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Ann Accident

Why had she waited so long, Anna wondered as she jogged down the hall, slowing to a fast walk when she saw other girls coming in and out of classrooms, trying to look normal. On any normal day she would have just gone when she needed to, before it became a problem— but today had been different. Leave it to Mr. Toba to show an interesting movie for once in his pathetic little life, she thought, cursing him as she passed the door to the vice principal’s office.

?Where are you off to in such a hurry, Anna?? The older woman asked, through the doorway. The vice principal was a large, faceless woman, with an impressive gait whose deep voice commanded a certain respect that wasn’t easy to shy away from.

?I uh? I’m just erm?? She stopped dead, pulled out of her thoughts by the sudden interjection.

A healthy red glow spread across her face as she managed her footing. Besides the fact that she’d almost tripped and fallen, she realized at about the same time that she was intensely embarrassed by the fact. She couldn’t just say, ?I have to pee.? It wasn’t right, nor was there enough time for explanations. The rumbling in her gut deepened and a few drops of piss splashed against the inside of her knickers, dampening them and running down her leg a little. She instantly squeezed her legs shut like a vice grip, staunching the flow.

It was just drops now, but soon she wouldn’t be able to hold it any longer. Paralyzed with the fear of peeing her pants, right there in the hallway, she dredged the depths of her brain searching for an excuse, any excuse. Anything would be better than standing here. But could she even move now? If she moved? Would she be able to hold it in or would she leave a slippery little trail from here to the ladies room. Anything, she thought, anything was better than that.

?The nurse,? She answered, keeping the muscles in her bikestrong thighs clenched as tightly as she could. But the damage had already been done and she could feel herself losing the race. Even as she said it, she felt a rivulet of piss, a drop squeezed from her meaty labia, as though she was an overripe orange, soak an echo into her plain grey panties and then trickle down the inside of her thigh.

?I f-feel a l-lil’ sick,? she said, trying desperately to constrain the waver in her voice. She felt the drop on her leg cool and then slow as it hit the open air beneath her skirt and listened intently.

The vice principal didn’t get up.

?Well don’t let me stop you, dear,? She said happily, as though to shoo her away. ?I hope you feel better.?

Anna nodded and glanced around one last time. No one was there. Nobody saw it. She leaned down and wiped the drop away with her hand, brushing it off on her pleated blue skirt and then took off down the hallway with fast, deliberate steps that remained short enough for her to retain a little pressure on her bladder.

The hallway was long and each step she took was another little squirt. She was holding it back, but she’d have to change her panties after this, or she’d be wet the rest of the day. She reached the second floor bathroom just as the urge abated slightly and decided that she couldn’t risk going in there— not like this. If somebody in her class saw her— well, suffice to say, she wasn’t the most popular girl in class, but she didn’t really want to risk any further embarressment. If she had to, heaven forbid, wring out her skirt, or at the very least, change undies, she wanted to do it on her own terms— alone. She flew down the cement staircase and crashed through the stairwell portal just as her bladder finally let go and a steady stream of hot, tepid liquid crashed through the thin cotton barrier and splashed against the front inside of her skirt, dribbling down her legs.

She braced herself, held her breath and booked it down the hallway. The hall was empty. All the first years were half the school away doing jumping jacks in the gym.

Anna hit the door hard with her shoulder, and confident in her momentum, she pushed through it, into the bathroom.

As soon as she entered the bathroom proper, she heard a scream to her left and then another and another. There wasn’t time for her to really wonder why there were a bunch of first years pushing past her, just as she didn’t care to ask herself who the older girls were in the corner. All that was on the periphery. When you have to go that bad and then you lose it, right there in the hallway, before you can get yourself situated over a toilet, the rest of the world ceases to exist and all that matters is the fact that you’re peeing yourself and its getting all over that beautiful blue pleated skirt you washed just yesterday. Getting all over the same uniform you’ll be wearing two periods from now and to club activities after that.

The four first year girls, not a one over 14, that were huddled against the stall that was opposite of the door dropped what they were doing and scattered as soon as she came flying through the doorway. The little stainless steel thermos they were nursing was tossed backwards, tumbling over the top of the stall as two shrill voices within screeched and a pool of red liquid ran out from beneath the stall door. The girl at the sink who’d been diligently plucking her eyebrows in the mirror screeched too, no doubt nicking her skin as she recoiled in surprise. Meanwhile, the other girl, who looked no older than 16, had been pushed back by the torrent of first years as she tried to bar the door and they tried to flee. Needless to say, she was still reeling even as Anna stumbled past the both of them and, after fumbling with the first locked stall, booked it into the largest of the three and lifted her skirt in terror as she pissed straight through her scratchy cotton briefs and into the squat Japanese toilet below.

The relief washed over her almost as fast as she managed to piss it all out and before long, the flood slowed and sputtered, and then finally abated entirely.

The nightmare was over.

Anna, still squatting on her hindquarters, blinked and craned her neck, peering into the space between her legs. There were her undies, hanging heavy on her rump, soaked through and dripping into an expanding puddle of urine between her feet, along with her socks and white tennis shoes that splattered, but not completely saturated. While most of her skirt looked dry, the front of it had taken the brunt of the accident but what puzzled her most were the five pairs of legs that seemed to be standing a few feet behind her in the open stall door, unmoving.

She brought her head up slowly and deliberately, turning it in the direction of the door and peered at the girls huddled together at the entrance to the stall. She felt her face redden and then the tears came. She hadn’t closed the door. The girls that she’d run past coming in had just watched her? With tears coursing down her cheeks, she opened and closed her mouth, not really sure what to say. The movement was as mechanical as the tears and at first, the other girls just stared at her.

