wont. I’m not shy in case you haven’t noticed.” I stood and put my hand in my shorts to adjust myself just to get the point across. When I sat back down I looked at her and said, ”come on I want to know. And what?”

She poured and slammed another shot, breathed out and while looking at the bottle, “I watched you fuck your girlfriends.”

“Nice. And?”

“And this morning I knew you were here because I was watching you and was fingering myself imagining what it would be like to ride you in the grass right over there,” pointing into the yard.

“We could find out.”

“No. I can’t. Not yet. I want to but its…..”

I finished for her, “Its just too soon. I understand it hasn’t been that long.”

Looking in my eyes, “its not that I don’t want to cause I do. I want you in the worst way right now but I can’t.” Then she smiled from ear to ear. “I promise it will be worth it. Besides I have desert for you.”
She got up and stumbled a little walking to the sliding glass door and opening it. She was half way in when she looked back to me and shut off the light over the deck. The only light now was from inside the house. “You left your Ipod here when you left and you might want to move that chair over here in front of the door. Oh! And don’t disappoint me by being good.” With that she slid the glass door shut and locked it.

I just kinda looked at the vodka and then the door. Vodka, door. Belinda tapped on the glass and I looked over. She was putting in one of my ear buds then looked at me and motioned to move the chair over in front of the door. What they hell do I have to lose? I moved the chair over in front of the door, about 5 feet from it, and sat down. Belinda was inside scrolling through my songs. She apparently found something she liked, tapped the play button and began to slowly and seductively dance. Belinda slowly gyrated her hips to whatever song she was playing. Lifting her arms above her head she exposed more of her tanned, fit stomach and ribs. I wished the shirt was a little shorter so I could see her breasts. Keeping her Ipod arm up she ran her left down pulling at the hem of her shirt, causing her nipple to poke through the pink fabric then let go causing the shirt to bounce back up and expose even more of her skin. Her hand dipped down under the waistband of her shorts briefly and then slid up her warm skin, under her shirt, over her breast and pinching her nipple. She pulled her shirt up a bit farther to show me the whole breast briefly before pulling her hand away and letting her shirt fall. Part of the shirt hung up on her nipple but she, nor I, minded. Her free hand unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts and slid deep under them. I don’t think she’s wearing any underwear. I couldn’t help myself and began to rub my hard cock beneath my own shorts. She smiled seductively and bit her lower lip. Whatever her fingers were doing she was really enjoying it. The Ipod hand slid down and behind her and with both, and a little wiggle, her shorts dropped to the ground. She made an over-exaggerated embarrassed “O” with her mouth and stepped out of them.

She turned and grabbed the kitchen chair and turned it so she could sit on it and face me. With her back to me she put one of those long tanned legs on the chair and bent forward slightly so I could see her fingers working along her lips and all the way back to her asshole then back to her lips where she slid two inside before pulling them out and bringing them to her mouth. She turned her head half way so I could see her suck her own juices off of them. Still gyrating her hips to the music she ran her hand back down her chest and over her sweet lips again. As she sat down with her back to me, straddling the chair, she slipped to fingers inside herself. God what a view. She slid her ass towards me and leaned forward. With her ass almost off the chair I could easily see her working her two fingers in and out of her pussy. Her back arched in pleasure. I couldn’t take it anymore and undid my own shorts and pulled my hard cock free. I began to stroke my throbbing member.

Belinda turned her head again towards me. Her face was contorted with passion and lust…. she opened her eyes and looked to gasp when she saw me. She stood and removed her finger and stuck them in her mouth as she turned to face me. I could see her shining lips. She shaved herself clean.

