Miss Pratt\'s Pundit free porn video

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Tegan bit her lip



July 2, 1982


The two  girls walked carefully, attempting to avoid the rusty cans and general litter on the grounds of the  Craddock-Childress Greens Mobile Home Village.  The taller girl, a pretty redhead in a bikini carried a boom-box, which was emanating Boy George's sordid screams.


The smaller girl had short, ratty hair, and wore thick glasses and lugged a copy of "War and Peace" bouncing against her soggy one-piece swimsuit.


 "Goddamn if that YMCA pool is worth hitching to.,? the bespectacled girl muttered. "We could swim in the river if I wasn't afraid we were going to get some kind of biochemical cancer, but with your luck, Serena, you'd probably just get bigger breasts!"


Serena laughed and patted her younger friend on the back. "Yours will come, don't worry...just wait. Besides, you're getting out of here soon, right? You're going to start at that Saint Casimir's School in six weeks on your scholarship, right Prattsie?"


Serena lit a Marlboro as she was walking. "They might have a pool, you know?"


Prattsie grinned at her optimistic friend. "I just wish you were going with me, instead of to hairdressing school." Prattsie said mournfully.


Serena smiled, and tried to look nonchalant. They'd been more than "friends" that summer, and the real reason they were both pissed about the condition of the river was because it was lots safer messin' around in the bushes than in the Y shower. But hey. They weren't lezzies, it was just a phase.


As they reached a particularly filthy singlewide mobile home with a large  hand-painted sign saying "B.Pratt Home Keepe Owt" in the front yard, Serena's radio did a fizzle.


Suddenly? Boy George was gone and instead it was one of those boring talk shows

Before Serena could flip the station, they heard


. "...And the Equal Rights Amendment was defeated on June thirtieth when the required 38 state legislatures did not ratify in time. Today I have Tegan O'Kesen, president of Smith College Christians Against Rights Initiatives. SCCARI girls worked with Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum and the Concerned Women of America to defeat the ERA, and Miss O'Kesen is proud of her good work. Miss O'Kesen?"


Serena looked bored and Prattsie disgusted as a nasal female voice came on.


?"Yes, that's right, Myron. We? SCCARI women worked to shut down the Equal Rights Amendment because women don't need it. Every woman in America has all the rights she needs, and if she isn't enjoying life, it's her attitude! All a woman has to learn is how to be a feminine and obedient wife..."


Serena turned the station to "I Want a New Drug" by Huey Lewis and the News, but Prattsie still looked a bit put out.


Suddenly there was a sound of ripping and screaming from inside the "B Pratt" trailer. "I'll teach you to hide my Dilaudids, you bitch!" came a man's voice, and then there was a crash. Suddenly the trailer was rocking with a woman's screams and a man's coarse laughter.


?Stop, Thurman, you?re killin? me!!!? Two small children came out of the mobile home, turning their dirty faces to Prattsie, instinctively.


??Kelvin, Colette, go to the RecreationCenter for a couple hours.? Prattsie said, sighing. ?Here?s a five for the Pac-Man machine, now get on out of here!? Don?t come back ?til dark. And wash in the sink at the Rec Center, or I?ll beat you both to a pulp!?


?The two urchins chortled over their change of fortune and ran off. ?And thus go half my Dairy Queen tips? the bespectacled girl moaned.


Suddenly there was a slam inside the trailer and a further scream, and a lower denture plate flew out of the door, and Prattsie caught it with a practiced air.


Serena looked uncomfortable. Prattsie smiled ruefully. "I gotta go inside and keep Momma from being killed again. Let's go swimming again tomorrow."


Serena gave her friend a quick hug and ran down the filth littered path, as her own uncle was probably making advances to her younger sister in THEIR trailer, and it couldn't hurt to get home soon.


February 19, 2004 9:43 a.m.


"Well it is a problem, Prattsie," said Samuel, embarrassed. "I probably shouldn't have let Kenseth come here without getting fixed first." Samuel leaned down on the stool, looking into the "coffin" a retired telephone booth that was lying on its side. Samuel shook his large black head. "It's the younger generation. Although my father had my brother and I before his operation, I was proud to be snipped in mid puberty."


Samuel leaned his bulky arms on the "Coffin" because it was moving around, as its occupant kept bouncing and bucking about. "I am ashamed of Kenseth's attitude. He is my brother's son, but his attitudes are terrible.


?His sister is even worse. Can you believe Sibongile refused to be a volcano virgin, Prattsie?" Samuel shook his giant head again, and Miss Pratt thought it resembled a watermelon. "She is a waitress in Madagascar, and has a therapist!"


"Secular bitch!" Miss Pratt said with a grin. "These kids, I tell you, Samuel. Worldly little bastards."


It was taped together so there were no air holes except for those on the top door, and inside it was Evelyn, covered in sugar water. Miss Pratt poured more sugar water on Evelyn, who closed her eyes and shook herself.


Miss Pratt made a face. Evelyn, naked, even with her ugly, wrinkled hands cuffed behind her back, was a hideous sight.


"What's the problem, Samuel?" Miss Pratt asked casually. "He's been watching "Sex in the City" and "Entourage" and he wants to get laid before he becomes a eunuch?"


Samuel looked to the box of fire ants, and Miss Pratt nodded. Samuel frowned as he opened the box. "These are from Puerto Rico, and they cost a pretty penny." Backing away a bit, he opened the door to the Coffin. "Are you ready for your surprise, Evelyn?"


Evelyn looked up through eyes blurry with sugar water. "I don't understand this, I'm all sticky...what sort of--Oh!" She winced and pulled as the fire ants began falling onto her face and began crawling over her body.? No, please Samuel...don't do this to me!"


Miss Pratt shook her head. "I can't stand to hear her whining. Did the bait shop send crickets, too? I think I'll listen to some Toni Braxton while you pour those on."


Samuel grinned broadly. "You are so easy to torture. Shakespeare said that we despise in others what we perceive in ourselves, and for the decade that I have known you, Prattsie, you have been a greater whiner than poor Evelyn."


?Samuel looked down, as the crickets followed the fire ants, onto the struggling, shaking fifty-six year old woman. "They're biting me...please, Noooo!" Samuel shook his head again.


"Before I put on the headphones, what do you want to do about Kenseth? Do you think if I got him laid with a hooker perhaps he would be content to go home and get his castration?" Miss Pratt was concerned here. Samuel was not at all close to retirement, but it was always good to have a spare eunuch around.


"Kenseth just wants to have his schlong sucked." Samuel said with a smile. "Perhaps you can order in someone, attractive..." Miss Pratt snapped her fingers. "You know, I have a Sarah-Jessica Parker coming in today who is just the one!"


Samuel winced. "No, no, Prattsie, I don't think Miss O?Kesen is interested in men." But Miss Pratt had put the earphones on, and, while watching Evelyn's misery, was snapping her fingers to "Breathe Again."


February 19, 2004. 1:39 pm

Glynnis couldn't believe that she was looking at Tegan O'Kesen. Of course they both lived in DC, so Glyn knew that there was always a possibility of seeing a television celebrity--she'd once been on the Metro with David Broder, and Walter Mondale used to shop at Giant Food with Glyn's mom. He was very nice.


God, the telephone books were heavy. Glyn never would have guessed that she could hold one telephone book in both hands for an hour standing up, much less a heavy book in each hand while standing with her feet in two different chairs.


 Glyn's right hand sagged a bit under its book, but Miss Pratt looked quickly at her, while regaling O'Kesen, and Glynnis pulled up her hand.


But Tegan O'Kesen was such a bitch! Like most DC residents, Glynnis was a liberal, and everyone thought O'Kesen was a right-wing bimbo.


 But God, how she wished she could tell her friends that she'd seen the right-wing bimbo being caned by Miss Pratt! But of course none of Glyn's friends knew that Glynnis, herself saw a domme.


Glynnis's right knee was starting to really smart, and she was terrified that the chair under her right foot might go out, and she'd fall. Glyn was forty-eight and didn't think she could be falling down hard.


Earlier, Miss Pratt had caned Glynnis viciously because Glyn had been preparing Miss Pratt's lunch and had stepped on the white squares of the black and white kitchen tile floor.


 Miss Pratt had ordered Kenseth, the obese black younger guy, to monitor Glyn, who owned four restaurants and was a published cookbook author, in making the meal, but it was hard to concentrate on a good bouillabaisse  while worrying about what tiles to step on.


It had been grim. Miss Pratt had waited until Glynnis had served the lunch, and even kindly waited til Glyn had eaten her share out of the dog dish before punishing her.


Glynnis had had no idea whether Miss Pratt was upset or not, as Miss Pratt had complimented her on the meal before bringing up the indelicate matter of stepping on white tiles, and then the Tickler came into play, and Glyn had danced and cried for nearly twenty-five minutes.


Then, of course after the pain of the thrashing was up, Glynnis had stupidly thought because she'd paid $500 for the privilege of making Miss Pratt's lunch, that now she might be allowed to worship at Miss Pratt's pussy.


But no, instead Glyn had to stand on chairs, holding the Yellow Pages and watching Miss Pratt tear apart America's sweetheart conservative...Oh, God.


FEBRUARY 19TH, 1:51 pm.


Tegan bit her lip. The Tickler had stung her left buttock deeply. Miss Pratt knew how to scientifically apply the cane. She knew that just under the butt, there was a sensitive spot that could make poor Tay burst into tears just with a light touch.


But they were in a ?resting period? now. Miss Pratt was sitting comfortably in her LaZ boy armchair, reading aloud, while Tay was trying to avoid having splinters embedded in her tender stomach, from this vile carpenter?s sawhorse.