She read their name cards off all in a line: Akiko, Keiza, Chiai, Rina, and Koarin. The five were all quite distinct. They were all older too. Way too old to be first years. And she was sure that at least one of them was a sixth year. She had to be. Akiko was the tallest, oldest looking girl there, and this wasn’t just any ordinary sixth year. This was? She was beautiful. Her hair was combed into finely woven curtains of silky smooth? what? Crimson, maybe? Black cherry? There was a hint of color in her hair but it was hard to discern it at first. Like a sparkle you only catch on a second glance, but it was there, and it was as gorgeous as the rest of her. A strained expression of surprise was painted across her face, as though she’d just discovered that the cat that had wrecked her fine china was actually a magical beast, or some equally-trying miracle. It was hard to tell, because her uniform was already a rather dark shade of black, but Anna spotted several dark splotches that looked like fresh stains all across the front of her blouse, and the grey bow tied at her breastbone had taken on a deep, dark red color in places. Behind her was Keiza, a short girl with an athletic complexion and a boys haircut, who’s solemn expression made her look a lot older than her body appeared. Even through her tears, Anna’s mind was working overtime. She pegged the taller girl at 17 or 18 and the younger at 16 maybe? She looked like she was at least a third year, but probably older than that. Anna was first drawn to the telltale stains spattered here and there on her uniform too, and second to the redness that spanned both her cheeks and seemed to finally disappear into the top of her blouse.

The remainder were three. Chiai, the tallest of the three, was an older fifth year with a supple little baby face, the sort of girl who they’d choose to play the innocent little girl in a television drama, or the cutie sucking on a lollipop as the killer stalked her on an opposite corner. There was a splash of bright sky blue under her uniform top and she had a jilted smile on her face. Part of it was confusion and the rest of it, unrestrained glee. Koarin’s acne-spotted face peered over Chiai’s shoulder, her eyes desperately trying to take the whole scene in as Anna just squatted there, looking pathetic. While her age was harder to judge due to her position in the pack, Anna’s mind labeled her a fourth year— at least 16. The last of the girls didn’t seem all that concerned about Anna’s plight. Instead, she stood behind Keiza and Akiko with a mirror in her hand, admiring her make-up job. And it was indeed a job. Anna registered that she was pretty, but she wasn’t pretty in the same way Koarin or Akiko was. Instead, she was pretty because she put in the time and effort to maker herself that way. Anna could tell that Rina, who also looked fourth or fifth year to her, had invested heavily in hair spray, body lotion, lipstick and eyeshadow. Her eyelids shimmered sea green underneath full, gorgeous eyelashes and her lips, even though they were, in reality, somewhat skinny and insubstantial, looked sexy, full, and ripe red.

?I tailed them all the way back to the science classrooms,? Koarin said, speaking up in soft, apprehensive tones. She didn’t sound afraid, but rather genuinely concerned, though whether she was concerned about the girls that had run off, or about Anna herself, that was unclear.

?Brownies are brownies. They aren’t going to tell anyone. We’ll just teach them not to scamper off at the first sign of danger before we let them at the carrot patch, is all,? Akiko said, her expression unchanging.

Chiai giggled a little at the rabbit metaphor as the other girls nodded. Anna stood up slowly, still sobbing as she nervously fingered the fringe of her skirt, not sure what she should do. They’d seen it. All of it. Every last drop and then some.

?I- I?’m sorry. I don’t? I don’t?? Anna searching for the words that wouldn’t come and whooping meanwhile.

Those were rocks in her mouth, sure, but they were by no means false. She hadn’t known. She hadn’t been in this bathroom in months— not since she herself had been a first year. And what had they been doing in here anyway? Brownies? Bunnies? And that sour, red stuff on Keiza and Akiko’s dress? Her mind was racing much too fast for her to consider what she had truly stumbled into, and as far as she was concerned, it didn’t matter anyway. Not with all they’d seen. If they told anyone— a single soul, even, she’d be ridiculed for years by her classmates, girls she was effectively stuck with for three or even four more years.

?Rina, you have a towel with you?? She asked, eyeing Anna’s nametag on the front of uniform. ?Look’s like little Anna here has had an accident.?

Rina looked up from her mirror and her face twisted into an absurd mixture of horror and contempt. ?My towel? You want to give this little pee-paddie my towel??

Akiko turned back to Rina, and grinned. ?Would you rather clean her up yourself? We can’t just leave her like this, you know.?

The other girls giggled at the thought, all except Keiza, whose cheeks turned a slight scarlet at the suggestion.

Rina surrendered the towel without further ado.

Akiko handed it to Anna, who took it without saying anything, and dried her eyes out. Maybe they were friendly after all. Or even sympathetic to her plight.

Before she could really consider the idea, Akiko grabbed the towel and shook her head. ?It’s not for your eyes, you bimbo. Try wiping off your bum, instead.?

She stepped up and pointed to the metallic pipe protruding from the bathroom tile floor and crossed her arms. ?See that pipe? Look right there and bend over and flip your skirt up. A second year girl who can’t even clean her own bung off. I thought the brownies were dumb, but this takes the cake.?

Anna blinked and glanced down at the pipe. She didn’t need any help, did she? She reached out for answers where there weren’t any and eventually did as the older girl said, bending over so that her ass was in the air. Akiko waited, unmoving. She directed the girls with her other hand, still holding the towel and pointing at the toilet fixture.

?Ka-o-rin. Keiza. Grab her legs. Rina, take her panties and go wring them out in the sink. Chiai, you keep an eye out in the hall; we wouldn’t want anyone to see little Anna here all puckered up the way she is, now would we??

