MY DATE P 13-16 free porn video

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My Date-Part 13 New Years Eve

For Christmas, I got many spanking implements from Jane’s family and coworkers. I also proposed to Jane, and Jane accepted. Jane also got a spanking apparatus from her sister. I also got spanked by all the women in Jane’s family, as well as all of the other men in Jane’s family. So to me, it turned out to be a different type of Christmas.

Now it was time to celebrate the New Year. Jane and I decided that we would celebrate it together, just the two of us. We could talk about our new engagement, and we could just be together.

I didn’t want to give Jane an excuse to spank me again, so I arrived on time to her house. Since we were engaged and all of that, Jane said that I could just ring the doorbell and let myself in. On the table by the couch were the spanking implements that I had received for Christmas and some ankle and wrist cuffs. We had decided to leave my spanking implements at Jane’s house, so I won’t have to transport them back and forth. In the middle of the living room were both the spanking apparatus Jane had received for Christmas and a wooden padded horse.

When Jane finally entered the living room, she looked beautiful! Her hair was real nice looking, and she had on a short tight dress.

“You look beautiful!” I said.

“I’m glad you noticed!” Jane said. Then Jane sat on the couch beside me.

“Since it is just the two of us alone together, I want to start out tonight discussing our relationship with each other.”

“I was hoping that you were going to say that. I feel that would be very important to me, too.” Jane replied.

“As you know, I love you very much. I have finally found someone who shares the same likes and dislikes, my same values, and is fun to be around.”

“I feel the same way, too.” Jane said.

“Because I love you so much, I have accepted being spanked by you, your friends, your family, and your coworkers. I do feel that these spankings have helped bring us closer together, and have enhanced our lovemaking.”

“I was hoping you would say that.” Jane said.

“At first I allowed myself to be spanked because I wanted to keep going out with you, but now they have taken on a deeper meaning. I feel that they show me that you really do care about me. That I am important in your life.”

“Yes, I agree.” Jane said.

“Now I know that you are the president of a club of women who likes to spank men, and you and your friends like to spank me. But remember that time I spanked you for being late for a date?”

“Yes I do.”

“You said you enjoyed being spanked, and liked the idea that I finally got up the nerve to spank you. Do you still feel that way?”

“Yes I do. I like being in control when I spank you, but I also liked it when you took control and finally spanked me.”

“As our relationship progresses, do you feel that we could share more in spanking each other. When I feel that you have been naughty, or haven’t done something right, would you accept a spanking from me?” I asked Jane.

“I guess it would be more of a balanced relationship that way. But as you agreed to when you proposed to me, I want to make sure you still agree to receive a spanking from me at anytime or anywhere. Otherwise this engagement is off.” Jane said.

“Yes, I still agree to be spanked by you, anytime or anyplace. But now, you would also accept a spanking from me, from time to time.”

“I would agree with what you said. It should bring our relationship closer together. It also should enhance our lovemaking.” Jane said.

“Then I propose, as a way to usher in the New Year and our new relationship, that you accept a spanking from me.” I said.

“Only if you agree to be spanked by me, afterwards.” Jane said.

“Sounds good to me! Also, why is the wooden horse still here? I thought Jane brought it over just for that spanking club you had?”

“Jane originally brought it over just for the meeting, but then she said that I could keep it. She knows how much I enjoy spanking you, so now it is mine.” Jane said.

“That’s good, because that’s what I want to use when I spank you. But first, I need to prepare you for your spanking. Please stand up." Then I stood up and went in back of her. I unzipped the back of her dress and helped her take it off. Next I unsnapped her bra in back, and helped her off with it. "Now put your hands on top of your head." Then I slowly grasped the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her legs. "Step out of your panties and then separate your legs." Then I put my hand between her legs and felt her sex. I wanted Jane to feel the same way that I feel when Jane examines me before a spanking.

I sat down on the couch, again, and said, "You can take your hands down from atop your head, but extend them out in front of you so that I may attach the wrist cuffs on them." Now Jane was all set to go over to the wooden spanking horse. "Follow me so that I can get you in position for your spanking." After we reached the wooden horse, Jane slowly bent over it. I first attached the wristcuffs to the legs of the wooden horse. "Spread your legs," I said. Then I secured her legs to the legs of the horse. Now Jane presented me with a pretty picture and the perfect target. With her legs spread apart, you could clearly see her sex, and her nice round bottom was raised up high.

"I'm going to start you out with the paddle that has holes in it," I said. I knew how it stung my poor bottom, and I wanted Jane to feel it, too.

SMACK Jane jerked a bit and said, "Ouch. That paddle really does sting." SMACK Jane moved around a bit more. SMACK "Are you done spanking me yet?" Jane asked.

"I have only just began," I replied. "Plus, your spanking rules for me should apply to you. Do not say anything unless you are asked to. Also, if you move around too much, I will increase your punishment."

"Okay, I guess so," Jane replied.

SMACK "Always address me as Sir, when I spank you, Jane."

SMACK "Yes, sir," Jane said. SMACK Jane wasn't moving about so much, now. SMACK It was nice to see her white bottom cheeks turn a nice pink color. SMACK

I put down the paddle and picked up the riding crop. WACK "Ouch. What did you change to?" Jane asked.

WACK, WACK "I told you not to speak unless spoken to. That is the riding crop." WACK, WACK, WACK.

Then I took the end of the riding crop and rubbed it against her sex. Jane wiggled about and sighed. WACK, WACK, WACK. Then I rubbed her sex with it, again. WACK, WACK, WACK.

This time I felt her sex with my fingers. I instantly felt her female dew on my fingers. Then I raised up the crop, again. WACK, WACK, WACK. Jane was now cooing and wiggling back and forth. WACK, WACK, WACK.

"Don't stop! Don't stop!" Jane yelled out. WACK, WACK, WACK.

Now her bottom was pink with red stripes. WACK, WACK, WACK.

Then I felt her sex with my fingers, again. I felt even more dew, and she shuttered and then relaxed while still secured to the horse. I immediately released her, she kissed me real hard, and then we went over to the couch and made love. It was quite the New Years celebration for me. It seemed like we could make love forever.

But then Jane got up and said,"Now it is time for me to spank you!"

My Date-Part 14 New Years-Cont

It was New Years Eve. Jane, who I am engaged to, just let me spank her. This was different, because Jane usually spanks me. Anyway, after her spanking, she became very excited and we made love. I was hoping that we could make love into the New Year, but then Jane announced that it was my turn to be spanked. When we made love, both of us had no clothes on, so I was ready to be spanked.