Tay looked over at the poor fat woman who was standing on the chairs, holding the telephone books. That must be in a way, worse than being hung over the goddamned sawhorse. How ghastly her stomach would look with splinters in it.


Oh, God. Tay?s nipples were in sorry shape as well. Miss Pratt had purchased little steel things called ?Baby Jaws? and they had TEETH. Tiny thumb screwed pinchers attached rather harshly to Tay?s sensitive nipples, made more sensitive after they?d been whacked by the Tickler.


Tears were coursing down Tegan?s face as she listened to Miss Pratt?s cheerful voice as she finished the article in ?American Virtue? magazine.


??Nationally syndicated columnist Tegan O?Kesan, host of ?Blondes for the Bible? and author of? ?Trapped in Gomorrah?, ?Mascara is my Talisman? and ?A Fetus Named Dot? agrees with the President of Family Empowerment Coalition. ?


Miss Pratt paused, and took a barroom dart out of a bowl on the little table next to her beloved LaZ-Boy. She threw it expertly, and it landed in Tegan?s left thigh. Tay shrieked and jiggled, and the dart fell on the floor, and Miss Pratt laughed, and continued reading from ?American Virtue?


??But O?Kesan says gay marriage is more juvenile then sinful. ?The so-called gays are tired of their party, and now want to play house as if they were the rest of us. It?s a pollution of our values and commitment. Only in Massachusetts, where sodomites like Barney Frank and Gerry Studds have represented the voters could such a travesty of sociologically deficient??


?Stop reading, please Miss Pratt.? Tegan turned to Miss Pratt, and adjusted her self still uncomfortably on the harsh sawhorse. Tay knew that interrupting Miss Pratt would probably earn her more ?caresses? from Tickles, Miss Pratt?s fiberglass cane, but she couldn?t bear to hear any more.


Miss Pratt threw another dart at Tay?s buttocks, but it embedded itself in her hip, and stayed there, as Tay cried bitterly.


?But why, honey?? Miss Pratt asked Tegan innocently. ?I?m so proud to have a client who is so full of interesting opinions about the sociological deficiency of we carpet-munchers. And so interested in the way my friends and I live. It?s great that there?s an opinion like yours poking in our business.? Miss Pratt sighed theatrically.


?I recall a few months ago, wasn?t it, that a pregnant Idaho woman had a car accident, and she was in a coma?? Miss Pratt paused.


?That happened two years ago, ma?am. And I was younger.? Oh dear. I?ve interrupted her again, Tegan thought


Miss Pratt smiled. ?Yes, two years ago. A woman is in a coma, her husband is arranging to get her an abortion so she can come out of the coma, and you and your pro-lifers SUE for custody of the fetus?you?ve never met her, you don?t know her.


But God forbid you don?t get involved. Thank God, that was thrown out of court.?

Miss Pratt dropped ?American Virtue? on the floor, and picked up the Tickler. She arose from her LaZ-Boy.


?How are you doing Glynnis?? Miss Pratt asked with a smile. ?I?m doing fine, Miss Pratt? Glynnis said with a weak smile back. The heavy telephone books were really weighing Glynnis down, but she was trying, Tay thought. The poor fat woman. Why would a woman put herself in that position?


But then again, I?m here too, Tay thought. And my slit is wet, and I?m probably going to masturbate like crazy when I get home, and that woman will too.


?You seem depressed, Glynnis. Why don?t you cheer up?? Miss Pratt asked. WHACK! The Tickler slammed against Glynnis?s protruding stomach. Glynnis grabbed her stomach, and dropped both telephone books. One hit Miss Pratt on the toe.


It didn?t really hurt, but Miss Pratt made the most of it, anyway. ?Aaah!? she screamed, and began whacking Glyn with vigor. ?You are a fat, ugly pig.? WHACK WHACK WHACK! ?The sight of you makes me ill! I can?t believe something as disgusting as you is alive?and you throw books on my feet!?


Glynnis fell off the chair and Miss Pratt whacked the Tickler on her prone body. ?Get out of here, you emetic pig?.don?t come back until your appointment next week!? The fat woman ran out of the room, and Miss Pratt leaned back, sighing in satisfaction.


?She really does cook well, Tegan.?




Then Miss Pratt strolled towards Tegan?s sawhorse. The Tickler swung through the air.


Tay was now really worried. This was the first time Miss Pratt ever dragged politics into their sessions. And here she was, Tegan O?Kesan, Harvard Law Review editor, Miss Pottsville County, journalist, and TV show host?and submissive slave to an angry lesbian!


Here Tegan was, bent over the sawhorse, her right wrist cuffed to her right ankle, resting on the floor, and left wrist handcuffed to left ankle. And she?d paid $400 for this dubious privilege.


Miss Pratt looked at the duct tape that Samuel had thoughtfully placed between Tegan?s legs earlier. ?So I told you to shave your pubes, and you didn?t?but this will take care of it, methinks.? Savagely, Miss Pratt ripped the duct tape out from between Tay?s legs and she screamed.


?Such an intellect, our Tay O?Kesen.? Miss Pratt tossed the crumpled duct tape in a corner. Samuel would curse her later when he was doing the housework. ?Anti-homosexual activism??


Tay closed her eyes, knowing that the worst was yet to come.


?It?s tough being queer.? Miss Pratt said, meditatively. Reaching over, she yanked the dart out of Tay?s thigh, and Tay screamed. ?Want something to cry about, dearie?? Miss Pratt bent the Tickler and swung it in the air sharply. Tay?s straight blond hair bounced as she winced and held her head low against her heavy breasts.


Oh, please don?t let her hit me again, Tay thought.


?The Tickler had already done considerable damage to Tegan?s derriere and legs, and she probably would not be able to show up for the Pro-Life Seashore Jamboree at Atlantic City.


?That would be a shame, as Tegan was known as the Right Wing Hottie!!!!!!!!? Often fat, sweating conservative pundits and congressional aides would flock to the Jamboree to ?listen? to Tegan lecture them on the evils of feminism and abortion and the virtues of chastity, while wearing her black string bikini.


Thinking of it, for a moment, Tegan grinned. She thought of her leopard miniskirt that she wore on the talk shows, condemning homosexuality, public assistance, Social Security Disability, taxes, condoms, clean needle programs.


Tegan enjoyed her trollop/nun combo?but she?d forgotten that her beloved domme read the papers and watched TV just like everyone else.


Miss Pratt seemed to be wandering dangerously close to Tay?s full, now slightly welted asscheeks. You never knew with Miss Pratt. During a previous session, she?d rubbed turpentine on Tegan?s clitoris and how it had stung. So the Tickler might not be the greatest danger here.


WHACK! There it came. But Tay didn?t cry. She would hold back, as Miss Pratt hated whiners. ?Besides, Tegan? WHACK! ?you confuse gay men? WHACK WHACK??????????? ?many of whom? WHACK ?are not known for long-term relationships? WHACK! ?with us Sapphics, who generally bring along a U-haul on our second date.?


Miss Pratt smiled with genuine joy as the Tickler made a long, messy welt across the lower globes of Tay?s asscheeks. Miss Pratt reached into the pocket of her sensible tweed skirt and pulled out a tube of Binaca breath spray.


?You?ve got to learn not to make sweeping generalizations, hon.,? Miss Pratt said as she fell to one knee behind Tegan?s spread buttocks. PSSSST! Spraying the breath mint directly into Tay?s pussy, Miss Pratt backed off a bit as Tay screamed anew.


?Does that hurt, honey?? Miss Pratt?s fingers began exploring between Tay?s globes. She prodded and massaged Tay?s vulva, and the girl began moaning. ?I don?t mean to be too excessive of course.?


Tay began bucking and moaning as Miss Pratt continued her expert massage on the young conservative?s clit. ?You know of course, I?ve been with my partner for twelve years.? Miss Pratt said mildly, pulling her fingers out just before Tay was about to orgasm.

?But-but I respect your choices as an individual, Miss Pr?? SLASH! WHACK! The Tickler began caressing with vigor, bouncing off Tay?s bruised buttocks like Louganis on a diving board.


Miss Pratt admired her own handiwork as the Tickler landed seven or eight times, crisscrossing Tay?s pretty buttocks, and then suddenly slashing between her legs where the Binaca had painfully disinfected.


?But God forbid that I want to marry, eh?? Miss Pratt shook her head, and tossed the Tickler on the floor. ?So you?re not an individual with choices, Tegan?? Tay closed her eyes but to no avail.


Miss Pratt came over to the front of the horse and dragged Tay?s hair up so that her head was bending backwards. Miss Pratt?s bespectacled, homely face came close to Tegan?s classic features. ?Jesus, you beg to lick my twat again and again after every one of our sessions, honey.?


?Miss Pratt looked questioningly at Tay. ? I remember when you were Republican counsel to the House Ethics Committee, you used to call me and have me come see you so you could take a muff-diving break between sessions.?


Miss Pratt grabbed Tay?s scalp and she shook it. ?And Samuel tells me that you order a great deal of my glossies?pics of me in various positions that I know you probably diddle to before you go meet with Rush Limbaugh and Bill O?Reilley?.but are you a dyke in real life?? SLAP!


Miss Pratt?s hand left a nasty red mark on Tay?s cheek, and her other hand let go of Tay?s scalp, finally. ?Are you a dyke?? Miss Pratt looked seriously at Tay.