Rina rolled her eyes and stuffed her mirror in her bag and then set the whole thing down on the side of the stall, shaking her head and mumbling something about just putting lotion on her hands. Anna felt a rush of cool air against her wet panties and the side of her skirt that was plastered to her leg lewdly as the girls moved in and in a second, she felt their hands, one pair warm and the other soft and cool, clasp her bike-made thighs up by her buttocks.


They lifted her bottom half up, almost before she could catch herself on her hands, and she felt a tiny hand slither up into her nether-regions, peel away the sopping panties and then pull them down her outstretched legs, leaving her fourteen year old cunny exposed to the cold, toilet air. She felt vulnerable. She was naked under her skirt now and even though it was probably for the best, she wasn’t thinking of her skin, or the terrible chapping she used to get back when she was still in diapers, but rather, she started to wonder just what Akiko had in mind. It wasn’t the first time she’d been naked in front of people she didn’t know before. There were those health exams she’d taken every term as a first year, where the nurse had measured the length of the peach fuzz along her little peach blossom and taken a little rubbing from deep inside, but those times had felt cold and clinical. Here, instead of rubber gloves she could feel the probing hands and fingers of her senior schoolmates, and as strange as it felt, there was also a feeling of warmth that she couldn’t quite place deep down in the pit of her stomach.

The girls set her down and fixed her skirt up again as Akiko came around with the towel, both of them examining the damp, black hair all messed around the crook of her mound. Anna continued to stare at the pipe fixture. She couldn’t endure looking at them look at her like that and she wasn’t sure what Akiko would do if she did move. So she just kept her head down and her ass up, like a good little girl.

Keiza, on the other hand, couldn’t resist getting a little closer. She leaned in for a quick whiff as she set the other girl down. Did it smell like Aki’s did, she wondered? She fancied there was a tad bit of sweet amongst the sour and wondered. It was new— she couldn’t resist. Seeing this, Akiko just laughed and gave Keiza a bit of a shove, knocking her off balance and throwing her face into the other girl’s cunt. Keiza took in a deep breath as her lips came in contact with Anna’s tidbits and snapped up a quick, somewhat sour nibble on the her naughty bits, before she caught herself and reeled back into place next to Akiko.

?Bad Keiza,? Akiko chided as she brought the towel up between Anna’s legs and began to towel her off. ?You’ll get your meat when I say so and not a moment sooner. I know you want it raw— sour even, but this is punishment hour, you know that.?

Keiza bowed her head low and kneeled down on the tile floor, prostrating herself as she slid the edge of her tongue along the outline of her fragile lips. Kaorin meanwhile turned to the sink Rina was hard at work on a bit of her make-up at and fanned herself with her hand as a blush creeped up the inside of her blouse towards her neck. Akiko worked on her for a minute or so, turning the towel over in her hands every once in a while until she was satisfied that Anna was well-clean. The air tickled her now-only-damp pubic fibers, and the strange feeling in her stomach, like there was a thick, hard rubber ball expanding deep down in her gullet continued to grow. Her anus puckered. Was the room getting warmer all of a sudden?

?We’re incorporating you into our little circle, Anna,? Akiko began, tossing the crumpled, pee-stained towel into the corner of the stall. ?But it isn’t so bad, really. We’ll make sure nobody finds out about your little accident this morning, and besides, I think Keiza and and Kaorin here kind of like that anyway??

Anna kept her lower body, who’s center of gravity was still up in the air and on display, statue-still, but craned her neck so that she could peer under her legs and catch the shared look between the two girls mentioned. Keiza just maintained her straight face, glowing a deep red and Kaorin looked down, and then back to naked butt in front of her and then down again, continuing to fan herself without a word.

?Go ahead, stand up,? Akiko state flatly, as she stepped up next to Keiza and grinned.

Anna slowly picked herself up off her hands, and wiped the dust off on her dress. She wasn’t sure what to do next, but she did feel better dry. If it wasn’t for that nasty wet spot on the front of her dress, it would have been hard to tell she’d even peed herself.

?Joining is easy,? Akiko said, nodding to Keiza. ?Show our little recruit the entrance exam.?

Keiza, still blushing, nodded and crawled up close to Akiko, such that her face was parallel with the other girl’s waist. Aki lifted the front of her skirt, revealing a thin cotton thong that tried hard to cover even the full length of her slit. Anna’s eyes got a little bigger, though she still wasn’t sure just what was going to happen next. Keiza swallowed and licked her lips. Bringing her hands around Akiko’s thighs from behind, she gave the girl’s ass a squeeze and then pulled the bit of fabric away, revealing a smooth, shaven slit soft, and completely devoid of stubble.

Anna swallowed as she watched Keiza stick her long tongue out and circle the extremities of Aki’s pubic mound, tracing a gentle circuit into the supple flesh around her labia. She did that once, twice and again, weaving patterns into it, going back and forth at the above and below; Akiko smiled and pushed a few stray locks of hair out of her face with the hand that wasn’t guiding Keiza’s ministrations. As Keiza worked her magic, Anna felt conflicted. She was retching in her mind but her tongue couldn’t help but protrude from her mouth a little, the way her cat did when it wanted milk. She hadn’t ever tried it— tasting her own quim, but she knew what she smelled like when she touched herself there, and sometimes, when she got home from school, especially after a particularly busy day of sports she’d take a quick whiff of her underpanties, just to you know, see how slimy-grimy she’d gotten on any given day. This was by far though, the most sexual display she’d ever witnessed, and far more enticing than the random stories that circulated about the boys who’d sneak in from time to time, only to be discovered by the head mistress and outed.