She set the Ipod on the table and sat down facing me this time. Not taking her eyes of my cock she opened her legs wide and slid her ass down exposing her beautiful pussy and asshole to me. Her right hand spread her lips and the same two fingers on her left slid back inside of her. She used her right hand to work her clit. My tempo increased when she slid in the third finger. I didn’t care who could be watching besides her. All I wanted was to be in her. I stood and hastily dropped my shorts before sitting quickly back down. I resumed stroking and used me free hand to caress my balls. Belinda liked what she saw and fingered herself quicker. Neither of us would last much longer at this rate. She was more wet then any woman I have ever seen. Her hand was shining as her juices dripped out of her. Suddenly she stopped rubbing her clit and slid her hand under her leg causing it to rise. She slid one finger from that hand into her glistening pussy took it out and slid it third knuckle deep in her ass. She came with a scream at the sensation. Her whole body shook. I watched as her juices ran freely from her hand and puddled on the floor.

I didn’t last much longer and launched rope after rope of cum onto her deck, my shorts and all over my hand. Panting, I watch Belinda stand unsteadily and walk slowly to the sliding glass door. She unlocked it and tiredly used her weight to slide it open. She wore a sexy evil grin and stepped out half naked onto the deck with me. She walked up to me, put my ipod in my clean hand and took the cum covered one with the other, leaned forward and kissed me deep. Our tongues danced briefly before she pulled away and turned her attention to my cum-covered hand. She licked a large glob of my cum off it and swallowed.

“Ummmmm” was all she said before turning and walking back into her house. I sat there still and watched that ass swing. Belinda slid the door shut and locked it before finally pulling her shirt over her head and off. She stood there a minute, completely nude finally, teasing her hard nipple and giving me a few minutes to soak in her beauty. Then she simply turned off all the lights plunging us both into darkness.

I sat there for a few more minutes deciding if I should try the sliding door to see if it was really locked or just go home. I decided to put my shorts back on and headed for home knowing damn well that she was in her window right now watching me as I crossed the street. I can play this game. I didn’t turn around to look.


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First time i sold my ass

Seeing as my last story of a first time was so popular, I thought i'd give you all another first time for me, this time the first time i sold my ass (Though not for money).This is set about 2 years after the last story (, i was in my last year of Uni (collage), By this point i'd had a couple of girlfriends and one or two boyfriends. It all started just after i came out of a 8 month relationship with a girl who wasn't into any form of anal (me...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard Has a Speedo Boner

“Do you know where I can get some tanning oil?” Chris looked down from his lifeguard post upon hearing the question and found a stunning stud at the bottom. A mere ten feet below Chris was a majestically muscled blonde, boasting firm washboard abs and rock-hard pecs. Chris looked down in amazement as he checked out the rest of the stud’s body, his toned biceps and forearms, his defined thigh muscles and tight calves. Chris got his gaze stuck in the tanned stud’s defining feature, his swelling...

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Got Interested With Mommy 8211 Part IV

Hi, My relationship with Mom has changed a lot. What started with helping her in the bathroom with scrubbing and washing her back has now led us to see each other naked with some reason or the other. More precisely Mom got nude and showed her pussy just to help me masturbate. I love her so much and she loves me too. Though I had imagined beyond just masturbating, I neither had courage nor real intention to carry it forward. But what happened recently when I scrubbed her back in the...

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Sex With Friends4

Doug pressed my thighs back to the trunk of my body lifting my buttocks up from the mattress, Doug positioned his steel hard cock to my anal canal opening and slowly slid his cock head up and down my butt crack till his rigid cock found my anus. With a steady, firm and continuous push Doug entered my now well lubed anal cavity once again. My butt hole was so tender that the pain was of such intensity that I could only managed to open my mouth and gasp in very short burst, for breath. Doug...

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She Tries To Forget Ch 14

Passion in James County XVI Ann was scheduled to go in to work from ten in the morning until six in the evening the next day. When she arrived at the store, she found her co-workers buzzing with excitement. Toni Wicks was working at the service desk. When Ann finished punching in, Toni waved her over. ‘Did you hear about all the excitement this morning?’ Ann’s colleague whispered, she was bubbling with excitement and it was clear she was dying to tell Ann the exciting news. ‘Hear what?’ Ann...