?You?ve told me about Olwyn, who was your lover when you were roommates in the Senate Page program. But you were kids. And the slavegirl who recommended me to you was whats-her-name Kulwitz, the Reagan speechwriter? After your first session, I called her and she told me that she thought you weren?t really gay, though you two had slept together?she said you were just afraid of men. Is that it??


?I don?t know, Miss Pratt? Tay gasped as Miss Pratt took Tay?s nose in her firm fingers and twisted it firmly. ?You don?t know? What do you know? Think maybe you are always sounding off about other people?s private?? here Miss Pratt twisted Tay?s nose viciously??lives because you haven?t thought about your own??


?I don?t dow, Biss Bratt? said Tay through her mouth as Miss Pratt?s fingers continued to pull and twist her nose. ?I?be doo busy to thick about byself.?


Miss Pratt let go of Tegan?s nose and slapped her again. ?So you?re a lifelong spinster, as you told G. Gordon Liddy on the radio last night? And proud of it.? Miss Pratt reached under Tegan?s head and twisted one of the Jaws on Tay?s right nipple. ?So proud?to look your best, dress sexy and make everyone drool after you. You?re not a journalist, you?re just a miserable little cocktease.? Tay moaned as Miss Pratt twisted some more.


Finally Miss Pratt let go, and grabbed Tay?s jaw and pushed her head up, and leaned in. ?And you love telling people you?re an old maid?you dress like a harlot, but you?re so goddamned virtuous. What a waste of 36C breasts, that?s all I can say.? Miss Pratt dropped Tay?s head. ?And mine are stuck in a? training bra for life.?


?Oh, no, Miss Pratt, you have beautiful breasts they?re quite full?? Tegan?s earnest rejoinder was rewarded by a slap right across the mouth.


??Don?t you have anything better to do than look at my tits, you slug?? screamed Miss Pratt. ?I thought you were born-again, anyway.?



?Miss Pratt finally unlocked Tay's handcuffs, and the exhausted girl got up, and massaged her back and buttocks. "Oh, God, it hurts so much..."


"But you haven't answered my question, dearie." Miss Pratt asked archly. "Why haven't you ever had a dick in you?? 

Tay shook her head. "N-no..I'm a baptized Catholic AND I was born again last year. Being a virgin is--"


Miss Pratt shook her head. "No lies, darlin'. We know you're not TOO born again because here you are, visiting me, right? I think the problem is, you need a little bit of introspection. Possibly if you had a little experience with a dick, you might stop babbling on your inane radio shows about how evil sex is."


Suddenly the door opened, and Miss Pratt and Tegan, who towered over her while standing up, looked over at Glynnis, who was still naked, but carrying a pair of workmen?s overalls, stained with paint and grease.


?Miss Pratt, Samuel has taken my clothes and won?t let me have them back, even though I told him you want me to leave.? Glynnis held up the overalls. ?Samuel says I?m to wear these out, but the dress he has of mine is a $4500 Gucci green floral??


Miss Pratt snorted. ?Shut your face, you ectoplasm. What, my father?s old overalls aren?t good enough for you??? Miss Pratt looked up at Tay, who stood there dumbly. ?You see the problem with you conservatives..you turn liberal Dems like Glyn here into born-again preppies.?


Miss Pratt went to her toy box and reached in, selecting a copper coated welding rod that Samuel had purchased for her at Home Depot. Miss Pratt walked up to Glynnis.


?What?s a fat, repulsive hippo like you doing in a Gucci dress, anyway.? WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The welding rod left serious welts on both of Glyn?s shoulders. THWACK! Miss Pratt landed a third slash right across Glynnis?s thighs.


?I recall overhearing that you paid extra for the dress to be made in your size?but the overalls will look much better on you, Glynnis.? Miss Pratt swung the welding rod again.


??But if you insist on getting the dress back, I must cooperate.? Miss Pratt went to the intercom. ?Bring Glynnis?s? green floral dress with the silver diamond beads, please, Samuel.?


?I don?t mean to be difficult, Miss Pratt, but the dress cost a lot.? Glynnis said, relieved through her pain that the dress was coming back to her. ?I have to sell a lot of cook books, ha ha.?


Tay stared. Oh, she?d seen that woman?s face on the back of her Mom?s ?Glynnis Shepherd Italian Cuisine? book. Huh. Well, it takes all kinds.


Samuel came in, holding a paper bag, which he handed to Glynnis. ?I was cleaning the bathroom, Prattsie.? He said this to Miss Pratt with a concerned air. ?When we let Evelyn out of the Coffin, I put an enema in her and she had a nasty accident in the Little Girls.? Samuel grinned broadly at Glynnis. ?I was only borrowing your dress, Ms. Shepherd.?


Glynnis?s eyes widened, and she reached into the paper bag and wrinkled her nose. Tegan smelled it too. Oh, what a stink. Glynnis pulled out a light brown rag?no it?s covered with fecal matter. But Tay could see a faint light green? color to one of the ends of the dress.


Glynnis dropped it. ?You don?t want it, Miss Shepherd?? Samuel asked. ?I just used it to clean the bathroom a bit.? Glynnis looked a bit shaky.


?Perhaps you should put on the overalls and go home, dear.? Miss Pratt said kindly. ?We?ll see you next week, and maybe you can shave off the patrician attitude, eh??


Glynnis stepped into the filthy overalls and snapped them up, and staggered from the room.


Samuel picked up the shit-covered designer dress, and nodding, left the room as well.


?So back on topic, dearie.? Miss Pratt said as she walked up and stared into Tay?s face. Miss Pratt lightly swung the welding rod. ?Why have you never had a dick in you??


 "Even I've had a dick or two in me, and I've been a confirmed lesbian since I was nine. Cut the religious bullshit."


"No, Jesus means so much to me..."Tay babbled. WHACK! WHACK! Miss Pratt stepped back and looked at the vicious red welts she'd just raised on Tay's breasts.


?It wasn't easy to see them, as America's blonde conservative Valkyrie was grasping her breasts and weeping, but Miss Pratt could see real progress.


Miss Pratt decided to knock off the nipple Jaws as well THWACK! WHACK! The Jaws fell to the floor, and Tay held her breasts and screamed, and then, after Miss Pratt whacked her in the stomach, she threw up.


"Lick that up now." Miss Pratt said warningly, and sobbing, the girl got on her hands and knees and licked up her vomit.


"I like these copper rods." Miss Pratt said.? And look, they're flexible." Miss Pratt bent the rod into a ball and threw it in the direction of the duct tape.


"Now, dear. Why don't you tell me why you don't like dick...or have never tried dick?" Miss Pratt asked this gently. Tay began weeping. "I-my Daddy told me it was evil!"


"Oh yes...your Daddy the Congressman who believes that abortion doctors should be hung...I know about him." Miss Pratt said thoughtfully. "Well don't you want to be cured of this nonsense, honey?"


Tay's eyes were drooling, and she was just beat. "Wh-whatever you want, Miss Pratt."


"Well, your break is over, back over the sawhorse, so I can cuff you up again!"


That had been a BREAK? Tegan thought, as she wearily lay over the sawhorse once more. As the handcuffs clicked on her wrists and ankles, she contemplated suicide...but her clit was drenched. What would happen now, Tegan thought excitedly.




?But of course you still have your values, right dear??

Miss Pratt chortled. ?Opposed to birth control, against premarital dicks?but you must know how to suck a dick, don?t you?? Miss Pratt grabbed Evelyn?s ear and twisted it. ?Answer me! Can you suck a dick??


?I-I?ve never learned, ma?am?I was engaged once, but we were both Catholic?? Miss Pratt began laughing. ?Yes, good Catholic girls don?t give head, do they? And you?re a born-again Christian on top of that, I understand from one of your idiotic radio interviews. ? Miss Pratt reached the Tickler over Tay?s head while still facing her and slashed her back hard.


So all you?ve ever done is eat fish?? Miss Pratt indelicately grabbed her crotch through her sensible tweed skirt ??but you want to close all the lezzie bars. Well, maybe you?re not a lesbian, but there?s only one way to find out.?


Miss Pratt blew a whistle, and a large African man, who resembled Samuel, but was much younger, wandered in, unzipping his pants. As Tegan screamed in horror, Miss Pratt lit a cigarette and? grinned. ?Now you?re going to see the meaning of true empowerment, Tay. Enjoy Kenseth, and give him something memorable!?


From the ?Washington Post, June 13, 2005?


?In a shocking but beautiful ceremony today, Washington pundit Tegan O?Kesen married Kenseth Rajul, a Third World immigrant, who she now employs as her chauffer. Although her family and former conservative friends boycotted the ceremony,? the ecstaticMs. O?Kesen-Rajul, now a writer for the socialist ?Mother Jones? said mysteriously ?Our greatest wedding gift was being able to keep Kenseth?s nuts.? This reporter was unaware that Mr. Rajul ?s diet was vegetarian.?



July 2, 1982


The two  girls walked carefully, attempting to avoid the rusty cans and general litter on the grounds of the  Craddock-Childress Greens Mobile Home Village.  The taller girl, a pretty redhead in a bikini carried a boom-box, which was emanating Boy George's sordid screams.


The smaller girl had short, ratty hair, and wore thick glasses and lugged a copy of "War and Peace" bouncing against her soggy one-piece swimsuit.


 "Goddamn if that YMCA pool is worth hitching to.,? the bespectacled girl muttered. "We could swim in the river if I wasn't afraid we were going to get some kind of biochemical cancer, but with your luck, Serena, you'd probably just get bigger breasts!"


Serena laughed and patted her younger friend on the back. "Yours will come, don't worry...just wait. Besides, you're getting out of here soon, right? You're going to start at that Saint Casimir's School in six weeks on your scholarship, right Prattsie?"