The display was gentle at first, as though Keiza’s tongue was being guided by the subtle breezes, but before long, Anna could see that Akiko was getting simultaneously getting both excited and agitated, and Keiza too, increased her efforts. What was at first silent quickly devolved into a lewd slurping chorus and soon, the hands that had been stoking Akiko’s back moved beneath the dress, too, aiding her oral efforts. Akiko’s blush began to radiate as the speed of her breathing increased, and Keiza moved to accompany that rhythm, giving her little anal starflower jabs in time as she worked to separate Akiko’s syrupy labia with her other hand. Anna watched as drops of saliva rolled down Aki’s thighs and Keiza’s chin, mingling with Aki’s own subtle stickiness as Keiza increased her efforts, lapping the other’s cunt like a dog would peanut butter.

?See,? Aki said, in between breaths, ?There’s nothing to it. Now come on, Anna, take her place like a good little girl. Do it well enough and I might even let Keiza here finish you off.?

Anna blinked, her mind spinning. She couldn’t do it. Not here. No, not anywhere. She could tell that Akiko took good care of her all her girly parts, but it didn’t matter. Her mouth? There? Her fingers in there? No. Not at school. Not with a sixth year. She just couldn’t.

She shook her head and backed up, nearly slipping in the still remaining puddle of her own piddle. She couldn’t stop shaking her head no. No. Not here. Not you. Not my tongue there or my fingers there. Not any of it.

Akiko shook her head, and Keiza let up, taking a deep breath as she turned to face Anna, her face slightly red and her lipstick slightly smeared.

?Well, you’ll have to learn to do it some day, and until then, I’m going to have to punish you.?

Anna continued to back up, into the back of the stall. Surely there was a way out of here. Could she slide under the wall and make a break for it? She wasn’t sure where Chiai was, or what she was doing, but surely, if she could break through them pissing herself, she could find a way out proper.

Akiko, seemingly reading her mind, shook her head. ?Don’t try it,? She warned, speaking too late and without any sort of promise to curtail the attempt.

Anna dived for the space under the divider, utilizing her size to squeeze through the opening and wriggle past the toilet there. Akiko shouted for Chiai to bar the door and then called for Keiza and Kaorin. As quick as Anna was, she wasn’t quick enough to cover the distance between the stall and the door on her belly in the midst of a group of girls who had free reign of the bathroom and as soon as she reached for the outer stall’s floor supports, two pairs of arms hauled her out from underneath the divider, while a third grabbed her legs and locked them together before she could try and do otherwise.

?Rina— socks. One for her wrists and the other for her ankles.?

Anna struggled, trying to fight back against her aggressors as the pulled off her shoes and tossed them aside and then tugged the long length of her thick, knee-high socks off. She flailed for a minute at one point, but they hauled her back into the big stall regardless and soon enough they had her wrists bound together in thick, tight cotton. Akiko looped her cuffed hands around the toilet floor fixture so that she was face down as the other two girls worked on tying the sock tight around her ankles. Akiko went for her skirt next. She let the clip loose and then wrapped it around Anna’s knees, as tight as she could manage it and then tied it off in a rather kludgy knot. The other two girls meanwhile forced her legs into a bent position such that her knees were just slightly stuffed into the hollowed out alcove of the Japanese toilet, leaving her bare ass exposed to the air (and the door to the stall).

She began to cry.

?Not so quick now, are you?? Akiko asked her, shaking her head. ?Rina, did you ever get around to washing this little cunt’s soggy pants out??

She pointed to the sink and shook her head. ?No. They stink.?

Akiko strode over to the sink and wrung them out once more, giving them a little sniff and nodding. ?Yeesh. These do stink. You’re filthy, you know that??

Anna, sobbing now, just shook her head in protest. ?N—o? No?N-n-n??

Without a second thought, Akiko wadded them up and with a look of bitterness, she squatted and using two fingers, stuffed them into Anna’s mouth.

This, of course, brought forth a new struggle and a fit of coughing and gagging, as the piss-stench filled Anna’s mouth and traveled up into her nose, leaving her with a sour, despicable reminder of the bad luck that had brought her down here in the first place. But eventually, Akiko succeeded in prying her teeth open and forcing the girl’s own dirty panties down into her mouth.

?Rina, the sticky medical tape, two strips.?

Rina got it.

With that done, Akiko stood up and shook her head, admiring their handiwork. ?There. Is that better than this?? She asked, raising her skirt and pointing to the crotch of the thong, still skewed to the left. ?Next time consider just doing it without question so that I don’t have to tie you up to the toilet like a pig to teach you a lesson.?

?Chiai!? She yelled, over the tops of the stalls.

Anna tried to fight against her fitted cocoon, but found it all but impossible to get any sort of leverage anywhere. And it was enough just to breath, really. Gagged like this, her body was working overtime, breathing through her nose at double-speed.

Chiai wandered into the stall and squealed. ?What a cute little flower-butt,? she said, grinning gleefully. ?Anybody have any lipstick??

Rina rolled her eyes and rooted around in her bag. She pulled out a little tube of lipstick and handed it to the other girl, shaking her head. ?You know you’re buying me a new tube later, right??

Ignoring her, Chiai took to the canvas in front of her, kneeling and coloring in a big, oily blossom right in the center of the other girl’s ass, staining Anna’s puckered little starfish a deep, lurid shade of red. She followed that with a tight spiral that eventually blossomed into a series of concentric patterns. Next, she used the lipstick to draw petals at the edges of the other girl’s ass, and finally a stem right down her crack until she couldn’t get any deeper. A few greasy leaves later, her masterwork was finished.

She stood up and handed the lipstick back to Rina, who bent down quick and businesslike and added her own little doodle, a smeared arrow disappearing into the crack between Anna’s legs, labeled ?eat me.?