Jane sat down on the couch and had me stand beside her. "Your spanking will be in three parts. First, I want you to bend over my knee for a hand spanking." I actually liked it when Jane spanked me this way. She would open her legs so that my penis was between her legs, and then she closed her legs again. This held me in place. Also, as she spanked me and I moved about, it was a real turn-on for me. I now had my feet on the floor and my hands on the floor in front of me.

Then my spanking started. SPANK "I am so glad we found each other," Jane said. SPANK SPANK "I really do like" SPANK to spank you", SPANK "and I think that you" SPANK "like to be spanked by me." SPANK "Is that correct, Clyde?" SPANK

Usually I liked being spanked by Jane. So I said, "Yes, madam." Jane always wants me to address her as madam when I am being spanked by her.

SPANK "And I also like it," SPANK "when you spank me now and then." SPANK "But I like it best," SPANK "when I am spanking you." SPANK

I guess that I have to admit that I do like being spanked by Jane more than when I spank her. But it is fun to switch places now and then. So I answered, "Yes, madam."

SPANK "I am so glad that I am engaged to you." SPANK "This way I will be able," SPANK "to spank you everyday." SPANK

I hadn't thought of that when I had proposed to Jane, but I answered, "Yes, madam."

SPANK "And now I will be able," SPANK "to bring in the New Year," SPANK "by spanking you." SPANK

Then Jane gave me about twenty spanks right in a row with no pause in between. I wiggled about a little bit, but she held me tight between her thighs.

"You can stand up now, Clyde." Jane said.

Jane then went into the kitchen and brought out a straight back wooden chair. "For the second part of your spanking, I want you to bend over the back of the chair and hold on to the seat." While I did so, Jane went over to the couch and reached under it. She pulled out a long bar with a cuff attached to each end. "That's right, you haven't seen this yet. All of the girls got together and gave me this as a Christmas present at work. It is called a speader bar. They had heard me complain that you don't always keep your legs spread when I spank you, so this solves the problem. What's even better, is that they got me two of these. That way when you come to see me at work, I can spank you with your legs spread apart there, too. So spread those legs!"

I guess it was true. Jane likes to spank me with my legs spread apart. But that makes me feel so exposed and vulnerable, So I tend to put my legs slowly together, again. I thought Jane never noticed that, but I guess she did. I was bent over the chair with my legs spread apart and Jane said, "Spread them a little more." Now my legs really felt spread apart. I next felt Jane put the anklets on me. "Now try to put your legs together." I tried and nothing much happened. Now my bottom was stretched wide apart for my spanking, and my penis and balls were hanging down between my legs. "I'm going to use the paddle with holes in it for this part of your spanking."

I hated that paddle, because it stung so much more than the others did. But then Jane started to spank me with it. After only a few swats of that paddle, I began to move from side to side. "Stay in one place, or you'll get even more swats from this paddle." So I did the best I could to stay still while Jane spanked me. After about ten minutes of this, Jane said, "Now I am going to use the wooden spoon on you. That way I make sure your whole bottom is bright red, even your most tender places."

Then I felt the spoon on the insides of my thighs, between my legs, and on the tender skin around my bottom hole. I was really getting a thorough spanking. My poor bottom felt on fire, all over. But then Jane quit spanking me. I felt her release my legs, and she said, "You can stand up now. Help me move the spanking contraption, that my sister gave me, in front of the television." I stood up, went over to the spanking contraption, put the wheels down, and rolled it in front of the TV.

"We have about ten minutes until midnight and the New Year. So hurry up and get on this, I will turn on the television, and I will count down the New Year by caning you." As I put down the wheels on the thing, Jane turned on the television. I pulled out the stool to climb up on it, and soon I was in place. Her sister's husband had made this as a Christmas present for Jane. It was made out of wood and was very ingenious. It was like being on your hands and knees in an elevated position. I put my elbows and knees down in these wooden boxes for them, and my arms and legs were strapped into place. Jane then turned a crank, which spread apart my legs even more. I wasn't looking forward to being caned in this position. I could see the TV and there was about two minutes until the New Year. Everyone was celebrating.

"When they get down to the final countdown, I am going to give you a stroke of the cane for every second starting at ten. Get ready to celebrate the New Year."

Of course I couldn't move, so I had to watch and wait. 60 seconds! "Be sure and countdown with me," Jane said.

Then Ten SWAT, Nine SWAT, Eight SWAT, Seven SWAT, Six SWAT, Five SWAT, Four SWAT, Three SWAT, Two SWAT, One SWAT, Happy New Year!!! SWAT.

My bottom felt like ten red hot rods had been laid on it. The cane had really stung my bottom. "You look real good with a nice red bottom, with eleven red stripes on it. This has truly been a wonderful way to celebrate the New Year for me." Jane said. "Don't you agree, Clyde?"

I didn't want anymore strokes of the cane, so I just said, "Yes, madam."

Then Jane cranked the thing so that my legs weren't so far apart. She released the Velcro straps that were holding me in place, and I climbed down from the contraption. Although my bottom was very tender, we made love, again, as we saw others celebrate the New Year on television. I sure will remember this New Years celebration for many years to come.


It is now after Christmas, and I am now engaged to marry Jane. We had decided that I would pick her up at her work, right after I was done with my work. We didn't set any specific time, and we were going to go out to eat. I had tried to go out with her at noon one time, and I was so late showing up, Jane wasn't able to eat with me. She had to go to an important meeting. So I was hoping this would work out a lot better.

After I had arrived at Jane's company, I went directly to her secretary's office. Tami was her secretary's name, and she was about twenty-one years old. I had met Tami before, when came to have lunch with Jane.

"Is Jane in? She should be expecting me." I said.

"Jane said you probably would be by at the end of the day," Tami said. "She is out of her office right now, but she should be back, shortly. Here is a letter she left for me to give to you. Jane wanted me to make sure you read it, and that you follow her directions."

I opened the envelope that the letter was in, and the letter read as follows, "Clyde- I am looking forward to eating out with you. If you are reading this letter, I must not be back in my office, yet. Last time you came to the office, you were late, and I started to spank you. But then I was called away to a meeting, and I had Tami spank you. But Robin came in, and finished your spanking. But now, Tami wants to spank you, again, and complete your spanking. Please allow her to spank you, and follow all of her orders. I should be back, shortly."