Serena lit a Marlboro as she was walking. "They might have a pool, you know?"


Prattsie grinned at her optimistic friend. "I just wish you were going with me, instead of to hairdressing school." Prattsie said mournfully.


Serena smiled, and tried to look nonchalant. They'd been more than "friends" that summer, and the real reason they were both pissed about the condition of the river was because it was lots safer messin' around in the bushes than in the Y shower. But hey. They weren't lezzies, it was just a phase.


As they reached a particularly filthy singlewide mobile home with a large  hand-painted sign saying "B.Pratt Home Keepe Owt" in the front yard, Serena's radio did a fizzle.


Suddenly? Boy George was gone and instead it was one of those boring talk shows

Before Serena could flip the station, they heard


. "...And the Equal Rights Amendment was defeated on June thirtieth when the required 38 state legislatures did not ratify in time. Today I have Tegan O'Kesen, president of Smith College Christians Against Rights Initiatives. SCCARI girls worked with Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum and the Concerned Women of America to defeat the ERA, and Miss O'Kesen is proud of her good work. Miss O'Kesen?"


Serena looked bored and Prattsie disgusted as a nasal female voice came on.


?"Yes, that's right, Myron. We? SCCARI women worked to shut down the Equal Rights Amendment because women don't need it. Every woman in America has all the rights she needs, and if she isn't enjoying life, it's her attitude! All a woman has to learn is how to be a feminine and obedient wife..."


Serena turned the station to "I Want a New Drug" by Huey Lewis and the News, but Prattsie still looked a bit put out.


Suddenly there was a sound of ripping and screaming from inside the "B Pratt" trailer. "I'll teach you to hide my Dilaudids, you bitch!" came a man's voice, and then there was a crash. Suddenly the trailer was rocking with a woman's screams and a man's coarse laughter.


?Stop, Thurman, you?re killin? me!!!? Two small children came out of the mobile home, turning their dirty faces to Prattsie, instinctively.


??Kelvin, Colette, go to the RecreationCenter for a couple hours.? Prattsie said, sighing. ?Here?s a five for the Pac-Man machine, now get on out of here!? Don?t come back ?til dark. And wash in the sink at the Rec Center, or I?ll beat you both to a pulp!?


?The two urchins chortled over their change of fortune and ran off. ?And thus go half my Dairy Queen tips? the bespectacled girl moaned.


Suddenly there was a slam inside the trailer and a further scream, and a lower denture plate flew out of the door, and Prattsie caught it with a practiced air.


Serena looked uncomfortable. Prattsie smiled ruefully. "I gotta go inside and keep Momma from being killed again. Let's go swimming again tomorrow."


Serena gave her friend a quick hug and ran down the filth littered path, as her own uncle was probably making advances to her younger sister in THEIR trailer, and it couldn't hurt to get home soon.


February 19, 2004 9:43 a.m.


"Well it is a problem, Prattsie," said Samuel, embarrassed. "I probably shouldn't have let Kenseth come here without getting fixed first." Samuel leaned down on the stool, looking into the "coffin" a retired telephone booth that was lying on its side. Samuel shook his large black head. "It's the younger generation. Although my father had my brother and I before his operation, I was proud to be snipped in mid puberty."


Samuel leaned his bulky arms on the "Coffin" because it was moving around, as its occupant kept bouncing and bucking about. "I am ashamed of Kenseth's attitude. He is my brother's son, but his attitudes are terrible.


?His sister is even worse. Can you believe Sibongile refused to be a volcano virgin, Prattsie?" Samuel shook his giant head again, and Miss Pratt thought it resembled a watermelon. "She is a waitress in Madagascar, and has a therapist!"


"Secular bitch!" Miss Pratt said with a grin. "These kids, I tell you, Samuel. Worldly little bastards."


It was taped together so there were no air holes except for those on the top door, and inside it was Evelyn, covered in sugar water. Miss Pratt poured more sugar water on Evelyn, who closed her eyes and shook herself.


Miss Pratt made a face. Evelyn, naked, even with her ugly, wrinkled hands cuffed behind her back, was a hideous sight.


"What's the problem, Samuel?" Miss Pratt asked casually. "He's been watching "Sex in the City" and "Entourage" and he wants to get laid before he becomes a eunuch?"


Samuel looked to the box of fire ants, and Miss Pratt nodded. Samuel frowned as he opened the box. "These are from Puerto Rico, and they cost a pretty penny." Backing away a bit, he opened the door to the Coffin. "Are you ready for your surprise, Evelyn?"


Evelyn looked up through eyes blurry with sugar water. "I don't understand this, I'm all sticky...what sort of--Oh!" She winced and pulled as the fire ants began falling onto her face and began crawling over her body.? No, please Samuel...don't do this to me!"


Miss Pratt shook her head. "I can't stand to hear her whining. Did the bait shop send crickets, too? I think I'll listen to some Toni Braxton while you pour those on."


Samuel grinned broadly. "You are so easy to torture. Shakespeare said that we despise in others what we perceive in ourselves, and for the decade that I have known you, Prattsie, you have been a greater whiner than poor Evelyn."


?Samuel looked down, as the crickets followed the fire ants, onto the struggling, shaking fifty-six year old woman. "They're biting me...please, Noooo!" Samuel shook his head again.


"Before I put on the headphones, what do you want to do about Kenseth? Do you think if I got him laid with a hooker perhaps he would be content to go home and get his castration?" Miss Pratt was concerned here. Samuel was not at all close to retirement, but it was always good to have a spare eunuch around.


"Kenseth just wants to have his schlong sucked." Samuel said with a smile. "Perhaps you can order in someone, attractive..." Miss Pratt snapped her fingers. "You know, I have a Sarah-Jessica Parker coming in today who is just the one!"


Samuel winced. "No, no, Prattsie, I don't think Miss O?Kesen is interested in men." But Miss Pratt had put the earphones on, and, while watching Evelyn's misery, was snapping her fingers to "Breathe Again."


February 19, 2004. 1:39 pm

Glynnis couldn't believe that she was looking at Tegan O'Kesen. Of course they both lived in DC, so Glyn knew that there was always a possibility of seeing a television celebrity--she'd once been on the Metro with David Broder, and Walter Mondale used to shop at Giant Food with Glyn's mom. He was very nice.


God, the telephone books were heavy. Glyn never would have guessed that she could hold one telephone book in both hands for an hour standing up, much less a heavy book in each hand while standing with her feet in two different chairs.


 Glyn's right hand sagged a bit under its book, but Miss Pratt looked quickly at her, while regaling O'Kesen, and Glynnis pulled up her hand.


But Tegan O'Kesen was such a bitch! Like most DC residents, Glynnis was a liberal, and everyone thought O'Kesen was a right-wing bimbo.


 But God, how she wished she could tell her friends that she'd seen the right-wing bimbo being caned by Miss Pratt! But of course none of Glyn's friends knew that Glynnis, herself saw a domme.


Glynnis's right knee was starting to really smart, and she was terrified that the chair under her right foot might go out, and she'd fall. Glyn was forty-eight and didn't think she could be falling down hard.


Earlier, Miss Pratt had caned Glynnis viciously because Glyn had been preparing Miss Pratt's lunch and had stepped on the white squares of the black and white kitchen tile floor.


 Miss Pratt had ordered Kenseth, the obese black younger guy, to monitor Glyn, who owned four restaurants and was a published cookbook author, in making the meal, but it was hard to concentrate on a good bouillabaisse  while worrying about what tiles to step on.


It had been grim. Miss Pratt had waited until Glynnis had served the lunch, and even kindly waited til Glyn had eaten her share out of the dog dish before punishing her.


Glynnis had had no idea whether Miss Pratt was upset or not, as Miss Pratt had complimented her on the meal before bringing up the indelicate matter of stepping on white tiles, and then the Tickler came into play, and Glyn had danced and cried for nearly twenty-five minutes.


Then, of course after the pain of the thrashing was up, Glynnis had stupidly thought because she'd paid $500 for the privilege of making Miss Pratt's lunch, that now she might be allowed to worship at Miss Pratt's pussy.


But no, instead Glyn had to stand on chairs, holding the Yellow Pages and watching Miss Pratt tear apart America's sweetheart conservative...Oh, God.


FEBRUARY 19TH, 1:51 pm.


Tegan bit her lip. The Tickler had stung her left buttock deeply. Miss Pratt knew how to scientifically apply the cane. She knew that just under the butt, there was a sensitive spot that could make poor Tay burst into tears just with a light touch.


But they were in a ?resting period? now. Miss Pratt was sitting comfortably in her LaZ boy armchair, reading aloud, while Tay was trying to avoid having splinters embedded in her tender stomach, from this vile carpenter?s sawhorse.


Tay looked over at the poor fat woman who was standing on the chairs, holding the telephone books. That must be in a way, worse than being hung over the goddamned sawhorse. How ghastly her stomach would look with splinters in it.


Oh, God. Tay?s nipples were in sorry shape as well. Miss Pratt had purchased little steel things called ?Baby Jaws? and they had TEETH. Tiny thumb screwed pinchers attached rather harshly to Tay?s sensitive nipples, made more sensitive after they?d been whacked by the Tickler.


Tears were coursing down Tegan?s face as she listened to Miss Pratt?s cheerful voice as she finished the article in ?American Virtue? magazine.


??Nationally syndicated columnist Tegan O?Kesan, host of ?Blondes for the Bible? and author of? ?Trapped in Gomorrah?, ?Mascara is my Talisman? and ?A Fetus Named Dot? agrees with the President of Family Empowerment Coalition. ?