In the hallway, the chimes started, signaling the end of the period.

?What’s more embarrassing, Anna, peeing yourself or giving every little first year who comes through this bathroom a good, long look at your greasy little asshole??

As the others gathered their things, Akiko leaned down and whispered: ?Don’t even think for a second that I don’t expect an answer, Fukauchi. I’ll be waiting.?

Anna picked up her struggling a little as the other girls filtered out of the bathroom, leaving her alone again as the sounds of distant footsteps poured into the hallway.

A drop of sweat rolled down her forehead and then stung her eyes as Rina’s lipstick started to run.

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Copyright© 2000 Psychology 101 Section D (Dr. Samuels) Semester Project Journal Nadine Murphy Monday 9/25 8:13 PM Well, Dr. Samuels liked my project proposal. When I got the paper back in class today, he'd written "I like it! Creative thinking!" across the top in big red letters. I don't think I've ever gotten that positive a response from a teacher before. This is exciting! If this goes as well as I think I'll probably decide to major in psychology. Anyway, this document is...

4 years ago
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NO EARLY RELEASE III Leslie sat at her desk working on her most important case. The Emanado case was important because of the media storm that surrounded it. Winning the case was very important to the D.A. and would definitely give her career a big boost. Leslie was a bit of a perfectionist. In fact she was obsessive about her career. She had a big reputation for being a relentless prosecutor, and she loved being in trial situations. For Leslie McCoy to cut a deal she would feel that the case...

3 years ago
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Caleb 17 The prodigal Returns

As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 17 - The prodigal return I was stunned. Over and over, I examined the memory. There was no doubt. It had been my power that had been in play. It appeared...

3 years ago
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My New Life

My New Life by Jennifer Adams for Alice Kirksey ©Jennifer Adams This is my account of the changes in my life as requested by my therapist Ms. Robel. I would like to thank Jennifer Adams for writing my short biography. After many agonizing hours of thought I have decided to share what happened to me with others who might be going through what I have gone through. Even though it is very unlikely that it will happen to anyone else, you never know. I remember the day it...

2 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 13 Hard line

After a good night's sleep, in real beds, the girls seem to be feeling much better. There are no more tears and they are happy to run around following Nev, as she insists on dragging them around to meet everyone. Catherine says she will keep an eye on them, as they troop out. Diana says she is going to have a look at the farm animals. With everyone running off in different directions I am free to quiz Nev's father, Howle. Howle, I want to know what odd things have been happening around...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 8

North Carolina Theater of Operations, Suburbs of Winston-Salem April 9, 2011 “Incoming! Move this tent now!” I heard rather disturbing orders from the commander of my medical team, but so be it. “Rat bastards! Now, I’ll have to triage them! There’s no saving them now!” I cursed as I realized that any hopes of saving three fine young soldiers went down the drain. Enemy rocket fire was no joke, even if their supplies of rockets had to be dwindling drastically by this point. It was a bluff, I...

2 years ago
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A woman named Sin

A man was walking on the street, his one hand, fingers tightly clenched around the handle of a black suitcase that has a million dollars’ worth of uncut diamonds and the other busy with the phone.“Yes, I have the diamonds… No they didn’t doubt a thing… I’m coming back home and then we can leave together for good.”“You can leave your past behind, Synnove and we can start our new life. I love you so much.”“I love you more, Damien,” a woman’s voice cracked from the other side of phone.“Heyyyy,...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part VIII

Julie’s email sent Alistair straight up to the bedroom. He quickly got out of his trousers and pants and grabbed a pair of her knickers and lay on the bed. He didn’t know where to start as he began to stroke himself. Should he concentrate on Bajram fucking her? Perhaps he should think about Ceres and his Julie together? Maybe even think about Abdul and Bajram both fucking her that very morning? But the two faces that filled his mind were those of Jeff and Alan, his friends of longstanding. ...

1 year ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Three

Susan woke up as the morning light came shining through her window. Bill’s now limp cock was still in her mouth. As directed, she immediately started licking and stroking his dick back to life. She loved the idea of sucking him off for breakfast, but a part of her would not have minded being fucked. She couldn’t believe herself; one quickie with her husband, and she’s set for a week. This bastard had her in a constant state of either waiting to be fucked, or actually fucking. As Bill opened his...

3 years ago
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Marathon Suck

One day when driving in my car in the UK I stopped off at toilets to have a pee. I went up to the urinal and when I finished and was leaving, a man entering nodded to me to look towards the cubicles which were up a narrow passageway from the urinals. I looked up and there was a group of men with their cocks in their hands and all were wanking. Some were wanking their own cocks and some were wanking others' cocks. I was amazed that I hadn't noticed this when I came in. It stopped me in my...

2 years ago
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Meri Maa Ne Sekheya Muje

By : Guri To mere dosto mera naam Guri ha or main ek punjabi family se belong karta hun.main mohali ka rehne wala hun and iss read karta hun pishle 10 dino se..ajj mera v man kiya k apke sath meri ek real story share kro..meri age ab 22years ki ha… main story shuru karta hun… bat un dino ki ha jab main 20 sal ka tha maine pahle kbhi v sex nhi kiya tha koi jyada knowlage v na thi.. meri mom ki umar 38 years ki thi or unki figure 38.34.40 ki ha or height 5.6″ha..buht sexi ha meri maa.. un dino...