3 years ago
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The Last Wish BluesChapter 8

A man can take only so much. That she was desirable, bald or not, had sunk into Bob’s bones. That she was clearly available, whether she actually knew what that meant or not, was also undeniable. Bob had never been on the side of being seduced ... at least he didn’t think that way. In actuality, Dannie had worked him like a saxophone, pushing his buttons until he was a helpless wreck ... and leaving him making some of the same sounds a sax could make. It had been one of her favorite things to...

1 year ago
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Second ChancesChapter 8 New adventures

That evening, Sandy and I teamed up and treated Jean like a queen. It was especially good when Sandy and I made love to Jean for two hours non stop. After her tenth orgasm, Jean had to cry uncle. We totally wore her out and she went to sleep right away. Sandy spent the rest of the night in her own bed so the new 'mommy and daddy' could snuggle up together to sleep. Jean and I decided to get an early start preparing for the baby to be born. We had a fourth bedroom that we were only using...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 248 Some Debriefing and Briefing

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) Several minutes later, Julia and the four parents came into the hot tub room. Mom looked like she'd been on the receiving end of a VERY thorough telling off. With a very abashed expression, Mom confessed, "I'm very sorry, Mark. I've been treating you very unfairly. I'll try to do better in the future." "I should jolly well think so! Once a month or so is far too infrequently!" "Huh? What are you talking about?" "How often we have roast...

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So you got yourself into this poker game... You're hanging out at your friend Emily's house with her and her friend Jenny. They are two beautiful, slender brunettes with dark eyes and long legs. It's been a fun evening so far - a lot of wine, goofing around, and teasing. Everyone's laid back and laughing. Once the girls start to get really tipsy, Emily suggests a little game. "Hey, let's play some poker" she suggests. "I don't have any money," says Jenny. "What are we gonna play for?" You...

4 years ago
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Summer of 93rsquo Nothing Compares To You Part IX

Summer of 93’Nothing Compares To YouPart IXMe Natalie and Maggi walked from our next door neighbor’s house after a great evening of fun wife swapping sex. This was a Thursday night so we all had to go to work in the morning. Fridays were great for me, we had casual Friday and I was usually able to skate out around 1:00 if I didn’t need to hold a meeting or be on a conference call.Maggi’s job was not so nice on Fridays, she was in international banking (Chase Bank) and had all kinds of...

3 years ago
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Little Black Dress

I, like every woman, have a little black dress. A dress designed specifically to accentuate my look and to draw in the unsuspecting man. My little black dress is silk with a sweetheart neckline that curves over my breasts and allows the onlooker a teasing glance at the tops of my breasts. It’s floor length with spaghetti straps and fitted snugly but not so tight as to reveal all the details of what lies underneath. Finally, it has a scoop back that goes down to my lower back and pinches the...

Straight Sex
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Darkest DaysChapter 6

Robert feels a warm, smooth hand on his jaw. As his head is lifted, he opens his eyes to see Cynthia standing before him. His mouth opens to say something to her, but her finger presses to his lisp, quickly shutting him down. “I know your life is empty, and you hate to face this world alone. So you’re searching for an angel, someone who can make you whole. I cannot save you; I can’t even save myself, so just save yourself.” She sits down beside him, putting her head on his shoulder. “I know...

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Modern Love StoryChapter 18

And all to soon it was my last full day. We hadn't planned to go anywhere, but we needed to get some more bread and a few other bits and pieces so we popped into Cala d'Or. We'd done the shopping and were having a coffee in the main street, idly watching the world go by. More specifically I was watching a girl go by, a girl wearing shorts and a low slung bikini top. She was rather attractive, an impression not entirely unrelated to the fact that with every step her ample bosom was...

2 years ago
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Jackpot Chapter Eight

Disclaimers & Warnings: This tale includes, elements of BDSM, and a healthy sprinkling of verbal humiliation. Readers who are offended or triggered by such material are advised to proceed with caution or bail out now. © SheriffBart 2020. All rights reserved.Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!~~~~~ Chapter Eight: Sin City Trisha ~~~~~“Come on, Trisha ,pick up. Why aren't you answering? Dammit, voice mail again. I haven't heard from her for at least, what, seven days now?”“What? Haven't heard from...