Miss Pratt paused, and took a barroom dart out of a bowl on the little table next to her beloved LaZ-Boy. She threw it expertly, and it landed in Tegan?s left thigh. Tay shrieked and jiggled, and the dart fell on the floor, and Miss Pratt laughed, and continued reading from ?American Virtue?


??But O?Kesan says gay marriage is more juvenile then sinful. ?The so-called gays are tired of their party, and now want to play house as if they were the rest of us. It?s a pollution of our values and commitment. Only in Massachusetts, where sodomites like Barney Frank and Gerry Studds have represented the voters could such a travesty of sociologically deficient??


?Stop reading, please Miss Pratt.? Tegan turned to Miss Pratt, and adjusted her self still uncomfortably on the harsh sawhorse. Tay knew that interrupting Miss Pratt would probably earn her more ?caresses? from Tickles, Miss Pratt?s fiberglass cane, but she couldn?t bear to hear any more.


Miss Pratt threw another dart at Tay?s buttocks, but it embedded itself in her hip, and stayed there, as Tay cried bitterly.


?But why, honey?? Miss Pratt asked Tegan innocently. ?I?m so proud to have a client who is so full of interesting opinions about the sociological deficiency of we carpet-munchers. And so interested in the way my friends and I live. It?s great that there?s an opinion like yours poking in our business.? Miss Pratt sighed theatrically.


?I recall a few months ago, wasn?t it, that a pregnant Idaho woman had a car accident, and she was in a coma?? Miss Pratt paused.


?That happened two years ago, ma?am. And I was younger.? Oh dear. I?ve interrupted her again, Tegan thought


Miss Pratt smiled. ?Yes, two years ago. A woman is in a coma, her husband is arranging to get her an abortion so she can come out of the coma, and you and your pro-lifers SUE for custody of the fetus?you?ve never met her, you don?t know her.


But God forbid you don?t get involved. Thank God, that was thrown out of court.?

Miss Pratt dropped ?American Virtue? on the floor, and picked up the Tickler. She arose from her LaZ-Boy.


?How are you doing Glynnis?? Miss Pratt asked with a smile. ?I?m doing fine, Miss Pratt? Glynnis said with a weak smile back. The heavy telephone books were really weighing Glynnis down, but she was trying, Tay thought. The poor fat woman. Why would a woman put herself in that position?


But then again, I?m here too, Tay thought. And my slit is wet, and I?m probably going to masturbate like crazy when I get home, and that woman will too.


?You seem depressed, Glynnis. Why don?t you cheer up?? Miss Pratt asked. WHACK! The Tickler slammed against Glynnis?s protruding stomach. Glynnis grabbed her stomach, and dropped both telephone books. One hit Miss Pratt on the toe.


It didn?t really hurt, but Miss Pratt made the most of it, anyway. ?Aaah!? she screamed, and began whacking Glyn with vigor. ?You are a fat, ugly pig.? WHACK WHACK WHACK! ?The sight of you makes me ill! I can?t believe something as disgusting as you is alive?and you throw books on my feet!?


Glynnis fell off the chair and Miss Pratt whacked the Tickler on her prone body. ?Get out of here, you emetic pig?.don?t come back until your appointment next week!? The fat woman ran out of the room, and Miss Pratt leaned back, sighing in satisfaction.


?She really does cook well, Tegan.?




Then Miss Pratt strolled towards Tegan?s sawhorse. The Tickler swung through the air.


Tay was now really worried. This was the first time Miss Pratt ever dragged politics into their sessions. And here she was, Tegan O?Kesan, Harvard Law Review editor, Miss Pottsville County, journalist, and TV show host?and submissive slave to an angry lesbian!


Here Tegan was, bent over the sawhorse, her right wrist cuffed to her right ankle, resting on the floor, and left wrist handcuffed to left ankle. And she?d paid $400 for this dubious privilege.


Miss Pratt looked at the duct tape that Samuel had thoughtfully placed between Tegan?s legs earlier. ?So I told you to shave your pubes, and you didn?t?but this will take care of it, methinks.? Savagely, Miss Pratt ripped the duct tape out from between Tay?s legs and she screamed.


?Such an intellect, our Tay O?Kesen.? Miss Pratt tossed the crumpled duct tape in a corner. Samuel would curse her later when he was doing the housework. ?Anti-homosexual activism??


Tay closed her eyes, knowing that the worst was yet to come.


?It?s tough being queer.? Miss Pratt said, meditatively. Reaching over, she yanked the dart out of Tay?s thigh, and Tay screamed. ?Want something to cry about, dearie?? Miss Pratt bent the Tickler and swung it in the air sharply. Tay?s straight blond hair bounced as she winced and held her head low against her heavy breasts.


Oh, please don?t let her hit me again, Tay thought.


?The Tickler had already done considerable damage to Tegan?s derriere and legs, and she probably would not be able to show up for the Pro-Life Seashore Jamboree at Atlantic City.


?That would be a shame, as Tegan was known as the Right Wing Hottie!!!!!!!!? Often fat, sweating conservative pundits and congressional aides would flock to the Jamboree to ?listen? to Tegan lecture them on the evils of feminism and abortion and the virtues of chastity, while wearing her black string bikini.


Thinking of it, for a moment, Tegan grinned. She thought of her leopard miniskirt that she wore on the talk shows, condemning homosexuality, public assistance, Social Security Disability, taxes, condoms, clean needle programs.


Tegan enjoyed her trollop/nun combo?but she?d forgotten that her beloved domme read the papers and watched TV just like everyone else.


Miss Pratt seemed to be wandering dangerously close to Tay?s full, now slightly welted asscheeks. You never knew with Miss Pratt. During a previous session, she?d rubbed turpentine on Tegan?s clitoris and how it had stung. So the Tickler might not be the greatest danger here.


WHACK! There it came. But Tay didn?t cry. She would hold back, as Miss Pratt hated whiners. ?Besides, Tegan? WHACK! ?you confuse gay men? WHACK WHACK??????????? ?many of whom? WHACK ?are not known for long-term relationships? WHACK! ?with us Sapphics, who generally bring along a U-haul on our second date.?


Miss Pratt smiled with genuine joy as the Tickler made a long, messy welt across the lower globes of Tay?s asscheeks. Miss Pratt reached into the pocket of her sensible tweed skirt and pulled out a tube of Binaca breath spray.


?You?ve got to learn not to make sweeping generalizations, hon.,? Miss Pratt said as she fell to one knee behind Tegan?s spread buttocks. PSSSST! Spraying the breath mint directly into Tay?s pussy, Miss Pratt backed off a bit as Tay screamed anew.


?Does that hurt, honey?? Miss Pratt?s fingers began exploring between Tay?s globes. She prodded and massaged Tay?s vulva, and the girl began moaning. ?I don?t mean to be too excessive of course.?


Tay began bucking and moaning as Miss Pratt continued her expert massage on the young conservative?s clit. ?You know of course, I?ve been with my partner for twelve years.? Miss Pratt said mildly, pulling her fingers out just before Tay was about to orgasm.

?But-but I respect your choices as an individual, Miss Pr?? SLASH! WHACK! The Tickler began caressing with vigor, bouncing off Tay?s bruised buttocks like Louganis on a diving board.


Miss Pratt admired her own handiwork as the Tickler landed seven or eight times, crisscrossing Tay?s pretty buttocks, and then suddenly slashing between her legs where the Binaca had painfully disinfected.


?But God forbid that I want to marry, eh?? Miss Pratt shook her head, and tossed the Tickler on the floor. ?So you?re not an individual with choices, Tegan?? Tay closed her eyes but to no avail.


Miss Pratt came over to the front of the horse and dragged Tay?s hair up so that her head was bending backwards. Miss Pratt?s bespectacled, homely face came close to Tegan?s classic features. ?Jesus, you beg to lick my twat again and again after every one of our sessions, honey.?


?Miss Pratt looked questioningly at Tay. ? I remember when you were Republican counsel to the House Ethics Committee, you used to call me and have me come see you so you could take a muff-diving break between sessions.?


Miss Pratt grabbed Tay?s scalp and she shook it. ?And Samuel tells me that you order a great deal of my glossies?pics of me in various positions that I know you probably diddle to before you go meet with Rush Limbaugh and Bill O?Reilley?.but are you a dyke in real life?? SLAP!


Miss Pratt?s hand left a nasty red mark on Tay?s cheek, and her other hand let go of Tay?s scalp, finally. ?Are you a dyke?? Miss Pratt looked seriously at Tay.


?You?ve told me about Olwyn, who was your lover when you were roommates in the Senate Page program. But you were kids. And the slavegirl who recommended me to you was whats-her-name Kulwitz, the Reagan speechwriter? After your first session, I called her and she told me that she thought you weren?t really gay, though you two had slept together?she said you were just afraid of men. Is that it??


?I don?t know, Miss Pratt? Tay gasped as Miss Pratt took Tay?s nose in her firm fingers and twisted it firmly. ?You don?t know? What do you know? Think maybe you are always sounding off about other people?s private?? here Miss Pratt twisted Tay?s nose viciously??lives because you haven?t thought about your own??


?I don?t dow, Biss Bratt? said Tay through her mouth as Miss Pratt?s fingers continued to pull and twist her nose. ?I?be doo busy to thick about byself.?