3 years ago
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And so I was born – under the harvest moon: July fourth, 1958. I cried but apparently mum had a big smile on her face!When I was three, my sisters started crossdressing me – every day! And, oh my, they put me into the most gorgeous, frilliest, gurliest little outfits they could find. Mum didn’t even seem to mind. “Just don’t get your clothes dirty!”I stayed as Little Jayne until I was 10. My sisters lost interest while mum told me to stop putting on dresses – it was time to become a boy again....

1 year ago
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GoesWild aka GoneWild aka Girls Gone Wild! You know all those hot chicks when they get really wild and start showing off a bit too much? Yeah, well there’s a place for all of them and it’s called GoneWild.co aka GoneWild.to. Obviously, the .com extension would be taken, so you’re stuck with GoneWild.co when it comes to this website. This place is ideal for checking out some of the hottest chicks in the business, even if they don’t have nudes online. GoneWild.co is a great platform for these...

Amateur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Wheals of Fortune Ch 02

You’d better be over eighteen if you are about to read this – all of the characters in the store are. It follows on from part1, of course, and part 3 will be along later. I slept between my lovely satin sheets on my second night at the Gordons’ Mansion, my back still sore from my whipping, my anus stretched and aching with the unfamiliar intrusion of the butt-plug. But I felt supremely happy. My Mistress loved me, and I knew I could serve her, that when I had made her cum that afternoon, she...

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Steamy One Night Stand 8211 Part I

Hi readers I have been reading the stories on ISS from a pretty long time and now thought to share my own true story. I liked most of the stories but some are imaginations and dreams. Anyway comments are most welcome on I’m Samir 28 year old single, good looking, and handsome, romantic and hot guy from Delhi. I have a good education and a respectable job. Coming to my story, it happened 2 months back while I was looking for some girl on internet on social media and else. I came across a girl...

4 years ago
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Bring Me to LifeChapter 9

I wanted to feel guilty. I should have felt guilty. Adriana's blowjobs made it impossible to think about what I did to get them on the regular menu. The pimps recognized the new respect the women had for me; they also noticed Adriana's change in attitude. The top of the criminal ladder is attacked in times of hardship and prosperity. The disappearance of three pimps, the women walking the straight and narrow, and the taming of a 'bitch in heels' gave the pimps a good reason to go...

1 year ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 193 ThreeFront Battle Fight 2 Part 3

Sanosuke: I'll give you the Futae no Kiwami! Now take your stance! (Banjin punches the floor.) Banjin: Yeah right! I don't know about one tekkou, but you think you can take 'em both out with your two hands? Just one punch from me and it's lights-out, so think about what you're doing! Sanosuke: Quit whining! We're fighting here, so shut up and take your stance! Banjin: What! I'll kill you! Megumi: Sanosuke! (when he ignores her) Hey, roosterhead! Banjin: What, woman!...

2 years ago
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Always hard the beginning Chapter 4

A Learning Process: A Quickie With Lepicki • July 1958 A week or so after another great night with Ellaree, Vic’s stepfather asked him to drive him to Astoria to see his old friend Frank Lepicki; Vic didn't turn Bob down for one very good reason. He saw a very good chance to see Frank Lepicki's real cute daughter again. It had been five years since the two of them made out on the back seat of her father's car and Vic was wondering if she remembered how close they came to doing it. If she...

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Story Telling

"I was supposed to have soccer practice but our coach, Coach Fox, called it off when thunder and lightning erupted in the west. We would have moved into the gym but the PTO was organizing a craft show there." I went on, "Her language wasn't pretty when she realized they were in there - it never was, even with us girls, though her vocabulary was limited because something in the past led her to avoid sex cuss words. Anyway she sent us home." "I showered in the locker room and got back...

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Seed of Horror Chapter 3

The headboard to Christi’s bed was slamming against her wall with so much force that paint was chipping off the cracking plaster. “Oh yes! Oh YES!” she screamed, lying on her back and clinging to the corners of the mattress. Sitting on the soles of his feet with his hands on her thighs, Jason was thrusting into her with all the strength in his body. Christi’s parents had gone out to dinner with friends and her brother was out on a date, so they had the house to themselves and...

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Sauna Induction

After moving to a large coastal city from the very small town I had grown up in, my gay life blossomed. I loved the bars and clubs and frequented them with increasing enthusiasm. With the shackles of my former life well and truly lifted, I was embracing my new emancipation wholeheartedly. There was, nevertheless, still one final hurdle I had to scale, and that was visiting a gay sauna.I made my mind up that on an upcoming Saturday, I would definitely tick that final box. The normal operating...

Gay Male
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Another unexpected blowjob

We were invited by my brother in law for dinner and they asked us to show up at 4pm so his sister could help out with the meal. As we got there, the house was a mess, piles of clothes everywhere, a ton of dirty dishes in the sink, dirty floor, etc. Needless to say it was pretty.We help out cleaning the house before his parents showed up at 7pm. We had a great dinner but I was in a bad mood towards the reason we were told to be earlier than the others. After dinner, we consumed a few drinks and...

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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 8

Friends hum ne pichle part me dekha ke seema ne kavya ki chudayi se pahele apni chudayi karwali aur hum sab thak kar sogaye the. Subah jab mai utha to tino wahan nahi the aur main lower me tha mere badan per blanket thi.Hum sab ne nashta kiya aur phir thodi der baten karne ke liye baith gaye kyunke aaj mera last din tha isliye sab log mere pas hi the mai aaj apne ghar wapas jane wala tha.Tabhi kavya boli mai ghar jakar aati hun rima boli per teri to chudayi abhi baki hai aur hasne lagi kavya ne...

