Choke Play
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
By Hungry Guy
Furball jumped off Nancy's lap at the strange noise coming from the coffee table and ran off to hide under some chair. Nancy leaned forward, grabbed her cell phone, and flipped it open. Seeing the call was from her friend Katie, she pressed the _TALK_ button. "Hello!" she said.
"Hi Nancy!"
"Hey Katie! What's happening, girl?"
"You'll never believe what Dan bought after he got that promotion at Lotsatech."
"Some outrageously expensive guy-toy! Am I right?"
"Bingo! But it's so cool! It's a home matter replicator."
"Really? I heard everyone's into scanning _THEMSELVES_ with those things and uploading themselves to the Internet. And creepy guys are downloading copies of girls and forcing them to be, like, sex slaves. Ewww! Those things ought to be illegal, Katie!"
"Well, well, well! Weren't you the one who downloaded a kitten from CNET last week and took the CD to Staples to make it?"
"But that's different. Furball is a kitty, and she's _sooooo_ cute! Who wants to make a copy of another person? There's too many of us on the planet already! And don't they cost, like, millions of dollars for one of those things?"
"Nah! The price has been coming down. Technology is like that, Nancy--the price drops while the technology improves. At least until it becomes regulated. Bob found two on Ebay for just under ten grand for the pair: a scanner and an assembler."
"Well, I guess that's nice."
"And we're having a replicator party. Wanna come?"
"What's a replicator party?"
"You'll see," said Katie.
"I guess so. Sure! What should I bring?"
"Just yourself."
"Food? Snacks? Beer?"
"Nah. Food's covered. Just show up next Saturday."
"Okay," said Nancy. "Sure. Why not?"
Nancy knocked on Katie's front door at the appointed time. "Come in! Come in!" said Katie, ushering Nancy into the living room. "You know everyone, right?"
"Yeah!" said Nancy as she waved at Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice who were sitting on the sofa chatting together. Cathy and Ronnie were talking in a corner. Fuschia and Jack were making eyes at each other next to the sliding glass patio door. Mindy was by herself as usual as she caught Nancy's eye.
"Care for a snack?" asked Katie.
"Sure!" said Nancy as Katie held up a large wooden tray with a large plastic bowl and several cups of dip on it.
"Aaaack!" screamed Nancy. "What the..."
In the bowl were miniature naked people. Nancy recognized miniature versions of everyone at the party: Ted, Alice, Mindy, Bob, Ronnie, and Carol.
"Yes," Katie laughed. "Everyone's there."
"I'm not sure..." Nancy stammered.
"Go on. Try one of us!" said Katie. "Dan and I are even in there."
Mindy had walked over to say "Hi! May I?"
"Help yourself!" said Katie as Mindy reached in and picked a miniature Dan out of the bowl, dipped him face down in the onion dip, shoved him in her mouth, and swallowed.
Nancy reached toward the bowl and hesitated. "Go ahead," said Mindy. "Try me. I think there's two of me left."
Nancy reached in the bowl and picked out one of two miniature "twins" of Mindy. Nancy held up the miniature Mindy--identical in appearance except that the miniature was about 6 inches tall. She looked up at the full-sized Mindy and said, "Is this really you?"
"It's a copy of me. All the details are right."
Nancy shrugged and said, "Okay, here goes..."
The tiny Mindy screamed, "No! Don't eat me! Please!"
Nancy slid Mindy into her mouth, head first and began to gag, and spit Mindy back out onto her hand.
"What's wrong?" said Katie.
"I can't swallow Mindy--even a 6-inch tall Mindy--whole. Can I chew her?"
"Noooo!" the little Mindy screamed.
"However you want," said Katie. "But if you close your eyes and start swallowing as soon as you put her in your mouth, she'll go right down. And try a little dip with her, that'll help."
Again, Katie dipped the little Mindy in the dip and put her in her mouth. Just her butt and legs were sticking out of Nancy's mouth, kicking and flailing. Nancy felt herself start to gag, and she bit down. Only Nancy could hear the gurgled scream come from within her mouth as she chewed felt her mouth fill with blood. In a moment, she swallowed Mindy's upper body and head.
Katie then sucked Mindy's butt and legs in and chewed and swallowed.
Mindy laughed and quickly handed Nancy a tissue. "What?"
"You're dripping blood from your mouth."
Nancy quickly dabbed her mouth and chin, sopping up a tiny amount--or was it a large amount--of Mindy's blood that was trickling out the corners of her mouth.
