Look What The Cat Dragged In free porn video

My hair was drenched and my pants muddied. Thunder split the sky as I crawled along the inside of the outer wall, careful to avoid any of the lights that swivelled over the castle grounds periodically. I couldn’t afford to be caught.
It seemed like hours that I crawled around the perimeter, but I finally reached my destination—the distillery. I used the key I’d acquired to let myself in. In my haste, I forgot to oil the door, and it gave a loud creak as it swung open. I winced, hoping that the noises of the storm would mask the creak. I oiled it before closing it, and it gave only a small squeak as I swung it shut. Part one was complete.
Now I used a strong, thin rope with an anchored hook at the end to pull myself up to the main beam of the exposed rafters. I unhooked it and slid it back into my backpack before I continued my work.
I slid on my belly across the beam to the very middle of the distillery, then stood to reach the trapdoor on the ceiling. I couldn’t quite reach—I stretched a little farther, then—
CRACK! The trapdoor opened down toward me, knocking me off balance and sending me careening toward a fall. A large, muscular arm swooped down and caught me around the chest just before I actually fell. He swung me up onto the roof before I knew what was happening.
Once I realised what had occurred, I began to struggle with all my strength. My captor was stronger than I, however, and he easily overpowered me despite all my training. He shoved something into me face and sprayed. I struggled to not inhale, to turn my head, but he held me in place, and after a few minutes I had to breathe. I sucked it into my lungs, and at first nothing happened.
Then I realised what it was. I’d only heard of it, never encountered it before, never been able to get my hands on any. Certainly it had never been used on me. It was a spray that debilitated those it was used on. They could feel every sensation and retained consciousness. But they could no longer move their limbs.
Now limp as a fish, I felt him lift me over one broad shoulder. He easily walked along the distillery roof, then leapt down onto the roof of the carriage house—much as I had intended to do. There were no security alarms on top of those two roofs.
He slid down the back of the carriage house roof—again, as I had planned to do—and landed on some hay bales covered in a tarpaulin. He held me easily in place with one hand the entire time. It was demeaning to be hauled about so easily.
He walked round to the front of the carriage house and lifted the hidden trapdoor in the floor near the back of the building. Pulling a torch from his coat pocket, he flipped it on and started down the stairs to the tunnel.
We travelled through the tunnel, about forty metres long, and I began to wonder how long it would be before the spray wore off. I still could not move so much as a pinkie. I felt my eyes blink periodically, but all voluntary, conscious movements were out.
We finally reached the end of the tunnel and went right up through the house, as the tunnel opened into the back of a mirror in a closet on the second floor. We came out through a thicket of coats and jackets, and then he set me down on my feet.
I felt my legs begin to crumple under me, but he commanded, ‘Stand.’
My legs, miraculously, held me. I tried to move my fingers, but they were still immobile. Even my facial muscles refused to move.
‘Follow me,’ he ordered me in that deep voice, and I felt my legs obey unquestioningly. What was this? How could a drug do this? I must be dreaming.
I followed him up the stairs and into a large bedroom, warmed by a cheerful fire. The room, large as it was, was dominated by a giant bed.
Well, this man was huge. He would need a giant bed, I told myself. It didn’t mean anything having to do with me.
But then he turned to me, tugging off his coat, and commanded, ‘Strip.’
Even against my will, I found my fingers unbuttoning my coat. Then my blouse. I pulled down my tight pants and saw his look of blatant appreciation. I still could not move my head except to accommodate his commands.
I reached behind me and undid my brassiere. Then I slid my panties down my legs. I felt mortified, being forced to stand naked in front of this giant.
‘Lie down on the bed,’ he ordered, and I did so, but I found that the drug would allow me to do it curled up, so that he would not see so much of me. Perhaps it was wearing off. Or perhaps I had found a loophole.
He roared. ‘When I give you an order, follow it as you believe I wish you to follow it.’ Immediately I felt my body obey, lying on my back and spreading my legs while my arms remained at my sides.
He chuckled. ‘Move your head as you please, and your face, but don’t speak unless I tell you too.’ I felt my face relax. I hadn’t realised how stiffly I’d been holding it. I lifted my head and shot him a questioning look.
He’d stripped down to nothing while I was getting on the bed, and I glanced away as I saw his erection. No way was that huge thing going to fit inside me. I wasn’t a virgin, but I’d never been with a giant before, either.
‘Put your hands reaching toward the head of the bed.’ He smiled in appreciation. ‘Now spread your legs wider.’ They were already spread as far as they could, but, unbelievably, I felt them spread even wider.
I just stared at her for a few minutes. She was gorgeous. She had enormous tits, a trim waist, and nice, round hips with a huge ass. Her hair was dripping wet, but even so, I could tell she was a redhead. Her skin was very pale, and I wanted to mar it somehow, to touch her soft white skin with my rough tanned skin and come out the winner.
She looked a good deal frightened and also a little interested at what I would make her do next. I loved to see her spread out like an offering for me. She, who had been trying for years to destroy my operations, was now going to be destroyed by me, piece by piece.