I was looking forward to taking Jane out to eat. I didn't think that I would be spanked at her work. But I knew that if I didn't let Tami spank me, that I would get a real hard spanking from Jane later. I turned to Tami and said, "I read the letter and I understand that I am supposed to be spanked by you."

"That is correct. I never got to really spank you, the last time you were here." Tami said.

"Okay," I said. "How do you want to spank me?"

"I think I'll have you bend over the desk," Tami said. "But first, let me prepare you for your spanking. Please put your hands above your head and face me."

Then she came over to me and first took off my belt. Next, she unbuttoned my sacks, unzipped the zipper, and slowly pushed my slacks down to my ankles. Then I felt her fingertips in the waistband of my undershorts, and they joined my slacks at my ankles.

"Lift up one of your feet." I did, and then she first slid off my shoe, took off my sock, and slid off my slacks and undershorts from that leg. "Now the other leg." And she did the same thing to my other leg. I was now standing naked from the waist down in front of her. Although she had seen me naked before, at least then, Jane had me bent over her desk. "Let's complete this by taking off your shirt. Keep your hands on your head while I unbutton it for you." After my shirt was unbuttoned, Tami said, "You can remove your hands from your head and take off your shirt. Then bend over the desk for me and grab the other side."

Now I was completely naked, and bent over Tami's desk. "Stay there while I get some things from Jane's office." Off Tami went to Jane's office. When she returned, she put a bunch of paddles and spanking implements next to me. "These are some of your Christmas presents that Jane brought here from home. You must have had an unusual Christmas. Oops, I forgot something." Then she went back into Jane's office, again. This time she came out carrying the speader bar for my legs.

"Jane said to make sure I kept your legs spread with this. So spread your legs wide apart." I didn't like being spanked with my legs spread far apart. The speader bar allowed me to be spanked in my most tender parts, and it left my penis and balls hanging between my legs, out in the open. Tami connected the straps of the speader bar to my ankles, and now I had to keep my legs spread wide apart. Then I felt her fingers touch my penis and balls and Tami said, " I now see why Jane wanted me to use the speader bar, when I spanked you. Let's see. Last time I suppose to spank you for fifteen minutes. How about I spank you for fifteen minutes or until Jane comes back."

"Yes, madam," Is all that I thought I could say.

"I like the way Jane has trained you to be so respectful to women, especially while you are being spanked. I think I will start with this paddle."

Tami picked up a small paddle next to me, and then my spanking started, SPANK "I am so glad SPANK to hear that you SPANK are now engaged to Jane. SPANK I know that Jane SPANK enjoys spanking you SPANK and you must SPANK enjoy being spanked SPANK by Jane, SPANK It is also nice that SPANK Jane allows others SPANK to spank you. SPANK I hope to find SPANK a boyfriend SPANK that also allows me SPANK to spank him." SPANK.

Then I heard Tami's office door open. A female voice said, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have some important papers for Jane." This was so embarrassing for me, being completely naked, and being spanked by Tami, and having another female employee seeing me like this.

"Go ahead and put the papers on Jane's desk in her office. This is Clyde, Jane's fiancée', and Jane is letting me spank him." Tami said. She put her hand on the small of my back so that I would stay bent over her desk.

When the woman returned from Jane's office, she said, "I hope that I get a chance to get to know Clyde better, but right now I better let you continue with his spanking. Be sure Jane knows that I left her some papers."

"I'll do that," Tami said. The door closed again and Tami said, "That was Carol. She is another of the important women in this company. Carol, Robin, and Jane are the main women who run this place."

Then Tami put down the paddle she was using on me and picked up a paddle with holes in it. "But I better stop talking and continue on with your spanking."

Then SPANK, that paddle really stung me. I wiggled a little bit to shake off the sting. SPANK "I guess this paddle really SPANK makes as impression SPANK on you. SPANK I'll have to SPANK remember that if I get SPANK to spank you again." SPANK Now my bottom felt like it was heating up and becoming real tender.

SPANK "I see that SPANK your bottom is SPANK now turning red. SPANK I really do like SPANK this paddle." SPANK

Tami continued to spank me for another five minutes with this paddle. Then she exchanged it for a riding crop. She used that on the insides of my thighs, and even between my legs. Now my poor bottom was really warm and tender. After what seemed like an eternity of Tami spanking me with the crop, she finally laid it down and said, "I guess your fifteen minutes are up. Stay in position until I undo the leg speader." Then I felt her hands on my bottom. "Your bottom not only looks like it is red and on fire, but it also feels quite warm." I next felt her take off the straps that held my feet wide apart with the speader bar. I was finally able to put my legs together, again. "You can stand up, now. But Jane wants you to stand in one corner of her room when I am finished with your spanking. So follow me."

We entered Jane's office and Tami showed me the corner Jane wanted me to stand in. "Jane wants you to stand in this corner, with your arms at your sides. I will keep your clothes in my office. Jane should be here shortly." Jane's office door soon closed, and I was left in Jane's office, completely naked, with a red, well-spanked bottom.

In a few minutes, Jane's office door opened again. My back was towards the door, so I didn't know who entered. Then I felt hands on my bottom and a voice said, "This is Robin. I was in the same meeting that Jane was in, and she should be here shortly. In the meantime, I am going to sit down in a chair, and I expect you to come over to me and bend over my knees for a spanking."

Robin sat on a chair, hiked up her skirt, and soon I was bent over her knees. Robin said, "I see that SPANK Tami has done SPANK a good job in spanking you. SPANK I am also SPANK glad that you SPANK proposed to Jane SPANK on Christmas. SPANK It has made SPANK Jane very happy. SPANK I hope you will SPANK be stopping by SPANK the office, more often. SPANK so stand up SPANK now, and SPANK stand in the corner. SPANK SPANK SPANK Jane wants to see you in the corner when she comes back from her meeting."

So I stood up, and walked back to the corner, again. I heard Jane's office door open, again, and Robin said, "Stay there in the corner, and I hope to see you around the office more often."

Now my bottom was hurting, again, and it felt on fire. I kept my hands at my sides, and waited. After what seemed like an eternity, Jane's door opened again. This time Jane said, "I see that Tami gave you a good spanking. I hope that you have been a good boy, but before we go out, I want you to bend over the desk for ten swats of the paddle from me. So bend over the desk, now."