"Well?" asked Katie, Mindy, and Dan who had formed a cluster around Nancy.
"Interesting," said Nancy. "What was it like, Mindy?"
"I'm dead," laughed Mindy. "No way to tell you."
"No," smirked Nancy. "I mean, were you copied? What did it feel like? And how was everybody miniaturized?"
"Well," said Mindy. "I just stepped into the copier, a light flashed, then I stepped out and joined the party like nothing had happened. A little later, Katie and Dan were serving miniature copies of me, along with the others here."
Dan added, "The replicator I bought has a reduction/enlarge feature. Uber fredashay, eh?"
"Care for another?" asked Katie.
"Sure!" said Nancy as she reached into the bowl and picked out a miniature Ronnie.
Again, Nancy dipped Ronnie in the dip and slid him into her mouth as he screamed, "God, No! Don't eat me!"
This time, Nancy slid him in and swallowed in one gulp. He went right down.
"See?" said Katie. "It gets easier."
"Now it's your turn!" said Dan.
"My turn?" asked Nancy suspiciously.
"Yup! Follow me."
"I..." Nancy stammered.
"Don't be a fraidy cat!" said Katie. "It takes just a second.. You'll be back to the party in no time!"
"Okay," Nancy shrugged.
Dan called out, "Hey Cathy! You haven't been scanned yet either! C'mon you chicken!"
Nancy and Cathy followed Dan downstairs to the game room in the finished basement. In one corner stood a tall glass cylinder that looked like a prop out of some science fiction B-movie.
Nancy trembled and said, "You got first Cathy."
"Sure," Cathy shrugged and stepped unto the cylinder. "Will it hurt?"
"Nah," said Dan as he pressed a button on the machine. The glass door slid closed, a light flashed, and then the door slid open.
"How was it?" Asked Nancy as Cathy stepped out.
"Nothing to it," said Cathy. "Just a flash of light."
"Look here," said Dan pointing to an LCD screen. A static image of Cathy appeared on the screen, like in a 3D version of _Adobe PhotoShop._
Dan moved a trackball around and clicked on a few places until the image of Cathy was naked. "I just deleted all synthetic elements from the scan, to remove all her clothes."
Dan also said to Cathy, "I also ran a virsuscan on you. You'll be pleased to know that you don't have cancer or any fatal diseases."
"Oh?" said Cathy. "That's good to know."
"Don't want to serve any tainted snacks," laughed Dan.
Dan then pulled a CD from a drive under the screen, and stepped over to a similar, but smaller, machine sitting on a table. "That was the scanner. I couldn't afford a full sized assembler, but this small one does what we need."
Again an image of nude Cathy appeared on the screen. An alert text box appeared on the screen read, "Unable to begin. Object exceeds physical dimensions of assembler."
Dan clicked on some icons on the top of the screen. "There! I reduced her to 10%." He clicked a few more times, and the machine began to hum and buzz.
A few minutes later, the door clicked open. Inside was five miniature naked copies of Cathy.
"Oh my!" gasped Cathy. "Can I see one!" before Dan could answer, Cathy reached in and gently picked one up. "Wow!" perfect detail! "Even my mangled tattoo is there on..."
Nancy laughed, "On where, Cathy?"
Dan interrupted. "Your turn, Nancy."
Nancy shrugged and said, "Okay." Then she stepped into the scanner. She smiled at Dan and Cathy as Dan pressed the button and the door slid closed around her.
A violet light flashed, then she felt disoriented for a moment. The floor dropped away, then she landed with a _THUD!_
She was about to bang on the glass when something felt decidedly odd. She was naked. And she wasn't alone. It took a moment for her eyes to focus, then she saw herself. There were four others of her standing together in the copier, all naked.
"What the hell is going on?" they all said at once.
Before any of them could answer, the door slid open. A giant hand reached in and scooped them up and placed them in a large smooth stadium--no a plastic bowl. Nancy stared at the four copies of herself and the five of Cathy who stood together in the bowl.
Looking up, a giant version of herself and of Dan were looking down into the bowl.
Nancy watched as the giant version of herself reached in a picked up one of the other copies of herself. "Wow! It really looks like me!" boomed the voice of the giant Nancy.
Nancy put her smaller self back in the bowl and Dan carried them back upstairs where the party was in progress.
They all slipped and fell as their bowl was poured into another bowl containing all the other shrunken people. Nancy looked up into the room full of people--friends that she knew.