Miss Pratt let go of Tegan?s nose and slapped her again. ?So you?re a lifelong spinster, as you told G. Gordon Liddy on the radio last night? And proud of it.? Miss Pratt reached under Tegan?s head and twisted one of the Jaws on Tay?s right nipple. ?So proud?to look your best, dress sexy and make everyone drool after you. You?re not a journalist, you?re just a miserable little cocktease.? Tay moaned as Miss Pratt twisted some more.


Finally Miss Pratt let go, and grabbed Tay?s jaw and pushed her head up, and leaned in. ?And you love telling people you?re an old maid?you dress like a harlot, but you?re so goddamned virtuous. What a waste of 36C breasts, that?s all I can say.? Miss Pratt dropped Tay?s head. ?And mine are stuck in a? training bra for life.?


?Oh, no, Miss Pratt, you have beautiful breasts they?re quite full?? Tegan?s earnest rejoinder was rewarded by a slap right across the mouth.


??Don?t you have anything better to do than look at my tits, you slug?? screamed Miss Pratt. ?I thought you were born-again, anyway.?



?Miss Pratt finally unlocked Tay's handcuffs, and the exhausted girl got up, and massaged her back and buttocks. "Oh, God, it hurts so much..."


"But you haven't answered my question, dearie." Miss Pratt asked archly. "Why haven't you ever had a dick in you?? 

Tay shook her head. "N-no..I'm a baptized Catholic AND I was born again last year. Being a virgin is--"


Miss Pratt shook her head. "No lies, darlin'. We know you're not TOO born again because here you are, visiting me, right? I think the problem is, you need a little bit of introspection. Possibly if you had a little experience with a dick, you might stop babbling on your inane radio shows about how evil sex is."


Suddenly the door opened, and Miss Pratt and Tegan, who towered over her while standing up, looked over at Glynnis, who was still naked, but carrying a pair of workmen?s overalls, stained with paint and grease.


?Miss Pratt, Samuel has taken my clothes and won?t let me have them back, even though I told him you want me to leave.? Glynnis held up the overalls. ?Samuel says I?m to wear these out, but the dress he has of mine is a $4500 Gucci green floral??


Miss Pratt snorted. ?Shut your face, you ectoplasm. What, my father?s old overalls aren?t good enough for you??? Miss Pratt looked up at Tay, who stood there dumbly. ?You see the problem with you conservatives..you turn liberal Dems like Glyn here into born-again preppies.?


Miss Pratt went to her toy box and reached in, selecting a copper coated welding rod that Samuel had purchased for her at Home Depot. Miss Pratt walked up to Glynnis.


?What?s a fat, repulsive hippo like you doing in a Gucci dress, anyway.? WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The welding rod left serious welts on both of Glyn?s shoulders. THWACK! Miss Pratt landed a third slash right across Glynnis?s thighs.


?I recall overhearing that you paid extra for the dress to be made in your size?but the overalls will look much better on you, Glynnis.? Miss Pratt swung the welding rod again.


??But if you insist on getting the dress back, I must cooperate.? Miss Pratt went to the intercom. ?Bring Glynnis?s? green floral dress with the silver diamond beads, please, Samuel.?


?I don?t mean to be difficult, Miss Pratt, but the dress cost a lot.? Glynnis said, relieved through her pain that the dress was coming back to her. ?I have to sell a lot of cook books, ha ha.?


Tay stared. Oh, she?d seen that woman?s face on the back of her Mom?s ?Glynnis Shepherd Italian Cuisine? book. Huh. Well, it takes all kinds.


Samuel came in, holding a paper bag, which he handed to Glynnis. ?I was cleaning the bathroom, Prattsie.? He said this to Miss Pratt with a concerned air. ?When we let Evelyn out of the Coffin, I put an enema in her and she had a nasty accident in the Little Girls.? Samuel grinned broadly at Glynnis. ?I was only borrowing your dress, Ms. Shepherd.?


Glynnis?s eyes widened, and she reached into the paper bag and wrinkled her nose. Tegan smelled it too. Oh, what a stink. Glynnis pulled out a light brown rag?no it?s covered with fecal matter. But Tay could see a faint light green? color to one of the ends of the dress.


Glynnis dropped it. ?You don?t want it, Miss Shepherd?? Samuel asked. ?I just used it to clean the bathroom a bit.? Glynnis looked a bit shaky.


?Perhaps you should put on the overalls and go home, dear.? Miss Pratt said kindly. ?We?ll see you next week, and maybe you can shave off the patrician attitude, eh??


Glynnis stepped into the filthy overalls and snapped them up, and staggered from the room.


Samuel picked up the shit-covered designer dress, and nodding, left the room as well.


?So back on topic, dearie.? Miss Pratt said as she walked up and stared into Tay?s face. Miss Pratt lightly swung the welding rod. ?Why have you never had a dick in you??


 "Even I've had a dick or two in me, and I've been a confirmed lesbian since I was nine. Cut the religious bullshit."


"No, Jesus means so much to me..."Tay babbled. WHACK! WHACK! Miss Pratt stepped back and looked at the vicious red welts she'd just raised on Tay's breasts.


?It wasn't easy to see them, as America's blonde conservative Valkyrie was grasping her breasts and weeping, but Miss Pratt could see real progress.


Miss Pratt decided to knock off the nipple Jaws as well THWACK! WHACK! The Jaws fell to the floor, and Tay held her breasts and screamed, and then, after Miss Pratt whacked her in the stomach, she threw up.


"Lick that up now." Miss Pratt said warningly, and sobbing, the girl got on her hands and knees and licked up her vomit.


"I like these copper rods." Miss Pratt said.? And look, they're flexible." Miss Pratt bent the rod into a ball and threw it in the direction of the duct tape.


"Now, dear. Why don't you tell me why you don't like dick...or have never tried dick?" Miss Pratt asked this gently. Tay began weeping. "I-my Daddy told me it was evil!"


"Oh yes...your Daddy the Congressman who believes that abortion doctors should be hung...I know about him." Miss Pratt said thoughtfully. "Well don't you want to be cured of this nonsense, honey?"


Tay's eyes were drooling, and she was just beat. "Wh-whatever you want, Miss Pratt."


"Well, your break is over, back over the sawhorse, so I can cuff you up again!"


That had been a BREAK? Tegan thought, as she wearily lay over the sawhorse once more. As the handcuffs clicked on her wrists and ankles, she contemplated suicide...but her clit was drenched. What would happen now, Tegan thought excitedly.




?But of course you still have your values, right dear??

Miss Pratt chortled. ?Opposed to birth control, against premarital dicks?but you must know how to suck a dick, don?t you?? Miss Pratt grabbed Evelyn?s ear and twisted it. ?Answer me! Can you suck a dick??


?I-I?ve never learned, ma?am?I was engaged once, but we were both Catholic?? Miss Pratt began laughing. ?Yes, good Catholic girls don?t give head, do they? And you?re a born-again Christian on top of that, I understand from one of your idiotic radio interviews. ? Miss Pratt reached the Tickler over Tay?s head while still facing her and slashed her back hard.


So all you?ve ever done is eat fish?? Miss Pratt indelicately grabbed her crotch through her sensible tweed skirt ??but you want to close all the lezzie bars. Well, maybe you?re not a lesbian, but there?s only one way to find out.?


Miss Pratt blew a whistle, and a large African man, who resembled Samuel, but was much younger, wandered in, unzipping his pants. As Tegan screamed in horror, Miss Pratt lit a cigarette and? grinned. ?Now you?re going to see the meaning of true empowerment, Tay. Enjoy Kenseth, and give him something memorable!?


From the ?Washington Post, June 13, 2005?


?In a shocking but beautiful ceremony today, Washington pundit Tegan O?Kesen married Kenseth Rajul, a Third World immigrant, who she now employs as her chauffer. Although her family and former conservative friends boycotted the ceremony,? the ecstaticMs. O?Kesen-Rajul, now a writer for the socialist ?Mother Jones? said mysteriously ?Our greatest wedding gift was being able to keep Kenseth?s nuts.? This reporter was unaware that Mr. Rajul ?s diet was vegetarian.?


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Miss Trottle After School

Miss Trottle was a teacher in a high school in Bristol, Connecticut. It was the end of a particularly hard few weeks because as the summer holidays approach the workload for the teacher doubled, with parent’s evenings, thousands of reports, after school events and end of year exams Miss Trottle was glad of the fact that it was now Friday. The school bell had rung for the last time before the summer holidays and as the sound of the bell echoed around the empty corridors and deserted grounds of...

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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Elizabeth Part 1

Elizabeth Carson walked back up her path enjoying thestinging feeling across her bottom, ready to go to her bedroom and masturbate. She unlocked her front door and walked in to her house. She stopped short when she saw 24-year-old Miss Bentner was already in the hallway with Emma, Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter. Miss Bentner didn’t look like a teacher today. She wasn’t in school so that was Ok. Today she wore a tight fitting vest top that showed off her full breasts and firm arms. Her hair...

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Miss Perkins Tuesday

Wake to my alarm and stumble into my bathroom. Remember to not take a shower this time, though I will tomorrow. Splash water on my face then get the radio on and brush my hair. Losing the curls but still looking good. Back to my room to pick out my outfit and I am not sure. Miss Perkins paid attention to me finally.The problem is I can only dress so slutty before the partners complain. There is a certain level of professionalism needed, especially in a law firm. Look at everything then toss...