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Demigod of WarChapter 22

Day 28: A dwarf John didn’t recognize shook him awake sometime during the ‘night’. He put fingertips over John’s lips to keep him quiet, but helped him get dressed quickly and made sure John had his ax and knife. Apparently, Dard made sure to give it back before departing. The new dwarf hustled John down another hall, through many rooms, some occupied and some empty. When they got to another sturdy looking door, they were met by another pair of dwarves, these wearing armor identical to the...

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The StepSiblings

From the time that they became a family, Mary had a crush on her step-brother. Now, at age sixteen, with hormones raging through her body, she was confused. She dated a few guys, but all they wanted was for her to get them off. She thought Bob was considerate and would never do something like that to her. Though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, Bob had a crush on Mary. He dated a lot of girls, had sex with many, and never left one unsatisfied. As far as he was concerned, none of the girls he...

3 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 49

“We’re keeping this money for ourselves! They’d probably never find where it came from and some crooked government official would wind up with it. This money belongs to all of us. I’ve already thought about putting it back for us to buy some land with one day.” “You mean our own land? Not more land there on Crow Ridge?” Isaac asked. “Yep, our own land. I hope each of us can own a big spread, like our dads do. I kind of want to own my own ranch one day, separate from Crow Ridge ... Don’t all...

1 year ago
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Jamies gradual grooming

"Jamie? Is that you?" A voice shouted out from across the road. Jamie lived in a relatively small town or village so it must be someone he knew. "Jamie, it's Mike from three doors down, Phillippa's dad?". With that Jamie stopped, he walked over to the very fast and expensive looking BMW. "Hi Mike, sorry I didn't recognise the voice at first are you okay?" Mike explained, he has seen my Mum the day before, who had aired my dirty laundry with him, charming! "Do you want to go and get some food...

3 years ago
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Can I Lick Your Pussy She Asked

It was in my twenty fifth year that I left my home town. While I'd always planned to spread my wings, it was an ugly break up with a long time boyfriend that was the catalyst. I moved from being a nurse in a small town hospital to being a nurse in a big city hospital. Apart from the pain of leaving family and friends, the move was the most exciting time of my life. I first resided in the nurse's accommodation adjacent to the main hospital. While my small room was clean and comfortable, it came...

2 years ago
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A Study in ScarletEpilogue part 1

John Watson sat quietly, an untouched cup of coffee before him, gazing out the kitchen window at the gently swaying limbs and leaves of the aspen. He again glanced at the calender on the wall, recognizing that it was exactly one year since the final divorce decree had been granted and the pain in his eyes was apparent. John looked inside himself, asking again if he had done the right thing; had he made an error, had he acted too precipitously, could he have at least tried to save his...

3 years ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 17 Mary Goes to Camp

"Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake," Beth told Mary and the other campers as they got off the camp bus and started looking for their luggage as the driver handed it out the back door. "If you're new to the camp than stay here with your luggage and the camp director will be here in a few minutes to give you the grand tour." Mary collected her suitcase and shoulder bag and turned to head for her cabin when Beth stepped into her path. "Mary, right?" "That's right," Mary said as she...

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Hustler is a pornographic institution that needs little introduction. The humble magazine was spreading twats for its readers well before “Internet” was even a household word. Many of us had our first nut to the rag’s glossy pages after finding the old man’s stash in his nightstand. The paper version survives despite the damage the ‘net has done to its smutty competitors, and brings their brand of explicit sex to the web.A Quick History LessonHustler was the brainchild of legendary...

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Haunted by the Past Ch 10

Rick Estevez was suddenly nervous. Dawn had ordered him to take her to bed and make love to her. He’d been steadfastly holding off. He knew in his heart that once their bodies were that intimately joined, he’d never be closer to heaven on earth again. Dawn flipped on the light switch just inside the door after he closed it. He turned it off again. He walked to where light was filtering in around the covered windows, found the cord and opened the drapes. The room was bathed in a softer light...