The others in the bowl, Ted and Carol and Mindy came over to the newcomers. "They don't know what they've done!" said Ronnie.
All the Cathys rushed into Ronnie's arms.
"They're going to eat us and kill us!" cried the remaining Mindy.
"We have to escape," said Ted, "We have to talk to Dan and tell him to stop eating us like snacks."
At that moment, someone reached into the bowl and lifted someone out. A moment later, Nancy saw her-giant-self reach in and pluck Ted out and swallow him.
"Nooooo!" Nancy screamed with some of the others.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" they all started to scream from within the bowl. But their voices, it seemed, were too tiny to be heard by the full-sized people in the room.
Nancy and some of the other Nancys and the Cathys tried to scale the walls of the bowl, but the slick plastic was too slippery. As she slid back down, a hand reached in and grabbed her.
She froze in panic as a man's fingers squeezed her body a little too tightly. She was brought up to his face--Ronnie's face. "No!" she cried when he spread her legs with his tick fingers.
"You creep!" she yelled as he fingered her pussy with his fingers as thick as tree trunks.
She struggled as he opened his mouth and he slid her in between his open lips. Closing his mouth around her torso plunged her into darkness.
"Don't eat me, Ronnie !" she screamed. "It's me! Nancy! Ronnie, don't eat me! Please!"
Nancy couldn't breathe. She was drenched in his saliva inside his mouth as his tongue swirled around her torso, twisting her this way and that. The darkness inside his mouth was absolute, and the odor of his breath made her feel ill.
The warm wetness that engulfed her upper torso contrasted with the cold crisp air of her butt sticking out of his mouth as she flailed her legs wildly, trying to kick his chin or nose.
Suddenly, she felt herself being sucked in. Her butt, then her legs, and finally her feet slid past his wet rubbery lips and she slid down his throat.
By then, she was feeling light-headed from lack of air and from being crushed by his throat muscles as she was propelled down, down, down into his stomach.
Without warning, she was plunged into an ocean of vomit. The undiluted stomach acid set her eyes and pussy aflame. Kicking and flailing wildly, her lungs forced her to take a breath, only to inhale his stomach vomit setting her lungs and throat on fire.
The pain! The intense pain seemed to last an eternity, until she finally began to feel numb all over. She began to float as the pain eased and her senses shut down.
* END *
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IncestShe looked so amazing, I had to do a double take, was it really her? They had dyed her hair a deep scarlet, and pinned it up, exposing her curved neck with long loose ringlets falling from her temples, perfectly framing her face. She looked sexy, sultry. She was heavily made up, thick red lipstick and large dark eyes, half closed, she looked like a goddess! She wore a long white gown, which emphasised her gorgeous curves, split high at the sides, exposing white stockings as she was led before...
“Hey, Niki ... I asked Ms. Dougal if we could have a life drawing class, with a real model, and she agreed, isn’t that great?” he asked the short black haired girl, making conversation as they walked. It wasn’t until they were entering the class that he added, “I told her that you had always wanted to model...” Moving into the classroom, Niki glanced at Roach, startled. “Wha? I mean, you can’t be serious. Can you?” Heading back to the large work table she shared with Mike and two other...
You Know you are Better than This It was the third Saturday of the month and Paul always dreaded this day. It was the day when he was Paula, the maid to his wife. Once a month Paul would have to spend the day as his wife's maid. He had to wear a maid outfit during the day and after serving his Miss Jennifer dinner Paul would have to change into an outfit which was appropriate for a maid to wear while off duty. As Paul was finishing applying his makeup he did think to himself that it...
It don?t get any better than this It don?t get any better than this She stood naked in front of him. Head bowed and silent. He admired her body and loved all the curves. He adored voluptuous girls, and this one was certainly that. He attached a good quality blindfold to her, taking care to join the straps under her hair, and pushing the Velcro together. At his command she cupped two hands under her large right breast and presented it to him. He bent down and slowly circled the nipple...
Warning: This is short. Second warning: No attitudes or ideas expressed within this story necessarily reflect those of Wolverine, they are the deranged thoughts of a man on his last knee. Enjoy! I'm Not Going Out Like This By Wolverine Uh-uh. No, no, no. It isn't happening this way. Yeah, I'm talking to you guys. Your stupid TG fanatics. That's why I decided to post this here, because you know what's happening to me and you want to delight and jerk off to me becoming some little...