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Miss Sheila DeVilles School for Wayward Boys

This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Nine Miss Marks Lends a Hand

Amelia Marks smiled as she listened to the older woman on the other end of the phone. The lady, Celia Bellman-Winstanley, was the Head Mistress at Mercia Castle School, which was about ten miles down the road from Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College. Celia had been Amelia’s mentor when she had started her teaching career all those years ago and the older woman was someone who Miss Marks respected although they had little to do with one another these days.“So, Amelia. I guess that you saw what some...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress The School Secretarys secret spanking desires Part One

“If you don’t ask – you don’t get.”That’s what Amber Fox, Amelia Marks’ secretary, kept telling herself.The thirty-two-year-old woman with the flowing red hair had been unable to get the experience of watching Amelia Marks caning those two naughty Year Eleven girls in her office out of her head. It had been a couple of weeks since Miss Marks had punished Emily Richardson and Chloe Williams in her office and a couple of weeks since she had invited her secretary to witness the girls’ punishment....

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Miss Manson Gets Caught Out

Ms. Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour at St Katherine’s School sat behind her desk in her office in disbelief. Never in her seventeen years as a teacher, and even in her seven years as Deputy Head Mistress, had she heard anything like it. She could not believe what the young Head of Music, Miss Mulligan, had told her that morning. Even when Rebecca had presented her with overwhelming evidence that one of the teachers at St Katherine’s had been over-stepping...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Four A Necessary Punishment

Zoe Vanssen sat on the leather sofa outside the Head Mistress’ office and fidgeted with her hands. She knew that she was really going to get it for what she had done in town that previous Saturday morning. The girl with the long dark hair shuffled around uneasily on the sofa as she waited to be called into Miss Marks’ office to explain her behaviour. Conduct that was unbecoming an Alannah Lawrence girl and also conduct that would probably earn her an exclusion from the prestigious school. The...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First AfterSchool Punishment Lucys Point Of View

Tuesday, October 20th, 1990. Just over eighteen and a half years after the event.I stared blankly at the TV. I really wasn’t focusing on the programme. In fact, I only had it on that Tuesday evening for some background noise. My husband was working a night shift and I was just relaxing after putting our three young children to bed, before heading up to bed myself later that evening. I had no idea how long I had been watching the programme for but suddenly found myself being shaken from my dream...

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Miss Addiscombes Virtue

"Ah," said my father as I strode into the drawing room at Harthorpe Manor "Stephen, this is Miss Addiscombe." I stared, she was dressed from head to toe in black, every single thing and although she might have been regarded generally as a great beauty the evil stare with which she regaled me dismissed any such notion of beauty instantly. "Enchanted," I smiled, "Your reputation precedes you, and your beauty is indeed, ah," I paused and cast my eyes around the high ceilinged oak...

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Miss Harcourts Guardian pt 1

"Lord Banchforth," a voice said indistinctly as I sat with father's lawyers in father's study as they explained father's last will and testament to myself and those of my family who remained after father's calamitous accident, "My Lord!" he insisted. I realised I was the one he was addressing, "Yes?" I replied. "There remains the matter of Miss Grace Harcourt." Selwyn Carruthers, father's lawyer, explained, "An annuity paid for her upkeep." "For what purpose?" I...

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Miss Harcourts Guardian

"Lord Banchforth," a voice said indistinctly as I sat with father's lawyers in father's study as they explained father's last will and testament to myself and those of my family who remained after father's calamitous accident, "My Lord!" he insisted.I realised I was the one he was addressing, "Yes?" I replied."There remains the matter of Miss Grace Harcourt." Selwyn Carruthers, father's lawyer, explained, "An annuity paid for her upkeep.""For what purpose?" I asked."She was his whore of...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter IV Prissys Progress

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is some sexual...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter II Prissys First School Day

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Eight Sneaking Out

Lindsay was incredibly happy with herself that evening. Not only had she managed to sneak out of school and spend time with her boyfriend, but she had been able to persuade him to buy her the pair of gorgeous shoes that she had been looking at for weeks now. All in all, a successful night for the Year Twelve girl with the shoulder-length black hair. All she needed to do now was sneak back into her bedroom without getting caught by her House Mistress and that would be the perfect end to the...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Seven In Front Of the School Secretary Part One

The Head Mistress sat in her leather chair in her office listening to the lady on the other end of the telephone. Although Amelia Marks already knew about the incident that had occurred two days previously at Queen Mary’s Girls’ School, she wanted as much detail as possible before dealing with the culprits.“So, can you tell me exactly what the damage was, Mrs. Wilcox?” She asked the woman.“Well, we didn’t discover that the changing room had been damaged until first lesson yesterday morning and...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter V Prissys Frilly Frolics

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is sexual...

2 years ago
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Miss DeVilles Academy Lucass Story

AUTHORS NOTE: This story is based on the excellent Ed Miller tale: "Miss Sheila DeVille's School for Wayward Boys". I really liked the concept, so I'm offering my own take. Ed gets full credit for the idea, the setting and the background characters. Ed's rules of engagement also apply here: This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If...

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Miss High Heels 1931

Miss High-heels : the story of a rich but girlish young gentleman under the control of his pretty step-sister and her auntPrivately Printed1931CHAPTER 1This story is a reminiscence, a fond recollection of my colourful days as a youth. I can safely say (with the clarity of hindsight) that my youth was extraordinary. My upbringing was unlike any other young man knew at the time, and to this day, many years later, I have yet to meet a soul whose story can compare with mine in its bizarre nature.My...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Ten The Choice

Friday June 4th, 2027The diminutive blonde-haired eighteen-year-old sat nervously on the expensive leather sofa in reception. She still couldn’t quite believe the way that her Form Mistress had reacted that morning and, now, here she was sitting awaiting a meeting with Miss Marks, the Head Mistress. It was so unfair. Others had done far worse things during her near seven years at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College, but it seemed to her that her teachers and her House Mistress had marked her card a...

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Miss Harcourt debauched

"No!" Miss Harcourt cried, "For gods sake No!" as I levelled Mr Cambridge's antique duelling pistol to aim not at Mr Simon Harcourt's head but instead the imaginary spot eight inches above his head whereby the ball would drill a third hole in direct line with his eye sockets. "Why should I spare him?" I demanded, "He has wounded me with his tongue and now his piece." "He, he is young and foolish," she shouted, "And noble in defending my honour!" I held the piece...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter I Beginnings

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is candy and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated X....

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Miss HighHeels

Preface: One of the all-time great, classic TV-stories is Miss High- Heels. It was first published - as far as I can trace it - by the famous Select Biblioth?que in Sceaux (France) about 1929 as the translation of a work by a British author whose name was given as "Sir O. T**". Actually it was not really a translation, but a very freely adapted French version of the original English text. Later two more works by the same author (but now his initials were given as C. F.) were published...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Twelve Miss Marks Final Punishment

Lauren Dickson packed her things into her sports bag before checking that she had everything and turning her attention to her handbag. She smiled as she found her mobile phone and car keys which were lying under her collection of cards, makeup, tissues and other items. She closed the zip on the bag and placed it over her right shoulder. Lauren picked up her sports bag in her right hand and walked out of the staff changing room, turning and locking the door with her key. The young PE Mistress...

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Miss Amina the Tarot Reader

MISS AMINA THE TAROT READER By Audrey [email protected] (C) 2016 June 15 All Rights Reserved AUTHOR'S NOTE: Permission is granted to post this story on any free archive for transgender or transformation stories, such as Fictionmania. This story contains adult material that is not suitable for young audiences. It also contains themes that some readers may find sensitive, including alcoholism, depression, and suicide. Please bear these in mind before reading. This is also a long...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress

Amelia Marks stood staring out of the large window in her office. The lady with the dark-hair, neatly tied in a bun, smiled as she watched the late summer sunshine rising in the blue sky and begin to cover the new Sixth Form building and the extensive playing fields and sports pitches beyond that. The new Head Mistress at the exclusive, fee-paying Alannah Lawrence Girl’s College closed her eyes and stood day-dreaming for a few moments before she turned her attention back to what she needed to...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First After School Punishment

“Lucy Cardwell.” Pauline Manson smiled to herself as she sat in her armchair by the fire on that dark, cold, winter’s afternoon in January.That was the name of the tall, slim girl with the long, flowing black hair that she had been thinking about that day.She involuntarily shuffled around on her comfortable chair, feeling a twinge of excitement as she thought back to 1971. It had been her probationary year as a young teacher and she had met the lovely Lucy Cardwell, who had been the first girl...

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Miss Sanders

Lisa looked at Miss Sanders with horrified, young blue eyes. Her teacher was standing over her naked body with a long, sinister whip that dangled to the floor. Several teasing passes had been made along the inside of her thighs, and one, cruel blow had administered a searing, red welt across her backside. Now Miss Sanders was about to add a special surprise for the precocious girl.             ‘It made me faint when I first experienced it,’ said the teacher.             ‘What?’ There was a...

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Miss Sanders

Lisa looked at Miss Sanders with horrified, young blue eyes. Her teacher was standing over her naked body with a long, sinister whip that dangled to the floor. Several teasing passes had been made along the inside of her thighs; and one, cruel blow had administered a searing, red welt across her backside. Now Miss Sanders was about to add a special surprise for the precocious girl.             "It made me faint when I first experienced it," said the teacher. ...

Love Stories
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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter VI Prissys Playtime

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a (mostly) softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is...

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Miss Burns Teaching Us Sex Back In The 60039

Well I’ll never forget Miss Burns, that’s for sure. Not for as long as I live! You have to remember that this took place back in the mid 1960’s. As a sixteen year old schoolboy I and my mates had the usual sexual urges, which were very much frustrated for us. We had no internet, no mobile phones, no hardcore porn readily available. My small group of friends were not the types who were popular with girls, we were what you call “nerdy” these days. We were keen consumers of the kind of soft-core...