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On Your Knees Surrender

“On your knees.”The command in your voice is unmistakable, as is the firm downward pressure of your hand on my shoulder. A shudder runs through my body as I slowly sink to my knees before you.I look up to see you towering over me, gazing down at me. I recognize the smile on your face. It is the smile of one who knows that his word alone is enough to put me on my knees. My eyes fix on yours. I hear the sounds of buckles, cloth, and zippers in motion. When the sounds finally cease my eyes drift...

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My brown beginning part 10

I could barely sleep that nite and 5 AM arrived quickly.We all got up and prepared for the days festivities.Mom and Gram were getting the last of the quilting tables set up and gathering the supplies and material.Mom had biscuts and gravy and egg casarole already cooking in the oven and coffee made. Knock knock...anyone home? Mrs Stevens queried and stuck her head into the back door.Come on in you know better Mom...

1 year ago
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The Famous Blue Raincoat

Famous Blue Raincoat Inspired by the songs of Leonard Cohen Natalie Nessus Part1: Sisters of Mercy Oh the sisters of mercy, they are not departed or gone. They were waiting for me when I thought that I just can'tgo on I purchased the blue raincoat in 1986 from the Camden markets as a celebrationwhen I finally finished fashion school. The coat was of soft leather, dyednavy blue and had those wonderful marks and creases that demonstrated its age.I guessed it was from the...

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She took over my care after the one who gave birth to me died from a strange form of brain cancer that was so virulent and quick she never knew death was coming until it came! Malevolent which is what I liked to call my S'ster she reminds you of the character in that movie tall lithe athletic body voluptuous behind just like the one in the movie had I loved to watch her walk by her long legs striding and her round bouncy ass tightly encased in that black leather outfit OMFG she looked hot! I...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriends Submissive Brother

Introduction: I really enjoyed writing this one, it was great(: It started with an ad. Dominant mistress seeking submissive slave to dominate and train over text. Or something of that nature… I had posted it online, in a personals section of a sexual website. I also posted my number, and got many replies. Being picky, I only used one or two until him. Adam. I got a text almost a month after I had posted the ad. I was laying in bed, exhausted from a day of heavy housework. I had planned on...

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PurgatoryX Jazlyn Ray One Eye Open Vol 1 E1

Happy Hour buddies (Donnie Rock, Mazee the Goat) hit their local watering-hole after work. Donnie has a-few-too-many so his buddy Mazee, as usual, helps him home. Donnie’s beautiful, blonde bombshell girlfriend (Jazlyn Ray) tires of her man’s routine. So, a frustrated Jazlyn takes advantage of her passed-out boyfriend. She’s often wondered what Mazee has tucked-away in his pants so she decides to seduce him in front of her sleeping partner. Jazlyn and Mazee are so consumed with their carnal...

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The Joys of A Trained Pussy

After my first full weekend of man on man loving I knew that I was hooked, and couldn't wait to get more time alone with my sexy new lover. Over that first initial weekend we spent many hours engaged in sexual activity with a lot of time spent training my virgin hole, but there was also a lot of time spent with Mitch's big dick in my mouth. Which I began to love more and more! The texture, taste, and smell of his manhood seemed to awaken things inside of me that I had never known were there. ...

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Hit and Run

I work in the city as a delivery driver. When I get my deliveries done and have some time to kill I drive to tourist area and check out the ladies. A couple of the alleys go right behind the condos that are full of tourist, they leave the curtains open. The windows are right level with the truck I drive so I can see inside the condos perfectly. Some times a guy can drive by and catch a woman naked or some people fucking, it is all in good fun. So I am puttering down this alley, caught one...

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TandraChapter 55

Carl's problems had not lessened with Henry's leaving. About the time Henry and his new ship had passed the Mardaf Limit of this system, the Samutz, hiding in the Umal Mountains, to the south, decided to test his defences. The Cap had taken almost all of the able bodied soldiers with him, and left him with only 20 men and 5 Tandra, 2 of which were female. Small combat drones had flown from one of the many hidden Samutz bases. Five headed to a small camp just south of Souts. Sgt. Williams...