I wasn't looking forward to another paddling. When I turned around, Jane was standing there with a paddle already in her hands. "Do I have to? I just got a fifteen minute spanking from Tami and an over the knee spanking from Robin." I complained.

"Yes you have to. And for complaining, you will now receive twelve swats of the paddle."

So I bent over her desk for another paddling. "Spread your legs far apart and keep them spread. Otherwise, I will get the speader bar." So I spread my legs far apart and awaited my fate. Luckily for me, I didn't have to count the spanks. Jane spanked me swiftly without mercy. After I received my twelve swats of the paddle, she said, "You can stand up, now, and then go into Tami's office to get your clothes and get dressed. I will join you in a minute or two."

Then I went into Tami's office and got dressed. I felt really embarrassed having to ask Tami for my clothes and dressing in front of her. But soon Jane entered Tami's office, and then we left to eat out.

All I was expecting was to pick Jane up at her office and eating out. What I got was a spanking from three women. I never know what to expect. I better be in my best behavior when I eat with Jane.

MY DATE - Part 16 Shopping with Jane

Since I am engaged to Jane, she thought it would be appropriate for me to go shopping with her. This way I would be able to get to know her tastes in colors and styles of clothes. Jane also told me that she would value what I thought about various outfits that she was going to try on. Also, I would find out her sizes, so I could buy her clothing in the future.

It was a Saturday and I was right on time when I picked her up at her house. We had the whole day to spend together, so there was no rush. We went to a large shopping center near Jane's house, with many, many stores. At first we went to general clothing stores, and Jane looked at light jackets, dresses and skirts. Jane bought some clothes that really looked good on her.

About two o'clock, we went to the food court and had a quick lunch, and then we were off shopping, again. This time we were going to stores that were exclusively for women. As the day was dragging on, I felt sort of out of place, and usually I was the only male in the store. It also seemed like Jane was taking more and more time in deciding what to try on. I was getting agitated, and was wanting Jane to quit shopping. I was hoping that her shopping spree would be over, and that we could start having fun, together.

Anyway, I started asking her, "Are you done, yet?" and "When will you be through?" and "Don't you realize what time it is?" and "Haven't you shopped enough for one day?" and so on.

Jane must have become very frustrated with my questions and my behavior because she sat down on a chair and said, "Clyde, come over here this instant. Put you hands above your head and don't say a word."

I did so and then Jane started to undo my belt, unzip my zipper, and drop my slacks. The women in the store began to gather around to see what was going on. Then Jane put her fingertips in the waistband of my shorts, and soon they were also at my ankles. I was so embarrassed! I was now standing naked from the waist down, in a women's store, with many women gathered around me.

"Bend over my knees for a spanking," Jane said to me. "I will not tolerate your questions and your behavior, when I am shopping!"

Jane proceeded to spank me in front of all of the women who were gathered around. Luckily for me, she was just using her hand. Spank, Spank, and Spank.

Then I heard a strange female voice say, "I'm a clerk here at the store. You are creating quite a scene and disrupting business. We have a backroom that is equipped to handle this behavior. Please quit spanking him, and follow me to this backroom."

"Clyde, get up for now. Pull your pants up, and follow the sales clerk to the backroom," Jane said.

I was happy for the spanking to be stopped, especially since so many other women were watching me being spanked. As I was following the sales clerk to the back room, the clerk said, "Now and then we get shoplifters in the store. This is where we interrogate them and sometimes even punish them." Then she opened a door and I was surprised what I saw. On the wall were some paddles and a cane. In the middle of the room was a pillory.

"We usually put suspected shoplifters in the pillory, that way we can do a comprehensive search of them." The sales clerk said. "Then if we find something, and we usually do, we tell them that we will either call the police or they can take a spanking. Most agree to the spanking. So you can use this room to spank him. There is no rush, we will be open for another three hours."

"Thank you very much," Jane said to the sales clerk. "I should be done spanking him in about a half hour. I'll let you know when I am done with the room."

"No rush," the sales clerk said. "Enjoy spanking him." Then she walked out of the room and shut the door.

"Clyde, go over to the pillory and stick you hands and head in it." I did so and soon I was secured in the pillory. They were low enough so that I had to bend over at my waist. Then I felt Jane take down my slacks and under shorts, but this time I had to step out of them. "Spread your legs for me." Now I was in a position like how Jane likes to spank me. I was naked from the waist down, bent over with my legs spread apart, and secured so I couldn't move.

"Now I will be able to give you the thorough spanking that you deserve. I want to make sure that if I take you shopping with me again, you will never behave like you did today. Do you understand?"

"Yes, madam," I replied. I never expected this when Jane and I entered this store. Then my spanking started again. Jane paddled me and paddled me. The pillory did a good job of keeping me bent over and in position.

After about twenty minutes of my spanking, I heard the door open. The sales clerk said, " I see his spanking is going well. His ass is a nice red color." I felt so embarrassed, having this young sales clerk looking at me.

"Would you like to spank him?" Jane asked the clerk.

"I would love to. Very rarely do we catch a man shoplifting in the store. This should be fun!" The clerk said.

Then she started to spank me. She paddled me as hard as what Jane had been paddling me. I could tell that she was an experienced spanker because she paddled me on the insides of my thighs and even between my legs.

After about ten minutes of her spanking me, she said, "Thank you for letting me spank him. I need to get back to the sales floor. I'll see you later."

Then Jane said to me, "Clyde. Thank her for spanking you."

So I regrettably said, "Thank you for spanking me."

"I was happy to help you out. See you later." Then the sales clerk left the room again.

"For the last part of your spanking, and since they have a cane on the wall, I will give you six strokes of the cane. Please count them out loud for me."

My poor bottom was already hurting, so I wasn't looking forward to the cane. At least I was held in place by the pillory. I felt Jane tap my bottom with the cane, the whistle, then SWAT.

"One. Thank you, Jane." It felt like a hundred bees had stung me in a straight line. SWAT.

"Two. Thank you, Jane." It really hurt. I really don't like it when Jane uses a cane on me. SWAT.

"Three. Thank you, Jane." I started to sway my hips back and forth to get rid of the pain.

"Quit moving," Jane said, "Unless you want an extra stroke." So I quit moving. SWAT.

"Four. Thank you, Jane." Now it felt like I won't be able to sit down for a week. SWAT.

"Five. Thank you, Jane."

"Only one stroke left," Jane said. "You are taking your spanking very well." SWAT.

"Six. Thank you, Jane." Then I felt Jane's hands feeling the six welts from the cane.