I’d only caught her once before—and that had been before I created the spray. Underneath those luscious curves were well-trained muscles, and I had been so blinded by lust that I hadn’t been prepared for her defence.
I hadn’t seen her since, but I’d dreamed about her, and I knew those other attacks were from her. I’d been waiting for her tonight, watched her ass as she crawled along the wall and her tits as she stood on the beam and jumped, trying to reach the trapdoor I would have held shut anyway.
And then I’d swung down and captured her. She hadn’t been expecting that. It had been a full fifteen seconds before her fight-and-flight instinct had kicked in, and those fifteen seconds had been enough.
And now she was mine. She would do whatever I told her to, whether she liked it or not. Right now I could tell her to kill herself while sucking me off, and she’d do it.
But I had something much more pleasurable in mind. ‘Wider.’
I saw that it hurt her to stretch her legs that far, and it gave me a measure of satisfaction.
‘Now, put your fingers between the lips of your cunt.’
She gasped, but obeyed. She had to.
‘Use your other hand to spread your pussy lips so I can see you pleasure yourself.’
Fantasies ‘R’ Us. I made her masturbate until she came, several times. She looked like she wanted to cry. I made her press a finger up inside her cunt, then another and another. She gave a little scream at the third—involuntarily, of course—and I just about came right then.
I made her massage those beautiful breasts until she orgasmed again, and then I straddled her, unable to hold back any longer. I forced my tongue into her mouth and pounded at her cunt. My cock wouldn’t fit in. ‘Spread your legs wider, bitch.’ She did, and I got the head in. I pounded as hard as I could, and it slipped in another inch. She was crying in earnest by now, but all I could think about was that unbelievably tight cunt opening wider, wider, and accepting me deep into her, squeezing me like a fist.
It just wouldn’t go any further in. It was time for the fucking machine.
I made her walk to the other bedroom, slapping her delicious ass the whole way there. She lay back as I strapped her in tightly, so tight that she winced. I grinned.
I tilted her up so that her cunt was upraised and the machine was coming down at her from above. I set it to a diameter of about four centimetres to begin with, at a slow speed so I could watch every painful inch sliding in. I didn’t lubricate it. She’d better hope she was wet.
Before I turned on the machine, I also set the nipple cups over her breasts, and set the suction to just barely painful. I planned to cause enough pain later tonight.
Her green eyes were wide with terror when I pushed the button to start the machine. It whirred to life.
I was glad I’d strapped her in, because the hour the drug was effective ended a few minutes after I started the machine, and she began to thrash and curse as it wore off. It was quite a sight, seeing that gorgeous body writhe as she tried to escape the precise strokes of the fake dick.
When I saw that it was sliding in more easily, I expanded the diameter to five centimetres—my cock is seven—and turned up the speed to a brutal pace. She screamed in agony, and it was the most erotic thing I’d ever heard in my life.
Her huge tits were jiggling as she tried to pull them away from the suction, but the nipple vacs were clamped on good, and she only made it worse for her. Better for me.
I clamped a vibrator on her labia so the vibrating rod was on her clit, and she tried to escape that too, but of course she couldn’t and I saw her come in spite of herself. It was amazing. I still have the tape I made of her doing that. Better than any porn flick I’ve ever seen.
I came myself a few times, but seeing that—god, that would make any man hard. So I was still hard as a rock after half an hour of this.
Eventually I stopped the machine. I didn’t spray her again before I untied her. She was pretty weak from the mechanical rape, and besides, I wanted my first real fuck with her to be with her fighting under me. More exciting. That was the way I’d always fantasised about taking her. Hard rape while she tried helplessly to escape.
I brought her kicking and screaming back to my bed and handcuffed her hands to the headboard. I spread her legs and put them in the ceiling chains so I’d have better control of how wide they were spread. I spread them so wide she screamed. I left teeth marks on her inner thigh, I was so excited.
Finally I mounted her and forced my cock into her cunt. It was still a tight fit, but it went in. It was incredible—she was so tight! I fucked her and fucked her and fucked her, and the whole time I was gently chewing on one breast and playing with the other and kneading that gorgeous ass. Because her legs were suspended from the ceiling and her ass wasn’t on the bed, all my weight was on her for part of the time I was raping her, and I could tell she hated that. It wasn’t enough to actually leave an injury—she’s quite strong—but I savoured every moment of her torment.
Eventually I was worn out, and I unleashed my hot seed inside her and made her come one more time while I was inside her. I felt that cunt gripping my cock like a vice and I was hard again.
I withdrew, though, and unhooked her legs from the ceiling chains. She’d passed out and come to again several times throughout my violent rape of her body, and at the moment she wasn’t quite sure if she was coming or going. A little of both, I would have told her.
I sprayed her with a stronger mix I keep in my nightstand—keeps the subject immobilised for twelve hours—before untying her completely. Then I tucked her under the covers and pulled that soft body over to mine. I lay on top of her all night. Huge tits make a great pillow.
The next morning I took her again while she was still frozen, woke her up by fucking her actually. How she must have hated that! Everything I told her to do, she had to do. No choice. I made her suck my cock, and when she gagged I left a mark on her ass, I smacked her so hard. It felt good, so I smacked the other cheek too. The next time, she didn’t gag, and it wasn’t only because I ordered her not to.