It happened so innocently. I was 23 and she was 36 divorced and a mother of two kids. We worked for the same small company, she was on the assembly line and I worked in the laboratory. When I would look her way she would meet my eyes just a moment longer then would be normal. She would often find reasons to come into the lab looking for something. She’d always find a way to pass right by me even if it was the long way around. Sometimes she would brush against me as she passed. ...
First TimeWe were living in Atlanta at the time and had been invited to spend the weekend with some old friends that were in Birmingham, just a 3 hour drive away. It was close enough to see each other often, but far enough to stay overnight. We both were looking forward to this visit as Ron was throwing his wife, Cindy. a birthday party and it should be a lot of fun.We drove up to their house and noticed the big dumpster off to the side of their driveway. “Looks like they are doing some remodeling. I...
Picture This Lindsay and Cade arrived at the Bellagio in Las Vegas at half past four, Lindsay was nervous and kept twirling her long black hair. “Are you sure you want to do this Lindsay?” Cade asked her and took her hand in his. He was excited, he knew she would be surprised by what he had in store for her. The planning had taken quite some time to put together and he couldn’t wait to see it come to fruition. Lindsay looked at him from under her long dark lashes and thought about how to...
Group SexPicture This By JinSoo They say a picture's worth a thousand words. You'd be surprised just how true this is. It was about 2 years ago when I purchased a very strange camera. It had all your basic features 13 megapixel camera, facial recognition, 8 gigs of memory on an SD card, and very basic recording capabilities. But that wasn't all! It also had a feature that wasn't advertised on the box. It wasn't until I was messing around with it in the park that I found out just what it could...
How would you like to wake up to me giving you this wake up call ? Love to here your thoughts and suggestions.I open my eyes and scan the dark quiet room, allowing myself time to adjust to the darkness. The only light visible is that from the moon seeping in through the window and the alarm clock on my night stand. It reads 3:46 am. I take a deep breath and raise my arms above my head, stretching out long like a cat who has just awoken from a deep slumber. I inhale the salty sea air as it...
My step-daughter made a regular habit of having her friends spend the night at the house. Mind you, being in my mid thirties, it didn't bother me. She seemed to have young cute teenage friends, all sixteen and seventeen years old, and considering I'd been married for so long, was in a boring relationship, and I was always horny, I wasn't going to complain. I had no idea that teenage girls would walk around in short shorts, skimpy pants, and the tightest clothes I'd ever seen. Call me naive, but...
TabooAlthough this is the second part to one of my previous stories I promise you do not need to have read it to enjoy or understand this one "Mmm, keep rubbing my juicy clit," I awoke whispering. I'd been dreaming of my best friend's and my threesome the previous night. "Daddy?" I had forgotten that I was sleeping in his bed with him! My mom had gone out of town for the weekend. He kissed me and continued rubbing my pussy, now using his thumb to rub circles around my clit. "Morning Angel Angie,"...
Incest****d (sort of) by a Shemale!I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable...
I was finally home alone after 8 months of living back home with my parents. I had to move back because my roomies both got married and I couldn’t afford living on my own. My parents had to fly out of state on some business. The house was locked up, the dogs were down stairs in the livingroom sleeping, and I was naked in my bed reading the last chapter of a really great book. I looked over at the clock, it was 11:05, and knew my mother would be calling to make sure everything was ok. Even...
For years I have been trying to get my wife to take charge of our relationship. To date, the best that has happened has been her tying me to the bed, sucking on me, then riding me till I came... Oh boy!?! About a month ago, she asked me for my measurements, she measured everywhere. When I inquired, she just said it was a secret. Yesterday, a Wednesday, she announced that we would be taking a three day weekend together. She had already okayed it with my boss and our plans were made. She...
If you haven’t already read what has happened to us, go back and catch up. The short version is that we had some storm damage at our house, and an electrician who was doing the repair work found some pictures and videos of my wife Lisa in the attic. He ultimately blackmailed us into allowing him to have sex with her. He said it was going to be a one-time thing, but eventually, he came calling again, and the second time, he turned up the intensity, doing things to my wife that I still can’t...
Wife LoversIntroduction: First and foremost my name is Rolf Hasitup, I was sixteen, I stood 5/6, with dirty blonde hair, dark blue eye's, I weighed about 145 lb wet, with a 34x30x32 with no real muscular build, with a thin 5 inch dick, when this started. My parents are Ruth and Randolf Hasitup, they have been very loving and supportive of myself and my sister's Lena and Tulane. Who happen to be identical twin's they were fourteen, they stood 5/3, with a 33bX23X34 build, with red hair and green eye's...