"That should make sure you never misbehave when you go shopping with me." Jane then came around in front of me and gave me a kiss. I was next released from the pillory.

"You can pull up your pants, now. I am not done shopping in this store. So you better behave, or I will pull you in here, again, for another spanking." Jane said.

Then we left the backroom, and Jane continued her shopping. When I saw the sales clerk, again, she said, "I see that she is done spanking you." She said it out loud, and many of the women in the store looked at me and smirked. "I was happy to help her out with your spanking."

I was so happy when we left that store. Jane said that when I proposed to her, that I could expect a spanking anytime and anyplace she decided to spank me. I didn't expect this!

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The usual caveats apply. This is a copywrited work of transgendered fiction and may not be reproduced anywhere without the express consent of the author. LITE is closer to my original plan; the first attempt, still not finished, having morphed into a monster approaching novelette status. The characters took over and changed the plot completely. If enough people [hell, anyone at all] appreciate this effort, I will submit the longer version with some of the glossed over elements...

2 years ago
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© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I knocked, waiting patiently, and finally I hear her slowly unlock the door. She had never seen me before so it was nice to see a smile appear from those beautiful lips. She invited me inside after saying hello and asked me to sit while she got ready as I had just woken her up from a nap. She was tall. Tall and pretty, almost taller than me but I liked that fact. It looked like she had just pulled on some thin...

1 year ago
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Swingers Date Club aka SDC Swingers aka! Not every website that you visit in order to feed your endlessly lustful appetites has to be an orgiastic smorgasbord of whores and porn and all-out fuck fests with anal gaping and deepthroating and double penetration galore. Consider for a moment that you might take some time out of your day to become a little more enlightened about sexuality. Have you ever stopped to consider that possibility? That you might educate yourself on the nature of...

Hookup Sites
1 year ago
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TS Dates! One of the great things about being the internationally famous Porn Dude is that bitches always want my cock. I find it when I’m out and about, and I also find it online, and I always want it with no strings attached. Speaking of strings attached, the broads on this dating site come with that extra bonus bit dangling between the legs. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and shemales of all fuck-legal ages, is exactly what it sounds like.The header on TS Dates calls it a Premium...

Hookup Sites
3 years ago
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I had seen her before at the bar. She was very pretty and a good dancer. But that wasn't surprising. I came to the dance club so often, I was bound to see anyone who showed up more than once or twice. After my divorce, I had moped around a while. But finally, I got back on my feet and started going out again. At first it was just for a drink or two, then I actually started dancing. I had always loved to do it and wasn't bad either. It was a little intimidating to ask a strange woman if...

3 years ago
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My Journey to being a man's date! Oh, gosh, how do I begin! I am 23, handsome (cute for a guy, I guess), engaged to a sexy woman, who is both feminine and strong. My girlfriend Karen works the night shift as a nurse in a large metro hospital. She works from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM 5 days a week. During the day she sleeps to noon and then religiously works out in the afternoon at the local gym. She was so serious about her health and body, that she recently took on a women instructor...

2 years ago
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Before stepping to the podium, Annette looked into the eyes of her wife and remembered so much. Their first meeting was certainly unusual. Getting hit on usually doesn’t involve a car, a hit-and-run accident, and waking up with a beautiful girl holding your head in her lap as the ambulance arrives. The weirdest part was not having to tell her about your nature because she could see it plain as day, breasts and a cock didn’t tell the whole story, but it was nice not having to hide anything or...

2 years ago
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Two grandmothers help a young man realize his dreams. This is a following story to my earlier story, 'By the Book', and uses some of the same characters, but is set in the present time. UPDATE ? by: Geneva "Bye Honey, see you at suppertime," I said, as I offered my lips for Roy to kiss me. He put his hands round my waist and squeezed me, stroking my back. "I feel guilty leaving you here, Ellen. It's such a nice day. Do you want to go out for a drive instead?" I shook...

2 years ago
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Sir has told me that we will be going out to dinner tonight, and to take particular care as I dress for the occasion. We've been seeing each other casually for a few weeks now; he has told me that tonight was to be a special occasion, and that he had a surprise for me. After I bathe I carefully shave my labia smooth, leaving just a small patch at the very top. As I begin to choose my outfit for the evening, I'm filled with conflicting emotions. There is no question that I'm attracted to...

3 years ago
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Copyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. Pam waits for my arrival anxiously while she prepares my favorite dinner. She can't believe this is the day we are finally going to meet. We've been waiting for this day to come for months but it felt more like a lifetime. The ringing of the...

2 years ago
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Knock at the Door

The knock on the door wasn’t a surprise. She took a deep breath, walked to the door and looked through the peephole. It was him. She had been waiting for this for so long, with so much electricity building up between them. The work day was long, yet fun. They were doing so much, being put together on a team for the first time. There were little glances, occasional bumps as the space backstage was limited. She got cold, and asked to borrow his sweater that he had just taken off. He was more...

3 years ago
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A Dream Come True Part 1

This is my first story so spare me some slack.It all started like this: I was so fascinated by the sight beyond me. I was looking at my neighbour in the nude while she was sunbathing and I was totally jerking off. Let's just introduce my neighbour. Her name was Jillian(Jill) Though Jill was a 26 y/o woman, she had amazing tits. Those tits were a 36dd and were just divine I must say. Now let's get back to me. Although I was 18 then, when hard, my dick would grow to about 9 inches. As I was...

4 years ago
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His Scent

I missed his touch and scent on my body so much, that I needed to see him that night after work. He never minded that I just stopped by whenever I felt like it, whether it was to talk with him or fuck him, which was really nice and comforting to me. I stopped by my house first to pick up a few things to put in my overnight back to take over. I made sure to put at least one piece of sexy lingerie. It didn’t stay on long but it was fun playing together and he loved it on me so much, he just could...

3 years ago
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White Christmas

My birthday is exactly a week before Christmas eve, and my girlfriend (our first Christmas together) and I spent it doing simple things. Seeing a movie, dinner, Christmas shopping and people watching. I found myself staring at her, watching her watch, as a sexy half smile began, before quickly fading away. A hot guy walked by, who had been smiling her direction. This only made things worse for me. I had been married, and much of the reason we split was a kink of mine, in which we tried. In the...