My cock didn’t fit easily in her mouth for very long, so I took her again and then brought her to the Jacuzzi. I made her lie on her back and just watched her float, her head bobbing under the water every few seconds. I think she actually thought she would drown. That was stupid—I wasn’t done fucking her yet, so why would I let her die?
I made her spread her legs and masturbate using the Jacuzzi jets. You should know, I videotaped all of this. As a matter of fact, it’s in my bedroom DVD player right now. I have some really great shots where her head sinks below the water as she comes, it’s so intense. She screams when she comes too, not just from pain. It’s really hot.
I fucked her again in the Jacuzzi, and then I made her put on this outfit I had designed just for her years ago, after our first encounter. It’s a tight black leather halter suit, all one piece, that has holes for her tits to come out of. It has another hole to expose most of her belly, and a giant one between her legs so her whole ass is exposed as well as her bush and upper inner thighs. Then it’s tight pants down to her knees. I made her wear a wire halter thing that spread her legs, so when she walked, she waddled. More importantly, her ass cheeks came apart and her cunt was extremely accessible. God, she hated that. I loved it.
Anyway, later that day I was having a party in the main ballroom of the castle. Two or three hundred people, mostly men, were going to show up expecting a good ol’ boys night. I rang up the men who had wives or girlfriends and warned them not to bring their women. I didn’t tell them why, but I figured they’d believe me.
I had another quick fuck with her again before lunch, and then for lunch I stripped her naked and had my cook serve the food onto her body. Her knees were bent, legs spread, and the pasta salad went into her cunt. Best version of ‘eating out’ I’ve ever heard. The rolls I had him put on her nipples and I ate them off, bit by bit. You should see the way she twitched. I ‘accidentally’ bit her boob a couple of times. It was great.
I had soup literally poured into the cove of her belly. Not that she was grossly thin or anything, but I made her hold her stomach in. I lapped it all up with my tongue. It was a little chilly, because I didn’t want to scald my bitch’s skin.
Once I was done with my lunch, I brought her back into the bathroom and used a hot, high-pressure hose to clean her down. When I aimed it at her clit, her knees literally buckled, so naturally I had to tie her down to the island counter I had built for this purpose and spread her pussy, using clamps to keep it open, and spray her between her legs until her eyes rolled back into her head and she lost consciousness.
Then I ate my pudding off of her, much the same way as before, except I just made the cook bring it down to the WC. I hosed her down again, towelled her dry, and made her put on the leather suit. She looked fabulous.
The ballroom was already filling with guests when I brought her up there. I put her in a large cage so no one would actually rape her before I was ready, and I pulled up her hair into a queue and tied her hands behind her back. Then I made her kneel on the floor and eat her food like a dog, only she didn’t have her hands to balance on and her huge tits were swinging all over the place. She got food on her tits a couple of times and I made her stand up and walk to the edge of the cage and thrust her tits through the bars so whoever wanted to could lick it off. She was more careful after the first time, but all the same it happened six or seven times before she was through.
Before the party had been going for even fifteen minutes, I’d gotten about eight offers to buy her from me, some of them quite high. The highest offer I got in the first fifteen minutes was six million pounds. By the time an hour was up and she was done eating and I had let her hair down, I had two separate offers to buy her for fourteen million pounds.
I made an announcement that they could touch, but they’d damn well better keep their dicks in their pants unless they wanted them chopped off, and I removed the cage. She was immediately snatched up by the strongest guys and probed, pinched, slapped, and finger-fucked. I had to make another announcement that they couldn’t leave any marks on her, because a couple of guys got out lighters and knives.
We made a contest of how many grapes we could fit into her cunt, and then all the most powerful guys had a chance to suck the grapes out or tease them out with our tongues. We had to have another table brought in so she could be splayed out better. At one point she had six or seven mouths and fifteen pairs of hands running over that delicious body. I think at that point she would have even preferred the privacy of the fucking machine.
As I thought of that, I had a great idea. I had three of the servants go up and retrieve the fucking machine. We tied her to it, legs wide, and I set the diameter of the fake dick at six centimetres, speed eighty stabs a minute, and turned it on. I added the nipple vacs after a few minutes.
No one heeded my warning now to keep their dicks in their pants. We were all pumping ourselves as we watched my beautiful bitch get raped by a metal and latex machine. Gorgeous. At that point I wished somebody had brought their women so we could pass them around and fuck them while we watched her rape.
At the end of the party—having turned down an offer to buy her for eighty million pounds—I did just that. I hosed her down, brought her up to my bed, and watched the video of her first mechanical rape while I fucked her. The sexual experience of a lifetime.
The next morning, when I sprayed her, it wore off more quickly. Even more quickly the day after that. She was developing a resistance to it. I began to think of ways to better restrain her, more humiliating ways. I wasn’t done with her yet—her cunt magically tightened even within hours of my fucking her. I had to use the rape machine to open her up if it had been more than about three hours since I’d taken her. She was so incredibly tight. No, I wasn’t done with her yet. Not nearly.
...To be continued....

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