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Miss Pooja 8211 Part II

Hi, I am sahil verma from amritsar, 23 year yeh meri pehli Kahani hai, likhne me koi glti ho to maaf karna. 6 mahine purani baat hai, main apne dost sunil ke bhai ki shadi mein gaya tha, waha ladki ki taraf se kuch stars bhi aaye the, jin mein Harbhajan Mann, Jimmy Shergil, Kamal Heer, Miss Pooja aur Neeru Bhajwa shamil the, jin mein se mera sabh se favorite Jimmy tha, maine socha Jimmy se hello hi kar leni chahiye phir kya pata kabh moka mille. Main Jimmy k pass gya usko wish kiya to usne bade...

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Miss Evans Part 1

Miss Evans - Part 1 By Pamela ([email protected]) Ted Evans had some tough times after he exited the military. Two tours of duty in war zones had taken its toll on his ability to fit in back in the states. One thing led to another and he ended up homeless, partly due to the fact that the country was in the midst of a deep recession and jobs were hard to find. It wasn't so bad in the spring and summer but as the weather got colder in late fall, he had reached rock bottom and...

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Miss Gives a Lesson

He was leaned back in the low-backed armchair, one hand wrapped around his drink and the other fisted in Miss's long hair.  His dress shirt was partially unbuttoned, revealing a hint of his muscular chest.  She was on her knees before him and had his slacks open and his boxers pulled down just enough, bobbing her mouth up and down on his shaft as he guided her with his firm grip. She took him deep into her throat, not gagging at all as she had when he had first started teaching her.  She had...

Oral Sex
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Miss Pratts Singer

?It's nine a.m. and this is Dougie the Dog here at WKGC, and we're back with ClaudiaLeary, better known as Claudia Canary. You're amazing, Claudia! Sixty millionalbums, four Grammy's and seven American Music Awards, and recently you werenamed best pop female vocalist at ToneFest!? ?Thanks, Dougie, you're too kind, and I couldn't have done it without thepeople who work behind me?? ?Oh, no you're remarkable. My daughter has the poster for your movie, as well.But what I wanted to talk about...

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Miss Harcourts Guardian Pt 2

Sadly thoughts of Miss Harcourt leapt into my consciousness at the most inopportune moments and so when I set to sorting out father's accounts it was of no surprise that the name Harcourt at once jumped out at me. It was when I selected the ledger from a year ago by mistake, a payment in the name of Harcourt, from Messrs Newboulton and Biggin,and quite a considerable sum paid at the very end of July. No such entry appeared for the last year but identical ones for the prior year and...

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CHAPTER 1‘What are you supposed to do when the last of the best people you have ever known is now gone?’ That was the singular thought that rewound in my brain and heart as I sat among these people. These people were, at least for the most part, good people. Most of them were here only to pay their respects, also. Not all of them, though, and I could pick those out of the group. And it was easy; they didn’t even know I was probably doing it, either. Checking each one of them out individually,...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Eleven A First Time For Everything

Carrie Laakkonen kissed Jessica’s lips gently and smiled. She loved the girl with the flowing long red hair more than anything in the world. She didn’t even care about the risk that the girls had been taking by seeing one another in Carrie’s bedroom for nearly two months now. The Deputy Head Girl at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College knew the consequences if the two girls were discovered in her bedroom together, but the seventeen-year-old knew that the chances of being discovered were slim thanks...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter III Prissys Excellent Day Out

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, however, some future...

1 year ago
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Miss Piggy Gets A Lapdance

Miss Piggy gets a lap dance by a female stripper after Elizabeth Banks kiss, left her wanting more much more. December 12, 2021 Los Angeles. 9:00 PM The Pussycat Stripclub Miss… Miss Piggy gets a lap dance by a female stripper after Elizabeth Banks kiss, left her wanting more much more. December 12, 2021 Los Angeles. 9:00 PM The Pussycat Stripclub Miss Piggy arrived in her limo at the Stripclub's entrance. Although she had called earlier she had to steady herself as she exited the vehicle...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Five The Formidable Form Mistress

It was a masterpiece.There was no other way of describing the work of art that had mysteriously appeared on the whiteboard in Mrs. Halliday’s Form class. The picture covered almost the entire board, was awash with colour and would give the Year Twelve girls in Nancy Halliday’s Form class a damned good laugh when they walked into the room at 8.40am that morning.It was a portrait that even the mysterious Banksy would have been proud of, but there would be no way that this would be removed from...

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Miss Andi

MISS ANDIPetronella Courcheval, manager of the PainCafe’s Gift Shop, looked enthusiastically at F.X. Copeland’s newest creation. ?It’s an android?? she said. ?God, it looks just like me.?And it was—black hair in a Cleopatra cut, full lips like purple berries, intense hazel eyes, cantaloupe breasts encased in a purple halter?and long, fishnet legs. It was Petti to a tee.?Yes’m.? Cope grinned. ?I had to have a model, a muse, like?you’re so cute, y’know.?Petti smiled. Cope was so guileless. He...

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Miss Downeys Secret Miss Downeys Story Chapter Twelve

Helen Downey sat in Jasmine Storey’s office, nervously awaiting her annual appraisal. She knew that she had performed adequately enough to pass her newly qualified teacher induction but was never sure about whether it was good enough to meet the strict Deputy Head Mistress’ standards. Ms. Storey opened her filing cabinet and spent a few moments flicking through the collection of documents until she found Helen Downey’s teaching file and removed it, gently closing the drawer and walking back to...

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Miss December

Part I David watched from the window as the car pulled around the corner and out of sight. It was Friday evening, and now he’d have the house to himself for the whole weekend. He was looking forward to relaxing at home for a couple days before he had to go back to the real world on Monday. He decided to take a shower because he wanted to be nice and clean for what he was planning to do. He made sure to wash himself thoroughly. He admired his cock as he cleaned the long semi-erect shaft....

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Miss Berkeleys Voyage

It was the cook who?d heard the rumour first. It seemed incredible, but Rab had skulked outside the captain?s door and had heard her voice. He hadn?t been able to hear what they were saying, but he?d said their tone was sombre. There were those, of course, who?d said a single woman shouldn?t have been on the ship in the first place, but Tom had listened to the speech she?d given when she?d first boarded and he?d been impressed. She?d introduced herself then as Laura Berkeley, the daughter of...

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Miss Johnson Part One

Miss Johnson FF/M By [email protected] I look back at my early education, one teacher who met a lot to me was Miss Johnson. She taught my sixth grade class, and she helped me get serious about my education. Up until that time, school to me was just something you had to sit through. Until I had Miss Johnson as a teacher, I didn't do my homework, and I didn't pay attention in class.When and where I went to school, corporal punishment was allowed. All of the teachers had a paddle that hung...

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Miss Daniels Math Teacher

It was the summer of 1955, I had just turned sixteen. I had been saving my lawn mowing money for years in hopes of buying a car. First I had to take my tests for my drivers license, which I passed with flying colors. Then I set my sights on finding the car of my dreams. At the third used car lot, I found it, a red 1951 Ford convertible. I almost came in my pants, I was so excited. The lot salesman and I haggled a while on the price and we agreed on a price of twelve hundred dollars. That almost...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Seven In Front of the School Secretary part two

Eventually, Chloe Williams had managed to stand up and stood, rubbing her eyes and wiping her nose with her hands as she stood in the far corner of Miss Marks’ office. The young Head Mistress smiled at Amber as she got up from the chair, which she turned around and placed in front of her desk. Next, she picked the clothes brush and paddle up from the floor and placed them back on her desk before she took hold of the large, dark brown slipper in her left hand. She playfully tapped it against the...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Three Drinking In The Bedroom

Stacey Sundstram took the large bottle of orange from Vanessa Bergman and took another mouthful of the liquid. The eighteen-year-old laughed loudly and passed the bottle to Vanessa’s twin sister, Francesca. The blonde-haired Sixth Former took a drink from the bottle and belched loudly. She smiled and watched as Stacey broke into her impression of Miss Hickman, the Deputy Head Mistress and her History Mistress.“And I warn you right now girls” She paused and flicked her long hair dramatically...

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Miss Downey Sees And Knows Everything Girls Miss Downeys Story Chapter Eight

Tall, seventeen-year-old sixth former, Charlotte Beccles sat behind her desk in Miss Downey’s classroom and awaited the arrival of her quiet, but extremely strict, Form Mistress. The straight A* student had no idea how Helen had found out about the practical joke that Charlotte had played on her Maths teacher, Miss O’Driscoll, but the no-nonsense History teacher knew and had awarded the extremely tall and thin, Charlotte Beccles an after-school detention that following day.As the young lady...

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Miss Crystal part 2

I won't bore you with my weekend but suffice it to say  I had no money and was terrified.  Mostly because I knew I was going to give myself to Miss Crystal and that she was clearly cruel and sadistic.  But I had no real choice.  I could say no, not give her what she wanted.  She had given me an easy out, even encouraged me to take it.  I was allowed to say no but was just incapable of it.  I was compelled beyond my abilities to resist.  I needed to be a slave to a woman who would not hesitate...

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Miss Goodsey

Miss Goodsey was the history teacher everyone (or every boy at least) wanted. Slim, 5ft 6in tall, with long blonde hair that looked best done up in a bun, bright, blue eyes and a dazzling smile that made every boy ache with desire. She had a pretty face that melted the heart, and large tits that stiffened many a cock. Not too big, but not too small either: perfect. I would guess her bra size was 34D. At that time, she must have been about 30. To match her brilliant looks, Miss Goodsey had...

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