3 years ago
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Scenario 1 Bound

“Ah, I see my new toy has woken up.” Her voice was low with a sort of rasp to it causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end and his heart to stutter a moment. Her hand came down gently on his head, causing him to start with the unexpected touch. She walked in a circle around him, nails trailing in his hair as she did so. “Beautiful. I love a boy kneeling and bound on the floor in front of me.” She stopped behind him on the second time around and gripped his hair hard with...

1 year ago
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The Break

Damon Green shifted in the seat of his Mercedes. He was a university student, The university was on break. Damon stayed in New York for a few days to vacate his apartment, preparing for Bridget, the girl he loved, to move in with her friend Maisey. Damon decided that he would ask Bridget to be his girlfriend, she had also declared her love. Damon was rich, he had a trust fund, but also had his investment portfolio, so he did not even need his trust fund. His income was touching on seven figures...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The TeacherChapter 8 My mommy didnt let me play naked

Lisa said, "I'll join you in your pool, Mark, but I'm afraid that there won't be much space left for you." "That's all right ... When Mommy comes in the pool with me, we usually play with my boat or with the watering can; we take turns pretending to be flowers." Lisa was on the point of stepping into the pool when Mark called out: "Miss Lisa! You'll get your tee-shirt all wet." "Yes, I know, Mark. I think for today, it will be all right ... you see, when I was your age, I was...

3 years ago
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So I had cross dressed my entire life. One of my earliest memories was stealing my mom's nylons and pulling them on. I don't know why but I loved the way they felt. As I got older and moved out I was able to dress in the seclusion of my home. It was not a daily or even monthly thing but it was something I did. Don't get me wrong, I never wanted to become a woman. I just liked looking liked one, feeling the caress of the dress and hose, and yes I got sexual pleasure from it. I...

1 year ago
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No Good DeedChapter 11

The new semester did start with surprises, just not the ones I expected. The teachers had stacked us with homework and additional studies over the winter break, although the girls and I sailed through that within the first week of the break. We spent the beginning of the day going over that work and talking about what the new semester would bring. I hadn’t given it a lot of thought, but listening to the breakdown, I started to think that Mom’s idea of switching to a homeschooling setup was a...

3 years ago
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Improvise And Enjoy

By: AWC Lark Lewis was seriously thinking to either change his fuck buddy or at least have one more because this fucker had to be out of town at least 2 weeks every month or even more for his job but he fucked so good that LL simply could not give up his fantastic cock and did not know if his fuck buddy would allow him to have another man to fuck him as well. There were so many mother fucking hitches and hurdles imposed by the stupid socio-cultural binds and getting a new or additional fuck...

3 years ago
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Moms fucking their bulls a collection of stories

Story 1: Mom’s BBC Hookup at WeddingThe following is based on actual events. I just recently created an xhamster account because I feel like my story needs to be told. I still can’t believe what happened…My mom and dad are open swingers. I have known about their swinging lifestyle since I was in high school. Today I’m 22 years old and in college. This past weekend, we all attended my cousin’s wedding in Las Vegas. My mom, who is in her mid-40s, wore a tight leather dress to the wedding...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 355

I followed my normal routine again on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; I worked at KCC all three days. On Monday, Andy and his team - with Vicky as official company representative - took the old county bus to do a walk-through of the convention center. We had leased the convention center - with JBG as the leaser - for a period of Monday to Sunday. That way it gave us direct control of the property for the five days prior to the debate, instead of being in the middle of a one or two day...

4 years ago
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Kelly Schoolgirl Pocket Money Chapter 5

Now where was I? Oh yes, I was telling you about Jim's plan to get hold of a pair of unwashed panties, and it was that sunny June morning that really made his mind up for sure. Yes, he had the videotape of that wonderful scene involving the Lewis twins, but how much better it would be to watch if he had their panties as well. He had a plan. The panties he so desperately wanted would, he thought, soon find their way from those delectable girls' bottoms to the family washing machine. ...

2 years ago
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Erotic Sex With My Cute Girlfriend

Hi all, This is Rohith Sharma (name changed) from Bangalore. Age 24 years well built athlete body. I work in a good mnc company, and in a relationship for more than 3 years. I love her very much, and even she does. I also have lust towards her, but she is not interested as she is from an orthodox family. She is very beautiful and looks cute. We usually meet in weekends and spend time together. When we meet I try to hug her but she won’t, I try to kiss her, but she won’t respond. It doesn’t...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 6

Cockatoo Part 6Alex grabbed my hands, ‘Please, James, it's the only way we could thinkof to get you over there as quickly as possible without Jandaeng beingaware. You could be back here in two days and then fly to Bangkok asJandaeng expects you to next week. Please?’Areeya came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. ‘James, I amso worried about my father. I would be very, very grateful if you coulddo this for me.’ Areeya squeezed my shoulders, and my imagination wentinto overdrive...

3 years ago
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An affair with my daughter8217s exboyfriend

Hello all, I wanted to share my real incident about being I am sharing this because I can’t say to my family and friends. I am Sushma, 58 years old. I work in a Government organization as a Divisional officer. My husband worked in Indian Railways, and he is retired now. We both married in 1986. After a year, I was blessed with a daughter. Her name is Shreya, and we didn’t plan for a second daughter. I am a fitness freak, and I used to do yoga, walking and, other exercises to keep my shape...

2 years ago
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Pose Nude For Daddy

Pose Nude For Daddy To relax I took up painting several years ago. Not houses, lawn ornaments, or even landscapes. What excites me is sex, women, and especially nudes. So I paint portraits of my nude wife. She is the most perfect wife a man could ever want. She is still very pretty after turning thirty-five and being married for almost eighteen years. Our daughter Cheyenne just turned sixteen a week ago. She looks a lot like her mother. In fact they have almost the identical bodies....

4 years ago
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A New Taste Part 45 The Yearning Virgin

The night following my epic cum-quest I was alone again. I stayed up late watching some silly programme about hunting for gold but my thoughts were magnetically drawn back to my mad adventures the previous day. In some strange way I was amazed that it was me leading this secret cocksucking life. As far as any of my friends knew I was 100% straight. Yet there I was kneeling on a dirty garage floor gobbling off a handful of strangers and apart from a croaky voice I felt pretty damn good. I didn’t...