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My first threesome Part 2

Following her moans, I brushed my muscular hands along her clit over and over, sliding easily with the massage oil. Her hips arched higher a little bit, giving me a full exposure of her pussy. I couldn’t resist anymore. As I saw her hand reach for my hardened cock, I too let my middle finger slide inside her pussy. As I slipped my finger inside her, her hips moved down back against my finger. She gripped my cock with her hand tightly and started to stroke me. My cock looked huge against her...

2 years ago
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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7

Steve unlocked me from the cage and handed me over to Master. I went to wipe Steve's cum from off my face but was told to leave it.'So Sissy that's 3 serious demerits you've earned for that little escape attempt. I warned you not to mess with me but you just couldn't help yourself could you?'No Master' I said sheepishly.'Right well get yourself home and learn to follow orders' he said. 'I want you to have an early night and watch the videos I have given you on your ipad. And don't forget to...

1 year ago
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Dazzling Makeover

Clive sat alone at the table nursing his drink with the din of conversation around him increasing. Although surrounded by many assorted relatives at his Uncles funeral he didn’t seem to know any of them here at the Wake. The atmosphere seemed more akin to a thanksgiving reunion than a traditional funeral, many of the ‘mourners’ having dressed-up for the occasion; eager to show how well they were doing in life. This was Clive’s first funeral affair and the venue that also catered for corporate...

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Nick High SchoolChapter 21

The girls continued to prepare for their first game on Friday. During each practice, you could see their increased intensity, and focus on the game. I always played on the practice squad so I could give the girls as much help as possible. It also helped me to see where their weaknesses were. This way, we could exploit those weaknesses to get the point. I'd then mention what I found to the coach, so she could figure out a way to fix it. Sue had worked her way up to the number one setter....

3 years ago
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My First Anal Fuck

I had been living with my boyfriend for about a year our sex life was great we did it whenever we had the chance.I remember one day I had been sunbathing in our garden I was wearing my black bikini and had loads of oil coating my body,I had just remembered I hadnt taking anything out of the freezer for our supper so I jumped up and went into the larder, I was bent right over my peachy bum tight and taught my bikini bottom slightly embedded in my crack then suddenly I felt his hands rubbing my...

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I could help you Part I

My name is Tomas, I'm a 27 year old boy with blond hair and greenish blue eyes. I'm 6'2'' tall and sporty. The only thing at my body that I don't like is my only 5 1/2 '' long and 1'' thick cock. Maybe this is one fact what led to the later events... Tanya is a beautifuk girl, long dark hair, big brown eyes, standing 5'5'' tall. She is not slender but wellshaped, with very female curves, a firm round butt and big natural c-seized breasts. We are together for eight years now. At...

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I was in an adult book store browsing the aisles looking at the DVD covers, I paused at a group of covers that showed huge black penis'. I was mesmerized as I examined one cover after another. I was unaware that another patron had entered and was standing next to me. he asked 'big ain't he.' I didn't even look up I answered 'photo shopped. No one has equipment that big.' He cleared his throat in a peculiar manner, I glanced up and his eyes dropped to the floor. I followed his eyes and saw...

1 year ago
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An insatiable woman

 replied, think, table, receipt, cautiousness, apron Her husband never paid her any attention. That´s why she felt so sexually unsatisfied. She almost passed out, her eyes popped up for so much screaming and lust.  I was burning from pleasure, as I saw my step mother sucking my dick so anxiously, full of madness. %%%%%%%% It was a very quite and foggy morning, grey, like those we usually have in Bilbao , Spain .  I was doing the dishes, while daydreaming in the things I was doing, my...

First Time
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Office Frolics

The drive into work this morning was nail-biting. Big day a head for me. I was busy changing channels on the radio, eating gum and trying to navigate my through the heavy morning traffic. I was going through the whole scenario in my head. Would Jack try and catch me out with a few things or would he be as sweet as honey? I then turned my attention back to my driving. I liked to have a bit of fun on the way in, usually to take my mind of the usual boring routine. This morning I had managed to...

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Round 1

*I apologize before hand for any errors in spelling and grammar please understand I am not a writer*I’m going to write it down while it’s still fresh in my head My wife Mary and I are in our 50’s (she’s filipina Hawaiian I’m American) k**s are grown and all moved out. For decades we’ve had a very active sex life and in our younger days did some experimenting with swinging but decided not to pursue the lifestyle with no regrets. Over the last year we would talk half seriously about maybe...

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The Guys Place Dare

Authors note: This is not based on my own idea, but on that of Ozzy Nelson, when I read the first Guy's Place I had to add on. This story can be posted on any free site, as long as Ozzy Nelson and I are given credit, so please enjoy and feedback would be great, seeing as this is my first story. Thanks, now onto the story. The Guy's Place: Dare Kari Hope "Dude, check her out," Justin said pointing at the girl working in the store across from them, as he and his two friends at in...

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Gloryhole Happiness

Born in the mid fifties, I was comfortable with sex with women only. In the Seventies I began to watch porn movies a lot. I found oral sex and anal sex to be the hottest videos. I found myself watching the cocks not the women. Big hard cocks really got me hot. In early 1980 I went to an adult bookstore to rent a movie to watch cause my wife was going out again. Cheating bitch. In the bookstore I had seen hundreds of times before, the back area where the video booths were.The clerk asked me if I...

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PervMom Natasha Starr The Boner Bouncing MILF

Tatted MILF Natasha Starr wants to make sure that her loving stepson is not too torn up about his girlfriend breaking up with him. To console the guy, she sucks his dick at the breakfast table and then spreads her legs for him to penetrate her MILF pussy. Later, Natasha shows off her beach ready body, getting her stepson rock hard in the process. She bounces on his cock for another orgasmic bone session! A couple days later, Natasha jiggles her big titties and lays on her back while her stepson...