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My time with my girlfreind

I’ve had the same girlfriend since i was 12, but im 15 now and 2 days ago was amazing to me, I first picked (Her name is Sammie) up and we were going to a Early valentines day dance. We danced for 2 hours straight and we both thought we should get home. But when we were going to walk home she wanted to give me a quick Blow. Im like WHAT? Shes like Yeah! Our first time! It’ll be great! So we went into the bathroom in a gas station and locked the stall and she started to blow me for about 20...

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Bless A Fantasy

It always amazed her when she thought about the strong urge he had for release. Of course, she had always been this way too, or at least for as long as she could remember. Closing her eyes, she felt herself pulse from the nights sex and thought about her man and how she loved to be with him. His sexuality was constant and soothing. She had just learned to touch him and take him from the base of his cock and jack the hardness in to him. This made her smile and excited to think she could stroke...

Group Sex
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Carrie The cinema visit

Carrie – The cinema visit Donald Dentley © 2017 I saw Carrie again a few weeks later when I walked past her house to post a letter. She was in the garden cutting the hedge, but she saw me and said: ”Come to return my undergarments have you?” I replied that I didn’t have them with me, but it seemed she wasn’t very interested in them anyway. She suggested that the following Thursday we go together to the cinema in X, a moderately large town some thirty kilometers from ours. I looked a bit...

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The Muses

Here is a new universe that I challenge everybody to write in. I don't think anybody has quite had an idea like this before. A person can live a book, movie, TV show, etc., and THEN have to go further once it reaches the end of the known storyline. Interesting! I dare you all to try! Raven "The Muses" by Raven Jack was causally strolling through the wide indoor avenues of the mall when he noticed a new store. It struck him as rather curious because he was in the mall on a...

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Satisfying My Aunt In Indonesia

Hey guys. It’s my real sex story which happened recently with my aunt so-called (pinni) for better understanding. My name is Suraj and I’m from Hyderabad. I’m 5’7 with a 6-inch manhood 4mm diameter. My mother’s brother who happens to be my uncle got married to a foreign girl who’s from Indonesia. Her name is Astria. She is 40, a bit voluptuous with 38d-32-40. Her hips and ass make me go crazy all the time when I see her. A few months back they got divorced due to some issues between them. But...

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My Sister Caught Sunbaking

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a 19 year old male, and I have a younger sister, Ana, who’s just turned 18, and I have to tell you about what happened one summer day. My father is from a Chinese background and my mum is from Australia, so both Ana and I have a mid dark complexion. And a bit more about Ana, she’s about 5” 7’, curly black hair, very smooth skin, athletic body, and has very recently grown 32 C tits, which have so quickly come to my attention. Ana and I were very...

4 years ago
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Life choices

Lorenzo Giordano is your average 18 year old british man. He has peircing blue eyes, olive complexion and shoulder legnth brown wavy hair. For a man of his age its suprising to note that he isn't the greatest at growing facial hair. Standing at 5'8 and weighing 68kg he isn't the most formidable person. He takes care of his persoanl presentation always having his hair perfectly styled, wears the latests fashion trends and follows a stringent moring skincare routine. He has lived his entire life...

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This story is about my aunt, her daughter and me which happened when I was doing my college studies. My cousin name is SHRADHA (32 30 36), she was doing her +2 in my native. I used visit her house regularly as we used to play from c***dhood. My aunt RASIKA(Shradha’s mom(36 34 40)) was married to my uncle at age of fifteen itself who was at the age 34 that time. My uncle is a , used to be out for more days due to his trip. One fine day I still remember 20-07-2008,was her birthday she proposed...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 7 Katies torture

Katie's Torture Continues I awake the next morning rejuvenated. I decided I can play her little game. I give her a little kiss on the back of the neck as I caress her hips. My dick is already starting to grow. It seems the longer she teases me and denies me a release the larger it gets. I get out of bed to go make coffee and my hard on is protruding from boxers. Katie starts laughing as she sees me. "I can play your little game. Are you ready to cum? Do you want my tongue or my fingers,...

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