3 years ago
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BHai se Sheli ki chudai krwayi

Hi! Mera nam vilas hai aur mai 24 sal ka ek Yuvak hun aurangabad sa ho(any girl or lady from aurangabad can contact me AT ). Meri didi ka nam Sangita hai aur uski umar kareeb 26 sal hai. Didi mujhse 6 sal bari hain. Humlog ek Middle-class family hai aur ek chote se flat me Mumbai me rahate hain. Humara ghar me ek chota sa hall, dining room do bedromm aur ek kitchen hai. Bathroom ek hi tha aur usko sabhi log istemal karte the. Humare pitajee aur maa dono naukri karte hain. Didi mujhko...

2 years ago
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Suersquos now a Pornstar if she likes it or not

I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby’ Have been marred for many years with not that much exciting happening along the way as it were! I thought our sex life was ok but that it & me thinking his Cock was an ok size of around 5 inch’s & sex lasting around 5mins being the norm’ The only excitement I get is knowing the lads at work like to get a look at my arse when I am...

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Alexis The Dark Fairy

Vanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Herbie The Reunion Part 2

My longtime friend, Herb, and I had just finished edging each other’s cock while watching a hidden cam video Herb had set up of us engaged in some hot cocksucking from earlier in the day. The plan was to edge to the video and then get down to some raw sex, so when I got close to cumming I moved Herb’s hand away from my throbbing cock. Almost too late. When the video ended he had gotten up to put his laptop back on the dresser and was now setting up his video camera to record some more. He...

3 years ago
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Siru Vayathu Thozhiyai Perithaagi Oothen

Hi friends, enathu peyar Magesh vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Naan siru vayathil kanimozhi engira pen udan pazhagi irukiren, naan avaludan siru vayathil kalangai aatam vilaiyadi irukiren. Niraiya peruku siru vayathil viladiyaadiya vilaiyaatai maraka mudiyaathu naan athu pola thaan siru vayathil avaludan vialadiyaadiya appa amma vilaiyaatai aval ninaivu vaithu irupaal endru ennainen. Naan chennaiyil padithu vanthen, mtech mudithu vitu chennaiyil sila pengal udan jollyaga irunthu vitu ippozhuthu...

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April May and June A Sisterly Tale

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 August and his wife sat at their oldest daughter’s wedding. April had dated Randy for over a year. She was giddy in love with him. Of course, her two sisters May and June also wanted Randy. He was tall, broad-shouldered, square-jawed and looked good with the tuxedo that he was getting married in. Each of the girls could easily imagine the goings on later to come that evening. Obviously, April will be on the receiving end of the deal, but May and June also...

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The Crazy And Adventurous Night Ride In Bangalore

Hello, Indian sex story readers. This is Dev.34 yrs old. I am working in Chennai. I wish to make it crisp and short..I am good looking, dusky in appearance and built up. Please read my crazy ride experience and ping or mail me on if you like it.Thank you. Recently, I was out to Bangalore for a personal training at Jaya Nagar. I could not get an accommodation and I had to share my room with another friend in a mansion. I have been pretty active on some dating sites and I got few friends there...

1 year ago
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Of Loss and RemembranceChapter 11

The next ten days were times of frantic activity and tedious boredom as those of us who worked had to simply get on with doing our duty. The needs of the Forestry Commission don't simply go away when you start a campaign of vendetta. Sam was lucky, he headed down south to scout out the ambush site and pronounced it suitable as checks on a series of mobile phone providers by way of pay-as-you-go sims coupled with an unlocked mobile told him that anyone getting into the site was not going to...

3 years ago
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Red Lips

Mondays are always difficult becaue the weekends have been filled with hot and passionate love making! On my way to work thinking about the busty red head I ate all weekend. This one was hot and passionate her red carpet was neatly shaven and enough hair to excite my lips to a heated crescendo. We slept, we ate, sixty- nine was the main fair and best of all was Kandi's strap-on was a perfect fit in my hot and wet pussy! Work was too far off in my mind and I was already planning another weekend...

1 year ago
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The Women Next Door part 1

The summer was starting off great for Ken; He was able to get a summer job in his small home town. It was his first year of college and he had had a great year enjoying the time in the big city and all of the benefits of college life to boot.Ken had just walk into his bed room for the first time in months and was looking out the second floor window into his next door neighbor back yard. When he noticed one of the hottest looking moms of all times. She was running around the back yard in her...

1 year ago
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Mistress once again approached my rear. The black strapon now dangling between her legs like a real spent cock. Once again i heard a familiar click , then more cool lube started to drizzle between my ass cheeks and arrived at my now opened up ass pussy. Mistress began inserting her fingers once again , but all four were now pushing into my still resisting ring. As Mistress kept pushing her fist towards me i began panting as my pussy gradually opened up to accomodate her pending fist. Then...

4 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

Part Six. We went off, John, Carol, Sally and myself, to what was fast becoming our favourite restaurant for dinner that evening. It was in a small village, one main street, on the old road between Mazarron and the city of Murcia. Here, you could, if you wished, see your steak, or chicken, being cooked over a real charcoal fire before being served up just as you ordered. Again, it was a lovely meal and we didn’t mind that the journey time was just over twenty minutes away from home. Even...

2 years ago
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Next Summer Lawn mowing part 2

I used to wear a singlet and my denim shorts. It was hot in the greenhouse. A few minutes walk from the farm, there was a little undisturbed lake you could swim in. I went out there as often as I could if the weather allowed it. I was always there alone and sunbathing my tits in the summer sun. I had almost no tanline from the bra anymore. One afternoon I was lying there topless, Christine came cycling and she was obviously going to swim too. “Hi", she said a little surprised, but she did...

1 year ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 142

The one thing that technology did was make surveillance a hell of a lot easier. With all the cameras and gps trackers, I could sit in the motel room drinking coffee, while I watched the subjects of my investigation. On day one of the new ccvtv deployment I noted that the twenty odd employees did almost no work. They punched in which seemed to be the height of their work day. They then sat playing with laptops and smart phone for their eight hours. The guys seemed to rotate at the loading...

1 year ago
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Aeolus P Cerigo

In a sleep rough voice, Alex answered her ringing telephone, "Yes?" "Alex Reardon, please?" the female caller asked. Not caring to offend the caller, Alex did not clear her throat, although the temptation to do so was great. "Yes, may I help you?" "I am calling to confirm today's 10:30 appointment with Mr. Aeolus P. Cerigo." "Yes, I can confirm that time," Alex said, prepared to answer further questions, hoping her rough voice did not make her sound ill. "Thank you." The...