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MagicianChapter 57

The following morning a whole bunch of Mages set off in a series of taxis to the centre for higher learning and a meeting with Artello the senior neuro-technologist who had researched and produced our brainwave frequency changer. To give him credit he hardly seemed fazed at all about the number of people who turned up to view his ‘machine’ in its final form. Also there were Ketty and Niras as well as Dorry and Olmer, with the younger couple getting odd looks due to their tanned skin. “Here...

3 years ago
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My First Time part 2

Seems right that I talk about the second time Steve and I had sex. Don't worry I'm not going to talk about them all, just some of the kinkiest times we had. The second meet was notable not only for the sex but also I was sort of willingly pushed into a higher level of crossdressing. For a long time I had been wearing panties, tights, stocking etc under my male clothes, when I got the chance. I had worn dresses etc when home alone, but this was different.I got a text message from Steve on...

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Bangkok in 2001 satisfies Stuart big time

It was the middle summer 2001 in the back streets of Bangkok and it was unusually hot, even for the Thai City, as the three young local girls, Sumalee, Karnchana and Mayuree, were keeping cool in the large air-conditioned gym. They are employed to look after the sexual desires of tourists and they are very experienced in sexual techniques even though they are only 18 years old. All three had learnt to speak English as c***dren, which helps them now in their work with the tourists.The previous...

2 years ago
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Latex and Schoolgirls What Could be Better

Number 36 of a series of individual stories. Latex and Schoolgirls - What could be better By SONIA (E-mail [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) Chapter 1 - Sally Anne's Idea I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did, I loved it! We had a trip...

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B Is for Bikini Beach Bitch

Bianca Bodsworthy had no idea what she was letting herself in for or the trouble she was getting herself into. But then again, Bianca rarely had a clue about the obvious about her. And by that I mean the obvious around her as well as concerning herself. Bianca was what a song writer once called 'a bubble-headed bleach blonde'; except in Bianca's case, she was the genuine fake article in that her hair was natural, not dyed. And her big, beautiful boobs weren't bought either. Actually,...

1 year ago
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I was finished with my finals and had just entered the warren exercise room when one of my younger sibs slipped up beside me, "the council is meeting." I tensed, "they meet every week." He grinned, "they are arguing with grandfather about making you accept a mate they have chosen." I growled as I reached the weapons wall, "four years I have refused why would they think I would accept one now?" He chuckled, "they are demanding it since you are in the line." I pulled two...

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Futa Life Adventures

Lily seemed like your average female highschooler. Popular, fun-loving, and all around a good person, however she has a dark secret. She has a dick. She isn't like your normal dickgirl though, she is defiantly female, her large breasts prove it. The real kicker though, she also has a pussy. No one really knows about her secret, just her family and her best friend, Elizabeth. Lily's Appearance: 5'6" Tall Pale Skin Long, straight brown hair (Down to her waist.) Green, tired eyes. Skinny, but...

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Young Mistress Old Sub

Carrie was eighteen, and the most shy girl I had ever known, but also behind that shyness, as kinky and dirty as anyone I had chatted to. For the last few months she had been coming out of her shell more to me online, and had become my Mistress. We were now due to meet for the first time. It was not the first time we had been due to meet, but the previous times her nerves had got the better of her, this time I had arranged things so that hopefully she would not back out. I was not sure what it...

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Confidence ManChapter 5

One. Dennis Gilbert was probably the most "sensitive," reserved soul at Brooksville High. Jenny Kennedy was about the most outgoing and brash. Who would have thought that their stories would be connected? A sophomore, Dennis was slight and pale, one of those kids for whom the rough-and-tumble of high school was sure to be strewn with mishaps. And I just missed this one. As I walked along the main drag of our campus I heard a thump, a few words and a burst of vulgar laughter. A few more...

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239 A Dairy conversion 9

239 A Dairy conversion (9)At breakfast the next day the Menu appeared, it was hand written and the instructions read; At 9 am Sam is to be in the dungeon naked; he will then place on the chair the box of pegs, a candle and some weights, he will select them and be warned, if they are too light he will be punished, he will select a selection of whips for my use, and then Sam is to secure Peter in the pillory naked. He is then to handcuff him-self to the pillory post as well. There will be no...

3 years ago
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Sweet Memories part 1

Hi to all ISS readers, I am a new comer to iss, happened to see it accidentally. After reading many stories, now I am coming with few incidents in my life which I always like to cherish as sweet memories of my life. I am not adding or taking anything not to disfigure those sweet memories, so you are going to read what exactly happened in all my writings. I am 27yrs now, doing a high class job in our society. This incident happened 4yrs back. As part of my job I had to make frequent train...

2 years ago
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Mrs Fergusson Ch 1

“Tommy! Time for bed!” mom called out.   I registered hearing her, but pretended not to.   I was listening to the latest and greatest Steppenwolf album. I’d just bought it and it was so cool.   I was up in my room with the headphones on, so she couldn’t know that I’d heard her, anyway.   “Tommy. Bed! NOW”!   Mom had walked in about ten minutes later and gave me a rap on the head.     “Aw Fuck! Goddammit”!   I said, pulling the headphones off.   I said it before even thinking about...

1 year ago
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Billionaire Valley Its Bitches Part 7

That very morning Rose watch Cliff as he pull out of his garage and drove away. She was hoping to have coffee with Peggy if Cliff wasn't home today. Rose love the morning fresh air. Each morning after Ralph had gone to work. Rose would take a hot shower, and lounge around with nothing on but her terry cloth robe. Today was no exception. She knew Peggy would have coffee already made. Peggy love coffee and always kept a fresh pot on. When Rose rung Peggy door bell. Peggy answered it with and...


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