3 years ago
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craving dark chocolate2

i looked in2 his eyes as i stood up & pulled malcolm 2 his feet, then pushed him back on2 the couch & knelt between his knees. his pretty cock was very dark & still soft, the mahogany glans still covered by his velvety 4skin. he sat with his legs spread wide & his cock hung down between his thighs, lying on his shaved ball-sack. i put my hands on the floor, next 2 the front of the couch & leaned 4ward, opening my mouth & letting his delicious cock slide between my lips,...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 565

Say thanks to OldGreyDuck for this one! Living in the South for many years ago, I recall a deeply religious couple that were neighbors. They stated that they were searching to buy a Baptist dog. Eventually, they found a preacher that was also a specialized dog breeder. They went to see him, and a particular dog named “Rev”. The couple asked “How do we know Rev is a Baptist dog?” The breeder said; “Rev! Go get a Bible!” and off the dog ran to a shelf and grabbed a King James Bible and...

2 years ago
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My wife on the porch part fifteen

Part fifteen. Our marriage was scheduled to be dissolved in four weeks and she had agreed to allow me to share her bed for one last night. The conditions were that I had to wear my boxer shorts and shorts, she was to wear her underwear, teeshirt and shorts and it was purely to sleep! The Friday had arrived and I was excited about sharing her bed for one last time. The wine flowed throughout the evening and it was after midnight before we all decided to head for bed. It was strange when she...

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Sylvia and Amy get frisky with it

There was so much about Ms. Flynn. Books and magazines from all over the world, in every language, monographs, and references for about three hundred Ph.D. dissertations about her life and her ideas. The stack of material stood four feet high above the surface of the table. I was very talented at organizing, that's why I did so well in school without ever trying. Even so, I could see that organizing all of this into a high school term paper was going to be a challenge!I was doing my best to...

1 year ago
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Grace And Flavour

“Ah, bollocks,” said Janet, coming into the kitchen with her phone in her hand.“Who was it this time?” I asked, taking another sip of my rooibos tea.“Work. Natasha’s screwed something up again, and they want me to come in and sort it out.”“Do you have to go?”“I don’t have to, but if I don’t, the whole place will be in complete meltdown by the time I get back next week.”I smiled. “I wish my work missed me as much when I’m on leave. Look, if it’d be easier if you go, don’t worry about me. I can...

2 years ago
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A Cousins Love

___________________________________________________________________ It was last summer and my cousin Brad his sister and his parents came and visited my family in South Carolina. I knew he was sexually attracted to me because we were at a concert and he was standing behind me in the mosh pit and the people in the mosh pit moved forward and pushed my cousin into me and i felt his hard dick press against my ass. Also when i visited him in Pennsylvania my panties had cum in them when i left. I...

3 years ago
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Recently divorced free at last

Hi my name is Mia..... Recently I was divorced after a short married and it was the SHORT not to mention thin that caused the problem if you know what I mean!!!!! My ex was short and thin, he lasted at best such a short time that I usually had to masturbate after he fell asleep... and that led to me starting to really enjoy masturbating and when I caught a guy masturbating while he watched me though the window while getting dressed for work and seeing him tense and shake as several huge white...

1 year ago
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PromiseChapter 10 Private Rain Festival

SOFíA POURED A FRESH GLASS of wine for all of us. She held up an eye dropper. “Are you feeling lucky, Michael?” Are you feeling lucky, punk? Clint’s old line ran through my head, but Sofía’s smile and the sparkle renewed in her eyes made me think otherwise. “What’ve you got, Sofía?” Her smile got bigger. “Just a little surprise. It’s from Gladys. Javier and I have played with it before, in fact, but don’t you ever tell my aunt, OK?” She didn’t really have to explain. I knew what she...

4 years ago
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Gone FishinChapter 15

I took the paper schedule to the office with me Monday morning. Shirl needed at least some of the information. Weena had left quite early; she wanted to catch the night sister before she went off duty. So it was well before nine when I got to the office. I opened a calendar and started entering stuff: the wedding, my talk to the vintners, etc. I hoped it would make sense. I called Maggie's office in the Alice. She answered. "Friedel." "Gordy Hollister." "Hi. What can I do for...

3 years ago
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My diaries part 2

Him and me have been messaging on and off for a month now. I can't believe he even pays attention to me. He started to fallow me even and like/comment on my photos. I try to play it cool but still can't believe it. He says next month he is attending and demonstrating during a shibari expo in San Francisco he said if he has the time we should go out for coffee or something. I was quick to reply with a yes. I keep trying to get him to agree to let me be a new model for him. He said he's very...

3 years ago
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Home from college

So I went to my sister in laws house for Thanksgiving. All the family was there as usual, including my annoying in-laws. I decided to get away from the family to sip a beer in peace and quiet, so I went out side. It was fairly cold, only about 30 degrees. Not bad but you need a coat. A little about me. I am 42 and married. My wife is great but really not big on sex. I don't really mess around, but if the opportunity comes up....I will take it. I am considered good looking and I am in...

1 year ago
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Marine GamesChapter 7 Teaching Bret

The first night back from the Olympics, Heather cornered Bret in the living room of her house while he was playing with Kelly and Kim. "Bret, you have an appointment Saturday morning at the Overnight Driving Academy. Every Saturday for the next three weeks you are taking classes and learning how to drive. Monday and Wednesday you are the assistant coach of Kelly and Kim's little league softball team. Tuesday and Thursday you are the assistant coach of their soccer team. Do you have any...

2 years ago
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Mami Bas Ek Baar Please Please

By : Abhi.Bindass143 Hii friends, mai Abhinav aur ye meri pehli real story hai jo mai aap sabhi ke sath share karna chahta hu mai ISS ka regular reader hun haan meri baat age-22, height- 5’8′ colour  fare, body- atheletic, handsome, smart and bahut hi khush mijaj insaan hun jaisa ki mere dost kehte hai ye meri pehli real sex story please aap logo comment karna meri email id Hai aap sab mujhe mail kariyeg jisse mai aage v apni real sex ghatna ke baare me likh saku. Ab sidhe topic pe aata hu,...

2 years ago
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Threesome with slut

We were all hanging out having a few drinks when my friend Heather suggested we get naked and ask my boyfriend if he wanted to fuck us both. I was turned on so much because i knew her reputation in the bedroom. So I chugged the rest of my drink and went to the living room to ask him. Her and i had been trying on clothes in my bedroom when she asked so i got out my bag lingerie and stockings and we got dressed up. I was in all black lace with thigh high stockings and a black lace bra and a...

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